View Full Version : Digital: A Love Story

2010-05-28, 08:39 AM
A game set in the bygone world of 1988 (http://www.scoutshonour.com/digital/). It takes place on BBSes, and two people meet to form a bond that will shake the foundations of even ARPANET.

And no, that wasn't just innuendo. :smalltongue:

I can't say much more without ruining a touching plot, but I encourage anyone to try this game at least once. Won't take you more than thirty minutes to get to the end, unless you get stuck like I did.

2010-05-28, 10:54 AM
That was effin' awesome. Brilliant stuff all the way through, and a great soundtrack to top it all off.
Thanks for sharing :smallsmile:

2010-05-28, 05:53 PM
Indeed it was. Hopefully more people try it.

2010-05-28, 10:26 PM
The references were spot-on too, especially the "review" of Gibson's Neuromancer on the first board you find. Interestingly, I found myself dissecting the plot as a folktale:

There's a crossing over into a new world, the starting "village," an rampaging creature, helpers bestowing magical aid, and following the Greek style of tragedy, sacrifice. Very deliberate, I think.

2010-05-29, 02:34 AM
Lots of reviews and not a lot of posts. Did people just not like it?

2010-05-29, 02:57 PM
Just finished it, awesome.

Though it kinda shot down my conspiracy theory: we (as the player) are not an AI after all.

2010-05-29, 03:25 PM
Though it kinda shot down my conspiracy theory: we (as the player) are not an AI after all.

I originally assumed that the player was a rogue computer virus that gained sentience since every system we touched came tumbling down after awhile.

2010-05-29, 03:28 PM
Just finished it, awesome.

Though it kinda shot down my conspiracy theory: we (as the player) are not an AI after all.

Alas and alack, for a mind too briefly voyaging.

I really do need to play this.

2010-05-29, 03:30 PM
I really do need to play this.

It really takes no time at all to get to the end. It's mostly reading every little bit that slows ya down.

Moose Fisher
2010-05-29, 04:22 PM
I was beginning to worry replying to everything would give me a bad end, but everything turned out ok.

It certainly takes some digging to get the needed codes. My only complaint is having to long distance dial so much.

2010-05-29, 04:26 PM
Everything turned out ok? Are you sure we played the same game? :smalltongue:

Moose Fisher
2010-05-29, 04:35 PM
Everything turned out ok? Are you sure we played the same game? :smalltongue:

It was ok to some extent.

Actually, I don't remember there being a reason to not recompile the core dump again.

2010-05-29, 04:43 PM
I agree about the core dump. A simple "copy" would suffice as well. Though what would be ironic is if we had to delete the core dump to free up disk space necessary to download the payload. And we forgot to keep any floppies nearby.

Moose Fisher
2010-05-29, 04:47 PM
I agree about the core dump. A simple "copy" would suffice as well. Though what would be ironic is if we had to delete the core dump to free up disk space necessary to download the payload. And we forgot to keep any floppies nearby.

Perhaps the payload compile removed the core dump function? But even with that, we should probably have had a copy of the first core dump.

2010-05-29, 04:54 PM
I realize that having to type in all these numbers causes nostalgia and everything, but I am getting a little sick of having to punch in these long distance access codes all the time.

And then whoops, they don't work.

And then whoops, the next group doesn't work either.

It's reaching a level of near tedium, since I'm not really immersed in the game anyway, and all the "this code no longer works" is really doing is telling me that I've progressed the plot, that I have to go back to 220-7683 to get more codes, and then dial 915-3347 again to get them.

I have typed them in so many times that I have memorized them >.>

2010-05-29, 05:02 PM
Yeah, the manual work strained my patience a bit as well, but everything to further the plot if it's a worthy one, I think.

Though I can't imagine how it has been if you weren't immersed much in the game.

2010-05-29, 05:18 PM
Okay, I've hit a roadblock of some sort. I guess some guy gave me a code to the library place, which I guess I'm going to recover the lady's data or something? And I guess the lady is an AI?

In any case, the password doesn't work, and the guy that gave it to me was like "Oh, sorry, whatever".

