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Fable Wright
2010-05-20, 07:00 PM
So, it starts now. The following posts are the background. Please do not post until they are up.

Fable Wright
2010-05-20, 07:01 PM

The Skyborn wanderers' world views:

The Corsairs (Cadian 9th): An interesting bunch with an obvious power base in their resources and probably far more dangerous then they appear. Gold seems to have an almost mystical hold over them but it would be unwise to discount them.

The Patravel Company (Revanmal): They don't like us that much, not that we can blame them. Most people wouldn't like it when some people show up and start tearing their trade networks down around them. They have money and a lot of connections, but their actual ability to project their will militarily is currently limited. We need to keep an eye on them though in case that changes.

Ishtarok (Armin): These...things are not to be bargined with. Kill them on sight lest their plauge spreads. Destroying this fallacy of an empire is not murder, it is pest control.

The Euthoryn and Telios Alliance (Guardsman): Honorable, well equipped and fighting with the strength of conviction. We like these people. They've gone from an occupied province to a power in their own right over the course of the last few decades. That sort of shift takes dedication and we can't help but admire that.

Order of the Ascended Flesh (DMofDarkness): These...people - though I hesitate to use that word - should be wiped off the face of this planet. Watch them for weakness and destroy them as soon as possible.

The Calen (Halna LeGavilk): Hmmm, we would almost like these people except for how their 'airships' fly. Elemental binding is wrong and a danger to everyone around a binding. They say they use their power to 'clean up' magical fallout. We wonder if they realise that they cause it.

Excavators (Tricycle_Knight): Interesting people, but they're a bit too interested in our ships for us to trust them just yet. Their basic philosophy is correct though. Looking into the past can give us the key to the future. We'll help them if we can.

Knights of the TANK (Turalisj): These idiots are probably one the major reasons the Calen still exist. They know that their members can loose control of the demon that powers their armor and yet still they continue to lock people into those metallic suicide traps. If we could, we would destroy them in an instant, but that would not show them that what they are doing is wrong. They must learn that demons are dangerous and far too clever for even the greatest mages to command.

The Shencree Mentocracy (Lord Asmodeus): An interesting race, unlike any we have seen before. This civilization interests us for many reason, the main though being its reliance on a power other than technology or True magic. They merit further observation.

Dawi Nation (Gunther): They seem to be a good people who treasure perfection. It is a worthy goal, but one that is too easy to become entrapped by.


Excavators: These human things occasionally have someone foolish enough to wave away their superior's warnings and either stay as dinner, or return home severely maimed. What little the Excavators have found of us reveal that we once a great "foreign" empire that rivaled the Western Empire. If they ever found out that we are capable of turning back to the side of good, we will kill them for their concern. It wouldn't be right to deprive them of this much more pleasant fate than they deserve.

Skyborn Wanderers: The Mages From The Sky are powerful. I, King Ishtarnahn, have had a few happily arranged last suppers with some of them, before they realize that they were the meal. Kill them on sight, those wretched threats to our empire.

The Corsairs: Oh, how they happily live their lives, drinking and eating, and stealing. It reminds us of our days as human beings. It drives us mad. Kill them on sight, and show no mercy.

The Patravel Company: Occasionally we may catch treasure hunters or some kind of traveler working to fill their coffers. We happily send them home with their precious treasure, in funeral shrouds.

The Calen: Another threat to the Empire, kill them on sight.

The Order Of Ascended Flesh: They alone among humans recognize the uselessness of human bodies. For their maturity and progression we have made them friends to torture people with.

The Euroyn and Telios Alliance: They taste the same as any human. I should know, I"ve imported them from overseas.

Kirin: Only the Sky Dwellers are equal in their threat to us. Kill on sight!

TANK: These are the only humans worthy of our respect.

ShenCree: These are odd non-human mortals that we have never seen before. We have little knowledge of them but, being alien, we might even come to respect them one day.

Dawi Dwarves: These dwarves will one day succumb to the might of our empire, but they are not human. Perhaps we could eat them last?

Excavators: These beings are more primitive than most species. They not only fail to move forwards, they turn around and attempt to de-evolve. Pathetic. They embrace the technology that destroyed the old kingdom, rather than embrace the way of the future.

The Order of the Ascended Flesh:

Skyborn Wanderers: They think that they are powerful and untouchable in the air, in their laughable airships. When we are done with the rest of the earth, I think that we should set our sights on the skies, as well... the flying fortress should be finished soon.

The Patravel Company: They are so squalidly human I want to eat them.

The Corsairs: Heard something about them. Apparently, they sail on the water. How pathetic. Far too many limitations for my tastes.

The Calen: These people attempt to clean up the effects of our magic. They are potent, but they are far too narrow-minded to be initiates. After they crack, however... they make great senior members.

The Euroyn and Telios Alliance: Who?

Kirin: Annoying little buggers. They fail to see progress, like the rest of their race, but they use magic similar to ours. In another hundred years or so, they may find enlightenment. But if they oppose us, well then, ..., they're only humans.

Ishtarok: Previously human, but now they take on the forms of more ascended lifeforms. However, they limit themselves to insects; no plant or mammal grafts. They're on the right track, though, and they have the ability to spawn armies, and accept our grafts.They are our greatest allies.

Knights of the TANK: These beings see that their bodies are weak, but instead of flesh, they use metal to enhance their bodies. They may, though, see enlightenment yet.

ShenCree: This race is interesting; they feed off their prey while leaving the bodies intact; that could feed the armies, and give us test subjects. Possible allies.

Dawi Dwarves: meh. They do not the the advantages of improving flesh. Convert or die.


Excavators: We are fascinated by the technologies held by this group. Perhaps they would be willing to trade for our silver?

Skyborn+Calen: Odd beings, they fly through the air and command abilities different from our own. We would learn more of these "Sky Wizards"
Petravel Company: Merchants and traders, a group devoted to the acquiring of wealth. Ones to be watched for sure.

Corsairs: Thieves, and little more. They claim to be like the Petravel, honest traders, but where the Petravel are suspicious, the Corsairs are deceptive and untrustworthy

The Euthoryn and Telios Alliance: A warrior alliance, making their mark and guarding their borders. Respectable. But dangerous.

Kirin: Powerful fighters, but their element is not our own. Fierce as they are, they would do well not to cross the Shencree

Ishtarok: These creatures are different than all the other humans running about, weak in mind and body. They are strange, but strong, but they are even more like the herd beasts than the humans.

Order of the Ascended Flesh: Humans unlike any other. They recognize their weakness and strive beyond it with their strange magicks. They meld themselves with other beasts. Would they be interested in ours?

Dawi: They are like stunted men. Sturdier in form than the humans, they are fanatics. Their and driven but their minds are weak. Feeding on these would be no great crime.

Excavator worldview

The Skyborn Wanderers (Snowfire): "They're a lot more open with their purses than those other flyboys. But I'd give just about every scrap of gold I have and hand over Antikythera itself for just an hour on one of those ships...They know more about magic than even I do, and that both fascinates and bothers me to no end. They need to be watched, but their potential as allies can't be understated."

The Kirin (Kojiro Kakita): "Eh. They don't like the tech me and boys offer? Fine by me. They don't have to buy it. That said, back when I was first starting out, I had more than a few Kirin in my caravan guards. I wouldn't be stupid enough to pick a fight with them. But they're an honorable sort; I trust they won't try to take advantage of my harmless digging ops."

The Corsairs (Cadian 9th): "A bunch of drunk sailors who happen to harass my couriers on a near constant basis. Luckily, they happen to really like gold, and don't have much use for the trinkets my men carry around. Good thing, too."

The Patravel Company (Revanmal): "They want tech. We have tech. They have money. We want money. It's a beautiful relationship, really."

Ishtarok (Armin): "I've heard--possibly--that those....things....used to be a part of the Unuahomoj--sorry, Predecessor Empire before it fell. Doesn't sit right with me. The Predecessors had a total utopia, and then some schism breaks off and messes with the entirety of human physiology. If they aren't a warning for the responsible use of magic, I don't know what is. I make sure my employees have absolutely no dealings with them."

The Euthoryn and Telios Alliance (Guardsman): "I actually spent some time back in Euthoryn back when I was still in university. I, of course, had to turn tail and break for the border once they started fussing, but I'd like a chance to visit some of their old academies, assuming any are still standing from the war."

Order of the Ascended Flesh (DMofDarkness): "Honestly, I can't tell you who bothers me more; the bugs or these freaks. Oh wait, yeah I can; it's these guys. Let me tell you, I've seen that citadel of theirs with my own two eyes, and if I never do again, it'll be too soon. They want to destroy what I've essentially spent my entire career to discover, and they'll do it over my cold, dead body."

The Calen (Halna LeGavilk): "I can't help but think there's a connection between them and those Skyherders or whatever they fancy themselves...they rarely stay around in one place long enough for us to chat, but from what I've gathered, when they set up shop, it probably ain't great news for whoever happens to be around. I tell my boys to stay clear of 'em."

Knights of TANK: "Total nutjobs, each and every one of them. Going around, fighting in a suit powered by something no one really understands that could go critical at any moment and kill everyone, you know, in the bad way. You really gotta respect someone like that. I try to give them a nice, wide, wide berth, but if they have some secrets to share, I may be inclined to give up a few of my own."

The Shencree: "You know, I think out of all of the creatures that look like they've literally just walked out of one of my more frightening nightmares, I like these guys the best. Yeah, I've heard they eat your sentience and can turn you into a mindless drone, but THEY'RE JUST SO COOL. I mean, I've seen their architecture and stuff. I find their whole aesthetic disturbingly pleasing."

The Dawi: "They can smell magic, work on the most advanced tech blindfolded, and dig through solid rock for fun. Not to mention I find the females really, really cute in their own weird way. I love going to Dawi lands, and am very proud to have a few exiles in the ranks of my Excavators.


The Skyborn Wanderers (Snowfire): "Well, they cheat. Ships in the sky? Good honest water is good enough for us. Do business with them, though be wary, lest they hit us with their tricksy technology."

The Kirin (Kojiro Kakita): "We get on OK. Well, maybe not. Though those dead'ard boys have earned our respect. They live honestly, with none of this wussy technology or weaponry. Good honest steel. We would like to be with these guys. "

The Corsairs (Cadian 9th): "Best."

The Patravel Company (Revanmal): "Wow, these soft spoken businessmen really know their stuff. Never had any trouble with them at all. We sell, they buy, we buy, they sell. Now, lets' hope we don;t have to ruin their reputation... Never go back on a deal, hey Patravel? How about a deal?"

Ishtarok (Armin): "dammit these guys freak us out. One needs good steel to take them down, and whats more, they don't like gold or even candy! Don't let em get near our turf..."

The Euthoryn and Telios Alliance (Guardsman): "Good ol trading partners, by fortune and circumstance. Honest fighters. Not what they say so, though, how about a deal of sorts? An Alliance even?"

Order of the Ascended Flesh (DMofDarkness): "These metal boys say they bring death to us. SunSou declares war."

The Calen (Halna LeGavilk): "Wierd. Never met them, but heard they are strange indeed. Like the sky boys, they cheat and fly. Nuff' said."

Fable Wright
2010-05-20, 07:03 PM


The World as We Know it: a Brief Treatise
Prof. Samson Oakeshott

The Dawn of Ages (????-c. 94249BF)At first, there was nothing. The scientific community presents the theory that our entire plane, and all the other planes around us were created by something called the Arch Effect, but if you want that kind of stuff, go somewhere else. We're focusing on history here.

Anyway, when our plane was first created, it was not a pretty place. The entire thing was a massive conflagration, consumed in fire and smoke. The air was nothing but toxic fumes and the only thing close to water was dark, viscous, poisonous fluid that made up most of the plane. Life, at this point, had not yet come around. Most academics estimate that this went on in such a way for thousands of millions of years before any kind of change in the environment as a whole began to take place. Over time, the fires and fumes began to really combine with this proto-liquid, which both cooled and purified the air and was able to chemically convert the liquid into what we today know as water. The instability of the landmasses reacted hard with the new substances being created, and monumental shifts in the early continents slowly took place as the early eons began to slowly pacify. As the water and more purified air was able to access new parts of the landmasses, materials underneath the surfaces began to change as well, becoming what we know today as the common elements; things like copper, iron, tin, gold, silver, oxygen and the like. This shift reacted back with the earth around them, and more fertile and sustainable soil began to come about. The mountains rose, valleys were created, water streamed inland and pooled into great rivers and lakes, and the world we know it became a little more noticeable.

It was around this time that life actually began to appear. Certain elements, mainly carbon, reacted with one another to split off and become practically insignificant organisms, impossible to see with the naked eye. This, in short, was life. These organisms were entirely self-sufficient and likely photosynthetic in nature, and were created along shorelines where access to carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen were all abundant to create such a concoction of elements. However, an event known as the Great Storm came, and for thousands of years, the sky was covered in great rainclouds, and the entire plane was flooded through massive rainfall. The organisms were barely able to sustain themselves without the sun's rays, so they forced themselves to begin feeding off of an outside source, namely tiny proto-fauna particles of carbon that were floating in the water around them, and thus, the need to eat was formed. Not all of the organisms grew to feed on other particles; some retained their photosynthetic qualities, and when the floods subsided, they remained on the land, stationary and photosynthetic, becoming the first plants. The organisms that required to feed traveled back into the waters, along with substantially increased amounts of the proto-fauna. As time pressed on, the overabundance of food around them allowed the organisms both on land and in the seas to become more and more complex, shaping into the first true flora and fauna of our world. Millions of years continued on, and the creatures became more and more complex and more and more unique to one another.

Slowly, mankind arose. Most scholars agree that mankind was the first true sapient, sentient race, and that the other races (the Dawi and the Shencree, for example) began to differ through environmental adaptations. Early tribal conflict between the various human settlements drove such peoples out of the flush plains and lowlands into less hospitable climates where it is likely that many died during the trek and subsequent colonization of such areas. However, as the eons progressed, the people began to overcome their shortcomings to better suit their environment, becoming hardier, more able to fit in close spaces, able to live in mountainous regions, extreme resilience to cold climate; things of that nature. The lowland human tribes still experienced tremendous amounts of infighting, as food (and over time, farmland) was still rather scarce, and that there was no true way for the different tribes to communicate with one another, sparking more conflict. It is during this time, however, the society begins to truly advance. Weapons of flint and wood are made, domiciles begin to make an appearance, as does clothing and pottery. Tribal religious beliefs emerge, which invariably leads to a tribal hierarchy as well. However, the tribes still are not united, which slows any kind of true progress to the point of almost a standstill.

Cave murals from this time, however, begin to show a common element; a single person with a rather interesting tool: a book. This, of course, before a time when there isn't a common tongue for the tribes to speak, much less a written language (or, of course, the means to bind books). Dubbed by scholars as 'the Patron,' this enigmatic figure is believed to have traveled the lands and actually teach each of the individual human tribes a single, spoken language with one another. The Patron is believed to not have traveled to the lands of the other burgeoning races, as he (or she) is entirely absent from and such murals from similar time periods.

However, the Patron didn't just teach the tribes a common language. Along with a common tongue, the Patron gave the humans another gift: Truespeak. Lost to the ages, Truespeak is the language of the multiverse, the ability to actually tap into the aforementioned Arch Effect and literally change reality to one's own whims. It was shortly after the disapperance of the Patron that the tribes had one last go at one another. Armed with Truespeak, it was utterly devastating and left few survivors. Realizing the folly of their ways, the tribes made peace with one another and joined to together in order to rebuild one another. And thusly, the first empire was forged.

The Unuahomoj--The First Empire, First People (c. 94250BF-c. 27519BF)Once unified, the tribes of humans, known to academics as the Unuahomoj ('First People' in their tongue), blossomed. With the help of a unified people and the ability to use Truespeak, the Unuahomoj rebuilt from the devastating war and quickly surpassed their former glories, in the span of only a few centuries expanding outward and civilizing more and more territories. It was not long before the majority of the Eastern Continent was under their sway, which gave them access to innumerable amounts of natural resources. Old, individual tribal ways were given up in favor of a focus more on the up-and-coming field of science, allowing for technological advances that rival (and in many cases, surpass) the kinds of technology that we have only begun to harness. Mass transit systems, multi-layered housing, surgery, even machines that can take to the sky were very common place and totally mastered to the Unuahomoj, not to mention the invention of less concrete albeit monumental advances in areas such as law, education, and philosophy. Peace was the order of the day, and while the Unuahomoj had to deal with occasional border struggle with one of the many tribes that refused their rule, within the empire, there practically was no crime or dissent to speak of.

The Unuahomoj were ruled by a long line of kings, a dynasty that stretched all the way from the first inklings of the empire to its very last days. Their greatest king, Is'kanderbeg the Magnificent, ruled during a time known as the Middle Kingdom era, approximately 47423 to 47266, BF. And no, that isn't an error. Oh, sorry, did I forget to include that Unuahomoj began to adapt as well? Not to any external extremes, of course. They had mastered all of the elements, as their empire stretched for thousands of miles in just about every direction. No, they didn't so much adapt as they overcame. Overcame the weakness of the human form. They began to live longer. They got stronger. Faster. More attractive. Their advanced science combined with their pursuit for a kind of human perfection led them to become more human than human. What kind of abilities they possessed at such an advanced state, scholars can only speculate, but in this researcher's opinion, it's the kind of things children read about in their little books. Powers that make our tenuous hold on the occult forces around us seem like an amateur's attempt. Combined with their substantial military prowess and their physical and metaphysical power, few dissident kingdoms could stand against their might, and they began another large period of expansion, in order to help bring about such refinement to the other kingdoms that they considered to be less enlightened than themselves.

One of such kingdoms absorbed by the Unuahomoj was the Ishtarok Kingdom, led at the time by King Ishtarnahn V. Ishtarnahn had learned of the Unuahomoj and was eager to allow his own kingdom to become a part of the great empire. Knowing of the secrets and advanced technology possessed by them, not to mention to save the lives of his own people who would've perished in the meaningless and seemingly unwinable war that would surely come. The Unuahomoj were eager to allow such enlightened thought into their empire, and went about teaching Ishtarnahn and his subjects the ways of the Unuahomoj. This, however, did not suit some of Ishtarnahn's advisers, who, using their perverted and aberrant 'magick,' turned their king into a horrible monstrosity, bent and subject to their will and their will alone. The Ishtarok began an open revolt against their former benefactors, which only began to incite other less-than-satisfied kingdoms to try and break the grip of the Unuahomoj. Disgusted by the willingness to throw away such enlightenment, the Unuahomoj began to actually resent their former neighbors, which only served to make matters worse. The wars against the Unuahomoj were catastrophic, mostly to the insurgents who could not hope to compare against the seemingly invincible enemy. Then, one day, the Unuahomoj were no longer. No records speak of what happened to them. One day they simply were, and the next, they were not. The event, known as the Leaving, has never been explained, and many scholars are even hesitant speculate what happened to them. The greatest historical mystery of all time has yet to be solved, but interesting discoveries made within the past few years have led most to believe that the Unuahomoj race journeyed to a far plane that is no longer coterminous with our own. But this is shaky at best, and as stated, no one knows for sure.

Chaos and the Lesser Kingdoms (c. 27520BF-3045BF)At first, the Insurgent kingdoms considered themselves victorious. The enemy was gone, and with no sign of them, they decided to march their armies into the Unuahomoj's former cities and destroy any sign or symbol of the once great race, destroying all of their great accomplishments as a way to remove them from memory (an act that this scholar can only consider to be the rape of true culture), something they were almost successful at. Luckily, a few artifacts and relics remained of the once great people, but the majority of their advanced technology and treatises on magick were lost to the invaders. After the kingdoms got destroying the remnants of the greatest and most advanced cultures the world will ever see all out their systems, old hatreds began to rear their heads again, and the various kingdoms fell into a state of near constant war with one another. Without the technology or magick of the Unuahomoj, the wars could never be decided decisively for any side, so these wars lasted centuries, which took a heavy toll on all belligerents involved. The Lesser Kingdoms, as they have been come to known, fell into chaotic, barbaric states where once benevolent kings turned into tyrants and despots that exploited their citizens to gain any kind of desperate edge against their perceived foes. Kingdoms like the Farahn, the Retigal, and the Sharrsk to the north were lost in short order, falling into disarray to become some of the barbarian movements that we know of today. This was a time without heroes, without thinkers, without movers or shakers. Those who managed to live did so only by keeping a strong self-preservation instinct; absolutely nothing was sacred or to be spared if it meant survival. According to some records, more children were born out of rape than were born of consenting couples, which ironically was the only true way of keeping the human race sustained during such time, as frivolities like courtship had no place in such a time. This brutality lasted centuries before the one man was able to turn the tide.

Coming of the Architects(3046BF-1BF)Gallien the Terrible saw the chaos, and with the aid of his brilliant strategic mind and an especially heartless lack of compassion towards his fellow man, was able to bring some of the lesser kingdoms into his fold. Using a more stable power base than that of his competitor world leaders, Gallien was able to actually advance scientific research, if only to help advance his never-ending wars against his neighbors. It was during this time that the Architects developed the means to bind elementals—nature spirits comprised of the more, natural elements such as air and water—to machines of war. It was through these means that Gallien was able to forge some kind of tenuous peace with the kingdoms over his hold; do what I say, and you will be spared. Don't, and your kingdom gets put to the flame. The majority of the kingdoms under Gallien's sway, tired of centuries of warfare and strife, decided it would just be better to accept the lesser of two evils and dutifully served one of the most powerful men in recent history.

As time rolled along and Gallien's heirs continued their father's bloody path, conquering other city states around them and expanding their influence, creating the first true empire in millenia. Ruled by a family of tyrannical patriarchs with no love of their people, the Architects were able actually institute a code of laws to the land, a sorely needed system that actually served to at least somewhat benefit humanity as a whole (no matter how cruel and unjust the laws happened to be) by bringing some minor semblance of order to the lands that had been so long troubled by constant struggle. Not a great place to live, granted, but better compared to the times of chaos that came before them. During this time, of course, the scientific and academic communities flourished, at first to help bring about new and more able machines of war, then to help keep soldiers on the field alive as long as possible on the fields of battle. Slowly, this technology made its way down to the layman, who actually enjoyed some moderate conveniences in their lives despite tremendous amounts of strain brought on by the constant battles. As time went on, the kings of the Architects became less and less bloodthirsty, but becoming more and more paranoid. Instead of worrying about external threats of other kingdoms, the Architect kings sought to quiet the dissenting voices that began to gain volume throughout the empire. Almost all liberties were revoked, and while the became less stressful from a production standpoint, the life of the average citizen was one of constant danger from the king's personal enforcers. People could get arrested or executed on sight for no offense, without any kind of trial. A few scattered groups attempted to break free of the Architects' grip, but were summarily defeated, and only served to make the oppression of the common folk that much worse.

The last of the Architect kings was Kreyg III, a man so reviled by pretty much everyone that to this day many who hear his name spit and curse. There are many myths regarding the man's intolerable cruelty and penchant for excess that it's rather difficult to tell the truth from historical libel. The story that most relay is that during a particularly heated battle, Kreyg's men began accidentally attacking their own troops, something not uncommon in a more intense battle situation. When Kreyg found out about the wholesale slaughter of his own men, he decided instead of trying to get them back fighting the enemy, to send more of his own troops into the melee to fight against one another, going so far as to have his mages cast enchantments to rile up an unquenchable blood lust in the soldiers. The enemy was so thoroughly disgusted by the act that they fled the field.

Architects Asunder, Rise of the Kingdom (0F-215AF)One of Kreyg III's more innocuous lieutenants, a man named Haraald Solren, decided once and for all that the cruelty of the Architects was enough, and incited an armed rebellion against the King. Now, as mentioned earlier, this wasn't the first time that the serfs began to rise against the Architects, but Solren's movement was different. Solren benefited from an almost divine winning personality that inspired the common folk like no one who came before him. In his legendary Golden Armor, Solren led his troops through countless battles, starting at the outskirts of the Architects' empire before finally stopping outside of the capital city. Standing on the brink of their own annihilation, Kreyg's armies brought forth some of the most vile and destructive weapons of our age. The Battle at Gallien's Gate would claim thousands of lives in mere minutes, and the resulting siege would go on to cause more casualties than all the other battles of the Solreni Civil War combined. Eventually, however, Solren brought forth his mythic dagger, the Dragon's Gambit, and laid King Kreyg low. Gallien's dynasty had fallen, but Haraald Solren decided not to take the throne himself, stating that “One who destroys a state cannot be the one to rebuild it.” Instead, he nominated his trusted second-in-command, Julia Virios to be the new queen of the domain. And every year, on the 27th of Girdas, we celebrate Ascension Day to commemorate the crowning of Julia, the founding of the Viriosan dynasty, and the birth of our kingdom as we know it today. Haraald Solren crowned the new queen, stepped into the mists of time, and was never heard from again. Were he went and what happened to his famous arms and armor remain a mystery to this day.

Queen Julia had quite a task ahead of her. The Civil War had completely torn the land apart, and old wounds between those still loyal to the Architects and those aligned with the new regime would take a long time to heal. Despite these setbacks, Julia proved to be an overly competent monarch. By not alienating those she once fought against but attempting to bring both parties closer together, she began sowing the seeds of unity to get the new kingdom on the right track. Julia passed away twenty-three years into her reign, and the throne passed to Prince Alek, now styled King Alek. Alek was less sensitive to the concerns of his people, and while no one would say that he was a cruel leader by any means, his longstanding hatred of the old regime prompted the passing of several writs that barred such people from holding any kind of office or true high station. While many who fought on Solren's side felt that this was a just punishment, cracks began to form in the burgeoning kingdom's foundations. Several attempts on Alek's life were made, however, he did not waver in his stance and continued to subtly persecute his former foes. On his death bed, Alek had his discriminating laws repealed, but the damage had been done. Those who felt slighted by the dead king's edicts bided their time.

It was during this time as well that the predominantly-barbarian border states began to press their will on the borders of the kingdom. Without the threat of the stern reprisals of the Architects, the barbarian chieftans decided to gain more territory for themselves to expand and gain more prominence for themselves. The new king, Alek II, formed the Border Marshals, one of the most prestigious branches of the armed service, to help combat the increasing threat to the settlers on the frontiers of the kingdom. The Marshals would prove to invaluable in the defense of the kingdom's borders, and went on to serve in some of the most important engagements that the kingdom has ever faced. However, even the Border Marshals could not protect the empire from the new threats that would come to face it.

The Order of Chains(216AF-398AF)The Order of Chains began as a small sect of scholars who, not unlike the author, were fascinated with the secrets of the past. So many different things had been lost over the eons, from the legendary Truespeak of the Unuahomoj to the Architects' elemental bindings. Feverishly, they worked, studied, and researched for a way to replicate any kinds of results, but were largely fruitless. Then, essentially by accident, one of the Order's researchers successfully bound a small water elemental to a piece of machinery. Almost overnight, elemental-powered devices were in vogue, and became one of the most defining characteristics of the upper class aristocracy. Technology advanced seemingly by leaps and bounds as reckless researchers saw the end goal of progress as worth some of the deplorable experiments and tests the scientific community would ever see. It's during this time that officially everything changes. The Dawi and the Shencree begin to make contact with the kingdom. From the east, new threats to humanity begin to arise. Humans again take to the air, through magical and technological flying machines. Magic undergoes a major resurgence and new forms begin to augment and replace old standards.

