View Full Version : Dead Plains Drifters OOC: Death Rides a Pale Horse

2010-06-10, 01:32 AM
The dry (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5J13DAkgPCc&feature=PlayList&p=62BAACDD6A9D6F0B&playnext_from=PL&index=80) noise of hooves clomphing along the dust trail was the only noise besides the incessant flapping of the vultures above and their irate calls for the carrion to lay on the ground and accept it's fate. Rider and horse ignored the birds, dead-set eyes focused on the crest of hill before them even as heat shimmers off the sand in waves.

Only once the rider had crested the hill could he see the sprawling town set at the meeting of two rivers meeting one another in the shadow of a tall 'mountain'. More of a big hill really, probably an Injun burial mound or something. The decrepit sign hanging by a single nail declares this place to be Dead Falls, with it's population crossed out and replaced with 'Livin' and Dead, more den a hundrerd'. It was a charming sort of place, for a gold rush town, with plenty of folk both living and dead going about their business. Though most of the deaders wouldn't come out until dusk or night when the light wouldn't hurt their eyes so or literally burn'em to dust. Still there was enough of a smatterin' that one could smell death on the wind without straining too hard and the rider pulls his bandana up to cover his mouth and nose with just a bit of irritation. Ever since the EVENT the West had been stinkin' to high heaven.

But the business in town wasn't the stench, it was one of the low-lifes makin' it, and to that end the bounty hunter hitches his horse to a post before sauntering up to the swing doors of Moriarty's Saloon, his spurs jangling on the ground with each ominous step. A collection of eyes swing to look suspiciously at the new comer, some of them the tell-tale red of the undead, but turn back to their own business soon enough. They can smell one of their own easy enough, easy to tell it wasn't a law man or priest with a bone to pick, and as long as he caused no trouble then he wasn't likely to get it.

Till he sidled up to a poker game, looking across the table at a well dressed gambler with a bushy mustache and pair of beautiful women hangin' on him as if he was their livelihood. Maybe he was.

"You Earl Jones? Earl 'Toothless' Jones?" comes the raspy call.

"Who's askin'?" the gambler replies tersely, one hand dropping below the table with the tell-tale click of a pistol's hammer being drawn back.

"Solomon Kane, here to collect yer bounty. Dead, alive, or deader. Ain't no difference to...!!!"


The shot echoes loudly in the saloon, quieting the band on stage and the other patrons for a long minute as Earl began to throatily laugh as he rises from his seat, holding the smoking six-shooter that had downed the bounty hunter in one hand.

"What kinda fool goes tellin' a bounty he been caught?" He says with a wicked grin...before his eyes widened in surprise and his mouth dropped open. Solomon pulled himself up off the ground with a deep breath through lungs that hadn't needed to work in a long time, standing slowly as if every joint hurt from the shot. The joints shouldn't have been a problem though, the quarter sized hole through his chest though.

"B-but yer a deader! Your kind...but Solomon Kane ain't supposed to be..!"

Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam! The report of Kane's own six-shooter sounds like lightening and sends some scurrying out to the streets, likely those with their own bounties but they weren't his prey today. No, the ghoul had come for Earl alone and reached up to tug down his bandana to give a wide lipless smile even as he sets a black cigarette between his teeth.

"Dead it is. What kinda fool thinks a single shot downs a fella when the dead have been comin' back up for fifteen years?"

Just another day in Dead Falls...

The official tag for Dead Plains Drifter threads is simply [DPD]. Put that on any threads for this.

Questions and answers:

What is Dead Plains Drifters anyway?

DPD is a FFRP universe which is not based on any one particular published or filmed setting but is rather a (mostly) unique setting unto itself. It takes place in the Old West but with some pretty obvious differences, like all of the ambulatory dead people. Some good places to look for inspiration are Darkwatch, Deadlands, Jonah Hex (from what I've seen of the movie trailers anyway), and most western movies people can think of. It does not necessarily take as heavy of a 'horror' overtones of some of those examples, that depends on the players.

Okay, but how is it different from, say, the Town or ACRONYM?

