View Full Version : Let's Play Pokemon Blue! What next, Mister Bubbles? (Lots of images)

Mr. Moon
2010-05-24, 01:32 AM
So, here's something I've been wanting to do for a fair bit of time. I'm pretty sick right now, so it might start off pretty lame and get better. Or it might start lame and stay lame.
We'll see.

So, anyway, this is going to be a cross-over type thing. As you may have guessed from the title, this LP will be following a Little Sister (yes, from Bioshock), who somehow found her way out of Rapture, along with her Big Daddy (a Squirtle), and ended up in Pallet Town.
Don't ask how. >>

Anyway, since there isn't much for you guys to do right now... Let's get started.
Huh? Ms. Tenenbaum? I don't wanna wake up...
You... aren't Ms. Tenenbaum...?
What's a... You shouldn't...
You shouldn't be here...
Where's Mister Bubbles?
What? Um. Lilly? Mister B?!
I don't have a rival... Please just go away...
Mister B!?
Mister Bubbles!? Where are you?!
Just a dream...
I wonder where Mister Bubbles is...
He's not in the ballroom...
Not in the kitchen...
The library?
Maybe he went down this trail!
Huh? Someone's shouting...
Ms. Tenenbaum! It's you! =D
Ms Tenenbaum, do you know where Daddy is?
^^ Yay!
He took me into the library.
Who's this man?
The man was really rude and loud. But Ms Tenanbaum showed me where Mr Bubbles was!
I don't know why she called him "squirtle", though...
Oh! Does this man have a daddy too? He doesn't look like any of my sisters.
Oh well. C'mon, Mr. B, let's go! ^^
What does he want?
o.o? Huh?
The man attacked me, but Mr Bubbles got really angry! He stepped in front of me and tried to make the man and his daddy dance, but the man's daddy just pushed him away! Big Daddy nearly turned into an angel!
Mr B! Please! Wake up! He's going to...
I'm so confused.

Well, then.
I'm sick and tired of screen shots, so that's it for tonight.
My first LP, and the first session ends in a loss. To Red.
How embarrassing.
Well, after the Rude Man left, Ms Tenenbaum was kind enough to help me wake Daddy up. He was really upset, but I told him that it wasn't his fault, and when he decided I was okay, he calmed down.

Mr. Bubbles and I decided that it'd be fun to go for a walk, so we said good-bye to Ms Tenenbaum and left my palace to go visit Elizabeth.

Along the way, we saw a bird! It was so pretty! ^^
I wanted to go play with it, but Mr. Bubbles shooed it away. He said it was dirty, and it might make me sick.

After a little while, me and Mister B made it to Elizabeth's palace. It's a lot bigger than mine, but I don't mind, because she lets me have all the chocolate cookies from the kitchen that I want!
In fact, I'm pretty hungry! Aren't you, Daddy?
Okay! Let's go! ^^
One of Elizabeth's cooks was happy to see us. She's always been so nice. She gave me and Mr B a fresh batch of cookies, which we ate right away. The chocolate chips were still warm and melty. =3
After we ate, we said good-bye to Elizabeth's cook and went to go find Elizabeth.

We looked in the Gatherer's Garden first, but she wasn't there. One of her friends was, though, and he called us over.
He asked us if we new Ms. Tenenbaum. We said yes. He looked really happy, he said something about the mailman being sick, and asked us if we could take a package back to Ms. Tenenbaum. I love getting packages, and I wanted to see what was in Ms. Tenenbaums, so we said yes. ^^

We were going to go say hi to Elizabeth before we left, but her butler said she was busy, and he wouldn't let us past. =/
Um... Okay. I guess we can come back later, then! Come on, Mr. B, let's go see what's in this package!

We went back down the trail to my palace, and on the way, we saw another bird and two rats! Mr. B let me watch them, but he ran them off when they got too close.
By the time we got back, Mister Bubbles looked really tired, so we went to my room for a nap, before going to see Ms Tenenbaum.
She looked really happy to get her parcel - everyone loves getting presents! - and she let me watch when she opened it! ^^
Inside was what looked like a plasmid. Ms Tenenbaum said it was a new version of Hypnotize that she'd been working with another doctor to make.
While we were talking, the Rude Man showed up again! I had to wrap both my arms around Daddy's leg to keep him from making the Rude Man dance while Ms. Tenenbaum talked to me and the Rude Man.
Ms. Tenebaum told us that she was working on a book, and she asked us to go out and ask some people about things. She said it was a lot safer for me and the Rude Man, because we have our daddies.
I love books! C'mon, Mr. B, let's do it! ^^
Aw, don't be such a spoilsport, Daddy! It'll be fun!
Yay! ^^

The Rude Man took his book and ran off, saying he was going to get a Town Map. Oooh, Mister B, we should get a map, too! We could be pirates, looking for treasure! =D

Me and Mr. Bubbles followed the Rude Man to the the kitchen, although I don't know why he went to the kitchen for a map...
We went in and talked to the chef about the map, but she said the Rude Man had taken the last one! D=
So what's that on the table, then?
"It's a cook book."
Are you sure? It looks like a map...
"A map cook book."
Oh... Okay.

Well, we don't have a map, but we still know the way to Elizabeth's place, right Mr B?
Exactly! ^^

So, off we went! Hopefully, by the time we get there, maybe Elizabeth won't be busy!

On the way there, we saw a lot of birds and rats! Daddy had to chase them off, even though I wanted to make one a pet. v.v
I love walking through the tall grass. It tickles! ^^
All the dancing must have made Mr. Bubbles tired, though. So instead of going right to Elizabeth's place, we went for cookies again. I love cookies! ^^

After we ate, Mr. B wanted to go look at the Gatherer's Garden again. We'd already been there, but alright. Maybe Elizabeth would be there now.

She wasn't, but when Daddy turned on the Gatherer's Garden, it turns out, we have some ADAM! =D
Turns out, Ryan Industries must have made some changes to Hypnotize, because the description changed. Apparently, now you can only use it once for every plasmid, and only on animals, but now it's permanent! And you can only have five animals hypnotized at once, too.
So Daddy and I bought five of those, and some snacks, too, so we can rest on the road.
I guess they merged Gatherer's Gardens with Circus of Values. I think it's weird that we have to buy food with ADAM now, though...

Anyway, after that, we went to go see if Elizabeth's butler would let us go past.
Hey! He isn't there! =D
C'mon Mr B, let's go visit Elizabeth!
Her room was right around the corner, but you had to be careful, because the staircase has no rails, you can fall to lower floor pretty easily.
She's not home! D=
Daddy knocked on the door a few times while I stood on his shoulder to peer through the window, but I couldn't see in, and no one came to answer. I turned to the old man standing around near the door and asked him if he knew where Elizabeth went. He told me that her room's been locked for a while, and he had no idea where she went.
Now I'm really worried. =/
We should go find her, Mister Bubbles.
I know she does, Daddy, but maybe her daddy is hurt! I promise if anything happens we can go home, but I just want to make sure she's okay. Pleeeeaaaaseee?
"... Bawoooooo."
Thanks, Daddy! I promise this won't take long! ^^

We decided that Elizabeth might just have gotten lost in the woods, so we headed towards them, but on the way, Elizabeth's butler stopped us and said he was sorry for not letting us through earlier.
That's okay. Do you know when Elizabe-
"Say, do you know how to use Hypnotize?"
Um... yeah, but not the new version...
Oh! Okay! =D
The old man looked around and saw a cute little bug with a big horn on it's head and a biiiig nose. He threw a Hypnotize at it, and it crawled over to him and sat on his shoulder.
That's so cool, I want a pet bug too!
"Oh, you can get plenty of carterpies and weedles out in the wild!"
Really? C'mon, Mr. B, let's go find some! =D
"Hold on, kiddo! Is that squirtle your only pokemon?"
Um... Mr B? Is that who you're looking at? Well, he's my-
"You're going to need to toughen him up! There's a path down there where you can go train, why don't you go train there? Maybe you'll learn some new moves."
Ohh! C'mon, Mr Bubbles, let's go!

Mister Bubbles and I went down the path the old man had shown us, and it turned out that there was a bunch of really tall grass there! Taller than I am! =D
I wanted to go run around in it, but Daddy made me sit up on my shoulder. He said it was 'cause it wasn't safe. So instead I got to watch the grass from above while he flushed the animals out, and he told me to point at the ones I wanted.
One of the animals we found was a weird, hairless blue bunny! It was so amazing, I've never seen anything like it before! Catch it, Mr. B!
Daddy made the bunny dance back into a corner, and I threw a Hypnotize at it. The Hypnotize opened up and sucked the bunny inside! It rolled around for a bit, but eventually it stopped.
I hopped down from Mr. Bubbles' shoulder and picked it up. There was a button in the middle of the ball - when I pushed it, it opened up and the bunny jumped out and looked up at me. She let me pick it up and I gave her a big hug!
Look, Mr. B! I have a pet bunny! I'm gonna name her Elsie! ^^

Elsie and Daddy both looked really tired, so we headed back to Elizabeth's kitchen for some more cookies.
After that, I wanted to show my Elsie to the butler, so we all went to go see him.
Mr. Butler, look what I caught! =D
"Well, would you look at that. A Nindo-"
A bunny! ^^ Her name's Elsie!
"Well, you're going to have to train Elsie, so she gets nice and strong like your Squirtle!"
Ooooh. Okay!

We went back to the trail, and Elsie sniffed around in the grass ahead of us while Mr. B and I followed her. Pretty soon, Elsie was making the animals I didn't want dance away before Daddy got to them. We went for more cookies, then went to see what was further down the trail.

We didn't get far, though, before we ran into the Rude Man again!
"Are you going to the Pokemon League?"
Huh? No. Is that some secret club? o.o
"Hah. Like they'd let you in. Do you even have any badges?"
o.o No? I want badges! How do I get them?
"You don't know? Hah! C'mon, let's see if your Squirtle's any stronger."
He had hypnotized a birdy, and the birdy kept throwing sand into Elsie and Mr. B's eyes! They could barely see, and the birdy managed to knock Daddy over! D=
Elsie managed to turn the birdy into an angel, but then the Rude Man's daddy knocked her over, but it took him a while. ;-;
I couldn't stop crying, but I had to drag Mr. B and Elsie back to the kitchen to see if the kind lady there could help me wake them up again.
I'm so sorry, Daddy, Elsie, I promise I'll train you nice and strong so this never happens again.

After Elsie and Daddy woke up, Daddy made me sit down to talk.
But, Daddy! Elizabeth-!
But, Mr. B, we just have to get stronger and that won't happen again!
I mean, we have Elsie, now, too. Right Elsie? And besides, Daddy, there are no angels in my palace, we need to go find more...
"... Bawo."
=D Really?

After I convinced Daddy, we went back to train at the trail. Daddy didn't want to go there, but I wanted to see what was down the path, and he had to follow me. We played in the wild grass for a while. We saw a new kind of bird, but it looked really mean, so I didn't try to hypnotize it.
We tried going back up the path again, but the rude man was there again! D=
You bet Mr. B was really mad!
"Hey Lilly!"
Leave me alone!
"Are you going to the Pokemon League?"
... Huh? No!
""Hah. Like they'd let you in. Do you even have any badges?"
"You don't know? Hah! C'mon, let's see if your Squirtle's any stronger."
Fine! But this time, I'm going to kick your stinky face in!

It was a reeeeaaally hard fight. Elsie and Daddy worked together to turn the Rude Man's birdy into an angel, but Daddy danced with his daddy alone, and turned his daddy into an angel, too! =D
The Rude Man got all angry and huffed off, towards Elizabeth's palace.

