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2010-06-08, 06:47 PM
Combat Aberrant FeatsAberrant Armor [Aberrant]
You grow more resilient to damage as your aberrant nature continues to manifest.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood
Benefits: You gain damage reduction equal to half the number of Aberrant feats you possess. Damage reduction gained from this feat is overcome by byeshk.

Aberrant Claws [Aberrant]
Your hands twist into viscious weapons that can tear an opponent to shreds.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood
Benefits: You gain two primary natural claw attacks that each deal 1d6+Str mod points of damage.

Aberrant Edge [Aberrant]
Your natural attacks are augmented by your aberrant heritage.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood
Benefits: Your natural attacks and unarmed strike gain a bonus to damage rolls equal to half the number of aberrant feats you possess (including this one).

Prehensile Tongue [Aberrant]
Your tongue grows into a barbed tentacle.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood
Benefits: You gain a natural tongue attack that deals 1d4+1/2 Str mod points of damage as a secondary natural weapon. You may use your tongue as an extra hand for fine manipulation, granting you a +2 circumstance bonus on Disable Device and Open Lock check, as well as a +2 circumstance bonus on Escape Artist checks to escape bindings unless your mouth is covered.

Throwing Shards [Aberrant]
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, any other Aberrant feat
Benefits: At will, as a free action, you can grow small shards of carapace-like chitin that you can pull off and throw as ranged weapons. These shards deal 1d4 + your Str mod points of piercing or bludgeon damage and has a range increment of 30ft. You can make a full attack with these shards.
Special: These shards count as natural weapons and manufactured weapons where it would be beneficial.

Venomous Aberration [Aberrant]
You have gained a natural venom that can be delivered through your natural attacks.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, a natural attack granted by an Aberrant feat
Benefits: Choose one natural attack that deals piercing or slashing damage granted by an Aberrant feat that you possess. A number of times per day equal to the number of Aberrant feats you possess, you can deliver a poison through the chosen natural attack. This poisons primary damage paralyzes the target for 1d4+1 rounds and has no secondary damage. The DC is Con-based.
Movement Aberrant FeatsImproved Starspawn [Aberrant] (Looking for a better name)
The wings that represent your aberrant heritage are stronger than normal and can be used more easily than before.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Starspawn, Any other Aberrant Feat, Character Level 6th
Benefits: The flight speed granted by Starspawn increases to equal your base land speed, your maneuverability increases to by one category, and you can now fly as easily as walking, allowing you to fly without interruption.

Tunnelspawn [Aberrant]
Your aberrant blood has adapted you to be like a mole.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Any other Aberrant feat
Benefits: You gain a Burrow speed equal to half your base land speed and tremorsense out to 30ft. You leave a usable tunnel behind you when burrowing. You cannot burrow through stone or other solid materials with this feat.

Earthspawn [Aberrant]
Your earthbound abilities have increased to the point of being almost supernatural.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Tunnelspawn
Benefits: You gain the earth glide special ability. Your tremorsense extends to 60ft and your burrow speed increases to equal your base land speed. You can choose to leave a usable tunnel when burrowing.

Unearthly Speed [Aberrant]
Your aberration blood grants you unnatural quickness.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood
Benefits: Your base land speed increases by 10 for every two aberrant feats you possess.
Psionic Aberrant FeatsMadspawn [Aberrant, Psionic]
Your aberration blood has awakened a natural wellspring of psionic power.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Warped Mind
Benefits: You gain two 1st level psionic powers, additionally, you gain one power point per character level. Your manifester level for this power is equal to half your character level. The DC for this power is 11 + your Cha mod. You cannot use the manifester level granted by this feat to qualify for feats (except other Aberrant feats) or prestige classes.

Psionic Horror [Psionic, Aberrant]
You have adapted your aberrant heritage to the use of psionics.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Power Point Reserve
Benefits: You treat all Aberrant feats as Psionic feats and all Psionic feats as Aberrant feats. Any manifester level granted by your aberrant feats becomes equal to your character level. Additionally your body becomes a reservoire for psionic power allowing you to store a number of power points equal to your character level as if you were a cognizance crystal.

Empathic Link [Aberrant, Psionic]
You can pick up the emotions of creatures near you.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Any one other Aberrant Feat, Cha 13
Benefits: You also project an empathic aura that gives you an insight bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Sense Motive equal to the number of aberrant feats you possess. If you have five or more aberrant feats, you gain the ability to telepathically speak with any creature within 10ft/aberrant feat you possess that has a language.

Visions from the Stars [Aberrant, Psionic]
You periodically experience visions from the near future.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, Aberration Blood, Warped Mind, any one other Aberrant feat.
Benefit: Your visions reflect possible futures, and you can act to ensure or resist them. You gain a number of floating +1 insight bonuses equal to one-half the number of Aberrant feats you possess (minimum 1). The bonuses last 24 hours, and you must reassign them at the start of each new day. You can assign each bonus to one of the following:
• Your Armor Class
• Your Attack Rolls
• Your Initiative Checks
• One of your Saving Throws (Fort, Ref, or Will)
• Checks made with one Skill of your choice
These insight bonuses can stack up to 1 + your character level divided by six (rounded down).
Incarnum Aberrant FeatSoulspawn [Aberrant, Incarnum]
Your very soul is touched by your aberrant heritage allowing you to strengthen your aberrant features.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Con 13
Benefits: Select one aberrant feat you possess. You can invest essentia into that feat. You are treated as having a number of additional aberrant feats equal to the invested essentia for the purposes of the selected feat. You can reallocate the essentia as a swift action each round as if the feats were soulmelds.
You gain 1 point of essentia.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times, its effect does not stack. Each time you take this feat you must select a different aberrant feat.

Farsoul [Aberrant, Incarnum]
You are adept at mixing soul energy with the energy of the far realms.
Prerequisites: Con 13, Aberration Blood, Any Incarnum Feat
Benefits: You treat all Aberrant feats as Incarnum feats and all Incarnum feats as Aberrant feats. Additionally you gain one point of essentia for every three aberrant feats you possess.
Class Aberrant FeatsBreachspawn [Aberrant]
Your aberrant heritage his given you a direct link to the madness of the far realms.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Warped Mind, Any three other Aberrant feats
Benefits: Select a single Murmur. You are now a blessed/afflicted xenotheurge with the selected Murmur. As normal you also select one Disturbance and one Incursion to go with the Murmur. Additionally, the bonus against mind-affecting effects from Warped Mind now applies to all Will Saves.
Special: You cannot take levels in a class that provides murmurs if you take this feat.

Mad Disciple [Aberrant]
You can utilize martial techniques learned from study of the far realms.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Must know one martial maneuver or stance from the Far Realms (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3410915&postcount=5), Dark Messiah (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=265756), Sleeping Goddess (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5408276), Sanity's Eclipse (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?334829-3-5-Discipline-Sanity%92s-Eclipse-%96-Combat-from-Beyond-Reality), or Stygian Nightmare (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=162222) disciplines, BAB +1
Benefits: Your initiator level increases to equal character level. You gain the knowledge of a limited array of maneuvers from the Far Realms, Dark Messiah, Sleeping Goddess, Sanity's Eclipse, and/or Stygian Nightmare disciplines as shown on the table below. Additionally, you can use the discipline weapon from any of the above disciplines as a discipline weapon for the other schools.
{table=head]Level|M. Known|M. Readied|Stances
These maneuvers are in addition to those gained from the martial study feat. The DC for these maneuvers is based on your Wis score. You can recover your maneuvers by taking a single point of Wis Burn which heals at a rate of one point per hour instead of per day.
Special: The normal method of teaching a martial adept does not synergize well with this you. You cannot take levels in any class that provides maneuvers or stances (excluding prestige classes) if you possess this feat.

Scion of the Aberrant Mark [Aberrant]
You can access some of the natural magic that aberrations possess.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood or Aberrant Dragonmark, Cha 13
Benefits: You gain the ability to use a small number of invocations (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=153863). You gain one invocation for every two Aberrant feats you possess. The DC for these invocations is Cha-based. The caster level of these invocations is equal to half your character level. At first you may only select least invocation, once you have at least three least invocations you can start taking lesser invocations instead, and once you have at least 3 lesser invocations you can start to take greater invocations.
Special: because you have accessed your aberrant heritage in a unique way, you find it hard to use the more traditional methods to access it, you cannot take levels in any class that grants invocations.

Voidspawn [Aberrant]
You are touched by not just the far realms, but the void where vestiges reside as well.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Any one other Aberrant feat, Cha 13
Benefits: You can bind a single vestige in a minute long ritual much the same way a binder can. Your effective binder level is equal to half your character level. You can bind an additional vestige at one time at 8th and 16th level. The signs from these vestiges cannot be suppressed in any way and always appear twisted and aberrant, even by binder standards. Additionally, you gain a bonus on Binding checks to make a good pact equal to the number of Aberrant feats you possess.
Special: Because you are bound to the void, the more common methods of binding are ineffective for you, you cannot take levels in a class that provides soulbinding.

Pactspawn [Aberrant]
The pull of the void on your aberrant nature has grown stronger.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Voidspawn, Cha 13, Character Level 9th
Benefits: Your effective binder level from voidspawn increases to equal half your character level + the number of aberrant feats you possess to a maximum of your character level.

Gift from the Void [Aberrant]
Your ability to bind vestiges has grown to the point where they now augment your form and abilities.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Voidspawn, Cha 13
Benefits: For every three aberrant feats you possess you gain the ability to select one Aberrant Pact Augment when you bind a Vestige.
• +5 Hit Points
• Resistance 5 to one kind of Energy (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Sonic)(If this resistance would be 30 to any one energy you instead gain immunity to that energy)
• +1 Insight Bonus to Saving Throws
• Damage Reduction 2/Byeshk
• +1 Natural Armor Bonus to Armor Class
• +1 Insight Bonus on Attack Rolls with Natural Attacks
• +2 Insight Bonus on Damage Rolls with Natural Attacks
• +2 Insight Bonus on Initiative Checks
These augments stack up to one fourth your character level (minimum once). These augments stack with bonuses granted by Aberrant feats.
Misc Aberrant FeatsAberrant Essence [Aberrant]
Your aberration heritage strengthens your body and mind.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Any four other Aberrant feats
Benefits: For every three aberrant feats you possess you gain a +1 inherent bonus to one ability score of your choice. This bonus stacks (up to a maximum of +5) but cannot be applied to the same ability score twice in a row.

Daelkyr Blood [Aberrant]
Your aberrant heritage is from, not the lesser aberrations, but the masters of Xoriat; the Daelkyr.
Prerequisites: Cha 15
Benefits: You gain the Personal Symbiont racial ability of the Daelkyr Halfblood (Magic of Eberron pg. 37)
Special: This feat is treated as Aberration Blood for the purposes of meeting prerequisites.
Special: This feat can only be taken at first level.

Eldritch Blood [Aberrant]
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Must possess a natural attack
Benefits: Your natural attacks and unarmed strikes are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Additionally, you may enchant your natural attacks as if they were manufactured weapons.

Eyes of Madness [Aberrant]
You gain a second set of unnatural eyes that can instill a primal fear in the target of your gaze.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Character Level 6th
Benefits: As a swift action, you can focus your aberrant energies into your eyes to open a temporary gate to the far realms. This acts as a gaze attack with a Will save DC of 10 + half your character level + your Cha modifier. A creature that fails its save is shaken for 1d4+1 rounds, a creature that is already shaken is instead frightened, a creature that is already frightened is instead panicked. A creature affected by this ability (whether they made the save or not) cannot be affected by this ability again for 24 hours.
If you possess five or more aberrant feats, you can instead stun a creature affected by this ability for one round.

Size Modulation [Aberrant]
You can use your aberrant bloodline to increase your decrease your size.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood
Benefits: A number of times per day equal to the number of aberrant feats you possess, you can use either compression or expansion as a psi-like ability with a manifester level equal to your character level. Additionally, you may spend two uses of this power to gain the benefits of either the slight build or powerful build special quality for a number of rounds equal to your character level.
Special: If you gain Powerful Build with this feat, you gain a +2 bonus to Strength for as long as you benefit from it. If you gain Slight Build with this feat, you gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity for as long as you benefit from it.