As their profits and knowledge grew, so too did the Order's control over various parts of the kingdom. Having a monopoly on the elemental machine industry made them a cabal that the government could not trifle with without major economic reprisals from them. Of course, innumerable tinker's guilds across the land begin experimenting with their own technologies and elemental bindings to compete with the Order. Not wanting their power hold threatened, the Order was able to outlaw anyone but themselves from creating or advancing such machinery, and thus the black market of such devices was born. Pirates, criminal lords, barbarians all were willing to pay top dollar for even slapdash goods that the other guild began building in secret. Countless tiny conflicts erupted under the skin of the kingdom, and while the crown still held a strong sway over the land, small pockets of territory and even some major cities began answering to rogue elements instead of agents of the crown. Knowing their experience dealing with such insurgencies, the Royal Parliament brought the Border Marshals back into the kingdom proper to fight against these splinter groups, which not only allowed the barbarians (now armed with elemental devices of their own) to make greater inroads into the border settlements, but enraged a good majority of the populace who detested having what was essentially a standing army roaming their own lands, fighting their own people. Some began to riot. Some spoke out against the crown. Faced with increasing pressure to maintain order, the Border Marshals were sent back out to the rim, however many perished as they tried to fight against barbarians who now had a much more stable foothold than before.

And so, the splinter groups continued their slow, cancerous spread across the land, armed with greater and more dangerous machines. Some, like Euthoros and Telios, were able to gain their independence from the kingdom. Given how much the black market demand for such devices increased in such a short time, the Order of Chains began to lose its influence as the other guilds began to bring in gobs and gobs of capital, allowing them to expend their own influence. Eventually, the guilds took up arms against one another throughout the major cities to gain the coveted monopoly on technology. Not to be outdone, the Order entered the fray, using their superior grasp of magick to fight their foes. However, the only result so far has been countless, meaningless deaths as all the guilds, soldiers, and the Order lose their grip on their ever-dwindling influence.

Kingdom Today (399AF-???)This is who we are. We are consumed by infighting. We are led by a weak monarchy. We fly without knowing how, despoil the past in the name of progress, and murder our brothers in the name of unity. We are not responsible, refuse to take responsibility, and have no great hand to guide us. Our time runs short, and without, and I shudder to say this, a miracle, I would say for our future, I would refer you to the previous section entitled 'Chaos and the Lesser Kingdoms.'

Current tech level

Technology- Soul binded clockwork and soul binded ancient "vehicles" (Carts/Boats/chariots in that regards) which I assume is only with the nobility and any high clerics. (If this is not true please bring it up)
Steam technology/Gunpowder technology/Magitech technology which is very new, very scarce, very hazardous and very powerful. I do not see many people having this type of technology and if someone does I can see some serious problems in their faction regarding unseen happenings and extremely heavy maintenance.

Race Descriptions


The Wanderers are a strange bunch by anyone's reckoning, appearing not more than a century ago when one of their skyships happened upon the edges of the Empire. The Wanderers themselves are considered by some to be a vanguard, the scouts of a much larger - and more powerful - empire, but none can prove their suspicions. The Skyborn - as their name implies - seem to live their lives on large, highly enchanted vessels that float amongst the clouds and ride upon their winds. So far, they have proved themselves to be adept traders with substantial magic at their command that makes them completely unafraid of the Sellers 'disapproval'. Whilst the use of a skyship is highly expensive, the speeds at which they can deliver goods is beyond incredible, even for the magically advanced parts of the empire and this has driven a wedge into the Seller's monopoly.

Although the skyship's capacity of flight is definitely magical in nature, no one has managed to get close enough to the more complex enchantments to discover if they fly upon the backs of air elementals or if the Wanderer's strange ships are a product of a much more powerful version of arcane enchantment. Whatever it is though, the Skyborn aren't telling.

If few things are known of the skyships, almost less is known of those who ride them. The Wanderers themselves are reclusive and rarely establish regular contact with the people of the empire. What is known is that every observed Wanderer has been found to be a practicing arcane or divine spellcaster. Sorcerers, wizards, clerics, druids, bards and even some that have never been seen by the empire; they all combine behind the banner of the Skyborn. But beneath their veneer of magic and shy politeness, there is far more to the Wanderers then meets the eye. There is a visible priesthood that preach anywhere a skyship lands of glory and wonder of the Sky Roads and invite any user of magic to join them on the "heavenly pathways". Those that choose to accept this offer are rarely heard from again and this is one of the main reasons for suspicion of the Wanderers. The other is the suspicion of magic that still runs deep within many of the empire's commoners.

Dawi Nation

Sons of the Stone and Devoted Children of Malkius, the Dawi- often called Dwarves by the less educated- are stunted folk that well know the value of loyalty and devotion. Whilst some would say that it is a racial trait, their capacity of industry and near-fanatical devotion to their chosen craft in life is in fact attributed to the culture they have found themselves in. Though their exact origins say that they were all forged from the gold of the mountains they live in as Malkius's shining example to the world, their underground origin has led them to place a great value on what space they have dug out for themselves, as well as what they produce. After all, the mountains only hold a limited amount of resources, and- as such- must be put to the greatest use possible.

It is this emphasis on utilizing what the dawi have that led the Empire to take their original interest in them. The superstition of dwarven craftsmanship being unsurpassed led to their eventual "conquest" by the Empire, though it became more of an economic conquest than a militant one. With Empire goods coming in through daily caravans, their society was allowed to grow tenfold in size, their halls brimming with starry-eyed dawi clad in the latest of Empire fashions, with the focus on becoming paragons of talent shifting towards a focus on gaining as many material goods as possible.

And thus, when the Empire fell, the dawi found their society collapsing. With too many people and not enough food being produced, the Dawi leaders of the era chose to enact a great internal culling. Thus, with dawi slaying countless of their brethren in slums that had been erected due to the lack of imports and trade, their society reset itself to its previous standards. Though their continued to expand their mountain, the value of each dawi's life remained incalculable, their race having turned- in a sort of cultural hysteria- to the Lord Malkius. It was in this way that the dawi nation became a theocracy of sorts, with their god- having been credited with smiting the dawi for their contempt of what the mountains gave them- becoming a central figure in society. As it now stands, their culture is a mix between spiritual rule and rule by the most skilled, though each of the long-bearded dawi can be credited with seemingly unmatched talent.

Currently, this mutual rulership takes the form of what the Empire once was, with a Dawi Emperor- usually a paragon that has been marked, in some way, by Malkius- ruling over his subjects, and a Senate made up of representatives of both the regular dawi and the holy caste. The Dawi Emperor's latest decrees have led to a more industrial bent, however, with the increasing appearance of valuable minerals as the Dawi people begin to dig deeper into their fortified mountains.

The mountains themselves have been worked and reworked throughout history, with each generation working to engrave and expand the Dawi territories unendingly. Yet immense care is taken in such a task, for the stone can only be shaped once, and that shaping must be done with unparalleled talent. It is for this reason that efficiency is critical, and why it is almost unmatched by other societies.

Oakeshott’s Excavators

Samson Oakeshott was once one of the leading professors at the prestigious Herdot Academy, a polymath genius who specialized in the study of the Predecessors or Unuahomoj, a long-lost (once thought mythical) empire that encompassed the entire continent for thousands of years. One of the first people to theorize the long-lasting impacts the Predecessors had on the present world, Oakeshott, despite his brilliance, was seen as more of a fringe theorist than his more mainline colleagues. Desperate to prove his theories, Oakeshott spent a vast fortune on excavating sites all over the continent, looking for some proof to any of his theories. And while many of his finds were considered some of the most significant archaeological discoveries of their time, nothing Oakeshott found proved any of his writings. Until one day, one of his dig teams stumbled upon a vast, underground city, seemingly frozen in time. Everything was perfectly preserved, including foodstuffs and flora, but there were not any signs of anyone ever have lived there. But what disturbed Oakeshott the most was that some of the most advanced technologies of his time—trains, the moving demons, even airships—were all present in the city. Oakeshott and a few of his most trusted colleagues sequestered themselves deep into the city, which they named Antikythera, in order to solve its numerous riddles.

That was some ten years ago. Since then, Oakeshott has been able to unify the various laborers that worked on his expeditions over the years, creating the organization known today as Oakeshott’s Excavators. The Excavators make money selling their numerous archaeological finds to wealthy private collectors, and have been rumored to sell Predecessor technology to the highest bidder on the black market, including criminal elements, pirates, and barbarians wishing to acquire new machines of war. They also undertake commissioned expeditions far into barbarian lands, being one of the relatively few people who can pass in the savage lands unmolested, due to Oakeshott’s longstanding bartering with many of the tribes who own the land he excavated. Oakeshott himself still resides in Antikythera, and has been able to keep its location—and to many, its very existence—hidden from the world at large.

The Corsair Trading Company

This Company is not so much a company as an alliance of pirates, now using the fancy name of "Corsairs". The leader is mister SunSou and He's the controller of the Corsairs. We control the last remaining supplies of the energy for the last collapse of the empire, but recently people have been using alternatives so ain't so willing to buy or goods. Now, Master SunSou ain't happy bout this, so the corsairs mobilise for war. Only thing is, We've got ships and Don't fly. Yet.

The Patravel Company

The Patravel Company's public image is that of a major trading company; a conglomerate which has a shop or gathering hall for merchants in almost every city of the Empire. Known for their reliability and fair business practices the world over, though there are whispers of a darker side to the Patravel Company they emphatically deny.

Ishtarok, the Dark Kingdom

The ancient nation of Ishtarok was once a great agricultural nation, making a vast fortune in the world. It was the world's ancient Super-State, ruled by the kings. However, one day the Court Eunuch Sorcerers united and overthrew the King Ishtarnahn the V. Ishtarnahn was torn apart, flayed, and survived being drawn and quartered afterwards. He lived with no heart, and no organs save his brain. Monsterous limbs and body parts were grafted into him, and he was completely remade into a monster, controlled entirely by the Court Eunuchs.

Ishtarnahn seemed to rule Ishtarok for another twenty years as a tyrant. However, the truth was far worse. Indeed, the Sorcerer Eunuchs had thought to create Ishtarnahn in their own dark image. But what the Sorcerers did not take into account was the interferrence of the Royal Family. They had discovered that the King was a fake, his soul enslaved by dark magic, but instead of setting the King through, they killed the Eunuchs in private, and, not knowing they could have ended the curse, they used the same magic of the Sorcerer Eunuchs to set him on all of the witches and sorcerers of the Kingdom.

Severing mages and dark magic users from the Royal Court caused a brutal civil war that lasted for eight years throughout the empire. The Royal family had been cursed, and transformed into the same monster as the King had become in the end, but enslavement of the Royal Family was not to be. Unexpectadly, the Royal mages and sorcerers were not as powerful as the Eunuchs, so the enslavement of their souls was impossible for long. The Royal Family had become aware of their condition more than was possible, and their souls escaped their deep sleep, only to enter into a nightmare. They cursed the gods and overthrew the magi in two days. The people suffered the worst, now being forced to offer living people for the feasts of their new monsterous over lords.

The Euthoryn and Telios Alliance

The Euthoryn are the great warriors of the country of Euthoros, a land which was under Empire rule for some time by a Governor Marcus Gaius who controlled a great deal of Euthoros territory. Those not under Empire rule that held the mighty Empire at bay with sheer courage and will to persevere lived in the southern area of Euthoros. Their numbers were not as many as the mighty Empire but they relied on a formation that few had used during this time which was developed by Melchior himself!

The mighty phalanx formation used by these forces was devastating in defensive and offensive positions, men who wielded a varying size of 10 to 18 feet spears which used in five ranks of ten could make an impenetrable wall of pikes and spears. This formation was often used with the help of the skirmishers of the still loyal Euthoryn's known as Peltasts who used javelins and light armour for pure mobility. The armoured hoplites of Euthoros were known to the Empire as "The Gods damned armoured juggernauts!" as their generals often called them for their sheer amount of iron armour they wore with shield and 10 foot spear. The other two warrior formations that gave Euthoros their fame as warriors were two other phalanx units, the mighty Euthoryn Pikemen regiments and the self trained courageous Militia Hoplites.

It had been some time of war with the Empire who held the Euthoryn's land and in their rebellion many a good man was killed. For some time they could not gain their land solely because of the magical supremacy of the Empire which often caused great casualties on the warrior formations, even with their mighty shields and determination. The lack of magic with the Euthoryn's was not because of they lack the ability to use magic but because they were too stubborn to use it. It was a superstition because those that practiced the old ways of magic the gods supposedly bestowed to the Euthoryn's was a deformed sect of deformed Oracles. It took many battles that the Euthoryn rebels won and lost but in time their stubborn ways broke which lead them to employ the Oracles in their armies (how they did do this is unknown and is kept in secret by the current leader during the Euthoros wars). The oracles changed the whole way of the battlefield, giving the phalanx formations mighty defensive barriers upon their skin, strengthening their shields, increasing their vigor and strength while the peltasts could be almost invisible and have almost unlimited stamina on the battlefield! This was however entirely done upon preparation as the Oracles were few in number.

With this came the use of stolen Empire war machines which pushed them farther and farther into the stolen Euthoryn capital. The mighty armoured hoplites defeating Empire legionnaires with sheer superior formation which kept the enemy at bay. The pikemen with their mighty 18 foot pikes used superior mobility and being a wall of death marched upon the enemies medium to light armoured infantry and skewered them while chariot users were filled with pikes. The defensive magic as well as the support from stolen warmachines had proven a success on the battlefield and had helped them breach the walls of the Euthoryn capital which was renamed back to its original name Celphos. With the armies marching in to retake what they had lost rebellions were rising in the Empire territories, citizens and slaves born in Euthoros rising to kick the Empire out of their lands! In a month to come the Empire had been kicked out of these lands, the inheritors of Melchior victorious after ten years and a month!

With the rebuilding of Euthoros also came light for the neighboring territory of Telios, a grassland of archers and horse archers also held by the Empire. With the lack of support from the neighboring Empire territory the rebellions began in Telios not long after the victory made from the Euthoryns. Word was sent to Euthoros and seeing the plight and gain from the Telions they sent their armies and waged war on the other Empire providence. It was not long with the support from another territory that victory was gained!

Both factions finding their alliance during this time profitable and better for defending their homelands it began with both leaders shaking upon the middle ground between them to signify that both lands are unified as one. The Euthoryn and Telios alliance has begun and while they pick up the pieces they have already started with employing a democratic government to see if it proves superior to the Empires ways (mostly out of hatred mind you). They require more currency at the moment and have sent out their soldiers as mercenaries to other factions (except for the Empire). Their superior tactics and formations have proved useful a number of times as well as the supporting Telions archers being used as mercenaries as well.

The Order of the Ascended Flesh

This is a group of humanoids that believe that the answer to immortality and power lie in the flesh. These people shun technology, and want to utterly obliterate it. They grow and shape flesh into any shape they want, for example, growing plant flesh into the shape of a citadel, with leaves to harness energy and hardened wood to protect the inhabitants, with genetically engineered animal symbiotic creatures to grow in the wall and funnel energy into fire breath and such, as well as having the citadel freaking Get up and smash enemies itself.

Knights of the TANK

The Knightly Order of Tael'Nul Kas (hereafter refered to as the KotTANK) are a specialized order of knights created by the Chained Order to test experimental and something unstable weapons. Known by the populace as the Suicide Knights, they have maintained a relativly low casualty rate- when their suits don't unbind and go beserk.

The KotTANK operate out of a mountainside fortress, where they mine the rare minerals needed to keep a demonic spirit bound within a suit of armor. They are usualy called out to assist in key defensive positions when all hope is lost, mostly because a battlefield commander knows that a beserk Knight will cause massive casualties to both sides.

The Calen

The Calen is not a people- they are an organization. Numbering roughly 100 wizards, the Calen are perhaps the most versatile force on the face of the continent. Decked out in the finest technological fighting gear, and allied with the most powerful elementals they can find, the Calen are the ones responsible for eradicating the magical fallout, wherever it may be. Organized into ten squads of ten, give or take a few trainees at any given point.

Each squad is assigned their own airship, sent to all corners of the world to contain and destroy the magical fallout. Each wizard in the organization are incredibly powerful, and generally very old, masters of their disciplines. Each airship is a battle monstrosity, with an unknown power source, but believed to be linked not to elementals, but to the elements themselves. No airship is ever to be lost.

Recruitment into the Calen is generally very, very reserved, to only the very best wizards across the lands. Each must be allied with at least two "Class A" elementals, and must be at least 200 years old. Even still, most trainees don't survive the first year. After that, the average Calen lasts only four years before death, crippling disability, or retirement.

No one knows who sent the Calen on their sacred mission, or who funds or supplies them with their airships. Some speculate that some sort of elder elemental or ancient wizard is the main patron of the Calen. However, no one knows, or if they do, they're not telling it.

The Shencree Mentocracy

The Shencree are strange and aliens beings hailing from the far north, beyond the known bounds of the habitable world. Their reasons for expanding south are unknown, some fear they are merely expanding upon the fullness of their territory, which stretches across the whole roof of the world. The Shencree are long beings with black or dark gray skin that is smooth and leathery. Their bodies are long and somewhat slender, and standing at their full height they reach upwards of 12 feet. The Shencree have eight long limbs along the length of their body, all of which end in hand-like appendages, and their joints can bend either way, their shoulders can swivel a full 360 degrees. The Shencree have strangely shaped faces somewhat like an oval sharpened on both ends, they have two glowing eyes of a single dominant color, but they have no noses, mouths or ears, and are completely hairless over their entire bodies.

Shencree breath through slits in their sides. They do not eat as other beings do, instead they drain the minds of other creatures. Shencree can devour the mental energy of any level of intelligence from simplistic animal minds to sapient beings, though devouring the minds of sapients can be difficult if they are not unconscious. Nevertheless, the Shencree stick almost wholly to non-sapient beings for food, keeping large herds of smaller animals, generally predatory, to feed upon. A Shencree leaves it's victim physically intact after their mind has been devoured, as well as their spiritual energy, and so they usually use their dead food to feed other livestock they keep. Shencree can, for this reason, use many of their livestock for military or defense purposes if need be, as they are docile and well trained toward Shencree, but are all carnivorous and can be whipped into a bloodthirsty frenzy, or used in a more ordered manner. All Shencree possess some level of psychic ability, ranging from the ability to move small objects with their mind, speak to others and control a few small animals, to throwing boulders, binding groups of ferocious creatures and using their minds to blot out the thoughts of others. Shencree can utter guttural roars and snarls through their ventral lungs, and can even learn to speak with them, but prefer to use their minds to communicate. All Shencree sound like small children when they speak with their minds, for no reason anyone can discern. Many believe it is done merely because the disturbing effect it has on others amuses them.



Note: there is a special arctic leyline connecting the main continent to the northlands; it freezes the water around it at the slightest magical or psionic provocation.

Civilizations in the world

Excavators: scattered around the world, but many are studying the mysterious (and recently discovered) runes to the west of the mountains, but they are found all over.

Skyborn Wanderers: They are floating over most of the world (exception: the Ishtarok continent), but mainly to the west.

The Patravel Company: They are found all over the main continent, but mainly in the plains regions, as those are the most easy to transport goods over, but they bring goods from all over the continent.

The Corsairs: They are mainly found in a small archipelagos in the east ocean, but trade port to port all over the mainland.

The Calen: all over the world.

The Euchroyn and Telios Alliance: Found in the plains regions, trying to salvage the old empire where it first rose to power.

The Kirin: The land of the Kirin are not as fertile as they would like. Although the mountain range in which they live in assist with the defense of their realm, the Kirin know that it also hurts their economic expansion.

Ishtarok: In a great northern jungle of Ishtarok, there is a beetle colony. In the main city it's the spider colony. Then there is a desert to the east of us where we have a scorpion colony. On the border of the western Sea there is a mosquito colony, and to the south there is a locust colony.

Knights of the TANK: most of the noncombatants are found in the mountains, where they are easily defended, and the knights are mainly found there, but they can be spotted all over the continent

ShenCree: the northern lands.

The Order of the Ascended Flesh: the Ishtarok continent, found inside the actual Ishtarok empire, but are concentrated in the north of the continent.

The Raven Clockwork Guild: In a secret lab, hidden in the mountains.

The Province of Rothergn: near the gulf of the main continent, where the water, forest, and mountains meet.

Fable Wright
2010-05-20, 07:04 PM

People, this is a compromise system that seems to work. Please post if you disagree.
Each civilization has it's own views on magic, and therefore has up to 2 schools of magic to use and/ or focus on. Each individual mage has one power level from the table below.

Background of magic
Magic comes from life, the power that all arcane and divine casters use is a product of the excess energy that life creates. This energy flows like water into ley lines and nodes where the ley lines meet, much like how rain forms rivers and lakes.

All users of magic pull from these lines, but the level of the ability dictates how much power they can manipulate. There are four main ranks within this system and the maximum level one can reach within these ranks is not something that can be changed. The ability to use magic is a set constant defined at (or even before) birth.

Mage power ranking

Apprentice: These mages work purely from their own personal power and are singularly incapable of working complex magic or holding 'normal' magic in place for extended periods of time without draining themselves. Their magic is weak, but can be very effective if timed right. As they draw upon only their own energy in casting, they are very hard to detect and their magic has effectively negligible effect on their enviroment.

Journeyman: These are the casters who have advanced beyond Apprentice and have learnt to safely touch the weaker ley-lines as well as draw power from the energy around them that is on its way to join a ley line or node. This level of caster has slightly more freedom in how they cast and can hold spells like illusions for extended periods of time (though this is rather exhausting). Although they can draw power from around them, they are still mainly restricted to their own, purely personal, reserves of energy. As such, the effects of Journeyman level magecraft are rather unnoticable (basically enough to ignore, it's the next two where the problems start).

Master: A master mage is one who is capable of touching the strongest ley lines but is still unable to draw power from a node. Their magic is far more potent then that of a Journeyman or and Apprentice as they have far more power to draw upon to subsidise their personal reservoirs. Calling upon ley lines of the strength that a Master can causes certain side effects however. Without Apprentices and Journeymen to calm the disturbances of pulling power from the ley lines, Master level magic can create heavy storms and other such weather related problems. Even then though, affecting the earth is rare in the extreme.

Adept: Adepts are the pinnacle of magecraft that few are gifted with the ability to reach. At Adept level, it is literally possible to bend the rules and very fabric of reality to your will, although doing so is highly taxing. Adepts can touch and draw upon the power contained within the nodes, great pools of magical energy that dwarf even the greatest ley line in terms of contained power. Drawing upon this power is not without consequence however, doing so without protection can, if used uncaringly, create earthquakes, volcanos and hurricanes out of empty sky.

Schools of magic
The Laws of Wizardry
Thaumaturgy: Charms, chants, and meditation memorized allow the wizard to learn how to use the natural world to perform spells. Extreme skill in thaumaturgy allows wizards to use spells unrelated to nature. The spells allow multiplication or subtraction of an element of nature to produce certain natural phenomenon at the wizard's beck and call. (Skillful wizards can use thaumaturgy for different purposes)

A Mage with tons of coal could cause a huge volcanic explosion. (At Master or perhaps Adept level)

Alchemy: Potions require recipes, and charms. Typically the less ingredients a potion has, the more powerful a spell must be cast. Alchemy is also used on plants.

An extremely powerful potion can ensure the life span of a recipient for 100 years.

Artifice: Same as Ritualism, except that it is used on objects. Absurdly long rituals and complications.

A high quality made steel sword, enhanced through artifice for 24 full hours, then becomes a deadly weapon able to cut gods.

Enchantments: Enchantment consists of choosing a specific recipient of the spell and visualization. Unless a recipient of the enchantment consents to the enchantment the magic becomes corrupt. However, enchantments may be cast on inanimate objects. The enchanter must focus on the spell's recipient for several moments. Enchantment improves the spell's target, but more powerful enchantments must be done to reach Artific'es magical power.

Example: A Mage stares intently at someone els'es eyes, then the recipient becomes much stronger, originally a 98 pound weakling, they become strong enough to lift 800 lbs.

Mysticism: A combination of Thaumaturgy and Artifice. By associating one'self with an element, ideal, or anything, Mysticism empowers the caster's with magical powers they can use as supernatural abilities. An astronomer can become a Mystic of stars by constantly studying, having an interest in, stars or a star. Deep concentration and cosntant thinking about something grants the thinker access to mysticism.
(the person gains access to the object's abilities; one studying a snake could produce venom, constrict, etc.)

Evocation: Incantations (charms used in evocation) are used in creating New Evocations. (Spells that increase an Evocation. Evocations are spells that increase a wizard's power) Or, if an Evoker strengthen's his power in Evocation (Levels up, in D&D terms) they can make up their own lesser Laws of Magic for themself.)

Evocation is, for all attempts and purposes, meta-magic. Once Evocation has been focused on intensely enough, for so-and-so years, it is possible for a Mage to become more powerful.



Ritualism is the use of magical ceremonies and rituals to produce magical effects

Example: Mage #1 spends an hour each morning to prepare a spell to cast. He succeeds for the rest of the day at casting spells within his skill range. If, however, he makes a mistake in casting, or is interrupted, his spells may fizzle.

Element magic:

Within this theory of magic, there are the four Elemental planes, the Abyssal plane where demons can be summoned from and the Empyreal plane (equate in some ways to the Celestial plane).

Beings from the Elemental and Abyssal planes can be summoned and coerced into doing a mage's bidding although several mage school find coercing Elementals into doing their bidding unethical in the extreme and refuse outright to even attempt to establish contact with the Abyssal plane. Other mage-schools actively seek out those with a gift for summoning and binding demons and elementals although the former is always a dangerous process as demons are notoriously skilled at worming their way out of deals forced upon them (or even ones they make freely).

The Empyreal plane however is populated solely by 'good' beings that are immune to coercion and that can only be called to a mage's aid by building up 'credit' with them. The exact mechanics of such a process are dictated by the entity in question and can vary massively

Nature magic
Key schools: Enchantments and Thaumaturgy.
Has 2 types, one being the repeated storing and sculpting small amounts of energy over time into a living being, where is is altered and it gains a body part. The repeated fluctuations of magical intake make sure that only beings of similar skill level can get together to work on a graft, where more push and pull (store energy and sculpting it) per cycle, or more cycles decreases the amount of time it takes to produce desired effects. The magic produces very little residue, but concentrated over large times it can cause mutations in nearby creatures. This use is only (or mainly, if anyone else wants to use it)
used by the Order of the Ascended Flesh.

The other use of natural magic is the combat version; this is used by, again, using cycles to shape the world around the caster. The evocation starts at a certain power level, which increases with every cycle. e.g., one is using natural magic to make an earthquake. After the casting is done and 3 seconds are over, a powerful tremor shakes the earth. After 3 more seconds, a more powerful tremor comes, etc.. This produces massive change on the environment, but it can be undone easily by reversing the cycles. This can be used as a counter to prevent a spell from becoming stronger, or to reverse the effects on the environment. This use restores half of the energy used to cast the spell to the person using it the second way.


