View Full Version : [BleachITP] Episode 35: Cold Reunion on Bloody Sands

The Librarian
2010-05-29, 11:42 PM
On these barren sands of Hueco Mundo,
Guided by only her growing hatred,
Revenge echoing through her mind,
She walks under the eerie moonlight,
Seiging the Castle of the White Sands.

Sand blows almost internally across the vast desert that is Hueco Mundo. A eerie pitch black sky looms overhead, the crescent moon the only source of light that faintly glows overhead. Here and there a small outcropping of rock, or quartz that would resemble a small forest of barren white trees can be seen. All of these little landmarks however, are dwarfed by the massive white fortress that can be seen from tens of miles away: Las Noches. This is the City and Palace to The King of Hueco Mundo, Erscheinung von Geister, and the Legendary Espada, a rank that few Arrancar have achieved.

Miles away from the gigantic castle, a figure walks slowly through the sands covered in a black robe heading for Las Noches.

2010-05-30, 08:39 AM
In the cavernous library of Las Noches, the hulking figure of Baudelio Abasolo rests behind a desk. In the empty stillness of the room, the former Fraccion's breaths echo down along the corridors with uncanny volume. His breathing continues regularly, each breath as deep as the last.

The quiet is broken by the slow clanging of an alarm. His shift over, Baudelio stands up slowly, exiting the library, and heading towards his usual daily walk along the outer walls of Las Noches.

The Librarian
2010-05-30, 09:16 PM
Although it would appear the figure had not known as the alarm slowly drones in Las Noches signifying the shift change, figure suddenly looks towards Las Noches.

...Its time

A hand reaches out from under the heavy robe and tears it away, tossing it aside. The figure is revealed as a woman with long blond hair tied back a black ribbon. She wears a two piece black uniform. The top resembling a breastplate that stops at the midriff with two arm sleeves connect to the torso of the top only by to cloth straps. The lower piece is a simple long robe, with tight black pants.

Her reiatsu faintly pulses as she immediately sonidoes towards Las Noches: Isara Wessmer.

2010-05-30, 09:38 PM
Kayi, standing at the top of her tower, feels the change. The pulse flows over stone, reverberating against it. Kayi blinks, and looks into the distance. She sees nothing, no change, no difference in the vast desert sands. Closing her eyes, Kayi stretches her pesquisa outwards, first enveloping Las Noches, then spreading farther and farther. Then she finds it. The familiar blip of reiatsu, the same one that she felt pulse.

"So you've come."

Her left hand moves to her sword. It's still there. Turning away from the desert, Kayi leaves her place at watch. There was no point in fighting it, she knew.

It is time to do her duty.

The Librarian
2010-05-30, 11:00 PM
Isara increases the speed of her sonido flying towards Las Noches. From the great outer walls, a line of sand is forming in the distance rapidly approaching the fortress.

Isara comes within half a mile of Las Noches in a matter of seconds. She abruptly stops gliding in the air. She lifts her hand and rips open a garganta disappearing within it.

2010-06-03, 04:23 PM
When Isara leaves, Kayi is watching from a distance, hidden from direct view and hidden from reiatsu sense. Her pesquisa quantifies Isara's energy and compares it with Kayi's own.

It is you.

Quietly, Kayi removes her sheathed sword from the belt on her uniform and readies it should she need to strike. Until then, she waits.

The Librarian
2010-06-04, 07:27 PM
Isara reappears from her garganta onto the walkway of the great walls of Las Noches. She prepares to dive down into the inner walls of Las Noches when she senses an old presence.
Kayi?...Is she actually here.

Isara turns in the direction of Kayi's reiatsu when she spots Kayi, wearing what appears to be a Las Noches uniform and with her sword drawn also aware of Isara's presence. Isara draws her Zanpaktou in defense and unsure as to why she was here.

Isara opens her mouth only mutters something barely audible to herself.

2010-06-06, 07:13 AM
Kayi steps from the shadows, pointing her sheathed sword at Isara. Her white uniform flows in the air as she walks. The temperature seems to drop a degree.

"You have come back to this place, have you? My king will be displeased. Perhaps I can change his reaction."

Not waiting for Isara to respond to her appearance nor her sword, Kayi sonidos behind Isara and swings her still sheathed sword at the back of the head.

The Librarian
2010-06-06, 08:53 PM
Isara lifts her sword in the split second before Kayi sonidoes. In that instant, like a surge of lightning through her body the thought came to her mind.
"My King?"...No! Did she returned to von Geister's side!?

She twists her blade towards the back of her head and beginning to duck, anticipating the attack when Kayi reappears behind her.
She is way faster than me.

Only the tip of Isara blade can connect with the sheathed blade slowing its speed, and lessening the impact. Nonetheless, Kayi's sheathed blade slides almost effortlessly off Isara's blade connecting with Isara causing her fall.
I've got to put space between myself now.

