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2010-06-12, 11:28 PM
You are standing around an alleyway in Lost Pirate Square, a busy part of the Grand Bazaar in the Merchant Ward. Finishing up some business, checking up on wares, replenishing your supplies after your very first mission with the Wayfinders.

The Square teems with the endless variety of beings common to the trade wards, entities from all walks of life, death and states between. Near the figurehead of the half-ship, a hawk and a hippopotamus-man do business while an undead human, a winged gnome and a dark catman lean on the bow. Over at the Rorty Cube Pub, a pair of humans sit with a rocky dwarflike creature and a pixie, while a snake covered in tattoos of manuscript pages clings to the lamppost. At a smokepowder emporium, a tall black-and-white humanoid chats to a radiant halfling and a vicious-looking minotaur while two more humans (they're everywhere, aren't they?) examine various arquebuses. Two half-celestials, one elven and one human, examine the signposts to Radical Avenue while a squat baatezu, an armored pixie and an orcish creature order food from a vendor.

As you consider your future employment opportunities at the Wayfinders, you feel a convulsion (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2S6ZQn9lvk) ripple through you from head to toe. You are not alone; every being around you seems to have felt it, and Sigil itself begins to bow outwards, bulging visibly as though a tumor had formed in reality at the center of the Square.

Greasy bluish mucus spurts from a point in the bulge as a tear forms in reality, causing you to grimace in pain as you feel the stings of ten thousand needles in your mind. A clawing appendage widens the rent, spilling a torrent of black eyeballs across the plaza. As the crowd recoils in horror and disgust, the bugling, seeping wound in the fabric of Sigil ejects a monstrosity (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MotP/Far_Realm_Entity.jpg) into the Square, like a terrible birthing by a mother fearing her own spawn.

The creature lashes feebly with its limbs as it shudders and seizes. You feel pain with every sense that can experience the creature; its odor burns your nostrils, its sounds claw at your eardrums, the bleeding, foreign glyphs lacerating its aberrant form bringing tears to your eyes.

Suddenly, a trio of dabus float in through the crowd, followed by a parting to let through the Lady of Pain. She hovers silently towards the inchoate thing, ignoring the screams, sobbing and retching of onlookers, and stares at it without expression.

If at all possible, the creature seems to "stare" back. As a growing crowd of dabus swells around the Lady, avoiding the reach of the abomination's spiked appendage, years seem to pass in terrible silence. A conversation removed from the reaches of understanding, or a master philosopher studying an insect? The spectacle is fascinating and perverse, and chills you for its incomprehensibility.

Finally, the thing's supporting limbs give way underneath it, and the Lady's shadow sweeps over it, causing the monster to erupt in a fountain of fuming ichor. You wince as some of the mess sprays in your direction, but this is not the end, for now the crowd is pressing in a new direction, the same direction you were planning to head. The Lady of Pain is floating down Radical Avenue, towards the Wayfinders' Guild, and you follow the flow of traffic as everyone rushes to see what fallout will arise from the strange event.

The dabus have gone ahead, as have several runners, so Guildmaster Wey is there at the gates when the Lady arrives. He seems as anxious as the crowd, now. The Lady looks at the guildhouse, spares a glance for the guildmaster, then casts her shadow over the great stone doors. Giant letters appear in the Common language, as though carved by a large and vicious blade:


Fax Celestis
2010-06-12, 11:38 PM
Used to seeing strange and convoluted creatures, but not used to the pain, the shifter woman Hexenjagd recoils from the monster, her flesh roiling and patches of it changing rapidly from fur to feather to bone to scale, seemingly at random. She shudders and tries to contain her own energies, and ultimately only manages to wrest control of her own form away from the monster just before it dissolves under the Lady of Pain's withering gaze.

She checks on Silke, her companion cat, as her form solidifies and then blurs, as if the shadows themselves are teeming around her body, hiding bits and pieces from view so that one is never certain what exactly she is or has.

As she follows the Lady to the stone doors, she ponders: what exactly was that thing, and where did it hail from? Further, how could she avoid meeting one ever again? "Whad'ya suppose that was?" she almost absent-mindedly asks the cat beside her, who on second glance appears to have the same flickering shadows surrounding it. For a moment, it seems that she, like all pet owners, is talking to her pet and not seeking an answer, but after a moment it seems perhaps she is mad, as she is fully expecting an answer.

2010-06-12, 11:47 PM
Silke nudges Hexi and gently clambers up her body to rest on her shoulders. *whispers in her ear* " I don't know, and I'm not sure I want to know. That hurt." *preens her fur and tries to regain composure*

2010-06-13, 12:11 AM
Emet's eyes, ears, nose and throat burn, but he can't stop staring at the monster as it thrashes around. Even when the Lady appears, a more-than-notable event, his attention is focused squarely on it. It was just so incredible terrible, its every movement majestic horrifying. It was... he didn't know what it was, but it was different, so entirely other. It was like looking through a crack and seeing glimpses of an entire multiverse just past the walls of this one, outside the Great Wheel and every known Prime. How could anyone possibly look away from something like that?

In a daze, he follows the flow of the crowd to the guildhall and reads the Lady's cryptic message with the others. Tell them all. Tell them... what? Something about that creature? He was definitely interested, then...

2010-06-13, 02:29 AM
If anyone had paid attention, the reaction of the blindfolded - and supposedly blind - man would have come as a surprise, perhaps: he reacted much the same way as everyone else. It might've been accountable to the psychic energies lashing out at everyone's mind... if his head had not turned to follow the passage of the Lady.

But that is old news to those he has already adventured with. He moves and fights with the certainty of a seeing man, despite the thick, white blindfold covering his eyes. How? You can only presume that he has some sort of powerful magic as his guide. But then again, these days, who doesn't.

He cringes when the Lady first appears, and his face drains of color, but he follows the others to behold the message she has rendered upon the great stone doors.

2010-06-13, 06:25 AM
On another world, a lithe green-skinned girl in a robe composed of mostly midnight blue feathers riding an iron pony through what a moment ago looked like a simple arch decorating a palace's wall would have been an important event. On a different realm, she would have looked out of place, strange and probably feared. On Sigil, however, she was given little more than a glance, being after all just another traveler. Those who did give her longer looks were typically either enjoying her pretty face, or considering the probability of her being a prime who could possibly be an easy rube.

That event took place three days ago. By now, it's not even in the top fifty most interesting rumours circulating in this hive of scum and villainy, central to all other hives thereof and an amalgam of the vast majority of the traits which can be associated with such hives.

When this strange event which everyone did witness took place, this girl was simply standing outside a tavern, browsing the menu attached beneath the window. The metallic horse, again an odd steed by most standards, but almost mundane and quaint as far as denizens of Sigil are concerned, is connected to the bronze fence separating the tavern's piece of the alley from the common grounds by virtue of a long chain.

She simply stared at the odd apparition. Even surrounded by this mass of strange creatures, most of them dreadful and several outright abominable, this thing was painfully unnatural. In this instance, painful is not that incorrect a term - as a water fairy, Aeaebne is at the very least still in tune with nature enough to feel even more uncomfortable in this thing's presence than any mortal except perhaps a druid.

The Lady of Pain once again brought forth a terrified expression. The mephits who had showed her the way to Sigil for a handful of gold had warned her that this city is ruled by a being beyond mere goddesses, but to see the Lady on her second day was still a bit of a shock, although perhaps one numbed slightly due to the abomination's appearance.

The explosion startled her, a full-body twitch noticeable to any who would have her in their field of vision. When a piece of boiling, twisting and utterly unnatural skin hitting the very menu she was looking at, this prime almost gags, her appetite lost.

She turns towards the nearby shadowy felines, speaking in her native Sylvan - a language she appears to share with them.

I would fear my appetite is lost. Is this sort of thing... common here?

Fax Celestis
2010-06-13, 01:37 PM
"As common as anythin' else, honestly. This is Sigil, aft'r all: the strange is comm'nplace 'n the bizarre is only strange," Hexen replies. She's got a strange accent, one that seems to be from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

2010-06-13, 01:46 PM
Turns back to Aeaebne and says in Sylvan "Are you coming?"

2010-06-13, 02:05 PM
For a moment she gives the odd felines a confused look. She is still not yet at home with the idea of having a cat seemingly formed of shadows as a business partner, but she does suppose that the tales she was told about Sigil make such an event positively normal.

Of course. But, where are we heading?

Still somewhat unsure, she follows the pair of felines to the stone portal the Lady's shadow had touched. While this is certainly ominous, the act of a living goddess right before her eyes, she fails to understand the full significance of what occurred here - while she had been told that the Lady is not a talkative one, concluding that leaving such messages is the norm is entirely logical as far as this fey is concerned. Hexenjagd's words only reinforced this conclusion.

2010-06-13, 02:25 PM
"Not as normal as all that, really..." Emet comments absently, without really looking at the others. "I've never seen anything like it, actually."

Almost as an afterthought, he shrugs. "That message was unusual too."

2010-06-13, 03:09 PM
Davice follows the others, but only reluctantly. Nothing good ever came from the schemes of the Lady, and to meddle with her affairs often resulted in gruesome death. In the other hand... The Lady's message was apparently directed at the guild he was working with at the moment, and he was very curious indeed at what exactly the Wayfinder's guild was supposed to tell them.

2010-06-13, 04:07 PM
A new cloud of dabus forms around the Guildmaster and the Lady as he tries to get clarification regarding the new decoration gouged into his front doors. Several local Cagers start interpreting the rebuses hanging in the air, and more than one starts transcribing. The Lady moves towards the entrance, with the Guildmaster and her floating entourage in tow, and the crowd of Cagers and guildmembers follows at a "safe" distance.