See, Daddy? I told you we could do it. We won! No one hurts my daddy! ^^

Daddy and Elsie were really, really tired, though, so we went to go visit Elizabeth's cook and she made us some peanut butter cookies. My favourite! ^^ After we finished, we headed out, because now I really wanted to see what was down the trail!
Mrs. Joy is always so nice. =3

Going back down the trail, we had to jump down a few rocks and turn a few corners before we ran into a huuuuuuuuuge building!
It's nearly as big as Elizabeth's palace, and it's all one room! o.o
We went inside, but there was a man standing inside the room.
"Hold up, there, little girl. Have you got the Boulder Badge?"
o.o No?
"Then you can't come in here."
What's a Boulder Badge?
"Please leave. The rules are rules, I can't let you pass."
Oh. Well... okay... v.v

Mr. B and Elsie and me left, but I'm going to find out what's in there! I'm going to find out what a Boulder Badge is, and I'm going to see what's inside that palace! >=3

Off to find the secret of the badges! =D

We headed back to Elizabeth's castle, because you have to go through it to get to the woods, but on the way there, we found a little side-path off of the trail. It looks like it was a short cut, except there's a tree in the way! I could probably climb over it, and so could Elsie, but Daddy was too big, so we had to go the long way.
While I was climbing it, though, we discovered that someone had left a bottle of juice there. I took it, and put it in my backpack, so we have more to eat when we need to rest.

On the way to the woods, we had to go through more tall grass! ^^ I chased Elsie in, but while we were playing, we ran into a caterpillar! A really big caterpillar! o.o
Elsie! We have to catch it! Maybe it'll turn into a really big butterfly!
Elsie and I tried to back it into a corner while Mr. B watched, but for some reason Hypnotize didn't work, and Elsie accidentally turned it into an angel. v.v
Oh well, there's probably more! C'mon, Elsie, let's split up and keep looking! ^^

You'd think it'd be easier to find a bug, but it took me and Mr. B and Elsie a while to find another caterpillar! We did, though, and this time, it was easy enough to Hypnotize. =3

I'm gonna call him Incher. 'Cause he inches along. ^^

After hypnotizing Incher, I took him for cookies, I took Incher to the trail so we could train the same way I'd trained Elsie.

But while we were training, Incher suddenly stopped running around in the grass with me. He climbed up onto a tree, and started to make a cocoon! o.o
Mr. B, do you think this means he'll be a butterfly soon? =D
Yay! ^^
So I broke off the stick Incher was hanging from, and I used a vine to wrap the stick around Daddy's head. He looked so funny, with the giant cocoon hanging in front of his face. =3

We played in the grass for a while longer, before Incher's cocoon started to wiggle! Elsie and I climbed up onto Daddy's shoulder's so we could watch, and all of a sudden, Incher's cocoon burst open, and a beautiful butterfly flew out! =D
I have a pet butterfly! X3
He landed on top of my head, and his wings tickled my ears. =3

I'm pretty sure we're strong enough now, so we headed into the forest! There were so many trees there, and Mr. B said I have to be careful and watch my step so that I don't trip on any branches.
As we set down the path, a man waiting near the start of the trail stopped us.
"Keep an eye out, kid. Some of my friends are here, and they'll proll'y challenge you when they see your pokemon."
Challenge me? To what? o.o
"You know. Pokemon fights."

D= Oh no, Daddy, do you think that's what happened to Elizabeth? We'd better find her fast!

We hurried down the trail, calling Elizabeth's name, but instead of finding Elizabeth, we found a man carrying a net!
He took one look at me and ran right at me. All of a sudden, everything got all cold, but before the man with the net could catch me, Incher flew in his way and rammed against him, knocking him out of the way. He fell into the bushes, shouting really loud, and Mr. B picked me up and we ran away.

After the man with the net attacked, we started being a lot more careful. Daddy wouldn't let me run off, and Elsie and Incher went on ahead of us to make sure we didn't run into the man with the net again. I was just starting to relax, tough, when he showed up from behind us!
Elsie and Incher held him off while Mr. B and I gave him the slip. We ran past him while he was trying to hold off Incher, turning the corner of the trail and into the tall grass, where he wouldn't be able to follow us.
After turning a few corners, I think we lost him. But I stayed up on Daddy's shoulder anyway, and we went back to looking for Elizabeth.
While we were looking, we found a box on the ground. I wonder what's in it? o.o
I jumped down from Mr. B's shoulder, and opened the box up. Someone had left a box of band-aids in it! Daddy said we should take them with us, so I put them in my backpack and Daddy picked me back up, and we went back to looking. We found another box, and it had a juice box in it. ^^

We were getting close to the end of the trail, but just as we turned the last corner, Mister Bubbles pulled me back. There the man was again! D=
Mr. B told Elsie to wait with me behind a tree, while he and Incher attacked the man with the net before he saw me. They turned him into an angel! =D
Once he was an angel, I walked over to him, and I gathered from him, because I'm a good girl, and Mr. Suchong says that all good little girls gather. =3
When I was done, Daddy picked me up and put me on his shoulder, while I unscrewed the bottle from from my needle and drank the juice. It tastes kinda like metal, and it makes my tummy feel weird, but I'm a good girl.

We left the forest, but we didn't find Elizabeth. I guess she wasn't in there. =/
Daddy told me not to worry too much, he said we'd find her, she probably just went to visit one of her friends. So we'll just keep looking, right, Daddy?
Right! ^^
The first thing we saw after getting out of the forest was this big patch of really tall grass! There was a bunch of flowers in it, really big ones with bright orange petals! =D Elsie and I picked a bunch of them, and we made two bouquets. One for me, and one as a present for Elizabeth when we find her. ^^
I used to know a woman, a long long time ago, who really liked flowers. Especially lilies. That's funny, isn't it, Elsie? 'Cause my name's Lilly...

After we finished picking flowers, Mr. B carried me down the road. Soon enough, we found a big palace, with a bunch of rooms in it!
The first one we saw was a bakery, so we went in. It was really big! o.o The lady there was so nice, she let us each have a reeeaaally big cinnamon bun. It had raisins and lots and lots of icing. ^^

While we were there, we asked the lady if she had seen Elizabeth.
"Hm? Oh, red hair, ponytail? Yeah, she's up at the gym the next city over."
=D Thank you, ma'am!

We know where Elizabeth is now, so we know where to go!
'Cept, I've never been farther then the forest. o.o

Daddy says we should go ask around and see if anyone here knows.

So we started to go around and knock on doors, asking the people who answered if they knew how to get to the gym Elizabeth was playing in.

An old man answered the door. We asked him, but he was kind of... weird...
"Pokemon learn new techniques as they grow! But, some moves must be taught by trainers!"
Um... okay... o.o
I already know about plasmids, and he just kept rambling about them, so we decided to move on.
We found a Gatherer's Garden, and we got another Hypnotize, before going to another house.
This time, a fat man opened the door.
"There's a gym here, go bug them."
Oooh, there is? They'll know where to go! ^^ Thank you, mister!

It wasn't hard to find the gym, but on the way there, we passed Journey to the Surface! o.o Oh wow, Mr. B, I've always wanted to go there, you think we can go after we find Elizabeth? I've always wanted to go. Please please please?
Yaaay! ^^

C'mon, Daddy, we need to hurry! =D

It took us a little while, but eventually Elsie figured out where the gym was, and she showed us the way there. The sign said it was open, so I opened the door, and we took a few steps inside.

Inside the gym, oh wow, Daddy look, the walls look like a bunch of mountains! There were a bunch of hand-holds and ropes, and the floor had a bunch of gravel! =D
We looked around for someone who worked there, and there was a man standing by the door. He was looking at Daddy when I looked over at him, but then he grinned at me.
"Whoi hello, little girl. Let me guess. You came for a badge, didn't you?"
Well, um, I just wanted to... wait, badges? This is where people get badges? o.o
"Oh, sure. Tha Boulder Badge, anyway. You'll have ta go ta other gyms for the other badges."
o.o There are more badges?
"Yep. They show people how strong you are. And kid, I can tell, you've got what it takes to be a champ."
Ooooh, you think so? I just want to see what's in the big building, but that sounds really cool...
"Oh, they'll unlock more than just the building..." He started to smile, and got a dreamy look in his eye. "But first, ya gotta go ta all the gyms, and get all the badges."
Oh! Oh yeah! That's why I came here! Um, mister, do you know how to get to the next gym?
"O'course I do! I'll even help ya ta get there, once ya get t' Boulder Badge."
=D Really?
"Sure as it rains in Spain. But kid, the man who's got t' Boulder Badge, he doesn't wanna give it up."
o.o He doesn't?
"Nope. You and that big brute of yours are gonna hafta teach him how to share. It shouldn't be too hard."
Oh. Um. Okay. o.o
"Now go do me proud, kid. He's that way."
Alright! I'll be back as soon as I have it! Thank you, mister!
"Heh. No problem. And kid?"
"Call me Atlas."

I walked in the direction Mr. Atlas has pointed me in. We climbed a few of the walls, and Mr. B carried me up the rest when I got tired. =3 We didn't get very far, before we had some man run up to us.

"Stop right there, kid!"
He tried to stop us, but Mr. B just pushed him aside. He was really loud when Daddy threw him off climbing walls, I think he was trying to sing, but he wasn't very good at it.

It wasn't much later when we ran into the man Atlas had told us about.
"Well, look at you, just a little tyke. You're here for one of my badges, huh?"
Mr. Atlas said I had to get one from you.
"Atlas? I figured... Listen kid, there's something weird about that man, you shouldn't trust him."
But... he said he's show me how to get to Elizabeth after I get a badge from you...
"And how do you think he knows who your little friend is?"
I... Wait, he said you wouldn't want to share, and he was right! C'mon, Daddy, make him dance! :smallannoyed:
"*sigh* Well, sport, you know the rules. I can't just give you a badge, you've gotta earn it. So come on!"

He and Mr. B danced together, but Daddy was better, and the man didn't last long, before Mister Bubbles turned him into an angel. He looked really surprised when Daddy attacked him. I gathered from him, and while I was, I found a box in his pocket full of pins that looked like rocks! o.o I found a plasmid in his other pocket, a new one, I guess, because I haven't heard of it yet.

Now that we had the Boulder Badge, Mr. B carried Elsie and me back to Mr. Atlas - Incher didn't need to be carried, 'cause he can fly.

"Well, well, well. I knew you were a champ. An' just like that, you've gone and proved me right."
So, you're going to show me how to get to the next gym now, right? =D
"Of course! I'm a man o' my word. Ya got a map, kid?"
Um... no. o.o
"You don't... No, that's okay. It's actually really easy. There's a path down that way, once ya get outta the gym," He pointed, "an' that trail'll lead you right ta th' next city. Once you get there, th' next gym should be easy ta find. I'll be waitin' for ya there."
Okay! Thanks, Mr. Atlas!

So, now that we know where we're going, Mr. B, Incher, Elsie and me set out the way Mr. Atlas had showed us. It won't be long before we find Elizabeth. ^^

So, now that we know the way to find Elizabeth, we headed out of the gym and down the path towards her. Isn't this exciting, Daddy? We can find Elizabeth and we can tell her about the badges, and I bet she's gonna be so excited! Maybe she'll come with us, Mr. B! =D
But... it'll be fun! It's not like you aren't strong enough to dance with anyone we meet, and I really wanna see what's in that building...!
"Ba. Wo."
Look, Daddy, there aren't any more angels back home and Dr. Suchong's going to be really angry if I don't find more.
"... Bawoo."
=D Really?
Okay, let's go!

So, we headed the direction where Atlas had told us to go. The path went right into this huge ballroom, with a bunch of tables that were... a little hard to get through. There were a bunch of people in there, and they really wanted to dance with us. Mr. Bubbles carried me really high up so I could watch Elsie and Incher dance with them. It was so pretty. ^^ A lot of them turned into angels, though, and when they all did, Daddy let me Gather from them.
While we were fighting, Incher found a plasmid on one of the tables. The label said it was called Confusion - it lets him make the people he dances with all dizzy, and sometimes they fall over. I'm... not sure why he'd want it, but he seemed really happy about it, and so did Elsie and Mr. Bubbles.