The Shencree are a completely psychic people, and the range of their abilities is telekenesis and a range of telepathic powers, as well as the ability to drain minds for sustenance. All Shencree have the ability to move objects with their mind, control animals (and to a lesser extent people) and read and interfere with minds. This ranges in power drastically. The general level of Shencree ability is being able to read emotions, and at best surface thoughts, be able to create minor confusion, and lift and move small objects. They can devour a non-sapient creatures mind in some minutes, but can only eat an unconcious sapients mind, which can take at least half an hour. Medium powered Shencree, who are less common, can control more animals (instead of 2 or 3 at best, they can control small packs) they can lift medium sized objects (boxes/chairs/small tables) they can read deeper into the mind and can feel emotions more precisely. They can eat minds faster, and can even eat concious peoples minds, though slowly.

Blood Magic

No unique interaction; just Thaumaturgy that gets empowered by the Evocations. Works by using blood as a power source; Evocations can lessen the blood requirement, and increase the power of the spell.

Truename Magic

This type of magic is powerful, and hard to control. The spells grow more powerful at they decrease the number of targets; e.g. they could incinerate one orc, or scorch several. The more power a person has, the more targets they can pick, but in order to effect things like inanimate things, like weapons and armor, one must have a large amount of power. Some of the most powerful truespeakers can even sculpt the earth with their powers. This magic describes and alters the nature of the universe. However, the universe does not like to be tampered with. The effects of a persistent spell will soon be altered back to the way it originally was, e.g. if a caster caused a mountain to rise from the earth, after several minutes, it would disappear. However, if a creature was slashed because of a spell, then the wounds won't heal after the spell is over (unless there is magical healing or until their natural healing kicks in.

Devotion magic

This type of magic predates the world, handed down by the gods themselves. All offensive forms of this magic were lost in the translation. The unique power of this magic is that the mysticism focuses on healing, and so the more someone is healed with a spell, the more powerful they become, and the harder they are to harm.

Dawi Artifice & Enchantment- The Sword and Shield of Magic: Dawi culture as a whole places a great significance upon the usage of magic in their mighty industry, but not in anything more than an augmenting role. Offensive and defensive casting is unheard of for the tiny titans- rather, they rely upon magic incorporated into arms, armor, and their very selves to accomplish great feats. This is a great boon because it enhances their industrial edge, as well as ensuring the safety of their spellcasters well within their homefield. Whilst the occult is not common to the short people, those casters they do possess are almost always tasked towards the production of arms, armor, and land-based enchantments. However, in this way, Dawi spellcasters generally do not find much front-line usage. Rather, they are more present at the back lines of any military action, providing aid for soldiers where needed. Needless to say, if a Dawi spellcaster is sent to the front lines, the situation is grim indeed.

Dawi Magmacraft:
Dawi and their love of the magma vents in the Mountainhomes are a well-known subject. Having served as the center of industry since the first Dawi shaped the first sword (And then buried it up to the hilt in a monster's skull), the magma vents have served as a keen interest for the tiny people and their mages. Magmacraft, a specialized combination of Enchantment and Artifice, relies upon shifting the flows of magma beneath the ground to the will of the user. In particular, Magmacraft falls under the area of enchantment- with Master Magmacrafters enchanting magma vents into unending fountains of precious molten rock to power their empire. As well as this, Adept-level Magmacrafters can even travel through the magma itself, though only for limited times. This is often used to collect the rarest metals, which is a rare enough chance.

Soldier of Steel:
Dawi, having been a species of few members for most of its history, has incorporated several ways to overcome its limitations. By utilizing the power of the Grand Vent of the Mountainhomes capital, supposedly the same magma vent that was used to heat and shape the Dawi in the hands of Malkius, they have worked enchantment and artifice into a new form. The ritual to produce the Men of Steel is a daunting one, requiring the volunteer- for only a volunteer can survive the process- to be placed within a large mold inside of a sarcophagus. The rituals endured before the Dawi is transformed are horrifying, the least of which being mummification whilst still living and aware. The end result, however, is a mighty creature- one made of solid steel and a working mind. Provided, of course, the person does not go mad in the process.

Power of Rock:
The Dawi are a people that have constantly faced danger from the mountain they live in, especially from the strange and forgotten beasts that lurk within the caverns and chasms of the underground realm. The Dawi have learned how to utilize magic to assure their existence, from inscribing fortifying runes into corridors to prevent tunneling breaches to empowering banners and mining carts to ensure the stability and safety of those that travel beyond the safety of the Mountainhomes and into the abundant wealth and danger of the unknown. To this extent, the Dawi enchanters and artificers work to keep their surroundings helpful to the inhabitants, from keeping miners safe from deadly falls into chasms to keeping exploring soldiers safe from the acid spit and fire breath of the long-forgotten beasts of legend.

Fable Wright
2010-05-20, 07:05 PM
Race strengths/weaknesses:

Oakeshott's Excavators:

-Extremely knowledgeable concerning technology, magic, and the Predecessors
-Warm, if not friendly, relations with numerous barbarian border nations
-Access to a wide variety of ancient tech
-Able to repair most forms of new technology
-Access to a large network of underworld contacts, especially organized criminals

-Relatively few employees (2500 at most)
-Scattered/Difficult for individual chapters to contact each other
-Reviled by the academic community at large

Dawi Dwarves:

-Devotion: One of the two aspects of the Dawi's monotheistic religion, they are intrinsic to the species as a whole. When a dawi finds his calling in life, he becomes utterly devoted to it, working throughout his entire life to attain ever-increasing mastery. The baker will bake continuously, the metalsmith will work and rework a single bar of steel to perfection.
-Loyalty: The other of the two aspects of the Dawi faith, loyalty is of paramount importance. When a dawi makes a sincere promise or gives his word to another dawi, it is viewed as a binding agreement. It is also for this reason that dawi soldiers are seen as uncorruptable, for a disgraced and corrupted soldier is subject to live out his remaining days in the slums. Slums that are often purged, or scoured for slave labor.
-Industry: Due to their limited space, every single thing that can be imaginably used will be used. Every loose stone is crafted or incorporated into mugs, instruments, or more besides. Every metal ingot is put to use, with the magma vents occasionally dug up serving as the very centers of Dawi industry. To lose such a place to the monsters that dwell within the mountains is seen as a severe blow to Dawi society, and a crusade is usually mounted to retake it. Those Dawi that focus on the construction of magical items are almost always consumed in their work, attempting to find newer and better ways to produce them.
-Fortified: The Dawi mountains are the only home for the species. War is not unknown to them, and with the incursion- and eventual collapse- of the Empire they have learned a great lesson. As such, they have fortified the exterior and interior of their homeland as much as possible. Daily life is more than capable to continue, but the entrances to the Mountainhomes has been made a death trap. Massive bulwarks loom over invaders, with trebuchets, murder holes, and massively fortified doorways the standard. They are not impenetrable, but they are meant to repel any that would dare invade their homeland.
-Magma Mastery: Having been an ever-present element since their beginnings, the Dawi are immensely skilled in the complex craft of manipulating the flow of magma vents, such that the Mountainhomes are usually heated by exhaust from nearby magma pipes to the various foundries and metalworks.

-Few In Number: The Dawi are a species that consists of very few actual members, however skilled they might be in their chosen craft. The death of a single Dawi is a tragedy, especially considering their long lifespans. As such, if a Dawi is ever forced to leave the mountains, he is often clad in as much armor and given as much protection as possible for the outside.
-Despise The Land: Dawi, having long ago learned their lesson from the Empire, despise the idea of settling outside of the mountains. To them, the only home they need is the stone, and it is said that a Dawi buried in loose soil will never find his way to the afterlife. Though the sun will not kill a Dawi, it will leave them severely disoriented for several days until they eventually become adapted.
-Severe Society: Dawi are heavily bound in religious influence, which is both a boon and a great detractor. For a Dawi to go against their society's religion, even in the slightest way, is often a cause for death or exile to the slums. Several great Dawi minds have been lost this way, but the system- for the most part- functions well enough in removing criminals and ner-do-wells.
-Foul Below: The Dawi mountains are home to more than just the Dawi. Every so often, their expansion below has led them to encounter bands of terrifying monsters and even the occasional abyssal gateway. It is for this reason that the Dawi are almost constantly engulfed in war, making them less capable of fighting any threats from the "World Above".


-Veteran Soldiers; Serving on the frontier has allowed for the solders of the Kirin to master the art of warfare.
-Nature Magic: Due to the their beliefs in the Kami, the priests of the Clan are able to command the spirits of nature to command magic. They specialize in Earth and Air Magic in Particular.
-Focus on Warfare; as a clan from the frontier, the Kirin are a clan of warriors who view victory as the main goal. What it takes to get to that victory on the other hand is something that is best left unsaid.
-Fairly Independent; Due to their past history of being nomads who were granted land to settle by the Empire; the Kirin are still fairly self-sufficient. One of the way the Lord of the Kirin keeps his men supplied is through the trading of silk, whose production he brought from the east.

-Small Group: Although they must watch over a fairly large amount of land the only true loyal followers the lord of the fort has are his soldiers and the peasants he protects.
-Distrust Magic Technology. Due to their beliefs in elementals being representations of their gods. any device which enslaves elementals is seen as a crime. While they tend to look away when their allies in the Empire use them, they try not to fight in armies that are using this technology.
-Different Culture; Although they are part of the Empire, due to their different culture and the history of how they got their land they are distrusted by the Rest of the empire. While the clan would support the Empire they cannot expect for the favor to be repaid.
-Lack of new technology; While they value technology, they don't have the manpower or the time to develop their own. Rely on others to give them the tech
-Trying to Find Friends; Due to the distrust the Empire has for the Kirin; the Clan looks favorably upon those who offer a show of friendship, even if this friendship is for some negative purpose.

The Corsair Trading Company

-Control last supplies of energy
-Has pirates
-Also has pirates
-more pirates
-all our fighters are not so much veteran as experienced, meaning they all have their individual dirty tricks and combat methodolgies. This gives us a little bit of an advantage against more "ordered" armies, whose commanders find they can't predict anything we do.
-We have several mines and treasure hoards. Lots of money.
-A nice fleet with black sails and bolt throwers. We don't have cannons, we have bolt throwers and bombs.
-We also have parrot spies everywhere. Our clothing is awsome.
-We have several "secrets" as black market and open market sellers, regarding powerful people buying from us. Those could be handy.

-Limited to sea travel.
-Our fighters ain't so disciplined.
-We are in an era where our services are in demand, but no-one wants to pay for it.
-We are limited in numbers, but not deadly so.
-We don't have any ninjas, yet. Although...

The Patravel Company

- Widespread influence, usually in most major cities.
- The Patravel Company has invested in almost every kind of long-distance communication, whether from magic or technology. Most of its gathering halls have systems for sending messages to just about anywhere and to anyone.
- Significant financial resources, both above and under the table.
- Patravel is very insistent when it comes to finding unique or skilled patrons. Successful merchants and skilled craftsmen are often approached about joining the Company, in exchange for many benefits such as protection and insurance. Because of this, some of the best artisans and smiths alive work for Patravel.
- Patravel also sponsors archaeological digs and research labs, giving them access to some advanced technology and mystical items.
- The Patravel Company also has a number of criminal contacts, many involved in smuggling, slave trafficking, and illegal research.

- Very little real military presence. Patravel relies almost exclusively on mercenaries for military purposes, and can only maintain so many private soldiers before people start getting suspicious of their intentions.
- Public image is everything to the Patravel. Sufficient discrediting can do serious damage to their profits, or even destroy them should the full scope of their underground dealings come to light.
- A great deal of infighting and backstabbing takes place behind the scenes in the upper echelons of power within the company.
- Loyalty is fairly nonexistant within Patravel. Most members are motivated by business sense and a thirst for wealth, and use Patravel's services to help them make more money. A better offer can persuade them to leave.

Ishtarok, The Dark Kingdom

1)Hive cities, independant of human or other settlements, can adapt to any environment, and produce different bugs. From worms, to ants, to scorpions, to bees, etcetera.
2)Grows stronger the more they eat people
3)Eunuch Sorcerers, through a horrific self-sacrifice, Eunuch Sorcerers can live their lives as warlocks in service to the Spider gods. They are the only humans who receive any kind of equality to the monsters that rule the people. Eunuch Sorcerers are extremely powerful blood magic users, and there are rumors of the possibility that some Eunuch Sorcerers can master any magic through their blood.
4) Despite being a primarily evil faction, they are capable of versatility, gaining allies of good factions if the Spider gods regain their sanity or humanity. Once they have eaten enough, they may turn to the side of good. Once they regain their sanity and humanity, they will become better thinking.
5) High Numbers. They are bugs. Bugs are famous for numbers. And poison.

1) Bugs are susceptable to natural magic.
2) Having the reputation of being demonic horrors who require males of the society to become eunuchs in order to be equal to the thinking Overlords, and thus worthy of life and dignity without constant abuse, gives everyone the impression that they are evil.
3) Ishtarok's technology is low. After-all, with such a powerful default situation, why bother with tech? The answer is, because if you want to conquer much territory or work for your own interest outside the country, you need to have people work for you that aren't so insectoid. Despite the harsh treatment that conquered people suffer under the Ishtarok, the Ishtarok depend on their slaves to supply their Eunuch Sorcerers, and for dealing with other nations.

The Euthoryn and Telios Alliance

-Impressive mercenary soldiers giving a wide variety on the battlefield. From the mighty armoured hoplites, the medium armoured but extremely powerful pikemen regiment, to even the slightly trained militia hoplites with the skirmishing peltasts and the archers, horse archers and cavalry with Telions provide. This army is to be feared on the battlefield and rightly so.
-Defensive magic that allows the soldiers to defend against enemy mages offensive powers and strengthening their own soldiers.
-Impressive tactics and knowledge of the enemy as they have faced many armies on the field which gives them insight on how to achieve victory.
-Developing improvements to empire warmachines and attempts embue them with the power to take down magical warmachines and flying units. Sadly this is still rather new and some things do not go as planned.
-A newly formed Euthoryn navy giving trade by sea and the ability to defend the Euthoryn and Telion coast.

-Currently picking up the pieces of their respective lands since a great war.
-No Offensive magic what so ever. They never wanted the idea of a backlash of magic (even if some brands of magic this was not true).
-No friend of the Empire.
-While great in numbers of warriors they are in very few numbers of Oracles.
-Few friends for now as they have JUST got their respective lands back.
-Superstition of magic to a degree of some experimental magic they will not accept employment.

The Order of the Ascended Flesh

-Unlimited supplies of energy
-All members are deformed in some way, making them stronger (e.g., one had a genetically engineered energy cannon growing out of his shoulder
-Buildings can fight
-Can build a specific organism to specialize in anything.
-Our mecha never need repairs, have a hivemind with the pilot, and can regenerate it's entire body, even after death, unless it's incinerated.
-We don't need money
-Our cult leader (once a person) is now an aberration that can swallow mecha whole, and can make tunnels traversing kingdoms within a day. Will keep the cult alive, but doesn't care about the individual members much.
-We can graft things onto anyone, e.g. a mind-controlling hivemind parasite into an enemy troop's brain. Must have access to body to use, however... so no using it on mecha pilots.

-Only a (relatively) few cultists
-Few people trade with us, so although many people hate us, we have few allies, as well. Also: it takes some time to build each of our units.
-Our cult leader needs to be well fed. He eats mecha like chips. He swallows legions of our troops.
-The cult leader doesn't always help us
-We never use technology, and the biological entities can't use their parasitic capabilities on technology; (that's their greatest rival. The driver, no problems. The mecha is a bit of a threat, though. We only have a few giant creatures to kill them.

The Calen

- Very powerful magic. The Calen are some of the most powerful wizards on the continent, and have allied with some very powerful elementals.
-Airships. These are the Calen's greatest resource, fast, well armored, and powerfully armed. They truly are modern marvels.
-Technological Prowess. Due to some... shady deals, the Calen have emerged with some rather powerful technology, mostly body armor and a few weapons, to help them in their fight.
-Well Known. Everyone knows who the Calen are, and many wish to help them in their quest.
-Elemental Allies. The Elementals the Calen are allied with are powerful enough to walk by themselves on the Earth, and many are actually sentient.
-The Five Year Mark. Those Calen who do make it past the five year mark are the best of the best, being the best fighting force that could be assembled.

-Well Known. The Calen have a hard time hiding anywhere, and should someone, such as the Skyborn or the Chained Order seek them out, it would be difficult for the Calen to hide.
-Small in Numbers. The Calen travel only in groups of ten, and rarely interact, even to combat the largest of the magical fallout. They also keep very few members in any case, rarely going more than one hundred people, including trainees.
-Difficult Recruiting. The Calen can only recruit from the most powerful of wizards, and even then, many turn them down, or cannot accomplish the preliminary tests.
-High Turnover Rate. Of those who do get recruited, most don't make it past the recruitment stage, either washing out, or getting killed. Very few even make it past the five year mark. Even veteran members have a tendency to retire early. Only 13 current members have been in it more than 20 years.


-Strong Psychic abilities
-Inhospitable homeland hard to invade
-Powerful individually
-Access to resource rich land (metals mostly)

-Little to no contact with outsiders
-Fairly unadvanced technology
-No real knowledge of conventional magic
-Feared by many they meet for their alien nature

The Skyborn Wanderers

Safe haven that no one can truly threaten...yet (the sky).
Beginnings of a powerful trading network.
Access to highly advanced arcane and divine magic.
Access to a surpless of low level spellcaster recruits due to the highly charismatic priesthood's sermons.

Disliked by a sizeable proportion of the empire's populace.
Are suspected of trying to rob the empire of its ability to freely use magic by luring mages and priests onto the Sky Roads.
Have garnered the animosity of the Sellers due to the speed of delivery when they take charters (and the fact that the Sellers have been singularly incapable to stop them doing so).
Very small numbers currently within the empire (five - ten thousand at most).

The Province of Rothergn

- Trains have been a relatively new technology developed by the previous lord, which Lucien has made extensive use of since he took reign, mapping the province out with railroads. He hopes to extend them further. Lucien plans to make use of these beyond his borders with other nations to aid other nations as well, with a price.
- With their knowledge of technology, they know how to dismantle most sorcery driven machines.
- Lucien’s years as one of the Border Marshals has left him strong and very well experienced as a leader on the field of battle. His knowledge of warfare and the use of terrain have often saved his people time and again.
- The Factories of the Rothergn province have made mass production in weapons, armor, and other manufactured goods well off economically.
- Though magic is not a strong suit, technology is and through the notes of the previous lord, Lucien has commissioned a mass production of alchemical items to be used in a variety of fields.
- Advancement in technology has given weapons and armor numerous advancements.

- Due to Lucien’s recent victory over the previous Lord, his knowledge of politics leave much to be improved. Not only that, he needs to reaffirm previous alliances and trading partnerships which the Lord before had made.
- Because of the lack of practitioners in sorcery, Lucien’s army leaves much to be desired in the aspect of magical defenses. Though they can produce magical weapons and armor, these only improve performance marginally.
- The lack of practicing of most magic except artificing and alchemy does not come from intolerance. It comes from a rage that masks a fear of the abuse of the binding of souls and elementals. Many people have suffered by the hands of magic being used incorrectly, and as such magic of any other type will cause a mob of people to stone the blighters as soon as possible if they are not restrained by Lucien, and he cannot be present everywhere.
- Has an incredibly dark secret that he feels could destroy everything he has built. If this is discovered and exposed, his entire army’s moral could be destroyed.

The Raven Clockwork Guild

-Advance technological knowledge
-Loyal and obedient soldiers. His mechanical army wouldn’t (if they could) -dream of double crossing him.
-Mechanical soldiers.
-Mages can boost the overall energy, speed, and strength of his army.
Slave labor.

-Due to his fall from political power, he has lost much funding and needed test subjects.
-Expenses and complications of his more powerful units, like the Clockwork ---Assassins.
-Mages risk injury or death by empowering the soldiers.

Fable Wright
2010-05-20, 07:07 PM
Civilization Power Systems:
+: Practically non-existent; don't rely on this one too much
++: About average; Nothing special
+++: Above average; you're likely a force to be reckoned with in this category
++++: Superior; rarely outmatched in this field by others
+++++: Exemplary; this level may not be available ever in a given category without extremely hard work and effort, but it's a pretty big deal should you attain it
Morale (Your faction's level of faith in itself; higher levels are extremely zealous, lower levels may suffer dissent or outright mutinies):

Military (Pretty self-explanatory; how well your side hits with the big stick):

Occult (Your faction's access and ability to use the various forms of Magick in the world, from ritual animism to complex arcane spellcasting):

Tech (What level of technology your general faction member has access to; whether it's sticks and stones or a main battle tank):

Finance (How much overall liquid capital or assets your faction can call on at any given time):

So far, going with up to 18 +s to distribute. People can post updates and criticisms, and this will be altered accordingly.

The Corsairs:

Morale : ++
Unlike other "Pirates" Who disgrace the name of Pirates, the "Corsairs" actually have a sense of duty to Master SunSou and what they gain. also, Leaving isn't safe either. Even so, they're still pirates and morale can be low.

Military: ++ Corsairs are good, but only in coastal areas.

Occult: + Only Pansies use magic. We put our faith in the Nothing Powder and good trusty steel. Your magic ain't so good against honest steel now,is it?!

Tech: ++ We're pretty advanced, yet since the new guys turned up, We're actually not that crash hot. We control some nice mines and treasure stockpiles, if that counts as tech. We also have spy parrots. For real. We're in ur base, spying on ur dudes. With our Spy Parrots.

Finance: +++
We're covered here, ladz! Pleny' o' loot to last a man for a life or two. And, if we run out, we can always get sum' moar!

Covert : +++
Well, at some point everyone has done business with us. This gives us a good ol' trump card when things get nasty. Besides, not many generals don't have daughters and not many kings don' have princesses. We'll get our hands on them fair maidens and they'll stay for our horde. We've got stealthy raids (on the coast, again) nailed.

The Excavators

Morale: ++ Excavators make a good living, but it can be dangerous work, and some employees are greedy and try to sell artifacts on the side

Military: + Excavators are capable, but with so few men, so spread out, large scale operations are practically impossible

Occult: +++ Many Excavators are trained in at least some form of magick, and are constantly learning new ways to apply old technique

Tech: +++ Thanks to their many expeditions delving into Predecessor ruins, Excavators have a wide array of useful technological tools

Finance: ++ While the Excavators bring in a good profit from their expeditions, costs associated with the next big dig often eat up most of it

Covert : ++++ The contacts developed by the Excavators combined with their relative lack of numbers allow them to flow through much of the legal system unnoticed


Morale: ++++ Ishtarok work with animal diligence, working as hard as they possibly can constantly. Only the most zealous and/or radical factions can match or even exceed Ishtarok morale.

Military: +++++ What can I say, these monsters have high numbers of very strong bugs that bring different talents to the table. Exoskeletons, acid spit (Beetles), etcetera.

Occult: ++++ What few mages they have are very powerful, but they don't have that many

Tech: + Not having to rely on tech at all, being bugs, their tech has fallen short

Finance: +++ The bug faction could actually improve this quite easily with the right technology, since so many kinds of bugs can produce different goods, such as silk worms, or bees, for instance, and also because they are incredibly hard workers (ants anyone, and oh, yeah, bees), but since technology is so low, it is unlikely that they would be that wealthy.

Covert: + "I came, I saw, I ate." Is the motto of the Ishtarok.

The Patravel Company

Morale: + The Patravel Company operates mostly through contracts and dealing in money. Only a few of their patrons are actually loyal to them in any real sense, instead sticking around due to legal obligation and the good benefits.

Military: +++ Patravel relies on mercenaries to do most of their dirty work, though a small force of specially trained guards are hired to protect their major depots, outfitted with the most powerful arms and armor Patravel can afford. Patravel is fond of hiring highly skilled individual assassins, as well.

Occult: ++ Patravel has access to several artifacts and spellcasters, but nothing you'd write home about.

Tech: +++ Patravel believes innovation is the key to progress, and funds several research projects to improve travel speed and weapons tech.

Finance: ++++ Patravel's resources are massive, both those the public see's and their hidden wealth in the underground black markets.

Covert:+++ Patravel cannot move openly against many factions without fear of reprisal and backlash from their customers and patrons. Patravel is not fond of direct military action as a whole, preferring to support the allied troops with goods and services, and attacking in anything except self-defense will look bad. They subscribe to the belief of stopping problems before they start, however, and sabotage, assassination, and covert spying are often employed if they believe they are soon to be under attack.

The ShenCree

Morale: +++ The Shencree are highly loyal to their nation and their fellow Shencree. Shencree are hard to win over to another's cause if it goes against the Shencree.

Military: ++++ The Shencree are fairly common and powerful individually, the more powerful Shencree are accomplished pyschics and their eight strong arms allow them to wield a powerful array of weapons, as well as their herds of carnivorous livestock they can call to battle.

Occult: ++++ The Shencree are all psychic to some degree, and there are a number of more powerful psychics in their number. The Shencree have no real magical ability compared to other races, but their psychic powers more than make up for this lack.

Tech: ++ The Shencree do not have any high level of technology. They wield bows and arrows, javelins, swords, axes, maces and other medieval or iron age technology. Isolated as they were, technology advanced as even crossbows has not yet reached them.

Finance: ++ The Shencree have silver coins as their main currency, and a decent number at that, as well as being rather skilled metallurgists, and they can ship the meat of their livestock if they aren't using it, but their main concerns are not financial and their long isolation from the rest of the world does not really help their chances for trade.

Covert: + The Shencree have some ability to cloud the minds of others, but because of their strange nature they won't go unnoticed for long. Only the more powerful Shencree psychics could evade attention for any length of time, and they are not ones to range abroad alone.

The Order of Ascended Flesh

Morale: ++ or ++++ (averages to a 3) The members are all either die-hard fanatics, or brain-washed barely sentient troops that eat anyone outside the cult and its allies that they see. However, being allied with the Ishtarok generally makes them a bit less loyal to the cult, but the cultists a) never defect, and b) the troops constantly see each other die, but if they have been in the presence of a cultist or city in the 2 to 3 weeks, there is only a small chance that a unit goes rogue. Note: there are few cultists and cities.

Military: ++ to ++++ (averages to a +++); They usually employ barely sentient creatures to use basic tactics, usually only using them to strike weakened points and such, but they have a small number of troops that have the combat prowess of mecha, and a single cultist on the battlefield could turn an undisciplined army into the epitome of combat efficiency, but as the cultists are rarely brought out, as they are needed to make units, this rarely occurs.

Occult: +++++ This race of people worship magic; their entire military presence, existence, birth, and everything else that they use all depend on it. They only have several powerful (175 journeymen, 25 master, 50 adepts (masters become adepts fairly quickly, and never die of old age due to the constant reapplication of grafts

Tech: +++++ The technology in question is biological, and they have a ridiculous amount of expertise in engineering lifeforms.

Finance: + They never trade, except with the Ishtarok, which only has the trading of lifeforms and grafts.

Covert: + When they come, people notice. They can suddenly appear behind enemy lines because of the tunnels, but after that, there is no element of surprise if they keep moving overland.

