View Full Version : Beachhead [Solo] - IC

2010-05-31, 05:12 PM
"Graash! Mail's here! Something from the Order, too! It's heavy!" The apprentice mage's words ring throughout the house, finding their intended target in his chambers. The house was pleasant enough, but for the sticky heat that pervaded the country, but given that Graash wasn't paying for the lodgings, it's not so bad really.

Olga was in the study, working on something or other, one couldn't ever be sure with her. Fatima was also in the study, looking through the delivery they just received. Included were several bills to the goblins (who's drinking debts were catching up with them), a small package from Olga's mother back in Karradon, and a large oddly heavy envelope addressed to Graash, ranking member of the Assembly of Magi and part-time "adventuring consultant" (as the term was) to the Arcane Order here in Beachhead. When Graash approaches, Fatima hands him the envelope, and goes off to find wherever the goblins couples were hiding, to play bill collector. She sighs as she walks off, "I love them, but damn if they don't need to lay off the drinks sometimes."

2010-05-31, 05:22 PM
Graash smiles, baring a toothy grin as he enters the room. "Thank you, Fatima." He casts Detect Magic on the envelope before opening it and inspecting it's contents.

Olga was hard at work on a flask of Acid. Graash ran a relatively tight ship, especially on the magical staff. When Fatima was finished going through the mail and dealing with the goblins, she would begin work on a scroll of Obscuring Mist, knowing that Graash would compensate the cost of her experience (and that she'd gained much more in his service).

[If it's not magical, he'll open it. I can come up with some specifics about the house, if you like. If you give me a budget, I'll use the Stronghold Builder's Guidebook as my guide.]

2010-05-31, 05:28 PM

The envelope is not magical.

Ah, ok, so, alchemical stuff. Got it. Also, nah, don't bother. It's just a basic two-story, with nothing special. You can design the layout, but, it's fairly small, so keep that in mind.

As she walks away, Fatima hears the casting of detect magic and laughs. "Already checked, boss. Wha, you think we don't pay attention while out there?" She laughs some more and walks off.

Inside the envelope is a note, wrapped around what appears to be a large bronze rod, about 1 foot long and several inches thick. When you pull it out, it suddenly doubles in length magically, and increases in width by three times, making it 2 feet long and 6 inches thick. It barely even fits in your hands, and it seems to weigh a solid ton. The note slips off during this period, and flits to the floor, where Olga, who's watching all this with much curiosity, picks it up and hands it back to you. "Theer ya go. Whacha gots theer, ya think?"

2010-05-31, 05:30 PM
[I edited in the crafting actions of the hirelings in my previous post. If I need to roll checks, let me know. Edit: Olga is working by the week, crafting 17 silver pieces (take 10) worth of whatever (acid) a day. Graash has spent 3.3 GP for the necessary materials. So at this rate, it will take her 6 weeks to complete 1 flask. Fatima can scribe one 1st level scroll per day, at a cost of 12.5 GP + 1 XP each scroll.]

Graash looks at the rod carefully, still detecting magic. "I don't know."

2010-05-31, 05:41 PM

Nah, I'll handle their checks, seeing as their NPCs. You dictated her actions, I'll handle the rest of it.

Also, the rod is still non-magical.

Fatima comes back a moment later, having delivered the bills to the goblins in their group den. "Hey boss, get anything goo- wow. What is it?"

2010-05-31, 05:45 PM
"I don't know," he says, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. He looks at the note.

Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0] (for the "magically" doubling in size effect)

2010-05-31, 05:52 PM

You've got nothing on the Arcana. It's obviously a magical rod, but, it isn't showing up as magical. Not much does something like that.

The note is written in a familiar spidery script and reads, "Greetings, Graash. This rod is an example of an artifact we recovered on a recent expedition. I'd like to ask you if you're willing to go and explore the area further. We can offer the standard supplies, along with a local guide if you require it. Let me know with all haste. Sincerely, Regent Ward.

2010-05-31, 05:56 PM
[OOC: I'm figuring something like Nystul's Magic Aura. Will save: [roll0]]

Graash walks over to his desk, also in the study--a good manager keeps an eye on his employees--and hastily scribes a note. "Regent Ward, I accept. Please have the guide meet me at my residence. Thank you. -Graash"

2010-05-31, 05:58 PM

Nothing seems to change. It's still not magical, as far as your spells can tell you.

Fatima sees you scribble your note, and speaks. "I'll get one of the goblins to run it over to him." She takes the note once it's done, and walks back to find a spare gobbo and have them run it over to the Regent.

2010-05-31, 06:01 PM
"On second thought," Graash says, tearing up the note. "I will go and see the Regent myself. You stay here, and work on your scrolls." He smiles, and heads for the Arcane Order's compound. Frustrated by the rod, he decides to ask the Regent directly.

[Map? Or just a layout of the town. ]

2010-05-31, 06:14 PM
"Suit yourself." She shrugs, and goes back to her desk in the study, to resume looking over a few spells.


Being an artless failure, I don't do maps. However, I do have descriptions.

Beachhead, interestingly enough, is not on a beach. It was originally meant to be on the beach of the new continent, but it was rapidly discovered that a particularly violent and territorial type of crab lived on that beach, and so the landing party actually moved upriver a bit and settled in sight of the beach (which is called Crabwalk Landing now). Beachhead is surrounded on two sides by jungle, one by a rocky slope leading down to Crabwalk Landing, and on the last side by the river (called the Crab Run now, after those damn crabs). Being a frontier town, it's not very organized, nor amazingly well run. Most folk just carve what they need out of the jungle, and call it a day from there. There's no real farms, everything being imported from overseas and from an island not a day off the coast that has been turned into arable farmland. The city is mostly a jumble of buildings, with only a few real districts of note.

