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View Full Version : Yin-Yanga and Yang-Yina. (3.5, pathfinder, and/or 4E PC race)

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-01, 05:21 PM
New Race:

The Yin-Yanga and the Yang-Yina

The Yin-Yanga and the Yang-Yina are a race created by, and descended from a single goddess known as “Balah”(more under religion). While the Yanga and the Yina may appear and sound like separate species, the two are actually one and the same. The Yanga consist entirely of females, with skin and nail colours ranging from pitch black to pure white the Eyes and hair however, have slightly more variety in possibilities, mostly being in various shades of red, purple, blue, green, yellow, and orange. The Yanga are the most dominant of the species, mostly due to their goddess also being female. However, for every Yanga that exists, there is a Yina to counteract it. The Yina are the Males of the species, and possess the same Color possibilities as the Yanga, however the Color of which these are depends solely on the Color of its partner Yanga. Should a Yanga have black skin and red hair, her male counterpart will possess white skin with green hair, likewise, should a Yina possess black skin and purple hair, his female counterpart will possess white skin and Yellow hair.

When a Yina and a Yanga are opposites, this eventually means that they are literal “soul mates”. It is a common belief between the Yin and Yanga that at birth, their soul is split evenly in half. Because of this each individual in a pair will be the exact polar opposite of the other at almost everything. (See graph 1)

The Yanga and the Yina often live in nomadic tribal communities in desert or grassland environments. Many separate tribes often share a single environment, however it is rare for two tribes to meet in person as the tribes commonly circle their lands, following the footsteps of the tribe that marches in front of them, often making camp in the same dug-out campsites as the previous tribe. Because of this predictable nature, it is not uncommon for tribe members to leave gifts for the next tribe in the circle as they leave. often being simple statues or toys carved out of stone. Should a tribe find itself running low on food and water, it will often send a runner to catch up to the tribe ahead of them and ask for some to be left behind for them to pick up when they reach the location. Should the tribe leave the requested gift behind, it is not uncommon for them to send a runner ahead and ask the same of the next tribe to make up for what they have lost. Should none of the tribes decline, this chain can often last several months, or even years until a point in which a tribe has enough resources to leave behind an adequate gift while still leaving enough for themselves to live off of.

(See graph 2 for more info on Yina and Yanga migration patterns)

Each tribe is lead by two chiefs, one of the Yanga, and one of the Yina. These two are not partners however, often times the Yanga’s opposite is the Yina chief of the tribe in front of her own. With the Yina’s opposite being the Yanga chief of the tribe behind his own. The same occasionally goes for the common members of the tribe, while most Yang and Yina stay with their partners’ throughout their life, some Yanga and Yina will separate from one another and travel with separate tribes.

Sometime at least once a year, the Yina and Yanga tribes will change their migratory coarse, and move towards the center of their controlled territory, here sits a massive stone temple to their goddess, were many priests, priestesses, clerics, and Yin or Yanga who have lost their partners stay year round and care for the temples many walls and statues. This temple will usually house an oasis (artificial if one is not already available) as well as several large houses for each of the tribes that roam the territory. The tribes gather here for their only holiday, the “week of reunification”. It is a time when Yina and Yanga reunite with their pairs if they have been separated, and commune along with the rest of their territories population. The days consist of large feasts consisting of food gathered by each of the separate tribes, as well as many different activities and parties’ celebrating their togetherness. In the evenings, pairs will relocate themselves to private rooms, were the two will join hands, and press their heads against one another. The Yina and Yanga share a small psyonic link with one another, this act allows them to share the entire years memories with their partner, effectively allowing each Yina and Yanga to live two lifetimes from separate perspectives. Once the ritual is complete, mature pairs will copulate, 99% of Yina and Yanga are conceived during this festival.

