View Full Version : I Like the Night Life: Let's Play [Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines]

2010-05-23, 04:43 PM
EDIT: I've decided to disallow Nosferatu and Malkavian.

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is an action RPG from 2004, set in White Wolf's World of Darkness/Vampire: The Masquerade universe. It's canon for the universe (despite the fact that Gangrel are included in the Camarilla), and uses a stream lined version of White Wolf's game system. It was developed by Troika Games and was the first non-Valve game developed using Valve's Source engine. In fact, it came out the same day as Half-Life 2. The game is unfortunately bug ridden, and didn't get the treatment it deserved. In fact, Troika went under soon after. Despite its problems however, it's still a fantastic game that's deserves playing and appreciation. I'm using a fan made patch to fix some bugs, and would like to do a let's play for you! It will be on the screen cap variety, given that a lot of the game is chatting and role playing.

Anyway, before you play the game, you obviously have to make a character. I'll probably play a female character, but I'll leave clan choices (mostly) up to you. First, some explanation of stat arrays: all characters attributes and abilities, and different clans are strong in different categories.

The attributes are: Physical (Strength, Dexterity, Stamina), Social (Charisma, Manipulation, Appeareance), and Mental (Perception, Intelligence, Wits).
The abilities are: Talents (Brawl, Dodge, Intimidation, Subterfuge), Skills (Firearms, Melee, Security, Stealth), and Knowledges (Computer, Finance, Investigation, Scholarship).

A few things you should know: Perception improves ranged combat, not Dexterity; Manipulation only improves Haggle (lets you buy for less and sell for more); Subterfuge only affects Seduction; Intelligence influences Intimidation, not Charisma or Strength; Security improves lock picking; Computer improves hacking; and Scholarship lets you read books that improve your abilities.

And without further ado, the playable clans are...

Brujah are hot-blooded idealists and dissidents. Their numbers include rebels with and without causes. Many of them strive towards an anarchic vampire utopia and are genuinely passionate about their causes.
Bonus: +1 to their Unarmed feat (fist fighting).
Weakness: -2 to frenzy checks (when you frenzy, you gain stat bonuses but lose control of your character as s/he goes crazy).
Disciplines: Brujah have access to Celerity (allows you to move supernaturally fast in a bullet-time-esque fashion), Potence (adds extra strength to melee and unarmed attacks, the extra damage of which cannot be defended against) and Presence (enemies around you take penalties to certain stats and have a chance of being mesmerized).
Attributes Distribution: Physical, Mental, Social.
Abilities Distribution: Talents, Skills, Knowledges.

Gangrel are the most in touch with The Beast within every vampire. This connection to their animalistic nature allows them to shapeshift into beastly forms, and use the power of nature for super natural feats. They tend to be loners and individualists who spurn vampire politics, and prefer the outskirts of society.
Bonus: +5 to Strength, Stamina and Wits when frenzying.
Weakness: -1 on all frenzy (see Brujah) checks.
Disciplines: Gangrel have access to Animalism (grants supernatural abilities like Nightwisp Ravens, which summons ethereal ravens to distract an enemy, and Bats' Communion, which causes ghostly bats to suck enemies' blood and bring it back to you), Fortitude (allows you to shrug off more damage), and Protean (lets you shapeshift, gaining heat vision, stat bonuses and eventually claws which deal aggravated damage, making them good unarmed fighters).
Attributes Distribution: Physical, Mental, Social.
Abilities Distribution: Skills, Talents, Knowledges.

Malkavians are incurably insane, with each Malkavian displaying some sort of lunacy or mental condition. They have flashes of "insight" which gives them great knowledge, but their insanity makes their world alien and difficult to comprehend for others. Their madness can be a blessing and/or curse depending on how it manifests and how they handle it.
Bonus: +2 to Inspection feat (puts motes of light over hard to notice things).
Weakness: Their insanity leaves them with a unique set of often odd dialogue options which range from funny to insightful.
Disciplines: Malkavians have access to Auspex (gives bonuses to Wits and, as you increase it, Perception, and allows you to see the auras of all living and undead creatures in a certain radius), Dementation (pours the madness from the Malkavian's mind into the minds of others, grants abilities like Hysteria, which causes someone to become paralyzed with laughter, to Vision of Death, which causes an opponent to die instantly, to Bedlem, which causes a group to succumb to a random Dementation) and Obfuscate (allows you to become invisible, eventually allowing you to move will invisible, perform stealth kills will invisible, and deal extra damage when attacking in melee out of invisibility).
Attributes Distribution: Mental, Social, Physical.
Abilities Distribution: Knowledge, Skills, Talents.

