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2010-06-12, 11:25 PM
You are standing around the figurehead of the half-ship in Lost Pirate Square, a busy part of the Grand Bazaar in the Merchant Ward. Finishing up some business, checking up on wares, replenishing your supplies after your very first mission with the Wayfinders.

The Square teems with the endless variety of beings common to the trade wards, entities from all walks of life, death and states between. Over in a nearby alley, two shadowy, animalistic creatures converse with a tiny, frost-coated fey creature while a pair of humanoids look on. Over at the Rorty Cube Pub, a pair of humans sit with a rocky dwarflike creature and a pixie, while a snake covered in tattoos of manuscript pages clings to the lamppost. At a smokepowder emporium, a tall black-and-white humanoid chats to a radiant halfling and a vicious-looking minotaur while two more humans (they're everywhere, aren't they?) examine various arquebuses. Two half-celestials, one elven and one human, examine the signposts to Radical Avenue while a squat baatezu, an armored pixie and an orcish creature order food from a vendor.

As you consider your future employment opportunities at the Wayfinders, you feel a convulsion (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2S6ZQn9lvk) ripple through you from head to toe. You are not alone; every being around you seems to have felt it, and Sigil itself begins to bow outwards, bulging visibly as though a tumor had formed in reality at the center of the Square.

Greasy bluish mucus spurts from a point in the bulge as a tear forms in reality, causing you to grimace in pain as you feel the stings of ten thousand needles in your mind. A clawing appendage widens the rent, spilling a torrent of black eyeballs across the plaza. As the crowd recoils in horror and disgust, the bugling, seeping wound in the fabric of Sigil ejects a monstrosity (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MotP/Far_Realm_Entity.jpg) into the Square, like a terrible birthing by a mother fearing her own spawn.

The creature lashes feebly with its limbs as it shudders and seizes. You feel pain with every sense that can experience the creature; its odor burns your nostrils, its sounds claw at your eardrums, the bleeding, foreign glyphs lacerating its aberrant form bringing tears to your eyes.

Suddenly, a trio of dabus float in through the crowd, followed by a parting to let through the Lady of Pain. She hovers silently towards the inchoate thing, ignoring the screams, sobbing and retching of onlookers, and stares at it without expression.

If at all possible, the creature seems to "stare" back. As a growing crowd of dabus swells around the Lady, avoiding the reach of the abomination's spiked appendage, years seem to pass in terrible silence. A conversation removed from the reaches of understanding, or a master philosopher studying an insect? The spectacle is fascinating and perverse, and chills you for its incomprehensibility.

Finally, the thing's supporting limbs give way underneath it, and the Lady's shadow sweeps over it, causing the monster to erupt in a fountain of fuming ichor. You wince as some of the mess sprays in your direction, but this is not the end, for now the crowd is pressing in a new direction, the same direction you were planning to head. The Lady of Pain is floating down Radical Avenue, towards the Wayfinders' Guild, and you follow the flow of traffic as everyone rushes to see what fallout will arise from the strange event.

The dabus have gone ahead, as have several runners, so Guildmaster Wey is there at the gates when the Lady arrives. He seems as anxious as the crowd, now. The Lady looks at the guildhouse, spares a glance for the guildmaster, then casts her shadow over the great stone doors. Giant letters appear in the Common language, as though carved by a large and vicious blade:


2010-06-13, 09:30 AM

A pleasant enough day in this particular great planar nexus: A successful run for a new employer was always satisfying, although the desire to have another go, to seek out new places, new civilisations, new targets, that was irrepressible.

Still, not all new sights were welcome: Tearing through into what was was something that was not, could not, should not, must not be! The Hippo-man winced as the affront to reality unfurled before them, his instincts kicking in as he unlimbered the huge arquebus in the face of this eye-watering, mind-searing monstrosity.

However, before any action could be taken, the gun dropped from his nerveless, stumpy fingers, falling harmlessly back to be held by the lanyard over his shoulder. The Lady! It took a lot to unnerve a Giff, but the supreme power in Sigil definitely counted. He stood, enrapt, at the standoff between the abomination and she who must not be worshipped. The conclusion was in many ways inevitable, the trespass undeniable. what happened next, now that was something else.

As with the crowd, he watched as the procession advanced upon the guildhouse. That's a shame, he thought, I suppose we'll have to find a new employer now. What actually transpired set him aback: An actual written command from her? Who were 'them' exactly? Either way, something big, something massive, was in the offing, with opportunity and danger in equal measure sure to be a part of it. The sniper relimbered his weapon and muscled his way forward, wanting to see what happened next...

2010-06-13, 10:50 AM

Last mission went well enough, all things considered. Despite having no idea how Sigil worked, or really, how any of what was going on around him worked. Still, not everything was different. He already learned that two things are exactly the same as they are on the Prime.

Those two things being: Anything can be killed, and that there are people willing to pay you good money to see that it happens.

Well, that's what he thought anyways. Then he saw The Lady and realized that just might not be true. Of course, his ship-mates had told him about her. The All-Powerful Lady of Pain. He just never believed it. Their tales were simply far too grand to be true.

Well, seeing is believing.

Aldin glanced over at the... thing that spawned in the center of the Square. He hadn't felt pain in years yet this monster made him feel it in ways he didn't think possible.

Sighing softly he grabbed the Scythe by his side and followed after his Giff friend. Might as well pretend to have some idea about to do...

2010-06-13, 11:45 AM
Fash Falath

The spelljamming trip... was interesting. It was unlike his other adventures, and has given him somethings new to learn.

Suddenly, reality seems to warp, and deposits a thing unlike any he has seen. It's existence seems to be an affront to his senses. Through the pain, he vaguely remembers that this is a symptom of a Far Realm thing. Exactly what, he's not sure, but he tries to draw from his memory of reading obscure books.

[roll0] +15 for Arcana/Dungeoneering/Localyeah, right/Nature/Religion/Planes/Psionic. +11 for Wildspace/Spelljamming/Planetology

Suddenly, The Lady arrives and dispatches it after a stare down. She moves off in the direction of the guild, and reluctantly, he follows.

As they reached the guild, he sighs. "So much for hope that it wasn't the Wayfinders she's heading for"

Seeing the words, he is confused. "Tell them all? What does that mean?" he thinks aloud.

2010-06-13, 11:52 AM
Fash Falath
You think it might be a blue dragon. Why you'd think that, I don't know, because it's not blue...

(Yes, I am going to be silly with every single failed Knowledge check) :smallwink:

2010-06-13, 04:51 PM

The catman never completely relaxes, his leg muscles remain tense, the needle-like sword over his back always ready. As the... thing intrudes into Sigilian reality, his blue eyes light up, one hand at the sword which almost seems to leap into his hand on its own, one hand raised with three fingers outstretched, forming the first sign of a spell. He jumps forward, blade drawn, as he sees the figure of the Lady and stumbles a few steps backward, his hands now forming the sign of the blades.
He follows the others, and the Lady, back to the guildhouse.

2010-06-13, 05:14 PM
Giving a cautious glance at his Giff friend Aldin speaks up, hopefully loud enough to be heard over the massive crowed that has gathered.

"So... what the hell is going on?"

Looking over to where The Lady carved the words "TELL THEM ALL" Aldin could only shake his head in confusion. These sort of matters were way the clueless Primers head. He wasn't a fool, of course, and he had killed quite a few people who thought he was. However, this whole... thing made no damn sense.

2010-06-13, 06:04 PM

High up on the head of the massive hippo-man, ears twitched as the voice of his undead crewmate filtered through the hubbub of the crowd.Turning to look down at Aldin, he replied,

"If I had to guess, I'd say whatever the nine hells that thing was somehow forced its way into Sigil, the Lady of Pain dealt with it, and now wants the Wayfinders' guild to 'Tell them all'. Who 'They' are and what 'All' constitutes... whatever it is is probably above my pay grade. Let's go find out..."

He tried to work his way forward, leaving a space for his associates to follow.

2010-06-13, 06:36 PM

"Stop guessing. Act."
Snarling for a second, the cat man leaps forward, towards Guildmaster Wey, lowering his sword as he approaches.
"So. Tell us, then. And loudly, so that everyone can hear it."

2010-06-13, 10:55 PM
The Lost Pirate Square was bustling with activity, as was usually the case (well, usually as far as he could tell, being a fairly recent visitor to Sigil), Ceodor thought to himself as he scanned the surroundings carefully, the yellow eyes of a hawk ever watchful. His companions were conducting business in the square; he had just done so a few moments earlier. The City of Doors did not often give itself to displays of aspects of nature (indeed one could even remark such occurrences were rare), and he sometimes felt a little uncomfortable. His leopard companion, Bucky, was resting in the space underneath his perch.

He winced when he saw the greyish mucus spraying from the rend in reality; he grimaced when the sensation of a thousand, no, ten thousand needles stabbing at his entire being sprayed into his mind. When the being appeared, his first thought was, amidst all the chaotic sensations:

This is something very wrong. Aberrant to the laws of nature.

Frozen in place both by the indignation of seeing such a creature appear in the City of Doors and by the myriad of feelings assaulting his facilities, he watched wordlessly as the Lady of Pain descended upon the horror and dispatched it in an instant.

As the ruler of Sigil moved towards the Wayfarers' Guild and giant letters appeared, he thought it prudent to follow in the footsteps of the surrounding crowd, making a mental note to perhaps ask questions to others about this event. The letters in Common on the doors of the Guild fascinated him, its meaning unknown.

As he moved forward Guildmaster Wey, he saw that one of his other traveling companions, a catfolk named Draka, had already approached the man, and so retreated backwards again, hovering in the air above the crowd. He spotted the Giff, Pomjmur, and the undead weaponsmaster, Aldin, among the throngs of humanoids (and non-humanoids) as well. Fash Falath, he could only assume, was somewhere nearby.

2010-06-13, 11:34 PM
A new cloud of dabus forms around the Guildmaster and the Lady as he tries to get clarification regarding the new decoration gouged into his front doors. Several local Cagers start interpreting the rebuses hanging in the air, and more than one starts transcribing. The Lady moves towards the entrance, with the Guildmaster and her floating entourage in tow, and the crowd of Cagers and guildmembers follows at a "safe" distance.

The thick press of the crowd is so severe that you are unable to enter the main guildhall, though you observe Avery Wey talking frantically at the Lady and see fragments of stonework fly as she begins "scribbling" on the guildhouse walls. The sounds within grow more furious and involved as a burst of activity sends streams of beings rushing out of the building, including an eyewing and a curious spherical creature with wings. You move with the surging crowd until you reach the planejammer hangars above, where several guild crews are looking at spacing contracts.

A few minutes later, Avery Wey arrives from below, looking harried. He regains his composure and charisma, gathering the assembled guildmembers around him as he unrolls a large scroll.

"The Lady is going to be keeping us busy for quite some time, I fear," he begins. "Seven planets in powers-know-where that need checking up on for powers-know-why, and three planejamming ships seized by the arcane, of all things, within the past week; all ours, I should point out... and oh yes, also we have to retrieve a key of some sort from a reigar, which won't be difficult in the least. And the arcane are after that as well." He sighs, then continues. "Also, Her Serenity bade us watch for any stellar disturbances of unknown properties. We've had reports in the past week or so of several on the main flows between Realmspace, Krynnspace and Greyspace, and there are probably others."

The Guildmaster leaves for his office, letting his aides post the list of the Lady's commands above the existing contracts. Some of the hubbub below has died down and non-guildmembers have thinned, making it possible to descend.

2010-06-14, 01:33 AM
Fash Falath

He looks for his team mates. So, which job should we take? Perhaps one of the existing ones and not The Lady's? *laughs*

After that, he heads to the list to read, and tries to memorize it.

OOC EDIT: Blergh, roll fail

2010-06-14, 01:37 AM
Knowledge roll:
curious spherical creature with wings:
+15Arcana/Dungeoneering/Local/Nature/Religion/Planes/Psionic. +11Wildspace/Spelljamming/Planetology
BTW, Planetology and Planes... doesn't it sound similar? But it's different?

