View Full Version : The Saga of Imnisgak Isholmestthos - A Dwarf Fortress Story

2010-06-12, 02:35 AM
This will be an ongoing Lets Play of Dwarf Fortress. I have modded the game slightly to add in a few new siege races, but nothing drastically different than the vanilla game. I'll give more details on these when they become relevent. I'll be imposing a few challenges on myself as I go along. The first of these is that every wall and floor that is part of the fortress both aboveground and below the surface must be constructed from ice. I've selected a cold map, so there should be a good freeze/thaw cycle. As for the other ideas I've got to make it more "Fun," well... I'll reveal those when I feel like it. I'm open to suggestions though.


In Year 21, The great Dwarven empire of The Gilded Walls sent an expeditionary force of seven gullible brave Dwarves to establish a fortress. Though the seven did not know it at the time, the explorers who first charted the various regions of the known world had a tendency to name their discoveries in ways that made them sound much more appealing than they actually were. Through hard work and determination these alcoholic sociopaths may just manage to survive… or get eaten by a Sasquatch. These are their stories.

“Armok help me, what have I gotten myself into…” Bookworm muttered to himself. It was just a month ago that he was letting the patrons at his tavern try his newest brew… Surrounded by good friends and joy-filled faces.
“Whacha thinking about?” asked Earthmover, seeing the distressed look on Bookworm’s face.
“I’m thinking when we get done with this I’m gonna have to make a special batch of Sewer Brew to show my appreciation to that scamming sonofabitch Urist McUrist. Adventurers’ Guild my beard! Shoulda stayed safe in the Mountainhome perfecting my booze.” Bookworm replied
“Nah, theres no need for that… A couple months back, I dug a new magma tunnel for the forges back home… It runs pretty close to the Adventurers’ Guild headquarters if yeh get my drift.” Earthmover said with a wink.
“Yeah, I get yer drift.” said Bookworm, “Whats yer favorite drink? I’ll brew yeh a barrel if we survive the first winter.”
“Oi! I think we’re at the spot!” yelled Greenthumb before Earthmover could reply.
“Gods… is this frozen hellscape really where we’re suppose to build a fortress?” asked Bookworm.
“Yup, looks like it.” Greenthumb replied plainly.
Bookworm checked the map. “The Wealthy Jungle on The Famous Continent eh?” He looked at his surroundings. “Load of Elf crap, this place is as barren as a Goblin’s skull.”
“So whats the first order of business, boss?” asked Treeslayer
“Boss…” Bookworm muttered to himself. He still wasn’t used to that. Sure, he had signed the contract and put down most of the money for the expedition, but leadership was still a new thing to him. “Well… We’ll need to clear the area of trees as best we can, we don’t want them sneaking up on us at night…”
Treeslayer nodded, grabbed an axe and started without needing further instruction.
“… And we’ll need to dig a makeshift shelter until we can establish a proper one…” Bookworm continued.
Earthmover grabbed a pickaxe from the cart. “Just tell me where yeh want me to start diggin’”
Bookworm pointed to a nearby hill. “Over there should be fine. Dig a room big enough to serve as both bedroom and dining room for the lot of us. I’ll be needing a small office… nothing special, just somewhere that I can keep track of our progress and supplies… And we’ll need a farm plot.”
“Actually…” Greenthumb cut in, “The ground’s too hard from the frost. Gonna need some water before I can grow anything.”
“Damn…” muttered Bookworm “Fine, dig out the space for the farm and we’ll worry about irrigating it when the thaw comes.”
“What about me?” asked Woodbutcher.
Bookworm stood silent for a moment in thought. “Furniture first. After that we’ll need some barrels and then maybe some crafts when the first caravan comes.”
“And us?” asked Stonecutter.
Bookworm looked through his notes. “Yer not going to like this…” he said after some time.
“Oh?” Brickhead chimed in.
“Well, the king layed out a few… unusual guidelines for the construction of the fortress.” Said Bookworm.
“Spit it out already.” Stonecutter demanded. “The Masons’ Guild sent us here to build. Tell us what the king’s requirements are and we’ll build it to his requirements.”
Bookworm paused before finally muttering “Ice…”
The masons stared in disbelief. “Ice? The hell do yeh mean ice?” asked Stonecutter
“Exactly what it sounds like” replied Bookworm. “We’re to build the entire fortress out of ice. All walls and floors are to be constructed from ice, both above ground and as far below as we can take it without it melting in our hands.”
Stonecutter stormed off, grumbling and muttering something about pointless suicidal idiocy. A moment later, Earthmover reappeared, covered with soil.
“Ice eh?” she asked. “And what did the king decide to name this frozen deathtrap?”
“Imnisgak Isholmestthos… Everfrost, the Frigid Citadel” replied Bookworm grimly.


The Starting Team

Bookworm (Male) – 5 points Brewer, 4 points Cook, 1 point Judge of Intent (to assure he is the leader)
Earthmover (Female) – 5 points Miner
Treeslayer (Male) – 5 points Woodcutter
Woodbutcher (Male) – 5 points Carpenter, 5 points Woodcrafter
Stonecutter (Male) – 5 points Mason, 5 points Building Designer
Brickhead (Female) – 5 points Mason, 5 points Stonecrafter
Greenthumb (Female) – 5 points Grower


Meet the Dwarves
Bookworm - Born: ~45 years before the start of the current age
Bookworm is a 65 year old male Dwarf with cinnamon skin and a long and neatly combed moustache and beard. His head and sideburns are both shaven. His nose is long and narrow and his voice is somewhat raspy

Bookworm tries to serve as a leader and mediator for the group. Though he lacks experience, he has a natural talent for organizing and keeping records. He is incredibly intelligent, has a great memory, and strives for excellence in everything he does. Though he is slightly socially awkward, he tries to be straightforward and enjoys helping others.

Before the formation of The Golden Hammer, Bookworm owned a small tavern in the Mountainhome. His dream is to one day brew the perfect drink. He was tricked into the group by Urist McUrist, leader of the Adventurers’ Guild, who promised untold riches and access to undiscovered plants that might prove useful in brewing.

2010-06-12, 02:56 PM
How do you build an ice fortress that doesn't melt every summer?

2010-06-12, 06:43 PM
Constructions are invulnerable. I could pump magma into a box made of constructed ice walls and it would be fine.

Now, if I tried the same with natural ice walls, things would end much differently.

