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2010-05-19, 11:43 PM
So after many a year of playing around on lans and running around solo i finally got around to buying my own legit copy for online play( read failure). However i know next to nothing about the online D2 community, and noticed that there was no ongoing thread. Anyone on the playground still play a lot, or would be willing to help learn how to do some diabolic power leveling?

Note that im not asking someone to run my character around and get me lots of phat loot. Im just looking for a little help with what classes are good for leveling up and looking for some loot.

Lycan 01
2010-05-19, 11:48 PM
Diablo 2 is fun, but I never really enjoyed the online gameplay. There was a lot of cheating and hacking, IIRC. And the players themselves were mostly powergamers, who would rush through each level while I just kinda trotted along like "What's going on? Where are we going? Wait, why'd ya'll leave me in here alone with all these stronger monsters?! :smalleek:"

I've been meaning to pick up a mouse for my laptop so I can get back into it, though. It was still a fun game, and I figure I could find a few cool folks to play with. If I get back into it, I'll let ya know. :smallsmile:

2010-05-20, 03:53 AM
I believe that Blizzard went on another Purge of Diablo II recently deleting an exceptionally large number of the accounts. There is indeed a large amount of hacking and cheating goes on, but you won't find them quite so often these days.

My suggestion is to find a group of friends and play with them online.

2010-05-20, 04:04 AM
Online play should only be partaken of with friends. It's essentially a way to play LAN without needing to be in the same building. You might try and brave the wilds and see if you can find a new friend out amongst the faceless waves of random people, but only if you are truly desperate for people to play with should you do so.

Oh, and never play with someone higher level than you or who hacks, or who talks in l33tsp33k or tries to sell you something or speaks another language. Nothing good can come of it.

2010-05-20, 04:07 AM
There used to be a pretty active series of threads back when I played.

Also: On the powergaming:
Most of us(atleast me and a lot of others) do that because we've played the original game to death and were mainly playing for the economics and the uber-tristing and things around that.

And we don't complain about being left around higher monsters, unless you were rushing us.

But yeah, I haven't played in quite some time.

Also all the bots and such were getting tiring.(Also after they invented stupid friggen ubertrist-bots they finally realized ''oh ****'' and made it so that you can't run that anymore. Instead of you know, doing something against the bots:smallsigh:)

2010-05-20, 05:32 AM
My last memory of Bnet involved tons of bots flooding my screen with tons of messages about selling cheap magic gear. :smallfurious:

Sir Enigma
2010-05-20, 06:23 AM
I'm still playing online - if you connect to USEast, look for *SirEnigma, and I'd be happy to either play a new character or bring in a high level one to give you a hand.

As far as easy characters to start with, a summon necromancer (raise skeleton, skeleton mastery, corpse explosion) can beat the whole game right through Hell with only self found equipment - I can testify to this, because it's what I did. It's also fairly effective for running Diablo and Baal to build up some loot for other characters. Another one I've had good luck with is an amazon focusing on Lightning Fury/Charged Strike/Freezing Arrow - since it's skill based, you have less need for elite gear.

Also, if you save all the flawless gems you find and cube them to perfect, you can trade for quite a bit of midrange gear this way. I prefer to use the forums at http://diablo.incgamers.com rather than trading directly on BNet.

2010-05-20, 07:27 AM
I went for a pure summon Necro the first time around -- however, this was before I realised I had more than one skill tree, and also back before Blizzard severely nerfed the number of Skeletons I could summon at once.

Needless to say, once I hit the end of Act I, I found myself stuck fighting the boss with nothing but a single Clay Golem and my weapon once I ran out of corpses for Skeletons.

Then I went Sorceress and burned my way through the entire game. :D

LAN games with my friends tend to become semi-races to the finish through the entire game -- with the only cooperation seemingly the use of Town Portals so we can group up. Needless to say, Tarquin the Necromancer has an endless selection of corpses from which to summon.

2010-05-20, 08:33 AM
I'm still playing online - if you connect to USEast, look for *SirEnigma, and I'd be happy to either play a new character or bring in a high level one to give you a hand.

Thanks, a twinkerific friend of mine gave me mostly the same advice necro wise this morning so i'll give that a shot, and i would love to game with you after i've had a chance to get into it a bit. But whats this that he says about no trist running? If thats true than i really am about to go off the deep end here.

Sir Enigma
2010-05-20, 08:37 AM
You summon fewer skeletons now, but each skeleton is significantly stronger - summon necros got a LOT better with the 1.10 patch. The bosses in Normal mode can get a bit hairy as you won't have skeletons and mastery maxed (clay golems and Iron Maiden are your best friends here), but my current necro can solo Diablo and Baal in Hell difficulty and, between skeletons, Clay Golem, mercenary and Decrepify curse, generally doesn't lose a skeleton. It's great fun watching Diablo take 5 seconds to make a single attack :smallbiggrin: It is necessary to use the curses properly though - mostly Amplify Damage and Decrepify, but the crowd control curses (Dim Vision, Confuse, Attract) shouldn't be underestimated either. Corpse explosion is also invaluable in later difficulties, otherwise your kill speed gets a bit low.

Generally, if you don't have lots of gear, I find that skill-based builds (ones where your damage isn't based on your weapon damage) tend to be a bit easier than physical damage builds - most of the physical ones really need some good equipment in the higher difficulties.

2010-05-20, 10:42 AM
Actually my friend and I just recently got back into playing d2, and ive been wanting to try a necro that does more golem / curses and whatnot (i usually do summon skellies :P) On us east i use the account name Crixon, if anyone wants to play pm me here and we can try to set something up, im always busy weekdays till 5 pm PST and weekends till around that time too

2010-05-20, 12:08 PM
D2 is still an on-off thing for me, I can still squeeze some fun out of this game somehow. I might join you sometime this summer (my finals just finished :smallbiggrin:). There are a few archived threads about it, but not anything worth searching for, IMHO.

I've never played with them, but I've heard the people on TheAmazonBasin are pretty fun, and I use their website as a resource for the technical stuff.

And actually, now might be the best time to play with random people on bnet. The main things to watch for, assuming you don't play in Hardcore, are scams for unfair trades (quickly swap an item for an identical looking item) or (worse) get any kind of information on your account password.

This might sound inane at first, but I've really seen it happen an obscene amount of times. Don't tell anyone anything about your password and make sure it's reasonably secure (more than 3-5 words, not all the same letter, etc). There's nothing to gain from sharing the password to your account since only one person can use an account at a time. And you don't have to worry about making it too complex if you write it down somewhere, even in a file on your computer. World of Warcraft players worry about keylisteners, but that's never happened to me.

There can be some really messed up people on bnet, but they're usually ignore-able.

2010-05-20, 03:40 PM
Alright, I was just thinking of making a thread about D2. Back in the day we used to have a weekly group from GitP that would play. However, we've mostly drifted away from that as our lives got busy. I know that Myself, Winterwind, and Libertarian_SDR have all expressed interest and occasionally run into each other on the US East server (ASAIK the most active and easily reached server for most playgrounders). The only thing is that the three people I have listed play predominatly Hardcore (One life mode essentially), this adds to the drama of the game; knowing that you cannot die without losing most of your possesions and having to start over.

About power gaming, most of the playgrounds don't do it. There are also several online groups that stick to playing mostly through the whole game. These groups include The Amazon Basin, and other ones such as Barron Bazzar. These groups reject third party programs, and dupes (basicly if you or a member of their group didn't see it drop with their own two eyes, don't use it).

If you play on US East it would be a good idea to goto the channel "Op GitP" and add the bit thats there to your friends list. Doing so means that it is notified everytime you enter B.net and it has list function that will display all the online users. The command is ".fl" and it might take a second to load the list (you will probably need to be given bot access too, but anyone can do that). This makes it easy for people to meet up even if they are not on the same game (D2 also shares servers with SC and War3) and if they do not have each other listed on their individual friend lists. If you see either "ALightBreeze" or "u-gotNOgame@Azeroth" that means I'm currently online.

Personally I love unique and quirky builds, that is builds that take either some skill and/or time to acheive the goals set out by the game, this in conjunction with playing in HC mode mean that I very rarely accept help or get "rushed" through acts. My latest project was a Singer Barbarian that solo'd most of the game and all of the act bosses. Though, some builds that make a big splash with little to no gear investment are the summoner necro, Hammerdin, and basically any single element sorc for running act bosses, or dual elements for running high level areas. If you have any specific questions feel free to ask here or PM me.


2010-05-21, 07:55 AM
You summon fewer skeletons now, but each skeleton is significantly stronger

Bah It's clearly all about having more minions than can be displayed on screen.

Actually, I'd settle for infinite duration.

Sir Enigma
2010-05-21, 08:49 AM
Bah It's clearly all about having more minions than can be displayed on screen.

Actually, I'd settle for infinite duration.

Don't quite understand this - am I missing something? Revives die after 3 minutes, but skeletons/skeleton mages/golems stay around until they're killed, you're killed or you leave the game.

2010-05-21, 09:12 AM
You are correct, i hear golems stay around though. At least i hear iron golem does, never proven it myself though. But ill definately see about checking out that channel, and if i recall it is case sensitive right?

2010-05-21, 09:20 AM
You are correct, i hear golems stay around though. At least i hear iron golem does, never proven it myself though. But ill definately see about checking out that channel, and if i recall it is case sensitive right?

Iron Golems *do* stay around, yes--considering they're often made from expensive bits of weaponry or armour it would be a bit of a git if they didn't!

2010-05-21, 09:38 AM
But ill definately see about checking out that channel, and if i recall it is case sensitive right?No, it's not.

I've been playing occasionally lately, just got my sorceress to Act 2. As u-gotNOgame mentioned though, I pretty much play hardcore mode only. My account is Dream.Child, though the chances of actually running into me (considering how sporadically I log on) are rather slim.

Zen Monkey
2010-05-21, 11:38 AM
I haven't played this in many years, but there's one thing I never understood. How do you give items from one of your characters to another? Am I missing a trick here, or do you just hand them to another player and switch characters? I used to see 'mule' characters all the time, but never understood how one person could move gear around without help.

2010-05-21, 11:47 AM
I haven't played this in many years, but there's one thing I never understood. How do you give items from one of your characters to another? Am I missing a trick here, or do you just hand them to another player and switch characters? I used to see 'mule' characters all the time, but never understood how one person could move gear around without help.

You do need a third party involved somewhere, but you don't need to actually give them your loot. You can just drop whatever you want to transfer somewhere, leave, come in with your other character, and pick it up at-will. If you don't have a friend that can sit there for the time it takes to do that, you can risk going into someone else's game, and hoping that you can do the switch without them stealing it. Dropping the loot somewhere hidden is a good idea in any case, but just make sure that you can get there with both characters.

2010-05-21, 11:56 AM
If a player is in a bnet game for longer than five minutes or so, then that game world persists through time when noone is in that game, including the items left on the ground. I've done this plenty of times, it's nice for fiddling with twinking gear like Khalim's Will. If you create a game and everyone leaves it immediately, or only after dropping items, or anytime less than that five minute or so window, that particular game is much less persistent and it's especially likely to eat your items if bnet is lagging. So you don't always need a helper (but they're nice to have in case you get a rejoin error from joining too many games too quickly or something).

I'm not sure if I'd want to play hardcore again or not. I figure I'll fix things up for playing on bnet again this afternoon, some bugs got in from my latest escapades with mods. But yeah, playing D2 at higher resolutions is really fun and also pretty much cheating. AFAIK, only available in Single Player.

2010-05-21, 11:00 PM
If we get a time setup where we get together every week or so, I'd love to pick D2 back up again.

Don't really mind restarting on USEast as all of my previous characters (HC on Europe, SC on USWest) were pre-patch and are thus no longer ladder characters.

Never really pubbed much, but the group I ran with on Europe managed to make it all the way through Hell on HC.

2010-05-21, 11:34 PM
Hoo boy. Diablo 2. Actually, I got the alias Dentrag from the manual for D2.

Yeah, I'd love to play at some point, but we'd have to schedule a time.

2010-05-22, 02:15 AM
I would love to do a scheduled time thing with everyone, what times would be good for everyone. I suppose we should go with like EST since us east seems to be the main concentration. Thats like gmt -4 right?

2010-05-22, 03:20 AM
I would love to do a scheduled time thing with everyone, what times would be good for everyone. I suppose we should go with like EST since us east seems to be the main concentration. Thats like gmt -4 right?

GMT -5 for the east coast of the US.

I'm GMT -8 myself, but I'm available at pretty much any time. I won't be around for this coming week, but I'll be down for anything after next friday.

2010-05-22, 04:28 AM
I think most of us aren't actually at East Coast, it's just the best server/community out of the D2 LoD servers/communities.

I know for one I'm at GMT -1 and -3, for Winterwind(and Amiria, if she still plays) I think. Something around there.

2010-05-22, 12:38 PM
I was on in the last few days, mainly to save my chars from expiring. But also to try to get some expensive charms through trading for my Lightning Sorceress.

I haven't started anything in the new ladder season that came with the 1.13 patch. So I'm only non-ladder currently.

2010-05-22, 02:28 PM
I know for one I'm at GMT -1 and -3, for Winterwind(and Amiria, if she still plays) I think. Something around there.GMT-1 for both Amiria and me as well actually.

2010-05-22, 07:37 PM
Weird, I remember us being a couple of hours apart.

Silly timezones.

2010-05-23, 09:14 AM
I am also up for D2 . I have been looking for some people to start a new char for some time now.

2010-05-23, 02:38 PM
I'd be up for late morning/early afternoon GMT -8 in order to accommodate the large number of European players, but I'm not sure how many other players in the GMT -5 through -8 timezones could make it.

2010-05-24, 12:12 AM
HMmm id definately like to give it a shot, not sure how much i would be able to play with you guys, all depends on what days, and what time, i cant go past 9 pm PST, so i mean starting around 5 pm PST on a week day is ok, i may be late but meh, but its all good, id probably play a necro with tricks, and use a golem, we should setup a time and a game name / password, but definately on the eastern server most people play there, start at level 1? maybe play one day a week or something?

2010-05-24, 02:13 AM
From previous experience, one day a week tends to be ideal as we'll get a more consistent showing and it helps prevent people from burning out on the game.

Ideally, we'd run as a group during set times and do farming/etc solo. However, things change a bit if we're running HC as a few players will die along the way.

I'll definitely be starting at level one, though, as I've got nothing on USEast.