Autohypnosis to memorize list:
DC 15, retry till success.
[roll2] Pass

2010-06-14, 04:20 AM

Draka does not even pause before he states, in a tone that makes it clear that for him, the answer is obvious and the only one possible:
"We'll go and survey new spheres. The Cadence is strong in the unknown.""
He then turns around and, after sheathing his sword, starts to shove and wriggle through the crowd of gathered guild-members to get close enough to the list to read details of the posted contracts.

2010-06-14, 08:05 AM

The Giff looks at the list thoughtfully, weighing up each option against the capabilities of their stalwart band. Stubby, potatolike fingers brushed the underside of his massive chin, and he concluded,

"I'd say our best bet is getting that key, or checking out some or all of those seven worlds. This is not a decision to be rushed into without thought, after all."

He looked to the undead and the hawk, pondering their opinions.

2010-06-14, 08:07 AM

The catman spins around, cocking his head to one side to look up at the giff towering over him, a fanged grin on his face.
"Quite the opposite! It's a decision to spend not a second of thought on! The longer we wait, the likelier it becomes that the others take away our mission! Trust your intuition a little!, it won't fail you."

2010-06-14, 09:11 AM
Huh, so it appears we haven't moved from the list?

After a while, the gnome turns away from the list.

"But we should get more information first. I'm heading down to see what The Lady 'scribbled'. And maybe try to gather some information from the others.

By the way, where shall we register our interest of the missions anyway? Guildmaster Wey? That at least we need to know."

2010-06-14, 09:18 AM
After a second of hesitation, Ceodor decided that it would be a good idea to check up on the planets rather than survey the space between the realms. He agreed with the Giff not necessarily because he agreed that they should decide slowly (indeed it was probably a better idea to choose the first mission that they thought were suitable), but he did agree with the fact that they had to think.

"I think that Pomjmur is somewhat correct. It would be beneficial for us to at least devote some amount of thought to which mission we are choosing instead of just rushing into the decision. However, I think we need to decide quickly as well, because as Draka has helpfully outlined, we want to take one of the missions before others do."

"On the topic of which missions we take; I think that visitations to some or all of the seven worlds would be a better course to pursue."

Acknowledging Fash's statements, he nodded slightly in the gnome's direction.

"That would indeed be most helpful."

2010-06-14, 09:24 AM
"You're both right." Aldin turns his milky white eyes towards the Giff and Catman. "We should hurry up and get our mission and discus everything on our ship. No reason to wait around contemplating things that we might not understand regardless."

2010-06-14, 09:28 AM

Looking down at the instinctual cat man, the Giff raised a thick-skinned brow above a beady eye and commented,

"That's two for the seven worlds. Want to make it a majority, if your instincts favor a quick decision?"

2010-06-14, 09:29 AM
"It would be good for us to hurry; we can discuss which mission we wish to take after we remind ourselves exactly how."

Shrugging, Ceodor took off into the air and headed towards one of the aides that were posting the lists, stopping about ten feet before Avery Wey and alighting onto the ground again.

"Greetings. My memory is somewhat rusty; we would like to take one of the missions. Could you remind -" At this point he both motioned towards his compatriots and motioned for his compatriots to come to him - "us the procedures for taking a mission? It would be much appreciated."

2010-06-14, 09:38 AM
I'm fine with the planets or the key. I'll look for you guys after I find something out. I'll leave the registration to you.

The gnome heads down into the Guildhouse to see what he information he can gather. He reads the scribbles and tries to talk to people there to see if he can get any information from them.


Depending on what skills is needed
Diplo: +12
Gather Info: +5
Intimidate: +10

2010-06-14, 01:46 PM

With Fash Falah headed down to investigate the carvings and Ceodor handling registration, Pomjmur nodded to the hawk to proceed on his behalf and headed towards the Planejammer fleet. They were going to need a reliable one to get the job done, and so he tried to reserve the best he could.

Profession: Spelljammer Crew +10 to try and find the best available vessel.

2010-06-14, 01:49 PM

"Yes, yes. I already said so. Spheres, Planets, same thing. Let's just go get a mission, can we? This city makes me nervous."

2010-06-14, 03:28 PM
Fash Falath
You recognize the flying creature as a monodrone, a low-ranking modron, likely flying off to report to a superior.

You memorize the list.

A gruff, four-armed reave in a guild uniform leans over from a nearby desk. "That would be me," he humphs, "as you'll be needing a charter ship for any of these."

Three of the planet-checking postings get snapped up before you can blink, leaving the new offerings as follows:

• Survey team to locate the planet Achresis, suspected to be in roaming orbit in Heartspace.
• Explorer team to travel to Thaoul in Tyrspace and examine (from safe distance) the vortex core for anomalies.
• Hunting team to locate a derelict neogi fleet in orbit around the supposed fourth satellite of H'Catha in Realmspace and eliminate any survivors.
• Locate the comet known as Scour, presently suspected to be within Siberyspace, then backtrack along its route checking for follower bodies.

• Locate the Atalor reigar family and obtain "the key" from them.

• Surveying teams required to search out interstellar disturbances in the Radiant Triangle and report back with research findings.

2010-06-14, 03:39 PM

Shoving his way through the crowd at (theoretically) great speed, Draka moves up to the board, and rips one of the postings off: the one about Neogi, then turns back to his comrades.
"We'll take this one, the rest is too uneventful. Let's go."

2010-06-14, 04:02 PM

Turning briefly back as the unthinking one grabs a posting, he looks over it then nods, gruffly.

"Seek out new places, find new people, blast their backsides back to the Abyss. Looks promising to me."

He smiles broadly, patting the butt of his shouldered arquebus, and heads over to charter the best ship he can.

"Ho there, Captain! We need passage for five to parts unknown, around H'Catha in realmspace. We can crew and guard as needed."

2010-06-14, 06:42 PM
The captain at the desk gestures towards Draka, who hands over the contract. He skims it for a moment, then checks a nearby abacus on a wall, before taking out a thin black and gold disc and sealing the contract with it. He takes your names, writes them on a docket and slides contract and folder into a slot on the wall, alphabetized in Common. He then retrieves a sheath of papers and passes them to Draka; at a glance, they appear to be more detailed instructions regarding the job.

"We'll garnish your contract for the charter helm's use," he says. "You'll have to return here upon completion, at which time you'll be paid out in full less the cost of the helm rental."

He indicates a black ship nearby with ribbed blue sails and trailing, curtainlike wings, sending a small crew nearby scurrying to get it in order. "This here is a refitted Abyssal scavenger. Minor charter helm, top tactical speed of 60 spacial units fully cranked. Note the piercing ram; it's reinforced, but I still suggest you save it for emergencies. That's spacer talk for 'never'. Minimum crew you'll need is four, though it can carry eight or ten. Durable material, straight from the Abyss, but again, that ram is for emergencies. Two ballistas on half-turret, complement of nasty hooks that I'd save for a trained pilot's hands, and this shrieker weapon. I can let you have it for ten days; after that, the helm's going to die and that's all she wrote."

"We've a planejamming rift to Realmspace that exits near Garden. I can let you have a local pilot if you haven't anyone suitable, but his pay will be out of your contract."

2010-06-14, 07:02 PM

Whilst it was widely known 'jammer lore that Giffs couldn't pilot, Pomjmur was an experienced crewman, and ran the rule over their new vessel. He scrambled up the rigging onto the vessel with a speed and grace that belied his bulk, and was soon running a practiced eye over the ballistae, ram, hooks and shrieker. He shared his kind's love of weaponry, and bearing in mind their task would require assaullting Neogi hulks, he really wanted to make sure these were up to snuff.

After the weaponry, he checked out the wings and sail, the rigging and hull integrity. They only had her for ten days, but any point of failure could leave them unacceptably stranded. The antrhopomorphic hippo's instincts were to be as thorough as possible: There was too much as stake to risk on a ship that wasn't shipshape.

[roll0] Profession 'jammer crew to run the rule over the ship.

2010-06-14, 08:48 PM

Having no damn idea as to what he should be doing right now Aldin decided to just make his way to his Giff friend. He examined the ship with his milky white eyes before asking a very important question.

"So, can we do this or do we need to hire an extra hand?"

2010-06-14, 09:02 PM
"Unless anyone here can pilot a ship, I'm afraid that would be the case. "

A little impatient, Ceodor considered the vessel before him and waited for the Giff to finish examining it.

"Just how much will the pilot cost, I wonder..."

2010-06-14, 10:40 PM
It's really small, but it's shipshape and serviceable. Hull's made of tougher stuff than you usually see on ships this size. I assume the lack of actual cannons distresses you. :smalltongue:

The captain helpfully leans over and tells Ceodor.

"Half the chartering fee for the same amount of time, plus extra for any combat engagements. Oh, and he, she or it gets a contract with all sorts of lovely stipulations."

2010-06-14, 11:05 PM
Suddenly, from the guildhall below, a blinding blue aura flares up, blinding you with its fierce intensity, unlike any power you've ever experienced before or since. A guildwarden nearby spots the disturbance (as does everything else in the building with eyes...) and whisks over, casting a countereffect from a wand to terminate the obscene light flare. He admonishes a very dazed, very abashed-looking half-celestial before zipping away.

A tall, blue-skinned humanoid in rich-looking robes appears fascinated by the light surge. He slinks away towards a ship where more of his kind are preparing to cast away.

2010-06-15, 12:58 AM
I'm in the building, and is reading the Lady's scribbles and trying to talk to people for related information...

Fash Falath was surprised by the flash, and wonders what it is about. He decides to add the incident to the questions he was thinking of asking.

[roll0]+15 for the blue humanoid

2010-06-15, 05:47 AM

He rapped the hull with a pachydermic knuckle, and nodded appreciatively.

"She's small, but well-formed. That really is a surprisingly good hull, whatever it's made of. Armament looks a bit light for my tastes though, depending on what that shrieker does."

Admittedly, Giff tastes could run to massively upgunning things until they could barely move. He began making preflight checks, making sure the right lines were taut and generally making himself busy.

"Looks like our only blackpowder weapon will be mine. I'm not too happy about that, especially not if we're going to be blasting hulks. I suggest the rest of you practice on the ballistae as we voyage, they're the next best thing. If none of you are comfortable at the Helm, I'd definitely say hire a pilot, this is a speed run and we can't afford to wait for a novice to get good."

He winced at the massive flash, shielding his vulnerable eyes with a splayed hand, and shaking his head to clear it after.

2010-06-15, 05:57 AM

The catman barely even waits for anyone else to finish their sentences before he runs a fast lap around the boat, admiring it from different angles.

"I like it, we'll take it. Does it have a name yet? How about something with "Midnight" in it. Good name for a black boat. It has wings, so some kind of bird could fit.", he then says. Then, wondering about the armaments, he turns back round to his colleagues.
"So, what's a Shrieker, exactly? Sounds noisy."

2010-06-15, 09:06 AM
Fash Falath
Down in the guildhall, various adventuring parties are debating over floating objects of some sort arranged under a ring of large symbols gouged into the walls, just like the Lady's earlier handiwork. You recognize a few of the symbols as indicating certain Outer Planes, and realize the rest must correspond to the others.

As one group passes by, a long snakelike creature covered in manuscript tattoos gives you a vicious hiss to move you. Behind him, a musty-smelling human in heavy armor gives you an apologetic nod, and you notice the object he's carrying: a scroll case, gold-capped with a black tube. You're aware of a sense of power and importance from the thing. Looking around the room again, the other floating objects appear to be the same thing. There are five remaining unclaimed.

You recognize the blue-skinned humanoid (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MotP/Mercane.jpg) as a mercane, one of a race of traders specializing in the most magical of goods.

The captain nearby nods at Draka's last comment. "That's about the size of it; it sounds noisy. This thing was a rapid assault vessel used by vrocks in the Blood War; note the high platform off the bridge for perching. That weapon's probably as savage as those nasty creatures themselves."

2010-06-15, 09:54 AM

His ears twitched as the Captain spoke: he paused his work to take a closer look at the shrieker, especially its loading, firing and rotating mechanisms.

"Hmm. Strange thing, but ostensibly similar to a cannon: Reload there, point that end at the enemy, repeat until satisfied. I'd like to test it in live fire conditions, but I think I get the gist of it. Not quite the same without the sweet smell of blackpowder from a dozen bombards, but this is a pretty small ship, so I'm grateful for what we have."