Not sure if its a bug or just something that Toady One hasn't gotten around to putting in yet, but so long as I build the ice walls from mined ice, nothing can destroy it unless I choose to destroy it.

2010-06-13, 04:02 PM
Chapter 1 – The First Steps
Year 21

Bookworm surveyed the area. The wagon had stopped on top of a large hill. Slightly north of their site, a stream split, both parts running nearby. Scattered across the area were several small ponds, still frozen. Already, the band of Dwarves was in enemy territory… Trees surrounded them on all sides. Countless trees. More trees than they could count.
“Elves must have caught wind that we were coming…” Treeslayer muttered, “They’ve set their sentries all ‘round the hill.”


Bookworm grabbed a few papers from the cart and started studying them. The plans required a great deal of open land… More than they had to work with. The land just wasn’t suitable… There wasn’t enough flat area for the fortress the king demanded. It would likely take at least two years before the hill could be leveled and any proper progress made.
Bookworm turned to Earthmover and gave his first order. “I want yeh to cut some ice free from the frozen ponds around here. We won’t have long before the Spring thaw comes and I’d like to get as much done as possible before then. Once the ice begins to melt, stop digging and come back.”
He then turned to Stonecutter and Brickhead who were still grumbling about the ice “It’s going to be some time yet before the hill can be leveled. Because of that, we won’t be able to build much… However, on the east side of the hill, there’s enough space to get started on the eastern towers.” He handed Stonecutter a chart “Do as much as yeh can before the thaw. We’ll worry about the rest come winter.”
“If we survive until winter…” Brickhead mumbled.
Bookworm just glared as he and Stonecutter started gathering Ice for the towers.
Once they were out of sight, he turned to Treeslayer. “I want yeh to start clearing the trees at the top of the hill. As soon as we have shelter, I’m going to have Earthmover start digging away at the hill and I’d prefer no trees get in the way.”
Treeslayer nodded and started walking towards the tree highest on the hill.
“As for you…” Bookworm said, turning to Woodbutcher “Build a workshop and trade depot, then get started on some furniture for our shelter and trade goods.”

Work went smoothly for the first month or so. The foundation of the eastern wall and towers had been set and deforestation was going on schedule. Once the ice had begun to thaw, Earthmover was ordered to start leveling the hill. There had been no trouble from the wildlife.

A few months passed without incident. It was now Mid-Summer. Bookworm was locked in his office, taking stock of the supplies.
“Food should last until the caravans come easily... Probably won’t need it, but we can trade for more to be on the safe side…” he mumbled to himself.
There was a knock on the door.
“Who is it?” asked Bookworm.
“It’s Treeslayer, we’ve got a problem.”
“What is it? Goblins? Kobolds?”
“No… just come see…”
Bookworm undid the lock and opened the door. Outside the temporary shelter stood a crowd of Dwarves, five new faces in total.
“Just what we need,” Thought Bookworm. “More mouths to feed.”
“Go make yerselves useful and haul wood. When I get a chance, yeh can tell me what yer good at and we’ll see about giving yeh proper work.”
After finishing taking stock of the supplies, Bookworm interviewed the new arrivals. One had worked as a weaponsmith. Another was a woodcrafter. The third had some experience as a brewer. The last two were a fish dissector and an animal trainer… entirely useless. However, the fish dissector had served in the military briefly. Though she did not have her armor or axe, these things could be acquired in time with a little effort. As for the animal trainer… Well, he would just have to learn to wield a weapon properly. Bookworm hadn’t bothered to learn their names yet. There was still too much work to be done before the first caravan arrived in Autumn.

Autumn had come, and with it, the yearly freeze. Earthmover was busy digging through dirt and ice and Treeslayer kept busy clearing the hill of plant life. A few bins of crafts had been prepared for the coming caravan. Bookworm grinned, things were going on schedule. He had even managed to make time to learn the names of a few of the migrants.
There was a knock at the door.
Bookworm jumped from his chair and opened the door. It had to be the caravan… he had given the order to be informed as soon as it was spotted and he had been told one would be coming in Autumn. His delight soon turned to disappointment as he was greeted by another group of new migrants.
Bookworm sighed. There were now 19 Dwarves in total and only Greenthumb was able to provide food. Supplies were high enough, but it still concerned Bookworm.
“Ok, fine just…” Bookworm started, but was interrupted by a loud yell of pain and then the scream of a horrible beast.
Bookworm pushed his way past the migrants and climbed the hill. At the top, he found Treeslayer, hunched over in pain, and a Sasquatch fleeing.
“What happened!?” asked Bookworm
“Damn beastie attacked me, so I put my axe in its gut.” Treeslayer replied
“Those wounds look pretty bad, we should get yeh inside.”
“Bah, these scratches are nothing, I’ll be fine. The beast was tough, but nothing compared to some of the trees I’ve had to fight. Besides, if I start slacking off over something like that, the real threat will gain the upper hand.”
“If yer sure…”
“Yeah, I’m sure. Takes more than a hairy monkey to do me in.”

A few more weeks passed. It was now late Autumn. As Treeslayer had assumed, he had recovered quickly. Construction on the east wall continued. There was another knock at Bookworm’s door.
“I swear, if this is another wave of immigrants, I’m going to throw the lot of yeh in a pit with a few sasquatches!” Bookworm yelled
A large mace smashed through the door. As the dust settled, Bookworm could see three Dwarves standing outside his office. On either side were two trained military Dwarves, one with a crossbow and one holding the mace that had just splintered the door. Between the guards was a smaller Dwarf with copper skin and charcoal hair. His hair was wavy and neatly combed and his long beard was arranged in a double braid.
The Dwarf’s voice was very clear as he spoke “I am yer liaison from the Mountainhomes.”
“Oh…” replied Bookworm weakly.
Bookworm discussed business with the liaison. He had decided that food and ore would be the most useful things the caravan could bring next year. When he was finished, he bartered a few crafts for some extra food, still concerned about the growing number of hungry Dwarves.
The rest of the year was fairly uneventful. Another Sasquatch had interrupted the work around the hill, but left without attacking anyone, and a Kobold thief had been spotted, but there were no major incidents. In just a year, the group had swelled from the 7 original Dwarves to a full 19. Food supplies were fine and no one had been killed seriously injured. Now, all Bookworm had to do was find out what type of booze Earthmover wanted and continue clearing the land.


