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2010-05-17, 11:15 AM
As all good adventures do, this one begins in a tavern. You've all been hanging around for one reason or another, and have picked up on an interesting story from a travelling merchant: "Now, most people have never heard of this place called Glarus. It used to be a real nice place to stop, back in the day. Part of one of the few good passages through the Sundered Mountains, what with all the thieves and bandits lurkin' about the rest of the passes. Seems the town's got some trouble of its own now though. Some real nasty group of bandits are holed up in the nearby castle and've been raiding the town. I know the head of the guard put out a request for help a bit back, but get this: by now, the bandits have a pretty good stash of loot from the town in there, but the townsfolk have given up on getting it back. If someone can take the bandits down, they're free to have the castle and whatever's in it, no strings attached. Not a bad deal for bringing back some law to the place, eh?"

2010-05-17, 01:01 PM
"A castle? An entire castle just for wiping a few idiots off the face of the earth? What do you think, Balthy? shall we help these people out a little? the young woman in black said, looking over to the armored man next to her.

"If you think it is for the best, I will follow you, Lady Catalina. the man responded, picking up the massive shield next to him.

"Alright then. Anyone else care to try their hand? " Catalina asked, finishing her drink and putting a few gold pieces on the table.

Catalina of Asanath (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=206048), Human Wizard/Malconvoker
And her bodyguard, Balthazar (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=206658)

2010-05-17, 04:30 PM
"I'd love to see you actually dirty your hand, Caster," said Maxim between gulps of ale. Wiping his bushy beard with the back of his free hand, he'd set down the empty mug. He then said melodically, "Though a castle is a mighty good place to set up base, eh Calvin?" elbowing the armored man next to him.

Calvin nodded in agreement. "It's been too long since last my lance tasted blood."

"It's settled then, we'll join you and your unnatural kin. May we all die so rich we're buried under gold!" Maxim called with a wide grin and gulp of fresh ale.

Alth Falath
2010-05-17, 09:26 PM
"Indeed, let us be off," Kavor says calmly.

2010-05-18, 03:47 PM
"Right, so I suppose since we'll be working together, and probably splitting a castle in the near future, I guess we should probably get to know each other a bit better." Catalina said with an outstretched arm. I am Catalina of Asanath, and this is my companion, Balthazar. I don't suppose I could get a name from you three?

We're expecting two more, correct? Little Dan and JP?

2010-05-18, 04:45 PM
"I am the great Maxim son of Rambow, Caster! Expert in the use of the Repeating Crossbow!" holding up a beautifully crafted yet well worn Crossbow, "And this is my right hand man, Calvin son of Coolidge, Master of the Lance! Between us, we have slain a dozen score men (240) and countless beasts! Albeit, some of the those men were only casters like yourself, so they hardly count. Har! Har! Har!"

2010-05-18, 06:31 PM
"Bold words coming from one who's entire method of fighting is undone by a single low level spell." Catalina says, while looking at Maxim's crossbow intently. "Though a crossbow of that size looks big enough for me not to turn its ammunition back at the wielder. Provided, of course, they had enough skill to fire it well. Your companion looks at least competent, however. Is he a caviler?" She then says, then looking over to Calvin. "I'm eager to see what a horseman can do inside the walls to a castle. Consider me intrigued as to whether you two are any better than the idiots who make up most of humanity."

2010-05-18, 06:58 PM
Maxim's face formed a scowl, "Look 'ere little missy. I don't know what unnatural whoring you've done to give yourself them fancy powers, but I'd like to see you use 'em when you've got one 'o these lodged in your perdy little skull!" He emphasized the statement by slamming down a bolt in one fist, leaving the sharp projectile sticking up from the table. "That one has the right idea though," pointing to Kavor, "The longer we remain, the more likely someone else will get to the fun first."

Getting up from the table, he'd slap an extra gold down on the table and snatch up the bolt with a resounding twang. "'Pologize 'fer the table Innkeep. Come along Calvin, we'll take the castle ourselves if we have to.

Bu Yah! I think I'll try to insult a caster or casting every post. Besides, Non-God Dan and JP can arrive en-route. Right? BTW apologize for the swearing, but Maxim so would have.

2010-05-18, 08:52 PM
The innkeep barely glances at the arrow sticking out of the table, a feature almost all his tables have had at one point or another. "Don't worry about it. Have fun storming the castle," he calls back, returning to serving the afternoon crowd of drunks.

Go ahead and set out if you like, but you won't really be getting anywhere until JP and Dan join up. I'd say you're about two days out from Glarus (the town). If you're really itching for something to do, you can go do some information gathering.

Alth Falath
2010-05-18, 09:59 PM
"Name's Kavor, nice to meet you," Kavor says to the people remaining at the table. He hums a bit to himself, then wanders off into town to gather supplies.

2010-05-18, 11:07 PM
Liliana, a young looking elf, approaches the table from the corner. "If you're going to be seizing a castle, it may help to have a Rogue at your side. As long as you don't ask me to fight in the front lines, I think my abilities can come in handy. I'm Lilliana, at your service." Liliana pulls up a chair to the table and sits down.

Yes, this is JP, sorry it took so long, I was doing summer employment related activities today.

2010-05-19, 07:50 PM
"Calvin, lets ask around and see what we can learn about this castle," he whispered to his cohort as they moved away from the table, "I'd hate to admit it, but we might need their help, at least that of the Dragonborn and the rogue."

"Aye sir, I'll learn what I can."

Maxim Gather Information roll
Calvin's roll

/edit Damn casters messing my roll

2010-05-19, 08:03 PM
"Balthy, are we just going to let them get the better of us? Let's see if we can find anything out ourselves! You take care of finding out what the humans know. I guarantee it probably won't be much." Catalina says as the two head out to search for information.


Catalina: Gathers info with nonhuman sources: [roll0]
Balthazar: Gathers info from human sources: [roll1]
Edit: (OoC: Ahh, nothing beats the taste of a natural 20 at just the right moment...)

2010-05-20, 04:08 AM
And so Calvin, Maxim, Catalina, and Balthazar go their own ways to search for information.

Calvin ends up talking to a random traveler: "Yeah, those mountains are pretty big. I bet some are even huge."

Maxim fares slightly better, asking a traveler who just came through the mountain range: "Things have been just getting worse and worse in the mountains. You'll end up getting your throat slit staying in any of the 'inns' up there. Thieves' Dens, the lot of 'em. Practically everyone going through has guards of some sort, or at least stays close to someone who does. I doubt you have to worry about something like that, of course."

Balthazar resumes talking to the merchant and the others who traveled with him, learning that the town had been acting as a waypoint along the mountain pass. More importantly, it was in fact the last viable path for anyone seeking to go through the mountain range without being ambushed, and many trading companies are being forced to take a considerably longer path around. If the route can be made safe again, the town stands to make a huge gain if the people play their cards right. They also point out a few companies that would be interested in investing to make that happen, provided the place can be cleaned up first.

