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2010-06-12, 02:43 AM
Welcome, welcome, one and all!

The reason I have gathered you here today is to discuss one of my favourite elements of the D&D (mainly 3.5 but a bit of 4e in there too) game. The NPCs and the weaklings!

It may seem odd to like such a thing, but I find myself very interested in the way a world infused with magic would work on a day-to-day level, and what people do when they aren't battling trolls and dragons.

So, now let us discuss the utility of this thread! It is here for you to post spells, classes and feats pertaining to the everyday reality of a world full of wonders. Try to keep the things usable by NPC classes, that means no spells above 5th level and no tricky pre-requisites for feats and PrCs.

When I next post it will probably be with some alternate NPC classes with no BAB progression. In the meantime, happy homebrewing!

2010-06-12, 03:21 AM
I once made a non-combat focused class that was supposed to be to a Paladin what an Adept is to a Wizard... I can copy-paste it in here if it would fit what you are asking for...

Got writers block that never really cleared up on the fluff, but it should be quite usable. I know what they do, I just don't know how to explain it as well as I would like.

This is vaguely to Paladins what the Adept is to wizards, and like it, it actually has a FEW advantages over the PC classes... but not enough that anyone would actually want to play it in all likelihood.

((Example story will go here if I can ever get over the writer's block involved. Oren recommends the theme "Bitterness" for the person the Guardian of Minds will be having the tavern-table counseling session with... or maybe a walk in the woods would be more appropriate?))

Guardian of Minds(Can anyone come with a better name?)

Since a guardian of minds attempts to use his powers to adjust the way others think to more suit her vision for how the world should work, she may not be Chaotic. Since she has such a definite vision for the world (even maintaining an existing status quo) she may not be True Neutral. A guardian of minds suffers severe penalties for changing alignments.

Hit Die:

Craft(Int), Diplomacy(Cha), Gather Information(Cha), Handle Animal(Cha), Heal(Wis), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Intimidate(Cha), Knowledge(Religion)(Int), Listen(Wis), Profession(Wis), Sense Motive(Wis), and Spot(Wis)

Skill Points at 1st Level
(4 + Int modifier) ×4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level
4 + Int modifier.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+2|Aura, Detect Alignment(1)

+3|Moral Champion 1/year, Divine Concealment

+3|Aura of Courage

+4|Detect Alignment(2)

+4|Divine Grace

+5|Inspired Proficiency(1 Martial Weapon)

+5|Detect Alignment(3)

+6|Moral Champion 2/year

+6|Aura of Courage(20 feet)

+7|Detect Alignment(4)

+7| Zone of Truth 1/day

+8|True Seeing 1/month

+8|Detect Alignment(Dual Read)

+9|Moral Champion 3/year, Discern Lies 1/day

+9|Aura of Courage(30 feet)

+10|Detect Alignment(Fast Read)

+10| Zone of Truth 3/day

+11|Inspired Proficiency(2 Martial Weapons, or 1 Exotic Weapon)

+11|Detect Alignment(Complete)

+12|Tireless Moral Champion, Moral Champion 4/year[/table]

Weapons and Armor: Proficient with light armor, shields(except tower shields), and simple weapons.

Aura(Ex): To those who have eyes to see, you are your soul flies a banner proclaiming its allegiances. A mind guardian counts as a cleric of a god of his own alignment for purposes of how they show up to Detect Evil/Law/Chaos/Good, unless they have cleric levels, in which case that aura takes precedence.

Detect Alignment(Sp): After a hard day of farming, your REAL work starts. Now some would call hanging out in taverns and market-places easy, and, in some ways it is... but you have been granted eyes that can see the inclinations of the spirit and when the eye you have on the crowd finds something that needs correcting, then you must ready your heart to correct the problem. This is not always as easy as it sounds. At first level you gain the ability to detect one alignment at-will as a spell-like ability. This works as the appropriate spell, and has a caster level equal to your class level. You select the alignment you can detect(Law, Chaos, Good, or Evil) off of the following chart, within the restrictions set by your own alignment. At 4th, 7th, and 10th levels you gain the ability to select an additional alignment. If no alignments remain for you to select then the range of all your existing detection abilities granted by this class feature increases by 15 feet. This effect stacks with itself.
Your Alignment|Detectable Alignments
Lawful Good or Lawful Evil|Any
Neutral Good or Neutral Evil|Evil, Good
Lawful Neutral|Chaos, Law
At 13th level you may cast and maintain two separate detection class abilities simultaneously, as if they were a single spell.
At 16th level each round you spend concentrating on the this ability counts as two for determining how much information you obtain.
At 19th level if you are Lawful Good or Lawful Evil you may cast and maintain detection abilities for all four alignment components simultaneously, as if they were a single spell. If you are Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good, or Neutral Evil, then concentrating on your detection abilities now only requires a move action each round, rather than a standard action and you may freely cast other spells (if you have some way of doing so) while maintaining such concentration.

Moral Champion(Ex): You do not relish conflict that involves either blades or trickery, but if it comes, your cause empowers you to deal with the crisis. Choose one of the following each time you activate this ability:
Subvert the Invader: Gain class level as competence bonus to Bluff, Climb, Disable Device, Hide, Move Silently, Open Lock, and Swim. All of these effects last a number of days equal to class level and you may use them untrained in that period. This version of this ability may be activated as a Full-Round action.
Overt Heroics: BAB changes to Full, Fortitude saves to Good, and gain benefits (but NOT drawbacks) of Barbarian rage for 1 minute per class level. Fatigued for 24 hours afterward. This version of this ability may be activated as an immediate action.

Divine Concealment (Su): When subterfuge is needed, your soul's banner is furled. While under the effects of Subvert the Invader you gain the effects of Undetectable Alignment

Aura of Courage (Su): Your example grants bravery to those near to you, both with words, and sometimes even against supernatural forces. Beginning at 3rd level, a guardian of minds is immune to mundane fear. Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against mundane fear effects. While her moral champion ability ability is active, this also applies to magical fear. This ability functions while the guardian of minds is conscious, but not if she is unconscious or dead.
At 9th level the radius of this ability increases to 20 feet, thus allowing them to support more who wish in their heart of hearts to stand by their side, but might otherwise lack the courage to actually do so.
At 15th level the radius increases again, this time to 30 feet.

Divine Grace (Su): For your service, the gods have their eye on you. At 5th level, a mind guardian gains a bonus equal to her Charisma bonus (if any) on all saving throws. This does not stack with the similar class features of a paladin, crusader, black-guard, or other such class(es).

Inspired Proficiency (Ex): At 6th level you may gain proficiency with any one martial weapon as a free action once per day while using Overt Heroics. at 18th level you may do this twice per day (during the same use of Overt Heroics), or may expend both uses to gain proficiency in one exotic weapon while using Overt Heroics. In any case the proficiencies end when the Overt Heroics end.

Tireless Moral Champion (Ex): At 20th level a you are no longer fatigued after Overt Heroics.

Code of Conduct

A mind guardian must maintain the same alignment as they had when they entered this class and loses all class abilities if she ever willingly commits an act that is of an alignment opposed to hers.

Additionally, a good mind guardian’s code requires that she respect legitimate authority, act with honor (not lying, not cheating, not using poison, and so forth), help those in need (provided they do not use the help for evil or chaotic ends), and punish those who harm or threaten innocents. Lawful Neutral and Evil mind guardians have similarly restrictive codes dedicated to law and evil respectively.


While she may adventure with characters of any her own or neutral alignment, a mind guardian will never knowingly associate with characters who have an component to there alignment that directly opposes part or all of their own except for the purpose of altering said alignment component(s) or otherwise reforming/tempting them, nor will she continue an association with someone who consistently offends her moral code except for similar reasons. A mind guardian may accept only henchmen, followers, or cohorts who share all non-neutral components of her alignment (so a lawful good mind guardian could only have lawful good followers etc, but a Neutral Good one could mix and match between any of the three Good alignments).

Ex-mind guardians

A mind guardian who changes alignment, who willfully commits an act that is opposed to his alignment (for instance a lawful mind guardian who commits a chaotic act), or who grossly violates the code of conduct loses all mind guardian spells and abilities (but not weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies). She may not progress any farther in levels as a mind guardian. She regains her abilities and advancement potential if she atones for her violations (see the aAtonement spell description), as appropriate.

Unlike paladins, mind guardians may multiclass freely, in fact, a paladin/mind guardian can mix and match levels as they please to progress through both classes.


Dave recommends allowing Chaotic ones, and a varient that detects religion, rather than alignment.
[23:22] Scyld_Norning: maybe add an Aura to it? say a Peace or Fear Aura, depending on alignment?
[23:23] DracoDei: Moral bonuses/penalties against fear?
[23:24] DracoDei: Yeah, forgot about the paladin's aura of courage...
[23:24] DracoDei: They should get that...
[23:25] DracoDei: Because courage can apply in an arguement as much as it can on the field of battle and so on and so forth....
[23:25] Scyld_Norning: was thinking more along the lines of something to make people subconsciously more likely to act towards either the good or evil alignment in an area around them, even without direct interaction
[23:25] Scyld_Norning: but yeah, that also fits
[23:25] DracoDei: MAYBE at higher levels... and how would that work mechanically?
[23:26] Scyld_Norning: maybe something like the way Diplomacy/Perform can change people's opinions?
[23:27] Scyld_Norning: using a similar table
[23:29] * DracoDei ponders...
[23:29] DracoDei: Tricky to do it right, but maybe I could figure it out.
[23:30] Scyld_Norning: yeah
[23:31] Scyld_Norning: would think it'd be one that'd produce more effect the longer someone is under its influence, but limited as to exactly how much effect it could have, and how fast, based on how high level the one carrying it is
[23:31] Scyld_Norning: (tho obviously one that could be Saved against, likely with a Will save)
[23:33] DracoDei: Yeah, that sounds a lot better than how the diplomacy table works, although there would be some factors for how far away they start on the chart.
[23:34] DracoDei: Which you might have been thinking of in terms of the "Hostile, Unfriendly, Neutral, Friendly, Helpful" spectrum.
[23:35] Scyld_Norning: right
[23:52] DracoDei: Scyld: Thank you very much for your help.
[23:54] Scyld_Norning: np. it sounded like a cool idea
[00:10] DracoDei: Thank you Scyld.

2010-06-12, 03:31 AM
Mordenkainen's shield for sissies.

It is more than obvious, by the functions of Mordenkainens spells, that Ol' Mordenkainen was one paranoid schmuck.

My friend Gordon had a wicked awesome Dwarf named Glambrug, or Glammy as a nickname. On one of our dungeon runs I gave him a cool homebrewed shield to early on. Once activated it was treated like a cube of force when not allowing anything in (including air), only it formed a metallic shell around him that magically branched out from the initial crest shield, kinda like Spawns armor does. Anyway, the shield went unnamed for nearly seven years, when I finally named it Mordenkainen's shield for sissies. That was five years ago.

Glammy has never used the shield since.

2010-06-12, 08:26 AM
I once made a non-combat focused class that was supposed to be to a Paladin what an Adept is to a Wizard... I can copy-paste it in here if it would fit what you are asking for...

That would definitely be a good contribution. What I'm really looking for is things that can help flesh out the world of NPCs and low level characters. Cantrips, orisons, everyday spells, classes, feats, points of interest, magic items, anything goes.

And one of those 0-BAB classes I was talking 'bout:

The Expert

Change all BAB numbers to 0.

Skill points changes to (8 + Int modifier) X 4 at first level and 8 + Int modifier every level thereafter.

Skills known are a choice of 10 + Int modifier.

They gain the following abilities:

Skill Mastery: At 1st level an non-combatant expert may choose one skill. Their maximum ranks in this skill is 5. At 2nd level, and every level thereafter, this increases by two instead of one. Therefore, the maximum ranks in their chosen skill is equal to (2 X class level) + 3. If they gain levels in another class they can gain only one rank in the skill per level until it is less than their ECL +3, at which point it is treated as normal for a class skill, even if it is not normally a class skill for that class. If they then take more levels in expert their maximum ranks increases by 3 each level to a maximum of (2 X ECL) + 3.

Enhanced Skilfulness: An expert may spend 4 skill points to gain one of the following feats, as long as he meets the prerequisites:
Acrobatic, Agile, Alertness, Animal Affinity, Athletic, Craftsman*, Deceitful, Deft Hands, Diligent, Investigator, Magical Aptitude, Negotiator, Nimble Fingers, Persuasive, Professional*, Self-Sufficient, Skill Focus, Stealthy, Track

*New Feats:

You are clever with your hands, and know how to make things others could not.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all checks with two different craft skills.

You know how to make an honest living, be it by sailing the seven seas or feeding pigs.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all checks with two different profession skills.

2010-06-12, 08:31 AM
A friend of mine tried coming up with a lawyer NPC class once, but failed miserably.

2010-06-12, 09:47 AM
A friend of mine tried coming up with a lawyer NPC class once, but failed miserably.


Lvl 1-20: Bonus scores for Diplomacy, Insight, Intimidate =-]

2010-06-12, 10:09 AM
Don't forget bluff (I think he had sense motive too, but I'm sure about that, because in a court its you on one side and the other guy against you, quite clearly)

2010-06-12, 11:09 AM
OK, I got inspired.


While most guards do their jobs by protecting the residents from criminals, some do their job by protecting the city itself, keeping watch for any outside threats.

Class Skills: Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Disable Device (Int), Forgery (Int), Hide (Dex), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Tumble (Dex)

Skill Points: 4+Int mod (x4 first level)

Hit Dice: D6

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+0|Alert Watchman, Shout

+0|Eagle-Eyed (20ft)



+1|Eagle-Eyed (25ft)



+2|Eagle-Eyed (30ft)



+3|Eagle-Eyed (35ft)



+4|Eagle-Eyed (40ft)



+5|Eagle-Eyed (45ft)



+6|Eagle-Eyed (50ft)[/table]

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
The watchman is proficient in the use of all simple weapons and with light armor but not shields.

When speaking, the watchman can choose to shout. When he does so, the DC to hear him decreases by 5+class level.

Alert Watchman
The watchman gains an competence bonus to Spot checks equal to half his class level.

At 2nd level, the watchman only takes penalties to spot checks every 20ft, instead of every 10ft. This increases by 5ft every 3 levels.

2010-06-12, 11:36 AM

That is precisely what I'm looking for! Simple things that can be easily dropped into a campaign setting and help provide statistics to flesh it out.

2010-06-12, 11:38 AM
That is precisely what I'm looking for! Simple things that can be easily dropped into a campaign setting and help provide statistics to flesh it out.

Thanks! Later I may make some more things like that.

2010-06-12, 12:17 PM
Two legal classes for you: The Lawyer, courtroom predator, and is hired for most family and criminal law. The Solicitor specialises in legal paperwork that The Lawyer can use as ammunition, or affairs such as contracts and conveyancing.

"Just because it isn't the truth, doesn't mean it's automatically a lie..."