However, this is a very vulnerable time for the pairs, as sharing ones memories with his or her partner renders both in the pair unconscious, should any of the three links between them (heads, each hand) be severed by an outside force, the psyonic link between the pair will be severed, usually resulting in the death of one or both of the pair. Should only one of the pair be killed in this way, the surviving member will be left comatose. Should they ever wake, they are rarely unharmed. Many who lose their partner this way end up mentally damaged, often speaking pure gibberish and requiring near constant surveillance. These “severed” as the Yina and Yanga call them, are often kept in the temple and assigned a watcher, the watcher trains the severed to perform a single task to help the care of the temple, be it cleaning floors or serving food. It is not uncommon for at least ten percent of the temples’ staff to be composed of severed trained to do such jobs. There is a small chance of both partners surviving with a mere throbbing headache, however their memories will usually be extremely unorganized, resulting in the pair being unsure of who is who or who did what and when. However they will still be able to do all they were able too before the accident, though those who know them may find they have lost talents they had before the accident and gained those of their partners. A few extremely lucky pairs will find they both have full access to their own talents and abilities as well as those of their partner. However, their psyonic link will remain permanently lost, Resulting in both of them becoming known as “separates”.

The Yina and Yanga are hunter-gatherers. Their migratory paths often cross with those of various animals they hunt for prey, and while they usually never stray too far from the path, they will often send parties to search for food and meet up with them at the next camp site should they find themselves running low.

warning: wall-o-text ahead.
From the beginning of time, light and darkness have battled a never-ending war. Neither side ever truly won, neither side truly lost. Just as it seemed one would finally be eliminated, it would receive a surge of power and fight back. This war without solders lasted millennia, neither could win, and neither could loose. Until one day, the two forces finally reached a standstill. Dark consumed Light, and light consumed Dark, but that which was lost would negate any ground gained. The two struggled to gain an edge over their opponent, but neither could become any stronger then they already were. The duelling forces eventually began to tire, both of them weakening until the fighting stopped outright. Through a seemingly endless war, peace was finally achieved. It is from this the goddess Balah was birthed, born of the very light and dark itself; she possessed the power of both. However, she was still week from the war her components had waged before her birth, and so she slept. Even more millennia passed, and as she woke, she found she was not alone in her state of being. Many others like her had gathered, and built many worlds together. Balah looked down onto these worlds and saw the creation of life itself. The concept of life intrigued her, and with the permission of the other gods, she began moulding life of her own. Her first creation was one who resembled herself almost identically. She bestowed many gifts upon her first child, wishing for it to survive in its new home. The other gods saw this however, and grew enraged. Who was this newcomer to give her only creation powers resembling that of their own? In defiance, the other gods swung an axe at Balah’s first child, dividing it clean in two. Were it not for the many gifts given to it by its mother, the godlike creation would most certainly have died. Instead however, it was split into two halves, one male, and one female. Each represented half of what was once Balah’s first child. Balah and the other gods examined these two new creatures, after determining they were acceptable forms of life, the other gods left to tend to their own creations. Balah was, saddened by the loss of her first child, but exited at the thought of raising life of her own. As suggested by the other gods before their departure, she sat in the sky and observed them as they explored their surroundings. She interfered little, creating miracles only when the two needed them most. Years passed, the two eventually produced their fist offspring. By this time Balah had already decided how to mould her new race. As the pair produced their first children, Balah birthed more of her own. Like the first time, she created a single genderless entity, slicing it in half just as the gods had done several years ago. The result was again the same; the entity was split into a male and a female. Balah gave this pair several memories of a life that was never lived, placing them onto the world in the same act of birthing as the first. As each pair produced a pair of twins, Balah took two unused souls and just as she did with her latest creation, sliced them in half. One half of each soul was placed into the wombs of the two females; four children were born from two souls that day. Over the next eight days Balah guided her children towards one another, providing them with enough food for a feast as they traveled. On the eighth day the travelers finally met, each shocked to find another like them. The shock quickly turned into celebration however, as each of the pairs provided the other with food and stories of the past. The eight days it took for the eight of four souls to meet one another soon became the first week of reunion. As the parents parted ways the next day, they promised to meet again in the same location when the children celebrated their first birthday. And they did follow this tradition for the rest of their days. As the children grew, they would pair up with the one with whom they shared a soul as they played. As the years passed, both families grew. On rare occasions Balah would introduce new members of her growing race if she thought they needed some new blood in their genes, however for the most part she would leave them be. Then the time finally came for the original couple to leave the world of the living, Balah accepted them into her own afterlife with open arms. There, the two halves of the same soul were truly reunited as they merged together to form Balah’s first child once again. However the sudden surge of memories from two separate lifetimes left the first child in a comatose state for several years. Balah quickly grew worried and blessed the rest of her creations with longer life spans so they would not share the same fate. Eight years later the first child finally reawoke. Balah had prepared for this day, and upon its awakening, the first child was split in two yet again, Balah instructed the two half-souls to instruct the rest of her children on how to share memories before death, and to do so on the same days when they met every year. The half souls looked to eachother and agreed. Balah quickly crafted new bodies for them to inhabit, and sent them back to the mortal world just as the week of reunion was beginning. The pair taught the rest of the race how to share their memories with one another, allowing them to not only survive the reunion in the afterlife, but to lead fulfilling lives through the eyes of two separate entities. The first time this occurred, many couples fell comatose due to memory overflow as the soul of the first child had done, though they recovered much quicker. Eventually the race grew large enough to not require the small miracles of food and drink Balah provided, and was finally able to provide for itself. However Balah continues to keep watch over them, always. And she still dose so to this very day, guiding us along our paths, aiding us in out times of need, waiting for us in the afterlife with those we have lost. She is forever watching, forever loving.

