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2010-08-31, 12:41 AM
Osidi Copperscale

Osidi looks around at the others, then back to the dog with a look that resembles genuine worry. "Should...should help. Someone's dog. Wouldn't want to lose Dog, nonono," his face contorts and he sniffs as the scenario plays out in his head, "Maybe just hungry, panicked. Besides, might know something, yes."

He scurries over to the dog, gives it a quick pat on the neck while he sits down and pulls out his healer's kit. With a fair bit more spirit in his actions than tending to the dying man from before, he turns the dog on to its side, opens its jaws, and tries to address some of the more immediate and obvious wounds with supplies from his kit.

Osidi takes 10 on his Heal check, for a total of 21

2010-08-31, 02:19 AM
Osidi stops the dog's bleeding and stabilizes him as the door on the first floor opens and a middle aged man in plain clothes comes out. He holds a staff, pointing it towards Osidi and he is obviously shocked "What are you doing with him?!" he asks loudly, clearly trying to alert the guards.

2010-08-31, 11:28 AM
"Healing him!" Aicanique snapped. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

2010-08-31, 11:32 AM
"Live here! And this is Na'il's dog! Why does it re-" The man notices that you are standing on the stairs in front of the open entrance of the second floor "You are breaking into Na'il's room?! You attacked his dog? Guards! Guards!" You notice two little girls, twins, glance from the door as, probably their father, motions for them to rush inside while pointing his staff at you, trying to keep you at bay while waiting for guards to rush over.

Lix Lorn
2010-08-31, 11:38 AM
Emily and Nightwing
"The dog attacked us!" said Nightwing, fluttering into the air.

2010-08-31, 11:44 AM
Osidi Copperscale

Osidi pats down some of his final bandages, making sure everything's as it needs to be. He gives the dog one more pat on the neck and in a hushed tone he turns and speaks to the rest of the group, "Show badge, tell him investigating. Reason to believe house contains valuable information. Going to look for something now." With that, he stands up and makes his way inside the house.

2010-08-31, 11:59 AM
Not hearing Osidi's words over the beating of his heart, the man replies to Nightwing "A guard dog attacked a group that tried to break into it's master's house? Unbelievable!" But then he looks around, confused.

2010-08-31, 12:15 PM
"Sir, we're investigating several serious criminal activities, not the least of which is the murder of the... previous? owner of this house. You own this house now?" Aicanique shows the badge

2010-08-31, 12:18 PM
The man looks confused, hunches forward to examine the badge from a safe distance "Uhh... No, me and my family live here and Na'il lives on the second floor... We are living like that for several years.. No one can afford an entire house! Well, you know what I mean, no one that actually has to work for his living... Wait, did you say Na'il was murdered?!" his eyes widen as he realizes what you said.

2010-08-31, 12:26 PM
"Never heard the name Na'il, but since we were informed that one who was murdered lived here, possibly yes. Would you describe him for us? What do you know of him?"

2010-08-31, 12:30 PM
"Oh my.." The man passes his hand through his hair "Uhh.. A nice fellow, I don't think he had any permanent job.. Sometimes he locked himself in his room the entire day, sometimes he wouldn't come back for almost weeks at a time. He used to eat outside or with us, insisted in paying for the food too.. I don't know, he didn't talk much about himself, but seemed to know all the recent rumors and events.."

2010-08-31, 11:56 PM
Osidi Copperscale

Osidi slips out of the house only a few seconds after he left, holding his wand of healing, "Forgot some things, yes." He lays the wand down on Shageki's chest, then grabs up the flask of acid he'd left sitting on the stairs. "Two taps with stick. Should get him on feet."

Osidi waves to the man from downstairs, accompanied by an oddly cheery "Hello, stick-man," before he heads back into the house for a more thorough search.

Search - [roll0]

He'd look for important papers, files, and/or where the guy may have kept his dog food.

2010-09-01, 12:12 AM
OOC:Osidi slips into the house, right? Seeing as you were healing the dog outside... Waving for the man from upstairs too, no? Seeing as the man lives on the first floor and you are searching the second.

OsidiOsidi finds chewed off bones and leftover meat that the dog already went through. The owner, Na'il or Moe, whoever he was, probably brought in food every time he was outside as there doesn't seem to be be any place to store food, for the dog or himself. Actually, the second floor seems to have only two rooms. The first room, taking most of the floor, is a combination of a living room and a work space, with a couple of shelfs full of random books and a lantern on the table, a single plain chair and some furniture, but otherwise the room is pretty empty. The second room is much smaller and has only a bed, a bucket and a small closed barricaded window. Searching around, Osidi finds a small trapdoor under the place the dog was lying where they first encountered it. Sliding it open, he finds differently sized papers and going through them he realizes he can't read it. Maybe black and white sight isn't always going to be enough. You should have some light.

2010-09-02, 01:06 AM
Osidi Copperscale

In the house
Osidi squints at the papers, trying his best to make out a slight difference in color. Unsuccessful, he grumbles angrily about the lack of food and light, picks up the papers and carries them outside.

Osidi walks out of the house carrying stacks of different-sized paper, "Didn't find food for dog, no. Would like to feed dog, see if more friendly then. But found these, yes. Couldn't read in dark, no no.

2010-09-02, 01:15 AM
As Osidi begins to talk about dog food, you hear guards rushing down the street, weapons drawn. They shout towards you and point their weapons at you, threatening to attack and don't hear the man saying it's a misunderstanding.

2010-09-02, 01:59 AM
Osidi Copperscale

Osidi tilts his head to the side as the guards approach, "Not good. No." Dog runs back up the stairs to Osidi's side. He cracks open one of her saddle bags, replacing the flask of acid and placing the papers in a safer position. "Decide. Run or try talk. Will tend to bird-man. If run, have spell that can help. Big-man, take dog, not Dog, near-dead-dog."

He slides back inside, grabs his wand off Shageki's chest and gives him two stiff jabs with the business end. "Wake-up time, bird-man. Guards here. Not good, think thieves."

Cure Light Wounds 1 - [roll0]
Cure Light Wounds 2 - [roll1]

2010-09-02, 09:31 AM
Aicanique will stand at the door, ready for the guards. She'll have her badge out, and say "Just a misunderstanding; we'd been misinformed and did not realize that our victim shared his house with someone."

2010-09-02, 09:36 AM
One of the guards quickly approaches Aicanique with the others closely behind as he suddenly grabs the badge out of her hands and examines it. He seems annoyed but is satisfied as he sheathes his sword and motions for the others to do the same. "Who is your victim? What are you investigating here?" He asks harshly.

2010-09-02, 11:26 AM
Aicanique retrieves her badge before answering that question. "We're working on a special assignment, and have been instructed not to discuss the case. Impossible to know whether or not surveillance spells are in place right now. Sorry I can't help you more, but there's really nothing to see here and we'd appreciate avoiding a scene, as much as that's possible. We apologize for the confusion and will handle the situation here."

2010-09-02, 11:36 AM
The guard seems to be even more annoyed "You really think I'd believe that a bunch of misfits with a badge they might as well stolen is on a top secret case and just walk off as if it's not my business what's going on in my block?!" "But sir.." one of the other guards begins. The, who you assume leader of this band of guards turns to him "Yes, I know it's how things work but..." he turns back to you, more frustrated than anything "Fine, but don't think you can just do whatever you want and kill other people's pets whenever you feel like it!"

2010-09-02, 11:39 AM
"The dog attacked us first, so it was self-defense, and we did not kill the dog. We're administering aid and healing, out of our own pockets, to handle the situation. We're not looking to harm anyone; we just didn't know that the house was occupied and thought our suspects might be inside. Purely a misunderstanding, and one we are currently rectifying."

The dog is alive, right? That's not intended to be a lie...

2010-09-02, 12:12 PM
"Oh, right, I forgot. It was self defense when you horribly ripped the flesh of the dog when he attempted to protect it's master's house and undoing the long lasting damage you have dealt makes you breaking into the house like that all better." The guard shakes his head and turns, walking slowly away.

2010-09-03, 02:20 AM
Osidi Copperscale

Osidi pops his head out from behind the door, "Hellohello. Good then? Angry-guard leaving. Think maybe a little time to talk selves, yes? Think dead-beggar-man may have been magic-man. Or very resourceful. No food in house, no place for food in house. Thinking magic-man, make food and water? Can do that. Know, since can self do that. Get fed, save monies, save space, cleaning. That or kept food in open, but messy, would be messy, yes. Would not keep long."