Please Note:
Lawyers are natural smooth talkers, and deceptive by nature. While they are masters of oration, some characters may have had a bad experience with lawyers in the past. This may make them immediately unfriendly on learning that the character is a lawyer, either through a sense motive opposing a bluff, or by witnessing a Philibuster, or another act such as spotting legal books in The Lawyer's posession.

Lawyers cannot practise law outside the political/geographical boundaries of the law. When not being used in a legal manner, Philibuster ignores this rule. If a Lawyer wishes to practise law outside the boundaries of where he learned, he must effectively treat his levels as Ex-Lawyer until he returns to his location of study.

Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge(Local) (Int), Profession(Lawyer) (Wis), Perform(Philibuster) (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis)

Skill Points: 6+Int mod (x4 first level)

Hit Dice: d4

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+2|Philibuster 1/day, Bonus Class Skill, Command Fees

+2|Philibuster 2/day, Specialisation

+3|Improved Philibuster, Bonus Class Skill

+3| Philibuster 3/day

+4|Bonus Class Skill

+4|Philibuster 4/day

+5|Bonus Class Skill

+5|Philibuster 5/day


+6|Philibuster 6/day

+7|Bonus Class Skill

+7|Philibuster 7/day


+8|Philibuster 8/day

+9|Bonus Class Skill

+9|Philibuster 9/day


+10|Philibuster 10/day

+11|Bonus Class Skill

+12|Rest My Case[/table]

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
The Lawyer has no weapon proficiency beyond Unarmed Strike, but is proficient with light armour.

Can be used as a check unlimited times a day when giving a speech. In court, it also applies to cross-examining witnesses. It does not gain bonuses as using Philibuster does.

To Philibuster, target(s) must be Indifferent or better. If it is not, a separate Diplomacy check must be made first as normal.

As a full round action, the lawyer may attempt to gain the attention of anyone watching. He must make a check to gain attention (5 + Lawyer Level + Cha mod + Perform(Philibuster) skill); Will negates; halves if check failed by less than 5). This occupies up to 3HD+1 per level of Lawyer taken for a full round (or half round, if will failed by less than 5). If the target is Friendly, its Will DC increases by 2. If target is Helpful, its Will DC is increased by 5. These will saves are repeated every round: in a setting conducive to efforts (e.g. making a speech in the town square, after dinner speech, or in court) the maximum duration is 2 minutes per character level. If the settings aren't (e.g. in battle, having been found in a restricted area, etc.) the maximim duration is 4 rounds plus one round per character level.

Affected creatures take a -2 on spot and listen checks, and are treated as flat footed: they also cannot move while enraptured. If a target succeeds on breaking free of the Philibuster, the others remain rapt. The creature now free is Indifferent, although outside of the Philibuster, things said may in fact offend a creature who has risen above the preamble. If this happens, the target may heckle: it chooses one affected target, and aids a +2 on their will save. If a target succeeds with the aid of a heckler, it too is Unfriendly towards the lawyer. These effects stack: two hecklers aiding one target give a +4. Other distractions, including magical distractions, affect the crowd similarly. If The Lawyer is distracted, he must make a concentration check as normal, or fail the Philibuster.

If the target (or any of the targets) is attacked, the Philibuster immediately fails and the attitude of all targets turns to Hostile against The Lawyer and his obvious allies. Furthermore, those creatures cannot ever be philibustered again by that particular Lawyer.

Bonus Class Skill
The Lawyer may choose either Knowledge(Nobility and Royalty) or Knowledge(History) as a class skill and immediately take two free ranks in it. If he does not, he may take 2 free ranks in Knowledge(local).

From 5th level onwards, "Bonus Class Skill" includes Perform(Philibuster)

Command Fees
Every time The Lawyer wins a high profile case, or three lower profile cases, scores a natural 20 or higher than a 25 during a public performance of his skills

Lawyers can choose to, but don't have to, specialise in an area of law. This is either Trial(Prosecution), Trial(Defence), Family, or Politics. They gain +2 on checks related to that area of practise, and take -1 on checks involving the others. These are not hard and fast rules, so apply them with good sense.

Improved Philibuster
Using Improved Philibuster is equivalent to using Philibuster twice for that day.

To use Improved Philibuster, target(s) must be Indifferent or better. If it is not, the first round must be spent improving those targets' attitude. Unlike above, this is not a separate check. All HD of targets must be allocated before this check takes place. It is a DC 20 to change from Hostile to Indifferent, or DC 10 to change Unfriendly to Indifferent. Failing this check fails the entire Improved Philibuster. If the check succeeds, and all targets are Indifferent or better, the targets not having their Attitude improved make a Will save at +5. Will DC is (10 + Lawyer Level + Cha mod + Perform(Philibuster))

Affected creatures take a -5 on spot and listen checks, and are treated as flat footed: they also cannot move while enraptured. Any If the target (or any of the targets) is attacked, the Philibuster immediately fails and the attitude of all targets turns to Hostile against The Lawyer and his obvious allies. Furthermore, those creatures cannot be philibustered again by that particular Lawyer.

Improved Philibuster can be used in place of a diplomacy check (1d20 + Cha mod + Perform(Philibuster) + 1 for every level of Lawyer), but uses one Improved Philibuster (and thus two regular Philibusters) for that day.

Whatever reputation the lawyer has gained through Command Fees, he gains the same amount in negative reputation on becoming an ex-lawyer.

Reasons for becoming an Ex-Lawyer include being convicted (not tried) of a moderate crime (e.g. not Drunk and Disorderly, but possibly for Civil Disorder), knowingly lying to the court, or destroying/burying evidence. Unlike most other classes, Lawyers are entitled to a trial before they are disbarred.

If a Lawyer changes geographical territory, he can re-train with new laws (subject to alliances etc) but must start again from Level 1. Ranks in skills skill apply, but are halved to reflect differences in the law. It is up to the DM to decide how much negative reputation goes with the Lawyer. Perhaps he needs to create a new identity? Perhaps nobody cares about his past.


"The devil's in the detail..."

Solicitors aren't nearly as universally hated as their Lawyer co-workers. In fact, most people accept that they're a necessary part of life from business deals, to insurance, to selling a house. Bookish and quiet, Solicitors prefer to be backstage, but take great pride in the dilligence of their work.

Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha)*, Concentration (Wis), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Forgery(Int), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge(Local) (Int), Profession(Solicitor) (Wis), Search (Wis)

Bluff is a class skill only for legal paperwork and forgery uses.

Skill Points: 6+Int mod (x4 first level)

Hit Dice: d6

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+2|Bonus Class Skill, Career Ladder

+2|Shorthand, Specialisation

+3|Bonus Class Skill, Cunning Linguist

+3|Reading Around

+4|Bonus Class Skill

+5|Own Two Feet

+6|Bonus Class Skill



+9|Bonus Class Skill



+12|Bonus Class Skill



+15|Bonus Class Skill



+18|Bonus Class Skill

+19|Read the Smallprint[/table]

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
The Solicitor is proficient with the quarterstaff, dagger, club, light mace and sap. He is NOT proficient with unarmed combat or grappling. He is proficient with light armour ONLY.

Bonus Class Skill
The Lawyer may choose either Knowledge(Architecture and Engineering), Knowledge(Geography), or Knowledge(History) as a class skill and immediately take two free ranks in it. If he does not, he may take 2 free ranks in Knowledge(local). He may re-take 2 free ranks in these existing Class Skills at each stage Bonus Class Skill applies.

From 5th level onwards, this includes Career Ladder and Decipher Script.

Career Ladder
Unlike Lawyers, the areas of law that Solicitors deal with is much more universal. If they move to another area, they can practise law, earning half of what they would normally do in a week rolling for Profession(Solicitor). If they are disbarred, they can move elsewhere and retain half their levels, and all their skill points, and begin re-training in local law (subject to alliance agreements etc). The DM should determine the reputation effects of having been convicted and disbarred, but should bear in mind that since the Solicitor is not the "face" of the operation, the penalties should NEVER be as harsh as those applied to a Lawyer in the same situation.

Furthermore, Career Ladder becomes a bonus category, though it can only be given ranks through "Bonus Class Skill". Every time it's chosen for Bonus Class Skill, Profession(Solicitor) rolls gain +2 when outside area of jurisdiction, after being halved. However, the area must be specified (e.g. "Country to the North, and North again, and then Country to the West" - at Level 10, gives a +4 in the North and +2 in the West).

Shorthand sounds like Common when spoken, but cannot be read or written by anyone who does not understand Shorthand. If Shorthand features in your game, it becomes a language which can be purchased for two skill points in the normal manner, to anyone who spends around a week being taught it by the Solicitor. Even though it doesn't have a different verbal component, because of the unlearning involved, it still costs two skill points.

Spells copied in shorthand are, for all scribing intents and purposes, a third of the length as normal.

Solicitors can choose to, but don't have to, specialise in an area of law. This is either Contracts, Conveyancing, Insurance or Loopholes. They gain +2 on checks related to that area of practise, and take -1 on checks involving the others. These are not hard and fast rules, so apply them with good sense.

Cunning Linguist
Learning a bonus language available to the Solicitor (through race or multiclassing) costs only one skill point. All other languages become available and cost two skill points.

Reading Around
Every 5 ranks in Reading Around, gain +2 stacking bonus to Profession(Philibuster) checks. This is normally not useful, but can be valuable for balancing multiclass Solicitor/Lawyers.

Own Two Feet
Up until this point, the Solicitor is likely to work for someone else, researching cases. At this point, he has acquired enough knowledge to put together watertight contracts, or insurance agreements, or property deals, or get a client out of a sticky situation - all without heavy reference to books. This allows him to earn up to 100gp each time he performs this service (it is up to the Solicitor to set the price), and means that, for example, the Solicitor does not have to spend all night researching to know that "The case of Smith v Jones two years ago set precedent which means you must let my client go!" (in the case of loopholes)

Since Solicitors do not gain reputations in the same way as Lawyers, they do not suffer from negative reputation in the same way. The DM may still choose to put a "black mark" on the Solicitor's record about the conviction. The Solicitor is welcome to forge replacement papers and lie about his past, and hope that either his past is not thoroughly checked, or that he is a good enough liar to bluff his way through. Penalties for practising outside of area of education still apply.

Reasons for becoming an Ex-Solicitor include being convicted (not tried) of a moderate crime (e.g. not Drunk and Disorderly, but possibly for Civil Disorder), knowingly lying to the court, or destroying/burying evidence. Unlike most other classes, Solicitors are entitled to a trial before they are disbarred.

2010-06-12, 12:17 PM
Gaurdian of Minds edited into second post.

P.E.A.C.H. still desired.

2010-06-12, 01:48 PM
Gaurdian of Minds

Interesting... I like it! It's quite sinister-seeming, but would work well as the advisor to a ruler or something similar to that.

The Magewright

Change all BAB numbers to +0

Skill points become (4 + Int modifier) X 4 at 1st level and 4 + Int modifier every level thereafter.

The Magewright gains the following abilities:

Spell Knowledge: The Magewright knows a number of spells equal to half his Magewright level (rounded down) plus his Intelligence modifier for the purpose of creating magic items. He does not know these spells for any other purpose, and can not cast them. He can choose any spell up to those of a level equal to the highest-level spell he is able to cast.

Life Channel: A Magewright can sacrifice some of her own life-force to gain the power to create magic items. Every time she gains a level she can sacrifice any amount of the hp she gains from that level (deducted from his maximum hp). For every point of hp she sacrifices in this way she can increase her craft reserve by 1/4 the amount that an artificer of her level would gain. This otherwise functions as the artificer craft reserve ability, and is lost when she gains a level, as normal.

2010-06-12, 02:06 PM
Done - nearly.

I want suggestions on the final two class features at level 20.

Oh, and feedback. That too :)

2010-06-12, 05:02 PM
--Lime--...is my new hero.

2010-06-12, 05:13 PM
I'm thinking "Read the smallprint" might be something like "able to draft contracts to trap demons - purely because I've never come across a level 20 NPC in my life.

Edit: Thanks, by the way :)

2010-06-12, 05:45 PM
Interesting... I like it! It's quite sinister-seeming, but would work well as the advisor to a ruler or something similar to that.
"Sinister" might apply to some of them (especially the LE ones)... OTOH the NG ones are more likely to descretely say to someone who no longer registers as Good "So... what do you say we find a quiet place and talk about it?", and DO take "no" for an answer a good percentage of the time (most probably believe in at least a LITTLE "tough love"). The sort of person you would go to for help sorting your life out anyway, except they just so happen to come to you. Come to that they make pretty good "la resistance" members too... not as good as a full-time rogue, but you could do worse for the underground railroad...

2010-06-13, 02:33 AM
I find that cantrips get very little love in sourcebooks, so:

Eagle Eyes
Level: Clr 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 min./level
You gain a +5 bonus to spot checks for the duration of this spell.
Arcane Material Component: The feather or dried eye of an eagle.

Note: This could be the power of the Least Mark of Detection in the Eberron campaign setting instead of Detect Magic, as it fits in with the feel of the house much better.

Freeze Mirror
Illusion (Glamer)
Level: Sor/Wiz 0
Components: V, S, F (See below)
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Mirror touched
Duration: Concentration + 1 min/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You capture an image in a mirror. The last thing that has been reflected by the mirror is the image captured. It appears just as it did at the time of casting for the duration of this spell.
Focus: The mirror that the image is to be captured in.

Illusion (Phantasm)
Level: Bard 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25ft + 5ft/2 levels)
Target: Concentrating Humanoid
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
You cause a racket to ring around a humanoid's head and bright lights to flash in front of their eyes. They must make a concentrate check as if they had taken 6 damage if they are doing something that requires concentrating.

Alter Appraisal
Illusion (Glamer)
Level: Bard 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Components: V, S
Casting time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: Object touched
Duration: 1 day
Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if interacted with)
Spell Resistance: No
You can increase or decrease the apparent value of an object. Roll 1d4.
If you chose to decrease the apparent value of an object a result of 1 means that the apparent value is increased by 10%; a result of 2 means that it stays the same, as if this spell had never been cast at all; a result of 3 means that the apparent value is decreased by 10%; and a result of 4 means it is decreased by 20%.
If you chose to increase the apparent value of an object a result of 1 means that the apparent value of the object is decreased by 10%; a result of 2 means that is stays the same, as if this spell had never been cast at all; a result of 3 means that the apparent value is increased by 10%; and a result of 4 means that the apparent value is increased by 20%.
This spell can only be used on one object at a time, despite metamagic or similar effects.

2010-06-14, 02:51 PM


If there's a good NPC farmer and blacksmith floating around, we'll pretty much have a small town's worth of NPCs. One thing that I'm not going to do - oh okay then, maybe after I've done these - is Brewer. Someone's got to keep the tavern in supply!

For the record, I count inkeeping as an untrained profession, and just load up spot, listen, gather info and diplo. Same goes for any sort of shopkeeping, really.