This is a story written on a large stone tablet at every temple towards Balah, high ranking priests, priestesses, and clerics are often required to memorize it, and recite it from memory on the first day of the week of reunion.


Graph 1:
This is the basic spectrum of chooseable colours for a Yina or a Yanga’s hair and eyes. Both the hair and eyes may be different colours, and you can even have multiple colours in your hair. However your partner must have the Color on the opposing side of the wheel in that same area. However hues (teal, light blue, blue green, blue, dark blue, ETC) can be used to add variation too this. Whether or not your partner should have the opposing hue is up to you.
Similarly, skin and nail colours (as well as hair and eye colours) may be chosen in much the same way. If one of the two has white skin, the other must have black, and any different shade of white/black can be chosen. (However should Grey, which is in the middle of the spectrum be chosen, the partner will also need to have the grey colour in the same area)

Graph 2:
This is the basic layout of the migratory paths and territory for the Yin and Yanga. While it is not impossible for Yina and Yanga to act much differently, most territories under Yin and Yanga control follow a similar order.

Ability bonuses and penalties

Upon creation, any Yina or Yanga may choose any one of the following bonuses. Their partner however must take a penalty to that same skill.

You take:..........Your partner must take:
+2 CON.................-2 CON
+2 INT..................-2 INT
+2 DEX.................-2 DEX
+2 CHA.................-2 CHA
(dang website took away my tables)

Your partner also gets to make the same choice however, so if the Yina chooses the +2 Con, and the Yanga the +2 Int, then in turn, the Yina will receive –2 Int, and the Yanga –2 Con.

All Yina and Yanga however receive the following bonuses:

+2 Str: Yina and Yanga spend almost their entire lives on the move, making them a fairly strong race.
+4 Wis: thanks to the ritual preformed in the week of reunification, Yina and Yanga gain the memories of their partners, essentially allowing them to lead two lives for the price of one. It is for this same reason that pairs will often separate to experience different aspects of life for one another. (This piece is probably overpowered. please provide suggestions on how to fix it)

Skill bonuses and penalties:

Master crafters: Yina and Yanga are well known for their abilities in carving stone idols, statues, and toys. Because of this they get a +2 bonus on any one craft or profession check involving stonework. (I.e. carving arrowheads or holy symbols)

Wild wanderers: Yina and Yanga travel for almost their entire lives, granting both of them a +4 bonus on survival checks.

(Name needed) Yin-Yanga and Yang-Yina receive a +1 bonus on all class skills which are not class skills of their partner.

Psyonic link: Yin-Yanga and Yang-Yina are psyonicly connected to their partners, granting a +3 to search (perception in 4.e/pathfinder) and track checks made to find them. (Really its only useful when the two get separated and cant find one another) loseing this link usually means becomeing a "Severed"

Elementally attuned: similar to the ability bonuses/penalties, each Yina and Yanga may choose a single energy type to take reduced damage from. Their partner will take the bonus opposing their own. This acts in a similar way to resist or protection from energy, in which you remove that amount from all damage taken by that energy.
......You get:.............Your partner gets:
2 fire reistance.............2 cold resistance
2 acid resistance...........2 sonic resistance
2 electric resistance......2 force resistance
2 lethal resistance.........2 nonlethal resistance

for example: should someone cast a firespell at a Yina with 2 fire resistance for 5 fire damage, the Yina will only take 3 fire damage.