It differs in several important ways.
First, it is a lot more uniform that the Town and ACRONYM because it's of a very particular and peculiar genre. DPD has settlers, sheriffs, bounty hunters, train robbers, saloon owners, corrupt/non-corrupt mayors, bandits, and law men. Not to mention undead versions of all of the above or 'half-dead' versions. It does not have, say, cyborgs or sniper kittys. Fantastical elements are included too...but they should be handled on a case by case basis.

Second, the plot of DPD is going to be a bit more directed to get the game off the ground and keep it going. There are the good, the bad, and the ugly, and they are mostly organized. As such, most plots and stuff will be interwoven into one big story driven by the players. Or at least that's the intention.

Third, DPD is NOT in any way connected to the Town, at least not in the way ACRONYM is. i.e. you cannot have a character travel between the two. If you want a character in DPD, it is for DPD. You can have a version of the same character for both ACRO/Town and DPD, but they are different characters.

How do I start?

Well, you want to post a character in this thread, and the character registry when it goes up, so everyone can find information on your character and so people can give you helpful criticism on it in a respectful manner.

To prevent a pattern that is all too easy to fall into, it's good to point out the fact that passive actions don't tend to get much attention. Take action, do things that involve other characters, and most importantly don't rely on the story to come to you!
With that in mind, make a post and begin!

There are rules, right?

Yes, there are.
Firstly, no godmodding (or godmoding). A far better explanation of godmodding than I can give is here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1633965&postcount=5)
Second, please remember that we plan to have a far more directed plot than ACRO or the Town. Please run any major spanners in the works past the people it'll involve on this thread first.
Third, don't ruin anyone else's fun. I can't stress this enough. If you insist on doing so then I insist you kindly leave because rule number four is very important.
Fourth, moderators for this game will be picked by myself or the community (or a combination of the two) who will be tasked with settling arguments that become disruptive. If they (or me) ask you to stop an argument, then stop. If they say something is over-powered or doesn't fit the game, then heed the advice and look closely at what they are talking about to see what they mean.
Fifth, have fun!

What the hell is going on?

In the late 1800s...something happened. No one is all too sure what but plenty of people have got theories on it. Most just call it 'the EVENT' and leave it at that. The result can be seen in almost any city or town west of the Appalachian mountains, the dead walking in a myriad of forms. From simple corpses given motion (minds intact or no) to more powerful creatures of undeath who shun the light and living, the dead aren't staying in their graves anymore. First there was a big fuss, people worried about the dead trying to kill every one else but it wasn't the case...most of the time.

Most deaders have normal minds and personalities, even (rarely) the same as before they died, and usually just want to live out their new lives as best they can. Some are mindless, ferals, that need to be put down like any other rabid animal. Some got minds, but are perverted towards evil but they ain't too much worse then your average murderer with a gun, except you usually have to put more effort putting them down then usual. With how...normal the dead were in most cases, people started to adapt. They didn't always accept the undead but it is a 'live and let unlive' scene until something breaks the fragile balance.

Not a terribly enlightening history overview, but I'm leaving a lot of it to be determined by the players as a whole beyond a few basic guidelines of...

-To some people (as in characters) there's only two sides. The alive and the dead. Fact is, there's lots of different sides, factions, whatever. As many as the players want.
-The fantastic should be kept fantastic and special. The dead may walk, talk, and live next door but no one knows why or how. Other things that can only be described as 'magical' are even more mysterious and hard to come by. To put it in D&D terms (as I will often do because it's a medium most people on the boards will understand), 'magic' takes the form of divination and necromancy kind of spells (no matter the source) and in enchanting items to do intriguing things.
-The game is going to start in the gold mine town of Dead Falls (entirely fictional place) that's situated in Neveda, and will expand from there if more players join or more interest is garnered.
-The game is meant to be cinematic and fun, so history is gonna get mangled up along the way, best to accept that now what with undead existing and such.

Anything else can be determined as the game goes on and will be added to that summary as it becomes relevant.

New and Improved (but loose) Rules v.1.1!
These "rules" are more loose guidelines that serve another FFRPG very well so I adopted them into this one, because they work.