These NPCs are not intended to take feats: after all, feats are something amazing, and these people do nothing more than their jobs. Of course, I'd love to see a rogue take a level of barber so that they can get into the palace to assassinate the king, or have a wizard take baker to create the Bun of Bull's Strength or whatever. In fact, I'm thinking of an adventure where all the players start off with 3 levels of NPC, and opportunities to take "normal" classes only come if the RP permits it. How can you take a class of wizard if you don't have one to study under, for instance?

2010-06-14, 02:53 PM
I'm thinking of doing some military-based NPC stuff.

2010-06-14, 03:10 PM


Go ahead, but I would have thought that those things would probably be covered by the Expert. So - do it if you want, but no particular pressure.

2010-06-14, 03:12 PM
I don't know, I like fluffing around a little. For a normal NPC, it probably would be covered, but the idea is to come up with some NPC classes for PCs. That is, I want them all to start in a sleepy little town, going about their lives, when something big and bad happens and they need to step up to the mark.

2010-06-14, 03:45 PM
I just wanted to say that this is an awesome idea. Maybe I'll make a frontiersman (or perhaps a more general term, maybe explorer..). For the NPC adventurers that don't go out intending to kill huge monsters or swarms of Kobolds.

2010-06-14, 03:55 PM
I love this as well, the Watchman in particular. If I can think of anything I'll put it up.

2010-06-14, 05:58 PM

THE BARBER - Progression, class skills and fluff etc.
"There are only two things bad for this business, son: barbarians and dwarves."

In particularly small towns, barbers may multiclass as butchers, and are often seen in spring helping the farmer shear sheep. The barber is also the most qualified surgeon outside the cities, which does not mean to say that he is particularly successful: he normally dresses shaving wounds, but does, at least, know the value of keeping tools hygenic. Barbers will tend to be (from a character and profession point of view) high in DEX and WIS.

Class skills: Appraise(Wigs and Hairstyles) (Int), Concentration (Wis), Craft(haircut) (Dex), Craft(wig) (Dex)*, Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge(Local) (Int), Profession(Barber), Sense Motive (Wis), Search (Wis), Spot (Wis)

*Only becomes available when gained in "special"
Craft(haircut) and Craft(wig) share synergy.

Skill Points: 6+Int mod (x4 first level)

Hit Dice: d6

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special


+0|Favoured Head, Favoured Gender



+1|Barber Surgeon



+2|Craft(Flea Powder)


+3|Craft (Rat Poison)


+3|4 Bonus Skill Points for Crafts


+4|4 Bonus Skill Points for Crafts


+5|4 Bonus Skill Points for Crafts


+5|4 Bonus Skill Points for Crafts


+6|Blind Barber

Class features:
Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
The Barber is proficient with razor, scissors, dagger, quarterstaff, club, and crossbows. He is not proficient with any armour (though remember that leather armour can be worn by anyone without penalty)

This is actually a dex-based skill, not an int-based one. Money per haircut is usually 1sp, and a shave 5cp. A particularly good haircut may lead to tips or noteriety. Time taken for a haircut is 2minsxroll (e.g. roll of 10+3 dex = 26mins, but gives a better result) - so unlike normal, you may find characters choosing to reduce their roll. Thus, it is possible to Take 5, or Take 10; this can only be done if 5 or 10 ranks have been put into the skill.

Shaved Head - DC5
Shaved beard - DC 10. Passing on a DC5 gives 2 nicks with the razor, DC 7 gives 1. Below a DC5 fails to be a good shave, and the client leaves half way through.
Short back and sides - DC10
Recreate style - DC15 - Restores previous hairstyle
Mimic Style - DC20 (leads to more money, potentially, and must be used, for instance, with A La Mode if the stylist hasn't done the style before. Styles must be practised five times (on real or fake head models) before it can be learned. Keep a list of the styles known [can be fun to RP if the back of the character sheet has a load of magazine clippings glued to it :smalltongue:])
Create Style - DC25 (If a noblewoman has a clear idea of what she wants, but no reference, use this. If you are trying to impress with something groundbreaking, use this

Failing a check allows you to try again for "Short Back and Sides" or "Recreate Style" - albeit at a -5 penalty. If a client is unfriendly towards you, they may insist on not paying for the haircut. If you refuse, there is a 50% chance that this will damage your reputation. If you accept, you suffer neither positive nor negative impact on reputation. If a client is hostile, they will damage your reputation regardless, but fixing it up lessens this damage.

If you attempt to fix another barber's mistake at a -5 penalty, failing costs you no reputation (unless you fail the desired style by more than 10 points) and succeeding gains you reputation.

Sometimes, though, the best solution is simply to offer a wig.

Favoured Head
Races that the the barber has cut five times become Favoured. Favoured races give a +1 on haircut checks. Races that the barber has never or only once cut before give a -1 on haircut checks. In between these, he has +0

Favoured Gender
Optional, and should co-incide with backstory. Choosing Male: +0 male hairstyles, wigs and shaving, -5 female hairstyles and -2 wigs.
Female: -5 shaving, -2 male wigs, +0 male hairstyles, female hairstyles and wigs.
Otherwise, -2 shaving, -2 female hairstyles, -2 wigs both gender

So used to humming while he works, may teach a bard a tune. DC25 (roll Humming + cha mod), this tune is useful, and the bard may turn it into a song and use it for a one-time +2 bonus on any song-based check. This can be tried once a week, but success only comes once a month, if at all.

With appropriate materials (hair, horsehair, or dyed wool, for example) a stylist may make a wig. This adds 1, 2, or 3 points to a disguise check on a DC of 10, 15, or 20 when crafting. If the barber specialised in a gender, use bonuses as with haircuts. A wig takes roughly 5 hours to make, but succeeding a DC20 always takes 8 hours.
Take 20? No. Try again? With appropriate materials.

Barber Surgeon
On a successful heal check, barber can restore 1hp as a full-round action. He can also auto-stabilise if the wound he is treating was dealt as less than four damage points. This is not magical healing. It requires bandages. If bandages are not used, heal functions as normal. He cannot use this ability on himself.

Shave 2 beards AND 2 heads in 10 mins. OR Shave 3 heads in 10 mins. OR 2 short back and sides in 15 mins. OR 2 short back and sides AND 2 shaves in 20 minutes. Due to not practising the other styles, the barber's ability remains the same, but they take 1.5x as long as normal.
This is usually a military barber, who shaves the heads of footsoldiers and does short-back-and-sides for the officers. Alternatively, he could be responsible for a village of mine workers who all want the same hairstyle, or for slaves.

The following crafts come under Alchemy for any other character, but are specified here because a barber's alchemical knowledge is severely limited, and so Craft(Alchemy) would over-power them.

Craft(flea powder)
Can make 1/2lb of flea powder every 6 hours. Flea powder kills small insects in a 5ft cube, for example, an infested wig or Insect Plague. It is a white powder, odorless and looks like flour. Eating large amounts of it may cause con damage, and its effectiveness against larger insects should be dependent on how the barber uses it and the DM's own ruling. It can cause blindness for 3 rounds if used in combat, at a -4 attack roll. Reflex save to move back 5 feet. This uses up the whole bag of powder, though, and is a full round action, into one adjacent square to the barber. It comes in a small goatskin bag with a metal sprinkler sewn into the top. Components required are 1/4 pint of any type of STR or CON poison, 1/2lb crushed chalk (5sp), handful of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon. The poison is added to the chalk, and mixed into a paste. The sugar and cinnamon are then added. This takes about half an hour. For the next five hours, it dries in indirect heat (e.g. a pot or similar over a fire). For the final half hour, it is broken up into a fine dust.

It doesn't have to be dispensed from this special pouch, which costs 1gp, but it usually is. Reaching into a bag and scattering it with your hands won't cause any immediate damage, but prolonged exposure leads to a red and itchy rash. Leather or particularly tightly-woven cloth gloves protect against this effect, gauntlets do not.

Every 5 ranks in this skill give allow you to use the same ingredients to make 1/4lb more in the same time. Just add more chalk, or some flour, or other powder-like substance (not dust or dirt)

Craft(Rat Poison)
Since rats love collecting hair for their nests, any good barber keeps his shop floor well stocked with rat poison. Deals 1d3 CON damage to creatures of 1HD, and 1d3 lethal damage to all creatures. It has been known to be baked into cakes and fed to unfaithful husbands or wives ;)

Components required: A pint of any STR or CON poison, half a pound of crushed chalk (1gp), lemon juice equivalent to half a lemon, cup of sugar and a cup of binding animal fat (rennet, dripping, 2-inch cube of cheese, tallow, bacon rind, lard etc). A small vial of ink, dye or powdererd dye is optional, and added just before the chalk.

Overall process takes eight hours. More can be made at once with half-hour offsets (for the mixing) but requires separate pots. The poison is boiled for half an hour, and the sugar added. Next is the dye, and then the chalk. This is boiled for a further hour as it reduces down and increases in strength, soaking into the chalk. In quick succession, the fat and lemon juice are added almost together and the mixture stirred vigorously as it turns into a poisonous paste. Complete mixing requires a very hot flame and almost half an hour of mixing in the final stage. Finally, the paste is spooned into a special press and dried for six hours in indirect heat. Tablets are then coated in sugar-water or honey and placed into the flame or plunged into boiling water to give them a hard glazed coating. This produces ten tablets.

Roll craft(rat poison) for every tablet made. 8 or less fails. 19 or 20 adds another side to the lethal damage dice (1d4). 25 adds another (1d5), and so does 30 (1d6), and also adds 1 side to the CON damage dice. You may choose to do 1d3 CON and 2d3 lethal damage to a creature of 2HD rather than 1d4 CON and 1d6 lethal damage to a creature of 1HD. Over 2HD, rat poison deals 1 nonlethal damage instead of CON damage, with lethal damage as normal.

Blind Barber
The barber becomes the stuff of legend - he can give haircuts and make attacks with the razor even while blind, taking no penalties.

Notes and special items:
Barbers can only take first level with appropriate tools: these are normally gifted from the Barbers' Guild on completion of training, or passed down through a family. Sometimes, they're bought at markets, and the owner practises at home on headpieces of straw (or an unlucky pet or child) until they feel confident enough to set up shop as a barber.

The complete set is: Scissors, comb, hairbrush, razor, shaving soap, shaving brush, small bowl, bandages, whetstone, a small silver mirror, all wrapped in a handtowel.

Barber's Razor: 5gp, 1/2lb, 1d3, slashing, 19-20x2. +2 against hidden weapon being discovered. Simple, light. Count as masterwork for purposes of enchantment and shaving checks only.
In hands of barber: 1d4. Can be used to deal nonlethal.

Barber's Scissors: 2gp, 1/2lb, 1d4, Piercing, 19-20x2. Beating a target's AC by more than 5: scissors become stuck.

"Twist" - when scissors are stuck, make a touch attack to grab the scissors - the DEX mod may be used instead of STR mod for this specific purpose. They can be twisted or retrieved. Twisting deals 1 point of nonlethal (pain) damage, and target makes a Fort check (DC10 + barber's STR), or is in such pain for a round that he cannot attack, and loses his dex bonus to AC. He may move away as a full-round action, at which point the scissors become unstuck. DM must rule as appropriate: for example, pinning someone's hand to a table and twisting would probably give them a penalty on attack rolls using that hand. If it was the foot or leg, a movement penalty, or penalty to resist being bullrushed/over-run might apply. Count as masterwork for purposes of enchantment and haircut checks only.

(The twist rule is something I have found can spice up combat and RP alike, and was not invented purely for the scissors)

10 rat poison tablets sell for 50gp, and a pint of poison is 25gp. This is likely to be a mix of plant and animal poisons, heavily diluted down before being sold to the barber. For its intended use as pest control it is effective, but coating an arrow in it would barely make a difference (if any). This is why the poison must be boiled down first, to concentrate it.

A pouch of flea powder sells for 10gp.


THE STYLIST- Progression, class skills and fluff etc.
"You look fabulous, Darling!"

Stylists tend to stick to cities and are obsessed with the latest fashions. They're very snobbish towards barbers, and are sometimes found in the private employ of nobles, or else backstage in theatres or in their own salons. From a player's point of view, stylists will be high in DEX and CHA.

Class skills: Appraise(Wigs and Hairstyles) (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Wis), Craft(haircut) (Dex), Craft(wig) (Dex)*, Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge(Nobles and Nobility) (Int), Profession(Stylist) (Wis), Listen (Wis), Search (Wis), Spot (Wis)

*Only becomes available when gained in "special"
Craft(haircut) and Craft(wig) share synergy.

Skill Points: 8+Int mod (x4 first level)

Hit Dice: d4

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special


+0|Favoured Head, Favoured Gender


+1|Hairstyle, A La Mode 1/week

+1|Face in a Jar

+2|Impressive Wig

+2|A La Mode 2/week


+3|A La Mode 3/week


+3|A La Mode 4/week

+4|Face in a Jar bonuses doubled

+4|A La Mode 5/week

+4|4 Bonus Skill Points for Crafts

+5|A La Mode 6/week

+5|4 Bonus Skill Points for Crafts

+5|A La Mode 7/week

+6|4 Bonus Skill Points for Crafts



Class features:
Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
The Stylist is not proficient with any weapons or armour (though remember that leather armour can be worn by anyone without penalty)

This is actually a dex-based skill, not an int-based one. Money per haircut is usually 1sp, and a shave 5cp. A particularly good haircut may lead to tips or noteriety. Time taken for a haircut is 2minsxroll (e.g. roll of 10+3 dex = 26mins, but gives a better result) - so unlike normal, you may find characters choosing to reduce their roll. Thus, it is possible to Take 5, or Take 10; this can only be done if 5 or 10 ranks have been put into the skill.

Failing a check allows you to try again for "Short Back and Sides" or "Recreate Style" - albeit at a -5 penalty. If a client is unfriendly towards you, they may insist on not paying for the haircut. If you refuse, there is a 50% chance that this will damage your reputation. If you accept, you suffer neither positive nor negative impact on reputation. If a client is hostile, they will damage your reputation regardless, but fixing it up lessens this damage.

If you attempt to fix another barber's mistake at a -5 penalty, failing costs you no reputation (unless you fail the desired style by more than 10 points) and succeeding gains you reputation.

Sometimes, though, the best solution is simply to offer a wig.