Special abilities:

Self-sacrifice: supernatural ability. Once per day a Yina or a Yanga may cast this on their partner, and divide any damage taken by either of them in half. this is only useable once per day between the pair.

Yina and Yanga are set as “usually neutral” meaning they can be lawful, true, or chaotic. If the Yina is Lawful neutral, the Yanga must be chaotic neutral. If one is True neutral, the other must also be True neutral.

However if a Yina or a Yanga should wind up on the good or evil spectrum, their partner would subsequently be the opposite. Working out like so:

Lawful Good.........Chaotic Evil
Neutral Good.........Neutral Evil
Chaotic Good........Lawful Evil
Lawful Neutral.......Chaotic Neutral
True Neutral.........True Neutral
Chaotic Neutral.....Lawful Neutral
Lawful Evil............Chaotic Good
Neutral evil...........Neutral Good
Chaotic Evil..........Lawful Good

Humanoid. Unsure about the fine details just yet. Concept art coming soon.
Size: Meidium
Average height: 7ft (this is shared by all Yina and Yanga, regardless of gender)
Average Girth: thin
Average Weight: 230É (unsure about what a good weight would be)
Speed: 30ft

Balah: the great equilibrium
Alignment: True Neutral
Portfolio: Goddess of Balance, Neutrality, Playfulness, Peace, and Eternity
Favoured weapon: Handaxe
Domains: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Law, Chaos, Healing (life), Death, Good, Evil.

Class Limits:
Due to their opposing nature, should a pair of Yina and Yanga decide to become player characters; the two would be unable to pick classes of the same type. For example, if the Yina were to pick a fighter, the Yanga would need to pick a spell casting class such as a wizard, druid, or cleric. essentially one martial class, and one magic/range class.
Martial classes:
Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, ETC.
Spellcaster classes:
Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Favoured soul, ETC.
If one or both of the pair should wish to multiclass, they would be limited in available classes to pick. as the Fighter would only be able to pick another Martial class, and the Wizard would need to pick another spellcasting class.

Possible Yina or Yanga subtypes:
All Yanga and Yina start out as normal. Though if you feel like taking a major risk, you can attempt to become separates.

Normal: no new stats. Small psyonic link with partner

Severed: +8 skill bonus to any one skill check, -5 to all others. INT limit of 5. No partner or psyonic link

Separates: roll 2d6, if numbers do not match, add +4 to all skill checks in skills the partner has ranks in, and take a –4 penalty to all skill checks you have ranks in. if both numbers are identical, add +4 to all skill checks either partner has ranks in. no psyonic link, partner still alive. Prerequisite: Requires a roll of 2D20’s, both 20’s must land on either 20 or 1. (A 20 and a 20, or a 1 and a 1) anything else results in both characters requiring a will save, whichever one gets the lowest roll dies immediately and permanently, the survivor becomes a “severed”.

The Yina and the Yanga are designed to be played by two separate players who have discussed how they wish to play, and which traits to take. However one player playing both characters is still possible. One player playing only one character, with the other away somewhere is also possible, but unadvised as it kind of ruins the whole point.

Note: if you spot any grammerical errors, please notfiy me and i will correct it. i would also apriciate any and all sugjestions you have on the race.

Me and Lix lorn (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=154440)are working in coelition, i did not copy her idea, and we are going to compair notes to see if we can make one awsome race of twin awsomeness.

2010-06-01, 05:25 PM
Chaotic Good........Chaotic Evil

Shouldn't this be Lawful Evil?

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-01, 05:29 PM
Shouldn't this be Lawful Evil?

indeed it should. thank you for pointing that out.

edit: fixed it

Lix Lorn
2010-06-01, 05:37 PM
I prefer my version. ;P
Do you want to put a link to my one, then I can link back?

Also: It's spelt psionic. I'd cut the strength bonus and make the wisdom bonus +2 at best. Also, the elemental pairs you have are really strong, I'd just stick with fire and cold.

Innis Cabal
2010-06-01, 05:41 PM
The name is...trite and gratuitous.