Subtle Aberration [Aberrant]
Your aberration blood is not noticeable and does not disturb people as much as normal.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood
Benefits: You do not take the normal penalties on Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Handle Animal, and wild empathy from taking Aberrant feats.

Aberrant Warrior [Aberrant]
You're powerful blood and magical essence meld with your martial prowess.
Prerequisites: Eldritch Blood, Aberrant Edge
Benefits: In an hour long process, you may attune to a weapon in your possession. That weapon gains an enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to the bonus granted by Aberrant Edge. The bonus can be traded for weapon enchantments so long as the weapon possesses a +1 enhancement bonus. This bonus does not stack with any enchantment bonus the weapon may already have.
Cultist-Style Aberrant FeatsGift of Aberrant Blood [Aberrant, Ceremony]
You can bestow some of your aberrant abilities onto others.
Prerequisites: Con 13, Aberration Blood, Any Two Other Aberrant Feats, Knowledge (Religion) 6 Ranks
Benefits: You gain access to ceremonies based on your ranks in Knowledge (religion). These ceremonies transfer some of your aberrant abilities to participants. During each ceremony, you must draw blood from yourself and apply it in some way to the participants. Each ceremony takes 10 minutes, and its effects last for 24 hours.
• Gift of Blood (6 Ranks): You make a cut on yourself with a masterwork dagger and take a single drop of your blood and diffuse it into a goblet of wine, which each participant must drink from. Each participant gains the benefits of any two aberrant feats that you possess. They must still meet the prerequisites, ignoring Aberration Blood in any prerequistes, and cannot take feats that are required to be taken at first level in this way. This ritual requires a Masterwork Dagger and a single bottle of Fine Wine (or similar spirits), which is drunk by the participants. Up to five people may benefit from each use of this ceremony. Use half the number of aberrant feats you possess or the number of aberrant feats the person possesses to determine the effect of their aberrant feats, whichever is higher.
• Gift of Heritage (9 Ranks): This functions almost identically to the Gift of Blood ceremony but grants four aberrant feats you possess instead of two, requires a bottle of strong spirits and reagents costing 50gp.
• Gift of Legacy (12 Ranks): This functions almost identically to the Gift of Blood ceremony but grants six aberrant feats you possess instead of two, requires a bottle of strong spirits costing 100gp mixed with a Potion of Bless, which has its effect subsumed by the effects of ritual.
Special: This ceremony cannot grant itself to others nor can it be used to grant feats that provide any kind of magic progression (including binding, meldshaping, spellcasting, or powers), though feats that grant components of said abilities not in a progression can be granted (so Madspawn could but Aberrant Psionicist cannot)

Aberrant Acolyte [Aberrant]
Your aberrant blood is connected to the god-like creatures of the Far Realms.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Wis 13, Cha 13
Benefits: Choose one cleric domain. You gain the Granted Power of the selected domain or the benefits of the Domain feat that aligns with the chosen domain. Additionally, all Domain feats you possess are treated as Aberrant feats.

Priest of the Mad Realm [Aberrant]
You've cultivated the divinity from your aberrant blood, allowing you access to a greater level of power.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Aberrant Acolyte, Wis 13, Cha 13
Benefits: You gain the ability to turn/rebuke undead and aberrations as a cleric of your character level a number of times per day equal to the number of aberrant feats you possess.

Aberrant Cultist [Aberrant]
You may infuse others with your divinely powered aberrant energy to make them Acolytes.
Prerequisites: Wis 17, Cha 13, Gift of Aberrant Blood, Bishop of the Far Realms, and either Dark Aberration or Exalted Aberration
Benefits: When you grant the benefits of the Gift of Aberration Blood feat to grant another aberrant feats, you may choose to make them an Acolyte if they are willing. Creatures labelled acolytes constantly gain the benefits of Gift of Aberrant Blood and have an empathic link with you for as long as you both are on the same plane. An acolyte gains spellcasting as with Bishop of the Far Realms except it uses half the acolyte's level to a maximum of half your character level. You may have a number of acolytes at any one time equal to your Cha bonus. This limit is not affected by ability damage or ability burn, but is affected by ability drain.
Synergy FeatsDistorted Fate [Aberrant, Luck]
The touch of the aberrant within your blood has made your fate yours to command.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, any one Luck Feat
Benefits: You treat all Aberrant feats as Luck feats and all Luck feats as Aberrant feats. Additionally you gain one additional luck reroll for every three aberrant feats you possess.

Superior Aberrant Heritage [Aberrant]
Your blood is thick with your aberrant legacy.
Prerequites: Aberration Blood, any one other Aberrant Feat
Benefits: This feat counts as two Aberrant feats.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times.

Dark Aberration [Aberrant, Vile]
Your aberrant blood is mixed with dark power, fueled by your evil.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, any one Vile Feat
Benefits: You treat all Aberrant feats as Vile feats and all Vile feats as Aberrant feats.

Exalted Aberration [Aberrant, Exalted]
Your aberrant blood is mixed with your divine power, fueled by your faith.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, any one Exalted Feat
Benefits: You treat all Aberrant feats as Exalted feats and all Exalted feats as Aberrant feats.
Symbiotic Feats
Symbiotic feats require the user to possess a Symbiont to gain any benefit from them and provide greater benefits to the one using them if they have more symbionts equipped.

Symbiotic Familiar [Aberrant, Symbiotic]
You gain a connection with one of your bonded symbionts mimicking the connection between spellcaster and familiar.
Prerequisites: Acquired and bonded with a symbiont, Symbiont Mastery
Benefits: You form a special bond with a single symbiont that you host. This symbiont has a number of hit die equal to half your character level plus any bonus hit die indicated on the table below. Both the symbiont and the bonded host gain a number of benefits from this bond as described below. A symbiont familiar never has a personality conflict with you unless you act radically different from the norm (Ex. If influenced by an enchantment or similar effect).
Symbiont Familiar
A symbiont familiar is different from most symbionts, having a form that is less bulky and sleeker than others of its kind. It often has aspects that mirror the host’s personality in addition to the sleeker look common to all symbiont familiars.

{table=head]Class Level|Bonus Hit Die|Intelligence Increase|Special
5th-8th|+2|+2|Improved Host Benefits
13th-16th|+4|+4|Greater Host Benefits
17th-20th|+5|+5|Regenerate Symbiont Familiar[/table]

Bonus Hit Die: Your symbiont familiar gains additional hit die in addition to the hit die it gains from your character level. These are similar to a druid’s animal companion’s bonus hit die.

Intelligence Increase: Your symbiont familiar is far more intelligent than others of its kind. Add the bonus presented on the table below to the symbiont familiar’s Int score.

Alertness: While the symbiont familiar is attached, you gain the benefits of the Alertness feat as it enhances your senses.

Improved Host Benefits: Starting at 5th level, you gain a more powerful benefit from your symbiont familiar. This benefit is based on your symbiont familiar.
Breed Leech: You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Fort saves and gain the benefit of the mettle class feature, except it only affects Fort based saves.
Crawling Gauntlet: The damage from the claw attack granted by your crawling gauntlet increases by one die size (1d6 for a medium creature) and has its critical threat range increased by one (to 19-20) which stacks with similar benefits.
Restless Armor: The armor bonus granted by your restless armor increases by one and has no arcane spell failure chance.
Stormstalk: The ray attack granted by your stormstalk can be used each round instead of every other round. Additionally, once per encounter, you can release all the energy pent up in your stormstalk as a 60ft line of electricity that deals 2d6 point of damage to all creatures in its area (Ref half), you cannot use the ray for 1d4+1 rounds after using this ability.
Throwing Scarab: The range increment of your throwing scarab increases by 10ft and you can throw multiple shards in a round as a full attack action.
Winter Cyst: The ray attack granted by your winter cyst can be used each round instead of every other round. Additionally, once per encounter, you can release all the energy pent up in your winter cyst as a 30ft cone of cold that deals 2d6 point of damage to all creatures in its area (Ref halves), you cannot use the ray for 1d4+1 rounds after using this ability.
Skewer Ant: The shield bonus from the skewer ant improves to +2 and the damage from the dagger form increases to 1d6 piercing plus 1d6 acid damage.
Perception Tentacle: The perception tentacle grants the host blindsense out to 20ft.
(Note: Only symbionts a Daelkyr Half-Blood could have by 5th level are included on this list. Others may provide benefits and will be added over time)

Greater Host Benefits: Starting at 13th level, you gain an even more potent benefit from your symbiont familiar. This benefit is based on your symbiont familiar.
Breed Leech: You gain immunity to disease and poison. In addition, ability damage you take is reduced by one (to a minimum of 0).
Crawling Gauntlet: The damage from the claw attack granted by your crawling gauntlet increases by one die size (1d8 for a medium creature) and has its critical multiplier increased by one (to x3) which stacks with similar benefits.
Restless Armor: The armor bonus granted by your restless armor increases by one and has no maximum Dex bonus.
Stormstalk: The ray attack granted by your stormstalk deals 2d6 points of electricity damage, the line effect now deals 4d6 points of damage. Additionally, you can use a full round action to attack with the ray multiple times as if making a full attack.
Throwing Scarab: The range increment of your throwing scarab increases by an additional 10ft and the shards carry a poison that deals 1 point of Str damage (Fort save DC 10 + half your character level + your or your symbiont familiar’s Con mod, whichever is higher). A creature that succeeds on the save is immune to your poison for 24 hours after it made the save.
Winter Cyst: The ray attack granted by your winter cyst deals 2d6 points of cold damage, the cone effect now deals 4d6 points of damage. Additionally, you can use a full round action to attack with the ray multiple times as if making a full attack.
Skewer Ant: The skewer ant offers the benefits of both its dagger form and shield form.
Perception Tentacle: The Blindsense from the perception tentacle increases to 40ft and also grants Blindsight out to 20ft.
(Note: Only symbionts a Daelkyr Half-Blood could have by 5th level are included on this list. Others may provide benefits and will be added over time)

Regenerate Symbiont Familiar: Once per week, starting at 17th level, you may resurrect your symbiont familiar as if with the spell True Resurrection as a spell-like ability.

Note on Save DCs: Any ability of the symbiont familiar that has a save DC uses the host's ability scores and HD to determine the DC instead of the symbiont's if it would increase the DC.

Create Collective [Symbiotic, Aberrant]
You can combine several symbionts into a single collective that has the traits of all the symbionts.
Prerequisites: Symbiotic Familiar, Character Level 3
Benefits: You can bond additional symbionts with your symbiont familiar, causing it to assimilate their personalities and abilities and becoming a Symbiont Collective. The collective uses the highest ability scores of the component symbionts and has all of the special qualities and special attacks of all the symbionts included in the collective. Every two symbionts in the collective grants the collective a stacking +1 Inherent bonus to all ability scores. Once a symbiont is integrated into the collective it cannot be removed. Use the highest hit die of the component symbiont (typically your symbiont familiar) for the hit die of the collective. A collective can only have a certain number of symbionts integrated into it equal to half your character level. Recalculate the Ego score of the collective for its new special qualities, special attacks, and ability scores. The collective still counts as the number of component symbionts for the purpose of Symbiont Mastery and Symbiotic feats.

Psicrystal Symbiont [Symbiotic, Aberrant, Psionic]
You merge your psicrystal with your symbiont familiar.
Prerequisites: Symbiont Familiar, Psicrystal Affinity
Benefits: Your symbiont familiar and psicrystal merge, granting the symbiont familiar all of the benefits of being a psicrystal and gain a crystalline appearance. While attached, the symbiont familiar grants the benefits of an Impanted Psicrystal (http://dsp-d20-srd.wikidot.com/alternate-psicrystal:implanted-psicrystal). Natural Attacks provided by your Symbiont Familiar function as if they were made of Deep Crystal.