2010-06-15, 10:33 AM
"That's not part of our given missions. Hmm, I don't suppose there's anything new for me to find out. I better find my team mates. They'd either still be registering or getting a ship now."

Fash leaves to find his party.

Finding them at the ship dock, he tells them what he found out.

Wasn't much too be seen. Some symbols of planes, and others taking some scroll case that seems important or powerful. Probably some mission to the planes. They're not too talky either.

2010-06-15, 11:12 AM

the report from Fash earns a cursory nod. He shared in turn,

"Guildmaster Wey did say we were going to be very busy. All across the planes, all across the spheres, it makes sense given the magnitude of events. We've secured a contract hunting a neogi fleet, supposedly derelict, around an alleged moon in Realmspace. This here will be our ship: Abyssal make, Small, good hull, mediocre weapons, 10 days of Helm. I'm just off to check shipboard stores, see what we need."

With that he squeezed belowdecks, eyes open as to what they had in store.

2010-06-15, 11:26 AM
You see sufficient dried stores, water and health rations for ten regular humanoids, along with sufficient ammo for the ballistae, and replacement raking hooks.

2010-06-15, 12:26 PM
Aldin, Draka, Fash
As you're looking over the vessel, a new group comes up the ramp to the docks. You don't recognize the half-celestial, the two humanoids or the attractive halfling, but the fifth member catches your eye: it's Banzzag, the half-minotaur you all voted out of the party midway through your previous mission for being a clumsy, reckless oaf who nearly took Fash's head off with his mace. He's spotted you too, and isn't looking so very friendly.

Your party members, save Pomjmur who is belowdeck, suddenly tense. You look over at a motley crew of new arrivals at the docks, but don't see anything out of the... well, what Sigil would consider ordinary.

2010-06-15, 12:43 PM
Backstory eh? Which I don't know about.
And diplomacy. Try it later: [roll0]

The run-in with Banzzag was a little uncomfortable, given past incidences. However, there is no reason to stay unfriendly. Cordial relations or just plain ignoring each other will suffice though. He doesn't want much to do with Banzzag, whether it be work or mutual ill will. Both are... less than pleasant.

"Hello there. Going for a Spacejamming mission too, eh?", Fash calls, trying to sound friendly.

2010-06-15, 12:46 PM
Fash Falath
It was mentioned in your OOC a while back that this might happen. I just didn't expect it to happen, y'know, right now. But I'm rather amused by it, so... :smallamused:

2010-06-15, 12:54 PM

Oblivious, the Giff calls out as he ascends,

"Ample ballista bolts, a few reloads for the raking hooks, and decent enough foodstocks although they could do with more roughage. Too much of it looks like softstomach fodder. The problem will be that shrieker: I see four rounds at the ready deckside, and unless I missed something, none below. We might want to up our stores for that before heading out..."

thick, greyskinned fingers appear either side of the hatchway, followed by an armorplated head, uniformed bulky torso and the rest of the hippokin as he returns to the deck. He looks around myopically for a few moments before inquiring,

"What's going on now?"

2010-06-15, 12:59 PM
As you emerge, you see a new group at the top of the ramp to the docks. You don't recognize the half-celestial, the two humanoids or the attractive halfling, but the fifth member catches your eye: it's Banzzag, the half-minotaur you all voted out of the party midway through your previous mission for being a clumsy, reckless oaf who nearly took Fash's head off with his mace. He's spotted you too, and isn't looking so very friendly.

2010-06-15, 01:12 PM
Aldin gives a bored look to the group. He speaks up to the group, his voice showing no emotion.

"Be careful with him." His eyes go over Banzzag for a moment before turning around and heading up the ship, wanting to give it a look over himself. "He's a risky one to be around."

2010-06-15, 02:24 PM
The too-handsome halfling puts on a wide grin as he relies to Aldin: ""Don't worry, cutter, I think we can live with any risks about him; my danger sense, at least, is alive and well. He's one of our more animated companions, but I think we can keep him in line." The pretty cleric stifles a giggle at her companion's words.

Giving a sideways glance at Banzzag, who seems to be silently fuming, the half-celestial shouts back to Fash: "Actually we're off planejamming, to deliver a message from the Lady to the Powers-that-be. Who are you, friend?"

2010-06-15, 02:32 PM

Drakka turns to the new team and examines them for a second, then, with a gesture, adds:
"Drakka is my name. This is my crew, the Azure Infinities, and my ship, the Midnight Owl. We're off to do some salvage.
Banzzag over there", he nods to the Half-Minotaur, "Used to be on our team."

2010-06-15, 02:38 PM

He points a huge finger at the offending half-minotaur and replies,

"He knows us, and we him, though I doubt either will give good report of the other. We ventured together, but parted ways over... Let's be charitable and call it a difference of opinion. Fare you well, for all our sakes."

2010-06-15, 03:45 PM
So, is everyone ready to depart, or...?

2010-06-15, 03:52 PM
Actually, according to my sheet, I have only spent about 11600 gold, that should give me some money to buy more Shrieker Ammo. I like that thing. Oh, and some ear plugs. There should be wax or something around for that, no? And on the Great Bazaar, I hope that stuff is for sale.

2010-06-15, 05:56 PM
The large black-and-white humanoid tries to divert Banzzag's attention by directing him to the ships, but it doesn't take.

The irate half-minotaur tears away from his sonorous associate and steps forward menacingly. "Draka, what in th' name o' great Sky has happened? Port me alone there and leave? That`s nay th' way we, spelljammers do 't! Be ye ou' o' yer mind?! I barely got t' Sigil without me arse bitten off by some fiend! HOW BE YE GOIN' T' PAY FER ALL THIS?!"

Some of you feel a little cowed by the half-minotaur, but his rather one-sided view of the situation makes you more irate than fearful.

2010-06-15, 06:13 PM

The Giff slowly draws himself up to his full height, his gleaming military chain shirt catching the light just so. He scowls down at his former crewmate, down the length of his enormous hippo face, lips drawn back from his tusklike teeth in a sneer of annoyance.

"Pay?! PAY?! You worthless cow's grandson, don't you get it? I'm trying to be nice! I'm trying to give your crew-crippling backside a second chance with your new friends! Their mission for the Guild, for Her, is far more important than the money-grubbing mewlings of someone who needlessly endangered the life and limbs of his own crew, or than the nature of our dispute with you! Now, are you going to back down, shut up and help them to save the multiverse, or are you going to keep fighting an argument you already lost?!"

Intimidate on the half-minotaur, 1d20+19]

2010-06-15, 06:15 PM
messed up the roll. [roll0] intimidate on the half-mino.

2010-06-15, 06:31 PM
Bit melodramatic, no? :smalltongue:

2010-06-15, 06:39 PM
OOC: This scenery is delicious!:smallbiggrin:

2010-06-15, 07:28 PM
The too-handsome halfling puts on a wide grin as he relies to Aldin: ""Don't worry, cutter, I think we can live with any risks about him; my danger sense, at least, is alive and well. He's one of our more animated companions, but I think we can keep him in line." The pretty cleric stifles a giggle at her companion's words.

Aldin doesn't pause on his way to the ship, although he does raise his hand and give a light laugh. His last words before boarding the ship is a friendly "Good luck".

On the ship Aldin looks around for a good place to sit, and waits for the rest of his team to join him.

2010-06-15, 07:38 PM
Maintaining a large modicum of self-control and displaying little-to-no symptoms of surprise (though a little ground-to-air movement was seen when the shouting contest began) Ceodor remained in place, quietly contemplating the amplified conversation atop his companion.

Noting Aldin's departure, he pondered if he should leave for the ship as well, but leaving the Giff and the half-minotaur staring each other down was not the best of ideas... he would attempt to mediate as necessary.

2010-06-15, 07:46 PM
The handsome halfling from the other party rolls a nearby barrel between the two and hops onto it, holding a cautionary hand out to each of them. "Now, gentlebeings, this is no way to talk to a former crewmember, even if you parted ways under...less than amicable circumstances." He puts on a beseeching expression. "Could you both just leave each other be? Please? I don't want to see anyone get hurt!"

As the large black-and-white humanoid begins a low, droning song, he appears to be jovially egging on the blustering half-minotaur. The half-celestial over at the captain's desk throws up his hands in irritation.

Ammon throws his hands up in the air in exasperation. He feels no personal animosity towards these beings, and thinks that time is of great importance in this mission.

"Can we please just get on with it? Banzzag, they didn't make any overt unfriendly moves until after you shouted at them. I won't be helping if you start a fight. Let it lie, you can pick this 'discussion' up again some other time, if you really, really feel the need to. Now, I don't know what the Lady's time frame on this message is, and I really don't want to find out."

Banzzag ignores him.

""May ye burn in th' flames o' Baator, ye pitful greedy scumbag! That`s nay th' way sea dogs do 't! Someday ye`ll get yer arse sewed fer that awful attitude, an' I be nay goin' t' beat th' bilge water ou' o' ye jus' on accoun' o' me heartys dasn't want 't, otherwise, ye`d already be a deader. Farewell, bilge rat."

He spits on the dock in front of Draka, then turns on his friend at the desk. "You call leavin' yer crew mate on th' yardarm o' nowhere "nothin' unfriendly"?! How about we try 't on ye? Dasn't stick yer nose in what ye do nay know, else 't might end up on a plane o' fire."

Seemingly winded from his loud and impotent blustering, the towering corsair withdraws, and the rest of his party moves off to examine a planejamming vessel.

2010-06-16, 03:59 AM
"Well, then, that is over", says Fash while hopping onto the ship with the help of his wings.
"I don't know why I don't use them more if I'm not hiding them" he mumbles.

He then asks, "How's the supplies? Got anything to buy?

And how's the bunks?"

He grins while he heads off to see the living quarters.

2010-06-16, 08:53 AM

He shook his head sadly as he watched their former companion back down and slink off like a good little calf after his final bellow. Once they were out of range,

"Poor sods. I hope they have better luck with him than we did, if they can keep him off the bottle for two dozen ticks of a Modron's heart. Supply-wise the fare is sufficient, if bland and not nearly enough roughage. Ammunition we have plenty except for the shrieker, where we have four shots. it uses these..."

He headed over to the weapon in question, picking up a crystalline 'projectile'.

"Which look pricey, but not ridiculously so. If anything, I'd say stocking up on these would be wise: We're up against a derelict fleet, mind. The bunks? From my perspective, pretty poor. You should be cramped if comfortable."

2010-06-16, 08:56 AM

The catman looks at the Shrieker, running a hand over it.
"It certainly looks useful", he then says.
"We pool some spare money and I go pick up some ammo for it."

2010-06-16, 10:41 AM
It might be hard to find a... reputable... seller of that particular item. If you intend to make that purchase, I'll require a Gather Information check.

Also, they're rather bulky things; given the cramped nature of your vessel, you might be able to comfortably carry 20. Uncomfortably, I'd say 32.

2010-06-16, 11:02 AM
"How many would we want anyway? I think 1 from each of us for a total of 9 should be enough. Unless you'd rather blast them than board them, which in case, we'd need to fill up. Personally, I prefer boarding, since we're not that good with the ballistas.

Anyone know where to buy them? I could try asking around, but that'll take a while."

2010-06-16, 11:37 AM

The Giff retorted, true to his militaristic kind,

"You can never have enough! We don't know what we'll be up against, if the fleet is operational or not, and I don't know about the rest of you, but I much prefer blasting our foes to smithereens at a distance before we risk this ship and our investment in a boarding action. You never regret taking too much ammunition, you always regret taking too little. Let's say three projectiles each, for a total of 19 shots before we need to fall back on the ballistae alone."

2010-06-16, 11:43 AM
Hmm, ok.

But do we know how well this thing works? If 1 shot usually cripples a ship, there might not be a need for so much. On the other hand, if it requires 5 shots or more each... better pack this ship up with it.

2010-06-16, 11:56 AM

"A fleet implies more than 4 ships, which would be a squadron or at best a flotilla. I've got the gist of how it functions: I'm a dab hand with a cannon, and the principles are similar here. We should be able to fit 19 units of that crystal easily, and we can always retail them back to the hangar captain here as a value added to offset his garnishing if there are leftovers."