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-01, 05:43 PM
yeah the name isent that origional, i know :P

2010-06-01, 05:46 PM
indeed it should. thank you for pointing that out.

No problem. Overall this is a pretty cool race. When you say 'pysionic' do you mean 'psionic'?

EDIT: ninja'd

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-01, 05:46 PM
I prefer my version. ;P
Do you want to put a link to my one, then I can link back?

Also: It's spelt psionic. I'd cut the strength bonus and make the wisdom bonus +2 at best. Also, the elemental pairs you have are really strong, I'd just stick with fire and cold.

done. but if i made the WIS bonus only a +2, then it wouldent be that much diffrent from the other races. i mean really, Dwarfs have a +2 WIS bonus and they dont share their memmories with their soulmate now do they? i could probibly go down to +4, but that about it.

and i dont see how the elemental pairs thing are that strong. its only -2.

No problem. Overall this is a pretty cool race. When you say 'pysionic' do you mean 'psionic'?

yes. i dont know ho to spell it :P

Lix Lorn
2010-06-01, 05:50 PM
But as it is, they get a total of +6 and -2 to abilities. And they don't really have any disadvantages.
The elemental things aren't that strong, but like I said, they have way more positives than negatives.

2010-06-01, 05:54 PM
Regarding classes, how would they work with opposites?

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-01, 05:57 PM
But as it is, they get a total of +6 and -2 to abilities. And they don't really have any disadvantages.
The elemental things aren't that strong, but like I said, they have way more positives than negatives.

allright i reduse the STR bonus to 2, and the WIS to 4. but they only get to choose one type on energy to resist, kind of like the Dwarf's poisan resistance.

Regarding classes, how would they work with opposites?

oh snap! forgot to add that on. thanks for reminding me. it works simmiler to Lixx's, if one is a marital class ,the other must be a spellcaster.

Lix Lorn
2010-06-01, 06:04 PM
allright i reduse the STR bonus to 2, and the WIS to 4. but they only get to choose one type on energy to resist, kind of like the Dwarf's poisan resistance.

...that's still huge! No medium race I know of with zero level adjustment ends up with a bonus to abilities.

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-01, 06:07 PM
...that's still huge! No medium race I know of with zero level adjustment ends up with a bonus to abilities.

bugbears. +4 to Str.

also: entered in the class limit thing.

Class Limits:
Due to their opposing nature, should a pair of Yina and Yanga decide to become player characters; the two would be unable to pick classes of the same type. For example, if the Yina were to pick a fighter, the Yanga would need to pick a spell casting class such as a wizard, druid, or cleric. essentially one martial class, and one magic/range class.
Martial classes:
Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, ETC.
Spellcaster classes:
Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Favoured soul, ETC.
If one or both of the pair should wish to multiclass, they would be limited in available classes to pick. as the Fighter would only be able to pick another Martial class, and the Wizard would need to pick another spellcasting class.

Lix Lorn
2010-06-01, 06:11 PM
Bugbears have +1 level adjustment.

Innis Cabal
2010-06-01, 06:15 PM
Ok, the rant was taken off. But the flavor is so grossly inaccurate towards what Yin and Yang is, the name is even more of a misnomer.

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-01, 06:18 PM
Ok, the rant was taken off. But the flavor is so grossly inaccurate towards what Yin and Yang is, the name is even more of a misnomer.

well if you have a better idea for the name i'd be more then happy to hear it.

Innis Cabal
2010-06-01, 06:32 PM
Anything would be better then slapping an A on Yin Yang and calling it a day.

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-01, 06:36 PM
Anything would be better then slapping an A on Yin Yang and calling it a day.

Suggestions > insults. Just so you know.

2010-06-01, 08:44 PM
Suggestions > insults. Just so you know.
I'd like to point out that this statement could be taken as more of an insult than the one you quoted.
[hr]Resistance to energy achieves the exact effect as your "minus" system.

I'm not sure how much LA this is worth... it's a low +1, but definitely in +1 territory. Dropping the Strength bonus entirely and the Wisdom bonus to +2 would probably leave it around +0.

It's also rather difficult to balance playing two characters... are you intending that this would be used by two players or a player and an NPC?