Nosferatu are hideously warped by vampirism, and are forced to stick to the shadows. They often live in sewers, and have become adept at collecting information and sneaking, becoming the eyes and ears of the Camarilla (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camarilla_%28World_of_Darkness%29#Camarilla).
Bonus: Gain extra blood when feeding from rats.
Weakness: Permanently have an Appearence score of 0; they are so hideous that being seen on the street is a Masquerade violation, so they have to travel via sewer system.
Disciplines: Animalism (see Gangrel), Obfuscate (see Malkavian), Potence (see Brujah).
Attributes Distribution: Mental, Physical, Social.
Abilities Distribution: Skills, Knowledges, Talents.
Note: Nosferatu would not give the best idea of the game for someone who hasn't played it so I may veto a vote to play Nosferatu. If you vote Nosferatu, give me a second choice as well.

Toreador are the artistes and visionaries of the vampire world. They're the most in touch with the human world, and see themselves as connoisseurs who savour the delicacies of every age. They're incredibly emotional and empathic, and have a weak spot for beauty. The high society mentality of the Camarilla tends to be a comfortable fit for them.
Bonus: They start with a +1 to Appereance.
Weakness: Their empathic nature makes all gains or loses of humanity doubled.
Disciplines: Auspex (see Malkavian), Celerity (see Brujah), Presence (see Brujah).
Attributes Distribution: Social, Mental, Physical.
Abilities Distribution: Talents, Knowledges, Skills.

Tremere practice Thaumaturgy and are kind of like vampire mages. I finished the game was one recently, however, and would like to play a different clan, so voting for Tremere is off limits.

The vampire nobility. They lead the Camarilla and whole heartedly support the masquerade and have a hand in influencing the worlds of both the living and the dead. Even fledgling Ventrue can expect special treatment in vampire society.
Bonus: +1 to Charisma.
Weakness: They can't feed on rats and feeding on prostitutes and homeless people can make them vomit (woo, classism!).
Disciplines: Ventrue have access to Dominate (gives them access to things like Trance, which makes an opponent fall into a trance and remain motionless and unaware, or Possession, which causes an opponent to fight for you and then have a heart attack and die), Fortitude (see Gangrel) and Presence (see Brujah).
Attributes Distribution: Social, Mental, Physical.
Abilities Distribution: Knowledes, Talents, Skills.

Give me your vote, and suggestions as to what kind of character I should play. As far as what gameplay lets you do, so you have an idea of what kind of character I can make:

You can persuade, intimidate, seduce and supernaturally dominate (Malkavian, Tremere and Ventrue only) people in conversation. You can fight using disciplines, firearms (first person) or unarmed/melee weapons (third person). You can hack, lock pick and sneak to get what you want or get where you need to go. This opens up a lot of possibilities!

So... shoot!

The Rose Dragon
2010-05-23, 04:46 PM
If you don't play a Malkavian, I will destroy you. Bit by bit. Starting with your family, moving onto your physical possessions, your faith, your mental health and your genitals.

I will leave your ears intact, though.

To the pain!

2010-05-23, 04:48 PM
Malkavian female! Have her with no foresight, and as such look for immediate gratification at all times.

2010-05-23, 04:49 PM
I must agree, Malkavian all the way.

2010-05-23, 04:50 PM
Been a While since i played this game. I'm never really into stat rpg games but i really enjoyed i did play of it. unfortuneatly never finished it as i have a rather underpowered Pc which struggles beyond reason to run it.

While i would love to see a Malkavians playthrough i think it would be a little hard for someone who hasn't seen this game before to follow so i would choose Male Gangrel Melee monster unarmed at least till you get claws anyway.

2010-05-23, 04:50 PM
Malkavian. You know you want to.

Let's go with female. Play her as seductive and charismatic, but have her fly into a murderous rage when things don't go her way. :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-23, 04:55 PM
Lots of votes for a Malk. I just hope people will be able to follow along. That is the one problem with Malkavians in the game. I've played through it so I know what most of the text means/leads to. But if I keep getting Malk votes, that'll do. :smallbiggrin: I sorta want to anyway.

Pie Guy
2010-05-23, 04:59 PM
Female Ventrue. Let's actually play a game that makes coherent sense.

