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Eternal Drifter
2010-05-31, 07:41 PM

Sandgem-Temple Construction Site

Six months back, The Drifter started building a temple to Arceus, pouring all his money into the project. Now, he is building it by hand. Out of cash, having released the construction crew, and then releasing the sculptor for the statue of Arceus, he is waking up in the morning.

“Morning…” he yawns.

The Pikachu wakes up in the shadow of the half-finished statue, next to the Chikorita, and the Zubat flies down from the rafters.

“I don’t know about you,” The Drifter says, “But I am tempted to buy a sleeping bag next donation. The ground isn’t comfortable for a human.”

A Sentret rushes into the temple, carrying a newspaper.

“Ah, thanks for that,” The Drifter says, taking the paper. “I think that’s the last issue of our subscription… and it’s nice to see you didn’t soak the paperboy either.”

“Now, let’s see… Great Arceus, save us all!”

Villainous Teams Converging on Sinnoh!

Several of our editors have spotted various team members from competing teams in various places of the Sinnoh region. Team Rocket, from the Kanto and Johto regions, appear to be coming over the most numerously. This team was the inspiration for other teams, and set the standard of stealing Poke’mon, in this case, mainly for money. Team Magma has been spotted as well, well known for attempting to expand Hoenn’s landmass with Groudon, and Team Aqua scouts have been spotted also. Team Aqua once tried to expand the world’s oceans with Kyogre, competing against Team Magma. Team Galactic, the most legal of the teams (considering Galactic Boss Saturn’s efforts for renewable energy), is not likely to lay back and let them take over. They even have opposition from continents away… for Orre’s Cipher has been rumored, but not spotted, to have sent over some scouts. For more information on this article, see page 4.

Poke’mon of the Week:

Luxray… someone failed to bring us one…

Magikarp is what is wanted now! We’ll pay you!

Let us begin... Poke'mon in the Playground!

OOC is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8564467#post8564467). All are welcome.

2010-05-31, 07:56 PM
Walking off the boat from, strangely, the Sevii Islands, a blond man wearing an orange shirt and khaki slacks stretches, looking around.

"So this is Sinnoh. Doesn't look like much." He mutters, heading to see if he can find anyone worth fighting here.

Spying a news stand, he makes his way over and looks at the newest edition.

"I'll take this. Keep the change." He says, setting the a pair of Poke of the paper on the counter and walking away, opening the paper to page four to see what the news had to say about criminal teams.

2010-05-31, 08:07 PM
Ah, I love that boat, sure and I do, but its nice to get off it with my feet on solid ground again! James readjusts his straw hat, then tosses a friend ball on the ground, releasing the pokémon within. Go! Gelinda! A Wigglytuff, sporting a jet-black beret and blue-rimmed sunglasses, emerges, and heaves a sigh of relief to be on solid ground. James tosses the fluffy pink pokémon a few pokédollars. Would you mind buying me a paper, Glin? I'd like to see what's up and running in our new home. The Wigglytuff happily saunters over to the nearest newstand.

2010-05-31, 08:28 PM
Spying the cowboy releasing a Wigglytuff over his paper, Ian shifts slightly, drawing a small, grey machine shaped vaguely like a Pokedex from a shirt pocket and aims it at said Wigglytuff.

A small beep, and he looks at the screen, seeing the number 32 on it, along with a small green bar and 'Gelinda' above it.

Folding up his paper and sticking it under his arm, the blond walks towards James, hands in his pockets and a slight smirk on his face.

"Hello." He says as he approaches the other trainer. "I see that your Wigglytuff looks well trained. Care for a battle?"

2010-05-31, 08:41 PM
James smiles, as Gelinda returns with the newspaper. I'm just off the boat, mate, but I think my friends and I would be up for a casual battle. No stakes, three pokémon each, 1 on 1 at a time, those are my conditions. You up for that? He rolls the newspaper up under his arm, and motions for Gelinda to stand in front of him. Glin, you're up first.

2010-05-31, 08:49 PM
"Sounds fair to me. Swelter, you're up." Ian replies, reaching down to his waist and spinning around an Ultra Ball, a Shellgon bursting out of it as it flies up, landing with a thud.

"Shell, shell!"

"Do you want to start, or shall I?"

2010-05-31, 08:52 PM

Following some distance behind the other passengers on the boat, Rogue takes some time to look around and get accustomed to the air here. It smells like Veridian of all places. He then spots someone barking newspapers and rummages around his wallet, producing a few coins.

Well might as well live it up while the getting's good, he mumbles as he purchases a paper. The stupid boat ride better be worth it. It was sort of... lots of new places to sneak around in and the Season Birds know he needed a rest. Still, expensive. At least he had enough to set himself up with food for the gang.

Realizing they would likely want a stretch after the confined space of the boat, Rogue releases his pokemon who each take a moment to get accustom to the new place. It doesn't take long for the Eevee to go sniffing around but the others stay by his side.

Noticing what appears to be a battle, he leans against a nearby wall while observing the going ons and reading the paper. The Flareon by his side seems rather relaxed, but the Vaporeon watches the battle intently.

Eternal Drifter
2010-05-31, 09:00 PM

Roll %, and if you roll lower than the listed amount on Bulbepedia, you hit.
Ex: [roll]1d100[/roll ]
Tackle: Target 95 or lower [roll0]

This will get it started. Good luck!)

2010-05-31, 09:58 PM

Somewhere at the back of the boat a teenage girl struggles through the crowd. In her arms, an Eevee thrashes back and forth. At first, it tries to move its claws to scratch its captor, but the girl's grip holds it in place. Pulling up its head, it reaches down and bites her arm. She winces, but keeps pushing through the crowd, ignoring the pain and the mark left behind.

"You're...making this harder than it...needs to be..."

Though no one else could see it, Kari knew that this Eevee was in more trouble than it appeared. The more it struggled, the more the dark shadow surrounding it seemed to grow and spread. Kari began yelling at the people in her way, pushing through them faster and faster. On her last push, however, the people ahead of her stepped to the side, causing Kari's path to put her over the ramp. With a tumble, she and the Eevee in her hands fell down the ramp and onto the docks at Sandgem. Without waiting for a moment, Kari pushes herself up and starts running, not even noticing the battle as she passes.

The Eevee bites Kari in the arm once more, but she doesn't react. As she increases her speed, Kari tightens her grip on the Eevee, preventing its head from reaching her arm.

"Come on...I know I'm not...your owner, but really..."

Hunter Noventa
2010-05-31, 10:01 PM
Oreburgh Pokemon Center

Miyuki remained grateful for the bunks provided by the Pokemon Centers, they made for a great place to rest without having to worry about thieves or wild pokemon. But as much as the young woman wanted to sleep in, a semi-etheric form was nudging her awake. "Mmmm...five more minutes Gespy..."

The Misdreavus wasn't having that though, and true to her playful and mischievous nature, poked her trainer in the mind a little bit, causing the girl to shoot up out of the bunk, glaring. "Fine fine, we'll go get some breakfast!" She shook her head, taking a moment to straighten her clothing and hair before heading upstairs, the ghost floating behind her. The mon was almost never in her ball, so it wasn't too unusual for her to be woken by her. Stepping outside the young trainer, inhaled the fresh air, straightening her bag over her shoulder and trying to think of where to eat, everything in oreburgh had a hint of grittiness to it, making it a bit unappetizing. But the waffle stand next to the pokemart was tolerable, and had been feeding her for days.

Miyuki stepped up with a smile. "The usual please!" That was a big heaping waffle piled high, and some blueberries for Gespy.

2010-05-31, 10:04 PM
Zayn steps off the boat, followed by an aggressive-looking Blaziken. She takes a breath of fresh air, and smiles, content. A moment later, a younger girl with a rampaging Eevee pushes past her, knocking her forward, only to be caught by the Blaziken, who scowls. Zayn gently touches the Blaziken's shoulder. Easy, Merc. She whispers, as she adjusts her glasses. She takes a few steps off into Sandgem, and spots a paper rolling across the ground. Curious, she picks it up, and then scowls as she reads it.

It looks like they've managed to get their claws into the news, even here. She mutters as she tosses the paper aside. To an outsider, it would appear that she was talking about one of the villain teams. Come back, Mercutio. Zayn says and she recalls her Pokemon into his ball and pins it onto her belt. Looks like I've got a lot of work to do here.

2010-05-31, 10:11 PM
By all means, podnah, you go first. Just don't expect Glin here to wait pleasantly while your Shelgon tries to bonk her! replies James with a grin, giving a wink to Gelinda. The sunglass-&-beret-clad Wigglytuff nods in return, then readies herself.

Eternal Drifter
2010-05-31, 10:11 PM

The Drifter sighs, and motions to his Poke'mon.

"This is as sure of a sign as any that Arceus needs me to act, instead of sitting in one place, building this temple. That, and I haven't gotten a donation in a month," he chuckles. "Let's head to the beach. I may get more signs of what needs to be done there."

With that, he leads the way to the beach, where a battle is taking place.

It is cloudy. (No battle effect)


It is cloudy.

2010-05-31, 10:16 PM
"Well then... Swelter, Flamethrower!" Ian retorts, his sphere-like dragon 'mon jumping and exhaling a stream of fire at the Wigglytuff.

Flamethrower: 100 or lower.

2010-05-31, 10:18 PM
Zayn manages to make her way to the beach. She notices the battle and frowns. Well this is a bit early for this type of thing. She muses as she sits on a rock to watch.

2010-05-31, 10:25 PM

As she runs, Kari seems to be paying no attention and crashes straight into The Drifter. Landing on her back, Kari winces as she tries to pick herself up without using her arms, which are preoccupied with the Eevee. She tries to roll onto her knees, fails, then settles with sitting cross-legged, trying to slide her legs underneath her butt so she can stand.

"Oh, I'm so sorry...stop that, Eevee!" The Eevee seems visibly annoyed, and Kari's face seems only half concerned with the fact that she just ran into someone on the road.

2010-05-31, 10:26 PM
Rogue winces as he reads the headline about the teams rampaging through this region. He heard rumors about some of Rocket's "children" organizations that sprang up in the wake of their crimes. About half way through he flips through the pages looking for stories that may be of interest to...

Pup, Sirius, and Serene suddenly snap to attention as someone carrying an Eevee rushes past. Rogue lowers his paper to get a look, but can't really see much. Still something seemed... wrong. Pup starts a low growl, but Rogue calls for them all to calm down, and, after a second, they go back to their normal states.

He isn't quite able to go back to his reading before someone else approaches the beach, someone who wasn't on the boat. Giving a small wave he tries to draw the attention of the man.

"I'll be looking for Rowan pretty soon. You think you can point me the right way?"

Eternal Drifter
2010-05-31, 10:34 PM

As she runs, Kari seems to be paying no attention and crashes straight into The Drifter. Landing on her back, Kari winces as she tries to pick herself up without using her arms, which are preoccupied with the Eevee. She tries to roll onto her knees, fails, then settles with sitting cross-legged, trying to slide her legs underneath her butt so she can stand.

"Oh, I'm so sorry...stop that, Eevee!" The Eevee seems visibly annoyed, and Kari's face seems only half concerned with the fact that she just ran into someone on the road.


"Omph," Drifter says, when being run into. "Would you please watch were you are- going?" Drifter's eyes narrow slightly, looking at the Eevee. "A question. What has happened to that Poke'mon in your- oh, not now!:smalleek:"

Drifter's Sentret used Surf!

"For Arceus's sake, don't use that move every time you're-"

And at that point, Drifter is cut off.

Sandgem beach was hit with a weak wave, hitting EVERYONE on it!
Surf: 100% Accuracy from a level 3

"Whatever comes your way, Sentret," Drifter says, spitting out water, "You've probably earned it."

(Heading to bed. See you tomorrow.)

2010-05-31, 10:46 PM
Picking himself up and coughing some water, Ian quickly checks over his gear, paying the most attention to the device he used before challenging James to a battle.

"Aw, crapcrapcrap! This isn't water proof, so..." He mutters, picking it up and absently waving it around to get the water off of it, before turning it to his Shelgon.

"Phew. It still works." He sighs, looking at the screen and clicking past a large number of files on nearby Pokemon to see his Shelgon's health level.

Barely a scratch, but it's stuck upside down in the now soaked sand.

"Uh... Mind if we call this one?" He asks, looking to James sheepishly. "Because if we don't, then Swelter is out of this, and I don't think that this is exactly the best place for a battle right now..."

2010-05-31, 10:58 PM
Before Sentret unleashes its tidal wave, Gelinda parries Swelter's Flamethrower... with a Flamethrower of her own! The two columns of fire leaping from their mouths collide, but before the stronger 'thrower can be determined, Sentret puts them out with its surf.

After the wave, Gelinda stands up, shakes, and readjusts her beret and glasses, skewed from the battle. Fine by me, podnah. You go ahead and see to yer' mons and yer techy gear. Before the rancher can stop her, Gelinda looks at the Sentret, anger burning behind her cool shades due to her now drenched hat. Yoom.... TAH! With that, she begins to angrily sing a lullaby, trying to put the troublesome 'mon to sleep. Glin, please, don't be rude... James crosses his fingers for it not to work, not wanting to upset locals on his first day in Sinnoh.

Wigglytuff used Sing on Sentret!
"Hits" on a 55 or less.

2010-05-31, 11:06 PM

Kari looks at the Eevee, then at Drifter. "Nothing's happened to it, it's just feisty is all. And being really annoying...stop that, Eevee!" Kari keeps her hold as the Eevee struggles against her arms.

The Surf turns out badly for everyone. Being hit by the wave, Kari falls over and lets go of Eevee, who is also hit.

Angered, the Eevee changes, its face skewing up in rage. It turns towards the Sentret. Kari pushes away her wet hair just in time to see its aura change from black to red, though no one else without the sight would be able to tell. They would, however, see it run straight at the Sentret with incredible speed.

Lv. 10 Eevee used Shadow Rush! (Sentret)
[roll0] (Hits on 100 or less)
(Damage Rating: 55, Type: Shadow)

2010-05-31, 11:10 PM
Not having any time to react to the incoming wave, Rogue is knocked over mid sentence and he can kiss that paper goodbye. Two of his pokemon are also knocked over and look moderately annoyed, but Serene seems to think this is a big game.

Riding on the tide, the Vaporeon seems very happy. In response, Serene shoots the Sentret with a high-pressure beam of water while yelling out playfully. Unfortunately, Rogue's pokemon didn't see the Eevee rushing the Sentret and risks hitting it instead.

(Water Gun 100% accuracy from a level 15)

2010-05-31, 11:17 PM
The adorable sounding roar of rage catching in his ears, Ian smirks and turns towards the source, withdrawing his Shelgon as he does so.

Aiming his device towards the hissing Eevee, he looks at the screen with a surprised look, then looks to the girl who had been holding it.

Then back to the screen, and mutters something that sounds a bit like 'carp', before reaching to his waist for an Ultra Ball and releasing a Chatot.

"Polly, fly over there and use Sing on that Eevee. Now."

"Yessir!" The bird caws back, showing its species mimicry skills (though it causes some to wonder where it learned to call its trainer that) as it flys towards the impending scuffle.

Anything lower than 55 hits, making the berserk Eevee be afflicted with the sleep condition.

2010-05-31, 11:27 PM
Gelinda, mind your manners, gal! Return! With that, the friend ball flies out and retrieves the irate Wigglytuff. Excuse me, podnah, but I really have to get myself to a Pokecentre. I've got a Farfetch'd who's doubtless positively itchin' to get some fresh air in the PC system. Catch y'all later! He tips his hat to Ian, and seeing the issue with the strange Eevee and the tidal wave mostly quelled, he hurries over to the Pokecentre, fairly obvious in Sandgem because the town is so small.

He walks into the centre, tips his hat to the familiar Nurse Joy, and proceeds to the computer, taking Farfetch'd out of the system. Heya, Kensai! How ya feelin' bud? Kensai yawns, a tight red and orange headband about his head, and a very sharp leek in the palm of his wing.

Added Kensai to roster! Kensai is the battling powerhouse of James' team.

Name: Kensai
Species: Farfetch'd (Special)
Nature: Adamant
Level: 41
Held: Muscle Band
Move Pool: Aerial Ace, Poison Jab, Return, Swords Dance

Farfetch'd (Special)'s Base stats are as follows:
HP: 75; ATTK: 100; DEF: 60
SPATK: 60; SPDEF: 60; SPEED: 95
Total: 450

Hunter Noventa
2010-06-01, 12:13 AM

With breakfast done, and the town quiet, save for the distant sounds of the mine starting up, Miyuki hands over the few pokedollars for her breakfast and stretches a little bit, before turning to her favorite partner. "Well Gespie, more training today? We had a pretty rough time with Roark, I think we could all use some more practice..."