The thick press of the crowd is so severe that you are all swept into the main hall of the guildhouse. Over the heads and other appendages of the crowd, you observe Avery Wey talking frantically at the Lady and see fragments of stonework fly as she begins "scribbling" on the guildhouse walls. The enigmatic message from before appears on the ceiling, sending creatures scrambling as razor-edged chunks fall. Around the walls, sixteen other symbols are carved, which those of you from the Planes and Sigil recognize instantly:


A group of dabus float in from Radical Avenue escorting a couple of aasimar and a group of bemused-looking, sopping-wet archmages wearing robes indicating them as High Arcanists from the First Almighty Transplanar Arcane Supremacy Society. The mages are carrying small gold-capped scroll tubes made of a jet-black metal that emits a fierce blue glow. You note that the aasimar have empty, dripping buckets in their hands and are wearing protective gloves and aprons. Gently guided by the aasimar, each mage brings one of the scroll tubes over beneath one of the sixteen runes circling the walls and releases it in midair, where it floats ominously. A seventeenth is brought to the Guildmaster, and at his touch the glow fades as the case opens, revealing a scroll. He unrolls it, quelling the noise in the room, and begins to read:

"We have a new and rather illustrious -" he is cut off by the noise of the crowd as the Lady unceremoniously floats out of the guildhouse, drawing some of the crowd - "client," he finishes lamely.

"She has put to us a task of enormous importance. We are to deliver her messages," - the assembled crowd looks to the scrolls, and Wey hesitates briefly before continuing:

"We are to deliver her messages to the planar rulers."

The assembled crowd explodes into furious noise and activity.

Fax Celestis
2010-06-13, 04:35 PM
Hexen pushes her way through the crowd with an animalistic growl. It is not exactly a comforting sound, but it does grab the attention. She looks at the sigils engraved into the wall, seeking the one for any plane she recognizes--particularly, for her home Shadow plane and one for her ancestor's home, Eberron.

After examining the wall, she pushes her way through the crowd again towards Avery, still emitting the throaty growl and occasionally shifting portions or all of her body to evoke the reaction from the crowd that they should get out of her way. "I'll deliv'r your message," she says sternly--and loudly to keep her voice above the din--as she approaches Avery. "But I want to b'paid. This ain't no easy task," she continues, "but if'n summat can do it, it's me 'n mine." She pats the cat riding on her shoulder with this last, as if saying that the cat's presence is more important than her own for the task ahead.

2010-06-13, 04:40 PM
Silke says nothing but makes a move which can only seem to others as a strange nod. As if she understands fully what is being said. She turns to look at the room through silver eyes, as if to challenge anyone who would speak.

2010-06-13, 06:19 PM
Aeaebne had slipped in quickly after Hexenjagd. Curious but wary, she intends to follow the lead of the more experienced planar travellers she has been paired with, at least for the now. Once close enough, the Nixie too tries to discern the meanings of the various symbols. The distance of the ring of sigils from the central marking first leads to her thinking of the outer planes, but jumping to conclusion is not perhaps all that clever. With that in mind, she keeps her mouth shut until she is sure. Her ears are peeled as well - while perhaps not the most attentive listener nor very good at parting important info from the bustling din of civilisation, she still has that sense.

Knowledge checks, obviously. Planar and Planeology, whichever is more applicable (unless there is synergy?). Listen too, in case someone shouts any important info.

2010-06-13, 06:50 PM
As Hexenjagd leaps up to shout her interest in the job, may others do likewise. The Guildmaster hushes the crowd with another impatient gesture, as the still-soggy, still-befuddled archwizards tend unconcernedly to their charges.

"Our patron has had these messages heavily enchanted and encased. They will automatically provide what I am told is suitable recompense upon completion of delivery. As I have been given other tasks to attend to and I am told the messages can take care of themselves, I leave it to you all to claim whichever one you think you can deliver and do so." His tone leaves no doubt that he thinks little of the chances of success. "I further -" he is cut off as a cloaked figure snatches the case under the hourglass symbol and teleports away - "...well, that takes care of that one, at least. I further encourage you to try for only one delivery, as many of the Planes have more than one master."

At that, Wey heads upwards into the offices of the guild.

2010-06-13, 07:09 PM
Emet is eerily silent, slowly looking over each symbol and recalling the plane associated with each as Guildmaster Wey speaks. He gives a slight start when someone grabs one of the messages and departs without a word. "And that one would be... Bytopia?"

Apparently deciding that it doesn't much matter anyway, he shrugs and makes his way over to Hexen, Aeae, and... er, Hex's cat, whose name he'd never really bothered to learn. It didn't talk much anyway that he'd seen.

"So, whaddya think? Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, yeah? We'd be barmy to pass that up. I'm good for any one of these, myself. And I do mean any -- Limbo, Carceri, Celestia, Baator, whatever. Just, uh, not Mechanus, if that's okay."

Fax Celestis
2010-06-13, 07:15 PM
"Mechanus puts me a bit 'n edge s'well. I've always want'd to visit the Beastlands, h'ver." She reaches forward as if to pick up that scroll. "Any 'bjections?"

2010-06-13, 09:16 PM
"Why not. I've never been there, and it sounds like as nice a place as any."

2010-06-14, 02:30 AM
"Beastlands?" Davice smiles. "I grew up there. I know the place pretty well - well, or at least as well an infinite plain can be known. I can be your guide."

2010-06-14, 03:18 AM
While she would gladly visit the realm of Modrons and does not understand why Mechanus is such a taboo, Aeaebne is not going to challenge her allies on this topic yet. She tries her best to understand this language regarded as common here and say her piece. Unfortunetly, her crash course before her last planal jaunt only took her so far.

Beastlands is sound nice, but how can Baator better of Mechanus be?

She does not press the matter, however, instead almost instantly making a comment on a different topic.

Take scroll quick, before all but lower planes is left.

Fax Celestis
2010-06-14, 09:56 AM
"Done'n'done," Hexen says, and grabs for the Beastlands scroll.

2010-06-14, 03:38 PM
As Hexen takes the scroll, the cases for Elysium, Limbo, the Abyss and Arcadia also get snatched up.

2010-06-14, 04:23 PM
"Excellent. Next I think we'll need to find a suitable portal to the Beastlands. Perhaps one of the higher ranking administrators of our illustrious guild will be able to point us in the right direction." Davice starts looking around for a suitably pompous person with the right regalia of symbols.

"Do you need any supplies before we head off? Personally, I've got everything I need with me at the moment." He'd just checked out of the room he'd been renting before the... incident.

2010-06-14, 04:26 PM
When it turns out that noone would challenge their claim of this scroll, Aeaebne gives a sigh of relief. While she is capable of being a lovable negotiator, her persuasive skills are not all that great and she knows it. This is not even taking into account her lack of skill when it comes to conversing in planar Common.

For a few moments, the nixie half-heatedly listens to Davice's words, but her main focus is on trying to see who picked the scroll for the Abyss and trying to remember if she knows who that being is.

That done, she rises onto her toes and speaks to Hexenjagd. Her voice is loud and clear to overcome the din, perhaps even too much so if her hearing is truly as good as that of predators. The fae has yet again reverted to her native Sylvan.

I suggest we head to the nearest quiet room and discuss our methods before we proceed.

Having spoken, she begins to push and slither her way out from this mass of bodies. Remembering that only the felines understand the language she had spoken, she issues a common phrase that anyone can pick up with enough haste in the language also coincidentally called common. This time, the nixie is almost shouting.

Come on.

Once she is out of the crowd, she looks around for a few moments and then tries to enter the guildhall, hoping to find a secluded room therein.

2010-06-14, 04:46 PM
Braces herself on Hexi's shoulders and says in her ear "We should probably follow her. She might get herself broken in this crowd."

2010-06-14, 05:47 PM
Emet chuckles. "Planning is for people without skill, and it's not like we're going anywhere that's inherently hostile to mortal life, but fine, if you say so."

((Actually, here's [roll0] just in case there is some kind of vitally important gear that we need that I can think of.))

Fax Celestis
2010-06-14, 08:21 PM
Hexenjagd holds up a hand towards the retreating nixie. "'Old up a min, Davice is talkin' to someone. Mebbe he's got a plan to get us to th' Beastlands." She smiles. "Davice us'lly does."

2010-06-14, 10:33 PM
You are in fact familiar with a fairly local portal to Krigala, but it only works once every other day and you're fairly certain today's not an "other day." Also, it opens out near Ehlonna's realm, which might not be proximate to the "planar rulers" of the Beastlands.

Oh yes, and come to think of it, you don't really recall anyone with a claim to that name. Maybe the animal lords?

Apart from the party securing the Abyssal scroll looking to be composed of various Prime races, you recognize none of them. The guildhall is still pretty noisy, so you return at Hexen's call to the party.

2010-06-14, 11:00 PM
Suddenly, from over by the Ysgard symbol, a blinding blue aura flares up, blinding you with its fierce intensity, unlike any power you've ever experienced before or since. A guildwarden nearby spots the disturbance (as does everything else in the room with eyes...) and whisks over, casting a countereffect from a wand to terminate the obscene light flare. He admonishes a very dazed, very abashed-looking half-celestial before zipping away.

2010-06-14, 11:16 PM
"...Ow. We really ought to get going, before these berks get us all killed. Or kill us for our scroll."

2010-06-15, 12:05 AM
Silke nods once in agreement and brushes her head against Hexi's, still perched on the shifter's shoulder.

Fax Celestis
2010-06-15, 12:07 AM
"Yeh. Wors' t' wors', we c'n hire a transporter," Hexen says. "Lead on, Emet."

2010-06-15, 12:30 AM
You've never liked portals... something about feeling unwanted whenever you pass through one... and consequently, you're not really familiar with any that would be of use.

Maybe Davice would be, though?

2010-06-15, 12:33 AM
"...I got nothing. Davice, what about you? Know how to get to the Beastlands?"

2010-06-15, 01:56 AM
"Well, there is a portal that I know of. It leads to Krigala, near Ehlonna's realm - but the problem is that it only works every other day, and today is one of the odd days out. We'd have to wait for tomorrow to use it." Davice lifts a finger to his lips.

