View Full Version : Test of Spite: Moonlitdreams v Glimbur

2010-05-20, 03:32 PM
I don't particularly care what arena we fight in, and I'd like as few buff rounds as I can talk you in to.

2010-05-20, 11:15 PM
Either Columns 1 or 2 will work for me, and how about All Days + 1 round?

2010-05-21, 10:00 AM
Columns 1 is fine. I'll start on the south side.
In F11
Buff rounds:
All day: nothing.
Buff round will be spent picking my nose.

Initiative: [roll0]

2010-05-21, 10:14 PM
Starting in


Buff round:

All day buffs (Unless otherwise stated, lasts 13 hours): Greater Mage Armor, Heart of Fire, Heart of Water, Heart of Air, Heart of Earth (All Hearts cast from Runestave), Contingency (Forceward; triggered "when I am targeted by a force spell")
Round 1: Remove Rod of Absorption from Haversack and hold in left hand (move action). Cast Arcane Spellsurge from scroll.

Initiative: [roll0]

Edit: Your move.

2010-05-22, 05:17 PM
As a move action, I draw an enormous bundle of dynamite. As a standard action, I set it to go off now. Demolitions check, DC 10 [roll0].

This sets off an enormous explosion, which does [roll1] damage with no save to the entire arena. Does this affect you?

2010-05-22, 07:01 PM
Uh. Yeah. But it would affect you as well.

2010-05-22, 09:16 PM
That's entirely true. However, thanks to Fearless Destiny, I'm at -1 and stable. Do you have a get out of jail free card? Or did I just demonstrate why we need to ban the Call of Cthulu book?

2010-06-01, 05:10 PM
Yes, I would say you did. Would you like to battle again with a more sane character, or is that it?