If we do it in the evenings, my vote's for Monday as I've got other gaming commitments Tues/Thurs and, fairly frequently, Wed/Fri as well.

I'm down for playing any non-melee class if we do HC.

2010-05-24, 02:50 AM
...Just when I lose my CD key, something like this starts up. Darn it.

2010-05-24, 07:43 AM
skeletons/skeleton mages/golems stay around until they're killed, you're killed or you leave the game.

Played some D2 at the weekend. Don't know if it's because I bumped my skills up to 99, but my Skeletons and Skeleton Mages kept dying off in the starting area to the weakest mobs in the game.

Once, I looked up and saw that I'd just lost twenty in five seconds. That shouldn't have happened normally.

Sir Enigma
2010-05-24, 11:32 AM
I'm good for Monday nights, may be a bit erratic though. I'm on GMT, but on a pretty flexible schedule and can easily stay up late enough to meet people on US time. Depending on what people plan to play, I've got plans for either a sorceress or a melee druid to start from low level.

Played some D2 at the weekend. Don't know if it's because I bumped my skills up to 99, but my Skeletons and Skeleton Mages kept dying off in the starting area to the weakest mobs in the game.

Once, I looked up and saw that I'd just lost twenty in five seconds. That shouldn't have happened normally.

Yeah, that's a bit weird - I raise mine with a skill level somewhere in the mid 30s and they're very slow to die even against mobs in Chaos Sanctuary/WS K in Hell. You must have got some kind of overflow error from stacking the skills that high resulting in very low life/defense, there's no way to get them there normally so the programming probably doesn't account for it properly

2010-05-24, 02:17 PM
I know for certain that there is an overflow on damage. You want to avoid it if you're editing a character for pvp stomping on open bent. :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-24, 07:30 PM
Me personally id rather not play HC as if we have any new players to the game id rather they not die, and me personally i know im going to die once in awhile :P i have bad luck. But monday is good, i could do mondays as i dont normally stay out at the barn anyway. 6 pm PST would be a good time for me, how about everyone else who may be willing?

Sir Enigma
2010-05-24, 08:04 PM
well, I'll be on for a little while if anyone wants to look me up - just message *sirenigma.

2010-05-24, 08:33 PM
Assuming your playing lord of destruction:

1. Make summon necromancer
2. Get rushed to level 90 in a day
3. Solo hell baal for phat loots
4. Never need gear again on any other character
5. ???
6. Profit

2010-05-24, 10:12 PM
Assuming your playing lord of destruction:

1. Make summon necromancer
2. Get rushed to level 90 in a day
3. Solo hell baal for phat loots
4. Never need gear again on any other character
5. ???
6. Profit

Bah, wheres the fun in that!

2010-05-24, 11:35 PM
Me personally id rather not play HC as if we have any new players to the game id rather they not die, and me personally i know im going to die once in awhile :P i have bad luck. But monday is good, i could do mondays as i dont normally stay out at the barn anyway. 6 pm PST would be a good time for me, how about everyone else who may be willing?

Some people will die, yes, but PvE loses it's edge fast if there's nothing on the line but a bit of worthless gold.

The only thing is that you need to avoid playing a melee character as FE (Esp FE/LE) bosses and the IM casting dread knights (recalling the mob correctly?) near Diablo.

I've lost a 50ish Pally with 12-20% damage resistance (The unique armor that had ~8% and a unique sash that had a fair bit as well) with 90%+ hp to the FE council member in NM. Up until that point, FE bosses were a breeze, only doing minimal damage.

If you want a safe character, roll a trap assassin. They're not terribly great at the beginning, but once you get an Insight polearm on your merc they are one of the best classes.

2010-05-24, 11:50 PM
I'll join in as well. Did we get a time? Monday nights work fine for me. (Hopefully you didn't already start tonight?)

2010-05-25, 12:24 AM
Yea is monday nights looking like the theme?

2010-05-25, 04:55 AM
Seems like Monday is as close to a consensus as we'll be getting ;p

But the question of HC/SC remains. I'd definitely prefer running HC.

2010-05-25, 04:58 AM
SC, hands down. HC is fine if you're on your own and want to have a challenge, but with a group that's out to have fun it'll just be annoying, especially if there's lag. There's already going to be enough headaches about differing levels and people getting each other killed, no reason to make that all worse.

Edit: As for class, It'll probably depend heavily on what everyone else is doing, but I've always loved me some summoner necro, if nobody else takes it.

2010-05-25, 06:18 AM
So ... in the end is this thing ever gonna happen ? O.o

Prince Gimli
2010-05-25, 07:56 AM
Some people will die, yes, but PvE loses it's edge fast if there's nothing on the line but a bit of worthless gold.

The only thing is that you need to avoid playing a melee character as FE (Esp FE/LE) bosses and the IM casting dread knights (recalling the mob correctly?) near Diablo.

Actually, Iron maiden was removed in the 1.13 patch. And while I agree that it was too powerful against Melee characters in it's current form, removing it completely seems like overreacting to me. They could have just made the Oblivion Knight's curse far less powerful than the one the Necromancer uses. I liked the fact that the Chaos Sanctuary was dangerous, and that you had to be careful as a melee characters.

Which brings me to a downside of this otherwise great game; the only real challenges are monsters that can kill you in a few hits (Gloams, FE/LE, the old Oblivion Knights), because one simply heals through the rest with potions. At least that gets changed in Diablo 3.

2010-05-25, 09:11 AM
I can see why plenty of our GitPers want to play in HC, and I can respect that because I liked going through HC myself, but I think I would prefer going back to SC so as to comfortably play with people who aren't as serious as I was back then.

But I have already been lured into a bit of progress for HC games. Eh.

2010-05-25, 09:33 AM
I wasnt there monday, so i figure we got all this time to prep, and perhaps hammer out characters so we dont get so many doubledups? I was thinking of doing golem necro, with bone armor/spear/spirit and wall + prison perhaps,

I do have an idea of using corpse explosion and poison stuff but i may not if we have a summoner, barin that i could be somethin else, got many ideas :P Like bowzon, or a paladin, what stats id do i dont know :P or possibly a shouting barbarian :D

Also, the main reason i dont want to do HC is because its no fun if someone dies and in then gone, because its not as relaxed and just in general fun. I figure these characters will only be played in the group, and we try to stay around the same level as everyone else, or within a level, and just go through the entire game (all 3 difficulties) and just explore everything.

Sir Enigma
2010-05-25, 09:41 AM
I'm definitely voting for SC here - my connection isn't reliable enough for HC, and it's annoying enough to get lag-killed without losing my character entirely. Characterwise, I've got plans either for a melee-fire druid or a fire/cold sorceress depending on what people are playing. I've also got some low-mid level gear on some of my other characters that I'd be willing to share.

2010-05-25, 09:43 AM
Actually, Iron maiden was removed in the 1.13 patch. And while I agree that it was too powerful against Melee characters in it's current form, removing it completely seems like overreacting to me. They could have just made the Oblivion Knight's curse far less powerful than the one the Necromancer uses. I liked the fact that the Chaos Sanctuary was dangerous, and that you had to be careful as a melee characters.

The only problem with making it a really nerfed version of IM is that charecters regularly deal upwards of 1000% of their health in damage. so even a paltry percentage would cause severe head ache. This is magnified when you start talking about multiple hit uninteruptable high damage attacks (Zeal, Fury, Double swing, Frenzy, even concentration to a certain point).

Monday would work for me, I guess... the only thing is I will be playing HC regaurdless of what the rest of the group is doing. I just don't find the fun in SC any more not that I've started HC.


Sir Enigma
2010-05-25, 10:19 AM
Maybe what we need to do is split into a HC and a SC group? There appear to be enough people on each side of the fence to have a decent game.

2010-05-25, 10:49 AM
Well I am up for a game in ... 2 hours? Atm it's 6:48 Pm here (in Romania) so two hours from now I might be on. US east

2010-05-25, 11:20 AM
Bah, wheres the fun in that!

You can't see the appeal of having your own personal army, one that neither demands payment nor gives you backtalk? One that will willingly throw itself in front of every attack meant for your own body? That you have a nigh-infinite supply of? :D

2010-05-25, 11:54 AM
Monday would work for me, I guess... the only thing is I will be playing HC regaurdless of what the rest of the group is doing. I just don't find the fun in SC any more not that I've started HC. This pretty much applies to me, too.

You can't see the appeal of having your own personal army, one that neither demands payment nor gives you backtalk? One that will willingly throw itself in front of every attack meant for your own body? That you have a nigh-infinite supply of? :DIf one skipped the entire game where one could have actually used that army, and reduces oneself to grinding one boss several hundred times? No, not really. :smalltongue:

2010-05-25, 12:31 PM
For classes i was considering doing the zeal paladin. That or a druid of some kind or another.

2010-05-25, 01:22 PM
I was playing out of the channel in the last hour or so. No more Iron Maiden is nice, finally I can MF in the CS and WSK without my merc getting KO'd by OKs every 30 seconds.

Nooblade was on too, but apparently not from the channel (didn't show up with the .fl command).

Well, he was on HC-L and I on SC-NL, so we were worlds apart.

2010-05-25, 01:54 PM
Well, if anyone knows how to recover/get new CD keys for Lord of Destruction, I'd be willing to join in. Not really particular about what I play.

2010-05-25, 02:06 PM
Did you ever register it on bnet. That should let you get the cd key back.

2010-05-25, 02:27 PM
I have not played Diablo 2 in a while but ...

Patch 1.13 was released on 23 March 2010, and also included a ladder reset. The most prominent change is the addition of the respec feature.

RESPEC !!!!1!!!11

2010-05-25, 02:48 PM
mhmmm picked a good time to start playin!

Alright, we should tally who is playing on monday and who is doing normal and who is doing HC, i will probably go on the normal side, just because id rather live if i screw up and die :P

So one vote to normal.

2010-05-25, 03:24 PM
I play normal too. Made a bowazon named Jamelie. I am in game right now. US East

2010-05-25, 03:46 PM
Sorry blood, im at work for another ... 45 mins, but i wont be home for around 3 hours or a little more, if you want to play we could then, just i wont play my necromancer that ill be doing on monday,

2010-05-25, 03:51 PM
Don't worry , there is always another day ^.^ .

By the way, is there any way to keep track of each other in game ? Joining random games usually sucks .. I finished act 1 with lvl 5 lol ...

2010-05-25, 04:02 PM
If two people add each other to their friends list, they'll be able to keep track of what games they're in. If only one person adds, you'll see that the other person is online, but nothing more.

If my memory is serving me correctly, that is...

2010-05-25, 04:04 PM
Did you ever register it on bnet. That should let you get the cd key back.

Oh? How? I think I've registered on Bnet. I mean, I remember playing D2 over it a couple times with friends, though I'm not sure if one has to register for that.

2010-05-25, 04:20 PM
I suppose that if there is a serious HC sub-group, we should have a fair supply of healadins around, If one dies the group has an easy replacement.

I already have a level 17 Healadin at the moment. A2 just got the cube.

2010-05-25, 04:43 PM
Im running around a bit on my necro, but i cant find how to get onto the gitpg channel people keep going on about. Also we should get a list of people's names in game to keep track of each other.

2010-05-25, 05:49 PM
Im running around a bit on my necro, but i cant find how to get onto the gitpg channel people keep going on about. Also we should get a list of people's names in game to keep track of each other.1. You make sure USEast is selected as your gateway when logging onto BattleNet.
2. After entering BattleNet, there is a button labeled "Start Chat" at the bottom left. Click it. That leads you into a default chat-room.
3. On the right, there is a button labeled "Channel". Click it. It brings up a list of default channels you can choose from, and a text field above that where you can enter the name of channels not on the list.
4. Click that text field. Type op GitP into it and hit enter. Done.

2010-05-25, 07:02 PM
Oh? How? I think I've registered on Bnet. I mean, I remember playing D2 over it a couple times with friends, though I'm not sure if one has to register for that.

1) Go to www.battle.net.
2) Click on "Create or Manage a Battle.net Account".
3) Enter user-name and password.
4) Look for Diablo II and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction on the list below.
5) Click "Manage Game" below the desired game
6) ???
7) Profit!
Downloading D2 right now. Will be on later tonight to try things out, if anyone else is on, but otherwise I'll plan on having a level 1 necro up on monday.

2010-05-25, 10:06 PM
Well, looks like I never registered, or if I did the email address no longer exists. Oh well.

2010-05-25, 10:20 PM
Agentpaper are you doing hard core or regular? And my account name (to make it easy) is Crixon on d2, so add me if you all want

2010-05-26, 01:21 AM
cant find how to get onto the gitpg channel

You can set your default-channel now, via the registry.

Make a textfile containing these lines:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\Diablo II]
"Default Channel"="op gitp"
name the file something like d2-channel.reg, then in win-explorer, click on it.

From now on, in D2 you can just click "enter chat" to get into our channel.

Regarding SC/HC, I haven't played enough HC to be comfortable there,
but with a nice group it can be done (e.g. theamazonbasin (http://www.theamazonbasin.com/d2/) ).

I made some new chars on USeast as hajo2 and toxinator.

2010-05-26, 03:36 AM
We want to setup a standardized name/password so it's easy to join other GitP players?

I'll likely run with a barb initially and later convert him to a farming character if he survives long enough. I've dabbled with most classes before, so not quite sure what to take all the way through...

I'll definitely be playing HC, though, as there are several others who'll be playing that regardless. And, honestly, it's not as bad as it seems. You just have to play it safe: always carry full rejuves and learn to quickly quit the game if things get ugly. Gear matters more than the particular character anyways, so death isn't all that big of a deal. Unlike your character, however, your gear will survive so long as another player is in the server with you that you allow to loot your corpse.

2010-05-26, 08:01 PM
For everyone I know, we just use gitp//gitp (or gitp1//gitp, etc, as necessary) for game name and password.

Also, I had an idea. If the Softcore and Hardcore meet at different times, than players with some extra time and an interest in both (maybe noone other than me) don't have to pick one.

But either way, I have accounts nooblade and nooblade-sc on USEast.

2010-05-26, 09:31 PM
Im sticking to softcore, at least until i stop playing on my laptops mouse pad and get a real mouse. And my acount name is dragonus45, same as here. Same as everywhere.

2010-05-28, 04:27 AM
Bah, wheres the fun in that!

Exactly. It's not fun.

2010-05-28, 04:37 AM
I havent played in forever, but this is nice that your all doing it on the server i played on... My account name is Callibretto but I might create a new one since im out of slots due to mules....