Consider asking to join in fights before jumping in.
Please respect that all plots might not be open. Alternatively, if you yourself want to keep a fight cordoned off from other participants, say so in the OOC, at the beginning of your post, or both.
TALK major fights over with your opponent!
This is to keep arguments about who's the better fighter, who should win, blablablablabla, out of the OOC. Of course, talk these things over in PM, or some kind of IM service. While arguments might break out over said PM/IM... It keeps it out of the OOC. Which is what we're trying to do here. On that note...
Don't argue in the OOC!
They make the atmosphere oppressive, they make things less fun, and generally unpleasant and maybe even make the arguments larger than they need be. So, if you have a problem with someone, try to talk it out in PM or IM before using the OOC.

These guidelines/loose rules might be viable to change or be added on to as issues come up, but the bases are covered pretty well.

Ashen Lilies
2010-06-10, 05:18 AM
-There's two basic sides with many 'facets' to each. The pirates and the pirate lords and the APH with it's admirals.

You know, last time I checked there weren't any admirals and pirates in the old west, undead or no. :smalltongue:

2010-06-10, 10:28 AM
You know, last time I checked there weren't any admirals and pirates in the old west, undead or no. :smalltongue:

Shush you. :smalltongue: I forgot to edit that bit, I did this at about two in the morning after all.

Mina Kobold
2010-06-10, 11:00 AM
Shush you. :smalltongue: I forgot to edit that bit, I did this at about two in the morning after all.

You missed a bit about sea monsters a few lines below too :smallsmile:

I might make a character for this, just oughta figure out what they called a newbie in The Old West. I know the Danish word but I can't make a character for a Western setting without the crucial slur and old fashioned terms in English :smalltongue:

2010-06-10, 12:02 PM
Interest peaked...
Spot claimed...
Character being contemplated...
Will return with character idea, eventually...

End task...

2010-06-10, 12:17 PM
You missed a bit about sea monsters a few lines below too :smallsmile:

I might make a character for this, just oughta figure out what they called a newbie in The Old West. I know the Danish word but I can't make a character for a Western setting without the crucial slur and old fashioned terms in English :smalltongue:

Greenhorn? That's the first one that comes to my mind anyway.

Mina Kobold
2010-06-10, 12:46 PM
Greenhorn? That's the first one that comes to my mind anyway.

That would be closer to the Danish word but the Lucky Luke comic with the title uses Tenderfoot which my dictionary defines as a newcomer in a country and especially a newcomer with little outdoor experience in a rough country, greenhorn i apparently just a naive newcomer. But thanks anyway :smallsmile:

Now that my pointless quest for the correct term I'm off to make a character that'll probably spend a lot of time screaming and running :smalltongue:

2010-06-10, 04:00 PM
That would be closer to the Danish word but the Lucky Luke comic with the title uses Tenderfoot which my dictionary defines as a newcomer in a country and especially a newcomer with little outdoor experience in a rough country, greenhorn i apparently just a naive newcomer. But thanks anyway :smallsmile:

Now that my pointless quest for the correct term I'm off to make a character that'll probably spend a lot of time screaming and running :smalltongue:

Tenderfoot works too I suppose.:smallwink: I knew there was a simple term I had forgotten though. And obviously I'll be playing this myself, though in what aspect I'm not sure yet.

EDIT: Strike that, probably as the owner of Moriarty's saloon.:smallcool:

Mina Kobold
2010-06-11, 02:08 AM
Are there any special rules about characters or specific data for the sheets we should know about?

2010-06-11, 11:22 AM
I was actually going to make a 'template' to cover most stuff that should be known, but as long as it covers stuff like appearance, personality, notable equipment/property, notable skills, and if undead, half-so, or not (and if that comes with any special advantages and/or disadvantages) then it'd be fine.

Something like...

Status: Alive/Undead/Half-Dead



Notable Equipment/Property:

Notable Traits:

Seems like it'd cover the important stuff.