Shaved Head - DC5
Shaved beard - DC 10. Passing on a DC5 gives 2 nicks with the razor, DC 7 gives 1. Below a DC5 fails to be a good shave, and the client leaves half way through.
Short back and sides - DC10
Recreate style - DC15 - Restores previous hairstyle
Mimic Style - DC20 (leads to more money, potentially, and must be used, for instance, with A La Mode if the stylist hasn't done the style before. Styles must be practised five times (on real or fake head models) before it can be learned. Keep a list of the styles known [can be fun to RP if the back of the character sheet has a load of magazine clippings glued to it :smalltongue:])
Create Style - DC25 (If a noblewoman has a clear idea of what she wants, but no reference, use this. If you are trying to impress with something groundbreaking, use this

Favoured Head
Races that the the barber has cut five times become Favoured. Favoured races give a +1 on haircut checks. Races that the barber has never or only once cut before give a -1 on haircut checks. In between these, he has +0

Favoured Gender
Optional, and should co-incide with backstory. Choosing Male: +0 male hairstyles, wigs and shaving, -5 female hairstyles and -2 wigs.
Female: -5 shaving, -2 male wigs, +0 male hairstyles, female hairstyles and wigs.
Otherwise, -2 shaving, -2 female hairstyles, -2 wigs both gender

With appropriate materials (hair, horsehair, or dyed wool, for example) a stylist may make a wig. This adds 1, 2, or 3 points to a disguise check on a DC of 10, 15, or 20 when crafting. If the barber specialised in a gender, use bonuses as with haircuts. A wig takes roughly 5 hours to make, but succeeding a DC20 always takes 8 hours.
Take 20? No. Try again? With appropriate materials.

A La Mode
By sacraficing 2gp to the Barber's Guild either in gold or barber tools, receive a Sending spell from them informing you of the latest fashions. This gives a +2 on checks for persuading the client to get a haircut when seen by potential clients. It also adds 1 to craft(wig) checks, or +2 for impressive wigs. Even if not seen by the client, gives +1 on profession(haircut) for tipping and reputation purposes.

Face in a Jar
A La Mode applies to these checks when persuading clients, and adds 1 to profession(stylist) checks. Stylist is an expert at make-up. +2 to disguise checks, or +1 to checks like intimidate (e.g. if he created a large "scar" on the warrior's face) or bluff ("I'm but a helpless old man, please give me a room for the night!"). DM applies these as is fit.

Impressive Wig - adds 1 charisma for interpersonal checks (not spellcasting) when worn by the appropriate gender. Otherwise, add 1 to disguise rolls when trying to play the opposite gender.

When making a profession(haircut) check, add half the dex bonus rounded down to the full charisma bonus. Determine time as if this was an extra dex bonus. However, it takes ten minutes per point scored (e.g. roll 10+1dex+4 charisma = 15. 15*10=150 minutes

When servicing a noble, all their friends want to make appointments too. Fill your calendar as well as you can! If you style people of bad background, low wealth or poor reputation, your own reputation drops: however, you get more reputation that usual when styling high profile clients.

Even when you fail a styling check, you can proclaim it a new trend once a week. Furthermore, you earn about 40gp a week bonus from people asking you for A La Mode advice.

Notes and special items:
Stylists can only take first level with appropriate tools: these are normally gifted from the Stylists' Guild on completion of training, or passed down through a family. Sometimes, they're bought at markets, and the owner practises at home on headpieces of straw (or an unlucky pet or child) until they feel confident enough to set up shop as a Stylist.

The complete set is: Scissors, comb, hairbrush, razor, shaving soap, shaving brush, small bowl, bandages, whetstone, a small silver mirror, all wrapped in a handtowel.

Barber's Razor: 5gp, 1/2lb, 1d3, slashing, 19-20x2. +2 against hidden weapon being discovered. Simple, light. Count as masterwork for purposes of enchantment and shaving checks only.
In hands of barber: 1d4. Can be used to deal nonlethal.

Barber's Scissors: 2gp, 1/2lb, 1d4, Piercing, 19-20x2. Beating a target's AC by more than 5: scissors become stuck.

Stylists do not get access to "Twist" but instead get "Go for the eyes!"
It allows them to be proficient with unarmed strike to deal nonlethal damage and on a roll of 19-20, force their opponent to make a reflex save or be blinded for the next round. DC is Dex Based - 10+BAB+DEX

UNDERTAKER: Actually covered well in Expert.
Knowledge (religion)
Profession (undertaker)

Butcher: Probably covered under Expert. BAB progression Commoner+1.
Tools (cleaver, skinning knife, carving knife, long curved knife for CDG)
Proficiency with these weapons, I suppose.
Knowledge (whatever allows him to identify poisonous bits of animals)
Hides skinned sell for double.
Can make twice as many rations from an Animal-type carcus as others. Lasts 2 days in temperate climate, 1 in hot, or 3 in cold if not salted. Salting meat allows it to last for a week (since it isn't a barrel of salt, it's just rubbed) but required double water ration when eaten.

Tailor: A few nice little abiliteies, and gender aspect.
Specialises in gender and race like barber, or instead specialises in shoes. Specialisation only kicks in higher up. Warm coats and basic tunics/pantaloons can be made by tailor and seamstress alike.
Use A La Mode ability.
At what point can masterwork boots be made? Some tailors may work with wizards to form a partnership in magical footwear.

Bake bread
Pies and pasties: +1 fort against cold environments
Create Trail Ration - trail rations have a special recipe that lets them last months, even in damp and warm climates, and getting this balance right takes the baker quite some time to achieve.
Pastries - delicate creations that take a lot of practise to master
Decorate cakes - As much a creative as baking skill, most bakers come up with their own designs - Piped cream, sandwiched filling, half cherries, dusted with sugar, or icing. (cha based skill which can have ranks put in)
Cake art - we're talking chocolate curls, silver balls, jelly diamonds, angelica, fudge, chocolate lattices and caramel baskets (Improvement on Cake Decoration.)
--> Ingredients must be available, and bought.

Prices, diplo checks, gifts, "masterwork food" so it can be enchanted.
goodberries which can't normally be cooked. Fruit cake preserves them.

I think I'm going to introduce a reputation score for all the PCNPCs, because it figures that in a small town with two barbers, people would know which was the better one. Or that a baker famous for his pastries might become appointed Royal Pastry Chef.

Local reputation, good/bad reputation, reputation afar - incl. can others see your work? (e.g. merchant travels with your amazing haircut, vs eating a beautiful and delicious cake. One has evidence, the other doesn't.)

Craft wig and craft haircut share synergy.

2010-06-14, 05:58 PM
And now for a few "Monsters That Do Well Not To Be Involved In Combat" from my archives. PEACH still welcome. Starting with one of the first monsters, if not the very first monster I ever posted to these boards:

Water Source:
Large Magical Beast (Water)
4d10+12 HD (34 hp)
Speed 50 ft. (10 squares)
Init: +1 (+1 Dex)
AC 13; touch 10; flat-footed 12
(-1 Size, +1 Dex, +3 Natural)
BAB +4; Grp +11
Attack Hoof +6 (1d6+3) melee OR Mouth Jet +4 ranged touch (1d8)
Full-Attack 2 Hooves +6/+6 melee and Horns +1 melee (1d4+1)* OR 2 Hooves +6/+6 melee and Mouth Jet +4 Ranged Touch (1d8)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks Mouth Jet
Special Qualities Low-light Vision, NO Dark Vision, Mouth Jet, Unthirsting, Low sleep requirements.
Saves Fort +7 Ref +5 Will +3
Abilities Str 17, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 17
Skills Diplomacy +10, Hide -2, Listen +5, Sense Motive +9, Spot +6
Feats Alertness, Negotiator
Environment Temperate or Arid Surface
Organization Solitary or Herd (6-24)
Challenge Rating 4
Treasure Standard
Alignment Always Lawful Good or Neutral Good
Advancement by Class Favored Class Ranger
Level Adjustment +0

*The horns are only usable against creatures that stand at least 10' tall or who are raised by flight or levitation to have some part of their body at least at that height.

Giraffe-a-pumps, also known as Living Fonts, Walking Oases, and Desert Rains, look like normal giraffes, although they generally do not travel alone (keeping either with a herd of their own kind or occasionally traveling with a mixed species group) and mate monogamously. They travel around providing extra water to good and neutral communities that need it. Although perfectly capable of grazing for their food, they enjoy salads, especially those that broccoli features prominently in as well as steamed carrots. Grateful communities will often provide these foods in return for the giraffe-a-pumps services. Although they require no payment for watering food crops, filling public cisterns or providing water for domesticated animals, they are often hired as living decorative fountains. Some groups have learned to vary the direction and intensity of their mouth jets in closely choreographed patterns, often as accompaniment to local favorite dancing songs. Some larger cities have individual giraffe-a-pumps paid to live in strategically located parks or buildings so as to be able to respond to fires. In times of severe drought, if they can spare the time from sustaining the local intelligent creatures, giraffe-a-pumps may try to quench the thirst of local wildlife. Giraffe-a-pumps have an especial affinity for children, placing emphasis on the importance of instilling good values early in life. For this reason they often will give youngsters rides as they make their local rounds, showing by example the importance of caring for others. Giraffe-a-pumps generally worship good-aligned gods with the Sun, Animal, Plant, and/or Water domains. It is rumored that powerful sorcerers among giraffe-a-pumps usually develop the ability to transmute their mouth jet to acid for short periods of time, but this is unconfirmed.
Giraffe-a-pumps are generally not directly aggressive. This is not out of any timidity or pacifism but rather is a function of playing to their strengths. With the vital resource they can provide a giraffe-a-pump herd is rarely without allies and they are generally more valuible to whatever causes they champion by continuing to provide the services they do rather than via direct confrontation. This is not to say that they are unable fighters when the need comes. They know that many would try to alter their routes in there own favor (or to deny water to enemies), or even to capture them for their sole use. While such moves are likely to bring retaliation from other sentient species the giraffe-a-pumps do not wish to become mere pawns in power struggles. For this reason Giraffe-a-pump herds are generally lead by the individual with the greatest skill in interacting with other races. There will usually be 2 sub-leaders, one in charge of scouting and route selection between water deliverly points and the other a lead-from-the-front type war-leader. Sometimes any of these three may be combined, the most common instances being scout-warcheif rangers and occasionally leader-warcheif aristocrats.

Giraffe-a-pumps speak Common.

If it won't keep them from where they need to get to Giraffe-a-pumps will run rather than fight. When it does come to a fight Giraffe-a-pumps will generally use tactics similar to mounted archers, advancing and retreating as necessary to try to keep the enemy off balance. This is especially effective against slower enemies or those that rely heavily on armor (natural or manufactured) since their mouth jets are touch attacks. They often will take cover behind spreading trees, reach out their necks above or next to the cover in order to fire. When an enemy has an advantage at range or needs to be taken out quickly they do not hesitate to close and engage with hoof and horn. In the few instances where they have engaged in battles that could be anticipated days in advance they have been known to pre-soak strategically important patches of ground to turn them muddy and thus channel the attackers. Interestingly enough they are also partial to setting fires as a weapon since they know that they can protect themselves from such better than almost any opponent, and can keep it from spreading too far after the battle (provided they win of course).

Mouth Jet (Sn)
A Giraffe-a-pump can pour forth pure, fresh water from its mouth. When active this can be precisely controlled to be as slow as a trickle convenient for a gnome child to drink from at one extreme to a jet that can rapidly re-fill an empty cistern or provide irrigation (60-foot-long 6-inch-wide stream at 30 gallons per round) at the other end of the spectrum. At the high end of this spectrum the jet can be used as a weapon that deals 1d8 damage on a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 30 feet and a maximium range of 60 feet. A Giraffe-a-pump does not need to make any strength checks to avoid being knocked over by the back-pressure of its mouth jet.

Unthirsting (Sn)
Due to its ability to internally generate water a Giraffe-a-pump never needs to drink. It also takes no damage on a successful save and only half damage on a failed save against Horrid Wilting and other dehydration spells and effects. It is still perfectly capable of drinking potions, or lapping up a bowl of mead along-side its companions.

Low sleep requirements (Ex)
A Giraffe-a-pump only needs to sleep 2 hours per night. Giraffe-a-pump wizards (who are very rare) still must have 8 hours of restful calm before preparing any spells.

Plot Hooks
- Evil desert nomads have captured a giraffe-a-pump, thus freeing their most skilled raiding party from having to stop to take on water during hit-and-run raids and allowing them to use horses (instead of camels) more freely. The adventurers are hired to rescue it.
- A town is suffering a terrible draught. They hire the party to escort a willing girraffe-a-pump herd through the dangerous mountains that form the quickest path for the herd to come to the rescue.
- A clutch of wyrmling red dragons goes after a herd of giraffe-a-pumps after the giraffe-a-pumps put out one too many of the forest fires the dragons started for their own amusement.

In loving Memory of Walter Folkoff.

The Name Says It All:
Astral Pack-Beast
Size/Type: Large Aberration (Extraplanar, Psionic)
Hit Dice: 5d8+25 (47 hp)
Initiative: 0
Speed: 10 feet (2 squares)
Armor Class: 13, touch 9, flat-footed 13 (-1 size, +4 natural)
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+12
Attack: Tentacle Slam +8 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 8 Tentacles Slams +8 melee (1d6+5)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: None
Special Qualities: All-Around Vision, Dark-Vision 60 feet, Low-Light Vision, Astral Traveler 1/day
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +7
Abilities: Str 20, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +7, Spot +11
Feats: Endurance, Weapon Focus(Tentacle)
Enviroment: Domesticated or Astral Plane
Organization: Domesticated or Solitary
Challenge Rating: 4
Alignment: Always True Neutral
Advancement: -

This creature resembles a slug crossed with an octopus, although it lacks suckers and only its foot is moist (and of course the eyeballs) the rest of it having a leathery consistancy. Its disk shaped trunk is only 3 feet tall but about 8 feet in diameter. A dish shaped indentation, covered in thick leathery skin forms its upper surface. Eight tentacles, each 4 feet long, alternate with eight eye-stalks around its circumference. The eyes are human-like, rather than the simple eyes of a slug.

Astral Pack-Beasts are purpose created for hauling cargo through the astral plane, and can save a psion a few power points as well. Their eight tentacles are empowered to allow them to act as a "Splitter" of sorts for Astral Caravan powered journeys. They can and will hold onto the hands of up to 8 different travelers (and can even link with eachother for truly impressive results), allowing each of them to keep a hand free to wield a weapon or whatever. Unless given the command word to release, they will attempt to regain a hold on any creature that removes itself from its grasp or that is removed from its grasp.

Astral Pack-Beasts are trained to be proficient with all types of armor, but not with shields.

Astral Pack-Beasts eat and drink through a mouth in the center of their foot, having both a circular mouth ringed with teeth for grazing (but without the molar function of mamillian herbavores) and a star-fish-like stomach that can be expelled to adhere to food (or even start the digestive process on anything too large to easily stick initially) and then withdraw through the mouth. The teeth retract upwards and outwards when the stomach is expelled to take in food. They sleep 8 hours a day, and breathe through their skin. Reproduction is hermanphroditic, but requires specialize magics and psionic effects in a specific combination to trigger the mating cycle and fertility. This was an intentional effort by the creators to protect their "copyright" and ensure a return on their investment in creating them.

All-Around Vision (Ex) - An Astral Pack-Beast’s symmetrically placed eyes allow it to look in any direction, providing a +4 racial bonus on Spot and Search checks. An Astral Pack-Beast can’t be flanked.

Astral Traveler (Ps)- 1/day Manifester level equal to hit-dice. Personal only

A light load for an Astral Pack-Beast is up to 399 lbs. Medium loading is 400 to 799 lbs, and heavy is 800 to 1200 lbs.