The Euthoryn and Telios alliance:

Morale:++++ The alliance has a great deal of faith in itself as it has found that all challenges can be conquered by superior tactics, positioning and weaponry which they all have! Who else could give superior mercenaries? The bug kingdom? Laughable for they are only insects and not the sons of a war god! The cowardly Order of the Ascended flesh who cower and shirk at the inheritors of Melchiors perfection made flesh? We are made this way through being honed with the anvil of war and with the blood of kings! Perhaps they should learn to cast aside their ways and learn that true perfection is made through courage and skill rather than the easy cowards way out with magic. We fear no evil and we know they cannot provide how we can.

Military:+++++ Our side has had its entire life built upon war! How could we not destroy the Empires foothold in our lands if it was not for being so obviously gifted by the gods with sheer skill in the art of war? They say that some other factions can match us but that is sheerly a jest of poor thinking as no one else has had the experience, the weapons and the courage that we have! We have faced scores of beasts and they cannot match our impenetrable phalanx and our Euthoryn shields! Our Telios allies have brought archers and horse archers that are unmatched by these beasts. Surely they joke when they think that their forces can even hold up a candle against the light of a sun made by a war god that is our mercenaries! And our navy while beginning has seen more battle than any pirate of the sea! They learn each and every day how to combat sea monsters and petty scoundrels of the ocean and they fear nothing in the ocean, for the old gods have favored them in the ocean and they have become the master of the sea!

Occult:+++ Our Oracles are few in number but they are great in knowledge and power! Their ways have been passed down by the old gods themselves which surely could not be comprehended by others. They bring protection and healing to our troops and we know they provide our hearts a shield against the darkness. We have marched into swathes of insects only to find our skin akin to the stone which was forged by the gods themselves, laughing at them as the petty bugs learn fear for the first time! We have marched onto the grafted cowards as they figure their magic is nothing compared to the knowledge of the gods, finding themselves backed against a wall as they learn they are no warriors but mere children handed power! The barbarians do not even understand tactics and the magic we hold, their lines easily routed and skewered under our pikes! We may not be the greatest of the magic world but as long as we can hold off the offensive magic while keeping a rather powerful defense then it is only a matter of time till the enemy flees in sight of us!

Tech: ++ We have stolen the empire technology of their war machines, chariots and vehicles and have turned them to our ways! We are making them better to our cause. It is an long process but the Oracles have strengthened them with the will of the gods and have made them greater for defeating magically strengthened targets! Gods be praised!

Finance: +++ We have gained the coffers of the Empire with the wealth of our people and the Telios. It is a sign from the gods that we will have a bountiful reward to sustain our alliance and keep moving along as the stubborn juggernaut we have always been! Our borders are suspicious and precautions are being made but we are gaining trade through the sea. We are rebuilding and our coffers are slowly filling. Our mercenaries sell for a high price for being the exemplars of war! Those that have never learned defeat have gained their first lesson against our hired soldiers and they will curse the day when they see us again!

Covert:+ What is this you ask? Do we hide like cowards and act like sheer scoundrels? If you ask us this question again we will make you surely pay in blood, for it is an insult to think we would do anything criminal! We are the heroes of these lands that have fought with sheer determination against the criminal oppressors of the empire and we would never stoop so low as to emulate the cowards.

The Knightly Order of Tae'Nal Kas (KOoTANKS)

Morale: ++ Despite high casualties, KOoTANKS are usualy men who have already become accustomed to seeing comrades dying.

Military: ++++ KOoTANKS have a big stick and speak loudly, causing chaos and destruction wherever they are hired to go.

Occult: +++ They realy on a mixture of experimental tech and powerfull magic that has a tendancy to blow up. Alot.

Tech: +++ See above

Finance: ++++ KOoTANKS always has a high fee for hired missions, charging enough to bankrupt a small city. They also make a tidy side profit from the sale of metals mined from the mountain.

Covert: + They are about as quiet as a ten ton bomb going off in the middle of a crowded city. And usualy leave the same sized crater

The Skyborn wanderers

Morale: ++++ The Skyborn are still small enough a community to have a familial sort of feel to them that allows everyone to feel a part of it. Each skyship is like a mobile village, many are initially crewed by families that then take on more crew members at landings.

Military: ++ Although in the sky they can't be touched, this has in its own way weakened the Skyborn's ability to fight effectively on the terms of others. Their tactics are greared towards strike and run attacks, descending out of the sky to lay waste to a target and then pulling back up out of range before a response can be made.

Occult: +++++ Every Skyborn so far observed by the Empire has been a caster of some type. The specialities vary, but the Wanderers can call upon an array of magical disciplines unmatched in it's diversity and relative quality. The Calen are more advanced in some areas, but they know nothing of some of the magics the Skyborn use daily.

Tech: + The Skyborn have technology that fits the age they're living in, but magic takes up most of the strain.

Finance: ++ Although the trade routes that have been established by the Wanderers bring in a more than healthy turnover every year, much of this money is funneled into buying more materials for the maintenance and construction of the Fleet.

Covert: ++++ Meeting? What meeting? We were on our way to a trading conference and got caught in a storm.

The Dawi Dwarves

Morale: ++ The Dawi are a highly religious society, so you have an average ground mixed between the fanatically religious and the fanatically interested in not getting their heads chopped off

Military: +++ The Dawi have very few, albeit extremely skilled and well equipped, warriors to protect themselves with against the monsters below.

Occult: +++ Dawi magic is mostly confined to binding elementals and the sort to armor and weapons to keep the military caste running, or enchanting the Mountainhomes with mighty runes of protection and industry. Magic outside of enchantment is rarely seen, but what they are supremely gifted in what they have

Tech: ++++ Dawi technology is a very important element of their life. From the ability to divert the magma flows of the Mountainhomes to the trebuchets and catapults that keep them safe from outsiders, the Dawi researchers constantly work to develop new items to use in daily life, as is befitting their devotion.

Finance: +++++ The Mountains hold an abundance of resources, especially in the recent years. The Dawi have capitalized on this to boost their economy, as well as to help their numbers slightly. Regardless, due to the little amount of consumption and recent abundance of what they have, the Dawi's economy is steadily rising.

Covert: + The Dawi have little need for stealth or the like. Their fighting in life has been consisted to the tunnels, in which the only medium of stealth is to either dig under or above your foe and strike from there. Their game is defense, and they've become awfully good at it.

The Kirin

Morale: ++++ We of the Kirin Clan understand the true meaning of honor. It is continuing to honor the sacrifices made by our ancestors. Honor them by living and gaining fame in their name. It is better to die with honor than live without it.

Military ++++ We are a clan of warriors. It was our military strength that allowed us to finally gain land of our own again and it will be our strength that allows us to keep it. While we may not be technologically advance as our neighbors, we are living examples of how men when armed with steel alone can kill gods and waves of unending foes. Remember my clansmen nothing is truly invincible and our time honored tactics and strategies although simple can still lead us to victory.

Occult +++: The kami surround us. Unlike our neighbors we show proper veneration to the kami, who understanding our devotion grant us our prayers. Furthermore we know that the kami do not have to be imprisoned, forced, or corrupted to be used in war. Their blessings alone can grant us victory. After all terrain is of great importance in warfare for it dictates how armies arrive and how they will fight; and controlling the terrain ensure that we will win.

Tech + If we lack anything that our neighbors have, its technology. However, do not falsely believe that this means that they are superior to us. After all it is nothing more than a tool, and it is the man behind the tools that lead to victory not the tool itself.

Finance ++ Although we are blessed with this land, it is not as fertile as we would like it to be. We can feed our armies and our people but do not possess the bounty or trade routes our neighbors command. Our only true economic blessings is our monopoly on silk, tea and tar; and of course are warriors.

Covert: ++++ If one knows oneself and knows the enemy then victory is assured. This is advice which our ancestors have passed down to us and it a lesson we should never forget. If we do not know the weakness of our foes how can we expect to defeat them even if we are martially superior to them. More importantly the individual acts of our harriers ensure that when we engage the enemy it will be on our terms.

The Calen

Morale : ++++ The Calen are forged in battle and magic. In the history of the Calen, no wizard has ever betrayed them. Or possibly they have, but were killed soon after, along with whomever they betrayed the Calen too. The only thing that makes the Calen come together is a traitor.

Military : +++ Even though each individual airship is very powerful, and they have access to powerful elementals, the Calen are few and number, and spread out. They rarely even deal in military conflicts anyway.

Occult: +++++ The Calen are some of the most powerful magic users in the world, along with powerful elementals. They are incredibly dangerous in their magic.

Tech: +++ The Calen have access to some powerful black market technology, mostly in the form of armor and a few defensive weapons.

Finance: ++ The Calen don't have truly much in the way of money, just having barely enough to buy whatever they need, along with some larger purchuses when possible.

Covert: + The Calen live in flying ships, going to magical hotspots, and resetting the ley lines and nodes or shutting down elementals. They're pretty noticeable.

The Province of Rothergn

Morale: ++++ Many see Lucien’s his cause as just and as such they loyal to it fanatically. Since he saved them from an insane lord, Lucien’s people consider him an excellent leader and many will die for him.

Military: +++ Because of the success in overthrowing the previous lord of the Province of Rothergn, Lucien has a strong following at his command of the provinces. Not only are that, after the revolution that has left the province rather shaken, the soldiers battle hardened after fighting monsters of steel and magic.

Occult: + Most of the people in Rothergn distrust magic to an extreme, due to the previous lord’s reign. As such, there is a strong demand that sorcery be illegalized and abolished. Though it is not officially illegal, it’s only a matter of time before it is. Though Lucien does not hold the same sentiments to magic, his people are adamant in their fear. They have few people who can help bind spirits and enhance technology, they are few and far between. The only magic they possess would be the power over artifice and alchemy.

Tech: ++++ Though the previous lord’s reign was known for metallic monstrosities that plagued the streets, it was the use of technology that helped overthrow the previous lord. Despite a great deal of distrust of it, many of the previous lord’s tinkers have presented themselves to Lucien’s cause, enhancing their knowledge further.

Finance: +++ The overthrow of the previous lord has left the land scorched and many people’s homes destroyed. Nonetheless, industry has left the country decently powerful with enough resources to thrive. With the goal to rebuild and strengthen

Covert: +++ Lucien has made extensive use of guerilla warfare, both in the city and on the country side. His soldiers know the land and cities well, with the necessary experience to fight in these areas.

The Raven Clockwork Guild

Morale: + Save for his apprentices, Taven is aloof from his living servants. However, he primarily employs his own machines and creations, only outnumbered by his slave force. He keeps all dissent in check with the silent threat of doom, ensured by his army.

Military: ++++ Taven makes use of several clockwork soldier designs, ranging from the numerous standards to the swift and deadly Clockwork Assassins to the gargantuan Clockwork Juggernauts.

Occult: ++++ Magic is a topic of great interest to Taven. He works around the clock to develop ways to incorporate it into his inventions. His dream is to see the manifestation of flesh, tech, and magic in one… by his hands.

Tech: +++++ Where he excels the most, Taven was a natural genius of technology from a young age. His skill is like that of an artisan painter with his or her brush. From weapons to robots to devices of convenience, he is well versed. He doesn’t shy away from improving a design not his own, but prefers

Finance: + Somehow, he still manages the ability to fund his military and research. He largely cuts it by relying on a slave labor force. But regardless, his financing is at an all time low.

Covert: +++Taven knows how to operate under the table. However, his armies aren’t particularly reflective of that trait, save for his Clockwork Assassins.

Aliari Seraphkin

Morale: ++++ Commands from leaders are followed without dissent. Greatly enhanced performance when a Knight, the Overlord, or the Howler is around because of inspiration. Arousing speeches are supremely effective: entire crowds can become driven with bloodlust just by listening to the Overlord speak.

Military: ++++ The Aliari are a tribe that prides itself on both physical and etheric prowess. Only the strong are kept and raised as seraphkin. Weaklings get relegated to menial labor and forevermore referred to as a trupe. Physical strength and skill can only take one so far when faced against giant moving constructs of doom. The main purpose of avatars is only to hinder enemy units. The real brunt of the damage is done through the agents.

Occult: +++++ Every single seraph, including the trupes, has at least apprentice level. The Aliarian magic runs through the blood, and is passed down from generation to generation. The magical potential is inherited through the mother while magical finesse (the ability to control magic) is inherited through the father.

Tech: ++ No mechas whatsoever, but avatars do have access to melee weapons and protections. Ranged combat is left to agents. Typically avatars rely on their innate magic to carry them directly into the heat of the battle.

Finance: + The Aliari still operate on a bartering system within their own tribe. Trading is limited as most of the outside world no longer uses bartering.

Covert: ++ Wings can fold down and be camouflaged by clothing to blend in with the population. Magic helps too. Nothing outstanding


Morale: ++ (The Dawi are a highly religious society, so you have an average ground mixed between the fanatically religious and the fanatically interested in not getting their heads chopped off)
Military: +++ (The Dawi have very few, albeit extremely skilled and well equipped, warriors to protect themselves with against the monsters below.)
Occult: +++ (Dawi magic is mostly confined to binding elementals and the sort to armor and weapons to keep the military caste running, or enchanting the Mountainhomes with mighty runes of protection and industry. Magic outside of enchantment is rarely seen, but what they are supremely gifted in what they have)
Tech: ++++ (Dawi technology is a very important element of their life. From the ability to divert the magma flows of the Mountainhomes to the trebuchets and catapults that keep them safe from outsiders, the Dawi researchers constantly work to develop new items to use in daily life, as is befitting their devotion.)
Finance: +++++ (The Mountains hold an abundance of resources, especially in the recent years. The Dawi have capitalized on this to boost their economy, as well as to help their numbers slightly. Regardless, due to the little amount of consumption and recent abundance of what they have, the Dawi's economy is steadily rising.)
Covert: + (The Dawi have little need for stealth or the like. Their fighting in life has been consisted to the tunnels, in which the only medium of stealth is to either dig under or above your foe and strike from there. Their game is defense, and they've become awfully good at it.)

Fable Wright
2010-05-20, 07:43 PM
now, the game can start.

2010-05-21, 03:20 PM

The forges screamed across the entire mountain, flames seeming to leap to the cavernous ceiling of the Mountainhomes. All across the massive city, the Dawi had been hard at work. Fiery upheavals from the magma vents across the mountains had become increasingly common over the last few days, the overseers at each such vent having worked hard to keep the mountain calm. Such events were not uncommon in such times for the Dawi- they were often signs that the world was roaring its approval of some great event, shooting forth molten magma and rumbling furiously whilst the great event in question was going on right under the noses of the Dawi.

Tavernas opened casks of cave wine, vintage bottles being passed about the streets as the common worker and religious official alike entered celebration. The doors to the massive temples, normally kept closed so the clergy might converse in private as to how to handle scripture, had been flung open and adorned with great banners of crimson spider silk and spun gold. Whilst the industrial boom continued, the shifts this day had been shortened considerably for the great event, so that all may partake in revelry and celebration.

Deep within the central fortress of the Mountainhomes, the palace of stone secreted away within the bowels of the mountain, the mood was more of work than revelry. Situated atop the greatest- and first- of the magma vents, the fortress served not only to safeguard the city around it, but also the precious resources within. Those resources were currently being put to use, an entire cadre of the Dawi nation's finest spellcasters having been drawn from the industrial and mining sectors. Magmacrafters and earth smiths alike had spent several days below in near-constant work, with rations being brought to them at regular intervals, as well as precious metals to work with. Steel, mithral, rubies, diamonds, sugar beer, carrots, and countless other supplies were consumed in equal portions by the laboring people. The massive chains that fed mechanical power to the castle had been working nonstop, but the exterior machines- such as the portcullis and trebuchets- had been unused.

Rather, deep within the fortress, a series of mechanical hammers slammed down upon row after row of anvils. Steel was shaped into suits of plate armor, swords and pikes and arrows all being produced in great quantity in the grandest of smithies for the Dawi people. Row after row of crafters fashioned everything the fortress might need, filling the cavernous store rooms with works of art. Just why they produced in such quantity was unknown to them, nor was it their concern- the clergy that moved amongst them simply motivated them with fiery rhetoric and dogma. It was because Malkius, the Great Lord, demanded their work!

But for the now-resting mages, they had been well knowing of their task. The Dawi people had been in sore need of an Emperor, the escalating attacks in the mines not their only threat. Several bands of goblins and trolls had raided their walls. Though repulsed, the recent activity in the outside world demanded unified action. Petty politics between religious factions could no longer be abided- an Emperor was to ascend. The Senate of the Dawi, in their great wisdom, had finally chosen a new ruler from their ranks. The brightest of the bright minds.

It was for this reason that they had wrought the greatest symbol of power for a monarch. Cast in the magma of their greatest forge, wrought from solid adamantine and at no small expense, a suit of plate armor as firm as the mountains had been created. Its armored collar was branded with runes of warding, its pauldrons capable of deflecting mighty blows. Its metal was durable enough to take countless cudgels, and the royal crest- inscribed painstakingly into the mold with a needle- was prominently displayed. The ashes of the last monarch had been poured into the alloy during the shaping process, ensuring the preservation of the Dawi's divine mandate. It was fit for an Emperor, and cast from one as well.

It was thus that only the new Dawi monarch, Emperor Heinz Guderian, would be fit to don it. And he did just that, the Emperor making himself clad in the fine suit of armor wordlessly, a company of loyal bodyguards- similarly clad in plate armor- waiting silently as their monarch clad himself in the new suit. Still warm to the touch, the plate made a comfortable fit. Without so much as a word, the Emperor of the Dawi people departed the crafting chamber, the spellcasters looking amongst themselves as their leader departed for the ramparts. Content was obvious on their bearded faces as not a sound was made by the masterpiece of engineering, the only hint of the leader having gone being the movement of the honor guard.

The Emperor himself was quite pleased with the suit. It fit him comfortably, like a second skin. To him, however, the armor was more of a means to an end. With his ascension to the throne, there were a number of political rivals he needed to uproot before they made their move on him. As well as this, there were outsiders to deal with. Though the Dawi had been firmly isolationist, the changing tides of the world would not make that position tenable for much longer.

Looking to one of his life wardens, he gave a curt nod. There was a small nod of understanding in return before the Dawi, carrying a pair of curved swords, turned back towards the forging chamber. A number of the mages there were staunchly in the hands of the other Dawi households and industrial guilds- they would be dealt with, and any witnesses that spoke out about the matter shortly thereafter. Not that Guderian expected any- the strict rules of Dawi society and faith made opposition to one's superiors...tentative at best.

Today would be a good day, he promised himself.

Fable Wright
2010-05-21, 11:41 PM
The distribution of the members of the Order of Ascended Flesh: 25 senior cultists (power out the wazoo; twice as strong as a Calen magician*) 225 regular cultists (powerful enough; 2/9 as strong as a Calen magician*). They are currently distributed as follows:

Common knowledge:
5 senior cultists developing the biotech units with the clockwork people (that is a lot, here, people).
100 cultists are making broods (~1 month apiece)
50 cultists are making half-broods (~1 month apiece)
25 cultists are making fielders (e.g., slightly weaker than tanks)(~1 month to make apiece)
5000 brood spiders in groups of 100 are abroad
1250 dangerous half-brood are abroad
the cultists' god eats 2000 brood spiders a month, and 250 half-brood a month.

Things unknown to you that you may not act upon:
5 senior cultists are working on a new biocity together (~5 years a city).
5 senior cultists are each independently making giant aberrations (biological mecha)(each will take ~3 months to make)
10 senior cultists are making hive beacons (essentially, 4 times more powerful than a tank, and in the shape of a mutant)(~1 month to make apiece)
5 groups of 10 cultists are making tunnel crawlers (just-out-of-development) (essentially, a unit that is capable of easily navigating the tunnel network and is about half as strong as a hive beacon)(~1 month apiece)
There are 12 biocities underneath the world, aside from the main biocity in the Ishtarok continent.

*Note: this is based on the average power of a member of the Calen & the elementals serving that member of the Calen. They, as spellcasting collective, are as strong as the Calen. Before you make any wild assumptions about me trying to overpower them: they are needed to develop all units, and unless they do make units, they themselves get eaten. In addition, the Calen have freaking magical flying awesome battleships and they do not require any mages to produce units. They would not die if they stopped making units. Most of my cultists must work offstage from the battles, whereas the Calen can access most, if not all their magician's spellcasting if needed at any time, with little consequence, but if the cultists stop, an entire legion of units either die, or develop independently from the Order.

Fable Wright
2010-05-21, 11:42 PM
(the last post was to prompt playing)

2010-05-22, 12:09 AM
(Can't post just yet for me.)

Cadian 9th
2010-05-22, 03:16 AM
Master SunSou looks across from his island fortress out across the water, his domain. He breathes in steam, clearing his pores and keeping him healthy and young. The other pirates look on expectingly.

From behind his chair, all we can see is the back of the throne on which sunsou sits.

"Ahh, milord?"

A hand appears, silencing him. The pirates stand stock still, not daring to move.

"What?" Sighs SunSou, spinning on his spinny chair. A jet black with bright green markings parrot squaks on his shoulder.

"I trust you have good news?"

"Of course! The Order of whatchema call it flesh - ascended-ed-ed-ed-ed flesh have arrived and are beggining to expand-and-and!" He stammers.

"That is not good news, idiot! How dare you bring me BAD news!"

"No sir, I swear-er-er-er - " he chokes as he is held by two immense Ninja Pirates. "They are unprepared, my god. We can attack them!"

Suddenly, your spying proxy caught sight of a blur of motion - a ninja pirate!

The <viewing medium> for your spying proxy goes blank.

Next week, the Corsairs enter the "war".

Okay, starting a coastal recon, checking out everybody. Preparing our vortex to threaten to destroy the universe.

The Kirin

This day, you find a large chest full of the most equisite gems and diamonds. Inside is a mighty blade, shining, that is able to cut through anything. Also, there is a note.

"We respect your culture. How would you like to be allied? A cooperation between us would be unstoppable. You gain Coastal supremacy, we get a good fight. Simple. You get money, jewels, artifacts, relics, coastal supremacy and we get an ally, and someone we can trust to help us into a good fight. And a share in the spoils. Send your best man to the cliff at the eastern spur above the beach and we can negotiate."

Thats all ... Not sure if I got this right...

2010-05-22, 04:43 AM
News grows more dire every day. The Ascended Flesh cultists are moving, the Dawi are an unknown factor with a newly-elected monarch, and the damn Sky-Bastards are taking away more revenue!

Martrim Saybaul is not a happy man. His plush chair, mahogany desk, fine spirits, and cute secretary are only so much comfort. Things are looking grimmer than they had in years, and it was only just beginning, he knew. He is getting on in years, and the stress was making him look even older than he really was. Martrim isn't sure how much longer he can take these stressors.

A new Company Head would have to be selected soon. 'But first,' he thinks, 'we must lay some ground work.'

He calls Rosa into his office and the spunky young woman stands at attention with a quill and pad of paper in hand. She waits silently with a small smile as her boss sits up straighter and clears his throat.

Martrim shuffles a few papers on his desk as he thinks of how exactly to phrase this and finally speaks.

"Rosa, I have a few missives to send out. Take note."

Rosa perks up immediately and holds her quill at the ready.

"All reports indicate the Kirin are looking for allies, and we know the Corsairs have been open to business with us for years. We would be remiss to ignore this potential. We also need to do something about the Skyborns. I have a few ideas."

Martrim begins to outline his plans.

with the upcoming fight against the Ascended Flesh, you will need support, no matter how strong your fleet. Patravel offers a significant sum of 100,000 gold to you, SunSou, as a show of good will, and pledges to aid you in your fight against the cultists with whatever supplies you might need, within reason (ie. no giant laser cannons or doomsday weapons).

In exchange, Patravel asks for three things: a small percentage of what plunder to take from the Ascended Flesh's strognhold, a direct order to your Corsairs that Patravel ships are not to be robbed, heavily reducing our losses during water travel, and absolute secrecy about this deal. Revealing any information about this will forfeit the treaty, and Patravel will not react favorably to this.

If the Kirin seek allies, Patravel is willing to provide. We send you a hefty 100,000 gold sum as a symbol of good faith between your people and ours, along with a treaty that will set down shipping routes to and from Kirin territories and set the foundation for future talks about trade in new technological advances, in exchange for access to some of your rarer commodities.

Patravel will extend to you an offer to purchase one or more of your airships for a high price.

2010-05-22, 06:05 PM
An Odyssey
Deep within the Dawi Mountainhomes, Emperor Guderian was left to his thoughts. With the election of a new monarch, the Senate had become abuzz with activity. Shifting lines of loyalty were the cause of the day, the normal devotion and loyalty of the Dawi being forgotten in such a tumultuous time. The regular peasants would retain their standard of loyalty, but the nobility- or rather, the "Paragons of Skill" and "Chosen of Faith"- were always a chaotic factor. One moment they might praise their monarch for being chosen by the Lord Malkius, the next they might start spewing words like "Blasphemy" to his closest supporters, attempting to leave the monarch without a leg to stand on.

It was for this reason that he now had a line of emissaries begging for his attention. Normally they would be diverted to his magistrates, but without having had the time to appoint them, he had to handle the most serious cases himself.

"...And in closing, the addition of a full company of Ironbreakers would allow us to better safeguard shipments from the mines, Your Eminence." The mining consul stated, giving a low bow. Of course, the mining caste provided a great service- they were practically the backbone of the Dawi empire. Without the metal and ore they provided, the forges would fall silent, and without the forges no expansion could be allowed. The old Emperors had usually bowed to their requests, knowing that a lack of expansion would mean stagnation. Guderian, contrary to the opinions of his detractors, was not a fool to this fact. The price of a single company of Ironbreakers, no matter the fact that they were drawn from the more talented of the Dawi military, was a small price to pay for their loyalty.

"More than reasonable." He declared, "Let it be known that the mining caste will be reinforced with a grand company of the Dawi's finest youths, to ensure the prosperity of the Dawi people as a whole, as well as the continued safety of those that work below our feet, so we might serve the great Lord Malkius!"

A chorus of "Ave Malkius" greeted the Emperor, the emissary shuffling off with a bow as one of the Dawi Emperor's advisors leaned in. His blue robes marking him as an Artificer, the high-ranking crafter spoke in hushed tones to his king. The silent guards simply stood sentinel as the emissaries in line waited, knowing full well that it would be political suicide to interrupt an advisor's console.

"Not to be prudent, sire, but the politics of the land above have taken a turn towards violence. Were we to offer arms to the warring peoples, we could capitalize on this sudden violence. There is progress to be made in war, after all, and the war of the surface dwellers has usually yielded...interesting progress."

The Arch-Lector on Guderian's other side leaned forward quite swiftly at this, speaking in equally hushed tones to the regent. "And it was also in war with the Empire that we became slaves, and that Malkius departed from our mortal world in disgust of what He had wrought with us! Or have you forgotten the heresy of our last contact with the surface, of the great purges we enacted upon ourselves?"

The Artificer retorted coolly, the two of them going back and forth as Guderian contemplated this. Industry had been booming, yes, and the stockpiles had been building. Whilst it might be seen as heresy, if sufficient income could be brought to the Mountainhomes, then what would the harm be? His detractors could be silenced for such an action, and the common masses would be rejoiced at such newfound wealth...and technology. Technology was always a boon- it was what had allowed for this fortress, and the grand forges, to be built in the first place!