2010-09-03, 10:59 AM
The man shrugs "Do.. Do you need anything else?" he looks back at his kids.

2010-09-03, 09:13 PM
Osidi Copperscale

"Thinking." Osidi rubs his chin, "Have anything might want to feed to dog? Still have butcher to see, but easier this way, yes. Oh, and if you see man who lives here alive? Ehm...Not sure, no no. But would help to direct to us."

2010-09-03, 09:30 PM
I'm still trying to figure out the status of the dog.

2010-09-03, 09:31 PM
It's aliiiive.

Sort of. Unconscious, but alive.

2010-09-04, 05:05 AM
The man nods and enters the house. Doing anything while waiting? If waiting at all...

2010-09-04, 11:58 AM
OOC: You should say that you wait for the man to come back. It is very clear that this is not the man's dog, but Na'il's, the one who lives upstairs and this is his guard dog. You got directions to Moe's house that state he is living in the upper floor of this house, which you found out that Na'il lives there, not a man named Moe. By now you may or may not suspect that Moe or Na'il was his cover name and it is actually the same person.

2010-09-04, 12:44 PM
We should wait for the man we know to be dead and whose neighbor says hasn't been home in several days to come home?

2010-09-04, 01:04 PM
No, you should wait for the man that went inside after you asked about something to give the dog to eat. Or are you talking to one of the PCs about killing their dog? Did you kill Osidi's dog?

2010-09-05, 12:16 AM
Ooooh, I missed that he went inside. Yes, we should wait, then. And it's not his dog? K. I'm going to just delete the out-of-place post and just hang my head in shame for having completely misunderstood what was going on, heh.

2010-09-05, 07:36 PM

Having been unconscious at the time, Shageki missed that Osidi already searched the room. Thus once revived, and noticing that the others were occupied below, he went in to search it.
Search: [roll0]

2010-09-06, 12:03 AM
ShagekiYou find a small open trapdoor near the place you fell, under the spot the dog was sleeping on. It is now empty though. Feeling like it must not be the only thing there, you continue your search. Entering what seems to be a very poor and plain room where the man living here slept, you walk around and find two things that stand out. The bed isn't standing straight, as if one of it's legs isn't touching the ground, but pushing that point doesn't cause the bed to tilt to that side. You also feel something odd about the wall, and when you pass your hand over it, you feel a difference in texture, as if a small square on the wall is less dusty than the rest of the wall.

Lix Lorn
2010-09-06, 04:59 AM
Emily and Nightwing
"Have you found anything?" asked Emily impatiently, through Nightwing's translation. "We have other things we need to do..."

2010-09-06, 05:05 AM
After a few minutes, the man returns from his house with a small bag, revealing some pieces of meat and a chunk of bread. "I'm sorry, we don't have much..."

2010-09-06, 10:40 AM
Osidi Copperscale

Osidi makes his way down the stairs and back over to the man, "Hellohello, yes. Looks fine, fine, good, yes." Osidi reaches into his backpack and removes the money pouch he received the day before, "Want to apologize for disturbance, very sorry, yes. Apology, apologies, yesyes." He pulls out two gold coins and hands them over to the man while taking the meat and bread.

2010-09-06, 11:42 AM
The man scratches his head but takes the money "Thank you..." he says awkwardly as he accepts the coins from a kobold, starting to return to his own house.

2010-09-06, 11:50 AM
After the man has left, Aicanique asks, "Two gold pieces? I'm really not familiar with this city; is that a good amount of money? I feel we owe him, and I can afford it..."

2010-09-06, 01:22 PM
Osidi Copperscale

"For bread and meat? More than enough. Worked for two decades, twenty years, yes. Shopped for many masters, yes. Remember prices, weights, portions, things like that. Been long time since worked here, but don't think money would change much. Two gold feed one man for nearly a week. If just paying for what was given, maybe..." Osidi waves the food up and down, trying to estimate the weight, "Two, three silver, maybe. Not much, not much. But enough to feed dog, maybe keep it from attacking."

2010-09-06, 04:23 PM
Deciding to play things safe, Shageki goes to the door and calls down to the others.
"If any of you would be willing to help me, I seem to have found something odd about the bed and wall nearby."
As he does so he makes note that they seem to be helping the dog that had recently mauled him close to death.


2010-09-06, 06:34 PM
Aicanique follows and looks.

2010-09-07, 07:38 AM
Aicanique moves slowly through the dark room, but without light she fails to spot anything Shageki might have spotted.

2010-09-07, 07:57 AM
"Uhh... I can't see a thing, it's pitch black."

2010-09-07, 01:20 PM
Osidi Copperscale

"Found, found something? But looked already, thought found everything." Osidi rubs his jaw and hands off the meat and bread to someone else. "Must've looked...missed? Nonono..." He makes his way inside to look. "Can't see? Light would help, yes. Maybe hard to see like writing." He holds up his arm which promptly bursts into a light turquoise-colored flame.

Osidi casts Produce Flame.

2010-09-07, 01:23 PM
With the light you see a spot on the wall that's lighter than the rest of the wall, a bit less dusty too. Looking down, you can see that one of the legs of the bed is shorter than the rest, not touching the floor, but the bed is steady as any other.

2010-09-09, 12:33 AM
Osidi Copperscale

Osidi whines, groans and frantically taps his fingers along his chin. "Didn't see this, nonono. Should. Should have, yes. But nononoNO!" He slaps himself, "Stupidstupidstupid. Should have seen." Dog barks from her position outside the house, which seems to bring Osidi, at least for the moment, back from one of his 'moments'. "Rightrightright. Not sure what to think. Maybe secret door? Panel? Maybe check room behind this one, see how much space, room. Bed is weird too. Not sure what thinking there."

2010-09-11, 02:41 AM
As Osidi brings up the idea of a secret room, he feels an irresistible urge, pushing him forward. He steps toward the light square on the wall, reaching out with the papers he found, noticing now in the light that they are blank. But as the papers are only a few inches away from the wall, it seems as the light square is reaching towards them, pulling away from the wall. As it seems to detach from the wall, the area where it once was is now the same as everywhere else, dark and dusty. Osidi finds himself holding a single white package, or a box maybe. It seems smooth and has no place to open it. In a single surprising moment where nobody but Emily could move, she grabs the white package and her eyes seem to blank out. Her eyes turn entirely white, she just stands there for a moment.

And then she speaks. It pains you to hear the sweet soft voice that the girl in front of you is denied from using, but it's so melodic and soft that it relaxes your heart.

"At the beginning of time, there were no gods, only concepts. The concepts Lyset, Mork, Raumia and Sigan, later to be known as light, darkness, space and time, were far above what will come to be known as gods, but they were also different. They had such power that a mortal could not imagine and they did not require mortal faith. But they also couldn't effect mortals directly, their influence was more... Abstract. One day they finally noticed the fighting between mortals who attempted to gain power and control over their brethren. The concepts could not stand the possibility that the wrong mortal would come to control the rest, and before letting things escalate, they had chosen themselves who shall gain power. And that was how the deities came to be. And for a time, they were satisfied.

One day, Lyset and Mork noticed a man. This man was not a god, but yet he strived to achieve the power similar to the kind the deities had. What they were more surprised to discover, is that he did not attempt to gain the power by trampling others, even when it would be simpler. Wanting to reward him, the brothers gave him sons, twins, who this man, Gra, named after the concepts, thus sealing their personalties and preferences.

With the powers of Lyset and Mork, the brothers of light and darkness, embodied in mortal bodies, Raumia and Sigan felt pressure to create their own anchors.

While Lyset and Mork were brothers, much like those that inherited their power, Raumia and Sigan were different. They were lovers. Raumia had the pale beauty of legends, one known only in fairy tales, a fact which earned her the name, Snow White. Sigan on the other hand, while her beauty could rival Raumia's, didn't stand out as much.

As the lovers discussed how would they decide about their anchors, they found out a piece of distressing information. Until then they didn't notice, but for the time to move, so did Sigan had to. But she wanted to have an anchor with her love, she didn't want to drag Raumia down. After some research, Sigan found a way, and was greatly surprised by Raumia's reaction.

Sigan found that she could set an anchor and keep the time flowing if she would herself sleep forever, a descision that would lead to her finally getting a name to match her beauty, the Sleeping Beauty. Raumia was not happy with losing her love like that, but they found a way.

They created a new existence, combining their powers in a unique way. A place where the bounderies of their own domains, the time and space, would blur and twist, mixing in divine love, letting the couple meet even with the limitations. The Dreamscape would become their most treasured plane.