Symbiotic Rush [Symbiotic, Aberrant]
Your symbionts can release a surge of chemical substances that greatly boost your physical abilities for a short time.
Prerequisites: Symbiont Mastery, Create Collective, Con 15
Benefits: As a swift action, you can have your symbiont collective release chemicals into your system to gain an adrenaline-like boost. For a number of rounds equal to your Con bonus + the number of symbionts in the collective you gain a number of alchemical bonuses to various abilities. After this effect ends, the host is sickened for one minute.
A +2 bonus to Str & Dex. This bonus increases to +4 when there are four or more symbionts in the collective and to +6 when you have eight or more symbionts in the collective.
Bonus to Natural equal to half the number of symbionts in the collective.
Bonus to Land Speed equal to +5ft for every symbiont in the collective.
One additional attack during a full attack or standard attack at your highest base attack bonus if there are five or more symbionts in the collective. This increases to two additional attacks if you have ten or more symbionts in the collective
Unfortunately the body can only handle so much strain from the chemicals produced by symbionts, you may only handle one use of this feat per encounter and only up to your Con Modifier times per day. You can exceed this limit, but doing so renders you nauseated for one minute after the duration ends an sickened for the rest of the day. Each additional time doubles the length of the nauseated condition and the penalties from being sickened.

Defense of the Collective [Symbiotic, Aberrant]
Your collective grants you protection and grows more resilient itself.
Prerequisites: Create Collective, Character Level 6th
Benefits: Your collective gains a bonus to its natural armor equal to half the number of symbionts in the collective and damage reduction overcome by Byeshk equal to the number of symbionts in the collective. The host gains the damage reduction of the collective and gains the bonus to natural armor bonus as an enhancement bonus on top of any armor bonus granted by the collective while wearing the collective. The collective may be enchanted as a masterwork suit of armor.

Offense of the Collective [Symbiotic, Aberrant]
Your collective grants you strength and grows more powerful itself.
Prerequisites: Create Collective, Character Level 6th
Benefits: Your collective's natural attacks deal damage as if it were one size category larger and have their Critical Threat Range increased by one. These benefits are applied to any natural attack the host has while wearing the collective. The collective may have its natural attacks enchanted as if they were masterwork weapons.

Collective Synergy [Aberrant, Symbiotic]
You can use the strength, agility, and fortitude of your collective to bolster your own.
Prerequisites: Symbiont Collective, Offense of the Collective, Defense of the Collective, Symbiotic Rush
Benefits: You may use your collective's Str, Dex, and/or Con score in place of your own as long as the collective is attached. Additionally, the Collective has all of its ability scores increased by 1.

Assimilate Collective [Aberrant, Symbiotic]
You merge completely with your collective, ceasing to act as separate beings and instead being one individual.
Prerequisites: Collective Synergy
Benefits: Your collective is no longer a separate entity, you constantly benefit from the collective's bonuses, you use your own ability scores or your collective's, whichever benefits you more so, and you become an aberration as your collective and you become one creature. Much of your original body is subsumed and replaced by your collective at this point, and you cannot be separated from your collective in any way. Your collective's mind is still separate and may, in fact, perform purely mental actions such as using knowledge skills, gaining psionic focus, or similar.

Synergized Mentality [Aberrant, Symbiotic]
Your collective's mind synergizes perfectly with your own, allowing it to use your abilities and skills for you to a certain degree.
Prerequisites: Assimilate Collective
Benefits: Your collective may use any purely mental action you may have. This includes, but is not limited to, casting silent stilled spells, using powers, making knowledge checks, or gaining psionic focus (which you may benefit from in addition to your own psionic focus).

More to come

Primal Fury
2010-06-08, 09:17 PM
Interesting. I especially like Madspawn. Keep'em coming.

2010-06-08, 09:31 PM
Interesting. I especially like Madspawn. Keep'em coming.

I should have some more tomorrow

2010-06-09, 05:42 AM
Have you seen the Transcendent Scion in my signature? It does something similar, though with a PrC instead of feats.

Still, Matar would probably like to see this.

2010-06-09, 07:21 AM
Still, Matar would probably like to see this.

Yes, very.

Good work manj, can't wait for more. I don't know **** about balance but having some Aberrant feats that are actually interesting is always nice.

2010-06-09, 07:44 AM
I think you should make the wording of Madspawn more clear, because as is, you could interpret it as giving you an extra two powers per character level.
Pretty sure that's not what you meant. :smalltongue:

2010-06-09, 08:45 AM
Have you seen the Transcendent Scion in my signature? It does something similar, though with a PrC instead of feats.

Still, Matar would probably like to see this.

Yes, i have seen it, i follow what happens on all things aberration and strange on the boards.

I think you should make the wording of Madspawn more clear, because as is, you could interpret it as giving you an extra two powers per character level.
Pretty sure that's not what you meant. :smalltongue:

No it's not, i'll take care of that

Primal Fury
2010-06-09, 09:20 AM
I think you should make the wording of Madspawn more clear, because as is, you could interpret it as giving you an extra two powers per character level.
Pretty sure that's not what you meant. :smalltongue:

Actually, extra powers based on how many Aberrant feats you have sounds kinda nice.

2010-06-09, 09:37 AM
Actually, extra powers based on how many Aberrant feats you have sounds kinda nice.

How about this

Twisted Mind [Aberrant, Psionic]
Your mind further twists until it is more aberration than human.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Warped Mind, Madspawn, Cha 13
Benefits: You gain one psionic power for each Aberrant feat you possess. The level of the power you can take is determined by the number of Aberrant feats you possess. Your manifester level for the powers gained from this feat is equal to half your character level. The DC for these powers is 10 + the power's level + your Cha mod. You cannot use the manifester level granted by this feat to qualify for feats (except other Aberrant feats) or prestige classes.
Twisted Mind Power Level
1-4: 1st
5-6: 2nd
7+: 3rd
Additionally, you gain a number of power points equal to the number of Aberrant feats you possess times your Cha mod.

Primal Fury
2010-06-09, 10:57 AM
Good, but...

Your manifester level for the powers gained from this feat is equal to the number of Aberrant feats you possess +1 or your character level, whichever is lower.
Choose one or the other, it's rare that a character will have enough feats to equal or exceed their character level. I'd recommend making manifester level equal to hit dice.

Additionally, you gain a number of power points equal to half the number of Aberrant feats you possess times your Cha mod.

You can increase that number. Power Points = Aberrant feats possessed x Charisma modifier is fine. They'll never get more power points than the psionic classes anyway.

2010-06-09, 02:06 PM
Choose one or the other, it's rare that a character will have enough feats to equal or exceed their character level. I'd recommend making manifester level equal to hit dice.

I'll go for half character level

You can increase that number. Power Points = Aberrant feats possessed x Charisma modifier is fine. They'll never get more power points than the psionic classes anyway.

Alright, i can see what you mean

Primal Fury
2010-06-09, 09:11 PM
Ah. Looks just about perfect. :smallsmile:

2010-07-18, 02:12 AM
Is the power point gain from Twisted Mind in addition to the power points from Madspawn?

2010-07-18, 10:05 AM
Is the power point gain from Twisted Mind in addition to the power points from Madspawn?

Yes. And, Major thread necromancy

2010-07-18, 10:08 AM
Yes. And, Major thread necromancy

Nope, not necromancy.

Thread Necromancy
Bringing a thread back from “the dead.” If a thread has fallen to page three and hasn’t been posted in for a month and a half, don’t post to it. Start a new topic if you want to discuss the subject.

This thread was last posted on in less than 1 and a half months, and it isn't on page three.

2010-07-18, 10:10 AM
Nope, not necromancy.

This thread was last posted on in less than 1 and a half months, and it isn't on page three.

Huh, seemed longer to me, i posted this while still in school, and that was also the last time it was posted in.

So, any requests for new ones? I'm always open for them.

2010-07-18, 10:12 AM
Huh, seemed longer to me, i posted this while still in school, and that was also the last time it was posted in.

So, any requests for new ones? I'm always open for them.

Maybe a burrowing or climbing one? We have swimming and flying already, so maybe just to finish off all the movement modes? Now I think of it, a speed-enhancing one may be cool as well.

2010-07-18, 11:26 AM
Maybe a burrowing or climbing one? We have swimming and flying already, so maybe just to finish off all the movement modes? Now I think of it, a speed-enhancing one may be cool as well.

Alright then, just a quick idea;

Tunnelspawn [Aberrant]
Your aberrant blood has adapted you to be like a mole.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Any other Aberrant feat
Benefits: You gain a Burrow speed equal to half your base land speed and tremorsense out to 30ft. You leave a usable tunnel behind you when burrowing. You cannot burrow through stone or other solid materials with this feat.

Earthspawn [Aberrant]
Your earthbound abilities have increased to the point of being almost supernatural.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Tunnelspawn
Benefits: You gain the earth glide special ability. Your tremorsense extends to 60ft and your burrow speed increases to equal your base land speed. You can choose to leave a usable tunnel when burrowing.

Unearthly Speed [Aberrant]
Your aberration blood grants you unnatural quickness.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood
Benefits: Your base land speed increases by 10 for every two aberrant feats you possess.

2010-07-18, 11:37 AM
Aberrant Armor [Aberrant]
You grow more resilient to damage as your aberrant nature continues to manifest.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood
Benefits: You gain damage reduction equal to half the number of Aberrant feats you possess. Damage reduction gained from this feat is overcome by byeshk.

I've never heard of 'byeshk'. Is it a typo, or what?

Also, I love this. I made a character who's current main problem is running out of Abberant feats to take. Now I'll see if the DM will approve these.

In addition:

Strong Blood [Aberrant]
Your aberrant blood grows stronger, enhancing the benefits you gain from them.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, one other Aberrant feat, extra movement form gained from Aberrant feats
Benefits: Any movement forms gained from Aberrant Blood feats increase by 10 ft. This feat counts as 1.5 feats for the purposes of effects based on how many Aberrant feats you have
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. It's effects stack.

Considering having it be for one or two movement modes/feat.

2010-07-18, 11:38 AM
I've never heard of 'byeshk'. Is it a typo, or what?

Also, I love this. I made a character who's current main problem is running out of Abberant feats to take. Now I'll see if the DM will approve these.

Byeshk is an uncommon metal that hurts aberrations in Eberron.

2010-07-18, 11:49 AM
Ahhh, I see. That explains why I've never heard of it, thanks.

2010-07-18, 12:26 PM
Strong Blood [Aberrant]
Your aberrant blood grows stronger, enhancing the benefits you gain from them.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, one other Aberrant feat, extra movement form gained from Aberrant feats
Benefits: Any movement forms gained from Aberrant Blood feats increase by 10 ft. This feat counts as 1.5 feats for the purposes of effects based on how many Aberrant feats you have
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times. It's effects stack.

Don't most aberrant feats that grant new movement modes use your base land speed anyway? So the Unearthly Speed feat i made would enhance them, wouldn't they?

2010-07-18, 12:45 PM
Don't most aberrant feats that grant new movement modes use your base land speed anyway? So the Unearthly Speed feat i made would enhance them, wouldn't they?

Hmm. That's true. Maybe I could switch that benefit for something else, but I like the idea of a stackable feat that enhances the benefits of the others more than normal.

2010-07-20, 05:06 PM
Anyone else have some requests for aberrant feats?

Here's a new one:

Throwing Shards [Aberrant]
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, any other Aberrant feat
Benefits: At will, as a free action, you can grow small shards of carapace-like chitin that you can pull off and throw as ranged weapons. These shards deal 1d4 + your Str mod points of piercing or bludgeon damage and has a range increment of 30ft. You can make a full attack with these shards.
Special: These shards count as natural weapons and manufactured weapons where it would be beneficial.

2010-07-20, 05:15 PM
Maybe a poison-related one?

2010-07-20, 05:30 PM
Maybe a poison-related one?

Hm, do you mean granting a poisonous stinger or granting an existing natural attack a poison.