"Send a convoy." The Emperor stated eventually, his advisors ceasing their petty exchange as he spoke. His voice cut through the hall as every emissary perked up to take note of their monarch's will.

"There shall be four companies, one to each of our closest neighbors. I shall leave the details to Centurion Heinrich, who will lead the expedition." He stated, the entire hall conversing. Expeditions beyond the mountains were very rare, and usually only performed once a generation- primarily when the Dawi had struck a particularly rich vein and had a need to offload supplies in exchange for increasing their already overflowing treasuries. But for an expedition simply to see the insane world outside? A voyage for a voyage's sake?

It was an odyssey.

The Order of the Ascended Flesh
Centurion Heinrich led the first company of Dawi soldiers and envoys through the massive, reinforced gates to the Mountainhomes. As the six-story-high doors came to a close, the soldiers overlooking the exterior defenses came to attention. Each one had volunteered for this task, to be exposed to the despicable sun that burned a Dawi's eyes, to feel the unnatural razor-winds of the mountaintops and the freezing chill of snow resting on their plate armor. Food was provided to these poor souls in regular rotation, to help stave off the freezing cold of the outside air. Torches and braziers burned brightly to provide some modicum of warmth, casting terrifying shades upon the warriors of the group. They were hardy souls, of the sort well accustomed to fighting the forgotten wretches below. Grobi slaves had been brought along to help bear the goods that couldn't be brought on wagon, as well as to make an opening offer to these "Ascended" fellows. Just where they resided was unknown, but the Centurion was confident in the value of their coin and the more direct approach.

The convoy itself was simple enough- a score of carts covered by tanned hide and composed of lightweight metal. Their large, spiked wheels were drawn by powerful teams of oxen normally reserved for helping to soften up soil. They carried a fair amount of wealth onboard, and not just in supplies. Gold coins, vases filled with lichen ale, caskets of precious powders, and entire chests full of various masterpieces of metalsmithing. Perhaps more valuable were the weapons and armor they bore to guard this treasure, a trio of the precious Dawi Steel Soldiers having joined each company to ensure no danger befell the lives invested here.

Taking to the outside world, the company trundled forward unsteadily. Their mission was simple: To locate the Order of the Ascended Flesh, and to enact their Emperor's demands.

The second company to depart left with their heads held high. Though they knew little of the people they were to meet, the diplomats that formed the core of this group were a talented in more than simply negotiating. Information was their domain, and as per the Dawi strictures, they had taken to it with zealous skill. The more theocratic elements of the Dawi people had volunteered to compose this group, and as such it was a core of their most outspoken clerics, guarded by a full squad of holy paladins. Each of them rode upon the back of a squad pony, the blinding sunlight disorienting their mounts before they eventually settled.

Each Dawi and his mount in this group was laden in fine armor, their steeds given masterfully composed barding. Saddlebags were weighted across the powerful backs of the steeds, oatmeal cakes and treasure the order of the day. Fine busts of Dawi religious figures, idols of Malkius composed from silver and rubies, even a few murals having been removed from their frames and carefully rolled up into lengthy scroll cases. It was a grand sum of cultural wealth from the Dawi people, to help get the basis of cultural exchange going. It was also the reason why the company had been able to wrangle their own trio of steel-forged golems. For such relics to be lost to bandits would be unforgivable- especially if nothing were to be gained in return.

The Skyborn
The third company was tasked with a mighty task. For the Dawi had never before looked to the sky with anything but contempt, and the order of their monarch had made the task of the third company clear. To meet the Skyborn, they would have to leave their feet from the ground, to make it such that their connection to Malkius- who crafted the world from but a pebble- broken for even a short while. It was contemptible, it was mad, but it was also the order of their supreme leader, whose connection to Malkius was regarded as the strongest of all.

It was for this reason that the more cerebral members of Dawi society, primarily the artificers, the crafters, and even the tiniest contingent of their magical representatives were sent forth. Yet they did not have to travel far, for with such great intellect there also comes a great deal of common sense. Having been given guard by heavy-handed volunteers, primarily soldiers drawn from the rank and file that protected the magical crafting halls of the Dawi arcane casters, the political influence was undeniable. Clergy had also insisted on having their presence here, but the fact that this was primarily an expedition by the Dawi's intellectual elite rather than spiritual guardians was also undeniable.

For this group, the number of massive steel sentinels had been nearly doubled, five of them standing watch over the milling army below. In contrast, only a dozen wagons had been allotted to them, but they had been stacked with far more precious goods and protected much more viciously. Magical wards had been crafted into the wagons, runes of protection- daubed in Grobi blood- having been streaked across the tight tarps. The guards likewise wore enchanted armor, the proud banners of the Dawi people being hefted by those honorable enough to represent their race as a whole.

The plan of approach had been risky, but also quite logical. To attract their attention, the convoy had moved across the mountains, creating quite a bit of distance from the Mountainhomes before settling down. As the craftsmen worked to produce temporary defenses against the cold and monsters native to the mountain exteriors, shelters were constructed. Dawi devotion made the entire effort only take a short while, the scant few attacks by wild Grobi and mountain trolls being repelled almost casually. By the end of it, a stone tower had been erected, an arcane flame being built at its top. This flame would be left to cast smoke into the sky, the Dawi below remaining camped as they awaited the arrival of the Skypeople.

Or until their provisions ran out.

Fable Wright
2010-05-22, 06:38 PM
A lone half-brood spider sees two-leggers-shorter-than-others that sometimes kill others in their brood, together in a small-group-using-many-people-of-different-types-to-carry-them. The invisible spider scuttles back into the master-of-the-master's tunnels, headed back to the masters.

bowing before a more-powerful-than-other-masters master, he relates his story. "Milord, the Dawi are moving. They have been talking of ussss, Milord. They sssseek ussss." the spider says, bowing reverantly, shedding it's invisible shroud. "We shall see what they want from us..." The senior cultist says thoughtfully, even as he twists the plants into a greater being; shaping a seed into a work of art, one that could hold hoards of their experiments, causing it to grow into a mass of wood the size of a sequoia in the time that they had this conversation, seemingly without effort. "send a half-brood of flying ranged spiders. We need to be wary of them, and be able to escape while providing fight to them, if they prove hostile." The invisible spider clicked it's mandibles in delight. He had a chance of feeding. "It sssshall be done, Milord. It shall be done." it says as it moves down the tunnel, fading with every step.

The senior cultist called a brood, the brood of the fast spiders. "We have received word of creatures to the north. Your brood shall be our method of communicating with them. We shall keep the hivemind open for this conversation." "Yesssss, Milord." the brood says as a collective scuttles to the north to meet the ShenCree.

The time would come, he thought in his base underneath the world, growing a creature that would be as large as a city with 5 of his companions, for the Order to be law. However, the new order needed warriors in the mainland, to be waiting to strike. Through the hivemind, one cultist is informed of the will of the elders, "You will seek out the Kirin. They may become our allies. Other countries woo them with steel and treasure, things of no real meaning. You shall offer them the gift of the ultimate power- weapons built into them, weapons that cannot be stolen, weapons that power themselves. They are a collective that uses magic similar to our own, and they also value weapons and power."

Fable Wright
2010-05-22, 06:49 PM
Beneath the world, the guildmaster stirred. Up above, there was extreme power beginning to be harnessed. The mortals above were attempting to summon powers that they had no control of. If this gets out of hand, then he must act. After all, if the world ends, then he would run out of food. He didn't want that. With a great heave, his massive body moved once again, thousands of legs the size of tanks straining under his massive body weight as he burrowed towards the surface.

EDIT: OOC to the Corsairs:
try to bomb the world, and the guildmaster, the most powerful mage in the world, will literally eat your vortex.

2010-05-22, 06:50 PM
Construction of another hive had begun, this time in the Western beaches of Ishtarok. The old ruins still lie by the colony. Ishtarnahn's spidery form rests his legs on the ground, and disgustingly, eggs are laid into the soil beneath the calm waves. He peers out across the horizon, wondering about any threats that may come from across the sea. In the meantime, he would set up a border guard. The Mosquitos and the Locust's would patrol the borders, while the scorpions and others would keep the main land safe.

OOC: Crab's Legs

Cadian 9th
2010-05-22, 07:06 PM
The Corsairs make it known to all that they welcome any business deals. Even if they are the only ones pursuing it.


Delivered by parrot, you recieve the following letter and small communicator. Your men spot, by surviliance methods, a corsair ninja some distance (kilometers) away, seeing you recieve it, then moving off before anyone sees.

Mister Saybaul,

Do not attempt to patronize me by assuming I have want of money. As to our alliance, I welcome a partner who I know holds keys to more than a man on the inside - like the panther of the seas, the siren of the depths. You snare others to your will. I'll have no part in your snares, though, as stated before, welcome your alliance. This day shall be a glorious one for us both. Raiders that attacked your people were not mine - they were no longer corsars the moment they did so. In fact, the moment your message arrived, we had just been getting ready to execute them for the impudence. I'm sure a businessman of your stature will understand my position.

With this negotiation out of the way, is there anyone in particular you wish us to "raid" or otherwise disrupt? Several of our corsairs are ready to infiltrate your facility to test it's security. We look foward to the offical uniffication ceremony, where you will receive the blessing of myself, and, my mother. It is a great ceremony that will take a little of your time but will earn you the favour of all corsairs, while leaving no visible mark to the non-corsair.



You recieve a letter of apology for the latest attack on your ships. The men who did it were mutini ing and have been removed. Our alliance continues, yes?


Fable Wright
2010-05-22, 07:53 PM
Shameless bounce

Please post! what happened to the posting in recruitment, forcing people to wade through 3 pages of posts if they left for an hour? (e.g., please, at least, post responses to other countries diplomatic missions.)

Cadian 9th
2010-05-22, 08:02 PM
In time, the Corsair continue to Raid un-allied ships and coastal supply lines. SunSou grows impatient with the lack of responses from his negotiations.

2010-05-22, 08:10 PM
The Order of the Ascended Flesh: It's A Bird! It's A Gyrocopter! No, it's-!

Centurion Heinrich had led the company on a standard campaign across this strange, new land. The maps had proven of little use, a full generation of wicked weather and flourishing life changing the landscape far too much for the precise maps to be of much help. That was one of the myriad of things the Dawi Centurion had found wrong with the world outside of the Mountainhomes- the air was far too light, the Dawi almost hyperventilating before they became accustomed to the almost insubstantial air of the open world. The land was so full of vegetation and chaotic that a Dawi could barely tell if his feet were touching the ground or stepping on some annoying critter.

Speaking of annoying critters, the wilderness was full of them. They had posed little danger to the Dawi expedition, especially considering their heavy armor, but more than one trooper had been sprayed by some foul-smelling ointment. As well as this, one of them had stepped in a nest of some sort, causing a swarm of stinging critters to bounce off of his armor. Thankfully, they were by no means as vicious as the creatures in the Undermountain- the stinging critters did not deliver traveling poisons that could stop a man's heart, nor did the horned beasts on the outside play with a Dawi before eating him whole. Here, nature was much more...subdued. Were it not for the nauseating sunlight and the rain, it might have been barely livable.

The rain alone had sent the Dawi into a panic. On their third day in the plains, it had rained. Thunder had cascaded across the heavens, and seasoned warriors had raised their shields to the heavens as sheets of water splashed across them. Such an event had never been encountered before, and tunnel fighters that had stared down demons and cave spiders had done all that they could- they formed a phalanx formation. It was only at the urging of those who had spent time outside of the tunnels before, the poor Dawi that had been put upon the exterior fortifications, that they had finally calmed down.

Now that the Dawi had covered several leagues, their zealous training and stout riding beasts providing extensive range before requiring rest, Centurion Heinrich had encountered a new element of the outside world. Flying...creatures were soaring through the air. Some had feathers like an owlbear, whilst others were massive, scaled abominations. Not as large as a dragon...but close. Dangerously close.

And so the group had drawn their throwing axes and other ranged weapons, keeping their pace all the while. They looked about, the company's scouts searching for communities to scour for knowledge. The Order of the Ascended Flesh had to be in this region somewhere- all they needed was a guiding hand.

The fourth company did not have a direct goal, per se. Rather, their leader- the enigmatic Centurion Goring- had taken the company to what seemed to be the end of the world. The large Dawi, being best described as "A steel barrel with legs", had led his "smaller-but-better" expedition the farthest. Armed with only a pair of the massive steel-skinned veterans, he had tasked them with assisting in moving the wagons along. It was a demeaning task, and one that had earned the Centurion more than a few askew looks, but the massive golems- thrice the height of the Centurion- had actually agreed with the concept. They did not tire like the other oxen did, and by chaining the wagons together they could better apply their strength.

Heinrich had eventually led the company to the "End of the World", a place where the ground gave way to vast, seemingly endless waters. It was beautiful and, at the same time, utterly terrifying to the mixture of soldiers, craftsmen, and clergy. Some had hailed the infinite waters as a euphoric blessing from Malkius, a reward for the courage of the Dawi to dare look into the world beyond the mountains. Such a statement had earned harsh glares from the more conservative Dawi, who had derided the fact that for all the infinite glory of the waters, there was no way to traverse them- and, as such, they were Malkius's message that it was this peak that the Dawi would expand to and no further.

And so they had camped there, conceiving possible means of utilizing the titanic body of endless water, all the while standing watch throughout the night for creatures that might dare rise up from this water. For if it was one thing the Dawi had learned from the underground rivers and lakes, it was that danger lurked in every corner, even still waters.

Cadian 9th
2010-05-22, 08:21 PM

As the company searches for enemies, They become aware of a black vessel on the water horizon.
(+5 for me, -2 for your perception)

Suddenly, Centurion Goring becomes aware of a troops of 10, well dressed men, with puffy sleeves and long, bright steel rapiers. Each blade shimmers with Nothing, and you know such weapons are viable against your armour.
"A proposition, to you sir."
Says the one with the puffiest sleeves and an outrageous featherd tricorn hat.
"You seem lost at the way to cross the water. How can we help?"

Below 10

One of Centurion Goring's sentries detects movement! Suddenly, there appearss a group of 10 well dressed men with puffy sleeves and outrageous feathered hats. They were crouching low and sneaking swiftly, yet now they stand stock still, hands in the air, Steel, long rapiers that shimmer with Nothing (You know this weapon is viable against your armour) shoved into their scabbards.

"Apologies for suprising you, Centurion Goring. We were unsure wether you would seek to slay us or not. This is a dangerous world, no?"
"A proposition, to you sir."
Says the one with the puffiest sleeves and an outrageous featherd tricorn hat.
"You seem lost at the way to cross the water. How can we help?"

Corsairs, out.

2010-05-22, 08:32 PM
Ascended Flesh Neighbors And YOU!!

An Odyssey[/SPOILER]

While searching for the Ascended Flesh, some of the Dawi had discovered what appeared to be an abandoned building that lead to an area below the surface. ((Below the surface there lies an interesting role play opportunity. Those things are more valuable than diamonds.)) Several giant flying scarabs swarm around the place. They appear to not notice the Daw making their advance. Also apparently there are precious emeralds in the entrance of the abandoned building. What could be inside was anyone's guess.

Back At The Dark Fortress
Ishtarnahn had returned to the Fortress, thinking that it would be a good idea to have a rest. At the moment, Ishtarnahn had sent nobles across the borders to spread more colonies. To the north he would create an Ant colony, to the south he would attempt to create a Giant Tic colony, still to the East would be another Spider colony. The final Noble would stay with Ishtarnahn here. It would take a while for the colonies that he hadn't laid yet to grow.

2010-05-22, 09:08 PM
Corsair Power! Corsair Power!
Centurion Goring looked to the men, his eyes darting to the rapiers momentarily. Looking back to the men, he raised the lid on his helmet, the Dawi around the campsite snapping to attention as the large leader let out a low whistle.

He looked to the people, his comprehension of their language somewhat rusty, but more than able to hold a good conversation. He had been brushed up on the local languages before his departure. Plus, having a small enchanted pebble embedded in the collar of your armor capable of translating what he didn't get right away never hurt. As the tiny rock whispered what they said to him, he nodded.

"Yes, we are." He declared, the Dawi rushing through the campsite as they saw the vessel on the water. The strange craft caught many of the seasoned warriors unaware, their eyes wide and mouths agape at the prospect of something made of wood being able to remain afloat. The idea of it caused radical viewpoint shifts in the more conservative clergy, though a few had the gall to mutter that these people were water-shades, phantoms of those that the river monsters had eaten and attempting to lure the company into certain death.

"And for the record, it ain't polite to just go showing up without a bit of warning. But business is business, and I take it you have some offer in mind for transporting us to Malkius-knows-where?"

In the background, one of the Dawi could be seen climbing a massive, gem-studded statue made of solid steel. An emotionless obsidian mask had been wrought over the face of the ten-foot-tall statue, which was easily twice as wide as the massive Centurion. The fact that orange light flickered in its eyes, and that it was currently walking towards the shoreline made it obvious for its status as a golem. The Dawi climbing it perched atop its shoulder, resting on a shoulder plate before furiously scribing away on a piece of parchment.

Elsewhere, several Dawi dressed in blue-dyed paints of armor were deep in animated conversation, the religious ramifications of being able to cross water striking them. As well as the severe blow that losing part of the company to drowning would strike, if this were indeed just a honey trap as the more fervor-filled conservatives were implying.

Finally! Ruins!

Centurion Heinrich was almost overjoyed to find that his company had, at last, encountered somewhere sheltered for the night. Though it was inhabited by what looked like giant cave-insects, it was nothing that the veteran Dawi tunnel-fighters hadn't encountered before. The obliviousness of the insects was a boon, but the military leader did not make himself a fool. With a few shouted words, the Dawi fell into a tight-packed formation. Shields were drawn, and heavier weapons were hefted as they advanced towards the ruins. The wagons kept pace behind them, staying back only a smattering of yards. The supplies and treasures could not be left abandoned, but at that distance they would be safe from any reasonable risk.

Turning to one of the steel golems, he bowed his head in reverence. "Legatus Hess? I would be honored if you and your squad would take the mission of advancing."

The massive, eight-foot wonder looked down at the Dawi Centurion, his sapphire-laced body shimmering. His steel-built body, with joints made from rock that moved like regular flesh, was the greatest weapon in the Dawi arsenal to date. Their usage was a restricted honor to the field, and only a fool would dare order one of the revered avatars of Malkius about like a common Grobi slave.

The golem advanced wordlessly, he and his companions moving with heavy, pounding footfalls towards the entrance of the ruins. Heinrich could have imagined the hint of a nod in the silent golem's gesture, but he simply dismissed it as the rest of the company moved behind the massive steel behemoths. With the steel-clad veterans as their shield, the Dawi marched confidently towards the emeralds outside of the building, the geologists and other such scientific figures keeping stride alongside the warriors whilst all the while making sure that the warriors were first to encounter any danger posed by the ruins.

Fable Wright
2010-05-22, 09:15 PM
From out of nowhere a herd of large, quickly moving spiders approach your lands. They halt and say, "We are diplomatsssss from the Order of the Asssssscended Flessssh. We seek an allianccccce. We can cause flesssssh to grow into a more powerful and ussssseful form. We sssssseek from you the ability to ussssse the animalssss you feed from assss sssssubjectsssss for our exsssperiments, and of courssssse a mutual defenssssse agreement assssss well. What do you sssssay? In exchange, we will enhance your physssssical formssssss beyond what they already are.

You see a human-like person walking towards you. He has as energy cannon growing (literally) out of his right arm, and the lower half of his body has been replaced with that of a spider. One of his 3 hands has been turned into a sharp, very sturdy bone knife. He approaches your tribe and says "Greetings. I am from the Order of the Ascended Flesh. We have come to offer an alliance. We shall enhance your bodies with weapons, possibly even into living weapons, which cannot be stolen, broken, nor usable by anyone who takes your weapon from your body. In exchange, you merely provide us with a military defense, and we will provide you with a defense as well, as well as access to a method of traveling the world, appearing behind enemy lines at will, and not needing ocean transport. You could hide there, unfound, for centuries if you wanted to, as well. What do you say?

2010-05-22, 09:19 PM
Ishtarok/A City In Ruin
What little of the city that you make out was enormous. Over a three hundred thousand once lived in the districts that you had explored. Throughout the caverns there were giant gnats (laughably easily) a few regular bugs that could be mistaken for the foot soldiers of the Ishtarok Empire's army, and even the occasional giant scorpion. Throughout the city you had not found much wealth, or heck, even much value other than historical interests that would drive the Excavator's insane with joy.

However, you had come across the Court Eunuch district. Most of the district had been completely cut off from the rest of the city, but what little remained of value was enormous, priceless beyond words. There was a shrine, dedicated to the dead Eunuchs that faithfully worked with the King Ishtarnahn's after they had returned very unluckily wounded in battle from far-off or not so far-off wars. You found scrolls detailing the plot to kill Ishtarnahn and place his soul in the body of a demon, you found the old story of the first Eunuch, a sorcerer of immense power who was gifted by the very gods themselves as comfort for his injuries.

Various interesting tidbits of Ishtarok human culture had been found. Including the royal ettiquete, common ettiquette the fact that they had discovered the value of zero, how they invented paper, and various other things. However, finally, after all of which you discovered, there was a strange room that had a weird aura. The aura glowed brightly and the light source was unknown. If you searched the room you won't find it. But in the center there is a strange memorial.

On the memorial it clearly is written on all four sides, on the top side, and also in the walls of the room in different languages the aftermath of the Eunuch's plot. Apparently the King Ishtarnahn's soul was hidden in his demonic body

"It is still alive. Apparently the King can be brought back from evil somehow, but as long as we control him, we will have a means to make the world tremble with our new weapon. Armies and nations will fall before us. The strange foreigners who wish us to join them have no chance. But still this weakness in the ritual enslaving Ishtarnahn bothers us. Eventually after we no longer need Ishtarnahn we will release the soul, but for now, we must guard this secret."

Fable Wright
2010-05-22, 09:26 PM
You see some massive flying spiders with stingers that looked like they could shoot you fly out of the sky and land before you. They say, "We are from the cult of the asssscended flesssssh. We have sssssseen that you sssssearch us out. What do you require of ussss?

Cadian 9th
2010-05-22, 09:44 PM

The Man with the biggest feather hat smiles charmingly. They fan out, bowing like acrobats.
"I trust that, with you here now, we can be regarded as allies? An alliance of sorts?" He speaks, twirling his moustache. A parrot lands on his shoulder and squaks:
"Arrrr... SunSou wants to speak. SunSou wants to speak. Arrr."
The men stand slightly taller. All eyes rest upon the Dawi leader.

The ship comes closer. The decks are steel plated as is the hull. Several bolt throwers swivel, Nothing swirling around the bolt tips, and a red flag flies from the hieghest mast. You can see several corsairs hard at work preparing space and luxry accomadation for visitors to their mighty vessel. More ships appear on the horizon.


2010-05-22, 09:55 PM
Corsairs: Would You Kindly?
Centurion Goring stared at the large ship, noticing the others on the horizon as well. The Dawi around the camp, seeing the large, imposing bolt throwers onboard, took a more militant stance. Armor was donned, weapons passed out, and the oxen roused as the entire camp began to mobilize. Goring, though often accused of being such, was no fool. He stared at the large weapons upon the vessels with a mixture of interest and no small amount of concern. Those bolt throwers likely had wicked range, and the enchantment on them would likely puncture even Dawi craftsmanship. For once in his life, the Centurion actually was put in a position where had had to make an honest-to-Malkius decision.

He decided to bide for a bit of time, "Yes, well, I'm not sure what you think of as 'alliance', per se. More...supply-and-demand?" He inquired, looking towards the wagons. "We have a fair amount of...goods brought with us. Goods that you might find valuable. Now, what'n might we get for these goods?" He inquired, the Dawi cocking a bushy eyebrow. He couldn't, however, help but avert his gaze back to the impending fleet of water-sailing ships. A fact that brought even more fervor to the campsite, with the non-militant Dawi now rushing like beheaded ponies to try and record everything they were witnessing. Wood-hulled ships floating in water! Bolt-throwers, a Dawi invention, being wielded by other races! Magic, unknown in nature, being used by such a tall species!

"And this...See-Sao, of yours. Where is he, if'n he wants to talk?" He asked, knowing full well just what sort of earful he'd get if he just blindly walked off the ground and onboard one of these strange, alien vessels. Some of the more zealous clergy looked about ready to get their axes in hand and take the ships apart plank-by-plank for "Endangering the spiritual sanctity of my charges!".

The Order of the Ascended Flesh: Mutually Beneficial Exploitation!
Centurion Heinrich, seeing the creatures approach, raised his arm. The Dawi formation paused as the steel golems stood vigil before the massive constructs, Heinrich advancing as the rest of the company prepared various ranged weapons. Throwing axes were the favored weapon, though bows and similar weapons also found a use. However, none dared through their weapons, waiting for their leader's order before firing.

Heinrich moved between the massive legs of the steel golems, tapping Legatus Hess upon the lower leg. The massive construct looked down to him, its burning eyes comprehending.

"I will handle the negotiations. I would request that you handle the ruins- these emissaries are not worth your concern, Legatus." Heinrich stated, the massive man of steel once more comprehending in his silence. Trembling on towards the ruins, the three massive constructs simply moved on undaunted.

The Centurion and his men faced the flying spiders, their strange form nauseating to try and comprehend. Their leader, clad in full armor and armed appropriately, looked over each of the creatures. Such strange species...back in the Mountainhomes, he would not have thought twice about caving in the skulls of these things. Out here? They may be allies!

"I am Centurion Heinrich, sent as an emissary of Emperor Guderian of the Dawi Nation. We are here on a mission to establish mutually beneficial relations with...you." He cleared his throat, gesturing towards the wagons and the associated soldiers around them. "These are a small sampling of the wealth capable of being produced by the Dawi people. If you and your...leaders wish to speak on how we can better benefit each other, do feel free to do so."

With that, the Centurion stood silent, his legs braced to either charge or run to the safety of the shield wall behind him. Near the wagons, the bows were kept tensed, barbed arrows in hand as the entire company waited for either the order to open fire or for negotiations to begin in their proper.

The Ruins of Us All
Legatus Hess and his squad moved through the ruins with a mixture of contempt and curiosity. Their massive bodies carefully picked through the ancient thoroughfares, the insects dwelling within these ruins providing little sport. What was of more interest was the architecture and the culture. Hess had been a historian, once, before his status as Legatus came about. He had fought in the great purge, had been part of the Dawi Nation through countless centuries of monarchs and Senatorial gatherings and plots and conspiracies. He had seen Dawi turn on Dawi, and he had even fought monsters so maddeningly large that their trails made caverns within the Mountainhomes.

But he had never seen a city like this, a place so massive where the homes towered to the roof of the cavern, where such alien architecture blended together so perfectly to fit so many different sizes. The Mountainhomes were the epitome of efficiency, but this...this was the epitome of accommodating diversity. As such, the Legatus had been careful to not leave a single stone turned or damaged, even though the occasional monster attacked him and his two companions.