So Treeslayer was attacked by a Sasquatch. He suffered a couple of broken bones, which healed almost immediately. It could’ve been much worse… The Sasquatch attacked one of the few Dwarves capable of holding his own against it. After having its lower body mangled, it wandered around a bit, vomited all over my wood stockpile, and ran off the map.


For his bravery, I present…


Meet the Dwarves
Treeslayer – Born: ~58 years before the start of the current age
Treeslayer is a 79 year old male Dwarf. He is very muscular with straight, neatly combed hair, moustache and beard. He has copper skin and goldenrod hair which is arranged in double braids

Treeslayer is a veteran of five wars against trees, or as he calls them… the Wooden Menace. It is common knowledge among Dwarves that trees are actually spies sent by the Elves to undermine any efforts of Dwarven expansion, but Treeslayer suspects they are up to something more sinister. He has vowed to not rest while the Wooden Menace is at large.


Earthmover, Treeslayer, and an unnamed migrant miner are all legendary.

Currently Unnamed Dwarves
Female Miner (legendary)
Female Weaponsmith
Another Female Weaponsmith
Female Blacksmith
Female Carpenter/Woodcrafter
Female Bonecrafter
Female Fisherdwarf
Male Brewer/Cook
Female Brewer/Cook
Female Wood Burner/Lye Maker/Potash Maker
Male dwarf who will eventually become military
Female dwarf who will eventually become military (married to the above male future military dwarf)

(Damn that’s a lot of female migrants)

If you have any name suggestions, I’d like to hear them. I just ask that the names are either particularly Dwarfy or follow the theme of naming them after what they do.

2010-06-13, 04:24 PM
If you are willing, turn the wood burner/lye maker/potash maker into a mechanic and call her Soapgear or something.

2010-06-13, 04:29 PM
Eh, I generally prefer to let migrants keep their jobs unless I seriously need something or they only know useless jobs (such as the animal trainer and fish dissector). When I do get a mechanic, I can name him/her Soapgear if you'd like... though I don't really get the name... What does Soap have to do with it?

2010-06-14, 01:34 AM
I assume that was down to the job combo--you need lye and ash for soap, don't you?

2010-06-14, 02:23 AM
Well... for Soap now that its actually useful, I was planning on just giving one Dwarf that job... and while it prbably would be doing something else as well, Mechanic wouldn't be it. I generally group Burn/Lye/Ash together since they're related, and Mechanics generally stand alone (most of my pumps are automatic but if I need an operator that gets lumped in. I don't bother with siege engines.)

2010-06-14, 03:26 PM
That's fine. Will be patient :smallsmile:

2010-06-14, 04:39 PM
Chapter 2 – Diplomacy with Elves
Year 22

“Damned Liaison, having his guards break my door.” Bookworm muttered “I’m upgrading to steel as soon as I get the chance.”
Bookworm eyed the splintered remains of his door for a few seconds. He let out a sigh and then went to find Woodbutcher, who was gorging himself on what little meat remained.
“Whachaneedboss?” He asked through mouthfuls
“A door.” Bookworm replied, dropping an armful of splinters at Woodbutcher’s feet. “And use the strongest wood we have available.”
Woodbutcher nodded and started on a fresh barrel of Dwarven ale. Bookworm knew nothing would make him get off his ass any sooner and returned to his office. No sooner than he had sat down at his desk did Bookworm hear a horrible sound.
“Hi everybody!” said a Dwarf standing in his doorway. There were 7 in total, standing there. Most were nameless, faceless migrants… Useless layabouts that kept coming in swarms. However, he recognized the Dwarf who had spoke… the one at the front of the croud. This Dwarf was a madman even by Dwarven standards… He had been kicked out of the Mountainhomes for butchering helpless injured Dwarves who had come to him for medical treatment… And now he stood in the Bookworm’s doorway, wearing a stained and disheveled doctor’s robe.
Bookworm sighed and replied “High Dr. Nick…”
The madman stood there, smiling in oblivious joy.
“I suppose yeh want to live here.” Bookworm continued
Dr. Nick started nodding, still wearing his insane grin.
“Listen doctor, I’m going to be straight with yeh. I won’t turn away the rest, but there is absolutely no way…” Bookworm started… but then he had an idea. A horrible idea, but an idea that would end his immigration woes once and for all. A sadistic grin appeared on Bookworm’s face, not unlike the one Dr. Nick was still wearing. “There’s absolutely no way I would turn down the services of a qualified medical professional such as yerself. In fact… In fact, I would like to offer yeh the position of chief medical Dwarf here at Imnishgak Isholmestthos.”
The doctor’s face beamed. “Oh goodie, I’ll go get my hacksaw!” he declared with far too much enthusiasm.
The other migrants were speechless. After a few seconds, they shuffled out of the doorway, leaving Bookworm in peace. Bookworm let out a little laugh. Word of Dr. Nick’s appointment would spread quickly, and if that didn’t deter migrants, nothing would. Bookworm couldn’t help but be satisfied with himself.