The Rose Dragon
2010-05-23, 05:00 PM
I haven't played Bloodlines, and that's the only reason I want a Malkavian: to dive into the madness without the obligatory initiation period.

Yes, I am a masochist. I am also a sadist, so I'd like to share the pain with other uninitiated people.

2010-05-23, 05:00 PM
Yeah, Malkavian, hands down. Use a sledgehammer! :smallbiggrin:

(And work on the general assumption that people don't know the game, as unlikely as this may seem.)

Jeanette needs to be captured on video, no matter what you say. >_>

2010-05-23, 05:02 PM
I was going to go through all the dialogue options that have the person explain stuff to me, so that people unfamiliar with vampire would get the full experience.

2010-05-23, 05:04 PM
Malkavian is the only way.

2010-05-23, 05:05 PM
I second female ventrue.

2010-05-23, 05:08 PM
Sigh, Malkavian is nice, but I want to suggest something else.

Play as a Brujah Private Investigator, with leather cloak, film noir styled naration, and a six shooter/fist combination.

Or just play as any kind with a leather cloak, and do the film noir private investigator style.

Yes, even as a malkavian or nosferatu.

A noir vampire detective? yes.

2010-05-23, 05:10 PM

2010-05-23, 05:10 PM
I have no control over my clothing. Tremere can end up in some pretty bitching leather coats, but apparently everything female Malkavians puts on turns into a stripper outfit. Regardless, a noir Malkavian sounds fun.

2010-05-23, 05:11 PM
Haven't played this game but judging by the Tvtropes article, Malk is supposed to be hilarious. Go with one of them things.

2010-05-23, 05:25 PM
I'm going to second the Gangrel melee monster idea. Screw vampire politics! Stuck-up Ventrues and their toadies don't know what being a vampire is all about!

2010-05-23, 05:33 PM
Adding another vote to Malkavian. I played it the normal way, but I wanted to try a Malk anyway. This thing here might actually give me the fun parts without having to go through the boring fights.

2010-05-23, 05:37 PM
I liked the combat, haha. Melee combat is quite fun with the katana, IMO. I ended up using blood shield and then attacking people in melee with my Tremere.

2010-05-23, 05:40 PM
The combat system wasn't bad. But I played a social focused Toreador, so until I had more XP than I needed for that and maxed out Celerity and close combat, fighting was tedious. Even then, some sections just went on too long, with endlessly repeating the same enemies.

2010-05-23, 05:46 PM
I'll vote for Nosferatu since it sounds like it would be a unique playthrough.
My secondary vote goes to the female Ventrue.

2010-05-23, 05:47 PM
Votes thus far:

Malkavian (9)
Female Ventrue (2 or 3)
Brujah (or other) detective (1)
Gangrel melee fighter (2)
Nosferatu (1)

2010-05-23, 05:50 PM
Malkavian definitely.

2010-05-23, 06:00 PM
I'm looking forward to reading this, I tried to get into this game (the pc game, not the rpg) some time ago but couldn't focus on it for some reason, having somebody do it for me is always nice!

2010-05-23, 06:14 PM
Voting is still open but it seems like Malk'll be it. I'd like to do Fri's vampire detective idea. Anyway, I'd like to take suggestions for derangements. Malkavian derangements can vary widely; they could be delusions, homicidal impulses, catatonia, obsessive compulsive, whatever. Really, any kind of madness or mental issue. Just something playable guys. :P

2010-05-23, 06:26 PM
Delusions that he/she is in a video game. Oh please yes.

2010-05-23, 06:26 PM
The 4th wall is actually broken a few times.

2010-05-23, 06:27 PM
Voting is still open but it seems like Malk'll be it. I'd like to do Fri's vampire detective idea. Anyway, I'd like to take suggestions for derangements. Malkavian derangements can vary widely; they could be delusions, homicidal impulses, catatonia, obsessive compulsive, whatever. Really, any kind of madness or mental issue. Just something playable guys. :P

Yes but I'm not sure a computer RPG with pre determined dialogues will let you that much finesse to work with

Also, being a noir style detective (I totaly vote for it by the way) just calls by definition for a certain amount of paranoia and jaded cynicism
(Of couse being vampire the mascarade everyone has that by default anyway, so why not give him or more likely her somme kind of OCD as well ?)

2010-05-23, 06:33 PM
I'd just like something to work with for the narrative of the LP posts. Also, I'm not too familiar with noir works so don't expect it to be too noiry. Maybe more like the character in a Cyberpunk novel.

I'm not sure how I'd be OCD. Inventory management is automatic.

