View Full Version : Why are animated avatars banned?

Lord of Syntax
2010-05-23, 04:29 PM
What the topic says.

2010-05-23, 04:34 PM
I believe the main reason is that they're distracting, and although some aren't, you can't really say "no animated avatars unless they're really not distracting" because different people will say different things. Plus it makes it harder to moderate if you have a normal OotS style avatar in a 100 frame animation where the last frame is actually a close up of a nude person.

2010-05-23, 04:35 PM
Distracting to those reading threads, takes longer to load most of the time, is a greater file size than a non-animated picture a lot of the time, and also if everybody had animated avatars and animated signatures all on the same page it'd be an eyesore.

2010-05-23, 04:39 PM
And according to The Roland, it makes moderating a lot harder.
I assume it's because if the avatar changes, you are never sure at first glance if the guy you're reading is the same guy you're going to warn/ban, etc.

The Rose Dragon
2010-05-23, 04:39 PM
I would assume it's a bandwidth issue. As well as the moderation part. Certain signatures that change upon refresh can hold content that is against the forum rules (such as language that would not pass the swear filter). That can also apply to avatars.

Also, Cassie, is the sheep in your avatar female? Cause I just realized the connection and feel stupid for taking so long.

2010-05-23, 04:43 PM
Unfortunately, no. Avatar and signature images that change on every refresh are not allowed. There are many reasons for this, including that of moderation. It is extremely difficult to moderate an image that changes every time, as evidenced by a recent example.

If we believe that the person may not have been aware of that they are not allowed, we will only issue a warning with a clear explanation that it is not allowed.

This is what Rawhide had to say when a similar topic was brought up last year. I imagine it is the same reason why animated ones are not allowed.

2010-05-23, 06:27 PM
I imagine it is the same reason why animated ones are not allowed.

As brought up earlier, animated avatars are highly distracting when you're trying to read the text. I'm sure I'm not the only person who would block all avatars if any of them had even two frames of animation.

2010-05-23, 06:59 PM
As brought up earlier, animated avatars are highly distracting when you're trying to read the text. I'm sure I'm not the only person who would block all avatars if any of them had even two frames of animation.

I'd block them *especially* if they had 2 frames of animation. Because then the movement wouldn't even be fluid and natural, but all blocky. Far more distracting, I think.

2010-05-23, 07:03 PM
Distracting. Annoying. Those are the main reasons. As well as annoying and distracting. File size can also become an issue to the end users.

Unfortunately, there were a few good animated avatars that we were very sad to see disappear. Vorpal Tribble and Trog come to mind, but ultimately we had to do a ban (http://www.crochetedbyfrida.com/images/CarSeatBlanket.jpg).

Lord of Syntax
2010-05-23, 07:05 PM
Huh? :smallconfused:

2010-05-23, 07:12 PM
Huh? :smallconfused:

Blanket ban?

The Vorpal Tribble
2010-05-23, 08:08 PM
Distracting. Annoying. Those are the main reasons. As well as annoying and distracting. File size can also become an issue to the end users.

Unfortunately, there were a few good animated avatars that we were very sad to see disappear. Vorpal Tribble and Trog come to mind, but ultimately we had to do a ban (http://www.crochetedbyfrida.com/images/CarSeatBlanket.jpg).
The subtlety here amuses me :smallamused:

But yes, I remember the good old days when my fur could roam free...

2010-05-23, 08:25 PM
The subtlety here amuses me :smallamused:

Indeed, it's a very nice way to show it.

2010-05-23, 08:53 PM
But yes, I remember the good old days when my fur could roam free...

*Makes blowing noises*

On a somewhat related note; Crimmy, how do you make your avvie shapeshift?

Mando Knight
2010-05-23, 09:13 PM
Also, Cassie, is the sheep in your avatar female? Cause I just realized the connection and feel stupid for taking so long.

What are ewe implying?

2010-05-23, 10:50 PM
I understand a blanket ban occurred, and it is a one in 999,999 chance that that will ever change. (Not one in a million because that's a sure thing.) could it be possible to make an request an animated avatar thread, in which users post and avatars are approved and disproved based on distractability and appropriateness?

Mystic Muse
2010-05-23, 11:56 PM
I understand a blanket ban occurred, and it is a one in 999,999 chance that that will ever change. (Not one in a million because that's a sure thing.) could it be possible to make an request an animated avatar thread, in which users post and avatars are approved and disproved based on distractability and appropriateness?

I think this would require far too much effort from the mods.

2010-05-24, 01:11 AM
Hmm... I have a "refreshing avatar". According to what I've read, I am not supposed to have one for moderation reasons. I don't quite see the problem besides that, because if you're refreshing enough times around my posts... well, that's just unhealthy.

As for moderation: Would such an avatar be allowed if we provided a link (http://rav.shishnet.org/MrMolly.html) to the list of avatars in our signatures? If not, then I'll change to a basic one asap.

Note: I already knew about animated avatars, but the rule on "change at refresh" avatars is completely new to me.

2010-05-24, 01:29 AM
I miss my "Asian-girl-gazing-at-a-flower-and-then-popping-it-into-her-mouth-and-
afterwards-with-the-stem-poking-out-turning-to-camera-and-smiling" avatar. It got a lot of reactions, lemme tell you. Admittedly all of them were "Holy bajeebus that is the most frightening thing I've ever seen" but I miss it.

2010-05-24, 01:30 AM
Other than being impolite to those with slow connections, change on refresh images have a number of problems including causing moderation headaches. Such images are not permitted, please change your avatar immediately.

