View Full Version : Iji: Because awesome games are win.

Inhuman Bot
2010-05-16, 10:49 PM
So, I was playing through Iji again, and I must say, that this game is TOTALLY AWESOME still.

However, I do have a question:
In version 1.6, if you're a pacifist, Iji doesn't call the Komato, but they find the Tasen themselves. Does anything change? Inquiring minds need to know!

2010-05-16, 11:25 PM
Ah! What I've played of that game was very excellent, it doesnt run very well on my sixty four bit machine though =( If anyone knows a fix... tell me!

Lunix Vandal
2010-05-17, 12:11 AM
Re: Pacifism: The dialog in the cutscene following Sector 4 changes if you've been a 5-kills-or-less-per-sector pacifist -- instead of noting that Iji's given them a legitimate excuse to attack, Iosa and Tor banter back and forth about how they've waited in high orbit long enough and should just go ahead and invade, ignoring the bad PR it'll generate.

The very end of Sector 9 changes a bit if you've been a pacifist, too -- the turrets just outside the last Tasen bunker won't activate, and an Elite unlocks the blast doors and welcomes you in. You can talk to the Elites, Commandos, and Soldier inside the bunker, too.

Ansaksie can now appear next to the elevator to Tor, complete with a conversation about how she's just there to watch the fireworks between you and him. Probably only triggers if you had Ansaksie help you with the Iosa fight, and maybe only if you qualified for the Massacre. Which, incidentally, Ansaksie now occasionally uses the Massacre during the Iosa fight, roughly as often as Iosa herself fires her Velocithor 2-10.

There's also a 1-in-3 chance of getting an alternate startup silhouette, with Iji offering to shake hands with Krotera instead of standing on his corpse.

2010-05-17, 04:19 AM
Wow, things seem to have changed quite a lot since my last five or so playthroughs.

Replaying time!

2010-05-17, 07:05 PM
Iji: For when you just need to kick a hostile alien fifty feet through the air.

Iji: For when you just need to block a rocket with your face, killing the nearby enemies.