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2010-05-22, 06:14 PM
You stand at the gates of Angol Brim'thar, a great dwarven city carved from the very stone of the mountain it rests on. Huge painted stone statues of various dwarves line the arched and vaulted hallway behind the gate. The hallway is practically deserted, save for a few armored-and-armed dwarven guards. Further into the city appears to be the bazaar, though it appears to be just as deserted as the front hallway.

A rather large sign is posted out front, and several copies of the parchment attached to the sign are strewn about the walls and ground.

The sign reads,

It then lists several other lines in various languages; specifically, a flowing and beautiful script, and a rough and jagged script, and also provides directions to the mine entrance.

Though it is an unusual-seeming spot now, the front entrance of Angol Brim'thar is usually a meeting place for adventurers, and several carts and stands of wares are spread around the area. Some bear large "CLOSED" signs, others bear haggard-looking dwarf and human shopkeeps.

Cadian 9th
2010-05-22, 07:26 PM
A gentle purring echoes through the air as a great tiger becomes visible, light glinting off it's mithrilworked chain barding. The armour covers the Tigers flanks and neck, and extends to cover the bridge of his mouth, revealing long, dagger like white teeth. Amber eyes pierce the shadows, and the great cat shakes slightly.

O'top of the cat sits an elven maiden -long, flowing white hair reaches down to her lower back, covering the chain shirt she wears over tightly fitting leather clothing. Esquisite links of chain lead down to her waist, a wide, belted one with a longsword hanging, sheathed in a green tinged leather scabbad. The hilt is emblazoned with a swirling emerald.

A gap in the clothing exposes a section of pale thigh, down to her boots. She moves, exposing the fine quiver and large bow - an artwork of curving wood, delicate ornamentation of vine-like patterns and leaves. Slight energy swirls around the bow, as if spirits of the forest dwell within and about. Her face is extraordinary, even for an Elf, with beguiling features. Her eyes dart about, slanted, and upon her brow a silvery mark can be seen. Her expression is one of grim emotion, of a crusader who quests for enlightenment yet has been searching for something else entirely: Avengeance.

Her longspear upwards, she reads the notices, picking out the elven then the common. As she reads, Jakiro mirrors the movement, and when he shifts, she does too as one.

"Correlon, ...bless me. I follow your path... for the greater good. Foward, Jakiro!" Li'Karia says in slight prayer.

They leap foward, she leans foward. Alert, they stop, aware and poised to strike. "It's you..." She murmurs, Nodding. Jakiro gives a quiet roar of acknowledgement.


2010-05-23, 02:08 AM
A dwarf that overshadows normal dwarfs enters the city as normal as he can. Even though his way of walking and looking in the city looks quite sef-assured there can be noticed he maybe doesn't want here to be. On his back is a huge sword which is even bigger than he is. He almost bumps in a tiger.

Excuse me miss elf. Can you help me, I search the office of one called Volm and I am not knowledgeable about this city. He is unarmered and only wears a pair of pants. He is covered further in a furry cloak and had (strange enough) a snout.

Cadian 9th
2010-05-23, 04:10 AM
Li'Karia and Jakiro whip around to face the huge dwarf. Li'Karia's eyes momentarily linger on his bare breast, before taking in the gigantic sword and cloak. Her eyes flick to the Dwarf's snout.

"I am Li'Karia, Paladin of Correlon. May his light and blade watch over us all."

"I do not know of this Volm, and I have just arrived as you have into this city. Perhaps we seek the same fuffilment."

Jakiro roars, then moves and sniffs the ground.

"Who are you?"


2010-05-23, 04:15 AM
The dwarf looks at the tiger and smiles.

You may call me Tork, for my real name is not pronouncable in the normal vocabulary. I entered the city because I read about the help wanted. If someone asks for powerful individuals I feel sometimes the need to help. But if you can't help me I will find a person that does know where I should go to meet this Volm Deepstone. The dwarf starts to turn away and looks if he can see anything that gives him a little bit of sense of direction to where the mines are.

Cadian 9th
2010-05-23, 04:21 AM
Li'Karia gives a slight smile. She remembers men like Tork from her childhood, before they were wiped out and vicously slain by unknown assisalants.

"You keep to yourself Tork. I feel the guidance of Correlon for every major point in my life - I know that through this gate lies What I seek. Perhaps what you seek, too. I think I will stay with you."

Jakiro stamps a foot into the dust, feeling the anger and need for avengeance that Li'Karia feels.

"Who do you belong to, Tork? What family or clan or army do you call your own? A wife or lover, perhaps siblings?"

Li'Karia motions inside.

2010-05-23, 04:26 AM
Only to meself and my blade do I belong. We know that we can count on each other just like other people may be able to count on me. I do not have any kin, nor clan nor lover. I am nothing but a wanderer searching for a place. You're welcome to join me, but be aware I am not the most civil guy, I do what I do because I do it good. I know about people like you, the codes of honor you follow. I will follow you because it's partially honor I seek, for honor is something so easily lost. The dwarf looks sunken in thought while he says that.

Cadian 9th
2010-05-23, 04:32 AM
"If it is Honour you seek, I know you to be an ally. Look for me by your side until we part."

Casting Detect Evil. Assuming no Evil detected...

"The world awaits, Tork. Do you keep it waiting?" Li'Karia motions, now dismounted. Her spear points the way.

2010-05-23, 09:35 AM
"Perhaps I could follow along? inquires a confident looking woman. She has a shaggy looking colly by her side, and has a large sword and longbow about her. She wears armoured segments that look more provocative than functional, but the faint glow of force fills the gaps between. Her short cut blond hair looks more suited to a young boy, and her green eyes seemed a bit distant, like someone far from home. This mountain is a vile thing, and I would rather not go alone.

2010-05-23, 09:38 AM
I mostly feel that even if no was the answer, you would follow us anyway. So go ahead and join us. But vile is not something which equals fear I hope, because only the true strong persons don't care about fear. If you lived your live like some persons live it, nothing is more vile than the soul of a person itself.

2010-05-23, 10:17 AM
"Ah, more people planning to investigate the mine!" An electric blue haired man wearing an outfit consisting of light blue armor, white boots, white gloves, and a light blue cape says, walking up to the small gathering.

"Prehaps you three would like a battle mage to join you? I'd be glad to lend my aid to people trying to see what's going on down there..." He continues, adjusting a sword on his waist absently, as you notice the jugs on his back and other side.

2010-05-23, 11:48 AM
Greetings, I assume all of you also plan on heading into the mines. Says the tall, complex golem made of Mithral. You note strange cravings in the mithral near the head, and that this golem is wearing a backpack."We should make haste, It only goes downhill from here."

2010-05-23, 11:51 AM
I do not know what you are all talking about, I just want to speak with mr Volm Deepstone. I want to know why he needs strong persons. The dwarf looks like he swallowed a complete bucket of worms since the third person arrived, but now on his face is the unhappiness visible. He starts walking in the direction of the mines, or at least where he thinks the mines are.

2010-05-23, 12:04 PM
"They're this way." The human interupts, pointing down a different road.

"I've... Been here a while, so I can guide you to them." He continues, shifting slightly and moving towards where he pointed.

"My name is Drake Nemisis, by the way. Yours?" He asks.

2010-05-23, 12:12 PM
"My name is... is..." Checks engraving on upper left arm. "Artemis battle system mark 1"

2010-05-23, 12:57 PM
The dwarf mumbles a soft thank you and walks than swiftly towards the way he was pointed to. On his back is one furless place precisely over his spine. His sword falls almost precisely over that piece.

2010-05-23, 06:18 PM
As Drake leads you through the city towards the mines, you pass through the market district, which is almost entirely empty. A single shop is occupied, though the owner, sitting on something behind a short counter, appears to be asleep.

As the group nears the mines, a wooden table, various chairs and a dwarf clad in bright silver-and-gold armor come into view. A sign next to the table reads "HEROES NEEDED". When the dwarf notices your approach, he stands up and offers a half-smile, and claps his hands twice.

"Greetin's ta yeh, I'm Volm Deepstone. Seein' as how we put up signs tellin' powerful inderviduals ta come here, and ye be here, I assume ye be the kind we' lookin' fer?" He says.

To most, Volm looks like a vagrant more than a heroic defender. His hair is tousled and roughly tugged back behind his ears, and his beard is quite ragged. A rough scar streaks across his cheek, from ear to jaw, somewhat visible through the brown hair of his beard. His left eye is also a bit clouded.

2010-05-23, 06:21 PM
"Yes, Very powerful" intones the golem, Who proceeds to fly several feet into the air.

Cadian 9th
2010-05-23, 07:09 PM
"I resent the term Powerful, yet I am aware that such a descriptor could be applied to me. Correlon guides me here, and I feel honour bound to aid you, for the good of all."

Despite her silence after meeting Tork, Li'Karia finally acknowledges the others. She exchanges greetings and pleasantries. She casts a wary glance at Artemis.

"Good fortune to you all. I welcome good company."

Casting detect evil, again.

2010-05-23, 07:11 PM
Yes, I believe I can be of some assistance to you.

2010-05-23, 07:30 PM
"...You ask if I, the great Drake Nemisis, am 'powerful'? I am the one whom those rumors of killing a fire elemental with fire speak of! I am the one who successfully negotiated with the dragon Lkeoekenint! THE ONE WHO SLAYED THE FEARSOME BEAST OF KAZ'K! Though that one was only a goat from the Elemental Plane of Fire..." Drake starts, flames in his eyes.


Cadian 9th
2010-05-23, 09:26 PM
"Excuse him, Volm - he merely means he agrees. So, what is happening? Can you act as a guide or researcher for us?"


Diplomacy check!

yay, love +16.


2010-05-23, 10:10 PM
Volm nods, then turns to Drake.

"Aye, laddie, I've heard o' yer exploits. But we aren't dealin' with no dragon, or fire elemental. Whatever is down there isn't even askin' questions, it's jus' takin' people. An' so far, it's turned one o' them - a high-rankin' Paladin o' tha Deep Mother, no less - inta tha walkin' dead!" He nearly loses his composure over the last part, though he quickly calms himself and offers an apology for his reaction.

"Well," he says, looking at Li'Karia and then to the mine entrance. "So far we know tha' all folks that've gone too deep into tha mines have disappeared. As I said before," he stops and clears his throat, and takes a deep breath. "One o' me brothers-in-faith, Jarkkoran Hammerhand, did come back, though he was paler than silver, and had a terrible red glow about his eyes. We...had to kill him. Burn him, too."

Volm shakes his head and points back into the mines. "I cannot act as yer guide, sadly. I must stay here and wait, in case more folks show up ta help. So far one other group has delved in - and we still haven't heard from them."

2010-05-23, 10:13 PM
"My work again!" Drake says cheerfully, the flames in his eyes fading. "And I've found that if it burns, I can kill it. And since even fire elementals burn... This should be easy."