2010-05-24, 02:04 AM
I would assume it's a bandwidth issue. As well as the moderation part. Certain signatures that change upon refresh can hold content that is against the forum rules (such as language that would not pass the swear filter). That can also apply to avatars.

Also, Cassie, is the sheep in your avatar female? Cause I just realized the connection and feel stupid for taking so long.

Not the main connection, was more due to the fact I keep bandwagonning in Werewolf. :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-24, 02:07 AM
Boring avatar activated. :smalltongue:

2010-05-24, 09:40 AM
As for moderation: Would such an avatar be allowed if we provided a link (http://rav.shishnet.org/MrMolly.html) to the list of avatars in our signatures?

Think about this: How does a moderator know that's really the complete list? It runs into the same situation as before. They have no way of knowing if there's an unacceptable avatar that's just not on that list but in the rotation.

Mando Knight
2010-05-24, 11:25 AM
I miss my "Asian-girl-gazing-at-a-flower-and-then-popping-it-into-her-mouth-and-
afterwards-with-the-stem-poking-out-turning-to-camera-and-smiling" avatar. It got a lot of reactions, lemme tell you. Admittedly all of them were "Holy bajeebus that is the most frightening thing I've ever seen" but I miss it.

OK, but you can only have a few. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=864AABPZyIQ)

Zeta Kai
2010-05-24, 12:31 PM
I miss my "Asian-girl-gazing-at-a-flower-and-then-popping-it-into-her-mouth-and-
afterwards-with-the-stem-poking-out-turning-to-camera-and-smiling" avatar. It got a lot of reactions, lemme tell you.

I loved that avatar. Where can I see that again?

2010-05-24, 07:13 PM
Think about this: How does a moderator know that's really the complete list? It runs into the same situation as before. They have no way of knowing if there's an unacceptable avatar that's just not on that list but in the rotation.

If it's not in that list, then it's not in rotation.



To see a full list of images in the avatar, all one would have to do is replace "png" with "html". There's no option to hide avatars in the list, and indecent pictures are disallowed.

I've already gone to a non-rotating avatar, but I'm just saying this particular argument isn't one to work against me and the host site that I used. That's not to say that someone couldn't use a different host that allows hidden lists, or have a secondary username very similar to the one they use to throw people off.

2010-05-24, 08:54 PM
Other than being impolite to those with slow connections, change on refresh images have a number of problems including causing moderation headaches. Such images are not permitted, please change your avatar immediately.

This rule doesn't seem to be in the Forum Rules. Am I missing something?

2010-05-24, 09:28 PM
This rule doesn't seem to be in the Forum Rules. Am I missing something?

The word of a moderator/administrator is worth more than the rules themselves, as long as that word isn't morally wrong or something.

Semi-relevant, but not exactly answering the question...I'm betting everyone has seen this already...but anyway:

Avatars and signature images must be static (ie. not animated). Animated avatars or signature images will be subject to immediate removal.

Animated images are still allowed as post content (preferably in a spoiler) but not in your signature or as an avatar as they detract from the rest of the forums when they are attached to every post.

The Rose Dragon
2010-05-25, 12:03 AM
That's not to say that someone couldn't use a different host that allows hidden lists, or have a secondary username very similar to the one they use to throw people off.

This is probably why. It is easier to make a blanket rule that is not terribly inconveniencing than to try and think of every exception that could theoretically allowed.

2010-05-25, 09:42 AM
This is probably why. It is easier to make a blanket rule that is not terribly inconveniencing than to try and think of every exception that could theoretically allowed.

Bingo. The fact that I didn't know what that page was, and it's not said anywhere on the page, pretty much proves my original point that the mods have no way of knowing without going there and reading the terms of service.

There's more than one way to make a rotating avatar. It's far easier to just say "no" than to worry about finding out if it's one of the MANY ways of doing it that aren't transparent.

2010-06-03, 10:07 PM
Distracting. Annoying. Those are the main reasons. As well as annoying and distracting. File size can also become an issue to the end users.

Unfortunately, there were a few good animated avatars that we were very sad to see disappear. Vorpal Tribble and Trog come to mind, but ultimately we had to do a ban (http://www.crochetedbyfrida.com/images/CarSeatBlanket.jpg).

*mixes up Rawhide a Sarsaparilla Slammer or three* :smallbiggrin:


2010-06-03, 10:50 PM
Seems like I missed out on all the action. Could we make a thread that let's people post their animated pictures and avatars there?

2010-06-04, 12:14 AM
Seems like I missed out on all the action. Could we make a thread that let's people post their animated pictures and avatars there?

Not here. But I don't see a problem of doing it in Arts and Crafts (as long as you make it clear that you can't actually use animated avatars on the forums).

Occasional Sage
2010-06-04, 12:22 AM
*mixes up Rawhide a Sarsaparilla Slammer or three* :smallbiggrin:


Would you mind sharing the recipe for these, either here or via PM? I Googled, and your post is the only relevant hit.

2010-06-05, 02:51 PM
Would you mind sharing the recipe for these, either here or via PM? I Googled, and your post is the only relevant hit.
Heh. :smallamused:

I made it up just for the above post. Rawhide and Sarsaparilla seemed to go hand-in-hand somehow since it sounds like a cowboy-like drink (I blame Sam Elliott in his role as The Stranger on The Big Lebowski). But let's just make something up here and see if it works. :smallsmile:

Trog's Sarsaparilla Slammer Recipe:

Fill a tumbler glass full of ice cubes
Add a shot of Vanilla Schnapps
Optional: Add a shot of Jägermeister
Add a shot of Grenadine or Cherry Juice
Add Sarsaparilla to fill

( shaking not actually recommended :smalltongue: )