First there is what's called the Bosses Quarter, where all the authorities of the town (the Guard, the Nobles, the Order, all the churches, etc) have their headquarters and estates. There's also the Docks, which is exactly what it sounds like: the docks of Beachhead. It does have the issue of crime issues, and it's where the Scorpions are believed to have their headquarters, though that's not been proven one way or the other. The rest of the city is called the Sprawl, as settlers, merchants, and shopkeeps just set up shop wherever they could find space. It's fairly disorganized, but it's also a blessing, since it's easy to find anything: just walk down the road and someone probably sells it, wants to buy it, or knows where you can get it, depending.

The laws are... flexible, in most cases, though things such as slavery and murder are pretty much right out. Otherwise, the law is pretty much either how fast can you draw a blade or how lined are your pockets. It's a life, that's for sure.

Graash's house is near the Bosses Quarter, not five minutes walk from the Order headquarters. The Regent likely is in his office, as he usually is, though it's fairly rare that he permits meetings without an appointment. Still, no harm in showing up.


Enough detail for you?

2010-05-31, 06:20 PM
[Perfect. Just need some directions (N, NE, E, SE, etc.) and I can make a map.]

Graash knows the way and the compound well, having visited many times. He heads straight for the Regent's office. When he arrives, he asks the Regent's secretary, "Is Regent Ward in? I'm here about an assignment."

2010-05-31, 06:24 PM

You.. make maps? Really? That's excellent!

Beachhead is on the Eastern side of the continent. The Crab Run river runs west and slightly south, and Beachhead is built on the northern side of the Run. The Crabwalk Landing is obviously to the east of the city, and jungle surrounds it north and west. The Bosses Quarter is in the northern end of the city, the docks are obviously on the southern side, all along the Run. The city does have walls that surround it, so it's contained by the walls and the Run. Feel free to take liberties with everything else, though I'd appreciate if you didn't add any business or what not. I've got a handful in mind currently.

The receptionist looks up. "I'm sorry, but he's not seeing anyon-" A shout from his office cuts her off straightaway. "What? Graash? Come in boy, come in at once!"

2010-05-31, 06:28 PM
Graash smiles at the receptionist, and winks--a characteristically human expression that is uncanny on the monstrous visage, a fact of which Graash is keenly aware--as he walks into the Regent's office.

"Thank you, Regent. As always, it is a pleasure to see you. I understand you are a busy man, I will be brief. I must admit, this rod, and your offer to investigate it, piques my curiosity. It is unlike anything I have ever seen before--though it's effect is obviously magic, the object refuses to admit its nature. I have never encountered anything like it."

2010-05-31, 06:37 PM
The Regent is an elderly man, quite on in his years. He wears spectacles, and has a habit for talking fast and not taking any crap from anyone. He had a very public incident last year where he told the nobles off for getting into his business. He managed to weather that storm with nary a ruffled feather.

As Graash enters and talks, he looks decidedly disinterested, and once the hobgoblin finishes, he looks at Graash over his glasses and sighs. "Graash, I like you. And it's because I like you that I'm giving you this assignment. Normally, I'd trust this to someone with more... discretion than you have shown in the past, but, I've got faith you'll come through for me. The situation is much more complex than 'go to the ruins, dig around, bring back trinkets'. Tell me, what do you know about the Scorpion Gang here in town?"

2010-05-31, 06:44 PM
"I know a bit," Graash says. "How are they involved?"

Knowledge: Local [roll0]

2010-05-31, 06:45 PM

You know that the Scorpions are your average gangsters. They run protection rackets, they strongarm merchants, they smuggle artifacts and drugs, you know, they're thugs.

There IS a pervasive rumor however that the gang has recently changed leadership quite drastically, and is now putting together expeditions into the wilds. For what purpose, it's not clear yet.

The regent pulls out a small crystal sphere on a stand from one of the drawers of his desk, and speaks a quiet word. The sphere glows with an inner light, and the ambient noise in the room suddenly vanishes. "Sit. What I am about to tell you does not leave this room. Do you understand?"

2010-05-31, 06:48 PM
"I understand." Graash sits, knowing the Order's less than scrupulous means of acquiring artifacts (one from which he often benefited).

2010-05-31, 06:49 PM
"Good. Now. The rod you are carrying is quite the object, I think you know. It has quite the interesting ability. It can deflect divinations and any attempt to discern anything about it. We still don't even know who made it, though we do know it's much beyond the capabilities of the giants that once ruled here. The other thing we know is that it was minted recently. Turn it over, see the maker's stamp?" Sure enough, there's a very hard to see but easy to feel stamp in the metal, a circle with a hammer inside it. "An agent of ours brought us that rod, and said the lizardfolk he took it from worshiped the makers of it. He said they had spoken of a mine, where that metal could be mined, and that the metal was what had the property. I don't think I need to explain how valuable this is."

2010-05-31, 06:50 PM
"No, you don't. This metal would be a great boon to anyone who wished to disguise their true power." Graash nods. "Did he say where the mine was? Speaking of which, who will be my guide?"

[Map is looking sweet. I can upload a low resolution copy, but to really see it you should use Inkscape and I can email you the .svg file. In one of the other games I'm in, the DM does this, and it's really helpful in communicating movement in combat as well.]

2010-05-31, 07:07 PM

I have a Mac, and am not an artist, so I lack artistic programs. An image will do me fine. As for when combat starts, I generally just ballpark such things and figure if it'll work or not when stuff happens. It works well in my other games, probably will work alright here too. Maybe not. We'll see.

The Regent raises an eyebrow. "No, he didn't. He did however say where he got the rod. Inzar Ruktah!" At his shout, a secret door you didn't know was there opens up, and a short lizardfolk comes out, and closes the door behind him.
He looks almost exactly like this, but he has a few packs over his shoulder as well.

