View Full Version : Name the d20 weapon!

2010-05-31, 04:40 AM
I am going through D&D character creation yet again and it is getting difficult to keep on coming up with original ideas, however after some discussion I was interested to hear about the following weapon, which was without a name or a reference, just the basic idea. I was interested to find if anyone knew the name of this particular item:

- Martial Two-Handed and Exotic One-Handed
- Damage and crit range like or very close to a bastard sword
- Is a hammer of some form (so bludgeoning damage)

Any and all help is appreciated!

2010-05-31, 04:47 AM
The Maul from Complete Warrior comes to mind...

2010-05-31, 05:10 PM
I think it's the warmace but I couldn't tell you where you would find it.

2010-05-31, 05:17 PM
Complete Warrior has both the Maul and the Warmace.

The maul in its first appearence (Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting) was just a martial two handed weapon- only in Complete Warrior did it become an exotic one-handed weapon, as well.

2010-05-31, 05:57 PM
Complete Warrior has both the Maul and the Warmace.

Warmace does more damage, but has a sword's crit multiplier on a hammer's crit range.

The maul is the same damage as the BS, and has a hammer's crit multiplier and range.

All from Crystal Keep (http://www.crystalkeep.com/d20/rules/DnD3.5Index-Equipment.pdf).