Turning to look at the people he led here, Drake nods.

"Well, I'll be seeing you around." He says, before walking towards the mine enterance.

Fear not, I'm not trying to split the party. He's just going to wait in the shadows just inside and keep an eye on the rest, okay?

Cadian 9th
2010-05-23, 10:23 PM
"Thank you Volm. We'll not let you down."

Li'Karia vaults foward after Drake, waiting for the others to follow.

"What made you the leader all of a sudden?" She laughs. Jakiro shakes his shoulder muscles, making slight tinkly noises as the fine links of mail scrape each other.


2010-05-23, 10:28 PM
Do you have a map of the mines?

2010-05-23, 10:40 PM
"What made you think I declared myself your little group's leader?" Drake asks the elf, a smirk on his face. "Though I can see why you'd want someone as competent as me to lead you."

Cadian 9th
2010-05-23, 10:52 PM
"Wait Drake. Cool down." She smirks back.

"Artemis is correct... We need a map. See, going ahead you missed a crucial detail. Thank you, Artemis. Do you have a name you prefer?"

Li'Karia looks into the shadows, then returns to the conversation.

"Yes, a map?"


Still waiting on detect evil...:smallwink:

2010-05-23, 10:52 PM
"You took lead, implying you thought yourself leader. And as a frail mage, walking into the danger zone first hardly shows competence."
Say Artemis, waiting to see if the dwarf has a map.

2010-05-24, 12:19 AM
Volm takes a small sheet of paper off the table next to him and presents it to Li'Karia. "Apologies for tha messy design," he mutters. "Cartographer's been missin' fer three months; he ran outta tha' city with his family shortly affer tha troubles began."

The map shows a hand-drawn map of the mines, specifically the three tunnels that lead to the site of the disappearances. There is indeed one that is close by, and is quite large.

"If ye have any other questions, ask a'fore ye leave an' I'll be glad ta try and help. Deep Mother knows this problem needs ta be solved soon, or tha' whole city will - figuratively - collapse."

2010-05-24, 12:24 AM
I have one question. How long should you suspect we should take? If we take much longer, perhaps it would be best if you sealed the tunnels behind us. It would also be nice to know that you won't be sealing them when we are still searching for the root of the problem.

2010-05-24, 12:50 AM
"Och, there may be survivors down thar, waitin' ta be rescued. Regardless, these mines be a lifeline fer the community. Collapsin' em...just isn't an option, unless we want ta close of da city as well. Though, I will give ye about two weeks a'fore I give up on yer return."

He walks back to the table pulls a sheet of parchment out from under the book, takes a quill pen and holds it above an open inkwell.

"Can I git yer names a'fore ye leave? Tha' way, we'll know who else be missin' if ye don't return."

Cadian 9th
2010-05-24, 01:37 AM
"Survivors! My duty falls to help those in need. Companions, with me!" Li'karia exhalts.

"I am Li'Karia, Paladin of Correlon." She pauses. Jakiro snorts. "Jakiro, tiger of the moon."


2010-05-24, 02:10 AM
The dwarf that has keeping hidden and silent, or at least as hidden as possible if you're a 15' dwarf suddenly starts speaking.
We shall not run into this without information. Even though I agree that saving those persons is the way to go. We can't do it by going in blindly if persons have been missing in there we will take care and be carefull. Which mean that I will go in first. I can see good in utter darkness, I can take a hit if there's someting that wants to hit us and I can see strangeness on rocks and tunnels. And no one is going to complain about it understood. The dwarf takes a breath after those words and looks at Volm Deepstone.
I think we have an agreement, except for one thing, what do we get if we get out alive. And you can put me on the list as Tork, nothing else just Tork.

@ Cadian OOC:

Paladin of Pelor I thought Corellon, what does he think about it that you just switched sides:smallbiggrin:

2010-05-24, 07:25 AM
"Drake Nemisis, Battle Mage. You won't be needing mine for that, though, seeing as I've got plenty of practice at that most important of adventurer's arts..."

2010-05-24, 10:10 AM
"Artemis battle system mark 1. Now, we should be done here, lets get going."

2010-05-24, 10:17 AM
"Agreed. We should probably also make a quick plan for any combat we may get into as well..."

2010-05-24, 10:53 AM
"We see something that wants to hurt us, we kill it with overwhelming force, we keep going." Says Artemis, head toward the entrance to the mines.

2010-05-24, 10:55 AM
Ellen Omni. Swordswomen. And depending on what's down there, abandoning the city may in the end be your only option. I pray it doesn't come to that.

2010-05-24, 11:13 AM
Attackers would be foolish, but ok. You give me enough space, I swing my sword. If something wants to hurt me it's in for a bad surprise. But it can try.

2010-05-24, 11:13 AM
"...How did you know what I was going to suggest?"

2010-05-24, 12:05 PM
"Great minds think alike. Now lets get moving."

Cadian 9th
2010-05-24, 06:08 PM
"Foward. There are people in need!"

Jakiro and Li'Karia leap foward. Li'karia stows her lance and draws her bow, knocking as the great cat leaps.


2010-05-24, 06:38 PM
"Agreed." Drake replies, falling into a space in roughly the middle of the group.

2010-05-25, 02:06 AM
Where did I land myself in, I really think this is not a good idea. The dwarf sighs but falls in behind the paladin.

Cadian 9th
2010-05-25, 02:49 AM
Li'Karia surges foward, Jakiro latching onto the walls beside the party, second frontline. She watches everything, drawing also on her inate ability to detect the presence of evil. Jakiro scents the air, conveying his findings to Li'Karia.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]


Casting Detect Evil


2010-05-25, 07:59 AM
Leaning against the walls of the entrance to the mine, a young but rather disturbed-looking woman is slumped against the rock. She is sitting with knees up to her chest, arms wrapped around them, swaying slightly whilst mumbling to herself.
"I've seen them," she says, her head looking up and her eyes meeting yours, "are you here to get rid of them?"

2010-05-25, 08:18 AM
"Er... Yes?" Drake answers, slightly thrown off by the sudden appearance and question.

"May I have your name?" He continues, attempting to be polite to an obviously troubled soul.

2010-05-25, 09:40 AM
"Ganaliel." She replies, short and sharp. Her hair is so long that it trails along the ground in a long plaid, and you see that there's something odd in her eyes. When she looks at you with her icy blue gaze, her eyes penetrate you and make you feel slightly uneasy, but they're friendly at the same time.

"They're coming..." A whisper creeps through your mind, although you're unsure of where it's coming from.
"I wanted to adventure in the mines but I made the mistake of going alone. There are terrifying things in there; my mind won't let me remember what they look like, but I can still feel the fear. They must be in there."

2010-05-25, 02:48 PM
Come on guys, let's get in, kill whatevers in there, and get out. I mean this only costs time for us all. We can do this a lot easier. The dwarf says while going towards the entrance.
Even though that mr Deepstone still hasn't told us our pay if we succeed.

2010-05-25, 04:39 PM
Volm rushes over to the group, pen still in hand, his armor clanking noisily. "Ach, I forgot one thing...yer reward, if ye make it back. The 'Guard is offerin' forty-thousand gold ta the group that manages ta bring back evidence that the deed's done and tha evil's ended..." He leans over and breathes deeply, then stands back up straight. "Good luck to ye - ye'll need it..." He mumbles, then strides back over to his table, taking a quick drink from a pocket flask.

As you enter the mines, the walls reveal themselves as being roughly hewn from the mountain around it; support posts litter the area, and several opened crates have been tipped over or crushed. The first chamber is about thirty feet back into the mountain, by ten feet wide and twelve feet high. In this first chamber there are still lit lanterns hanging from some of the support posts, making it quite easy to see in it. There are two ladders going down into pits about twenty feet back, one on each side of the chamber.


There doesn't appear to be anything living in what you can see of the first chambers of the mines.

2010-05-25, 04:52 PM
"Right." Drake mutters, seeing the room.

"Anyone have some lamp oil?" He asks innocently, looking at the pits from a fair distance away.

Cadian 9th
2010-05-25, 05:33 PM
"My light shall guide you", Li'Karia says as she shines her bow with crimson fire. The bow grows brightly, shedding Firelight.

OOC: what, no awsome detial for crit perception? :smallbiggrin:\

Also, Oops. Do I have Daylight? Edited it for bow fire light.


2010-05-25, 05:44 PM
"...I was planning to set it on fire and throw it into one of those pits..." The foreign noble mutters, looking around the better lit room. "Right. I can work with this. I should have known I'd have to use that ability..."

2010-05-25, 06:04 PM
"Lets take the left ladder." Says Artemis, Flicking a Blade out of his left arm. The blade appears to be on fire.

2010-05-26, 12:46 AM
Yes let's use light and speech instead of stealth to let everything in this cavesystemknow we are coming and preparing to kill us. I woul suggest no light, nor voices from now on. Unless we fight, when there will be sound enough. So please silence and stealth. The dwarf whispers. He draws his sword and starts walking in front of the group, watching everything with his darkvision.

Cadian 9th
2010-05-26, 02:18 AM
"Agreed." Whispers Li'Karia, from the wall where Jakiro climbs. He jumps down, landing on all fours, completely silent for the slight tinkle of chainmail. Li'Karia dims her bow.


2010-05-26, 08:53 AM
O.K. Says Artemis, flicking his blade back, as his eyes begin to develop a distinct orange hue.

2010-05-26, 09:04 AM
Sighing, Drake mutters something unrecognizable to the rest of the party.

"Right. I was going to say that if I can get three cubic feet of sand, gravel, or dust, I'd be able to scout those holes without any risk to us. But I suppose we can go down them without checking first."

2010-05-26, 11:46 AM
Who has no sight in utter darkness. Since we are in caves we need to use the buddy-system in short everyone, except the palading pick a partner. Every person must be at least coupled with someone who can see almost perfectly in darkness. Paladin you and you're tiger are with me. The rest pick one and keep it that way. The dwarf snorts like a cow does sometimes while he silently says that, after that he turns around and walks in front of the group, sword drawn en looking out for trouble.

2010-05-26, 11:51 AM
"Er... I lack in the night vision department... But if we need light, I can give us four spheres of it pretty easily."

2010-05-26, 11:56 AM
Like I said ask for someone that can see in the dark. We will try to travel with no light, unless we see something that could kill us. Or you want to be a living beacon and show everyone where we are. In that case I would say go ahead, and I mean far far far ahead of me. I will follow you in about a day or two, as far as there's something to follow at that moment. Tunnels are fun to be in, but it's even more fun to get out of them. If necessary I will throw you on my shoulder and carry you my self, but I suggest that the lights stay out unless we find something. In the darkness it's not visible that the dwarf thinks about not so friendly things to do, but after a second he composes himself and starts remembering, that not all creatures can see in the dark, most can't.

2010-05-26, 06:26 PM
"I appear to have night-vision. Were supposed to be sneaky, right?" Says the golem as he fades from view.