2010-07-20, 05:35 PM
Hm, do you mean granting a poisonous stinger or granting an existing natural attack a poison.

Well, not too sure between the two. I mean, giving a stinger would be cool, but giving existing natural attacks poison is kinda cool too, maybe as an add-on to one of the natural attack giving aberrant feats. So yeah, not too fussed.

2010-07-20, 06:04 PM
Alright then

Venomous Aberration [Aberrant]
You have gained a natural venom that can be delivered through your natural attacks.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, a natural attack granted by an Aberrant feat
Benefits: Choose one natural attack that deals piercing or slashing damage granted by an Aberrant feat that you possess. A number of times per day equal to the number of Aberrant feats you possess, you can deliver a poison through the chosen natural attack. This poisons primary damage paralyzes the target for 1d4+1 rounds and has no secondary damage.

and here's another one

Eldritch Blood [Aberrant]
Prerequisites: Cha 13, Aberration Blood, Must possess a natural attack
Benefits: Your natural attacks are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Additionally, they may enchant their natural attacks as if they were manufactured weapons.

2010-07-21, 11:56 AM
I've designed a prestige class around Abberant Feats (Haven't posted it anywhere online yet though) and your cool and awesome feats ruins it because now it needs more levels to incorporate them. Thanks. :smallyuk::smallbiggrin:

2010-08-20, 09:15 PM
I've designed a prestige class around Abberant Feats (Haven't posted it anywhere online yet though) and your cool and awesome feats ruins it because now it needs more levels to incorporate them. Thanks. :smallyuk::smallbiggrin:

Are you going to post it? If so i'd like a link to it.

Also, does anyone else have ideas? Post full feats or request one and i'll try to make it.

2010-08-21, 12:25 PM
I homebrewed a few Aberrant feats ^^ I'll link it if you'd like to peek at them.


2010-08-21, 06:50 PM
Twisted Mind [Aberrant, Psionic]
Your mind further twists until it is more aberration than human.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Warped Mind, Madspawn, Cha 13
Benefits: You gain one psionic power for each Aberrant feat you possess. The level of the power you can take is determined by the number of Aberrant feats you possess. Your manifester level for the powers gained from this feat is equal to half your character level. The DC for these powers is 10 + the power's level + your Cha mod. You cannot use the manifester level granted by this feat to qualify for feats (except other Aberrant feats) or prestige classes.
Twisted Mind Power Level
1-4: 1st
5-6: 2nd
7+: 3rd
Additionally, you gain a number of power points equal to the number of Aberrant feats you possess times your Cha mod.[/QUOTE]

You know what's ironic? I'm listening to a song with the same title. It was on the part of lyrics that say "One of a kind, they've never seen before. Investigate the abberation. Disorder in the core."

It was something I just had to say. And these feats are a yes in my book. Has anyone thought of making some more that are Far-Realm oriented?

2010-08-21, 07:42 PM
You know what's ironic? I'm listening to a song with the same title. It was on the part of lyrics that say "One of a kind, they've never seen before. Investigate the abberation. Disorder in the core."

It was something I just had to say. And these feats are a yes in my book. Has anyone thought of making some more that are Far-Realm oriented?

Thanks for the compliment.

As for far realms feats, i generally leave that to xenotheurgy by realms of chaos. No aberrant feats but it is one of my favorite systems.

If you'd like a few connected to the far realms i could whip up a few in a day or so.

2010-08-21, 07:52 PM
Here are some ideas; all of them are related to the Far Realm

Feat based around: Nightmares, Madness, and extra eyeballs (:smallbiggrin:)

2010-08-21, 08:00 PM
Here are some ideas; all of them are related to the Far Realm

Feat based around: Nightmares, Madness, and extra eyeballs (:smallbiggrin:)

Ooh, gaze attacks coming up (nightmares, madness, and eyes rolled into one)

Eyes of Madness [Aberrant]
You gain a second set of unnatural eyes that can instill a primal fear in the target of your gaze.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Character Level 6th
Benefits: As a swift action, you can focus your aberrant energies into your eyes to open a temporary gate to the far realms. This acts as a gaze attack with a Will save DC of 10 + half your character level + your Cha modifier. A creature that fails its save is shaken for 1d4+1 rounds, a creature that is already shaken is instead frightened, a creature that is already frightened is instead panicked. A creature affected by this ability (whether they made the save or not) cannot be affected by this ability again for 24 hours.
If you possess five or more aberrant feats, you can instead stun a creature affected by this ability for one round.

2010-08-21, 08:05 PM
See I have good ideas!

How about one for size manipulation? Like based on how many HD you can manipulate your size.

2010-08-21, 08:09 PM
See I have good ideas!

How about one for size manipulation? Like based on how many HD you can manipulate your size.

Limited uses of expansion and compression as psi-like abilities.

Size Modulation [Aberrant]
You can use your aberrant bloodline to increase your decrease your size.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood
Benefits: A number of times per day equal to the number of aberrant feats you possess, you can use either compression or expansion as a psi-like ability with a manifester level equal to your character level. Additionally, you may spend two uses of this power to gain the benefits of either the slight build or powerful build special quality.

2010-08-21, 09:59 PM
Two new ones in my two previous posts, up for critique

2010-08-21, 10:03 PM
I like them!

How about a telepathic-type one. Since the thing abberations in D&D are based off of (Cthulhu) was meant to be extremely psychic.

2010-08-21, 10:37 PM
Telepathic Link [Aberrant]
You can mentally contact creatures near you.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Any one other Aberrant Feat, Cha 13
Benefits: You gain the ability to telepathically speak with any creature within 10ft/aberrant feat you possess that has a language. You also project an empathic aura that gives you an insight bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Sense Motive equal to the number of aberrant feats you possess.

2010-09-15, 11:40 AM
Any other requests, i like making these and i am always looking for new ideas.

2010-09-15, 07:44 PM
I totally dig most of the feats but I have a few concerns:

1.) The venom and the throwing shards one both seem a little off, flavor-wise. Poison is more of an animal and insect thing and the throwing shard is well... off entirely. I know it was probably based off of the throwing scarab from Eberron but it doesn't really fir well with the rest.

How about you change it to an acid spit or somesuch?

2.) The telepathic link opens up the mindsight feat and as is, makes it terribly easy to obtain.

I have homebrewed a far-realmy prestige class (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=157013&highlight=sothoth)as well as made a feat that sort of goes along with the flavor of what you have going on here.

Fable Wright
2010-09-15, 07:58 PM
These seem like rather interesting feats, and I'd sure like to use them sometime, but it would be nice if you could edit all of the feats you made into your original post. So people can see them without trawling through the thread.

2010-09-15, 08:02 PM
I totally dig most of the feats but I have a few concerns:


1.) The venom and the throwing shards one both seem a little off, flavor-wise. Poison is more of an animal and insect thing and the throwing shard is well... off entirely. I know it was probably based off of the throwing scarab from Eberron but it doesn't really fir well with the rest.

How about you change it to an acid spit or somesuch?

Throwing shards was actually based off a combination of the throwing scarab and the sling, plus growing spines that you can then tear off and throw, how does that not fit?

2.) The telepathic link opens up the mindsight feat and as is, makes it terribly easy to obtain.

I've never heard of it, where can i find it?

I have homebrewed a far-realmy prestige class as well as made a feat that sort of goes along with the flavor of what you have going on here.

Can you post a link?

These seem like rather interesting feats, and I'd sure like to use them sometime, but it would be nice if you could edit all of the feats you made into your original post. So people can see them without trawling through the thread.

Will do.

Fable Wright
2010-09-15, 08:06 PM
Mindsight is in LoM, in the Tsochar section of the book. Page 126.

2010-09-15, 08:10 PM
Found it, and yeah, it does make it a bit easy, i'll change it to an empathic link that upgrades to full telepathy later on.

EDIT: Updated the OP

2010-09-15, 09:02 PM
linky (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=157013&highlight=sothoth)

There ya go... warning: still a work in progress

2010-09-15, 09:36 PM
linky (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=157013&highlight=sothoth)

There ya go... warning: still a work in progress

Oh i remember that one, it's pretty good so far.

2010-09-16, 01:11 AM
You asked for a link when I posted it, so here:

Conduit of the Far Realms (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9366507#post9366507)

2010-09-16, 07:34 PM
Looks good so far, but I have a question:

Size Modulation allows you to use two charges to gain powerful/slight build, but it doesn't list a duration... does it last all day, or just for a few minutes?

2010-09-16, 07:45 PM
Looks good so far, but I have a question:

Size Modulation allows you to use two charges to gain powerful/slight build, but it doesn't list a duration... does it last all day, or just for a few minutes?

Didn't think of that, i'll fix that now.

Keld Denar
2010-11-27, 11:58 PM
You might want to include a save DC formula for Venomous Aberration, or at least mention what attribute its keyed off. I'm guessing Con, since most poisons are Con based, but yea...

10 + 1/2 HD + Con mod would be typical.

2010-11-28, 02:26 AM
You might want to include a save DC formula for Venomous Aberration, or at least mention what attribute its keyed off. I'm guessing Con, since most poisons are Con based, but yea...

10 + 1/2 HD + Con mod would be typical.

done, thanks for pointing that out

2011-07-22, 10:48 PM
Well, it's been a while since the last update but i got inspiration for a new one now posted in the OP. Please comment.

2011-07-22, 11:38 PM
Well, it's been a while since the last update but i got inspiration for a new one now posted in the OP. Please comment.

...Which one?

2011-07-23, 09:39 AM
...Which one?

The one at the bottom of the post is the newest and shall be expanded on periodically over the next week or so.

2011-09-11, 09:16 AM
And another psionic aberrant feat to add to the collection, this one actually giving a small power progression that can be used to qualify for PrCs and even benefits from PrCing.

2011-09-11, 03:57 PM
Maybe a feat that gives some access to Ozodrin-style mutations? It wouldn't do much for someone who was actually an Ozodrin, but it might be fun to be able to grow tentacles off of your Aberration-Blooded characters...

Also, how about some stuff that mixes Aberrant feats with Incarnum feats? You know, giving you momentary essentia that you may invest into feats or soulmelds, at the price of making them... weird.

Just think of it as replacing soul energy with Far Realms energy.

2011-09-11, 04:18 PM
Maybe a feat that gives some access to Ozodrin-style mutations? It wouldn't do much for someone who was actually an Ozodrin, but it might be fun to be able to grow tentacles off of your Aberration-Blooded characters...

Also, how about some stuff that mixes Aberrant feats with Incarnum feats? You know, giving you momentary essentia that you may invest into feats or soulmelds, at the price of making them... weird.

Just think of it as replacing soul energy with Far Realms energy.

I actually tried the incarnum one before but i can probably think up a few now that i have the creativity flowing. I'll see what i can do for the ozodrin-style ones, i'll probably take insperation from the Akodrin bloodline

2011-11-04, 08:50 AM
I actually tried the incarnum one before but i can probably think up a few now that i have the creativity flowing. I'll see what i can do for the ozodrin-style ones, i'll probably take insperation from the Akodrin bloodline

Well, i finally got some of them down. I have some for the Ozodrin, some for Incarnum, and one for Xenotheurgy which i intend to expand on a little bit more in the very near future.

I will be expanding on the rest further in the future as well, and likely add a few odd ones here and there.

2011-11-04, 02:52 PM
I think Unearthly Speed would be somewhat more valuable if it was more granular in its advancement, that is, if it granted +5' for every aberrant feat.

I'm otherwise rather intrigued. I would like to perhaps see something hinging off of Mourning Mutate or related to the Daelkyr Half-Blood in some fashion, like enhancing grafts based off of number of aberration feats or something to that effect.

2011-11-30, 12:36 AM
Added two new ones, reprinted here for your convenience.

Aberrant Edge [Aberrant]
Your natural attacks are augmented by your aberrant heritage.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood
Benefits: Your natural attacks and unarmed strike gain a bonus to damage rolls equal to half the number of aberrant feats you possess (including this one).