Catalina somehow manages to find the one dwarf who'd been living in Glarus until recently, and coaxes most of the town history out of him: "Well, way back in the day, the mountains were still being tamed. Paths being made and all that. Glarus was one of the first settlements along a path that did well, what with it being right on the shortest path between two major cities in different countries. Exceptin' a few tunnels, o' course. Well, the place started doing so well, the settlement grew into a full town, and even built up a modest castle. They were pretty much their own country, I'd guess you'd call it. Neither of its neighbors laid any claim, anyway. But that was the problem. Some idiot with a fancy title thought the mountains would be a great place to exile people to, what with a lot of it being neutral territory. Well, before long the whole place was crawlin' with bandits and other lawless folk. Trade started dyin', and before you knew it the town started dyin' right with it. I'm just surprised it's been hangin' on as long as it has." Before Catalina leaves, he also points out a few of the major tunnels he found around the area, one of which seems to lead right under the castle.

So yeah, it's pretty much all history. Any concrete information on the bandits themselves would have to come from within the town itself. Good roll Casey though; I didn't think I'd have a chance to randomly shoehorn the whole town history in so soon.

2010-05-20, 09:27 AM
If it helps.
Knowledge Local: [roll0]

/Edit: Well, it certainly didn't.

2010-05-20, 01:52 PM
Liliana suddenly recalls that she's in a town known for having really good bakeries.

Yeah, you failed. But hey, now you know where to get some good bread!

2010-05-20, 01:55 PM
"Have fun on your expedition, boys?" Catalina asks of Maxim and Calvin as they return. "You probably asked the humans for help, didn't you? Idiots, the lot of them. I managed to find some tunnels in, on the other hand, from a helpful dwarf. I say we head out now, so we can get there before anyone else beats us to the place. And oh yes," she says, taking a look at Maxim. "I got all my information without my magic."

2010-05-20, 03:24 PM
"If you really did get your information the honest way, I guess we can trust it. He probably would have given that anyone who asked, especially of your gender. I'm still not so sure you didn't ensorcle someone though. Bah,its just was well we travel with you as anyone else. Seems the Inns and the main path are filled with robbers. Best they rob the defenseless caster first while you have your head in a book, leave the rest 'o us be! Har Har Har! Where did the quiet Dragonborn go? We'd best head off before the day is too long."

2010-05-20, 06:06 PM
"Yes, the mountain pass should be the fastest way to the castle. Let us be off." Catalina says, looking to the horizon. "And just remember who it will be to save your useless human behinds when the going gets tough." She says, almost as an afterthought, to Maxim and Calvin, as she and Balthazar catch up to Kavor and Liliana.

2010-05-20, 08:11 PM
"Caster! Know it would be I who would save your heathen skin, but since arguing with you would be like arguing with a tree, I'd like to make a wager." pointing right at her, "Who so ever asks for the other's help first, gives half their share of any treasure we get this quest. Also I'll... Sorry I mean they'll know they are the superior. Oh, and should either of us fall in battle by not begging for help, the remaining gets their share!"

Folding his arms, "What say you caster? You really think I need your help, then put your gold where your mouth is. Or is it too busy talking big?"

Oh snap! You know you want to go for it, KC. Soon I'm gonna get 150% treasure.

Alth Falath
2010-05-20, 09:16 PM
Kavor wanders in, his pack filled with supplies."What kind of silly religion bans magic? That's rather like banning wings. It comes natural to some people."

2010-05-21, 01:58 PM
"I just want to make this absolutely clear: Catalina says, looking at Maxim incredulously. "You want to challenge me to a competition of skill, for half the total treasure? And I thought the idiots in my hometown were stupid. I accept your challenge, but I'm giving you a chance to back out now while you're still able. I'm a wizard with an infernal army at my command. You're a guy with a crossbow. I don't fancy your chances much."

2010-05-21, 04:03 PM
Tightening the straps holding on the left side of his armor, "We'll see wizard. You'll be begging for my help one of these days when some swordsman closes distance with you."

As Kavor comes over, "Hail Kavor, What say you of a religion banning magics?"

Calvin would mount his Heavy Warhorse, with the assistance of an adjacent barrel and one of Maxim's many followers. "Everything is ready, Sir."

"Good!" turning to the follower, "Justin, stay here with the others and I will send for you when the castle is ours."

"Yes my liege," and the young man ran off.

"Well, I'm set. Did you remember to pack your books, Caster? Hate to lose the only thing you've got to protect yourself."

Turning and finally noticing Liliana, assuming she isn't hiding, "When did we get an elf?" Whispering up to Calvin on his steed, "Was it while I was drunk last night?"

Alth Falath
2010-05-21, 08:04 PM
Kavor sighs. He'd found enough supplies, but it seemed like the rivalry had only gotten worse. Oh well, he'd heal them both if they got hurt. Then again...
He hums a little bit.
Invoke aspect of Refuge (will save dc 20 to make an attack within 20 feet of me

2010-05-21, 11:09 PM
With the infighting put on hold, the bickering party sets out in their quest to claim a castle filled with loot. They follow the path into the mountains, passing through dense forest and mist. Thick underbrush covers one side, and the other is a straight drop down more often than not. The path itself, however, is wide and well-kept, and the group makes it a little more than halfway to the town. As evening is falling, a small inn comes into view, warm light emanating from its windows. A few patrons are visible inside.

2010-05-22, 12:31 PM
Having resisted the nigh on impossible urge to push the wizard off the mostly vertical cliff, Maxim takes one look at the Inn and recalls what he had heard in town.

"I don't trust it. My information tells me that the inns are filled with robbers. I say we move on and camp somewhere down the road. Better out in the wilderness than in a den of thieves."

This seems far too warm and inviting. It must be filled with evil pirates and ninjas!

2010-05-22, 01:26 PM
"Afraid of a few bandits,are we?" Catalina asks of Maxim. "I highly doubt there's anything in there that we can't handle. Though, I have been saving up to buy a new spell, and not staying at the inn would be cheaper." Catalina thinks for a moment, then speaks up again. "I say we at least take a look. At best, we get a warm, quiet place to sleep tonight. At worst, we get the loot the idiots who try to attack us have on them. And that's probably enough to buy my new scroll, preventing us from ever having to worry about this again. What do you two say?" Catalina asks, looking over to Kavor and Liliana.

2010-05-22, 03:32 PM
"I'm not afraid of anything, Wizard. Especially not a few dagger wielding peasants. We stay here tonight!" and Maxim walked up to the door of the tavern and walked in.

I figured this was close enough to a challenge that his Overconfidence would kick in. Oh, and Spot [roll0] and Listen [roll1] as I walk in for anything suspicious form the patrons inside.

