View Full Version : APB: Am I The Only Excited One?

2010-06-06, 05:51 PM
What would you get if you mixed together the chaos of Crackdown, the flexibility of the City of Heroes character creator and the big city landscape of GTA?

All Points Bulletin (APB), mentlegen.


Anyway, to stop hyping up a game which isn't out for approximately three weeks where I am, is anyone else interested in this? I've been keeping tabs on the game for a long time now, and I'm pretty hyped up for its release, especially since I'm getting my new PC up and ready for mid-July. It's the character creator which interests me: I could spend hours and hours making characters.

Thoughts? Comments? Intense hatred?

2010-06-06, 05:53 PM
I started the first thread, and it died a horrible unloved death.

Which is fitting cause that's the same thing that happened to the cash i was going to pre-order with.

2010-06-06, 05:58 PM
I started the first thread, and it died a horrible unloved death.

Which is fitting cause that's the same thing that happened to the cash i was going to pre-order with.

APB needs love. Lots of love.

I need to muster up the money to pre-order it on Steam, too. And I've got to resist spending it on other appealing gaming ventures... Bioshock 2, I'm looking at you.

2010-06-06, 08:05 PM
I wasn't excited...till I saw that video.

Hot damn does that look awesome.

Shas aia Toriia
2010-06-06, 08:31 PM
On the other hand, I was marginally excited - until I saw that video.
Not too interested anymore. :smallfrown:

2010-06-06, 08:43 PM
On the other hand, I was marginally excited - until I saw that video.
Not too interested anymore. :smallfrown:

If it's the whole 'punk' thing, I'm not sure you're locked into it. If you've ever seen a certain video series of some 'Jibar' and some 'Rutskarn' (better known as Buttskarn) playing some offline game Saints Row 2?

Basically what I really want to do is start a British Mafia. Or maybe for a slight bit more originality.. A 1960s style business gang?

...Wapanese Yakuza.

Pie Guy
2010-06-06, 09:59 PM
It looks cool.
If I ever have the cash, I'll look into it.

2010-06-06, 10:52 PM
So the early access event is in.. about 4 days. I figure I'll scrounge up the cash for the pre-order.

I guess you and me are the only ones playing, Dragor. And you aren't starting until mid-July? What side are you planning on playing?

2010-06-07, 09:57 AM
On the other hand, I was marginally excited - until I saw that video.
Not too interested anymore. :smallfrown:

Why not? Pray tell.

So the early access event is in.. about 4 days. I figure I'll scrounge up the cash for the pre-order.

I guess you and me are the only ones playing, Dragor. And you aren't starting until mid-July? What side are you planning on playing?

I'm probably going to play Enforcer, and try to either make Commissioner Gordon from Batman, or simply a 'Hard Boiled' Asian Cinema cop. Yeah, I'm pretty boring. Usually I play females (in a Joss Whedon fashion, I love femme fatales and badass chicks), but I wanted to avoid it for once.

I just forsee everyone going Criminal. :smallfrown:

2010-06-08, 07:02 AM
I just forsee everyone going Criminal. :smallfrown:

You know, from what I've seen, so does everyone else! Everyone seems to be playing Enforcer to be different. I can't wait to see the actual numbers. Myself and some friends are also going Enforcer.

You aren't boring, I hadn't considered Asian Cinema.. But you know, maybe you should just go for Femme Fatale this time. It's pretty much the perfect opportunity. The game's whole fashion system seems like it will be much more fun on that concept than on a hard boiled cop.

2010-06-08, 08:59 AM
You know, from what I've seen, so does everyone else! Everyone seems to be playing Enforcer to be different. I can't wait to see the actual numbers. Myself and some friends are also going Enforcer.

I think it's mainly because the trailers focus so much on the criminals, that it just gives me the impression that people will be more interested by being an douchebag. In the end, it's all about fashion. :smalltongue:

You aren't boring, I hadn't considered Asian Cinema.. But you know, maybe you should just go for Femme Fatale this time. It's pretty much the perfect opportunity. The game's whole fashion system seems like it will be much more fun on that concept than on a hard boiled cop.

Hmm, maybe. We'll see. People also get dodgy over the 'guy playing a girl' thing, although I don't think that's going to be a problem in APB... as one of my friends said, "everyone's going to be a latex punk ninja girl anyway".

*looks up possible 'badass female cops' for inspiration*

2010-06-08, 09:05 AM
I saw APB at PAX. It looks amazing. So amazing in fact that I'm not getting it. This game looks to have the kind of soul sucking powers that would keep me in doors all summer, and no game is worth that.

2010-06-08, 09:10 AM
I saw APB at PAX. It looks amazing. So amazing in fact that I'm not getting it. This game looks to have the kind of soul sucking powers that would keep me in doors all summer, and no game is worth that.

Firstly, I'm incredibly jealous of your going to PAX. How was it? Being in the UK, I look over the pond with intense jealousy.

Secondly: Nooo! We need more players. So far I think me and KBF are pretty much solidly up for it, but we do need some more guys to join our Enforcer Squad of Awesome.

2010-06-08, 09:34 AM
Seriously thinking about buying this. Does it have a monthly fee like most MMOs out there?

2010-06-08, 11:14 AM
Well, I was sort of excited reading this post.

Then I discovered it was for compies only. Not on my graphics-card budget, mate.

Then I watched the video, and realised that despite mentions of both Crackdown and City of Heroes, there were no superpowers involved at all. It was basically Saints Row 2 online, which, while cool, was not what I had been disappointed about.

So I'm not excited, but that's okay.

2010-06-08, 11:48 AM
Well, I was sort of excited reading this post.

Then I discovered it was for compies only. Not on my graphics-card budget, mate.

Then I watched the video, and realised that despite mentions of both Crackdown and City of Heroes, there were no superpowers involved at all. It was basically Saints Row 2 online, which, while cool, was not what I had been disappointed about.

Crackdown as in the 'blow-crap-up' element, City of Heroes in the customisation department. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHcIwBDMqfo&playnext_from=TL&videos=1ROl7idPZEc

And yeah, the graphics would blow a hole in the PC I currently have. That's why I'm glad I'm getting a new one mid-July :D


@ Conjob: You get unlimited time in the 'social' districts- trading, chatting, customisation etc. You get 50 hours of 'Action Time' (time spent, to extend the phrase used earlier, 'blowing crap up') free, out of the box. Then you have to choose whether to pay $7/£5 for 20 hours more 'Action Time', or a flat payment for 30/90/180 days of unlimited Action Time- discounts for the more days you buy. So it sounds like a flexible subscription system, compared to other styles.

The FAQ answers most questions, etc. http://www.apb.com/en/faq/#q11

And now I feel like I'm on the marketing team. :smalltongue:

2010-06-08, 04:19 PM
I was excited until I played the beta.

The game's coming out already? The developers want it to fail miserably, don't they?

2010-06-09, 11:54 AM
What was the beta like?

2010-06-09, 07:32 PM
Pray tell. I want to know if APB's going to be a wasted purchase or not, because I'm considering a pre-order come this Friday.