Market Price is generally around 1000 gp for a trained Astral Pack-Beast.

Beauty Spa Attendants:
Medium Ooze
HD 2d10+2+10 (23)
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares); Swim 30 ft
Init: +3 (+3 Dex)
AC 13; touch 13; flat-footed 10
(+3 Dex)
BAB +1; Grp +3
Attack Slam +3 melee (1d6+2)
Full-Attack 2 Slams +3 melee (1d6+2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Engulf
Special Qualities Amphibious, Creeping Spa, Constriction, Engulf, Highly Skilled, Magic Pseudo-pods, Ooze Traits
Saves Fort +1 Ref +3 Will -1
Abilities Str 15, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 8*, Wis 8*, Cha 17
Skills Diplomacy +7, Gather Information +6**, Profession (Masseuse) +13, Sense Motive +2 (+6 for making small-talk)
Feats Skill Focus[Profession(Masseuse)]B, Endurance
Environment Urban
Organization Solitary or Parlor (3-10)
Challenge Rating 2?
Treasure As per comparable masseuse.
Alignment Usually True Neutral
Advancement*** As Expert and/or 3 HD Medium, 4-7 HD Large, 8-15 HD Huge, 16-31 HD Gargantuan, 32-63 Colossal, 64+ Colossal+ ; Favored Class Expert
Level Adjustment +2?****(Cohort only)
* Role-playing note for GMs: Masoozes are NOT primitive in their personalities or mindsets, they are DITZY... not rock-headed, air-headed.
** Because spas are often hot-beds for gossip.
*** Due to Magic Pseudo-pods when creating advanced masoozes do not reduce the dexterity for any size increases.
**** PC masoozes may add racial hit-dice and class levels(of Expert only) in any mix the player desires to reach the appropriate ECL during character design or level-up.

Masoozes speak one language (usually the most common one for the area they are in) plus any bonuses for high intelligence. Bonus languages are also selected from those common to the area the individual lives in.

This mound of mobile protoplasm is a soothing powder-blue, and smells vaguely of fruits and soap.

Amphibious(Ex): Masoozes are can "breath" fresh and salt water as easily as air, and are found with the same frequency among merfolk and tritons as they are among humans or elves.

Constriction(Ex): Although they lack the Improved Grab ability, once they get a grip on an opponent, masoozes know where to squeeze. They deal automatic slam damage with a successful grapple check.

Creeping Spa(Ex): A masooze lacks the deadly acids of its mindless kin, but makes up for it in versatility. Its secretions can be tuned to exfoliate, moisturize, or do any of an variety of skin, nail, and hair-care functions, it can also alter its temperature locally or entirely from an invigorating or swelling reducing cold to a soothing heat or anywhere in between, this grants a +2 circumstance bonus, as for using a masterwork tool (and thus does not stack with any actual tools or lotions the ooze may have acquired for whatever reason). This bonus is included in the stat-block above.

Engulf(Ex): A masooze forced into combat can simply mow down creatures at least one size category smaller than it as a standard action (Note that Colossal counts as smaller than Colossal+). It cannot make slam attacks during a round in which it engulfs. The masooze merely has to move over the opponents, affecting as many as it can cover. Opponents can make opportunity attacks against the masooze, but if they do so they are not entitled to a saving throw. Those who do not attempt attacks of opportunity must succeed on a DC 15 Reflex save or be engulfed; on a success, they are pushed back or aside (opponent’s choice) as the cube moves forward. Engulfed creatures are subject to the cube’s slam attack, and are considered to be grappled and trapped within its body. The save DC is Strength-based and includes a +2 racial bonus. Outside of combat, masoozes usually use this ability to surround every part of the client but the face to give (nearly) full body massages. They can cover portions of the face if they wish to duplicate the effects of a mud mask.

Highly Skilled(Ex): Masoozes count their intelligence score as being 4 points higher when determining their skill points from racial hit-die.

Magic Pseudo-pods(Ex): A masooze may use its Dexterity modifier in place of its wisdom modifier for Profession(Masseuse) checks on creatures it has engulfed and may always take 10 on Profession(Masseuse) on creatures it has engulfed even if rushed or harassed (but not if in physical danger). When creating advanced masoozes do not reduce the dexterity for any size increases.

Skills: Masoozes have a +4 racial bonus to sense motive checks related to making small-talk. A masooze may use its Dexterity modifier in place of its wisdom modifier for Profession(Masseuse) checks on creatures it has engulfed and may always take 10 on Profession(Masseuse) on creatures it has engulfed even if rushed or harassed (but not if in physical danger).

Masoozes' digestive enzymes are highly specialized compared to most oozes, those who defeat them develop, at worst, a minor rash on the locations that it hit or over the body if they were engulfed for several rounds (no mechanical effect even with full body coverage), they can only gain nutrients from vegetable matter, and that only slowly.

Masoozes as characters:
May ONLY take class levels in Expert and PrCs with no BAB, Save, Weapon Proficiency, or Armor Proficiency requirements. Masooze Experts MUST pick Profession(Masseuse) as one of their class skills.
+4 STR, +6 DEX, +2 CON, -2 INT, -2 WIS, CHA +6
Masoozes may use almost all magic items that a humanoid could, they have the same number of body slots as a humanoid, but engulf almost all items instead of keeping them on their surface. They may "drink" a number of engulfed potions as a move action equal to their dexterity bonus (minimum 1).
Masoozes do not gain any armor class benefits from armor (neither the basic ones nor enchantment bonuses), but may gain the other MAGICAL benefits (such as energy resistance, flight, etherealness etc) from one engulfed suit of armor. Masoozes may use a shield normally and Mage Armor, Bracers of armor, and similar magic effects that provided an armor bonus help them normally.

Small Monsterous Humanoid [Candy](1st level Commoner)
HD 1d4 (2 hp)
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares); Climb 20 ft. ; Burrow 5 ft
Init: +0
AC 12; touch 11; flat-footed 12
(+1 Size, +1 Natural)
BAB +0; Grp -2
Attack Sickle +2 (1d4+1, x3 critical)
Full-Attack 4 sickles -2/-6/-6/-6 (1d4+1, x3 critical)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks
Special Qualities
Saves Fort +2 Ref +0 Will +1
Abilities Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 8
Skills Profession(Farmer) +8, Climb +10
Feats Skill Focus[Profession(Farmer)], EnduraceB
Environment Any Civilized
Organization Any
Challenge Rating 1/2?
Treasure As per Class and Level
Alignment Any
Advancement as Commoner or Expert ONLY Favored Class Commoner

These bipedal insect-like creatures have 4 arms and have a 2 foot long segmented Pez candy for a torso. The legs, arms, and head are that of a giant ant. Pez-Ants comprise 99% of the Commoners in Candy-land. Pez-Ants speak Common.

Pez-Ants have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.

One more to come, but it is long enough that I think it deserves its own post.

2010-06-14, 06:02 PM
Ok, I lied... at least two more... the next one is for making jerky, the second ones make good innkeepers (or rather inn OWNERS) or servants...

The term the pun is based on is "Sotto Voce (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sotto_voce)", which is technically Italian (not French like I thought it was).
Soda Vulture
Small Elemental (Air, Water)
HD 2d8+2 (11 hp)
Speed 10 ft. (2 squares); Fly 40 ft (Clumsy)
Init: +1 (+1 Dex)
AC 14; touch 12; flat-footed 13
(+1 size, +1 Dex, +2 Natural)
BAB +1; Grp -2
Attack Bite +2 melee (1d4+1 plus Killing Touch)
Full-Attack Bite +2 melee (1d4+1 plus Killing Touch)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Elemental Vomit, Killing Touch
Special Qualities Immune to disease, Take-off Roll, 50% chance of Scent (roll once for all encountered at one time), ?Turn Resistance +1?
Saves Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +2
Abilities Str 12, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 5
Skills Spot +15
Feats Dodge
Environment Any Non-Arctic (but most often in deserts), Elemental Plane of Air
Organization Solitary or Flock(3-10)
Challenge Rating 2
Treasure None
Alignment Always Neutral
Advancement 3-4 HD (Small); 5-7 HD (Medium)
This creature is a mass of water, shot through with a huge number of small bubbles. Its shape is like that of a great soaring bird, right down to the feathers, except for the head which is noticeably smoother.

Soda vultures are scavengers, only attacking the dead or dying that they spot while soaring high above... they will approach a dying creature with care, and waiting patiently until it can put up little or no further resistance. If attacked, they will use their elemental vomit, but they do not generally attack fleeing foes. They may however follow them at a distance, just like they would any other creature.

Elemental Vomit(Su): As a last resort defensive measure a soda vulture may greatly increase the slightly acid nature of a small part of its substance and vomit it at an attacker. This deals the soda vulture 3 hp of damage, has a range increment of 10 feet, a maximum range of 30 feet, and is otherwise similar to Melf's Acid Arrow with a caster level equal to double the water bird's hit-dice.

Killing Touch(Su): Soda vultures do not eat or drink in the normal senses of the words, but rather must take air and water from other organisms to survive. If a water bird hits a living creature that breaths air and contains water with its bite attack, or would have hit had it been a touch attack, and (after damage, if any, from the bite attack is resolved) that creature has less than zero hit-points then the creature is instantly slain as the water bird draws forth the water from the body and the air from the lungs. On the following turn it incorporates these materials into its body as a full round action. This ability also works on dead (NOT undead or deathless) creatures that have been dead for less than 2 hours per hit-die that the soda vulture possesses. In either case, the remaining corpse is totally desiccated, but if handled with care to prevent too much fracturing/tearing (and not previously undead etc etc), is still suitable for Raise Dead. If Create Water and Gust of Wind are both cast on a water bird within one round of eachother, this also will sustain it as if it had "eaten" until it could "eat" no more.

Take-off Roll(Ex): Soda vultures must run for a full round in a straight line, moving the maximum distance their speed would allow (so 40 feet), to build up speed for one round before taking off and may not change direction while flying the following round.

Soda vultures have a +8 racial bonus on Spot checks and may use Spot in place of Heal and/or Sense Motive to determine the state of health of creatures.

Soda vultures often mutter words under their breath although they have no more understanding of what these words mean than a parrot does. This ability is inborn and requires no exposure to language of any kind. Soda vultures are occasionally domesticated for use converting freshly slaughtered animals into jerky(in such a case some of the cleaning/dressing process occurs before the water bird is allowed access to it, and some afterward). Such a trained creature is worth 10 gold pieces, and can be reared from an egg (1 gp value) with a successful Handle Animal check DC 15. This process takes 2 months but only 1 hour of work is needed per day. Note that training them to do anything but make jerky for you, not bite people who enter their cage and not try to escape their cage TOO hard is next to impossible.

(Open Spoiler below for 562x572 picture)
Lord of Rest
(Open Spoiler below for statistics block for Fine through Small sizes)

{table="head"] ~ | Lord of Rest, Fine | Lord of Rest, Diminutive | Lord of Rest, Tiny | Lord of Rest, Small
Size and Type | Fine Construct (Semi-Living Construct) |Diminutive Construct (Semi-Living Construct) | Tiny Construct (Semi-Living Construct) | Small Construct (Semi-Living Construct)
HD | 1/8d10 (1 hp) | 1/4d10 (1 hp) | 1/2d10 (2 hp) | 1d10+10 (15 hp)
Speed | 0 feet | 0 feet | 0 feet | 0 feet | Speed
Init | +4 | +3 | +2 | +1 | Initiative
AC|13 (-5 Immobility, +8 size); touch 13; flat-footed 13|9 (-5 Immobility, +4 Size); touch 9; flat-footed 9]|7 (-5 Immobility, +2 size); touch 7; flat-footed 7|7 (-5 Immobility, +1 size, +1 natural); touch 6; flat-footed 7
BAB | +0 | +0 | +0 | +0 | Base Attack Bonus
Grp | -20 | -15 | -9 | -4 | Grapple
Attack | Slam +12 melee (1d1-4 non-lethal) | Slam +7 melee (1d2-3) | slam +4 melee (1d3-1) | slam +2 melee (1d4) | Attack
Full Attack | Slam +12 melee (1d1-4 non-lethal) | Slam +7 melee (1d2-3) | slam +4 melee (1d3-1) | slam +2 melee (1d4) | Full Attack
Space/Reach | 0 ft./0 ft. | 1 ft./0 ft. | 2 1/2 ft./0 ft. | 5 ft./5 ft. | Face/Reach
Special Attacks| Sheet Grappling | Sheet Grappling | Sheet Grappling | Sheet Grappling | Special Attacks
Special Qualities|Anti-Vermin Aura, Construct Traits, Darkvision 60ft, Immobility, Low-light Vision, Mute Sound, Scheduling, Spell-Like Abilities, Telepathy|Anti-Vermin Aura, Construct Traits, Darkvision 60ft, Immobility, Low-light Vision, Mute Sound, Scheduling, Spell-Like Abilities, Telepathy|Anti-Vermin Aura, Construct Traits, Darkvision 60ft, Immobility, Low-light Vision, Mute Sound, Scheduling, Spell-Like Abilities, Telepathy|Anti-Vermin Aura, Construct Traits, Darkvision 60ft, Immobility, Low-light Vision, Mute Sound, Scheduling, Spell-Like Abilities, Telepathy|Anti-Vermin Aura, Construct Traits, Darkvision 60ft, Immobility, Low-light Vision, Mute Sound, Scheduling, Spell-Like Abilities, Telepathy|Anti-Vermin Aura, Construct Traits, Darkvision 60ft, Immobility, Low-light Vision, Mute Sound, Scheduling, Spell-Like Abilities, Telepathy|Anti-Vermin Aura, Construct Traits, Darkvision 60ft, Immobility, Low-light Vision, Mute Sound, Scheduling, Spell-Like Abilities, Telepathy|Anti-Vermin Aura, Construct Traits, Darkvision 60ft, Immobility, Low-light Vision, Mute Sound, Scheduling, Spell-Like Abilities, Telepathy
Saves | Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +1 | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +1 | Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +1 | Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +1 | Saves
Abilities |Str 2, Dex 18, Con -, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 13|Str 4, Dex 16, Con -, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 13|Str 8, Dex 14, Con -, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 13|Str 10, Dex 12, Con -, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 13| Abilities
Skills*|Craft(Sewing) +5, Craft(Woodworking) +5, Perform(Storytelling or Singing) +5, Profession(Masseuse) +5|Craft(Sewing) +5, Craft(Woodworking) +5, Perform(Storytelling or Singing) +5, Profession(Masseuse) +5|Craft(Sewing) +5, Craft(Woodworking) +5, Perform(Storytelling or Singing) +5, Profession(Masseuse) +5|Craft(Sewing) +5, Craft(Woodworking) +5, Perform(Storytelling or Singing) +5, Profession(Masseuse) +5|Craft(Sewing) +5, Craft(Woodworking) +5, Perform(Storytelling or Singing) +5, Profession(Masseuse) +5|Craft(Sewing) +5, Craft(Woodworking) +5, Perform(Storytelling or Singing) +5, Profession(Masseuse) +5
Feats* | Weapon Finesse(B) | Weapon Finesse(B) | Weapon Finesse(B) | Weapon Finesse(B) | Feats
Environment | Any Domestic | Any Domestic | Any Domestic | Any Domestic | Organization
Organization|Solitary, with Trundle(s) {Number dependent on average number of offspring produced at one time by occupants}, Pair, or Barracks(3-10)|Solitary, with Trundle(s) {Number dependent on average number of offspring produced at one time by occupants}, Pair, or Barrack|Solitary, with Trundle(s) {Number dependent on average number of offspring produced at one time by occupants}, Pair, or Barrack|Solitary, with Trundle(s) {Number dependent on average number of offspring produced at one time by occupants}, Pair, or Barrack|Solitary, with Trundle(s) {Number dependent on average number of offspring produced at one time by occupants}, Pair, or Barracks(3-10)|Solitary, with Trundle(s) {Number dependent on average number of offspring produced at one time by occupants}, Pair, or Barrack|Solitary, with Trundle(s) {Number dependent on average number of offspring produced at one time by occupants}, Pair, or Barrack|Solitary, with Trundle(s) {Number dependent on average number of offspring produced at one time by occupants}, Pair, or Barracks(3-10)|Solitary, with Trundle(s) {Number dependent on average number of offspring produced at one time by occupants}, Pair, or Barracks(3-10)
Challenge Rating| ?1/2? | ?1/2? | ?1/2? | ?1? | Challenge Rating
Treasure | None | None | None | None | Treasure
Alignment | Any | Any | Any | Any | Alignment
Advancement | By Class | 1/3HD* (Diminutive) and/or By Class | By Class | By Class | Advancement
Level Adjustment| +3 (Cohort) | +2 (Cohort) | +1 (Cohort) | +1 (Cohort) | Level Adjustment
Favored Class | Bard (or Expert if Lawful) | Bard (or Expert if Lawful) | Bard (or Expert if Lawful) | Bard (or Expert if Lawful) | Favored Class [/table]
*Lords of Rest do not gain skill points or feats for increasing in Hit-Dice since these extra hit-dice represent ONLY an increase in size rather than degree of life experience. They gain all the benefits of class levels (except improved movement capabilities). They gain 1 Feat at their first class level, and at every class level evenly divisible by three.