2010-05-31, 02:57 AM
I got my first self-found high rune yesterday. Diablo dropped an Ohm !

So that's the second thing that I experienced first hand and really like in the new patch.

I know about restatting - all my characters got that option at the witch now - and found some of those essences already but so far I haven't used it ... I currently only play my Lightning Sorceress and she is fine as she is.

2010-05-31, 04:49 AM
Sucks that you can only re-stat once. You'd think they'd do something like make it cost increasing amount of gold or SoJs to try and get rid some of the excess of those.

2010-05-31, 04:55 AM
Sucks that you can only re-stat once. You'd think they'd do something like make it cost increasing amount of gold or SoJs to try and get rid some of the excess of those.

I recall there being three potential respects, one for each difficulty level, but I could be mistaken.

2010-05-31, 06:44 AM
I recall there being three potential respects, one for each difficulty level, but I could be mistaken.That is indeed the case.

Also, I'll be on at about 4 or 5 PM EST (won't make it any earlier, sorry).

2010-05-31, 06:51 AM
Eh, maybe later in June or so I will attempt some softcore games on either Europe or USEast. I'd like to play some Diablo.

2010-05-31, 07:49 AM
I recall there being three potential respects, one for each difficulty level, but I could be mistaken.

I believe characters created pre-1.13(and have completed the Den of Evil quest) are only allowed one respec in Hell, while new ones get one respec per difficulty. Feel free to correct me on that, though.

2010-05-31, 08:10 AM
Im not 100% sure when i will be home but somewhere around 5 - 6 PST which is of course 8 - 9 EST If anyone is going to be playing/ have a created game, let everyone know on here, but if we start around that time then I will be able to play upon start at that time.

2010-05-31, 08:16 AM
How does the respec work? Is it only once or do you get multiples?

2010-05-31, 08:55 AM
How does the respec work? Is it only once or do you get multiples?

I recall there being three potential respects, one for each difficulty level, but I could be mistaken.

I believe characters created pre-1.13(and have completed the Den of Evil quest) are only allowed one respec in Hell, while new ones get one respec per difficulty. Feel free to correct me on that, though.
I suppose, to be more specific, characters created pre-1.13 which have already completed the Den quest for all acts would be allowed one Hell respec. (Basically, the respec is enabled once you complete the den quest. If the character already completed the Den quest, too bad.)

There's also respec tokens....

2010-05-31, 09:31 AM
I got one after I completed the den quest on my new character. Oh well, I'm not going for a specific build anyways. I play for fun with my friend so builds don't matter.

That being said. I have a level 13 paladin. I <3 Thorn. Everything dies so quickly when you have a sorcerer with level 12 Charged Bolt+items boosting it, and a Paladin with level 8 thorn (the others went into pre-reqs and 1-2 into Blessed Aim for synergy bonuses for Blessed HAmmer.)

2010-05-31, 04:50 PM
I got one after I completed the den quest on my new character. Oh well, I'm not going for a specific build anyways. I play for fun with my friend so builds don't matter.

That being said. I have a level 13 paladin. I <3 Thorn. Everything dies so quickly when you have a sorcerer with level 12 Charged Bolt+items boosting it, and a Paladin with level 8 thorn (the others went into pre-reqs and 1-2 into Blessed Aim for synergy bonuses for Blessed HAmmer.)

Are you on useast?

2010-05-31, 05:10 PM
I'm on Europe.


2010-05-31, 07:06 PM
So, that was fun. Though I had kinda hoped more people would show up. :smalltongue:

Still, SirSigfried, nooblade, Ashery and me showed that nasty Duriel what's what. Are in the low 20ies now and just reached Lower Kurast (well, I did; nooblade and Ashery were still playing when I left). Hope to continue this soon. :smallcool:

2010-05-31, 07:35 PM
So, that was fun. Though I had kinda hoped more people would show up. :smalltongue:

Still, SirSigfried, nooblade, Ashery and me showed that nasty Duriel what's what. Are in the low 20ies now and just reached Lower Kurast (well, I did; nooblade and Ashery were still playing when I left). Hope to continue this soon. :smallcool:

Should have called me... are you guys HxC or no? I've never tried HxC and i think i might.

2010-05-31, 10:00 PM
Lol me ash and nooblade played after you guys :P i came in to find them playin lol looks like you guys are playin too early for me it seems but i think us 3 will be playin afterwards :D

2010-05-31, 10:42 PM
Sorry, the holiday here in the states kept me from getting on to game with you guys. I still have my singer sitting in the 80's having completed the game and the neweset addition to my team is "Lucky_Lucy" who will probably use Lightning Fury as her primary attack once it becomes available. Shes sitting at level 10ish and is nearing the close of act 1. Looks like I'll need to put in a side session or two to get her up to speed.

On respecs, since you have three of them it really opens up the option of playing some really, really, powerfull lategame builds that suck earlygame. Since most skills are viable up until about a2 NM some people choose to play front heavy builds (like Teethmancers, or paladins running thorns or holy fire) before they respec for some late game punch.


2010-05-31, 11:18 PM
Yeah, the Barbarian I was playing is still at level 23. Crixon and I quit real soon after Ash left, after getting to level 19 in something like record time (for me anyway, without anyone else giving us their TPs anyway).

The Paladin build with Holy Fire was a lot of fun. I'm inclined to think that it will actually carry me the rest of the way through Normal (but not further, no). I might go for Zeal soon (~level 25 or 30?), but the bonus damage I'm getting from the Resist Fire synergy is still very good, plus I'm also enjoying use of thrown axes. I think that I'll eventually turn cowardly_noob into a FoHer. I'm thinking about deleting or mule-ifying my Smiter just because he's had much more trouble so far.

So, here's what I think so far on the easiest and fastest builds for the early game for each class, which are to be respect out of when necessary. But I'd like input.

Amazon- Magic Arrow was a bit slow on the progress side, but plenty easy. Exploding Arrow requires a bit too much time to warm up for my tastes, if you're going to wait, consider waiting for Charged Strike to really kick in and carry the game. I should get familiar with Jab, see if that's the way to do it.

Assassin- I haven't tested it, but I think that Blade Sentinel will make for a good time. Alternatively, Fists of Fire and/or Tiger Strike in conjunction with some Burst of Speed makes for rapid damage. Getting lots of points into Fire Trap just doesn't look worth it to me, too focused on the early game.

Necromancer- I've always thought that Skelemancers were easiest, but I know that someone out there thinks Bonemancers with lots of points in Teeth are actually easier.

Barbarian- I know that the Double Swing build works really well due to the synergy with Bash. But Bash alone, or one of the Weapon Masteries (the crit chance is pretty good, except for Berserk) may be the way to go if you've got one solid weapon set aside for leveling with.

Paladin- The Holy Fire build was noticeably easier than any start I've done with a Zealer. Also easier than Sacrifice, since no leech is required and the damage is independent of what kind of weapon you use. And like I said, my experience starting with Smite was a lot less fun.

Sorceress- I doubt things can get more generally easy than with Firebolt into Fireball, but I will be experimenting with a Nova (lightning) Sorceress just to see. But the only Sorcs who really need to be respec-ed into are Enchantresses, Orbers, perhaps a Firewall build, or whatever.

Druid- IMHO, it's easy enough to find a weapon for this class that can do enough damage in Werewolf form, and then Feral Rage and Heart of the Wolverine kick in at just the right points for a boost. But I do have a heavy preference for that kind of playing.

I look forward to playing with you folks again on Monday.

2010-06-01, 03:52 AM
Gar. For some reason I thought it was tuesdays. :smallannoyed: :smallsigh:

Oh well, give me the level/quest progress you all are at and I should be able to hit it by next monday in my spare time.

Also, what classes/specs did everyone go for?

2010-06-01, 05:21 AM
First group is in the low 20's, right outside Kurast. That group consists of a lightning sorc, healing paladin, leaping barbarian, another, as of now, still undecided barb.

Second group is in the upper 10's, midway through A2. That group has a bone spear necro, holy fire paladin, and a shapeshifting druid.

2010-06-01, 05:49 AM
I think ill just wait till you guys hit 30-ish and hop on my enchantress.

2010-06-01, 08:11 AM
ash is around level 17 - 18 or something and me and nooblade is 18 -19, we just have to go get the staffs head, thats where we are. And we just did all that in 3 hours, its the fastest ive ever gone through the game :P

2010-06-01, 09:24 AM
First group is in the low 20's, right outside Kurast. That group consists of a lightning sorc, healing paladin, leaping barbarian, another, as of now, still undecided barb.Lightning/Cold sorc, actually (with the good old Chain Lightning/Frozen Orb combo, once I hit level 30 anyway). :smallcool:

2010-06-01, 09:32 AM
Right, I'll be going for a skelemancer then. I'll do some research, but anyone got any tips for me?

Edit: On right now if anyone wants to join me. gn/pw gitp/gitp.

2010-06-01, 10:57 AM
I wish Europe people could play with US people, but oh well.

2010-06-01, 12:12 PM
I wish Europe people could play with US people, but oh well.Erm... *points to the left, at his location* :smallconfused:

And Amiria, Penthar, hajo and Dallas-Dakota all are from Europe, too, and have played with the GitP group on USEast in the past as well, with no difficulties.

We totally can play there. The lag is not bigger than to the Europe server in any noticeable manner. All it takes are two clicks to switch your gateway and creating a new account there.

2010-06-01, 03:38 PM
Erm... *points to the left, at his location* :smallconfused:

And Amiria, Penthar, hajo and Dallas-Dakota all are from Europe, too, and have played with the GitP group on USEast in the past as well, with no difficulties.

We totally can play there. The lag is not bigger than to the Europe server in any noticeable manner. All it takes are two clicks to switch your gateway and creating a new account there.

this this this

2010-06-01, 03:38 PM
Creating a new account would mean creating a new character. It would mean I also play another to play with my friends.

2010-06-01, 03:50 PM
Creating a new account would mean creating a new character. It would mean I also play another to play with my friends.

You mean... You don't love us anymore? :smalleek:

2010-06-01, 06:20 PM
You mean... You don't love us anymore? :smalleek:

I'm just too lazy to re-level. :smallfrown:

2010-06-01, 06:23 PM
Creating a new account would mean creating a new character. It would mean I also play another to play with my friends.Considering we all are playing new characters, not creating a new character to play with us, even if possible, would be kinda pointless, now wouldn't it? :smallwink:

2010-06-01, 07:55 PM
I'm just too lazy to re-level. :smallfrown:


I've now got accounts on Europe and USWest, with the Europe account having several high level HC chars and the USWest having a handful of mid-range SC toons.

Spec wise, I'm not a huge fan of summoners in a group setting, but go for whatever. I'm just speaking from previous experience in a group setting where we learned what class/spec combinations to avoid using in order to prevent the odd one out from being bored as hell. For example, a vengeance paladin would be near useless (Save for his auras) in a group of sorcs, bowazons, and other ae classes.

2010-06-01, 09:15 PM
I'm just too lazy to re-level. :smallfrown:

So you don't love us.

2010-06-01, 09:16 PM
Can we set up a regular play schedule?

2010-06-01, 09:40 PM
Is there a way to bind potions to a keyboard button? A pretty big noob at this game.

edit: Oh nevermind, looks like I just accidentally screwed up the bindings without knowing

2010-06-01, 09:44 PM
This past week we started around mid-afternoon -8GMT (2-3pm?) and went until early evening (8pm). First group included a mix of the European and NA players that were available early and the second group included the NA players that were busy early on (Work, etc) at the expense of the European players that had to head to bed.

I'll be around other times if people want to level up, but the forum isn't the most efficient way to get in touch.

2010-06-02, 11:40 AM
So, do I create an account on US East or West?

2010-06-02, 11:40 AM
This new patch might just get me back into DII again :smallsmile:

2010-06-02, 11:46 AM
So, do I create an account on US East or West?East. Welcome aboard! :smallbiggrin:

2010-06-02, 11:55 AM
I have Diablo 2: LoD. Can I play with you guys?

I've always wanted to try Paladin, but I always end up screwing up the skill tree :/
Might go either Sorc, Necro or Paladin.

EDIT: Are you only playing on the US-East server? Or do you also play on the Europe server?

2010-06-02, 12:02 PM
I've got a game open on USEast named giantitp with giantitp as the password. I'm soloing to get my level 1 character up if anyone cares to join.

Edit: Closed the game. The lag was terrible. There was a second of delay between me hitting something and them taking damage.

2010-06-02, 12:05 PM
I have Diablo 2: LoD. Can I play with you guys?

I've always wanted to try Paladin, but I always end up screwing up the skill tree :/
Might go either Sorc, Necro or Paladin.Go with whatever you want; firstly, since the new patch, there is the possibility to respec, secondly, we have a fair bunch of fairly experienced players who will gladly give you advice. :smallsmile:

And, of course you can play with us. The more, the merrier! :smallsmile:

EDIT: Are you only playing on the US-East server? Or do you also play on the Europe server?USEast only. Which is not a problem, as you can switch gateways as you please (you just have to create a new account on a new server).

EDIT: Though I should note that at least me and the bunch of Playgrounders I played with so far play in Hardcore mode. I don't know if there is also a Softcore group playing.

2010-06-02, 12:14 PM
You can respec now? Awesome.

Hmm, I need to decide whether to play Hardcore or Softcore...
How far are you on Hardcore mode?

2010-06-02, 12:18 PM
You can respec now? Awesome.Once per difficulty.

Hmm, I need to decide whether to play Hardcore or Softcore...
How far are you on Hardcore mode?
First group is in the low 20's, right outside Kurast. That group consists of a lightning sorc, healing paladin, leaping barbarian, another, as of now, still undecided barb.

Second group is in the upper 10's, midway through A2. That group has a bone spear necro, holy fire paladin, and a shapeshifting druid.

2010-06-02, 12:59 PM
I changed my Smiter into a Charger, and suddenly that character becomes very fun to play! I went for the Vigor Synergy instead of the one in Might. And Vigor is pretty useful for setting up a proper charge chain or for moving back in case the chain can't be done. However, in retrospect, Might is a good choice for early levels due to further increasing the amount of mana you can leech back. A Paladin that takes 10 levels in Might and then maxes out Charge would make for an acceptable starter, if the player is comfortable with Charge or interested in quirky playing, but it's certainly not as fast as the straight Holy Fire 'din, at least not for the start, and certainly not with a good eye for shopping (Mauls, Champion Axes, or maybe even Pikes, those kinds of weapons, with mana leech or sockets for skulls by necessity, it can be intimidating).