The lizardfolk bows to you. "Gol'karoth, Graasssh, mage of the Asssssembly. I am Inzzzzar Ruktah, to be your sssssssssservant on the trip." He speaks with a heavy lisp on his "s" sounds, and is only a few feet tall, barely taller than the goblins.

2010-05-31, 07:10 PM
Graash smirked. "This was yours, then?" he holds up the rod. "And what's compelling your loyalty to us now?"

2010-05-31, 07:12 PM
Faster than the eye can see, the lizardfolk pulls a knife and prepares to leap at the hobgoblin, when the Regent gestures, and he backs down, still clutching the knife. "My loyaltiessssss are not in quesssssston, meat. I am a friend to the Regentssssss family for many yearssssss."

"Tact, Graash, tact! This will call for diplomacy, not idiocy such as that!" The Regent looks somewhat aggravated.

2010-05-31, 07:23 PM
"Excuse me, Regent. And excuse me, Inzar Ruktah. I apologize for my blunt behavior. But as you say, Regent, I can be direct." Graash looks sorry for his error, but he is not convinced. "I appreciate your help in this matter." You don't survive long in Beachhead without being wary.

[Wait, I'm confused. Is Inzar Ruktah the agent or the lizardman?]


2010-05-31, 07:32 PM

No agent appeared. Only the lizardfolk did. Did I say otherwise somewhere on accident? :smallconfused:

"Ssstupid meat." The lizardfolk doesn't sheathe the knife, and goes to stand at the window behind the Regent, not looking at the hobgoblin. The Regent sighs. "Graash, you should not antagonize Inzar, he is one of our best trackers and local guides. As for the agent himself, well, don't worry about him."

Map Details:

Ok, I wasn't clear enough. There is the coast line, upon which there is a beach, with jungle behind it. There is a river that runs into the jungle from the ocean. Beachhead is built upon this river (so, with jungle on both sides of the river), and the city is only on one side of the river. The beach itself is Crabwalk Landing, and isn't really super close to the city. Is that clearer?

2010-05-31, 07:35 PM
[I think I didn't realize how common lizardfolk are. You mentioned one lizardfolk, I assumed this was he.]

Graash shrugs and sighs. "I apologize again, Inzar. I hope we can move past this."

2010-05-31, 07:40 PM

Jungle continent. Prepare to see LOTS of lizardfolk and lizardfolk-like creatures (of which there are a large number in this campaign). :smallamused:

"We can, if you but sssssswear upon your ancesssstorssss to me." Inzar proffers you the knife, handle first. The Regent, seeing this, smiles quietly, and explains. "He wants you to cut your hand, and swear on your blood and the blood of your ancestors, that you will not insult his honor in such a way again."

2010-05-31, 07:45 PM
Graash takes the knife, knowing well the consequences of his refusal. He slices open his right palm, and as the blood flows forth, swears, "I swear upon my blood and the blood of my ancestors, I will never question your loyalty again."

EDIT: Map updated. Is that better?

2010-05-31, 07:49 PM
Inzar grins, a large and toothy thing, and takes the knife back. He cuts his own palm, and says, "I too sssswear I sssshall protect you asss besssst I can in the wildsssss." He breaks out two largish leaves from one of his bags, and using them, binds both his own hand and your hand. In short order, your hand stops hurting altogether.

"Now, to business perhaps? Inzar knows the way to the tribe that bar came from. You are to go there, ascertain the location of this mine, and return. If there are other metallic ingots, you are to acquire them. Do you have any questions?"


No, because you still have the landing listed as part of the city, when it's not. The landing is not inside the city whatsoever. The Landing is the beach, which lies outside the city walls, due to giant crabs living there and being bitchy.

2010-05-31, 07:51 PM
"Thank you, Inzar." The hobgoblin is sure he did not make a mistake. "Regent, how would you like us to deal with the miners? If they are willing to provide more of the metal, are you willing to pay for it?

[EDIT: The arrow is pointing downriver, signifying that the location is downriver.]

2010-05-31, 07:55 PM

There is no arrow on the map image in this thread. I looked everywhere on it, but, I see no arrow. Perhaps the image didn't update properly?

The Regent's face darkens. "If you can remove them, do so. If they prove unreasonable or unreceptive to relocation, do not start an altercation, merely return. Do not offer anything that is not explicitly demanded, though you may agree to any reasonable demands they make."

2010-05-31, 08:00 PM
Graash nods solemnly. "Understood, Regent. One final, albeit unsavory detail: Your note made mention of supplies?


2010-05-31, 08:04 PM

Yes, that's better and makes much more sense actually. It's not quite what I've got in my head, but, it works well enough for now. Thank you for the effort, I appreciate it. :smallwink:

"Of course, the standard. Food, water, portable shelter, tools, the basic kit we always offer. I believe your assistants can help you with transporting such things."

2010-05-31, 08:08 PM
"We'll be fine on food and water," Graash says. "But I appreciate the rest. I'll send some of my men over to collect it. Thank you, Regent." Turning to Inzar, he says, "Can you be ready at dawn, tomorrow morning?"

2010-05-31, 08:10 PM
The Regent chuckles. "Trust me, take the food and water, Graash, you will need it where you're going."

As you stand, Inzar does as well. "Ready now. I wissssssh to meet my companionssss. All of them."

2010-05-31, 08:11 PM
"If you insist, Regent, but my magic box can more than provide."

"Then come with me, Inzar, and I will introduce you to the rest of the group." Unless the Regent has anything to say, Graash returns with Inzar to his house.

2010-05-31, 08:14 PM
"Ah, I always forget you have that trinket. Good luck, Graash. Inzar, take good care of him, won't you?" The lizardfolk nods, and follows Graash out of the Order's headquarters.

As you walk back, Inzar appears on edge, tensely looking around at the crowds and keeping his shortbow out and ready at all times.