2010-05-23, 06:40 PM
Each time you're given dialogue choices, roll a die to see what you choose.

2010-05-23, 06:45 PM
Each time you're given dialogue choices, roll a die to see what you choose.

That seems pretty awesome, actually. I could have my character's mind working so fast that she has trouble focusing on a single strain of thought, resulting both in confusing conversations and mood swings as she's frustrated about her lack of cogence. I'd just take charge in certain situations.

2010-05-24, 02:56 AM
Well, since the most fun in LPs is forcing the LPer to torture themselves, my vote would've been for a mentally retarded, very social Nosferatu.
I guess Malk is fine too. Never finished a Malk run, or a Nosferatu one either. Tremere female is the best.

2010-05-24, 05:29 AM
I'm just in the process of a malk playthrough and the funny wears off after a while. There are a few good lines and moments ("STOP"), but on the whole I don't really appreciate it. The part where malkavians shine is their insight, where they can see things other characters can't see, but the player won't appreciate these moments until he has played through them without this alternative. For example (trying to remain non-spoilery): one npc (call it 'A' has a quest because A is in trouble with some enemy. The player is tempted to help the character. Later the player meets someone else ('B') who confesses that he sent A and told A exactly what to say, so that the player will be moved to help A. A malkavian when meeting A will be able to see through the subterfuge. If you play a malk first time you won't appreciate how you were manipulated, nor appreciate the possibility of exposing the plot, it just seems like normal dialogue options, and will instead be confused if they try a new, different clan afterwards.

My vote goes to whatever clan gets the most votes that isn't malkavian and isn't nosferatu (nosies just seem very restricting in the social area of the game, which is where it shines, imo (at least the first 1/3rd of the game). Something unmalkavian. Can't be too demanding...

Whatever you play as, if you don't get a clan-specific haven (nosf, tremere), be friendly to 'L' up to the point where he gives you the apartment, then be as troublesome as you can. At that point, you've already gone through enough hoops for him.

For those who want to know what a malkavian is like, here are two screens of typical malk dialogue:

http://sottai.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/sp_tutorial_10003.jpgFrom top to bottom: 1. I'll follow the tutorial 2. Summarise game mechanics 3. Shove your tutorial where the sun don't sh... This is different for vampires, right?

Here's another one from a minor character dialogue:

Have you considered what combat you'll focus on? I usually ignore combat skills in favour of the other skills and use what is appropriate to the situation (usually knives) until Hollywood, where I start throwing everything into ranged combat.

By the way, are you playing this on the vanilla 1.2 version, or have you installed an unofficial patch? If so, which one?

2010-05-24, 11:03 AM
If you end up not taking Malkavian, I vote for Ventrue fas second pick.

(And you can still roll the dice for dialogues. after all just because Malk are alway crazies don't mean they have the monopole. You can be a non malk nad still completly insane.)

Woot Spitum
2010-05-24, 11:53 AM
Does the patch you have include backgrounds? The Malkavians have some pretty funny ones, that could be voted on.

2010-05-24, 12:40 PM
PC backgrounds mostly shift around the starting stats, or give a handicap in one area so you get a bonus in another (ex you cannot increase a stat above 2 but get a bonus xp). I think this is better left to the OP, because it really is a matter of playing style.

2010-05-24, 08:57 PM
I'm just in the process of a malk playthrough and the funny wears off after a while. There are a few good lines and moments ("STOP"), but on the whole I don't really appreciate it. The part where malkavians shine is their insight, where they can see things other characters can't see, but the player won't appreciate these moments until he has played through them without this alternative. For example (trying to remain non-spoilery): one npc (call it 'A' has a quest because A is in trouble with some enemy. The player is tempted to help the character. Later the player meets someone else ('B') who confesses that he sent A and told A exactly what to say, so that the player will be moved to help A. A malkavian when meeting A will be able to see through the subterfuge. If you play a malk first time you won't appreciate how you were manipulated, nor appreciate the possibility of exposing the plot, it just seems like normal dialogue options, and will instead be confused if they try a new, different clan afterwards.

My vote goes to whatever clan gets the most votes that isn't malkavian and isn't nosferatu (nosies just seem very restricting in the social area of the game, which is where it shines, imo (at least the first 1/3rd of the game). Something unmalkavian. Can't be too demanding...

Whatever you play as, if you don't get a clan-specific haven (nosf, tremere), be friendly to 'L' up to the point where he gives you the apartment, then be as troublesome as you can. At that point, you've already gone through enough hoops for him.