After a while, I got a little tired of watching Elsie and Incher dance, and they were looking pretty tired, too. So we went to the bakery, and we got some cookies. After that, we went back to the patch of really tall grass, with all the flowers. Mr. B and I made necklaces out of daisies, while Incher and Elsie made sure none of the animals got too close. I made Daddy a necklace, but it was too small, it wouldn't go around his head, or mine. But then Daddy said it was okay, and he put it on my head and said it was a halo. ^^

After a while, we went for more cookies - this time we got coco, too =D - and went back to the ball. Incher and Elsie danced some more, but soon all the dancers were angels. I finished gathering, and we went out the door.

Outside of the ballroom was this amazing garden! There were all sorts of flowers there - red ones, blue ones, pink ones that smelled like perfume... I used to know what they were all called, but I guess I forgot. =/
Incher and I went to go play in the garden, and we found a new animal!
I've never seen one like it! It was pink with soft fur, and when I tried to get close, it started to sing. And it's song sounded just like a lullaby one of my friends at the orphanage used... used to sing...
I'm getting... I'm getting really... sleepy, Mr. B...
I... think I'm... I'm gonna... take a nap...

I woke up later because I heard a scary noise, like the sound the man at the gym made when Daddy made him fall off the cliff. Daddy said it was alright, he said someone had seen me sleeping and had tried to wake me up, and he said that I needed my rest so he danced with her, instead. So that's... good. I guess. I mean, I wouldn't have minded getting woken up, but...
Alright, Daddy. If you say so.

Incher was so tired, he'd already fallen asleep, so Elsie carried him and Mr. B carried me and we went to go find something to eat. A man on the path told us that there was a place to rest up ahead, so we went there. We waited until Incher felt better, and then we went back outside.

Now, Mr. Atlas said there was a cave up here...
Oh, here it is.
Mr. B, it's really dark in there...
But... we need to go in... To find Elizabeth...

Um.... Um... Maybe there's another way to get there...
But... I don't see any other paths...
Do you think it's safe there, Daddy...? o.o
Really? You mean like... treasure and stuff?
=D I love playing Pirates! O-okay, but you have to go in with me, alright?
Bawo. =3"
=3 I know, Daddy.

As soon as we walked in, a giant swarm of butterflies flew off the roof! o.o There were so many, I couldn't even count them! I think Incher was jealous, though, because he wouldn't let any of them get close.

We didn't get very far, though, before we ran into someone. She looked kind of like the girl we saw outside, earlier. I thought she might be nice, but when she saw us, she started getting close.
"Oh, my, my. Aren't you a pretty little flower?"
o.o Um... Thank you?
"Yeeees... That sweet fragrance... Why don't you come with me...?"
Um... Daddy says... I shouldn't... Daddy?
All of a sudden, Daddy picked me up and Elsie rammed into her from the side, and she ran away. Incher tried to chase her, but it was too dark and we lost her.
That was scary... You think we'll see her again, Daddy?
"Bawoooo. >=|"
I know you will... Don't let her get so close again. o.o

We kept going, and a couple butterflies got close. Elise chased them away, right into the darkness. But when she came back she was... bigger. o.o I bet she found a growth plasmid. Or a strength plasmid.

We kept going a little further, and all of a sudden, we saw that girl again! D=
"Hold still, little one. Little flower. Such a beautiful flower..."

The woman started getting really close, but Mr Bubbles stepped in front of me and he yelled really loud, but she used an electricity plasmid and Daddy fell down trying to dodge it. Incher had to cut in on the dance and he chased her away again.
Daddy, are you okay? o.o
Oh, okay, good. She didn't hurt you?
Alright, good. 'Cause, if she hurt you... I'd be really mad! >=|

We kept going, though, after Daddy got up. We looked around, and Elsie found a thermos someone had left in the corner. I don't know what was inside it - it was warm and brown and smelt kinda... bitter. But I wasn't thirsty, so I didn't drink it.
A little bit later, we found a box full of candy! o.o A bunch of little chocolates in tinfoil shaped like bunnies. My favourite! ^.^ I wanted to eat them, but Daddy wouldn't let me, he said I should save them for later. v.v So I put them in my backpack, and we were just starting to leave, when I heard someone's footsteps from behind. o.o
All of a sudden, this really big man came running at me! He had a big pipe in his hands, but before he got close, Daddy picked him up and threw him against the wall. There was this really loud cracking noise, and the man hit the floor and didn't get up. Daddy started looking through him, and he found a plasmid! I read it, it said that it made you bigger and strong. Since Daddy found it, I let him keep it.
He looks kinda different now. o.o His ears are a lot bigger! He wouldn't let me stay up on his shoulders and poke them for very long though, he said it made it hard for him to hear. But they were really smooth, like fins. o.o

We went on a little further, and we found a rope hanging from the ceiling. Incher flew up and pulled it down, because Daddy thought it'd be useful.
When it fell down, though there was this biiiiig rock tied to it! I thought it was going to hit us, but Incher knocked it out of the way just in time!
That was really scary. o.o
After that, we saw a few weird looking crabs carrying mushrooms on their backs. I chased after one and it scurried into a hole in the ground. It was a really big hole, and there was a ladder sticking out of it.
I wonder what's down there....

We climbed down the ladder. Incher went first, 'cause he can see in the dark, and when he said it was okay, Elsie climbed down and so did me and Daddy.

At the bottom of the hole there was another tunnel, but this one was a lot smaller! At first it wasn't so bad but then we turned a corner and it started getting thinner. Mr. Bubbles had to crawl, he looked so funny. ^^
A couple rocks fell loose and nearly hit us, but Incher knocked them away, just like before.
When we got to the end of the tunnel, there was another ladder that went down. We climbed that one, and we came out into another big cave!
It was big, but not as big as the other cave.
As soon as I stepped off the ladder, I saw this big screen behind some glass. Some guy came on it and he started talking about wolfs and dogs and a bunch of letters. And... a few words you aren't supposed to say. o.o It was scary, but then the recording stopped and three men in black clothes came out of nowhere! O_O
Daddy got really angry and he pushed the first two aside, but the third one was really fast. He danced so fast, it was hard to see where he was and Elsie, Incher and Mr. B had to team up on him and it still took them a while to catch him. But Elise managed to, even though it took a really long time.

Now that they're all angels, I started looking around the cave. I found a few vitamens, but I didn't like them, so I gave them to Elsie. We couldn't find anything else, though, so we went back up the ladders and into the bigger part of the cave.


Some of my super-special-awesome fans have become massively more awesome by drawing fanart for me. I love you guys. X3
By Fri:

By TheLaughingMan:

2010-05-24, 09:00 AM
Interesting. I wonder how she'll see Lance? Will he be Ryan?

Thanatos 51-50
2010-05-24, 09:02 AM
The only thing missing from this LP is Charmander.
It needs moar Charmander.

2010-05-24, 09:07 AM
Best pokemon nickname ever detected.

Jair Barik
2010-05-24, 09:25 AM
Best pokemon nickname ever detected.

JackieCham is not happy with this statement :smallmad:

That said this should be amusing. Hmmm is there any other pokemon that bares any resemblance to a Big daddy? Can't think of any with drill 'arms' or guns for that matter. Blastoise will work quite well but a Rhidon would be pretty cool.

2010-05-24, 09:30 AM
JackieCham is not happy with this statement :smallmad:

That said this should be amusing. Hmmm is there any other pokemon that bares any resemblance to a Big daddy? Can't think of any with drill 'arms' or guns for that matter. Blastoise will work quite well but a Rhidon would be pretty cool.

Beedrill would like a word with you if it didn't know it sucked and was unavaliable in blue version =(.

I'm enjoying this LP already though, I will be interested to see if the theme keeps in future updates.

Mr. Moon
2010-05-24, 09:58 AM
Huh? Beedrill's in Blue. Evolves from Kakuna, which are readily available in your local Viridian Forest.

Anyway, I'm actually surprised I'm getting so much interest. Thanks, guys, I'll start on an update as soon as I get bored of playing Audiosurf. ^^

Mando Knight
2010-05-24, 11:10 AM
Best pokemon nickname ever detected.

Omygosh omygosh you are, like, the cutest Pokémon EVER!! I will name you Mr. Bubbles, and teach you new tricks, and we will explore the world together!!! (http://nerfnow.com/comic/302)

2010-05-24, 11:29 AM
most amazing premise ever.

Mr. Moon
2010-05-24, 11:37 AM
@Mando Knight: XD Awesome comic.

And, everything's starting to blur together. I think that's enough Audisurf today. Thanks to Mr. Kenyon, who was kind enough to buy it for me. =3

It should be noted that I don't really have a plan for this, and a lot of the story is being made up as I go along. Add to the fact that my memories of Bioshock are blurry, please don't lynch me if I get anything wrong. ^^"

Well, after the Rude Man left, Ms Tenenbaum was kind enough to help me wake Daddy up. He was really upset, but I told him that it wasn't his fault, and when he decided I was okay, he calmed down.

Mr. Bubbles and I decided that it'd be fun to go for a walk, so we said good-bye to Ms Tenenbaum and left my palace to go visit Elizabeth.

Along the way, we saw a bird! It was so pretty! ^^
I wanted to go play with it, but Mr. Bubbles shooed it away. He said it was dirty, and it might make me sick.

After a little while, me and Mister B made it to Elizabeth's palace. It's a lot bigger than mine, but I don't mind, because she lets me have all the chocolate cookies from the kitchen that I want!
In fact, I'm pretty hungry! Aren't you, Daddy?
Okay! Let's go! ^^
One of Elizabeth's cooks was happy to see us. She's always been so nice. She gave me and Mr B a fresh batch of cookies, which we ate right away. The chocolate chips were still warm and melty. =3
After we ate, we said good-bye to Elizabeth's cook and went to go find Elizabeth.

We looked in the Gatherer's Garden first, but she wasn't there. One of her friends was, though, and he called us over.
He asked us if we new Ms. Tenenbaum. We said yes. He looked really happy, he said something about the mailman being sick, and asked us if we could take a package back to Ms. Tenenbaum. I love getting packages, and I wanted to see what was in Ms. Tenenbaums, so we said yes. ^^

We were going to go say hi to Elizabeth before we left, but her butler said she was busy, and he wouldn't let us past. =/
Um... Okay. I guess we can come back later, then! Come on, Mr. B, let's go see what's in this package!

We went back down the trail to my palace, and on the way, we saw another bird and two rats! Mr. B let me watch them, but he ran them off when they got too close.
By the time we got back, Mister Bubbles looked really tired, so we went to my room for a nap, before going to see Ms Tenenbaum.
She looked really happy to get her parcel - everyone loves getting presents! - and she let me watch when she opened it! ^^
Inside was what looked like a plasmid. Ms Tenenbaum said it was a new version of Hypnotize that she'd been working with another doctor to make.
While we were talking, the Rude Man showed up again! I had to wrap both my arms around Daddy's leg to keep him from making the Rude Man dance while Ms. Tenenbaum talked to me and the Rude Man.
Ms. Tenebaum told us that she was working on a book, and she asked us to go out and ask some people about things. She said it was a lot safer for me and the Rude Man, because we have our daddies.
I love books! C'mon, Mr. B, let's do it! ^^
Aw, don't be such a spoilsport, Daddy! It'll be fun!
Yay! ^^

The Rude Man took his book and ran off, saying he was going to get a Town Map. Oooh, Mister B, we should get a map, too! We could be pirates, looking for treasure! =D

I think that's enough for this morning. I might update later tonight, if I get bored.
Trying to find the right balance between screen-shots and text. What do you guys think? Was this update better? Worse?

2010-05-24, 12:29 PM
I liked this one better.

Also I'd just like to say that this is both an excellent idea and the best (if rather disturbing) name I've ever seen for a pokemon :smalltongue:

2010-05-24, 01:58 PM
Challenge : No Town Map

<.< How well do you remember the place, Moony?