The next few weeks passed quickly. Trees were slain, the hill was getting smaller and smaller each day, and the Eastern wall was nearly completed. Best of all, there had been no new migrants. Bookworm was in his office as always, admiring his new door. It was made from Highwood and while it was no masterpiece, Woodbutcher had done a good job making it. The door swung open, smashing into Bookworm’s face and knocking him to the ground.
“Boss! We’re under attack!” yelled Brickhead, standing in the doorway.
Bookworm got to his feet and wiped the blood from under his nose. “Dammit, this is why I usually keep the door locked! Whose attacking us?”
“It’s Elves! The trees must’ve tipped off the pointy eared bastards!”
Bookworm stepped outside and looked down the hill. The Elves had indeed come, but it wasn’t an attack. They were transporting goods to trade and they were completely unarmed. Bookworm whacked Brickhead over the head and scolded him.
“Does it look like a damn attack to yeh? How many people do yeh know who attack yeh unarmed and with Donkeys carrying trade goods!?”
Bookworm watched as the Elves made their way to the trade depot. One of the Elves approached and introduced herself.
“I am Idala Wamiwanda.” The Elf woman then gestured to the other Elf. “That is Tira Thaciracal. We have heard about your settlement and come to trade with you.”
“She means the trees tipped ‘em off.” Treeslayer muttered to Bookworm as he passed by.
“It’s nice to meet yeh ladies” Bookworm said, ignoring the woodcutter. He then put his hand forward as a show of friendship.
Tira coughed. “I’m a man actually.” He said, unamused.
Bookworm gave a confused look. “Really? Wheres yer beard?”
“Can’t be a man without a beard!” Greenthumb chimed in, dropping a bin of crafts at the depot.
Idala let out a patronizing laugh. Tira remained silent. After an awkward moment Bookworm withdrew his hand, knowing neither Elf would have the courtesy to shake it.
“So… yeh’ve come to trade?” Asked Bookworm, trying to change the subject.
“Yes” replied Idala “What do you have to offer?”
“Well, we’ve not got much yet, but we have a nice assortment of crafts we’d be willin’ to part with.”
Idala peered inside of the bin. Her expression quickly changed from one of amusement and curiosity to one of disgust and horror.
“What have you savages done!?” she asked, holding up a pine earring.
“We savages have made a fine craft that most would be honored to trade fer.” He replied.
“You’ve murdered a once-glorious tree to make a worthless bauble!” she said, tossing the earring in the mud.
“How is it any different than what you’ve done?” Bookworm asked, picking up a cedar bucket from a pile of Elven goods.
“That is entirely different!” yelled Tira, snatching the bucket back. “If you hairy mongrels cannot understand that then our business here is done!”
“Fine, leave!” Bookworm retorted “But I think we’ll be taking anything edible you have as a parting gift.”
“Why would we give you anything!?” asked Tira.
The Elf felt a quick jab in his back. He turned to see Treeslayer standing behind him holding his axe threateningly.
“I think yeh’ll be letting us take whatever we like, yeh androgynes twit. And I think yeh’ll be thanking us fer lightening yer load fer the return trip.” said Bookworm with a grin.
“Fine.” Said Idala, gritting her teeth “But you’ll soon regret your lack of etiquette.”
The Elves quickly packed up what goods hadn’t been seized and embarked.
As the Elves departed, Bookworm climbed to the top of the hill and yelled to them “Be sure to come back next year!”
“We could always use the extra food!” yelled Earthmover as they passed.

Bookworm made a note to himself: Never leave the booze outside. The food surplus had grown to the point where it could not all fit inside their makeshift shelter. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem, but a grizzly bear had wandered into their camp. No one was willing to stop it from helping itself to whatever it could get its paws on. Still, watching the beast carelessly guzzle their booze made Bookworm think about how weak their position was. There were no mechanics or stone… Traps were impossible. They had yet to establish a steel industry… Weapons and arms would have to be imported to establish a military. The only hostilities so far had been from the wildlife, a few Kobolds who were more annoying than anything, a single Gnoll thief who had wounded Brickhead before running away, and of course, the insufferable Elves, but Bookworm feared what might be coming. The bear was eventually slain by the Dwarven caravan guards, but the incident had increased Bookworm’s security concerns greatly. Bookworm called a Dwarf into his office and instructed her to sit.
“Yer name is Pyro, correct?” he asked, not really caring.
“Yep.” She replied.
“So with a name like that, it would be safe to assume yeh know a thing or two about burning things, correct?”
She smiled. “Indeed I do, who do yeh need burned?”
Bookworm was surprised, but not entirely opposed to the idea. “Oh, nothing like that… at least not fer now.” He continued “Yeh see… we have quite a lot of logs just lying around and I’d it if we could turn them into something more useful… charcoal perhaps.”
Pyro grinned “Of course.”

In Mid-Winter, Brickhead stopped working. Bookworm assumed she was still angry about the Gnoll attack, but she wouldn’t talk to anyone. She stole some stone and wood and holed up one of the workshops.
“Fine” Bookworm muttered to himself a few days after she entered her trance “If she doesn’t want to work, she doesn’t get to eat. No rations fer her until she snaps out of it and gets back to work on the damn towers!”
“That’s fine, I guess yeh won’t be wanting this then…” It was Brickhead’s voice. Bookworm turned to see her standing behind him holding the most ornate armor stand he had ever seen. The armor stand was made of kimberlite with spikes of calcite and highwood. “I call it Vunomkacoth… was gonna let yeh have it fer yer office, but I’m thinking it’ll look good in the communal sleeping area now. Anyways, I’m gonna get back to work on that wall, and I think I’ll be taking extra rations fer the next few days… I feel like I could do more work than the rest of the masons combined now.”
Bookworm was speechless.


It seems Bookworm’s plan worked. There were no new migrants for the rest of the year, a great victory for the Frigid Citadel.

The as of yet unnamed Fish Dissector/future military dwarf had a kid. Goblin childsnatchers can’t show up soon enough.

Maybe the Elves that show up next year will have a bit more respect… Probably not, but the Dwarves aren’t going to tolerate outsiders coming to their home and insulting them.

The top two levels of the hill have been almost entirely stripped away by Earthmover and an unnamed migrant miner. I’m hoping to start on the fortress proper by the end of the next year… enough with the damn wall, its already been built up more than it needs to be at this point.

If migrants come and none of them have a skill I actually want (mechanic, perhaps thresher, maybe a butcher) then I’m going to start locking them in tiny rooms to starve.


Meet the Dwarves
Brickhead – Born: 47 years before the start of the current age
Brickhead is a 69 year old female Dwarf. She has straight, medium length, chestnut hair pulled into a ponytail. She has brown skin and bronze eyes.

Brickhead has issues with authority and rules. She is impatient and lacks empathy for others. Perhaps this is why the Masons’ Guild was so eager to offer her services to the first group looking for a stoneworker. Despite her flaws, Brickhead is incredibly confident and a hard worker.


Legendary Dwarves
Earthhmover (Miner)
Unnamed Female Miner
Treeslayer (Woodcutter)
Brickhead (Mason)
Greenthumb (Planter)

Currently Unnamed Dwarves
Female Miner (legendary)
Female Carpenter/Woodcrafter
Female Mason
Two Female Weaponsmiths
Female Blacksmith
Male Metalcrafter
Two Female Bonecrafters
Male Fisherdwarf
Female Fisherdwarf
Female Brewer/Cook
Male Baby (Son of Derek Soulchopper and an unnamed female future military dwarf)
Three future military dwarves (1 male, 2 female)

2010-06-15, 01:37 AM
You're deliberately antagonising the elves in order to get them to attack you, are you? :smallwink:

2010-06-15, 02:26 AM
Now why would I do something silly like that? I think it was pretty clear that they were the ones acting like superior pricks. My Dwarves may have made an honest mistake or two as a result of their ignorance of Elvish culture, but they blew it way out of proportion. They were the ones who started being insulting.