And so, as the preparations to sleep were done, Sigan decided what shall be her anchor. She loved the contrast between Raumia's dark black hair and pale skin, and decided to mix. The blackest crows of Whiteshore, the city that became the focus of the concepts, will gain the shards of time. But as a safety measure, the biggest shard was placed in a dream catcher that would be stored somewhere else. One who would want to exert control over time would have to destroy all the crows and take the dream catcher at the same time, and Raumia would forever prevent the dream catcher to leave her domain, be forever protected by the kings of ice in the snow lands.

However, Raumia's anchor remained a secret and shall remain unknown.

As Emily finishes reading, you can only wonder when did the package turn into a book, and when did Emily begin to turn the pages. A couple of notes slide out of the book, falling to the floor. You glance over Emily's shoulder and notice that the book is written in an odd language you never saw. It is orderly and the letters are identical all over the book, as if someone had a pattern for each letter, or as if it was not written by hand.

Lix Lorn
2010-09-11, 11:30 AM
As her control returned, Emily fell forwards, resting on her knees in shock. She hadn't heard her voice, except in her mind, for so long...

2010-09-11, 01:28 PM
As Emily began to speak, Shageki became startled by the unexpected event, but quickly regained his composure and began copying what she said onto two of the sheets of paper he carried on him. After he was done, he noticed the book, but considered the copy to be worthwhile given the strange script in which the book is written.


2010-09-12, 11:00 AM
Aicanique, when she snapps out of the trance she'd fallen into listening to Emily, immediately rushes to Emily's side as the girl falls to her knees. "Are... are you alright?"

Lix Lorn
2010-09-12, 11:24 AM
Emily and Nightwing
Emily nodded slowly, still shocked beyond being able to really move.

2010-09-12, 11:31 AM
Osidi Copperscale

Osidi looks back to Emily, then to the book that was a box that was a stack of papers, then back to Emily and finally to the floor. He pats the bandage on the side of his head, shakes his head from one side to the other. "Didn't hear, couldn't hear...Nonononono. Couldn't, couldn't. Could not, no." Osidi makes his way back to Dog, burrowing his head in the side of her neck.

2010-09-12, 11:47 AM
OsidiYou notice something strange about Emily. It's as if some figure, almost entirely invisible, there but really not, standing above her. You notice the soft outlines and features of a human female, but the almost non-existent aura is quickly fading away.

2010-09-15, 01:31 AM
Shageki attempts to examine the bed, wondering about the leg not touching the ground.
Search [roll0]
I hope this doesn't blow up or attack...

2010-09-15, 01:35 AM
Shageki finds something under the bed and wonders what's up with the resident, Na'il or Moe, however he was called. A piece that every adventurer should recognize. An immovable rod is holding the bed so it won't tilt due to the shorter leg. Some people consider fixing it or putting a book under it, but not this guy.

2010-09-15, 08:30 AM
"Aren't those... fantastically expensive, and rather rare?"

2010-09-15, 06:17 PM

Finding the rod, Shageki first checks there is in fact nothing under the foot of the bed, and if not attempts to take the rod (disabling its immovability).
Search [roll0]
Please let it not be trapped...

2010-09-16, 12:51 AM
Osidi Copperscale

Osidi sluggishly makes his way back into the room, head down with Dog next to him. "Apology. Apologies. Shouldn't have left. Thought...heard something. Couldn't have heard it. Don't think...Don't want to think, hearing voices louder and more clearly. Distressing, yes." Osidi scratches his head and straightens himself back up. He holds up the fire in his hand to light up the room a little, "Found something under bed? Am small, could probably get under and look. Also have light. And lantern here to light if need. Not sure how long fire will last."

2010-09-16, 12:54 AM
Shageki presses the button on the rod, disabling it and pulling it from under the bed. The bed slightly tilts but nothing significant happens as a result. Or maybe not?

You hear someone moving on the stairs outside.

2010-09-16, 09:22 AM
Aicanique goes to see who it is.

2010-09-16, 09:41 AM
Give me a spot check. Nobody is there.

2010-09-16, 10:23 AM
Oooh, boy, fun time:

My god, that's actually respectable!

2010-09-16, 10:34 AM
Besides a few commoners and a couple of middle-higher class looking men going to their homes, there is nothing unusual on the streets and nothing on the stairs or near it.

2010-09-16, 10:36 AM
Aicanique casts Detect Magic, and calls back into the room, "Did anyone hear that? I don't see anything..."

2010-09-16, 11:33 AM
Aicanique doesn't detect anything magical, but she does attract the attention of the people walking by.

2010-09-16, 12:14 PM
Oh wait, I thought I was like, on the landing at the top of the stairs, just outside the room, not just outside the house. I guess the bit about commoners and such should have clued me in. May I edit my post so she's not, like, shouting at random strangers in the street?

Lix Lorn
2010-09-16, 12:16 PM
Emily, coming up behind her quietly, nodded. She'd heard it.
I assume I heard it, you didn't specify who heard the knocking.

2010-09-16, 01:10 PM
The flight of stairs is outside the street. It's a two story house but the floors aren't connected inside, as there are different residents at both floors. You can edit it...

2010-09-16, 01:19 PM
OK, minor edit there, just changed it so she was calling back into the room rather than out into the street. She's standing on the top of the stairs with Emily, I presume?

2010-09-17, 01:34 AM
Osidi Copperscale

Osidi looks around as the others react to the noise. "Noise? No, no." Dog nudges Osidi, pointing him toward the door. "Oh. Oooh. Thought meant...Nevermind. Check roof, maybe? Didn't hear, but guess if not on street or on stairs. Would either be up or down."

2010-09-18, 02:27 AM
Emily notices a hooded figure covered with a dark red cape on the other side of the street, standing and looking at their direction. It has something that looks like it could be a monkey on it's shoulder. A cat is sitting on the edge of the window above the figure.

Lix Lorn
2010-09-18, 11:16 AM
Emily stared for a moment, and went to Aicanique, tapping her gently on the shoulder.

2010-09-18, 11:47 AM
Aicanique looks in the indicated direction, using her Detect Magic.

2010-09-18, 11:52 AM
The cat pings with magic, but the two other figures don't. The cloaked figure seems to flinch as you examine it and begins to move, turning towards an alley. The cat stays for a moment but begins to sneak behind the figure as if stalking his prey.

2010-09-18, 12:23 PM
Aicanique signs to Emily, The cat is magical... What do you think is going on?

2010-09-19, 01:00 AM
Osidi Copperscale

Osidi gives the room another glance, absentmindedly rubbing his forehead with his one flaming hand. "Not sure what else. Maybe one last search? Could stay here tonight, yes. Beggar-man won't need. Might help dog's recovery. Familiar location, yes? Not as distressing."

2010-09-21, 12:39 PM
Shageki joins the others to look outside and see if there is anything they missed. After which he retreats from the doorway.
Spot [roll0]

2010-09-21, 12:43 PM
As the figure turns into the alley, the monkey thing jumps away and the figure is thrown back into the street, a body you recognize is thrown at it. The cat seems to be surprised so much it leaps to the roofs and disappears as Uago stands up from the figure.

As you land on top of a hooded figure, you notice you aren't in the same street you were at. The figure's face seems twisted. It's probably a male, but it is slightly burned, and green. It's eyes are fully black too. You notice a monkey thing on the wall, but with small claws and red and green scales instead of actual fur. As the figure pushes you up and you stand up, you see your allies on top of a flight of stairs by a two story house.

Admiral Squish
2010-09-21, 01:20 PM

"What the HELL was that?!" Uago exclaims, a look of deep and sincere confusion on his features as he gets up, looking quickly around, beatstick drawn and clutched ready in one hand. As his eyes settle onto his allies, his confusion only deepens.

2010-09-21, 02:54 PM
Shageki takes out and readies his gun in case it is needed.


2010-09-21, 02:56 PM
The man shoves Uago again and lowers his hood, tightening his covers and walks into the alley where Uago just flown out of.

2010-09-21, 05:14 PM
Aicanique runs over to Uago. "What's going on?"

Lix Lorn
2010-09-21, 05:15 PM
Emily and Nightwing
Emily ran after Aicanique, now thoroughly confused.

Admiral Squish
2010-09-21, 08:51 PM

"Hold it!" He exclaims, grabbing for the green-skinned figure's robe. "Nobody leaves until I figure out who or what's involved here, and you look too much like that freakin' wolf-thing for me to let you go so easy. Everyone just settle down for a second and let me get a grip." He explained, still holding the beatstick in a combat grip.