"... There's also another problem. I'm not sure who has the greatest claim to being the Lord of the Beastlands at the moment. I'll have to think about it."

2010-06-15, 02:23 AM
"Huh. That's a good point. We could just ask around, I guess, but I'm not sure who might actually fit the bill."

2010-06-15, 04:14 AM
As they walk away from the bustling crowd, Aeaebne listens and sighs. Emet's first comment almost frightens her - she had taken him for a clever man, but such a reckless attitude from a what seems to be an odd sort of wizard is not too welcome. The group does begin debating, however. Davice's words especially are welcome, if ill-boding.

Is exactly what was I going to ask. Davice knows Beastlands and Emet knows stories of planes. All I know is, in Beastlands souls become beast and some gods live there. Even you not know who leader is. Maybe a book or wiseman in the guild tell us.

If the others follow her, she enters one of the guildhouse's smaller meeting rooms and tries to find a seat which would be comfortable for a girl roughly her size.

We need to all be on same page. If we do mistake and there is a fight, it's too late to explain what really go on.

2010-06-15, 09:22 AM
Er... you're already inside the guildhall. That's where the scrolls are. Also where the crowd is. Might I suggest somewhere that's... oh, you know... not the guildhall? Unless there's a suitable reason for being there?

2010-06-15, 11:26 AM
whispers in Hexi's ear "Why don't we go to a tavern somewhere AWAY from the guild hall? Just as noisy, but less people trying to steal our scroll. Besides. I'm hungry, and antsy. Get me outta here."

2010-06-15, 11:36 AM
Hexenjagd's shadowy cat-thing appears extremely on-edge being around so many beings and so much noise. A group of adventurers passing by mention "the Rorty Cube" as a nearby tavern, and given the noise level in here, that might be a better option.

You're having difficulty finding unoccupied space; a lot of bounty hunters, both individuals and groups, are taking up space as they examine pamphlets and posters related to the Lady's proxy hunt.

Fax Celestis
2010-06-15, 12:58 PM
Hexenjagd tilts her head to the side before speaking: "I've an idea: there's a pub 'round the corn'r I've been to a few times. Mayhap we could try there, hav' a bite, and jot down a plan." Scroll firmly in her grasp, she puts her hand on Davice's shoulder and starts moving towards the exit.

2010-06-15, 02:25 PM
"I agree. I think we should get all the information we can here in Sigil - the habitation in the Beastlands is not exactly concentrated." Davice pauses in the middle of a stride for a second, before continuing. "I have a few contacts that might be able to help once we get there but... Let's just say that I'd rather not invoke them." His old master for one. She could be a tricky one, if it came to that, and it definitely didn't help that she was an unseelie fey.

2010-06-15, 02:36 PM
So... what's our next move?

2010-06-15, 02:41 PM
So... what's our next move?

To The Rorty Cube, I say.

2010-06-15, 02:42 PM
"Pub sounds good," Emet nods and follows Hex.

He didn't drink - the few times he'd tried had always ended, er, badly - but the excitement had made him hungry, and he was eager to hear what other people were saying about what had just happened.

2010-06-15, 03:38 PM
You reach the Rorty Cube pub just as another band begins to splinter off, netting you an easy table. The dwarf from the other party walks over to chat with a bartender as the snake slithers off. You sit down, admiring the inky black marble and the comfortable ironwork chairs, to plot your next move.

Hexenjagd and Silke
You notice something off about the tabletop.

2010-06-15, 04:16 PM
Aeaebne follows her companions without complaint. They are right in not trusting the other guild members when such a prestigious assignment is at hand. From what she understands, she is the finest diplomat in the group, but her actual skill in diplomacy is merely an extension of being polite and able to make herself look cute and harmless.

Once they sit down, she resumes talking, in common this time. Her voice is hushed, but if the tavern is busy, that is no guarantee.

I wanted to stay in guild to speak to old members. Not all want to take quest, many know more about Beastland than most native, but too old to go. However, I feel you is right in fearing.

I thinks there must much research be done before we go. Celestial bear still wild animal, still hostile if we go in territory if has cubs. Maybe no more right in us killing her than killing random man in street. In beastlands, maybe there law which says that too, I don't know.

Fax Celestis
2010-06-15, 04:21 PM
Hexenjagd orders a drink, "Som'thin' dark 'n strong," she says. "Don' care what," before replying to Aeaebne and examining the tabletop, disguising her examination as playing with a coin.

"Nat'ral law is the same ev'rywhere: don't piss off th' land. Eat 'r be eaten. Kill 'r be killed. And know when you're beaten."

2010-06-15, 04:33 PM
Aeaebne considers this. There is much truth in Hexenjagd's words - her own home used to be just like the one the feline is describing - a place ruled not by law, but might and pragmatism. Those who had defended what the owned. She rarely saw problems with this, save when that bastard calling himself the Master of the Cross felt particularily rowdy.

That is probably all, but remember Beastlands is place souls go. Beasts are leftovers of people. Place of wild and chaos, but if there is protectors of denizens, I would be not surprised.

She pauses for a moment and, when the waitbeing turns to leave, smiles at him, her or it and offers her own simple two-word order.

Mead please.

2010-06-15, 04:35 PM
Silke pays no attention to anyone else, but instead examines the room. Making sure that none are following them, nor listening in. If all seems clear, she takes a closer look at the table. It seems... odd...

She also flicks Hexi with her tail, a sign that says "you forgot to order me something."

Fax Celestis
2010-06-15, 04:39 PM
Hexen, flicked by the tail, startles slightly and says, "...'n a dish of warm milk." She pauses before adding quickly, "'s'not f'r me! 's'for the cat!"

2010-06-15, 05:39 PM
[roll0] to search the table for what seems so... off...

2010-06-15, 05:45 PM
The collaborative efforts of the two shadowfolk pay off, as the darkness rises off of what is actually a white marble table, coalescing into a blob that yanks itself into midair, twisting and molding until it takes the form of a short elvish man made of thick shadows.

"Aaaaaaaah, you caught me. How sad, and just when I'd started to eavesdrop on yet another intriguing conversation. Betrayed by kindred, oh the shame."

The figure flips itself upside down in mocking fashion, coming to a rest between Emet and Davice. "And what brings you innnnteresting bashers together? Mmm? Might it not be... perhaps a scroll to deliver, like those others? Is there some aid Maless might render?"

2010-06-15, 05:58 PM
As the shadow lifts from the table, Silke lets out a low growl. She jumps down onto the now white table in front of Hexi in a protective manner, her fur standing up, ears pointed forward, Tail swishing angrily, and her teeth bared slightly.

2010-06-15, 06:01 PM
Emet doesn't seem particularly offended by the attempted eavesdropping, replying with a roguish grin. "Maybe, maybe. You know of a portal to the Beastlands that we can use?"

2010-06-15, 06:12 PM
"Down, kitty," the shadowthing teases. "Shades' grays I know of a portal! We cross over all the time into Karasuthra, if that's where you are traveling indeed."

He (it?) bobs over to Hexenjagd and suddenly seems to sink into her body. Words form from an illusory mouth superimposed over her own: "Now, if you were looking to go to Brux or Krigala, I can't help you, but I have a friend who runs hunting parties from time to time. If he's roosting under the stars..." Hexen's shadowy aura flexes outwards as the shape of Maless' hand extends, "we can track him down like that!" he punctuates with a snap of his fingers.

2010-06-15, 06:19 PM
"Hey, Karasuthra's as good a place as any. No clue who the 'ruler' of the Beastlands might be, but whoever fits the bill, I wouldn't be surprised if they were there. But..." he chuckles, and wags a finger, "what's in it for you that you're offering us help?"

2010-06-15, 06:28 PM
The shadow emerges from Hexen and leans towards Emet, but... hesitates.

Maless retracts partially back into Hexen's shadowy aura before answering. "Well, it's an obvious ambush and I plan to kill you all. Or maybe as a favor to some of my kindred." A shadowy hand reaches towards Silke, who casually threatens to bite it off.

"Or I could be just curious and bored. But in all likelihood, I am planning to kill you." This again in that mocking, teasing tone.

2010-06-15, 06:41 PM
"Not a bad way to go about it," he admits with a chuckle. "Granted, if you are up to no good, joking about it tends to be a pretty good way to throw off suspicion. Hex, Dav, Aeb? What do you think?"

2010-06-15, 06:44 PM
Silke bares her teeth and contemplates the merits of allowing this guy to stay on Hexi. To swipe might mean hitting her. But not to swipe is rather annoying. However, to swipe might mean he may not help us...


2010-06-15, 06:46 PM
Maless descends into Hexen's aura again, and once more the phantasmal mouth appears. "Why, I think it's a marvelous idea to trust this fine, upstanding citizen of the multiverse." He (it?) then emerges and bobs around in midair, trying to yank the cat's tail.

2010-06-15, 06:49 PM
Swipes at him with her claw.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to pull on a cat's tail?"

Fax Celestis
2010-06-15, 08:54 PM
"Now, don' go puttin' words in mah mouth. H'ver, dunno what other opt'ns we've got." She shrugs, leans back, and calls out, "Where's mah drink?" Leaning back in, she mumbles, "Can't make no decis'ns like this sober, now can we?"

2010-06-15, 09:44 PM
Maless leaps nimbly over Emet to sink partially into Aeabne's tiny shadow. "If I were killing everybody, I might spare you." He (it?) grins disturbingly. "Might. Then again, who knows? But take all the time you need, cutters, for I can take you to the portal to Karasuthra whenever you need to go.

2010-06-16, 01:12 AM
"Well, I'm ready to go whenever. I'd rather improvise than plan any day. But I don't think my friends agree, heh."

2010-06-16, 01:17 AM
Aeaebne, who had been attentively listening to better determine this strange person's true intentions rather than actively participating in the discussion, is visibly repulsed by the shadowling's manner and lack of understanding regarding concepts like personal space.