The ghost nuzzled her trainer in agreement, and the girl stood up and shoulder her bag, heading for the northern exit to the town to try and go hunting in the grass on Route 207 before she'd have to head the other way to continue on.

2010-06-01, 08:00 AM
Johnny was inside his hotel room and Lucario was standing on the balcony, looking at something on the street. "What are you watching?" A battle. "A battle? I have to see that!"
Having said that, Johnny left the hotel room with Lucario right behind him. He was just about to step out of the door when a huge wave washed the street. "What the...?"

2010-06-01, 10:08 AM
He walks into the centre, tips his hat to the familiar Nurse Joy, and proceeds to the computer, taking Farfetch'd out of the system. Heya, Kensai! How ya feelin' bud? Kensai yawns, a tight red and orange headband about his head, and a very sharp leek in the palm of his wing.

The P.C. system seems to take more time than you remember to log you on. According to some of the readouts it's calculating something due to non-native number. After a bit the screen changes to a trainer UI and you are able to withdraw Kensai. Oddly enough, an Antidote and Potion have been deposited into your item storage.

As you begin the log-off process, a small command line appears on the screen.

>Keyboard moisture content exceeding high-normal parameters
>Scanning local weather and topography information for cause
>It can be quite uncomfortable to walk around wet all day. If you go back to the beach
>Don't forget to bring a towel

The Librarian
2010-06-01, 11:46 AM
West Route to Jublife City:

A boat hums to a stop at a dock half a mile off from Jublife City. As the crew members set up the ramp to the dock the first passengers begin to file off the boat.

They are soon followed by a Eevee chasing after a woman dressed in a bright green dress trying to grab on to the dress. The Eevee's trainer then runs off the ramp yelling at his Eevee; Wait Eevee! Come back here. Curt shouts before sprinting off the docks followed closely by his Torchic.

The woman stops and smiles as she spots Eevee skipping around in front of her. She picks up the Eevee as Curt finally catches up.

I assume this Eevee is yours young man.

Curt huffs grinning: Yeah*huff*...sorry about that miss, he really likes follow strangers.

The woman smiles handing Curt his Eevee which nuzzles up in Curt's arms.
That's quite alright dear, I think he just wanted to say hello. You take care now.

Curt nods as the woman turns and starts walking away. He turns to his Eevee now napping in his arms.
Good, maybe he'll sleep for a while.

Curt takes out Eevee's pokeball returning it to its ball. He then turns to his Torchic as he puts away the pokeball.
Alright Torchic, ready for our first big adventure?

Torchic chirps with excitement hopping on his little feet.
Yay! Lets go.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-01, 05:00 PM

Drifter recalled his Pikachu!
Drifter recalled his Chikorita!
Drifter's Zubat flew up high!
Drifter's Sentret is missed by Wigglytuff's Sing!
Drifter's Sentret is hit by Eevee's Shadow Rush!
Critical Hit!
Drifter's Sentret fainted!
Drifter's Sentret is hit with Vaporeon's Water Gun!
It doesn't seem to affect the Sentret...

"Like I said..." Drifter sighs. "You earned it. Return."

Drifter recalled his Sentret!

"That Eevee... It's calmed down now..." (At least, it should... unless it is holding a berry of some kind...) "That move it used to knock out Sentret... could it mean... Trainer, I must ask that you come with me to the Temple. I would like to take a closer look at it..."

Drifter turns to the beach, and the wet crowd. "Er... sorry, everyone," He says. "My Sentret has a very timid nature. If anything startles it, it's liable to soak the area. Anyone hurt?"

Route 207


It started to rain!
Wild Kricketot (http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/3/38/Spr_4d_401_m.png) appeared! (Level 5, Male)

2010-06-01, 05:12 PM
"Eh... I'm fine." Ian says, walking up and withdrawing his Chatot. "But would you mind if I went with you? I have some... questions to ask about that Eevee that should be asked quietly..."

Blue Ghost
2010-06-01, 05:14 PM
Blue quietly walks down the beach at Sandgem to observe what is going on.

2010-06-01, 05:20 PM
"Nothing permanently damaged except my paper. My Flareon doesn't much like the water but he'll be out of his bad mood in a bit."

Rogue brushes off some of the wet sand from his person while his Pokemon regroup around him.

"If you've got an extra copy I'd like to see it. New to the area and all... Oh, like I was saying, Rowan's an old family friend and I'd like to pop in and say hi if you could show the way."

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-01, 05:27 PM
"Nothing permanently damages except my paper. My Flareon doesn't much like the water but he'll be out of his bad mood in a bit."

Rogue brushes off some of the wet sand from his person while his Pokemon regroup around him.

"If you've got an extra copy I'd like to see it. New to the area and all... Oh, like I was saying, Rowan's an old family friend and I'd like to pop in and say hi if you could show the way."


"I'm afraid that Sentret ruined my copy of the paper as well... and probably the rest of the copies that the paperstand had," Drifter says.

Drifter's Zubat used Fly!
But his target was withdrawn (Drifter's Sentret)...

"There you are! Return!"

Drifter recalled his Zubat!

"Rowan? I know him. His lab is on the way to the temple. I could show you the way, since I'm heading that direction anyway."

Route 207

Wild Kricketot used Bide!
Wild Kricketot is storing energy!
It is raining...

2010-06-01, 05:46 PM

The Eevee falls asleep, but it appears to be somehow suffering as it sleeps. Moving quickly, Kari yells out to it.


The Eevee awakens and seems to relax slightly, but before it can move Kari grabs it in her arms and holds it tightly, preventing it from moving. Kari reaches to her belt for a Pokeball, but finds that she has no extras at her side. Her use of her arm allows the Eevee to struggle for a moment, but nothing was within its bite range, so it merely tried to wriggle free. However, Kari quickly moved her arm back into position to prevent it from fleeing.

"I'm sorry, I'm really in a rush. I can't stop to visit anything."

Kari waves meekly with her arms still locking the Eevee in place. Turning, she rushes off towards the nearest Pokemon Center.

Eevee participated in battle!
Eevee was called out of Reverse Mode!

Total percent of Heart Gauge increase: 6%

2010-06-01, 05:59 PM
"Excuse me, but a lead is getting away." Ian says, turning away to follow Kari, reaching into his bag and taking out a spare Ultra Ball as he does so.

Catching up to the running girl, he holds up the Ultra Ball and nods at the Eevee.

"Pretty powerful pokemon, for a level 10. Where'd you get it?" He asks conversationally, keeping pace and offering his spare storage device.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-01, 06:05 PM

Drifter frowns as the Eevee trainer rushes to the Center. "Something odd about that Eevee," he mutters. "I wish I knew more..."

He turns to the man asking about Rowan. "Rowan's place is the last building in the city to the west. If you reach the temple in progress, you've gone too far."

Route 218 (West of Jubilife)

A poke'mon flops onto the docks...


Wild Magikarp (http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/9/9b/Spr_4p_129_f.png) appeared! (Level 9, Female)
It is cloudy...

2010-06-01, 06:07 PM
Rogue shrugs as the two people rush off from the scene. Something weird is going on, but that's usually the case. Normal being a myth for anything other than a classification for pokemon.

"It's a shame though, I might have been able to help with the Eevee's misbehaving."

After a few moments of awkward silence, he continues.

"Usually when a temple is mentioned people would like it seen. If you'd like to show it off we can have a chat and put this business into memory. You can call me Rogue, I'm a scavenger chasing after a rather insubstantial lead on a line of work."

2010-06-01, 06:12 PM

Kari continues to run, not paying much attention to the man keeping pace.

"Level 10, huh?" Kari looks down at the Eevee and it glares back at her, settling into a slightly more comfortable position in her arms. It seems to notice but not care about the man or his Ultra Ball, settling for the girl at the moment.

"I honestly don't have time to deal with you right now, whoever you are."

Noticing that the Eevee is a bit calmer now, Kari takes a moment to swing her bag to her front and pull her collapsible bike from it, which she begins to open while running.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-01, 06:15 PM
Rogue shrugs as the two people rush off from the scene. Something weird is going on, but that's usually the case. Normal being a myth for anything other than a classification for pokemon.

"It's a shame though, I might have been able to help with the Eevee's misbehaving."

After a few moments of awkward silence, he continues.

"Usually when a temple is mentioned people would like it seen. If you'd like to show it off we can have a chat and put this business into memory. You can call me Rogue, I'm a scavenger chasing after a rather insubstantial lead on a line of work."


"I might have been able to help with the Eevee... Arceus may guide me a little, but I'm still blind in the Original One's big plan..." Drifter says.

"The temple in question is far from finished. I've run out of donations to buy materials with, and I feel that I am needed elsewhere for the moment. Something about plates..."

The Librarian
2010-06-01, 06:23 PM
Curt looks at the Magikarp that has flopped up onto the deck, deciding whether to fight it or help it. His Torchic skitters over to the fish greeting like its...well not a threat.
Hi there, you want my master to put you back in the water?

2010-06-01, 06:24 PM
"Oh, fine, take your little shadow Eevee and run off. Don't see what I can do the help with it." Ian half mutters, turning away and making his way back to the beach.

He pauses midstep as his pokegear rings, and flips it out to check on who's calling.

Opening it with a slightly annoyed expression, he holds it to his ear.

"Yes? I thought I told you about calling me..." He says, clear exasperation in his voice.

"Well, if you did manage to get out, get your rears over here. One against hundreds isn't good odds, despite my obvious skill." He continues, walking onwards while speaking on his phone app.

"I've already completed part of phase one."

"Yes, I just found the person we're looking for, if my data is correct. "

"Listen, don't bother with trying to get that freak on our side. He won't agree, and it'll make you look like a fool."

"Yes, well, I happen to like having somewhat competent subordinates. Now, don't call me at this number again." He finishes, hanging up quickly and sliding his Pokegear back to his pocket, walking towards an open area.

"Flamer, time to fly." He says, throwing out an Ultra Ball and releasing a Charizard.

Roaring, the Charizard moves to allow him to climb onto its back, before taking off, bearing east-northeast.

2010-06-01, 06:29 PM
"Well alright see you around then."

Rogue then heads off to the god professor's lab waving at the man as he heads off. He lets his trio get some exercise and dry off while walking through town, but recalls them them as he reaches the lab.

Straightening his clothes to look a little less ragged, he tries to put on a good face for the meeting. It might get interesting, showing up unannounced at the behest of someone that may not even be the professor. He rummages through his pack and finds the letter that brought him here undamaged. After a deep breath he knocks on the door.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-01, 06:35 PM
Curt looks at the Magikarp that has flopped up onto the deck, deciding whether to fight it or help it. His Torchic skitters over to the fish greeting like its...well not a threat.
Hi there, you want my master to put you back in the water?

I thought I could catch that bug... Do you think you could get me back into the water? Shapes have been seen in the area that haven't been seen here before.


Drifter sighs, and heads to the Poke'mon Center.

"I need to get everyone healed... whether they deserve it or not..."

In the center, he watches the person with the Eevee for a bit while his Poke'mon are being healed. "Something about that Eevee... I need more information..." he mutters.

He closes his eyes while standing in the center of the Center, resting for a moment.

He remains there, standing still, but yet, he is not there...

2010-06-01, 06:45 PM
Alex wakes up early in the day, stretching himself out; he throws on his shirt and brushes his teeth. Walking out side of the Pokemon center, he pulls out a white Premier Ball and tosses it a few feet in front of him. "C'mon Sara, we got a lot of ground to cover today." The ball lets out a shimmer of white light with red sparks and forms into the shape of a female Charizard, with a nudge she pulls Alex onto her back and spreads her wings. "Okay, we need to make it to Sandgem by the afternoon to meet with Professor Elm's friend."

With a mighty roar, the orange dragon takes off and soars into the air.

Making it from Olivine to Canalave was going to be tough, but Sara could handle it; "You'll get a nice Lava Cookie and a rest before we bike the rest of the way." Alex patted Sara on the neck and the two started off over the ocean.

2010-06-01, 06:46 PM
Drifter sighs, and heads to the Poke'mon Center.

"I need to get everyone healed... whether they deserve it or not..."

In the center, he watches the person with the Eevee for a bit while his Poke'mon are being healed. "Something about that Eevee... I need more information..." he mutters.

He closes his eyes while standing in the center of the Center, resting for a moment.

He remains there, standing still, but yet, he is not there...

"Oh my, there must be some sort of event going on," the nurse on duty cheerfully remarks as she takes your Pokemon in for healing. With others being healed, she gives them to an assistant before asking,

"Did we have another Surf accident today?"

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-01, 06:58 PM
"Oh my, there must be some sort of event going on," the nurse on duty cheerfully remarks as she takes your Pokemon in for healing. With others being healed, she gives them to an assistant before asking,

"Did we have another Surf accident today?"

Drifter remains motionless in the center. He winces a little at something...

Unknown Realm

...and that something is an Entei in the darkness!

Past Shadow Entei challenged Drifter! (Level 13)
Drifter used Bone Club! [roll0] (85 or less)
Past Shadow Entei used Shadow Rush!
It's not very effective...

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-01, 07:00 PM
Alex wakes up early in the day, stretching himself out; he throws on his shirt and brushes his teeth. Walking out side of the Pokemon center, he pulls out a white Premier Ball and tosses it a few feet in front of him. "C'mon Sara, we got a lot of ground to cover today." The ball lets out a shimmer of white light with red sparks and forms into the shape of a female Charizard, with a nudge she pulls Alex onto her back and spreads her wings. "Okay, we need to make it to Sandgem by the afternoon to meet with Professor Elm's friend."

With a mighty roar, the orange dragon takes off and soars into the air.

Making it from Olivine to Canalave was going to be tough, but Sara could handle it; "You'll get a nice Lava Cookie and a rest before we bike the rest of the way." Alex patted Sara on the neck and the two started off over the ocean.

Open Sea

(Time for a small plot hook...)

A shape appeared in the ocean! ??? (???, ???)

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-01, 07:13 PM
Ahem (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NotSoFastBucko).

Early Afternoon


After a few minutes, Drifter collapses on the floor of the Poke'mon Center.

"Finally, a sign..." he mutters. "But could it come at a more wrong time?"

(Drifter has been standing still in the Poke'mon Center; the battle was in his mind!)

He leans on his staff as he gets up. "Sorry about this nurse," he says. "I just got the vision I needed to clear my path."

2010-06-01, 07:16 PM
The Charizard, gliding overland, turns north, towards Jubilife City, at the urging of his trainer, who...

Is now holding binoculars and looking at the route he's passing over?

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-01, 07:25 PM
The Charizard, gliding overland, turns north, towards Jubilife City, at the urging of his trainer, who...

Is now holding binoculars and looking at the route he's passing over?

Route 202

Far on the ground you see a few trainers, many weak wild Poke'mon... a Sentret swarm... an Aqua Grunt... trees... a few pools of water... wait.

There is indeed a Team Aqua Grunt on the ground on that route. http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/7/7b/RSE_AquaGruntM.png

2010-06-01, 07:26 PM
Ahem (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NotSoFastBucko).

Early Afternoon


After a few minutes, Drifter collapses on the floor of the Poke'mon Center.

"Finally, a sign..." he mutters. "But could it come at a more wrong time?"

(Drifter has been standing still in the Poke'mon Center; the battle was in his mind!)

He leans on his staff as he gets up. "Sorry about this nurse," he says. "I just got the vision I needed to clear my path."

After your collapse, the nurse goes over to check to see if you're okay. After the explanation she gives a disturbed look and comments, "You know how much it scares us here you know... Fainting sickness can be very dangerous for a trainer. You should go see a specialist."

Resigned to the fact that you won't, the nurse retrieves your Pokemon.

2010-06-01, 07:33 PM
Grinning, Ian signals to his Charizard to head low, jumping off and rolling when he gets to a save distance from the ground.

Standing up, Flamer being returned to his Ultra Ball, he smirks at the grunt.

"Never thought I'd see Aqua trash here." He says, grabbing a different Ultra Ball from his belt.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-01, 07:43 PM
Grinning, Ian signals to his Charizard to head low, jumping off and rolling when he gets to a save distance from the ground.

Standing up, Flamer being returned to his Ultra Ball, he smirks at the grunt.

"Never thought I'd see Aqua trash here." He says, grabbing a different Ultra Ball from his belt.

The Grunt glances at the Charzard as it disapears into it's ball. "I'm just the scout!" he says. "I've been sent to see if this region is good for Team Aqua to make use of! But the problem is, I can't find any good Poke'mon!"

Team Aqua Grunt would like to battle! ****
Team Aqua Grunt sent out Poochyena (http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/4/4b/Spr_4d_261.png)! (Level 10, Male)
Team Aqua Grunt sent out Sentret (http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/e/ee/Spr_4d_161.png)! (Level 4, Female)

After your collapse, the nurse goes over to check to see if you're okay. After the explanation she gives a disturbed look and comments, "You know how much it scares us here you know... Fainting sickness can be very dangerous for a trainer. You should go see a specialist."