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-01, 09:12 PM
I'd like to point out that this statement could be taken as more of an insult than the one you quoted.
i'm not a fan of people who just say "this is wrong kthanxbai" without actually trying to help at all.

Resistance to energy achieves the exact effect as your "minus" system.
Yes I know, it is stated in the first post that it works in much the same way, and was in fact biased on that. Its like a small, permanent version of the spell is given for one particular energy.

I'm not sure how much LA this is worth... it's a low +1, but definitely in +1 territory. Dropping the Strength bonus entirely and the Wisdom bonus to +2 would probably leave it around +0.
Removing the STR bonus is probably an option, but I stand my decision at a +4 WIS bonus, minimum.

Lets say we have a character with a WIS score of 10. If it were a dwarf, this would be pushed to 12, which is a +1 WIS modifier. Now lets make it one of these guys (better name needed for both male and females) it would become a 14. which is a +2 modifier. Really, its a single modifier difference, not a big deal.

It's also rather difficult to balance playing two characters... are you intending that this would be used by two players or a player and an NPC?

Again it was stated in the first post at the very bottom. It is intended for two coordinated players to be playing one of each, however one player playing both is still a very real possibility. And frankly I don’t see any problem with it, heck I’ve played four separate characters once.

2010-06-01, 10:29 PM
i'm not a fan of people who just say "this is wrong kthanxbai" without actually trying to help at all.
Nor am I. But you're coming across as passive-aggressive. And Innis does have a bit of a point, though I'm not sure what a better name could be.

Yes I know, it is stated in the first post that it works in much the same way, and was in fact biased on that. Its like a small, permanent version of the spell is given for one particular energy.No, not the spell.

Resistance To Energy

A creature with resistance to energy has the ability (usually extraordinary) to ignore some damage of a certain type each round, but it does not have total immunity.

Each resistance ability is defined by what energy type it resists and how many points of damage are resisted. It doesn’t matter whether the damage has a mundane or magical source.

When resistance completely negates the damage from an energy attack, the attack does not disrupt a spell. This resistance does not stack with the resistance that a spell might provide.
So you can just say "Resistance to fire 37" or something like that, and it's understood what you meant. I'd even venture a guess that almost half of creature statblocks have a resistance of some sort in their Special Qualities line.

Removing the STR bonus is probably an option, but I stand my decision at a +4 WIS bonus, minimum.

Lets say we have a character with a WIS score of 10. If it were a dwarf, this would be pushed to 12, which is a +1 WIS modifier. Now lets make it one of these guys (better name needed for both male and females) it would become a 14. which is a +2 modifier. Really, its a single modifier difference, not a big deal.
"Not a big deal"? Curious. Veeery curious, given that it's a mental stat, which gives it the possibility of an extra bonus spell (or two, depending on how well you rolled). And it's a 2-point modifier difference over every other LA+0 race I can think of.

Though it is true that Pathfinder (and 4e, but I'm not as sure) does have a +2 ability total for LA+0 races, 3.5e does not, and that's the edition I'm most familiar with. Even with Strength bonus removed, this would stand at a +4 total.

Not to mention the other abilities, which are stronger than one generally sees on races.

Again it was stated in the first post at the very bottom. It is intended for two coordinated players to be playing one of each, however one player playing both is still a very real possibility. And frankly I don’t see any problem with it, heck I’ve played four separate characters once.
Hmm... missed that. Nevertheless, it's balance issues of playing both, not ability to.

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-01, 11:18 PM
Though it is true that Pathfinder (and 4e, but I'm not as sure) does have a +2 ability total for LA+0 races, 3.5e does not, and that's the edition I'm most familiar with. Even with Strength bonus removed, this would stand at a +4 total.

the 3.5 SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/races.htm) says otherwise. behold all the +2's!

Not to mention the other abilities, which are stronger than one generally sees on races.

Like for example?...

Nevertheless, it's balance issues of playing both, not ability to.

i still fail to see any issues with it. both characters would have their own strengths and weaknesses, its not like the two of them being played by the same player would make them an unstoppable tank of doom or something.

Also: edited the resistances bit, thanks for the heads up. Also included average height, weight, ETC.

edit: i just realised i used the word "often" a lot. hope thats not going to be an issue with the grammar Nazi's :P

2010-06-01, 11:38 PM
the 3.5 SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/races.htm) says otherwise. behold all the +2's!