For those who want to know what a malkavian is like, here are two screens of typical malk dialogue:

http://sottai.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/sp_tutorial_10003.jpgFrom top to bottom: 1. I'll follow the tutorial 2. Summarise game mechanics 3. Shove your tutorial where the sun don't sh... This is different for vampires, right?

Here's another one from a minor character dialogue:

Have you considered what combat you'll focus on? I usually ignore combat skills in favour of the other skills and use what is appropriate to the situation (usually knives) until Hollywood, where I start throwing everything into ranged combat.

By the way, are you playing this on the vanilla 1.2 version, or have you installed an unofficial patch? If so, which one?

I'm using Wesp's 6.9 patch. It does have histories. If I use any, that'll be my decision.

What combat I focus on depends on the clan, obviously. If I was Brujah or Gangrel I'd be more melee focused than if I was Toreador or Ventrue.

I think I read that Malks also automatically realize that Jeanette and Therese are the same person, which I thought was a pretty awesome twist. I was thinking of barring Malk, actually. I just played through the tutorial a few times while figuring out how I'd do it and I'm gonna say that it'll be a vote between Gangrel, Brujah, Toreador and Ventrue. No Tremere, Noserfatu or Malk. At the moment I think Ventrue is winning. Also, I've decided to do it in video form rather than screen cap form.

2010-05-24, 10:13 PM
Aww. Fine then, Brujah, if Malk ain't an option.

2010-05-24, 10:39 PM
If I go Brujah, I'll probably use a history to buff my social skills so you guys can see the social aspect.

2010-05-24, 11:51 PM
MALK!! oh.. Gangrel then

Woot Spitum
2010-05-25, 12:40 AM
Since I've only played the game as a Ventrue, I vote for Brujah.

2010-05-25, 01:39 AM
I've played the game as a tremere and toreador, so let's go with brujah

2010-05-25, 02:48 AM
well, the upside of screenshot lp instead of video lp is, in screenshot lp, you can add more commentary and freely make the story. Video lp is good if you want to show more of the gameplay and the action though, but I think it'd be harder to have a 'storyline lp' instead of 'gameplay lp' with video lp.

2010-05-25, 04:05 AM
Tally is...

Ventrue 4
Brujah 4
Gangrel 3
Toreador 0

I decided to go with video because, while I can't have a personal narrative, it lets me fully show things like ambience, voice acting, the environment, etc. I'm OCD and was never sure whether I was getting too much or too little. I plan on editing out any useless running about but I want you guys to get a full feel of the game beyond screen shots. The voice acting is gooooood too.

Dread Cthulhu
2010-05-25, 04:12 AM
Ooh, Brujah sounds fun. You should totally do that.

2010-05-25, 04:41 AM
Gangrel is cooler. :smallfrown:

But okay, let's run with the Brujah! Then a second playthrough could go with a Malk so everyone can appreciate the twists. :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-25, 05:30 AM
Gangrel is cooler. :smallfrown:

But okay, let's run with the Brujah! Then a second playthrough could go with a Malk so everyone can appreciate the twists. :smallbiggrin:


Faulty, are you aware of the bug that allows manuals to be used twice? Will you use it?

2010-05-25, 12:02 PM
Alright, video LP for the win! (The voice acting really is awesome) :smallbiggrin:

Brujah with a sledgehammer and sneaky backbludgeoning!

2010-05-25, 12:32 PM
If we're gonna go with an angry dude going about smashing stuff in, I vote for Gangrel. Because Gangrels are pretty cool.

2010-05-25, 01:33 PM

Faulty, are you aware of the bug that allows manuals to be used twice? Will you use it?

No, no I am not aware. How does that work? I won't, by the way.

2010-05-25, 02:10 PM
I'm voting for Ventrue. No specific reason, I just feel like it's more interesting than Brujah.

2010-05-25, 02:12 PM

Faulty, are you aware of the bug that allows manuals to be used twice? Will you use it?

No, no I am not aware. How does that work? I won't, by the way.

Two books in my inventory right now, tell me and I will use it and use it hard.

2010-05-25, 02:13 PM
I just played through the tutorial a few times while figuring out how I'd do it and I'm gonna say that it'll be a vote between Gangrel, Brujah, Toreador and Ventrue.


Ah well.

Play as if you were a True Brujah!

2010-05-25, 03:17 PM
Be a Gangrel, gangrels are awesome. But don't max Protean, or you will be a bald manbearpig with webbed armpits.