2010-05-22, 07:10 PM
As Maxim strides in, all conversation stops. Only three patrons are present, hunched over a table in the corner. They glare at him momentarily before going back to their drinks and mumbled conversation. Maxim notices that all of them are carrying concealed weapons. The innkeeper, upon seeing him, says, "G'evening. Ye be wantin' a room tonight, right?"

Alth Falath
2010-05-22, 08:18 PM
Kavor walks into the room, and smiles confidently. Compared to his draconic friends, this motley crew is hardly intimidating.

2010-05-22, 08:36 PM
I'm really glad I got those ranks in Spot and Listen.

"Yes, One room for the night and two dinners. My companion is just stabling our horse. How much?" Maxim would sit down at a table facing the three men with the concealed weapons. He'd place his Crossbow down on the table at give them a look of, "You mess with me, You die."

Intimidate [roll0]

Meanwhile Calvin would be stabling his horse, Hurricane. As per his Master's worry, he'd look about the stable before tying up the horse. Then he'd brush down Hurricane and head inside.

Spot [roll1]
Listen [roll2]
Handle Animal [roll3]

2010-05-22, 08:43 PM
Catalina soon follows, Balthazar right beside her. "A room for the night, but no dinners." Catalina and Balthazar survey the room, trying to get a read on the area.


Catalina Spot: [rollv]1d20[rollv]
Catalina Listen: [roll0]
Balthazar Spot: [roll1]
Balthazar Listen: [roll2]

2010-05-22, 08:44 PM
(Wow, those are awful. And my spot didn't roll. Oops.)

Catalina's actual spot check: [roll0]

2010-05-23, 02:50 PM
Lilliana, (Who I assume is with you) also looks around the room.

Listen: 1d20+16
Spot: 1d20+16

Let's try again.

Listen: 1d20+16
Spot: 1d20+16

2010-05-23, 02:52 PM
Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

/Edit There we go.

2010-05-23, 05:44 PM
As the rest of the group files in, the innkeeper says, "Oh, pretty big group eh? Okay, it's two gold a night fer each o' you if you want to stay here, and that'll get you dinner and breakfast, if'n you want it. You'll have to pair up though; that's the only way we can fit you all."

After paying the innkeeper, Maxim attempts to frighten the only other patrons at the inn. One of them looks at him, then the crossbow, and snickers to himself. "Oh, we'll be sure to watch ourselves around you. I mean, you do have a crossbow," he says, sneering at the last word. The other two hunch over their drinks a bit more, and one elects to glare at Balthazar instead.

While this is going on, the rest of the party pays the fee, and the innkeeper goes off to prepare meals for those who asked.

For Liliana:
You can hear someone singing to themselves (very poorly) up above.

Outside the inn, Calvin is stabling his horse. The stable is small, but enough to hold 4 horses. On the way back to the inn, he also sees a small cabin close by.

2010-05-23, 06:18 PM
Ignoring the fool who doubts his crossbow, Maxim pays for both he and Calvin. "This is for me and my cohort. The wizard will have to pay her own way. Might I ask, what news have you of the road ahead?"

A little bit later, as Calvin comes in from the stables he joins up with Maxim. "I have stabled Hurricane. He should be good for the night." Turning to the Inn Keep, "I saw a small cabin outside, who lives there?"

2010-05-23, 07:17 PM
"Here's our stay for the night." Catalina says, handing over the 4 gold pieces. "If you could send our meals up to our room, that would be excellent. Now come, Balthazar, we have some "work" to do."

"Yes, milady." growls Balthazar, and the two make for the stairs.

Alth Falath
2010-05-23, 07:28 PM
"Liliana, I guess you're with me then."

2010-05-23, 08:45 PM
The innkeeper nods in assent to Catalina's request, then turns to reply to Calvin and Maxim: "Ah, the cabin's fer me and my family. Knock if you need anything. As fer the road, should be fine this time o' year. Nothin' much goes on 'round here that'd muck it up."

Maxim and Calvin are free to check if he's bluffing or not.

2010-05-23, 10:06 PM
"We've got a busy day tomorrow, Balthazar." Catalina says to Balthazar as they reach the room. "You take first watch while I'm resting and preparing my spells. I won't be too long, and you can get some rest once I'm done. I suspect we'll have trouble tonight, I just don't know when."

Catalina rests, and rearranges her spells while Balthazar takes first watch in their inn room. Once Catalina is done, Balthazar gets some rest while Catalina takes second watch.

2010-05-24, 03:47 PM
I will try to see through his lies.
Maxim [roll0]
Calvin [roll1]
In any case the following occurs whether or not he seems to be lying.
"Thank you Sir. Heh, the Wizard wishes to be in private with that demon!" and he made an obscene gesture and laughed. After dinner and perhaps idle chatter, Maxim heads out to check on Hurricane while Calvin brings some things up to their room. Assuming nothing happens on either fronts, they'll meet up in the room and search it and then Maxim will go to sleep and Calvin will keep watch. In the middle of the night, they'll switch watch and check on Hurricane again. Assuming nothing out of the ordinary, that will get them through the night.

Search of Room, Calvin [roll2] with Maxim Assisting [roll3]
Then Calvin on first watch: Spot [roll4] Listen [roll5]
Then Maxim on second watch: Spot [roll6] Listen [roll7]

/Edit Hmmm, Calvin must have much more tired than I thought.

2010-05-24, 07:00 PM
Rolls to be made for the night:

Search: [roll0]
First Watch: Balthazar: Spot: [roll1], Listen: [roll2]
Second Watch: Catalina: Spot: [roll3], Listen: [roll4]

2010-05-25, 06:15 PM
As far as Maxim and Calvin can tell, the innkeeper believes what he says.

Can I get search, spot, and listen checks for Kavor and Liliana? Also, please tell me which will take first watch.

Alth Falath
2010-05-26, 03:02 PM
Kavor will take first watch.
[roll0] Spot
[roll1] Listen
As a note, Kavor reinvokes the aspect of refuge. It's 20', so it should cover the room. Will DC 25 to make an attack. It also apparently keeps working when he's asleep, neat.

2010-05-27, 10:16 PM
Sorry about the delay, I had to write campaign events for Govsim the last two days.
Terrible rolls.

2010-06-02, 01:50 AM
A short while after midnight, the trio of vagrants from earlier attempts to sneak into Balthazar and Catalina's room. They enter while Balthazar has his back turned and move in for the attack. Catalina is almost immediately woken by the struggle, while the rest of the party completely fails to hear any of this going on until the fight is underway.

I'm just sad I didn't get to say this sooner: INITIATIVES! BTW I'm going to be doing group initiative for this to try and keep things from getting too slow. Anyway, there's a surprise round I'll be dealing with in a second, first round is just Catalina and Balthazar, and then everyone's in. Such is the cost of failed listen checks.

2010-06-02, 03:52 AM
The three scoundrels bring their daggers down on Balthazar in unison:

Vagrant #1:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

Vagrant #2:
Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] + [roll5]

Vagrant #3:
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] + [roll8]

I think I did that right...