Visions from the Stars [Aberrant]
You periodically experience visions from the near future.
Prerequisite: Wis 13, Aberration Blood, Warped Mind, any one other Aberrant feat.
Benefit: Your visions reflect possible futures, and you can act to ensure or resist them. You gain a number of floating +1 insight bonuses equal to one-half the number of Aberrant feats you possess (minimum 1). The bonuses last 24 hours, and you must reassign them at the start of each new day. You can assign each bonus to one of the following:
• Your Armor Class
• Your Attack Rolls
• Your Initiative Checks
• One of your Saving Throws (Fort, Ref, or Will)
• Checks made with one Skill of your choice
These insight bonuses can stack up to your character level divided by six, with a minimum of +1.

I think Unearthly Speed would be somewhat more valuable if it was more granular in its advancement, that is, if it granted +5' for every aberrant feat.

I'm otherwise rather intrigued. I would like to perhaps see something hinging off of Mourning Mutate or related to the Daelkyr Half-Blood in some fashion, like enhancing grafts based off of number of aberration feats or something to that effect.

Sorry for not getting to this sooner. I'm actually basing the bonus on the standard +X/2 feats that is usually used.

Not on Mourning Mutate but there will be ones expanding off symbionts for characters with Aberration Blood and Symbiont Mastery, though i actually already have made quite a bit of Daelkyr Halfblood support along with Deviston (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=215195), who actually has links to my work

2011-11-30, 03:21 AM
Not on Mourning Mutate but there will be ones expanding off symbionts for characters with Aberration Blood and Symbiont Mastery, though i actually already have made quite a bit of Daelkyr Halfblood support along with Deviston (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=215195), who actually has links to my work

Sweet. I've already got to more fully read through the feats you've posted in this thread but expanding the symbionts just sounds awesome. :smallbiggrin:

2012-01-16, 12:41 PM
Added a few more feats and updated a few that grant class features, these are not the symbiont ones but are still rather useful.

I am now working on to the symbiont ones. Expect them within the next few days to a week.

And i am officially up to 29 homebrewed Aberrant feats.

EDIT: I will be making feats to give almost every kind of "spellcasting" (psionics, invoking, binding, meldshaping, etc) that fits the theme that is NOT standard vancian magic and making them able to be good at it with some investment. The feats that do so, however, lock them out from classes that provide similar features, so it's a tradeoff to an extent, can't take the class and must invest feats. Not sure how balanced they are yet since i haven't been able to playtest them but I'm hoping to do so soon

2012-01-26, 08:09 PM
I'm really wondering how you're going to get your hands on 20 Aberrant feats...

2012-01-26, 09:53 PM
Pathfinder's system gives you more feats (is it 10 total?) + Gestalt with Fighter.

2012-01-26, 09:55 PM
I'm really wondering how you're going to get your hands on 20 Aberrant feats...

Bonus feats, I've done it before. I used a homebrew class and bloodline to make it to that number but still. I expanded it to the number because it makes it more complete, that's really it

2012-01-26, 10:23 PM
Pathfinder's system gives you more feats (is it 10 total?) + Gestalt with Fighter.

It is 10. Aberration Blood and company aren't Fighter feats, though, so no use with Fighter. Swearing to an Elder Evil and Dark Chaos shuffling will net you 5, then there's the Generic classes from UA if you really want that many feats to throw around.

2012-02-06, 08:00 AM
There's an aberrant feat over in the Ozodrin thread that allows Fighter feats to count as Aberrant feats.

That would increase your max number of aberrants feats quite a bit.

2012-03-09, 09:47 PM
Added two more Aberrant feats, one which essentially makes you a daelkyr halfblood and another that grants some invocations.

Anyone want to see any other Aberrant feats?

2012-03-09, 10:00 PM
Could you organize and spoiler the first post?

I'm personally kind of interested in Aberrant goodies for other systems than just Incarnum and Psionics. What about something that influences Binding or maybe Shadowcasting?

2012-03-09, 10:04 PM
Doing something off of Mourning Mutate would be interesting, like exuding an anti-healing aura or gaining kinship with living spells.

2012-03-09, 10:22 PM
Could you organize and spoiler the first post?

I'm personally kind of interested in Aberrant goodies for other systems than just Incarnum and Psionics. What about something that influences Binding or maybe Shadowcasting?

Sure thing

Doing something off of Mourning Mutate would be interesting, like exuding an anti-healing aura or gaining kinship with living spells.

I'm not sure what to do with it, really I've been trying to do something with it, but nothing's coming to me.

2012-03-09, 11:24 PM

I had an idea for a cool one, which boils down to:
"You can add 1/2 the number of unused skill-tricks you have to the number of Aberration feats you have for the purpose of certain feats (Movement skill tricks would only affect a single Movement aberration feat, or whatever)"

2012-03-09, 11:50 PM

I had an idea for a cool one, which boils down to:
"You can add 1/2 the number of unused skill-tricks you have to the number of Aberration feats you have for the purpose of certain feats (Movement skill tricks would only affect a single Movement aberration feat, or whatever)"

2012-03-10, 12:07 AM

I had an idea for a cool one, which boils down to:
"You can add 1/2 the number of unused skill-tricks you have to the number of Aberration feats you have for the purpose of certain feats (Movement skill tricks would only affect a single Movement aberration feat, or whatever)"

Why/How would that work? Plus it could get overpowered just dropping all those skill points into Skill Tricks it could get to a very high number.

Gideon Falcon
2012-03-23, 05:43 PM
Maybe you should make a feat to fuse luck feats with Aberrant feats the way you did with psionic and incarnum feats.

2012-03-23, 08:18 PM
Why/How would that work? Plus it could get overpowered just dropping all those skill points into Skill Tricks it could get to a very high number.

You are limited to only 10 Skill Tricks in all at 20th level; sure, you can grab a feat that gives you two that don't count towards the cap, but that would mean that you are spending a feat to gain... one aberrant feat equivalent.

2012-03-23, 09:14 PM
Maybe you should make a feat to fuse luck feats with Aberrant feats the way you did with psionic and incarnum feats.

This seems like a good idea actually, I may have to work on that.

You are limited to only 10 Skill Tricks in all at 20th level; sure, you can grab a feat that gives you two that don't count towards the cap, but that would mean that you are spending a feat to gain... one aberrant feat equivalent.

It doesn't make sense to me, why would knowing a skill trick enhance your aberrant heritage?

2012-03-23, 10:05 PM
Here are some feats

Elder spawned [Aberrant]
You tap in to the abundant chaos of the far realms and trace it back to the chaos that existed moments after creation.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, 7 ranks knowledge (history)
Benefits: Once per day you may make a Knowledge check with a +1 bonus for every aberrant feat you possess or a knowledge (History) check with a +2 bonus for every aberrant feat you possess.

Primordial spawned [Aberrant]
With the necessarily time you can unravel the universe to answer any question.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, 11 ranks knowledge (history), Elder spawn
Benefits: Once per year you may make a knowledge (history) check to uncover a seemingly unanswerable question like "What is the meaning of life?" or "How were the gods and the planes created". The DC is 100.

2012-03-25, 09:30 PM
May I suggest that Twisted Essence also allows you to apply any Augments for your Features to body parts you already have? So if you naturally have tentacles, you can apply any Tentacle Augments to it without shaping any new ones.

And here's a couple from me:

Daelkyr-Designed Construction [Warforged]
When Warforged were first designed, the Daelkyr were quite interested. Quite interested indeed...
Prerequisites: Warforged
Benefit: The armor bonus from your Composite Plating racial ability increases by 1 plus 1/2 the number of Aberrant feats you have, and has the type of bonus changed to a Natural Armor bonus. This does not stack with the Bestial Hide aberrant feat.
Special: This feat may only be taken at 1st level, and counts as Aberration Dlood for the purpose of prerequisites.

Demoniac Heritage [Abyssal Heritor][Aberrant]
You have a... complicated heritage.
Prerequisites: Any one Abyssal Heritor feat, any one Aberrant feat.
Benefits: All of your Aberrant Heritor feats are also Aberrant feats, and all of your Aberrant feats are also aberrant feats.

Twisted Morality [Aberrant]
Your views on mortality shift in unknowable ways; good and evil stop being effective terms for your actions.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, One other Aberrant feat.
Benefit: You may ignore any alignment prerequisites for any feats or prestige classes you choose to take; any Exalted or Vile feat you take from this point forward counts as if it were an Aberrant feat for all purposes.
Special: If a feat, prestige class, or character option you take would give you bonus Exalted or Aberrant feats, you may instead choose to bonus Aberrant feats.

Alien Outlook [Aberrant]
No one can comprehend your mind; your outlook is unquestionably alien.
Prerequisites: Twisted Morality
Benefit: You no longer use the standard system for alignment; you now use the Color Wheel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=174163) to determine your morality. In addition, any feat that you have that references an alignment for any purpose except for prerequisites instead refers to "any natural creature", where a natural creature is any creature of the Animal, Elemental, Fey, Humanoid, or Plant type.

What does the first part mean? Well, for the first thing, it makes you effectively incomprehensible to any ability that detects or affects alignment, in a rather unique way. Discern Alignment will, in particular, generate some confusion :smallbiggrin:.

Aberrant Conduit
You are truly a conduit for madness in this world
Prerequisites: At least one Cleric domain.
Benefits: You lose the benefits of one of your domains; instead, add all the spells from the Madness domain to your spell list. In addition, if you have the Aberration Blood feat, you may use the number of Aberrant feats you have as your modifier to determine your bonus spells per day, if it would be higher than your normal modifier.

Divinity of the Mad [Aberrant]
You truly believe that your mutations and mutilations are a sign of divine will.
Prerequisites: Aberrant Conduit, Aberration Blood, at least one other Aberrant Feat.
Benefits: You are now treated as if you have the ability to Rebuke Undead for the purpose of qualifying for feats; you gain a number of Rebuke Undead uses that you may only use to fuel feats equal to 1+1/2 the number of Aberrant feats that you have. Finally, you may treat any Divine feat that you take as if it were an Aberrant feat for all purposes.

Owner of Aberrancy [Aberrant]
Your aberrant nature is able to leave your body.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, at least two other Aberrant feats.
Benefits: You gain a Familiar (http://dndsrd.net/wizard.html#familiars) as if you had a number of levels in the Wizard base class equal to the number of Aberrant feats you have; however, instead of gaining the Share Spells feature, your Familiar automatically benefits from every Aberrant feat that you have for as long as it remains within 30' (any feat or prestige class that increases the range of the Share Spells feature increases this range as well.).

If an Aberrant feat requires an action to activate it and affects yourself, the Familiar cannot activate it itself, and instead gains the benefit when you yourself activate it; alternatively, you may choose for only the Familiar to be affected by that activation.

If an Aberrant feat requires an action to use and affects another creature or the environment, the familiar does not gain the effects of that feat; you may instead channel the effects of that feat through the Familiar, using up the same action for both of you.

The familiar takes on any mutations specified by your Aberrant feats, and does not gain the benefit of this feat.
Special: Unlike normally, the Familiar acts on the same initiative count as you; this feat counts as Summon Familiar for the purpose of prerequisites.

Fellow-Cultist Domination [Aberrant]
You are capable of establishing dominance over your former fellows in a rather insidious manner.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, At least 2 other Aberrant feats.
Benefit: You may use Charm Person as a supernatural ability a number of times per day equal to 1/2 the number of Aberrant feats that you have, with a Will save DC of 10+1/2 HD+1/2 the number of Aberrant feats you have. If you have at least 6 Aberrant feats, then this ability functions as Charm Monster instead. The duration of this ability is indefinite, but you may only have one creature under your thrall in this manner.

In addition, any creature that you charm through this ability may accept a boon from you; they may gain the benefits of up to two Aberrant feats that you have, themselves choosing how many feats they want to have. If they accept one, you may choose for them to automatically fail a single charisma check each day; if they choose two, you may cause them to fail three each day.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; each time you take it, you may keep one additional creature each day.

