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View Full Version : asking for help with a bard

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-08, 05:47 PM
So recently I’ve had the experience of my level 5 cleric dieing, and as a semi-revenge I’ve decided to create a level 4 bard to replace him.

He’s a human, plays a keytar/Greataxe as an instrument/weapon, and i'm hopeing to multiclass to sorcerer and have him specialize in sonic spells and making golems. Anyone think they can give some advice to this? Its a 3.5 game BTW.

2010-06-08, 05:55 PM
First off, if you have time time/levels,don't bother multiclassing to sorcerer. Wait until 10th level, then aim for the Sublime Chord prestige class. It does effectively a very similar result while giving you much better casting ability.

Also, you may want to choose what kind of focus you want with your bard. Do you want to fight really well with your axe, buff the party to extremes, focus on casting, etc.

Lastly, as for your golems, I'm not sure how feasible that is for a bard. golem manuals are expensive, prohibitably so for the next few levels, and the XP costs to animate them yourself is something that you really can't afford to do all that often, especially if you're already a level behind.

For your current plan, I'd say probably stick with Bard 10/Sublime Chord 10, and go from there.

Keld Denar
2010-06-08, 06:13 PM
Also, there are like, 3 other active threads atm with bard advice. Much of it overlaps. Take a read...

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-08, 06:41 PM
First off, if you have time time/levels,don't bother multiclassing to sorcerer. Wait until 10th level, then aim for the Sublime Chord prestige class. It does effectively a very similar result while giving you much better casting ability.
Sadly I can’t find any kind of info on this whatsoever, so I’m not sure if I want to take it. You got a link to a website or something that tells me what the class dose?

Also, you may want to choose what kind of focus you want with your bard. Do you want to fight really well with your axe, buff the party to extremes, focus on casting, etc.
I’m thinking casting really powerful sonic spells... and making golems :P

Lastly, as for your golems, I'm not sure how feasible that is for a bard. golem manuals are expensive, prohibitably so for the next few levels, and the XP costs to animate them yourself is something that you really can't afford to do all that often, especially if you're already a level behind.

Yeah I’m kinda worried about that too. Though I figure I could offset it by either asking the GM what I could do for extra EXP, or have my golems do tasks to make the game easier/better for the rest of the group. (Carrying supplies, opening doors/triggering traps so our rouge doesn’t need too, ETC)

2010-06-08, 06:47 PM
(Carrying supplies, opening doors/triggering traps so our rouge doesn’t need too, ETC)

If I were the rouge I would get pretty pissed at you for doing that.

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-08, 06:50 PM
If I were the rouge I would get pretty pissed at you for doing that.

you doint know our rouge. she HATES doing that. heck she was even killed by one of those traps and had to be reincarnaited. ever since that day she's avoided opening doors at all costs.

2010-06-08, 06:51 PM
Wait, but your Rogue has Trapfinding. She should be good at finding traps. It should be her job, in fact.

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-08, 06:54 PM
Wait, but your Rogue has Trapfinding. She should be good at finding traps. It should be her job, in fact.

yes, she just dosent like doing it because it KILLS her. we've allready gone through four rogues, only one of wich has been her.

2010-06-08, 08:41 PM
yes, she just dosent like doing it because it KILLS her. we've allready gone through four rogues, only one of wich has been her.

Tell her to suck it up, grow some balls, and do her job. :D

2010-06-08, 09:05 PM
it sounds to me like your DM overuses traps or makes them overhard to compensate for using them improperly; traps suck unless your on a time limit!

either that or your rogue isnt being paranoid enough! take 20 on every search check of every 5 foot square until your DM stops using traps.

anyway sublime chord is in complete arcane, see if you can get your DM to houserule in a golem thing.

maybe take a feat and sacrifice a spell slot(s) or spell(s) known of appropriate power for each golem you have animated? iirc sublime chord has a few strong class features; ask if you can sacrifice one or two of them for the ability to craft constructs without the prerequisite spells*

*or just a few extra spells on your list that are golem pre-requisites but not otherwise very useful or that you have to prepare like a wizard/cleric or something.

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-08, 09:31 PM
anyway sublime chord is in complete arcane.

You got a link to a website or something that tells me what the class dose?

this awnsers my question how exactly?

Keld Denar
2010-06-08, 09:36 PM
Sublime Chord isn't OGL, so we can't post that info here.

What it does, in a nut shell, is give you spells from 4th level to 9th level. Those spells can either be on the Bard list or the Wiz/Sorc list.

And thats just about it...

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-08, 09:39 PM
well that just perfect. sorry, but i dont think i'm gunna spend good money on something i dont know anything about.

2010-06-08, 09:40 PM
Tell her to suck it up, grow some balls, and do her job. :D

The Change Gender spell in the BoEF would probably be useful for that.
On topic, bards are awesome. You shouldn't underestimate their ability to talk their way out of fights. You know how you can talk the last boss of Fallout 1 and Morrorwind to death? Same deal here.

Keld Denar
2010-06-08, 09:44 PM
Trust me, Sublime Chord is about the best thing thats ever happened to bards. Like I said, it pretty much transmutes a bard into a full sorcerer who retains almost all of his bardic abilities in just a couple short levels.

Its pretty much amazing. If you are gonna get ANY suppliment for a bard, that one is it.

2010-06-08, 10:52 PM
If getting books is an issue, what sources do you have to work with? That should help guide the advice you get.

Draconi Redfir
2010-06-08, 11:19 PM
internet preity much. my GM has a crateload of books, but IDK what ones are in there besideds the PHB and the monster manual.

2010-06-09, 12:30 AM
Is your rogue a rogue?
If so, I pity you.
Tell the next one to build a factotum(at least 3 lvls) with massive int and dex. Then get the nimble finger feat. Suck on that traps!

2010-06-09, 09:55 AM
Using the Summon Monster line of spells gives you disposable trap-finding minions far more cheaply than making golems...