(Open Spoiler below for statistics block for Medium through Colossal sizes)

{table="head"] ~ | Lord of Rest, Medium | Lord of Rest, Large | Lord of Rest, Huge | Lord of Rest, Gargantuan | Lord of Rest, Colossal
Size and Type | Medium Construct (Semi-Living Construct) | Large Construct (Semi-Living Construct) | Huge Construct (Semi-Living Construct) | Gargantuan Construct (Semi-Living Construct)| Colossal Construct (Semi-Living Construct)
HD | 2d10+20 (31 hp) | 4d10+30 (52 hp) | 10d10+40 (95 hp) | 24d10+60 (192 hp) | 48d10+80 (344 hp)
Speed | 0 feet | 0 feet | 0 feet | 0 feet | 0 feet | Speed
Init | +0 | +0 | -1 | -2 | -3 | Initiative
AC|7 (-5 Immobility, +2 natural); touch 12; flat-footed 21|8 (-5 Immobility, -1 size, +4 natural); touch 4; flat-footed 8|9 (-5 Immobility, -2 size, +6 Natural); touch 3; flat-footed 9|9 (-5 Immobility, -4 size, +8 natural); touch 1; flat-footed 9|7 (-5 Immobility, -8 size, +10 natural); touch -3; flat-footed 7
BAB | +1 | +3 | +7 | +18 | +36 | Base Attack Bonus
Grp | +2 | +11 | +22 | +39 | +63 | Grapple
Attack | slam +0 melee (1d6+1) | slam +6 melee (1d8+6) | slam +12 melee (2d6+9) | slam +23 melee (2d8+13) | slam +39 melee (4d6+16) | Attack
Full Attack | slam +0 melee (1d6+1) | slam +6 melee (1d8+6) | slam +12 melee (2d6+9) | slam +23 melee (2d8+13) | slam +39 melee (4d6+16) | Full Attack
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. | 10 ft./10 ft. | 15 ft./15 ft | 20 ft./20 ft. | 30 ft./30 ft. | Space/Reach
Special Attacks | Sheet Grappling | Sheet Grappling | Sheet Grappling | Sheet Grappling | Sheet Grappling | Special Attacks
Special Qualities|Anti-Vermin Aura, Construct Traits, Darkvision 60ft, Immobility, Low-light Vision, Mute Sound, Scheduling, Spell-Like Abilities, Telepathy|Anti-Vermin Aura, Construct Traits, Darkvision 60ft, Immobility, Low-light Vision, Mute Sound, Scheduling, Spell-Like Abilities, Telepathy|Anti-Vermin Aura, Construct Traits, Darkvision 60ft, Immobility, Low-light Vision, Mute Sound, Scheduling, Spell-Like Abilities, Telepathy|Anti-Vermin Aura, Construct Traits, Darkvision 60ft, Immobility, Low-light Vision, Mute Sound, Scheduling, Spell-Like Abilities, Telepathy|Anti-Vermin Aura, Construct Traits, Darkvision 60ft, Immobility, Low-light Vision, Mute Sound, Scheduling, Spell-Like Abilities, Telepathy|
Saves | Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +1 | Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2 | Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +4 | Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +8 | Fort +16, Ref +13, Will +17 | Saves
Abilities |Str 12, Dex 10, Con -, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 13|Str 18, Dex 10, Con -, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 13|Str 24, Dex 8, Con -, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 13|Str 28, Dex 6, Con -, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 13|Str 32, Dex 4, Con -, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 13| Abilities
Skills*|Craft(Sewing) +5, Craft(Woodworking) +5, Perform(Storytelling or Singing) +5, Profession(Masseuse) +5|Craft(Sewing) +5, Craft(Woodworking) +5, Perform(Storytelling or Singing) +5, Profession(Masseuse) +5|Craft(Sewing) +5, Craft(Woodworking) +5, Perform(Storytelling or Singing) +5, Profession(Masseuse) +5|Craft(Sewing) +5, Craft(Woodworking) +5, Perform(Storytelling or Singing) +5, Profession(Masseuse) +5|Craft(Sewing) +5, Craft(Woodworking) +5, Perform(Storytelling or Singing) +5, Profession(Masseuse) +5|Craft(Sewing) +5, Craft(Woodworking) +5, Perform(Storytelling or Singing) +5, Profession(Masseuse) +5
Feats* | None | None | None | None | None | Feats
Environment | Any Domestic | Any Domestic | Any Domestic | Any Domestic | Any Domestic | Environment
Organization|Solitary, with Trundle(s) {Number dependent on average number of offspring produced at one time by occupants}, Pair, or Barracks(3-10)|Solitary, with Trundle(s) {Number dependent on average number of offspring produced at one time by occupants}, Pair, or Barracks(3-10)|Solitary, with Trundle(s) {Number dependent on average number of offspring produced at one time by occupants}, Pair, or Barracks(3-10)|Solitary, with Trundle(s) {Number dependent on average number of offspring produced at one time by occupants}, Pair, or Barracks(3-10)|Solitary, with Trundle(s) {Number dependent on average number of offspring produced at one time by occupants}, Pair, or Barracks(3-10)|
Challenge Rating| 2? | 4? | 7? | 12? | 15? |
Treasure | None | None | None | None | None |
Alignment | Any | Any | Any | Any | Any | Alignment
Advancement | 3HD* (Medium) and/or by Class | 5-9HD* (Large) and/or by Class | 11-23HD* (Huge) and/or by Class | 25-47HD* (Gargantuan) and/or by Class | 49+HD* (Colossal) and/or by Class | Advancement
Level Adjustment| +0 (Cohort) | ?-1? (Cohort) | ?-2? (Cohort) | ?-3? (Cohort) | ?-4? (Cohort) | Level Adjustment
Favored Class | Bard (or Expert if Lawful) | Bard (or Expert if Lawful) | Bard (or Expert if Lawful) | Bard (or Expert if Lawful) | Bard (or Expert if Lawful) | Favored Class[/table]
*Lords of Rest do not gain skill points or feats for increasing in Hit-Dice since these extra hit-dice represent ONLY an increase in size rather than degree of life experience. They gain all the benefits of class levels (except improved movement capabilities). They gain 1 Feat at their first class level and at every class level evenly divisible by three.

Semi-Living Construct Subtype(Ex): Although not quite as similar to flesh based creatures as Warforged are Lords of Rest share some of the same traits with Warforged etc. In one critical regard they surpass them: They are capable of reproduction on their own via asexual budding (see below for details). In any case they also possess the following traits:
-Unlike other constructs, a Lord of Rest is NOT immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities.
-Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition.
-Unlike other constructs, a Lord of Rest is NOT immune to Energy Drain.
-A Lord of Rest CAN NOT heal damage naturally.
-Lords of Rest ARE Immune to critical hits, non-lethal damage, negative energy damage, stunning, ability damage, or ability drain.
-Lords of Rest are NOT immune to death effects or necromancy effects unless such effects also fall under a separate category (such as ability drain) that they ARE immune to.
-Lords of Rest are immune to positive and negative energy effects, meaning they are unaffected by Heal, Harm, Inflict and Cure Spells and effects. Lord of Rest monks may still use "Wholeness of Body" to repair themselves, and Lord of Rest Paladins may repair themselves or other Living or Semi-Living constructs with their "Lay on Hands" ability.
-Depending on its individual construction a Lord of Rest may or may not be vulnerable to the following: Heat Metal/Chill Metal (As if wearing metal armor), Repel Metal or Stone(As if wearing metal armor), Rusting Grasp (Deals 2d6 points of damage, Reflex for half DC 14 + caster's ability modifier), A Rust monsters touch deals that same damage (Reflex Save DC 17 for Half). Spells such as Stone to Flesh, Stone Shape, Warp Wood, and Wood Shape never damage a Lord of Rest and, indeed, can only affect it whatsoever if it is willing.
-A Lord of Rest responds slightly differently from other living creatures when reduced to 0 hit points. A Lord of Rest with 0 hit points is disabled, just like a living creature. It can only take a single move action or standard action in each round, but strenuous activity does not risk further damage. When its hit points are less and 0 and greater than -10, a Lord of Rest is inert. He is unconscious and helpless, and cannot perform any actions. However, an inert Lord of Rest does not lose additional hit points unless more damage is dealt to him, as with a living creature that is stable.
-A Lord of Rest CAN be raised or resurrected.
-A Lord of Rest does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe, and can NOT benefit from the effects of consumable spells and magic items such as heroes' feast and potions.
-Although they do not need sleep, a Lord of Rest wizard must rest for 8 hours before preparing spells.
-A character with ranks in certain Craft Skills can attempt to repair a Lord of Rest who has taken damage. A check requires 8 hours and restores a number of hit points equal to the Craft check result -15 (minimum 0). A character can take 10 on this check but can't take 20. Applicable skills vary with the composition of the individual Lord of Rest but generally include Sewing, and Woodworking. A Lord of Rest can repair itself (and, like all craft skill checks applied to itself it requires no tools to do so).

Anti-Vermin Aura(Su): The bedbugs NEVER bite in a Lord of Rest... because there aren't any. No normal insect or arachnid of Fine size can come within 3 feet of any part of a Lord of Rest unless under magical compulsion.

Immobility(Ex): Because it can't move its frame, only its mattress, sheets etc, a Lord of Rest is treated as having a Dexterity of 1 for the purposes of its armor class until and unless it somehow gains a movement speed. This same restriction also prevents it from taking movement based feats including but not limited to the following: Acrobatic, Dodge, Mobility, and Spring Attack. Lords of Rest do not derive any benefit from class features, feats or spells that improve movement speed. All of these drawbacks are negated if the Lord of rest somehow gains a movement speed independent of these effects. Animate Objects, Fly, and Overland Flight are popular choices for this purpose. Due to their already being mostly animate and full self-directing, Animate Objects has a duration of 1 minute per caster level when cast only on one or more Lords of Rest.

Sheet Grappling(Ex): A Lord of Rest can use its sheets to grapple an opponent up to three sizes larger than itself. The Lord of Rest makes a normal grapple check. If it wins, it wraps the sheets around the opponent’s head, causing that creature to be blinded until they are removed. The position of neither grappler changes as a result of this occurrence.
A Lord of Rest deals damage equal to its slam damage value plus 1½ times its Strength bonus with a successful check against a creature up to one size larger than itself.
A Lord of Rest of at least Large size can make constriction attacks against multiple creatures at once, if they all are at least two sizes smaller than the Lord of Rest.

Mute Sound(Su): A Lord of Rest may damp out sounds around it, this extends only a few inches beyond the Lord of Rest and its occupants but imposes a -10 penalty on all listen checks that occur for sounds within or crossing this barrier. This also grants Sonic Resistance 1 for the Lord of Rest and its occupants. The Lord of Rest can negate or resume this effect as a full round action. This is useful when the half-orcs next door are having a wild party, or if one of the occupants snores.

Scheduling(Ex): Lords of Rest have perfect time sense, and an EXCELLENT memory for to do lists etc. They will wake their occupants on time (usually in the most gentle and comfortable manner they can devise), and remind them of what they need to do for the day.

Spell-like Abilities(Sp): Continuous - Prestidigitation, At Will - Lullaby (single target each time used only, touch range), 1/hour - Ghost Sound, 2/day - Deep Slumber (single target each only, touch range), 1/day - Cure Minor Wounds. A Lord of Rest casts these spells as a Sorcerer of level equal to its total CLASS LEVELS (minimum 1). Racial hit-dice make no difference.

Telepathy(Su): As a full round action, a Lord of Rest may establish a telepathic link to any other Lord of Rest within a number of miles range equal to greater of the two Lords' HD. A Lord of Rest may only be included in one such telepathic link at a time; ending this link is a free action either Lord of Rest can take. They may also apply this ability to any other creature with a language (and in such a case can contact more than one at once), but in such cases the range is touch, and physical contact must be maintained for at least one full round before communication may begin.