Turning a thoroughfare, he eventually entered a district where a large memorial stood. A giant scorpion, perhaps the third or fourth, had roosted there. It was a simple enough matter to kill it, barely making a sound as he ripped its stinger off and rammed it into its fragile skull, but it was noteworthy because of the abundance of wealth here. The knowledge he could read without disturbing implied great things, discoveries that the Dawi could capitalize on. However, when he came upon the memorial, all three of the steel golems paused at once. They read the inscription, and each one knew what it implied. What it would mean for the Dawi people, if they could ever release this Ishtarnhan and utilize his essence for their own end.

No. Such a power could not be wielded by any living monarch.

Reaching forward, the steel golem tore out the last segment of the inscription. He gave a precise series of strokes as he did so, ensuring the segment would remain whole. He then turned towards his brothers, all of them having been forged from the same steel.

"Destroy it." He commanded.

And that was all it took, for the other two quickly pounded the monument into rubble, destroying any knowledge that this great weapon-once capable of destroying great armies and annihilating entire races- ever existed. Only the knowledge that it could be defeated, now carried by Legatus Hess, remained. He silently prayed to Malkius that he would never have to use the tablet he now carried, especially as he watched the massive, steel fists of his brothers pound the monument into so much dust.

2010-05-22, 10:01 PM
The Order of the Ascended Flesh
Centurion Heinrich, seeing the creatures approach, raised his arm. The Dawi formation paused as the steel golems stood vigil before the massive constructs, Heinrich advancing as the rest of the company prepared various ranged weapons. Throwing axes were the favored weapon, though bows and similar weapons also found a use. However, none dared through their weapons, waiting for their leader's order before firing.

Heinrich moved between the massive legs of the steel golems, tapping Legatus Hess upon the lower leg. The massive construct looked down to him, its burning eyes comprehending.

"I will handle the negotiations. I would request that you handle the ruins- these emissaries are not worth your concern, Legatus." Heinrich stated, the massive man of steel once more comprehending in his silence. Trembling on towards the ruins, the three massive constructs simply moved on undaunted.

The Centurion and his men faced the flying spiders, their strange form nauseating to try and comprehend. Their leader, clad in full armor and armed appropriately, looked over each of the creatures. Such strange species...back in the Mountainhomes, he would not have thought twice about caving in the skulls of these things. Out here? They may be allies!

"I am Centurion Heinrich, sent as an emissary of Emperor Guderian of the Dawi Nation. We are here on a mission to establish mutually beneficial relations with...you." He cleared his throat, gesturing towards the wagons and the associated soldiers around them. "These are a small sampling of the wealth capable of being produced by the Dawi people. If you and your...leaders wish to speak on how we can better benefit each other, do feel free to do so."

With that, the Centurion stood silent, his legs braced to either charge or run to the safety of the shield wall behind him. Near the wagons, the bows were kept tensed, barbed arrows in hand as the entire company waited for either the order to open fire or for negotiations to begin in their proper.

The Ruins of Us All
Legatus Hess and his squad moved through the ruins with a mixture of contempt and curiosity. Their massive bodies carefully picked through the ancient thoroughfares, the insects dwelling within these ruins providing little sport. What was of more interest was the architecture and the culture. Hess had been a historian, once, before his status as Legatus came about. He had fought in the great purge, had been part of the Dawi Nation through countless centuries of monarchs and Senatorial gatherings and plots and conspiracies. He had seen Dawi turn on Dawi, and he had even fought monsters so maddeningly large that their trails made caverns within the Mountainhomes.

But he had never seen a city like this, a place so massive where the homes towered to the roof of the cavern, where such alien architecture blended together so perfectly to fit so many different sizes. The Mountainhomes were the epitome of efficiency, but this...this was the epitome of accommodating diversity. As such, the Legatus had been careful to not leave a single stone turned or damaged, even though the occasional monster attacked him and his two companions.

Turning a thoroughfare, he eventually entered a district where a large memorial stood. A giant scorpion, perhaps the third or fourth, had roosted there. It was a simple enough matter to kill it, barely making a sound as he ripped its stinger off and rammed it into its fragile skull, but it was noteworthy because of the abundance of wealth here. The knowledge he could read without disturbing implied great things, discoveries that the Dawi could capitalize on. However, when he came upon the memorial, all three of the steel golems paused at once. They read the inscription, and each one knew what it implied. What it would mean for the Dawi people, if they could ever release this Ishtarnhan and utilize his essence for their own end.

No. Such a power could not be wielded by any living monarch.

Reaching forward, the steel golem tore out the last segment of the inscription. He gave a precise series of strokes as he did so, ensuring the segment would remain whole. He then turned towards his brothers, all of them having been forged from the same steel.

"Destroy it." He commanded.

And that was all it took, for the other two quickly pounded the monument into rubble, destroying any knowledge that this great weapon-once capable of destroying great armies and annihilating entire races- ever existed. Only the knowledge that it could be defeated, now carried by Legatus Hess, remained. He silently prayed to Malkius that he would never have to use the tablet he now carried, especially as he watched the massive, steel fists of his brothers pound the monument into so much dust.

You Are Being Watched:
From far away a giant, Preying Mantis could be seen. This was an unusual specimen. Apparently it was the strongest creature inside the Cavernous City. The Warden, a massive Mantis watched as they took the tablet, and then knew it would be spotted. Quickly it turned, and sprinted. It went with a great speed that it hoped the scrawny ones could not match. It was getting away, and it wouldn't be pretty if Ishtarnahn had found out that they possessed the memorial.

Fable Wright
2010-05-22, 10:11 PM
"We care not for trinketsssss, but we do have ssssome sssservicessss for trade. We are ssssskilled in manipulating the flessssssh of other creaturessssss. We would gladly enter an alliancccccce with but the mutual defenssssssse of our homessss, and we would offer you the ability to mine milesssss below the world'sssss ssssurface, asssss well assss enhanccccce the flessssssh of your warriorsssss. Alsssso, when you sssssay you wissssssh to talk wittttth our leaderssssss, you already are. We have a hivemind. They can hear our tttttthoughtsssss, and tttttthey can tell us tttttheirs." They say, awaiting a response.

Halna LeGavilk
2010-05-22, 10:19 PM
The Flagship Corante of the Calen, near the coast
A man flopped around on the ground like a fish, shouting "Oh gods, bring me a healer, bring me a healer!" The giant steam elemental before him stared in confusion at the gibbering wizard, wondering what to do. The ten other fighters on the ship stared in amazement as the act stunned the elemental. Allison Ilgoress shook her head, long red hair swishing around. "What is he doing?"

The man next to her, a stout, dark-skinned, brown haired man named Dijrun, chuckled. "I believe he is having a seizure."

Only moments before
The Corante flew toward the rampaging elemental as it rose from the ocean to protect the lair of its master, and possibly destroy a few towns as well.

Corin Ilgoress, commander of the Corante, flew at the fore, spheres of energy emanating from his hands. "Damnit! How the hell did he summon a steamer? I haven't seen one of those in a hundred years."

Karlik, the resident elementalist, raced onto the bow, staring out into sea, watching the elemental form. "Elementals aren't supposed to grow that big. Something's wrong!

Dijrun shouted from the helm. "The ship doesn't wanna go near it! It must be tainted."

Corin swore. "I was hoping to not have to deal with that! Why does every single rogue elementalist taint their elementals? Just once, I wish they could summon a regular elemental, even if it is a combo!"

Erwin Keldordas, a heavily muscled, bearded human drew his sword and twirled it. "It'll feel good to get back into the fray."

At that moment, a blast of steam hit the ship, the errant elemental flinging itself at the wooden airship. It was at this moment that Karlik flung himself off the side of the ship, using his inborn magical powers to slow his descent. He dodged blast of heat, steam, and water as he flew down. He landed on the ground, stared at the elemental angrily, and fell down on the ground, screaming.

Back to Seizureland
Corin muttered in disgust. He raised his hands, and drawing power from a local node, ended the connection between the nodes, and then snorted. He walked back into the cabin as Karlik flew into the air, smiling at Allison, who shyly smiled back.

2010-05-22, 10:44 PM
The Great Chase
Legatus Hess saw the distant creature sprint off into the tunnels, and knew that it had been watched. And also knew that, for all his own speed, he would not be able to outpace such a lithe creature. It was for this reason that he turned to the other golems present, each of them sharing a look.

"Brattle...the tablet." He stated, the steel to his right having once been a messenger for the Mountainhomes, a runner with the purpose of sending messages to and fro. If any had a chance to take the tablet back to the Mountainhomes, and the safety therein, then he would be it.

Turning towards his other comrade, he nodded. "Gertrude...the others. Take what...you can, and have the others scavenge what they can here."

The Legatus himself silently declared his own task. His comrades knew it, but he alone would enact it. Even though it was futile to attempt, the steel golem did so, taking a running start towards one of the towering structure. Springing on his heels, the former historian grabbed hold of the structure, swinging himself about. Hot on the heels of the Mantis, he attempted to hunt down the scavenger as his comrades tried to salvage what they could before reinforcements arrived. Likely, it would be the entirety of whatever once inhabited this city.

The Order of the Ascended Flesh: Flesh is Sacred!
Centurion Heinrich let out a tiny, inward curse as he heard 'enhance'. One of the clergy members present let out an oath of colorful language, Heinrich marking a sharp cutting motion as the Dawi in question shouted at the insects.

"The Dawi were constructed as perfect beings, forged by the hand of Lord Malkius! To dare meddle with the flesh of a Dawi is to blow air into unfired clay! To twist a Dawi's form is to unceasingly chip away at a statue!" The clergyman in question was quickly calmed down when one of the more reasonable Dawi acolytes accidentally hit him upside the head with a censure.

"The, err, clergyman has a point." Heinrich stated, "We are not very interested in physically changing, for the Lord Malkius did indeed make us perfect as we are. The promise of a permanent alliance is also a matter I will need to discuss, but I'm sure we could work some sort of...temporary guardianship or somesuch out. As well as this, we can already mine for miles underground. It simply takes years, but leaves us Dawi with the knowledge that we have done our task right, and not an ounce of space wasted."

He looked over the massive spider-things again, their appearance again reminding him of monstrous cave spiders. "And you're certain that our crafts won't have any interest to you? They're mighty fine, and are worth quite a sum- negotiable, of course."

2010-05-22, 10:52 PM
Boss Battle

The Warden managed to make it to a small cavern that it could fight the best at. As the Dawi managed to, through a supreme effort of will, gain on the Warden, the Warden lead Legatus Hess into a trap. Steel doors crashed into eachother, preventing Legatus Hess an escape route in case things got ugly. The creature could almost be seen grinning if it's features would allow it. A strange hissing sound could be heard as it spoke,"So, an outsider dares to intrude on Ishtarok holy ground. I will make you pay most painfully in blood, mortal creature!"

2010-05-22, 11:07 PM
Bug Crusher
Legatus Hess looked to see the steel doors shut behind him. Steel. That was an advanced metal- obviously this thing, whatever species it had once been part of, was something of no small intelligence. Though it was bestial, it would present an interesting intellect.

Molten fire brimmed in the eyesockets of the Steel Soldier, the eight-foot elite changing his stance. He had faced threats far greater than the one before him, his rock-hard body cast by master craftsmen. Craftsmen now long gone from this world, their mastery of the golem-crafting art passed onto inferior pupils. To think that something as fleshy and weak at this, to be a member of a race so vile as the "Ishtarok", its defeat was almost assured.

All the same, the Legatus braced himself, spacing his feet. Raising his spiked fists up in a defensive posture, he waited for the creature's charge. Mere sinews were no match for solid stone, and claws would never have a hope of rending steel. Malkius had blessed his rebirth in the fires of the Mountainhomes, just as Malkius would bless victory here today.

Fable Wright
2010-05-22, 11:13 PM
"If a creature was perfect, then it would be immortal, unbeatable, and indestructible. For your arrogance, DIE!" they shout as they launch themselves into the air, firing stingers as they quickly circle the Dawi, and launch stingers at them while moving rapidly around, in an attempt to avoid getting hit while making it so that their prey cannot escape without getting singled out by the mass.

2010-05-22, 11:21 PM
Bug Crusher
Legatus Hess looked to see the steel doors shut behind him. Steel. That was an advanced metal- obviously this thing, whatever species it had once been part of, was something of no small intelligence. Though it was bestial, it would present an interesting intellect.

Molten fire brimmed in the eyesockets of the Steel Soldier, the eight-foot elite changing his stance. He had faced threats far greater than the one before him, his rock-hard body cast by master craftsmen. Craftsmen now long gone from this world, their mastery of the golem-crafting art passed onto inferior pupils. To think that something as fleshy and weak at this, to be a member of a race so vile as the "Ishtarok", its defeat was almost assured.

All the same, the Legatus braced himself, spacing his feet. Raising his spiked fists up in a defensive posture, he waited for the creature's charge. Mere sinews were no match for solid stone, and claws would never have a hope of rending steel. Malkius had blessed his rebirth in the fires of the Mountainhomes, just as Malkius would bless victory here today.

Boss Battle
Whether or not Dawi steel could pierce the Warden's claws and flesh or not was another matter, but the creature's claws could indeed pierce through metals. The creature slashed downwards, hoping to cut the Dawi man apart, but it met a painful crick against the Dwarven weapon. The creature was struggling it's hardest against Legatus Hess, and it was sure that it couldn't fail. "Dawi, your end will be met here."

2010-05-22, 11:30 PM
The Order of the Ascended Dead

Centurion Heinrich ducked away as the bugs ascended into the air, the Dawi that had waited expectantly now putting their weapons to use. Shields raised as the formation tightened, the Centurion entering their midst as the shields formed a solid wall between the flying spiders and their spraying stingers. Even now, barbed bolts punctured the shields. Most deflected, but a few odd ones managed to pierce through the tower shields or score a lucky direct hit.

Raising their bows and axes, the Dawi counter-attack was fearsome. Centurion Heinrich, drawing a shortsword made from solid slade, pointed at one of the flying attackers. One by one he picked out the emissaries, the company's archers sending a stream of barbed arrows at them. Though they were trained in tunnel fighting, they adapted quite well for ground-to-air, for the principles were similar to fighting a foe on the ceiling. One had to concentrate fire, one by one, using disciplined throwing spreads. Without order and rank in the battlefield, all was lost!

Bug Go Splat
Feeling the sudden impact of the Warden's rending blade, Legatus Hess rushed forward. A solid ton of steel and obsidian slammed forward, the serrated arm of his opponent digging further into the golem's form. The soul within burned as one hand grabbed onto the slicing mandible, attempting to solidify its grip.

"Death...holds no fear." The golem replied, the inferno of his metal-forged face erupting slightly from his eyes and mouth, giving him the appearance of a vengeful god.

The other hand balled into a fist, the spiked knuckles of which were driven into the face of the now-up-close Warden. A Dawi may not be much for chasing, or sailing, or even flying. But a brawl? A Dawi was no slouch, especially one having been cast in steel and stone.

As such, it followed up its first punch with another one, working to steamroll the Warden's skull into a fine paste, the racial fury of the Legatus blending with its colossal form.

2010-05-22, 11:41 PM
The Order of the Ascended Dead

Centurion Heinrich ducked away as the bugs ascended into the air, the Dawi that had waited expectantly now putting their weapons to use. Shields raised as the formation tightened, the Centurion entering their midst as the shields formed a solid wall between the flying spiders and their spraying stingers. Even now, barbed bolts punctured the shields. Most deflected, but a few odd ones managed to pierce through the tower shields or score a lucky direct hit.

Raising their bows and axes, the Dawi counter-attack was fearsome. Centurion Heinrich, drawing a shortsword made from solid slade, pointed at one of the flying attackers. One by one he picked out the emissaries, the company's archers sending a stream of barbed arrows at them. Though they were trained in tunnel fighting, they adapted quite well for ground-to-air, for the principles were similar to fighting a foe on the ceiling. One had to concentrate fire, one by one, using disciplined throwing spreads. Without order and rank in the battlefield, all was lost!

Bug Go Splat
Feeling the sudden impact of the Warden's rending blade, Legatus Hess rushed forward. A solid ton of steel and obsidian slammed forward, the serrated arm of his opponent digging further into the golem's form. The soul within burned as one hand grabbed onto the slicing mandible, attempting to solidify its grip.

"Death...holds no fear." The golem replied, the inferno of his metal-forged face erupting slightly from his eyes and mouth, giving him the appearance of a vengeful god.

The other hand balled into a fist, the spiked knuckles of which were driven into the face of the now-up-close Warden. A Dawi may not be much for chasing, or sailing, or even flying. But a brawl? A Dawi was no slouch, especially one having been cast in steel and stone.

As such, it followed up its first punch with another one, working to steamroll the Warden's skull into a fine paste, the racial fury of the Legatus blending with its colossal form.

The End
With the Warden's Death, the steel doors open.

Cadian 9th
2010-05-23, 02:22 AM

"The fleets of the corsairs are yours to command, to a certain degree. Little payment is needed, just the assurance of cooperation"

The warships, as they are revealed now, approach. Everyone is a war-ready and efficient vessel, crewed by the most accomplished corsairs in the most rdiculous of outfits. Nothing swirls around weapons, adding the threat level of Nothing to their attacks (:smallbiggrin:).

"No payment. Just cooperation, continued cooperation."


I'm launching a raid on the Order of Ascended Flesh, targeting a city thingy. We're bringing a Nothing powder bomb to destroy the most vital looking thing. We attack with 6 teams of 10, backed up by rain and a quick volley of Nothing powder bolts. The bolts impact on key points, diverged to us by the Parrot spies, and the teams storm in, hacking apart any opposition. Our Weapons, aided by Nothing, cut your cultists down and Rum-Powered flamers cut down any small gribblies.

Corsairs, out.

Kojiro Kakita
2010-05-23, 05:16 AM
Sitting on the top level of his Donjon in his palace of the Kirin, Daimyo Takeda surveyed the parts of his domain that could be seen with his naked eye. Letting out a small sigh he turned and faced his son, Nagamasa and said, "Yes my son."

Sitting in a seiza position, Nagamasa bowed his head and replied, "Father, why do we continue to serve the Empire. Clearly, it has lost Heavens favor. What good does it serve our clan and our followers to continue to be vassals to them. It is clear to my young eyes that we should use the chaos to expand our Empire."

Letting out another small sigh, one filled with disappointment, Takeda replied, "My son what is the duty of a loyal vassal?"

Looking a bit confused at what appeared to be an elementary question, Nagamasa replied, "To fight when asked to and to never lift a sword against our lord."

Takeda replied, "No, a loyal vassal's duty is to eliminate disloyal vassals, drive off aggressors that endanger the land that we have been assigned to protect, and more importantly, ensure that the Empire is protected from itself." With a more sinister smile, Daimyo Takeda said, "My commanders and I are of the same opinion, and I assure you my son that you will have an inheritance."


A man who would appear to be a peasant waits for the representative sent by the Corsair. Upon seeing the representative, the man bows and says, "Sorry for the appearance but my lord feels that it would be in his interest to make this meeting as clandestine as possible. After all my clan does have a reputation to upkeep." Reaching into his pocket, the man opened a scroll and read the contents outloud, "I, Takeda, Daiymo of the Kirin, allow this man, Yamamoto Harunosuke to be my representative in this action."
Then putting the scroll away, Yamamoto says, "Your offer sounds intriguing," then pointing to a small hut that is slightly hidden amongst the brush, "join me there for tea and we can finalize the details of this agreement."

Dawi Empire

As you approach the borders of the Kirin, you begin to enter the famed mountain passes which surround the Kirin's land. As you approach one of the few mountain passes leading to the main trails through the mountain, you encounter one of the large, stone fortress of the Clan. Seeming to have been carved from the mountain itself, you also notice that ontop of the three story high walls are many warriors of the Kirin Clan with bows out but not not nocked with arrows. One of the men on the wall yells out, "Please Halt. You are entering the land of the Kirin and before you go farther we to know the purpose of your travels to our land."


As you reach the very outskirts of the Kirin's lands you encounter a small mounted patrol. The leader of the patrol, who is wearing a banner on his back, turns towards the emissary and replies, "You must understand, I being a lowly gunso cannot speak for my clan, however if you wish to wait I can send for someone who can speak for the clan." With that one of the mounted riders turns his horse around and starts heading deeper into Kirin territory.

As the squad and you wait, the gunso says, "While I find your body to be impressive, I must tell you, the Clan believes in worshipping the kami and our ancestors. To us our weapons and armor, items our ancestors once carried our sacred relics and we will be somewhat loathe to dispose of them." Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes he then continues in a lower voice so that the other members of his squad cannot hear, "However there is a branch of the clan that may find you gifts to be useful if they can meet certain requirements."

Kojiro Kakita
2010-05-23, 05:40 AM
Acting as GM
Please Read Cadian 9th because I want to get clarification on your actions.

Ahh, I am not sure if your recon would have given you the location of an Orders city. At best, you may find an outpost or hear rumors of where one would be but for now I don't think you would/should be able to find a city.

Now if you meant an outpost then here is what could happen. You did not post any outriders so your men have probably been seen so I am giving the Order the ability to ambush you if they choose.

However, as of this moment you are still searching for the city.

2010-05-23, 09:35 AM
Opening contact with the Seraph:
Skyborn Diplomatic Vessel Heritage, en route to the Seraphkin island.

"We're coming up on the island now, sir. We should be launching yachts within five minutes." The aide said quickly and Marcus Illus, Senior Diplomat in charge of contact with the Aliarian nodded and stood quickly.
"Thank you Hector, if you would alert the rest of the staff to prepare for contact I'll make my way to my vessel." His aide nodded and then vanished back into the corridors to alert the rest of the diplomatic staff. The Skyborn had already had tentative contact with the Aliarians, but with the way the world was going, the Council had decided that alliances were a prudent step towards a possible coalition to combat the Order of Ascended Flesh and the Ishtarok Empire. This mission was to be the beginnings of an exchange of both cultural and arcane knowledge that would hopefully lead to an alliance between the Seraphkin and the Skyborn. Packing a few final pieces into his pack, he swung the feather-light container onto his shoulder and made his way to the lower starboard dock. There were, he thought idly, advantages to being an Adept of Enchantment. He had over the course of the week long trip from Imalla - the closest of the Skyborn cities - enchanted all of the personal packs and a great many of the containers that had now been loaded onto the yachts.

They knew from their observations that the Aliarian society still functioned on bartering with no real currency so they had come prepared. Small pieces of Master level Enchantment like short range Telesons and some lower level Synthesisers complimented by a wealth of cultural knowledge and a smattering of arcane. It was a given that the Seraphs would work out how such things worked, but knowing how something worked and being able to create them were two very different things. Especially as both pieces of Enchantment required other schools of magic to be created. If negotiations went well, such knowledge would be shared too, but for now it was better to hold such things back.

Reaching the dock where his yacht was attached to the Skyship, he climbed through the connection and settled into his seat, placing his bag under it and strapping it down. He leant forward, opening a Teleson connection to the other yachts. "Contact team, please report pre-flight status."
"This is Megara, we're fully loaded and ready to-for the last time Liz, you are not flying!" The connection cut for a few seconds and Marcus smiled.
"Elizabeth, you can fly her home. Now leave Chris alone, you might break him." A young voice came through the connection.
"Oh all right. And I wouldn't break him much..." There was a pause, "Ok, yes I would. Handing you back now."
"Thank you Marc. Anyway, we're ready to go. Yourself?"
"Just waiting for my people to arri-oh no, there they are." Marc said as his staff came rushing through the connection to the Heritage. He shook his head with a smile and then gestured for them to strap in. "Ok, my staff are just getting strapped in. Pre-flight enchantment checks show a clear board. We're ready to fly." He touched a control and sealed the connection to the Heritage as Sharlyan Emeral, his second in command and co-pilot of over a decade, slid into the seat beside him.
"They're all strapped in." She said as she herself belted up. "I take it Christopher and Elizabeth have already had their usual argument?"
"Hey! We can still hear you!" Chris called down the connection and she laughed.
"So? It's true isn't it?" She was met by only muttering and Marc flicked the Teleson control.
"This is the Caria, the contact team is go for launch. Requesting clearance."
"Caria, Megara you are both cleared for disconnect. We'll keep a lock on your signals." The cool voice of the watch commander came back. "Good luck."
"Hopefully we won't need it, but thanks." He changed the settings on the Teleson again. "Chris, we have a go. Disconnect at will." He turned back to the controls before him and touched a few of them. The Heart of the yacht sprang to life with a lively hum, the enchantments spinning up to full as it did so.
"All linkages to the Heritage retracted. Flight systems nominal." Sharlyan read off as she Watched the power flows around the Caria stabilise. "Initiating disconnect in five, four, three, two, one." Her hands flashed through the sequence, retracting the clamps and pouring energy into the 'engines'. The final clamps disconnected, leaving the Caria hovering beside the dock under her own power before Marc slowly accelerated away from the Heritage.

slurpz, you can either have the Seraph notice the yachts en-route or you can let them come in undetected. Your call, I don't really mind.

Let's talk about this Patravel
Your missive is presented to the Skyborn trading post outside of the city. Though initially dismissive, the sorcerer in charge of the camp takes the message into her tent and asks your messenger to wait. About twenty minutes later, she returns with a sealed envelope addressed to you, Martrim Saybaul. On opening it, you are met by a surprising proposition.

"Although previous requests by your company have been rebuffed (sometimes forcefully) the Council is now willing to open negotiations with you for a mutually beneficial trade compact. Regretfully, they must make clear that they will never sell or lend a Skyship, but they are willing to work as part of your trade network instead of against it. Provided, of course, that the benefits of such an alliance are worth the commitment. If you wish to open negotiations on these basic terms, please respond and we will send a diplomatic team to conduct formal negotiations."

Dawi in the Sky
The convoy sent out to make contact with the Skyborn is not kept waiting. After surveying the position using yachts hidden beneath illusions, a Skyship descends through the clouds above you and lands at the edge of your perimeter. A ramp is lowered and a group of robed mages flanked by a small guard of armoured warriors descends.
"We are emissaries of the Skyborn, I believe you have been trying to get our attention." The mage at the front of the group states, his white hair out of keeping with his youth.

Corsairs, I believe you wanted to talk
On locating a group of Corsair ships, a Scout Skyship shadows them as they move towards the coastline of the main continent whilst an armed contact group is assembled. As the small fleet edges closer to land, another ship is spotted close to land. Scout-yachts discover that a group of the Corsairs are landed on the shore, conversing with a group that the Skyborn have just started to open contact with. Dwai, Dawi, something like that. They appear to be fascinated by the Corsair's ships and the commander of the Skyship must agree that the things are impressive. By this time the armed contact group of four military Skyships and one of the newer Diplomatic vessels has arrived and decides that this seems as good a time as any to open negotiations.

Three Skyships, each easily the size of the Corsair vessel, descend out of the clouds above the Dawi and Corsair groups and the smaller - but more elegant - of the three accelerates towards a landing.

(+8 for me, +2 for you due to perception and -1 for you both due to being occupied)

Above 12
As the Skyborn diplomatic vessel (although you do not recognise it as such) descends towards the edge of your perimeter, the wind created by its descent reaches you and your gaze snaps upwards to see the vessel about five hundred foot above you, angling in to land less than a hundred yards from your current positions.