Why would I do something silly like antagonize the Elves? Thats just silly... You're silly.

2010-06-16, 02:46 PM
Chapter 3 – A Looming Threat
Year 23

An entry from the logbook of Bookworm, expedition leader of Everfrost, the Frigid Citadel.

”5th Slate, Year 23.

Migrants… so many damned migrants. There are now 45 of us in total. I was sure appointing that madman as chief medical Dwarf would scare them off… Stop them from coming… But no, they’re relentless! Our numbers have nearly doubled since last year… Do these fools value their lives at all?

Its confounding… Our numbers are too many already. Our shelter is inadequate and defenses non-existent. There is no way we can possibly hide 45 Dwarves from our enemies. I fear we will encounter our first Goblin soon and I fear for our survival.

The news is not all bad though… Among the migrants were two Dwarves who will prove valuable in setting up our defenses. First, a mechanic named Soapgear… I have no clue what kind of name Soapgear is, but I digress... Once we strike stone, his services will prove useful. Second, a Dwarf with military experience, Steelbeard. I’ve appointed him head of our military. Though we currently lack weapons or armor, I hope to have a passable force by the end of the year.”

The call rang out across the area. It was a fisherdwarf, Carpbait who had spotted the green bastard. The barely-trained military sprang into action, but none were nearby the Goblin was spotted. After a long chase, the Goblin escaped. Immediately afterwards, the Elven caravan arrived. The timing was too perfect. Though he couldn’t prove it, Bookworm KNEW the Elves and Goblins were working together.
Bookwork sought out Steelbeard and gave him an order “When the Elves arrive, take everythin’ they have that’s edible... They can keep their worthless trinkets. If they object, I want ‘em beaten but left alive as an example to their kin. Their rudeness was one thing, but leadin’ Goblins to our home is unforgivable.”
Steelbeard nodded “Of course”
As Bookworm returned to his work, he could hear the indignant cries of the traders followed by yells of pain and the telltale sound of a beating. He smirked with satisfaction… Serves them right for having the nerve to send traders after the way the last ones had behaved.

It was Late-Summer and Bookworm was sitting outside watching the military train. Their progress was taking too long… If Goblins were to attack now, the lot of them would be slaughtered. This was unacceptable, but there was almost nothing Bookworm could do about it. As he sat on the hill, he noticed a Human caravan in the distance. Humans were acceptable… They didn’t try to impose their will on Dwarvenkind and had the decency to kill any scum that might follow them. They were no more trustworthy than any other non-Dwarf, but they didn’t ask to be trusted… only to trade. Furthermore, their goods, while inferior to Dwarven craft, were still useful.
“WE’RE UNDER ATTACK!!!” yelled Le Chef, who had been brewing Prickle Berry Wine at the top of the hill. Five Gnolls... Filthy, mangy, flea-ridden mongrels had followed the yearly Dwarf caravan and were climbing towards the Trade Depot with alarming speed. Steelbeard rallied his men to engage the enemy, but by the time they arrived, the Caravan guard was already locked in combat. The combined force easily overwhelmed Gnolls. At the end of the day, two Gnolls had died and the rest had fled.

That night there was a great party in the lower dining hall. Steelbeard and his men were feasting and drinking as if they hadn’t had anything all season. All work had grinded to a halt as the Dwarves came to listen to his tales of the battle.
“So we saw a group of Gnolls climbin’ the hill” he said “There were more than I could count…”
“Musta been atleast 50!” said a different Dwarf.
“More like 70!” said another.”
“Well, regardless of how many there were” Steelbeard continued, “We knew we had to stop ‘em before they hurt anyone. The savage horde climbed the hill and it was just the 8 of us defendin’ our home… no weapons… no armor, just pure Dwarven muscle. They advanced on us, snarlin’ and growlin’ and wantin’ our blood… it was terrifyin’… a lesser Dwarf woulda crapped hisself on the spot… but not my Dwarves, we had our duty! We’d save the fortress or die tryin’! Anythin’ less and we may as well shave our beards and start livin’ with the Elves!”
Steelbeard took a swig of his ale.
“So we threw ourselves into the Gnolls. I killed the first two with my bare hands, but the rest were circlin’ us. Things were lookin’ grim. One of the beasts swung his hammer for my head, but I caught it mid-swing and wrestled it out of his hands. I smashed the skulls of the next three in with ease and tossed their weapons to the others. We were a slashin’, hackin’, swingin’ Dwarven tornado o’ death… Hairy brutes never stood a chance.”
The entire dining hall burst into applause. As the clapping thinned out, one person could still be heard… clapping slowly… mockingly…
Bookworm emerged from the back of the crowd. “Yes, how very brave of yeh. Not only did yeh fail to spot the Gnolls comin’… Not only did yeh force the caravan guard to save the lot of us from bein’ slaughtered like cattle… Not only did yer incompetence prevent us from bein’ able to trade for vital supplies as the traders ran for cover and their guards chased the Gnolls off… but worst of all, yeh allowed ‘em to escape.”
The room went silent.
“A mere five Gnolls… Five Gnolls is no attack force. Five Gnolls is a scoutin’ force, and yeh allowed three of ‘em to get away… To return to their masters to and report their findings. Enjoy the ale while yeh can… because when the Gnolls return with a real attack force and overcome our pathetic defenses, there will be nothin’ for any of yeh to celebrate. If any of yeh would like to live, I suggest yeh get off yer asses and get back to work while there’s still time. There are far worse threats than Gnolls out there…”

After that, labor continued on schedule. The military was upset, but it needed to be done. Bookworm was meeting with Earthmover and Stonecutter.
“How much longer until the walls are finished?” he asked.
“The main walls are almost done… the interior is barren, but it should be livable by Spring.” Stonecutter replied.
“Good. How about the land itself?” asked Bookworm.
“Stonestrike and Rocksmasher are diggin’ right now. We’ve already stripped enough away to start the western towers and the rest of the walls. Most of the remainin’ work is just landscapin’ at this point.” Said Earthmover.
“Good, good… Have ‘em put off the landscapin’ for now. I want the miners to start on the fortress proper by the beginnin’ of next year. As soon as the main walls are finished, start diggin’.”
Bookworm walked over to a new barrel of Strawberry Wine and tapped it. He then filled three cups of it and gave Earthmover and Stonecutter each one.
“The others don’t seem to realize the severity of our situation. Enemies surround us on all sides… Trees, Goblins, Kobolds, even Snakemen have been spotted lurkin’ around our home. Gnolls have even sent a scoutin’ party to size up our defenses. For three long years, we have been forced to live like Humans, it’s time for us to live like Dwarves again!”
The three Dwarves drank.