2010-05-26, 07:02 PM
I suppose then, that this makes it a majority. Drake, if you were to keep in touch with Artemis, I can guide Li'Karia.

2010-05-26, 07:05 PM
"I... suppose that will have to do. Artemis, would you be kind enough to give me verbal aiming, should something show up?"

2010-05-26, 07:10 PM
If something comes along that can see us in this gloom, we may as well bring out the light of day to fight it. However, if we sneak up on something, we can help you, so long as we're quiet about it. Not that I particularly endorse that sort of combat.

2010-05-26, 07:31 PM
"Just shot where my shot went, Drake."

Cadian 9th
2010-05-26, 09:19 PM
" A little light would be sufficient - though, I cannot see in Direct Darkness. "

Li'Karia smiles at the others.

"How long till we reach an opening?"

While talking, Li'Karia casts Detect Evil (Again.)

Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

2010-05-26, 09:50 PM
Is everyone climbing down the ladder on the left side of the chamber? According to the map, that would be the quickest way to one of the areas in which the miners have been disappearing.


Your keen ears pick up the sound of water dripping from very far away; you hear your comrades' breathing and the clinking and slooshing of Artemis's systems. You also hear the sound of something metal hitting something wooden, followed by a faint "Damn the luck..." from behind you in the dwarven city. A faint squeak near your feet alerts you to the presence of a baby rat.

Down in the hole the left ladder is in, you notice there is significantly less light; from what light is available, you see many burnt-out torches on the ground, several pick-axes and a few mining helmets tossed on the ground, perhaps in haste.

Detect Evil:
Nothing registers as evil, though the baby rat near you certainly doesn't register as good.

2010-05-26, 10:03 PM
Drake will go down the ladder, in the middle of the party.

2010-05-26, 10:09 PM
"I'll go down first, being invisible and all."

2010-05-27, 07:33 AM
Ganaliel will lift the bag off the end of her everburning torch and walk behind the group, following them into the entrance of the mine.

They're coming You all hear, whispering in your mind.
"Excuse me?" Her voice is feeble and there's a slight hint of nervousness. [color="teal"]Do you mind if I join you? Maybe it's a personal vendetta, or just morbid curiosity of what I saw down here that made me so wary, but I want to find out. I can help. I'm skilled at what I do, and I can use magic." Yes you can help. Just like you helped all the others.

2010-05-27, 07:48 AM
"..." Drake pauses, turning to the rest of the party for a moment.

"Anyone object to adding another person to our ranks?" He asks, before turning back to the crazed bard.

"I see no reason not to, and several to do so. I have no objections to you joining us."

2010-05-27, 09:06 AM
I don't object, so long as he listens to what we're saying to some degree. For instance, could you kindly put that torch away? I do suppose the dwarf can guide you.

2010-05-27, 09:52 AM
If she keeps the light on, the same terms count for her as for the rest. They will be send in front, far in front that is. But do you have rope with you. You can tie yourself to me, that way you won't be lost.

Cadian 9th
2010-05-27, 06:55 PM
"I do not object to further company. We must stay vigilant." Li'karia relays what she heard:
"There's something past her. Something happened here - Down that ladder!"

2010-05-29, 02:16 AM
As the party descends, a faint scratching sound can be heard further in the second chamber. Its source is outside the sight of everyone right now. The bit of chamber that is illuminated looks much like the one above, though it is lacking lanterns and has picks and helmets strewn across the floor. Sitting at the edge of the light is a small, tipped over metal box, with various tools next to it.

There is an odd scent hanging in the air; one could describe it as both smelling foul and stale.

For those who can see in the dark:

The chamber is just as narrow as the one above it and as wide, and it stretches more than 60 feet back. The walls look just as crudely cut as the ones above, and support beams and posts are thicker here. There are mining picks and helmets strewn all across the ground, in addition to small metal boxes similar to the one closeby.

There is a darker patch along the ground further back, almost 40 feet. It almost looks like a smear.

Cadian 9th
2010-05-29, 02:39 AM
Li'Karia retches as Jakiro's highly sensitive sense of smell detects the odour. Her eyes gleam, and she nocks an arrow. Jakrio draws back, ready to pounce and destroy.

"Shh. Be ready." She hisses.

Technically Jakiro can scent, so do I get to look at the spoiler?
readied action Shoot at the first thing I see.


2010-05-29, 02:47 AM
Tork looks around and senses that the smear is not normal, he studies it and smells it (since I have scent this is a legitimate thing to do, long live being a half-minotaur). He tries to wave to the persons that can see in the dark to be ready, since he doesn't want to use light. He also puts down the newcomer in the party, since he carried her (I didn't get information about rope, so this is my solution). And the dwarf stands ready with his huge sword in hand.

2010-05-29, 10:33 AM
"I'm invisible, Let me scout a bit ahead."
Anyone who can see invisibility
You see the warforged, flying along the roof of the room, move to right above the smear and draw a wand from his backpack.

2010-05-29, 10:34 AM
As Tork marches further into the cavern, the scratching noise is joined by a hissing noise, very faint as well. Suddenly, as Tork moves deeper into the cave, both noises stop, and the only sound left is the sound of the party's various internal systems - heart, breathing, whirring gizmos etc.

For those with Darkvision:

The noises stop when Tork investigates the smear on the ground.


As you move deeper into the chamber, you notice that indeed, the smear is not natural. It's blood, quite dry by now, but blood nonetheless. The source of the blood is a quite rotted out corpse of what appears to be a dwarf, though it seems to no longer have any facial flesh (you can see its skull plainly in the darkness). There are three extra holes in its cranium, right above its eye sockets. The corpse is sitting at the very edge of your sight, and there seems to be a lanky, clawed hand sitting on its left shoulder.


Jakiro picks up the scent and shares with you that he smells blood, not fresh blood but rather dried blood, the kind that has already dried - the smell of iron is particularly high.

In addition his powerful nose picks up the scent of dead flesh, both the nasty smell of continually rotting flesh and that of preserved flesh.

2010-05-29, 10:37 AM
Tork makes bows his head for less than a second than smiles and moves a little bit back. He makes the sign of danger get ready with his hands and hopes that they understand the language he uses (which the prolly won't since it are minotaurian handsignals, crude but effective).

2010-05-29, 10:42 AM
Muttering something, Drake moves his hands in front of his eyes, before looking out in to the gloom, as though searching for something.

Cast Detect Magic, and then concentrate to see where the magical energy surrounding our warforged party member is, as well as if there's any other magical energy in the room.

2010-05-29, 11:28 AM
As Artemis floats further into the chamber, the scratching and hissing begin again. A light "thump" can also be heard.


You notice that the dwarf corpse has fallen over with a "thump", and the clawed hand is gone.


As you approach the smear, a dwarf corpse, rotting and face-less, comes into view. As you pull out your wand, you notice a clawed hand moving away from the corpse, and the corpse slowly slumps backwards, making a "thump" noise.

Drake Nemisis:

As your Detect Magic spell flashes into being, you notice the faint outline of magic around Artemis. You also notice a faint aura further in the cave, though it is barely registering. Shortly, the glow of others' magic items fade in.

2010-05-29, 11:47 AM
Catching sight of the aura, Drake smirks and mutters something quietly, snaping his fingers towards the source as four bullets of force fly from his hand, perfectly zooming in on his target.

I... Cast Magic Missile into the darkness.

Damage, provided it's actually aimed at a creature [roll0] in force damage.

CL check incase it has SR: [roll1].

2010-05-29, 11:51 AM
As soon as the magic missiles fly Tork shrugs and screams: Light.

Than he readies his blade to strike that which is there.

2010-05-29, 12:00 PM
EDIT: (I'll assume someone will be casting the called-for Light so the rest of the party can fight, so I'll change all the darkness-enhanced descriptions in a moment.)

Four bottle-rockets of magic fly past Artemis and Tork, and zip down the tunnel-like chamber, slightly illuminating their surroundings. Suddenly they are extinguished, and a loud hissing erupts from whatever extinguished them.


You watch as the four little missiles of magic fly down the tunnel, and right as they disappear from your normal sight, Detect Magic picks up what happens to them: they deflect harmlessly off a vaguely humanoid shape in the distance.

Artemis and Tork:

Just shortly after the missiles fade, a humanoid shape launches itself out of the darkness and leaps onto Tork, striking with some kind of tentacle-like appendage.

[roll0] Attack roll vs. Tork.
[roll1] If it strikes.

The soft slapping of feet against stone, growing slightly louder before they disappear altogether, signifies that whatever Drake hit with his missiles must not have taken the gesture kindly.


Roll initiative!


2010-05-29, 12:06 PM
"On guard!" Drake yells, watching his spell deflect.

"That thing is gonna burn!"

Initiative: [roll0]

When my action occurs, I cast Dancing Lights and surround where the creature was with them, hopefully blinding it.

2010-05-29, 12:09 PM
According to me I get my readied action to strike now.

Readied action: [roll0] for [roll1] damage

If threat:
Confirmroll [roll2] for [roll3] extra damage


2010-05-29, 12:10 PM
"Target acquired."
Artemis appears, blasting the thing and flicking out his left blade (the light one).
Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
CL if it has SR [roll3]

2010-05-29, 12:18 PM
In my turn Tork will attack again with Elder Mountain Hammer: [roll0] for [roll1] damage and it negates all DR and hardness.

After that Tork does a 5' step back, so even archers can fire arrows without having to worry about him being in melee (by the way I think that the creature that tried to attack me needs a reach of at least 10' since I have that and I stopped him from attacking with my readied action)

2010-05-29, 12:20 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

What manner of foulness is this?

When my turn eventually comes around, I'll be moving to the front to help mob whatever it is we're against.

2010-05-29, 12:21 PM
For ease, so far initiative is:


I'm going to wait for everyone before initiating actual combat, but surprise-round stuff (the missiles, the enemy's attack, and Tork's readied action) will be taken care of now.


Your huge sword swooshes past the creature, though only just barely. Both of you having missed your attacks, the thing rights itself again, and hisses at you again. (This is the Readied Action, not the Elder Mountain Hammer attack)

Cadian 9th
2010-05-29, 08:39 PM
Li'Karia curses. She can't see anything, despite the light!

"What's going on?! I can't see anything!" Li'Karia cries. She is ready to fire her bow still, but no target has shown.


Readied action remains.

She suddenly sights movement, within seconds a flaming arrow leaps from her bow.

Posting Rolls OOC as it won't work here....


2010-06-01, 06:13 AM
Ganaliel, having managed to snap out of her stupor from before brings up the rear, torch in hand only to reveal a pretty mangled mess of a humanoid figure on the ground, the stone sticky with fresh blood.

"Sorry about before, I'm prone to episod— what in the Gods name happened here? Please don't tell me that used to be one of the miners."

She's speaking considerably more coherent than she was beforehand, a quizzical look spread across her face. "I knew something horrid was going on down here, but that's just disgusting. Does anyone know what it is? Preferably so I don't have to look myself."

Lowering her torch so the party can get a better view of the area, she turns her face away but still trying to see it out of the corner of her eye out of sheer curiosity.

2010-06-01, 08:53 AM
Tork's sword slices into the creature, nearly cleaving it in two. It gurgles and sputters a quite disgusting sound, but raises its hands and tentacles to strike again - but an arrow to the forehead stops it plainly. It seems to gaze on the party for a few seconds longer before slumping down into a heap of grey flesh.

As it crumples before you, something on its finger catches the light and sparkles for a moment.

The dwarf on the ground is a mess - it has scratches on its revealed skin and tears in its clothing, not to mention the whole "missing face skin" bit. Upon somewhat closer inspection, four extra holes can be seen in its skull, and there are patches of mutilated skin, including the frayed bits around the outside of the face.

2010-06-01, 09:01 AM
Walking towards the creature, his scimitar appearing in his hand, Drake nudges the corpse with his toe.

"This... Looks like some sort of abberation. Judging from the holes in that dwarf's skull, this was a 'flayer." He says with confidence, trusting his knowledge of underground creatures for this. "Things just got a bit more interesting..."

Making a Know (Dungoneering) Check on what it was: [roll0]. I am rightly confident that my character will at least exceed the 10, 15, or 20 needed to know what species it is. :smallbiggrin:

2010-06-01, 09:08 AM
"Ghastly." She scoffs. Then she falls quiet again and seems to recede into her own shell, knowing exactly what a 'flayer' is, and not liking it at all.
"Um... is anyone hurt?" Her voice is soft and meek, lacking any of the confidence of the previous statement.

2010-06-01, 09:19 AM
Except for for that thing that's bleeding on my feet, not really. Why do you ask. And that is why I said we should travel without light and without sound. I prefer to go in fast and deadly. And you see what my blade can do. And I thank the elf for helping me, it was courageous. Tork looks disgusted to his sword and cleans it by wiping it on the less dirty side of the corpse.

2010-06-01, 09:22 AM
"But I can't see where I'm going..." quietly muttering to herself, scowling and refusing to put the cover back on her torch, but not meeting Tork's eye when she makes her comment.

2010-06-01, 09:26 AM
Sometimes it's better not to see where you're going, as long as others know where the destination is. Sadly with light we are the beacon of attractiveness to others. I do say this for your own safety, without light it's much safer. I do not want to threaten you, but if you want to keep the light on, know that you'll be walking far in front of me, about a mile should be safe enough. I carried you up to here, I can carry you further. Light can be used as soon as we are found out, before that, it's not the best way. But it's your choice. Everyone who does not agree with my reasoning go ahead. If we must work as a team we should also vote as a team. How do we carry on? Tork looks around in the group, asking for their opinion in this matter.

2010-06-01, 09:28 AM
"Hold on, don't mistreat it! This corpse could be worth something! Do you know how many spells have insanely difficult to aquire components? Like, say, Mind flayer tentacles?" Drake says, leaning over to examine the body more fully when he's sure its dead. "Besides, these things usually have some pretty good loot."

"As for traveling further... I suggest that we keep with the shadows, but have our lights ready at a moment's notice. If this," With that, Drake motions to the corpse. "Is what we're up against, we'll want light. Mostly because these things are adapted to underground, and... don't like it much."

2010-06-01, 09:36 AM
"Just because you're able to see comfortably in the dark doesn't mean everyone else is. Besides, I'm not about to trust someone I've only just met, and who is only doing this for the gold you're getting paid at the end of it either. I appreciate you carrying me up to here, but I have found my own legs now and I'm willing to use them. Besides if we do come across another one of those things then you can just chop it in half again like you did the first one. Right?" Her voice seems to trail off towards the end of the sentence, and the look of surprise on her face with what just came out of her mouth is almost as alarming.

She smirks, and Tork hears Ganaliel's 'sweet' voice echoing in his mind. Considerably more forceful than the meekness of her last statement. "Besides, 'flayers' can see in the dark better than you can, so your ego should glow like a beacon, torch or no. I can walk ahead if you wish, I can do it invisible and flying in the air if you prefer? But for now, I'd like to see where I'm going."

2010-06-01, 10:45 AM

Very far in the distance, echoing off the walls of the tunnels ahead of you, you hear faint sound, almost like someone weeping heavily with a deep voice. The voice occasionally groans, though the groans are just as barely audible as the crying.

2010-06-01, 10:50 AM
"Anyway, I'm going to loot this thing before we go on. I'll let you know what I find." Drake says, putting his scimitar away and searching the corpse.

Search check: [roll0]

Which probably won't be very good...

2010-06-01, 10:52 AM
((I'm going to use a different colour for my mind talking to myself, I think... makes things easier))

Now look what you've done. Your big-mouthed argument made them cry! You should have dominated that stupid dwarf-thing and made him do what you want him too.

Ganaliel clutches her forehead, and calling out without realising she had done. "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" She pauses, looking ahead and beginning to quiver.
"Shh! Can't you hear it?" She babbles on a little more. "The crying. The groaning. There's something down there. Something crying. Someone's hurt!"

2010-06-01, 10:53 AM

On its finger, you find a simple golden band - with your detect magic still on, you recognize it as a magical ring. As of yet, though, you can't tell what kind of ring. When you pick it up, it feels a bit heavier than you might've expected it to. Also, after a bit of inspection, notice that this particular mind flayer is not just any mind flayer - it seems to be quite...undead.

2010-06-01, 11:06 AM
Well, if we continue to encounter these creatures, I doubt the dark or light would make a difference. Let's press onwards.

2010-06-01, 11:14 AM
Standing up and examining the ring more closely, Drake pays little attention to the bard's outcry.

"Hm... One ring, magical... Letsee..." He mutters nearly inaudably.

Spellcraft to determine school of magic around the ring: [roll0].

2010-06-01, 11:16 AM

The ring appears to be shrouded in a faint aura of Abjuration magic.

2010-06-01, 11:20 AM
"No, no, no, nonono, don't you see?!" Ganaliel snatches Drake's arm and forces him to look at her, "something is down there, someone is hurt! I might be crazy but I know what my mind is telling me. More of them down there, probably more advanced than these. I can sssense it." The words rolling off her tongue, almost like it's not her saying it.

While her eyes are bright with a distinct crazed wildness, the serious look on her face is hard to ignore.

2010-06-01, 11:34 AM
Muttering something, Drake palms the ring and looks the direction that the bard was indicating.

"Fine." He sighs, turning to the rest of the party.

"I think that maybe it would be better to have our lights on for this. From what I recall, these things are telepathic, so they probably already know we're here, and lights will make it harder for them to hide." He starts, nudging the corpse again to indicate it. "We may as well maximize our advantage and minimize theirs."

Pausing for a moment, he looks around.

"Now, if I can get three cubic feet of dirt, sand, or gravel, I can scout ahead. Anyone else happen to be carrying some sand?" He asks, getting blank looks.

2010-06-01, 11:50 AM
Whatever we do I suggest we do it while being most carefull. And to answer your question, yes I can slice them up with my sword, but I prefer to do that in an orderly fashion, before they can hit me. This one almost reached my skin and to be honest I'm not that keen about that. I do not care what the result is of the vote, as long as we go on, that way I can at least finally do what need to be done. Tork says while practicing some lunges with his sword.

2010-06-01, 06:16 PM
"We could make 3 cubic feet of gravel by getting some rock off the ceiling and smashing it." Suggests the warforged. He then adds "May I take a look at the magic ring you mentioned?"

I have detect magic to.
[roll0] (spellcraft for school)
[roll1] (trying to activate the ring blindly) UMD

2010-06-01, 06:25 PM
"Be my guest." Drake replies, tossing the ring towards the not-robot. "What I've got is that it uses Abjuration."

Cadian 9th
2010-06-01, 08:14 PM
Li'Karia retches. Such a peversion of nature is anathema to her.

"Such a horrible fate to a creature. Unspeakable evil takes root here, far from the light of the world. I must destroy it. " She resolves grimly. Jakiro Roars.

"More of them coming, I hear. No more do I wait... Onwards, we charge! Leave this place! ...my Duty calls me. "

Likaria leaps foward, leading the way...

Casting Detect Evil. As usual. and spot and listen checks:



2010-06-01, 09:04 PM
An impetuous one. Ellen says with a grin. I'll make sure she doesn't get too far ahead of the rest of you while you're checking things out, and keep an eye out in this darkness.

2010-06-02, 04:19 AM
Those are most of the time the first to die. But since she was the first soul I came by here I think I will follow her and try to help her in case shes attacked.Tork says while taking up his sword and starts to walk after the paladin.

2010-06-02, 09:07 AM
"Don't go too far ahead, slow and steady wins the race." says Artemis.

2010-06-02, 12:28 PM
As you travel further down the tunnel, the smell of rot and blood slowly dissipates. The tunnel doesn't seem to change shape - it's still about 10 feet wide, and 10 feet high. After about 30 feet beyond the blood smear, it turns slightly to the left, and then right again. Everyone can plainly hear heavy sobbing with interspersed hopeless groans, and it only grows louder as you head further down the tunnel.

Suddenly a small dwarf comes into view, his face buried in his hands. As he hears your movement, his sobs seem to slow, and occasionally he sniffles.


Your Detect Evil falls upon the dwarf and identifies it as Not Evil.

((quick OOC note)):

The tunnel the party has been going through is now about 120 feet long.

2010-06-02, 05:35 PM
Hey there, what's wrong? Come on, we should probably get this one back to the city, before one of those... things gets to him. I'll keep a wary eye on the dwarf, and my sword in hand, but will go talk to the guy.

2010-06-02, 07:22 PM
"Okay, you get him back up to the city while I identify the ring."
Artemis grabs a wand of identify out of his pack and points it at the ring in his hand.
eternal wand of identify, what is the ring?

2010-06-02, 08:10 PM
The dwarf's sobs slowly stop, and he starts to turn toward Ellen. As he finishes his turn, he holds his hands out and groans loudly.


The ring is identified as a Ring of Mind Shielding.


The dwarf finishes turning around, and stares at you.

Or, at least, that's what it would do...if it still had eyes.

Two pinpricks of light shine in its darkened and empty eye sockets, with open scratches along its upper and lower brow. His face is quite wretched, with scratches and scars and holes all around. As he opens his mouth in a groan, you notice hundreds - maybe thousands - of needle-sharp teeth all around in a circle.

After the groan, his mouth closes and turns up in a vile grin.


At first, you don't quite sense anything out of the unusual - though it seems to be quite a bit of a damaged mind, it's still intact. However, as soon as it turns toward Ellen, its mind changes rapidly...from "normal" to absolutely abhorrently hostile.

((OOC: Int: 12, it seems to be an abberation))

2010-06-02, 11:03 PM
May the Gods have mercy on the soul you once were.

Initiative [roll0]

Cadian 9th
2010-06-03, 01:52 AM
Li'Karia looks down at the dwarf with pity. She dismounts.

" Dwarf, you are safe now. What is wrong? " She says, trying to get a sense of whats wrong with the dwarf. Jakiro looks at the dwarf quizically, tilting his head, before snapping his head straight and standing, tense and alert. Li'Karia stiffens as the same.

Knocking two arrows to her bow, Li'Karia steps back from the dwarf...

Readied Action: Shoot first non-teammate thing that moves quickly.
Spot and listen from jakiro:
Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

Readied action: Jakiro: Pounce on first thing that attacks a party member.

And Ini:


2010-06-03, 03:28 AM
I warned you all about attacking first and talking later, but who listens to me, visibly no one. Tork shakes his head in disapprovement and gets ready to hit whatever the thing is with his sword.

2010-06-03, 08:42 AM
Mentally willing his magical illumination to fly down the corridor to his party, Drakes keeps an eye on it and the rest of the party. As he sees the dwarf, he reacts normally.

<"Arcane might of the dragons! Bring forth thy forceful wrath upon this one's foes! Force Missiles!"> He incants in Draconic, snapping his fingers and sending five missiles flying from them, zooming in on the dwarf.

Actions: Move dancing lights down hallway to the rest of the party, cast Magic Missile (note that the Sandshaper's Dust Magic class feature gives me five missiles by boosting my caster level to nine), then move towards them.

Or move towards them and cast Magic Missile, if the dwarf is out of range.

Initiative: [roll0]

Magic Missile Damage: [roll1]

CL check, if needed: [roll2]

2010-06-03, 09:12 AM
Slipping the ring onto his finger, begins to head towards the far group, and fades from view. "The ring protects minds."

2010-06-04, 01:50 AM
"Is it hostile?" Tork asks and walks forward until he is only 10' from the creature. As soon as he gets the information and the creature is hostile he will loosen an Elder mountain hammer on the creatures head.

Elder Mountain Hammer Attack:

Attackroll: [roll0]
if it hits it does: [roll1] and negates DR and Hardness.

In case of threat:

Confirmroll [roll2]
Additional damage if confirmed: [roll3]

2010-06-05, 07:51 AM
"It's another one of those creatures. No rational thought left in its mind. Controlled. Nothing salvageable."

She takes a 5' step backwards, not wanting to be closer to the Dwarf than she has to be, taking a deep breath.

Will Save vs. Flaw DC 15. [roll0] to act on the first round of combat.

Initiative [roll1]

2010-06-05, 07:53 AM
Good than it will fall by my blade, be gone foul beast. Tork says while slashing the creature with his blade.


And off course using it's readied action and trying to stamp the creature with an Elder Mountain Hammer; rolls in post before this one.

2010-06-05, 01:06 PM
Tork's sword slices through the air with a loud SWOOSH, and connects with the dwarf. It also happens to pass right through the dwarf, without so much as a continued SWOOSHing sound. The thing is apparently unharmed, and it unleashes a hideous loud laughter. Its body seems to start fading away, before a single phrase can be heard through everyone's mind:

Supreme Darkness.

Suddenly everything is dark - no light is piercing the darkness, not even a torch, nor spell. The incredible darkness blinds even those with Darkvision, and it almost hurts to keep your eyes open. Those with detection spells active inside the darkness suddenly notice that the detection spells have also apparently ceased working.

2010-06-05, 01:17 PM
Ganaliel is frozen on the spot with fear, but just barely manages to resist the urge to cower. She keeps her mind open to sense the presence of anything else appearing from the darkness, however.

2010-06-05, 01:38 PM
Biting back a curse, Drake draws upon his ability as a Sandshaper, somehow turning himself to living sand.

I use my Sandform ability, becoming a medium ooze with blindsight to 60 feet. Tell me what I sense around me. :smallamused:

2010-06-05, 02:01 PM
Drake as an Ooze:

You sense your comrades, the undeniable lack of a dwarf-thing, and tension somewhere above you.

2010-06-05, 02:20 PM
"Up!" Drake yells as he detects the tension above.

2010-06-05, 02:51 PM
Tork hated the fact that he couldn't see anything anymore, he had never been robbed of any of his sensory capabilities. He stuck his big nose up and took a sniff, just to see if he could locate anything by smell.


2010-06-05, 03:50 PM

A familiar smell of stone enters your nose, followed shortly by a myriad of other smells: the smell of your comrades, the smell of magic, the smell of...acid? A strange acidic smell seems to be lingering in the air, too.

Tork, Ganaliel, Li'Karia and Ellen (Yukitsu):

[roll0] for [roll1] vs. Tork
[roll2] for [roll3] vs. Ganaliel
[roll4] for [roll5] vs. Li'Karia
[roll6] for [roll7] vs. Ellen

These are touch attacks. If you are struck, make 2 Fort rolls.

Drake as an Ooze:

You notice a very large amount of action above you, as something moves through the air and strikes at your comrades.


As darkness blankets the area, a faint, hostile-sounding whisper echoes through your mind, pausing shortly between each word...

You. Will. Be. Undone.

2010-06-05, 03:53 PM
1. [roll0]
2. [roll1]

2010-06-05, 04:22 PM
Tork feels his body getting hit by something, a strange invasive feeling tries to make himself master of him. With all his fortitude he tries to shake it off.



I thought it was nice to make a little story round the fort saves, it makes more of a story in my eyes.
So that's all, sad, no direction where I should cut. Doesn't matter. Would've been nice to have even with the ginormous misschance. Now hoping to make my saves.

Cadian 9th
2010-06-05, 07:44 PM

" Have Courage, friends, Strike them Down! " She says, fighting against the dread feeling. Her purity yields resistance, as does her brow mark - She kicks out, blindly but still surely, as Jakiro leaps foward and attacks the thing that attacked her, then leaps onto Jakiro's back as he finishes his attack.

Okay, Just a quick check. If the Fort effects are spell like/spells, I get +1 for nymphs kiss, if they're enchantment effects, I'll get +2. I'm immune to disease, if that makes a difference. Also, notice secret doors just in case there's some trapdoor or open hatch above that'll put us in trouble.

Fort saves: (Not including above)

Jakiro's Readied Pounce
Assuming the thing doesn't teleport away, Jakiro will hit with :
4 Claws: (No crit confirm, OOC if they are)
[roll2] and [roll3]
[roll4] and [roll5]
[roll6] and [roll7]
[roll8] and [roll9]

And bite:
[roll10] and [roll11]

And the kick was not actually an attack, just a sorta knockback, so she can jump and get on jakiro.
Ride Check to pull it off:
[roll12], DM's call on DC. Raise it by 2 if theres some complication etc.

Scent allows Jakiro to pick out any creature within 30ft. (assuming no wind :smallconfused:) and also if they are bad smelling like undead smell, 45ft. The general direction and number of sources is revealed, and also to Li'Karia. If they smell particularly bad, Li'karia will also be affected.

2010-06-06, 12:29 AM
[roll0] [roll1]

Also, were those touch due to being incorporeal, or was it a spell effect? If force works against it, I need to know for future reference.

Light of God! Pierce this veil and let there be light!

Even if it won't be enough, I'll use my daylight racial ability.

2010-06-06, 08:52 AM
>"O', Arcane might of the dragons! Call forth your scouring earth! Blast of Sand!"< Drake incants, raising his hands towards the ceiling and firing a large cone of sand from them in hopes of somehow hitting the thing above the party.

I cast blast of sand... Upwards, where I won't hit any of the rest of the party. The Ref save to take half damage is 18, damage is... [roll0].

Next turn, though, I'm probably going to fall back to my familiar 'Magic Missile' and deal with it, if it's incorporeal...

Cadian 9th
2010-06-06, 08:43 PM
Li'Karia, hearing Drake's incantations, sniffs the air as Jakiro does, both in the same action: She fires her flaming arrow in the direction of the largest concentration of alien scent, lighting the way.

Basic attack roll, maybe?
[roll0] (penalty for not seeing a target).

2010-06-07, 01:48 AM
Tork had enough of this, he takes another whiff of the scent, hears an arrow flying by and than uses his mountain hammer on the (for his nose) source of the smell.

Attack:[roll0] and yes it's a threat.
Damage:[roll1] By the way mountain hammer also negates DR and Hardness (even of the dwarven skull:smallbiggrin:)

if threat:

Additional damage:[roll3]

2010-06-07, 08:25 PM
((Apologies, everyone))

Tork, Ganaliel and Li'karia:

You feel something wet splat against your head, back, or shoulder, and suddenly a creeping cold seeps through your body. Everything becomes numb very quickly, and you drop to the floor, paralyzed.


You feel a hideous burning as something wet lands against your back; suddenly the impact site begins to sting, and the stinging passes to your arms and legs. Each appendage feels much heavier than normal, as numbness slowly creeps into them.

((You've been poisoned - [roll0] Strength damage))

((The touch attacks are melee attacks, but not because the thing is incorporeal))

Drake as an Ooze:

Does that spell pierce SR? If not, you'll have to roll.

2010-06-07, 08:30 PM
No SR allowed, and I'm still an Ooze. I've got... 12 rounds left of this effect.

2010-06-08, 02:22 AM
Tork falls on the ground with a clearly hearable sound. His sword is still tightly in his hand, but the rest of his body doesn't seem to comply with his wishes.

What a 25 not enough. That's one nasty opponent.

2010-07-03, 01:19 AM

Your spell flies toward the thing on the ceiling and strikes it, and a barely audible hiss can be heard. You notice quite a bit of commotion coming from the thing, specifically as its appendages touch your allies, who shortly fall to the ground unmoving, and as its appendages pull back to the main center of activity.


Though you are paralyzed, Jakiro remains freely able to move. He smells something highly unnatural and communicates it to you, coming from the ceiling. It smells something of rot and ground stone.


A hauntingly raspy voice is suddenly audible to you:

You will soon be mine...just like your friends...

2010-07-03, 01:27 AM
Drake, How far off am I?
Random shot at the roof. This one is so drake can point me at the thing.
Drawing sleeve blade with fire on it If it isn't out already.
Knowledge (Arcana) to try to figure out what it is. [roll0]

Cadian 9th
2010-07-03, 02:48 AM

With sheer force of will, she communicates with Jakiro in paralysis. With a roar, Jakiro gathers Likaria into a securer hold, then draws back a few feet, growling. He looks to the ceiling, making it obvious to the others that he is doing so.

Am I to attempt fort saves again? Hopefully Jakiro can fight them off. Good to have you back! :smallbiggrin:

2010-07-03, 08:26 PM
A curse is heard from Drake as he senses the attack on his companion.

>"O', Arcane might of the dragons! Call forth your scouring earth! Blast of Sand!"< He incants once more, firing at the creature above him.

Alright... Now, the Ref DC for half damage, if this isn't an Aberration, is 18, and this spell deals [roll0] damage.

If it is an aberrration, the DC is 20, and it deals an additional [roll1] damage, due to my Aberration Banemagic feat.

2010-07-04, 04:40 AM
Tork is listening to every sound, he can't move a muscle and starts getting angry about it towards himself. He tries to get his body moving by pure willpower.

2010-07-04, 11:46 PM
The continued assaults on the creature overhead produce hissing and gurgling sounds, though the noises seem to be coming from different locations on the ceiling.


You notice that the creature moves quickly and fluidly away from the spot that your blast was aimed - though part of the spell still strikes it, and it sputters and gurgles loudly at the impact. Despite the damage done, its form seems to surge away from your companions, towards you and Artemis.


Your arcane knowledge reveals that this creature is not one born of this, or any, world - save for a mad wizard's mind. Constructed from magic and stone, this creature is a constructed ooze, that much you can tell. However, the intricacies of the creature's specific type seem to be beyond you.

Drake and Artemis:

[roll0] for [roll1] vs. Artemis
[roll2] for [roll3] vs. Artemis
[roll4] for [roll5] vs. Drake
[roll6] for [roll7] vs. Drake

These are touch attacks, and for each one that succeeds, make two Fort checks.

2010-07-05, 12:16 AM
"I hear you."
Aiming for the most recent source of the noise.
[roll0]attack [roll1]Damage add one to attack and damage if it is within 30 ft.
Fort saves

2010-07-05, 10:44 AM
"Shi-" Drake manages, before the creature hits him.

First Forts:[roll0]

Second Forts: [roll2]

Plus my Know. Dungeoneering check: [roll4]

2010-07-07, 04:51 PM

Your oozey body feels the sting of the monster's attacks, and a bit of something slimy seems to wear off onto you, but your body resists the fluids. Your knowledge of dungeoneering and traps leads you to believe this is a guardian ooze of some kind, traditionally empowered with abilities that allow it to control intruders.


Something wet and nasty slaps against your body, and leaves some rather unsavory goo behind. Fortunately, your body resists whatever the goo might have done.

Cadian 9th
2010-07-09, 08:45 PM

He roars again, dismayed by his inability to see anything. Or smell anything. Likaria keeps fighting the paralysis...

Ummm,,,,, please can I has attention? :smallsmile:

Also, fort save if it matters: [roll0]

2010-07-09, 08:52 PM
"Hm... A bit left... Let's turn up the heat!" Drake, still in ooze form mutters, once again sliping into Draconic.

>"Oh, might of the flames! Heed my call! Raging inferno, strike forth! Scorching Rays!"<

Right. Touch attack rolls: [roll0], and [roll1]

Damage for the first ray: [roll2]

2nd ray: [roll3]

2010-07-09, 09:13 PM
"Minor damage detected, all systems operational."
Firing at where I think it is
[roll0] attack
[roll1] damage
[roll2] miss chance
Drake guided my shot. :smallbiggrin:

2010-07-10, 12:44 PM
Round 3 Begins

Order is ((for ease's sake)) Drake, Artemis, Ellen, Enemy


Though paralyzed your senses still function; your ears pick up the faint sound of dust and small rocks clattering to the ground, from not too far away. A new smell accompanies the sound, something of diseased, rotting flesh. As the smell grows stronger, a chill runs up your spine and something of a panic begins to take hold. A hissing, wretched voice suddenly whispers something to you...

Nathpyr ilu Izzt'rh.


Voices begin whispering in your mind:

Izzt'rh nth pr...
Ngeth qun Izzt'rh!
Nth! Qzu'il n'preh.
Nathpyr ilu Izzt'rh.

The last voice is a wretched one, gurgling and hissing accompanying it. It also seems to be coming from a mind that is very, very close by...


Jakiro's ears perk up, and then quickly fold down. He communicates to you that there's a new smell again - that of rotting, diseased flesh. It's coming from something that just appeared in the area somewhere close.

He then lets you know something just tried to communicate with him, but he has no idea what it wants. Suddenly, the communication with Jakiro is suppressed and a whisper can be heard in your mind.

Nathpyr ilu Izzt'rh.

Whatever the voice is coming from it certainly does not sound happy.


Though your strength is severely drained, you can still move about.

Gurgling and rasping noises come from above, as two of your comrades battle against something that is possibly on the ceiling.

No one else besides the tiger seems to be making any kind of noise...

A voice suddenly floats into your head:

Nathpyr ilu Izzt'rh. You still stand, but you will fall, like the others.


Your rays streak through the darkness and strike true, melting part of the ooze on the ceiling. It hisses and gurgles loudly, and it begins to flail its tentacle-like appendages wildly. As your comrade's magic strikes with accuracy thanks to your directions, the ooze on the ceiling ceases its wild flailing, and suddenly stops moving altogether.

You hear a voice in your head suddenly...

Nathpyr ilu Izzt'rh! Your end is near.


Drake's estimation of its location is pretty accurate, and your blast strikes true as the creature on the ceiling gurgles and retches. Suddenly a strange aura falls over you, and a strange sense of panic and upset settles into your mind. Accompanying this sense is a voice...

Vile thing, your end has come. Nathpyr ilu Izzt'rh!

Ganaliel, Ellen, Tork and Li'karia:

Hisses, gurgles, magical words and the whoosh of spells being cast alert you to continued combat between what is hopefully your comrades and the thing above you.


The darkness slowly fades and the attacker on the ceiling comes into view. It is an ooze - or, perhaps it was, before it died. It looks now more like a hardened rock formation than an ooze, though strange holes and eroded areas tell the story of its combat.

Just down the corridor, another creature stands, though you may have wished that the darkness had stayed for its introduction.

It is a tall, very thin creature, with deathly pale mottled skin. In some areas the skin has flecked off, revealing black bones underneath. Its skin appears to be quite dry, from its clawed hands to its octopoidal head, which sports four thin, white tentalces about a foot long, and two very long white tentacles that reach nearly to the floor. Its head also sports two shining red eyes, that show even through the dimly lit hall. It is illuminated by a faint green glow, and in one of its hands it holds a short rod, the tip of which is affixed with a glowing bauble that vaguely resembles its own head.

2010-07-10, 01:01 PM
Pausing, Drake turns towards the newcomer.

"So... Another creature." He says, trying to remember important information on this one.

"Prehaps we should try to talk this out..." He continues, finishing the incantation he was making.

"Or not. >Might of the dragons! Scour this abomination from the earth! Scorching Scorching Ray!<"

Set on fire first, ask questions later. Actions: A Bluff check to distract the vampire illithid creature ([roll0]), followed by a metamagic'd Scorching Ray. So... since this presumably was an Aberration, I'd like to know if I get my +2d6 damage...

Anyway, touch attack rolls for the two rays: [roll1], [roll2].
Damage for each ray: [roll3], [roll4]
Possible Bonus Damage for each ray: [roll5], [roll6].

SR checks for each ray... [roll7], [roll8].

2010-07-10, 02:19 PM
Fire at will.
Says Artemis, Firing a beam of energy at the thing.

Cadian 9th
2010-07-10, 07:09 PM

Derujin only

" Burn in my mind, foul creature! The Paladin's mind is no place for a perversion of nature! " She screams internally, channeling her internal goodness in an attempt to burn the thing with goodness.

I don't know how that works, but I suppose if Li'karia keeps thinking good things it'll get burned. :smallbiggrin: Other than that I'm creeped out and feel helpless, which I mechanically am :smallbiggrin:

Jakiro's roar can be heard, a roar of distress and mourning. It sounds like Li'karia's died...

2010-07-11, 03:44 AM

While listening to the wretched sounds of the creature he tries to look at it.
If I could get to you I would kill you you foul beast. You will not be killing me and that's a promise. If I break free of this I will tear your non-living heart out. Tork thinks.

2010-07-17, 08:52 PM

Pitiful wretches, I'd have thought the dwarves would have gotten the message when my pawns attacked. A voice rasps in your minds. You bested my guardian, so perhaps in turn I will make you its replacements. Before that, I will show you the glory for which you soon shall be devoted to...


The creature seems to be unaffected by your attempt to chat with it, and as your rays strike it, it almost seems to smile. Each ray that strikes deflects harmlessly off the creature's flesh, leaving no trace of having ever touched it.


Your beam passes just by the creature's head, nearly hitting it. A rasping whisper hisses in your mind, You will make for an excellent minion, warforged.


A hideous, rasping cackle can be heard in your mind. Perversion of Nature? What is nature, but perversion of the Void? Regardless, our views will be the same once your mind is mine.


Strength given form, you shall make for an excellent pawn. I do hope you enjoy caves, for this one will soon be your home.

Everyone again:

The creature furrows its brow and, a moment later, a nearly tangible shockwave of force assaults your minds.

((Will save or be stunned for [roll0] rounds.))

Give in, mortals. The time of Nath has come!

2010-07-17, 09:04 PM
will save [roll0]

eldritch blast should I make my save,

2010-07-18, 03:23 AM
Tork blows some wind out of his dwarven snout.

Nath can kiss my ass He thinks while trying to fight of the waves of mental force.

Willsave: [roll0]

As soon as I am free of this paralysis I will give Nath something, I will put my sword so far in him that he looks like a giants Schizkebab. Than I will fry him and give him something to think about.

Cadian 9th
2010-07-18, 04:57 AM

Time for you to die, she thinks.

will save [roll0] add 1 if its a spell/su effect and a further +2 if its an enchantment.

Jakiro, is he still subject, he is an animal, though here is his save: [roll1] eek. I would much rather have the thing attack his AC. :D

2010-07-24, 12:07 AM
The creature throws its arms back, and a low hum can be heard, growing slowly louder and louder. With a flash, the environment changes - from dark, shadowed caves to...what appears to be nothing. Soon, shimmering purple haze takes the place of nothingness, and it feels almost as if you are floating.

What was purple above you begins to darken, and what seems to be a massive shadow invades the "sky". You can almost see shapes forming in the shadow, when it solidifies into a black mass that takes up the entire sky and more.

Several black tendrils begin swaying under it, and a particularly large one descends from the mass and approaches the group. It stops above the tentacled creature's hands, and the tip of it begins to mold and shape itself.

Three creases appear at the tip and deepen, then with a sickening RIP the end opens into a huge maw. Behold, Nath. The Devourer of Worlds. The opposition of the Divine. The Gods flee in Nath's presence, fearful He will swallow them as well. They flee, and make more worlds - for what, but to draw Nath's attention?

"Get them out of here!"

They only feed him, and he grows stronger with each world. They can do naught to stop him! Slow down, yes...many worlds take time. But the Gods themselves can do NOTHING! The voice in your head raises almost to a shout, a cacophony of rasping and exalting yelling.

It is Nath you will be serving. You will help bring about his manifestation in this world. Your minds will be removed, and you will be my pawns, my puppets, and unswerving devotees of Nath. I... hssshhhYAAAAGGGHHHH

The voice in your head shrieks, and suddenly the environment grows black again, and then reverts to the environs of the cave, only there are now two others standing alongside you: a robed and hooded man, and a shorter man, perhaps a dwarf, clad in shiny gold-and-silver armor. The shiny-clad one is standing with his hand outstretched toward the creature, a shiny medallion in his hand. The creature is now on fire, though the flames are white, and they illuminate a good deal of the cave.

"Get us outta here!" The dwarf shouts again, holding the medallion out toward the creature and reaching back with his other hand.

The robed man stretches his arm out, and mutters "TELEP-" And suddenly, everything goes black, again.

When you can see and feel again, you are all laying in roughly-made beds of various sizes - some over- and under-sized. The beds are arranged in a circle inside some kind of cavern, though natural light also floods in from one direction.

A robed man is tending the fire.

Cadian 9th
2010-07-26, 02:32 AM
What do we do, I think we're unsure of what we can do. Can we see, can we move, can we act, talk. This sounds like the end of the adventure (final chapter, not OOC)

2010-07-26, 02:34 AM
Tork thinks for himself since his body is still unable to act: Not again


Tork wakes up in a bed, his knees are over the side and he feels that his body was not precisely the right weight for the bed. It is cracked in the middle. First thing he does is trying to reach his sword. He feels the handle of it and starts to relax a bit. Especially since he feels he is not tied up. Slowly he starts to rise and fights the feeling of nausea coming over him.

Where am I He asks when completely straight-up. The bed gives away with a loud crack.

2010-07-27, 02:20 PM
OOC: how do I wake up? I'm a robot.
Artemis has some tools set out on his bed, and is making repairs to himself.

Cadian 9th
2010-07-27, 05:02 PM

She wakes and immediately rises to prayer. She relays the terror of what has happened, the sorrow of their loss and her weakness in battle. She prays for strength and support for the events to come.

Jakiro roars and prances about, leaping to Tork and biting his hand in an attempt to help him up. The massive tiger pushes some shattered timber away, also shielding Li'Karia from the men in the group as she changes.

" Morning, the sun I believe has risen. Here, I shall bless you all, to cleanse your battered soul of such vile taint. " She says, touching each party member and channeling divine energy.

2010-07-28, 09:14 AM
Sitting up, Drake looks around.

"Hm..." He starts, looking around. "I guess I'd better get started..."

He then sits in a medatative position and focuses, reading his spells.

2010-07-29, 09:57 AM

After you awake and move, you realize part of your skin feels strange. It's mostly on your arms, back, parts of your chest, and legs...and after inspection, it appears some of your skin has fused together to form what appear to be thick scales.

There are scales at your joints that seem to limit your movement a little bit, but from the way they feel they are much tougher than your skin would otherwise be.

((OOC: -2 Dex, +3 Natural Armor))


After your meditation, you become aware that your feet feel heavier than normal. You also become aware of the fact that you can't feel your toes anymore...you also can't wiggle them.

"You're awake! Thank the Gods." The robed man says, and pulls the hood down from over his head.

He has a grizzled and elderly look to him, with a rough beard, short hair, wrinkly dark skin with the occasional discolored spot. The robes he wears are worn and old, a pale sun-stained brown. Realizing Drake's spell meditation, he decides to wait to explain the situation. The man does a bit of meditation himself, humming a nearly inaudible chant of some kind.

After Drake's meditation is finished, the man begins.

"I'm very glad you are all alive. Not many who stumble upon Nath's chosen are so lucky. I am Rohtken, a servant of the Gods, sent by the greatest among them to hopefully set their plan in motion upon this world."

"How close did you get to Nath? Getting too close can change one's very essence..." He murmurs and looks over each of you. His eyes stop on Tork and Drake for a few moments each, his head slowly nodding.

"Two of you were corrupted by Nath's influence...I suppose your link to the Gods and your mechanical nature saved you from incurring any noticeable effects of it..." He mumbles, pointing first to both Tork and Drake, and then pointing to Li'Karia and Artemis.

2010-07-29, 10:02 AM
I thank you for saving us, but even though I thank you I have still more things to ask. Can you try to take away this scourge from me. I mean I hate this. I would rather be what I was than a scaled version of what I was. I will never be accepted by my kind but now, look at me what I have become. I bow my head in shame, I should've known better. And my apologies for wrecking the bed. I seem to have broken it. Sorry. Tork says, while trying as he speaks to get a better feel by standing up and moving.

Thanks for the help kitty. Just please watch out, I do not know if I am now contagious. I hope not, but please stay clear until we know for sure.

OOC @ Derjuin only:

How should I write this down on my sheet? Tainted scales or so?

2010-07-29, 10:26 AM
Looking down to his feet, Drake frowns.

"Hm... Unexpected." He says, seeing and feeling the weight difference and lack of toes.

"Mind informing me if there's a way to reverse this?" Drake asks, eyeing the mutation of his feet.

2010-07-29, 10:32 AM
"I can aid you in cleansing yourself, but in return I would ask that you help me - and the Gods - defeat that which threatens this world." Rohtken says, then looks to Tork and offers a smile.

"Do not worry; you are not contagious. It takes a... hrm. Perhaps it would better serve all of us if I explained the nature of the taint that has taken hold in you? The Gods have blessed me with such knowledge."

He coughs, then clears his throat and looks ceiling-ward, and after a few moments, looks back to the party.

"This corruption is a physical change in your body, due to Nath's chaotic state of existence. Corruption has taken hold in your body so quickly because you were nearly pulled directly into Nath's realm, a plane so highly volatile that everything there changes within only a few moments."

Rohtken coughs again, draws a flask from his robe and takes a sip of something, and continues.

"This corruption is only a change to your own body. Though some effects of it may happen to affect others, it can't actually be spread unless you have become so tainted that your body is attuned to the energy that changes you. From what the Gods have told me, those that..."achieve" this state are beyond hope. They are wretches who cannot be saved - even their souls begin to suffer. Their bodies and minds are far too gone..."


After a bit of examining, it seems your feet have hardened as well; they seem hoof-like, and poking at them reveals that there is still a little bit of feeling left in them.

((OOC: -5 feet speed, most boots won't feel or fit right; you have gained tainted hooves.))

OOC Duskranger:

Yeah, tainted scales works well. I'd also write the bonuses and penalties gained with it in case it gets removed.

2010-07-29, 11:20 AM
The abomination I have become should be destroyed and never be seen again, and therefore I will think about helping you. I will need to know what I need to do, and how you will destroy this taint from me. I wish to be back to where I was. Chaotic is not the good word for such a vile being. I think that the right word should be more like tainted, or insane probably. Why did the Gods not destroy him?

2010-07-31, 09:19 PM
"What should we do first?" says Artemis.

2010-08-01, 01:29 AM
Looking as I do knowing what we do, I say we listen to the guy. I hope he can tell us how we can solve the threat of this Nath-thing. And after that trying to get this taint away from me. I look now like a big dwarflike lizard cow thing.

Cadian 9th
2010-08-01, 04:52 AM

She glances worriedly at Tork. " Remain true to yourself and such evil cannot remain. " She murmurs, quite audibly. To the man, and to the group at large.

" Have courage and honour and we shall defeat this abomination. Correlon show mercy to Nath and its evil, for I shall not. " She says, determinedly.

2010-08-09, 04:05 PM
The old man nods to the four of you, and produces a scroll from his robe.

"The Gods have gifted me with knowledge of how to reverse Nath's creeping taint. Unfortunately, it only works in small increments, but it eventually can erase deformities caused by the corruption. This method relies on a spell that drains my body each time it is written...I have written very few."

"The Gods devised a plan to reverse Nath's power and eliminate the terrible thing. Nath is a being of pure negative energy, barely sentient and mostly relying on instinct."

He puts the scroll back into his robe and stands up, then shuffles over to the cave wall and snaps his fingers; a small chest appears in front of him, and he opens it, producing another scroll. This one looks much older, more torn and yellowed than the last.

He returns and unravels the scroll, showing four small circles arranged around a large hexagon. The circles are connected to each other by lines, and they are all also connected to the hexagon.

"The Gods constructed this world differently from the others. In every world, magic is ever-present; it flows under the world in random patterns. But in this world..." He traces a finger along the lines, stopping at each circle. "Magic flows in the world in a very specific pattern. It reacts no differently to a sorcerer's or wizard's call, it simply has a direction, and a method of control."

The man suddenly coughs again, and takes another sip from his flask.

"Nath's method of consumption relies on corrupting the magical flow which ebbs under the surface. Doing so spreads the corruption far and wide, but makes it very subtle; it is rarely noticed until it is far too late to change it. However, as I said, this world is different. It has controls, so to speak." He points to each circle again, and to the large hexagon.

"The magic flowing in the world flows through these - four orbs and one large central core. Each orb regulates magic's flow near it, and the core spreads magic to each orb. However, the orbs and core have a second function - the orbs act as keys to activate the core's defense, which purifies the magic flowing through it. It then allows one to channel the purified corruption directly at its intended target - Nath."

Rohtken rolls the scroll back up, places it in the chest and snaps his fingers again; the chest disappears, and his eyes look down to the fire.

"The worshiper you saw is, no doubt, attempting to aid Nath in manifesting in this world. There are bound to be many more...fortunately, for now, none know of the Gods' plans for Nath in this world. As far as I have been made aware, the keys are still safe. They have also made me aware of the location of three of the keys; I have visited all but the last key's location."

2010-08-10, 02:01 PM
Tork looks around at all his allies.

"And what you mean with all but one they know about. Are those keys stolen? And why did you not yet visit the third one? But let this curse for now be on me. I can live with it, just need to adjust myself to the scaly skin. I do not wish to absorb your life, or make you give your lifeforce to help me. Than I would rather live with this shame. Or if it would be possible give up some of my lifetime I have left on this earth to help you before asking for something that big in return.

2010-08-10, 09:40 PM
"After Dealing with Nath, I would gladly cast the spell for you. Not like I have any plans for after that."
Says the golem, putting away his tools.

Cadian 9th
2010-08-11, 01:34 AM

She simply nods, firmly resolved to fight this evil. With a smile, she strokes Jakiro, then asks on his behalf: " Do the gods of light know about this? "

2010-08-14, 06:22 AM
"Hm... This... Is intriguing. This will add to my reputation, and maybe even echo to my homeland..." Drake mutters, after the exposition finished.

"I'll help- these new feet aren't much of a problem, but they're annoying. If I can get rid of them... Or maybe control the next wave of corruption I come in contact..."

2010-08-17, 11:53 AM
Rohtken shakes his head.

"Not stolen; the keys were hidden in the world by the Gods until a time when they would be needed. From what I have been told, all of the keys are still safely hidden away: beneath an ancient ruin among the northern glaciers; within the fogged and murky depths of the southern swamps; deep in the heart of a jungle far away, possibly on the other continent. The fourth has not yet been revealed to me, and I was on my way to the swamps when I stopped at Angol Brim'tar."

He takes a deep breath and nods to Li'Karia. "They do indeed, as do the Gods of chaos, justice, cruelty..." His voice fades away, and he begins to stare blankly at the roof of the cave. After a moment of silently staring, his gaze returns to the party.

"If you are all willing to take up this task, might I recommend that you visit the swamps first - they are the closest to our location, and compared to the jungles and glaciers, possibly the least threatening."

"Though you may ignore my advice, for I have not been to the swamps myself."

2010-08-17, 11:55 AM
How do you know than that they are the least threatening of all the locations. Besides a little danger never hurted no one. I have lived a part of my live between Minotaurs with my father believe me, is you can survive there a swamp is a blessing from the heavens.

2010-08-17, 12:05 PM
"Actually, I think that visiting a desert such as the one mentioned that has a ruin in it would be... interesting." Drake says, looking at the expositor.

"Seeing as I am a fire using mage, I feel that we could deal significant damage to anything that happens to live in that northern ruin." He continues, a small, harmless lick of flame appearing on his index finger and vanishing as suddenly as it appeared.

"So I vote that we strike north, to the glaciers, which are doubtlessly filled with all manner of burnable monsters."

2010-08-17, 12:19 PM
ooc: if the plot guy is saying "go here first it's that safest" that's the dm telling you which place's quest set for our level.

"The monsters will still be there if we go to the swamp first. It's closer, and a trip to the more extreme climates might be a bad idea right now." Says the warforged, who appears to be doing some minor magic while saying this.
(now's as good a time as any to renew my buffs)

2010-08-17, 12:26 PM
OoC:Noted. Though I still think that heading to the place that's bound to have things weak to fire is best...

"Hm... A good point. But after the swamps, we strike North. No question about it."

2010-08-17, 12:30 PM

Still I think everyone should get a vote since we are a party. Not everyone would like being in a frozen tundralike wasteland.

If we start being a group we all get a vote to where we go. I say we help this man and try to make his quest a succes. I vote for going to the swamp first and after that check the next point of action. Not before that. Tork says stretching his quite imposant body out. You see good how big he actually is when he does not bow his head slightly.

2010-08-17, 12:35 PM
"I agree with Tork. I vote Swamp first." says Artemis, who is beginning to hover in the air.

Cadian 9th
2010-08-17, 08:11 PM

" Wherever the aberrations of evil lurk we must purge them. I vote we start by cleansing the swamps and progress till we have eliminated every stain of corruption upon this beautiful world. " She shouts, with fire and conviction.

I realise she is being rather unrealistic.

2010-08-24, 02:06 PM
"So the swamps it is, then?" Rohtken nods and takes a satchel from inside his robe, reaches into the satchel and tosses something powderlike into the fire. The flames turn bluish green for a moment, then the air above it begins to swirl with magic.

The magic forms a flat, translucent plane, that is quickly decorated with little bumps, ridges and lighter-colored lines. It appears to be a map of the area.

"We're very close to this road here," He says, pointing at a faint line going up and down - north and south as it would be. He also points to one going westward into a mountainous region.

"Here is Angol Brim'thar, at the western end of the road. The road south from here leads toward Darralon and Berwynshire, a city and town largely controlled by humans. Berwynshire is only a short distance away from the swamps," He locates Darralon on the map, and indicates that Berwynshire is far enough away that it isn't showing up.

"At most, Darralon is ten miles; from there, Berwynshire is further away. I believe it's about twice the distance to it."

Further description of the map:

The map indicates that the cave you are in is just inside a forest, though it is very close to a road. The road bisects the forest, labelled on each side as Sylvalore Forest. The area north of the forest is plains-like in the east and mountainous in the west. South of the forest is largely open plain, decorated by what appear to be large stone structures of sorts. Further south there are more mountains, and Darralon is nestled near them, along a river that pours into a large lake. It appears that the mountains in the north and south are connected, though you are unsure how much further they go north, south or westward.

From Darralon extend many roads, some short that lead to small villages, and a few long ones - one specifically is brighter than the others, and you get the feeling that this brighter one leads to Berwynshire.

((Note: a real map would be here, if my scanner hadn't broken down yesterday))

Cadian 9th
2010-08-29, 01:35 AM

The elf maiden nods appreciatively. " So should we approach these cities after we have cleansed the swamps of taint? What creatures lurk in the mire of the swamps? " She says, with fiery passion. Jakiro mewls a little and shifts his chainmail barding.

Np, sorry it took me so long to post.

2010-08-29, 03:39 AM

What does it matter what for creatures are there in the swamp. If they let us be we won't harm them, if they attack us they will be shown the errors of their ways. I do not mind taking the point. The only thing we should be wary of is Nath and his followers since those are the real danger here. As you can see what they did to us. And actually we still need to go to Angol Brim'thar to tell them what has happened with their warriors. And maybe claim the reward they have promised us. Warning them would be the only thing we could do now. Tork says after some silent reasoning.

2010-08-31, 05:14 PM
"It may be best to approach the two before the swamps; perhaps someone there will know more. Regarding its creatures, I couldn't guess; mundane creatures native to a swamp, perhaps."

Rohtken taps his chin for a moment and ponders Tork's ideas.

"Returning to Angol Brim'thar, hm...It might be dangerous. I don't know anything about what's happened since we escaped. But you are right, they should be warned."

He reaches into a pouch on his belt, retrieves another pinch of powder and tosses it into the flame, causing the map to slowly disappear.

2010-09-01, 02:14 AM

Well guys it seems we have two objectives. First let's check the city of Angol Brim'thar. If it seems too dangerous to enter because of Nath's presence and that creep of a high priest we will not even enter the city. After that we will travel to our main objective. The thing is if the city of Angol is still standing and completely allright we might get a reward for warning them. And with luck they will leave the city though that's a bit too much since they are dwarfs. Tork says while starting to act as a leader. Slowly he turns around.

This means we all need to trust each other and get to know eveyones strength. My strength is the force of the sword. There are not many persons on this world except for giants maybe that have more strength than me. With my sword I am a force to be reckoned with. I have been called more than once a Swordmaster, a high title anywhere in this world. What is your strength elf, or yours construct?

2010-09-01, 12:57 PM
"My magic, while not as diverse or as powerful as the mages, never runs out. And I never have to eat, or sleep, or worry about poison." Responds Artemis, in a monotone voice.

Cadian 9th
2010-09-08, 11:06 PM

Well guys it seems we have two objectives. First let's check the city of Angol Brim'thar. If it seems too dangerous to enter because of Nath's presence and that creep of a high priest we will not even enter the city. After that we will travel to our main objective. The thing is if the city of Angol is still standing and completely allright we might get a reward for warning them. And with luck they will leave the city though that's a bit too much since they are dwarfs. Tork says while starting to act as a leader. Slowly he turns around.

This means we all need to trust each other and get to know eveyones strength. My strength is the force of the sword. There are not many persons on this world except for giants maybe that have more strength than me. With my sword I am a force to be reckoned with. I have been called more than once a Swordmaster, a high title anywhere in this world. What is your strength elf, or yours construct?


" Wise words, Tork, my friend. Though I do not think that we will get a reward, and I certainly think we should not have that a reason to warn them. It is our duty as beings of good to assist those in need. " Li'karia says. Jakiro growls in approval.

" As for my strengths, I am a profficient Negotiator, I have the sight of my bow, the power of Jakiro - " Jakiro roars. " - and the power of Correlon Lartham, Pure and Divine. " She finishes.

" But Artemis, Surely you need something to do? I know your kind are able to function minimally, but I also know you are thinkers. You are living creatures in every way and you need companionship. " She says. After a short pause, she speaks again.

" Do you view me as an Ally or as a Comrade? " She asks.

2010-09-08, 11:47 PM
"Ally. While I need something to do, I don't rely on the presence of others. I have other ways to busy myself." As Artemis says this, he slides a portion of his heel out of alignment and pulls out a scroll.
"There are sufficient modifications to be made to keep me busy for a long time." continues Artemis, replacing the scroll.

2010-09-11, 12:08 PM
Rohtken slowly nods to the party and stretches his back for a moment.

"There are many things I still need to do before we can end Nath's threat for good. Prayer, study, rest..." His voice trails off as his eyes slump shut. "Explaining our situation has taken most of my energy. I assume there are no problems with me staying behind?"

2010-09-11, 12:12 PM

Rest and be in peace old man. Tork says respectfully.
You have done what you could do by saving us. Let us now carry a part of the burden that you were carrying before. I do ask if this place could become our headquarters. I do need to find me a bigger bed, and repair the one I have broken. My apologies for that if money is needed to pay for the damage done I will off course give it. Tork is blushing slightly while he says that. Happy that he is not allready killed for breaking the bed. As that would be the way of his savage family (though they do not really sleep often in beds).

We must decide what we are going to do though guys. First the swamp or first Angol?

2010-09-11, 12:50 PM
"I'm quite fast, can fly, and don't need rest. I could warn Angol Brim'thar and then meet you at the swamps."

Due to not needing rest, I can cover 96 miles per day, and travel in a straight line due to flight. The party is limited to 32 miles per day, and is at the mercy of natural barriers. How far is Angol Brim'thar from us now, how far is the swamp from us now, and how far is the swamp from Angol Brim'thar?

2010-09-11, 01:30 PM

I like the solution, but I would not send one off alone. Sorry that I take charge now, if anyone t=finds himself more suited for this go ahead. And no Tiger that does not go for you. We do not understand Tigrish. Tork smiles softly while looking at the rest.

2010-09-11, 02:47 PM
"I can travel invisibly, so I should be safe. We could also meet at Darralon to minimize the time we split the group."
Says, Artemis, Completing ignoring the leadership question.

2010-09-11, 03:45 PM
"No problems with the plan here." Drake says, looking at Artemis and calculating just how powerful the artifical being is from that statement.

Cadian 9th
2010-09-11, 09:30 PM

I like the solution, but I would not send one off alone. Sorry that I take charge now, if anyone t=finds himself more suited for this go ahead. And no Tiger that does not go for you. We do not understand Tigrish. Tork smiles softly while looking at the rest.


Jakiro makes a muffled growl at that, but Li'karia seems impassive. Looking at Artemis, she speaks: " I can't fly but can travel very fast for a long time. I can sleep in the saddle, but we should only require 4 hours or so of rest. Perhaps at the cost of going a bit slower you have an ally to aid you. "

" Drake, you have the arcane gift, correct? Perhaps a spell of flying is in need here, if you know of such a spell.

2010-09-12, 12:47 PM
"Unfortunately, I lack that sort of ability." Drake says, shaking his head. "If we were over a desert, I would say differently, but here? No."