2010-09-22, 01:25 AM
As you grip the figure's robe, you hear a roar from above as the monkey thing leaps at Uago in rage, trying to claw his face!


The sudden attack, and the monkey on his head, force Uago's grip to loosen for a moment, letting the cloaked figure slip away and begin to run.

2010-09-22, 09:20 AM
Aicanique casts Charm Person on the fleeing man, shouting, "Halt!"

DC 15 Will save

2010-09-22, 09:48 AM
The figure continues to run, but it looks bulkier than a moment ago.

Admiral Squish
2010-09-22, 12:11 PM

Uago snarls with pain and pulls the monkey-thing off his face, throwing it airborne and swinging his beatstick like a baseball bat at it.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

This is assuming that 'jumped on my head' was fluff and it's just in melee range. If this hit drops it, then I'm gonna take the move action to go after the hooded man.

Edit: Great, natural one...

2010-09-22, 12:16 PM
The thing flies off and lands on Uago's face again, trying to attach it's claws into it's opponent.

If it wins grapple, damage [roll1]

Admiral Squish
2010-09-22, 12:36 PM

As the monkey once more claws for his facial features, Uago's anger and frustration build to the boiling point, and he lets go, his body seeming to expand as his logic is subsumed into a tide of fury. Once again, he grips his club and swings hard for the monkey-thing.

Basically, same as last turn, but now with mountain rage!
Once again, if this drops monkey, move action after the hood.

2010-09-22, 12:40 PM
The monkey turns in time to intercept the club going towards it's face... With it's teeth. It grabs the club and is attached to it, hanging on the far side from Uago, it's teeth doing visible damage to the stick.

Admiral Squish
2010-09-22, 12:47 PM

"OFF!" He bellowed, punching at the monkey-thing with a gauntleted fist.

Damage: [roll1]

2010-09-22, 12:50 PM
The monkey let's go, flying with the fist. But not due to taking damage, it's actually using the momentum to fly off into the alley and reach it's master in almost an instant.

Admiral Squish
2010-09-22, 01:00 PM
With a wordless bellow of rage, Uago gives chase at full speed, long strides quickly covering the ground between here and there, swinging his beatstick down two-handed at the man in the hood.

Yay for the 80 foot charge!
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Skirmish [roll2]

2010-09-22, 01:45 PM
Uago easily lands a hit on the man's back of the head, sending him rolling further into the alley at least twenty feet, making a few spins, quite comically actually, and landing on his feet again, continuing to run as if nothing happened.

The monkey on the other hand pulls a wand out of a hidden pocket in the man's robes and begins to speak the magic words, causing the ground between you to be covered in black substance.

Spellcraft DC16It's Grease

2010-09-22, 02:46 PM
Aicanique calls upon her ghostly friends, causing a faint imagine of a spectre to appear in front of the man, her magic convincing him that his greatest nightmare stands before him, but worse for it being a ghost.

Cause Fear, DC 15 Will save
SR check: [roll0]

2010-09-22, 02:49 PM
Since I figure that there's been a few rounds here while Uago's been fighting with the monkey, I'll try casting it again, but them I'm out of DN spells:

Greeeaaat. Well, SR 5 is a possibility...

2010-09-22, 02:51 PM
As Aicanique attempts to effect the figure's mind, it does seem to have an effect. Just not the expected one. Or a desired one. The castings of the spell seem to do something else entirely, as suddenly the figure starts running even faster, Uago being the only one fast enough to have a chance getting to it.

Lix Lorn
2010-09-22, 03:16 PM
Emily concentrated, swinging a bow that didn't exist moments before to face the target, and launching an arrow of pure light. The arrow glows brightly as it speeds towards her target.

At the hooded guy. 110ft range. Fort save vs Daze, if successful, Dazzled. Also, there is a Light effect where the arrow lands for three rounds.


2010-09-22, 03:24 PM
I totally forgot you were a Swordmage.

Anyway, some checks to figure out wtf just happened:

2010-09-22, 03:28 PM
The arrow hits it's mark, piercing the cloak and hitting the figure's shoulder. He continues to run for a couple more steps, but slides to a stop and turns to you as you notice some runes begin to glow between you and him, about the same place Emily hit.

"FOOLS!" He shouts at you, making it clear that it is indeed a he. "You really think I was not prepared for such a case? You think you have a chance to take me down?! Your efforts are useless! Such weaklings as you should be grateful that I was ordered not to kill you, as I would have enjoyed the scent of your blood! Now that we know what this book is about-" as he speaks, an inch thick part of the ground begins to rise as a wall of stone "-you will be dispatched of soon enough. I shall enjoy killing you-" he points at Emily "-personally, even if you are her incarnation!" And with that, the wall continues, blocking the way up to 5 feet.

Lix Lorn
2010-09-22, 03:45 PM
Hooray for Swordmages! (Glomps DragoonWraith)
Emily smiled in satisfaction as her attack hit, and then blanched at his seemingly uncaring reaction.

Admiral Squish
2010-09-22, 04:14 PM

Uago is too far gone to hear the man's speech over the pounding of his pulse in his temples. He swings his arms forward and leaps over the puddle of slick, black substance and lands at a run, barreling down the alleyway toward the short wall, which only comes up to his waist at this point.

Jump (Grease)[roll0]
Jump (Wall)[roll1]
I'm taking a double move to get up next to him. Right up next to him, so he has to move through my reach to do anything.

2010-09-22, 04:21 PM
"Do not underestimate us" he smiles as he leaves you a gift, before fading away. Uago looks down, finding a greatsword sticking out of him.


Admiral Squish
2010-09-22, 04:32 PM
Uago staggers briefly as he realizes there's a sword in his gut. with the target of his ire gone, the haze of rage begins to fade and he sinks to the ground, seated leaning against the stone wall, panting around the blade in his abdomen.

2010-09-22, 04:41 PM
Aicanique, unable to see what's happened on the far side of the wall, hurries past the Grease as best she can and tries to call out, "Uago, what's going on? Did you get him?"

Lix Lorn
2010-09-22, 04:43 PM
Emily and Nightwing
Emily ran after Aicanique, signing for Nightwing to check on Uago.

Admiral Squish
2010-09-22, 04:48 PM
Uago pounds on the stone wall with one fist, gritting his teeth angrily. "No, he got away..." He called back, and began to pull the sword out of his stomach. This whole thing was humiliating.

2010-09-23, 12:55 AM
Osidi Copperscale

Moe's House
Contrary to the rest of the group, Osidi stayed behind in Moe's house. He fidgeted, spun around, looking about the room nervously. He pat Dog on the head as he detached his lantern from her pack and set it alight, the flames he'd conjured vanished as the spell finally faded. Dog barked and headed to the door, "Go follow. See if need help. One last search. Very thorough. Will not. Can not miss. No." A single nod later and Dog was out the door, sprinting in the direction the others went.

Osidi gave his eyes a quick pair of taps, and slowly scanned every nook and cranny.

Osidi casts Guidance on himself.

Osidi takes 20 on one last Search Check: 30


Dog runs up from behind and barks at everyone. She sniffs Shageki, Lix and Aicanique and then begins to look very confused, sitting down and whining, staring at the pool of grease and large, out of place stone wall.

2010-09-23, 10:11 AM
"Are you hurt?"
Aicanique starts trying to climb the wall, using anything she can stand on around her to try to avoid actually having to attempt to scale it.


Admiral Squish
2010-09-23, 10:36 AM
Uago manages to remove the blade from his stomach, pressing one large hand over the wound firmly as he tries to climb to his feet. "I'm fine. He got me pretty good, but I'll live." He responded.

2010-09-23, 10:41 AM
UagoYou leg starts itching with discomfort as you begin feeling a bit dizzy. You close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath, tilting your head up. As you slowly open your eyes, you see the canine beast from earlier, standing on the roof of a three story building, staring at you.

Admiral Squish
2010-09-23, 12:40 PM

Uago staggers a bit as a wave of dizziness passes over him and the strange itching of his leg returned. As he opens his eyes, though, he freezes, eyes locked on the rooftop. He reaches down and behind his back slowly, trying to subtly draw and load his sling out of the canine's view.

2010-09-23, 12:44 PM
UagoAs you load the sling, another similar canine creature appears. You see it from the edge of your sight, sense it more than see actually. It's there, halfway into the wall of stone. And then another one appears on the ground, right in front of you. They wait.

2010-09-23, 01:01 PM

Still trying to get over this wall; can Aicanique hear the dogs?