Get away from me. One warning.

This oily manner is highly suspicious. This creature clearly has an unfriendly plan of some sort.

You obviously wants huge reward to wave these threats and promises at our noses.

Sense motive [roll0]

2010-06-16, 11:07 AM
Thinks for a bit.

"If it's an ambush then we can't prevent that. What would this favor be?"

2010-06-16, 11:15 AM
"Why, 'tis I who'd be doing a favor for you rorty chaps... and kittens," Maless grins widely as he shifts his form into a shadowy facsimile of Silke. "We Shadow's children should look out for our own in these strange and hostile places."

2010-06-16, 11:19 AM
"Perhaps, but a favor given is a favor owed. And I don't like owing anyone."

2010-06-16, 01:55 PM
"Do you happen to know who the ruler of the Beastlands is?" Davice tilts his head. "That is something we should find out, particularly if we intend to descend straight into the more... shadowy parts of the Forest. Once we get there, the distances will grow arbitrarily large, unless we know precisely what to do and where to go."

"All I'm saying, whatever we decide, we should find out precisely who we are after first."

2010-06-16, 02:16 PM
"Yeah, that's a tiny problem... the orders were kind of vague on what it even takes to qualify as a ruler."

2010-06-16, 02:28 PM
Aeaebne is still wary, but this stranger's behaviour is something she feels she must accept. A newcomer to this realm, for all she knows, conducting business in this sort of a way is just the way things are done in Sigil.

There must sure be libraries in Sigil where information like that is written. We could start lookings there.

2010-06-16, 02:31 PM
"I would rather not waste time hunched over a book. There's got to be someone in this place that knows more about the Beastlands and who could claim leadership."

2010-06-16, 10:24 PM
You recall that the beings called animal lords are considered some of the more prominent entities of the Beastlands. If they aren't the planar rulers, they still may very well be able to point out who is.

2010-06-17, 05:14 AM
Aeaebne smiles at the cat, but continues speaking.

We do not all us to read. Me and Emet much like wizards, I doubt he mind reading a book. You all know Sigil better compared me, ask people while we read.

In her mind this is a clear prospect, wherein everyone could well contribute without anyone having to do what they dislike.

2010-06-17, 08:51 AM
"No book is going to tell us what we need to know. It is better to get out and get going. We could leave you in the library if you wish?" Grins sarcastically with a hint of malice. This nixie is driving her insane with her passive approach to this task.

2010-06-17, 01:00 PM
"There's another angle we haven't considered yet, although I sympathise with Silke's need to get going - we are on an urgent mission. Which is my point exactly: we are employed by the Wayfinder's guild, and in this case, indirectly under the Lady. Perhaps we should consult with our superiors before we leave?" Referring to the master(s) that originally decided the components of this adventuring party and sent them to their first mission.

2010-06-17, 01:17 PM
"That is much more acceptable than going and sitting in a musty old library wasting our time with no knowing exactly where to look."

Silke turns to the shadow being, "Maless, is there a way we can contact you in case we decide to... accept your offer? There may be other routes for us to take, perhaps taking a spacejammer, and we need to look at all of our options. While a portal would certainly be quick, your threats seem a bit too real for me at this time. However, I am not the only one in this party and if they should choose to take you up on your offer, then we should keep contact with you."

2010-06-17, 02:35 PM
"I'm inclined to take that offer anyway, actually... if someone really wanted to attack us, they'd do it one way or the other. It's not like the Beastlands are a safe place. But sure, let's go consult with the bosses first. I have nothing against doing some library research, but it sounds like everyone is more comfortable with moving than reading."

2010-06-17, 02:46 PM
Maless chuckles and tries to snatch one of Silke's whiskers, earning a vicious hiss for his troubles, but nods his head as he bobs. "If you happen to need me, just call. I'll be... shadow-ing you. Hehehe!"

On that note, he twists away underneath the table, vanishing into the shadows.

2010-06-17, 02:54 PM
Shudders uncontrollably. "I really don't like that guy..."

2010-06-17, 02:56 PM
So, back to the guild? Hitting the books? Planejamming?

Fax Celestis
2010-06-17, 02:59 PM
"Well, that was inspirin'," Hexen says sardonically.

2010-06-17, 03:10 PM
[roll0] initial spot for Maless.

2010-06-17, 03:14 PM
Silke doesn't notice the shadowthing following or otherwise nearby.

2010-06-17, 03:39 PM
Aeaebne is deep in thought. She speaks slowly and reasonably quietly.

I sees no reason why some visiting library would take too long, quest is no deadline. Visiting superiors is good choice though. As long as we do not rush blind, I am allright.

2010-06-17, 03:50 PM
You return to the guildhouse and attempt to locate a higher-up. It takes rather a long time for one to become available, but at last you are let in to see Aridanus, a guild coordinator who listens to your troubles and directs you with a clerk ticket down to the guild archives and library.

One of the archivists on duty takes the ticket, then uses a magical device nearby, rather like a crystal ball, to scroll through pages of various manuscripts mentioning the Beastlands. At long last, he sits back and sighs, letting the scrying device go quiet.

"I'm afraid we have little more on the place than you already know; something about the plane just dislikes the trappings of civilization. Near as I can tell, chant is that the animal lords are very important figures, and probably a good place to look. Apart from that... well, my gut feeling is that the message is for the Powers, not for any planar. At the very least, the Powers could help you locate an animal lord if you can make nice with them."

2010-06-17, 04:00 PM
"The Powers?"

2010-06-17, 04:06 PM
At this Aeaebne pipes in.

I believe 'the Powers' refers to gods, but I could be mistaken.

2010-06-17, 04:09 PM
"Yeah, Powers are gods. Didn't you mention a portal that opened up near Ehlonna's realm? Even if we have to wait until tomorrow, might not be a bad place to start."

2010-06-17, 04:26 PM
The clerk nods. "Indeed. Gods, powers, whatever you'd like to call them. Now, there are several of note on that plane... Ehlonna, for example...Balinor, Chislev, Deneir, Mielikki, Stronmaus, Zivilyn... "

2010-06-17, 11:09 PM
"Well. Want to wait for tomorrow to portal over to Ehlonna's realm, then? That'd be my vote, seems like the most convenient option."

Fax Celestis
2010-06-17, 11:26 PM
Hexenjagd raises an eyebrow. "Quite a few o' those Pow'rs," she says forlornly, "but this ain't gettin' no more deli'ered, so may's'ell go on through tomorrah. A questi'n afore we go, though: is time 'f day th' same in the Beastlands? 'salways a shock to go through a portal 'round noon and have it be sudd'nly midnight."

2010-06-17, 11:28 PM
The clerk overhears and helpfully answers: "From what it says in this document, the top layer is always day, the second always twilight and the lowest always night."

2010-06-18, 11:50 AM
"So, then, we rest tonight, and leave in the morning. Sound like a plan?"

2010-06-18, 12:35 PM
Aeaebne, by now quite irked by the flippant and arrogant attitude of the animal companion does not remain too polite in this situation.

No it doesn't. However, try to gain audience with Ehlonna and find out who we are supposed to go to will let us to come up with a good plan.

As long as the felines realize that a goddess, however benevolent, is best showed respect even if they withhold it from other people, they should be more or less OK. Still, she has only known these people for few days and does not trust them all too much yet.

2010-06-18, 01:08 PM
"Look, greenie, that is the plan. If you paid any attention to what we've been talking about you would know that. Learn the language or leave."

Silke has had enough of this dimwit and is about ready to pounce. If she had her way the arrogant nixie would be out of the party. She doesn't need a halfwit like this following her around. The sooner she gets out of this city and on the quest, the better. If the portal worked every day, she'd take it now, with or without the nixie.

2010-06-18, 03:27 PM
"Uh... can't we all just get along? Okay, no, I can't even say that with a straight face. Let's just not kill each other, if you don't mind. We are co-workers, and that's a lot of paperwork that I'm sure none of us want to deal with."

2010-06-18, 03:35 PM
Silke smirks at Emet and proceeds to clean her paws, an action which has been known to calm her emotions and temper.

2010-06-18, 03:39 PM
You depart to get some rest and calm tempers, then awake the next day ready to depart for the Beastlands. Davice leads you to an out-of-the-way park and tosses a few coins to a satyr with a flute, who begins playing a calm tune. The space underneath the boughs of two large trees seems to shimmer, and you all step through.

The sound of raw, vibrant life (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzHFJq6bEQI) surrounds you as you walk into a wooded area in the middle of a warm day. Clear air and bright colors are a shock to your senses after the grimy haze of Sigil.

A passing centaur indicates the path to Ehlonna's realm and offers to lead you there. In no time at all you have arrived at the borders of a secluded grove where wood huts grace the trees. Unicorns graze and drink from the streams, while the spirits of petitioners plant new flowers, carry fallen branches, comb the tails of the animals or fetch water from the streams. You notice several groups of quiet visitors basking in the beauty of the area (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKePi3gSrqs&feature=related). A priestess walks over to you, introduces herself in a whisper as Leafwatcher Charenne, and escorts you up a ramp to one of the wooden structures overlooking the glade.

Once again, you feel a comforting, perfect harmony that you associate with the presence of your deity.

"Be welcome to the Grove of the Unicorns, home of our wondrous Lady of the Woodlands. We hope you bring peace and leave with a renewed love for the splendor of our woodlands."

Fax Celestis
2010-06-18, 04:15 PM
Hexenjagd seems simultaneously out-of-place and at-home: a mixture of her unease and the writhing shadows around her make it difficult for her more natural aspects to seem a fit for this place. "We bring a lot o' things, includin' a mess'ge for the Planar Lords. We were hopin' ye could point us in the right direct'on," she says.

2010-06-18, 04:31 PM
Emet also feels rather out-of-place, even after concentrating momentarily to suppress some of the more blatantly unwelcome signs of his presence.

Suppressing the "makes animals uncomfortable" disturbance, taking -1 on will saves for as long as I do.

