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View Full Version : Using WoD for a gritty superhero game like Watchmen or Batman?

2010-06-02, 09:21 AM
So... I'm reading through the nWoD book and part of me is thinking of doing an adventure in a sort of Watchmen-like setting with no to low superpowers but with vigilante superheroes, yet low focus on combat and more on investigating a plot/conspiracy. Although my first reaction to the idea was "why not use a real superhero game system if you're going to do that" the more I think of it, the more I could see it actually working. WoD lends itself for conspiracy, secret organisations and dark, edgy yet realistic adventures. At the same time aspects of being a superhero like "are you crazy? Why would you do that? What gives you the right to take law into your own hands?" are perfect themes to use.

This was just a thought, not actually a well thought-through plan, just thought I'd share it. What are your opinions on this?

2010-06-02, 09:22 AM
You should probably specify nWoD or oWoD. I'm not a fan of either, so I can't really help beyond that.

EDIT: ...Okay, you said nWoD in your post. Don't mind me. :smallsigh:

2010-06-02, 09:36 AM
Mortals can be very powerful if made right, giving a bad ass normal (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BadAssNormal), which lends it self well to how Watchmen are. And with Hunter for some of the tech for the slightly odder bits of the world, which seem to exist in dark places of the evil world, is rather good.

And there is the fact of how easy it is to die to a unlucky hit. Makes you feel so much more vulnerable to many other systems, as is a lot harder to make your way back. And major injuries are debilitating for quite some time.

2010-06-02, 09:38 AM
It's perfectly doable, much of nWoD Hunter touches on these themes, and if you don't mind even more gritty content, the Slasher book would be perfect.

Forever Curious
2010-06-02, 09:42 AM
Hunter is a definite must, and would fir this theme flawlessly. Bonus points if the world is already secretly ruled by evil creatures. Slasher, a Hunter supplement, would work well too.

2010-06-02, 09:51 AM
I'll have to look into this. I'm not sure I can get a copy of Hunter: the Vigil, but I'm sure it can be done without it too. I think I'm actually going to try doing this. Maybe set it up as beginning like a regular "criminal hunt" with the characters chasing down some thugs, and stumbling on mysterious murders, hinting at some big conspiracy, turning out to be something big, supernatural.

2010-06-02, 10:40 AM
This would probably be the perfect system to run Watchmen in, in my opinion. It's got a great, gritty system where most things you do will be right in the middle of the bellcurve, so while your super-men (Dr. Manhattan) will consistently be able to do super-human things, your typical person with a mask (Silk Spectre, Night Owl) will generally be doing typical-person things. And all the fluff is pretty much straight up a dark alley, you could easily do a film noir with it. Can't speak to Hunter, though, as I've never opened that particular book.

2010-06-02, 11:18 AM
The morality and derangement systems are also great for a watchmen-like game, with all the heroes with their quirks and psychological problems.