Anyway, I've been playing a lot, getting a little burnt out, almost killed a couple characters, so I'm going to tone it down a bit.

2010-06-02, 01:08 PM
Awww. Looks like I have to play a lot to keep up with you. Haven't even started my dude(tte) yet...

Also, when I was younger, I kept saying "lol, lightning Sorc sucks" but that's not true, is it?
I mean, Lightning Sorc's are quite powerful, aren't they?

2010-06-02, 01:32 PM
Yes, they are very powerful. The only problem is in Hell the lightning immunes. I found mine really fun to play, got it to 82 I think. Hmm... I might start playing again. And I shall create a summonancer! and also maybe a singer barb, but focus on the necromancer. Also Amiria, or anyone else who plays non ladder I think I have some items, although I might have deleted something.

2010-06-02, 01:33 PM
Awww. Looks like I have to play a lot to keep up with you. Haven't even started my dude(tte) yet...

Also, when I was younger, I kept saying "lol, lightning Sorc sucks" but that's not true, is it?
I mean, Lightning Sorc's are quite powerful, aren't they?

Lightning Sorcs can pump out a lot of damage, yes. I think the biggest drawback to them, and the source of most of the "Lightning Sorcs suck" arguments, is that the minimum damage of your two primary spells (Lightning and Chain Lightning) is always ridiculously low no matter how high you get the skill or its synergies -- I'm talking single-digit damage. For example, my Lightning Sorc's Chain Lightning does anywhere from 4 to 10,000 damage with my current gear. Now while that averages out to 5,002 damage per spell, there is always a chance (however slim) that I could cast 100 Chain Lightning spells and have every single one of them deal 4 damage, and that's where a lot of people probably get turned off from the class. Realistically, however, you're rarely going to deal low damage, and I have no trouble at all killing Hell bosses in a very short period of time.

Anyway, if we figure out a time to play, I'd love to roll up a new character (or bring in one of my existing characters to help, if we decide to go Softcore Non-Ladder).

2010-06-02, 01:44 PM
Anyway, if we figure out a time to play, I'd love to roll up a new character (or bring in one of my existing characters to help, if we decide to go Softcore Non-Ladder).
I wouldn't mind you doing that :P
Not too sure about Hardcore since there's a huge chance that I'll die during the boss fights :/

2010-06-02, 01:45 PM
Anyway, if we figure out a time to play, I'd love to roll up a new character (or bring in one of my existing characters to help, if we decide to go Softcore Non-Ladder).A time to play was figured out several pages ago already, and the first session has already taken place this week. It's on Mondays (evenings for Europeans, afternoons and evenings for Americans). :smallwink:

2010-06-02, 01:49 PM
I think Dragnus has something he needs to do. A hint, it has something to do with the first post, editing, and the meeting time. :smalltongue:

2010-06-02, 01:56 PM
A time to play was figured out several pages ago already, and the first session has already taken place this week. It's on Mondays (evenings for Europeans, afternoons and evenings for Americans). :smallwink:

Ah, okay. I admit I just skipped to page 5 :P

EDIT: Do we have a consolidated list of the names/classes for each group (well, I suppose I really just want the Non-HC + NL list, but the other lists would be useful for additional people coming in).

2010-06-02, 02:58 PM
Do we have a consolidated list of the names/classes for each group (well, I suppose I really just want the Non-HC + NL list, but the other lists would be useful for additional people coming in).I do not think so. I believe somebody gathered up a few names a few pages ago, but we should probably get us a proper table specifying which player plays what mode.

You know, something like:
GitP account|
BNet account|

2010-06-02, 05:08 PM
AgentPaper, SC, skelly necro.

2010-06-03, 09:01 AM
I still haven't decided on what class, but I'm strongly considering Paladin. Can anyone give me some tips on the Paladin class (maybe even a build)?

2010-06-03, 09:58 AM
I still haven't decided on what class, but I'm strongly considering Paladin. Can anyone give me some tips on the Paladin class (maybe even a build)?

Paladins are a very versatile class. They have the option to be a caster, melee, or support hero. The caster happens to be one of the most powerful builds in the game (Hammerdin), the most common melee build (Zeal) is also very capable of slaying evil wherever it might hide, and finally the support role heals something like 20hps and spammable bolt healing at like 1k per bolt. For most of these you max your main skill, its synergies and one or two aura's (Depending on how many synergies you have) and it is always worth it to get at least one point in Holy Shield (if you are not going the two handed route).

As for builds you can check out The Amazon Basin (http://theamazonbasin.com/d2/d2_guides.php) or Game FAQ's (http://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/370600-diablo-ii-lord-of-destruction/faqs) (note that Game FAQ's users will most likely list only Uber rare, Uber expensive gear; all the builds that I listed are more or less no twink capable)

2010-06-03, 10:52 AM
Thanks u-gotNOgame. I'm definitely going Paladin now!!

GitP acc: Da Funk
BNet acc: BellaGoth

2010-06-03, 12:11 PM
Paladins are a very versatile class. They have the option to be a caster, melee, or support hero. The caster happens to be one of the most powerful builds in the game (Hammerdin), the most common melee build (Zeal) is also very capable of slaying evil wherever it might hide, and finally the support role heals something like 20hps and spammable bolt healing at like 1k per bolt. For most of these you max your main skill, its synergies and one or two aura's (Depending on how many synergies you have) and it is always worth it to get at least one point in Holy Shield (if you are not going the two handed route).

As for builds you can check out The Amazon Basin (http://theamazonbasin.com/d2/d2_guides.php) or Game FAQ's (http://www.gamefaqs.com/pc/370600-diablo-ii-lord-of-destruction/faqs) (note that Game FAQ's users will most likely list only Uber rare, Uber expensive gear; all the builds that I listed are more or less no twink capable)

Then there's the Avenger build, who uses Vengance in combination with the aura Conviction which drops opponent resistances to dish out sick damage, even to immune mobs....

Doubly so since Conviction can bust immunities, making you exceedingly handy for classes with powerful elemental attacks but only one or two types (focused sorceress, javison/bowazon...)

2010-06-03, 12:16 PM
Some more analysis on the Paladins... (including only builds I have experience with, which means one pretty important build, namely the Smiter, is missing)

Main Skills: Blessed Hammer, Concentration
Blessed Hammer is a partially physical, partially magical effect, so there are few monsters that are completely immune to it. Its damage, once you increase synergies a bit, is immense, and while the mana cost is somewhat intimidating at first, paladins can restore mana quickly by switching for a short moment to Redemption. The targetting of the hammers may take a bit of getting used to, but once that's accomplished, the Hammerdin combines a damage output that is pretty much second to none with the high durability of a Paladin, making it arguably the most powerful build in the entire game.
I hear the latest patch has nerfed the Hammerdin some, but that doesn't really matter; it remains a powerhouse of epic proportions.

Main Skills: Vengeance, Conviction
With a combination of Fire, Lightning and Cold damage (on top of a bit physical, too), there is not going to be anything in the entire game that you cannot kill. On top of that, your aura further reduces the resistances and partially removes immunities from monsters. The single target damage is impressive (when taking the reduced resistances into account, a manifold higher than is actually displayed), albeit somewhat dependant on finding a good weapon. The build is rather lacking in crowd control, due to killing the monsters only one at a time, and as almost all of its damage is elemental, it cannot leech life and mana efficiently, but where it really shines is party support - both due to making your allies hit just about all the time by destroying the monsters' defence and by massively increasing all elemental damage they deal, there is no other build that helps the party kill the enemies more. Even better, the auras that increase resistances are synergies for the Avenger, which means that if the party runs into a monsters that deal very high damage of some particular element (like Lightning from Burning Souls or Fire from Balrogs), you can switch to the appropriate aura and suddenly everyone has something like 90% resistance (as it also increases maximum resistance).

Main Skills: Zeal, Fanaticism
A terrifying attack rate and massive physical damage output make this a melee monster. The aura helps other players who use weapons rather than spells to kill things, too, but mostly, this is a warrior who slices and dices through the enemy hordes. The massive physical damage means excellent leeching properties, helping to keep the Zealot alive and at full mana at all times. The only weakness is that, unless you can grab a weapon with excellent elemental bonus damage (like the Lightsabre), your damage will be pretty much entirely physical, meaning you will have difficulties against enemies immune to physical damage in Hell.

Shock Zealot
Main Skills: Zeal, Holy Shock
This Zealot variant attacks more slowly, but its damage is partially physical and partially Lightning based, which means there are less enemies it cannot damage. As long as you do not run into Lightning Immunes, the damage is utterly devastating (I think even higher than in the other Zealot variant); however, the leeching is decidedly weaker. Still, not having massive difficulties whenever you run into a ghost cannot be appreciated enough.

Main Skills: Fist of Heavens, Conviction
Another caster build, this one has a tremendous range and cannot miss. While the damage output is somewhat low for a caster, the ability to attack enemies one by one without having to venture in the middle of them, combined with the high durability of a Paladin, makes this a very safe build. And just as with the Avenger, everybody loves having a Conviction aura around!

Main Skills: Holy Bolt, Prayer/Cleansing/Meditation
The pure and ultimate party support; rather than focusing on killing the enemies, this one focuses on keeping its allies alive. As long as a Healadin keeps healing you and uses his mighty auras to keep you at health, there is almost nothing that can kill you; this becomes even more important in HC mode, where you will be grateful beyond belief for a Healadin's company.

All Paladins should get at least one point in Holy Shield, and having Vigor, Redemption and Salvation as one-point-wonders is extremely, extremely useful, too. All other points should go into the synergies of the main skills.

2010-06-03, 12:25 PM
An Act 2 Prayer Mercenary with an Insight polearm can be a tremendous boon to any party, effectively filling in the role of the 'healadin' listed. With magic regen, massive amounts of HP regen (double the pleasure, double the fun, because the Meditation aura from the rue word gets synergy bonuses from the Prayer aura your Merc has), he is a fun addition to any party.

In addition to, yanno, being a merc, so you still get to decide what YOU want to do.

Insight is fairly easy to get, as well.

2010-06-03, 12:34 PM
Wow, thanks a lot!

I'm going to try out the Hammerdin build.

2010-06-03, 03:23 PM
Actually, I believe that Blessed Hammer causes magic damage only. But Hammerdins can use Holy Bolt against those undead instead, because that skill still ignores their resistances.

Also, Magic-immunity on monsters due to boss enhancements was rather rare when I went through the game as a Hammerdin. There was only one kind of non-undead (hehe, I don't think it's safe to just say "living", but this also implies that the monsters could be truly dead) monster in Hell difficulty that always had Magic Immunity, but it was avoidable.

Also, my favorite type of Zealot is the Frost Zealot. It's a mix of the bonuses from the other two Zealots, but it works. I think it's a rather nice perk to allow Rogue or Barbarian as a merc instead of the Town Guard with Holy Freeze. Particularly the Rogue is nice because she tends to stay out of trouble and also helps with attack rating.

2010-06-03, 03:44 PM
I'm not particularily optimizing.

At level 18, I've put 1 point into each of the pre-reqs for Blessed Hammer and Vigor. 3 points into Blessed Aim and 8 points into Thorn. I'll probably end up re-allocating them better after the first playthrough.

As for the build itself, it works fine. I tend to keep Thorn on most of the time and swap for the Hammer with a quickbind if there's a horde.

2010-06-03, 04:03 PM
This should work well enough for now; later, you will want to get rid of Thorns, because it will stop working well.

Firstly, it relies on you being hit, which is something you usually want to avoid in the first place.

And secondly, there is a gap between the damage output of monsters and their hit points that grows bigger the farther you get in the game. While the damage output of a monster in Hell compared to its Normal version might increase by a factor of 4, its health might increase by a factor of 400 - causing Thorns to move from killing just about anything that touches you to doing nothing whatsoever.

Also, why are you switching between your aura and Blessed Hammer, rather than switching between your regular attack and Blessed Hammer? That way, you would still keep the effects of the aura while also being capable of using the hammer!

Lastly, the aura you want with Blessed Hammer is Concentration. The reason being that unlike the other damage increasing auras like Might and Fanaticism, Concentration affects the damage output of Blessed Hammer, boosting it into the stratosphere.

2010-06-03, 04:07 PM
Hm, so the skellymancer is doing pretty well. Hopefully will have him in act 3 soon so I can join you guys this monday. I should be able to at least finish act1 today, if not more.

What're your guys' thoughts on druids and their various builds? From what I've seen, you either want to focus on summoning, with werebear or elemental support, or focus on werebear/wolf or elemental with summon support. I have this idea in my head of a werewolf with a bunch of wolves at his side, either dire wolves or spirit wolves, and of course a maxxed out spirit (likely wolverine) and a token carrion creeper to keep me topped off.

edit: Oh, and I'm currently on gitp2/gitp, for anyone wondering. ('cause those dumb harcore peoples took gitp/gitp, grr :smalltongue:)

2010-06-03, 04:16 PM
First of all, the choice of spirit depends on the mode you want to play in. Softcore? Go with Wolverine, sure. Hardcore? Never, ever, under no circumstances do ever consider for even the briefest nanosecond picking anything other than Oak Sage. The only excuse for not doing so might be knowing you will always be playing with another Druid player, and even then you'd likely still be better off with Oak Sage.

Werewolf: Very high damage output. Essentially, similar to a Zealot paladin. Usually preferable to the Werebear if you are playing Softcore.

Werebear: Lower damage output, but more durable and capable of stunning. Usually preferable to the Werewolf if you are playing Hardcore.

Wind Druid: Decent damage, and partially physical and partially cold - that's an unlikely combo to come up as immunities. Used to suffer tremendously under having only very, very late useful skills, so getting through Normal used to be a pain, but with the respec-option, that problem is no more.

Fire Druid: Never seen one in play, nor heard anything about them. Truth be told, I have no idea how this one would work! :smallredface:

2010-06-03, 04:39 PM
Fire supposedly does very well. Fissure tears groups to shreds, while volcano does great for single targets that don't move. From what little research I've done, at least.

Also, on oak sage, you're probably right for most builds, but for a summoner build that doesn't have you in melee with your summons, you should probably get wolverine, since you don't need the HP so bad and it doesn't really help your minions any, whereas wolverine definitely does. (due to some HP bonus stacking oddities, druid minions at least don't get the full 125% HP bonus, and instead get something like 20%)

Not that I plan to ever ever ever ever ever play hardcore. :smallwink:

Edit: Also, is the imbue you get in act 1 worth anything? Should I save it or just throw it at some random wand to see if I get something awesome?

