View Full Version : Erfworld?

The Glyphstone
2010-05-25, 10:08 AM
Since it has its own site now, it's basically on equal footing with any of the other webcomics in this section, most of which also have their own forums. So, are we allowed to have a discussion thread about it? The 'official' Erf subforum above is absolutely dead in the water.

Killer Angel
2010-05-25, 10:13 AM
I really hope so... :smallsmile:

Indeed, the whole "Issue 1: Meet the Jetstones", is really good stuff. And now Parson is on stage again...

2010-05-25, 10:49 AM
Until the GITP mods delete the Erfworld forum, go ahead and discuss it there. I think it's dead because the Erfworld people have their own forum at their own site and everyone talks about it there, but I didn't follow it after the end of Book 1 so that's just a guess.

2010-05-25, 11:51 AM
So, about Erf... am i the only one who doesn't care about the written updates? I find Rob as a writer alone to be rather... mediocre. >_>

2010-05-25, 12:50 PM
They're hit or miss with me, but I'd rather take a written update and regular updates instead of sporadic updates, or repeated scene changes as they try and put that stuff in anyway.

2010-05-25, 01:15 PM
Or an in-story infodump that dominates multiple panels, or takes up one big panel that's 900 pixels by 1200 pixels...

2010-05-25, 01:27 PM
I used to really like this comic. I think I went off it when Parson said lolwut (http://www.erfworld.com/page/3/) or the captured archon said that her ransom price was over 9000 (http://www.erfworld.com/page/16/) (I cringed when I first read this.)

Yeah, I don't like internet memes. With few exceptions.

I know they were prevalent early on, but they seemed to be less blatant then.

The Glyphstone
2010-05-25, 01:39 PM
Well, that first example was only two weeks ago, so if you lasted that long, it can't have been too bad - besides, Erf is riddled with puns and in-jokes all over the place; we just notice the internet memes jumping out because they're what we're familiar with.

As for the written segments, I'm with Ninja - they're a nice alternate perspective to some scenes, and let us really get into the heads of a bunch of minor characters that'd be really difficult or outright impossible to show in comic format.

2010-05-25, 01:49 PM
Well, that first example was only two weeks ago, so if you lasted that long, it can't have been too bad - besides, Erf is riddled with puns and in-jokes all over the place; we just notice the internet memes jumping out because they're what we're familiar with.

I personally kind of hate the puns and in-jokes too. Usually they detract from the setting and to me it just seems tacked on. But some people enjoy those so I guess it's just me.

I liked it because of the system and the characters (Parson, Sizemore, Stanley etc.)

I still read it, I'm just less interested.

2010-05-25, 07:25 PM
The thing that bothers me about the written updates is that there's really no consistant viewpoint. The story has jumped back and forth so much this chapter that I don't think I could read through them as a whole. I'd much rather see the story being sustained solely by the comics, with the entries as the occasional bit of background info.

2010-05-25, 07:48 PM
I used to read the text updates, but I only skim through them now. Sometimes I skip them altogether. To me a large part of the appeal of the comic is the toy world look, and that's lost in a text update.

Lately I'm only lukewarm about the comic itself, although I'm not entirely sure if I can pinpoint why. It might be because nothing lately has approached the tension of The Battle for Gobwin Knob, but it might just be the world has expanded too fast too soon so that I've lost connection with a core group of characters.

Surfing HalfOrc
2010-05-26, 01:17 AM
Hmmm... I used to really be into Erfworld when it was hosted here, but the story lost me with several forced issues that were never resolved. The two that bugged me most was Stanley's escape to some conveniently located mountains after sitting the entire time out on the plains... Then One equals Four (or More! Depends on what we need at the moment!) issue with the Metal Golems. But I followed the story all the way to the end, and I thought it concluded well.

Then the hard to navigate pages (fixed for the most part) new website, and too much Wall o' Text when Jamie didn't feel like drawing anything. When Xin took over the art I just had lost my passion for the strip.

I've made a few more efforts lately, but the magic seems to be gone.