2010-06-16, 12:18 PM
"Well," Aldin speaks up "I have some spare gold. Unlike you poor bastards I don't need to waste my money on food or drink... or alot of things, actually." He shrugs his shoulders. "I can stay on the deck or whatever, save us some room. So stock up on however much you want."

2010-06-16, 12:39 PM
"Well then, I better go find a seller. Aldin, coming? We can search separately. The rest of you can help if you want."

Fash heads off to look for a seller.

Gather Info:[roll0]

Umm, sorry, was supposed to be +5. No difference though, unless you have a DC13 check...

2010-06-16, 12:49 PM

"Yeah, I know a guy who knows a guy."

[roll0] gather info

2010-06-16, 12:51 PM
Aldin gives his shoulders a shrug.


And with that he begins searching for whomever sells the ammo that they're looking for.


2010-06-16, 09:57 PM
Fash spends the next while chatting up various seedy-looking characters, to no success. Pomjmur, meanwhile, who "knows a guy," spends his time chatting up a raven-winged half-celestial elf who protests, loudly and for the next hour, that he does not have any dealings in Abyssal bloodcrystals.

Mewanwhile, Matar manages to locate a tiefling who connects him with an arcanaloth dealing in Lower Planar components and equipment. The arcanaloth is eager to sell, and in fact gives a 5 gp discount per crystal, as he mumbles that he needs to be out of the city shortly in any event.

2010-06-16, 10:15 PM
Aldin nods to the offer and buys twenty of them. A part of him wonders if he should bring the Giff, but he decides against. Would take too much time and he wanted to get going.

After paying (In gold, of course) Aldin offers his thanks to the demon, (Devil? Daemon?) if only to be polite and heads back to his the ship. When there he places the ammo on board and asks for some of the money he spent back.

"Twenty shots, twenty gold a piece. Four hundred gold total. I'd like some of it back, if you don't mind."

This demand request is made to the Giff, who Aldin obviously feels is the leader of this whole... thing.

2010-06-16, 11:09 PM

He appraised the merchandise, nodding appreciatively.

"Good price, good result. All right, you heard our esteemed deader! Four hundred, split five ways, call it eighty gold each. Anyone unable to meet that?"

Going by example, the Giff digs out that amount from the depths of his gear and handed it over.

2010-06-17, 12:18 AM
"Here you go.", Fash says while handing over 80GPs

"So, what else do we need? Who's gonna pilot this?"

2010-06-17, 12:42 AM
The rapid exchange of statements regarding ammunition for the Shrieker a bit quick for him to interject anything, Ceodor apathetically takes a sip from his mug, notwithstanding its magical properties, while he waits for his party members to finish their shopping.

Noting the Giff's statement about the 80 gold pieces being paid towards the cost of the ammunition, Ceodor reached into his pouch and handed the undead swordmage 8 platinum pieces.

"I'm not sure if that many shots of ammunition will be useful, but why not... ahem."

He cleared his throat.

"Regarding Fash's point. We will either need a pilot or find someone who has the skills of one. Any ideas?"

2010-06-17, 02:32 AM

"If we have too many shots left after the ship breaks down, we can always just dismantle the shrieker and sell it without the ship. Here's your gold, then."
Draka draws a heavy leather purse from under his leafweave armour and hands a handful of platinum coins over.

2010-06-17, 11:39 AM
"Hmm, I wonder what's the cost of hiring a pilot? That'll also free one of us from having to sit on the helm when combat comes."

2010-06-17, 12:24 PM
Any other things need taken care of before you head out?

2010-06-17, 12:33 PM
Given a rented pilot, we're good to go.

2010-06-17, 12:52 PM
You were told already: whatever the garnish on your contract is now, it would be half that again. So, if you're losing, say, 20% of your mission fees for the ship's rent, you'd lose 30% if you had a pilot.

2010-06-17, 01:19 PM
What's the garnish anyway? And how much are we getting paid for the contract?

2010-06-17, 01:30 PM
The garnish, you recall from your guild briefing, varies between 5-20% of the contract depending on the risk expectations of the guild. Anything you acquire en route is yours to keep, though.

It's a 30000 gp contract and you don't know the exact garnish.

So, are we hiring a pilot, or trusting to the local skillmonkey?

2010-06-18, 07:33 AM
So, skill point reassign is ok? If yes, I'm the pilot.

I could pilot if you want. If not... we better hire one, and get moving.

2010-06-18, 08:27 AM

He nodded his assent, and took up station.

"Yeah, you're good enough. Ship is primed and ready, stores are stowed, lines are clear. Take her up!"

2010-06-18, 08:30 AM
Fash heads to the helm of the ship, and starts flying the ship.

2010-06-18, 02:15 PM
As you all crowd onto the ship, loading in the purchased supplies as you do so, the captain hands over a local and a stellar navigational chart. "You'll be needing this. Can't say as where this supposed moon of yours is, but if it's out there, this can help you track it down."

Fash seats himself at the helm, and the captain walks over and opens a hatch, releasing a burst of extremely cold air. He takes a crystalline tube and inserts it, then closes the hatch and cranks the mechanism twice. Instantly, the systems of the spelljammer flare to life, gas spurting from the exhausts as the ship's running lights flash on and the wings fan themselves. Pomjmur raises the mainsail as the captain disembarks, wishing you luck.

Fash takes the controls and the vehicle lunges forward through the great ring gate (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zSw2V_vW0Y#t=0m29s), rushing you in a flash of light into a brilliant starscape teeming with planejamming vessels, all darting in and out of similar gates below an enormous sphere, half black and half shining white. You locate the portal the captain told you about and drive through, emerging on the other side with an air envelope forming around your vessel (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoJ5uE164Gk).

The stars of Realmscape surround you as you examine your position. Far off behind you, you can make out the distant planet Garden. Ahead are comets, bright nebulae and the occasional asteroid. You steer at tactical speed away from nearby vessels plotting their courses, and once free of their gravity wells Fash engages the helm at full cruising speed in the direction indicated by the stellar navigational charts. Breaking free is breathtaking, for the cosmic landscape now immerses you fully (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AyE7IvTkBc&feature=related).

Three days' travel will supposedly take you to your destination.

As the third party to depart Sigil, you have all earned 300 quest XP!

2010-06-18, 02:48 PM
Huh, didn't know we were racing out of Sigil. So... we wait for random encounters?

2010-06-18, 03:08 PM
Wait's over. :smallbiggrin:

You familiarize yourselves with the ship.


Top deck, main deck, lower deck, mast platform, hook station/balcony.

Spelljamming helm
To lower deck
From upper deck

On the lower deck, the two rooms are supplies (the larger) and latrine (the smaller). The lower deck is occupied with hammocks and bunks.

Reaching the mast platform requires a DC 15 Climb check. Carrying, oh, I don't know, an arquebus for instance, while making this check imposes a -4 penalty. A Profession (spelljamming crew) check may be substituted.

The top deck has two ballista on half-turret; each can turn 90 degrees to its side of the ship. The main deck has the shrieker controls.

After about an hour at cruising velocity, you suddenly feel shearing force on the vessel. Fash slows to tactical speed to examine the situation. It appears a nearby asteroid, about the size of your ship, has caught you in its gravity well.

This would ordinarily be a simple situation to deal with - five, maybe ten minutes at tatcical speeds - but for the fact that you've spotted a ship above the asteroid, and it's headed your way!

2010-06-18, 03:15 PM
Fash warns his party in case anyone didn't notice it. He adjusts the ship's direction so that all the weapons can be aimed the unknown ship when it comes.

Space Pirates! (I think). And not much I can do, since I've to sit at the helm right?
Do we have a comm. system? Let's hail them if so.

He proceeds to look for some way to hail them, and ask their intentions.

2010-06-18, 03:29 PM
Impossible! No ship that small has a cloaking communications device! :smallbiggrin:

And yes, even though it doesn't require fueling, you'll have to man the helm to steer the ship. The air envelope, gravity plane and orientation will be held by the helm in any event, though.

2010-06-18, 03:33 PM

Jumping up from his breathing exercises on deck, Draka jumps up at breathtaking speed and darts down to the Shrieker, sitting down at it's controls.
"Rhinoman! Get your weapon ready, we might need a warning shot, and your thing's the loudest we have!"

2010-06-18, 03:43 PM
"Well." Aldin clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "That's not good."

Aldin walks over to where the Giff is, a small grin on his face. He watches the ship all the while. "Well, if we're lucky they'll come into range of the Shrieker. And if we're really lucky they'll try boarding us." A pause. "...Bet you twenty gold they're hostile."

2010-06-18, 03:56 PM
...hippoman, but sure. :smallbiggrin:

2010-06-18, 03:58 PM

Draka was fast. The philosophy he had so far demonstrated favoured action without thought, instinct without hesitation, the speed of the natural world unhindered by the baggage of the mind.

In this case, however, the Giff was up and moving before he'd started speaking. A potentially hostile vessel was meat and drink to the massive sniper, ever eager for a chance to prove himself in battle, even at this range. He hauled himself up to the mast platform, his gun as ever on his lanyard, making it look almost too easy.

[roll0] climb check, -4 for the Arquebus. Impossible to fail.

Once he was in position, he unlimbered his ever-ready weapon, taking aim towards the asteroid-hiding ambusher. An intercept course so near to a body like this had no discernible innocent intent, and so the Giff opened fire.

"They have to be hostile! 'Warning shot' away!"


[roll1] to hit, range increment 150.

2010-06-18, 11:06 PM
Blinking at how quickly the situation devolved into one of combat, Ceodor stayed back, not attempting to fire any weaponry.

"I have... some issues when operating weaponry such as ballistae. I'm unlikely to hit anything. As for that ship there, well, let us hope it is indeed hostile, or we will be in some trouble."

2010-06-19, 01:07 AM
The Midnight Owl
Huge Construct (Spelljammer)
HP 50
Helm Charter helm, 10-day charge.
Crew 1 trained, 3 untrained / +1 to attack rolls and Pilot checks
Tactical Speed Fly 60 ft. (2 squares) (average)
Init: +9
AC 19 (+7 natural, +4 pilot Dex, -2 size)
Attack (fp) light ballista (3d6); (fs) light ballista (3d6)
Face 15 ft.; Keel 30 ft.
Special Attacks Shrieker (3d12 sonic, 120 ft. line), piercing ram (12d6 piercing + 4d6 backlash + 2d6/1d6 per 60 ft. not traveled due to ramming), hooks
Special Qualities Fire resistance 10, half damage from fire, cold, lightning, acid and ranged, DR 5/magic, hardness 10
Pilot Skill +10
Pilot Feats

Ballista 3d6 damage; 3 full rounds to reload and fire. Range increment 120 ft.

Shrieker 3d12 sonic damage; can only fire in direction of ship's facing. Two full rounds to reload and fire. Successful Dexterity check (DC = attack roll) negates damage. Max range 120 ft.

Hooks Deploy from underdeck as a standard action. 4d8 damage (must move into and out of enemy ship's square in a single move, must be flying above enemy ship), may hook creatures on deck (8d6 damage, Reflex negates). 2 full rounds to reset.


The arquebus round narrowly misses the keel of the opposing ship, which is now facing you down. From his perch, Pomjmur spots additional bad news: a second ship sneaking up from the side to flank!

2010-06-19, 04:17 AM
"They're unlikely to be anything other than pirates, to be ambushing people like this."

"I just hope they make it worth our time and ammo. They better be carrying some loot."

So... no 3D battle right? And facing helps with AC? And it's 45°/30 ft?
So, I get to like K11, and face top right?

2010-06-19, 05:12 AM

The sniper threw himself into the routine that was ingrained in Giff culture:

Load powder.

"Bit of old 'jammer wisdom for you, Ceodor, passed down from my father to me when I was just a Giffling: If it's hiding behind an asteroid and bursts out on an intercept course, it isn't friendly!"

Load ball.

"That goes double if it brings an accomplice! Second target off the port bow! All hands, battle stations, battle stations! Aim ballistae, port on the newcomer, starboard to the fore!"