2010-06-11, 07:16 PM
This seems pretty interesting. Just to get things started off, here's my character:

Name:Tian Rong Qing ("Ronny Tian")
Status: Alive
Ethnicity: Chinese
Job: Railroad worker
Appearance: Standing only 5'3, Rong is rather slight of build, and really doesn't look, at first glance, like the sort who should be working long hours at the railroad track. However, there is a certain wiry strength in him, and he always carries himself with near-perfect posture. His clothes tend to be mended multiple times, but always quite clean, at least at the beginning of the day.
Personality: Ronny is generally quiet, owing partially to his somewhat limited spoken English, and partially to the deference advised in his home culture. He tends to loosen up a little after a few drinks, which he gets just about every night after a long day on the job. He is a very proud man, and dreams of one day owning a farm, which he hopes to pass on to his children.

Notable Equipment/Property: Ronny owns his own hammer, but precious little else. A jar he hides carefully under his company cot holds most of his money, which he's saving up to buy his family tickets over, and to buy the supplies necessary to start up a farm here.

Notable Traits: Ronny is a spectacular bar fighter, owing in part to a natural affinity for, and a few years' training in, drunken boxing. He is also very good at handling and setting dynamite correctly, and is a pretty good steel driver.

Mina Kobold
2010-06-12, 11:52 AM
Made a character who will probably end up doing something stupid before the week is over (in-game) :smalltongue:

Name: Seán "Shaun" Gray
Status: Alive
Ethnicity: Irish
Job: Hired help and trader

Appearance: Shaun Gray stands 5'4 and looks fairly normal by nature, a slight tan, auburn hair and as the oddest detail: Amber eyes.

His clothes on the other hand is an odd combination of a pair of baggy yellow pants originally from India and a red wool shirt. Both covered by a linen duster coat.

Personality: Shaun is a naive upbeat person who have absolutely no experience with weaponry and the dangers of the wild west, but plenty with haggling, running, appraising goods and several circus tricks he picked up from his childhood in the business.
Loves coffee, gems, gold, strange food and the colour yellow. Hates strong cheese, sawdust and snobs.
Notable Equipment/Property: A large amount of coffee, cups and coffee making equipment. A mule named Sanjay carries much of Shaun's equipment for appraising, his trade articles and most of his food and water.

Notable Traits: Lucky as hell, acrobatic and incredibly bad at using weaponry along with a taste for strange food makes up most of the noticeable traits of Shaun Gray.

2010-06-12, 12:40 PM
Here's my character idea, Alan Forrester, Priest of Death. If it's a little to much, I'll do something else. What do ya think?

Name: Alan Forrester
Status: Alive
Ethnicity: Generic European
Job: Priest of Death

Appearance: Alan is tall, about 6 foot, with pale skin and auburn hair. His
skin is clear and hair cut short and left messy. His eyes hold a dull gray in color. His form is lithe and strangely athletic for a priest.

Alan is often seen dressed in a priestly garb and wearing an ecclesiastical hat, the traditional monks garb(like Justin from Soul eater). It is colored all black, except for a white skull marking on the back of the shoulder garb(whatever that's called.)

Personality: Alan's life is about his faith, he practices it's rituals without fail, he reads a prayer from the book everyday, he even founded the religion in which he follows. Alan is a practicing member of Death's Faith, a religion that celebrates, honors and pretty much idolize the living dead. It views the Undead as a vision of perfection, they have beaten life's greatest obstacle, Death. For accomplishing this feat they are given praise, offered santuary from those who would fear or harm them, and all donations to the church are given as offerings to any Undead. This is his life, following the teachings of the Undead and striving to be like them. Being a new faith, it has yet to have all it's teachings gathered and confirmed, but Alan has traveled the frontier, inspiring who he could and learning ever more about his idols. He is always condemning or down right hateful of those who would condemn the Undead, but otherwise kind to the living, and always kind and serving to those who have passed.

Notable Equipment/Property: A small building used as a local church devoted to Death's Faith and his place of residence, a violin and respective other pieces(bow, rosin, and such), and a Book of Death's Faith(Like the Bible for his religion).

Notable Traits: Devout in his practice of Death's Faith, a strong runner and passable hand to hand combat skills in a kick boxing like style, and a skilled player of his violin. He is also the founder of Death's Faith, a religion devoted to learning the secrets of the Undead and striving to be the image of perfection that they are thought as. It receives a minor following, including a few members in Dead Falls.