History and Society:
The first Lord of Rest was created by one Mnargo Fishwarden, an epic level wizard as he was in the last years of his life. Mnargo had produced most of his more memorable victories out of a sense of altruism and had traveled ceaselessly, where-ever the need took him. This led him to a great appreciation for stillness and comfort. Thus it was both for himself and as one of his last gifts to the world that he invested a considerable amount of life energy into the creation of the progenitor of this bizarre race, a bed of great comfort capable of conversing with those in contact with it and providing for their needs. For the remaining 3 years of his life he never left it for any reason whatsoever, using his magical servants to bring him what he required, employing a chamber pot (some would say with less than total faithfulness, but the qualities of the bed rendered this point almost entirely moot...Prestidigitation is a vastly under-rated spell sometimes...). Upon his finally passing on to his eternal reward the bed was transferred (as an intelligent creature Mnargo refused to name it a bequest in his will and the bed had final say in the matter) to one of his great grandchildren one Gosha Witherbean. This was thought odd since the individual in question was hardly the most worthy of great magic, or even particularly beloved of Mnargo. The bed would only say that this was not about who had most earned its services with great accomplishments, but was about where it could best test out its potential. The explanation was only forthcoming several years later when the time drew near for Gosha's first child to be born and the bed told the couple to look under it. There they discovered a folding legged crib just recently split off from a now narrow stem leading down from the cross-slats of the larger bed. The true extent of Mnargo's accomplishment was thus proven, and his final gift to the mortal world realized. He had created a construct capable of reproducing itself, and without expensive materials. The crib spoke with intelligence to those who touched it from the first and when the baby was born it reached out its small blanket to hold the child tenderly (after the parents had had their initial fill naturally!). The crib grew with the child, slowly turning into a trundle bed, and then a normal bed, speaking stories of peace and wisdom into the mind of the child as sleep neared each night. Indeed each offspring of the union was so blessed. Naturally, a deep affection grew between the new beds and their life-long occupants. When the children grew up and got married, the beds welcomed the additions with warmed and turned down covers (although some of them elected NOT to make use of the Lord of Rest for the initial honeymoon period). As time went on Lords of Rest grew in numbers and many found themselves without occupants, either through disagreements (one can get away with taking Lord of Rest's loyalty for granted usually... but ONLY usually, and the vast majority will NOT stand for being treated as property), or deaths (often infant (pseudo-medieval is not the best conditions for avoiding high infant mortality), but old age of occupant(s) is just as much an issue for an ageless race). Thus their commonness increased slightly, and it is not totally unknown for one to be found even in a poor household. Many often find employment at inns.

Lords of Rest and classes:
Expert and Bard: Most Lords of Rest are story tellers and care-givers and thus have levels in these classes (and the majority DO have class levels of some sort).
Fighters and Crusaders (Who often take maneuvers that counteract their lack of mobility, such as Stone Bones): Serve as a last line of defense against assassination (or other dangers to the sleeping) are well known by scholars of the subject to occur. Such individuals often take the "Improved Grappling" feat or have a weapon mounted to a headboard or footboard where they can draw it with the twisted corner of a sheet using the "Quick Draw" feat.
Barbarians and Paladins: These have been documented more rarely. Paladins may still use there "Lay on Hands" ability to heal themselves or other Living or Semi-Living Constructs.
Rogues (for the Sneak Attack) {Maybe ninja's too?}: As Fighters, although they rely on their sneak attack damage/sudden strike damage to defend their occupants. In more rare cases evil ones may form alliances with other evil beings to lure people into sleeping in them and then murder them in their sleep for their possessions (or just for pure evils sake). Only under the rarest of circumstances would they attack anyone who had grown up sleeping in them...
Adepts, Sorcerers, and Wizards: Rumors of non-bard arcane casters are unconfirmed among this curious race. If they exist they can cast there spells without concern for verbal components except for language dependant spells which they would have to be in telepathic contact with the target (and within the spell's range) to successfully cast. Most Lords of Rest agree that if they ever did become such they would almost certainly acquire a Dust Bunny familiar.
Clerics: Lord's of Rest blessed by the Gods to carry out their will (clerics) are extremely rare but confirmed. The have the same benefits and limitations as arcanists are thought to have when it comes to their inability to speak with sound. They may Turn/Rebuke undead without the need for sound.
Druids, Rangers, and Scouts: Unlikely to ever happen.

Bard Lords of Rest still are generally incapable of speech, but may cast apply their bardic music abilities and/or spells (where or not they are bardic in nature) on themselves or anyone they are in telepathic communication with by singing telepathically. Silence does not affect this ability.

Receive all repair XXX damage spells added to their class spell lists for any spell casting classes that can cast Cure spells that they enter. They never need a spellbook to prepare these (as per Spell Mastery Feat), and do not need to make a spellcraft check to learn them. This does not allow them to spontaneously cast them unless they are able to spontaneously cast Cure spells.

Over its existence a Lord of Rest can grow, and repair itself, shaping any part of itself as if under the spells "Wood Shape" and "Stone Shape" except that this works on ANY material, (this so slow the unaided human eye can't see it happening) and is capable of fine detail and moving parts limited only by the Lord of Rest's skill (note that they have craft skills!). They can produce more material to enlarge themselves, but only lesser woods (such as pine) and linen etc. More expensive materials can be assimilated by prolonged contact (although they will generally be rather lumpy looking if the Lord of Rest lacks the appropriate craft skills). See below for details on disassembling a Lord of Rest.

Lords of Rest naturally begin to asexually bud one crib from their underside (if they have legs), or side (if in a form that doesn't have legs), every time a child is conceived in them. This process is FAR FAR from instantaneous in reaching completion, but almost invariably takes less time than the gestation period (including to hatching if occupants are egg layers) of the occupants. Pregnant Lords of Rest have been known to get "Pregnancy Cravings" causing them to take coins out of purses left nearby by their owners, or off of nightstands. They incorporated these materials into the growing crib. Most Lords of Rest have no particular problem with allowing themselves to be used as a "second Honeymoon" location specifically for such purposes. If a Lord of Rest does not wish to reproduce it may make a Will save DC for each conception by occupants to prevent itself from producing a crib. The DC is 10 + 1/3 Lord of Rest's Racial hit-dice. It may re-absorb the material of a given crib if it chooses to attempt and passes a Fortitude Save DC 10 + 1/3 racial hit dice. Depending on the setting, attempting the Fortitude save (or, more rarely, either save) may count as an Evil act.

Disassembling a Lord of Rest: A Lord of Rest will often be totally seamless in its construction, but they can create or remove slip together and/or pegged seams to allow them to be disassembled for moving. Disassembly does not harm the Lord of Rest per se but while disassembled it is unconscious and helpless until reassembled (deduct a hitpoints if parts are lost and have to be replaced with non-original ones or are missing altogether. A few small pegs or a pillow would only be 1 hp, while an entire post might be 1/5 the Lord of Rest's total hp.).

Example adventuring Lords of Rest:

Large Lord of Rest
Level/Hit Dice:10th Level Cleric of Pelor (Healing and Sun Domains), 5d10+30 racial HD
Hitpoints: 102 hp
Initiative: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 0 ft. Base (40 ft. with Animate Objects), Fly 30 ft (when carpet active)
Armor Class: 18 (+1 Dex. (changes to -5 Immobility when without a movement speed), -1 size, +2 Large Shield, +6 Natural); touch 10; flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: (+11/+6) / (+15/+10)
Attack: Large Masterwork Morningstar +15 Melee (3d6+4) OR Large MW Light Crossbow +11 ranged (2d6)
Full Attack: Large Masterwork Morningstar +15/+10 (3d6+4) OR Large MW Light Crossbow +11 ranged (2d6)
Space/Reach: 10 ft. / 10 ft.
Special Attacks: Sheet Grappling, Turn Undead
Special Qualities: Anti-Vermin Aura, Construct Traits, Darkvision 60ft, Immobility, Low-light Vision, Mute Sound, Scheduling, Spell-Like Abilities, Telepathy
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +12
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 12, Con -, Int 12(14 with Finial of intellect +2), Wis 18, Cha 15
Skills: Concentration +16, Heal +15, Knowledge(Religion) +11, Spellcraft +7, Craft(Sewing) +5, Craft(Woodworking) +5, Perform(Singing) +5, Profession(Masseuse) +5
Feats: Alertness, Combat Expertise, Skill Focus(Concentration), Still Spell
Equipment/Treasure: 5 ft x 5 ft Carpet of Flying (Strapped to BOTTOM of the part of its structure that supports the mattress), Finial of Intellect +2 (like Headband of Intellect), 2 Scrolls of "Animate Objects", Large Masterwork Light Crossbow, Large Metal Shield, Large Masterwork Morningstar
Alignment: Neutral Good
Typical Spells Prepared
0th level(6): Resistance x2, Guidance, Create Water x2, Detect Magic
1st level(5): Bless, Entropic Shield, Sanctuary, Shield of Faith x 2
1st level(Domain): Cure Light Wounds
2nd level(5): Align Weapon, Owl's Wisdom, Shield Other, Resist Energy, Sound Burst
2nd level(Domain): Cure Moderate Wounds
3rd level(4): Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic, Helping Hand, Magic Circle against Evil
3rd level(Domain): Searing Light
4th level(4): Freedom of Movement, Death Ward, Divine Power, Summon Monster IV
4th level(Domain): Fire Shield
5th level(3): Dispel Evil, Righteous Might, Symbol of Sleep
5th level(Domain): Flame Strike
Now a mighty four-poster Sun's Setting gained its name when (only a little past its days as a trundle bed) it had itself moved into the sick-ward at a temple of Pelor after its young occupant was killed by goblins while playing one day. Seventeen years later a plague struck the land and his devotion and care for those entrusted to his mattress as well as his fervent prayers on their behalf earned it the right to access Divine energies. The human priests of the temple gladly trained up the unusual acolyte in the duties of the priesthood (at least those which he could meet in his immobile state). It wasn't until sixty-three years after this when war broke out that Sun's Setting developed the taste for adventure (and thus a yearning for mobility). Healers were so needed at the front lines that Sun's Setting was carried up to the walls of the city and wounded soldiers brought to it so it could cure their injuries, thus returning them to the defense of the walls rapidly. After things settled down Sun's Setting petitioned the treasurer of the temple for some means of self-propulsion so it might fair forth and deliver protection by seeking out evil and destroying it. A flying carpet was purchased and strapped below where its mattress rested, and it flew off in search of companions in its questing.

Colossal+ Lord of Rest
Level/Hit Dice:20th Level Expert, 100d10+80 racial HD
Hitpoints: 700 hp
Initiative: -1 (-1 Dex)
Speed: 0 ft. Base (60 ft. with Winged Foot Rings)
Armor Class: 24 (-1 Dex. (changes to -5 Immobility when without a movement speed), +5 Post Sleaves of Armor, -8 size, +18 Natural (improved over base version due to large amounts of metal in structure); touch 1 (-3 when without a movement speed); flat-footed 24
Base Attack/Grapple: (+90/+85/+80) / (+118/+113/+108)
Attack: +102 Adamantine Colossal Axiomatic Holy GreatSword +6, 8d6+24(+2d6 vs Evil, and +2d6 vs Chaotic)
OR +89 Colossal Sling (firing Adamantine Colossal Axiomatic Holy Sling Bullet +6), 3d6+18(+2d6 vs Evil, and +2d6 vs Chaotic)
OR (See Equipment/Treasure for less commonly used weapons)
Full Attack: +102/+97/+92 Adamantine Colossal Axiomatic Holy GreatSword +6, 8d6+24(+2d6 vs Evil, and +2d6 vs Chaotic)
OR +89/+84/+79 Colossal Sling (firing Adamantine Colossal Axiomatic Holy Sling Bullet +6), 3d6+18(+2d6 vs Evil, and +2d6 vs Chaotic)
OR (See Equipment/Treasure for less commonly used weapons)
Space/Reach: 40 ft / 40 ft
Special Attacks: Sheet Grappling
Special Qualities: Anti-Vermin Aura, Construct Traits, Darkvision 60ft, Immobility, Low-light Vision, Mute Sound, Scheduling, Spell-Like Abilities, Telepathy, Fire Resistance 30 (due to construction)
Saves: Fort +39, Ref +38, Will +49
Abilities: Str 34, Dex 4(8 with Tassels of Dexterity), Con -, Int 22, Wis 18, Cha 19
Skills: Craft(Metal Sculpting) +32, Craft(Jewelry Making) +32, Craft(Sewing) +32, Craft(Stone Sculpting) +29, Craft(Woodworking) +32, Perform(Story Telling) +25, Perform(Singing) +25, Profession(Masseuse) +27, Knowledge(Religion) +8, Knowledge(The Planes) +8, Spellcraft +7, Knowledge(Nature) +8 (Some skill points still not distributed)
Feats: Combat Expertise, Martial Weapon Proficiency (GreatSword), Power Attack, Skill Focus[Craft(Metal Sculpting)], Skill Focus[Craft(Jewelry Making)], Skill Focus[Craft(Sewing)], Skill Focus[Craft(Woodworking)]
Equipment/Treasure: Sheet of Protection +5 (As per Cloak of Protection), Post Sleaves of Armor +5 (As per Bracers of Armor), Tassels of Dexterity +4 (As per Gloves of Dexterity), Adamantine Colossal Axiomatic Holy GreatSword +6 Damage: 8d6+24(+2d6 vs Evil, and +2d6 vs Chaotic), Cold Iron Colossal Axiomatic Holy GreatSword +1 Damage: 8d6+19(+2d6 vs Evil, and +2d6 vs Chaotic), Alchemical Silver Colossal Holy GreatSword +1 Damage: 8d6+19(+2d6 vs Evil), Finial of Teleportation (As per Helm of Teleportation), Winged Foot Rings (As per Winged Boots), Colossal Sling, 50 Adamantine Colossal Axiomatic Holy Sling Bullets +6, 25 Cold Iron Colossal Axiomatic Holy Sling Bullets +1, 25 Alchemical Silver Colossal Holy Sling Bullets +1, 50 Colossal Sling Bullets +1, 100 Collosal Sling Bullets
Alignment: Lawful Good

Kardregedium is slept in by a married pair of Great Wyrm Gold Dragons, each 27 CR. It has incorporated (with their express permission, and indeed urging) a large amount of their hordes, and they have sold all other art objects they owned to buy materials for it to incorporate into its structure. They keep a sufficient amount of spending money around, and have magic items, but everything else is incorporated into this animated work of art. It is shaped like a nest with out-rigger legs for stability, with a cylinder of curtains leading up to a dome top. The underlying structure of the frame is iron (it has "eaten" at least one Wall of Iron) and has finely inlaid itself with materials including but not necessarily limited to the following: Gold, Silver, Platinum, gemstones, pearls, ivory, darkwood, oak, mahogany, cedar, teak, marble (in many colors), granite, slate, mithrel, and adamantine. The resulting artwork (including hair thin details) covers every square inch of the frame, pillars, canopy, etc. Every bit of "cloth" in its structure is actually some sort of metal (usually a precious one) that it has spun out as fine as silk. The resulting embroidery (for lack of a better term) also forms exquisite scenes that continue the themes of the frame. The stuffings of the mattress, pillows, cushions etc are all phoenix feather. It considers itself an artist, and loves explaining its decorations to visitors. Being associated with such paragons of Good and Law means, and containing so much precious material in its structure means that it knows that it may attract the wrong sort of attention, and so it has learned a few of the arts of battle from its occupants in case it needs to make a last ditch defense of the sleeping chamber.
"Now we have all grown old together and we are each strong, strong, strong, dozer in the corner.", it boasted, "My paneling is like five fold shields, my posts marble pillars, my curtains priceless works of embroidery, the crack of my blanket a thunderbolt, my sheets a hurricane, and my cushions pure decadence!"
(Yes, this IS based on Smaug's boast to Bilbo... the classics are worth referencing!)