Mr. Moon
2010-05-24, 02:01 PM
Do you doubt the amount of time I've spent peering at the map?
Surely I cannot take this challenge laying down!
I accept your challenge!

2010-05-24, 02:09 PM
would you catch new pokemons or just keep mr bubbles as your only pokemon? Since, you know, it'll be more fitting as a big daddy

Mr. Moon
2010-05-24, 02:13 PM
Yeah, but if I only have Big Daddy, how am I gonna get past Lt. Surge?
Trust me, the Hypnotize plasmid is useful.

2010-05-24, 02:38 PM
Yeah, but if I only have Big Daddy, how am I gonna get past Lt. Surge?

Uhh...Dig? 100 base power in generation 1, after all. Practically an Earthquake. It's not like the AI is smart enough to take advantage of its drawback.

The Dark Fiddler
2010-05-24, 02:41 PM
Challenge : No Town Map

Oh, challenges?

CHALLENGE: NUZLOCKE RUN (http://www.nuzlocke.com/?p=4)

Having never played Bioshock, this more fatal variant seems fitting... although perhaps give Mr. B. and exemption.

Mr. Moon
2010-05-24, 02:50 PM
I'll think about it.

Mr. Moon
2010-05-24, 08:11 PM
Another update, because I'm bored.
Don't expect me to keep this rate up.

Me and Mr. Bubbles followed the Rude Man to the the kitchen, although I don't know why he went to the kitchen for a map...
We went in and talked to the chef about the map, but she said the Rude Man had taken the last one! D=
So what's that on the table, then?
"It's a cook book."
Are you sure? It looks like a map...
"A map cook book."
Oh... Okay.

Well, we don't have a map, but we still know the way to Elizabeth's place, right Mr B?
Exactly! ^^

So, off we went! Hopefully, by the time we get there, maybe Elizabeth won't be busy!

On the way there, we saw a lot of birds and rats! Daddy had to chase them off, even though I wanted to make one a pet. v.v
I love walking through the tall grass. It tickles! ^^
All the dancing must have made Mr. Bubbles tired, though. So instead of going right to Elizabeth's place, we went for cookies again. I love cookies! ^^

After we ate, Mr. B wanted to go look at the Gatherer's Garden again. We'd already been there, but alright. Maybe Elizabeth would be there now.

She wasn't, but when Daddy turned on the Gatherer's Garden, it turns out, we have some ADAM! =D
Turns out, Ryan Industries must have made some changes to Hypnotize, because the description changed. Apparently, now you can only use it once for every plasmid, and only on animals, but now it's permanent! And you can only have five animals hypnotized at once, too.
So Daddy and I bought five of those, and some snacks, too, so we can rest on the road.
I guess they merged Gatherer's Gardens with Circus of Values. I think it's weird that we have to buy food with ADAM now, though...

Anyway, after that, we went to go see if Elizabeth's butler would let us go past.
Hey! He isn't there! =D
C'mon Mr B, let's go visit Elizabeth!
Her room was right around the corner, but you had to be careful, because the staircase has no rails, you can fall to lower floor pretty easily.
She's not home! D=
Daddy knocked on the door a few times while I stood on his shoulder to peer through the window, but I couldn't see in, and no one came to answer. I turned to the old man standing around near the door and asked him if he knew where Elizabeth went. He told me that her room's been locked for a while, and he had no idea where she went.
Now I'm really worried. =/
We should go find her, Mister Bubbles.
I know she does, Daddy, but maybe her daddy is hurt! I promise if anything happens we can go home, but I just want to make sure she's okay. Pleeeeaaaaseee?
"... Bawoooooo."
Thanks, Daddy! I promise this won't take long! ^^

We decided that Elizabeth might just have gotten lost in the woods, so we headed towards them, but on the way, Elizabeth's butler stopped us and said he was sorry for not letting us through earlier.
That's okay. Do you know when Elizabe-
"Say, do you know how to use Hypnotize?"
Um... yeah, but not the new version...
Oh! Okay! =D
The old man looked around and saw a cute little bug with a big horn on it's head and a biiiig nose. He threw a Hypnotize at it, and it crawled over to him and sat on his shoulder.
That's so cool, I want a pet bug too!
"Oh, you can get plenty of carterpies and weedles out in the wild!"
Really? C'mon, Mr. B, let's go find some! =D
"Hold on, kiddo! Is that squirtle your only pokemon?"
Um... Mr B? Is that who you're looking at? Well, he's my-
"You're going to need to toughen him up! There's a path down there where you can go train, why don't you go train there? Maybe you'll learn some new moves."
Ohh! C'mon, Mr Bubbles, let's go!

Vespe Ratavo
2010-05-24, 08:18 PM
This may simultaneously be the most adorable and worrying LP I've ever read. It's definitely awesome, though. Looking forward to the rest. :smallbiggrin:

2010-05-24, 08:20 PM
While I'm not very familiar with Bioshock, I have a sad feeling that by the end of this LP, our protagonist will have her youthful innocence crushed, or worse, we will wish it would be crushed so that we don't have to watch her endure something horrible with a smile on her face.
I tend to assume the worst when innocents are involved as central protagonists.

2010-05-24, 08:22 PM
I usually hate LPs with back stories, but I'll play along...

Mando Knight
2010-05-24, 08:23 PM
...Am I the only one who thinks it would be slightly more amusing if the character was the only one who thought this was Bioshock?

2010-05-24, 08:43 PM
...Am I the only one who thinks it would be slightly more amusing if the character was the only one who thought this was Bioshock?

As opposed to her and Mr B as it is right now? :smallconfused:

Mr. Moon
2010-05-24, 08:44 PM
While I'm not very familiar with Bioshock, I have a sad feeling that by the end of this LP, our protagonist will have her youthful innocence crushed, or worse, we will wish it would be crushed so that we don't have to watch her endure something horrible with a smile on her face.
I tend to assume the worst when innocents are involved as central protagonists.

I will reveal nothing.

I usually hate LPs with back stories, but I'll play along...

Your acceptance of my story makes me happy. =3

...Am I the only one who thinks it would be slightly more amusing if the character was the only one who thought this was Bioshock?

How do you know she isn't?
Remember what happened in the Little Sister level of Bioshock 2....

2010-05-24, 08:47 PM
While I'm not very familiar with Bioshock, I have a sad feeling that by the end of this LP, our protagonist will have her youthful innocence crushed, or worse, we will wish it would be crushed so that we don't have to watch her endure something horrible with a smile on her face.

This is a BioShock Little Sister we're talking about. Her one purpose in life is to wander a post-apocalyptic hellscape and drink bodily fluids of the dead so that her sociopathic overlords can harvest her vomit to make super-drugs. So, it's going to be the latter most definitely.

2010-05-24, 09:04 PM
What made you choose the story that you did... If you don't mind me asking.

Mr. Moon
2010-05-24, 09:17 PM
What made you choose the story that you did... If you don't mind me asking.

I don't at all.
I've pretty much always played with Squirtle, and I've pretty much always named my Squirtle "Bubbles". One day I was talking with Vespe, that came up, and he made the connection between Bubbles my then-Blasteroise, and Mr. Bubbles, the Big Daddy. That idea took root in my head as something I wanted to do, and when Raist inspired me to do a Pokemon LP with his, which you should check out, I remembered that idea, and decided to do this.

Vespe, by the way, is doing an awesome Neopets LP, which you should also go check out.

And while I'm shamelessly plugging, go check out my dA! =D (mooncalled-whiterose.deviantart.com)

2010-05-24, 10:38 PM
I would have thought Professor Oak would be Doctor Suchong. That would be an all-new level of disturbing.

WOULD YOU KINDLY include him in this LP? And possibly Andrew Ryan or Atlas?

Mr. Moon
2010-05-24, 10:51 PM
Well, I wasn't really planning o-
Okay, sure.

2010-05-24, 11:39 PM
Keeps getting better :smallbiggrin:

And yes, always chose Squirtle myself too. It's just better than the rest by several orders of magnitude. likewise, I always picked the fire starter in gold/silver. And ignored grass pokemon in general, silly bundle of elemental weaknesses that they are (doubly so if they're grass/poison).

Also, actual pokemon blue. Not a hack, not a remake, just a game older than the stars themselves by Pokemon standards. Brings back memories of playing this (and green) on the original grey-box gameboy :smalltongue: With the missing frame around the screen. And the little hatch-thing holding the batteries in that kept falling off. Mind you, falling apart somewhat is justified considering it's actually older than I am.

Mr. Moon
2010-05-25, 10:38 AM
Thanks! ^^

Fff, that's nothing. On my old GBA SP, the only thing stopping the battery from falling out is a M:TG card I taped to the back.

Anyway, I'm home sick again today, so you might just be getting another update soon, you lucky dogs, you.

Mr. Moon
2010-05-25, 12:36 PM
Mister Bubbles and I went down the path the old man had shown us, and it turned out that there was a bunch of really tall grass there! Taller than I am! =D
I wanted to go run around in it, but Daddy made me sit up on my shoulder. He said it was 'cause it wasn't safe. So instead I got to watch the grass from above while he flushed the animals out, and he told me to point at the ones I wanted.
One of the animals we found was a weird, hairless blue bunny! It was so amazing, I've never seen anything like it before! Catch it, Mr. B!
Daddy made the bunny dance back into a corner, and I threw a Hypnotize at it. The Hypnotize opened up and sucked the bunny inside! It rolled around for a bit, but eventually it stopped.
I hopped down from Mr. Bubbles' shoulder and picked it up. There was a button in the middle of the ball - when I pushed it, it opened up and the bunny jumped out and looked up at me. She let me pick it up and I gave her a big hug!
Look, Mr. B! I have a pet bunny! I'm gonna name her Elsie! ^^

Elsie and Daddy both looked really tired, so we headed back to Elizabeth's kitchen for some more cookies.
After that, I wanted to show my Elsie to the butler, so we all went to go see him.
Mr. Butler, look what I caught! =D
"Well, would you look at that. A Nindo-"
A bunny! ^^ Her name's Elsie!
"Well, you're going to have to train Elsie, so she gets nice and strong like your Squirtle!"
Ooooh. Okay!

We went back to the trail, and Elsie sniffed around in the grass ahead of us while Mr. B and I followed her. Pretty soon, Elsie was making the animals I didn't want dance away before Daddy got to them. We went for more cookies, then went to see what was further down the trail.

We didn't get far, though, before we ran into the Rude Man again!
"Are you going to the Pokemon League?"
Huh? No. Is that some secret club? o.o
"Hah. Like they'd let you in. Do you even have any badges?"
o.o No? I want badges! How do I get them?
"You don't know? Hah! C'mon, let's see if your Squirtle's any stronger."
He had hypnotized a birdy, and the birdy kept throwing sand into Elsie and Mr. B's eyes! They could barely see, and the birdy managed to knock Daddy over! D=
Elsie managed to turn the birdy into an angel, but then the Rude Man's daddy knocked her over, but it took him a while. ;-;
I couldn't stop crying, but I had to drag Mr. B and Elsie back to the kitchen to see if the kind lady there could help me wake them up again.
I'm so sorry, Daddy, Elsie, I promise I'll train you nice and strong so this never happens again.

So, yeah.
Not playing Hard Mode.
Sorry, Fiddler.

John Cribati
2010-05-25, 12:40 PM
This is cute, sad, and disturbing. But mostly cute. Which is even more disturbing.

Mr. Moon
2010-05-25, 11:16 PM
So, turns out, I forgot to save my last session.
I don't suppouse you guys will let me re-try it, huh?
Oh wells. I'll just stick to what happened this morning.

2010-05-25, 11:52 PM
Meh. I always lost to Gary when I went west of Viridian. To be honest, I actually stopped going there to avoid fighting him.

