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View Full Version : Looking for a way to see...

2010-05-26, 10:32 PM
I need to find a way of getting Darkvision, Blindsense, or Blindsight using a feat. Harsh prerequisites are fine, obscure supplements are probably okay, but I need to know what book it comes from and I can't just get this from race, magic items, or spells. Naturally, I thought of the encyclopedic rules knowledge of the GitP forums. Can you help me out?

Bonus points if you have any idea of what I'm attempting.

2010-05-26, 11:43 PM
Shape Soulmeld is your friend here. It's from Magic of Incarnum, a somewhat obscure splatbook.

Basilisk Mask can get you darkvision if you have essentia (be an azurin, or blow another feat on it)

Diadem of Purelight makes light, which isn't really what you wanted.

Landshark Boots give you pretty terrible Tremorsense, if you spend another feat so you can bind them.

Truthseeker Goggles bound to your brow give Darkvision 60'. That's available at level 12 though...

Huh, this isn't as helpful as I thought it would be.

There's a low level Tiger Claw stance that gives you Scent, which might or might not do what you need. Barring race, magic items, and spells really reduces your options.

Tar Palantir
2010-05-27, 12:03 AM
If you get Telepathy (commonly from a Mindbender dip), you can take the Mindsight feat from Lords of Madness, which is a hell of a lot better than most any other form of perception.

2010-05-27, 12:10 AM
Is this for a new character, or an existing one? If for a new character, the feat Otherworldly (Player's Guide to Faerun) gives you 60' Darkvision, +2 to Diplomacy, AND Outsider (Native) type.

2010-05-27, 12:18 AM
one level of warlock can get you Devils Sight, which lets you see for 24 hours in both magical and nonmagical darkness

i assume you are trying to fight people in a darkness spell so you can hit your target easier. so if you want to do this, take two levels of warlock and get eldritch glaive, which will let you also attack on their touch AC. mix that with rogue and you will also be able to get your sneak attack

2010-05-27, 12:37 AM
I should mention that I also can't change any class levels. I know that one of the abberant feats in Lords of Madness gives you Darkvision 5x your number of abberant feats, but that's very short range, and blindsight is massively more useful.

Basically, I need to do this with just feats, I can handle the prereqs elsewhere, and I know that it's possible but what I've found so far kind of sucks.

Otherworldly sounds promising, if I can get the GM to allow feats from that setting. Shouldn't be that hard of a bluff check...

2010-05-27, 12:59 AM
There is a 3.0 book that gave blindsense at a terrible range as a feat. I want to say it was 10 but it may be up to 30ft. A follow up feat gave blindsight at 5ft.

Also I'm not positive on the book, but I think it was Sword & Fist.

2010-05-27, 01:46 AM
Blindsight 5-foot Radius is from Sword & Fist.

There is Combat Awareness from PHB2, same effect.

There is Blindsight from Masters of the Wild, if you can wildshape into a bat it gives you 120ft of blindsight.

For Blindsense there is Blindsense from Complete Adventurer if you have wild shape..

Soulsight if you have the essentia to invest.

Deformity (tongue) gives you blindsense 30ft if you are evil.

Draconic Senses gives you low light vision but also the option to get darkvision and blindsense if you have plenty of draconic feats... (dragon magic)