Truth of the attack: There was one lasher and four swordsmen. The caravan guards killed the lasher and wounded one of the swordsmen by the time my militia arrived. The other three swordsmen were already running by this point. I’m willing to bet that I would have lost a couple of Dwarves if the Gnolls hadn’t attacked within sight of the caravan or if they had brought bows or crossbows. The fact that Gnolls are weaker than Goblins probably helped too…

It makes for a weak story, but I’ve got no problem admitting my military is pretty pathetic right now. I’m thinking I’ll build some cage traps, disarm the next invaders that attack and give my military some live combat training.


Meet the Dwarves
Earthmover – Born: 36 years before the start of the current age
Earthmover is a 59 year old female Dwarf. Her long, auburn hair is braided. She has burnt umber skin and copper eyes.

Earthmover is the head miner at Imnisgak Isholmestthos. She currently has two Dwarves working under her, Stonestrike and Rocksmasher. Before working at the fortress, Earthmover worked as an independent miner for hire. While Earthmover usually has a good sense of humor, she does not tolerate people questioning her work or making ridiculous demands. Her solution to those who do typically involved magma.


Legendary Dwarves
Earthhmover (Miner)
Stonestrike (Miner)
Rocksmasher (Miner)
Treeslayer (Woodcutter)
Woodbane (Woodcutter)
Brickhead (Mason)
Greenthumb (Planter)
Weedpicker (Herbalist)

Currently Unnamed Dwarves
Male Carpenter/Woodcrafter
Female Mason/Stonecrafter
Three Female Weaponsmiths
Female Blacksmith
Male Jeweler
Male Stonecrafter/Mason
Two Female Bonecrafters
Female Weaver/Clothier
Female Fisherdwarf
Female Butcher/Tanner
Male Planter
Female Brewer/Cook
Female Soapmaker
Male Child (Age 1) (Son of Derek Soulchopper and an unnamed female future military dwarf)
Female Child (Age 10) (Daughter of Soapgear and the unnamed female Soapmaker… hey, maybe that’s why he calls himself Soapgear!)
6 military dwarves (2 male, 4 female)

2010-06-18, 08:47 PM
So... this is interesting...

Its the late summer of year 25. A vile force of darkness arrives... I'm being sieged by Gnolls... Only the Gnolls are stupid and spawned on the other side of the river. They have no way of reaching me.

So I order my Dwarves to build a bridge so they can reach me, get captured in cage traps, and be used as live combat training.

But then another vile force of darkness arrives... Snakemen this time... also on the wrong side of the river. Now, Snakemen can swim, so they aren't AS stupid for spawning on the wrong side of the river... but still...

At this point I'm wondering if the two armies will fight eachother...

Or maybe the Snakemen will cross the river and it will freeze JUST as they're swimming across...

Or maybe the Snakemen will cross the river, make it to my fortress, get captured, then I build the bridge and the Gnolls do the exact same thing as the Snakemen... But that would be boring.

2010-06-20, 01:52 PM
Chapter 4 – Agression
Year 24 and 25

“How much further?” asked Captain Spiritwing
“Just over this hill here, captain” replied Lieutenant Twigstorm
“How many times do I have to tell you, Nisa? Until we complete the mission, you’re to refer to call me Ecafe. It’s critical that we aren’t discovered.
“I’m sorry, Cap… I’m sorry, Ecafe. I’ll try to remember.”
“You will remember. If the savages catch on we’ll all be killed on the spot.”
The Elven caravan reached the top of the hill. Captain Spiritwing surveyed the area.
“They’re definitely up to something down there… Almost all of the plant life has been stripped away… Unforgivable… They’ve also erected walls and seem to have expanded their operation underground.”
“What do you think they’re doing down there?”
“There’s no telling how far below the surface their corruption has spread... Perhaps they seek to drain the life from the soil itself… To convert the forested taiga to a rocky wasteland. When we arrive, we can assess the situation. Once we know what the Dwarves are up to, we can decide the best response.
The Elves made their way down the hill into the Dwarven territory. They passed several piles of logs, stone, and assorted goods, scattered seemingly at random. The Elves received several dirty looks as they walked the winding path towards the Dwarven fortress. Finally reaching the entrance, their path was blocked by two Dwarves wielding wooden axes.
“We cannot allow yeh to go any further.” said the Dwarf on the right.
Captain Spiritwing smiled “We’re just humble traders who have come to sell our wares… surely we have something that might interest you… Please, take a look at our goods and see if there’s anything your leader might find useful.”
“Drop anything that can be cooked or brewed and leave us, yer kind has proven time after time that yeh cannot be trusted. Every time one of yet kin has come to our home as guests, yeh have shown nothing but rudeness and disrespect. There’s nothing humble about yeh. Leave.” said the Dwarf on the left.
Twigstorm was insulted “How dare you speak…”
Spiritwing raised his hand to stop his lieutenant. “There’s no need to get upset Twigstorm.” He turned back to the Dwarves. “I don’t think you understand… We cannot merely give you our goods. We’ve come to trade, not… You see trading is when two parties decide to exchange…”
“And that’s exactly the condescending and disrespectful attitude that makes yeh not welcome here.” Interrupted the Dwarf on the left.
“… Very well.” Spiritwing gestured to the rest of the Elves who started unloading the goods the Dwarves demanded. Afterwards, the Elves left the site without saying another word.

“What do you make of it?” asked Twigstorm once they had left the Dwarven territory.
“They’re definitely up to something. It’s obvious they’re hiding something from us… I don’t like it.” replied Spiritwing.
The Elves walked in silence for a few minutes before Captain Spiritwing spoke again.
“We’ll report their suspicious behavior back to the head druid… He will decide how to deal with the Dwarves.”

Ochita and Soulchopper couldn’t contain their laughter.
Soulchopper did his best Elf impersonation “Yeh see, trading is when… Ha!”
“I almost lost it and started laughin’ right there when he said that!” said Ochita.
“Me too… It’s a good thing they left when they did, I don’t think I coulda kept a straight face much longer.”
“I dunno if the pointy ears really think anyone is that dumb or if they’re just tryin’ to be insultin’, but it’s damn funny watch ‘em try to weasel their way through.”