It's a weaker version of an Aboleth's ability to enslave creatures, or, actually, the many abilities that aberrations have that allow them to have mind control.

Ultimate Madness [Aberrant][Insanity]
You are off your rocker, to an absurd degree... but the voices don't think so. In fact, they are your absolute bestest friends...
Prerequisites: Font of Insanity (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7161501&postcount=1), Aberration Blood, at least one Insanity feat, at least one Aberrant feat.
Benefits: You may treat any Insanity feats you have as Aberrant feats, and any Aberrant feats you have as Insanity feats.

2012-03-25, 11:28 PM
May I suggest that Twisted Essence also allows you to apply any Augments for your Features to body parts you already have? So if you naturally have tentacles, you can apply any Tentacle Augments to it without shaping any new ones.

I would instead suggest that Twisted Essence allowed you to qualify Conservative Form even if you lack the limb feature, seeing as that is the main benefit of taking the conservative form feat. Might even make taking it in this way grant access to the limb feature (much like some other aberrant feats grant access to features).


2012-03-25, 11:53 PM
Fellow-Cultist Domination seems a bit weird. I'm not completely clear what the intended fluff is. And it could be used by two individuals to cooperate in getting a lot of extra feats (if they both have a bunch of different aberration feats and they get this one, then they can use it so that they both get effectively two more feats).

2012-03-26, 12:28 AM
Essentially, have you ever noticed how many Aberrations have some kind of mind control power? Like Aboleths have Enslave, and those Neo-Thalgu whatever things have Dominate Person?

It's essentially a weaker version of that (as I specified in the spoiler.)

The part about granting the extra feats (which I think I'm going to modify to say that those feats don't count towards the number of Aberrant feats the target has, unless they would have less than the number you are granting them) is because a common trope in fantasy are cults led by some person who gets mutations from the being they are worshiping.

Plus, it gives you a front man, because do you REALLY believe that your be-tentacled ass is going out in public?

Unless, of course, you took a couple of the more... unnoticeable feats.

But other than that (and that sounds a lot better than my idea, Owrtho; fitting, since you designed the system it taps into), how do the feats I just put up look?

2012-04-11, 05:30 PM
Posted up another feat in the Class Feat section, Gift of the Void

2012-04-11, 06:00 PM
Between your feats and the Ozodrin, we need a way to get as many of the feats in one spot as possible.

Grimsage Matt
2012-04-12, 05:52 PM
I'm using this for a Innsmouth monster.....

2012-04-13, 08:26 AM
Twisted Morality [Aberrant]
Your views on mortality shift in unknowable ways; good and evil stop being effective terms for your actions.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, One other Aberrant feat.
Benefit: You may ignore any alignment prerequisites for any feats or prestige classes you choose to take; any Exalted or Vile feat you take from this point forward counts as if it were an Aberrant feat for all purposes.
Special: If a feat, prestige class, or character option you take would give you bonus Exalted or Aberrant feats, you may instead choose to bonus Aberrant feats.

Aberrant Conduit
You are truly a conduit for madness in this world
Prerequisites: At least one Cleric domain.
Benefits: You lose the benefits of one of your domains; instead, add all the spells from the Madness domain to your spell list. In addition, if you have the Aberration Blood feat, you may use the number of Aberrant feats you have as your modifier to determine your bonus spells per day, if it would be higher than your normal modifier.

Divinity of the Mad [Aberrant]
You truly believe that your mutations and mutilations are a sign of divine will.
Prerequisites: Aberrant Conduit, Aberration Blood, at least one other Aberrant Feat.
Benefits: You are now treated as if you have the ability to Rebuke Undead for the purpose of qualifying for feats; you gain a number of Rebuke Undead uses that you may only use to fuel feats equal to 1+1/2 the number of Aberrant feats that you have. Finally, you may treat any Divine feat that you take as if it were an Aberrant feat for all purposes.

Fellow-Cultist Domination [Aberrant]
You are capable of establishing dominance over your former fellows in a rather insidious manner.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, At least 2 other Aberrant feats.
Benefit: You may use Charm Person as a supernatural ability a number of times per day equal to 1/2 the number of Aberrant feats that you have, with a Will save DC of 10+1/2 HD+1/2 the number of Aberrant feats you have. If you have at least 6 Aberrant feats, then this ability functions as Charm Monster instead. The duration of this ability is indefinite, but you may only have one creature under your thrall in this manner.

In addition, any creature that you charm through this ability may accept a boon from you; they may gain the benefits of up to two Aberrant feats that you have, themselves choosing how many feats they want to have. If they accept one, you may choose for them to automatically fail a single charisma check each day; if they choose two, you may cause them to fail three each day.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; each time you take it, you may keep one additional creature each day.

Okay, I did not notice these before, they are awesome and give me some inspiration. Mind if i make some based on these? I have an idea for a couple cultist-style feats that give some cleric-like abilities as well as a few buffs.

I also have one that parallels your familiar idea but would likely be more thematic. Not to say it'd be better since familiars are awesome, but definitely more thematic.

EDIT: First has been added, a Ceremony feat that grants people aberrant feats.

2012-04-13, 10:10 AM
Go right ahead! There need to be as many Aberrant feats as we can make!

And yeah, the Familiar one is rather clunky.

2012-04-13, 03:10 PM
Huh, I must say that the Gift of Aberrant Blood could fit quite well thematically with on a sower of strangeness (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9576349#post9576349) (about halfway down the linked post). With that, I might suggest some feats to go with it that can increase the duration the ceremonies effects persist (possibly capping at a week or sooner), as well as one that allows the effects to be made permanent, but requires the individual lose feats they currently possess (pretty much like feat retraining, but done by the cult. Should require willingness on the part of the recipient, and wouldn't allow feats that are requirements for other feats they have to be lost, unless also losing all feats that they are requirements for).


2012-04-13, 03:55 PM
Added a few more, including one that gives limited divine spellcasting similar to a cleric or adept. Would like opinions on the spell list and how to modify it to be more thematic.

I remember the Sower, it definitely fits well enough, and with the Twisted Form and Twisted Essence feats, you could qualify without any levels of ozodrin.

Increasing the duration would be a good idea, but I'm going with the existing style of ceremony feats, they last 24-hours. I will be coming up with some new ceremony feats eventually, and i will take the idea of extending (and stacking) the rituals into account when i do. Those will be a while in the making though.

2012-04-14, 06:26 AM

2012-04-15, 12:51 AM
Just noticed this, but on the Gift of Aberrant Blood, it might be worth noting that if an aberrant feat has multiple variations (for example aberrant blood), you can only grant the versions you have taken. This could help prevent shenanigans like using the ritual to grant someone gift of aberrant blood and aberrant blood along with a few other feats, to then have them turn around and grant you 6 other versions of aberrant blood just for the added feat count.

Might similarly limit aberrant feats that may be taken multiple times to being granted up to the number of times you've taken them.


2012-04-15, 06:42 AM
Just noticed this, but on the Gift of Aberrant Blood, it might be worth noting that if an aberrant feat has multiple variations (for example aberrant blood), you can only grant the versions you have taken. This could help prevent shenanigans like using the ritual to grant someone gift of aberrant blood and aberrant blood along with a few other feats, to then have them turn around and grant you 6 other versions of aberrant blood just for the added feat count.

Might similarly limit aberrant feats that may be taken multiple times to being granted up to the number of times you've taken them.


...knew i forgot something. You can't transfer Gift of Aberrant Blood to others. And that caveat is a goo idea just in case.

2012-04-15, 08:05 PM
SPEAKING of Gift of Aberrant Blood, I'm seeing a potential exploit (that I might abuse if it's left in) that involves Psionic Horror. First, perform the ritual, giving the cultists something stackable, if other homebrew is in play (like Dodge feats, if using Owrtho's Otherworldly Skill feat). Then use Feat Leech (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/featLeech.htm) on the participants, gaining ALL (or most) of those aberrant feats (Psionic Horror treats aberrant feats as psionic, Otherworldly Skill treats fighter feats as aberrant. see the pattern?). Suddenly, you are nigh untouchable via physical attacks.

Also, how does Gift of Aberrant Blood work with the Madspawn and Aberrant Acolyte feat lines? do the participants gain the unused Power Points/Spell Slots upon gaining them, or do they need to rest to use them?

2012-04-15, 08:21 PM
Made a clarification on the feat, quoted below:

Special: This ceremony cannot grant itself to others nor can it be used to grant feats that provide any kind of magic progression (including binding, meldshaping, spellcasting, invocations, or powers), though feats that grant components of said abilities not in a progression can be granted (so Madspawn could but Twisted Mind and Aberrant Psionicist cannot)

2012-04-15, 09:03 PM
It occurs to me that you should specify if an individual can benefit from more than one source of Gift of Aberrant Blood at a time. For that matter, as written nothing stops an individual from performing the same ceremony a few times in a row to grant more feats, unless those are in the general ceremony rules.


2012-04-15, 09:11 PM
It occurs to me that you should specify if an individual can benefit from more than one source of Gift of Aberrant Blood at a time. For that matter, as written nothing stops an individual from performing the same ceremony a few times in a row to grant more feats, unless those are in the general ceremony rules.

It's in the general rules, you can only benefit from one Ceremony at a time.

2012-04-15, 09:31 PM
It's in the general rules, you can only benefit from one Ceremony at a time.

Where can I find the ceremony rules?

2012-04-15, 09:34 PM
Where can I find the ceremony rules?

Here (http://www.realmshelps.net/datafind/featsb.shtml), they're in alphebetical order.

2012-04-15, 11:50 PM
How about an Aberration-summoning Ceremony feat? Where you can call a single Aberration with a number of HD equal to the number of Aberrant feats you and all attendant cultists have, as kind of a "summoning Cthulthu" type thing?

You should need to be a really high level to use the feat, and you should not have any control over what you call; do the slaves dare order around their master?

2012-04-16, 06:09 AM
How about an Aberration-summoning Ceremony feat? Where you can call a single Aberration with a number of HD equal to the number of Aberrant feats you and all attendant cultists have, as kind of a "summoning Cthulthu" type thing?

You should need to be a really high level to use the feat, and you should not have any control over what you call; do the slaves dare order around their master?

That's not really how ceremony feats work, they offer three rituals that offer a benefit to the participants. A summon is not a proper application of a ceremony feat.

2012-04-16, 09:20 AM
That's not really how ceremony feats work, they offer three rituals that offer a benefit to the participants. A summon is not a proper application of a ceremony feat.

It isn't normally used as part of that mechanic, but I don't see any balance or other reason that one couldn't have a ceremony feat summon things. Still, it is probably better to use the incantation mechanic. That system is really designed for this sort of thing and summoning Great Old Ones should have a chance of something going wrong.

2012-04-19, 01:41 AM
Size Modulation [Aberrant]
You can use your aberrant bloodline to increase your decrease your size.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood
Benefits: A number of times per day equal to the number of aberrant feats you possess, you can use either compression or expansion as a psi-like ability with a manifester level equal to your character level. Additionally, you may spend two uses of this power to gain the benefits of either the slight build or powerful build special quality for a number of rounds equal to your character level.

Does this use the base compression/expansion effect, or does it use the augmented effect? If not, could spending an additional use give the the augmented effect (3 uses for augmented + powerful/slight build)?

2012-04-19, 10:21 AM
Unless otherwise noted in the entry, a psi-like ability is augmented to equal the manifester level

2012-04-30, 09:37 AM
Heya are there any plans for a Movement feet for climb speed?

2013-03-30, 02:04 PM
I've started adding Symbiotic Feats to the list, which are aberrant feats that deal with Symbionts. If anyone has ideas please share them :smallbiggrin:

Note: Most bonuses from Symbiotic Feats are alchemical or competance bonuses. Alchemical bonuses being the most common.

2013-03-31, 12:15 PM
I'm liking the preliminary Symbiont feats.

May I suggest one for implanting a psicrystal?

2013-03-31, 07:02 PM
I'm liking the preliminary Symbiont feats.