2010-05-31, 08:17 PM
He leads Inzar into the first room of the house, a common area with a long table and chairs. (seats 8). "Have a seat, Inzar, while I assemble my team."

He heads into the study, and turns to Fatima. "Fatima, gather up the goblins and meet me in the Commons." When everyone is assembled, he introduces them to Inzar.

"Inzar, this is Fatima, an apprentice spellcaster, and the manager of my household. These are my guards, Orn, Born, Gerak and Grella. There is a sixth member of my retinue, Olga, but she is busy crafting and will not be accompanying us on this venture."


The funny brown boxes are doorways (a double door leading into the Commons and a single back door leading out of Graash's quarters). Standing in one of the shaded squares blocks the use of that doorway.

1 - Commons
2 - Study
3 - Goblin Quarters
4 - Fatima and Olga's Quarters
5 - Graash's Quarters

[EDIT: I just realized that Olga can make a flask of Acid every 6 weeks. If I am paying her 30 GP a month, this is the equivalent of paying 45 GP for a 10 GP item (+ 3 GP for the materials). How could I have been so stupid! Unfortunately, I handicapped myself by making Olga and Fatima a package deal. So, sometime in the future, can Olga become an apprentice spellcaster so she can scribe scrolls like Fatima? On that note, as I gain levels will my entourage get experience/ become more powerful? If not, can I use my own experience to pay for the scrolls experience cost, so that Fatima (and Olga) can scribe scrolls for me? If Olga can't become an apprentice spellcaster, can I get her some masterwork tools and other items to boost her craft check?]

2010-05-31, 08:41 PM

I like the map, btws.

Concerning your edit, given that I do not personally use experience points (as the Big 16 indicated several times), crafting works differently. I wasn't sure what you were doing with your hirelings, so I didn't bother mentioning it (as it wasn't brought up and your intent wasn't clear at the time). Crafting is simply money-based now. You pay 3/4 market price in GP to craft something now, not 1/2 price+1/25 XP. Of course, this doesn't matter for Olga, since you've read it wrong. :smallwink:

Acid costs 10 gp, or 100 sp. To make the item, you need to make a craft check and multiple the result by the DC of 15. If the total equals or exceeds the cost of the item in sp, you make it in one week. I see no reason you cannot take ten on this check. That gives Olga a 17 each week. 17 times the DC of 15 is 255. 255>100, so Olga makes the vial in a week. Where's the issue here? :smallconfused: Now, you did goof in that Olga needs to be a spellcaster to craft anything alchemical ANYWAYS. In this regard, you may change her to an Adept 1. :smallwink: (Note: to make anything else is difficult, since she cannot take ten and get it, meaning she needs to roll each week. However, if she rolls well, she could still make many things in a week, or could totally bomb it.)

Concerning hireling leveling, well, to be really technical, there are no rules or guidelines for such. However, because it's all manner of "duh" because why didn't they include such rules? I'll say that occasionally, as they perform deeds and adventures and whatnot, they can gain levels. Much like your leveling, it's at my discretion. If they just sit back and craft though, they're not gaining levels (crafting=/=experience of the world or an exploration of personal power, after all).

Inzar simply looks at them, and then asks a single question. "Why do you keep food animalssssss?"

2010-05-31, 08:49 PM
"That is inappropriate, Inzar; you embarrass me. These people have my trust, same as you do. I request that you to show the same courtesies to them as you would me, just as I would treat your friends politely."

I made a goof in reading the crafting rules. I thought that the check result was equal to the amount of silver pieces made. If I get better equipment (Alchemist's Lab, Masterwork Tools), then I expect she can take 10 and make better stuff. I will leave her behind to craft, then.

Since there is no XP required to craft, there really is no issue on that front. Although, since I expect the guards will see as much combat as I do, I hope they can become stronger (I will also be outfitting them with better weapons/ armor as time goes on).

2010-05-31, 08:52 PM
"It isssss a fair quesssstion. Thosssssse are food." He gestures to the goblins specifically, obviously confused as to why you keep them around.

The goblins, for their part, look somewhat nervous about this lizardfolk their height talking about them as food and whatnot. Fatima speaks up though, "Hey, they're not food, they're people, just like you!"


An alchemist's lab IS the masterwork Alchemy tool. :smalltongue: But yes, you did misread that fairly hard. Happens dude. The Craft rules SUCK.

2010-05-31, 08:59 PM
"I trust them implicitly, Iznar, regardless of what you think. They have saved more lives than I care to count, isn't that right, Grella?"

Grella draws her scimitar. "Don't worry, sir. We are keeping track. And when we see the enemy lurking in the wood, maybe we will whisper it, so this one does not hear." She points her weapon at Iznar.

Graash steps between the two polarized groups. "Enough of this. There is work to be done, and the jungle has never been our friend. I will not have my team divided."

2010-05-31, 09:03 PM
"I only wonder. My people eat such creaturessss, and I want to know why you do not issss all." Inzar simply looks puzzled at the whole affair. "Regardlessssss, I will return in the morning, with the sssssun. Be ready." He turns and leaves.

The goblins grumble to themselves as the lizardfolk leaves. Orn looks up, and asks, "Boss, why we gotta work with him? We don't like them lizards, no way."

2010-05-31, 09:21 PM
"He knows the terrain better than any of us," Graash explains. "And he knows where we are going. We don't. And the people we're dealing with are lizardfolk, we may need him to translate."

2010-05-31, 09:23 PM
"Hmpf. We don't like him, we don't." The goblins retreat back to their room, grumbling as they go.

EDIT: I think I'm logging off for the night. We've made good progress though.

2010-05-31, 09:24 PM
Graash sighs. He turns to Fatima. "What do you think?" he asks his basically second in command, trusting her guidance.

EDIT: Sounds good. See you tomorrow.