Bookworm was overseeing the fortress work. The miners were already working three levels below ground on the grand entrance hall the king had ordered as a condition for the expedition’s charter, the masons were finishing work on the main wall and would soon get back to work on the outer wall, and Soapgear, the lone mechanic, was setting up traps at the entrance of the fortress. In time, the entire operation would be moved underground, to the relative safety of the cavernous depths.
Bookworm felt something poke his back. A second later he smelled the overpowering stench of cheese. He turned to see Le Chef standing behind him.
“A moment of your time monsieur Bookworm… I would like to request zee grand kitchen, one zat would make Armok ‘imself envious of zee fine cuisine prepared within!”
Bookworm stared for a second, piecing together what the strange Dwarf standing in front of him had said. “Yeh want a kitchen?… Umm… Aye, good idea… We’ll get on that as soon as we can.
Le Chef’s eyes lit up with joy and excitement. “You will not be disappointed monsieur Bookworm, zee Dwarves will ‘ave zee grand feast every night while I am in zee kitchen!”
The strange Dwarf ran off, overjoyed, leaving Bookworm to stare in confusion.

The summer months passed slowly. Lack of ice made fortress work grind to a halt and the Dwarves instead focused on deforestation and rebuilding a food surplus. Despite the crippling weapons shortage, the military continued their training. Imports and small ore deposits gave the Dwarves some much needed steel, but there was never enough. Without fortress expansion to worry about, the miners focused their efforts on removing what was left of the hill that had originally stopped their progress. As autumn rolled in Stonestrike spotted them…

The alert went off and Steelbeard’s men rushed from the underground towards the entrance of the fortress. Bookworm stopped them at the top, Sopagear at his side.
“Get out of the way! We’re under attack!” yelled Steelbeard, barely restraining himself from shoving past the two Dwarves standing in his way.
“There won’t be any need for that, commander.” said Sopagear with a grin.
“We’ll all be slaughtered if yeh don’t get out of my way!”
“Think for a second… We’re under attack by well armed foes. We lack the essential steel to give yer men axes or shields or armor. If you run out there, your men will be cut down easily. Please, just sit and watch.” said Bookworm.
“Yeh’ve both gone mad in the head. Fine, if yeh don’t want me to fight the enemy, don’t expect me to lift a finger until after the two of yeh have been cut down.”
The enemy came into sight. At their head was a Dark Elf with a vicious curved sword. He and his band of spear wielders charged the entrance.
Steelbeard gritted his teath. “Soon as they make it through, attack. We’ve got em outnumbered, so if we can wrestle their weapons away…”
*Snap* *Twang* *Whoosh*
As soon as the enemy had set foot inside the walls, the trap went off. Each Dark Elf had been ensnared and caged. The prisoners yelled and cursed in their own incomprehensible tongue.
Bookworm grinned. “Until we can supply yeh with proper equipment, there won’t be much yer men can do against invaders. I don’t like it any more than yeh do, but theres nothin’ we can do about it. Think of these six fools as a present… Yer free to do as yeh like with them.”

Soapgear continued his work, installing traps at the entrance of the fortress. The number of prisoners grew with every attack. The next fools to attempt to take the citadel as a group of Goblins. In the spring of 25, the traps captured a group of Snakemen and another batch of Dark Elves. These small forces were nothing, their futile attempts to break through only led to more prisoners being captured.

It was a stormy night in late summer. Most of the Dwarves were working underground, but Treeslayer was not so fortunate… Fortress defense came first. The trees wouldn’t be stopped by a little rain and neither would he. Treeslayer stood over the body of his latest adversary, an enormous Larch, taller than any Dwarf. He wiped the sweat from his brow and started walking back towards the fortress. As he passed through the unfinished northern wall, he heard something… It was a booming, but it wasn’t thunder… it was too rhythmic. Treeslayer ran towards the source of the sound. As he neared the eastern river, the noise became louder and louder. Treeslayer peered into the river valley, where he discovered the origin of the sound… War drums. He could see two camps… One of Gnolls and one of Snakemen. Treeslayer ran back to the fortress as quickly as he could to report his findings.
“Theres still time” he muttered to himself, knowing that the invaders could not advance until the river froze.

The Dwarves increased their defenses as best they could. Several more traps were installed and the military was put on alert, but it was a race against time. According to Treeslayer’s report, the enemy force was massive. Shortly after finishing their preparations, the attack came.
Steelbeard rallied his men. “Today we face a foe that is better armed than us and greater in number. These bastards want nothing more than to kill yeh and destroy everything yeh hold dear! If yeh give ‘em a chance, they will! This is not a battle we can win through force. The only way any of us are going to live to see tomorrow is by fightin’ smart. Let the traps thin their numbers then overwhelm the ones that break through. If any of yeh don’t wanna fight, nows yer last chance to try to escape. As fer me, I’d rather die than let a buncha dirty dogs and lizards scare me off!”
The soldiers cheered.

The attack had started. The Gnolls were the first to strike, they charged the fortress, but once their leader had been ensnared by the traps, their formation broke and they scattered. Furious, the Snakemen advanced, killing a few fleeing Gnolls as they did. Unlike the Gnolls, who had just rushed blindly, the Snakemen tread carefully, hissing and spitting at the Dwarves as they did. Even after their leader had been caged, the serpents continued their advance.
Steelbeard watched intently, waiting for the moment to move. Most of the traps had been sprung, but there were still a few Snakemen advancing. The first had made it past the traps. Steelbeard signaled and the soldiers threw themselves on her. She hissed and stabbed at the first Dwarf to approach, cutting her leg deeply. The wounded Dwarf backed off while the rest piled on the serpent, bringing her to the ground. Seeing this savage display, the remaining Snakemen backed up slightly, only to trigger the remaining traps.

The wounded Dwarf was carried to the hospital. Blood was pouring from her left leg and upper body. Steelbeard and Bookworm stood over the wounded soldier.
“What’s yer name, soldier?” asked Bookworm.
“Hawkeye” replied the soldier, weakly.
“Well Hawkeye, yer bravery may have saved us all.” said Steelbeard “Those wounds are badges of honor.”
Dr. Nick entered the room, his expression much more serious than his usual absent-minded grin. “Hi everybody.” he said.
Dr. Nick examined Hawkeye.