2010-06-12, 01:29 PM
All look pretty good so far.:smallwink: It'll be interesting to hear more about this 'Death's Faith'.

2010-06-12, 01:36 PM
I'm hoping I can get a few PC followers, because it's in it's fledgling stages, it's very influencable. I'll definitely try to get a good solid description though, especially once that game starts up.

Mina Kobold
2010-06-14, 04:30 AM

How's the game going?

2010-06-14, 09:51 PM
Question mark face?

So... Perhaps we should begin for the sake of keeping this alive, or what?

2010-06-14, 09:59 PM
I'm trying to find more players before we start, ya know...so there's plenty of stuff to do and everything.

2010-06-14, 10:00 PM
Yea... To bad nobodies coming around to say howdy.

Mina Kobold
2010-06-15, 01:05 PM
I'm trying to find more players before we start, ya know...so there's plenty of stuff to do and everything.

Try to get some to play undead, we have a lack of them for some reason.

GitP FFRPGs, the only place that sentence make any sense :smalltongue:

2010-06-15, 03:02 PM
The owner of Moriarty's is going to be an undead actually. XD Once I manage to finish the write-up anyway.

2010-06-17, 05:01 PM
Name: Jericho Jackson
Status: Undead
Ethnicity: Black
Job: He's a bounty-killer
Apperance: 5'4, bald, blue-eyed, wears plenty of clothing to hide the scars that cover his body, slightly muscular

Personality: A very calm man, rarely ever gets angry, however he can be very brutal towards his targets and those who piss him off alot (Specifically, those who praise the Confederacy at all). This doesn't mean he is an uncarring person, as he will help people with their problems, even with little benefit to himself.

Notable Equipment/Property: Still wears the hat he had when serving in the Union army, has a Colt Single Action Army and an 1873 Winchester repeating rifle, on the side of it are five circles, each one representing one of the Confederates who beat him to death, two are crossed out so far...

Notable Traits: Being undead makes him resistant to pain and death, he's a damn good shot, and an adapt torturer.

2010-06-20, 03:43 AM
When creating new roleplay universes, please go here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=135689) and fill out the universe profile form listed in the first post, and choose an abbreviated tag for your thread titles. [DPD] perhaps?

This is not an approval process in any way, simply a way for us to keep the subforum organized and make it easier to match up players with the roleplay universes that interest them. :smallsmile:

2010-06-20, 04:40 AM
Name: Black Monday Blues

Race: Half Dead.

Ethnicity: White, what's left of his skin.

Profession: Bounty Hunter, Bank Robber, Sheriff, Message Deliever. The man does anything you'll pay him to do.

Personality: Black Monday, or as he prefers to be called by those he decides to slum it with "Monday", is not a likeable man. He's gruff, has a taste for cigars that stink to high hell, and refuses to ride a beast of burden regadless of whether it's a horse, or a gorram Donkey. When he actually decides to do anything other than growl at someone, he can be.. tolerable, and can keep a decent conversation going.


Six Shooters: One slung low on each hip, in true old western style, black monday is nothing short of the old stories. However, these guns aren't ordinary, they bear the power to seek out the heart of even the most shriveled undead bastard child, and the most corrupt politician.

Leather Jacket: On this beat up, ragged, age old jacket of cow hide, is a single polished brass star, maybe indicating that Monday here had been a sheriff once, but now the writing is so faded from erosion of the desert storms that it's unreadable.

Backstory: ??? TO COME!

Mina Kobold
2010-06-20, 06:44 AM
Name: Black Monday Blues

Race: Half Dead.

Ethnicity: White, what's left of his skin.

Profession: Bounty Hunter, Bank Robber, Sheriff, Message Deliever. The man does anything you'll pay him to do.

Personality: Black Monday, or as he prefers to be called by those he decides to slum it with "Monday", is not a likeable man. He's gruff, has a taste for cigars that stink to high hell, and refuses to ride a beast of burden regadless of whether it's a horse, or a gorram Donkey. When he actually decides to do anything other than growl at someone, he can be.. tolerable, and can keep a decent conversation going.