2010-06-01, 10:38 AM
"I don't know. What do we know about him?" Fatima takes a seat and thinks for a moment about the situation at hand.

2010-06-01, 10:39 AM
"The regent says he can be trusted. He's sworn his loyalty to me, and I to him. We don't have much of a choice, but I don't think he'll lead us astray." He pauses. "Still, I've sworn my loyalty to him--not yours. Keep an eye on him."

How much time is left in the day?

2010-06-01, 10:55 AM

It's early afternoon. The tavern that delivers you food twice a day, the Hungry Minotaur, is still open (the Regent ensures you have decent accommodations), as are most shops.

"I will. Of course, it comes to mind that he's probably a hunter, meaning he's more likely to get the drop on me, but, I'll keep my eyes open anyways."

2010-06-01, 11:05 AM
Graash smiles. "I trust you, Fatima." He looks outside to see the sun's position.

[OOC: Depending on your response to my OOC request, Graash will either head for a general goods shop to set up delivery, or we could just timeskip to dawn?]

2010-06-01, 11:29 AM

It's your choice, actually. If you'd rather do the general shop, that's fine. Otherwise, we can timeskip to tomorrow.

2010-06-01, 11:33 AM
[Timeskip, please. I'd rather not focus too much on the crafting of vials of acid. :wink:]

2010-06-01, 11:59 AM

Very well.

The evening progresses as standard. The Minotaur delivers you some grub and ale, night comes, and with it comes the heightened security on the city due to night terrors that sometimes walk the streets. The morning comes swiftly, and with the sun there comes a knock upon your door. Fatima answers it sleepily, and is startled to see that Inzar is waiting for them. "We go. Come quickly."

"Um... yes. One moment please." Fatima turns around, and calls out, "Inzar's here!"

2010-06-01, 12:11 PM
Graash puts the last finishing touches on his packing, already having been up for an hour. He's prepared his spells, and is ready to go. The guards assemble in the Commons while Fatima heads off to get her pack. Within minutes, the entire party is assembled and ready.

"Lead the way, Inzar."

2010-06-01, 02:07 PM
"Follow quickly and sssssilently. No time to wasssste." He turns, and runs rapidly though the early morning crowd towards the docks of the city.

2010-06-01, 02:16 PM
Graash takes off at a run after him, the two goblin skirmishers along either side of him, the goblin archers just behind him. Fatima is bringing up the rear, behind Graash.


2010-06-01, 02:17 PM
You chase him all the way through town, until you reach the Crab Run river at the docks. He looks back at you for a moment, and says, "Time to sssswim." He dives into the river, and starts swimming strongly for the other shore.

Fatima behind you groans. "You must be joking."

2010-06-01, 02:19 PM
Graash leaps in after him, drawing his wand of Benign Transposition before entering the water. "What's the alternative?"

Swim: [roll0] ****

You are rolling for the NPCs, right? I don't have to?

2010-06-01, 02:23 PM

I was handwaving the swimming, actually, thus why I didn't call for swim checks, but yes I am generally running the NPCs personally. :smalltongue:

After much toil, you and your entourage manages to reach the other shore, where Inzar has been waiting. "Hmm. Run now." He turns, and bolts into the jungle with barely a blink of an eye. He's moving somewhat slower than you get the impression that he could be doing, but given how damn hard it is to follow him (due to natural camouflage).

2010-06-01, 02:25 PM
Graash peers through the brush after the lizardfolk. "Don't get too far ahead, or I'll lose sight of you." He runs after Inzar, the party following behind.

That's cool. I was planning on Benign Transposing Graash and Inzar if worst came to worst.

2010-06-01, 02:30 PM

I handwave stuff like that, cause really, it's not worth rolling out. You'll get there eventually.

From somewhere ahead of you, and close by, you hear Inzar snort. "Hmpf. Keep up." The goblins and Fatima look rather miserable in the heat and humidity, running through a jungle with gods only know what in them. "This is not good, no no, not good." "Oh shut it. You'll live you big babies." "Easy for you to say." "Ssssilence! Or do you wissssh the localssss to find and eat you? Now, run!" The goblins continue in silence from then on, and the pace continues for the next hour, until you practically run into Inzar, who is standing stock-still directly in your path. He holds up one hand for silence, and pulls his shortbow, nocking an arrow as he does.

2010-06-01, 02:36 PM
The archers slow their breathing, drawing their longbows and notching arrows as well. The skirmishers pull out their shortbows and ready them. Fatima brings her crossbow up to her shoulders. Graash motions for the party to fan out, which they do, around Inzar in the lead, then loads a bullet into his sling.


2010-06-01, 02:37 PM
Inzar sees your movements, and signals for you to stop and hold position using basic military hand signals. "Wait. Do not engage. It is a ssthatlai'sati." He peers into the wilds. For what it's worth, you can't see a damn thing.

2010-06-01, 02:38 PM
"A what?" Graash whispers quietly. The party waits for Inzar's lead.

2010-06-01, 02:43 PM
Inzar watches into the wilds again, and turns back to you, and whispers. "Your people call it a dragon. One of orange sssscalessss. It hasssss followed usss sssince the river, and only now huntsss ussss. Be on guard, they are powerful." He scans around in all directions, and points out the claw marks on the trees around your location. They're tough to see, but you can just barely make them out. "It comessss."

Roll initiatives, for you and the followers please.

2010-06-01, 02:46 PM

Graash: [roll0]
Fatima: [roll1]
Orn: [roll2]
Born: [roll3]
Gerak: [roll4]
Grella: [roll5]

"Orange?" Graash whispers. "I've never heard of an orange dragon."

2010-06-01, 03:02 PM
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll0] Graash
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll1] Fatima

2010-06-01, 03:16 PM

Arcana: You manage to recall reading about Orange Dragons, but you know very little about them. They're aquatic in nature, but honestly, it was just a short passage in an unrelated text, so there wasn't much to go on. Fatima's got about as much as you've got.