2010-06-02, 03:56 AM
So apparently I can't just tack on additional rolls, so here's the crit rolling:
[roll0] to hit, [roll1] damage if success

/edit: Man, look at all the extra damage that does.

2010-06-02, 09:35 AM
(Wow, those guys rolled well. no crit though, at least. Not that it would have done much, seeing as all the actual attacks did was just annoy Balthazar.)

Balthazar moves to protect his mistress, hiding her behind his enormous shield.

"Are you alright, Balthy dear?" Catalina says as she looks at the three thugs in the room. "You hurt my Balthy! And you picked the WRONG people to rob! Enjoy your stay in Baator, and while you're there, tell Asmodeus that Catalina says hi!" Catalina raises her hand and a bolt of lightning passes through all three of the thugs.

Action: Balthazar moves next to Catalina, getting between the thugs and her. Cat uses one of the Arc of Lightnings she had prepared from the previous night. I'll need a DC 23 Reflex Save from all three of the thugs for half damage.

Cat Initiative: [roll0]
Balthy Initiative: [roll1]
Arc of Lightning Damage: [roll2]

Alth Falath
2010-06-02, 07:03 PM
Kavor continues on, oblivious.

2010-06-02, 07:56 PM
Did I not say the Caster would get robbed? It's like bringing a canary into a mine! Your standard caster is such a willing target!

Calvin was still in his armor for his watch, but Maxim would have undressed down to regular clothes to sleep. Both were too surprised by the sound of the thunder-crack of Arc Lightning to do anything immediately but rest assured, they'll be ready soon!

Maxim Init [roll0]
Calvin Init [roll1]

For DM Eyes only:
I'd like to ask a few questions of placement and building construction. Where are our two rooms in relation to each other? Across the Hall? Share a wall? What are the walls and doors made of. Cheep wooden doors and plaster walls? Thick sturdy doors set in stone?

2010-06-03, 10:45 PM
Just going to roll for Kavor and Liliana:
Kavor Init: [roll0]
Liliana Init: [roll1]
Going on what I've seen in other forum games and advice from Casey, I'm just going to roll up everyone's initiatives at once next time, as I have all your modifiers. Sorry it's kinda half-done here.

2010-06-03, 10:51 PM
(Initiative goes to you guys. So let's see what that lightning did...)

The scoundrels turn to face Catalina just in time to see the lightning...

Reflex Saves:
Scoundrel 1: [roll0]
Scoundrel 2: [roll1]
Scoundrel 3: [roll2]

2010-06-04, 02:06 AM
...but don't dodge fast enough. The lightning arcs through all of them, leaving severe burns. "ARGHH! Gods that hurts! I'll kill you!" screams one, and they move in to surround Balthazar.

Action: Two move for direct engagement, one flanks.

Scoundrel 1:
Hit: [roll0] & Crit check (if 19-20): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] & if crit: [roll3]

Scoundrel 2:
Hit: [roll4] & Crit check (if 19-20): [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] & if crit: [roll7]

Scoundrel 3:
Hit: [roll8] & Crit check (if 19-20): [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]+[roll11] & if crit: [roll12]

I was hoping at least one of them wouldn't take the lightning. Oh well, at least they're not dead yet!
/edit: taste the pain of 1 damage!

2010-06-04, 09:46 AM
Balthazar draws his axe and swings at two of the rogues, hoping to finish them off, while Catalina fires a lesser Orb of Cold.


Balthazar Attack 1: [roll0]
Balthazar Damage 1: [roll1]
Crit Confirm 1: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

Balthazar Attack 2: [roll4]
Balthazar Damage 2: [roll5]
Crit Confirm 2: [roll6]
Crit Damage 2: [roll7]

Catalina Attack: (to touch): [roll8]
Crit Confirm: (20/x2) [roll9]

Spell Damage: [roll10] Cold Damage
Crit Spell Damage: [roll11] Cold Damage

Feel free to come on in and get a bite of the action! Act now while the thugs still have hit points!
Also, Edit: Wow, Cat's rolls have been abysmal lately...

2010-06-04, 12:27 PM
On my turn, I'll hide, sneak into the room, if I'm not there and move within 30 ft. of the nearest bad guy, and open fire at the closest scoundrel

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Attack 1: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Sneak: [roll4]
Attack 2: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

The first attack would have sneak attack damage, so let's see if it hits.

2010-06-04, 03:37 PM
'Ha, sounds like our wizard friend is in a bit of trouble. Calvin, Lets take a peek eh?" Calvin would nod, draw his sword and attempt to cut a whole in the wall adjoining the two rooms. Once the hole was cut Maxim would move up to the hole and fire rapidly through the hole at a scoundrel, with preference going to the scoundrel who had insulted his crossbow earlier that night. "Looks like you didn't watch out enough, eh boy?" as the two bolts hurtled toward the man.

First Calvin's roll with his Adamantine Longsword (ignores hardness of wall) (Using Power attack full +8)
Confirm Crit
Crit Damage

Next up Maxim's two shots with Adamantine Bolts with rapid shot and within 30' (No likly bonus from adamantine other than them not breaking.)
First Shot
Confirm Crit
Second Shot
Confirm Crit
First Damage
First Crit Damage
Second Damage
Second Crit Damage

2010-06-05, 10:05 PM
As Balthazar swings his axe, the scoundrel nearest him narrowly dodges beneath the blade. His friend is not so fortunate, and instead finds his neck in the blade's path. The cut cleanly decapitates him. The third of the trio easily dodges Catalina's attack, thankful for the lack of lightning. He has just enough time to glance back and see the wall behind him torn open by sword. Two arrows fly through and lodge themselves in him, and he briefly recalls his words said earlier that night: "I mean, you do have a crossbow." The shock just has time to register on his face before dying.

Meanwhile, the dimwitted barbarian they had left outside the room as a guard is humming to himself when he hears Liliana sneaking up on him. He moves to guard against her, but is too late, and she gets two good cuts on him (both hit, but no sneak attack due to him hearing you coming).

So yeah, two of them are thoroughly dead. JP ran into their backup guy before he got his chance to move, so I had him retarget on the barbarian, since he can't really get past him. I'm proud of my barbarian though; he got a natural twenty on his listen check. Anyway, now we're just waiting for Dan before the enemy round.

Alth Falath
2010-06-06, 07:22 PM
Kavor wakes up and gets out of bed.

Beowulf DW
2010-06-06, 09:03 PM
Beskar kicks open his room's door and storms into the hallway. His eyes are bloodshot from anger and lack of sleep.

"What in the world's goin' on here!? I'm tryn' to sleep, damn it! This racket sounds like a damn thunderstorm!"

2010-06-08, 02:38 AM
The last man standing in Catalina and Balthazar's room finally realizes the gravity of his situation and elects to leave by the quickest way possible: window. He crashes through the window next to Catalina and tumbles on the ground before bolting around the side of the inn.