2010-06-03, 06:17 PM
In responce to the Hammerdin, Blessed Hammer gains half of listed increase of the concentration aura, which might feel like you are getting jipped but really after you see it in action it is more than powerfull.. The damage that the hammer deals is all magical damage though due to being "blessed" it ignores the magic immunity of all Demons and Undead subtype monsters. This leaves about 3 animal type monsters that are magic immune that you cannot kill. The 'magic resistant' trait sometimes found on uniques only adds 20% resistance and since most monsters have either 0 or 100 it rarely creates immunes and 20% isn't much when your attack breaks 10k damage with relative ease.

As for Druids, I've only ever played a fury wolf which shredded anything that was not PI. Really, pick your favourite 2-hander and goto down. Also, Oak sage while valuable is not the end all be all of spirits. Wolverine is vaulable even in hardcore mode in fact several vets actually reccomend it over oak depending on the build. AP what you seem to be describing is a sort of Shockbear summoner (http://www.theamazonbasin.com/d2/forums/index.php?showtopic=78403) only with a wolf, could work.

In general any build that focus' on one main attack skill is more or less viable. Even if it requires a unique play style or immunity work around.


2010-06-03, 07:16 PM
Been playing this for a bit as a druid, and having fun in single player (though got destroyed by duriel so time for a corpse run there). Have a lvl 21 druid focusing on cold of cone, the worm that gives back health, and the resistance armor.

Haven't been on B.net yet though, but I may try eventually.

2010-06-03, 07:50 PM
First of all, the choice of spirit depends on the mode you want to play in. Softcore? Go with Wolverine, sure. Hardcore? Never, ever, under no circumstances do ever consider for even the briefest nanosecond picking anything other than Oak Sage. The only excuse for not doing so might be knowing you will always be playing with another Druid player, and even then you'd likely still be better off with Oak Sage.

Werewolf: Very high damage output. Essentially, similar to a Zealot paladin. Usually preferable to the Werebear if you are playing Softcore.

Werebear: Lower damage output, but more durable and capable of stunning. Usually preferable to the Werewolf if you are playing Hardcore.

Wind Druid: Decent damage, and partially physical and partially cold - that's an unlikely combo to come up as immunities. Used to suffer tremendously under having only very, very late useful skills, so getting through Normal used to be a pain, but with the respec-option, that problem is no more.

Fire Druid: Never seen one in play, nor heard anything about them. Truth be told, I have no idea how this one would work! :smallredface:

Wind Druid is absolutely awful.

You have two cold damage spells: The early spell that acts like a cold version of inferno (ie you need to be up close) and hurricane that requires you to be moderately close but doesn't have that great of damage capabilities (It's fantastic for normal/early NM, though). The other spells in that line both do purely physical damage. This was the first class I played in HC, and while his spec wasn't optimal, he did well up until physical immune mobs became fairly common.

Fire is likely better overall as you still have physical damage from your pets/shapeshifter. That, and molten boulder is hilarious to use in the maggot lair.

And save the imbue from A1 until you're level 80ish (I forget the exact number) as it's based upon your level at the time of use rather than the level when you completed the quest.

2010-06-03, 10:03 PM
In responce to the Hammerdin, Blessed Hammer gains half of listed increase of the concentration aura, which might feel like you are getting jipped but really after you see it in action it is more than powerfull.. The damage that the hammer deals is all magical damage though due to being "blessed" it ignores the magic immunity of all Demons and Undead subtype monsters. This leaves about 3 animal type monsters that are magic immune that you cannot kill. The 'magic resistant' trait sometimes found on uniques only adds 20% resistance and since most monsters have either 0 or 100 it rarely creates immunes and 20% isn't much when your attack breaks 10k damage with relative ease.


Actually the latest patch (http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?topicId=23766804014) addresses that issue. Hammerdins are still good though, just the not all conquering monstrosities that they were previously.

Re: Druids
I've made Fireclaw bears in the past. With a fast weapon - optimally a 6 shael phase blade - they rip apart anything that isn't fire immune. Fire immunes can be dealt with by switching to Ribcracker or some other heavy hitter, spending points in Maul/Werebear or casting volcano. A few points into Shockwave and you have one of the best crowd control spells in the game. One of the cheaper(equipment-wise) druid builds I think, since they're quite skill dependent.

2010-06-03, 10:39 PM
Actually the latest patch (http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?topicId=23766804014) addresses that issue. Hammerdins are still good though, just the not all conquering monstrosities that they were previously.

I stand corrected. However your 1 point zeal pre-req with enough +skills for a 5 hit zeal cycle with decent damage weapon on switch should be enough to take out most of the magic immune baddies.

2010-06-03, 11:13 PM
I stand corrected. However your 1 point zeal pre-req with enough +skills for a 5 hit zeal cycle with decent damage weapon on switch should be enough to take out most of the magic immune baddies.

Zeal isn't a pre-req for anything a Hammerdin usually gets, though.

On the other hand, Holy Bolt still ignores resistances of those undead, is a pre-req, has the FCR and +Skills already on the character, and gets 20x50%=1000% increased damage from the Blessed Hammer synergy. I'm inclined to think that it would be viable with one point, safer and overall better than Zeal.

A third option exists, as well! Charge was previously used to get Hammerdins through the Maggot Lair, and that skill fits in as a pre-req for Holy Shield (which Hammerdins commonly take at least a point in). It gets 20x20%=400% bonus damage from the shared synergy with Vigor, plus more than 300% from near-max Concentration. The downside to Charge is that it requires S.W.A.T. (Special Weapons And Tactics), but IMHO, that just makes it more fun. Less fun are the problems with attack rating, but it's possible to mitigate that with Eth runes or similar kinds of sneaky playing.

I don't think that Sanctuary (physical damage resistance of undead is ignored) will do much for Hammerdins, unfortunately.

2010-06-03, 11:32 PM
Once per difficulty.

How do you do this?

2010-06-04, 12:05 AM
I stand corrected. However your 1 point zeal pre-req with enough +skills for a 5 hit zeal cycle with decent damage weapon on switch should be enough to take out most of the magic immune baddies.

Besides, even with a Zealadin, you get better damage output by getting synergy points from Sacrifice. All you really need is 5 ranks in Zeal, everything else is just gravy.

2010-06-04, 12:34 AM
How do you do this?

After completing the den quest, talk to the person who gave it to you. There should be an option to respec the characters stats and skills.

2010-06-04, 12:52 AM
Gahh. I really have to remember to stay away from Diablo discussion.. always so tempting to get back into it (unfortunately my current schedule doesn't let me make it to Monday.) Fire Wall has synergies now.. I'm trying to figure out if a Fire Wall/Enchantress layout would work. Warmth, Fire Wall, Enchant, and.. what? Fireball, probably, for filler between the Fire Walls, although Inferno would be pretty hilarious.. and Blaze would.. umm.. well, if I should happen to do that, I'm apologizing in advance for crashing your game.

2010-06-04, 04:51 AM
Edit: Also, is the imbue you get in act 1 worth anything? Should I save it or just throw it at some random wand to see if I get something awesome?The imbue is worth a fair bit, but using it properly isn't exactly easy.

The thing is, rare items have the potential to be the strongest items in the game, even better than even the most powerful runewords and rarest uniques. But, the likelihood you get the perfect rare item that fulfills all it takes to be that good is very slim. So you want to maximize it however you can.

The enchantments the imbued item gets depend on two things: Your level when you imbue it, and what item precisely it is that you imbue. Basically, for every enchantment, there is a minimum level you need to have so this enchantment can be put onto the imbued item. And this minimum level varies with the item type you imbue. Since there are also a lot of enchantments that would become available at even higher levels, but which are not really all that powerful, you want to imbue an item at precisely the one level where all the best enchantments become available - any lower, and you cannot get the strongest enchantments, any higher, and the probability you get the perfect item is lowered due to the pool of available enchantments becoming bigger due to sub-optimal enchantments that were not available previously.

If you search a bit, it shouldn't be difficult to find a guide on what is a good level to imbue what kind of item. Generally, exceptional and elite items have perfect imbue levels in the 50ies and 60ies, whereas for normal items this can be lower; for diadems and such it can go as low as level 9, if I remember correctly.

2010-06-04, 08:57 AM
Well, just got to act 3, level 21 or so right now. Duriel wasn't much trouble at all, only had to port out and re-stock minions once. Probably could have taken him down in one run if my skellies had all decided to attack at once, and I'd kept my golem up better, cause he was pretty low the second time in. (20-30% or so) Of course, it would've been even easier if I'd been smart and done the forgotten tower quest and at least some of the fake tombs, which would have put me at at least level 24, which would've netted me decrepify and summon resist, the first of which especially would have been useful to keep him slowed and not killing my minions as fast.

Anyways, just thought I should mention, if any of you guys are worrying about physical immunes right now, don't. I've got amplify damage, which makes all but a very small number of them vulnerable, according to what research I've done, so that's not much of an issue. I'll probably eventually get at least one level of lower resist, too, which should break all immunities, but leave them highly resistant unless I get really high levels in it. Or does someone else have a better way of doing this? Should I not even bother?

2010-06-04, 09:40 AM
Anyways, just thought I should mention, if any of you guys are worrying about physical immunes right now, don't. I've got amplify damage, which makes all but a very small number of them vulnerable, according to what research I've done, so that's not much of an issue. I'll probably eventually get at least one level of lower resist, too, which should break all immunities, but leave them highly resistant unless I get really high levels in it. Or does someone else have a better way of doing this? Should I not even bother?

Amp is fine if we quest with you all the time but I'll probably take my toons out solo a little, which means I should come prepared to handle all eventualities. Also Lower resist is cut by a factor of 5 vs immunes. That is if your LR would apply -25% resist if a monster is immune is would take 5% (25/5) away from the resistance of that monster, so If the monster had more than 105% resistance it would remain immune. As you don't really deal all that much elemental damage (I usually use cold mages for debuff and thats about it) pumping to a level that woulad be effective is probably not the best use of points. The best way, IMHO, to break immunities is the paladins conviction aura. It is still affected in the same way as LR vs immunes but it starts at a higher percentage and caps out higher, in addition to this it also lowers the defence rating of enemy mobs by 90% at level 20.

As for progress, my Javazon "Lucky_Lucy" has hit A5 and is sitting running baal at level 32 and waiting for a party, or me to get it toghether and advance. I also started rebuilding my FO/FB sorc "Of_Integrals", she's probably going to stay at a conqueror indefinatly but at least she'll be able to farm hell for me.

As for MI solutions for Hdins, all of the above solutions will work, I'm sure, with a little work.


2010-06-04, 03:30 PM
Amp is fine if we quest with you all the time but I'll probably take my toons out solo a little, which means I should come prepared to handle all eventualities. Also Lower resist is cut by a factor of 5 vs immunes. That is if your LR would apply -25% resist if a monster is immune is would take 5% (25/5) away from the resistance of that monster, so If the monster had more than 105% resistance it would remain immune. As you don't really deal all that much elemental damage (I usually use cold mages for debuff and thats about it) pumping to a level that woulad be effective is probably not the best use of points. The best way, IMHO, to break immunities is the paladins conviction aura. It is still affected in the same way as LR vs immunes but it starts at a higher percentage and caps out higher, in addition to this it also lowers the defence rating of enemy mobs by 90% at level 20.

As for progress, my Javazon "Lucky_Lucy" has hit A5 and is sitting running baal at level 32 and waiting for a party, or me to get it toghether and advance. I also started rebuilding my FO/FB sorc "Of_Integrals", she's probably going to stay at a conqueror indefinatly but at least she'll be able to farm hell for me.

As for MI solutions for Hdins, all of the above solutions will work, I'm sure, with a little work.


Once we get up to about A2 NM, I'd recommend most HC players to progress only with the group (Save for the farmers that are designed to be played solo), as it's one thing to lose your character, it's another entirely to lose all your high level gear.

2010-06-04, 09:44 PM
Creating a new account would mean creating a new character.
Here is a tip for a really quick start (USeast, HC):

Someone is running a chanting bot, that will add about 2000 firedamage to your attacks.
So get a bow, get the chant, and you can pretty much kill everything with one shot.

This bot "BreadChant" goes thru games like "breadchant-500", "breadchant-501", etc. and stays for 20 minutes.
To find him, enter a game and say "/m breadchant timeleft", he will whisper back.

2010-06-04, 09:44 PM
Once we get up to about A2 NM, I'd recommend most HC players to progress only with the group (Save for the farmers that are designed to be played solo), as it's one thing to lose your character, it's another entirely to lose all your high level gear.

If you want to do that thats fine, but I'll continue to level when I want. **** happens ; then you rebuild and find more gear. This has always been a lax sort of play when you want type group, not a strict only play with us type group. While we shy away from blatant cheating and duping I see no reason to drastically change our play style now.

2010-06-04, 10:02 PM
I want to try to jump into Soft Core game now that my schedule is better. What level is everyone at.

2010-06-04, 10:33 PM
If you want to do that thats fine, but I'll continue to level when I want. **** happens ; then you rebuild and find more gear. This has always been a lax sort of play when you want type group, not a strict only play with us type group. While we shy away from blatant cheating and duping I see no reason to drastically change our play style now.

Of course you don't *have* to play only with the group.

I just advise against it.

Characters are easily replaced while gear is not. This has been learned from experience. Also, under no circumstances put level 80 gear in the stash of a low level character as you're leveling back up ;p

2010-06-05, 12:52 AM
I would have been ok with re-leveling, I was only in act 1. In doing this I discovered the lag, so I probably won't be playing with all of you.

2010-06-05, 01:03 AM
Reading this thread has made me want to get back into Diablo 2 (especially since my World of Warcraft Subscription Ran out..).. No Setra, be strong!

I'm kinda sad about respec, honestly. I was always better than my friends because I was the only one who understood the concept of 'Spec for Hell, not Normal'. I've gotten to the point where Respec is useless, as I don't even know what's useful for normal mode now. Kinda sad really, I bet it would make leveling solo easier.

Urgh.. talking about it makes me wanna play too.. but then I'd need to go back to the trading sites and level up another Meteorb Sorc and get a MF set so I could get all the items I want to make a competitive pvp character... I can't play for fun anymore ;_;

2010-06-05, 01:51 AM
Im having an issue with D2 wanting the expansion disc, even though i have the patch that removes the need for it. I just bought my cd keys from a friend and i have no idea how to fix this without a crack. And that would leave the game unplayable. Anyone know how to fix this?