Hey, I'll get a post up, but I have to build Inzar first. I TOTALLY forgot to do that somehow. :smalleek: Gonna be a bit, hope you don't mind a slight delay.

2010-06-01, 03:17 PM
No sweat. EDIT: If you can give him a wand of ray of clumsiness, that would be sweet. I only have one prepared :wink:.

2010-06-01, 04:27 PM

Inzar: [roll0]
Dragon: [roll1] Bet you weren't expecting a bonus here, were ya? Time for a combat with me, where surprises abound. :smallamused:

Init Order:
The Goblins

Inzar looks around, strings his shortbow, and makes ready to shoot something in the damned face. Fatima pretty much does the same thing, but, given her limited experience, is NOT happy about the situation.

The dragon decides to make the first move and appears about 30 ft away in some bushes. It looks a little like this, but about the size of a small horse:
It opens it's maw, and sprays a massive blast of black sticky goo all over the area, and then rushes off in the jungle again. Inzar takes a pot shot at it's back as it retreats.

I need Graash and Inzar to make Reflex saves. You'll note I didn't target the hirelings. This is intentional.

2010-06-01, 04:44 PM

Recharge: [roll0]

Inzar's Bow Shot: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Fatima's Crossbow Shot: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Born nervously fingers his longbow. "That is a hunter, a deadly killing machine. We will not survive, no." Inzar hisses in response. "Ssssilence. Lissssten for it, and fire. Graassssh, you must break from the group. Keep disssstance, three pacessss sssshould be right."

DM Only:

Dragon Stats: as per pg. 201 of the DC, but, AC is 2 higher, and it's Dex is 14. Age is Very Young.

Currently has 5 recharge rounds and 2 until detonation.

HP: 65/68

2010-06-01, 06:17 PM
Graash does as directed, stepping back 20' from the group. The other goblins also spread out, so as to make it difficult for the Dragon to catch them in a line. He and the other goblins ready actions to fire at the dragon as soon as it is in sight, though he readies a Ray of Clumsiness spell, not his bow.

Reflex: [roll0]

2010-06-01, 06:51 PM
Readied action rolls:

Graash (he will also use a use of his Arcanist's glove to boost the CL by 2, dealing 1 more point of Dexterity damage):
Ranged Touch: [roll0]
Dexterity Damage: [roll1]

Born (longbow): [roll2], [roll3]
Orn (longbow): [roll4], [roll5]

Gerak (shortbow): [roll6], [roll7]
Grella (shortbow): [roll8], [roll9]

2010-06-02, 03:07 PM

Note: You failed the Ref save, Graash is coated in a sticky black goo. It's slightly caustic (not enough to cause HP damage), and stinks of sulfur. Inzar dodged somewhat better, and didn't get as heavily hit by the goo.

Also, would you be so kind as to handle Orn and the female goblins? Handling 7+ NPCs is a bit much. I can do Inzar, baddies, Fatima, and Born, but more than that and it'll get a bit too much.

Inzar Ref (totally forgot to roll it >_<): [roll0]

The lizardfolk drops his bow and moves 15 feet away from the group, pulling a pair of daggers, each with two blades to them, as he goes. He bares his teeth, and growls, a low guttural sound. He speaks quietly in Draconic, and tenses to attack.

Fatima reloads her crossbow and prepares to fire. Born maintains his preparations to fire.

There is no sign of the dragon for the time being.

2010-06-02, 03:16 PM
Graash groans, coated in the sticky, stinky substance. Graash draws the schema of shield from his belt, activating it, then placing it back and re-readying his Ray of Clumsiness spell. "When that dragon appears, make it bleed."

Sounds good. Casting shield for +4 AC for 10 rounds. Can I use the previous rolls, or do you want me to roll new ones?

2010-06-02, 03:21 PM
Keep the current. By the by, your turn was technically illegal (drawing an item, using it, replacing it, and then readying an action is something like two standard actions and two move actions). Did you realize that, or not know that replacing an item and readying both take actions (most folks don't know those bits of trivia)? :smallwink:

Also, how often to schema's work? Isn't it only a few times a day? (This is for my reference and memory, I'm away from that book atm)

2010-06-02, 03:23 PM

Schemas work once per day. As my actions for last round, I will draw my Schema and keep readying my spell.

2010-06-02, 03:33 PM

Only once a day? Damn.

Also, sounds good.

The goblins keep readying as well, yes? Goody.

Inzar takes a look around, trying to spot the dragon before it spots and eats them. He sees it, but doesn't actively point it out quite yet, watching it's actions.

Fatima and Born keep their attention high.


Inzar Perception: [roll0]
Dragon Hide: [roll1]

2010-06-02, 03:35 PM
The goblins also make an attempt to spot the dragon, their guards' eyes trained for the purpose.

Orn: [roll0]
Born: [roll1]
Grella: [roll2]
Gelak: [roll3]

3 of them make it, what do they see?

2010-06-02, 03:44 PM

The dragon is about 60 ft away, hiding in some brush, just watching. It's not moving much, though it seems to be quite quick.

Also, we'll have to continue this in a bit. I'm AFB in a major way right now (stupid not-my-computer :smallannoyed:), and even though I'm online, I can't access the dragon's stats, which is a major issue.

2010-06-02, 03:45 PM
Does the dragon have cover? If he doesn't, the goblins will attack using their previous rolls (and Graash will do something as well).

2010-06-02, 03:51 PM

Yes it does.

2010-06-02, 03:52 PM
Total? Also, can I unready my spell without losing it?

2010-06-02, 03:55 PM

If it was total cover, you couldn't have seen it, cause it'd be behind a wall or so much vegetation you couldn't see it.