Resigned to the fact that you won't, the nurse retrieves your Pokemon.

Drifter thanks the nurse, and takes a seat.

I need to speak to that person with the Eevee. Arceus directed that Eevee in my direction for a reason...

2010-06-01, 07:50 PM
Holding back laughter, Ian simply tosses the Ultra Ball.

"Steelix. Break them both." He says, smirking as the large metal snake suddenly roars and attacks the two smaller Pokemon.

Steelix used ???:

100 or less hits.

2010-06-01, 07:56 PM
Open Sea

(Time for a small plot hook...)

A shape appeared in the ocean! ??? (???, ???)

"Sara, let's go in a little lower..."
Seeing a strange shape, Alex drops a Poke'ball into the water that bursts into a large blue monster, "Croc, go check that out."

Hunter Noventa
2010-06-01, 08:18 PM
Route 207

Wild Kricketot used Bide!
Wild Kricketot is storing energy!
It is raining...

Miyuki pointed at the insect as it fumed at her and Gespy. "We're smarter than that aren't we Gespy?" The ghost was always in tune with the girl, and seemed to know what she wanted to do despite a lack of psychic power on either part, and she gave of a cute etheric growl at the creature.

Gespenst used Growl! {100% Accuracy}
Wild Kricketot's Attack Fell!

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-01, 08:56 PM
Holding back laughter, Ian simply tosses the Ultra Ball.

"Steelix. Break them both." He says, smirking as the large metal snake suddenly roars and attacks the two smaller Pokemon.

Steelix used ???:

100 or less hits.

Route 202

The attack blasts the Poochyena and Sentret.

It's super effective!
Foe Poochyena fainted!
Foe Sentret held on using it's Focus Sash!

The Aqua Grunt is open mouthed. "Impossible! I was told that no trainers of that high of power were in this area! And my newly caught Poke'mon stole my spare Focus Sash! Tackle him, thief!"

Foe Sentret disobeyed orders!
Foe Sentret cried out!

Wild Sentret appeared!
Wild Sentret appeared!
Wild Sentret appeared!
Wild Sentret appeared!
Wild Sentret appeared!

"How many of those things are there here?"

"Sara, let's go in a little lower..."
Seeing a strange shape, Alex drops a Poke'ball into the water that bursts into a large blue monster, "Croc, go check that out."

Open Sea

The shape stays still, for the moment.

Wild ??? is watching carefully!

Miyuki pointed at the insect as it fumed at her and Gespy. "We're smarter than that aren't we Gespy?" The ghost was always in tune with the girl, and seemed to know what she wanted to do despite a lack of psychic power on either part, and she gave of a cute etheric growl at the creature.

Gespenst used Growl! {100% Accuracy}
Wild Kricketot's Attack Fell!

Route 207

The Kricketot seems to pay no mind to the ghost, even though it's attack fell.

Wild Kricketot is storing energy!
It is raining.

2010-06-01, 09:10 PM
His face taking a grin not unlike that of his Steelix's, Ian withdraws it, reaching for a different Ultra Ball.

"Slicey, Leaf Blade." He says, a Gallade appearing as he tosses the Ultra Ball into the air. "Take out the wild ones now."

'Sir.' The Gallade broadcasts, as per standard for psychic types.

"Now, you, Aqua-mook. What's your name?" He turns, asking the Aqua Grunt with a glare as his Gallade deals with the pests behind him.

Gallade uses Leaf Blade: [roll0]

100 or less hits.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-01, 09:17 PM
His face taking a grin not unlike that of his Steelix's, Ian withdraws it, reaching for a different Ultra Ball.

"Slicey, Leaf Blade." He says, a Gallade appearing as he tosses the Ultra Ball into the air. "Take out the wild ones now."

'Sir.' The Gallade broadcasts, as per standard for psychic types.

"Now, you, Aqua-mook. What's your name?" He turns, asking the Aqua Grunt with a glare as his Gallade deals with the pests behind him.

Gallade uses Leaf Blade: [roll0]

100 or less hits.

Route 202

Wild Sentret fainted!
Wild Sentret appeared!
Wild Sentret appeared!
Wild Sentret appeared!
Wild Sentret appeared!

"Er... that's classified information... my number is 257... what are they doing?!?"

Foe Sentret used Surf!
Wild Sentret used Surf!
Wild Sentret used Surf!
Wild Sentret used Surf!
Wild Sentret used Surf!
Wild Sentret used Surf!
Wild Sentret used Surf!
Wild Sentret used Surf!
Wild Sentret used Surf!

The Aqua Grunt pales.

It started to rain.

"Mother..." he squeeks.

Hunter Noventa
2010-06-01, 10:02 PM
Route 207
The Kricketot seems to pay no mind to the ghost, even though it's attack fell.

Wild Kricketot is storing energy!
It is raining.

Miyuki smirked. "All right, once more Gespy, then Astonish it!" The ghost growled once more, biding it's own time.

Gespenst used Growl! {100% Accuracy}
Wild Kricketot's Attack Fell!

2010-06-01, 10:06 PM
"Aw, f-" Ian manages before the waves hit.

Minutes pass, and a Lapras' body surfaces over the crest of a wave, carrying three humanoid shapes.

The first, Ian, is sitting up, looking more than slightly soaked and annoyed.

The second, Slicey, Ian's Gallade, looks enraged, hatred of Sentret burning in his eyes.

The third is an unconscious Aqua grunt.

Returning Slicey to his Ultra Ball, Ian grabs Flamer's.

"Cyro, freeze the next few waves with Ice Beam." He says, patting the Lapras on the back of the neck. "I'm going to let Flamer out and get above this."

Releasing the fire type into the air above a tree, Ian whistles for it to fly over and pick him and the Aqua grunt off of Cyro's back.

2010-06-01, 10:10 PM
Hey podnah, y'all arright? asks James, concerned, as he and Kensai walk over to Drifter. Name's James, James Keenan. Y'all said something 'bout a search you had to conduct? Any chance that'll take yah anywhere near "Jubilife" City? I'm new around here, and my Farfetch'd has just chastised me for forgetting my map. he embarrassedly scratches the back of his head.

2010-06-01, 10:15 PM
"Croc, go grab that..uh..thing!"
*Sara goes about twenty feet above water*
*Croc moves up to the ???*
"Hmm.. what do we have here?"

2010-06-01, 11:33 PM

Kari makes her way into the Pokemon Center, the Eevee in her arms finally not actively trying to inflict harm upon her. Walking to the Center desk, she lifts the Eevee up.

"If you could...please? I warn you, though...he's very...feisty. I'd make sure he's asleep before you try anything."

The Eevee looks at the nurse and scowls, burying his face in Kari's arm. He doesn't use any teeth, however.

2010-06-02, 10:07 AM
Johhny scratched his head. "That was interesting... First, there's a pokemon battle, then a sentret comes and washes the whole street, and everyone runs off to the pokemon center. I'm bored. Nothing fun ever happens here. There aren't even any strong trainers around!"

2010-06-02, 10:59 AM
Kari makes her way into the Pokemon Center, the Eevee in her arms finally not actively trying to inflict harm upon her. Walking to the Center desk, she lifts the Eevee up.

"If you could...please? I warn you, though...he's very...feisty. I'd make sure he's asleep before you try anything."

The Eevee looks at the nurse and scowls, burying his face in Kari's arm. He doesn't use any teeth, however.

After your warning the nurse retrieves a small jar of treats and puts on some thick padded gloves. She uses the potential snack to try and lure your Eevee into a friendlier state before taking him to the machine.

"Don't worry, we get that a lot, especially recently. Something strange has been going on around the routes out of town."

Assuming no major incident, you Eevee is patched up and ready to go quickly.

One of the men from the beach seems to be in the Center and watching you as you retrieve your Pokemon.

Elsewhere: Rogue knocks on the door to the lab again after getting no response. After a little bit of the same, he cracks open the door and talks into the lab.


The Librarian
2010-06-02, 11:19 AM
I thought I could catch that bug... Do you think you could get me back into the water? Shapes have been seen in the area that haven't been seen here before.

Torchic stares confused at the Magikarp.
Shapes, you mean like circles and squares? Oh well, I 'll go tell my master.

Torchic turns to Curt
Hey, the Magikarp wants to be put back in the water.

All Curt hears is his Torchic's chirping, but message seems clear to him. Curt nods walking over to the Magikarp picking it up.
Alright, little guy, lets put you back in the water.

Curt takes the Magikarp and lightly tosses him into the water. If the Magikarp still has something to say he can say it before being put into the water.

2010-06-02, 12:04 PM

The Eevee eyes the treat warily, but nonetheless accepts it when it recognizes the machines behind the desk. Soon, it is back in Kari's arms, asleep but healthy. "Thank you, so much..."

Kari walks out, petting the sleeping Eevee on the head, its darkness enveloping her arms invisibly. "It's such a hot day...I wonder whether that's making it worse or not..." Pulling out a Pokeball, Kari releases Vula, who jumps up and down excitedly.

"Don't get carried away, Vula."

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-02, 04:52 PM
Miyuki smirked. "All right, once more Gespy, then Astonish it!" The ghost growled once more, biding it's own time.

Gespenst used Growl! {100% Accuracy}
Wild Kricketot's Attack Fell!

Route 207

The attack of the Kricketot is lowered again, but it appears to pay no mind.

Wild Kricketot is storing energy!
Wild Kricketot unleashed energy!

There is a small spark of light in front of the Kricketot, which doesn't do anything.

But it failed!
It is raining.

"Aw, f-" Ian manages before the waves hit.

Minutes pass, and a Lapras' body surfaces over the crest of a wave, carrying three humanoid shapes.

The first, Ian, is sitting up, looking more than slightly soaked and annoyed.

The second, Slicey, Ian's Gallade, looks enraged, hatred of Sentret burning in his eyes.

The third is an unconscious Aqua grunt.

Returning Slicey to his Ultra Ball, Ian grabs Flamer's.

"Cyro, freeze the next few waves with Ice Beam." He says, patting the Lapras on the back of the neck. "I'm going to let Flamer out and get above this."

Releasing the fire type into the air above a tree, Ian whistles for it to fly over and pick him and the Aqua grunt off of Cyro's back.


A wave washes through the streets, carrying with it several unconsious Sentrets and a Lapras with a few forms on it's back.

Sandgem Coast

The Lapras winds up just south of Sandgem when the waves stop moving them.

Team Aqua Grunt fainted!
Team Aqua Grunt was defeated!

Hey podnah, y'all arright? asks James, concerned, as he and Kensai walk over to Drifter. Name's James, James Keenan. Y'all said something 'bout a search you had to conduct? Any chance that'll take yah anywhere near "Jubilife" City? I'm new around here, and my Farfetch'd has just chastised me for forgetting my map. he embarrassedly scratches the back of his head.


"I would be glad for some human company on my travels," Drifter says. "My destination is Oreburgh, and Jubilife is on the way there. I could use some help training my Sentret to calm down before she makes a mess of things."

At that point, the wave washes through town.

"Perhaps it's too late..." Drifter mutters.

"Croc, go grab that..uh..thing!"
*Sara goes about twenty feet above water*
*Croc moves up to the ???*
"Hmm.. what do we have here?"

Open Sea

??? used Water Spout! (100% Accuracy from level 80 against Croc)
??? revealed itself!
Wild Kyogre (http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/6/63/Spr_4d_382_s.png) appeared! (Level 80)
Wild Kyogre's Drizzle caused it to start to rain!

Torchic stares confused at the Magikarp.
Shapes, you mean like circles and squares? Oh well, I 'll go tell my master.

Torchic turns to Curt
Hey, the Magikarp wants to be put back in the water.

All Curt hears is his Torchic's chirping, but message seems clear to him. Curt nods walking over to the Magikarp picking it up.
Alright, little guy, lets put you back in the water.

Curt takes the Magikarp and lightly tosses him into the water. If the Magikarp still has something to say he can say it before being put into the water.

Route 218

Are those the shapes that humans use to communicate to each other with?

With a splash, the Magikarp lands in the water.

Thanks for the help!

2010-06-02, 05:04 PM
Route 202
Quietly slipping away from the battles and other trainers, Zayn travels through Route 202. She was going to Jubilife City, but she wasn't sure what she would do once she got there. She could probably contact someone in the organization easily enough, or she could go to Oreburgh, both to scope out the best trainers in the region, and also to gather some badges. It'd been quite some time since she'd last set foot in a Gym, and becoming a Champion again wouldn't do well at all, not when she was trying to stay inconspicuous. Still, someone had to make sure Gym Leaders were treating their Pokemon right.

2010-06-02, 05:10 PM
Dragging himself off of Cyro's back, sputtering more, Ian stands up and looks around.

"...Why do I get the feeling that I'm going to be seeing a lot of this place?And how did all those Sentret learn Surf?" He mutters, poking the Aqua grunt.

"Cyro, return." He says, his Lapras being enveloped in the red light and vanishing into the Ultra Ball.

"Slicey, carry this loser for me. We're getting some credit from the cops." He continues, releasing his Gallade and pointing towards the Aqua grunt.


"And if you sense an altered Eevee around here, tell me. I need a chat with his 'owner'."


"Good. Let's go." He finishes, taking the two Pokeballs off the Aqua grunt's belt and attaching them to his before setting towards town.

----------A few minutes later-----------

Walking away from the poliece station, all Pokemon stored away in their own spheres, Ian grins, making his way North.


"Maybe this time I won't get ambushed by a pack of Sentrets..." He mutters, walking through the entrance to route 202, noting the figure ahead of him moving at a fairly quick pace

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-02, 05:57 PM
Route 202

The route seems... relitively bare... save for the PC trainers there... the only wild Poke'mon on the route seem to be fainted...

It is still raining.

(Open only if one of you happens to look up.)
Save... for one... high in the air...
Wild Unown (http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/3/34/201C.png) appeared! (Level 10)

It is now late afternoon.

The Librarian
2010-06-02, 06:38 PM
Route 218

Are those the shapes that humans use to communicate to each other with?

With a splash, the Magikarp lands in the water.

Thanks for the help!

Torchic waves with its little wing chirping at the Magikarp.
Goodbye Magikarp, thanks for the advice about those random speaking shapes...letters! That what they are. I wonder if we'll see one.

Just then Torchic is picked up by Curt. Torchic hops onto his shoulder chirping to Curt.
How much longer till we get to the city? I'm really hungry.

Curt chuckles understanding the usual chirp of hunger petting Torchic on the head.
Don't worry we'll be there in no time.

2010-06-02, 06:52 PM
As he passes the person he saw walking, Ian makes a quick note of what she looks like.

"Oh, hello Miss. Was that you with the Blaziken, a while back, on the beach?" He asks, keeping pace easily.

2010-06-02, 06:58 PM
Route 202
Huh? She spins around. Oh. Yeah. That was me. She says, turning back around and walking quickly, though Ian should have little trouble keeping up with her.

2010-06-02, 07:02 PM
"It's interesting to meet someone like yourself here, then." Ian replies, taking out his mutipurpose device and spinning it around dramatically. "I'm a big fan of your's."

2010-06-02, 07:03 PM
Route 202
Zayn raises an eyebrow. I'm not one to turn down a compliment, but do we know each other?

2010-06-02, 07:06 PM
"Oh, we've never met. But I know of you, all the same, Miss. You, in fact, inspired me to get into this business."

2010-06-02, 07:07 PM
Route 202

Um? Zayn frowns and pushes her glasses back up to her eyes. I've never really done anything noteworthy, though. You must have me confused with someone else. She dismisses, shrugging. Happens all the time. I've got one of those faces, you know?

2010-06-02, 07:13 PM
"Oh? And I thought that you'd do a better job of deleting all of your Pokemon's trainer information if you wanted to dissappear." Ian continues nonchalantly.

"Anyone with one of these," At this, he flips around his quasi PDA to indicate it. "Programed correctly can see the Trainer ID your Pokemon are registered to."

"But it may be broken. After all, it had just been hit with a wave when it read your Blaziken." He finishes lamely, sliding the machine back into his pocket.

2010-06-02, 07:20 PM
Route 202
Beginning to get annoyed, Zayn scowls. I really have no idea what you're talking about, and considering that you even admitted that your little device might be broken, I think you might want to get your facts straight next time you go around acting like you know somone.

2010-06-02, 07:23 PM
"Then please forgive me for speaking like that. Prehaps we should start over. My name would be Ian, from Phenac City. You?" Ian replies apologetically, making a half bow while still walking.

2010-06-02, 07:26 PM
Route 202
I'm Zayn. I'm from Mahogany Town, in Johto. If Ian's device works as well as he says it does, it's likely that Mercutio (and Zayn's other Pokemon), would be registered to Rowena Reed. Unless it's OT, in which case Mercutio would be registered to James Cohen, Faustus to Jonathan Reed, and the others to Rowena.

