View Full Version : (Dr Who) I Figured Out Why the Universe is Tearing Apart.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-05-16, 11:05 AM
The Master is a future incarnation of The Doctor. When The Doctor stared into the time-vortex-thingy he went insane and his mind split, one side benevolent (The Doctor) and one side malevolent (The Master). Now the 2 sides of The Doctor hate each other.

Mc. Lovin'
2010-05-16, 02:47 PM
Okay, now why is the universe tearing apart:

2010-05-16, 03:00 PM
Okay, now why is the universe tearing apart:

it's one thing to say the doctor has split (which he's done at least one other time).. quite another to say that BECAUSE of this, suddenly the universe is colapsing
and that is, assuming your theory is right..which I disagree with

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-05-16, 03:11 PM
it's one thing to say the doctor has split (which he's done at least one other time).. quite another to say that BECAUSE of this, suddenly the universe is colapsing
and that is, assuming your theory is right..which I disagree with

Why don't you, they stared in at the same time and that would be pretty climatic.

The Glyphstone
2010-05-16, 03:18 PM
Got any evidence?

2010-05-16, 04:02 PM
Why don't you, they stared in at the same time and that would be pretty climatic.

I don't remember them actually being together at the ceremony/test... I seem to remember the doctor telling about the master's big moment..not telling whether he saw it or not.
I might be mistaken.
also, the whole going crazy of the master, we know now to have been caused by the bigjobs of the timelords (timothy dalton, rofl)..you'd think they'd be aware of the double identity/persona..and it would have affected their plans and the plot of those episodes. (something tells me that the tardis, if nobody else, would know...and do something about it/react to it)
so..I'm guessing the master really is a different person

anyway..let's say your theory is right...
why would that cause a total breakdown of everything??

Chainsaw Hobbit
2010-05-16, 04:45 PM
anyway..let's say your theory is right...
why would that cause a total breakdown of everything??

I'm starting to doubt my theory. But anyway, every time the 2 halves of The Doctor/Master meet it shakes the universe a little; now the universe is tearing apart from the strain (Think about it, the cracks started appearing just after they met again).

2010-05-16, 04:58 PM
We have a thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=146929&page=22) for this stuff, I think.

Anyway, I think we're quite done with the Master for a while. Your theory could well be valid (after all, pulling stuff like that out of nowhere is not exactly uncharacteristic for the show!) but I don't quite see it happening. Sure, the Master is an important counter force for the Doctor, but there's more to the universe than the two of them.
Basically, I'm convinced that the Master is pretty much 'just' a villain. And that's how he works best, as a separate entity and a respectable power on his own. He doesn't need to be infused with the 'Doctor Magic' to be awesome.

2010-05-16, 05:09 PM
The Master was originally intended to be an 'evil half' of the Doctor, but the actor who played him originally - Roger Delgado - died in a car accident before the episode in which that was revealed was filmed.

2010-05-17, 04:18 AM
The Master was originally intended to be an 'evil half' of the Doctor, but the actor who played him originally - Roger Delgado - died in a car accident before the episode in which that was revealed was filmed.

Not "evil half". Evil brother. Instead, they killed him with bad special effects =(

2010-05-17, 05:20 AM
But at any rate, this seems far-fetched as an explanation.

Cogidubnus: where did you pull your name from? I was working with Latin texts about rex cogidubnus just today.

The Big Dice
2010-05-17, 08:59 AM
The Master was originally intended to be an 'evil half' of the Doctor, but the actor who played him originally - Roger Delgado - died in a car accident before the episode in which that was revealed was filmed.
The Master was concieved as Moriarty to the Doctor's Sherlock Holmes. ohn Pertwee suggested that they might be brothers (that was a subtle in-joke from Martha in season 3) but nobody was keen on that idea.

Not "evil half". Evil brother. Instead, they killed him with bad special effects =(
The Master never died in the original run of Who. It wasn't until the TV movie that they sort of killed him. And then it turned out the Time Lords resurrected him anyway.

As for the cracks in time, I have a feeling the answer has been staring us in the face since episode 1. But it's such a big, obvious elephant in the room that nobody can see it.

2010-05-17, 09:46 AM
Not "evil half". Evil brother. Instead, they killed him with bad special effects =(

The no. 1 killer in the Whoniverse.

2010-05-17, 10:02 AM
If this was still the Era RTD, this would be completely valid. It even would contain some of his trademarks (No connection between A and B, never happened before, never hinted at, deus ex machina or reset button possible)

But the era RTD is over, and we are hoping for the best right now.
(Besides as has been pointed out if the master cant be the doctors evil half, because the valeyard is his evil half, and that would make the master an evil quater, leaving one quater undetermined (or valeyard and master evil 3rds)

The Big Dice
2010-05-17, 10:28 AM
(Besides as has been pointed out if the master cant be the doctors evil half, because the valeyard is his evil half, and that would make the master an evil quater, leaving one quater undetermined (or valeyard and master evil 3rds)
The Valeyard isn't the Doctor's evil half. He's an echo of a possible future in much the same way as The Watcher in Logopolis was. He was an inbetween stage, from between the Doctor's 12th and 13th regenerations.

He also sucked, so I doubt Moffat would bring him back. But there is some interesting speculation here (http://doctorwhotv.co.uk/cracks-in-time-4339.htm).

2010-05-17, 10:33 AM
The Master was concieved as Moriarty to the Doctor's Sherlock Holmes. ohn Pertwee suggested that they might be brothers (that was a subtle in-joke from Martha in season 3) but nobody was keen on that idea.

There was also a line in the Fifth Doctor's era:

"Doctor, help me! I'll give you anything in creation!"
*Doctor doesn't move*
"Would you show no mercy to your own-"
*Master appears to be incinerated*

2010-05-17, 11:19 AM
The Master was concieved as Moriarty to the Doctor's Sherlock Holmes. ohn Pertwee suggested that they might be brothers (that was a subtle in-joke from Martha in season 3) but nobody was keen on that idea.

Are you sure? From TARDISwiki:

Conception and development of the character

When conceiving the character, the production team had originally considered the idea of the Doctor having a female, rather than male, arch-nemesis (this idea was later revived with the creation of the Rani). Later, they thought of the Master as the evil half of a single personality.

In the final Third Doctor episode, the Master would have redeemed himself and given his life to have saved the Doctor, after which the Doctor would have regenerated. The accidental death of Roger Delgado, who had played the original version of the Master made it so that this development never happened. This idea would eventually be reused in The End of Time, in which the Master sacrificed himself to save the Doctor from Rassilon.


There's more than a few theories that Moriarty is the other half of Holmes's personality, too. :smallwink: