View Full Version : Fallout 3 Query : After Goliath, there was...

Lord Loss
2010-05-23, 10:29 AM
I am a Level Four character and my Perks are:

Gun Nut
Lady Killer
Child at Heart

I have Small Guns, Repair and Speech in the 50s and a House in Megaton, as well as 1170 Caps. I have enough ammo for a while, but not an eccesive amount.

My most recent Objective is to go to Rivet city. Any sidequests I should do to advance before doing this (and Tranquility lane, and project Purity) I tired Those! at level three but I got OMGWTFBBQ'd. I'm thinking of either going to the RobCo Facility or to Lucy West's quest (With her family)

Deth Muncher
2010-05-23, 10:37 AM
I am a Level Four character and my Perks are:

Gun Nut
Lady Killer
Child at Heart

I have Small Guns, Repair and Speech in the 50s and a House in Megaton, as well as 1170 Caps. I have enough ammo for a while, but not an eccesive amount.

My most recent Objective is to go to Rivet city. Any sidequests I should do to advance before doing this (and Tranquility lane, and project Purity) I tired Those! at level three but I got OMGWTFBBQ'd. I'm thinking of either going to the RobCo Facility or to Lucy West's quest (With her family)

I'd say go investigate the Wests. It'll help ya level up and such. Be sure you have a decent ranking in Heal.

2010-05-23, 10:38 AM
I'd recommend doing Moira Brown's quests (she'll send you to Rivet City eventually). You might also want to have the android quest active when you get there (I believe Moira and the Megaton doctor have tapes lying around that give you the quest).

2010-05-23, 10:51 AM
When you do android mission, do the following: I will put it in spoilers, but leave out as much as possible.

Tell H. the truth about what he is, tell him you will handle it, he will give you a good gun, then talk to Z. tell him who H. is and then as he gives you something and starts to run off, Kill him and his subordinate before he reaches H. You have permission from H. to kill him, no one will attack you for this.

Cristo Meyers
2010-05-23, 12:16 PM
Definitely either Moira or the Wests. Moira will have you going to Rivet City eventually anyway and the Wests are a fairly easy starter quest.

Personally, I just go to Rivet City pretty early anyway for the Intelligence bobblehead.

Lord Loss
2010-05-23, 12:35 PM
I've done all moira's quests except the Rivet city and Robco one, and I now plan to do Lucy's quest (what's the region called? Aphetto?) or the RobCo facility quest before heading to Rivet City and collecting the Bobblehead. Perhaps I could deal with the Ant-Agonizer as well... hmm...

2010-05-24, 05:37 AM
Time to go hunting. Head west level 4 character. Practice thy headshotting and clean up the Slaughterhouse and the outdoors around Evergreen Mills.

Or go north and look for Deathclaws to play with. :smallamused:

Avilan the Grey
2010-05-24, 05:42 AM
For a level 4 character with small guns I would suggest either take the long hike down to Tenpenny Tower and do that quest, or go to Rivet City by water (meaning follow the waterfront on the same side as Megaton until you reach the Citadel, then swim across the water). This should limit the amount of enemies to a manageable level.
You could also just stalk the subways for a while; as long as you move slowly you should be able to handle the enemies and level up a bit without too much trouble.