2010-09-23, 01:05 PM
Aicanique manages to climb enough to see Uago grabbing his sling, staring at a specific spot.

2010-09-23, 01:08 PM
"What is it? What are you looking at?"

Admiral Squish
2010-09-23, 01:17 PM

As Aicanique's words reach him, Uago hesitates in his sling loading. What? Couldn't she see them? What was all this?

2010-09-23, 01:20 PM
UagoThe "dog" behind you bites at your pole, pulling it down, as if taunting you

Uago's pole seems to slide from it's hold and fall.

Lix Lorn
2010-09-23, 01:28 PM
Can I use Blink Dagger to get to the other side of the wall, or even better to attack one of the dog/wolf/things?
Emily signalled for Nightwing to fly up, to see what was happening, as she started climbing the wall.
If I use Nightwing as a spotter, do I know where they are well enough to Blink Dagger them?

2010-09-23, 01:32 PM
What do you mean? Uago is just standing there. Who do you want to blink dagger?

Please, there is no reason for Emily to send her familiar to check things out. Aicanique just asked Uago what he was looking at, so your character would at least assume there isn't an immediate risk unless you would assume Uago can see invisible beings...


Lix Lorn
2010-09-23, 01:34 PM
Actually, I've been considering sending Nightwing for about three posts. She wants to check if/how much he's hurt.

2010-09-23, 01:39 PM
Uago is pretty injured, with a large wound decorating his torso. There is a greatsword lying around, soaked in blood.

Lix Lorn
2010-09-23, 01:47 PM
Emily and Nightwing
"Whoah!" said Nightwing, squawking in surprise. "Uago, are you alright? Do you need help?!"

Admiral Squish
2010-09-23, 04:40 PM

Were they real? Were they illusions? The question was answered when one of them grabbed his stick and pulled it out of his grip. If they were fake, they couldn't do that. And if they were real, they could be hurt. He may be injured, but he was not about to roll over and let these... things mess with him. As the pole left his grip, he quickly spun, raised a fist high, and punched downwards towards the skull of the wolf-beast behind him.

Probably not needed, but...
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-09-23, 06:03 PM

Seeing the conflict that occurred, Shageki moved to join the others. Once there he attempts to jump on top of the wall (but not over it). As he approaches he asks what happened.
Jump [roll0]
Balance (if needed) [roll1]

2010-09-24, 01:04 AM
Uago finds his fist going through the skull of the hound as if it wasn't there. But then, before leaving the space that was supposed to be occupied, the hound grabs the fist between it's large fangs. As Uago begins to feel the crushing pressure, another hound appears in the alley.

Everybody but Uago
As Uago attempts to attack something that only he can see, his fist suddenly freezing in the middle of the air. Suddenly, next to him, a creature that slightly resembles a canine appears. It's body is covered irregularly by scales in some spots and rough fur in others, it's front legs are twisted inwards and it has several thick spikes on it's back, covered in glowing blue runes. It's head is mostly a large jaw with two large fangs going upwards in a smooth curve, and it seems to have only a single eye.

Suddenly, one of it's back spikes flies and slams into the stone wall where the hound grabbed Uago's fist was. Actually, Uago knew it slammed into the canine itself, but that was not known for the others. As the creature disappeared, the new canine slammed into the second hound on the ground, clawing at it's head and ripping the flesh apart. Uago glanced up, seeing the third beast isn't there, and as he looked down, there was only one canine standing there, breathing heavily.

"Sorry I am late, master." Uago and everybody else heard in their mind a heavy voice.

Admiral Squish
2010-09-24, 01:43 AM

As Uago's fist is suddenly gripped by the fangs of the canine monster, he winces. When a new canine monster appears, he readies himself to fend off an attack from that direction as well, when the beast, with two swift motions, destroys as many of the other canine monsters. Uago stood now confused and unmolested, but readied himself to fight the third creature when he heard it's voice.

"...Master?" Is all he can manage through the thousand questions trying to force their way out of his mouth.

2010-09-24, 01:50 AM
The thing nods and turns to look at the top of the wall of stone "Please remove yourself from the wall." As you do, the wall begins to glow with the light of the blue runes appearing on it, and suddenly it begins to crack and crumble, as if too aged to stand.

"I am sure you have many questions, but the silent mistress has business with the guards, does she not? Perhaps you should ask, on the way..."

Lix Lorn
2010-09-24, 08:32 AM
Emily and Nightwing

Emily blinked in surprise, and nodded.

2010-09-24, 09:02 AM
As you walk forward, the hound follows you. Osidi notices Dog sniffing at it, and suddenly you all hear in your mind "Yes" and Dog replying with a happy bark.

You notice that the people around you, those that still aren't at home, like the guards, drunks or random men late to return, don't react to the weird beast.

"I am not one who likes exposition, unlike the sleeping beauty" the beast speaks "Is there something you would like to know?" you feel that the permission to ask is not restricted to Uago.

Lix Lorn
2010-09-24, 09:27 AM
Emily and Nightwing
Using Nightwing to translate her signs, Emily asked.
"What do you know about the 'sleeping beauty'..?"

2010-09-24, 09:30 AM
"Only that she will pass some of her and snow white's powers to you. You did not share information about her, so I cannot tell you what you knew... Or will know."

Lix Lorn
2010-09-24, 09:33 AM
Emily and Nightwing

Emily's expression of complete confusion needed no translation.

2010-09-24, 10:15 AM
"Is something wrong?" The beast asks, as it sniffs the air "Ravens..." it emits the thought as it continues to move forward.

Admiral Squish
2010-09-24, 10:36 AM

As the questions poured through his brain, he began to rattle them off, one after another. "What are you? Where did you come from? Why did you call me master? Why did those other look-like-you things attack me? Why did YOU attack them? Why couldn't Aicanique see the other ones? What was that other one that looked like you doing in the alleyway with all those ravens? What happened to half my day? Why has my leg been itching whenever these things happen?"

2010-09-24, 10:47 AM
"Ah, so an exposition is inevitable. My kind was bred by your enemy to find the special ravens. When my kind, the time hounds as they decided to call us, devours the essence of the ravens, a distortion in time is created sometimes. It was an unexpected side effect, but a necessary one, because if the power wasn't released, the consequences would be even more severe. That is what the time hound you saw earlier did, and that is why you were sent into the future. Something about you is unique, you are not a simple messenger. You will learn to deliver, ignoring the restraints of something as simple as time. That is why you can see, but for now, only on a basic level. The itching in your leg, is your body letting you know there is something to see. If it is itching and you can't see, be afraid. Very much. I cannot tell you why, so do not ask. The hounds wanted to attack you, but it takes time. Actually, they can't attack you at sight, they can only defend against you. That is why you were provoked. The hounds surf through the stream of time, they are there when they will it, and you only see their shadow when they don't. Your skills are too primitive to be able to intercept them in their travel through the waves, if I didn't come when I did, you would have died. I am a guest in this time, and world. You are my clan's master, but there are other clans... The silent lady and the cold living are two other clan masters, which you could pinpoint who they will be, even now. But this is in my world, and may not come to pass in yours. Anything I missed? Anything else?"

Admiral Squish
2010-09-24, 11:42 AM
Uago nods as he thinks over the response. "You keep mentioning my enemy. who are my enemy? What do they want? What's so important about these birds? If the enemy made you, then why are you helping me? So, since I'm going to be able to travel through time, why don't I just come back and help me now? Why does me being able to travel in the future make me able to see things now?"

2010-09-24, 11:50 AM
"You're ability isn't developed yet, but it exists. I did not say you can travel through time, that ability is reserved to my kind. You can deliver messages through time, that is all. Seeing us, the time hounds, is an important part of being able to use us, is it not? The reason that others can see me as well, is that I'm unique. And you are too, since other mortals simply see me as a normal dog. Like this one," it motions towards Dog "still fools everybody. The identity of your enemy... I am sorry, but I cannot reveal it. That restriction was imprinted on our kind from our very creation. The silent mistress was able to free us from the grip of the enemy, but that imprint could not be erased. The birds are important, they are the anchors of the sleeping beauty, containing the essence of time. When the last one dies, a ritual will be performed, and the holder of the dreamcatcher will control time. But your allies already heard that story from the Sigan herself, I believe. The hound motions at Emily.

2010-09-24, 02:47 PM
Aicanique stares, stifling an objection at the apparent reference to her as "cold living".