Below 12
The movement of the Skyborn vessels catches the eye of one of the corsairs/Dawi and they look up, eyes widening at the three huge ships above them. He calls out to the others and suddenly all eyes are focused on the sky as the diplomatic vessel (again not known as that to you) descends as its consorts take up position above you. The diplomatic Skyship is about three thousand feet up at this point with her consorts just a thousand foot or so below the cloud bank at forty-five hundred foot or so.

2010-05-23, 10:26 AM

Order of Ascended Flesh

The Shencree who have had little external contact, are not highly involved with the outside world. When the spiders come, a group of mid level psychics, ambassadors for the Shencree, greet them. In the voices of children, they mind-speak their response. "We would be willing to exchange some of our excess herd beasts, but we are not interested in changing our physical forms. We are content with the forms our bodies take and the changes that may occur over time."

2010-05-23, 12:49 PM
The End: Regrouping

Legatus Hess loomed over the dead insect, retracting his blood-coated fist from the Warden's shattered skull. With a heave, he removed the appendage from his torso. Metal warped as he did so, the razor-sharp blade of great interest to him. It was obviously some sort of adaptation for combating metal. Giving a sharp kick and a twist, he removed the limb from the monster's corpse. Something of value might yet be salvaged from this conflict.

Holding the blade-limb, still coated with a fine layer of metal shavings, in one hand he began his trek back through the tunnels. He took a casual pace through them, wary of any ambushes like the first one. With any fortune, they could set up camp inside of the city, seal off these wretched tunnels to prevent further intrusion, and take everything they could from this once-great city. The Legatus, however, was not certain of just how long they could safely reside here, especially if there were more of the strange blade-limbed creatures like the one he had just fought. Dawi skill was great...but not limitless.

CorsARRs: Cooperation? Sounds like Hostile Negotiations!
Centurion Goring looked at the approaching armada with outright awe. If this truly were some siren trap, then the creatures at the End of the World were far more terrifying than those back at the Mountainhomes. On the other hand, if these long-limbed men and their strange ways could actually assist the Dawi in conquering the waters as they had conquered the ground...just what rewards might be in it for Goring? A personal suite in the citadel, of course, not to mention all of the Grobi slaves he could stand to use...he would be able to live like the Emperor, being the Dawi that mastered the Great Lake.

Of course, that was when the word 'cooperation' was used, in conjunction with 'little payment'. What did these people want that trade couldn't substitute?

"Cooperation?" He asked, turning towards the strange, parked vessel. Never, in all of his years, had he seen something quite so exotic. It looked like someone had crafted a wooden sieve, and then put a banner atop it for some alien purpose. "Not to look a gift ox in the mouth, but what's with all the armed water-crossers? Is what'n we brought with us worth that many of those, uhh, water-skimmin' things of yours?" He inquired, looking back to the wagons and the Dawi around them. The appearance of more ships had led to even more activity, several of the Dawi now furiously engaged in scribbling or drawing the scene before them, as well as the ship now parked along the coastline.

At least until another group appeared. This time? The sky. The entire camp shifted from defensive to touchy, Dawi soldiers grabbing bows and hatchets as clergy prepared flails and maces. Those not trained in combat rushed towards the wagons, whilst the massive steel golems- seeing the ship suddenly coming right towards them- bent down low, ready to spring up and launch a flying assault on the sudden presence should they prove harmful. Centurion Goring, for his part, looked particularly exasperated.

"I take it you all can fly now, as well?" He inquired, his awe mixing with a sudden realization that flight would be entirely impossible should these sea-farers decide to attack them. So much for the speed of a good ox...

Kirin: Domo Orgiato, Mister Dawi-ato
Lector Keitel, leader of the second company of Dawi dispatched, looked to the warriors above. Mountains was a comfortable sight- mountains meant tight, confined spaces, much like their homes. Already, he had grown weary of the cold of the outside world, the complete lack of magma to keep oneself warm with, and the presence of wild Grobi and other such mountain creatures.

Dressed in a blue-painted suit of plate armor, the Dawi company leader sat atop an equally armored pony. The steed gave a faint whinny as the paladins present drew their own ranged weapons, but keeping them to themselves. Throwing axes inscribed with sacred prayers, silver-tipped arrows, and more holy weapons besides were unsheathed or removed from their steed-borne quivers.

"I am Lector Keitel, of the Dawi people, spiritual envoy of Malkius!" The Lector shouted above, his understanding of their language archaic, but workable. The addition of a small translation keystone to his armored collar was an expensive, but well-made choice. With the prominence of his company's task, the temples had been more than willing to equip he and his men with all the religious and cultural artifacts they could request. Malkius Below, they had even let him take one of the sacred renditions of Malkius Himself on this convoy!

"I seek to speak with the leader of the Kirin people, so we might better learn of your ways, and bring the burning warmth of Malkius's faith to you in turn!"

Skypeople: Robes? Good luck with the frostbite...
Magmacrafter Eichmann smiled to himself as the vessel descended, the smoke-rich flames of the tower being extinguished. All around the camp, the various serfs, soldiers, and craftsmen began to huddle about the arriving...wizard? The robes seemed a bit more aristocratic than what a spellcaster should wear, but Eichmann was not one to judge, for his own suit- a set of heavy mountain plate inlaid with more precious materials than he would care to name- was likely equally exotic.

With a beard that stretched down to his stomach, Eichmann was a well-aged Dawi, one who had become seasoned in his art. He had helped create more tributary magma vents than he would care to mention, and had even served on the front lines when the fighting became particularly vicious. Yet for all of his knowledge, he still felt like a young lad standing before a veteran. What were the secrets to mastering the sky? Just how did these people keep such odd craft afloat? What amount of magma, if any, would bequeath the power to resist the earth itself?

"Yes!" He said, "Yes, we have. I am Herr Eichmann, of the Dawi Nation." He stated, "As per order of the great Emperor, we have been sent to speak with those who call the skies their home, just as the mountains are ours. We have sought you out to see what you would be willing to trade." He stated, gesturing to the wagons scattered about the camp. Even now, Grobi slaves- being lashed or intimidated into work- were roused from their beds of snow and cold rock. The massive chests and caskets were slowly being carried forward, each one laden with remedies, elixers, weapons, armor, and any other myriad of magical or alchemical good, as well as a fair number of regular Dawi crafts. It was a fine selection of the higher-end products, meant to entice.

"We have, as you can see, a fair selection of our own. Perhaps an arrangement of some sort can be made, aye?"

Fable Wright
2010-05-23, 12:59 PM
"There is one more more thing about the grafts that you should know. We can graft the weapons onto your flesh, and only we can remove them. Just food for thought. I shall meet with the other branch leaders and hear what they say." he says, giving a small wink.

"I ssssee. We can ssssstill be alliesssss, ttttthen. Perhapssss, over time, you will ssssssee what ttttthe advantagesssss of our graftsssss."

After meeting with the ShenCree, the spiders go further north, into the land of the Alairan, possibly encountering tribes there.

What casualties were there in the skirmish between the Order and the Dawi? EDIT: also, frankly, how does Cadian 9th plan to go and find a biocity when all of them are miles beneath the earth?

Kojiro Kakita
2010-05-23, 01:59 PM
DAWI where are your stats. At the moment I can give a full verdict of the battle until I see the stats.

From Both of You
I want to know how much men are on each side.
And General Tactics you will be using. If you don't trust each other enough to use spoilers PM me this information.

Guys here is how the first half of your battle is turning out and how I came to that decision.

Beginning Battle

Fable Wright
2010-05-23, 02:47 PM
Tactics are in the spoiler; here they are again:
They fly around in circles, firing at the dawi in the middle of them. If any try to exit the circle, fire is concentrated on them.
50 units

Fable Wright
2010-05-23, 05:52 PM
Shameless Bounce

Dawi, your tactics are needed. Kojiro, you never posted the result of the first half...

Cadian 9th
2010-05-23, 07:55 PM

"Ahh, tea.". Captain O'ri enters the hut and exchanges pleasantries.
"So, you like our offer?"

Centurion Goring

The corsairs are alarmed by the appearance of the skyborn. They start, then hiss to each other.
"Those are not ours, Centurion Goring. And yes, we are willing to give you our services for nothing but an assurance of cooperation - an alliance between friends. We do not have need of wealth, rather we want friends in a world going hostile. The world is changing. The bugs have arrived, orders of science and magic oppress others. What do you say?"

Skyborn, YES WE WANTED TO, but not now!:smallbiggrin:

As you come closer, several other vessels appear on the horizon. Several bolt throwers are aimed at your hulls and engine -like things.
"Ahh, the Skyships of the Skyborn. You've come in response to our alliance request, hrmm?" Cries a captain, to the diplomat. Several groups of corsairs establish war positions and crew even more engines. Crossbows with nothing bolts are aimed at potential threats, though none are making any hostile moves.
"stand down, you dogs. It's a diplomatic vessel and escorts!" He bellows to the men.

"So, alliance? We are facing a world of change: the bugs have rrrived, orders of magic and trickery, science and technology oppress everyone who cannot fight back. We must unite and free the world!"


Arr, before we attacked we sent out parrots everywhere. We found a city, as described. And also, we send parrots as outriders. You cannot hide!

I think we can say I will look for a city to attack as described. Once I have established enough information, I will attack.

+6 for me, -4 cos of your hiding.
1 day
a week?

Halna LeGavilk
2010-05-23, 11:42 PM
Order of Ascended Flesh

Over your largest concentration of magic (whatever that happens to be), an airship appears. A mage, a young, lanky man, floats down from the airship and hovers about 100 meters in the air. His magically amplified voice booms out. "I demand to see your leader, at this moment!"

Fable Wright
2010-05-23, 11:52 PM
A being with 3 arms, one of them ending in a crab claw, 2 heads, one normal, one like a wolf, with six horse-like legs and insectile wings appears out of the biocity, and says "The hivemind is speaking."

Cadian 9th
2010-05-24, 01:58 AM


We are mobilizing for coastal war. We are sending a large contigent, some 500 men, crewing 15 warships to the gulf of between the continents at the north of the map. I'm not sure exactly where that is, though Basically on the coast near the Bug advance. we'll be watching. for a day, then I'll decide what to do.

Kojiro Kakita
2010-05-24, 04:18 AM
Dawi vs Flesh Battle

As the bugs take to the air, the dawi rush to form their tetsubo. Although the tetsubo is formed correctly, several dawi die in the initial barrage due to the advantage of initiative being with the bugs. However, once the testsubo was formed the advantage lay with the dawi. Hiding beneath the tower shields of their brethren the dawi sharpshooters took careful and well aimed shots at the bugs flying in the air, which slowly decreased the number of the bugs. Yet even in the tetsubo dawi still continued to fall prey to the stingers of the bugs, although the rate of casualties has decreased dramatically. As the battle continues, both the dawi and the bugs can see the dawi reinforcements in the form of the large dawi statue warriors.

Effects of Battle:
Dawi lost 20% of their warriors. Most of the casualties can be found amongst the crossbow men.

Flesh: Although the initial advantage lay with you, continuing the same tactics have allowed for the dawi to adapt to the situation and inflict heavy casualties. 50% of the bugs now lay dead.


Even with your spies and associates, the best you discover is that the Order of Ascended Flesh supposedly has one city somewhere hidden underground. However, the location of said city varies from person to person. In fact, from what you hear, no one has actually seen the Order's city in person. The only thing you do know is that the Order normally appears to the person searching for them. One of your spies suggests that the unit you have searching for the Order to increase the number of outriders they have in order to prevent an ambush


Your informants and scouts have informed you that a unit of the corsairs is searching for your city. You do not know how they plan to do this or the size of the unit. All you know is the location.

2010-05-24, 05:44 AM
Centurion Goring Down
Centurion Goring looked to the floating skyships with wide eyes. His face was streaked with unconcealed terror at the presence of a group that could not only cross the endless waters before him, but also a group that could ride upon the insubstantial air like a current of magma. What sort of insane world had he entered, all in the name of wealth?! The Emperor had never made mention of such ridiculously tall men, nor of any that could make the air their home! This was madness at its absolute core, and Goring could practically feel his mind fracture at everything going around him. Alliance? These...these Water-Dwellers wanted to make an alliance?

The Dawi Centurion looked to the wagons behind him, the various soldiers looking to him to direction. Crossbows were loaded, the massive steel golems staring at him to either give the order to stand down or open fire. He simply raised an armored fist, giving the signal to hold fire.

"Right...an alliance." He repeated, "An alliance? I...I suppose it won't be too unreasonable for the Mountainhomes to be givin' aid." He stated eventually, "But I don't know about committing soldiers. We're committed as it is to holding the mines...now, weapons, armor, and gold an' such? I can see that tiding over quite well, especially with the recent, err, windfall." He stated, "If'n that is fine by you, that is?" He inquired at last, not looking to trade and offend some strange foreign custom. Why had Centurion Heinrich volunteered him for this?! All he wanted was a simple mission, maybe to woo some simple tribal folk with fancy copper trinkets and find a reasonably sized non-Dawi woman to take as a trophy back home! Not...air-riding ships and water-crossing vessels that could go beyond the End of the World!

Dawi! Press the advantage, and purge!
With the testudo formation completed, Heinrich found himself working alongside his Dawi brethren. The crossbows had been put to good work, barbed shafts firing in wide spreads to take out these flighty little buggers. For all their talk of "enhancement", they died just like any other critter, though the losses were considerable. Their stingers were as deadly as any bolt, however, and though the shield formation had been made in solid time they had still taken grave losses. A score of the Dawi fighters lay dead , their bodies ripped to shreds by the projectile stingers. Whatever venom was within them must have been truly potent, for he saw seasoned veterans spasm and drop even with only indirect hits.

Cries for healers were followed by shouted vindications for the Dawi soldiers from the clergy stuck in the testudo formation, the lectors- having been added for a more ancillary role during talks- now serving to raise the spirits of the beleaguered defenders.

"And though Malkius was stricken with grief as Dawi fell to the great collapse, He did not worry, for He had made his people strong! He had forged them of the toughest steel, and given them flesh and blood so they might better emulate His most holy form! And it is this flesh and blood, of Malkius, that you now shed in His name!"

It was not the most fiery rhetoric, but it had an effect on some of the younger warriors in the formation, encouraging them to redouble their efforts. The sight of the emerging steel golems, all three of them, had a far more profound effect. The sight of such gleaming metal avatars of Malkius, the most physical manifestation of their faith to date, caused a roar to ripple through the crowd.

For Legatus Hess and his squad, however, the sight of violence simply brought forth a titanic roar of violence. The company was his charge, and even with the developments below, it was still his task to protect the Dawi assembled!

Fable Wright
2010-05-24, 11:44 AM
The bugs continue circling around the Dawi at high speeds, this time concentrating all of their fire on the snipers.

Cadian 9th
2010-05-24, 08:32 PM

Okay, in a weeks time I will attack as described. Still waiting for negotiations to continue.


Halna LeGavilk
2010-05-24, 09:36 PM
The Ascended Flesh

The mage snorts. Do they think they can intimidate me with abominations of flesh? He throws down a package of paper. "This is a inspection order from the Calen High Command. We need to inspect your facilities. There's been huge drain on the local ley lines and nodes."

The Skyborn, Skyship

A Calen airship approaches, lazily drifting towards the city.

Fable Wright
2010-05-24, 09:50 PM
"What do you mean? We use magic to support our lives, feed our soldiers, and just about everything else. The leylines and nodes never run out of energy, and so why do we need to submit to an inspection? For all we know, you may be selling information about our fortress to one of our enemies."

Cadian 9th
2010-05-24, 10:38 PM
Centurion Goring

"We have no need of your soldiers - though if we are to take part in combined arms tactics, we would be happy to fight alongside you. In the end we are merely ensuring we have more friends and fewer enemies, a desire shared by you, correct?"

The corsairs lower ramps and reveal prepared, clean and pristine deck space for your space.

Kojiro Kakita
2010-05-25, 04:20 AM
Dawi vs Order Battle

The Three large dawi golems have finally entered the battle. By throwing stones into the air, they assisted the dawi snipers in bringing down the bugs. Yet one has to wonder if their assistance arrived to late. While the tetsubo still held, most of the dawi snipers lay dead.

Battle Results:
90% of the bugs are dead
40% of the dawi are now dead. Of this 90% of the snipers lay dead.

2010-05-25, 07:57 PM

The Shencree stare at the spiders for some time in utter silence before responding. "Allies, yes, that would be good. As for the grafts, I would not count on anything. If you wish further contact with us, we shall be here." That being said the Shencree turn and leave, returning to their homes.

Halna LeGavilk
2010-05-25, 09:04 PM
"What do you mean? We use magic to support our lives, feed our soldiers, and just about everything else. The leylines and nodes never run out of energy, and so why do we need to submit to an inspection? For all we know, you may be selling information about our fortress to one of our enemies."

The man sighs and floats down to the level of the creature. "Firstly. Yes, they do. Especially when a large population, such as yours, uses magic for just about everything. Like yours does. You take more out of the ley-lines then you put back in. We're not going to steal anything, we aren't your enemies. More likely, we are going to improve your fortress, help with magic flow. Even redirect ley-lines if needed."

Fable Wright
2010-05-25, 09:14 PM
I'm listening...

Kojiro Kakita
2010-05-25, 10:40 PM
Acting as GM

Order of Flesh

Currently you are losing the battle. However, due to your mobility you should be able to retreat and stop suffering casualties.

2010-05-26, 05:57 AM
Best Flee While You Can, Boy!

Centurion Heinrich gave a cheer as he saw more of the insects fall...but the Dawi were dropping just as quickly. Even now, he watched as precision-fired barbs ripped through another of the crossbow-wielding Dawi. The small, bearded warrior- barely over fifty- looked in shock at the envenomed stinger jutting through his chest. Then, with a spasm, the young warrior was no more. It was a scene playing all throughout the formation, any skilled archer finding himself the target of such vicious barbs. With the reinforcement of the golems, however, he knew that the formation would hold.

In the distance, he saw the massive, steel-skinned warriors fling boulders. Though they were large, they traveled fast, their sheer size ensuring a hit. Stingers impacted their rock-and-steel bodies to little effect, either bouncing off of the solid steel or pricking them with harmless little darts. It was truly an inspiring sight, and the testudo kept holding, even as the occasional stinger ripped through a shield. With such persistence, they would inevitably conquer this foe...and hopefully be able to return back to the Mountainhomes in relative safety.

Centurion Goring...Up?
Goring nodded, "Yes, that sounds reasonable enough. So! Since we seem to both be on the same slab here, what do you have to offer as far as trade goes? Seeing as we're friends and all, I suppose we can be fairly lenient to one another along those lines!"

The Dawi began to relax somewhat, but crossbows were still kept at the ready as they looked towards the floating vessels in the sky. The insanity of it all had somewhat twisted their terror, having them focus on the immediate task rather than the implications of everything going on. Even the more outspoken of the clergy had quieted up, simply keeping to discussion with weapons in hand as they prepare for this whole assortment to go in whatever direction their Centurion deemed necessary. He was responsible for their lives, and it was a simple fact that they had accepted long before this had gone elephant-shaped.

2010-05-26, 08:41 AM
Corsairs, really? Is now a bad time? :smalltongue:

The Diplomatic Skyship settled onto it's landing struts and a ramp descended. A small group of what appeared to be mages walked calmly down it, escorted by a company of men clad completely in plate. One of the robed mages stepped out at the front of the group as the soldiers settled into a protective formation.
"Ahh, the Skyships of the Skyborn. You've come in response to our alliance request, hrmm?" The corsair who seemed to be the leader of the men in front of him stated.
"That we have, but we must ask your men to stand down. This is a diplomatic vessel." The corsair nodded.
"Stand down, you dogs. It's a diplomatic vessel and escorts!" He bellowed to the men around him. "So, alliance? We are facing a world of change: the bugs have arrrived, orders of magic and trickery, science and technology oppress everyone who cannot fight back. We must unite and free the world!"

The Skyborn emissary before him smiled. "I-oh that is quite fascinating!" He gestured at one of the Nothing coated bolts and it flew from the crossbow that held it to his outstretched hands. Drawing a hand up over the bolt, he pulled the Nothing around it away into a ball of magic. Taking a silvery vial from his belt, he 'poured' the ball into it before sealing it and re-attaching the vial to the belt. Looking up at the slightly annoyed corsair in front of him he chuckled lightly. "Sorry, I've never seen anything like that before." He patted the vial. "If we are to be allies, I'm sure you wouldn't begrudge us such a small sample of this fascinating sub-" One of the mages behind him coughed. "Oh, sorry. I get caught up in this sort of thing, I specialise in Alchemy you see." He smiled disarmingly. "Anyway. You are wondering if the Skyborn would be willing to ally with you. That all depends on the terms you are willing to offer. So speak, we are listening."

Very impressive work Herr Eichmann. Now what do you think of this.
The Skyborn mages filtered through their escorts, moving forward to examine the exquisite craftsmanship before them. There were a few place where one or two of them shook their heads, particularly in regards to some of the alchemical products, but on the whole they were greatly impressed. "Thank the Goddess for ever-warm enchantments" Eichmann overheard one of the Skyborn remark to one of his fellows who nodded, neither showing any reaction to the cold. For that matter, none of the Skyborn did. After a few minutes of cursory examination, the mage-group drew back almost as one except for the one who had spoke. He ended up in front of Eichmann and smiled brilliantly, his eyes sparkling like a sunlit glacier.
"This," he gestured at the collection before him, "this is very impressive Herr Eichmann. I admit, we have no great wealth of our own, but we do have a rather substantial understanding of the arcane. That said, we may have a few pieces of enchantment that would be of interest to you." He snapped his fingers and a bejewelled chest wrought of shining metal floated down the ramp over the heads of the assembled guards to land without a bump on the ground beside him. Opening the sparkling container one-handed he pulled out what looked to be a simple cloak. "Though I am not sure of the use of something like this in your home, I think you might find it very comforting here." He swung the cloak around the Dawi's shoulders and the piercing cold of the mountain winds vanished, replaced by a comforting warmth.

Calen OOC
I am not replying to you until you change the location. Read my post in the OOC thread.

Cadian 9th
2010-05-26, 09:14 PM

"Excellent. Now, you'll find Nothing in that flask by the way. And you don't need to thank me for Nothing."

The corsairs salute the Skyborn.

"This day is a gloroius one!"

Centurion Goring

The Corsairs are all smiles! Leading you onto their ships, they assist with heavy lifting, guide you to pleasant rooms. Soon, you will meet the master himself.

[COLOR="red"]"This day is a glorious one!"/COLOR]


Halna LeGavilk
2010-05-28, 07:38 PM
The Order of Ascended Flesh

The mage smiled. "That's more like it." He bowed to the creature. "Jelnoran Celdinas, at your service." Jelnoran looked about the land. "You've already got severe mana burn across the land. It'll only get worse. That's one of the clearest indicators."

Fable Wright
2010-05-28, 07:50 PM
Still listening...

The rest of the bugs go on a kamikaze charge straight into the ranks of the dwarves, taking out all the targets that they can find before they die.

Steven the Lich
2010-05-28, 09:04 PM
Intro + Order of Flesh Letter Response
Taven overlooked the Raven Clockwork Academy complex from a balcony atop the signature clock tower.

He lamented the loss of his residence in the kingdom that by his royal blood was his. The luxury it offered made the academy primitive, except in its technology.

"My lord..." he heard. Taven turned and saw his prodigy apprentice, Mathias. In his hands was a scroll. "I thought it would be best to bring this to you directly..."

"Who is it from?" Taven asked.

Mathias nodded without emotion. "None other than the infamous Order of Ascended Flesh, your grace."

Taven's eyes went from an obligatory interest to sincere, as he took the parchment and unrolled it, reading it as he turned inside to his new throne room.
It consisted of two levels. The lower was a wide open space, almost like an arena. The upper ringed around it, having a railing to further divide the two in addition to the 10 foot drop. On the upper level were 21 chairs, all circled around, each a throne in their own right. Taven's own chair was grand on another scale though. It resembled a raven with its mouth gaping open. The chair itself lied inside the stretched opening.

He had just finished reading the proposition as he sat down on the red cushion. It was an offer for a prototype, fused with flesh to enhance his current robots. The prospect intrigued him, and the potential alliance that would come from it would be invaluable, especially in the world's state of chaos. His other alliance was a tenuous one at best, but then again, a sincere aliiance in this world was a true treasure, wasn't it?

"Mathias, you may leave to your own devices," Taven promptly said with a wave of his hand.

"Yes, my lord," Mathias responded without passion.

Without further delay, Taven began writing his reply to the prestigious Order of Ascended Flesh.
Additional Info + Current Movements
Taven has 20 apprentices, and all 21 of them act as the ruling council of the Raven Clockwork Guild.

In addition, while he is not yet acting on interests, he is scouting out select happenings with his clockwork ravens. Be on the lookout for birds in the sky...

Kojiro Kakita
2010-05-29, 02:05 AM

Order vs Dawi Battle Finish

The bugs recognizing that death was the only option now, decided to inflict as much damage as they could against the dawi they faced. Flying high into the air, they then closed their wings and began a dive against the enemy. Although the tetsubo was suitable against ranged attacks, against falling objects it became a death trap. The impact of the dying bugs caused shields and backs to crack, and edges of the shields smashing into the heads of other dawi. However, although the casualties were high the battle was finally over.

Dawi: 67% of the tetsubo lay dead.
Order 100%

2010-05-29, 10:51 PM
Heinrich and the Skyborn

Heinrich stared at the cloak, noticing the abrupt lack of cold. His entire body had seemingly been cured of frostbite. Whilst they had employed intricate runes along the battlements to repel the cold and even a few lava rivulets, they had little to keep themselves warm beyond the comfort of the walls. As evidenced by the tiny outpost constructed, they had been forced to fortify their outpost with time-consuming stone blocks and precious magic to simply prevent frostbite in their heavy armor. With an item like this, an item that the Artificer would soon replicate the moment he got back to the Mountainhomes, he would certainly secure himself a position in the order of the Magmacrafters. He'd likely even be hailed as a paragon, and put in the Senate!

Provided, of course, he could seal the deal.

"Impressive enough..." He stated, keeping the robe on him. "Now, not to be callous, but what would you like in return for these fancy heat-cloaks? They're certainly nothing to snuff at, but there is only so much wealth within the mountains, and once that wealth is gone it can never be regained!"

Centurion Goring and those bloody clergy

Goring looked at the ramp up to the ship, dumbfounded by the fact that- for the first time in his entire life- he would not be in direct contact with the ground below. It was a fact that the conservatives, having been on the political run since these talks had begun, took no pause in confronting. Though there was a more friendly attitude to these newcomers, the fact that they would be leaving contact with the ground- the most sacred gift Malkius gave to the Dawi- was something they did not care for.

"It is damnation to leave the ground!" One of them shouted, pointing to Goring, "To leave the earth is to risk your soul! To walk aboard a land tamed by mortal hands is sin!"

"And we cannot even be sure if they are as open to the Lord Malkius as ourselves! They could very well be tempters like the Empire had been, luring us in with the promise of taming this unending lake! We could very well be tossed to the waters, left to be bound to our corpses for all eternity as we drown!" Another screamed, looking to the water so many other Dawi were staring at.

Goring knew he would have to work fast to keep order, but thankfully the large Dawi didn't need to. Rather, the best ally imaginable came to his aid. One of the steel golems spoke, the "living embodiment of Malkius" settling the clergy at last. The steel titan loomed over the clergy, pointing to the massive skyships orbiting over them still.

