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2010-06-08, 10:02 PM
so I've decided to start working on a 4.0 version of a keyblade master, they will use the following types of attacks keyblade attacks, magic, summons and at higher levels have access to the forms from kingdom hearts 2. I'm also working on other stuff as well so this might be a slow project but I have a lot of great ideas for this class

2010-06-08, 10:17 PM
KeyBlade master
“That's the power of the keyblade ”
class traits

role striker: your attacks deal high amounts of damage using summons,
magic and keyblade attacks

power source: Arcane

Key Abilities :Strength, charisma, wisdom

Armor Proficiencies Cloth,leather, hide
Weapon Proficiencies:Keyblade
Bonus to Defense: +1 to reflex, +1 to will
Hit Points at First Level:12 + constitution score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
Healing Surges per Day:6 + constitution modifier
Implements: Keyblade
Trained Skills From the class skills list below
chose 4
Athletics(str),Acrobatics(dex),Arcana(int),Bluff(c ha),Diplomacy(cha),Heal(wis),History(int),Insight( wis),Intimidate(cha),perception(wis).streetwise(ch a)

Keyblade masters wield weapons called keyblades. They also have access to magic and summons.In the current time many can wield the keyblade. They keyblade grants the use of special keyblade attacks and magic.

build options: assault master, arcana furry
class features, Unlock for me, my friends for power, keyblade basics, my blade returns

creating a Keyblade master
The two basic builds for keyblade master are assault master and arcana furry.Keyblade masters rely on strength, charisma, and wisdom No keyblade master powers or class features rely on dexterity, intelligence or constitution

Assault Master
you prefer to rely on your keyblade attacks rather then magic and summons.your close in the fray taking down foes. Your powers rely on strength that should be your highest stat. Many powers also rely on charisma so that should be your second highest stat. Finally you want wisdom, you might need to rely on some magic from time to time.

Arcana furry
no contest here you prefer to use magic at a distance. You also like to use summons. You prefer to stay out of the fray directly by using ranged attacks. Your highest stat should be wisdom for your magic powers. Second should be charisma for some bonuses on attacks. last but not least strength because they fray might just come to you

Keyblade basics
keyblade masters often train in such a way which grants a bonus to him/her choose one of the three keyblade basics

defending blade:you gain a +1 bonus to AC when wielding a Keyblade

Arcana blade: your keyblade grants a +1 bonus to attacks and damage when used as an implement for attacks with the key words summon and magic

striking blade: your keyblade grants a +1 bonus to all attacks and damage for attacks with the keyblade keyword

unlock for me
Though not trained in open lock a keyblade master gets the trained bonus for open lock + their wisdom modifier

My friends for power
when adjacent to at least 2 allies you get a +1 bonus to your keyblade attacks, summons and magic

Return my blade

2010-06-08, 11:22 PM
so far here is the magic and summon list



2010-06-09, 11:29 AM
reserved for attacks