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View Full Version : Talking while in wild shape.

2010-06-07, 09:03 PM
Not to long ago I tried to find a way that allowed me to speak while even in forms like a wolf or plant. There are things like telepathy and hte master of many forms shifter speak but are there other ways?

A player of mine seems to think that a 600gp item from MIC called Pearl of Speech gives you the ability to but when I read it I had to disagree. It gives you the ability to speak and understand a bonus language but doesn't give you the ability to speak if you don't have the right vocal cords. What do you all think?

The Glyphstone
2010-06-07, 09:07 PM
1 level in Master of Many Forms lets you speak regardless of what form you're in. Not sure about this pearl though.

2010-06-07, 09:11 PM
I think the restriction for speech is a bit silly, but that's just me. After all, an awakened animal has the ability to speak (and a druid wildshaped should be as smart or smarter than an awakened animal). Same thing with a parrot, it clearly can make sounds that sound like words, but by raw, a wildshape druid cannot talk in parrot form.

Realistically the inability to speak often just slows things down as the druid is pantomiming or writing in the ground the ideas he wishes to communicate. There are other mechanical issues that arise when one can't speak (like the inability to cast spells with verbal components), I have no problem letting a druid with natural spell (aka all druids) speak in an animal form.

For this case the relevant raw is:

the pearl grants you the ability to speak and understand a specifi c language, such as Dwarven or Draconic.

Edit: in case my conclusion wasn't clear. the raw does not mention bonus languages but rather a "specific language" based on the pearl. So a pearl of speech for draconic would let a wildshape druid speak draconic in a wildshape form *special note on when the pearl is absorbed*.

A pearl of speech for common would be most beneficial.