His barbarian compatriot, in the meantime, is growing increasingly angry towards all the people he sees trying to get past him, and is particularly angry at the elf who just stabbed him. He bellows, "Nobody go past me!" and swings his axe down on her.

Attack 1: [roll0] & if crit (20/x3): [roll1]
Damage 1: [roll2] & if crit: + [roll3]
Attack 2: [roll4] & if crit (20/x3): [roll5]
Damage 2: [roll6] & if crit: + [roll7]

2010-06-08, 06:37 PM
As the man defenestrated himself, Maxim rushed to his own window and knocked out the glass with one blow of the Crossbow's Stock. He'd fire off a shot at him if he was still visible in the night gloom. Otherwise, he would curse, "&%$#! The &@$!@%d got away!".

Meanwhile, once the hole had been opened, Calvin made his way out the door and immediately engaged the Barbarian attacking Liliana, moving to flank him with her. As he attacked, he answered Beskar with, "They started it!"

Although I doubt it, here's my shot at the Jumper:
Crit Confirm
Crit Damage addition

As for Calvin, I believe this is a regular attack with one adamantine longsword with flanking bonus and power attack +4, (Assuming Liliana didn't die o' course)
Crit Confirm
Crit Damage addition

2010-06-08, 06:59 PM
Got away? Hehehehehe, oh Maxim, you're hilarious! Catalina says as she looks out the window. Balthy, take care of the man outside, I'll deal with the one that, heh heh, "got away". With that, Catalina starts to chant in a strange harsh tongue, and on the ground, by the side of the inn, what seems to be a hole in reality opens up. Two enormous wolves claw their way out of the hole, and give chase to the running rogue. Soon after, Catalina yells to the wolves in the same harsh language.
Abysssal: Get him my sweets! Char grilled for your convenience!

Meanwhile, Balthazar goes over to the man at the door with the axe and takes a swing of his own.

Actions: Catalina uses Summon Monster IV to summon a pair of Fiendish Dire Wolves, who proceed to chase down the escaping rogue and tear him to shreds with improved trip on their attacks. Meanwhile, Balthazar moves next to the Barbarian and takes a swing with his axe.


Catalina Bluff: [roll0]

Balthazar Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit: [roll3]
Crit Damage: [roll4]

Wolf A: (Turn 1/20)
Attack: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Crit: [roll7]
Crit Damage: [roll8]
Trip Attempt: [roll9]

Wolf B: (Turn 1/20)
Attack: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]
Crit: [roll12]
Crit Damage: [roll13]
Trip Attempt: [roll14]

Alth Falath
2010-06-08, 07:47 PM
Kavor enters the room. "Heh, *pothoc* rasvimivirlym." He then looks around. "Anyone injured?"

Beowulf DW
2010-06-08, 09:33 PM
Beskar replies to Calvin, "They started it? Great. Now let's finish it so I can get some sleep."

Beskar moves in to attack the barbarian. As he let's fly with a punch, Beskar shouts, "Knuckles of Sleep-Deprived Justice!"

Just a regular unarmed attack, I guess. Nothing special.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Beowulf DW
2010-06-11, 04:50 PM
Critical: [roll0]
Crit Damage: [roll1]

2010-06-14, 11:39 AM
I think we ought to skip JP, or at least just have Scott roll for him.

2010-06-14, 12:21 PM
Sorry I've been busy of late....I did make a roll earlier for when my turn did come up....is it my turn again?

2010-06-14, 06:56 PM
Catalina waves her hand towards the table, and a teapot floats over to her, pouring a cup of tea on the way before setting itself on the nightstand. This could take a while... she says, taking a sip of her tea.

Alth Falath
2010-06-14, 07:32 PM
Kavor, as nobody seems injured, heads back to bed. He refreshes the ward, and goes to sleep again.

2010-06-15, 06:36 AM
What is wrong with you caster? We're still in the middle of an invasion.

To JP: Yes it is another turn, please attack the barbarian with a sneak attack. Calvin is flanking with you.

2010-06-15, 02:19 PM
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Attack 1:[roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Sneak: [roll4]
Attack 2: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Yes, that would be a natural 1 on my first shot.

Beowulf DW
2010-06-15, 02:24 PM
Beskar looks toward the man with the crossbow.

"Invasion? Are you joking? This is just a burglary gone wrong, Marksman."

2010-06-15, 02:52 PM
It is an invasion of my sleep! ... And who in hell are you.

Beowulf DW
2010-06-15, 04:19 PM
"I am Beskar the Firefist, Swordsage and follower of the Sublime Way! And I'll be happy to continue this brilliant intillectual exchange as soon as we kill the axe-wielding brute who's trying to maim us."

2010-06-15, 04:27 PM
Oh joy. Catalina says, taking another sip of her tea. Another human joining us. Simply fantastic. Anyway, Balthy, help them deal with the last one so we can go back to bed.

Beowulf DW
2010-06-15, 05:09 PM
"Nice to meet you, too, Princess. Don't let your guard dog get too rowdy."

2010-06-16, 06:09 PM
As Catalina gently sips her tea, a cry of, "Oh Gods WOLVES!" comes from around the corner, followed by screaming, followed by the sound a rogue makes when he is ripped apart by demonhounds. The innkeeper catches this as he goes to investigate why there's so much noise all of a sudden, screams bloody murder, and promptly flees back to his cabin and locks the door.

The now lone barbarian easily shrugs off the blows around him. He glances momentarily towards Balthazar and Calvin, sees Balthazar's massive wall of metal (Balthazar gives +10 Shield bonus to all adjacent characters), and promptly turns his anger (and axe) back towards Liliana.

Rolling to hit Liliana again:
Attack 1: [roll0] & Crit Check (if 20): [roll1]
Damage 1:[roll2] & Crit: [roll3]
Attack 2: [roll4] & Crit Check (if 20): [roll5]
Damage 2:[roll6] & Crit: [roll7]

2010-06-16, 06:19 PM
Hehe, tricking the forces of the lower planes into doing your bidding never gets old. Catalina says as she listens to her wolves finish off the straggler. Balthy, show that idiot how a real man swings an axe! As she says this, she nonchalantly pulls a small dagger out of her spell components and swings it towards the barbarian across the room, focused intently on the barbarian's axe.

Action: Balthazar full attacks while Catalina casts Backbiter on the barbarian's weapon.(Next attack hits barbarian instead, nonmagic weapons get no save.)


Balthy Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

Balthy Attack 2: [roll4]
Damage 2: [roll5]
Crit Confirm2: [roll6]
Crit Damage2: [roll7]

Alth Falath
2010-06-16, 07:18 PM

2010-06-16, 09:10 PM
It's not right! That man shouldn't have been eaten by hellhounds... He should have been mine! The Barbarian is mine though! Lets finish him Calvin!