2010-06-02, 07:28 PM
"Pleased to meet you." Ian returns, still keeping pace.

"So... Why are you here? Hunting criminal teams? Or investigating suspicious characters?"

2010-06-02, 07:32 PM
Route 202
What do you mean, suspicious characters? Zayn flips her bangs out of her eyes. I'm not sure what I'm doing yet. I might take the Sinnoh Pokemon League Challenge.

2010-06-02, 07:36 PM
"Oh, I've heard that there have been sightings of the various teams here. I even defeated an Aqua grunt today. I'm guessing that they'll have been trying to infiltrate their minions by disguising them. I'm here hunting Cipher, because I've heard rumors of their new leader coming here, for some reason."

2010-06-02, 07:38 PM
Route 202
Huh. Where I'm from, we just have Team Rocket. Zayn says offhandedly. Cipher though, that's odd.

2010-06-02, 07:45 PM
"Yeah... About eight years back they started up this thing they called the 'Shadow Pokemon Project'. From what I can piece together, it involved doing... something to Pokemon so their hearts closed, giving them immense power at the cost of their emotions. They had a subordinate team called Snagem to get them Pokemon to experiment on, using these things called Snag Machines. They're the worst of the teams, and now they've come back for the third time..."

"So I made this little device here to help me find any of their minions- it lists a Pokemon's OT, their Trainer's ID number, their level, and it can read something called an 'Aura' that they give off. When a Pokemon is Shadow, it's Aura is off, and this little baby can detect it."

2010-06-02, 08:07 PM
Peeking into the lab, Rogue is hit by a flash of light coming from one of the experiments. He stumbles back a bit before regaining composure. One of the assistants rushes over to where Rogue is and questions him,

"Yes what are you doing here?"

Presenting the note, Rogue tries to explain his position.

"I'm here from Kanto trying to figure out who wants me here. I heard the professor's set up shop here since he and Oak parted ways a couple back... Aside from not knowing anyone else in this place, I thought we could exchange pleasantries considering we've met while he was investigating evolutionary whatevers with Eevees"

In the following conversation, Rogue finds out three things. First, they put way too much honey in their tea here. Second, it wasn't Rowan that sent the letter. Third, there's an anomalous object of some sort in a forest a few days away that Rogue would be in a perfect position to investigate.

Slightly disappointed but not surprised, Rogue leaves the lab only to discover the entire town dripping wet and a few Sentret passed out in the street. Now slightly disappointed AND surprised, he decides to check the Center to see what's going on. Finding the local he had a conversation with earlier, rogue asks,

"Right, so what's with this town and flooding?"

2010-06-02, 08:08 PM

"I would be glad for some human company on my travels," Drifter says. "My destination is Oreburgh, and Jubilife is on the way there. I could use some help training my Sentret to calm down before she makes a mess of things."

At that point, the wave washes through town.

"Perhaps it's too late..." Drifter mutters.

Wonderful then! Just tell me when y'all are ready to leave, and I'll tag along. And if its pokemon training you need, look no further! He grins. Kensai here spars every day at the Cianwood Gym for training, and my other pokemon can all hold their own. I happen to be the proud owner of six Johto gym badges, y'see. If y'all want a hand training your friends, I', more'n happy to help ya. Kensai nods his agreement, making chopping motions with his leek as if it were a sword.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-02, 08:23 PM
Wonderful then! Just tell me when y'all are ready to leave, and I'll tag along. And if its pokemon training you need, look no further! He grins. Kensai here spars every day at the Cianwood Gym for training, and my other pokemon can all hold their own. I happen to be the proud owner of six Johto gym badges, y'see. If y'all want a hand training your friends, I', more'n happy to help ya. Kensai nods his agreement, making chopping motions with his leek as if it were a sword.

Sandgem-Poke'mon Center

"Excellent!" Drifter says, nodding. "It's unlikely that we would make much headway before sunset, so I suggest we rest here for tonight. We can start in the morning. Although... a word of warning: my Sentret is very timid. She's liable to use Surf at every surprise, something I want to get her out of doing."


"Right, so what's with this town and flooding?"

"Err... it wasn't my Sentret this time..." Drifter stammers. "You know, I am really begining to regret borrowing that HM. Now people are blaming me and my Poke'mon for every time the town floods. Though... I have a lingering thought... could you bring me a few of those knocked out Sentrets? I need to confirm something..."

Route 202

Above the two trainers, the Unown follows silently, watching...

As the two trainers walk, they should come across a nest on the ground, just to the side of the main path... with three Poke'mon Eggs in it...

2010-06-02, 08:31 PM

Kari, still holding the Eevee, enters the Pokemart with Vula following behind, her tail in the air. Sidling up the counter, Kari puts the sleeping Eevee down for a moment.

"Do you have any Pokeballs? I seem to have run out."

2010-06-02, 08:32 PM
More Sentrets flooding the beach again? Are they hurt? He takes a heavy ball from his belt, and throws it on the ground. MOOOOOooooooOOOoo yawns Milkshake as she is released from her ball. Milkshake wears an apron around her front, and holds a cow bell in one hand. Milkshake, gal, we've got some Sentret that'll more'n likely need tendin'. Care to give a hand, lil' lady? Milkshake Moooos her assent. Kensai, return! He throws the Fast Ball on the ground, and the Farfetch'd is returned to the orange sphere. James and Milkshake walk out of the Centre and over to the pile of unconscious Sentrets.

Milkshake used Heal Bell!
Milkshake used Milk Drink!
The Sentrets retored HP and Status!

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-02, 08:37 PM
More Sentrets flooding the beach again? Are they hurt? He takes a heavy ball from his belt, and throws it on the ground. MOOOOOooooooOOOoo yawns Milkshake as she is released from her ball. Milkshake wears an apron around her front, and holds a cow bell in one hand. Milkshake, gal, we've got some Sentret that'll more'n likely need tendin'. Care to give a hand, lil' lady? Milkshake Moooos her assent. Kensai, return! He throws the Fast Ball on the ground, and the Farfetch'd is returned to the orange sphere. James and Milkshake walk out of the Centre and over to the pile of unconscious Sentrets.

Milkshake used Heal Bell!
Milkshake used Milk Drink!
The Sentrets retored HP and Status!

"This may have things more difficult..." Drifter says. "Having them unconsious would make it easier to carry them into the center... where we could get a decent look at them and their moves by machine. Wild Sentrets don't usually learn Surf..."

Wild Sentret fled!
Wild Sentret fled!

There's still a dozen Sentrets remaining in the area...

2010-06-02, 08:40 PM
"Yah. Likely best to get the little things some attention before the Spearows or whatever you have here decide to get hungry..."

Rogue walks back towards the door but pauses for a second.

"But when I get back, I could use some info about how to get to a forest up north."

After an amount of time, Rogue and his team manage to collect a few of the unconscious troublemakers near the Center... just in time for them to be revived by some Milk. As they start scampering away, Rogue calls out to Pup,

"Stop one from getting away! Tackle attack!"

[roll0] (79) Accuracy: 95 Damage mod: 2x

2010-06-02, 08:43 PM
He smiles. No worries, podnah, I got a lot of experience dealin' with wild Sentret. Go, Troubadour! He throws out a Net Ball, and a Ludicolo emerges. Something is slightly different about this Ludicolo - the inside of his lilypad hat is lined with large xylophone keys, and a damp, muddy rock rolls around in it, playing the notes. It also carries two rainbow coloured maracas. Troubadour! Dance! Usher these little buggers into the Centre! Ludi-CHACHACHA-colo! Ludi-CHACHACHA-colo! Troubadour begins herding the Sentrets into the Centre, distracting them with his dancing and music playing, with a little help from Milkshake, who carries the more weakened ones.

2010-06-02, 08:47 PM

Kari, still holding the Eevee, enters the Pokemart with Vula following behind, her tail in the air. Sidling up the counter, Kari puts the sleeping Eevee down for a moment.

"Do you have any Pokeballs? I seem to have run out."

The shopkeeper seems a bit distracted by a small television set up on the counter and the daily showing of Fashion Showcase. He looks up at you for a second and points towards a close-by aisle.

"Row one in the unrestricted section, 200 each."

The Librarian
2010-06-02, 08:49 PM
Curt and his Torchic finally arrive in Jublife City after 10-15 minutes of walking. Both Curt, and his Torchic gaze up at the towering apartment and business buildings in wonder. Curt had never seen such massive buildings having been born in Verdanturf Town.
Wow...This places cities are huge.

Suddenly his Torchic catches a scent of delicious food being cooked somewhere. He almost immediately after starts drooling.

Curt start jogging down the sidewalk.
Alright, first we check into the Pokemon Center, then we get food Torchic.

2010-06-02, 08:50 PM

"Thanks. Vula?" The Vulpix seems to nod slightly, then dashes off to the indicated aisle, flicking a Pokeball off the rack with her tail and bringing it back to the counter. Kari pulls some money from her pack and hands it across the counter before waving and heading out with her Eevee.

Once outside, Kari looks around, then aims the Pokeball at the Eevee and attempts to recall it.

Vula seems to notice the commotion going on at the Pokemon Center, but Kari seems distracted by the Eevee in her arms.

(I don't know whether Pokeballs fail to "capture" a Pokemon that's owned by someone else, or whether people just block Pokeballs aimed at their own Pokemon.)

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-02, 08:50 PM
Chaos in the streets outside the Sandgem Poke'center.

Wild Sentret fainted!
Wild Sentret fled!
Wild Sentret became confused!
Team Aqua Grunt's Sentret became confused!

All in all, six Sentrets are sucessfuly herded into the center, two crashed into each other due to confusion, and five escaped completely.

"We only need a few..." Drifter says. "I hope they don't know what I think they do... Nurse? Could you heal these Poke'mon and tell us their moves?"

All know Tackle, some know foresight, some know Thief, some know Surf, and some know Defense Curl.

Night falls...

2010-06-02, 08:54 PM
Open Sea

??? used Water Spout! (100% Accuracy from level 80 against Croc)
??? revealed itself!
Wild Kyogre (http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/6/63/Spr_4d_382_s.png) appeared! (Level 80)
Wild Kyogre's Drizzle caused it to start to rain!

"This..this is..bad, really bad!"
"Damn, Croc shake it off! Hit with Waterfall!"
Hits on 1 or higher, gets a boost from STAB, rain, and Torrent if applicable.
Assuming Croc is still up otherwise, send out Ragna.

2010-06-02, 08:58 PM
Sandgem Center:
With the condition of the feral pokemon and their sheer numbers, the nurse quickly scoops up many of them and brings them into the back room. After a bit of waiting she comes back and looks nervous.

"Oh dear... well four of them know Surf, the rest aren't very remarkable from what the PC said about the species. One's in critical right now, he's registered... I looked it up and the trainer is from a different region where he's wanted!"

Jublife Center:

Some smells waft from the center as someone inside prepares for an evening meal. From down the street you can see the lights turn on in the twilight.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-02, 09:01 PM
"This..this is..bad, really bad!"
"Damn, Croc shake it off! Hit with Waterfall!"
Hits on 1 or higher, gets a boost from STAB, rain, and Torrent if applicable.
Assuming Croc is still up otherwise, send out Ragna.

Open Sea

Kyogre is hit with Waterfall!
It's not very effective...
Wild Kyogre used Whirlpool on the trainer!
Wild Kyogre fled!

[roll0] Whirlpool: 70 or lower

The water swirls, and soon enough ends without damaging you too much... but you now find yourself on...

Route 223

...Seems like the whirlpool had a teleporting effect.

Sandgem Center:
With the condition of the feral pokemon and their sheer numbers, the nurse quickly scoops up many of them and brings them into the back room. After a bit of waiting she comes back and looks nervous.

"Oh dear... well four of them know Surf, the rest aren't very remarkable from what the PC said about the species. One's in critical right now, he's registered... I looked it up and the trainer is from a different region where he's wanted!"

Jublife Center:

Some smells waft from the center as someone inside prepares for an evening meal. From down the street you can see the lights turn on in the twilight.

Sandgem: Poke'mon Center

Drifter nods. "I was expecting Surf... but one belongs to a trainer? Does it say whom? It still doesn't explain how they learned Surf... they were wild..."

The Librarian
2010-06-02, 09:42 PM
Curt begins to catch the scent of good cooking as he enters the Pokemon Center.
Mmm...Man that smells good.

He walks up to the main desk. As he reaches the desk his Torchic hops off his shoulder onto the desk chirping happily at the Nurse Joy.
Hey there, do you got any rooms available for the night?

2010-06-02, 10:10 PM

For a town of this size, you'd think that the Center would be a little more crowded than it is. Without a gym, however, only travelers seem to frequent it. The nurse on station seems just a little more plump than the average. As you walk in, she perks up noticably.

"I was about to think I'd end up with more leftovers come in! It's arrabiata!"

The bowls around a large pot of pasta seem almost lonely. There's also a nearby container of feed.


"Judging by his ID number he's from somewhere in Hoenn. Involved in some sort of organized criminal activity. On the readout it says 'Code: A' but don't know what to make of it."

Noticing the time, the nurse continues, "I'll release the others in the morning but I have to keep the owned one for now... I think it may need some time to recuperate anyway."

Hunter Noventa
2010-06-03, 12:07 AM
Route 207

The attack of the Kricketot is lowered again, but it appears to pay no mind.

Wild Kricketot is storing energy!
Wild Kricketot unleashed energy!

There is a small spark of light in front of the Kricketot, which doesn't do anything.

But it failed!
It is raining.

Miyuki pumped her fist. "Quick Gespy, use Astonish!" The ghostly figure agreed and something happened, it was a bit hard to explain.

Gespy Used Astonish! {30 Power, 100% Hit chance}
The Wild Kricketot might flinch! {If roll is under 30}[roll0]

2010-06-03, 12:40 AM
Johnny was walking away from Sandgem with his Lucario. Eneugh loitering, time to do something. The Sinnoh Pokémon League Challenge seemed like a viable option. "Nothing interesting never happens around here..."

A huge wave swept the street behind him, carrying a dozen Sentrets and a Lapras carrying three people.

Some time later...
Route 202

Johnny saw two people ahead of him walking. They were about 500m in front of him. It is always wiser to jog than walk, just because of exercise. There appears to be an unusual aura somewhere in front of us. "What, you mean those people?" No. It's not that. It appears to be in mid-air. "Hey, I can see something over their heads... What is that thing?"

2010-06-03, 10:46 AM
Route 223

The sound of Wingull bring Alex back to consciousness; "Ughh.." he groans.
"NO!" He snaps up on the beach, looking around frantically, "Sara! SARA!" He reaches for his belt and lets out a sigh of relief, right before he black out in the Whirlpool, he managed to recall Charizard to her Premier Ball. Looking around on the beach he sees Croc near passed out in the sand, "C'mon buddy you're going to be okay", he pulls a Full Heal and Super potion out of his pack and gently pours them down Croc's throat."Okay, that's better." He then returns Croc to his ball as well.

The past hour? Day? Week? Alex wasn't sure, but it was so unreal that it almost seemed a dream, and that Pokemon! What manner of monster was that? He had been in some tough fights before, but that Pokemon commanded a power Alex had never seen; the very water seemed to act organic around that blue leviathan, and it summoned the very rain with his roar. Alex needs answers.

Alex looks around and notices a Lighthouse to the south along with the bustling noises of a town, "Am I back by Olivine?" but quickly dismisses that notion as he realizes that Olivine was north of the beach while this town was south. And the lighthouse looked different, more modern.

He pulls out a very old looking Pokeball and summons Ragna, "Well buddy, I have no idea where we are or what's going on, we need to stick together and get everyone else safe." With a nod, Alex and Dragoniar head towards the city.

Sunyshore City

The Librarian
2010-06-03, 11:13 AM

For a town of this size, you'd think that the Center would be a little more crowded than it is. Without a gym, however, only travelers seem to frequent it. The nurse on station seems just a little more plump than the average. As you walk in, she perks up noticably.

"I was about to think I'd end up with more leftovers come in! It's arrabiata!"

The bowls around a large pot of pasta seem almost lonely. There's also a nearby container of feed.

Curt smiles taking one of the bowls of pasta and pours four bowls of feed for his Torchic and other pokemon.
Looks great.
Looks Yummy.

Curt puts down his Torchic and reaches for his other three pokeballs.
Alright you guys chow time.

Out of the three pokeballs come a Scyther, Poliwag, and Eevee. The Scyther does a sort of salute with one of his scythes to Nurse Joy and Curt before eating; Poliwag walks over to Curt greeting him with a few stray bubbles before eating his food.
Great, lets eat.
Alright, got some good food.