2010-09-24, 04:37 PM
Looking at and listening to the strange dog with interest, Shageki decides to interject that he may confirm what he suspects.
"So let me see if I understand this properly. The Sleeping Beauty you refer to is Sigan, or time. This would make Snow White Raumia, or space. From what you've said, they have given Emily some of their powers, and it was Sigan speaking through her that told us that legend earlier. If everything in the legend was true, then Sigan also split her power among the blackest crows of Whiteshore, but put the largest portion in a dream catcher that is kept in the Dreamscape.
You are a creature bred to hunt down and kill the crows to capture their power, and can't attack unless attacked first. You say you are a guest in this time and world, which means you are either from the future, or posses the ability to move through more than just time. Also from what you said, it seems that Dog is also one of your kind."


2010-09-25, 01:04 AM
"Mostly correct, but not exactly. The dream catcher containing Sigan's powers is not in the Dreamscape, but in Raumia's domain, at the snow kingdom. It is not that we cannot attack unless provoked... It is different."

"Think of time as a set of rivers, all flowing differently, in a different pace. The default method of traveling through time is to exit the river, and find one where the events you seek already came to pass, if traveling to the future, or didn't, if to the past. That sometimes causes them to come to a different world. Some try to outrun the river, thus traveling to the past is easier than to the future, you can guess why. But the time hounds are above those rivers. Reaching in is almost impossible to us. Uago tried to attack, he tried to reach out, and that is why he could be bitten. Even if Uago would have told you where the dogs are and you would try to land an attack, nothing would have happened. Uago will learn how to reach out of the stream at will, but he will not learn how to exit it. This explanation is of course inaccurate, but it is simple enough to help grasp the basics."

"We were not created to capture their power, only to destroy the anchors. But some things are beyond our creator's choice, so that is what ended up happening. Yes, I am from a different time, from a different river. But no, Dog is not like us. The only thing we have in common is that we both use a disguise when interacting with the world."

2010-09-25, 02:45 AM
Osidi Copperscale

Osidi taps his forehead, trying to process the information as best he can. "Mean...both time-dog and Dog both look like dog. Not Dog is in dog disguise, yes?" He pats Dog on the head, trying to make sure his Dog and this Dog hadn't switched places somewhere when he wasn't looking. "Question though. Why...Why ehm...Hard to say. Not good with words. Why concepts of space, time, black, white, take interest in us, specifically? Why give mute dream-thought? Give big-man little control of time? Must be others investigating. Could be others, smarter, more clever, powerful." Osidi clutches his head and sighs, "Think...At rate, lose mind. Lose more of mind, yes. No. Hope no."

2010-09-25, 02:50 AM
"Nothing was given to you, it was taken. By force. A birthright. Or perhaps a mistake. Those things aren't the monopoly of the concepts, they are just passed around. When you die, someone else is going to pick up on your powers. As simple as that. There are many ways to claim the powers before your body has been born. The fact that you are investigating and have the powers is merely a coincidence."

2010-09-25, 12:19 PM
"What are the 'clans'? Who are Uago, Emily, and... and I? masters of?"

2010-09-25, 12:26 PM
"You are masters of nothing, yet. To actually master your clans you will have to show your strength, that you are worthy. If I'll reveal anything else for you now, you might get arrogant, think the future is sealed, that when the time comes, you will just get what you believe is yours. Even if you think otherwise, it does not matter. I came to help and protect, not to guide and reveal the future. I have probably already revealed more than I should... Superb timing." The time hound says as you come within sight of your destination.

The three stories building on the edge of the split in the roads is only one of the outposts of the guards, but it should have the information you need. Two guards stand by the entrance, seem eager to leave. They talk about getting drunk until the morning shift comes, something about a birthday.

Lix Lorn
2010-09-25, 04:37 PM
Emily and Nightwing

Emily decided that trying to follow all of this was just confusing. The best thing to do was stick with what she already knew-she needed to find this girl, and the easiest way was to ask the guard. Maybe these two would do?
"Excuse me." she said. "My name is Emily, may I ask something?"
Nightwing fluttered down as Emily began to sign.
"My name is Nightwing. We are investigating several of the troubles in the city. Have you heard tales of a girl who has fallen into a deep sleep, unable to wake?"

Manifested Missive.

2010-09-25, 04:54 PM
The guards turn to look at you for a moment, then turn back, waving you off "It's late, citizens aren't allowed inside at such hours. You can request audience tomorrow."

Lix Lorn
2010-09-25, 04:55 PM
Emily and Nightwing
"No, you don't understand." said Nightwing, as Emily scowled in irritation. "We've been asked by the town to investigate, and this needs to be done tonight."

2010-09-25, 04:57 PM
One of the guards shrugs "Do you have any proof of that?"

Lix Lorn
2010-09-25, 04:59 PM
Emily and Nightwing

"I... Aicanique, don't you have the badge?" said Nightwing, turning.

2010-09-25, 05:47 PM
"Ah, but we're not civilians, per se. We've been recruited for a special investigation; we have badges, if you'd like? We shouldn't need much of your time."

2010-09-26, 12:39 AM
"You still need to show the badge, instead of just talking about it."

2010-09-26, 09:30 AM
Heh, I'd assumed that was implied.
Aicanique shows the badge.

Dumb question: Why are we here? I know the time-dog had us follow him here, but what was the reason? Was it purely for Emily's seeking the sleeping girl?

2010-09-26, 09:36 AM
Yup, purely for Emily. The dog didn't really lead you here anyway, you would have gotten here without him either way.

The guard smirks for some reason, "Sure, you can enter."

There is a table in front of the entrance and a door on the left far side. In the center of the back wall is a staircase going up and down, and there is a bench on the left and right sides of the room. There are token decorations and plants there, but there was no effort or thought put into them, unlike in this description.

A man in a formal uniform but no armor sits behind the desk, clearing up some paperwork and chatting up with a man standing behind him, who you recognize as the guard that checked your badge when you were at Moe's. He seems annoyed as he sees you, but the man looks up from the papers at an expressionless gaze and asks in a bored, tired voice "Can I help you?"

Admiral Squish
2010-09-27, 04:42 PM

"So, wait, can someone tell me what I missed? Who are we gonna go see, some sleeping kid?" He asked the group in general.

2010-09-27, 05:56 PM
In response to Uago's question, Shageki shows him the story (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9334168&postcount=798) he copied.


2010-09-27, 09:58 PM
Osidi Copperscale

"Admit, not sure. Girls would probably know, seemed to know. More worried about Moe-dog. And...time-dogs, guess." Osidi rubs his forehead and worriedly looks around the room. "Probably should know...Yes, yes? Distressing. Maybe...Expected? Not exactly master of tricky concepts. Master of cleaning, maybe."

2010-09-27, 10:15 PM
Aicanique will show the badge, I suppose, but I'm waiting on Lix to ask the questions since Emily's the one who has the questions to ask.

2010-09-28, 07:33 AM
"Time dogs?" The standing guard repeats in a suspicious voice.

"Sleeping kid?" The clerk repeats in the same monotonous voice and opens his drawer, going through his papers.

"This is stupid. Hired investigators aren't what they used to be. Back in the days, an investigator was willing to attack guards rather than risk blowing his cover by showing the badge in public every time someone asks." The standing guard mumbles as the clerk pulls up a sheet of paper. He takes a small piece of paper and copies an address to it "Here, this is what you wanted, right? Anything else?"

Lix Lorn
2010-09-28, 04:51 PM
Sorry, I just got RA3 working on my shiny new computer.

Emily signed something else in confusion, and Nightwing seemed to agree.

"...you're complaining that we didn't attack you?" he said.

Admiral Squish
2010-09-28, 06:26 PM

"It's not too late for that, you know..." He commented, cracking his knuckles a tad ominously and glancing over his shoulder towards the guards at the door. "And if I do it right, you' guys 'll never remember we were here."

2010-09-29, 01:03 AM
The guard smiles dryly and leans forward "How do you think I entered the guard? Don't think too much of yourselves, there are plenty of bigger fish than you in this pond. Anyway, I have to go. Dark Fang left a gift," he continues to speak as he moves past you "A dead elven merchant this time."

2010-09-29, 01:36 AM
Osidi Copperscale

"Thought running was good. Had plan worked out. Still have fog spell. Though not specific for escape. Lots of uses for sudden fog." Osidi rubs his head and eyeballs the piece of paper, "Think guard-man is strange. But question. Met kobolds earlier, yes? Said something about goblins performing fake ritual to remove problem, issue, conundrum, anomaly...Ngh. Told 'come to city hall, five afternoon'. Try to prevent ritual, go to meeting. Any idea?"