Also, considering you are only readying an action to cast it, yeah, sure, you haven't cast anything yet. :smallwink:

2010-06-02, 03:58 PM
Damn, I really need to prepare spells better. I have the perfect one: Seeking Ray. Unfortunately I've prepared Glitterdust and Invisibility.

2010-06-03, 03:33 PM
Sadly, Graash notices something as he and the goblins are scanning around. The goo he's covered in starts to sizzle, and suddenly spontaneously combusts into a massive explosion!


Breath Weapon Discharge (there is no save, sorry): [roll0] fire damage.

It's a 15-ft explosion, so the NPCs don't all die.

2010-06-03, 04:15 PM
Upon seeing the dragon, the guards let loose their readied arrows, then rapidly reload.
Graash stumbles from the damage, activating a charge on his healers belt.

"Careful, men. Keep a weather eye!"

[I will have the guards activate their readied attacks, if possible.]

[roll0] for healing

2010-06-04, 09:24 PM
Details on the Readied Actions:

Only the 20 hit. The rest whiff wildly. You didn't say your spell triggered, but, I'm assuming you meant to. Assuming thus, you do not connect with it, amazingly enough. You do note that another spell interfered with yours, preventing the connect (Spellcraft DC 22 to identify from the interaction).

Inzar, seeing the dragon is revealed, pulls a pair of daggers, each with twin blades, and charges it, screaming as he runs, "Fire! Fire! Take it down!" He connects well, a deep gash.

Fatima obliges, throwing a flare at the beast, and Born opens fire at it. Sadly, the shot goes wild and the flare does nothing as the dragon just blinks it off.


Inzar Attack: (lolcharge and FE (Dragons)
Inzar Damage: [roll]1d3+2+4d6 (lolskirmish and Improved Skirmish)
Inzar's AC increases by 1 for this round (-2 from charge, +3 from Skirmish) to a total of 22.

Stupid broken roller. >_<

Born Attack: [roll1]
Born Damage: [roll2]

Dragon Fort Save: [roll3] Smokes the Fort save.

DM Only:

Scintillating Scales is revealed. Only a few more rounds remain (3).

Dragon HP: 47/68

2010-06-04, 09:26 PM
Rolls... Redux:

Inzar Damage: [roll0]
Skirmish Damage: [roll1]

2010-06-04, 11:09 PM
Graash attempts to identify the conflicting spell, annoyed that his own fizzled. He casts Shield from his schema, to boost his defenses for the battle. The remaining goblins fire again at the dragon.

Spellcraft: [roll0]
Longbow: [roll1], [roll2]
Shortbow: [roll3], [roll4]
Shortbow: [roll5], [roll6]

2010-06-04, 11:21 PM

It's a Scintillating Scales spell.

Also, the goblins totally whiff. LolAC.

Alsoalso, I am tired, it's been a long and stupid several days, so Inzar, Dragon, Fatima, and Born will wait till tomorrow.

2010-06-04, 11:24 PM
Where is that spell located? Also, sounds good. I am coming up on finals, so my own posting will be somewhat reduced (still multiple times a day, though.)

2010-06-04, 11:25 PM

Spell Compendium. Makes Natural Armor into Touch AC instead. :smalltongue:

2010-06-05, 05:53 PM
Inzar yells and opens up on the dragon, which tears right back for all it's worth.

Fatima looks to take a shot, realizes her chances aren't very good to connect, and waits until they break apart before firing. Born follows suit.


Inzar Dagger: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Inzar Dagger: [roll2]
Crit Confirm: [roll3]
Inzar Dagger: [roll4]
Crit Confirm: [roll5]
Inzar Dagger: [roll6]
Crit Confirm: [roll7]

Damage 1: [roll8]
Damage 2: [roll9]
Damage 3: [roll10]
Damage 4: [roll11]

One crit, it's confirmed, 2 other hits. Total of 19 damage.

Dragon Bite: [roll12]
Dragon Claw: [roll13]
Dragon Claw: [roll14]
Dragon Wing: [roll15]
Dragon Wing: [roll16]

Bite Damage: [roll17]
Claw 1 Damage: [roll18]
Claw 2 Damage: [roll19]
Wing 1 Damage: [roll20]
Wing 2 Damage: [roll21]

Dragon misses 5 times. Damn, that's suck. :smallyuk:

DM Only

Scintillating Scales: 2 rounds remaining.

Dragon HP: 28/68

2010-06-05, 06:06 PM
The goblins send more arrows whizzing toward the dragon. Graash takes a step forward, firing a bullet from his sling.

-4 to all these attacks, forgot none of them have precise shot. Graash still hits, with his natural 20. (-4 to his confirm crit in the next post as well).

Graash: [roll0], [roll1]
Longbow: [roll2], [roll3]
Shortbow: [roll4], [roll5]
Shortbow: [roll6], [roll7]

2010-06-05, 06:07 PM
Confirm Critical for Graash: [roll0], [roll1]

2010-06-05, 06:10 PM

Good sling throw. That's a solid 10 damage right there. Unfortunately, due to the nature of cover, that 20 misses (it'd normally have connected). I'll post the next round in a bit, have to do errands, like fetch dinner and finish my laundry and whatall.

2010-06-06, 09:20 PM
Fatima and Born ready actions to shoot the dragon if it breaks cover.

Inzar Dagger 1: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Inzar Dagger 2: [roll2]
Crit Confirm: [roll3]
Inzar Dagger 3: [roll4]
Crit Confirm: [roll5]
Inzar Dagger 4: [roll6]
Crit Confirm: [roll7]

Dagger Damage 1: [roll8]
Dagger Damage 2: [roll9]
Dagger Damage 3: [roll10]
Dagger Damage 4: [roll11]

3 hits. No crits. Dragon misses a lot.