Curt's Eevee wakes up upon being released from his pokeball and starts running around Nurse Joy's feet, occasionally nibbling at her toes playfully.
Hello New Nurse Joy, you brought food for me and Curt. I really like food from you and Curt.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-03, 04:50 PM


"Judging by his ID number he's from somewhere in Hoenn. Involved in some sort of organized criminal activity. On the readout it says 'Code: A' but don't know what to make of it."

Noticing the time, the nurse continues, "I'll release the others in the morning but I have to keep the owned one for now... I think it may need some time to recuperate anyway."

Drifter nods. "Thank you... perhaps in the morning this will be clearer. I assume that there are rooms avalible? Could we have one or two?"

Miyuki pumped her fist. "Quick Gespy, use Astonish!" The ghostly figure agreed and something happened, it was a bit hard to explain.

Gespy Used Astonish! {30 Power, 100% Hit chance}
The Wild Kricketot might flinch! {If roll is under 30}[roll0]

Route 207

The wild Kricketot is at critical health!
The rain stopped. The clouds cleared.
The moon is bright.
The wild Kricketot used Bide!
The wild Kricketot is storing energy.

Johnny was walking away from Sandgem with his Lucario. Eneugh loitering, time to do something. The Sinnoh Pokémon League Challenge seemed like a viable option. "Nothing interesting never happens around here..."

A huge wave swept the street behind him, carrying a dozen Sentrets and a Lapras carrying three people.

Some time later...
Route 202

Johnny saw two people ahead of him walking. They were about 500m in front of him. It is always wiser to jog than walk, just because of exercise. There appears to be an unusual aura somewhere in front of us. "What, you mean those people?" No. It's not that. It appears to be in mid-air. "Hey, I can see something over their heads... What is that thing?"

Route 202

It is raining.

The shape seems to be watching the two trainers up ahead... where the aura seems to be near... and you might see a nest near the trainers...

2010-06-03, 05:36 PM

"Of course, you just need to enter your IDs at the PC. Something about new tracking... I don't know why the league would order it but you have to now."


The nurse seems to be happy with all the excitement and reaches down to scratch your Eevee behind the ears. "Oh who's a cute one!"

Meanwhile, back at Sandgem

Rogue takes a seat and puts his feet up. "It looks like it might get a little crowded. I'll go without a bed this time. Getting to used to one really won't suit me well."

Rogue releases his pokemon and lets them eat out of an open bag of kibble.

2010-06-03, 05:58 PM
Certainly, ma'am, says James, taking off his straw hat. he goes up to Nurse Joy's computer and enters his ID No. Then he smiles, and sends out all his 'mons. Chow time, guys and dolls! Yoom-TAH! Ludi-CHACHACHA-colo! Ch'Ding! MOOOooooOOOooO. After those four are sent out, James takes the last ball off of his belt and throws it on the ground - a Luxury Ball. Last but certainly not least, Precious! Precious stretches, then turns to her trainer. I daresay, James, you have the most impeccable taste in lodgings. They remind me so much of... well, every single city we've ever visited! The Persian yawns. Madame Joy, pleasure to make your acquaintance, says Precious, extending one of her four paws to the Nurse, completely oblivious to any shocked looks at the fact that she can speak English.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-03, 06:05 PM
Certainly, ma'am, says James, taking off his straw hat. he goes up to Nurse Joy's computer and enters his ID No. Then he smiles, and sends out all his 'mons. Chow time, guys and dolls! Yoom-TAH! Ludi-CHACHACHA-colo! Ch'Ding! MOOOooooOOOooO. After those four are sent out, James takes the last ball off of his belt and throws it on the ground - a Luxury Ball. Last but certainly not least, Precious! Precious stretches, then turns to her trainer. I daresay, James, you have the most impeccable taste in lodgings. They remind me so much of... well, every single city we've ever visited! The Persian yawns. Madame Joy, pleasure to make your acquaintance, says Precious, extending one of her four paws to the Nurse, completely oblivious to any shocked looks at the fact that she can speak English.

Drifter sighs. "All right... I'll enter my number..."

After a small flurry of clicks and taps, Drifter enters his number (04066), and then looks at the Persian. "Er... are you by any chance related to the Meowth of the infamous Rocket Trio that is always after the Chosen of Ho-oh's Pikachu? You might want to not talk much while Sentret is out... unless you like baths..."

The Librarian
2010-06-03, 06:08 PM

The nurse seems to be happy with all the excitement and reaches down to scratch your Eevee behind the ears. "Oh who's a cute one!"

Curt smiles looking at the exuberant Eevee.
Yeah, he's still pretty young making my Eevee a real ball of energy.

The Eevee yips happily being petted and then goes to eat his food.

2010-06-03, 06:13 PM
Drifter sighs. "All right... I'll enter my number..."

After a small flurry of clicks and taps, Drifter enters his number (04066), and then looks at the Persian. "Er... are you by any chance related to the Meowth of the infamous Rocket Trio that is always after the Chosen of Ho-oh's Pikachu? You might want to not talk much while Sentret is out... unless you like baths..."

I would prefer, sir, that when speaking of me, you address me, says Precious. And your warning is duly noted, though I am singularly unafraid of your Sentret's Surf ability, for I can simply cut a hole in any such wave with a Water Pulse. What she said, podnah. Additionally, I dunno any of Precious' relatives, but she's Olivine Country born an' raised, ever since she was a little Meowth kitten. Precious walks over to James and purrs, rubbing her head into his hand. She wears a necklace with a large gold coin at the end, by the way.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-03, 06:22 PM
I would prefer, sir, that when speaking of me, you address me, says Precious. And your warning is duly noted, though I am singularly unafraid of your Sentret's Surf ability, for I can simply cut a hole in any such wave with a Water Pulse. What she said, podnah. Additionally, I dunno any of Precious' relatives, but she's Olivine Country born an' raised, ever since she was a little Meowth kitten. Precious walks over to James and purrs, rubbing her head into his hand. She wears a necklace with a large gold coin at the end, by the way.

"Excuse me," Drifter says. "It's just that you startled me... and when someone says talking Poke'mon, my mind just instantly jumps to that particular Meowth."

"Perhaps your Poke'mon would like to meet mine?"

Drifter lets out his Pikachu, his Zubat, and his Chikorita.

"I wonder why, though... they are requiring numbers all of a sudden..."

2010-06-03, 06:33 PM
"I've learned to just ignore whatever the league deems is the new rule. Seems like every time there's a new champion some weird rule comes down. Serene here learned bide from a TM that's now illegal to produce."

Now leaning far back into his chair, Rogue lifts the brim of his hat so that his eyes are more visible.

"Don't mention them around me though. Still a sore subject around anyone from Saffron that there are still some Rockets that aren't either in the dirt or a dank cell."

2010-06-03, 06:35 PM
"Yeah... About eight years back they started up this thing they called the 'Shadow Pokemon Project'. From what I can piece together, it involved doing... something to Pokemon so their hearts closed, giving them immense power at the cost of their emotions. They had a subordinate team called Snagem to get them Pokemon to experiment on, using these things called Snag Machines. They're the worst of the teams, and now they've come back for the third time..."

"So I made this little device here to help me find any of their minions- it lists a Pokemon's OT, their Trainer's ID number, their level, and it can read something called an 'Aura' that they give off. When a Pokemon is Shadow, it's Aura is off, and this little baby can detect it."
Huh. Sounds dangerous. The Snag Machines, I mean. Zayn is silent for a few steps, before turning to look at Ian again. So, out of curiosity, who did you think I was? Who was this person who inspired you to get into Pokemon in the first place?

2010-06-03, 06:41 PM
"Oh, a Champion from Kanto. I watched her blast through the Elite Four, and it inspired me to start training in hopes of a battle with her." Ian replies, waving nonchalantly.

"So I went and trained at this- are those eggs?" He continues, pointing to the nest at the side of the road suddenly.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-03, 06:45 PM
"I've learned to just ignore whatever the league deems is the new rule. Seems like every time there's a new champion some weird rule comes down. Serene here learned bide from a TM that's now illegal to produce."

Now leaning far back into his chair, Rogue lifts the brim of his hat so that his eyes are more visible.

"Don't mention them around me though. Still a sore subject around anyone from Saffron that there are still some Rockets that aren't either in the dirt or a dank cell."

Drifter takes a seat.

"I know what you mean," Drifter says. "It's worse with these newer teams, though. Aqua and Magma both tried to disturb the balance of the sea and the land, which would have caused problems if either side had won. Galactic however, until Cyrus disapeared, was worse, if possible. Seeking to destroy the world and create a new one in it's place..." he shakes his head. "Cipher, though... while not big, causes problems for most Poke'mon trainers, and ruins trainers unprepared to challenge them. But, you might want to take a look at today's paper. It's there on the table. You won't like what you see, but it will serve as a warning."

2010-06-03, 06:46 PM
Route 202
Zayn looks over and frowns. Huh. Yeah, looks like. She hmmms. Can your device identify eggs? As in, what they're eggs of? I can't imagine that any nest like this would intend to be on the ground, so maybe we should try and find these eggs' mother.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-03, 06:49 PM
Route 202
Zayn looks over and frowns. Huh. Yeah, looks like. She hmmms. Can your device identify eggs? As in, what they're eggs of? I can't imagine that any nest like this would intend to be on the ground, so maybe we should try and find these eggs' mother.

If a device can identify the eggs:
All three are Sentret eggs

If the device cannot... they have a pattern on them similar to group of Poke'mon that was seen that day.

It is raining.

2010-06-03, 06:50 PM
"It can't, but I suspect that these are Sentret eggs, from the sheer number of them on this route..." The blond replies,edging away from them slightly, before catching a small glint from behind him.

Turning, he sees the Lucario and its trainer walking behind the odd duo.

"Anyway, I'd say that trying to find their mother is not a good idea. I ran into a pack of those things earlier that all knew Surf. I don't want to be on the recieving end of ten Surfs again, that's for sure..."

2010-06-03, 06:54 PM
Route 202
Sentrets that know Surf? Zayn makes a face very similar to o.o. That's bizarre. But we can't just leave them here, it's dangerous. There's got to be a better place to put them, at least.

2010-06-03, 06:56 PM
"Yeah I read that part. Each of these teams can trace their roots back, though. It always ends in the same den of murderers. The relatively harmless part kind of goes away if you look at the tail end of the Kanto 'dex. Rumor has it Blaine fired up the Volcano after someone found that the 'failed' experiments were more dangerous than the successful one."

Leaning forward he looks Drifter straight in the eye. "And if only one of the rumors about what the Rockets made is true, thinking about it would give me nightmares for weeks."

"Now enough about that," Rogue adds as he reaches into his pack. "Want some jerky, courtesy of the cruise line?"

2010-06-03, 06:58 PM
"I suppose that my Charizard could move them to a tree..." Ian says, looking at the eggs more, trying to guess what type they are.

"But thinking about it, the nest they're in looks like it was built there. Maybe their parents are around, keeping an eye on them?"

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-03, 06:58 PM
"Yeah I read that part. Each of these teams can trace their roots back, though. It always ends in the same den of murderers. The relatively harmless part kind of goes away if you look at the tail end of the Kanto 'dex. Rumor has it Blaine fired up the Volcano after someone found that the 'failed' experiments were more dangerous than the successful one."

Leaning forward he looks Drifter straight in the eye. "And if only one of the rumors about what the Rockets made is true, thinking about it would give me nightmares for weeks."

"Now enough about that," Rogue adds as he reaches into his pack. "Want some jerky, courtesy of the cruise line?"

"Ah, thanks..." Drifter says, reaching out to take some jerky. "All my funds have gone into the temple, so, I'm basicly bankrupt..."

"I suppose that my Charizard could move them to a tree..." Ian says, looking at the eggs more, trying to guess what type they are.

"But thinking about it, the nest they're in is on the ground, and looks like it was built there. Maybe their parents are around, keeping an eye on them?"

As Ian looks at the eggs, he should see a glint of blue nested between them...

2010-06-03, 07:04 PM
Route 202
Zayn bites her lip. I suppose you're right. She nods. It's probably not a big deal, I guess. She starts to keep walking in the direction the pair was going. So tell me more about this champion girl. In Mahogany Town, we didn't get the news very much. I've only ever known about Lance, in the Kanto/Johto league.

2010-06-03, 07:10 PM
"Ah, I just remember her team. I think there were a few Hoenn native 'mon in it, but when I tried to check on her records a few months ago, they said that they didn't have any champion like that. Seems like some sort of cover up to me..." He continues, trailing off at the end.

" 'course, just before that Ciper flared up in Orre, wrecking havoc with the communications."

Ian walks in thoughtful silence for a minute, before speaking again.

"You know, I just realized something about Cipher's actions this time around... They've only been going after trainers with a record of Pokemon mistreatment. It's like they're picking on the people that deserve it almost as much as they do..."

2010-06-03, 07:12 PM
Route 202
Cover up, huh? That's strange. I wonder why anyone would want to. Zayn pretends to ponder this for a few minutes. I suppose for Cipher then, that's not a bad things. I mean, stealing isn't good, but at least it's from people who deserve it, yeah?

2010-06-03, 07:30 PM
"Yeah, it actually seems like they're trying to do good for once. I heard that two of their higher ranked minions were caught at this place in Agate Village, back home, called the Relic Stone. But from what the cops are saying, those two claimed that they were under orders to protect it. Seeing as the Relic Stone is the most vital part in de-Shadowing a Pokemon, it doesn't mak-" Ian starts, being cut off by a ringing from his pocket.

Removing his Pokegear, he checks the number before answering.


"I thought I told you to not call me at this number again."

"Wait, what?"

"You actually managed to get on a ship? With no problems?"

"...Then I'll forgive you for this, just once."

"In fact, I'm working on phase one right now."

"Yes, I am. Nearly failed, too. I think it's going to work, though."

"Yeah, yeah. Now don't call this number again."

"Er... Sorry 'bout that. A guy I work with has this habit of calling me to rant about his problems. Currently, he's trying to get to Hoenn, but is having difficulties because his name is almost the same as a former Admin of Cipher's. Why he'd choose to keep calling himself that is beyond me." Ian apologizes, hanging up the phone and putting it back into his pocket. "But yeah, the Relic Stone is what's used in the final step of 'Purifying' a Pokemon. It somehow manages to break whatever brainwashing the Shadow process inflicts on the Pokemon."

2010-06-03, 07:32 PM
Route 202
Well, do you ever think that maybe some of the teams just get bad reputations? I mean, it's hard to imagine a team that's full of all bad people...Usually it's just the leadership. Zayn shrugs nonchalantly. Give everyone a fair shot, is my opinion.

2010-06-03, 07:43 PM
"I completely agree- most of Cipher's first 'minions' were just people who heard about special Pokemon that were stronger than almost anything at the same level. It would be hard to resist the temptation to sign up for one of those..." Ian says, trailing off once more as he checks behind the duo to see if the other trainer was still there. "But the last two times, Cipher completely messed with the world's legendaries. The first time, they caught the Three Beasts and Shadowed them. Then they managed to catch a freakin' Lugia, which they also Shadowed. Somehow, I can't really say that anyone who restarts that sort of organization is totally on the side of good. Sure, they may be beating up punks who have no right to have Pokemon and taking those that they do have, but what are they doing with those 'mon? Probably just turning them Shadow and handing them out to anyone who's stupid enough to take one."

2010-06-03, 07:46 PM
Route 202
At the mention of Shadow Lugia, Zayn's mouth twitches slightly downward, as if she's trying not to frown. If they're Shadowing them before giving them out, then they're really not working in the best interest of anyone, Pokemon or Trainer. They deserve whatever they get, then.

2010-06-03, 07:55 PM
"Yeah, but there haven't been that many new Shadows in Orre, for some reason... Unfortunately, I found a loose Shadow running around near a Pokespot, and it nearly wrecked my team before I beat it down." Ian says, looking like it was a bad memory. "Maybe we could work together for a while- I'm probably going to be hunting Cipher here for quite a while, and you're on a gym challenge. Seeing as we're going the same way... Safety in numbers, right?"

2010-06-03, 07:58 PM
Route 202
Zayn nods. Yeah. If we're both going the same way, there's not much reason to split up. Absently, she puts her hand on her hip, resting her fingers on one of the Pokeballs hanging loosely from her belt.

2010-06-03, 08:03 PM
"Excellent!" Ian says, slightly excitedly, reaching to his Pokegear and taking it out. "Maybe we should trade numbers, in case we split up later and need to meet again?"

2010-06-03, 08:04 PM
Gelinda's ohemgeeitssocute reflex is set off by Drifter's Chikorita, and the diva of a Wigglytuff walks over to the little dinosaur and gives it a pat on the head. Precious rolls her eyes. Troubadour laughs as more pokemon are added to what it sees as an ever-growing party, and begins to dance and play music. Kensai is snoozing in the corner of the room, disinterested, his Muscle Band pulled down over his eyes. Milkshake goes up to Nurse Joy, and moos inquisitively, asking if she can help prepare their meal.