Everyone around him is at least able to relax a bit, though, and that's presumably good enough for him. "Yes, since the Lady is one of the foremost deities of the plane, we hoped that she or her servants might be able to direct us."

2010-06-18, 05:05 PM
Passing through the portal was a struggle, and now you feel the all-too-familiar pressure from a plane trying to eject you.


On this plane more than most, you feel a deep disquiet, as though everything nearby was afraid of or hostile to you.

You are the fourth party to leave Sigil! Congratulations!

200 quest XP each!

2010-06-18, 05:14 PM
(At least we aren't last!)

Emet seems oddly disheveled when he emerges from the portal. Moreso than he was on entering it, anyway.

2010-06-18, 06:26 PM
The Leafwatcher looks at Emet as though for the first time and seems startled. She hesitates, stops whatever she was about to say and looks at Hexenjagd.

"Planar lords, you say? I've not heard of any such thing, unless you mean animal lords. We have those, oh yes."

2010-06-18, 09:09 PM
Silke steps forward and bows her head slightly to get the attention of the Leafwatcher.

"We're specifically looking for the person or persons would would be recognized as the ruler or rulers of this plane."

2010-06-18, 09:29 PM
"I've never heard of such an individual, I'm afraid," says the Leafwatcher. "I would suggest that Woodmistress Elain might well know more of what you ask, but I am afraid she is rather occupied at the moment."

Fax Celestis
2010-06-18, 10:23 PM
"Occupied. Well, is there anyth'n we could do t', say, speed th' process?"

2010-06-19, 12:06 AM
"Or anyone else we could talk to besides her?"

2010-06-19, 12:45 AM
The priestess shakes her head. "Woodmistress Elain is the only proxy on the plane at the moment, and she's off trying to locate the source of the tree rot that's begun spreading near Talons' Bluff. I could ask one of the centaurs to take you to Skerrit's realm, if you'd prefer not to wait; it's a few days' travel, though."

2010-06-19, 01:28 AM
"Hmm. Sounds like we'd be stuck waiting a few days either way. What about us going to meet with this Woodmistress, then, and see if we can help in the meantime? Worst case scenario, we don't accomplish anything but aren't wasting time that we wouldn't be wasting anyway. Best case, this problem gets taken care of double-time and we all get on with our lives." Emet seems to be speaking to both the priestess and his companions, running the idea past all of them.

2010-06-19, 02:33 AM
Davice appears well at ease in this setting, with a slight smile playing upon his lips. While the others converse with the priestess, he seems to be attracting a small singing bird to fly to his hand. Eventually, he succeeds. He transfers the little bird to his shoulder to wait, while scribbling down a few lines on a small strip of paper.

Finally he ties the message to the bird's leg, and with whispered words of power, sends it on its way. "I think we should go meet the Woodmistress Elain. Dear priestess, if you or your kind happen to see that bird return to this location, could you send it on its way to where we're going? I would be in a debt of gratitude."

2010-06-19, 04:09 AM
A good night's sleep and entry to this lovely place wipes nearly all the annoyance that she had felt with Silke out of her mind, though she is still not too fond of the creature as of yet.

On a plane such as this, her native Sylvan is more than apt a language to use. At the very least, she no longer has to speak what she considers a vague and crass drivel of a mixture of too many languages. Still, she needs it to communicate with her allies and must improve her grip thereof.

Dear Leafwatcher, it is an honour indeed. While we have heard of the animal lords, could there perhaps be some form of subtle hierarchy among them?

She then turns to Emet and attempts to speak common.

I agree to you plan regardless. Help of proxy of goddess is always wise act.

Her question asked, she gives brief thought to the prospect of there being disease in this realm, as Leafwatcher Charenne mentioned. If a proxy of a goddess is intent on searching for the reason, it has to be uncommon. If it is sign of hostile acts, if they help solve this problem, they might have the gratitude of a proxy of a goddess not known for being a trickster. This group of people, however powerful compared to mortals, is still not nearly as capable as a deity's proxy. However, the plan posited by Emet did remind her that they all have had much more contact with people traditionally referred to as evil and thus, if it turns out the rot was caused by a meddler, could be of a lot of help regardless of being much less mighty.

Knowledge, nature [roll0]
Knowledge, the planes [roll1]
Use whichever is more applicable.

2010-06-19, 11:44 AM
Silke, still with hatred of the green thing, replies with aggravation.

In Common.
"Unless you are speaking to a being that has already spoken to you in sylvan, perhaps you should speak the language you are spoken to, and the one your party speaks. You may come across as pompous if you do not."

Turns to the Leafwatcher,

"I am sorry about that. There are certain people in this party who think that others are lower than she. She treats me as if I am an animal companion, rather than a traveling companion. But, that is neither here, nor there, and you do not need to be burdened with our inter-party relations.

I am not skilled in the healing arts, but is there anything we can do to aid the Lady?"

Fax Celestis
2010-06-19, 12:03 PM
"Ahm good at cert'n kinds of surgery," Hexen says with a certain degree of savagery while flexing her claws. "Maybe the Lady needs some help in that vein. I thin' Emet's got a good idear, 'nyway. Least we could do 's lend a hand. A favor earn'd, 'n all that."

2010-06-19, 06:01 PM
"Sounds like a plan, then. At least, it is if we can get to Talons' Bluff." He gives the priestess a meaningful look.

2010-06-19, 10:56 PM
"One of the centaurs can guide you, if you'd like to go."

She calls to a centaur below, who waves back, and within a few hours you are facing the tall cliff called Talons' Bluff.

You can see immediately why Ehlonna's proxy came here; there are no birds flying overhead, few sounds of life anywhere, and a fetid stench of putrescence hangs in the air. The trees are riddled with tumors and fungus, and their leaves are discolored in unnatural colors.

You become sickened. You feel tangibly unwell.

You feel... not one, but two different traces of corruption in this area.

You feel slightly more feral than normal.

2010-06-19, 11:04 PM

Emet picks his way carefully over the forest floor, seeming to be doing his best to not actually touch anything. Or breathe too deeply. Carefully, he takes a look at some of the blighted plants to see if he could tell what was wrong with them; he didn't know much about trees, but aberrant life and magic were well within his realm of expertise.

...[roll3], maybe? Not sure what if anything is relevant.

2010-06-19, 11:17 PM
It doesn't feel like an otherworldly taint, nor does it have the traits of corruption from beyond.

2010-06-19, 11:20 PM
"It doesn't... feel like the kinds of corruption that I'm used to. I can't actually scan it for magic myself, though, and I'm not good with plants and whatnot."

2010-06-20, 04:25 AM
Her hand in front of her mouth, Aeaebne gives a faint nod to Emet and tries to focus. If she feels well enough, she would also whisper something apparently unintelligible.

Knowledge(nature) [roll0]
She will try to discern if this might be due to some mundane disease from a particularly nasty corner of the Prime - unlikely, but still one more thing to cross out.
Afterward, detect magic.

2010-06-20, 08:23 AM
Though you do detect some magic, the disease does not appear to be an arcane effect. Nor is it anything you recognize in nature on the Prime.

Fax Celestis
2010-06-20, 11:39 AM
"Well, ain't this a spot o' happiness," Hexen says sarcastically.


2010-06-20, 11:49 AM
Silke growls carnivorously as she stalks through the shadows. Ignoring her party she pops in and out of vision searching for something to prey upon.


2010-06-20, 12:07 PM
Davice grimaces with distaste. "Quite so."

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
Survival: [roll2]

2010-06-20, 12:17 PM
Aeaebne, still fighting with her gag reflex, sighs.

You say this is not kind of corruption, I know sure this is not natural and can not see magic in rot. Who has idea what is left?

2010-06-20, 12:35 PM
Hexenjagd, Davice
The plants here are clearly far too unhealthy for safe consumption. Some of the fungi appear surprisingly robust, while others you do not recognize as natural and suspect may be toxic.

The only thing you can spot nearby is a colorful lizard gnawing on a tainted branch.

You hear the sounds of speech from further ahead.

2010-06-20, 12:47 PM
Lifting a hand, Davice speaks quietly. "I hear something ahead. People conversing... maybe. Perhaps the Woodmistress we are seeking?"

2010-06-20, 01:43 PM
Silke stalks the nearby lizard. Waiting until she is within range to pounce.


2010-06-20, 02:52 PM
"Well, we're clueless. Let's just try and find the Woodmistress, then. That's what we're here for, and she'd probably know better than us anyway."

Emet resumes navigating forward, still trying to avoid contact with tainted fungus.

2010-06-20, 04:36 PM
Another mile or so into the corrupt woodlands, you locate a female elf surrounded by a glowing aura, using divine magic to heal several dryads of the corruption. She looks up as you approach, and her eyes flash.

"I have no time to deal with invading fiends, druid. You have my apologies, but I have more pressing matters to attend to. Unless this is the one responsible?"

You find yourself bound in thick vines from head to toe. You feel a pressure emanating from the elfwoman, trying to repel you metaphysically. You also sense something... proximate to her, to some extent. Over the proxy's shoulder, you see her aura fading slightly at one point. It almost looks like it's fraying (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAVkmf3DHOo)... or as though something has latched onto it.

You notice that the proxy's aura flickers somewhat. Oh, also, you totally killed the lizard.

Davice, Aeabne
Over the proxy's shoulder, you see her aura fading slightly at one point (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAVkmf3DHOo). It almost looks like it's fraying.


2010-06-20, 04:53 PM
Davice drops to one knee and bows his head. His reverent expression breaks into confusion at the mention of invading fiends. "My lady? Forgive me my ignorance - what invading fiends? We are here to seek your aid - and of course, offer what little we can do for you with this plight."

2010-06-20, 05:07 PM
She stands and points behind Davice at Emet, who you see is now bound in a tangle of vines from head to toe.