2010-06-14, 06:12 PM
Oh those are GOLD!

Especially the Lords of Rest, and the Giraffe-a-pumps! Just wondering how the giraffe-a-pumps set fires, though

2010-06-14, 07:27 PM
Oh those are GOLD!

Especially the Lords of Rest, and the Giraffe-a-pumps!
Thank you kindly.

Just wondering how the giraffe-a-pumps set fires, though
Allies who travel with them, or one of them has a Sorcerer level and knows *Prestidigitation*?

2010-06-14, 07:34 PM
Works for me :)

Also I just lost the section about rat poison numbers and flea powder creation. Annoying!

Okay, I am done for the day. Will resume work on it tomorrow. I think the stylist and the barber are going to end up as two different classes, which isn't so bad because they have different roles in society. You'll find a barber everywhere, but you would probably only find a stylist in a city.

Also, I'm liking the look of how the baker is fleshing out.

Still need to do class skills and stuff, but they'll come. I'm picturing the barber taking a weapon finesse feat and going crazy with the razor he sneaked into the throne room, after making a coup de grace on the king's spinal cord with his scissors. Dancing around in a shower of blood. Heh. Chaotic evil was never less "ORC SMASH!" than it is now.

2010-06-14, 09:01 PM
Still need to do class skills and stuff, but they'll come. I'm picturing the barber taking a weapon finesse feat and going crazy with the razor he sneaked into the throne room, after making a coup de grace on the king's spinal cord with his scissors. Dancing around in a shower of blood. Heh. Chaotic evil was never less "ORC SMASH!" than it is now.
Was that a *Sweeney Todd* reference? I don't know much about that work, but if it was a reference it was good, and if it isn't, someone should strongly consider statting out Sweeney Todd anyway, even that requires multiclassing in some Rogue or Expert levels.

2010-06-14, 09:16 PM
Squire -- Warrior Variant

Squires are clerics, crusaders, knights, and paladins in training. They sacrifice some martial prowess in exchange for supernatural/divine abilities. Many temples will employ squires in place of or in addition to normal warriors.


Base attack bonus decreases from 100% rate (good) to 75% rate (average).
Gain Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) and Knowledge (Religion) as class skills.

Save DCs based off of Wisdom. Has initiator level = 1/2 class level and caster level = 1/3 class level.

At 1st level, may choose to learn a 1st-level Devoted Spirit maneuver (no refresh mechanic) or gain one 1st-level spell slot for a divine spell off of the Cleric list.

At 4th level, may choose to learn a 1st-level Devoted Spirit maneuver (no refresh mechanic) or gain one 1st-level spell slot for a divine spell off of the Cleric list.

At 8th level, may choose to learn a 2nd-level Devoted Spirit maneuver (no refresh mechanic) or gain one 1st-level spell slot for a divine spell off of the Cleric list.

At 12th level, may choose to learn a 3rd-level Devoted Spirit maneuver (no refresh mechanic) or gain one 2nd-level spell slot for a divine spell off of the Cleric list.

At 16th level, may choose to learn a 4th-level Devoted Spirit maneuver (no refresh mechanic) or gain one 3rd-level spell slot for a divine spell off of the Cleric list.

At 20th level, may choose to learn a 5th-level Devoted Spirit maneuver (no refresh mechanic) or gain one 3rd-level spell slot for a divine spell off of the Cleric list.

2010-06-14, 09:26 PM
It was indeed heavily inspired by Sweeny Todd!

In terms of statting famous people, I was thinking about www.badassoftheweek.com and using that list to generate characters. It's something that needs more time than I have, at the moment, but a campaign where Joan of Arc and John Henry get together with some Persian princess or whatever to take on the Viking at Stamford Bridge.

Merk - I like the simplicity of that very, very much. I will probably make use of it, if that's okay with you?

2010-06-14, 09:46 PM
{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+0|Alert Watchman, Shout

+0|Eagle-Eyed (20ft)



+1|Eagle-Eyed (25ft)



+2|Eagle-Eyed (30ft)



+3|Eagle-Eyed (35ft)



+4|Eagle-Eyed (40ft)



+5|Eagle-Eyed (45ft)



+6|Eagle-Eyed (50ft)[/table]

Fixed that table for you.

2010-06-14, 09:48 PM

How did I not notice that?!

2010-06-14, 09:52 PM

How did I not notice that?!

I've got a positive Wisdom modifier. :smalltongue:

2010-06-14, 11:21 PM
I think the barber is done

2010-06-14, 11:34 PM
See the Domestic Sorcerer in my sig. He's the guy born with Sorcerer blood who never leaves home or hones his energy.

2010-06-15, 12:19 AM
Fixed that table for you.

Easily fixed. Thanks.

2010-06-15, 01:11 AM
Stylist also done. Just need to add in a rule about fixing botched haircuts.

2010-06-15, 10:40 AM
Money per haircut is usually 2gp, and a shave 1gp.

In a standard fantasy setting, wouldn't that mean that only the really rich could afford haircuts? Maybe decrease it to 1sp for a haircut and 5cp for a shave, meaning that the middle class can afford to do it fairly regularly but it is a pretty ridiculous luxury for the poorer folk.

2010-06-16, 06:29 AM

Gonna do the butcher next.

2010-06-17, 12:35 PM
Any ideas for the 0 BAB aristocrat and adept?

2010-06-17, 01:00 PM
They should have a high amount of skills from being educated, class skills like ride and decipher script, some sort of leadership-boost if they're minor royals or whatever. Either high will saves if they're the mercantile type who spends his days poring over business reports and company figures, or high reflex if he's the playboy sort who spends all day on a horse hunting deer in his father's forest. In fact, you might split them up into two NPC classes: the playboy aristocrat and the socialite aristocrat. The socialite one is the one with business skills, or inherited money, and spends it on dinner parties and expensive art. Nice things, but the sort of things that get turned into heirlooms. Playboy aristocrats tend to burn through money, favouring orgies and showering in champagne and raiding, with their friends, the wine cellar that their socialite ancestors built up but may well have a large country residence to host these parties in. Just depends if you want them to be built for politics or pleasure.

2010-07-01, 06:27 PM
Just want to say that I have an outline for a "Magician's Assistant" that I'll share once I've had a chance to test it out. I'll say this about it, though:

In our world, when it doesn't seem to obey the laws of science, we are amazed and applaud.

In the DnD world, when it doesn't obey the laws of science, and it's done in an anti-magic field, or "detect magic" does nothing, then they are amazed and applaud.

As you can see, there's still room for rabbits and top hats yet!

2010-07-15, 11:56 AM
The 0-BAB Adept

Change all BAB numbers to 0.

At first level they get abilities called Magic Style +0 and Spell Focus

At fifth level they get Magic Style +1.

At tenth level they get Magic Style +2.

At fifteenth level they get Magic Style +3.

At twentieth level they get Magic Style +4.

Spell Focus: All 0 BAB adepts gain Spell Focus as a bonus feat at 1st level. If they already have spell focus they can gain it in a different school. If they already have spell focus in all schools, they can gain any other feat for which they meet the prerequisites.

Magic Style: At first level a 0 BAB adept chooses a magic style. This gives them a limitation, and starts to give them bonuses at 5th level. The magic styles follow:

Place Magic: Place magic adepts choose an area about the size of a village, a district in a city, or a small forest. The DM has the final say on what counts as the right size. They can choose another area of the same size each time their Magic Style bonus increases. Outside of these areas they cast adept spells at -1 caster level. Inside of these areas they add their Magic Style bonus to their caster level.

Spell Style: This is a collection of magic styles that work in the same way. The adept chooses one of the below types of spell. At least half of the spells they prepare every day have to be of that type. When their magic style bonus is +1 they gain an extra 1st-level spell slot in which they can only prepare spells of that type. When it is +2 they gain (in addition to the 1st level spell slot) a bonus 2nd level spell slot in which they can only prepare spells of that type. This pattern continues until 20th level. They also gain a number of extra spells (of their type) on their class list equal to their magic style bonus
Types: Conjuration (Healing), Conjuration (Other), Fire, Water, Acid, Divination, Transmutation, Necromancy

Any other ideas for Magic Styles? Improvements on the current ones?

2010-07-16, 02:12 AM
Coincidentally, I've been working up a list of "hireling feats" for quite a while. These are feats that are within reach of the average commoner, and that make them a little more useful as hirelings for the PCs. I'd hoped to come up with six (one for each ability score -- needing an 11 in each, putting you on the good side of average), but so far I've only got three.

Armour Bearer [General]
You deftly tug straps and shift mail to fit armour in the shortest time possible.
Prerequisite: Dex 11
Benefit: When you assist a character to don or remove armour, the time required is one quarter rather than one half of normal. Actions that would take 5 rounds, such as removing a breastplate, instead take 3 rounds. Removing half-plate or full plate takes 2d6+3 rounds.

You can even assist with armours that cannot normally benefit from assistance, such as hide or light armours, or chainmail donned hastily.

Behind the scenes
For easy comparison, here's how the numbers work out (alone, helper, helper with feat):
{table=head]Armour|Don|Don hastily|Remove
Light or hide|1 min, 1 min, 5 rnds|5 rnds, 5 rnds, 3 rnds|1 min, 5 rnds, 3 rnds
Breastplate, mail|4 min, 2 min, 1 min|1 min, 1 min, 5 rnds|1 min, 5 rnds, 3 rnds
Half- or full plate|N/A, 4 min, 2 min|4 min, 2 min, 1 min|(1d4+1) min, (1d4+1)*5 rnds, 2d6+3 rnds[/table]

Mage’s Assistant [General]
You are able to assist with many of the laboratory tasks and duties of a mage, under direction.
Prerequisite: Int 11
Benefit: You can activate spell trigger and spell completion items as if you had the spell list and caster level, or the Use Magic Device check, of another character. This character guides you through the activation, so you and your guide must be able to see and hear one another. You both take the same action at the same time, but all spell effects (and risks!) are triggered from your location, not the guide’s.

Optional rule: A caster can guide one character with this feat at a time, plus one per 4 points of Int bonus.

Additionally, you may make untrained Craft (Alchemy) checks to perform the aid another action.

Porter [General]
By distributing loads effectively, you can shoulder a pack with less inconvenience than normal.
Prerequisite: Str 11
Benefit: Your Strength score is treated as being 2 points higher for the purposes of determining what is a light or medium load for you. Your heavy load limit does not change.

For example, a character with Strength 11 and this feat treats up to 50 lb. as a light load, and up to 100 lb. as a medium load (up from 38 lb. and 76 lb., respectively). The character’s maximum load is still 115 lb.

Behind the scenes
Okay, +2 doesn't sound like much. I had originally intended to make it +4. But it has to be low enough that the new medium load limit doesn't exceed the (unchanged) heavy load limit. +4 would do that, and +3 would make them very close to each other -- sometimes over, sometimes under. +2 works out pretty well anyway, I think. Here's the (before) and after.
11|(38) 50|(76) 100|115
12|(43) 58|(86) 116|130
13|(50) 66|(100) 133|150
18|(100) 133|(200) 266|300
19|(116) 153|(233) 306|350

As for cantrips, I've posted quite a few from time to time. Rather than hunting them down, let me just point you to a list of spells I maintain elsewhere (http://members.westnet.com.au/perey/spells.html). Or formerly maintained; it really needs updating.

1sp for a haircut and 5cp for a shave

Really? I would have priced a shave and a haircut, two cp.

2010-07-16, 07:34 AM
Porter [General]
By distributing loads effectively, you can shoulder a pack with less inconvenience than normal.
Prerequisite: Str 11
Benefit: Your Strength score is treated as being 2 points higher for the purposes of determining what is a light or medium load for you. Your heavy load limit does not change.

For example, a character with Strength 11 and this feat treats up to 50 lb. as a light load, and up to 100 lb. as a medium load (up from 38 lb. and 76 lb., respectively). The character’s maximum load is still 115 lb.

Behind the scenes
Okay, +2 doesn't sound like much. I had originally intended to make it +4. But it has to be low enough that the new medium load limit doesn't exceed the (unchanged) heavy load limit. +4 would do that, and +3 would make them very close to each other -- sometimes over, sometimes under. +2 works out pretty well anyway, I think. Here's the (before) and after.
11|(38) 50|(76) 100|115
12|(43) 58|(86) 116|130
13|(50) 66|(100) 133|150
18|(100) 133|(200) 266|300
19|(116) 153|(233) 306|350

For carting stuff long distances, there is no mechanical difference between medium and heavy encumberance. For this reason I wonder why heavy was the bracket you specifically DIDN'T increase?

Really? I would have priced a shave and a haircut, two cp.
I see what you did there...

2010-07-16, 03:35 PM
For carting stuff long distances, there is no mechanical difference between medium and heavy encumberance. For this reason I wonder why heavy was the bracket you specifically DIDN'T increase?

The main reason is that the feat isn't meant to make the character "stronger" -- that is, able to carry heavier loads. It's just meant to make loads they could already carry less cumbersome.

An alternative means to this end would be to reduce the penalties for encumbrance (but only due to loads, not due to armour).

2010-07-18, 04:08 PM
Found an interesting link on commoners, NPCs and children. Very much the kind of thing I like: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=96043

2010-07-19, 10:16 AM
And now, the circle is complete. :smallamused: (Check the fine print for where the childhood rules started. I still mean to pick them up one day and hammer out the kinks.)

2010-08-24, 04:57 PM
Go ahead, but I would have thought that those things would probably be covered by the Expert.

Or even just a commoner with skill focus. A butcher doesn't need anything but ranks in one skill to survive.

Heck, I could do it with a half-orc butcher with 3 Int. Has 4 skill points, 1st level commoner. Take skill focus as feat for +7 in profession: butcher.

:thog: "Dur Uh... me cut meat. Meat make good delicious, you buy stranger."

"Yes, but I would like the pork and tenderloin..."

:thog: "You want pork and tendy loins? Yah, yah, yah me do that me do that get for you wait."

*gets pork and tenderloin*

"Oh wow, okay. Thanks."

:thog: "No worry but now pay. Money you pay now."

"Um right... right, thanks. I'll be going now."

:thog: "Bye come again it fun see you. We good chat good. Meat good. Want meat but it for customers so me wait."


Size: Size same as base creature.
Abilities: Subtract the lowest die rolled, add the remaining die.
Feat: Youth feat is kept or subsided and a new one is chosen.
HD and hp: HD is dependent on class; PC classes receive maximized hp, Commoner receives average.

I think it should be listed that some racial affects depend on being an adult. For example, humans are typically open minded enough by adult stage to receive their human bonus feat then. Otherwise, they only have one feat as a youth (ages 10 - 15 or so).

But then again, it's GM discretion I suppose. A human could learn their first human bonus feat at any age.