"Get someone on the hook rakes, too! Everything we've got!"


He reset the firing mechanism, hefting the huge weapon up once more. The Arquebus was not a fast weapon, but a Giff-made firearm was your best friend and boon companion when enemy ships approached.


He adjusted for his earlier miss, still going for the first ship.



2 normal rounds/12 seconds to reload the Arquebus. Firing at first enemy when ready. [roll0] to hit, range increment 150.

2010-06-19, 09:18 AM
"If you say so."

Gesturing Bucky to guard his position, Ceodor moved for the shrieker and fired a blast at the opposition. The shrieker's fire did not need to be aimed, as it was fired in a straight line.

Damroll? [roll0]

2010-06-19, 10:23 AM
I'm already manning the shrieker, and think it's out of range.

2010-06-19, 11:12 AM
Yes, it's out of range. 3D combat is both permitted and encouraged, but remember that you're limited to average maneuverability. If you want to do something requiring Good maneuverability, you'll need to make a DC 20 Pilot check.

Note that all weapons require an attack roll. It's 1d20+1 unless you have feats to boost your attack with a particular weapon.

I can't find any rules for firing broadside, so the rule we're going to use is that it applies a -2 penalty.

DM's Notes (Players Keep Out)
The Peryton
Huge Construct (Spelljammer)
HP 50
Helm Minor helm
Crew 4 trained / +4 to attack rolls and Pilot checks
Tactical Speed Fly 60 ft. (2 squares) (average)
Init: +12
AC 15 (+5 natural, +2 pilot Dex, -2 size), broadside 13
Attack (f) heavy ballista (5d6, +8 to hit); (ps) 2 light ballista (3d6, +8 to hit)
Face 15 ft.; Keel 30 ft.
Special Attacks Crew drops
Special Qualities Half damage from fire, lightning, acid and ranged, quarter damage from cold, hardness 5, flak barding 20 hp
Pilot Skill +10
Pilot Feats

Heavy Ballista 5d6 damage; 3 full rounds to reload and fire. Range increment 180 ft.

Light Ballista 3d6 damage; 3 full rounds to reload and fire. Range increment 120 ft.

Crew Drops When over an enemy ship, crew may use special loading poles to descend rapidly, transferring to the enemy deck as a move action. Up to two crew members may be dropped in this fashion in one pass.

The Trampling Gorgon
Huge Construct (Spelljammer)
HP 80
Helm Minor helm
Crew 2 trained / +2 to attack rolls and Pilot checks
Tactical Speed Fly 60 ft. (2 squares) (poor)
Init: +10
AC 18 (+10 natural, -2 size), broadside 16
Attack (ps) 2 heavy cannon (8d6, +2 to hit)
Face 15 ft.; Keel 30 ft.
Special Attacks
Special Qualities Half damage from fire, lightning, acid and ranged, quarter damage from cold, hardness 10, flak barding 20 hp
Pilot Skill +8
Pilot Feats

Heavy Cannon 8d6 damage; 3 full rounds to reload and fire. Range increment 240 ft.

Light Ballista 5d6 damage; 3 full rounds to reload and fire. Range increment 120 ft.

2010-06-19, 11:15 AM
The vessels hoist pirate flags and move in for the attack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHGXfFJ2TMk)!


The Peryton has the better Initiative modifier, so it wins initiative.

2010-06-19, 11:17 AM
Which ship is which?

2010-06-19, 11:27 AM
The Peryton fires a massive ballista bolt at the Midnight Owl as it approaches, then sweeps around the asteroid as though preparing to flank.


[roll0] [roll1]

13 damage to the Midnight Owl.

Rules, again:

• Average maneuverability
• Weapons are fired by the crew; the ship does not need to take an action to fire any or all weapons that are manned.
• The ship can take a single move and a standard action, or a double move.
• Standard actions are required for: leveling for a boarding attempt, evasive maneuvers (+2 AC until the next round), attack coordination (+2 attack bonus to a single weapon this round), deploying and raking with hooks, any other attacks that require pilot participation.

2010-06-19, 12:33 PM
I suggest we close in on the ship to our left, shoot them with all we have, then start evasive maneuvers, because that hit hurt.

2010-06-19, 12:41 PM
I'd rather we not be between them. And I don't think we can break them in 1 round. If they're anything like our ship, we need to deal 50 damage, and with 3 weapons and hardness, that's 80...
Thinking right, and circle the asteroid for cover.
L10, fire on ship 1?
Try Pilot check 20 (need a 10 or better) and turn in place
They need to roll 11+ to hit

Pilot: [roll0]

Yay, good maneuverbility this round.

2010-06-19, 12:43 PM
Observing the Peryton as it sweeps, you notice that its broadside bears two smaller ballista, similar in size to the ones on your own vessel.

Is this still in deliberation, or are you going ahead with 2xMachina's plan?

2010-06-19, 01:12 PM
It can't shoot those Ballistas in this round right?
They haven't seemed to reply.

2010-06-19, 01:13 PM
No it cannot, but they're available next round. And you still have no picture of the armaments on the other vessel.

2010-06-19, 01:47 PM
Sounds like a good plan to me.
Reading this correctly, can't fire the shrieker yet, since we moved full speed?
Also, is it already pre-loaded, or do I still need to load it?
If it is loaded, I cast haste on myself.
If it isn't, I load it.

2010-06-19, 02:08 PM
Aldin and Ceodor man the ballista as the Midnight Owl rounds on the Peryton, firing two bolts at the other ship's broadside while Draka grabs the control rods for the shrieker and pulls them back, causing the bloodcrystal to flare with unholy light as a hideous keening blasts from the beaklike aperture. One of the ballista bolts arcs poorly and drops into space, but the other hits the side of the Peryton, falling away with several chunks of loose scrap plate - fragmentation barding!

The enemy pilot attempts to steer his vessel to dodge the shrieker's destructive blast, but to no avail. The ripping noise rattles the enemy vessel, shaking off the remaining barding and doing serious damage to the broadside.

Unfortunately, the Trampling Gorgon approaches. Though it has no weapons on the fore, as it turns it exposes its broadside, revealing a pair of heavy cannon! Two shells roar towards the Midnight Owl, barely missing the rigging.

The Peryton moves away, but not before unleashing a pair of ballista bolts from its broadside. One bolt scrapes the Abyssal plating uselessly and then slides into the void of space.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll=3d6]
[roll3] [roll=3d12]
[roll5] [roll6]
[roll7] [roll8]

[roll9] [roll10]
[roll11] [roll12]

DM's Notes (Players Keep Out)
Midnight Owl 37/50
Ballista 1|0|3
Ballista 2|0|3
Peryton 32/50
Ballista F|1|3
Ballista S1|0|3
Ballista S2|0|3
Ballista P1|3|3
Ballista P2|3|3[/table]
Trampling Gorgon 80/80 | 20/20 flak
Cannon P1|0|3
Cannon P2|0|3
Cannon P1|3|3
Cannon P2|3|3[/table]

2010-06-19, 02:11 PM

Correction for above error.

2010-06-19, 02:22 PM
What's the barding? Armor that can be destroyed, or whatever does it do?
We didn't have a use for the Standard action, so it'd be on Evasive action. Not that it matters.
EDIT: Also, would like map.

2010-06-19, 02:26 PM
L10 from J12 is 120 feet. That's a double move. You don't have a standard action.

Your move. Remember, reloads on all weapons.


2010-06-19, 02:33 PM
I thought it was like D&D where you can move 2 diagonally for 3 square speed?

Oh well,
so, this is round 2, weapons available in:
Am I right?

2010-06-19, 02:37 PM
Pilot roll: [roll0]
EDIT: Damn, 1 short.

2010-06-19, 03:19 PM
You didn't have 3 squares without a double move, either.

This is round 2 for you, those calculations on the weaponry are correct, provided your crew aren't doing something else. Pomjmur is also officially reloaded, so he can attack once again. Now, should you choose to board, or send someone to execute the hook rake, that will work against your reload capacity.

I can already see a rather suitable strategy here.

2010-06-19, 03:22 PM
"Can you bring us up close?!" Aldin yells to Fash. "Just get me close to the ship and I'll be fine, no reason to try to board them!"

2010-06-19, 04:16 PM

The rigmarole of reloading complete once more, The Giff sniper turned his attention to the Bombard crews. He knew all about being on the right side of a cannonade, and had no intention of being on the wrong side of one. He took careful aim, trying to get the crew of the nearest cannon.


[roll0] to hit, range increment 150, [roll1] damage

2010-06-19, 04:43 PM
With a small "tsk" Aldin begins to reload the ballista. Once he's done so it plans on blowing a hole in the already injured ship.

2010-06-19, 04:52 PM
Draka grins broadly, even if he winces a little at the shrieker's noise. He stares at the destruction and spreading debris, then begins ejecting the spent bloodcrystal with rapid, if untrained movements.
"Another one and the should go down! Watch out for those cannons!"

2010-06-19, 05:23 PM
"It would be nice for us to be able to board the enemy vessels. I feel rather... useless at the moment."

Sighing, Ceodor begins to reload his ballista.

2010-06-20, 08:57 AM
As you move to pursue the Peryton, an arcane blast is unleashed from the Trampling Gorgon! A fireball explodes on the main deck, catching all topdeck personnel in the blast except Pomjmur.

[roll0] fire damage. Reflex DC 15 for half damage. That's for Ceodor, Aldin and Fash.

The Gorgon begins to circle as the Peryton does likewise, the two closing from behind on you.


DM's Notes (Players Keep Out)
Midnight Owl 34/50
Ballista 1|1|3
Ballista 2|1|3
Peryton 32/50
Ballista F|2|3
Ballista S1|1|3
Ballista S2|1|3
Ballista P1|3|3
Ballista P2|3|3[/table]
Trampling Gorgon 80/80 | 20/20 flak
Cannon P1|1|3
Cannon P2|1|3
Cannon P1|3|3
Cannon P2|3|3[/table]

2010-06-20, 10:05 AM
Pilot: [roll0]

2010-06-20, 10:06 AM
Reflex: [roll0]
Fash was surprised by the fireball, but managed to react to minimize the damage.

He mutter "Damned things" and begins to change the ships direction.

2010-06-20, 11:50 AM

He began reloading his arquebus, cramming in powder and shot.

"Ceodor is right, we need to even up the odds! Get us close for a boarding action!"

2010-06-20, 12:22 PM
Fash uses his piloting skill to turn in place, and double moves to right behind the 1st ship.

Double move, 4 squares.
1st: Turn in place to right.
2nd: Move forward
3rd: Move forward and turn 45, so bottom right
4th: Move forward, and turn 45 to face down.
Thus, we're right on their rear.

"If you wanna board, you'll have to jump over. Got no more speed to level this thing.

2010-06-20, 12:48 PM
Aldins body was already healing nicely, the eldritch powers that let it move already mending most of the burns that covered it.

"Be safe, I've got some killing to do." Aldin glanced at someone on the enemy ship. With any luck it would be the pilot of the ship, but some random mook would do just fine if he wasn't in range.

In an instant Aldin was no longer on the ship, instead standing behind his target. In his hands was a Scythe forged of will and magic. He slashed at the enemies back with blinding speed, the scythe vanishing from his hands after he did so.

Readjusting his stance Aldin slashed again, another scythe appearing in his hands the moment he moved to attack. He was quicker this time, attacking with unnatural speed.

Using his new found speed Aldin summoned another scythe which held an edge so sharp it seemed to cut the air itself. He aimed right at the enemies neck.

Blink Dagger On Pilot, if possible. [roll0] [roll1]

Quick Dagger [roll2] [roll3]

Attack From Haste

Critical Point (19-20): [roll4] [roll5]

-Edit: That last one should have another +1 to attack and damage.

2010-06-20, 12:53 PM

Draka jumps up as the Midnight Owl finally approaches the other ship, leaving the shrieker.
"Someone man this!", he shouts out as he moves his fingers for a split section, casting a spell, then outright blurring across the ship and through the open space towards the other ship. As he does, his sword leaps out of it's scabbard and into his hand of it's own accord, moving on it's own.

Okay, this depends on whether I need a move or double move to get to the other ship.