Mr. Moon
2010-05-26, 12:38 AM
Alright, problem solved.
This game is a lot faster if you aren't stopping every twenty seconds for a screenshot.
After Elsie and Daddy woke up, Daddy made me sit down to talk.
But, Daddy! Elizabeth-!
But, Mr. B, we just have to get stronger and that won't happen again!
I mean, we have Elsie, now, too. Right Elsie? And besides, Daddy, there are no angels in my palace, we need to go find more...
"... Bawo."
=D Really?

After I convinced Daddy, we went back to train at the trail. Daddy didn't want to go there, but I wanted to see what was down the path, and he had to follow me. We played in the wild grass for a while. We saw a new kind of bird, but it looked really mean, so I didn't try to hypnotize it.
We tried going back up the path again, but the rude man was there again! D=
You bet Mr. B was really mad!
"Hey Lilly!"
Leave me alone!
"Are you going to the Pokemon League?"
... Huh? No!
""Hah. Like they'd let you in. Do you even have any badges?"
"You don't know? Hah! C'mon, let's see if your Squirtle's any stronger."
Fine! But this time, I'm going to kick your stinky face in!

It was a reeeeaaally hard fight. Elsie and Daddy worked together to turn the Rude Man's birdy into an angel, but Daddy danced with his daddy alone, and turned his daddy into an angel, too! =D
The Rude Man got all angry and huffed off, towards Elizabeth's palace.

See, Daddy? I told you we could do it. We won! No one hurts my daddy! ^^

Daddy and Elsie were really, really tired, though, so we went to go visit Elizabeth's cook and she made us some peanut butter cookies. My favourite! ^^ After we finished, we headed out, because now I really wanted to see what was down the trail!
Mrs. Joy is always so nice. =3

Going back down the trail, we had to jump down a few rocks and turn a few corners before we ran into a huuuuuuuuuge building!
It's nearly as big as Elizabeth's palace, and it's all one room! o.o
We went inside, but there was a man standing inside the room.
"Hold up, there, little girl. Have you got the Boulder Badge?"
o.o No?
"Then you can't come in here."
What's a Boulder Badge?
"Please leave. The rules are rules, I can't let you pass."
Oh. Well... okay... v.v

Mr. B and Elsie and me left, but I'm going to find out what's in there! I'm going to find out what a Boulder Badge is, and I'm going to see what's inside that palace! >=3

2010-05-26, 01:45 AM
You seem to have bad luck with him, but honestly, I recall blue (even more so than green) not being terribly forgiving. That said, I fully expect to see terrible, terrible things happening to Brock in the near future.

2010-05-26, 01:56 AM
she's the cutest thing ever. do continue this.

Anyway, I want to draw a fanart for this, but can't decide whether to draw mr bubbles as a uh... giant squirtle or a mini big daddy (that's quite an oxymoron)

your opinion would be duly appreciated.

2010-05-26, 02:28 AM
she's the cutest thing ever. do continue this.

Anyway, I want to draw a fanart for this, but can't decide whether to draw mr bubbles as a uh... giant squirtle or a mini big daddy (that's quite an oxymoron)

your opinion would be duly appreciated.

I suggest a large Squirtle with a diving 'met and maybe a drill.

Mr. Moon
2010-05-26, 09:03 AM
@Cogwheel: I honestly have no idea what's going on here. I've never had this much trouble with Red before. :smallconfused:
Oh well. It just made last night's victory that much sweeter.

@Fri: Oh my gosh, you have no idea how happy that makes me. :smallbiggrin:
Um... Lilly sees Mr. Bubbles as a full-sized Big Daddy (which is why she can sit up on his shoulders even though he's not that much bigger than she is). But apart from that, I have no clear mental image over what Mr. B looks like.
Lilly, on the other hand, has long white-blond hair, blue eyes, and a simple white dress.

2010-05-26, 05:07 PM
Loving it so far. Total cuteness mixed with creepy.

Mr. Moon
2010-05-26, 06:39 PM
Off to find the secret of the badges! =D

We headed back to Elizabeth's castle, because you have to go through it to get to the woods, but on the way there, we found a little side-path off of the trail. It looks like it was a short cut, except there's a tree in the way! I could probably climb over it, and so could Elsie, but Daddy was too big, so we had to go the long way.
While I was climbing it, though, we discovered that someone had left a bottle of juice there. I took it, and put it in my backpack, so we have more to eat when we need to rest.

On the way to the woods, we had to go through more tall grass! ^^ I chased Elsie in, but while we were playing, we ran into a caterpillar! A really big caterpillar! o.o
Elsie! We have to catch it! Maybe it'll turn into a really big butterfly!
Elsie and I tried to back it into a corner while Mr. B watched, but for some reason Hypnotize didn't work, and Elsie accidentally turned it into an angel. v.v
Oh well, there's probably more! C'mon, Elsie, let's split up and keep looking! ^^

You'd think it'd be easier to find a bug, but it took me and Mr. B and Elsie a while to find another caterpillar! We did, though, and this time, it was easy enough to Hypnotize. =3

I'm gonna call him Incher. 'Cause he inches along. ^^

After hypnotizing Incher, I took him for cookies, I took Incher to the trail so we could train the same way I'd trained Elsie.

But while we were training, Incher suddenly stopped running around in the grass with me. He climbed up onto a tree, and started to make a cocoon! o.o
Mr. B, do you think this means he'll be a butterfly soon? =D
Yay! ^^
So I broke off the stick Incher was hanging from, and I used a vine to wrap the stick around Daddy's head. He looked so funny, with the giant cocoon hanging in front of his face. =3

We played in the grass for a while longer, before Incher's cocoon started to wiggle! Elsie and I climbed up onto Daddy's shoulder's so we could watch, and all of a sudden, Incher's cocoon burst open, and a beautiful butterfly flew out! =D
I have a pet butterfly! X3
He landed on top of my head, and his wings tickled my ears. =3

A Rare Candy, a Rare Candy, my kingdom for a Rare Candy.
Or a stable connection.
Dear Lord, I would love an actually stable connection. ;-;

Join us next time I get bored, when I'll actually advance the story. o.o

2010-05-26, 11:57 PM
You have far more patience for grinding than I. I tend to take on the Elite Four with a 50~55 starter and a bunch of just-caught 40s.

2010-05-27, 12:04 AM
You have far more patience for grinding than I. I tend to take on the Elite Four with a 50~55 starter and a bunch of just-caught 40s.
I ground the E4 in my last LeafGreen playthrough with no one over 44. :smalltongue: Took me like 14 tries, but was totally bitchin'.

Also, this LP amuses me. I approve of it. Continue. :smallcool:

Vespe Ratavo
2010-05-27, 07:25 PM
So I broke off the stick Incher was hanging from, and I used a vine to wrap the stick around Daddy's head. He looked so funny, with the giant cocoon hanging in front of his face. =3
I always did wonder how Metapods moved about. Didn't know it was so adorable, though.

In semi-related-ness, did you pick "cookies" as her interpretation of the Pokemon Center because the console looks a little like an oven?

Nurse Joy is baking Pokemon? :smalleek:

Mr. Moon
2010-05-27, 07:29 PM
@Cogwheel: Hehehe. I'm a grizzled grinder, what can I say.

@Vespe: Well, my thought process was more along the lines of: "What made me feel better when I was a little girl? Oh, I know, cookies!"
Actually, that's an exaggeration.
It was really more like "What should I... cookies! =D *typetype*"

2010-05-27, 07:33 PM
I know what to draw now:smallbiggrin:

I'll draw it when I'm back from out of town.

Mr. Moon
2010-05-27, 07:41 PM
Can't wait to see it. ^^

John Cribati
2010-05-27, 08:27 PM
She's small enough to ride on a foot-tall, twenty-pound turtle, but can carry a three-foot-long, 70 pound butterfly. This amuses me.

Mando Knight
2010-05-27, 08:49 PM
She's small enough to ride on a foot-tall, twenty-pound turtle, but can carry a three-foot-long, 70 pound butterfly. This amuses me.

Hey, the PC can easily ride 1.8 kg birds, and Ash can carry 72 kg mini-kaiju like it's nothing.

Mr. Moon
2010-05-28, 12:04 AM
Having some technical difficulties, so there won't be an update tonight.
Sorry, guys.

Mr. Moon
2010-05-29, 04:50 PM
Alright, by this point, I've ground Incher from a caterpie to a butterfree three times because I forgot to save. That's why this update took so long.
Hopefully in the future I'll remember to save more often.

Anyway, here's your update, sorry it took so long.

I'm pretty sure we're strong enough now, so we headed into the forest! There were so many trees there, and Mr. B said I have to be careful and watch my step so that I don't trip on any branches.
As we set down the path, a man waiting near the start of the trail stopped us.
"Keep an eye out, kid. Some of my friends are here, and they'll proll'y challenge you when they see your pokemon."
Challenge me? To what? o.o
"You know. Pokemon fights."

D= Oh no, Daddy, do you think that's what happened to Elizabeth? We'd better find her fast!

We hurried down the trail, calling Elizabeth's name, but instead of finding Elizabeth, we found a man carrying a net!
He took one look at me and ran right at me. All of a sudden, everything got all cold, but before the man with the net could catch me, Incher flew in his way and rammed against him, knocking him out of the way. He fell into the bushes, shouting really loud, and Mr. B picked me up and we ran away.

After the man with the net attacked, we started being a lot more careful. Daddy wouldn't let me run off, and Elsie and Incher went on ahead of us to make sure we didn't run into the man with the net again. I was just starting to relax, tough, when he showed up from behind us!
Elsie and Incher held him off while Mr. B and I gave him the slip. We ran past him while he was trying to hold off Incher, turning the corner of the trail and into the tall grass, where he wouldn't be able to follow us.
After turning a few corners, I think we lost him. But I stayed up on Daddy's shoulder anyway, and we went back to looking for Elizabeth.
While we were looking, we found a box on the ground. I wonder what's in it? o.o
I jumped down from Mr. B's shoulder, and opened the box up. Someone had left a box of band-aids in it! Daddy said we should take them with us, so I put them in my backpack and Daddy picked me back up, and we went back to looking. We found another box, and it had a juice box in it. ^^

We were getting close to the end of the trail, but just as we turned the last corner, Mister Bubbles pulled me back. There the man was again! D=
Mr. B told Elsie to wait with me behind a tree, while he and Incher attacked the man with the net before he saw me. They turned him into an angel! =D
Once he was an angel, I walked over to him, and I gathered from him, because I'm a good girl, and Mr. Suchong says that all good little girls gather. =3
When I was done, Daddy picked me up and put me on his shoulder, while I unscrewed the bottle from from my needle and drank the juice. It tastes kinda like metal, and it makes my tummy feel weird, but I'm a good girl.

We left the forest, but we didn't find Elizabeth. I guess she wasn't in there. =/
Daddy told me not to worry too much, he said we'd find her, she probably just went to visit one of her friends. So we'll just keep looking, right, Daddy?
Right! ^^

I'm not sure how I'm gonna have Lilly see Brock. Any suggestions?

2010-05-29, 04:53 PM
Meh. I always lost to Gary when I went west of Viridian. To be honest, I actually stopped going there to avoid fighting him.
On my first play-through, I didn't go that way. When I went to the Pokemon League, Gary showed up with his pathetic Pokemon and I trounced him. Good times.

Vespe Ratavo
2010-05-29, 04:57 PM
I'm not sure how I'm gonna have Lilly see Brock. Any suggestions?http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100114222549/bioshock/images/thumb/1/19/Augustus_Sinclair.png/90px-Augustus_Sinclair.png
"Why hello there, sport. My name's Brock, and ah'm a rock-type trainah!"

2010-05-29, 06:35 PM
Too cute... Yet... So... CREEPY...!

Seeing this sort of win is so... So...
Uh... Awesome? At a loss for words here.

Also, @^ This. This so hard.

2010-05-29, 06:52 PM
"Why hello there, sport. My name's Brock, and ah'm a rock-type trainah!"