May I suggest one for implanting a psicrystal?

Nope, it's already been done (http://dsp-d20-srd.wikidot.com/alternate-psicrystal:implanted-psicrystal)

Symbiotic feats rely on Symbionts. The benefits grow based on the number of symbionts you have, and they improve the benefits from your symbionts, maybe one to make a psicrystal / familiar a symbiont, but not simply implanting a psicrystal.

Humble Master
2013-03-31, 07:21 PM
Not quite sure what a Aberration Blood True Xenotheurgist is but these are awsome feats. Very good work!

2013-03-31, 07:25 PM
Not quite sure what a Aberration Blood True Xenotheurgist is but these are awsome feats. Very good work!

True Xenotheurgist is a class by Realms of Chaos to do with channeling the Far Realms and being insane from it.

Humble Master
2013-03-31, 07:35 PM
Cool, always loved the Kaorti.

2013-03-31, 08:05 PM
Cool, always loved the Kaorti.

Where do the Kaorti come into this?

2013-03-31, 08:28 PM
Nope, it's already been done (http://dsp-d20-srd.wikidot.com/alternate-psicrystal:implanted-psicrystal)

Symbiotic feats rely on Symbionts. The benefits grow based on the number of symbionts you have, and they improve the benefits from your symbionts, maybe one to make a psicrystal / familiar a symbiont, but not simply implanting a psicrystal.

I know all that; what I meant was something that let you take an implanted psicrystal and have it become a symbiont, slowly spreading through your body, filling it with unnatural crystal growths.

Also, psionics needs even more aberrant love. It will never have enough!

But on another tact, perhaps a feat that lets you put your consciousness in a symbiont, giving you a form of "immortality" by piggybacking on someone else's body?

I mean, there needs to be at least one feat that lets you play a tapeworm. A happy little tapeworm...

2013-03-31, 10:51 PM
I know all that; what I meant was something that let you take an implanted psicrystal and have it become a symbiont, slowly spreading through your body, filling it with unnatural crystal growths.

Also, psionics needs even more aberrant love. It will never have enough!

But on another tact, perhaps a feat that lets you put your consciousness in a symbiont, giving you a form of "immortality" by piggybacking on someone else's body?

I mean, there needs to be at least one feat that lets you play a tapeworm. A happy little tapeworm...

They'd both probably be PrCs more than a set of feats. And what you're thinking of isn't a symbiont, but a full integration of the psicrystal, it wouldn't be removeable in any way without killing the host.

2013-05-13, 01:24 AM
Since I like the Harrowed (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=188148), I submit the following rough draft.

As Within, So Without

Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Shadowmental Mantle, at least one Harrowed feat

The thing imprisoned within you is Other. Using you as its tool for so long is bound to have unpleasant....side effects....

Benefits: All Harrowed feats count as Aberrant feats, and all Aberrant feats as Harrowed feats. If a natural weapon is granted by either set of feats, it counts as a weapon granted by the other set as well for determining if it can be used with feat or class abilities. If you already possess a Harrowed class ability or Aberrant feat that grants a natural weapon, and take the other as well, that natural weapon has its critical threat range extended by one. This stacks with Improved Critical, but not with Keen Edge or similar class abilities.

2013-05-13, 08:02 PM
Some new stuff and to-do list in a few sections of the main post.

2013-06-16, 07:35 PM
Added a few new Symbiotic Feats to the list.

2013-07-11, 06:37 AM
Created a thread with an aberrant PrC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15596388#post15596388) and some feats from here. Some I edited.
Really nice job you've made here :smallsmile:

- Edit -


Tunnelspawn [Aberrant]
Your aberrant blood has adapted you to be like a mole.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Any other Aberrant feat
Benefits: You gain a Burrow speed equal to half your base land speed and tremorsense out to 30ft. You leave a usable tunnel behind you when burrowing. You cannot burrow through stone or other solid materials with this feat.

Don't you think burrow speed and tremorsense via just one feat is too powerful? Even with two prerequisites.

2013-07-11, 12:13 PM
Don't you think burrow speed and tremorsense via just one feat is too powerful? Even with two prerequisites.

Not at all. Burrow is one of the strongest forms of movement, but without tremorsense it's like being blind by moving in a certain way, Tremorsense (only out to 30ft mind), allows you to at least navigate without running into a boulder underground.

2013-07-11, 03:48 PM
I love the aberrant feats from LoM, as well as your additions to them. Aberrations come in all shapes and sizes, so the feats emulating them should be equally diverse. I do have this to contribute, and in fact will be adding something similar to one of my homebrew, the pharin.

How about Aberration Blood type feats for creatures other than humanoids? I never understood why humanoids only really. So, either a global one (no type restriction), or individual ones for each type. I can argue some aberrations may be.. more aberrant than their kin, outsiders can be tainted too, as can plants… monstrous humanoids.. magical beasts.. ect. Those lacking constitution scores may be harder to argue for but it is not too far out there perhaps.

2013-07-11, 04:38 PM
I love the aberrant feats from LoM, as well as your additions to them. Aberrations come in all shapes and sizes, so the feats emulating them should be equally diverse. I do have this to contribute, and in fact will be adding something similar to one of my homebrew, the pharin.

How about Aberration Blood type feats for creatures other than humanoids? I never understood why humanoids only really. So, either a global one (no type restriction), or individual ones for each type. I can argue some aberrations may be.. more aberrant than their kin, outsiders can be tainted too, as can plants… monstrous humanoids.. magical beasts.. ect. Those lacking constitution scores may be harder to argue for but it is not too far out there perhaps.

Mourning Mutate is essentially that, as is my Daelkyr Heritage feat or Aberrant Dragonmark. All of them work as Aberration Blood.

2013-07-11, 08:11 PM
Mourning Mutate is essentially that, as is my Daelkyr Heritage feat or Aberrant Dragonmark. All of them work as Aberration Blood.

True. Though if I'm not mistaken they are all potentially eberron exclusive based on their flavor text (Existence of the Mourning, Daelkyr, and Dragonmarks respectively). I will admit I didn't know Aberrant Dragonmark could be used for Aberration Blood, so I guess I've learned something today.

2013-07-11, 09:19 PM
Mourning Mutate is essentially that, as is my Daelkyr Heritage feat or Aberrant Dragonmark. All of them work as Aberration Blood.

Don't forget my Warforged Body feat (Daelkyr-Designed Construction (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12957834&postcount=81))!

2013-07-12, 02:48 PM
What do you think about metamagic aberrant feats?

2013-07-12, 09:14 PM
I present you the corruption line of aberrant feats. They are inspired in MM aberrations. PEACH.

Aboleth corruption [Aberrant]
Hollow bonelike spines erupt from your fins.
Prerequisites: Aberrant blood, Waterspawn
Benefits: When in water, with a free action, you can surround yourself with a 10 feet area ink cloud. This ink last 1 round per aberrant feat you posses and provide total concealment. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal the number of aberrant feats you have.
Special: If you have the digester corruption feat, you can spit this ink. Make a ranged touch attack to cover the opponent eyes. The opponent is blinded until he spend a full round to get rid of the ink.

Beholder corruption [Aberrant]
You develop eyes on your tentacles. A mutation akin to the beholders.
Prerequisites: Aberration blood, Deepspawn, Inhuman vision
Benefits: You receive all around vision and cannot be flanked. If you have the metamagic feat ocular spell, you can store spells in them and in your normal eyes, but you still limited to use only two rays in a full round action. When averting your eyes to avoid a gaze attack you have to make two rolls and take the worst result.

Brutal subconscious [Aberrant]
It’s dangerous to make contact with someone with a mind warped by aberrant influence.
Prerequisites: Aberration blood, Dark naga corruption, Warped mind
Benefits: Any creature that try to read or control your mind must succed in a Will save (DC 10 + ˝ HD + number of aberrant feats) or be stunned for one round.

Choker corruption [Aberrant]
Your tentacles are vicious as choker limbs.
Prerequisites: Aberrant blood, Deepspawn
Benefits: You receive +2 racial bonus in grapple checks and are able to use the constriction special ability with the tentacles gained with Deepspawn feat. Your able to deal the tentacle damage after making a successful grapple check. If the creature also has the improved grab ability it deals constriction damage in addition to damage dealt by the weapon used to grab. The racial bonus provided by this feat accumulates with the one from predatory grip.

Cloaker corruption [Aberrant]
Your membranous wing grow larger and thicker. If you want you can spread them even wider.
Prerequisites: Aberrant blood, Starspawn
Benefits: With a standard action, you are able to use the engulf special ability. can try to wrap a Medium or smaller creature in its body as a standard action. You attempt a grapple that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If you win the grapple check, you establish a hold and can attack the engulfed victim without suffering the -4 penalty on the attack roll. Attacks that hit you deal half their damage to you and half to the trapped victim.
Special: If you have the Improved Starspawn aberrant feat, you can ignore the weapon restriction for attacks while grappling.
Normal: You can make an attack with an unarmed strike, natural weapon, or light weapon against another character you are grappling. You take a -4 penalty on such attacks.

Dark naga corruption [Aberrant]
The physical structure of your brain become grow more aberrant. The shape of your skull become ophidian elongated.
Prerequisites: Aberrant blood, Warped mind
Benefits: You are immune to any form of mind reading

Destrachan corruption [Aberrant]
Your ears become large and warped.
Prerequisites: Aberrant blood, Skin adaptation (sound), one other aberrant feat
Benefits: You receive +4 racial bonus in listen checks and blindsight equal to 10 feet per aberrant feat you possess.

Digester heritage [Aberrant]
You digestive system is so efficient that it doesn’t even need to take place inside you.
Prerequisites: Aberration blood, scavenging gullet.
Benefits: Your digestive acids are extreme potent. You acquire an acid spit similar to the Digester acid spray. You can spit the liquid with a ranged touch attack with 10 feet range increment for each two aberrant feats you posses. The acid damage is 1d8 and escalate in the same proportion. With a total of 5 aberrant feats, for example, the spray would cause 2d8 and have a range increment. Once you use this ability, you must wait 1d10 rounds to use it again. For each two aberrant feats reduce the waiting time in one step (d10-d8-d6-d4), to a minimum of 1d4 rounds.
Special: If you have Prehensile tongue or Hideous month aberrant feats, add 1d6 acid damage per three aberrant feat to your damage.

Ettercap corruption [Aberrant]
You grow tiny hooks in your hands and feet like an insect.
Prerequisites: Aberrant blood, one other aberrant feat
Benefits: You gain a climb speed equal to one-half your base land speed. You cannot use your climb speed with a medium or heavier load or if your hands and feet are covered. You need at least one hand and two foot to use this ability.
Special: If you have the Deepspawn aberrant feat, your tentacles develop the hooks too and each count as a hand or foot for climbing purposes.

Superior aboleth corruption [Aberrant]
Your tentacles are covered with a sticky mucus.
Prerequisites: Aberrant blood, Waterspawn, Aboleth corruption, Deepspawn
Benefits: soon
Special: soon

Superior cloaker corruption [Aberrant]
dark veins erupt from your throat to your mouth.
Prerequisites: Aberrant blood, Starspawn, Cloaker corruption, Skin adaptation (sound), Destranchan corruption, Superior destranchan corruption.
Benefits:You now can turn your sonic attacks in a dangerous subsonic moan. With an standard action you can use the following abilities:
unnerve: Anyone within a 60-foot spread automatically takes a -1 penalty on attack and damage rolls per aberrant feat you posses as long the moan continues. Consider a continuous moan as one use for purposes of waiting time to use it again. You can only continuously moan with this option of moan.
Fear: Anyone within a 30-foot spread must succeed on Will save or become panicked for 2 rounds.
Nausea: Anyone in a 30-foot cone must succeed on a Fortitude save or be overcome by nausea and weakness. Affected characters become nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds.
Nausea: Anyone in a 30-foot cone must succeed on a Fortitude save or be overcome by nausea and weakness. Affected characters fall prone and become nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds.
Stupor: A single creature within 30 feet of the cloaker must succeed on a Fortitude save or be affected as though by a hold monster spell for 1 round per aberrant feat you possess. Even after a successful save, the creature must repeat the save if you use this effect again.
The save DC for all moans are 10 + ˝ HD + number of aberrant feats. With the exception of Stupor, a creature that successfully saves against one of these effects cannot be affected by the same moan effect for 24 hours.