2010-06-05, 01:59 AM
Im having an issue with D2 wanting the expansion disc, even though i have the patch that removes the need for it. I just bought my cd keys from a friend and i have no idea how to fix this without a crack. And that would leave the game unplayable. Anyone know how to fix this?
If you've registered the CD keys online, you could uninstall your game (make sure to move your offline save data elsewhere) and just download it online at blizzard.com

No CD needed that way.

2010-06-05, 06:12 AM
Reading this thread has made me want to get back into Diablo 2 (especially since my World of Warcraft Subscription Ran out..).. No Setra, be strong!

I know right? I'm this close to digging out my copy of D2:LoD and restarting my old Assassin...

But no. I must not. I must study for my finals. Aaaarg!

2010-06-05, 06:42 AM
I know right? I'm this close to digging out my copy of D2:LoD and restarting my old Assassin...

But no. I must not. I must study for my finals. Aaaarg!
If x equals the amount of damage your assassin can reliably put out per second, and y equals the amount of health the boss has..


2010-06-05, 09:51 AM
If x equals the amount of damage your assassin can reliably put out per second, and y equals the amount of health the boss has..


Don't forget to factor in physical resistance, and if any of that damage is elemental (it likely is) then you have to factor in elemental resistance. Then what about things like crushing blow and deadly strike? Also, DPS is affected by hit rate, so if your Attack Rating is less than spectacular then you better watch out.

2010-06-05, 10:48 AM
Training up a Shock Zealadin now as well. gitp2/gitp.

2010-06-06, 12:57 AM
Here's a first: Just died due to lag *despite* disconnecting from the game immediately after realizing I was getting lag.


There goes my 200+ MF Necro. Farewell Gull and Skin of the Vipermagi.

Never had this happen in my entire time playing HC on Europe. Hell, quickly disconnecting is one of the most effective ways to get out of a fight that'll potentially get you killed.

2010-06-06, 07:40 AM
Awwww... :smallfrown:

That's why I'm a bit scared to go HC. I know AgentPaper and Dragonus are playing SC (on USEast?), so I could go with that when I dig up my D2.

2010-06-06, 09:34 AM
Yep, I'm on occasionally. The hardcore-ers (or maybe just legoshrimp :smalltongue:) are always taking up gitp/gitp, though, so for softcore play I'm always in gitp2/gitp. Try and join that game if you can, if it doesn't exist then make it and maybe someone else will join.

2010-06-06, 09:56 AM
I guess, I want to play HC again.

But I'm afraid people will yell at me again for being such a noob.:smalltongue:

Which I am. ><

2010-06-06, 11:15 AM
BAH you will learn thats all, come play with me, ash and noo at around 6 PST

2010-06-06, 12:48 PM
I'm starting to install LoD as we speak and was wondering if I could join.

Finished Installing and have registered as Zeful on Bnet.

(ahh the joys of unique user names)

2010-06-06, 10:15 PM
I am known as Shneekey on bnet, and may be willing to play SC. I've got the beginnings of an Avenger Paladin in the works.

My character is Theodin, SC Ladder, East.

2010-06-07, 01:07 PM
I'm on right now, hoping to do some SC, in gitp1/gitp.

2010-06-07, 06:17 PM

I am trying to create an Avenger Paladin. However, he's level 12. And he won't be getting his Conviction aura, which makes the whole thing work, until level 30.

In the meantime, should I put more points into sacrifice/zeal, then use the respec option after he hits 30? Because right now? He kinda isn't doing so well on his own. He's using Fire Aura, or Thorns if he's got a lot of mooks swarming him.

2010-06-07, 06:59 PM
If your build requires a lot of late-game stuff, then yah, don't be afraid to go for a different build at first, that has more up-front punch, and then re-spec once you get to a higher level. I'm going for a zeal/holy shock build with my pally, but since you can't get holy shock for so long, I've just been putting points into the fire aura ability. I'll probably re-spec and go for holy shock just before I start nightmare.

Also, apparently for the holy shock build, the core of the build requires only the 20 points in holy shock, 20 in resist lightning, 4 in zeal and 4 in various pre-reqs. Where should I go from there? I could max out zeal and maybe sacrifice for the physical damage boost, to help with lightning immunes, or I could put some points into Salvation to boost my lighting damage some more, though not by as much as resist lighting, so not sure if that's worth it.

Maybe some points into Vengeance or Fist of the heavens, since those get bonuses from skills I'm already using, and I can use them to deal with immunes? Probably vengeance would be the better option, since it gets bonuses from 2 of my maxed abilities, and deals more types of damage.

2010-06-07, 07:55 PM

I am trying to create an Avenger Paladin. However, he's level 12. And he won't be getting his Conviction aura, which makes the whole thing work, until level 30.

In the meantime, should I put more points into sacrifice/zeal, then use the respec option after he hits 30? Because right now? He kinda isn't doing so well on his own. He's using Fire Aura, or Thorns if he's got a lot of mooks swarming him.

First off, Thorns isn't that useful because monsters have relatively high hp compared to their damage, so reflecting damage to them isn't effective, and requires you to be hit first.

Second, I believe Vengeance has synergies in the "Resist [Element]" trio of auras, you could pump points into them if you want to stick with Vengeance at low levels. A few points in Zeal to hit 5 enemies might work, with more points in Might aura. An act II Offensive merc will help you hit stuff better at low levels; Conviction takes care of that later on.

Also, be careful with pumping Vengeance at low levels because its mana cost may become too high to sustain. You could go with a Prayer/Insight merc later on and not worry about mana forever, but I've never tried that myself.

Maybe some points into Vengeance or Fist of the heavens, since those get bonuses from skills I'm already using, and I can use them to deal with immunes? Probably vengeance would be the better option, since it gets bonuses from 2 of my maxed abilities, and deals more types of damage.

Fist of heavens is probably not a good idea for immunes because it does the same type of damage as Holy Shock anyway. Vengeance might work, but I think without a high level Conviction your damage at higher levels your damage might not be that impressive.

I think maxing Zeal/Sacrifice might be the best way out here, especially since enemies don't cast Iron Maiden anymore, or you might go different route and make a conviction zealot, and never worry about immunes again.

There's a skill calculator here (http://diablo3.ingame.de/spiel/skills/calc/index.php?char=pal&lang=en) to plan your builds with.

2010-06-07, 08:12 PM
So, for all the people showing interest, a rather weak showing so far in the HC group.

Three people total showed up for the early group and, as of now, it's just Hajo and myself idling in A1.

2010-06-07, 08:14 PM
Holy Shield helps too, blocking is powerful.

Another unmentioned benefit of increasing physical damage with Zeal is the better leech. Your attack is faster, too, so there's good synergy with Crushing Blow effects, and if something is effected by Crushing Blow, then physical damage can finish it off. Also, your Zealer is in an excellent position to take the Sanctuary aura (2 points away), which causes your physical attacks to ignore the resistance of undead monsters (undocumented, Sanctuary is a strange skill, it has that effect, an irrelevant amount of magic damage, and periodic knockback, despite what the skill says). And since undead are frequently resistant to physical and/or lightning damage, this works very well.

There isn't a better deal for the build, IMHO. Much better than Salvation, I think you'll have enough lightning damage.

I don't know what to do with Shneekey's character, but I doubt one point in Zeal will fix everything and/or turn the game onto easy mode. My Holy Fire build has been extremely easy so far, but I don't know if it could beat all the bosses and advance into Nightmare for that second respec without some serious playing. Wouldn't hurt to try with Zeal though, I guess.

Also, sorry for not playing today, I think I'll see you guys next week.

edit: I can be on in an hour, if anyone wants to hold out for me (unlikely). Or indicate to me how far to level my Holy Fire Paladin.

2010-06-07, 08:41 PM
Also, apparently for the holy shock build, the core of the build requires only the 20 points in holy shock, 20 in resist lightning, 4 in zeal and 4 in various pre-reqs. Where should I go from there? I could max out zeal and maybe sacrifice for the physical damage boost, to help with lightning immunes, or I could put some points into Salvation to boost my lighting damage some more, though not by as much as resist lighting, so not sure if that's worth it.

Maybe some points into Vengeance or Fist of the heavens, since those get bonuses from skills I'm already using, and I can use them to deal with immunes? Probably vengeance would be the better option, since it gets bonuses from 2 of my maxed abilities, and deals more types of damage.

Maybe pick up another element type to help whenever you run into LI/PI mobs? I'd suggest Holy Frost, because it is awesome battlefield control as well as damage boost.

2010-06-07, 08:55 PM
I can be on in an hour, if anyone wants to hold out for me (unlikely). Or indicate to me how far to level my Holy Fire Paladin.

So far, I'm the only person from the evening group that's shown up, so you don't have much leveling to do ;p.

2010-06-07, 08:57 PM
what is the chat channel to join?

2010-06-07, 09:08 PM
gitp op i tihnk is the channel, or op gitp, and for the game i think its currently gitp / gitp but its hard core and around level 17-20

2010-06-07, 09:09 PM
Hum. So, thinking right now:

Zeal 4 (5 hits)
Holy Shock 20
Resist Lighting 20
+4 Pre Reqs

Would make a good baseline for the build. That puts me at about level 48 at the end of nightmare. From there I'll start adding in more Zeal and Sacrifice, (supposedly Sac actually adds more damage per point? Or am I wrong?) which would put me at level 83 or so at the end of hell. I doubt I'll ever get even that far, but if I do then I can just stash the rest of my points into Salvation for the minor lightning boost. I'll also pick up Sanctuary just before get to hell, which is I assume the first place where I'm likely to run into something immune to lightning and physical.

This just leaves the question of what to do about non-undead lighting/physical immunes. I mean sure there's probably not many, but I'll at least need something to deal with it. I guess just a weap with a chance to cast amplify would work?

Bah, starting to think maybe I'll just go for an avenger instead of a shockadin.

2010-06-07, 09:22 PM
Hum. So, thinking right now:

Zeal 4 (5 hits)
Holy Shock 20
Resist Lighting 20
+4 Pre Reqs

Would make a good baseline for the build. That puts me at about level 48 at the end of nightmare. From there I'll start adding in more Zeal and Sacrifice, (supposedly Sac actually adds more damage per point? Or am I wrong?) which would put me at level 83 or so at the end of hell. I doubt I'll ever get even that far, but if I do then I can just stash the rest of my points into Salvation for the minor lightning boost. I'll also pick up Sanctuary just before get to hell, which is I assume the first place where I'm likely to run into something immune to lightning and physical.

This just leaves the question of what to do about non-undead lighting/physical immunes. I mean sure there's probably not many, but I'll at least need something to deal with it. I guess just a weap with a chance to cast amplify would work?

Bah, starting to think maybe I'll just go for an avenger instead of a shockadin.

How about this:

Holy Freeze, caps out at higher damage than Holy Fire, does the area-freezing thing, which bypasses Cold Immunity and Cannot Be Frozen. Does battlefield control, and also gets bonuses from Salvation.

So on top of your base 48 you can stack 20 Holy Freeze. Then Salvation to pump BOTH at the same time.

PI/LI, you might run into. PI/CI you might run into. PI/CI/LI? Not likely. Even then, you're still doing damage with Holy Freeze, because it bypasses CI.

2010-06-07, 09:28 PM
Well, I just started an Assassain on Bnet and she's level 4-ish. Is anyone else in that level range?

Also should I be taking Martial Arts or what?

2010-06-07, 09:32 PM
Well, I just started an Assassain on Bnet and she's level 4-ish. Is anyone else in that level range?

Also should I be taking Martial Arts or what?

Depends on what you want to do. Early on, it's probably best for leveling as traps, while an absolutely amazing spec, requires level 18 before you get your first good lightning trap and it uses an obscene amount of mana so having a merc with an insight polearm is pretty much a requirement.

2010-06-07, 09:57 PM
Wait, Holy Freeze bypasses immunity? Or only the aura it gives?

Also, since gitp/gitp is claimed by the HC folks, we need to decide upon a standard gn for sc players.

2010-06-07, 10:00 PM
why not gitp/gitpSC then? It'll make things pretty clear who we are.

2010-06-07, 10:13 PM
sounds fine. Though isn't it usually gn/pw, now pw/gn? :smallwink:

2010-06-07, 10:24 PM
Wait, Holy Freeze bypasses immunity? Or only the aura it gives?

Also, since gitp/gitp is claimed by the HC folks, we need to decide upon a standard gn for sc players.

It's the slowing pulse that affects cold immunes, damage doesn't go through.

2010-06-07, 10:39 PM
It's the slowing pulse that affects cold immunes, damage doesn't go through.

Ah, I see. Not really worth putting any points into then. I'll call it a one-point wonder to switch to, slow a bunch of mobs, and then switch back from. +Skills should be all I need for a respectable AoE.

2010-06-07, 11:13 PM
sounds fine. Though isn't it usually gn/pw, now pw/gn? :smallwink:


I don't know what those stand for.

2010-06-07, 11:26 PM
Ah, I see. Not really worth putting any points into then. I'll call it a one-point wonder to switch to, slow a bunch of mobs, and then switch back from. +Skills should be all I need for a respectable AoE.
Or just get an Act 2 Merc from Nightmare mode who has it.

2010-06-07, 11:42 PM

I don't know what those stand for.

game name/password. Either you were saying we should play a game with the same game name as the HC people are using, but with a different password, or you had the order different than I'm used to.

2010-06-08, 12:03 AM
game name/password. Either you were saying we should play a game with the same game name as the HC people are using, but with a different password, or you had the order different than I'm used to.

I thought you were talking about the channel to be perfectly honest.

2010-06-08, 12:11 AM
I thought you were talking about the channel to be perfectly honest.

Ah, I see. No, we can use the OP GitP channel same as the HCers. We only need a separate default game name and password. For which gitpsc and gitp should do nicely.

Sir Enigma
2010-06-08, 08:36 AM
What level/area is the SC group in right now? I'll finally be able to play this upcoming Monday and would like to join in. I've got a meteor/fireball/frozen orb sorceress in Act 3, and could also start a new character if people are restarting.

Hum. So, thinking right now:

Zeal 4 (5 hits)
Holy Shock 20
Resist Lighting 20
+4 Pre Reqs

Would make a good baseline for the build. That puts me at about level 48 at the end of nightmare. From there I'll start adding in more Zeal and Sacrifice, (supposedly Sac actually adds more damage per point? Or am I wrong?) which would put me at level 83 or so at the end of hell. I doubt I'll ever get even that far, but if I do then I can just stash the rest of my points into Salvation for the minor lightning boost. I'll also pick up Sanctuary just before get to hell, which is I assume the first place where I'm likely to run into something immune to lightning and physical.