2010-05-25, 03:31 PM
Huh, interesting that you eliminated the same clans the RPG.net LP did.

Anyway, I say play a Ventrue thug. I always liked the thought of one of those arrogant bastards being a dumb knucklehead.

2010-05-25, 03:31 PM
Brujah it is.

Huh, interesting that you eliminated the same clans the RPG.net LP did.

Anyway, I say play a Ventrue thug. I always liked the thought of one of those arrogant bastards being a dumb knucklehead.

Well, I played Tremere and Nosferatu and Malkavian aren't really good examples of the game for new people... so... *shrug*

Blood Purge is also op.

2010-05-25, 03:51 PM
No, no I am not aware. How does that work? I won't, by the way.

Two books in my inventory right now, tell me and I will use it and use it hard.
spoilers if you don't want to know a (medium-level) exploit.

It's pretty basic, normally a manual gives a skill level boost, for instance, the finance manual will rise your finance skill from 2 to 3 or from 3 to 4. After the 1 use, it disappears from your inventory. However, vendors will keep an endless supply of whatever they have in stock. So you can buy a manual as often as you want, making it possible to increase finance from 2 to 4 in my example. Since there are no manuals that increase skills more than 2 points it's usefulness is limited. And you still pay a very small financial price for it.

edit: I have had it happen that a vendor reset his inventory except for weapons after I exited and re-entered the map, so if you wish to use this opportunity, you have to make sure not to exit the area.

Since there are no manuals that allow you to increase a skill more than 2 levels, the exploitability is limited, but it does save quite a bit of xp points...

edit: in terms of what you'll do with this LP, would you mind if you didn't play it from the perspective of a omniscient gamer, but from the perspective of the fledgeling that you are: second-guessing people, searching for their motives and who your allies and enemies are, ... you can of course factor in your dialogue abilities, but the better lp's I've seen are those where the author discusses the game from within the game rather than from a meta perspective, and the biggest sin I've seen is focusing a lot on what he/she is going to do or focusing on the game mechanics.

not trying to criticise you before you've even begun, but I'm currently following a LP of the game "the void", and the author has the ability to make the game shine, focusing on the artistic quality of the game, and suggesting explanations of what is happening but explanations based only on what is already known, second-guessing himself, providing alternatives without the slightest clue what is the "true" solution (although with a game like the void, that's not difficult).

I'm rambling, but I hope I got my point across?

2010-05-25, 09:46 PM
OK. I'm using FRAPS for the video, but I need suggestions as to how to provide the dubbing and incorporate it into the video. I've been trying to use mumble and it's not working.

2010-05-25, 10:44 PM
FRAPS just records your voice along with it. Is it not working for you?

2010-05-25, 10:48 PM
Wasn't loud enough.

2010-05-26, 03:56 PM
OK. I'm using FRAPS for the video, but I need suggestions as to how to provide the dubbing and incorporate it into the video. I've been trying to use mumble and it's not working.

This thread (http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3022910) has a wealth of resources for let's plays. They recommend audacity for audio editing and recording (also other recommendations...)

2010-06-11, 01:34 AM
You still planning on doing this, Faulty? This thread has convinced me to play the game myself.

Celerity is, appropriately enough, hilariously overpowered. At first, I thought it was bad enough that I was stunlocking vampires much more powerful than me with my fists and taking out a room full of mooks before they can take a shot. Then I noticed it turned guns from hitscan to projectile. At high levels of Celerity, very slow projectiles. This makes it possible to sprint through levels, dodging bullets, without actually needing to fight anyone.

Also, the game has a better framerate on my machine while Celerity's up.

2010-06-11, 02:14 AM
I do plan on starting next week.

2010-06-11, 02:29 AM
On my first playthrough, I played a Toreador. Dumped all my points in social skills, until I noticed that, in the last third or so, they became essentially useless as I had to fight all the time. So I put five points in celerity and picked up the legendary super-katana...

And, well, goodbye bosses.

2010-06-11, 10:47 PM
You can get the last three dots in melee for free, so it is possible to focus on social skills and not be completely screwed by it.

2010-06-12, 12:52 AM
You can get the last three dots in melee for free, so it is possible to focus on social skills and not be completely screwed by it.

Or you could play a Malkavian. Dementation makes it possible to fist-fight a certain Chinese end-boss with Brawl 0.

2010-06-12, 01:29 AM
Zero, mind spoilering that? :\