"That thing, of course. I don't know what it is or how you captured it, but I cannot help you with it at the moment. As I'm sure you have noticed, the forest has a greater and more pressing concern."

2010-06-20, 05:18 PM
Aeaebne too bows, almost too deeply to be able to twist her neck enough to see what this proxy of a goddess is pointing at.

Great Lady, we beg, please do not attack him. Our friend is not cause of rot. If we can help at all, tell us.

2010-06-20, 05:47 PM
"Speak properly, child," the Woodmistress snaps. "Your friend? This aberration? Can you not feel the crawling of the taint against nature that leaks from him?"

2010-06-20, 08:02 PM
Emet freezes as vines suddenly sprout out of nowhere and pin his arms to his sides, as one might freeze when confronted by a large hellhound or an angry wizard. He manages a weak grin, and shakes his head. "Ah... no harm meant, m'lady. I'm no fiend, at least in the technical sense of the term. And I'll try to, ah, keep my corruption to myself..."

He grimaces, as if in deep concentration, and you can almost feel the strange disturbances that he emits slowly receding back into his body. His expression remains rather pained even after, and his gaze flits around randomly as if chasing after illusory visions in his head.

"Mmph. I forgot how unpleasant this is. Can one of you try to - ergh - explain? I'm not in much of a conversational - whoa! - mindset right now. And maybe ask her what's wrong with her aura?" His voice lowers to a whisper on that last sentence, addressed at his nearest ally.

Suppressing all disturbances, taking a hefty penalty on will saves due to distraction.

2010-06-20, 08:54 PM
The Woodmistress seems only moderately mollified. "Corrupt thing, keep your taint to yourself and I'll leave you to your fates, for I have no time to waste on you. These poor - "

She is cut off as she releases the vines binding Emet, for at that moment a large black feline with a red muzzle pounces on her, drawing blood, then leaps away into the woods. You note that it too had a divine aura.

The proxy hisses in surprise and pain, then whirls to follow. She calls back to you: "Ware everything, for the corruption stains thorn and claw, vine and fang. No wound here is clean, no living thing healthy."

The dryads begin to rise from where the Woodmistress was healing them. You note that their coloration is off, horribly blotchy and yellowed, and that they are growing fungus as well. They look at you with eyes full of venom and begin to gurgle.


DM Notes (Players Keep Out)
Tainted Dryad
Medium Fey
HD 4d6+16 (30 hp)
Init +3
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
AC 20 (+7 natural, +3 Dex), touch 13, flat-footed 17
BA/Grap +2/+2
Attack Claw +5 melee (1d6+2)
Full Attack 2 claws +5 melee (1d6+2) and bite +0 melee (1d4+1 and disease)
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks Spell-like abilities, corruption
Special Qualities Damage reduction 5/cold iron, tree dependent, wild empathy, fast healing 2, immune to disease and poison, acid resistance 10
Saves Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +5
Abilities Str 14, Dex 17, Con 19, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 16
Skills Who cares
Feats Great Fortitude, Weapon Finesse
CR 5

Fax Celestis
2010-06-20, 09:57 PM

Hexenjagd will activate her shifter shifting (swift action)--and if she has time shift into predator form (swift action)--and charge the dryad in E2. She will accept AoO from the dryad in F3 if that dryad is capable of AoOing due to not being flat-footed.

Failing that, she'll use a shifter shift and charge the closest.

While in predator form, Hexen gains the following:
+4 Str, 1d6 bite, +4 Nat AC, base speed = 50 (85 after templates), Mobility bonus feat.

While under her shifter shift, Hexen gains the following:
+2 str, 2 1d4+Str+1/4 level claws (+1 weapons, so 1d4+1+1+4), pounce with just her claw attacks, 1d4+1.5*Str (or 1d4+1+1+6) rend, +2 Nat AC
Shifter shift lasts 6+CON rounds, or 9 rounds.

2010-06-20, 10:09 PM
"Lady Mistress, I do hope you aren't attached to these dryads any longer."

Upon seeing the dryads approaching, Silke attempts to use her Mage Armor wand (readied in tailclip.)


If the wand goes off properly, Silke takes a 5ft step after Hexi moves past into square E4. She takes advantage of the shadows thrown by the tree next to her and uses her shadow blend to virtually disappear.

If it does not go off as intended, she slinks into the shadow of the tree she is in front of and waits until she can attempt the use again, using the above hide/ms checks.

2010-06-20, 10:10 PM
Almost the second that the Woodmistress is gone out of sight, Emet sighs with relief, and the exhalation carries with it his faint unnerving energy back out to surround him as normal. He grabs the weapon from his back - a long black chain with a weighted end - and cracks his neck. "Gods that feels better."

He makes no move to attack right away, possibly mindful of the thin ice that he was already treading on with Ehlonna's proxy and wanting to be absolutely certain that he had a very good excuse for attempting to beat several dryads into unconsciousness.

Standard action to stop suppressing disturbances and taking ridiculous penalties. Move to draw weapon.

2010-06-21, 02:51 AM
With a fluid motion of his hand and a few whispered words of magic, kelp springs out of his hand like ribbons to hinder two of the dryads.

Targeting dryads et E2 and F3 with Kelpstrand.

Ranged touch attack:
Grapple check:

Ranged touch attack:
Grapple check:

2010-06-21, 03:37 AM
Aeaebne takes several steps back, clearly not fond of the prospect of this fight. She apparently does not recognize the spell Davice is casting.

Can we tie them up?

Still, in case the worst possible outcome does come to pass, she draws and arms her crossbow.

Move to 6D and draw.

2010-06-21, 04:10 PM
"Well, I'd rather not kill 'em, but I think tying them up would require making them go night-night for a little while anyway..."

He trails off as he sees thick ropes of kelp shoot out at the dryads. "...That works too."

2010-06-21, 07:45 PM
Hexen's claws tear into the nearest dryad, going right through the corrupt flesh as though it were moldy, oozing butter.

[roll0] acid damage.

Yuck, you got some on you.

The dryads do not resist as the kelp binds them, but you notice the strands beginning to discolor and bubble.

2010-06-21, 08:16 PM
Wincing at the sight of the acidic flesh burning Hex, Emet does... something. The air around him seems to distort slightly, and the end of his chain fades into some tiny localized rift in space.

Using Enigmatic Strike. Emet can now make melee attacks at a distance of up to 50 feet, by taking a -1 penalty to the attack for every 10 feet beyond his normal reach (which is 10 ft).

And for using a breach, he needs a Will save, DC 14 (12 + breach level (1) + murmur level (1)). Success means his breach bonus increases by 1, failure means his murmur level increases by 1. Right now, with a +13 modifier, anything but a 1 succeeds. [roll0]

EDIT: Made the save, so his breach bonus increases but his murmur level remains at 1.

Fax Celestis
2010-06-21, 08:35 PM
Wordlessly, Hexenjagd wipes the spray of acid from herself and becomes more...primal, somehow. Her jaw elongates and becomes like that of a wolf or bear--some large predator, anyway--and she gives a horrific roar before tearing into the dryad again.

Activating Predator form--stat adjusts in previous post are replicated here for ease of use.

Total bonuses: +6 str, +6 Nat AC, 2 1d4+8 claws (1d4+11 rend if both hit, secondary, pouncing, overcomes magic DR), 1d6+11 bite (primary, overcomes magic DR), speed = 85', Mobility, 8 rounds left on shifter shift.

2010-06-21, 08:40 PM

2010-06-21, 08:42 PM
The dryad's body seems to crumple as the flesh sloughs off of her form, depositing still more corrosive ooze on Hexen.

[roll0] acid damage.

2010-06-21, 08:58 PM
Silke changes wands to her her Wand of Lesser Orb of Fire. Seeing the acid spray on Hexi she will go into full attack mode and shoots at Dryad 3. (I am currently hidden in the shadows completely due to my shadow blend.)

2010-06-21, 09:03 PM

2010-06-21, 09:05 PM
crap, forgot to roll the UMD to see if that actually works...

2010-06-21, 11:07 PM
The dryad blasted by Silke begins to smolder, spewing noxious clouds of smoke.

2010-06-22, 05:56 AM
Upon seeing the festering bile in the very core of these dryads, Aeaebne's expression changes from bewildered confusion to a resolute and intent purpose. She gestures towards one of the dryads fighting Hexenjagd and mumbles something which sounds like very distorted and archaic sylvan.

A circle drawn mid-air suddenly becomes a portal, through which a frail little snowball, seeped through with some rather cold substance, flies roughly towards the dryad.

Orb of cold at dryad 1. To-hit roll was a mere 9 (see the OOC). [roll0] 0 damage.

2010-06-22, 02:30 PM
Davice mumbles a few quick words, and suddenly his black staff sprouts wriggling vines that grab and lash at air. He leaps forward to attack the dryad to their left.

Melee attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If successfull, grapple check:
Constrict damage (nonlethal):

I choose to maintain the grip, if succesfull. Spell is from SpC page 83.

2010-06-22, 02:47 PM
The vines constrict the dryad, who continues to hiss but takes no aggressive actions. You note that they are beginning to discolor and sprout growths.

2010-06-22, 02:54 PM
"Everybody, stop! Stop! I don't think they're fighting back."

2010-06-22, 02:58 PM
"Don't care. Too close for comfort. If they're not evil, the least we can do is put them out of their misery. I mean, LOOK at them. All blotchy and gross."

2010-06-22, 06:52 PM
"I... think it's too late for that now, Dav, given how enthusiastic Hex is - must be that predatory instinct kicking in - but okay, fine. I haven't done any harm yet, and I'll wait until they prove their intent before I do. Besides, you look weird too," he snarks at Silke, "that doesn't mean I should go at you with tooth and claw."

2010-06-22, 07:56 PM
"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm pretty normal... for a cat in the plane of shadows." Silke looks like she's rather proud of her looks and holds her fire/attacks until the motives of the Dryads is more clear, or their all dead.

2010-06-23, 03:58 AM
Aeaebne pauses for a few moments.