This just leaves the question of what to do about non-undead lighting/physical immunes. I mean sure there's probably not many, but I'll at least need something to deal with it. I guess just a weap with a chance to cast amplify would work?

Bah, starting to think maybe I'll just go for an avenger instead of a shockadin.

I'd highly suggest points in Holy Shield - will greatly increase your melee survivability. Don't forget you get 12 extra skill points from quests - one possible way to do this would be:

20 Zeal
20 Holy Shock
20 Resist Lightning
20 Holy Shield
1 Sanctuary (for undead LI/PI)
9 prerequisites

If you want more physical damage and don't mind losing some attack rating, you could pull points from Zeal into Sacrifice. That's a total of 90 points, which will be finished by level 79 at the end of Hell and should leave you with decent lightning and physical damage, good defence and 75% blocking. From there, depending on how the character's playing, you could either put points in Sacrifice for more physical damage and leech, or in Defiance for more defence from Holy Shield. For non-undead LI/PI, either get something with chance to cast amplify damage, or put a weapon on switch with high elemental damage (fire or cold). Also, if you get an A2 nightmare merc with Holy Freeze, he'll slow things down and will have some cold damage for killing LI/PIs.

2010-06-08, 11:53 AM
Sure holy shield, why not. Anyways both of my SC toons are level 20 and just starting act 3, I'll probably be on intermittently leveling up my paladin, since my necro is my planned group character. Supposedly there were some others around this same level, but I have no idea where they've all gone off to. At least, I've never been on at the same time as any of them, apparently.

But just make sure than whenever you're playing, you're in the game gitpsc/gitp, whether you join it or have to make it. That way other people who want to join you know what game to join. (ie: me)

Zen Monkey
2010-06-08, 02:13 PM
I haven't played since the expansion was still pretty new, but it may be fun to give it another look. The paladin spellcaster sounds interesting (switching my WoW paladin from tank to healer may be part of this). How do you build one of these 'hammerdins'? Is it a higher level approach or do you get to play with it early?

2010-06-08, 02:57 PM
The hammerdin is one of the most overpowered builds in the game, even after it has been nerfed.

20 Blessed Hammer (main attack)
20 Blessed Aim (synergy for main attack)
20 Vigor (synergy for main)
20 Concentration Aura (damage buff aura)

Once you have these skills maxed out place any spare points into Holy Shield.

After you have the attack, the aura, and synergies maxed you should be doing just under 4k of magic damage per hammer.

2010-06-08, 03:18 PM
And it starts being powerful fairly early on. You need a few levels in Blessed Hammer before it starts becoming truly powerful, and the mana cost is a bit of a problem at first, but it works already at pretty low levels nonetheless.

2010-06-08, 03:19 PM
It is a rather high level build though. You might be better off going for Zeal and Holy Fire to start. 4 points in zeal, and then the rest in holy fire, unless you're missing a lot. Then, switch to the hammerdin build later on, once you're high enough that you can get enough points into it to be effective.

Edit: ^By "fairly early" he means mid-way through normal. You'll probably start being decent around act 3, I would guess. For me at least I'd rather not spend all of act 1 and 2 with nothing to play around with, now that re-spec is available.

Sir Enigma
2010-06-08, 04:55 PM
Sure holy shield, why not. Anyways both of my SC toons are level 20 and just starting act 3, I'll probably be on intermittently leveling up my paladin, since my necro is my planned group character. Supposedly there were some others around this same level, but I have no idea where they've all gone off to. At least, I've never been on at the same time as any of them, apparently.

But just make sure than whenever you're playing, you're in the game gitpsc/gitp, whether you join it or have to make it. That way other people who want to join you know what game to join. (ie: me)

Excellent, that's where my fire/cold sorceress is now - just started A3. I should be on this Monday night (barring exceptional circumstances like flights getting cancelled).

Also, can you keep me updated on what you do with the holy shock paladin and how it works? I'm curious now... :smalltongue:

2010-06-08, 05:24 PM
Anyone ever played a Spearazon ? I wonder mainly about the main attack skill(s). There are so many different opinions floating around on the internet. I know that a Spearazon is one of the weaker builds but it is just for fun and when the gear is good enough it might not be so bad.

Why do I ask this now ? I just made Breath of the Dying in an ethereal Matriachal Pike (+3 java/spear skills) - base damage now 269-1122 ! - and wonder about the skills. I want her pure physical, so nothing planned in the lightning-related java skills. The merc will have an ethereal Reaper's Toll which should break most physical immunes.

Jab doesn't seem give much more damage with more points.
Fend can attack multiple targets but it has this whiffing bug because of the evasive skills. It is really that bad ? The alternative would be to put nothing into the evasive skills but that would mean no Valkyrie which seems suicidal.
Impale seems just too slow, even if I had a M. Spear instead of an M. Pike.

My gear will probably be

Weapon: ethereal Matriachal Pike (+3 java/spear skills)
Armor: Fortitude Archon Plate or Chains of Honor Archon Plate
Helm: Gulliaume's Face, probably Um'ed or with IAS
Gloves: Laying of Hands or IAS/skill gloves ... or Dracul's Grasp
Belt: String of Ears or Verdungo's Hearty Cord
Boots: Gore Rider
Amulet: Highlord's Wrath
Ring 1: Ravenfrost
Ring 2: a rare with whatever is missing (resists, leech, stats, etc)

2010-06-08, 05:39 PM
Anyone ever played a Spearazon ? I wonder mainly about the main attack skill(s). There are so many different opinions floating around on the internet. I know that a Spearazon is one of the weaker builds but it is just for fun and when the gear is good enough it might not be so bad.

Why do I ask this now ? I just made Breath of the Dying in an ethereal Matriachal Pike (+3 java/spear skills) - base damage now 269-1122 ! - and wonder about the skills. I want her pure physical, so nothing planned in the lightning-related java skills. The merc will have an ethereal Reaper's Toll which should break most physical immunes.

Jab doesn't seem give much more damage with more points.
Fend can attack multiple targets but it has this whiffing bug because of the evasive skills. It is really that bad ? The alternative would be to put nothing into the evasive skills but that would mean no Valkyrie which seems suicidal.
Impale seems just too slow, even if I had a M. Spear instead of an M. Pike.

My gear will probably be

Weapon: ethereal Matriachal Pike (+3 java/spear skills)
Armor: Fortitude Archon Plate or Chains of Honor Archon Plate
Helm: Gulliaume's Face, probably Um'ed or with IAS
Gloves: Laying of Hands or IAS/skill gloves ... or Dracul's Grasp
Belt: String of Ears or Verdungo's Hearty Cord
Boots: Gore Rider
Amulet: Highlord's Wrath
Ring 1: Ravenfrost
Ring 2: a rare with whatever is missing (resists, leech, stats, etc)

Fendazon (http://diablo.wikia.com/wiki/Fendazon) and LightJab/Thunderury (http://diablo.wikia.com/wiki/Lightjab_Amazon) builds.

I'd suggest going for the lightning one, both because it's more effective overall and because it deals with physical immunes better. Though you'll still have trouble with physical/lightning immunes, but hopefully you can just get something to cast amp magic for those cases.

2010-06-08, 06:53 PM
I'll be working up my pally for a couple of hours, middle of A1 right now still. Just hit 12. If anyone wants to join me, my character's name is Theodin, I'll be in the GITPSC game

EDIT: To keep from screwing others up, I decided to make my own game to get to Act II. Currently level 15. Got 4 ranks in Zeal, and several in both Fire Aura and Resist Fire (for synergy bonus damage). Got a few in Sacrifice as well, for more synergy goodness. So I'm currently rolling out some pretty nice damage output.

Found out the hard way that skill bonuses from items do not grant synergy bonuses. Oh well.

2010-06-09, 12:03 AM
The hammerdin is one of the most overpowered builds in the game, even after it has been nerfed.

20 Blessed Hammer (main attack)
20 Blessed Aim (synergy for main attack)
20 Vigor (synergy for main)
20 Concentration Aura (damage buff aura)

Once you have these skills maxed out place any spare points into Holy Shield.

After you have the attack, the aura, and synergies maxed you should be doing just under 4k of magic damage per hammer.

That is the meat and potatoes of the build, also you do about 3k damage naked so even with a pitiful amount of plus skills you should be able to hit ~6k damage. Also with maxed vigor as a synergy you will end up being among the fastest charecters in the game.

The build might seem back loaded but it really shines at any point in the game. Since the main skill becomes useable at level 18 (the middle-end of A2 depending on your play style) and does decent damage, up until that point normal attack will do fine, as long as you have a mercenary and a party to quest with. After that just chug mana potions like they're going out of fashion. Until you hit 27 when you can get a nice insight polearm on your mercenary.

My gear will probably be

Weapon: ethereal Matriachal Pike (+3 java/spear skills)
Armor: Fortitude Archon Plate or Chains of Honor Archon Plate
Helm: Gulliaume's Face, probably Um'ed or with IAS
Gloves: Laying of Hands or IAS/skill gloves ... or Dracul's Grasp
Belt: String of Ears or Verdungo's Hearty Cord
Boots: Gore Rider
Amulet: Highlord's Wrath
Ring 1: Ravenfrost
Ring 2: a rare with whatever is missing (resists, leech, stats, etc)

With gear like that you can probably do whatever you want. I mean really, you could play a pure P&M zon and normal attack your way through hell. Playing without valk really isn't that bad if you have a decent merc set up to off tank, and with that reapers and whatever gear you can come up with that will certianly be possible. Skipping D/A/E for fend isn't that horrible as you will be well equipped. Looking at the tables I would stay away from impale because you would need about 80 IAS to bring your full attack animation to one second! However Fend and Jab are definatly on the table, and with so many points to play with why not max both and see which you like more. If you end up a jabber then you can go back through a respec to get that valk you seem to want.

@Tesladin (Shock Zealot)
Whenever I played them I loaded up a weapon with high elemental damage on switch like a Gimmershred, or Lightsabre (this is acutally a really cool main weapon) to plow those LI/PI mobs.

2010-06-09, 04:09 PM
Yanno, I just realized something...

I picked up one rank of Holy Fire, with a scepter that gave additional bonuses. Then picked up 4 ranks in Resist Fire. Gave me some nice damage output.

Now that I'm 18, I put a point into Holy Freeze, and found a toy which gives me more ranks in it. Dropped one point into Resist Cold for synergy.

I'm doing about the same damage.

Fun part is, for an Avenger build, you need your Resist auras up for synergy with Vengeance anyways, so I'm not really 'wasting' any points, since you need Holy Fire/Freeze/Shock for Conviction anyways.

This is turning out... surprisingly well.

2010-06-09, 11:44 PM
For some reason I can't stay connected to Bnet servers, which apparently keeps putting up a "CD Key In Use" error. Which is Annoying.

2010-06-10, 12:17 AM
I found my first unique: Stormguard. Large Shield with practically maxed out Block by itself, LR 30%, some reduce damage/magic damage, and a lot of defense.

Anyone want it? I'd be willing to let it go for a Tal. Or, if you wish to be generous, Tal + Ort.

Reason being: I got a Ral, and a three-socket Heraldic shield with +8 resist all natural. Ancient's Pledge would do me very nicely for quite some time.

2010-06-10, 12:26 AM
I found my first unique: Stormguard. Large Shield with practically maxed out Block by itself, LR 30%, some reduce damage/magic damage, and a lot of defense.

Anyone want it? I'd be willing to let it go for a Tal. Or, if you wish to be generous, Tal + Ort.

Reason being: I got a Ral, and a three-socket Heraldic shield with +8 resist all natural. Ancient's Pledge would do me very nicely for quite some time.

Ooh, I could definitely use it. I've got a Ral myself, but no Tal or Ort. :smallfrown: Anything else you'd trade it for? I've got 6 Tir runes, 2 Nef, and 1 each of Eld, Eth, El, and Ral, plus an assortment of low quality gems and skulls...oh and a 2-socket Battle Staff with +3 Teleport, +2 Shiver Armor, and +3 Ice Blast, if you've got a frost sorc or plan to make one.

On right now, anyways, in gitpsc/gitp of course. Assuming that this is a SC character, since if it's HC then I'm outta luck. :smallsigh:

2010-06-10, 12:40 AM
Yanno, I just realized something...

I picked up one rank of Holy Fire, with a scepter that gave additional bonuses. Then picked up 4 ranks in Resist Fire. Gave me some nice damage output.

Now that I'm 18, I put a point into Holy Freeze, and found a toy which gives me more ranks in it. Dropped one point into Resist Cold for synergy.

I'm doing about the same damage.

Fun part is, for an Avenger build, you need your Resist auras up for synergy with Vengeance anyways, so I'm not really 'wasting' any points, since you need Holy Fire/Freeze/Shock for Conviction anyways.

This is turning out... surprisingly well.

The part that bogs down Avengers later on is the fact that you're using a single-target melee attack, and not a very fast one either. Everyone would love to have you in their party of course, and nothing will ever be immune to your attacks, so there's that to look forward to.

2010-06-10, 12:51 AM
The part that bogs down Avengers later on is the fact that you're using a single-target melee attack, and not a very fast one either. Everyone would love to have you in their party of course, and nothing will ever be immune to your attacks, so there's that to look forward to.

That and, because most of your damage will be elemental, you won't be able to leech much hp/mana back.

However, I like the 'no, I will hurt you. Yes, even if you are immune. No, you aren't going to not be hurt by this. Eventually, you WILL die, even it will take me a half hour' aspect.

Having Saigon's Gloves + any other part (boots and hat are both nice, so is belt) gives a +30% faster hit rate. Not nearly the speed a Tesladin is going to end up with going Zeal + Holy Shock, but not bad.

2010-06-10, 01:19 PM
Is there any way to add a socket to an item that already has sockets? For example, I've got a 3-socket scepter, but I need 4 sockets to make the Holy Thunder runeword. Do I just have to wait until I can find a 4-socket scepter, or can I add a socket to it somehow?

2010-06-10, 01:22 PM
Is there any way to add a socket to an item that already has sockets? For example, I've got a 3-socket scepter, but I need 4 sockets to make the Holy Thunder runeword. Do I just have to wait until I can find a 4-socket scepter, or can I add a socket to it somehow?

One of the quests in Act 5 gives a socket, I believe...