Isara uses her loss of balance to her advantage, placing her arm on the ground and lowering her body into a roll . She then exits the rolls with still a great amount of force from Kayi's attack pushing her. Isara right herself again flipping into the air. landing back onto her two feet. isara raises her Zanpaktou again and charges a Cero in her hand glowing a bright blue.
Kayi! What are you doing here, and what did you mean by "My King"? Are you working with von Geister again?

2010-06-06, 09:09 PM
"It is no matter. You will die here today. There is no hope for either of us now."

Kayi sonidos again, her image fading from place a millisecond after her movement. At first she appears to be nowhere, but then her unsheathed sword falls towards the top of Isara's head from behind, Kayi seeming to just appear already in motion. In her left hand, a pure blue energy grows to rival that of Isara's.

"I will not hold back against you."

Kayi's face remains a grim and solid mask, unchanging even at the sight of her previous ally attempting to fight her. In her mind, there exists only one goal, only one thing she must do.

The Librarian
2010-06-06, 09:23 PM
This time around Isara is able to react faster her sword connecting with kayi's blocking it as she turns to look her once friend in the eyes.
I have no intention of dying here today.

Isara then shoots off her cero and almost immediately after sonido about 300 ft away.

2010-06-06, 09:28 PM
Kayi responds to Isara's cero with her own, a much more focused beam but one that nonetheless blocks Isara's entirely. Following that, she closes distance with another sonido, striking downwards with a sword strike. Immediately, the air around grows incredibly thick, making it almost impossible for Isara to move without applying direct effort.

"That decision is neither yours nor mine to make. It is His."

The Librarian
2010-06-06, 09:46 PM
Isara strugglesbut manages to bring her sword to block Kayi's attack. However, she pushed back about 20ft, but the two combatants now locked together face to face.

Isara's mind has now becomes a hive a buzzing thoughts trying to caluclating each of her moves against Kayi carefully.
She is still way stronger than I am. I could barely block that attack let alone dodge with her reiatsu pressure. Unless I can come up with some silver bullet to defeat her I may not...NO! I won't fail not here. I was born to survive.

The look of confusion and fear on Isara's face since the fight began has now been washed away, replaced by the face of confidence and aggression. Isara smirks at Kayi's comment.
Von Geister's decision will not always be the right decision Kayi.

Isara power suddenly doubles beginning to weaken Kayi's reiatsu pressure as she breaks the sword lock lashing Kayi's sword arm up into the air. At the same time she moves in and tries to headbutt Kayi.

2010-06-07, 03:05 PM
Kayi is thrown back by Isara's maneuver, turning as her sword flies upwards in her hand. As Isara approaches with a headbutt, Kayi's left elbow swings outward, aiming to strike Isara in the side of her face. Though Isara's reiatsu grows, Kayi's is so incredibly pressing that any attempt to move would have to be not only deliberate but powerful.

Should the headbutt be countered, Kayi continues with a forward stabbing motion, using some of the push's momentum to make the strike a bit more powerful.

"Your power is below mine, and below his further still. You will not kill the King today. You will not even reach his throne room."

The Librarian
2010-06-14, 05:14 PM
Isara is struck squarely in her forehead sending her hurdling across the boardwalk of the great walls. Isara struggle but manages to get up onto her knees at least speaking to Kayi for the first time as she would address her enemies.
I was trying to conserve energy...Thought maybe I could get you to fight with me...Take down von Geister together.
Isara looks up blood tricking down her forehead down to her nose and lip.
But it looks like I was wrong. You changed, since we last were together, I thought we were both allies.
She looks down for a second looking at her hand as blood drips from her chin into her palm.
I thought we were friends...Kayi Tierra

Suddenly there is a pulse of mass energy as Isara reiatsu is suddenly amplifed. Isara serene blue reiatsu can be seen glowing off of her body creating a bluish hue around her. Isara looks up facing Kayi now, with the wound on her forehead now gone as if it never had existed.
If your going to stand in the way of my goal! My Destiny! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZSp8CJLZg8&feature=related)
The energy from Isara reiatsu is begin to cause her hair to rise along with tiny pieces of stone. She begins to form a cero in her hand pulsing as if it were unstable with power.
Then Just Try And Stop Me!

In a sudden blur of light Isara crashes the cero against her sword before disappearing into a Mach speed sonido, charging straight at Kayi.

2010-06-14, 09:59 PM
The entire time that Isara had been speaking, Kayi had cleaned her sword with a red cloth within her uniform, then pointed the sword towards Isara, as if to challenge her to approach. In her left hand, she charges a cero as well.

"I am not in the way of your destiny. I am the shepherd that will lead you to it."

Kayi's reiatsu flares to match Isara's, the force of it so strong that as Isara approaches her "mach speed sonido" is slowed down slightly. It provides Kayi enough time to aim her cero directly at Isara. The cool blue beam travels almost instantly, illuminating the room as it hurtles towards the charging Arrancar.