2010-05-26, 01:55 AM
Yeah, the new artist isn't nearly as good. :smallfrown:

Killer Angel
2010-05-26, 02:23 AM
Yeah, the new artist isn't nearly as good. :smallfrown:

Really? she's different from the previous, but I find Xin good

Surfing HalfOrc
2010-05-26, 04:24 AM
Oh! Maybe I wasn't clear! I like Xin's ART just fine, but the story isn't nearly as gripping as it used to be.

Maybe my answers (The-Magically-Appearing-Right-Where-You-Need-Them-Mountains and the Self Cloning Metal Golems) were hidden in those Walls o' Text, but I didn't read all of them. Too long, not interesting enough...

And yeah, the "Over Nine Thousand" meme just grates on my ears!

The Rose Dragon
2010-05-26, 04:39 AM
I think the reason I abandoned Erfworld is because Xin's illustrations (I specifically avoid calling them art) look wrong. For example, Wanda looks nothing like what Jamie drew. The only person who remotely resembles his old self was Ansom.

Oh, and too many text updates. I had no problem with them during the summer, between the two books, but when they started becoming ubiquitous during book 2, I kind of stopped reading.

I'll probably just buy the hardcopy books when they come out, though.

Killer Angel
2010-05-26, 08:13 AM
I'll probably just buy the hardcopy books when they come out, though.

Book 2, "Issue 1: Meet the Jetstones", is available (only) in Pre-Order.
I don't know 'bout Book 1, neither if Book 2 will be released later in a stand-alone book, containing the various Issues (probably yes).

Dacia Brabant
2010-05-28, 12:29 PM
Hmmm... I used to really be into Erfworld when it was hosted here, but the story lost me with several forced issues that were never resolved. The two that bugged me most was Stanley's escape to some conveniently located mountains after sitting the entire time out on the plains... Then One equals Four (or More! Depends on what we need at the moment!) issue with the Metal Golems. But I followed the story all the way to the end, and I thought it concluded well.

My reading of the sudden plains-to-mountains shift when Stanley was fleeing is that it's the same phenomenon as when Jillian and the archons were scouting--the lake and the dwagons above it just kind of appeared once they were right on top of it. I think this is Rob's attempt to reflect the fog-of-war mechanic seen in most strategy games, with line of sight basically extending only as far as the next hex. It is kind of clunky though from the reader's perspective, I will agree. As for the metal golem(s), I think you might be confusing it/them with the rock golems.

All that said, I also have lost much of the interest I'd had in following Erfworld over the last year, which is too bad considering the momentum it had built up with its truly outstanding conclusing to Book 1. This is mostly due to the problem of disjointed transitions, which has persisted since late in Book 1 but has gotten more noticable with the text updates. Over the summer I thought it was fine, but taken together with the comic it's too many things happening at once. I'm a big fan of the Rashomon Effect but each perspective that the writer shows needs to be unified just as it would be if only one perspective was followed. My suggestion for him would be to have the text updates in the next chapter center around one character or situation at a time, not switching to another until it's reached a natural stopping point.

As for the art, I actually think Xin's style is better at conveying the "creepy toy soldier people" look than what Jamie was doing and I'm glad it's gone back to that, and I admire the detail she puts into the environments, but the big thing she still has to work on is drawing her female characters more distinctively. Wanda and Jillian lost their look, which is too bad since they've been the ones driving the action.

2010-05-28, 11:53 PM
I think the reason I abandoned Erfworld is because Xin's illustrations (I specifically avoid calling them art) look wrong. For example, Wanda looks nothing like what Jamie drew. The only person who remotely resembles his old self was Ansom.

Oh, and too many text updates. I had no problem with them during the summer, between the two books, but when they started becoming ubiquitous during book 2, I kind of stopped reading.

I'll probably just buy the hardcopy books when they come out, though.
Aw, I really like the text updates! If they're not going to do two picture updates per week, I'd much rather have a world building / sidestory text piece instead of nothing at all. I really like Rob Balder's writing style :smallbiggrin:

The art shift... well, it's something I got used to. I agree that Jamie's art was much more vivid, but Xin's art isn't bad. And - flat eyes aside - she's gotten much better over the course of the book. The last page, for example, has some excellent expressions on Parson.