Aside from that, I just got diablo 2 installed, what class are we lacking in in general? I've got experience with Summonomancer, Bowazon, Frenzy barb, and Auradin, but I like to support a group more than soloing.

2010-06-10, 01:42 PM
Is there any way to add a socket to an item that already has sockets? For example, I've got a 3-socket scepter, but I need 4 sockets to make the Holy Thunder runeword. Do I just have to wait until I can find a 4-socket scepter, or can I add a socket to it somehow?

If the scepter is rare you can use 3 perfect skulls and a Stone of Jordan to give it another slot in the Horodric Cube

2010-06-10, 01:55 PM
One of the quests in Act 5 gives a socket, I believe...

Only adds sockets to a non-socketed item. Normal items get the max sockets, rares 1-2, and uniques 1.

If the scepter is rare you can use 3 perfect skulls and a Stone of Jordan to give it another slot in the Horodric Cube

That adds 1 socket to a rare item with no sockets.

I'll probably just hold out for a 4-socket war scepter and stick some skulls or amethysts in the one I've got. I'd rather save the act 5 quest for adding a socket to one of my end-game items, if at all possible.

2010-06-10, 03:14 PM
The Fendazon is now active and I use

Weapon: eBotD Matriachal Pike (+3 java/spear skills)
Armor: Fortitude Archon Plate
Helm: Gulliaume's Face, socketed "Um"
Gloves: Laying of Hands
Belt: String of Ears
Boots: Gore Rider
Amulet: Highlord's Wrath
Ring 1: Ravenfrost
Ring 2: a rare with (resists and leech), could be better

+ Anni, Torch, 2 Passive and 2 Java skillers, some resist charms

I use Fend without an Valkyrie and it is quite fun to play. Damage is great (Fend damage is around 11k max - 13k with the merc's migth aura) and survivabilty is ok, at least as long as I can leech. I made a solo run to Baal and the biggest problem where the physical immune Harpies. They are deadly and I really have to use Decoy as a shield and just hope that my merc moves to the right place. His Reaper's Toll breaks their physical immunity, but the curse radius of Decrepify is quite small. It is possible to solo but it would be much easier in a team with someone who deals elemental damage.

Another poblem is that Posion Nova (Botd) and Firestorm (torch) proc so often that I sometimes get really bad lag.

2010-06-10, 04:44 PM
I've got 2 Manald Heal rings I'm not using if you want one. I'd trade one for a couple tal/ral/ort runes, or a 4-socket scepter.

2010-06-10, 06:31 PM
I've got 2 Manald Heal rings I'm not using if you want one. I'd trade one for a couple tal/ral/ort runes, or a 4-socket scepter.

You know you get ral/ort/tal for free in A5, ya?

2010-06-10, 06:32 PM
Heya people.

I've just recently started up an Assassin for SC ladder.

I think I'm going to aim towards a martial arts build, but am unsure- I've had a difficult time finding clear and obviously well made guides/builds for Assassins.

By now I'm at level 17, and have focused mainly on Claw Mastery and Tiger Strike. Though the extreme damage multiplication can be fun, I'm pretty sure there are much better ways to go.
Of course, I still have my rebuild, so a complete rework from the ground up is not out of the question.

I don't think I'm really interested in a trap assassin, but in my browsing, I have heard some interesting things about elemental, kick, and blade fury builds. Anyone have any suggestions or experience with those (or just a basic martial artist build?)

2010-06-10, 06:39 PM
Heya people.

I've just recently started up an Assassin for SC ladder.

I think I'm going to aim towards a martial arts build, but am unsure- I've had a difficult time finding clear and obviously well made guides/builds for Assassins.

By now I'm at level 17, and have focused mainly on Claw Mastery and Tiger Strike. Though the extreme damage multiplication can be fun, I'm pretty sure there are much better ways to go.
Of course, I still have my rebuild, so a complete rework from the ground up is not out of the question.

I don't think I'm really interested in a trap assassin, but in my browsing, I have heard some interesting things about elemental, kick, and blade fury builds. Anyone have any suggestions or experience with those (or just a basic martial artist build?)

I've got a very nice Rare assassin weapon with +attack%, +Damage%, +Max Damage, 5% life AND mana drain, and some minor resists. Required level 9, if you want it.

You know you get ral/ort/tal for free in A5, ya?

You know that I'm only in the very beginning of A3, ya? I'd kinda like to have my Ancient's Pledge when facing Mehpisto and Diablo.

2010-06-10, 06:50 PM
I've got a very nice Rare assassin weapon with +attack%, +Damage%, +Max Damage, 5% life AND mana drain, and some minor resists. Required level 9, if you want it.
Sounds like it would be quite useful. I'd hop online to get it, but I don't have my CD at the moment...
I can ensure I'll be online at any point necessary tomorrow though.

Oh, and I'm on East, if that makes a difference.

2010-06-10, 07:16 PM
Well, if anyone finds a 3-socket shield or 4-socket scepter, let me know and I'll trade you something good for it. I'll happily trade a Manald Heal ring for each, for example.

Oh, and I've also just recently gotten 2 nice sorcerer items, an amulet with +1 fire skills and a Jared's Stone with +2 sorc skills. The latter requires level 30 unfortunately, but still.

2010-06-10, 07:41 PM
Well, if anyone finds a 3-socket shield or 4-socket scepter, let me know and I'll trade you something good for it. I'll happily trade a Manald Heal ring for each, for example.

Oh, and I've also just recently gotten 2 nice sorcerer items, an amulet with +1 fire skills and a Jared's Stone with +2 sorc skills. The latter requires level 30 unfortunately, but still.

And, complete n00b that I am, while I was switching around stuff, accidentally gemmed my three-socket Herald shield...

If I would ask ANYTHING from Blizzard for future patch consideration, it would be to un-socket something, even if you destroy everything in the sockets in the process...

*mutter mutter mutter*

So if you are wanting some Tal and Ral and Eths, I can trade them for one of your Manald Heal's

Sounds like it would be quite useful. I'd hop online to get it, but I don't have my CD at the moment...
I can ensure I'll be online at any point necessary tomorrow though.

Oh, and I'm on East, if that makes a difference.
I'm also on East, so no worries. Tomorrow after 7 PM CST would be most convenient for me.

2010-06-10, 07:53 PM
I think I'm going to aim towards a martial arts build, but am unsure- I've had a difficult time finding clear and obviously well made guides/builds for Assassins.

Assassins are very versatile, I'd bet that most of the guides you're reading are work-able without too much fuss. Guides usually go into an unnecessary amount of detail on endgame gear, anyway. Or ionno, if one looks particularly questionable or promising, ask about that.

Also, mixing Tiger Strike with Dragon Tail is fun, if you have a nice pair of boots. Something to try before a respec.

If I would ask ANYTHING from Blizzard for future patch consideration, it would be to un-socket something, even if you destroy everything in the sockets in the process...

Wish granted. It's a cube recipie. Scroll of Townportal + Hel rune + item.

You don't get the socketed stuff back, but eh.

Oh, and also, I have to conclude that (Lightning) Nova isn't a very fun skill at all. I think I am going to respec that sorc into something more enjoyable.

:smallsigh: I can't stand Lightning Sorceresses at all.

2010-06-10, 07:54 PM
And, complete n00b that I am, while I was switching around stuff, accidentally gemmed my three-socket Herald shield...

If I would ask ANYTHING from Blizzard for future patch consideration, it would be to un-socket something, even if you destroy everything in the sockets in the process...

*mutter mutter mutter*

So if you are wanting some Tal and Ral and Eths, I can trade them for one of your Manald Heal's

I'm also on East, so no worries. Tomorrow after 7 PM CST would be most convenient for me.

You can un-socket stuff. Just stick a Hel rune, a scroll of TP, and the item into the cube.

It's not likely that you'll find a Hel rune any time soon, though.

2010-06-10, 07:59 PM
You can un-socket stuff. Just stick a Hel rune, a scroll of TP, and the item into the cube.

It's not likely that you'll find a Hel rune any time soon, though.

Okay, let me rephrase:

un-socket stuff some time BEFORE HELL DIFFICULTY...

2010-06-10, 08:02 PM
Okay, let me rephrase:

un-socket stuff some time BEFORE HELL DIFFICULTY...

Nah, you can get Hel runes in nightmare. Probably even before that, if you're lucky or do a bunch of Baal runs.

Also, my pally is not Act V, huzzah! Diablo was actually kinda easy, really. Though that may have had to do with my 56% fire resist. :smallwink:

2010-06-10, 11:06 PM
You know, the more I play (in Single Player, Online play doesn't like me.) the more I play the more I want to do a Let's Play of the game.

I figure after I beat the game, I might do just that.

2010-06-11, 01:59 AM
Okay, let me rephrase:

un-socket stuff some time BEFORE HELL DIFFICULTY...

I've got an extra Hel rune somewhere, if you really need one.

2010-06-11, 09:09 AM
And I've just learned the fun there is to be had with Blade Sentinel + Maggot Lair.

Whirling blades down extremely narrow corridors? Awesome. :smallbiggrin:

2010-06-11, 07:37 PM
And I've just learned the fun there is to be had with Blade Sentinel + Maggot Lair.

Whirling blades down extremely narrow corridors? Awesome. :smallbiggrin:

You want that rare assassin weapon? I'll be tooling around in the gitpsc/gitp game

2010-06-11, 07:48 PM
You want that rare assassin weapon? I'll be tooling around in the gitpsc/gitp game

I'm already there. Just show up whenever.

2010-06-11, 07:58 PM
Is this on bnet west or east servers?

2010-06-11, 08:11 PM
as far as i know everyone is on east

2010-06-11, 08:13 PM
Guess I'll have to start a new character on there if I ever want to link up with you guys.

2010-06-11, 10:25 PM
worse things could happen :P

2010-06-12, 05:22 AM
accidentally gemmed my three-socket Herald shield...

If I would ask ANYTHING from Blizzard for future patch consideration, it would be to un-socket something,
A simple checkbox "allow socketing" next to the inventory would do nicely.

Also, an extra info-page for all the numbers like FHR, FBR, FC, MF etc. would be useful.

I.e. like PlugY (http://phrozenkeep.hugelaser.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=53027) does for SP :smallcool: (Sadly, it was not yet updated for 1.13 :smallsigh:)

2010-06-12, 11:07 PM
My build for leveling Assassins has gone very well. I'm level 24 now, halfway to 25, figuring to respec her into a Trapper. I was actually in act 5 at level 20. :smallbiggrin:

Putting skillpoints into Blade Sentinel for the purpose of leveling is pretty much unnecessary (and of course for the normal game, too, but that's not the subject). The bonus damage you get there (roughly 30-40 points) is nothing compared to socketing a piece of armor or helmet or both with 2-3 Jewels of Envy (which are usable at any level, and I usually run across a couple from somewhere or other). I guess I ignored this because Venom was sitting there the whole time?

Anyway, I could've completely ignored this respec when going for a Trapper. Usually I'll get a point into Blade Fury anyway (very useful against bosses). A one-point-wonder Blade Sentinel would've done about as well as the build I took through the Cow Level with 10 points, because most of my damage was coming from the weapon or the jewel slots. The longer duration Sentinel was only mildly helpful. Plus, against all the important fights (Duriel, Mephisto, Diablo), you probably have Blade Fury.

Eh, I guess the awesomeness of Jewels of Envy apply to any character leveling. I know I plan to use the same ones for leveling an Amazon, probably along with a fast bow and a point in Multi-Shot. But it was particularly good for leveling with Blade Sentinel (fire and forget, allowing you to dodge or run away from cows) and Blade Fury (because of the good rate of fire for the projectiles and the relatively fast rate of poison damage). Among other things.

2010-06-13, 01:41 PM
My build for leveling Assassins has gone very well. I'm level 24 now, halfway to 25, figuring to respec her into a Trapper. I was actually in act 5 at level 20. :smallbiggrin:

I personally just beat Nihlathak with my Assassin, and I've hit level 31 after doing some leveling on the side. I'd been lacking a good source of extra damage though (no jewels of envy for me), but I just picked up Venom.

I don't suppose you've got some advice for a player new to optimization trying for a Blade Fury build?

So far, my stat points are pretty evenly split between strength and dexterity, with a few in vitality.

As for skills, I haven't put any extra points in Blade Fury/Sentinel, since I read about the scaling cost and not so scaling damage. They do work wonders for one point though.

Mainly, I've been focusing on Claw Mastery to help boost attack/damage, though I've read some opinions on it that say it is a point sink without a great deal of return for Furysins, and that you can generally do better with a good one handed weapon. I might try a respec once I hit Nightmare if I get some more opinions that concur with this.

Beyond that though, I've got a point in Venom and Shadow Master, along with all the necessary prereqs (and I think an extra point or two in Cloak of Shadows and Burst of Speed).

2010-06-13, 03:29 PM
Eh, I'm not a guide-like source, but w/e.

Burst of speed won't do much for you other than the faster run (nice for shopping!). But as a Furysin, you'll mostly worry about which weapon to use. Claws are acceptable, especially in Softcore where Vitality requirement isn't so stiff, and all those stat requirements are nice for wearing whatever gear you like and maxing out block. Also one-handed hammers are great, but two-handed weapons have a penalty with the Blade skills where added damage is cut in half. Enchantments to look for are (in no particular order) Crushing Blow, Blind, Freeze, Knockback, % Steal, Slow target, Open Wounds, % Chance to Cast on Striking, all the various damages, if you still can't hit things then Ignore Target Defense, or if you can't hit boss-types then - % Target Defense.

Also if you get high-ish Dexterity, than I'd advise against putting serious points into Cloak of Shadows for now, since you might not need the defense removal. Unless you really can't hit things. I like to be able to spam it when advancing quickly (possibly get the Warrior to use it). The Basin Wiki indicates that the +% Attack Rating from Claw Mastery doesn't work with Blade Fury, but I don't know if that's still accurate. Another advantage to using poison damage is that you can really tell how often things are being hit.

If I were you, I'd start to put points into either Venom or the preferred shadow minion. The damage from Venom can really help you ignore possible woes with your weapon (plus it still helps if you find something awesome enough to want to forsake claws, even temporarily) and the shadow can use the extra survivability and the boost to the skills it uses if it's dying frequently.

2010-06-13, 06:26 PM
Why would a Furysin want Knockback? I'd figure that's the LAST thing you'd want, since you need things to be in melee to kill them...

2010-06-13, 06:36 PM
Isn't blade fury the ranged shuriken-y skill? I think KB wouldn't hurt it. Then again I've never made one.