Nice idea, boyo. :smallamused:

I also think you should have had the Bug Catcher say "FLY AWAY, LITTLE MOTH! FLY!"

I'm sorry for that little outburst. You'll have to forgive an old fool his artistic temperament.

2010-05-29, 07:07 PM
Just tell me you won't forget about that creepy guy who stalks you at every gym. He's like the only recurring character besides Gary and Giovanni.

2010-05-31, 01:48 PM

Fanart 1. Lily and Mr Bubbles!

2010-05-31, 01:57 PM
Seems apropriate.:smallbiggrin:

2010-05-31, 03:23 PM
My vote is for Atlas as the creepy stalker that stares at you at the gyms helpful dude that seems everywhere and has only good intentions.

edit- also, Prototypes for the Rockets led by Alpha!

Mr. Moon
2010-05-31, 08:18 PM

Fanart 1. Lily and Mr Bubbles!

That is so awesome. o.o
I can't believe I'm getting fanart.
Thank you so much, Fri. ^^ I totally need to come up with some way to pay you back.

I might do an update tonight, I've got some research to do for an essay, but after that, we'll see.

2010-05-31, 08:26 PM
Of course now that you have fanart you are obliged to see this through to the end. No hiatus or abanding available anymore. :smallwink:

2010-05-31, 08:37 PM
This LP has actually made me check out more about Bioshock (I've never played it). And I must say, it's quite interesting. I'd definitely want to see what you end up doing with the premise as well.

2010-05-31, 08:41 PM
This LP has actually made me check out more about Bioshock (I've never played it). And I must say, it's quite interesting. I'd definitely want to see what you end up doing with the premise as well.

Check out Bioshock? I've never played it, I just got a synopsis from Cracked and TVTropes.

I do that for lots of things I don't know about, but want to pretend I do. :smallredface:

It works surprisingly well.

Mr. Moon
2010-05-31, 11:31 PM
Of course now that you have fanart you are obliged to see this through to the end. No hiatus or abanding available anymore. :smallwink:

That's what you'd like to think. ^^
Honestly, with my attention span, you guys are lucky it's still going. >>

The first thing we saw after getting out of the forest was this big patch of really tall grass! There was a bunch of flowers in it, really big ones with bright orange petals! =D Elsie and I picked a bunch of them, and we made two bouquets. One for me, and one as a present for Elizabeth when we find her. ^^
I used to know a woman, a long long time ago, who really liked flowers. Especially lilies. That's funny, isn't it, Elsie? 'Cause my name's Lilly...

After we finished picking flowers, Mr. B carried me down the road. Soon enough, we found a big palace, with a bunch of rooms in it!
The first one we saw was a bakery, so we went in. It was really big! o.o The lady there was so nice, she let us each have a reeeaaally big cinnamon bun. It had raisins and lots and lots of icing. ^^

While we were there, we asked the lady if she had seen Elizabeth.
"Hm? Oh, red hair, ponytail? Yeah, she's up at the gym the next city over."
=D Thank you, ma'am!

We know where Elizabeth is now, so we know where to go!
'Cept, I've never been farther then the forest. o.o

Daddy says we should go ask around and see if anyone here knows.

So we started to go around and knock on doors, asking the people who answered if they knew how to get to the gym Elizabeth was playing in.

An old man answered the door. We asked him, but he was kind of... weird...
"Pokemon learn new techniques as they grow! But, some moves must be taught by trainers!"
Um... okay... o.o
I already know about plasmids, and he just kept rambling about them, so we decided to move on.
We found a Gatherer's Garden, and we got another Hypnotize, before going to another house.
This time, a fat man opened the door.
"There's a gym here, go bug them."
Oooh, there is? They'll know where to go! ^^ Thank you, mister!

It wasn't hard to find the gym, but on the way there, we passed Journey to the Surface! o.o Oh wow, Mr. B, I've always wanted to go there, you think we can go after we find Elizabeth? I've always wanted to go. Please please please?
Yaaay! ^^

C'mon, Daddy, we need to hurry! =D

Mr. Moon
2010-06-02, 12:09 AM
So apparently, I'm getting linked by people who aren't even Playgrounders. o.o
My brother apparently had one of his Kongregate friends link him to this thread.
So I just wanna give a big thank you to you guys how are telling your friends about me and reading my little story, you have no idea how awesome I feel right now. ^^

2010-06-02, 01:01 AM
So apparently, I'm getting linked by people who aren't even Playgrounders. o.o
My brother apparently had one of his Kongregate friends link him to this thread.
So I just wanna give a big thank you to you guys how are telling your friends about me and reading my little story, you have no idea how awesome I feel right now. ^^

It's a great idea and original. What did you expect? :smalltongue:

Also, envyyyyyyyyyyy >_> Both for the writing skill and the audience.

2010-06-02, 10:23 AM
Also, envyyyyyyyyyyy >_> Both for the writing skill and the audience.

Hey, not everything can be stonesoup. :smallwink:

2010-06-02, 10:29 AM
Hey, not everything can be stonesoup. :smallwink:

Stonesoup had piles of audience intervention. Still firmly convinced that this is why it did well at all. Avernum... a couple people read it. Not the same :smalltongue: Odd, considering I put more work into this.

Anyway. Thread hijacking over.

Oh, and the... rock tunnel, is it? First place where you need Flash. Please tell me I'm not the only one that loathes that place.

Mercenary Pen
2010-06-02, 12:19 PM
Oh, and the... rock tunnel, is it? First place where you need Flash. Please tell me I'm not the only one that loathes that place.

Rock Tunnel's perfectly alright, in later generations. Just a bit of a pain when you had to torment a pokemon by teaching it flash to get through the thing.

2010-06-02, 10:52 PM
IIRC, couldn't you just press start and it would momentarily flash and light up? Yea, i never taught flash after my first play through.

2010-06-02, 10:59 PM
IIRC, couldn't you just press start and it would momentarily flash and light up? Yea, i never taught flash after my first play through.
You can sorta kinda see your way even without that.

Mr. Moon
2010-06-02, 11:33 PM
It's a great idea and original. What did you expect? :smalltongue:

Also, envyyyyyyyyyyy >_> Both for the writing skill and the audience.

I didn't expect anything. I was just doing this to amuse myself while I was sick, I didn't think it'd get an audience. o.o

Have I mentioned how awesome it is to read your guys' comments? Especially when you guys are debating over my story. You have no idea how cool that is. You guys rule. =3

It took us a little while, but eventually Elsie figured out where the gym was, and she showed us the way there. The sign said it was open, so I opened the door, and we took a few steps inside.

Inside the gym, oh wow, Daddy look, the walls look like a bunch of mountains! There were a bunch of hand-holds and ropes, and the floor had a bunch of gravel! =D
We looked around for someone who worked there, and there was a man standing by the door. He was looking at Daddy when I looked over at him, but then he grinned at me.
"Whoi hello, little girl. Let me guess. You came for a badge, didn't you?"
Well, um, I just wanted to... wait, badges? This is where people get badges? o.o
"Oh, sure. Tha Boulder Badge, anyway. You'll have ta go ta other gyms for the other badges."
o.o There are more badges?
"Yep. They show people how strong you are. And kid, I can tell, you've got what it takes to be a champ."
Ooooh, you think so? I just want to see what's in the big building, but that sounds really cool...
"Oh, they'll unlock more than just the building..." He started to smile, and got a dreamy look in his eye. "But first, ya gotta go ta all the gyms, and get all the badges."
Oh! Oh yeah! That's why I came here! Um, mister, do you know how to get to the next gym?
"O'course I do! I'll even help ya ta get there, once ya get t' Boulder Badge."
=D Really?
"Sure as it rains in Spain. But kid, the man who's got t' Boulder Badge, he doesn't wanna give it up."
o.o He doesn't?
"Nope. You and that big brute of yours are gonna hafta teach him how to share. It shouldn't be too hard."
Oh. Um. Okay. o.o
"Now go do me proud, kid. He's that way."
Alright! I'll be back as soon as I have it! Thank you, mister!
"Heh. No problem. And kid?"
"Call me Atlas."

I walked in the direction Mr. Atlas has pointed me in. We climbed a few of the walls, and Mr. B carried me up the rest when I got tired. =3 We didn't get very far, before we had some man run up to us.

"Stop right there, kid!"
He tried to stop us, but Mr. B just pushed him aside. He was really loud when Daddy threw him off climbing walls, I think he was trying to sing, but he wasn't very good at it.

It wasn't much later when we ran into the man Atlas had told us about.
"Well, look at you, just a little tyke. You're here for one of my badges, huh?"
Mr. Atlas said I had to get one from you.
"Atlas? I figured... Listen kid, there's something weird about that man, you shouldn't trust him."
But... he said he's show me how to get to Elizabeth after I get a badge from you...
"And how do you think he knows who your little friend is?"
I... Wait, he said you wouldn't want to share, and he was right! C'mon, Daddy, make him dance! :smallannoyed:
"*sigh* Well, sport, you know the rules. I can't just give you a badge, you've gotta earn it. So come on!"

He and Mr. B danced together, but Daddy was better, and the man didn't last long, before Mister Bubbles turned him into an angel. He looked really surprised when Daddy attacked him. I gathered from him, and while I was, I found a box in his pocket full of pins that looked like rocks! o.o I found a plasmid in his other pocket, a new one, I guess, because I haven't heard of it yet.

Now that we had the Boulder Badge, Mr. B carried Elsie and me back to Mr. Atlas - Incher didn't need to be carried, 'cause he can fly.

"Well, well, well. I knew you were a champ. An' just like that, you've gone and proved me right."
So, you're going to show me how to get to the next gym now, right? =D
"Of course! I'm a man o' my word. Ya got a map, kid?"
Um... no. o.o
"You don't... No, that's okay. It's actually really easy. There's a path down that way, once ya get outta the gym," He pointed, "an' that trail'll lead you right ta th' next city. Once you get there, th' next gym should be easy ta find. I'll be waitin' for ya there."
Okay! Thanks, Mr. Atlas!

So, now that we know where we're going, Mr. B, Incher, Elsie and me set out the way Mr. Atlas had showed us. It won't be long before we find Elizabeth. ^^

Thanks to Vespe Ratavo, who was awesome enough to help me with Atlas' and Sinclair's accents, 'cause the only phonetic accent I can do is Bostonian. >>

2010-06-03, 12:08 AM
So that's one gym leader down. I'm wondering who the others are going to turn out to be. Only (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Erika) one (http://bioshock.wikia.com/wiki/Julie_Langford) seems obvious.

Though Lorelai would make a good Sofia Lamb...

2010-06-03, 12:11 AM
Hell yes. Ahaha, wow. Oh, it fits so much. Of course. He's Atlas...

2010-06-03, 12:50 AM
Hell yes. Ahaha, wow. Oh, it fits so much. Of course. He's Atlas...

Seconded. That's an excellent Atlas. Got to wonder what he's planning, though...

Oh, is Ryan going to feature at all? I'm guessing Lance, but I'm also guessing I'm spectacularly off.

2010-06-03, 08:41 AM
Really good update. The story gets creepier and creepier. Great Atlas, to be sure.

Mr. Moon
2010-06-04, 11:32 PM
Sorry guys, I'm way behind on my art class, and I don't have time to work on this project. I need to get caught up, or I'm gonna fail and not go to college.
So this LP is going on a short hiatus - I get out of school in a week, pass or fail.


2010-06-09, 10:05 AM
Good luck with that, hope it all goes well. Take all the time you need, a week between every update as a matter of course is fairly common around here anyway.

Anyway, best of luck, and I'll look forward to seeing this LP restarted.

A trainer chooses, a pokemon obeys.

Mr. Moon
2010-06-15, 12:41 AM
Alright, tomorrow's my last day, and I'm pretty sure I've passed everything. Yay!
Which means victory update sometime tomorrow or the day after. I'm saying it now so it's official and I won't get lazy and not do it. *nodnod*

Lord Herman
2010-06-15, 04:07 AM
Alright, tomorrow's my last day, and I'm pretty sure I've passed everything. Yay!
Which means victory update sometime tomorrow or the day after. I'm saying it now so it's official and I won't get lazy and not do it. *nodnod*

Hooray! Looking forward to the update!