Superior destranchan corruption [Aberrant]
Your throat grow grotesquely muscular.
Prerequisites: Aberrant blood, Skin adaptation (sound), Destranchan corruption
Benefits: You can unleash a deadly or debilitating scream in a 30 feet cone. You can cause 1d6 sonic damage for each two aberrant feats or 1d8 non-lethal damage in the same proportion. Once you use this ability, you must wait 1d10 rounds to use it again. For each two aberrant feats reduce the waiting time in one step (d10-d8-d6-d4), to a minimum of 1d4 rounds. The fortitude DC for halving the damage in both screams is 10 + ˝ HD + number of aberrant feats.

Superior naga corruption [Aberrant]
Venom is one of the finest natural weapons, and yours is one of the most dangerous.
Prerequisites: Aberrant blood, Naga corruption, Venomous aberration, Warped mind, a natural attack granted by an Aberrant feat
Benefits: You can choose to inject a concentrated dose of poison. An affected creature become paralyzed for 1d3 rounds (Increase the damage die for each three aberrant feats you have). The secondary effect put the creature into a nightmare-haunted sleep for 1 minute per aberrant feat you possess. You receive two additional uses of poison when you take this feat.

Venomous Aberration [Aberrant]
Your natural attack can deliver strong toxins.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, a natural attack granted by an Aberrant feat
Benefits: Choose one natural attack that deals piercing or slashing (spiked carapace is an option) damage granted by an Aberrant feat you possess. A number of times per day equal to the number of Aberrant feats you possess, you can deliver a poison through the chosen natural attack. The poison base damage is 1d4 strength or dex or 1d3 const. Increase the damage die for each three aberrant feats you have. The save DC is 10 + ˝ HD + number of aberrant feats.
Special: You can choose to apply this feat to the ink granted by Aboleth corruption feat. The ink becomes a contact poison.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. It's effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new natural weapon.

These and more aberrant feats HERE (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=291906)

2013-07-13, 02:10 AM
Some of those do give me ideas, but I'd probably go a different route for most of them. I think I'll make my own versions some time in the next week or so and post them up here.

BTW, if you take a look at Eyes of Madness, I think it may be a good link to the Beholder Corruption feat.

2013-07-13, 03:19 PM
Brilliant, I love a lot of these and will promote them while crediting you.

@Prehensile Tongue
If it's actually a tentacle, why not make it a tentacle attack? This stacks better with a load of other classes that use tentacles both in combat and mechanics.

A lot of these feats can be broken, fast. Aberrant feat stacking is already fairly potent, a lot of these feats allow massive bonuses if you get a hold of bonus feats.

I'd suggest an alternate ruling section for the ones that will be quickly too powerful.

The mechanics of how to calculate psionic advancement are easily broken, allowing you to gain more psionic power than a wilder or psion at low level.
If you give them +1 PP/ab feat and +1 power/2 feats this would be ok-balanced, but the max power needs to scale off of ECL, not feat number. If the intention is to require investment down that line then do both, but honestly if you only require stacking more ab. feats anyway to advance it's not going to be any less powerful than not.

I'll look into this again, good work so far though imo.

2013-07-22, 12:32 PM
I always have loved the Abberation blood feat.

2013-07-24, 12:00 PM
A lot of these feats can be broken, fast. Aberrant feat stacking is already fairly potent, a lot of these feats allow massive bonuses if you get a hold of bonus feats.

A lot of these feats are just outright broken.

The class style feats are the most egregious offenders. For example: Mad Disciple. Would you like to be a warblade? Do you not want to actually take warblade class levels? Then just take Mad Disciple! For the cost of three feats, you can practically get an entire class. Add on Disciple of the Far Realms and you can basically double the benefits for one more feat. Meanwhile, Scion of the Aberrant Mark will make you a warlock, while Bishop of the Far Realms can splash in some divine spellcasting.

You can get all of these on one character, too, without even resorting to extra feat granting effects. Sure, it'd take about all of your feats to do it... but you'd end up with 5th level spellcasting, more maneuvers known and readied than a warblade, and at least one lesser invocation along with three least. This is a lot of stuff. A lot of really good stuff. You've practically gestalted yourself twice just with your basic feats.

2013-07-24, 02:54 PM
How to break any feat stack/chain system: Generic classes.

Expert (Generic class) 20: 7 bonus feats
Spellcaster (Generic class) 20: 5 bonus feats
Warrior (Generic class) 20: 11 bonus feats

Warrior 18/Expert 2: 12 bonus feats

Gestalt game

Expert 20//Spellcaster 20: 10 bonus feats
Expert 20//Warrior 20: 11 bonus feats
Spellcaster (arcane) 20//Spellcaster (divine) 20: 5 bonus feats
Spellcaster 20//Warrior 20: 13 bonus feats
Spellcaster 20//Warrior 18/Expert 2: 14 bonus feats.

Considering these numbers, lets include more, shall we?

Flaws: take 2, get 2 free bonus feats at 1st level.
Racial: Some races, like human, get a bonus feat at 1st level

Feats from leveling: You get 7 feats on your path to 20th level.

Alternative systems: Some systems, such as taint, grant bonus feats. However, most of these grant feats that are restricted in what type you may attain.

Outside of a gestalt game, I figure you can get up to 22 feats (1 racial, 2 flaw, 7 leveling, 12 from class levels). Within a gestalt game, 24 (1 racial, 2 flaw, 7 leveling, 14 from class levels). This doesn't include feats attained from other sources, mind you, and these are all feats you can invest anywhere you desire (if you qualify).

2013-07-24, 06:40 PM
Heh, most of those are going to actually be revamped so they need to be taken multiple times in order to even grant their benefits, and the ones that scale by aberrant feats will be changed to be based on level at a staggered progression, sometimes both.

So, outside the class ones, which ones do you not like?

2013-07-25, 11:59 AM
Mostly, it's the class ones- but I mean more than just those in the class section. So, here's a list:

Twisted Mind
Aberrant Psionicist
Soul of the Far Realms
Mad Disciple
Disciple of the Far Realms
Scion of the Aberrant Mark
Bishop of the Far Realms

The benefits of these feats are major class features, and whats worse, all but one or two undeniably eclipse WotC feats which do nearly the same thing. I would wager that Breachspawn and Twisted Form should be on that list as well, but I don't know the classes behind them as well, as I have not made extensive use of that homebrew. Beyond those feats, the main one that sticks out to me is Aberrant Cultist. Granting spellcasting to people is kinda terrifying, even if it is only a small amount.

Those symbiotic feats trigger alarm bells in my mind too, particularly those last three. They're just open for some kind of abuse.

There are a few others I might be inclined to tone down a bit, though I think they probably don't need to be rewritten all over again:

Empathic Link is potent, granting a notable bonus on some very useful skills... and also telepathy, which is a very desirable trait, as it can get you Mindsight.

Eyes of Madness is an at will fairly high DC ability that can be performed as a swift action. Being able to inflict a stacking fear condition is good, but the potential to make it stun is the worrying part. It's a no cost power that can take away actions- that's potent.

Tunnelspawn. Burrow speeds are pretty useful- they are annoying in the defensive tactics they allow, and they can really give you options even outside of combat. Tremorsense is also pretty useful, if somewhat less so than its sensory counterparts. Burrow and tremorsense for one feat is really good. This is definitely better than Starspawn.

2013-10-10, 03:27 AM
An overdue contribution. These of course may be altered as appropriate.

Class Feats

Shadowspawn [Aberrant]
Your aberration blood begin to mingle with shadows, allowing you to exert your influence over them
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Any Three other Aberrant feats, Cha 10, and at least one of the following; Must have visited the plane of shadow, been subject to a mystery or spell with the darkness descriptor, or had physical contact with a shadow or dark creature.
Benefits: You gain the ability to use a small number of mysteries, fueled by your aberrant blood. Your caster level for these mysteries is equal to one-half your total number of Hit Die plus the number of aberrant feats you possess, up to a maximum of your character level. The number of mysteries you know, the highest level mystery you may know, as well as the uses per mystery are based on your character level, as shown on the table below. You may choose to use these to learn fundamentals, which are usable 3/day as supernatural abilities. The DC of your mysteries is based on Charisma.

Level|Mysteries Known|1st|2nd|3rd|4th|5th

Unlike shadowcasters, you do not have to gain mysteries in accordance with paths. Mysteries normally are cast as arcane spells, and when doing so observers can make a DC 12 Spot check to note that your shadow is making different gestures from the ones you are making. When you become able to use apprentice mysteries 2/day, they become spell-like abilities.
Special: You cannot take levels in a class that provides mysteries if you take this feat.

Synergy Feats

Abyssal Aberration [Aberrant, Abyssal Heritor]
Your aberrant blood mingles with your abyssal blood, enhancing both.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, any one Abyssal Heritor Feat
Benefits: You treat all Aberrant feats as Abyssal Heritor feats and all Abyssal Heritor feats as Aberrant feats.

Draconic Aberration [Aberrant, Draconic]
Your aberrant blood mingles with your dragon blood, enhancing both.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, any one Draconic Feat
Benefits: You treat all Aberrant feats as Draconic feats and all Draconic feats as Aberrant feats.

Hellish Aberration [Aberrant, Devil-Touched]
Your aberrant blood becomes influenced by your pact, strengthening your bond to both Baator and the Far-realm
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Devil's Favor
Benefits: You treat all Aberrant feats as Devil-Touched feats and all Devil-Touched feats as Aberrant feats.

Tainted Aberration [Aberrant, Tainted]
Your aberrant blood becomes infused with the essence of taint.
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Mild taint
Benefits: You treat all Aberrant feats as Tainted feats and all Tainted feats as Aberrant feats.

2013-10-10, 05:59 PM
I love seeing this every time it crops up, I fall more and more in love with it. :smallbiggrin:

2015-02-18, 04:12 AM
No good at making tables myself, but I noticed the table for Aberrant Psionicist plain isn't even showing up, so...

















2015-02-18, 07:34 PM
No good at making tables myself, but I noticed the table for Aberrant Psionicist plain isn't even showing up, so...

















Quite the thread necro here, but thank you for that nontheless

2015-02-18, 08:56 PM
It's a great thread, I for one don't mind the necro any.

2015-04-11, 01:47 PM
An overdue contribution. These of course may be altered as appropriate.

Class Feats

Shadowspawn [Aberrant]
Your aberration blood begin to mingle with shadows, allowing you to exert your influence over them
Prerequisites: Aberration Blood, Any Three other Aberrant feats, Cha 10, and at least one of the following; Must have visited the plane of shadow, been subject to a mystery or spell with the darkness descriptor, or had physical contact with a shadow or dark creature.
Benefits: You gain the ability to use a small number of mysteries, fueled by your aberrant blood. Your caster level for these mysteries is equal to one-half your total number of Hit Die plus the number of aberrant feats you possess, up to a maximum of your character level. The number of mysteries you know, the highest level mystery you may know, as well as the uses per mystery are based on your character level, as shown on the table below. You may choose to use these to learn fundamentals, which are usable 3/day as supernatural abilities. The DC of your mysteries is based on Charisma.

Mysteries Known

1st - 2nd



7th - 8th







Unlike shadowcasters, you do not have to gain mysteries in accordance with paths. Mysteries normally are cast as arcane spells, and when doing so observers can make a DC 12 Spot check to note that your shadow is making different gestures from the ones you are making. When you become able to use apprentice mysteries 2/day, they become spell-like abilities.
Special: You cannot take levels in a class that provides mysteries if you take this feat.

Fixed up the table for you. Love the thread, by the way!