Maxim Quickly Makes his way to the door and shoots at the barbarian in the midst of bodies with his years of training deftly avoid hitting his allies. (Yay precise shot... or close shot... one of the two.) Calvin mean while takes a quick shuffle and moves into position across from an ally and quickly makes two attacks. (5ft step if necessary to flank and then full attack with flank)

1st shot [roll0] [roll1]
Crit [roll2] [roll3]
2nd Shot [roll4] [roll5]
Crit [roll6] [roll7]
3rd shot [roll8] [roll9]
Crit [roll10] [roll11]

1st Attack [roll12] [roll13]
Crit [roll14] [roll15]
2nd Attack [roll16] [roll17]
Crit [roll18] [roll19]

2010-06-18, 04:09 PM
Well, I'm down to 10 HP, let's see if I can kill him.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Attack 1:[roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Sneak: [roll4]
Attack 2: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]


2010-06-20, 09:46 PM
The barbarian grunts and falls down with three arrows and an axe sticking out of him. He is quite definitely dead. After Catalina's wolves finish with the rogue and bring the remnants to her, the groups finds around 7500gp of items and money on them. The rogue who attempted to flee also had a note on him:
Orders (do NOT screw this up):
1. Wait by roadside
2. Track anyone passing by
3. Kill them in their sleep
4. Take their stuff (someone will collect it from you later)
5. Repeat (that means go back to step one)
If you somehow fail me, you are to return and TELL ME. If you don't, I will find out, and you will die.

Also, the innkeeper eventually summons the courage to look around the inn once more. He sees the blood, the dead bodies, and the massive hole in his wall before quietly sitting down in the hallway and quietly having a panic attack.

So yeah...first encounter is finished. Think I learned a few things, so future ones can hopefully be a bit faster and smoother.

Also, experience: 1000xp for each person, 900xp for Balthazar, and 800xp for Calvin

2010-06-21, 12:16 AM
Catalina divides the gold found on the men quickly up, before giving a share to each of the group. I suppose you each deserve a bit of this treasure for going along with my plan. Good work. It looks like you two aren't as stupid as you originally looked. she says, taking a glance over at Maxim and Calvin. Well, actually, no, you two are as stupid as you look. You're at least not totally useless though. And you! she says, looking over to the cowering innkeeper, Sorry about the mess. I'll take care of it in the morning. Now then, I'm going back to sleep, I'll see you all in the morning.

2010-06-21, 09:16 AM
"Yeah, I think need to sleep of these injuries. Good night." Lilliana goes to sleep.

Beowulf DW
2010-06-21, 04:14 PM
"Well, Marksman, I said we'd continue our conversation after the fight, and I'm not getting to sleep any time soon after hearing a man get ripped apart by wolves from the Netherworld. That was a fine display of archery, by the way."

2010-06-22, 08:51 AM
Finally a man with some respect for the fine art of the crossbow! he said as he yanked the last of his bolts free from the barbarian. He'd continue talking as he methodicaly wipe each bolt free of blood and snap it back into it's magazine. I learned my craft at hands of my father, and he learned it in the combat of the Icvailutain War. This here is Calvin and I am Maxim Rambow

Beowulf DW
2010-06-22, 12:28 PM
"A pleasure and an honor to meet you both. It was refreshing to fight alongside skilled warriors again." said Beskar.

Alth Falath
2010-06-23, 08:19 PM
Tell Kavor about your injuries before dawn, he can heal them without loss of spells. I did ask

2010-06-23, 09:10 PM
Catalina goes back to bed, after being sure to hang the remains of the last poor fool to try and rob her outside her door. Balthazar heads over to Kavor's room to get some healing, then heads back to the watch. In the morning, before the party sets out, Catalina and Balthazar are nowhere to be found. Just before the party is ready to head out, they magically appear on the scene with an audible *pop*

Ok, Balthazar needs about 30 HP worth of healing. Then, in the morning, Cat teleports into town with Balthazar, picks up a scroll of Rope Trick, copies it into her blessed book, then teleports back with a scroll of Teleport.

2010-06-23, 10:45 PM
Calvin and Maxim went back to the watch, after checking on Hurricane. It's not right. How could you kill a man with mystical wolves. He won't even know that you're the one who killed him! Look at this man's face. He knew I killed him. Afterward they both went back to sleep and woke up in the morning. Turning to the new man, Why don't you join us. You're handy with a sword. Plus I could use another to keep the caster in line.

2010-06-24, 01:20 AM
The innkeeper pulls himself together eventually in the night and returns to his cabin, still dumbstruck. In the morning, he graciously accepts whatever money is offered as compensation and heads upstairs to take care of the mess. Already leaving a trail of bodies and destruction behind them, the party of 6 sets out in the morning once more along the path. After a half a day of traveling, a wide valley comes into view. The town is nestled near the bottom, at the edge of a large lake. Higher up the valley, the ramparts of a castle are just visible in the mist. After a few more hours of walking (and riding), the group makes it near the edge of town before running into one of the local guards. "Hey, uh, you all wouldn't happen to be more bandits, would you? 'Cause I think we're full up on bandits around here."

2010-06-24, 01:43 AM
No, no. Catalina says, looking at the nervous guard. We're here to end your little bandit problem, aren't we, Balthy dear?

Yes, milady. Those bandits don't stand a chance against your magic and my axe!

I'd watch out for those two, though, if I were you... Catalina continues to the guard, making a gesture over to Calvin and Maxim. You wouldn't believe the trouble they caused at the inn last night. Yelling, firing that crossbow of his, bursting through walls. Seriously, I'd keep an eye on them. Catalina finishes with an attempt to look innocent.

Bluff check: [roll0]

Beowulf DW
2010-06-24, 11:39 AM
Beskar mumbles, "What kind of guard asks people if they're bandits? If we were bandits, wouldn't we have just killed them by now?"

2010-06-24, 05:29 PM
"Oh, well, if you're here to help, I guess I better take you to see the captain." He steals a glance at Calvin and Maxim and quietly adds, "And I'll be sure to keep my eyes on those two troublemakers, don't you worry ma'am."

He leads the group into town, along what appears to be the main street. The only people out and about seem to be the guards; the whole town seems locked down. Most of the guards seem to be just milling about, and almost none of them seem to have armor that fits them. Eventually the party stops in front the one well-lit building on the street. Within, a man is giving orders to the only guards who have some semblance of competence to them. "We've got some adventurers here to help, sir."
"Ah, I suppose you're looking to take the castle too then?" He looks over the party without much hope. "Well, it's all yours if you can take it from the current, ah, residents. I suppose if you leave now, you could make it by nightfall while the raiding parties are out. Not like that's ever helped much though. The place is just too well fortified. You could always stick around and help fend them off here too. Gods know I could do with some kind of competence around here."

Alth Falath
2010-06-24, 07:09 PM
"Few fortifications can stand against the might of the dragons," Kavor says calmly. He grins at the thought. This should be an interesting challenge.