I know y'all are headed for Oreburgh, pal, but do y'all have any plans o' goin' further? I've got to beat the Leader of Hearthome Gym for some business reasons, but I ain't got the vaguest clue of how to get to Hearthome - I figured Jubilife was as good a place tah start as any, but then I realized that y'all might know a better route, bein' local an all. James asks Drifter, letting their pokemon play. Oh, and Miss Joy, ma'am, Milkshake there is a mighty fine cook, I'm sure she could help y'all with dinner, if ya need a hand, and I'm more'n happy to clean up afterwards, he adds, with an inclination of his hat to Nurse Joy.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-03, 08:35 PM
Gelinda's ohemgeeitssocute reflex is set off by Drifter's Chikorita, and the diva of a Wigglytuff walks over to the little dinosaur and gives it a pat on the head. Precious rolls her eyes. Troubadour laughs as more pokemon are added to what it sees as an ever-growing party, and begins to dance and play music. Kensai is snoozing in the corner of the room, disinterested, his Muscle Band pulled down over his eyes. Milkshake goes up to Nurse Joy, and moos inquisitively, asking if she can help prepare their meal.

I know y'all are headed for Oreburgh, pal, but do y'all have any plans o' goin' further? I've got to beat the Leader of Hearthome Gym for some business reasons, but I ain't got the vaguest clue of how to get to Hearthome - I figured Jubilife was as good a place tah start as any, but then I realized that y'all might know a better route, bein' local an all. James asks Drifter, letting their pokemon play. Oh, and Miss Joy, ma'am, Milkshake there is a mighty fine cook, I'm sure she could help y'all with dinner, if ya need a hand, and I'm more'n happy to clean up afterwards, he adds, with an inclination of his hat to Nurse Joy.

"I know my first destination is in Oreburgh," Drifter says. "After that, I do not know. I'm hoping that when I get to Oreburgh and obtain the plate there, I will get another clue as to where to go to next for the next plate...

Hearthome is on the other side of Mt. Cornet from Oreburgh, if I recall my map correctly. However, to get to Mt. Cornet from the south here, you may some climbing gear or the ability to move really fast. The easiest path is up a sandy hill if you have the speed, but otherwise, you have to go over the hard way... over Mt. Cornet itself."

The Chikorita grins at being petted, and starts cuddling up to the Wigglytuff.

2010-06-03, 08:51 PM
"If this Oreburgh is on the way to the forest I'll likely end up tagging along. I specialize in finding things," Rogue remarks between bites from a small bag of corn chips with the word 'complimentary' emblazoned on it.

Misinterpreting the goings on as the start of a game, Pup jumps on some furniture to make it easier to accomplish his goal... and then pounces, landing on top of the Wigglytuff's head. "Vee!"

The nurse looks over the Miltank for a moment before giving permission for it to cook, "I don't know how well it'll work out. We're stuck with ready-eats until the next shipment in a few days. You're welcome to see what you can do... it'll give me time to check on our other guests."

2010-06-03, 11:43 PM
(TMK, I'm not walking, I'm jogging)

Route 202

After some time, Johnny finally reaches the pair. "Hi! Are you headed to Jubilife? If so, can I come with you? Lucario isn't much of a talker, so it's pretty boring to travel with no one to talk to." The Lucario nodded. Nice to meet you.

"Oh, I'm Johnny. And you are?"

Hunter Noventa
2010-06-04, 01:35 AM
Route 207

The wild Kricketot is at critical health!
The rain stopped. The clouds cleared.
The moon is bright.
The wild Kricketot used Bide!
The wild Kricketot is storing energy.

Miyuki smirked, the bug was weakened now. "Finish it Gespy, then we'll get some practice for everyone else before lunch hopefully!" The Misdreavus seemed to agree, and did...something...to the poor bug again.

Gespenst used Astonish {30 power, 100% hit rate}
The Wild Kricketot might flinch! {Under 30} [roll]1d100/[roll]

2010-06-04, 08:33 AM
Route 202

After some time, Johnny finally reaches the pair. "Hi! Are you headed to Jubilife? If so, can I come with you? Lucario isn't much of a talker, so it's pretty boring to travel with no one to talk to." The Lucario nodded. Nice to meet you.

"Oh, I'm Johnny. And you are?"

"Ian, from Phenac City in Orre." Ian replies, looking slightly annoyed. "And I suppose that since we're going the same way, you may as well join us."

2010-06-04, 10:06 AM

The Pokeball's beam strikes the Eevee, coloring it red before it disappears, captured quietly in the Pokeball. It apparently offers no resistance whatsoever.


At this moment, Vula begins running towards the nearby grass, yipping at Kari to hurry up after it.

"Wait, Vula!"

The Vulpix runs ahead, and Kari runs after it.

2010-06-04, 10:19 AM
Boat at Sandgem

Inside the hold, a crate is opened, and some coughing comes from it.

"*cough, cough* Memo to me, make sure that there's enough air holes on all the sides of the crate before sealing yourself in it."

Kire climbs out of the crate, and tries to sneak his way onto the deck.

2010-06-04, 05:47 PM
I'm Zayn. Zayn states offhandedly. I'm from Mahogany Town, in Johto. By the Lake of Rage.

The Librarian
2010-06-04, 07:06 PM
After Curt's dinner he gets up and takes his plate to a dirty plate pile which is pretty small tonight. He turns to Nurse Joy.
That was a wonderful meal Nurse Joy. As always thank you very much. My Pokemon and I will be retiring for the night.

Curt turns to his Pokemon.
Come on guys lets go.

Curt's pokemon all nod and leave for Curt's room, except Eevee who stares up at Nurse Joy wagging his tail for about a minute. This was until he realized his trainer had left and runs off.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-04, 10:21 PM
Time Before Sunrise...

Miyuki smirked, the bug was weakened now. "Finish it Gespy, then we'll get some practice for everyone else before lunch hopefully!" The Misdreavus seemed to agree, and did...something...to the poor bug again.

Gespenst used Astonish {30 power, 100% hit rate}
The Wild Kricketot might flinch! {Under 30} [roll]1d100/[roll]

The wild Kricketot fainted!
Gespenst became more experienced! (How much Exp you give her is up to you... just don't make it too much)
[roll0] ??? The Poke'mon didn't drop anything...
The moon is starting to set.

Route 202

It is raining... but it seems to be slowing down...
You are being followed...


Drifter yawns. "I don't know about the rest of you," he says. "But I want some sleep before sunrise. Good night people."

And Drifter heads to a room in the Center for some sleep.

2010-06-04, 10:43 PM
Thank you, Miss Joy, for yer hospitality. I'm off - Troubadour, Kensai, Precious, Gelinda, Milkshake, return! Net Ball, Fast Ball, Luxury Ball, Friend Ball and Heavy Ball scatter onto the floor, their multicolored beams absorbing James' 'mons. He clips the shrunken balls to his belt, tips his hat one last time to their host, then heads up to bed.

Hunter Noventa
2010-06-04, 11:06 PM
The wild Kricketot fainted!
Gespenst became more experienced! (How much Exp you give her is up to you... just don't make it too much)
[roll0] ??? The Poke'mon didn't drop anything...

Miyuki cheered, and her favorite pokemon nuzzled at her, feeling more powerful. "Great job Gespy! He didn't stand a chance! let's see if we can find something worth catching, or something someone dropped, okay?" Gespenst mewled cutely in agreement as her trainer began kicking around int he grass, seeking out both pokemon and item-containing pokeballs.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-05, 12:10 AM
Miyuki cheered, and her favorite pokemon nuzzled at her, feeling more powerful. "Great job Gespy! He didn't stand a chance! let's see if we can find something worth catching, or something someone dropped, okay?" Gespenst mewled cutely in agreement as her trainer began kicking around int he grass, seeking out both pokemon and item-containing pokeballs.

Route 207


Wild Zubat (http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/3/39/Spr_4p_041_m.png) appeared! (Level 5, Male)

2010-06-05, 05:07 AM
Route 202

"Oh, you're from Johto? Me too. I'm from Olivine City. I used to be the gym leader there. Oh, and by the way, is that pokemon up there yours?" Johnny points upwards towards the Unown.

2010-06-05, 07:13 AM
Looking up, Ian sees the Unown.

"No, not yet. Polly, use Sing on that Unown." Ian says, tossing an Ultra Ball up and releasing his Chatot.

Sing: [roll0]

55 or less hits.

Hunter Noventa
2010-06-05, 11:00 AM
Route 207


Wild Zubat (http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/3/39/Spr_4p_041_m.png) appeared! (Level 5, Male)

Miyuki winced a bit. "Go away Zubat, nobody likes you!" She reached on her belt for a pokeball, throwing out the one containing her Absol. "Zankantou! Quick Attack!"

Zankantou used Quick Attack! {40 power, 100% Hit chance}

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-05, 11:37 AM
Looking up, Ian sees the Unown.

"No, not yet. Polly, use Sing on that Unown." Ian says, tossing an Ultra Ball up and releasing his Chatot.

Sing: [roll0]

55 or less hits.

Route 202

The Unown fell asleep, and floated closer to the ground...
Wild Unown is fast asleep.

Miyuki winced a bit. "Go away Zubat, nobody likes you!" She reached on her belt for a pokeball, throwing out the one containing her Absol. "Zankantou! Quick Attack!"

Zankantou used Quick Attack! {40 power, 100% Hit chance}

Route 207

Wild Zubat fainted!
The Zubat wasn't holding anything...

Nearby, you might find an item...

2010-06-05, 11:40 AM
Quickly grabbing another Ultra Ball from his bag, Ian throws it at the Unown.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-05, 11:47 AM
Quickly grabbing another Ultra Ball from his bag, Ian throws it at the Unown.

Route 202

A flash of light, and the Unown is forced into the ball.





Wild Unown (http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/3/34/201C.png) was caught! (Level 10, Quiet Nature, Alert to Sounds)

2010-06-05, 12:02 PM
Johnny smiles. "Nice catch. Altough it was quite easy." Johnny streches his arms. "So, where are you going exactly? I'm going to Oreburgh. I was getting bored so I decided to take a shot at the Sinnoh league. What are you doing so far from home?"

2010-06-05, 12:03 PM
"You're likely right. We don't know when there'll be a safe place to rest until the next town."

Rogue heads up to the trainer rest area followed closely by his entourage. It takes pup a moment to catch up as it tries to regain balance from having his new friend recalled from underneath.

2010-06-05, 12:07 PM
"I'm here hunting Cipher. They've resurfaced yet again, and I figured I'd give it a shot, breaking them up. Maybe I'll try the gym challenge as well. Sounds like fun." Ian replies, watching the Ultra Ball vanish to his PC box. "Anyway, let's get going."

"Polly, return." He then says, his Chatot returning to her Ultra Ball

2010-06-05, 02:41 PM
Yeah, I'm here for the gym challenge too. Zayn offers, staring at the space where the Unown previously sat before being captured by Ian.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-05, 06:05 PM

The sun rises.

Spring, Day 2 of Game, Morning.

Team Aqua Defeated in Sinnoh!

Team Aqua sent a scout to the Sinnoh Region, looking for a base for a foothold in the area. The scout was caught by a traveler from Orre and brought to the athorities. We have been informed that this scout was currently the ONLY Team Aqua operative in the Region, who has now been shipped back to Hoenn where the athorities there will deal with him.

Flash Floods in Sandgem!

It has just come to light recently that an outbreak of Sentrets are in the area of Sandgem, most of which know Surf. Surf causes large waves to strike the area it's used in. It is unknown how this group of Poke'mon learned such a move. We will report more details as they come to light.

Poke'mon Request:
We would like to see a Magikarp! We'll pay you with a Heart Scale and some Dusk Balls to see it! Stop by our office!

2010-06-05, 06:12 PM

Vula runs ahead, entering the grass of the route north of Sandgem Town, Route 202.

"Vula! Wait! Stop!"

Kari runs as quickly as she can, but Vula disappears into the grass. A moment later, it jumps out and sends Kari to the ground in surprise. Yipping happily, the fox Pokemon then circles around her feet.

"Alright, Vula, you've had your fun. Was there something here you saw?"

Vula points with its tails ahead at the tall buildings above the path beyond.

"You want to go to the city?"

Vula nods, then yips excitedly.

"Alright! Let's go, Vula!"

Maybe someone there can help me...

2010-06-05, 06:18 PM
Oreburgh City
A nervous looking man in a black coat walks erratically to the Gym. Looking over his shoulder, as if to see if he's being followed, he slips inside the Gym door.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-05, 06:22 PM
Route 202

The rain stopped.
The sun is bright.

Kari might find a nest with two eggs on her travels on the route...

And the trio up ahead is being followed...

SP Ninja
2010-06-05, 06:25 PM
Jubilife Pokemon Center

Rosen: I guess we'll be heading to Orebourgh soon. Rosen glances at the assembled pokemon and then down at the Ultra Ball still clipped to his belt. You hear that Draco? Rosen could feel the pokemon's irritation and impatience but letting it out in a city, let alone indoors was probably a bad idea.

2010-06-05, 06:28 PM

Vula finds the nest first, and circles around the eggs for a moment before yipping at Kari to alert her.

"Huh? What's this?" Kari kneels down to look at the eggs. "I've never seen anything like this before...wonder what they could be?" She reaches a hand out towards one, Vula yipping as she does.

Should nothing strange occur, Kari will pick one of the eggs up. "Think we should take it?" Vula yips its approval. With that, Kari continues walking along the path, hoping to reach the city before sunrise. For some reason, traveling closer to night time was more comforting.

2010-06-05, 06:30 PM
Route 202, near Jubilfe City

The small group approaches the city, tired from the walk.

"You know, I think grabbing some food would be a good idea. Maybe there's a good diner near the center..." Ian says, looking ahead to the gates that are just within sight.

"How about you two?"

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-05, 06:33 PM

Vula finds the nest first, and circles around the eggs for a moment before yipping at Kari to alert her.

"Huh? What's this?" Kari kneels down to look at the eggs. "I've never seen anything like this before...wonder what they could be?" She reaches a hand out towards one, Vula yipping as she does.

Should nothing strange occur, Kari will pick one of the eggs up. "Think we should take it?" Vula yips its approval. With that, Kari continues walking along the path, hoping to reach the city before sunrise. For some reason, traveling closer to night time was more comforting.

Route 202

It is morning...

Nested between the eggs is a disc...

HM 03 Surf found!

Nothing else is out of the ordinary of the area... save for the drying trees... you get an egg... (I'll tell you when it hatches...)

Meanwhile, up ahead with the trainer trio...

Wild Sentret appeared! (Level 1, Male)

2010-06-05, 06:50 PM
Yeah, getting something to eat would probably... Zayn pauses. Ian, this wouldn't happen to be one of the Sentrets that knows Surf, would it? She asks, taking a tentative step back.

2010-06-05, 06:53 PM
"I... Don't know. Better safe than soaked, though. Polly, Sing." Ian says, also taking a step back, throwing his Chatot's ball out andletting her sing as she appeared.

Sing: [roll0]

Less than 55 hits.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-05, 06:56 PM
Route 202


Wild Sentret fell asleep!

With a yawn, the Sentret walks towards the group... and then falls asleep.

2010-06-05, 07:53 PM
Zayn looks down at the sleeping Sentret. Are you going to catch it? She asks, turning to look at Ian.

2010-06-05, 07:55 PM
"Eh. It seems like it like you, so, unless you aren't going to, I won't."

2010-06-05, 08:10 PM
Nah. I've got a full team, and it's not really fair to catch a Pokemon you aren't going to use. She explains.

2010-06-05, 08:13 PM
"Then I guess I'll catch it. I've got some people back home who take care of the ones in my box for me... Or I could swap out my Chatot for this little rodent... It'd give people a real shock, that's for sure..." Ian replies, gently tossing an Ultra Ball from his bag at the Sentret.

2010-06-05, 08:24 PM
HM 03 Surf found!


Kari touches the egg...and then notices the disk nearby, labeled "HM 03".

"HM, huh? Never heard of those...but if they're anything like those TMs, this should definitely come in handy."

Kari got HM 03 Surf! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6ozahiA3gw)

Kari scoops up the egg and brings it with her, carrying it in her arms while Vula runs ahead. Eventually, Vula begins running and Kari runs after her, moving in the direction of the other three trainers.

"Hey...Vula...wait up! I'm not...as fast...with this egg!"

2010-06-05, 08:39 PM
Sandgem Pokemon Center

Kayley woke up with a yawn. She looked at the nearby clock and quickly realized that she had slept way longer than she had wanted to. Not that she really had anywhere to be, but it was always annoying to oversleep. She grabbed her stuff quickly, but not hurriedly, and she walked out the door, completely forgetting to grab the free breakfast provided for her.