If move:
Standard Action: Haste
Free Action: Draw weapon (eager)
Move: up on deck and a running jump over to the other ship.

If double move:
Swift Action: Swift Haste
Free Action: Draw weapon (eager)
Double Move: up on deck and a running jump over to the other ship

Jump check: [roll]1d20+33

2010-06-20, 05:58 PM

He assessed the situation: Aldin and Draka were acting as their marines to take the first enemy out of action, but the greater threat was the cannon-armed second ship.

"Look alive, everyone! The cannons on that second ship are enough to blow both ships to smithereens! Hold your stations and concentrate on the cannoneers, let Aldin and Draka do their work on the first ship! Ceodor, man the shrieker once you fire that ballista! Fash, watch out for the cannonade and get us positioned to return fire!"

2010-06-20, 06:53 PM
Heeding the Giff's advice (the rhino-man had a very large wealth of experience regarding these ships, probably thousands of times as much as how much he possessed), Ceodor abandoned the ballista (once it required reloading) and flew over to the shrieker's controls.

The fireball blasted over him, but the damage was inconsequential. He muttered a quick prayer of thanks to Mielikki for her divine protection as his fire-resistant body repaired itself a round later.

Reflex save:

2010-06-22, 06:13 PM
The crew of the Peryton whirl from reloading their ballista. A human, a smallish orc and a goblin remain.

DM Notes (Players Keep Out)
Medium Humanoid (Human)
HP 90
Speed 40 ft. (8 squares)
Init: +5
AC 22; touch 16; flat-footed 18
BAB +6/+1; Grp +?
Attack Flaming longsword +2 +14 melee (1d8+1d6+8, 19-20/x2)
Full-Attack Flaming longsword +2 +14/+9 melee (1d8+1d6+8, 19-20/x2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Counterstrike (2/day, AoO if foe misses in melee), Maneuvers, Sneak Attack +4d6
Special Qualities Discipline Focus (Setting Sun), evasion, improved uncanny dodge, Healing Belt (3/day, heal 2d8 hp as a standard action)
Saves Fort +9 Ref +14 Will +7
Abilities Str 22, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 11
Feats Combat Reflexes, Evasive Reflexes, Hampering Strike, Running Circles, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Shock Trooper, Fleet of Foot, Acrobatic Charge, Leap Into the Fray
Environment Mah boat.
Organization Name (Number appearing)
Challenge Rating 9

Flashing Sun - Once during a full attack, reduce attack rolls by 2 across the board and make an extra attack at full attack bonus.

Island of Blades - If Damocles and an ally are adjacent to the same foe, they are considered to be flanking that foe.

Small Humanoid (Goblin)
HP 35
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Init: +8
AC 25; touch 17; flat-footed 25
BAB +4; Grp +?
Attack Dagger +1 +12 melee (1d4+3, 19-20/x2)
Full-Attack Dagger +1 +12 melee (1d4+3, 19-20/x2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Sneak attack +3d6
Special Qualities Evasion, uncanny dodge
Saves Fort +5 Ref +11 Will +2
Abilities Str 14, Dex 22, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 6
Feats Improved Initiative, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Finesse
Environment Mah boat.
Organization Name (Number appearing)
Challenge Rating 5

Medium Humanoid (Orc [Scro])
HP 76
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Init: +9
AC 24; touch 16; flat-footed 24
BAB +6; Grp +?
Attack Longsword +1 +14 melee (1d8+6, 19-20/x2)
Full-Attack Longsword +1 +14/+9 melee (1d8+6, 19-20/x2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Sneak attack +3d6
Special Qualities Evasion, uncanny dodge
Saves Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +4
Abilities Str 20, Dex 22, Con 20, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 10
Feats Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Shield Proficiency, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (longsword)
Environment Mah boat.
Organization Name (Number appearing)
Challenge Rating 7

2010-06-22, 06:22 PM


1 is the goblin, 2 the human, 3 the orc. Ballistas can't be moved over, only climbed over or jumped over. X marks can't be moved into at all. Behind you is the cabin.

2010-06-22, 06:47 PM

Over in the crow's nest of the Midnight Owl. Pomjmur was still calling out advice, keeping an eye on the cannon-armed ship and preparing his arquebus to fire on the cannon crews, ready to jump down and swarm onto that ship if the Owl drew near enough.

2010-06-22, 10:30 PM
Getting ready for combat, Ceodor takes the next available opportunity to wildshape into a desmodu hunting bat.

2010-06-23, 03:30 AM

"You have one last chance to give up before we kill you all for attacking us", Draka calmly informs the crew while pointing his sword at them, certain that he can strike them before they can harm him.

2010-06-23, 03:50 AM
Sorry for the complications, but the ship combat is still on. And we're gonna open a 2nd front on the other ship next.

So... yeah...

2010-06-23, 09:38 AM
"Fool. We've been waiting for this. That helm is worth more than life."

You seem to think you'll survive long enough to put a boarding party on a second vessel. Or that the second vessel is not even better-crewed.

2010-06-23, 01:14 PM

The jaguar-man nods solemnly nods, then blurs into action, running towards the human and brining his sword around in a swift arc before jumping back, landing back where he started.

Spring Attack on the Human.

2010-06-23, 06:27 PM
Aldin moves towards the human, right into the thick of combat. His speed magically enhanced he attempts to weave into the middle of the group, two Scythes forming in his hands. One made of blinding light, the other as hot as the sun itself.


Tumble to 3B.
Tumble to 3B. [roll1]
Tumble to 3B. [roll2]

Burn: [roll3] DC 21. Fire damage, AoE to everyone around me.

Radiance: [roll]=Attack]1d20+17[roll4] on Human. Brilliant Energy Weapon. [roll5] fire damage, no save to every enemy in a 15 foot radius.

AC=29 from Haste, 28 without.
AB= 17 with Haste and Incantation, 16 without Haste.

2010-06-23, 11:56 PM
Alright, as it turns out, Draka is far from capable of performing in a combat environment so small. Also as it turns out, he's really not built to be the primary attacker.

This is a problem, because he's boarding a small vessel with a crew who are used to small combat environments, and are geared towards taking down primary attackers.

Given that I've already run the test of how this would go down and found it... well, not good, I'm going to offer you the chance to retcon the boarding decision. In turn, I'll be somewhat more lenient with my crewing of ships in the future.

Problem is, pirates are rogues. Generally well-equipped rogues. And since the narrow environment is ideal for flanking...

You get the idea.

Read Preface First
Draka's attack misses the human, who somehow counterattacks despite the speed of Draka's retreat!

Yes, despite your Spring Attack I can still do this.

[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

As he advances, and again as he retreats, Draka draws hostility from the pirates beside the human. Once they flank him, he finds them much more dangerous.

Pain and suffering!

AoO's for leaving B4 en route to B3:

[roll3] [roll4]
[roll5] [roll6]

AoO's for leaving B3 en route to B4:

[roll7] [roll8] [roll9]
[roll10] [roll11] [roll12]

The goblin and the orc wait for their leader to press the advantage, which he does, rushing headlong into the fray against Draka. His flaming blade dances like the flashing of the sun as he slashes at the catman.

[roll13] [roll14] [roll15]
[roll16] [roll17] [roll18]
[roll19] [roll20] [roll21]

Let me know how all that went.


2010-06-24, 12:34 AM
Fash shouts: Let it be on your head!
Surrender or we break your helm!

Aldin, you do have it right? Err, you don't? :smalleek:

Carry on then...

2010-06-24, 12:41 AM
Would you mind explaining to me how this is a plan, exactly?

2010-06-24, 12:46 AM
Helm is worth more than life. We can go break the helm. (Aldin killed the pilot, who's at/wearing the helm.
So, either they surrender, or lose the helm.

Huh, misunderstand. Edited a little to add more.

2010-06-24, 07:12 PM
You all shake off the effects of that bizarre alternate dimensional fold you slipped through, then Fash resumes steering the ship.


Midnight Owl 34/50
Ballista 1|1|3
Ballista 2|1|3

DM's Notes (Players Keep Out)
Midnight Owl 34/50
Ballista 1|1|3
Ballista 2|1|3
Peryton 32/50
Ballista F|2|3
Ballista S1|1|3
Ballista S2|1|3
Ballista P1|3|3
Ballista P2|3|3[/table]
Trampling Gorgon 80/80 | 20/20 flak
Cannon P1|1|3
Cannon P2|1|3
Cannon P1|3|3
Cannon P2|3|3[/table]

2010-06-25, 09:05 AM

Almost mechanistically, he reloaded, sending down powder and shot into the arquebus barrel and using the ramrod with trained precision.

"We need more time to get the weapons ready! Take us behind the asteroid, then hit that ballista ship with everything we've got!"

2010-06-25, 09:41 AM
Fash directs the ship to the asteroid, ending up near the asteroid, and turning partially around.

Up 1, face top left
2 squares top left, turn 90 to bottom left

2010-06-25, 05:37 PM
Aldin keeps working on the ballista, reloading it as quickly as his untrained undead body would let him.

2010-06-26, 06:48 PM
Ceodor reloads his ballista with all the precision and accuracy that can be said of an anthropomorphic hawk.

2010-06-26, 08:58 PM
You can't do that, Fash. Single diagonal move is one square, but double diagonal is three. That plus the one up means you can't right-angle turn.

2010-06-27, 05:20 AM
I might be wrong in the reading, but:
SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/movement.htm#movingInThreeDimensions)
How much the creature can turn after covering the stated distance.
Turn in Place
A creature with good or average maneuverability can use some of its speed to turn in place.

Good maneuverability:
Turn: 90°/5 ft.
Turn in place: +90°/-5 ft.

So, I assumed that moving 5' lets you turn 90° for free.

If I'm wrong, just negate the turning.

(Also, replace 5 ft by 30 ft)

2010-06-27, 05:53 PM
Good maneuverability requires a Pilot check, which you did not perform.

Turning to diagonals requires me to spend more time working on the map image, which I personally dislike.

I'll let you have it this time, but remember to do a roll every time you want to use Good maneuverability, or it's just going to slow the game yet again.

Lastly, when I ask for a square, give me a square so I don't have to spend more time plotting locations from previous maps.

Now that they're proximate, I've marked the Peryton with an X.

You round the asteroid and prepare for your attack run. A few of you hear a low grinding noise, but Fash feels no impact to the ship.

The Trampling Gorgon pursues in your direction, coming straight up towards the asteroid. Meanwhile, the Peryton breaks off pursuit.


Midnight Owl 34/50
Ballista 1|2|3
Ballista 2|2|3

DM's Notes (Players Keep Out)
Peryton 32/50
Ballista F|3|3
Ballista S1|2|3
Ballista S2|2|3
Ballista P1|3|3
Ballista P2|3|3[/table]
Trampling Gorgon 80/80 | 20/20 flak
Cannon P1|2|3
Cannon P2|2|3
Cannon P1|3|3
Cannon P2|3|3[/table]

2010-06-27, 06:02 PM
"Shrieker Ready!", Draka yells from below deck.
"Hurry up with those damn ballistae!"

2010-06-27, 07:36 PM

Furiously rodding his arquebus, the Giff finishes the loading routine, priming and making ready his blackpowder weapon. As he does so, he sings, quietly yet basso profundo, in order to keep time as he precisely measures powder into the flashpan.

"When I was just a Giffling lad, a sargeant came on by,
And offered up both gold and guns for warfare in the sky,
We set out on our bombard-ships, the great gleaming machines,
And set upon the foeman fierce, For we are Giff Marines..."

[roll0] untrained perform (Giff Marine Jammer shanties) check to see just how badly out of tune that was.

2010-06-27, 07:39 PM
A roaring hippo. Yay. My ears are now bleeding :smalltongue:

2010-06-27, 08:59 PM
Now they're bleeding? Sure you should be the one firing the shrieker?

2010-06-28, 12:50 AM
Good maneuverability requires a Pilot check, which you did not perform.

I'll let you have it this time, but remember to do a roll every time you want to use Good maneuverability, or it's just going to slow the game yet again.

I did roll 1 for the round, but perhaps the retcon would have reversed it...

Turning to diagonals requires me to spend more time working on the map image, which I personally dislike.