Dragon Bite: [roll12]
Dragon Claw 1: [roll13]
Dragon Claw 2: [roll14]
Dragon Wing 1: [roll15]
Dragon Wing 2: [roll16]

Bite Damage: [roll17]
Claw 1 Dmg: [roll18]
Claw 2 Dmg: [roll19]
Wing 1 Dmg: [roll20]
Wing 2 Dmg: [roll21]

DM Only:

Dragon: 14/68

2010-06-06, 09:36 PM
Patience is a virtue, Graash reminded himself. It was still early in the day, and it was important to conserve his spells. Still, he couldn't help feel impotent as he flung rocks at an unseeable opponent. He decided to put his faith in magic, hurling three missiles at the Dragon. The goblins drop their bows, drawing their swords and daggers and charging against the dragon (I'd like to have Born do this as well).

Goblin ACs drop to 13 for the next round.

Born (dagger): [roll0], [roll1]
Orn (dagger): [roll2], [roll]1d3 (f'd up, but I don't think 10 hits.)
Grella (scimitar): [roll3], [roll4]
Gelak (scimitar): [roll5], [roll6] <- poss. crit

Graash (magic missile, autohit): [roll7]

2010-06-06, 09:38 PM
[roll0], [roll1]

2010-06-08, 02:11 PM

Goblins weren't relevant. Magic Missiles ended it exactly.

Graash's magic strikes true, and the dragon screams before collapsing. Inzar immediately drops to one knee, and places his hand on the beast, feeling for it's heartbeat. Finding it, he whispers something, then pulls his ceremonial knife and plunges it deep into the dragon's heart. He speaks in Draconic to the now dying dragon, and watches with a solemn face as the light in its eyes dims.

Without turning, he speaks to the group. "We resssst now. Battle hassss worn usssss." He sheathes his double knives, and using the ceremonial one, begins to break down the orange dragon's body.

If you speak Draconic:
Graash overhears Inzar say to the dragon, "Rest now, mighty hunter. Rest in the caves of your mother. Rest."

2010-06-08, 06:14 PM
"Is it safe to rest here?"

2010-06-08, 06:19 PM
"Sssstupid ignorant citydweller. The great hunter, ssssslain it issss, and yet you assssk of sssssafety?" Inzar shakes his head and continues his work.

2010-06-08, 08:42 PM
"Oh, I'm sorry Inzar. Is this the only beast in this forest? I didn't think so. The sooner you learn my questions aren't stupid, and neither am I, the better we'll get along."

2010-06-09, 02:17 AM
"You are not sssstupid, you are right. You are naive. Here, the jungle lawssss are king, not you or I." Inzar shakes his head. "In your ccccity, your lawssss are king. There are lawssss about death, about killing. Here, there are lawssss too. The vicccctor earnssss a trucccce. We have time."

2010-06-09, 08:29 AM
Graash nods. If there is time to rest and prepare spells, he will eat, (as will the rest of the group, out of his field provisions box), sleep, and prepare spells. If there is not enough time for that, he and everyone will eat.

2010-06-09, 11:28 AM
When the party awakens, you find that Inzar is just finishing on the dragon, which has now been broken down into multiple piles of bodily components. He walks over to Graash, and hands him a lumpy thing about the size of two fists wrapped in broad leaves and dragonskin. "I give you thissss gift. Usssse it well." He then directs the goblins to each carry as much of the dragon's body parts as they can (there are scales, bones, blood, meat, fangs and claws, and some dragonskin as well).

2010-06-09, 11:32 AM
"Thank you, Inzar." Graash says. The goblins set to the task of carrying as much of the dragon as possible, focusing on the scales, skin, blood, meat, fangs, claws, and bones (in that order, in case they can't haul it all), not sure how to carry it all. They eventually figure it out, however.

Graash carefully opens his gift from Inzar.

2010-06-09, 11:44 AM
It is a glowing orange wet fleshy lump about the size of two fists held together.


Knowledge (arcana) please.

2010-06-09, 11:45 AM
Knowledge Arcana: [roll0]

2010-06-09, 12:07 PM

This is the draconis fundamentum, the supernatural organ that powers a dragon's elemental connection.

2010-06-13, 03:18 PM
*cricket cricket* :smallconfused::smallwink:

2010-06-13, 03:57 PM
"This is a mighty gift, Inzar. I have never seen anything like it before. I will cherish it, and study it. All I have to offer you is my thanks." Graash carefully wraps the organ up, stowing it away in his pack.

"Shall we continue?"

2010-06-13, 04:28 PM
"Yessss. We have long to go yet. Come, quietly." Inzar, satisfied that the dragon has been rendered appropriately, and sad about what must be left behind, moves off in their original direction, slower this time, to let the burdened goblins have something of a break.

The path is long, the jungle oppressive, and the journey hard, but eventually you come to a small outcropping of rock, overlooking a valley in the jungle. Inzar walks up to the very edge of the outcropping, jutting out over the drop, and gestures for Graash to join him. "There is your dessstination."

In the valley below lies a large tunnel in the jungle floor, sloping downwards.

2010-06-13, 05:01 PM
"You are an excellent guide, Inzar. Will you be coming with us?" The goblins ready their bows, while Fatima holds up her crossbow.

2010-06-13, 06:10 PM
Inzar glowers for a moment, then his view softens. "You would not ssssurvive alone. You learn, but you are sssstill inexperienccced. I come." He gestures to the cliff face. "Climb. Careful. Placcce your feet in the vinesss." Inzar demonstrates, and begins to climb down slowly, staying near the goblins to help them down.

2010-06-13, 06:17 PM
Graash nods, accepting his own inexperience and deferring to Inzar's wise counsel. He readies a fly spell, should he fall from a great height.

Climb: [roll0]

Ready a fly spell in case of failure by 5 or more.