Once outside, she took a look around town, and decided that the best direction to head would be towards Route 202. She walks around for a little bit, looking for anyone or anything interesting.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-05, 09:47 PM
"Then I guess I'll catch it. I've got some people back home who take care of the ones in my box for me... Or I could swap out my Chatot for this little rodent... It'd give people a real shock, that's for sure..." Ian replies, gently tossing an Ultra Ball from his bag at the Sentret.

The ball flies at the Sentret, and with a flash, the Poke'mon disapears into it.





Wild Sentret was caught! (Level 1, Male, Bold Nature, Highly Curious)

The Sentret seems to have dropped something...
It's a used TM...

Hunter Noventa
2010-06-05, 10:00 PM
Route 207
Wild Zubat fainted!
The Zubat wasn't holding anything...

Nearby, you might find an item...

Route 207

Miyuki pets Zankantou a moment before putting her back into her ball, continuing to dig around a bit for an anything out of the ordinary. "Come on Gespy, there's got to be something more interesting than that out here!"

2010-06-05, 10:00 PM
Rogue wakes up earliest of the three in the Sandgem center. The dreams he gets as he is about to wake up usually have the effect of getting up sooner. He recalls the gang and moves downstairs. As he leaves, he comments to the nurse, "Could you tell them I'll be going slow until they catch up?"

Heading north he quickly finds himself outside of the outskirts of the small town. Rogue quickly moves off of the beaten path to see what could be found long abandoned. He calls Pup who begins sniffing the area and watching for threats.

2010-06-05, 10:01 PM
"Hm? What's this?" Ian muttters, picking up the disk and looking it over as the ball vanishes to his PC box.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-05, 10:07 PM
Miyuki pets Zankantou a moment before putting her back into her ball, continuing to dig around a bit for an anything out of the ordinary. "Come on Gespy, there's got to be something more interesting than that out here!"

After a few minutes, and...

Wild Zubat appeared!
Wild Zubat glanced at Miyuki.
Wild Zubat fled!

Miyuki found a Poke'ball!


"Up and at 'em!" Drifter says, waking up. "We have a long road ahead of us."

"Hm? What's this?" Ian muttters, picking up the disk and looking it over as the ball vanishes to his PC box.

Route 202-Northern End

It's a used TM 46: Thief...

2010-06-05, 10:16 PM
Up we get! James walks downstairs, tipping his had to Nurse Joy, and sits down at the table. He has a bowl of oatmeal and a glass of cold milk. To Drifter, he says So, shall we be off, then? We'd best catch up with our Eevee-enthusiast friend. (Assuming Joy told them already, that is)) To Joy, he smiles and nods. Thanks again fer yer hospitality, ma'am.

2010-06-05, 10:20 PM
A little preoccupied with a few crates with Sentrets in them, it takes a moment for the nurse to realize you're up and fill you in. As you say your goodbyes, she responds, "We hope to see you again!... Not because of getting hurt... well... you know."

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-05, 10:22 PM
Drifter nods. "Shall we... hold on, I need to check the newspaper. Last time I might get to in a bit..." He glances at the paper, and grins. "One less team in Sinnoh. Team Aqua is gone. Although... I kind of wish they hadn't mentioned the flooding he-"



":smallsigh:Nurse Joy, any more information about that particular Sentret we gave you last evening?"

Route 202-Southern End

There is a nest with one egg in it... with imprints of two more... and...

Wild Starly (http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/7/73/Spr_4p_396_f.png) appeared! (Level 3, Female)

2010-06-05, 10:32 PM
Route 202

Rogue keeps his distance from the nest as he looks around. He doesn't know what to assume about the empty space on the nest but...

Pup rushes forward as the Starly approaches. Springing into action, Rogue yells, "Take it down, Pup! Tackle attack!"

[roll0] 95 Accuracy, 2x damage from a level 7

Sandgem Center

"Nothing yet. I'm supposed to keep ahold of it for the time being. I hope this doesn't involve the Secret Cops... I'm a nurse, not an officer, but today's paper may be the answer to where this guy came from."

"Sen! Sentret"

The Sentrets seem to be getting more excited, this concerns the nurse.

"I wish I could get out of town. I don't know if these little guys will try another wave."

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-05, 10:37 PM
Route 202

Rogue keeps his distance from the nest as he looks around. He doesn't know what to assume about the empty space on the nest but...

Pup rushes forward as the Starly approaches. Springing into action, Rogue yells, "Take it down, Pup! Tackle attack!"

[roll0] 95 Accuracy, 2x damage from a level 7

Sandgem Center

"Nothing yet. I'm supposed to keep ahold of it for the time being. I hope this doesn't involve the Secret Cops... I'm a nurse, not an officer, but today's paper may be the answer to where this guy came from."

"Sen! Sentret"

The Sentrets seem to be getting more excited, this concerns the nurse.

"I wish I could get out of town. I don't know if these little guys will try another wave."

Route 202

Wild Starly is hit!
Wild Starly is at critical health!
Wild Starly used Tackle! [roll0]

Sandgem-Poke'mon Center

"Well, thanks for the update," Drifter says, replacing the paper on the table. "Have a good day, and... I would like to advise you to get some scuba gear. The 'flash floods' are starting to get noticed."

Drifter slowly starts to exit the center.

2010-06-05, 10:41 PM
The Starly hits Pup, but it becomes apparent that it's just as strong (not very) as the Pidgeys by Pewter back home. The Eevee shrugs off the attack and lunges forward again.

[roll0] 95 Accuracy

SP Ninja
2010-06-05, 10:43 PM
Alright, Azura, Zephyr, return. Rosen recalls the oddly colored Gardevoir and Metang leaving out Altaria and the Pikachu lightly napping on top of it. After the pokemon are back in their pokeballs Rosen glances at the newspaper. Hm, Sentrets that know surf? Do any of you mind if we take a small detour? Rosen recalls Sylph and Watt and leaves the pokemon center heading towards Route 202.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-05, 10:48 PM
Route 202

Wild Starly fainted!
Pup became more experienced!
The wild Starly didn't drop anything...

Sandgem-Outside Poke'center

"Depends on what the detour is," Drifter says. "Oddly enough, this route is starting to become the most dangerous route in Sinnoh. I have a suspision of why, but I can't draw any conclusions. If you are after a Sentret that knows Surf, I have one. I think it is the orginal one in the area." (Wrong city...)

Drifter heads out the Center, following James.

2010-06-05, 10:54 PM
Pup is close to leveling up

With the Starly out of the way, Rogue scratches Pup behind the ears and continues along. The Eggs could be interesting, but Rogue didn't want to mess with the habitat any further than knocking out one of the predators. With two eggs missing the parent's wouldn't likely enjoy any visitors either.

With Pup still in good shape, he leaves the pokemon out for the usual sentry duty. With the suspicious activity, Rogue keeps an eye out for a sign of who caused it.

2010-06-05, 11:02 PM
Go, Kensai! Fly up high, buddy, and help us find Rogue! Kensai nods, then jumps up into the air, flapping his wings effortlessly despite holding a leek in one. Ch'Ding! it shouts happily, gesturing with it leek in the direction that Rogue is walking. Detour where? asks James, as Kensai flies up. I'd really like to reach Oreburgh to challenge the gym there as soon as I can. ((Oops, wrong city))

SP Ninja
2010-06-05, 11:36 PM
Route 202

Wild Starly fainted!
Pup became more experienced!
The wild Starly didn't drop anything...

Sandgem-Outside Poke'center

"Depends on what the detour is," Drifter says. "Oddly enough, this route is starting to become the most dangerous route in Sinnoh. I have a suspision of why, but I can't draw any conclusions. If you are after a Sentret that knows Surf, I have one. I think it is the orginal one in the area."

(Are you responding to Rosen? He's in Jubilife city)

Rosen looks around the city and sighs I can never get used to large cities like this. He says, talking to no one in particular, Anyway, let's see one of these Sentrets and head back to Oreburgh.

2010-06-06, 01:04 AM
Kayley watched Rogue's Pokemon battle, and now that he was finished, decided that he'd be an interesting person to say hi to. She smiles as she walks into his line of vision and calls to him.

Hi! Nice one there!

2010-06-06, 03:15 PM
Route 202, Northern End

"Hm... Thief?" Ian asks himself quietly, picking up the used TM.

"How suitable..." He mutters, sliding it into his bag and looking up.

"So, shall we-"

And then the ringing occurs.

Taking out his Pokegear again, he looks at the number.

"Yeah?" He asks, answering it.

"No, don't bother with the Sentret. I'm going to withdraw it at the next center."

"Maybe you could give it that Experience Share that I've got, though."

"Alright, thanks." He says, hanging up.

"That was the people I spoke about. They were wondering about if they should start raising my new Sentret." He says, seeing the curious looks. "They run a daycare, and take care of my extra 'mon for me."

"So, shall we get going?"

2010-06-06, 03:49 PM
Kari - Route 202

Kari, with her egg and her Vulpix, make it to Jubilife City just as the sun rises.

"Ugh...can't believe we ran that whole way all night...let's get some sleep..."

Kari almost falls over, but Vula, who has been sleeping most of the day in her Pokeball, jumps up and keeps her awake with a fanning tail motion. Slowly and drowsily, Kari makes her way into the city.

Jubilife City

With a little luck, Kari finds the Jubilife Pokemon Center and collapses on the couch inside, sleeping soundly with the egg in her arms. Vula sits on her back and stands guard over her.

2010-06-06, 04:51 PM
Rogue - Route 202

Still in battle-mode, Rogue's Eevee quickly turns around to face the newcomer with its ears back. It doesn't take long for Pup to relax a bit.

"Just a bird. Don't know a trainer that hasn't seen enough of them to warrant never wanting to find another in their life."

Rogue motions towards the disturbed nest. "Were you the one who first stumbled on this?"

Jublife Center:

As you pass out on the couch, you can hear a T.V. going on about some fashion show or something. Some time after you fall asleep someone puts down a bowl of churros and pokemon food.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-06, 07:40 PM


Route 202-Southern End

Drifter is now heading north towards Rogue and Kayley, spotting them not too far ahead...

Wild Shinx (http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/2/21/Spr_4p_403_m.png) appeared! (Level 2, Male)
Drifter used Bone Club! [roll0] (85 or less)
It's super effective!
Wild Shinx fainted!

"At least it's not a Sentret..." he mutters, approaching Rouge.

2010-06-06, 07:48 PM
As they approach Rogue and Kayley, and Drifter simply bats away the wild Shinx, James laughs. Kensai, want to test the local waters? James purposefully strides into the grass, grinning to the other three, hoping to give Kensai a little stretch of the legs. Kensai flies down to hover next to him, ready for any wild pokemon to emerge.

The Librarian
2010-06-06, 07:57 PM
Curt finally leaves his room having finished breakfast earlier. As he walks out he is followed by his Eevee and Torchic. When he reaches the front desk, Curt's Eevee finds its way behind the desk and once again start running around Nurse Joy's feet.
Good Morning Nurse Joy. Were going to be leaving today, maybe.
Good morning Nurse Joy, or Good Afternoon now. I don't think I will but we may be spending another night here before departing for Oreburgh City. Could you maybe hold our room?
Curt then notices his Eevee and face palms a little.
And Eevee, can you please get out from back there.

2010-06-06, 08:00 PM
Rogue- Route 202

"Your flare for the dramatic is lovely, but we need to get out of here."

Rogue points towards the nest.

"Someone appears to have disturbed the nest, and things may be interesting if the parents arrive with us still around."

Rogue gives the nest wide berth as he continues along the grass path roughly parallel to the road.

Jublife Center -

The nurse seems to be less embarrassed by your Eevee's antics than you are and gives the little pokemon attention and slips it a little bit of the meal from last night.

"Oh I don't think that will be much of an issue unless a whole bunch of trainers comes up from 202. Fish tonight!"

The nurse waves at you. You notice a pleasant smell from a bowl of cinnamon snacks on the coffee table by the couch... pretty near to a passed-out trainer.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-06, 08:23 PM
Route 202-Middle area

Furret (http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/0/0c/Spr_4d_162.png) appeared! (Male, Level 20)

"I think the father found us..." Drifter says.

The Librarian
2010-06-06, 08:25 PM
Eevee smiles happily after being given the food and then promptly follow behind Curt who then pick him up. He turns to the nurse.
Thank you so much.
He then turns his attention to his Eevee petting it on the head and lightly tickling his nose as he heads for the door.
Silly little Eevee, we have a lot of stuff to do today to prepare for our big adventure.
Yay! I like our big adventures. Especially meeting all the nice Nurse Joys.

As Curt reaches the door he smells the cinnamon treats as well as his Torchic who runs over to them chirping happily.
Cinnamonies. Cinnamonies.

Torchic hops onto the table and takes out one of the cookies and starts to eat it when he notices the trainer and the egg in her arms. Curt heads on over much more quietly than his Torchic grabbing a few of the cookies. He also notices the egg clutched in the woman's arms that his Torchic is intently staring at. He shrugs and then turns around gesturing to his Torchic.
Come on Torchic, lets get to the stores before they get crowded.
Torchic shakes his head and chirps in agreement following closely behind Curt.

2010-06-06, 08:32 PM
Kensai, Go! Go easy on it - I think we should catch this guy.

Kensai is pulling its punches...
Kensai used Aerial Ace!
It automatically hits.

The Farfetch'd charges forward, striking Furret with his leek with lightning speed, trying his best not to make the Furret faint.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-06, 08:43 PM
Kensai, Go! Go easy on it - I think we should catch this guy.

Kensai is pulling its punches...
Kensai used Aerial Ace!
It automatically hits.

The Farfetch'd charges forward, striking Furret with his leek with lightning speed, trying his best not to make the Furret faint.

The Furret is hit, and hits with an attack of his own:

The Furret used Thief! [roll0] (100 or less)
Kensai lost his item!

2010-06-06, 08:49 PM
Oreburgh Gym
The nervous looking man that crept inside the Gym earlier is looking around for the Gym Leader.

2010-06-06, 08:53 PM
Kari - Jubilife Pokemon Center

Vula eats the Pokemon Food but does not wake up Kari at all.

Vula stares at the Torchic and its trainer as they approach, but does nothing to them. It merely watches them intently, standing guard over its trainer.

Kari wakes up sometime around midday, rolling over and causing Vula to jump to the table. Vula yips loudly, annoyed that Kari forgot she was there, but Kari is too occupied by the fact that there are churros in a bowl in front of her and begins eating. After a few bites, she realizes what she's done.

"Oh, sorry Vula...heh...didn't mean to..."

2010-06-06, 08:56 PM
James takes out a Level Ball, made from Apricorns by Kurt in Azalea town. Don't worry, Kensai, you'll get your headband back in just a moment. Go, Pokeball! ((I know its not on my packlist, but I assembled that really slapdashedly, not thinking of all the stuff I might need, like berries and pokeballs.))

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-06, 09:01 PM
James takes out a Level Ball, made from Apricorns by Kurt in Azalea town. Don't worry, Kensai, you'll get your headband back in just a moment. Go, Pokeball! ((I know its not on my packlist, but I assembled that really slapdashedly, not thinking of all the stuff I might need, like berries and pokeballs.))

With a flash of light, the Furret is forced into the ball.


And with another flash, almost instantly, it is out.

The Furret used Shadow Rush! [roll0] (100% Accuracy)

2010-06-06, 09:06 PM
Okay, lets do this again, with a bit more oomph! Kensai, use Return! Kensai rushes forward and strikes the Furret with his leek hard, but careful not to knock it out. Ch'Ding! Far...Fetch'd! he shouts, enraged at the loss of his headband.

Farfetch'd is pulling its punches...
Return, 102 Power (+STAB) from a level 41
100% Accuracy

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-06, 09:19 PM
Okay, lets do this again, with a bit more oomph! Kensai, use Return! Kensai rushes forward and strikes the Furret with his leek hard, but careful not to knock it out. Ch'Ding! Far...Fetch'd! he shouts, enraged at the loss of his headband.

Farfetch'd is pulling its punches...
Return, 102 Power (+STAB) from a level 41
100% Accuracy

Furret is at critical health!
Furret used Surf!

"COVER!" Drifter yells.

He grabs onto a nearby tree, hoping to stay put.

2010-06-06, 09:22 PM
Kensai! Cut a swath in the wave! Aerial Ace! As Kensai attempts to cut the wave around James, the pokemon rancher takes out another Level Ball and tosses it into the parted wave at the Furret.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-06, 09:32 PM
Kensi and James are saved from the wave, with the attack of Kensi's making a hole in it.

No one else is so lucky.

"Yes," Drifter says weakly. "This is the father..."

The ball hits the Furret...

...and with another flash of light, the Poke'mon escapes.

A black arua formed around the Furret!
The Furret used Shadow Rush! [roll0] (100% Accuracy)
Critical Hit!

"For Arceus's sake," Drifter says. "Knock it out before it finishes us! I'm not strong enough to withstand another Surf!"