Lastly, when I ask for a square, give me a square so I don't have to spend more time plotting locations from previous maps.

Now that they're proximate, I've marked the Peryton with an X.
Sorry again. I forgot to post the square. I thought a move by move description would be more accurate. I'll give both next time.

2010-06-28, 12:52 AM
Pilot check: [roll0]
Will post the move later.

2010-06-29, 03:16 PM
Fash flies the ship to I6, facing down, taking evasive maneuvers.

2010-06-29, 04:26 PM
"Evasive maneuvers!" calls Draka from below. Fash heeds the warning and sets the wings to prepare for a dodging pattern.

The Trampling Gorgon sees you nosing out from behind the asteroid and turns to pursue.

The Peryton slices upwards, straight towards you.


Midnight Owl 34/50
Ballista 1|3|3
Ballista 2|3|3

DM's Notes (Players Keep Out)
Peryton 32/50
Ballista F|3|3
Ballista S1|3|3
Ballista S2|3|3
Ballista P1|3|3
Ballista P2|3|3[/table]
Trampling Gorgon 80/80 | 20/20 flak
Cannon P1|3|3
Cannon P2|3|3
Cannon S1|3|3
Cannon S2|3|3[/table]

2010-06-29, 10:14 PM

He shoulders his arquebus, sighting along it towards the two enemy vessels.

"Keep us clear of those cannon and line us up for a full salvo! Coordinate our barrage!"

He waited until their gnomish pilot had them in position before unleashing the Arquebus fire...

2010-06-30, 02:47 AM
Aldin stays ready the ship to swing around so he can take a shot at the enemy ship. He wanted to end this as quickly as possible...

Readying an action to shoot the ship the moment we can.

2010-06-30, 03:35 AM
The Asteroid moved? And we're facing down BTW. Perfect maneuverability should have free turns

Pilot: [roll0]

2010-06-30, 08:13 AM
Ah, my apologies, I was wondering why you were still facing left... :smalltongue:

2010-06-30, 09:27 AM

In that case...

Sitting behind the controls, Draka grins madly as he once again fires up the abyssal weapon to fire the invisible stream of sound waves at his enemies...

2010-06-30, 09:50 AM
You still need to line yourselves up, which is going to be tricky, since Fash just failed a Piloting check.

2010-06-30, 09:57 AM
I think average maneuverability still gets us 45 turn after moving 1 square. And Peryton is less than 45 off if we're at I8.

Can we, you know, partially turn, fire, and finish the turn? 30 turns are a pain to track.

2010-06-30, 09:58 AM

Taking his cue from the unholy din of the abyssal weapon, Pomjmur took aim moments later, either aiming a finishing blast at the hull of the Peryton, or if they were dead in the aether, taking another potshot at the gunners on the Gorgon.


[roll0] to hit, [roll1] damage, range increment 150.

2010-06-30, 10:19 AM
Well, you can, yes, but given that you'll have to move to I7 and then begin the turn, your next square of movement will cause you to crash into the Gorgon, no?

Pomjmur continues to have the accuracy of a drunken blind man.

2010-06-30, 10:21 AM
Could we just don't move lol?

BTW, can we see if Gorgon has any ramming things?
And number of crew? Could help us decide on boarding.

2010-06-30, 12:31 PM
Well, no, since your piloting check sucks. You could either slow the ship, which prevents you from using any special maneuver this round, or else move one square ahead and then turn in place to consume the remaining speed.

The Gorgon has an ugly, bull-shaped ramming prow and you can see five crewmembers on its deck. It's also coated with the same armor the Peryton was.

2010-07-03, 08:33 PM
As I've just recalculated, this introductory encounter is being drawn out far more than is necessary, and severely delaying the real adventure.

I'm switching it to endgame, now.

From behind you comes a hideous crunching sound. You look back to see the Trampling Gorgon apparently rear-ended by the asteroid... no, for the rock has teeth which bite at the other vessel, consuming it from stern to aft! The screams of its crew carry across the merged air envelopes.

An announcement sounds from the Peryton:

"We may be outmatched now, but we'll be back for what's left after you're devoured."

Bright flashes on the other ship's deck indicate that the pirates are teleporting away, leaving the Peryton adrift as its air envelope begins to dissipate.

The asteroid throws away the remains of the Gorgon's wreckage and now begins to follow you! A singular, great eye, malevolent and full of lustful hunger, focuses on the Midnight Owl, and the immense needlefilled maw opens wide.

2010-07-04, 12:04 AM
Aldin gives a bored look at the giant space monster and sighs. He looks back at Fash, his face showing complete disinterest.

"We should retreat. Now.

2010-07-04, 05:35 AM

He watches developments with considerable concern, and promptly begins reloading.

"By the lost long-lost legions of the legendary landing-party, that thing is a menace to the spaceways! Point us at it and full speed astern! Open fire, all weapons!"

The Giff once more commenced reloading.

2010-07-04, 05:45 AM
"Yikes! Hmm, have I read about this in a book?"

Spelljamming [roll0] Using my 1 per day per skill + Factotum lvl to skill checks.
another +4 on top if it's Arc/Dung/Loc/Nat/Relig/Planes/Psionic

2010-07-04, 05:54 AM

The catman jumps up as the monster reveals it's toothed maw and runs full speed up on the deck, then next to the Giff. Slapping the hippo-man on the back of his skull, he says:
"Don't be daft. That thing just swallowed an entire ship. We're running away. That thing needs a fleet, not a single, half-broken skiff."

2010-07-04, 08:43 AM
It's called an astereater.

Some think they're related to beholders.

The skin is nearly impenetrable, its only weak point is its eye.

The monster begins heading towards the Midnight Owl's stern. Its huge single eye draws level with you.

2010-07-04, 10:21 AM
"Hmm, I seem to recall that it's called an astereater. Some think they're related to beholders. The skin is nearly impenetrable, its only weak point is its eye."

"Well, then, all our weapons are loaded aren't they? Might as well shoot at it's eye while fleeing. Worse comes to worse, we just hurt it a little."

"Unless it has rage of course." Fash grins

Do we have a map? Or is it unchanged from the last, except that it's now at Gorgon's square?

2010-07-04, 10:29 AM

"The problem being, of course, that our weapons point ahead, mostly. So I say we still run."

2010-07-04, 10:47 AM
Map would be irrelevant. Assume that wherever you are, it's about 60 ft. behind you.

Decent enough Pilot check would let you whirl on it.

2010-07-04, 10:51 AM
"Someone gauge it's speed! If we're faster, I expect we could whirl around, fire, and fly off at an angle"

"Pomjmur, shoot it when you can!"

Fash directs the ship to fly away from the rocky thing, and away from the other ship to make sure it doesn't end up as side-snack while chasing us.

Move away this round, and see how far it catches up.

2010-07-04, 11:02 AM
It moves at about the same speed as you.

2010-07-04, 11:41 AM
Were we double moving, or just moving when we got that info?

Either way, seems to be a great target to kite with the arquebus. If the hippoman can hit it...

2010-07-04, 12:24 PM
Try to kite the astereater and you'll quickly learn that it has a run speed and you don't.

I'm assuming that you double-moved and it double-moved. It can match your standard move speed, but unlike you, it can pick up the pace.

2010-07-04, 01:13 PM
"If we're honestly going to do this..."

Aldin looks over at the giant beast and frowns.

"Eye's the point we hit for massive damage, right? Well, alright then. What can it do with its eye, if anything?"

2010-07-04, 01:42 PM

"Aye aye, Fash! For that matter, eye!"

He continued reloading, letting his hands go through the precision routine, his eyes meeting the gaze of the strange space-creature.

2010-07-04, 02:09 PM
The astereater's maw opens wide and the ship suddenly lurches, turning hard a-port before Fash can stabilize it. Thankfully, his quick action spared your vessel from being drawn in closer, but the astereater, closing up and focusing its singular eye on your prow, may now have the advantage.

2010-07-04, 02:35 PM

"Storm and Lightning!", Draka curses as he leans to one side to balance the swaying ship. Then he throws his hands up in a quick gesture, chants a few words in the purred language of his people and then throws a small orb of fire from his outstretched hands at the creature.

Lesser orb of Fire.
To hit (touch attack)
Damage (fire damage):

2010-07-04, 02:46 PM
Last I heard, you were manning a shrieker, sir. Did you climb up on deck?

Oh, and is that aimed at it generally, or at the eye? This may affect whether or not you hit...

2010-07-04, 02:55 PM
I went up, yes (when I slapped the hippo). Anyway, the Shrieker isn't very useful, since I'm all for fleeing and that thing only fires straight ahead.

And I'm shooting the eye, since our expert told me that I can't wound the rest of it.

2010-07-04, 02:58 PM

Steadying himself after Fash's evasive maneuver, the Giff raised the reloaded arquebus to his shoulder, zeroing in on the centre of the pupil of the giant eye. The creature was practically a living target circle, with pupil, iris and sclera looming large and concentric in his vision.

[roll0] to hit, [roll1] damage, range increment 150


2010-07-04, 03:00 PM
Never, ever say you're a bad shot. Your dice is collaborating...

2010-07-04, 03:09 PM
I must be terrible at encounter design or something. Everything that I try to set up for you guys to do in simple, epic fashion, you overcomplicate and go in newer, riskier directions with.

Draka's fireball strikes the lid of the astereater, causing it to howl in pain. Now it glares in vicious vengeance as it closes more rapidly. Pomjmur unleashes an arquebus round that grazes the beast right beside its eye, causing no apparent injury but making it all the more furious.

Fash moves the controls and extends his will, trying to swing hard a-port, but the ship lurches, unready for such smooth motion. He keeps yanking on the controls to crank the ship all the way around, but now you have no forward velocity and are staring into the vicious beast's hideousness face-first.

2010-07-04, 03:13 PM
:smalleek: What were we supposed to do? I think you overestimated us lol.

2010-07-04, 03:19 PM
Large, soft, target-shaped weakpoint.

Ship-to-ship combat weapons.

Might be a logical solution in there somewhere...

2010-07-04, 03:23 PM
lol, yes. I wanted the shrieker at least and the ballista. And a plow to the eye if it doesn't work.

2010-07-04, 03:34 PM

With the ship becalmed, there was no time to reload their sole blackpowder weapon. Trusting to his lanyard sling to fulfil its intended purpose, the giff jumped down to the deck, intent on manning a ballista to keep up as much of a hail of projectiles as they could.

[roll0] jump, [roll1] tumble to make it to the deck, heading towards the nearest unmanned weapon or weapon with someone with a different ranged attack manning it.

2010-07-04, 03:35 PM
Wordlessly Aldin swings the ballista at the monsters eyes, adjusts his aim, and fires.

Normal 1d20 right?

[roll0] Damage [roll1]

2010-07-04, 03:35 PM
Whoever mans any weapon has to have been at it at the end of last round, because each takes a full round to use. Can Pomjmur get to the shrieker with a single move action, or to an unmanned ballista if someone has already left to man it?

2010-07-04, 03:37 PM
IIRC, we have a +1 mod.
We so should get 1 rank of Profession. That's 1 mod each IIRC.

2010-07-04, 03:41 PM
Looking at the map, definitely a ballista, with reaching the shrieker dependant on how you count movement due to gravity else making a double move.

2010-07-04, 03:44 PM
No, screw it, we're done with this delay.

Pomjmur drops straight down, breaking the stairs, and rushes to the shrieker.

Mister Worf, fire.

2010-07-04, 03:46 PM
I so am gonna lol if it managed its' Reflex save.

2010-07-04, 03:50 PM

Barreling towards their primary weapon, the Giff sighted along the disturbingly-carved main projector, centring it on the onrushing eye.


He triggered the firing mechanism...

2010-07-04, 03:51 PM
You need to roll. DC 1d20 I think. Reflex negates
EDIT: Might have a +1. Not sure, check stats. 1d20 is there though

2010-07-04, 03:59 PM
[roll0], +8 if it counts as a cannon, -2 if my shaky flaw applies.

2010-07-04, 04:05 PM
It does count as a cannon, your Shaky flaw does apply.