Mr. Moon
2010-07-01, 05:23 PM
I know. This is late. I suck. I'm sorry. v.v

So, now that we know the way to find Elizabeth, we headed out of the gym and down the path towards her. Isn't this exciting, Daddy? We can find Elizabeth and we can tell her about the badges, and I bet she's gonna be so excited! Maybe she'll come with us, Mr. B! =D
But... it'll be fun! It's not like you aren't strong enough to dance with anyone we meet, and I really wanna see what's in that building...!
"Ba. Wo."
Look, Daddy, there aren't any more angels back home and Dr. Suchong's going to be really angry if I don't find more.
"... Bawoo."
=D Really?
Okay, let's go!

So, we headed the direction where Atlas had told us to go. The path went right into this huge ballroom, with a bunch of tables that were... a little hard to get through. There were a bunch of people in there, and they really wanted to dance with us. Mr. Bubbles carried me really high up so I could watch Elsie and Incher dance with them. It was so pretty. ^^ A lot of them turned into angels, though, and when they all did, Daddy let me Gather from them.
While we were fighting, Incher found a plasmid on one of the tables. The label said it was called Confusion - it lets him make the people he dances with all dizzy, and sometimes they fall over. I'm... not sure why he'd want it, but he seemed really happy about it, and so did Elsie and Mr. Bubbles.

Real quick update, because I have to go out. I'll wrap it up when I get home.

In other news, I ****ing hate Pidgeys.

2010-07-01, 05:36 PM
Hey, I'm just glad we got an update, so I can't complain! This is still one of my favorite premises for the Pokemon LPs here.

Lord Herman
2010-07-01, 05:46 PM
Hooray, Moonie's LP is back! :smallsmile:

Vespe Ratavo
2010-07-01, 07:39 PM
I was worried you had abandoned this for a while. I hate it when people do that. Hooray for mini-updates! :smallbiggrin:

2010-07-01, 09:17 PM

Nice to see another post here. Don't worry about the length or time involved, really :smalltongue: You're busy, after all. Nice to see this hasn't been abandoned, though.

Mr. Moon
2010-07-02, 12:56 AM
Yeah, sorry again. >>
I kept trying to update, but things came up. Looking for work sucks.
As a side note, I'll be taking art commissions soon-ish, once I get some bank stuff cleared up. >>

After a while, I got a little tired of watching Elsie and Incher dance, and they were looking pretty tired, too. So we went to the bakery, and we got some cookies. After that, we went back to the patch of really tall grass, with all the flowers. Mr. B and I made necklaces out of daisies, while Incher and Elsie made sure none of the animals got too close. I made Daddy a necklace, but it was too small, it wouldn't go around his head, or mine. But then Daddy said it was okay, and he put it on my head and said it was a halo. ^^

After a while, we went for more cookies - this time we got coco, too =D - and went back to the ball. Incher and Elsie danced some more, but soon all the dancers were angels. I finished gathering, and we went out the door.

Eh. I think I'm done for tonight. There, two mini-updates. I'm tired, I should stop now.
Next up: More grinding, and then possibly zubats.
Lots and lots of zubats.

2010-07-02, 01:17 AM
Moon_Called, I'll cut you a deal. Next major update, I'll draw fanart.

Mr. Moon
2010-07-02, 01:24 AM
I like this deal.
*shakes hand*
I'll try to have one up tomorrow if I have time between job-searching.

2010-07-03, 01:10 PM
Shameless bump.

Edit for content: Better get started on that fanart.

Mr. Moon
2010-07-04, 07:52 PM
Please don't bump my thread. It's cool if you want to say something. But bumping just bugs me.

Outside of the ballroom was this amazing garden! There were all sorts of flowers there - red ones, blue ones, pink ones that smelled like perfume... I used to know what they were all called, but I guess I forgot. =/
Incher and I went to go play in the garden, and we found a new animal!
I've never seen one like it! It was pink with soft fur, and when I tried to get close, it started to sing. And it's song sounded just like a lullaby one of my friends at the orphanage used... used to sing...
I'm getting... I'm getting really... sleepy, Mr. B...
I... think I'm... I'm gonna... take a nap...

I woke up later because I heard a scary noise, like the sound the man at the gym made when Daddy made him fall off the cliff. Daddy said it was alright, he said someone had seen me sleeping and had tried to wake me up, and he said that I needed my rest so he danced with her, instead. So that's... good. I guess. I mean, I wouldn't have minded getting woken up, but...
Alright, Daddy. If you say so.

Incher was so tired, he'd already fallen asleep, so Elsie carried him and Mr. B carried me and we went to go find something to eat. A man on the path told us that there was a place to rest up ahead, so we went there. We waited until Incher felt better, and then we went back outside.

Now, Mr. Atlas said there was a cave up here...
Oh, here it is.
Mr. B, it's really dark in there...
But... we need to go in... To find Elizabeth...

2010-07-07, 11:10 PM
Almost done. Nidoran (F) is harder to draw than I'd thought.

2010-07-07, 11:19 PM
If that's dark, I have to wonder what she'll think of Rock Tunnel.

Hate that place. Hate.

2010-07-08, 07:02 AM
I was worried you had abandoned this for a while. I hate it when people do that. Hooray for mini-updates! :smallbiggrin:

Whatever happened to that ridiculous Neopets LP you were doing? I can't seem to remember... I think I was distracted by a certain band that was on my mind because they reminded me of the color red.
I spelt abandoned.

Lord Loss
2010-07-08, 07:43 AM
This is a truly Awesome LP... also, what if one of the Gym Leaders was... gag, i forgot his name... The insane guy from Bioshock 1 who makes you photograph people once you kill em...

I will be showing this to my friends.

Lord Herman
2010-07-08, 08:04 AM
This is a truly Awesome LP... also, what if one of the Gym Leaders was... gag, i forgot his name... The insane guy from Bioshock 1 who makes you photograph people once you kill em...

I will be showing this to my friends.

That's Sander Cohen.

Lord Loss
2010-07-08, 08:21 AM
That's Sander Cohen.

Thanks! I knew it started with an S!:smallbiggrin:.

Mr. Moon
2010-07-09, 01:07 AM
Almost done. Nidoran (F) is harder to draw than I'd thought.
I can imagine. Can't wait to see it, though. Good luck! ^^

This is a truly Awesome LP... also, what if one of the Gym Leaders was... gag, i forgot his name... The insane guy from Bioshoxz
I will be showing this to my friends.

Awesome, thanks for telling your friends. ^^

Um.... Um... Maybe there's another way to get there...
But... I don't see any other paths...
Do you think it's safe there, Daddy...? o.o
Really? You mean like... treasure and stuff?
=D I love playing Pirates! O-okay, but you have to go in with me, alright?
Bawo. =3"
=3 I know, Daddy.

As soon as we walked in, a giant swarm of butterflies flew off the roof! o.o There were so many, I couldn't even count them! I think Incher was jealous, though, because he wouldn't let any of them get close.

We didn't get very far, though, before we ran into someone. She looked kind of like the girl we saw outside, earlier. I thought she might be nice, but when she saw us, she started getting close.
"Oh, my, my. Aren't you a pretty little flower?"
o.o Um... Thank you?
"Yeeees... That sweet fragrance... Why don't you come with me...?"
Um... Daddy says... I shouldn't... Daddy?
All of a sudden, Daddy picked me up and Elsie rammed into her from the side, and she ran away. Incher tried to chase her, but it was too dark and we lost her.
That was scary... You think we'll see her again, Daddy?
"Bawoooo. >=|"
I know you will... Don't let her get so close again. o.o

We kept going, and a couple butterflies got close. Elise chased them away, right into the darkness. But when she came back she was... bigger. o.o I bet she found a growth plasmid. Or a strength plasmid.

We kept going a little further, and all of a sudden, we saw that girl again! D=
"Hold still, little one. Little flower. Such a beautiful flower..."

What happens next? Well, my connection died and took my progress with it, so I'll just have to pick it up again tomorrow and grind back to where I was.

2010-07-09, 11:01 AM
Weird, i constantly have the feeling that there are pictures not showing up in each update. :smallconfused:

Mr. Moon
2010-07-09, 11:36 AM
How many can you see in the last update? Because there's only the one of Elise evolving.

2010-07-09, 01:01 PM
Yeh, just one, but the text is formated in a way that makes it look like there's more pictures inbetween.

Mr. Moon
2010-07-09, 02:07 PM
Nope, those are just new paragraphs.

2010-07-11, 11:28 AM
Don't kill me for my lack of artistic ability!


Lord Herman
2010-07-11, 12:54 PM
Lack of artistic ability? Don't be silly. That looks great! I particularly like the way you drew Lilly.

2010-07-11, 06:38 PM
Lack of artistic ability? Don't be silly. That looks great! I particularly like the way you drew Lilly.

I really sort of just photoshopped it for five hours.

Which means I've drawn over the same picture four times in the past couple of days. Did I mention that this is doing wonders for my work ethic?

2010-07-13, 11:59 AM
I wonder who our illustrious Elite Four will be played by. Hmm...

Mr. Moon
2010-07-13, 03:49 PM
LaughingMan I love you so much right now.
It's beautiful and adorable and super cute and I love iiiiiiiiiiiit!
Will do an update when I get home tonight. Promise.

Lord Loss
2010-07-13, 06:43 PM
Don't kill me for my lack of artistic ability!


SOOO CUTE!!! Squeee!!! (In a totally masculine and buff way)

Every time a good artist like yourself says they're untalented, a manga character DIES! have pity on the manga characters!

2010-07-13, 06:53 PM
Every time a good artist like yourself says they're untalented, a manga character DIES! have pity on the manga characters!

Can it be Sasuke?

2010-07-13, 07:03 PM
Can it be Sasuke?

I am so incredible untalented, you wouldn't believe it! I can't draw for sh*t! In fact, i made the art for Daikatana! :smallyuk:
I hope that's sufficient to kill that ...person. >_>

2010-07-13, 07:07 PM
It's super adorable. I can't help but squee. That does a lot to my grasp on masculinity...

Anyway, yay for evolution! I wonder whether Lilly will think anything about mr bubbles' evolution

Mr. Moon
2010-07-13, 09:20 PM
Before I went out, I made an additional spoiler in the first post for any fanart I get. I also just set the art Laughing drew for me as my desktop.
Have I mentioned how awesome it is to have people drawing fanart for me? I love you guys. X3

Iiiin other news, I appear to be unable to load the website I've been using to play Pokemon Blue on. Attempting to load the page gives me this error message:

Service Unavailable

HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.

I... dunno what this means. I was loading the website just fine before I went out.
I'm gonna wait and see if the problem goes away. If it doesn't... I guess I'm gonna need to start again on a new website. =/

Oooh, there we go, it's up again. Alright, update coming.

2010-07-13, 09:44 PM
It's because lilly is just too cute. She might be the cutest protagonist in any LP here, and one of the awesomest, because she can sic Big Daddy toward enemies like there is no tomorrow. In fact, I'm going to make other fanart sometime. Anyway, you forgot the closing [/img] on laughingman's pic in the op.

Mr. Moon
2010-07-13, 09:51 PM
Oh, did I? Thanks for telling me. I'll go fix that.

2010-07-13, 10:00 PM
If it comes down to it here's (http://www.playr.org/play/pokemon_-_blue_version/417) another online Blue.

EDIT: Nevermind. I'll keep the link up just in case.

Mr. Moon
2010-07-13, 11:58 PM
Thanks anyway, Laughing. That may just come in handy later.