And then my long-distance codes keep failing and I keep getting new ones, and I keep checking the different Boards and nothing is working.

EDIT: Looks like all these codes don't work either.

Time to get more.

There they are.

I guess I'll check my long distance boards again.

2010-05-29, 05:28 PM
Okay, I've hit a roadblock of some sort. I guess some guy gave me a code to the library place, which I guess I'm going to recover the lady's data or something? And I guess the lady is an AI?

In any case, the password doesn't work, and the guy that gave it to me was like "Oh, sorry, whatever".

And then my long-distance codes keep failing and I keep getting new ones, and I keep checking the different Boards and nothing is working.

EDIT: Looks like all these codes don't work either.

Time to get more.

There they are.

I guess I'll check my long distance boards again.

Someone should have told you about a vulnerability in the password generation code. Look through your messages to find it.
If I remember correctly, you have to increase the last digit by one.

This is the engines homepage. (http://www.renpy.org/wiki/renpy/Home_Page) They have a list of VNs that have been created with it. For the most part, they are free and multi-platform.

2010-05-30, 03:25 AM
I agree about the core dump. A simple "copy" would suffice as well.

They can't be copied, as they delete themselves upon being copied. It's a failsafe written into them by the original Mother program(you find this out from the Underground Library's posts).

So, yes, she's gone. However, like a virus, they automatically make a copy of themselves upon being uploaded. Which calls into question the origins of one Desmonda who sends you a poem in the credits...

If I remember correctly, you have to increase the last digit by one.

There's a minor bug where the increasing the number doesn't work, if that happens then try using it as is or even decreasing the number by 1.

2010-05-30, 03:52 AM
They can't be copied, as they delete themselves upon being copied. It's a failsafe written into them by the original Mother program(you find this out from the Underground Library's posts).

It still leaves the argument of recompiling the core dump.

2010-05-30, 04:11 AM
It still leaves the argument of recompiling the core dump.

I thought the original .bat you get from Paris deleted the core dump you get from Lake City's computer after compiling.

Grey Paladin
2010-05-30, 08:24 AM
I have nothing to say about this except that it was awesome. Definitely one of my favorites.

2010-05-30, 11:12 AM
I thought the original .bat you get from Paris deleted the core dump you get from Lake City's computer after compiling.

Don't remember that, but even if it's so, the AI's failsafe wouldn't work for the core dump itself (as it's not the compiled program) and you can simply take a backup of both the core dump and the file that Paris sends you.

2010-05-30, 11:38 AM
Don't remember that, but even if it's so, the AI's failsafe wouldn't work for the core dump itself (as it's not the compiled program) and you can simply take a backup of both the core dump and the file that Paris sends you.

Possible, though one would expect an A.I. to come up with a failsafe that couldn't fail.

2010-05-30, 12:00 PM
It's not like the failsafe fails, it's just that it's not programmed to delete the core dump like it does the old copy. Or that's what I think. Anyway, I should cut the overanalyzing.

2010-05-30, 04:50 PM
In case someone else gets stuck:

Sometimes you have to send a personal message, sometimes you have to hit "reply" on the message you already have. If one doesn't work, try the other. I was stumped for a while near the end because of that...

Not bad. It had style, although parts of the plot were predictable. I really liked the one-way discussion, that would be interesting to see in a different game.

This is a bit OT, but I could even imagine it in some sort of an RPG: "How does the merchant reply:"

Ha! Is that supposed to be a joke?
I'm sorry, sir, but that's not possible.
*Gulp* Well, fine! But this won't end here, you hear me? I have friends! [+Intimidate+]
Well all right, 10% off. You drive a hard bargain, stranger. [+Mercantile+]

2010-06-02, 07:48 PM
Just felt this deserved a friendly bump so more people can try out the game.

Anyone else have any comments? It'd be nice to hear from people. :smalltongue:

Grey Paladin
2010-06-03, 04:02 PM
I've been advertising it like the fist of the north star, but so few seem to hold interest in a semi-adventure game these days.. this gem definitely needs more recognition.