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The Watchman
2010-06-01, 10:51 AM
This thread is intended for Shoruke's eyes only. If you are not Shoruke, GTFO.

Broad Chase is slightly less crowded than Mastiff's Road, though still bustling. This is, after all, the center for the majority of the city's trade. It is only by virtue of being Sesbury's main thoroughfare that Mastiff's Road retains its title of busiest street in the city.
Shops of all kinds line the street. There are armor and weapon sellers, tailors, magical shops selling items of all kinds, and (in the back alleys, where the watchmen are very careful not to set foot while on duty) several houses of ill repute. Two buildings stand out immediately. One is a large white-marble building decorated with frescoes representing various trades, which can only be the headquarters of the Merchant's Guild. The other is a wooden building, two stories high, which resembles Ezekiel's Supplies on Mastiff's Road. A sign near the roof, however, declares in large letters that this is not a second Ezekiel's, but rather Pirner Outfitters.

2010-06-01, 12:00 PM
Taranni heads into the merchant's guild without delay.

The Watchman
2010-06-02, 01:31 PM
The inside of the Merchants' Guild is just as extravagant as its outside. Marble statues line the massive hall, depicting former Guild Presidents. A small number of men and women in fine clothing of all descriptions walk sedately about. At each of their throats is a clasp of brass, gold, silver, or platinum, inscribed with the image of a treasure chest. The edges of the hall are covered in doors: the men and women move in a constant stream from one door to another, and another, and another...
In the center of the hall is a marble desk. Behind it sits an elf of indeterminate age, who looks up as you enter.

2010-06-02, 01:57 PM
Taranni walks calmly up to the desk and addresses the elf. "Excuse me, I was wondering if Mr. Poetschke is available for an interview? I'm looking for work, and heard that he could use someone of, ah, my services."

The Watchman
2010-06-02, 02:26 PM
"Do you have an appointment?" asks the elf curtly.

2010-06-02, 03:49 PM
"Um, no. How would I go about getting one?"

The Watchman
2010-06-03, 10:43 AM
"Well, first you would tell me your name. Then you would tell me what you want to see him for."

2010-06-03, 02:05 PM
"Right. My name is Taranni, and I was under the impression that Mr. Poetschke was hiring people to, well, guard him. What with the 'competitive' market recently."

The Watchman
2010-06-03, 03:39 PM
"Oh," says the elf, looking surprised. "A bodyguard, are you? Why didn't you go to the Maid? Most of our prospective employees know about that."
He taps his fingers on the desk, thinking. "Well, you don't talk to Mister Poetschke if you want to be hired as a bodyguard. You would need to talk to Miss Meny about that. She handles all bodyguard hirings for the guild officials. You can find her through that door over there." He points at one of the innumerable doors lining the hall. "Third office on your left."

2010-06-03, 08:36 PM
"Alright, thank you for your time." Taranni turns and heads for the door in question, and walks through.

The Watchman
2010-06-04, 01:09 PM
You find Meny's office with no trouble. When you knock, you can hear a high, piping voice say "Come in!"
When you enter, your first impression is of paper. All over the walls, in stacks on the floor, bursting from the shelves... the paper on the walls is covered in writing. Looking closer, you can see that it is covered in names, each with arrows pointing to other names.
"Yes? What is it?" asks the voice. At first, it isn't entirely obvious who is speaking. Then you make out the shape of a young halfling woman seated behind the desk. She was not readily visible behind the giant stack of papers that occupies the desktop. In front of the stack is a small bronze plaque reading ARIANA MENY, CHIEF OF SECURITY.

2010-06-05, 04:46 PM
"Hello, my name is Taranni. I'm told you're the one to speak to about getting a job as a bodyguard?"

(and what about Kaliche?)