Beowulf DW
2010-06-24, 08:26 PM
Beskar ponders for a moment.

"I'm all for a good castle-storming every now and then, but wouldn't it make things a bit easier on us if we destroyed the raiding parties first? Divide and conquer?"

2010-06-24, 08:45 PM
You have a point, human. Catalina says, looking over the town. If we deal with the raiding parties, we can lower the number of bandits we have to fight at once, we can take the fortress more easily. They don't yet know we're coming, so we can deal with them easily.

2010-06-25, 06:14 AM
Maxim would glare when the wizard fingered them as troublemakers , but he showed amazing restraint by not imeadiatly shooting the hoe. Wait till after she is useful was what he thought. Then you can kill the lying bitch. As he went into town, he kept his bow loose yet ready and kept his eyes open for any trouble.

Spot 1d20+8

But if we do take out the raiding party then that would alert the ones in the castle. I say we flip it and surprise the castle then kill the raiders as they return. Its one thing to take a castle by surprise, and another to take one when they are on guard. Lets hit it hard and fast tonight! The rouge breaks us in and then we slaughter any who stand in our way.

2010-06-25, 08:27 AM

Lets see if this works.

2010-06-25, 12:00 PM
The rouge? Catalina asks, looking at Maxim incredulously. I fail to see how my makeup can break us into a castle. If you meant "Rogue", i.e. Liliana, then by all means, send her in. But consider this, doltboy; we take out the raiding party, and return as them. The bandits welcome us back into the castle, and we decimate them from the inside. And what are you looking at, anyway? Catalina says, finishing with a quick look around.

Spot: [roll0]

Beowulf DW
2010-06-25, 02:46 PM
"I doubt that a disguise like that would fool our enemies for long, Catalina, but it would give us a brief advantage. Maxim, the bandits at the castle would only be alerted to our involvement if we let them escape. You could easily ride down any that attempt to flee, and the wolves around here seem to have a taste for bandits who're running from us." says Beskar, glancing briefly at Catalina.

2010-06-25, 05:38 PM
Don't Make Fun Of My Typo-ien Accent Hoe! Rouge is how we say it! Turning to the much less rude swordsman, I see your point there, but what of their screams eh? In this valley, their death screams could be heard in the castle. In addition the longer we wait, the more likely the spys they doubtless planted in this village will alert them to our intention. Taking the castle now would give us a defensible position to any retribution they might try to met out. And most importantly, if we take the castle before nightfall, we won't need to rent another room for the night. That last place was expensive and filled with vermin... and rats.

2010-06-25, 05:43 PM
We don't need another room for the night. Catalina says, pulling out a small black book and holding it in her hand. When you louts were still asleep, I went back to town and picked up a rope trick. We never have to rent a room ever again. All I have to do is cast it and we have an impenetrable, invisible fortress for the night. And stop calling me "hoe" before I turn you into one.

Beowulf DW
2010-06-25, 06:04 PM
"The bandits in the castle are more likely to assume that the screams are from the bandits' victims. They clearly aren't used to fair fights, much less being utterly out-classed. As for the spies...I hesitated to suggest this before...but what if we don't wait in the town for the raiding parties? What would you say to intercepting them and ambushing them, Marksman?"

Beskar isn't a swordsman. He fights unarmed.

Alth Falath
2010-06-25, 08:57 PM
:Pity, I wish I was warned that we would be being subtle. I might've picked some less explosive spells. Oh well, let us be off." With that, Kavor shoulders his pack and heads off.

2010-06-25, 09:53 PM
Whoops, forgot which character this was. Sorry Mortal Dan.

Fine Slut, I'll stop calling you that, but I ain't going into any spell of yours, Calvin and I would rather sleep in a snake infested bog!

Turning to everyone else, If you all insist, but how are we to identify these bandits, hmmm? They going to come riding into town, swords blazing, shouting and hollering, and knocking over stuff?

To Dm
I dare yah! I double dog dare yah!

2010-06-26, 01:29 AM
The captain of the guard interjects, "Actually, yes, that's pretty much exactly what they've been doing lately. What, you thought maybe they were a polite band of thugs? If it weren't for the vast incompetence of my men," he pauses and smacks a nearby guard on the chest plate, knocking him over, I would've ambushed 'em already. As it is, they're just a bit more experienced then us and in greater numbers. Their boss seems to know what he's doing, too. I just wish I had more time to train these recruits before shoving them out on duty." He then turns away to help the guard back up and begins giving him some advice.

2010-06-26, 01:56 AM
I just remembered... Catalina says, looking over her book and the notes contained within. There are tunnels under the castle. We can just sneak in that way and surprise the bandits inside. No muss, no fuss, and a castle all to ourselves.

Beowulf DW
2010-06-26, 10:53 AM
Beskar throws up his arms in exasperation. "Are we sneaking in to the castle first, or do we deal with the raiding parties first? It's all a question of the order in which we do this, tunnels or no."

2010-06-26, 06:55 PM
Wait just one minute bitch, you knew there was tunnels into the castle and you just forgot? Forgot it! He turned on his heel and made for the nearest alley. Calvin get on Hurricane and wait behind that house and prepare to ambush the bandits. To the rest of the group, Screw it all! We'll kill bandits here! Lord only knows how I need to hurt someone now! He finished by knocking over another "guard," WEAKLING! and he sat down on a box in the alley and began to tighten his crossbow and prepare for battle. He was ready to kill men and sick of just sitting there talking. Hope the baddies arrive soon. Lest he get bored.

Alth Falath
2010-06-26, 08:02 PM
"So the plan is to let the bandits come into the town and kill them. Does have the advantage of simplicity," Kavor says with a chuckle. If they'll be in soon, it'd be time to prepare.
If within ~ 1-2 hours

Kavor begans to mutter softly. hatobi di waph. 10 glowing balls of light began to hover around him, circling freely.

2010-06-28, 01:10 AM
Hey, dumb and dumber! Catalina says, calling into the alley. As much as I would love to relish the fact of you getting yourselves killed fighting the bandits, I say to say your plan is absolutely the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. Think about this for a moment; She says more quietly once she finds Maxim. You're offered the opportunity to get a jump on the bandits in the castle, using the tunnels to get in. Instead, you decide to be lumbering imbeciles and provoke an unneeded fight. The bandits then realize that someone is killing their men, and we lose the advantage of surprise we had because you two were too stupid and impatient to get the job done properly. And you wonder why I think humans are an embarrassing excuse for a race, because you two morons prove it! Tapping her toe, Catalina continues. I only suppose it's fair to warn you. I'm not helping you out in this, not that you'd ask for it. I get your entire share when you get yourselves killed, and then, you'll remember what a stupid plan this was. Oh wait, no you won't, because you'll be dead due to your own godsforsaken pride and unwillingness to be patient and follow a plan!