Drifter used Recover!
Drifter restored health!

"Even with my health restored, I'll fall to the next wave!"

2010-06-06, 10:57 PM
Well, since this here's a wild pokemon, there's no sense in obeying any league rules! Go, Gelinda! Use Sing!

Gelinda used sing!
55 or below is a hit.

Whether or not is falls asleep, James will launch another Level Ball.

2010-06-06, 10:59 PM
Rogue - Route 202

Rogue recalls pup just as the wave hit. Luckily he's learned to make his pack leak-proof. He gets pushed into a tree where he holds on as he rides out the wave. Considering the circumstance, he reaches for another ball from his belt and sends out Serene. The Vaporeon growls loudly at the Furret but, seeing it already being handled stays put.

"Serene! Bide!"

If the Furret moves to attack, it'll get a mean surprise.

Jublife Center:

Seeing you up, the nurse at the station approaches you, smiles, and asks, "Would you like something a little more nourishing, it wouldn't do trying to live off snacks. 'Good food keeps you going' Grandma Joy always said."

Outside of the center is a hand-painted sign pointing in a couple directions pointing out "Poketach" and "Mart" along with a smiley face.

2010-06-07, 01:45 AM
Kayley, not expecting the wave at all, takes the full-force of it.

Okay. What the heck was that?

She, now up in a low-hanging branch of a nearby tree, pulls out a Pokeball, and lets it loose.

Go! Mikoto! Find whatever got be stuck in this tree and shock the daylights out of it!

The Manectric glares around before spotting the Furret some distance away. She barks back up at Kayley, before charging at the Furret, trying to get close enough to attack.

SP Ninja
2010-06-07, 01:17 PM
Jubilife City

Hm, was that a pokemon egg? Rosen stands around for a while debating whether or not to continue to route 202 or go back to the Pokemon Center to find Kari. Okay, we'll go back and save Sentrets for later. Rosen could feel Watt getting hungry, and a hungry Watt is a Watt that uses Thunderbolt on Rosen. Someone probably chased most of them away if they flooded Sandgem anyway. Come on out Sylph, let's fly back and get some food.

2010-06-07, 03:16 PM
Jublife Center:

Seeing you up, the nurse at the station approaches you, smiles, and asks, "Would you like something a little more nourishing, it wouldn't do trying to live off snacks. 'Good food keeps you going' Grandma Joy always said."

Outside of the center is a hand-painted sign pointing in a couple directions pointing out "Poketach" and "Mart" along with a smiley face.

Kari - Jubilife Center

"Um...yeah, if I could get a more meal-style food, that'd be great. Thanks."

Vula yips in agreement.

2010-06-07, 03:55 PM
Jubilife City, Entrance (Because, really, if anyone is going to advance the first group of trainers going to Jubilife plotline, it's going to be me)

As the trio of trainers enters the southern gate of Jubilife, Ian turns to the other two.

"Well, I'm going off to get some food. If you need to contact me, you both have my Pokegear number. Later." He says, walking away, searching for a resturant.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-07, 04:35 PM
Well, since this here's a wild pokemon, there's no sense in obeying any league rules! Go, Gelinda! Use Sing!

Gelinda used sing!
55 or below is a hit.

Whether or not is falls asleep, James will launch another Level Ball.

Rogue - Route 202

Rogue recalls pup just as the wave hit. Luckily he's learned to make his pack leak-proof. He gets pushed into a tree where he holds on as he rides out the wave. Considering the circumstance, he reaches for another ball from his belt and sends out Serene. The Vaporeon growls loudly at the Furret but, seeing it already being handled stays put.

"Serene! Bide!"

If the Furret moves to attack, it'll get a mean surprise.


Kayley, not expecting the wave at all, takes the full-force of it.

Okay. What the heck was that?

She, now up in a low-hanging branch of a nearby tree, pulls out a Pokeball, and lets it loose.

Go! Mikoto! Find whatever got be stuck in this tree and shock the daylights out of it!

The Manectric glares around before spotting the Furret some distance away. She barks back up at Kayley, before charging at the Furret, trying to get close enough to attack.

Route 202

The Furret fell asleep.
The Furret is tormented by something...

The Vaporeon isn't hit with any more waves at the moment... and the Manectric is glaring at the now sleeping Poke'mon...

Drifter reaches into a tree hole out of relief, now that the Furret is asleep... for the moment... and surprisingly pulls out a ragged trainer belt with a bone.

"I think I know what's going on!" He tosses the belt down, and breaks one of the balls on it.

The Furret became wild!
The wild Furret flinched!

The Level Ball then hits the Furret, and this time, the Poke'mon stays there.





Wild Furret was caught! (Level 20, Male, ???, ???)

"Thank you Arceus!" Drifter yells. "And thank you James. That will remove such a big problem in this area. Still... i think something is off about it... I would need to do research, though..."

2010-06-07, 04:55 PM
James opens the level ball, releasing the muscle band from Furret's pokeball. Kensai angrily dons his band, and squawks angrily. 'twas my pleasure. This guy's a feisty one! I'll name him... Tavi, that's a good name. He clips the Level Ball to the sixth and final slot on his belt. So, now that that's resolved, let's make our way to Jubilife, eh? We can have Nurse Joy take a look at Tavi there and see what's wrong.

2010-06-07, 04:58 PM
Kayley drops herself out of the tree, and runs up to her Pokemon.

Mikoto, Return!

She looks around at the other trainers standing around the area, while wringing out her shirt slightly and trying to hide her annoyance with winding up in a tree.

Anyone care to explain what the heck was up with that Furret?

2010-06-07, 05:16 PM
Jublife Center:

The nurse goes into the back room of the center and then returns with a hot bowl of pasta. You can tell from the smell from a ways away that it's pretty spicy.

"Eat it up, I'm always having to deal with to much dinner left around here."

Route 202- Rogue:

With the danger past, Serene goes back to her normal joyful state and begins looking around, almost bouncing on the wet ground. Rogue's attention turns to the egg. With the nest's guardian now gone it would be easy prey to the next pokemon to happen upon the scene.

"Fund-wise I can't afford to keep the egg. Unless anyone has a better suggestion, I'll Box it until we can figure out something better."

Luckily Rogue has plenty of room in his pack to keep the egg until they make it to Jublife. He goes to the nest and picks up the egg, securing it tightly.

2010-06-07, 05:26 PM
Jubilife City, Outside the Pokecenter

There's a shadow in sky above Jubilife, suspicously bird shaped and moving quite fast, until it reaches the Pokecenter. There, it rapidly grows larger until it comes into focus, spiralling around the Center. It's a Skarmory, replete with black figure riding it. Eventually, the steel bird comes in to land, sending sparks off the street as it skids along the ground, eventually coming to a stop, exactly in front of the doors. The mature gentleman on board hops off and puts his phone away, before looking back at his Skarmory.
"That was a precise landing, Constance dear, but you really need to work on entry speed." he said, pointing out the furrows in the ground.
The metal bird glances down bashfully at the marks, and makes a kind of apologetic metallic squawk.
"Never mind, it's not like it can't be put right. Come on." The Skarmory is recalled into it's Pokeball, and the gentleman tosses another out. There's a flash of light, and a rather bored-looking Mismagius appears. Using it's limited psychic ability (evidenced by it's ability to use Psychic), it can communicate telepathically, which it now does.
"Did you need something, sir?"
"Indeed I did. Jeeves, could you be a good fellow and get me the latest newpaper? Here's a dollar."
"Of course. Will sir be wanting a pencil for the crossword?"
"No, that won't be necessary. I don't plan to stay here long. I'll be in the Pokecenter."
"Very well." With that reply, Jeeves drifted off to find a news stand.

With his ghost-butler away, the man began a leisurely stroll towards the Pokecenter doors, pausing momentarily to chuck a Pokeball that burst outward to reveal a Banette.
"Ah, Gloria. I know you don't like air travel, so please excuse that little stint in the ball." After finally getting into the Center, the man waits for his paper sitting on a bench, his Banette hopping up and taking a seat next to him.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-07, 05:35 PM
Route 202

(I don't recall the last time I said the weather on this route, so...)

The sun is strong.

Drifter turns to the newcomer wringing out her shirt and says, "I don't know what's going on with that Furret... I just know something is wrong with it. I would like to do some research, but it might cause delays in my quest."

He looks at the bone he's holding, and drops it. "It's a perilious balance we strike, us humans and Poke'mon. Someone broke that balance, I think. The only things left on these bones are Poke'balls, all of them connected to Poke'mon. That Furret used to belong to this trainer, I'm guessing, and got loose before he was killed... by the looks of things, he was overwelmed by being stolen from..."

2010-06-07, 05:38 PM
Jubilife City
Zayn walks into the Pokemon Center to take a break after all the walking. She tosses a casual wave to the older man, a greeting from trainer to trainer, as she takes a seat and grabs a magazine.

2010-06-07, 05:42 PM
Oh dear... best not to dwell on that, podnah, Tavi's got a good home now, says James, patting his belt. I'll fix 'im, whatever his issue is. Now, shall we get a-moving again? I'd like to make Jubilife real soon.

2010-06-07, 05:43 PM
Route 202- Rogue:

Rogue shakes his head as the implications of the situation are brought to light. Too many trainers have met fates like this in the wild... part of the life of a trainer.

"Well we've got to deliver some sad news once we get into Jublife it seems."

The grim scene brings old stories back to the mind of kids getting over their heads in Veridian and not being heard from again and - don't want to think about that.

"Moment of silence seems appropriate."

2010-06-07, 05:46 PM
Jubilife Center

The elderly gentleman tips his hat to the newcomer, returning the greeting. At that moment, Jeeves looms in behind her, and speaks telepathically once more, this time to the girl.
"Excuse me, ma'am."
After getting past, he lays the paper down on the gentleman's lap and takes a seat next to the Banette.
"Your paper, sir."
"Wonderful. Thank you kindly, Jeeves."
And with that, the gentleman started reading.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-07, 05:52 PM
Route 202

Drifter sighs, and speaks... and an unusally deep voice...

"Time passes, mistakes are done. Sometimes, it's best to run.
But when the beast catches up, and you are as cornered as a pup,
It is wise to teach the living what you had to learn by dying...

"The error was the shadow, and losing it... causing peril to the gem in the sand...
Closing hearts, but redeaming by giving a warning...
Beware the Sentret."

Scratches appear in the bark of the tree, forming words...

"Beware the Sentret"

2010-06-07, 05:53 PM
Jubilife City

Grabbing a doughnut from a stand and picking up a copy of the day's paper, Ian smiles to see his act already on the front page.

"Excellent. Good PR always helps." He mutters, tossing out his Gallade's Ultra Ball and releasing the psychic with blades for arms.

"Right. Slicy, do a quick mental scan for any and all Shadows. I need to know where they are ASAP." He says, turning to the Gallade. "Then we're going to the center to get you guys healed and my new Sentret out. You can eat there."

'I'd prefer a doughnut, sir. My compatriots agree.'

"Yes, but they aren't good for you, or filling enough for actual fighters."

'But you have, on occasion, fought with us.'

"That was once, and it was a battle to take that guy's Pokeballs away from him. You lot did the actual fighting."

'I still rest my case. Either you give each of us, that... thing included, a doughnut, or we are on strike.'

"That's mutiny."

'Mutiny? This. Is. Pokerights.'

There is silence as both the Gallade and human glare at each other.

"Fine. You're going to come with me to pick them out, though." Ian says, resigned, folding the paper under his arm and heading back towards the doughnut shop.

'Good. Also, sir, there is one Shadow within my range, and I believe it to be in a Pokeball.'

"Joy. Can you tell the species? Or even the type?"

'No, sir.'

"Then let's get those doughnuts and head towards where it is."

2010-06-07, 05:55 PM
Kayley stands back, slightly shocked. She had heard the stories - what trainer hadn't? - but to see the results in front of her was slightly overwhelming.

She bows her head in respect for the dead, and tries to forget that she hadn't heard from her brother since leaving for Sinnoh. She looks up just as the marks appear on the tree, not really noticing them behind her. She watches the other trainers, not really sure what to say, but makes a note to herself to call her brother later that day.

2010-06-07, 05:55 PM
Zayn double-takes at the telepathic Mismagius before turning back to her magazine.

2010-06-07, 06:16 PM
Jubilife City

Minutes later, the door to the Pokemon center slides open once more, letting in Ian and his Gallade, currently arguing.

Walking up to the desk, Ian looks around the room, making note of who all is here.

"Uh, hi." He says to the attendant. "I need to use my PC box, but I'm not from the region. Is there anything special I should do?"

2010-06-07, 06:46 PM
Jublife Center

With the large influx of trainers the nurse on station seems overjoyed ((:smallcool:)). She disappears for a moment before arriving back with a large container of hummus.

When asked a question, the nurse responds, "Just log in with your ID and the system will do the rest."

Route 202 - Rogue:

After the short speech, Rogue makes his way back onto the road to Jublife not saying anything for a moment. He recalls his Vaporeon and brings Pup back out to sniff out trouble.

"We should get out of here fast. There may be more of this than we've seen."

2010-06-07, 06:53 PM
Jubilife Center

"Alright, thanks." Ian returns, walking to the PC and quickly typing in his trainer ID, 38514.

Then, after placing an Ultra Ball in the device and watching it vanish, being replaced by another Ultra Ball, he logs off and turns back to the counter, withdrawing his Gallade.

"Uh, my team needs some healing. Be careful of the Steelix. He's... violent." He says, placing the six Ultra Balls on the counter.

2010-06-07, 06:58 PM
Jublife Center

The nurse takes your pokemon to the machine, which oddly enough doesn't seem to be in use even with the relative crowd. When you log on, the system takes a moment to process your information. Before you log off, a window appears with writing in it.

>Are you enjoying your vacation?
>You know, most people don't consider vigilante activity as good of a distraction as lounging by the pool.
>May I recommend a nice game of chess?

2010-06-07, 06:59 PM
Waiting for his team to be healed, Ian chuckles at the screen's message.

"Oh, how little machines know..." He mutters barely loud enough to hear.

2010-06-07, 07:02 PM
Jublife Center

>Microphone interface is still in its testing stages
>Please speak clearly when you wish to hurt my feelings
> :(

2010-06-07, 07:09 PM
Looking at the PC in surprise, he turns to the other people in the room.

"Anyone else get a funny log-off message, followed by a request to speak up when insulting the PC's knowledge?"

2010-06-07, 07:14 PM
Zayn looks up. No, but then agasin, I haven't logged on. Let me see. She sets her magazine down and steps up to the PC.

2010-06-07, 07:16 PM
"Be my guest." Ian says, steping aside to allow access.

2010-06-07, 07:18 PM
Zayn frowns, as if trying to remember her password and login information, and then types as quick as she can, to avoid people stealing her password, or somesuch.

2010-06-07, 07:19 PM
Jublife Center:

Everything with the PC looks pretty normal. Someone has deposited an antidote and potion into your item storage, but the only thing that looks different is a little square with "PUFF" written on it.

Pokesys User Friendly Functionality
Current version: Beta 3.14.159
Please send all feedback to Administrator <Corrupt data>

2010-06-07, 07:23 PM
Curiously, Zayn moves the cursor over so that it's hovering over "PUFF". She bites her lip for a moment, in thought, and then clicks it.

2010-06-07, 07:26 PM
>Welcome, $f9!!!as9
>There appears to be a data mismatch
>Changes were made by <redacted> on <redacted>
>System <redacted>
><redacted> secret ID <redacted>
>Would you like to update your profile?

This, of course, does not appear to be normal for some reason.

2010-06-07, 07:36 PM
"Uh, nurse? Could you please check on the Sentret's moves for me?" Ian asks, moving back to the counter.

Eternal Drifter
2010-06-07, 07:49 PM
Jublife Center

With the large influx of trainers the nurse on station seems overjoyed ((:smallcool:)). She disappears for a moment before arriving back with a large container of hummus.

When asked a question, the nurse responds, "Just log in with your ID and the system will do the rest."

Route 202 - Rogue:

After the short speech, Rogue makes his way back onto the road to Jublife not saying anything for a moment. He recalls his Vaporeon and brings Pup back out to sniff out trouble.

"We should get out of here fast. There may be more of this than we've seen."

Route 202

Drifter nods in agreement. "Something wicked, this way comes..." he mutters, in his usual voice. "It would do best not to linger... but whether to escape the oncoming storm, or to charge into the center of it to deal with it..."

The remaining balls on the dead trainer's belt remain untouched by Drifter...


It is now late afternoon.

2010-06-07, 07:57 PM
Jublife Center -

"Oh, let me just get a readout from the machine here..." The nurse presses a few buttons on the machine and something prints out. "It says Thief, Surf, Scratch, and Foresight. Is he a new capture? Your sentret looks so cute!"