The woman started getting really close, but Mr Bubbles stepped in front of me and he yelled really loud, but she used an electricity plasmid and Daddy fell down trying to dodge it. Incher had to cut in on the dance and he chased her away again.
Daddy, are you okay? o.o
Oh, okay, good. She didn't hurt you?
Alright, good. 'Cause, if she hurt you... I'd be really mad! >=|

We kept going, though, after Daddy got up. We looked around, and Elsie found a thermos someone had left in the corner. I don't know what was inside it - it was warm and brown and smelt kinda... bitter. But I wasn't thirsty, so I didn't drink it.
A little bit later, we found a box full of candy! o.o A bunch of little chocolates in tinfoil shaped like bunnies. My favourite! ^.^ I wanted to eat them, but Daddy wouldn't let me, he said I should save them for later. v.v So I put them in my backpack, and we were just starting to leave, when I heard someone's footsteps from behind. o.o
All of a sudden, this really big man came running at me! He had a big pipe in his hands, but before he got close, Daddy picked him up and threw him against the wall. There was this really loud cracking noise, and the man hit the floor and didn't get up. Daddy started looking through him, and he found a plasmid! I read it, it said that it made you bigger and strong. Since Daddy found it, I let him keep it.
He looks kinda different now. o.o His ears are a lot bigger! He wouldn't let me stay up on his shoulders and poke them for very long though, he said it made it hard for him to hear. But they were really smooth, like fins. o.o

We went on a little further, and we found a rope hanging from the ceiling. Incher flew up and pulled it down, because Daddy thought it'd be useful.
When it fell down, though there was this biiiiig rock tied to it! I thought it was going to hit us, but Incher knocked it out of the way just in time!
That was really scary. o.o
After that, we saw a few weird looking crabs carrying mushrooms on their backs. I chased after one and it scurried into a hole in the ground. It was a really big hole, and there was a ladder sticking out of it.
I wonder what's down there....

In other news, I've decided that Lilly is going to catch a Clefairy. I just don't know what she's going to name said Clefairy. Suggestions?

2010-07-14, 12:37 AM
Mrs. Nesbit.

Lord Loss
2010-07-14, 10:44 AM
Big Sister? (like, From Bioshock 2)

2010-07-14, 11:22 PM
Save it for Scyther. (Y'know, if ever)

2010-07-15, 12:25 AM
Clefairy? Hmm, I don't know...Baby Jane?

Mr. Moon
2010-07-15, 10:59 AM
@Laughing: Sadly, Scyther isn't in Blue. Which makes me sad, since it's my favourite non-starter. v.v

Oh, what the feth.
It didn't save again?
I saved twice so that this wouldn't happen!

Alright, all caught up now, hopefully. *checks* Yaaay, it saved properly.
Might not update today, because I'm going out and then a friend's coming over. But should be able to tomorrow, if I don't get a chance today.

2010-07-20, 12:54 AM
Clefairy? Hmm, I don't know...Baby Jane?


@Laughing: Sadly, Scyther isn't in Blue. Which makes me sad, since it's my favourite non-starter. v.v

Curse you Game Freak!

EDIT: Accidental repost. My bad.

2010-07-21, 12:10 AM
Every time I read this LP, I'm reminded of this (http://img64.imageshack.us/f/sample102108fb5c685b4e5.jpg/) for some reason.

2010-07-21, 05:27 PM
Like it. Will be watching.

Uncle Festy
2010-07-22, 03:24 AM
This is so awesome you have no idea. :smallbiggrin:
Also, may I suggest you use a ROM instead of a website? The saving should be much more consistent.

2010-07-24, 12:22 AM
But should be able to tomorrow, if I don't get a chance today.

I certainly hope Moon_Called isn't dead. That would definitely be a damper on my day.

(I certainly hope this doesn't turn into a Funny Aneurism Moment....)

Uncle Festy
2010-07-24, 01:12 PM
She actually just posted earlier today (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8992697#post8992697), so I doubt it. :smallsmile:

2010-07-24, 10:36 PM
She's not dead. I'm busily poking her about this as I speak.

Mr. Moon
2010-07-24, 10:38 PM
Sorry, I'm alive.
Turns out I'm going on vacation, though, so I've been too busy getting ready to have time to sit down and work on an update.
Sorry, guys, I should have told you.
I'll be back on August First. Updates shall resume shortly thereafter.
And if they do not, poke me until they do.

2010-07-25, 04:14 PM
Very well. We'll wait here until then.

2010-08-04, 01:23 AM

So I have really been enjoying this. It makes me want to play bioshock or at the least look up the story. Although I haven't actually done either of those. So keep up the good work! Also *Points at date* August 3

2010-08-04, 01:28 AM
Hooray for pokes.

Yep, this is definitely one of the more creative Let's Plays I've seen. Thanks, Moon_Called.

Mr. Moon
2010-08-06, 09:15 PM
Yes, yes, I'm here.

No, no, feth you, I swear I saved.
I double checked.
I made sure.
fjdkfjdslkfjdslfjdsfjdfffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Sorry guys. Technical difficulties. Update's further away than I thought it'd be. On the bright side, I've got more time to figure out who Team Rocket's going to be...

2010-08-07, 02:09 AM
Don't worry, it happens. Take your time.

Mr. Moon
2010-08-10, 09:36 PM
It's working again.

We climbed down the ladder. Incher went first, 'cause he can see in the dark, and when he said it was okay, Elsie climbed down and so did me and Daddy.

At the bottom of the hole there was another tunnel, but this one was a lot smaller! At first it wasn't so bad but then we turned a corner and it started getting thinner. Mr. Bubbles had to crawl, he looked so funny. ^^
A couple rocks fell loose and nearly hit us, but Incher knocked them away, just like before.
When we got to the end of the tunnel, there was another ladder that went down. We climbed that one, and we came out into another big cave!
It was big, but not as big as the other cave.
As soon as I stepped off the ladder, I saw this big screen behind some glass. Some guy came on it and he started talking about wolfs and dogs and a bunch of letters. And... a few words you aren't supposed to say. o.o It was scary, but then the recording stopped and three men in black clothes came out of nowhere! O_O
Daddy got really angry and he pushed the first two aside, but the third one was really fast. He danced so fast, it was hard to see where he was and Elsie, Incher and Mr. B had to team up on him and it still took them a while to catch him. But Elise managed to, even though it took a really long time.

Now that they're all angels, I started looking around the cave. I found a few vitamens, but I didn't like them, so I gave them to Elsie. We couldn't find anything else, though, so we went back up the ladders and into the bigger part of the cave.

I hate zubats.
I really, really hate zubats.

2010-08-10, 10:01 PM
that trope isn't titled 'goddamned bats' for no reason

The Shoveler
2010-08-10, 10:09 PM
Can't stop here, this is bat country!

Mr. Moon
2010-08-10, 11:00 PM
I love you avatar, Shoveler. It's like a GRIMDARK version of my mental image of Lilly.

The Shoveler
2010-08-10, 11:31 PM
Now that I look at it... it actually DOES!
It's actually a Grimdark version of Flandre Scarlet from Touhou, one of my favorite characters of all time! She's playful just like Lilly!

Anyways, I'm loving this LP! I've got a mental image of what each character looks like, purely from your imaginative writings. You have a talent! :smallsmile:

Mr. Moon
2010-08-11, 12:23 AM
Thank you so much!

I've never heard of Touhou, I may look into it sometime later.

2010-08-11, 07:40 PM
Woohoo! An update!

Also, Touhou is like a cult phenomenon. And it's awesome.

2010-08-12, 02:53 AM
I'm really eager to see just what Team Rocket's angle is for this Let's Play. In every LP, it seems like they're portrayed in a different way, and it's usually pretty interesting. Do they run some sort of ADAM smuggling racket? Do they experiment with dangerous plasmids? Are they just idiots digging for fossils?

Touhou is...interesting, to say the least. It seems to have spread and crossed over with pretty much everything. There's even a hack of Pokemon that replaces everything with Touhou characters, and it actually works extremely well. I did complete a Let's Play for the game, after all.

Mr. Moon
2010-08-13, 12:16 AM
No update tonight, I'm afraid.
But I'll do one tomorrow.

But for those of you who haven't found out yet: watch this video. (http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2010/08/12/irrational-anthem-their-new-game-unveiled/#more-35781)

2010-08-13, 12:25 PM
No update tonight, I'm afraid.
But I'll do one tomorrow.

But for those of you who haven't found out yet: watch this video. (http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2010/08/12/irrational-anthem-their-new-game-unveiled/#more-35781)

Of course there's only one possible conclusion from this :D.


2010-08-13, 12:35 PM
Taking to the sky indeed. :smallbiggrin:

Mr. Moon
2010-08-13, 03:31 PM
Fri, I love you. I love you so much.

2010-08-13, 10:26 PM
Of course there's only one possible conclusion from this :D.

FFFFFFFFFFF you know I have to try and beat that, don't you.

Mr. Moon
2010-08-14, 02:59 AM
FFFFFFFFFFF you know I have to try and beat that, don't you.

I know, I said I'd update tonight. But it's one in the morning, and I can barely type. Trust me, you want no update from me tonight.
Tomorrow. I promise. Really.

Mr. Moon
2010-08-15, 12:15 PM
Just when you guys think you have me back, I'm vanishing again.

My laptop has decided that it's not going to let me do anything with it, so I can't do any more updates or even go online much until I can get it fixed. And I don't know if we can afford that right now, so that might be a long time coming.

I'm really sorry about this guys, I hate doing this to you. Thank you so much for all the encouragement, support and enthusiasm for this little experiment. I love you all.

In the words of a very wise man:
Be well.

The Shoveler
2010-08-15, 12:54 PM
Don't worry about it. Things happen in that mystical world of "Real Life" and problems ensue. I completely understand what you're going through, as I'm actually just using my Father's laptop while I wait for enough money to fix my own. Just have fun. :smallsmile:

2010-08-15, 01:19 PM
but are you ending this lp or just indifinitely suspending it?

2010-08-15, 03:43 PM
It's like a hiatus combo. But anywho, it's fine.

2010-08-16, 07:03 AM
*huggles MC*

I hope you get things sorted out as soon as possible.

2010-09-01, 12:25 AM
Oh hey look.


That's totally been there the whole time.


2010-09-12, 01:12 AM
Alright, I've waited probably one week, and my short attention span can't handle any more. If Moon_Called really isn't going to continue, I'll usurp this Let's Play and do some world building.

Audacity yay!

(If she comes back, she's free to have it back)

I am Andrew Ryan, and I am here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to create elemental monstrosities?

'No,' says the man in Washington. 'you'd be arrested.'
'No,' says the man in the Vatican. 'they are not of Him.'
'No,' says the man in Moscow. 'that's just stupid.'

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose....


I would build a realm where the stupid would not fear the wise, where the scientist could do dangerous and pointless experiments, where the great would not be constrained by such silly notions as logic and reason.

And, with the sweat of your brow, Kanto could be your home, as well.

Mr. Moon
2010-09-16, 11:34 PM
Guess who's back in town? >=3
Updates returning shortly. Saaay, this weekend?
Thanks for keeping things alive for me, Laughing. <3

2010-09-16, 11:50 PM

Welcome back!

2010-09-17, 04:58 AM
*falls on MC from the ceiling*



You're back!

*eagerly anticipates*

2010-09-17, 06:51 AM
Group Huggles For All!!!!


Mr. Moon
2010-09-17, 10:05 PM
In what scientists refer to as "the world hating me", my laptop has died again. -_-

Buuut. I promised you guys a new update, and because I love you, you'll get it.
I'm gonna need a link to an online emulator. Halp plz? And I'm gonna need to start again. Which means it's gonna take me a while to grind back up to where I was. .-.

2010-09-18, 01:34 AM
If it comes down to it here's (http://www.playr.org/play/pokemon_-_blue_version/417) another online Blue.

EDIT: Nevermind. I'll keep the link up just in case.

Hooray for Chekhov's Gun!

Good luck, and I hope you can get your laptop fixed.