EDIT: Huh, I'm surprised to see such negativity. But then again, this may be selection bias - everyone who really likes the comic probably signed up for the Official Forums.

Except a few. Me, I'm not really a "forum" guy for webcomics. Were it not for the DD Thread(s) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=151903) here, I wouldn't have even joined the GitP Forum!

2010-05-29, 12:24 AM
I like the comic too. In fact, I can't really find much fault with the art, but that might because I'm desensitized due to reading Dominic Deegan.

And I actually like the text updates. Of course, I'm someone who likes David Weber style wall of texts, so perhaps I'm an outlier.

2010-05-29, 12:27 AM
Except a few. Me, I'm not really a "forum" guy for webcomics. Were it not for the DD Thread(s) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=151903) here, I wouldn't have even joined the GitP Forum!

Wait, so you joined the official forum of a website whose main attraction is a webcomic so you could SNARK ABOUT AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT WEB COMIC? There is something seriously wrong with you.

The Glyphstone
2010-05-29, 12:36 AM
I like the comic too. In fact, I can't really find much fault with the art, but that might because I'm desensitized due to reading Dominic Deegan.

And I actually like the text updates. Of course, I'm someone who likes David Weber style wall of texts, so perhaps I'm an outlier.

That makes two outliers then, because I'm the same way...minus the reading of DD at least, but doubleplus to being a Weber fan. :)

I like the text updates because I consider them regularly scheduled bonus material - several comics I follow updated 1/week, and so Erfworld really isn't any different with the addition of texty fluff.

I actually like the new artist a little better - maybe it's not the spirit of the comic, but I like the characters more when they look more like real people, though with the Erfworldian proportions. Pages like the most recent ones, with Parson+Maggie+Stanley, really put into perspective just how out-of-place Parson is.

Plus, hopefully after the hiatus, Parson will start getting screen time again. He's the main character, he deserves it.

2010-05-29, 12:50 AM
Wait, so you joined the official forum of a website whose main attraction is a webcomic so you could SNARK ABOUT AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT WEB COMIC? There is something seriously wrong with you.
This is surprising to you :smallconfused:

Does it make it better if I wasn't even reading Dominic Deegan before I signed up? :smalltongue:

2010-05-29, 02:48 AM
This is surprising to you :smallconfused:

Does it make it better if I wasn't even reading Dominic Deegan before I signed up? :smalltongue:

Yes. Yes it does. GitP is just that awesome. (http://keychain.patternspider.net/archive/koc0121.html):smallbiggrin:

2010-05-29, 07:21 AM
I'm not having much problems with Erfworld myself. I don't really care that much about the artist change. It's just a style change, and the new one isn't bad, so I'm fine with it. The text updates are purely supplementary, so I treat them as such. Internet jokes are part of this world, alongside the pop culture jokes, so I'm fine with that too. Especially since I feel Parson is an internet junkie too. The plot is moving a tad slow now that I think about it, but it's moving enough for me. Perhaps there's no big climax in this chapter, but a lot of interesting stuff has been set up.

Perhaps I'm more laid back about this stuff than y'all.

2010-05-29, 09:05 AM
Wait, so you joined the official forum of a website whose main attraction is a webcomic so you could SNARK ABOUT AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT WEB COMIC? There is something seriously wrong with you.

...i did exactly the same. >_>

Jair Barik
2010-05-29, 09:22 AM
I don't get the interent memes thing. I didn't even notice the over nine thousand one and the memes have been in the comnic from... well pretty much from the start. The two recurring ones I can remember were Warlord Leeroy Jenkins and the O'rlies (cant remember the spelling).

Not really sure if the Thriller music video paradoy counts but the inclusion of the writers beliefs was pretty funny.

2010-05-29, 09:52 AM
I still like the comic. I like Xin's art and actually find it more apt for Erworld than Jamie's was. Don't have any problem with Rob's writing either, it's good enough for what it depicts IMO.

I used to really like this comic. I think I went off it when Parson said lolwut (http://www.erfworld.com/2010/05/book-2-%E2%80%93-page-32/)
It is a very in-character thing for Parson to say... You do remember he's from Earth, right? Fat nerd with ****ty webcomic, loves to make dorky jokes, head full of references...