I think Davice is right. Dryads has much corruption, but Woodmistress has strong magic, can maybe heals them.

She takes a further step back though and prepares her crossbow, to fire once these creatures' aggression becomes sure.

2010-06-23, 09:34 AM
The dryads continue to hiss, but the sound dies off as their flesh bubbles, then shrivels. Each of them begins to collapse.

A voice echoes through the clearing, a voice which sends a nameless dread through you.

Finally, that wretched woman's curse has left. You creatures may now join in the blissful embrace.

The ground below begins to shake. Rivulets of the corrosive ooze begin to snake towards a point in the middle of the glade, which swells and begins to bulge outwards (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-0QIltwNDE).

Aeabne, Davice
You feel palpable corruption and a gnawing, shrieking terror. You want nothing more than to run away.

You feel a... presence, one stronger and more defined than the aura of the Woodmistress.

2010-06-23, 12:48 PM
Silke makes sure she is fully hidden in the trees and prepares her wand for any threat.

2010-06-23, 12:59 PM
Emet winces, and shivers. "This is... probably bad. If what I'm feeling right now is any indication, this could be some seriously nasty stuff about to happen. Sure you don't want to run for it?"

2010-06-23, 01:02 PM
Silke's voice comes from the trees.

"Do what you must. I will follow the party's lead."

2010-06-23, 05:52 PM
"Well what's worrying me is, that thing that attacked the Woodmistress had the same sort of aura as hers. You know, divine? And now this thing... I mean, it's dwarfing her aura, and anything that can compare like that to a goddess's proxy is completely terrifying."

In fact, Emet seems to be slowly retreating as he talks, trying to interpose a tree between himself and the sludge.

2010-06-23, 05:58 PM
Plant detritus in the area begins to roll towards the bulging mass, aggregating and making it even larger. Sod, moss, ferns and even bushes tear away from the ground and thicken the growth.

2010-06-23, 06:01 PM
"...Oh, sod this."

Emet proceeds to turn tail and flee from the building force.

2010-06-23, 06:04 PM
Davice joins Emet in flight. The mass begins to heave ominously and rhythmically, as though laughing.

2010-06-23, 07:04 PM
Silke jumps on Hexi's shoulders. "We should probably follow them..."

Fax Celestis
2010-06-23, 07:32 PM
"As good'n idea's any," Hexen says, slightly disturbed and off-put by the horrible taste in her mouth. These things, whatever they were, didn't taste like meat.

Quickly, her jaw returns to normal--well, as normal as possible for a constantly shape-changing beastwoman--and two large, bat-like wings burst from her back. Holding Silke down to her shoulder with one hand, she pushes off the ground and flies after Emet and Davice.

Swift action, switching from Predator form to Aerial form.
Current total shifting bonuses:
+4 str, +2 reflex, +4 NA, fly speed 60' (Good), 2 claw attacks (rend, pounce)

2010-06-23, 07:33 PM
"Gah, I hate it when you do thiiiiiisss!!!" Silke closes her eyes and digs her claws in.

2010-06-23, 07:59 PM
Whipping vines lash outward from the mass towards your fleeing party.

Reflex saves, if you please.

2010-06-23, 08:02 PM
Relex Save:

Fax Celestis
2010-06-23, 09:06 PM
[roll0] Reflex save

2010-06-24, 12:01 AM
Reflex: [roll0]

2010-06-24, 04:27 AM
Aeaebne nodded and started running pretty much the moment she heard Emet mention that this frightening, foreign presence is more powerful than the proxy of a goddess. Still, the vines reach her. She is sprinting as well as she can and hopping over obstacles as they appear.

Reflex save [roll0], run at full speed, which would be 80 ft/round.

2010-06-24, 12:21 PM
The whipping vines grab both Emet and Aeabne and pull them hard to the ground. Davice has already run too far ahead; the sound of roaring reaches your ears from his direction.


Emet, Aeabne, you're both prone.



Emet, Aeabne, you're excluded from the surprise round.

Through the reek of corruption you smell something else, sort of mildewy.

2010-06-24, 12:49 PM
"Oh god, what is that smell? I hate mildew..."

Silke leaps down from Hexi into E2. And shoots lesser orb of fire at M in E7. She then blends into the shadows of the trees next to her.


[roll=UMD] 1d20+9

2010-06-24, 12:50 PM
bah, I put a space in the jump and UMD rolls. Rerolling


Fax Celestis
2010-06-24, 02:15 PM
Seeing her compatriots in danger, Hexenjagd turns around and dives at the creature, talons springing forth from her feet and her clawed hands swinging to attack.

Reversing with Good maneuverability costs 5' movement. Hexenjagd's speed should afford her more than enough space. Diving charge (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#movementModes), +2 to hit, -2 AC, x2 damage with talon and claw attacks. Hexen will accept AOOs. In current form, Hexen has 2 1d4+5 (2d4+10 on diving charge) claw attacks (secondary but pouncing, rend at 1d4+6)and a 1d6+4 (2d6+8 on diving charge) talon attack (primary).

Fax Celestis
2010-06-24, 02:23 PM
Right, dice rolls.


2010-06-27, 09:49 PM
Silke's wand appears to sputter and fail, to her consternation.

Hexenjagd's talons tear into the monster's fleshy exterior, and one of her claws scores a vicious hit. However, the corrupt material in the bulk is still hazardous, and coats Hexen liberally.


Now Hexen is certain - the thing is aware and alive, and not even close to friendly. Suddenly, something snaps near her arm.

[roll2] [roll3]
Flat-footed against this attack.

The bulk seizes on the opportunity it has been given, lashing out with two slimy pseudopods at Hexenjagd. Fortunately, neither is able to hit her.

[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]

If both hit:


If successful:



Aeabne, Silke and Hexen are up next, in that order.

Fax Celestis
2010-06-27, 09:54 PM
Hexenjagd hisses at the spray of acid and tries to rip Emet free from the binding, flying away with him if she succeeds.

2010-06-27, 09:56 PM
Silke swears and shoots at the pile of mildew again.


2010-06-27, 10:02 PM
Silke yells at Hexi "Hexi, get away from that thing. It smells bad. Like food that's been sitting out for too long. You're not supposed to fight your old food!"

2010-06-27, 10:14 PM
The ball of flame shoots out, but its impact against the flaming bulk causes only a wet smoldering. The mass shakes in laughter once again.

2010-06-27, 10:23 PM
Emet tries to pull himself off the ground and flee with Hex, extremely cautious of anything capable of causing that much damage just by bleeding.

2010-06-27, 10:30 PM
The laughter of the blob (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPcod8IS214) echoes in the clearing once again.

Uuuhuuhuu... the embrace awaits...

2010-06-27, 10:56 PM
Silke takes her move action to switch wands to her orb of electricity.

2010-06-28, 03:40 AM
Aeaebne does her very best to assume a position in which casting is possible. She first yells something to Hexenjagd and Emet.


The moment after the nixie singing. It again sounds as if she had several voices, or rather that her own voice is at the same time speaking several words and making an undulating cry. As she sings, her hands move in a wavelike pattern until they are positioned by her mouth, as if to make her voice carry farther. It's a very brief song, followed by a magical discharge.

If the spell is successful, only the cry remains for a few moments, seemingly coming from far off for most, but more shrill, loud and piercing than any voice has a right to be for anything caught in a line in the direction she is facing.

In case I need concentration to cast successfully: [roll0]
Resonating bolt: [roll1] Sonic 60ft line attack with a DC 18 reflex save, full damage to objects. The line cuts through E-7 and E-8.

2010-06-28, 11:57 PM

The bulk shudders at the sonic attack.

Fax Celestis
2010-06-30, 06:43 PM
Hexen claws at the bindings on Emet and flees if she can.

2010-06-30, 07:34 PM
Neither Emet nor Aeabne is bound; the bulk only tripped them.

Fax Celestis
2010-07-01, 03:01 PM
What, really? Whoops. Too buys to write post, will later: tl;dr I claw it to bits.

Hexenjagd, determined and not one to be bested, rends at the thing with her claws.

Fax Celestis
2010-07-02, 10:55 PM

2010-07-02, 11:35 PM
Hexenjagd scores a single hit against the mulch monster, getting coated yet again in its corrosive ooze. The beast stops chuckling and begins retaliating in earnest, clubbing Hexen once with its pseudopod.


[roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] [roll4]

If both hit:


If successful:


A panther bursts into the clearing, but is chased back into the forest by a priestess.

You're up.

2010-07-03, 12:46 AM
Emet levers himself into a standing position, and lashes out at the monstrosity despite being apparently far out of range. His chain seems to twist and blur as it moves, though, and somehow six feet or so of metal manages to reach all the way to it.

[roll0] (Not sure of the exact distances right now. Apply a -1 penalty to the roll for every 10 feet that Emet is away from the creature after the first 10.)


2010-07-03, 02:53 AM
Given how ordinary attacks seem to do just fine against this foe, Aeaebne arms her crossbow and fires a bolt at the spot where the sonic attack had passed through this foeman's body. That done, she takes a step back, away from this strange mound.

+1 small light crossbow, +9 to hit due to dexterity and size. Again at E7.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
After attacking, she takes a five foot step away from the blob of acid-filled bloated vines.

2010-07-03, 09:23 AM
Though Emet's chain tears into the bulk, Aeabne's crossbow bolt falls short.

2010-07-03, 10:11 AM
Silke checks her cover and shoots her wand of orb of electricity.

I'm pretty sure I said I was in E2, but I will 5ft if I need to.

2010-07-03, 12:53 PM
The blob sees the bolt of electricity coming and stands perfectly still, spreading wide as though to welcome it. When it strikes, the monstrosity convulses, making horrid sounds of perverse joy.