Six Shooters: One slung low on each hip, in true old western style, black monday is nothing short of the old stories. However, these guns aren't ordinary, they bear the power to seek out the heart of even the most shriveled undead bastard child, and the most corrupt politician.

Leather Jacket: On this beat up, ragged, age old jacket of cow hide, is a single polished brass star, maybe indicating that Monday here had been a sheriff once, but now the writing is so faded from erosion of the desert storms that it's unreadable.

Backstory: ??? TO COME!

I think the long jackets/coats used back then were called duster coats.

Why yes, I'm a nit-picker. how did you know? :smalltongue:

On another note, maybe we should get a registry for the characters.

2010-06-23, 09:05 AM
Posting interest, will start to work on my character sheet if you're still recruiting?:smallsmile:

2010-06-23, 09:36 AM
Yay I'm done (I think)

Name:Dana Bullock
Status: Alive
Ethnicity:Half white, half native-American
Job: Owns the town's saloon/bordello called (still gotta figure out a name for that...)
Apperance: A pretty young woman of about 25 years old, She has really dark long hair and tanned skin due to her native-american mother.
She has her father's blue eyes.She is quite tall for a woman and is built rather slender.
Personality: Behind that pretty little face and those big blue eyes lies a very cold soul.
All she really cares about is herself and money.
She has no mercy for the girls working for her, and is known hand out severe punishments when they have been 'bad girls'.
Of course, one could say she's like that because to make it in a place like this, you have to be stone-cold.

Notable Equipment/Property:The saloon , of course.
She also inherited her fathers gun collection and has her own horse.

Notable Traits: She is quite handy with guns and the likes, always eager to practice on some unfortunate fellow who stole something from her or just pissed her off.
Mom also taught her a few things about hunting with a bow and arrow, along with some very usefull survival techniques.

Is this okay ?

Mina Kobold
2010-06-26, 07:17 AM
Yay I'm done (I think)

Name:Dana Bullock
Status: Alive
Ethnicity:Half white, half native-American
Job: Owns the town's saloon/bordello called (still gotta figure out a name for that...)
Apperance: A pretty young woman of about 25 years old, She has really dark long hair and tanned skin due to her native-american mother.
She has her father's blue eyes.She is quite tall for a woman and is built rather slender.
Personality: Behind that pretty little face and those big blue eyes lies a very cold soul.
All she really cares about is herself and money.
She has no mercy for the girls working for her, and is known hand out severe punishments when they have been 'bad girls'.
Of course, one could say she's like that because to make it in a place like this, you have to be stone-cold.

Notable Equipment/Property:The saloon , of course.
She also inherited her fathers gun collection and has her own horse.

Notable Traits: She is quite handy with guns and the likes, always eager to practice on some unfortunate fellow who stole something from her or just pissed her off.
Mom also taught her a few things about hunting with a bow and arrow, along with some very usefull survival techniques.

Is this okay ?

Looks good :smallsmile:

Except perhaps for the part about her mother teaching her to use bow and arrow. Native American tribes and civilisations weren't really known for gender equality if my memory serves me correctly, just like practically any other pre-twentieth century civilisation.

American history's not my speciality, though :smallsmile:

2010-06-26, 01:58 PM
In certain tribal settings, women would do all the hunting and leading and such, I'm not sure if there were any prominent Native American tribes that did that, but it was more common than you'd think in Africa.

2010-06-26, 04:32 PM
In certain tribal settings, women would do all the hunting and leading and such, I'm not sure if there were any prominent Native American tribes that did that, but it was more common than you'd think in Africa.

I can see how women would do the leading (and know of at least some partial examples), but what tribes would have the females do the hunting?:smallconfused: It's inherently more dangerous than gathering, and men are, by default, the more expendable gender, and the one that can be available for the job more often, as they don't have to carry children to term.

It seems to me that any tribe that would have the women doing the hunting would be eliminated by natural selection.

2010-06-26, 04:41 PM
Certain beliefs are held by certain people, I have no idea why a tribe would do that, but I have heard of things like that. Probably, my time watching the History channel sometimes runs together.