The fact that Erfworld (the universe) constantly gives Parson references to pop culture or internet memes is also part of Erfworld (the series). It's been there since day one and is part of the whole "familiar and safe" thing from the summon spell; as well as a form of exploration of the Uncanny Valley.

2010-05-29, 03:40 PM
I still like the comic. I like Xin's art and actually find it more apt for Erworld than Jamie's was. Don't have any problem with Rob's writing either, it's good enough for what it depicts IMO.

It is a very in-character thing for Parson to say... You do remember he's from Earth, right? Fat nerd with ****ty webcomic, loves to make dorky jokes, head full of references...

The fact that Erfworld (the universe) constantly gives Parson references to pop culture or internet memes is also part of Erfworld (the series). It's been there since day one and is part of the whole "familiar and safe" thing from the summon spell; as well as a form of exploration of the Uncanny Valley.

I just don't like widespread and overdone internet memes (in-jokes are different.) For me, the delivery was sort of unnatural and maybe tacked on to add humour. It's also the one that annoys me the most (second most annoying being "it's over nine thousand!")
Kind of makes me think less of the character.

I know it's a facet of the universe. It's just one that I don't personally like. Some of it is amusing, but I have neurotic tendencies about this kind of thing.

2010-05-29, 05:57 PM
Wait, so you joined the official forum of a website whose main attraction is a webcomic so you could SNARK ABOUT AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT WEB COMIC? There is something seriously wrong with you.

*raises hand* I, uh, did just that too :smalltongue:

2010-05-29, 06:15 PM
Aw, I really like the text updates! If they're not going to do two picture updates per week, I'd much rather have a world building / sidestory text piece instead of nothing at all. I really like Rob Balder's writing style :smallbiggrin:

It's even less than that acutally... actual comic updates seem to be more like once a week as opposed to twice a week.
Frankly, waiting that long for comic updates drives me nuts. I love the text updates for the fact that they break up the week and ease the pain of waiting. I always found the text updates to add some good depth to the comic and well written

Kurald Galain
2010-05-30, 04:22 PM
I personally kind of hate the puns and in-jokes too. Usually they detract from the setting and to me it just seems tacked on.

This is pretty much why I stopped reading Erfworld.

The Glyphstone
2010-05-30, 05:42 PM
This is pretty much why I stopped reading Erfworld.

Which is funny, because I consider them one of my favorite parts. I always read through the updates once for the story, then go and re-read it to see how many clever references I missed (then go look at the Erf forum thread to see the ones I didn't recognize).

2010-05-30, 05:54 PM
I looked at the first pages when they were first posted here on Giantitp.com, and then I didn't like them at all. Then I looked back on the comic a time later, when it had some 70 pages to it's name, and I rejoiced.

Given this fact, and the fact that Erfworld basically "restarted" with a new artist and new setting, I'm holding of on reading any of it until they have a substatial amount of comics ready in chapter 2, when I hope they have gotten comfortable with the chapter.

I'm a fan of the "internetty" jokes and references, so I'd be glad if they managed to include them :smallamused:

2010-05-30, 06:46 PM
It's odd; I actually liked the only text updates during the summer better then comic / text updates mixed.

Killer Angel
2010-06-10, 01:43 AM
Erfworld update. "Issue 2: it's raining men" commenced!
...with a Parson's Klog. :smalltongue:
It appears that the perfect warlord is still learning things.

2010-06-10, 07:42 AM
...with a Parson's Klog. :smalltongue:
It appears that the perfect warlord is still learning things.

When Parson learns things, other people should be very, VERY scared. :smallbiggrin:

Killer Angel
2010-06-11, 04:28 AM
When Parson learns things, other people should be very, VERY scared. :smallbiggrin:

Charlie is (http://www.erfworld.com/book-2-archive/?px=%2F2010-03-12.png). :smallwink:

Also, I'm pretty sure the Klog, is previous to the actual situation. It's focused on things you can do outside your turn, so I think it's an introduction to Parson's "real ugly idea".