As the astereater's eye draws level with the ship's prow, Pomjmur hefts the controls to the shrieker and fires it, rattling himself with the Abyssal keening as the screaming blast rips forth. It penetrates the astereater's pupil, causing it to roar and blink furiously, but to no avail. Every time the massive lid rises, you see more and more ruptured blood vessels and vitreous weeping. Bellowing in pain and rage, the astereater turns and flees.


500 XP each.

2010-07-04, 04:12 PM
"Well." Aldin nods his head a little and stands up. "That was exciting. Now, can we get going? I want to, you know, chop people up in a real fight."

A pause.

"And a bath. A nice hot bath would nice when this is all over."

2010-07-04, 04:14 PM

Pressing his small but sensitive ears back against his massive skull really didn't help much against the backwash from the weapon, but nonetheless, the sound in the aftermath was the persistent tinnitus ringing of victory.

"Got the blighter! They don't like it up 'em, no they don't! Mr. Falah, resume course!"

Twiddling an ear with a broad-fingered hand, he began appraising the damage to the ship, considering what running repairs they could make.

2010-07-05, 12:39 AM
"I must remind you. We left the loot behind. A couple of minutes to go back and search for loot wouldn't be very long."

Fash directs the ship back the the Peryton.

"Let's see what we can find there. Maybe even take over the ship?"

"And see if we can find anything useful in the wreckage. I'm hoping the rock spewed out the equipments of the Gorgon crew along with the wreckage."

2010-07-05, 01:26 AM
With a nod Aldin speaks up. "Alright, good idea. Give me a moment to meditate and I'll take a look."

Leaning against a near-by wall Aldin begins to work his magic. He didn't really understand what was; he used to think that he could do it by tapping into the eldritch energies of his soul. However, seeing as how was now a souless undead...

Was he souless? That was another thing he didn't know. He was standing only because he refused to fall down. Did his refusal to die cost him his soul? If so, where was it? And what gave him his powers? Was it really his soul, or was it now running on whatever necrotic energies held him together?

**** that.

Pushing aside the many questions that plagued his mind Aldin finished working his magic and made a mad off the ship, jumping off right as he reached the edge. When the jump took as far as it could he cut at the void itself, forcing it to release its grasp on him.

Flying around with around Aldin began searching the wreckage of the ship. He worked quickly, not really having the patience for all of this nonsense.

He would carry and push anything valuable to the abandoned ship, do a quick search of it, move around a few boxes and such (To make it riskier for anyone to teleport back onboard) and then take the helm. His teammates could look for anything valuble on the damn thing. He just wanted to finish up and move on.

When he gets the ship moving to wherever they are headed (No doubt back to Sigil, but who knows?) he meditates again, putting the magics in his body that he was so used.

Search Check of Space. And a Spot check, if you need it.

Spot: [roll1]

And a spot for the abandoned ship. Not looking for loot yet, someone who can take 20 can do that. I'm just checking for enemies. That's Spot right?

Spot: [roll]1d20+

2010-07-05, 08:38 AM
You see no enemies on the deck of the Peryton.

2010-07-05, 01:46 PM
You find little of value amidst the remaining shards of the Trampling Gorgon; most of the surviving section consisted of the heavy ramming prow and the cannonball stock. A few gold coins sprinkled through the scrapped wood and shattered armor are the only prize to be found.


Upon reaching the now-derelict Peryton, Fash steers the Midnight Owl to match its skew, permitting boarding.

2010-07-05, 01:50 PM
Even the dice is reluctant to give loot, lol

"Board up, search thoroughly, then take what we can. I don't know if we want to take the ship, or trust that it'll stay here when we return. We'd be leaving soon either way."

2010-07-05, 02:16 PM
The boarding party uses the air envelope to reach the deck of the Peryton safely. It looks like her former crew took most of the valuables, and save for the ballista chained to the deck and some loose rope and buckets, there is nothing else outside the cabin, whose door is locked.

I assume you're going to want to break in.

2010-07-06, 03:21 AM

Joining the boarding party, Draka quickly takes control of the operation:
"Someone break that door down. Check behind that railling there. I'll go look up here... and here..."

+12 to search, taking 20.

2010-07-06, 03:34 AM
Aldin sighs and walks over the locked door. No one in there right mind would trap a cabin door, right?

Ah, hells, only one to find out.

In his hands appeared a large scythe. The blade was thick, and although it held an edge it was no where near as sharp as the blades he normally summoned. It was also wieldly; It's shape sacrificing accuracy for pure stomping power.

Taking a deep (unnecessary) breath Aldin swung full force at the door.

Berserker Axe: Sacrificing 6 AB for 12 Damage, Taking full action to make sure I hit the damn thing.


2010-07-06, 05:22 AM

Whilst all this was going on, back on the Midnight Owl, the Giff busied himself getting the ship shipshape again.

[roll0] 'jammer crew

2010-07-06, 09:39 AM
That will be a satisfactory roll. You have enough time to reach your destination and patch up 24 hp, at a cost of 10 gp per hull point.

Draka finds nothing of worth on the topdeck, but Aldin has somewhat better luck, for upon cleaving through the door and walking into the cabin, he sees the spelljamming helm, a massive thronelike chair with crystalline orbs at the ends of its armrests. Stairs nearby lead to lower decks.

2010-07-06, 11:37 AM
Is the helm movable?

2010-07-06, 01:18 PM
Just to clarify this for you, since I still don't think you quite catch it: Helm (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/helm). First definition.

It's a giant magical throne fixed into the ship. No it's not movable. If you want it as loot you'll need to take the rest of the ship.

2010-07-06, 01:52 PM
lol. I thought it was helmet'ish helm.

2010-07-06, 02:49 PM
I know. :smallannoyed:

2010-07-06, 07:28 PM
With a bored expression Aldin motions to the helm. "Here's the helm. I'll check out the lower decks."

And with that Aldin begins to explore the lower decks. He isn't searching for loot, simply making sure that everything is safe and sound. Of course, if something catches his eye he'll check it out.

2010-07-06, 08:12 PM
You find some additional rations and a few personal items, but it appears the crew was traveling light. It appears that there was a total crew of eight. On the lowest deck, you do find something of interest: a pair of sturdy sliding poles descending out the bottom of the ship, exposed to space - an aid for rapid boarding, perhaps.

2010-07-06, 08:25 PM
Finishing his quick look around Aldin heads back up the cabin, and to his teammates.

"There are two sliding pool down there that leads to space. My guess is that they help for boarding, but what the hells do I know?"

Walking a nearby Aldin leans on it.

"Ships empty, I doubt there anything valuable on it. We're running a time limit, so we search this thing better when we finish up or whatever. Let's just get going."

A pause.

"I'll pilot the ship I guess. Just tell me how to make it move. I want something to do regardless."

2010-07-06, 08:36 PM
Knowledge (spelljamming), Profession (spelljammer crew) or Knowledge (Arcana) check to get that information.

2010-07-06, 08:40 PM
For me? I meant it in more of a "Show me how to make this thing go forward." And just take ten. But if I can't take ten on any of those checks I'll here. I'm guessing someone will be aiding me on the check as well, seeing as how they're the ones showing me what to do.

Roll in case I can't do that.


2010-07-06, 08:45 PM
Oh, I meant for whoever was to be showing you. And remember, it can't be Fash, since he's back home at the moment.

2010-07-07, 03:55 AM
Eldan/Draka, check for hidey holes lol? Prob nothing, but chance to loot is good.

Aldin can just come back on our ship and ask me if he doesn't get an answer.

BTW, Afro, can we do an aid another on the repair so that we repair more?

2010-07-07, 04:09 AM
Sure, sure. While you cart the ship away, I take another 20 to search the rest of it.

Draka nods with satisfaction at the now opened door and begins to meticulously search every nook and cranny for hidden compartments or useful equipment left behind.

2010-07-07, 08:12 AM
Fash, I think we've established rather neatly that you know very little related to spelljammers. :smalltongue:

Draka finds a few weapons stored in a compartment under the floorboards.

2010-07-07, 08:17 AM
But I do know how to pilot. Instinctively at least :smalltongue:

2010-07-07, 08:26 AM

Meanwhile, their most knowledgeable and experienced 'jammer was busying himself putting their original ship back together, humming as he worked.

[roll0] perform (humming)

2010-07-07, 12:37 PM
Given that no one who heard him was really any help at showing him how to pilot the ship, Aldin decided to find Pomjmur and get him to show him the ropes.

"Hey." After finding the Hippoman doing some repairs (And humming oddly on tune) Aldin waves him down. "Need some help. Mind showing me how to make on of that ship move? I want to get this show on the road."

2010-07-07, 12:55 PM
Does anyone make Knowledge checks anymore? :smallsigh:


And since you went back to the ship,


Pomjmur boils it down for Aldin:

"You sit in the helm, put your hands on the controls, and then it burns fuel to drive the ship. Most of the time the helm can operate navigational controls as well, provided you have a crewman like me up in the rigging."

"I don't know what sort of fuel the Owl is burning, since Fash is no wizard, but typical helms require a fully-powered arcane spellcaster to channel magical energy in order to drive the ship. Maybe that's why we're only good for 10 days... we've been preloaded, somehow."

2010-07-07, 01:11 PM
Aldin gives his head a nod, trying to soak most of that up.

"Well alright then. Any idea how much fuel that ship might have." A pause. "Or do we need a Wizard or some such to move it? I have magic of my own, but I have no clue if it's Arcane, Divine, or whatever the hell. It may work, but hells if I know."

2010-07-07, 01:18 PM
Pomjmur looks to the Peryton. "She vented her envelope, so they probably deliberately drained the helm before running away. Any juice now has to come from us. You're some kind of wizard, right? And Draka, too?"

2010-07-07, 01:30 PM
"Wizard?" Aldin laughs. "Friend, I have no idea how my powers work. They just do. But it's worth a shot regardless. And I think Draka is some sort of mage as well, so." He shrugs his shoulders. "Just show us how to refill and I'll give it a shot. If I can't do it maybe the Cat can."

2010-07-07, 01:36 PM

"I can channel the arcane a little, yes. I mostly gain access to the Cadence through our philosophy, but there's some other power as well. Like the fire I threw earlier. So if anyone shows me how, I can probably operate the Gorgon."

He looks down at the cache he's found.

"So, anyone need more weapons?"

2010-07-07, 01:47 PM

At the mention of weapons, the expositioning hippoman's beady eyes light up.

"Let's take a look, see if anything is worthwhile.

As for filling up, it's pretty much a function of the Helm. My kind don't tend to make good Helmsmen,"

He lightly rapped his bone-plated skull, his robust build extremely unlikely to fit in the device,

"...So I can't give you a firsthand account."

2010-07-07, 02:16 PM
"Yes, loot! At least our encounter with the pirates wasn't just a waste of our time and resources. I'd probably sell my share though, since I doubt they have the Quickrazors I use. Still, I don't mind a few throwing daggers."

"As for piloting, there's only 1 way to find out."

2010-07-07, 02:18 PM
There are seven weapons in the pile, all reasonable-quality but otherwise mundane martial weapons.

You can pretty much choose what Core martial weapons they are, within reason. There are not seven falchions, nor any Gargantuan spiked chains.

2010-07-07, 03:26 PM
Composite longbows with Rating 5? :smallwink:
Ok, nothing that cheesy, but we'd probably try to optimize the sell price... Like maybe 1 composite longbow, 1 longbow, 1 composite shortbow, crossbow, etc.

2010-07-07, 03:39 PM
If you try to optimize the sell price, they're becoming clubs.

You've stumbled across about 100 gp worth of martial weaponry. Happy now? :smallannoyed:

2010-07-07, 03:48 PM
We could actually use a few good bows... not all of us have ranged weaponry as far as I've seen.

Edit: or daggers.You can always use more daggers.

2010-07-07, 04:20 PM

He assessed the weaponry with a practiced eye, nodding solemnly.

"Decent weapons, good for regular butchery, I'd say. Most of it looks to be in your sizes."

Any large weapons?

2010-07-07, 04:35 PM
No. Nobody in the crew was Large. Or a monkey.

I forget, are we attempting to commandeer the ship? Because if so, someone needs to go plant their butt on the helm.