2010-09-29, 01:43 AM
The clerk looks up at you "Ignore them. This is not your business and they were not allowed to share any information, no matter how false it is, with anyone outside the council. You should forget it and not come."

Lix Lorn
2010-09-29, 03:25 AM
Emily persed her lips, and looked at Aicanique, signing something.

How many different things can be going on at once in this stupid city?

2010-09-29, 04:14 PM
Aicanique signs back: I have no idea; I'm just as bewildered as you. We should just ask your question and move on.

Lix Lorn
2010-09-29, 04:28 PM
Emily and Nightwing

She nodded confusedly.
"That's what we wanted." confirmed Nightwing as Emily took the papers.

2010-09-30, 12:56 AM
After a few minutes of walking, you reach the noble quarters. Following the address, you find one of the smaller mansions, which is still quite large. The main gate is open, but there is nobody in the yard, so you move forward. Testing the door, you find it locked. Knowing that you want to help the family, and not raid their house or something, you decide to knock first.

The door opens slowly, but doesn't just stop to let the person look at you, but only when it is wide open. A woman in a white quality night gown stands at the edge of the door, leaving a large opening inside. Her eyes are tired and her dark hair is a mess. You feel that she almost doesn't care if you are here to actually raid the house.

"What?" She asks in a miserable voice.

Lix Lorn
2010-09-30, 05:05 AM
Emily and Nightwing
Emily curtsied respectfully, as Nightwing dipped his beak.
"Forgive us," he said. "Is this the house with the girl who will not wake?"zg

2010-09-30, 05:08 AM
"What is it to you?" she hisses, even more miserable, not reacting to the talking animal.

Lix Lorn
2010-09-30, 05:42 AM
Emily and Nightwing
I want to help! said Emily through a Message.

2010-09-30, 05:44 AM
"The city guard already tried to help, and then they gave up and stop sending the 'experts'" she says bitterly and mockingly as she moves back into the house, keeping the door open.

Lix Lorn
2010-09-30, 09:58 AM
Emily and Nightwing
Emily gave a sympathetic wince, and moved to follow her.

2010-09-30, 10:02 AM
She points at the stairs up and mumbles "Second door on the left." You get the feeling she won't be in the room with her daughter when you do whatever you do.

Lix Lorn
2010-09-30, 10:14 AM
Emily and Nightwing
She nodded, following and then headed for said door.

2010-09-30, 10:38 AM
You enter into a large room. It's pretty much what one would expect out of a noble girl's room. It's decorated with miscellaneous pink figurines and drawings, but is also very tidy and neat. A large soft rug covers the floor, toys are filling nice boxes. There is a table for study, and a large bookcase for... Books. Some shelves are filled with dolls too.

There is a large bed in the corner, lying in it is a small, around 5 or 6 years old girl. In front of the bed lies what is probably the girl's favorite pet. A large armor wearing bear. It glances up at you, ***** it's head, opens it's mouth and yawns, wakening up from slumber. "You will help her?" it asks in a hopeful voice.

Lix Lorn
2010-09-30, 11:20 AM
Emily and Nightwing

Emily stares for a moment, and then nods slowly. She walks forwards, and hesitates for a moment.

The dream thingy said to touch her, right..?

2010-09-30, 11:30 AM
Osidi Copperscale

"Not sure but...Is bear? Not seeing things, yes? Already lost hearing, no want to lose vision." Osidi creeps closer to the bear, looking more confused than he normally would.

2010-09-30, 11:34 AM
Aicanique, a good bit more worried than Emily and Osidi apparently were, answers, "Oh yeah, there's definitely a bear. A large, well-armored bear. Why does a bear need armor?"

2010-09-30, 11:37 AM
The bear nods as it shuffles away to let Emily closer, but it stays next to her, eyes focused, ready to attack at any bad movements "Name is ma-" it pauses "Ursa. Caretaker and nanny of this child. Trying to help her puts your life on the line. If you make her situation worse, you will find the same to apply to you. My armor is needed, but you aren't trusted to have the reason."

Yes, you are supposed to touch the child. Now or you want to talk with the bear a bit?

Lix Lorn
2010-09-30, 11:43 AM
Emily and Nightwing

Emily was staring at the girl, but Nightwing's curiosity was piqued.
"I realize the irony, but... how are you talking?" he asked.

2010-09-30, 11:45 AM
"Like so." It says and begins moving it's mouth silently.

2010-09-30, 11:54 AM
Osidi Copperscale

"Think Bear would talk same way as Bird. Magic, yes?" Osidi reaches out to touch Ursa's armor, but reconsiders at the last moment and lurches backwards, cradling his hand to his chest.

2010-09-30, 12:05 PM
Aicanique casts Detect Magic, but focuses on the girl, the bed, the room, everything but the bear, at least until she's out of other options. She makes it very obvious that she's not inspecting the bear. Because she's vaguely terrified of it.

2010-09-30, 12:05 PM
The bear looks away, uncomfortable "Magic... Yes... I thought you aren't here for me.."

Lix Lorn
2010-09-30, 12:30 PM
Emily and Nightwing

Emily hesitated once more, as if in her own little world, and then reached forward and touched the sleeping girl.

2010-09-30, 12:56 PM
Aicanique's glow with the spell as she looks at the child.

Aicanique OnlyThe girl is surrounded by a magical cloud, but as Emily's hand approaches, it seems to pierce the cloud in a way you never seen happen before, as if Emily's hand snuffs out the odd magical aura with touch. And as the touch finally connects, you feel the aura vanish slightly before you lose your spell and...

The room grows dimmer as the lights suddenly flicker, as if Emily's touch didn't simply reach the girl, but cover everything in sight. Suddenly the floor breaks off and you find yourselves floating in darkness, not seeing anybody but your own body, and even that you are unsure of.

You finally find yourself in a new room, being able to see. You feel odd, as if you were torn out of your body and into someone else. You feel dizzy and heavy, but also light. Trying to move your own body makes you feel sick for a moment, but the sensation passes as you continue to feel like you are swimming in porridge instead of moving. Examining each other, you note that you don't seem to have affected by today's events. Or almost any harmful event ever. Even Emily seems to be able to speak.

Emily Only
You feel alone. The rest didn't notice yet, but you are more alone than you were in a long time. No Nightwing, no Sigan. Just you and your voice.

After finally getting over the feeling enough to examine the room around you, you notice how unusual it is. Some furniture is small enough to fit only a pixie, while other things would fit only the largest of giants. A large wooden horse swings back and forth, it's eyes fixated on you. A small girl, the one that is supposed to be asleep in her bad, crouches in the corner, next to a normally sized door. Her back is turned to you, her hands are hugging her feet as she continues to quietly weep.

And then you notice that none of your pets, new or old, are here. No Dog, no Nightwing, no time hound, no bear either. Only you.

2010-09-30, 01:25 PM
Examining each other, you note that you don't seem to have affected by today's events. Or almost any harmful event ever. Even Emily seems to be able to speak.
Does that include my Tomb-Tainted Soul? Because that was definitely added by a harmful event. Actually, worse, what about the original girl? She's effectively "dead", even if Aicanique is almost the same person (same brain, same skills), their histories and experiences are completely different, making them different people. Does Aicanique herself count as the effect of a "harmful event"?

2010-09-30, 01:44 PM
Does that include my Tomb-Tainted Soul? Because that was definitely added by a harmful event. Actually, worse, what about the original girl? She's effectively "dead", even if Aicanique is almost the same person (same brain, same skills), their histories and experiences are completely different, making them different people. Does Aicanique herself count as the effect of a "harmful event"?

And that is why I said almost. You are pretty much the same, for some reason...

2010-09-30, 02:16 PM
Suddenly, the world around you begins to change. You see things become greener, feeling a slight breeze, but suddenly everything seems to jerk, as if the world is struggling not to change. The girl stops crying and looks up, a moment before releasing a horrible scream. And then she was silenced.

You find yourself in a meadow, trees blowing in the quiet breeze. Flowers of bright colors decorate the place around you. Looking up, you see the sky is hidden under a cover of yellow and purple clouds that move so quickly that it looks like the sky is just a quickly changing color pattern. Or maybe it is, and your mind just tries to make it feel familiar...

Suddenly, the ground shakes, and you see a large spike come out of the ground, about 50 feet away from you. It is covered in familiar runes that glow in an angry red light.

2010-09-30, 02:29 PM
Do I still have Detect Magic?

2010-09-30, 02:30 PM
I said the spell was lost, as in, stopped working. You can try to cast it again, if you want...