With the exception of the half-orcs which are net -2s the rest are all net +0. It you look, they have as many -2s as they have +2s.


Draconi Redfir
2010-06-01, 11:47 PM
With the exception of the half-orcs which are net -2s the rest are all net +0. It you look, they have as many -2s as they have +2s.


ahh ok I get it now.

Ok so the chosen ability bonus gives them +2 to one stat, and -2 to another... so yeah that’s a +4 asumeing I remove the +2 to Str.

I’d give them a -4 to a stat, but that would probably just make the stat suck even if it got an 18. So lessee... I could give them -2 to Cha and -2 to INT and write it off as them being jerks to other races or something, but then they would only get a choice between DEX and CON bonus/penalties.

Any suggestions on how to fix this issue? (that don’t involve removing the +4 Wis)

Mando Knight
2010-06-02, 12:29 AM
...that's still huge! No medium race I know of with zero level adjustment ends up with a bonus to abilities.

The lesser Planetouched. But they're from Faerûn anyway.

2010-06-02, 02:09 AM
You could instead have them choose 3 stats to give -2 (as in the 1 from the other's +2, and then 2 of their choice). Then allow them to stack them, and give the option of putting 1 of the -2s (and only 1) on the wisdom (with the note that this would be for ones that didn't split up or travel, so don't get as big of a bonus).


Xuc Xac
2010-06-02, 05:58 AM
The name is...trite and gratuitous.

I have to agree. It's also backwards: yin is female and yang is male. And "Balah" for the goddess of balance? Why not just name her "Balance" instead of trying to be subtle with it? And how does the creation of this wacky race do anything to further the goddess' interests and goals? If she wants to promote balance shouldn't she be making a race that doesn't cancel itself out? This is like looking at the levels of good and evil and everything else in the world and adding a big +0 to it. It won't tip the scales at all. She should be looking at what needs to be balanced and then making a race that fills in the missing bits of the world to balance it out or something.

Lix Lorn
2010-06-02, 06:00 AM
You could instead have them choose 3 stats to give -2 (as in the 1 from the other's +2, and then 2 of their choice). Then allow them to stack them, and give the option of putting 1 of the -2s (and only 1) on the wisdom (with the note that this would be for ones that didn't split up or travel, so don't get as big of a bonus).
I support that.

2010-06-02, 09:08 AM
I have to agree. It's also backwards: yin is female and yang is male. And "Balah" for the goddess of balance? Why not just name her "Balance" instead of trying to be subtle with it? And how does the creation of this wacky race do anything to further the goddess' interests and goals? If she wants to promote balance shouldn't she be making a race that doesn't cancel itself out? This is like looking at the levels of good and evil and everything else in the world and adding a big +0 to it. It won't tip the scales at all. She should be looking at what needs to be balanced and then making a race that fills in the missing bits of the world to balance it out or something.

Well, he could use the goddess from the back of Dieties and Demigods for the Follow The Light belief.

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-02, 11:25 AM
I support that.

iwould but... i dont even understand it o.0

I have to agree. It's also backwards: yin is female and yang is male.

its Yin-Yanga and Yang-Yina. i just only used the last parts to save sapce.

and again, if anyone has any etter names, i would be happy to hear them. becuse i KNOW these names suck.


note: it should be noted that losing ones partner in battle or due to disease will not cause on to become a severed. This only occurs when the link between them is broken while sharing memories.

added this in under the "severed" portion on the first post. just so pepole dont get confused and gimp themselves after their partner dies.

2010-06-02, 05:33 PM
Dwarfs have a +2 WIS bonus and they dont share their memmories with their soulmate now do they?
You are incorrect (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/races.htm#dwarves)... perhaps you are thinking of Pathfinder of 4E rather than 3.5? I don't know about those. Assumed that since nobody had pointed this out for about 5 posts after the statement was made that nobody was going to. I was incorrect.

Also, for completeness, I am going to cross-post this: HERE (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=116900) is a feat you might want to allow them with reduced requirements since it is so thematic. In fact the whole reason I have even heard of Dvati in the first place is that someone mentioned them in relation to that feat.