"There are...more pressing issues." He rumbled, the Legatus- whose name escaped Goring at that moment- boring into the conservatives with eyes of pure flame. "The skydwellers...are unspoken for. The water is made by Malkius...and is just as sacred ground. Allies shall not be...flaunted."

And like that, silence reigned the camp, Legatus Jubilek- his name suddenly returning to Gorging's memory- turning back to the vessel. As one, the Dawi began to migrate aboard, the wagons being left with a smattering of Dawi to keep them reigned as the Grobi slaves were put to work. Hunch-backed, the pointy-eared weaklings quickly transported part of the trove of treasure aboard for the sake of presence. Gold, silver, diamond, platinum, and a myriad of other such beauties were put in the open air for all to witness. A great test of just how trustworthy their allies were.

The Steel Centurion
Screams echoed across the battlefield as the tetsudo formation finally broke. Some of the Dawi collapsed right where they stood, the trauma and stress of the battle overwhelming them. Others had remained upright, only for the sight of blood leaking from their heavy plate armor to give hint that they had been impaled upright. Broken tower shields, blades, and crossbows were scattered about the field. This was not war as Dawi had known it- this was war completely alien to them. War against things that could fly and rip through solid steel, war against creatures that had mutable forms and unnatural flesh.

Centurion Heinrich grunted as he looked about dumbly. His face had been smashed by the edge of a tower shield, one of the insect's barbed stingers ripping through the gap caused and impaling his leg. He had screamed at one of the men to amputate his leg, an order they unthinkingly obliged. With one swift chop, a hand axe had cleft his leg through the bone, being left over the wound to stem the bleeding. Now, at the battle's end, over half of the men had been slain. That had made the task of aiding the survivors, of which there were few, all the easier. Apothecaries and surgeons rushed the field, salves and the scarce few healing potions being dispersed. One approached Heinrich with a potion, only for the Centurion to smack the man's hand away.

"Bandage." He said, looking down at the wound. His tongue was lame in his mouth, and he felt a massive weight press down on his shoulders, as though someone were stoning him. There was little pain left to feel, however.

"This one...is ours." He heard dimly, a voice he distantly recognized as that of...Legatus Hess? He attempted to move his head to look, but he found it immobile. The surgeon quickly rose up and left, the Centurion beginning to black out. The last thing he experienced was molten agony, seeing the amputated stump of his leg suddenly consumed by a pool of lava. Smoking flesh ran into his nostrils as he fainted, at last passing out.

Above him, the Legatus and his lone remaining companion left the unconscious Centurion where he lay. He was not the only amputee they needed to preserve. Many heroic Dawi would be needed for their triumphant return, and most of them lay dying at this very moment. They would rip many from Malkius's clutch this day.

The Secret

Emperor Heinz Guderian found himself intimidated slightly for perhaps the first time in his political career. Though he had seen many of the vaunted steel golems in his day, he had never really been intimidated by one. That applied even now, for it was not the golem that filled his heart with dread, but what the massive metal man had brought. Clutched in his arms, almost like a toy, the steel-skinned warrior had borne a stone tablet. It was of no natural formation that Guderian had ever seen before, and the Emperor had once served a stint within the bottom mines before his calling to the Senate.

The words upon it, when translated to him, had almost caused him to drop the tablet. Upon resuming his seat on the throne, he had looked at the golem- an apparent runner from Heinrich's company to the Order of the Ascended- with a contemplating look. The strange writing style and unknown stone had lent credence to the tale, credence he could not ignore. His advisors were nowhere to be seen, either- they were upon their own errands at the moment since the day's court had been adjourned.

"And there was a beast that saw you take this?" He inquired, looking back down on the tablet upon his lap.

"Unlike...any other." The golem replied, his unwavering gaze upon his liege.

"Then it is obvious what must be done, isn't it?" The Emperor replied, offering the tablet back to the golem.


"When...if...the rest of your company returns, they will be...rebuilt. They will be separated from their old legion, and made to compose a new one." He stated eventually, "It will be costly, but it appears the vaults must be pried open. Our full attention must be given to this issue, and nothing short of complete victory assured."

The Emperor rose as the golem took the tablet back, clutching it close to his masterfully inscribed breastplate. "Take your leave. I have much to attend to."

Without a sound, the golem departed, leaving the massive throne room. To his right, one of his life wardens nodded to him. He would need to fight a war on several fronts. Fronts that most Malkius-fearing Dawi never saw the light of. In particular, a war of espionage. Without a word, the mute warden departed. Soon, a terrible plague would befall the Order and their ilk. The Night of Long Knives.

Halna LeGavilk
2010-05-30, 08:33 AM
Jelnoran looked around. "May I bring my companions down now?"

2010-05-30, 04:11 PM
That's not all we have to offer Herr Eichmann.
The mage smiled again and then delved back into the chest, retrieving a small object. It was a narrow rod, not longer than six inches, ending in a cone that faced away from the holder.
"I'm sorry, where are my manners. Carried away with what we can show you and what you have shown us. My name is Whitesong, I am the senior diplomat of the Diplomatic Skyship Dawn. Please forgive me for my slip, it was unforgivably rude." His smile turned rueful and he held up the rod. "Now, I'm afraid we don't have a full knowledge of what your homes are like, but this is something that again might come in handy outside of them." He held the rod up and pressed down on a raised portion of the device. A fierce blue flame sprang from the cone at the end of the device, extending about an inch. "This is, strangely enough, called a Firestarter. It creates, as you can see, a magical flame." He tilted the device downwards and the orientation of the flame, in a defiant act against logic, moved with that of the rod until it was horizontal. "It's much safer then using matches and much easier then carrying a mage around with you to light fires." Whitesong said calmly, raising his thumb from the activation stud and watching the flame die.

He slipped the Firestarter onto his belt and then closed the chest. "There's more in there, but you asked about what we would require in return for our trade. It's quite simple. Wealth is useful to us, but at this point what we require far more is allies. We need bases on the mainland, small outposts where our Skyships can land if they need repairs and these mountains are a prime location for such bases, if you would trust us enough to let us construct one here. If it would not be amiss, we would be greatly honoured if we could construct such a base closer to one your Mountainhomes, as such a base could provide the basis for a cultural exchange between our two peoples. We want to share our knowledge, but we must know you before we commit everything. And things like that cloak, though they may be impressive to you, are nothing compared to what we could give you if an alliance can be formed between us. I know that we walk amongst the skies and from what we have observed of your culture, that could count as almost the greatest of heresies according to many of your priests. But we can offer you much. All we ask for is a chance to get to know you, to learn of your people and find places where we can help you if you require it." Whitesong finished respectfully.

Skyborn Command Ship Aurora
"Sir, the patrols have spotted an approaching vessel. Scans indicate that is is a Calen airship." Lieutenant Commander Prescott, the current watch commander, reported as Rear Admiral Cerys Aylmer stepped onto the bridge of the Aurora. Taking her seat, she sighed heavily as she pondered what Prescott had just told her. 'Damn. Ah well, we knew this was only a matter of time. At least the Council has made it's view clear so I don't have to deal with any ambiguity.' Shaking herself out of her thoughts she straightened and turned to her pilot.
"Jane, give me an intercept course on the vessel and get us under way. Mike, get on the Teleson and have the Apollo and the Pegasus form up on us and escort us to meet the Calen vessel. Then I want you to transmit a fleetwide alert and send a message to the Council. They need to know about this. But if this goes badly, I want every Skyship ready to fight." She paused, turning to her Flag Captain. "Maria, sound a Battle Alert."

The Calen, currently unaware of the frantic activity commencing on the Skyships before them, saw three of the larger vessels, each no shorter than four hundred foot in length and probably close to five hundred, pull away from the formation, the two slightly smaller vessels bracketing the larger. The warships - and by their lines they could be nothing else - closed the distance swiftly and as they came within a mile of the Calen presence, a figure flickered into existence on the bridge of the airship.
"Calen vessel, this is Admiral Aylmer; commander of task force Cadence. Please cease your approach and state your business."

Fable Wright
2010-06-01, 11:06 AM
Jelnoran looked around. "May I bring my companions down now?"

Yes. But if they disturb any of our projects, or tell anyone of them... The senior members may come out. He says, looking slightly shaken even mentioning the senior members.

Cadian 9th
2010-06-04, 02:21 AM

With that agreement done, your force is welcomed aboard. There is much celebration, and the captain informs you that there will be a lovely dinner soon.

" And to where do you wish to go? "

Corsairs, out.

Kojiro Kakita
2010-06-04, 04:06 AM
Dear Guys, couldn't find the OOC post so will be posting here.
Due to a family commitment I will be traveling to several countries in Asia for the next 3 weeks and during this time my ability to post will be limited. Therefore I will have to step down from GM. Sorry for the inconvenience

Halna LeGavilk
2010-06-04, 12:33 PM
The Skyborn

A lone figure rose out of the armored Calen ship. The ship was similar in length to the Skyborn warships, but was sleeker. Though showing no overt weapons, the ship seemed to... tense at the approach of the ships. A single figure rose out of the ship. A man in full plate, a tattered blue robe hanging on his back. His vocie boomed out, magically enhanced and telepathically spread so that every member of the three ships could hear him. "I am Corin Ilgress, commander of the CSA Corante. I have been commanded to inspect the Skyborn airships, as it has been a full three hundred years since the last inspection, and my predecessor was not the most accurate of men in his reports. Asking permission to come aboard."

The Order of Ascended Flesh

Jelnoran motioned his hands, and three other mages appeared beside him, wearing simple robes or armor. Behind one of them floated a whistling, whirling air elemental. Jelnoran turned toward them and raised a questioning eyebrow. The other mages nodded, and Jelnoran faced the creature. "Ready?"

2010-06-04, 03:53 PM
Eichmann is curious (About getting stark-raving-drunk after this)
Eichmann looked at the torch, then the sky-mage, then the rest of the caravan. They were hooked on his every word, the Artificer rubbing his forehead as he saw what they were looking for- and just what it could mean. The Emperor had asked them to head out, to test the waters and see how far friendship could go. But to allow people to construct outposts all along the Mountainhomes? To work in the rock Malkius had crafted for them, that Malkius had made claim as theirs?

Eichmann was no lector, but even he felt immense trepidation towards the concept. Outsiders, so close to the Mountainhomes, the very fortress that had only been overtaken once, and even then through diplomacy rather than pure might of arms. The Dawi's darkest chapter had taken place by allowing outsiders into their homes...

But Emperor Guderian wanted interaction, and Eichmann's curiosity would likely serve as the catalyst for their damnation. How that damnation took place...Eichmann wasn't sure, but he hoped that it would be long- or never- in coming, and that the Dawi people would be able to survive a second reckoning for allowing outsiders into their midst.

He shook his head at the torch, "Interestin' those these baubles may be, directing flames isn't something we're unfamiliar with. As well as this, we are not as superstitious as you may take us for. Alliance is what you want, and maybe it can be worked out, but these mountains are sacred land. The Mountainhomes have remained untouched since the blemish of the Empire, and we have few plans of changing that."

He held up a hand, "But, we are not unreasonable. I can foresee a dock being built here, on this very outpost, and perhaps a few other such outposts being constructed. Two conditions to that, however: Dawi will control these ports, though you may freely enter and leave them. The second is that, if we find need, we may ask you to transport our lads where they need to go. No need to go diverting anything mad for them, but enough to transport the troops and everything they'll need safely. In exchange, trade will be plenty, and I'm certain there'll be more than enough scholars hoppin' at the chance to learn more of the skies above."

To High Adventure! Or just the Order.

Looking about the ship, the Dawi stared in both bafflement and wonder. The golems had been an interesting adventure in getting aboard, the steel titans forced to keep their heads low as they looked over the small fleet of ships. Veteran warriors moved like youths aboard the unsteady waves, the gentle rocking inducing more than a few to sudden bouts of sickness.

Goring himself clutched the rails, at least until he heard the telltale sound of creaking timbers, followed by a heavy hand pulling him back from the rails. There, boring into the squat Dawi's very soul, were a pair of burning eyes. Legatus Jubilek spoke in a measured voice, his every word serious. Word would no doubt propagate amongst the soldiers, as soldiers were wont to do, but for now it was a private revelation between Goring and the veteran warrior. A veteran warrior that suddenly seemed much more commanding than the Centurion himself.

"There is...war."

The following conversation was both intimate and dispassionate. The slow voice of the golem, his voice like a furnace given thought and lips, only drew out the massive entity's revelation. War, with abominations. Staggering losses. Bloody scenes of battle, their full impact relayed with every pause of the golem.

When it finished, Goring- now positively pale- simply leaned over the railing again to empty the contents of his last meal. Sugar beer spilled into the ocean, Goring hugging the railing for dear life as he contemplated the full enormity of what was going on. Leaving the Centurion to cope, Legatus Jubilek stumbled through the main deck, marching towards the captain. Speaking carefully, he addressed the tiny, oh-so-easily-crushed human.

"The Cult...of the Ascended Flesh." Thus having spoken, he added, "We shall debark...wherever they are."

2010-06-04, 04:11 PM
Cerys sighed inwardly. This could turn ugly and whilst the view of the Council was very clear on this matter, she doubted they wanted open war. She shifted her projection so that it stood before the man above the vessel and spoke. "I cannot grant you that, Corin Ilgress." Ignoring the look of shock on the man's face, she continued. "Our laws have changed in the past three centuries. Research into Elementals has changed our view of them massively from the last time we met. As such, we can no longer permit someone who uses elemental magic like you do aboard our vessels. I am sorry for your wasted trip, but this is the unanimous view of the entire High Council and is non-negotiable. Please cease your approach and withdraw from Skyborn airspace." Her eyes hardened. "If you do not, we will not be responsible for any action we take to remove you."

Halna LeGavilk
2010-06-05, 12:16 AM
The Skyborn

Corin's 'look of shock' was more of a raised eyebrow, complete with an amused smirk. "You obviously do not understand how we ally ourselves with the elementals." he said, his voice booming into the Skyborn's mind. As he continued to speak, a grating noise appeared in the background. At first, it was annoying, but as Corin continued to talk, it grew louder and louder, till his voice could barely be heard over it. "What your council does, or does not, like is of no use to me, the people you steal magic from, or the elementals of the land. I do not, nor do any Calen, bind elementals. That is both disgusting and immoral, in many ways. Perhaps if you would get off your high horse for one second, you could understand how the Calen work. But, being a former Skyborn myself, I know that you will not. I waste my breath. Good-bye."

The white noise that had been building in the background exploded in the skulls of the Skyborn sailors. Once they had recovered, the Calen airship, and its master, Corin Ilgress, were gone.

Fable Wright
2010-06-07, 11:05 AM
Yes, ready. he says, rolling his eyes. I thought that you could assume that.

Cadian 9th
2010-06-07, 06:46 PM
Eichmann is curious (About getting stark-raving-drunk after this)To High Adventure! Or just the Order.
Looking about the ship, the Dawi stared in both bafflement and wonder. The golems had been an interesting adventure in getting aboard, the steel titans forced to keep their heads low as they looked over the small fleet of ships. Veteran warriors moved like youths aboard the unsteady waves, the gentle rocking inducing more than a few to sudden bouts of sickness.

Goring himself clutched the rails, at least until he heard the telltale sound of creaking timbers, followed by a heavy hand pulling him back from the rails. There, boring into the squat Dawi's very soul, were a pair of burning eyes. Legatus Jubilek spoke in a measured voice, his every word serious. Word would no doubt propagate amongst the soldiers, as soldiers were wont to do, but for now it was a private revelation between Goring and the veteran warrior. A veteran warrior that suddenly seemed much more commanding than the Centurion himself.

"There is...war."

The following conversation was both intimate and dispassionate. The slow voice of the golem, his voice like a furnace given thought and lips, only drew out the massive entity's revelation. War, with abominations. Staggering losses. Bloody scenes of battle, their full impact relayed with every pause of the golem.

When it finished, Goring- now positively pale- simply leaned over the railing again to empty the contents of his last meal. Sugar beer spilled into the ocean, Goring hugging the railing for dear life as he contemplated the full enormity of what was going on. Leaving the Centurion to cope, Legatus Jubilek stumbled through the main deck, marching towards the captain. Speaking carefully, he addressed the tiny, oh-so-easily-crushed human.

"The Cult...of the Ascended Flesh." Thus having spoken, he added, "We shall debark...wherever they are."


" Aye, We march to war brothers! To war! " A flock of parrots surges out, scouting the coast as more come back. Several captains bow down as the Most powerful lord on the seas arrives, Master SunSou, sporting a magnificent mustache.

" Good morning. This day be a glorious one! We will meet the Order, and crush them with our combined power. "


Yeah, we're still trying to find the Order's main city. Has the Raid hit yet?

Halna LeGavilk
2010-06-09, 01:26 PM
The Order of Ascended Flesh

Jelnoran smiled. "To assume makes an ass out of you and me. Lead the way. "

Fable Wright
2010-06-09, 10:00 PM
He leads you into the depths of the city, past things that looked like they would frighten most battle-hardened warriors, and says, So, how do we improve the leyline situation?

Halna LeGavilk
2010-06-14, 06:23 PM
The Order of Ascended Flesh

Jelnoran looks around. "Well, we'll need to go to the largest spot of magic performed, and then perform some rituals that will bring some leylines over your city. It's also possible we may be able to create a node here, which would improve the situation a lot."

Fable Wright
2010-06-14, 10:15 PM
He scuttles towards a cave leading deep into the earth, beckons you to follow, and then leads you to a cavern with caves that store some kind of pulsing eggsacks. He says, This is the first of the breeding grounds. When we are done here, then we move on to the next one. note: all parrot spies have been turned into crispy dinner before they could report.

2010-06-16, 06:36 AM
As the man, Corin, continued to shout, Cerys cut her projection and raised thought-shields around the Aurora, her escorts already having done so. She looked around to see the entire bridge crew shaking their heads and sighed. "I know." Maria looked at her for a second.
"I just don't get it. They say they are masters of magic and yet they don't know? Are they that secure in their arrogance that they haven't even bothered to try and work it out?"
"So it would seem." She paused for a second, clearing her thoughts. "Mike, call the council and tell them that the situation has been resolved peacefully, for now. But advise them that all Skyborn ships should be put on alert for Calen presences, I very much doubt they're going to give up on their 'inspection' this easily. I could be wrong, but it's better safe than sorry."
"Yes Ma'am." Her communications officer nodded.

The Thought-shields buckled suddenly, pain shooting through Cerys' head. Blinking rapidly to clear her eyes, she looked around, checking for injuries. Finding none, she shook her head.
"Figures. Now that we won't play along they decide to throw a tantrum. Oh well." She muttered, mostly to herself. "Commander, I take it the Calen have left us?"
"Yes Ma'am."
"Good. Spyglass?"
"Worked like a charm."
"Very well. Mike, tell the Task Force to form up. We've got Elementals to banish."
"Yes Ma'am."

Hello Order.
Three vessels hovered, invisible beneath their illusions, above one of the few Order strongholds that extended above ground. They were just below the cloud level, over two miles up on a relatively cloudless day like this. They had been deployed here several weeks ago, but they had been delayed by a series of massive storms that had forced them to divert towards the north. And now that they had arrived, there was a Calen airship sitting below them above the stronghold. Whilst the Skyborn didn't have the best relationship with the Calen (and never had really, ever since they had found each other) the commander of the covert attack group wasn't sure that the Council wanted them to exacibate the current tensions. They had maintained their vigil over the stronghold and sent a teleson message to the Council for instructions. Now they had been given their reply.
"The council want us to deploy it, regardless of the Calen presence here. Some members say it might even help as the Calen could get blamed for it." Commodore Veral said solemnly. "Any questions?" His staff had none.
"Very well, inform the crews to prepare for immediate launch followed by an emergency boost. Although we're outside of the area of effect, we probably aren't outside that of the main event." They nodded. "Very well, get it done."

A patch of sky dropped away from the lead skyship's camouflage, falling away from it's carrier as the skyships boosted upwards and away. The patch slashed down from the clouds, the illusion around it rippling under the strain of such a speed. Twirling around a formation of bugs, the illusion rippled again and then tore asunder as it flashed past the Calen airship, white light exploding around it to shroud its form. It continued it's headlong plunge towards the ground, angling towards the entrance to the depths. It missed. The wodden vessel crashed into the ground, exploding in a shower of splinters that cut through every living thing around it. White light showered out of its core, emenating from an orb of solid crystal that had somehow survived the impact.

OOC: I am not explaining what this orb is and no one will recognise it. It's something completely new that the Skyborn have been working on for quite some time. The vessel that hit the ground was a highly modifed Skyborn yacht, but the Order wouldn't recognise it even if it was in one piece. The Calen probably would, but it's been reduced to splinters. The Calen will still probably guess who did this though as it came from the sky.

Fable Wright
2010-06-16, 07:16 AM
Following the assault, the city gets up and starts raining energy cannon fire on them, while cultists around the city send a magical assault at them, and then the city will attempt to whack the attackers out of the sky.

2010-06-16, 06:30 PM
OOC: Um, DM, my skyships are almost three miles away, under illusions and above the cloud bank. You can't see me. Unless, of course, you are firing on the Calen vessel.

Fable Wright
2010-06-16, 07:04 PM
...you can't drop a bomb from 3 miles away. You have to be actually there, or else wind speed and aerodynamics (from 3 miles up) would cause the bombs to miss completely, and for obvious reasons, you cannot drop a bomb on something 3 miles to your left. Take it up with Kojiro, but if you fire on me, then I can fire back on you, or else the game is unfair, and you should be kicked out for said reasons. You start a fight, and then you have to pay the price in casualties.

2010-06-16, 07:40 PM
I didn't drop a bomb. The command skyship of the covert group launched a heavily modified yacht under illusion. These things can fly under their own power. And the skyships were initially only just about two miles away, straight above you and below the cloud bank. The first thing they did on launching was scatter upwards and climb above the clouds.

And who said that the orb is a bomb?

Fable Wright
2010-06-16, 07:42 PM
Ok, sorry, I meant the impact and the "killing everything around it" part.

2010-06-16, 08:04 PM
It's no problem. The yacht was being aimed for the tunnels and missed. Regardless of how good we are, we ain't perfect :smalltongue:

That would be cheating. Sorry for mixing things up. Now respond respond respond!!

P.S. Sorry, enthusiastic :smallbiggrin:

Fable Wright
2010-06-16, 08:07 PM
A spider picks up the orb... and then, using the hivemind, a senior cultist examines it magically and using normal vision.

2010-06-16, 08:17 PM
The orb pulses with light, the cool power of its magic stretching out into the sight of mages. It is strange though, like nothing you've ever seen before. The magic within the orb is wild, unbound and yet contained by the crystalline tomb around it. The magic weaves a hypnotic pattern, drawing you into its depths like the embers of a flickering fire. The energy within it stretches out to you, calling and you suddenly feel the magic around you respond. Enchantments, the magically powered fleshgrafts, all suddenly begin to unravel as their power is drawn in towards the sphere of luminescent diamond. The spider holding the orb suddenly finds itself pinned at the heart of a swirling vortex of magic.

Fable Wright
2010-06-16, 08:20 PM
Ok, good thing no cultists were affected... (spiders are expendable)

2010-06-16, 08:23 PM
Just a quick FWI, this orb is starting to unravel all cast magics within a two mile radius sphere of its current location. As the magics decay, they will loose a hold on the energy contained within them. The results shall be...rather explosive.

Fable Wright
2010-06-16, 08:26 PM
a) you need to check if this is too OP with Kojiro, and secondly, the spider is now carrying it out of range of the city, into the wilderness as fast as possible.

2010-06-16, 08:38 PM

I will say in my defence though, the only reason I can use this is that this city is above-ground. These orbs take the concerted efforts of most of a City's mages to create and even then we can only produce maybe one every few months without disrupting the ley-line flows. We also need a target for them as we aren't willing to drop them willy-nilly.

And beyond that, after this everyone will know about them. Also, I said the spider was pinned. Something else could grab it or a mage could levitate it and try to get it away. Unfortunately, moving something two miles on foot probably will take too long. You have a minute at most before it absorbs enough power to go critical and forcibly dissolve all magic within two miles. I would suggest that you start running.

Fable Wright
2010-06-16, 08:41 PM
(the bomb, of course, is able to wipe out the largest city (that literally can attack by itself) in the Order of the Ascended Flesh with a single bomb strike, according to snowfire)

2010-06-16, 08:43 PM
Um, magic 5. I think I can get big shiny magical explosives.

And I won't be able to deploy another one for at least three months. Yes, they take that long to build.

Fable Wright
2010-06-16, 08:49 PM
magic 5 here, too. The city should have some resistance to the attack, not just completely obliterating it.

2010-06-16, 09:10 PM
The very idea of this weapon is that it is the ultimate anti-weapon to a magical civilization. It unravels spells, enchantments, everything. We have no protection against it other then the fact that we can guesstimeate the radius of the effect and that we can launch from outside of that area (at least in this case).

There's also the fact that your focus (by your own admission) is on natural magic and the like. This orb pulls from all of the (traditional) schools in it's creation and how it works. We are the undisputed Masters (yes, with a capital) of combining the Schools of magic. And this will probably be a one time thing for this war, maybe a twofer. It takes months to create a weapon of this magnitude and then we have to find a place to target it. And they're so hard to create that we will never use them without a certain target. In three months, I'm pretty sure you can vanish quite effectively from the surface and the Ishtarrn don't use magic anywhere close to as much as you do.

These weapons are highly specialised, hideously powerful, but will only be used a maximum of twice in the course of our war with you. And the next time we use one will be well down the line, you'll have had time to put safeguards in place and maybe work out how to stall the unravelling effect (at least for a little). In a first strike situation however, where you aren't expecting anything like this, there isn't much you can really do.

Fable Wright
2010-06-16, 09:12 PM
And it takes 3 years to make a city. This now falls to Kojiro's decision.

2010-06-16, 09:13 PM
Fair enough.

Cadian 9th
2010-06-17, 04:17 AM
OOC: Okay, there have been absolutely no responses to anything I have said. Sorry for not posting asking everyone to respond, but hey. I admit, I gave up. I'm still here though. Happy to GM.

Fable Wright
2010-07-15, 03:43 PM
So, this is officially dead now?

Cadian 9th
2010-07-15, 07:34 PM
So, this is officially dead now?

Of course not. Are you still here, that is the question. Not much good playing solo...


Fable Wright
2010-07-15, 08:00 PM
I'm still here. I don't know about the others.

2010-07-15, 08:01 PM
I'm still kind of here, but I don't know what to do.

2010-07-15, 08:02 PM
I had no idea how to start this in the first place.

Cadian 9th
2010-07-15, 08:23 PM
I'm still here. I don't know about the others.

I'm still kind of here, but I don't know what to do.

I had no idea how to start this in the first place.

Well. Anyone still up for it?


Fable Wright
2010-07-15, 08:24 PM
If we can round enough people up for it, I'm in.

Cadian 9th
2010-07-15, 08:33 PM
Sorry, but I have too much going on to take up another adventure. Sorry.


Halna LeGavilk
2010-07-26, 06:33 PM
I'll go another round.