2010-09-30, 02:43 PM
Nope; Aicanique's a bit jarred right now; she might have held onto it, but she doesn't have the presence of mind to recast it now. So, waiting for Emily, I suppose.

Lix Lorn
2010-09-30, 03:50 PM
Emily looked ahead at the girl, walking softly towards her.
"H...hello?" she said, nervously. "We're here to help you." she added, marvelling at the sound of her own voice.

2010-10-01, 12:28 AM
The girl disappeared with the change in the world.

2010-10-01, 01:42 AM
Osidi Copperscale

Osidi, the scarring on the side of his face gone and the bandage missing, pats down the side of his face, for once, without jittering or repetition of the task. "Feeling...Clearer. Quiet, for once. Doesn't happen often. First time in...very long time." He takes a moment to adjust, straightening himself out. "Would be nice, if real. Now...Pillar, spike, thing there. Would guess...anchor point? Yes? Runes like from book, maybe."

2010-10-01, 02:44 AM
You feel a sudden earthquake. The earth shakes stronger and stronger with each step, as you feel the source coming closer from behind the spike.

You notice, about 100ft from the spike, 140ft from you, a large door. It is covered with runes, but those don't glow at all, as if dead.

And then a huge lump of fat appears. Well, a really large human-ish looking naked human. And it sings!

"I don't know but I've been told
That I worth my weight in gold!
I kill animals with all my might
And stuff my face all night!
I kill the elves, crush their bones
eat their eyes, drink their blood,
I cook the gnomes, smoke the orcs
and sleep all day long!"

And then it touches the spike as the sky darkens. Suddenly, the runes on the spike stop glowing and die, but the man is beginning to be covered in similar blue covered runes.

"Feeding time!" it roars and begins to slowly move towards you.

Lix Lorn
2010-10-01, 06:04 AM
Oh. Oops.

Emily tries to form an arrow of mana, trying to send it to the feet of the approaching creature, maybe to scare it.

"What are you? What are you doing?" she says as she tries to fire.

Aaaand it's not going to work here, is it. On the offchance:
Aiming for close to him but not at him. Preferably directly in front of him.


2010-10-01, 07:00 AM
The arrow flies off towards the creature's feet, but at the last moment, it seems to fly up and hit the face instead. The "human" reels up from the hit and shouts in rage as lightning begins to come out of the runes, scorching the land around him, threatening to burn it all, while the attack itself seemed to do absolutely nothing except anger it.

The huge creature grabs the giant spike and rips it out of the ground. "I'll show you an arrow!" he seems to get ready to throw it, but it's slow movements give you some time to try something else.

Lix Lorn
2010-10-01, 07:23 AM
"Oops." she said lamely, before lashing out with a psychic lash, telepathically screeching.

Mind Thrust? Augmented once, plus a Wild surge. 2pp, 3d10 damage, DC15 negates.

2010-10-01, 02:57 PM
Seeing the opponent running at them, Shageki decides to act quickly and shoots at the oncoming attacker, aiming for its vitals.
Using Hot-Blooded Gunman Bravado stance to increase damage by 2 (-2 to attack)
Attack [roll0]
Confirm Critical (if necessary) [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Iron Caress (vitals), opponent must make DC 13 Fort save or take 1 damage ever round for the next 5 rounds.


2010-10-01, 08:42 PM
Aicanique responds immediately with a Ray of Enfeeblement.

[roll0], [roll1]

2010-10-01, 11:07 PM
Osidi Copperscale

"Find this...difficult to believe, yes? Not sure if attacking best idea. Lost little girl when big thing appeared, nearly, yes?" Osidi pulls his wand of healing from his backpack and prepares to administer a quick jab to whoever might need it. "Not sure if thoughts going anywhere, but think it good to vocalize."

2010-10-01, 11:10 PM
"Well, my response was decidedly non-lethal. For whatever that's worth against someone who clearly feasts on the flesh of people."

Admiral Squish
2010-10-02, 08:34 AM
As his allies fire on the fat creature, Uago ducks low and charges forward, leaping into the air arms outstretched, aiming to tackle the man to the ground.

For good measure, Mountain Rage too. Does the touch attack get the +2 from charging? Just add it in if it does.
Touch: [roll0]
Grapple: [roll1]
Strength: [roll2]

2010-10-02, 08:52 AM
Emily's attack seems to cause the creature's legs to be covered in a thin layer of ice that quickly breaks off to no actual effect, and while you are sure that the attack had some effect, you can't really figure out the reaction. Aicanique's ray glowed in red as it flew into the creature, scorching it's stomach and causing the mountains of fat to tremble, but the creature didn't show any signs of pain or weakness, even though Aicanique is sure the spell had it's normal effects. Is this creature so powerful and sturdy that he can ignore such things?

Uago's fast steps left glitter sparkling from the ground upwards, not having any actual effect besides making Uago look fabulous while running with his hands stretched out. As Uago jumped at the creature, everything seemed to go much more slower, and the colors of the terrain made you think of a sunset, and it all suddenly became very romantic. Until Uago hit the giant blob and bounced back, falling on his back 10ft from the creature. Then everything went back to normal. As normal as it could be.

Then the fat man launched the spike into the group.

Everybody but Uago: [roll0] Reflex 17 halves.

Admiral Squish
2010-10-02, 09:02 AM
Uago rolls to his feet and balls a fist, stepping in towards the fat man and swinging a gauntleted fist at him.

So, that's a move to get up, a 5-foot step toward him, then a punch thanks to the 10 ft. reach.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Lix Lorn
2010-10-02, 10:14 AM
Emily leaps aside, trying to dodge.


2010-10-02, 01:34 PM

What type of damage is it? Does it count as magic? I have DR 2/Bludgeoning-and-magic
Aicanique is hit hard by the spike; though she avoided the tip, the broad side of it slams into her hard. Even relatively unresponsive flesh bruises darkly almost immediately.

Weakly, Aicanique barely manages to summon some Caltrops just in front of the monster, between her and it

If it moves into that square, the Caltrops get an attack at +0 against the target sans shield, armor, or deflection bonuses to AC, but +2 if it's wearing shoes.

2010-10-02, 01:34 PM
Shageki attempts to dodge, but fails as the spike crashes nearby.

After getting up, Shageki attempts a Sickening Blast targeted at the creature.


2010-10-02, 02:50 PM
Osidi Copperscale

Reflex Save - [roll0]

Osidi does little more than stare and fall over as the spike comes crashing down on top of them. With a bit more speed in his recovery efforts, his aura shifts and he pulls himself back to his feet. "Thinking, dreaming, yes? Maybe try...dream-logic, guess? Maybe not limited by normal limits."

Osidi swaps to his Draconic Aura of Vigor. Fast Healing 1 for all!

Lix Lorn
2010-10-02, 04:32 PM

Emily gave a cry of pain as fragments of spike struck her, and she got up, drawing an arrow of light, and launching it.


Fortitude save vs Daze, dazzled if successful.

2010-10-03, 03:26 AM
The attacks seem to hit, even if have little visual effects.

Uago Only
You notice that some of the runes in the place of contact with your attack had extinguished, and as you step back, you notice your gauntlet to be decorated with a glowing blue rune.

The fatness seems to wobble with rage, but the barrage of attacks actually seemed to prevent it from doing anything that would be threatening to your life.

Now the question is, how you get rid of it, and why do you hear pirates?

Your turn.

Lix Lorn
2010-10-03, 08:55 AM
Emily stared at the creature, and vanished, attacking from behind, before running back away.

I use Blink Dagger, and then move directly away from him. If I'm not within 30ft, then I move to within 30ft and recover my incantations.
In case I am in range,

2010-10-03, 11:35 AM
Aicanique takes the moment to cast Mage Armor on herself, because whoa.

Admiral Squish
2010-10-03, 02:46 PM

Uago blinks as the rune transfers onto his gauntlet. He promptly decides that it doesn't matter, and grabs his beatstick, swinging hard for the fat man's skull.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2010-10-04, 01:41 AM
Osidi Copperscale

Osidi, looking vaguely like he's just come up with an idea that could end world hunger and is amused by how simple the idea is, rubs his chin thoughtfully. "Think...Going to try something. Ehm...Keep it busy? Seems to jiggle lots. Doesn't have many more big rocks. Unless anything can be big rock." He turns his back to the conflict and stares very hard at the ground, mumbling, "Dog should be here. Am here, Dog never very far. Never. Nevernever, never." He shuts his eyes tight, clenches his fists and tries, very hard, to convince himself that Dog should be right there in front of him, going so far as to chant her name over and over again.