(Her liver is also broken, though as a Dwarf she doesn’t need it)

“This Dwarf’s blood has gone bad, her only hope is emergency surgery. I’m going to need a silk cloth, some rope, an obsidian mechanism, a screwdriver, and a barrel of Dwarven Rum!”
Steelbeard gave Dr. Nick a strange look. “Are you sure you really need…”
“You’re wasting precious time!” exclaimed the doctor “Both of you, out! I cannot operate with the two of you looking over me!”
Dr. Nick shoved the two Dwarves out of the hospital and shut the door behind them.
“So… she’s gonna die, isn’t she?” asked Steelbeard
“Probably…” replied Bookworm.

Steelbeard paced in front of a row of cages.
“So yeh fools think yeh can invade my home… Take it over… Loot whatever’s valuable and slaughter the lot of us like cattle.”
The prisoners from the recent attack had been moved into the lowest levels of the cavern. Their cages had been lined against the walls. Steelbeard ran his finger along the blade of his new axe.
“Yer garbage... all of yeh... Scum too low to survive on yer own labor... Trash that instead chooses to live as parasites, exploitin’ the hard work of those with value in this world.”
Steelbeard grinned
“Yer also failures. Don’t yeh worry, I’ve got ideas for what to do with the lot of yeh… Even trash can be put to use if yer creative enough...”
The prisoners hissed and growled and yelled in their own languages.
“And I assure yeh, I’m plenty creative... Yeh’d be surprised what kinda fun ideas yeh get when yer excused from normal labor all day long.”
“You realisssse that one of them can undersssstand you, don’t you?”
Steelbeard turned to see who had spoken… It was the leader of the Snakemen who had been captured during the attack. She was fairly small for her kind, though still larger than most Dwarves.
“Oh, but yeh can understand me just fine, can’t yeh snakey?” said Steelbeard with a smirk.
“Yessss, Daverven is jusssst one of the sssseveral languagessss I sssspeak.” replied the Snakewoman
“And can yeh speak the whatever tongue the rest of the prisoners speak?”
“Mosssst of them.”
“Good, then I’m sure I could convince you to translate for me”
“I ssssupposssse.”
The Snakewoman started talking, but Steelbeard couldn’t understand what she was saying. Each time she paused, the prisoners grew louder and louder… first the Snakemen, then the Gnolls, then the Lizardmen, and finally the Goblins… all screaming and banging on their cages.
“Whats yer name, snake?” asked Steelbeard
“Ssssangossssm Nusssstudo.” replied the Snakewoman.
“Well snakey, if yeh keep doin’ like I say, I may just let yeh live a bit longer.”
Steelbeard walked away.


Meet the Dwarves
Commander Steelbeard – Born: 34 years before the start of the current age
Steelbeard is a 59 year old male Dwarf. He has peach skin, cobalt eyes, and long, curly, black hair. His hair and moustache are both neatly combed and his sideburns and beard are braided.

Steelbeard commands Imnisgak Isholmestthos’s militia. He has become increasingly annoyed with situation at the fortress… From lack of steel for weapons and armor… to sub-par medical care… to the fact that most of the fortress defense is handled by traps…


Legendary Dwarves
Earthhmover (Miner)
Stonestrike (Miner)
Rocksmasher (Miner)
Nameless Male (Miner)
Nameless Female (Miner)
Treeslayer (Woodcutter)
Woodbane (Woodcutter)
Brickhead (Mason)
Nameless Female (Mason)
Greenthumb (Planter)
Nameless Male (Planter)
Weedpicker (Herbalist)
Soapgear (Mechanic)

Currently Unnamed Dwarves
Male Miner (Legendary)
Female Miner (Legendary)
Male Woodworker (I wanted him to be a woodcutter, but I can’t get him to grab an axe so he may go Carpenter instead)
Male Carpenter/Woodcrafter
Female Carpenter/Woodcrafter
Female Mason/Stonecrafter (Legendary)
Female Mason/Stonecrafter
Male Mason/Stonecrafter
Four Female Weaponsmiths
Female Blacksmith
Female Jeweler
Male Jeweler
Male Stonecrafter/Mason
Female Stonecrafter/Mason
Male Leatherworker
Two Female Bonecrafters
Female Weaver/Clothier
Male Weaver/Clothier
Female Glassmaker
Female Fisherdwarf
Female Milker/Cheesemaker
Two Male Threshers/Millers/Dyers
Female Butcher/Tanner
Two Male Planters
Female Brewer/Cook
Female Soapmaker
Male Wood Burner/Potash Maker/Lye Maker
Female Peasant (Daughter of Soapgear and the unnamed female Soapmaker, probably going to become a Marksdwarf unless someone requests otherwise.)
Male Child (Age 3) (Son of Derek Soulchopper and an unnamed female future military dwarf)
Female Child (Age 1) (Son of Derek Soulchopper and an unnamed female future military dwarf)

Several Military Dwarves (8 Male Axedwarves, 1 Male Marksdwarf, 12 Female Marksdwarves, 6 Male Hammerdwarves

You may notice the abundance of Female Marksdwarves… this is because of the Dwarven tendency for mothers to carry their children into battle. Though babies make effective body armor, I prefer to try to prevent that from happening.

2010-06-20, 04:24 PM
From the diary of Soapgear, chief engineer:

Dear diary,

Sorry I haven't written in you for so long. Been installing traps and crafting mechanisms and doing other odd stuff lately. Not that i am complaining or anything. There are a lot of raiders that like to visit our fortress, they are probably jealous of our ice walls. But that's ok ! They usually run right into my cage traps and are sent underground for the military boys. That reminds me, I should talk with Bookworm, see if he knows someone who can make cages out of goblins and gnolls and elves and other critters. I mean, if these wooden cages come from tree invaders, why wouldn't it work with other invaders ? Well, got to go diary, those cage traps won't reset themselves !

2010-06-20, 04:46 PM
Soapgears awesome, he got a strange mood fairly soon after arriving and now most of his mechanisms are masterpieces... Even though I just got another mechanic in migration, I'm not letting the new guy even attempt to make mechanisms... Hes gotta to the crap work setting and loading the traps.

2010-06-20, 04:51 PM
You should probably post screenshots of the artifacts, those are always awesome.

2010-06-20, 06:15 PM
I will with the next entry in the story... I've got 4 artifacts so far, none are particularly noteworthy though.