Looking to the others, Catalina takes a deep breath, smooths out her hair, and looks to them. I'm sorry about that, but that man has been about twelve seconds from being torched all trip, and now he's starting to push me a little too hard. I propose this. We head into the tunnels, and surprise the guards from the inside, making the fight much easier. If Doltboy and Associate decide to join us, then so be it; our plan goes as normal. If not, they provide a distraction while we sneak into the castle. Crossbow idiot dies, we get a castle, and these people get freed. I say it's a win-win situation all around. Fighting unnecessary battles is just dumb, especially on enemy territory with no idea of their number. Shall we get going?

2010-06-28, 11:00 AM
You know what bitch, you're just trying to egg me into killing you eh? What was I saying for the last ten minutes? And now you even use my own f**ing arguments against me? Well you know what else? F*** You! Calvin! Change of plan! We're storming the castle ourselves! Without her! When next we meet bitch, I'm gunning you down.

With that Maxim would leave town and head right for the castle gate, pausing only to get a sheild of some type, even taking it off an inept guard if necessary.

My God! Maxim's been pushed to storming a castle himself. Maxim will get on Hurricane behind Calvin and hold full defensive with the sheild as they charge the castle gate. He will do this whether or not anyone else joins him on the suicide route. Think of it this way. Free distraction!

Beowulf DW
2010-06-28, 11:29 AM
"Wait, Maxim! I'm coming with you! Just give me a few minutes to meditate!" shouts Beskar as his mind races to choose which manuevers he should ready for this battle.

I'll come up with a list of prepared maneuvers in a bit

Beowulf DW
2010-06-28, 07:55 PM
Beskar beseaches Maxim, "Maxim, she did a complete about-face just now and jumped onto your idea. I think that's the closest that stuck up bitch is ever going to get to admitting that she's wrong. To you, at least. Please, come back."

2010-06-29, 12:37 AM
Okay, so here's what we'll do: since there is currently no plan on where anyone should even be, I'll give a quick description of the tunnels and castle. Everyone one pick a place one way or another, so I can at least tell if I'm splitting the party up and if so, how.

For the castle:
The castle is positioned on a plateau of sorts near the valley walls. The final approach is steep and winding. As one nears it, one can see it is octagonal in shape, with walls roughly twenty feet high and well-lit guard towers at each corner. Although it is hard to make out from a distance, there do appear to be quite a few archers on patrol. Horses and yelling can be heard, albeit indistinctly.

For the tunnels:
A little ways out of town is a hill. Pushing aside some brush, a tunnel entrance can be seen. Although it branches and twists quite a bit at first, the dwarf who spoke of it gave good instructions, and it eventually becomes a relatively straight walk at a mild incline. The tunnel is roughly cylindrical, with bits of bracing here and there.

Spot and listen checks if you're looking for anything more detailed, of course. Also, should anyone not update within the next two days or so and the party does split up, I'll be placing you myself.

2010-06-29, 07:28 AM
Do you really think so? Hmmm... That sneaky bitch! She's wiggling around the rules of our bet! She egged me into doing something that seemed suicidal, so that she'd get my share! We'll see about that! Maxim made an imeadiate about face, catching even Calvin off guard as he scrambled to follow.
Now see here mystic! I see what you're trying and its not going to work on me and Calvin! We're joining you in your tunnels! ... Now where are they?

How is that? If Maxim flip flops any more he might just get a gold in gymnastics.

Alth Falath
2010-06-29, 07:49 PM
Kavorr heads into the tunnel, humming a song to himself. He waits a bit to see if anyone has followed him.

Beowulf DW
2010-07-02, 02:16 PM
Beskar sits at the entrance to the tunnels, checking and listening for any sign that the tunnels are occupied.

Listen check: [roll0]
Spot check: [roll1]

2010-07-03, 09:07 PM
Weirded out alittle bit from the casters lack of retort, Maxim saw Kavoor walk away and followed him to the tunnel and in. Maxim pulled out some torches and lit them giving one to Calvin and anyone else who wants one, save the caster. Keep your eyes pealed. We don't know if this might be a trap.

Maxim Spot[roll0]
Maxim Listen [roll1]
Calvin Spot [roll2]
Calvin Listen [roll3]

2010-07-09, 12:06 AM
There are no signs of traps in the tunnels, or even of recent use. After several hours of trudging slowly uphill, the party eventually comes to a stone wall with a door outlined in it. Pushing in on the door, the group enters into a small maze of corridors. With Catalina leading the way, the group eventually makes it to a torchlit hallway. Voices can be heard around the corner.

Sorry, late update is late. I blame laziness and four hour sleep schedules. Hopefully my week won't get this bad again. Anyway, listen and spot checks, por favor.

2010-07-09, 07:02 AM
Maxim was a little on edge. Not because of the tunnel or anything like that, but because the wizard was being so quiet. At first it was nice not having to hear her, but as the dark dusty tunnel went on he began to wonder what she was doing being so quiet.

Maxim has his crossbow out and loaded with adamantine bolts and Calvin has his sword at the ready. Neither want to be caught off guard again.

Maxim spot [roll0]
Maxim listen [roll1]
Calvin spot [roll2]
Calvin listen [roll3]

OMG, I can hear everything!

Alth Falath
2010-07-09, 08:30 PM
"So shall we go in?"

2010-07-09, 10:11 PM
Of course! Not like I'm afraid of whatever could be in there. said Maxim as he went in.

2010-07-09, 10:34 PM
You know, I could have just summoned a monkey to check it out. Oh well, two monkeys are better than one, I guess. Catalina says as she quickly opens up a portal to the Upper Planes and pulls down a monkey to scout ahead. (Summon Monster I to summon a celestial monkey.)

Go ahead with the idiot and try to distract anyone who tries to kill him. It would be a shame to have him die before admitting he was wrong.

2010-07-11, 04:12 PM
I am not a monkey caster! Just keep that abmomitalble beast away from me.

2010-07-12, 12:55 AM
Well, Maxim did hear some idle banter between guards about how stupid it is to be guarding the basement, but anyway...

A pair of guards are standing idly in the hallway. On seeing Maxim walk into view, they level their crossbows at him:
"Hey! Who the hell are you? What are you doing down here? ...And is that a monkey following you?"

2010-07-12, 03:58 PM
Why yes it is. Maxim said calmly as he opened up a barrage of bolts on them, beginning with one and moving to the other if the first dropped.

First Shot
Damage Crit[roll3]

Second Shot
Damage Crit[roll7]

Third Shot
Damage Crit[roll11]

Following close behind Calvin would charge the second guard (the one not immediately shot by Maxim) if possible. If not then he would move into position to charge next round. Ragh!

Damage Crit[roll15]

CommentsThats what you get for wasting your round talking!
Yay! Crit on my third shot! Boo waste of 20 on second shot.

Alth Falath
2010-07-12, 07:08 PM
Kavor hold back, preparing to heal anyone who is injured, but otherwise not interfering.