2010-07-03, 12:56 PM
Silke swears to herself and uses her move action to change wands again.
Changing to wand of Lesser Orb of Acid

Fax Celestis
2010-07-05, 11:16 PM
Roaring in what is possibly agony, possibly fury, and almost certainly feral might, Hexenjagd claws into the creature again. While hurt, she is not desperately so, but she does appear to be beginning to tire--and the acid splatter from the creature is not welcome either.


PS: If this is an aberration, I get +4 damage and should've been for a bit now. <_< Also also my to-hits on each of these are one-higher: miscalc'd my shifting bonuses.

2010-07-07, 11:29 PM
The bulk heaves angrily as parts of its plantlike flesh and ooze are pulled away by Hexen's attack.


It suddenly jerks, then stops moving, its pseudopods writhing on the ground in apparent confusion.

It's not dead yet.

2010-07-08, 01:54 PM
Davice, seeing Woodmistress fending the other beats commendably, heads back towards the rest of the party... in the hopes of helping them with the other beast.

2010-07-08, 02:50 PM
"Might as well try to finish it off while it's down..."

Emet swings his space-distorting chain again, trying to clip the main bulk with the weighted end.


2010-07-08, 03:06 PM


As Emet's chain rips flesh from the bulk, it heaves in pain, then falls apart.

2010-07-08, 04:10 PM
The Woodmistress strides back into the clearing.

"Intolerable beast... Malar's proxy has been corrupting the animals... but that doesn't explain the - "

She pauses, and looks at the festering, oozing, fungus-filled remains of the shambling mound. She draws back with a hiss.

"Yes, that must be it. Did any of you touch it?"

Anyone who has taken any damage, the Woodmistress will heal you to full.

675 XP for the entire party.

"But what is the source? Where is the heart of the corruption?"

2010-07-08, 04:13 PM
Silke walks up and sniffs Hexi. She recoils from the stench.

"Hexi did..." Silke gags the words out.

Fax Celestis
2010-07-08, 04:36 PM
"I di'int so much touch it as get it all o'er me," Hexenjagd says, shifting back to her usual shape and wringing her claws like they've been dipped in acid. To be fair, they have been dipped in acid.

"Are these...comm'n?" Hexen asks cautiously. "I'd not like meetin' another ov'm anytime soon."

2010-07-08, 04:43 PM
"No," says the Woodmistress, healing Hexenjagd's wounds, "no they are not. This thing is resisting my divination, but it's throbbing with evil. I can't pinpoint the heart of the corruption to strike at it. Can any of you sense it?"

2010-07-08, 07:04 PM
"The source? Not... really," Emet sighs as he steps up to be healed after Hex. "I mean, I sense something, but..." Frowning, he tries to concentrate on the feeling of corruption, hoping to pinpoint it.

2010-07-08, 10:51 PM
The proxy waves her hand, and a spike of glowing cyan light appears. She examines the fungal remains of the shambler.

"I only have one shot at this, and I can tell there is definitely a point to strike at, but I can't figure out where. Look with me, and see if you can pick out the likely heart of the corruption."

2010-07-09, 01:47 PM
Silke stays about 5ft back from the mess.

"My guess, and it's just a guess, would be that magenta colored spot in the middle. I'm not going anywhere close enough to check for sure."

She takes another five foot step back towards the tree in G4. When she gets close enough to the shadows she melts in.

2010-07-09, 01:54 PM
"That'd make sense, yeah, if you take the literal view. Not like I have any better ideas."

2010-07-10, 10:38 AM
"I have to admit that I haven't the faintest idea... It's not like any of those mushrooms looks like unnatural, does it?"

2010-07-10, 10:49 AM
Most of the fungal mass looks at least marginally unnatural.

Let me make this clear: this is a "Where's Waldo" challenge. The NPCs will not solve it or even contribute. Hexenjagd is largely useless in this task, so I need the rest of you to step up, look over the picture carefully and decide what looks out of place enough to be the center of the corruption. Discuss in OOC if you like.

2010-07-10, 01:20 PM
Aeaebne carefully walks a few steps towards the mass and begins circling it.

The mushroom in center is different from others, but has normal colour for poison mushroom. Maybe it is heart, probably is just different. Corruption hide deep, I think.

She looks a slight bit closer.

It is odd. Flowers grow out of sick mushrooms. Look at the grey thing covering the mushrooms, like spider's web. Are flowers last uncorrupted spot, or mask?

2010-07-10, 03:04 PM
The only pink thing I see is some flowers. Where are you looking?

2010-07-12, 12:50 PM
On impulse, perhaps given Aeabne's spotting of the perfect flowers in the midst of the oozing corruption, the Woodmistress spikes the blooms with her purification.

The mass screams in rage and begins bubbling and steaming as orange acid seeps from the wound. Suddenly, multiple human arms burst from the pile, coated in mold, and it appears that they are the source of (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2352/1926341932_795a87570b.jpg) the screaming!

From the back of the clearing, the black panther with the red muzzle leaps out, changing shape as it moves until it resolves into a dark-skinned, black-haired man with blood dripping from his fanged mouth. He leers viciously at the Woodmistress, and you notice a divine aura around him as well. Another proxy.

This divine aura is also fraying at the edges (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGHmtClBfa0)... more severely than the Woodmistress' was. In fact... her divine aura is also fraying more severely now.

The Woodmistress turns and glares. "Malarite scum. Corrupting the woordland creatures... but what have you wrought with this vile thing that taints nature itself?"

The man grins widely, exposing his pointed teeth. "Foolish woman... nothing of my creation, but rather a friend of my Lord. An old, old friend in need of a favor."

2010-07-12, 12:53 PM
Silke steps into the shadows of F5, but readies her wand in case the panther guy attacks the wood mistress.

2010-07-12, 01:57 PM
Emet glances nervously between the two proxies, then apparently decides that the writhing mass of mold-covered arms is the most pressing concern that he's potentially capable of dealing with. Trying not to catch the attention of either proxy, he lashes at the mass with his chain again.


2010-07-12, 02:35 PM
One of the arms catches the chain and uses it to pull itself upright, causing the mass to open like a disgusting maw to reveal the entity within. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0xDmOrHnkg&feature=related) Like a maggot-white human with four too-long arms, covered in tumorous growths and riddled with the boreholes of the worm-ridden, the entity within is a nightmare of pestilence and decay. Its face has bloated, blackened eyes oozing pus, and its grin reveals rotting teeth and seeping mucous discharge. The mouths on its palms chatter and howl as its voice, now two separate tones in chorus, rips through the clearing.

Not again, mortal. Never again. But before I flay your flesh from your bones, I - will - have - you - KNEEL!

A divine aura flares up around the horror, stronger than that of either of the proxies by an order of magnitude. You are all pressed to the ground. Even the proxies seem to be having trouble standing. The dark man smirks.

"Witness the power of Moander, the Darkbringer!"

2010-07-12, 04:58 PM
Emet yelps in surprise and pain as the force drives him to the ground. He seems oddly resigned, less distressed than one would expect by the prospect of imminent flesh-flaying. "Damn. Sorry about that, guys... I think we're officially doomed, unless anyone has a brilliant plan."

2010-07-12, 05:15 PM
All of a sudden, the divine aura around the proxy of Malar fades completely. He looks around in shock, then flees.

The Woodmistress spares not even a thought for him, immediately turning and casting a powerful spell at the avatar of Moander, who howls and yells as he begins fading out of reality.

I will not forget this. I will consume you all for this affront...

Flames crackle around the abomination as it is banished back to whence it came.

The proxy of Ehlonna falls to her knees, panting heavily. Her aura waxes and wanes, but is noticeably dimmer, and looks to be actually fraying in some places.

Meaning it looks very, very frayed to you.

"I must... rest from the ordeal. Ehlonna will send aid for me. Until then, please watch over me..."

She falls over and immediately begins sleeping.

2010-07-12, 05:21 PM
Silke says from the shadows, "We should see if we can make her comfortable. Her aura is dimming and it may not last. Her light is fading. If any of you can heal her, do so. We should not wait for Ehlonna."

2010-07-12, 05:57 PM
"...I don't get it. What just happened?" Emet looks entirely baffled, and shakes his head as he pulls himself back to his feet. "Medicine isn't my thing, though, sorry."

2010-07-12, 06:10 PM
"Perhaps we could find what's depleting her aura? Or take her away from it? The remains of that... thing... couldn't be helping."

2010-07-12, 06:23 PM
The proxy's aura begins to show signs of actual fraying, like yarn. It looks like it's being pulled at or torn at by claws. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnnvfk-6q3I)

2010-07-12, 06:37 PM
"This can't be good... yeah, alright, let's try moving her. I don't think it can make things any worse."

2010-07-12, 06:40 PM
Aeaebne stands up. The sight of this avatar of a diseased god coupled with the corruption in the background and the divine power pressing onto the lot from all directions almost made her sick once again.

It is odd. Malar is evil and mad, but I did not think he's love disease. He is god of hunt first and most.

She pauses for thought, trying to remember what she can of Malar, as well as recall what other gods might dwell in the Beastlands.

I think Silke is right. Monder is source of corruption, all three gods said so. I can lead us to nearest town, or we try get some other god's attention. They probable sensed this power.

Knowledge (Religion)[roll0] Just short of 15. I think this should be enough to know that Malar is a sadistic god of hunters and lycantrophes, or at least one of the two. Still, what she says is not all that correct, unless I am mistaken.
Knowledge (The Planes)[roll1] Yes! I'll have any data on the divinities that dwell in this realm that you are willing to relinquish, please. If I remember correctly, we are in Krigala, where seven gods or so are said to have domains in. I am unsure if the 'Woodmistress Elain being the only one here' went for the entire layer, or merely the Grove of Unicorns.

Fax Celestis
2010-07-13, 02:05 PM
Hexenjagd looks...lost. "Ah'm not so good with the smarts, or with the healin', but I'm of a mind that our lady 'ere needs atten't'n from summat we can't give."

2010-07-13, 04:08 PM
"I have but a minor magical item for healing... But perhaps it will suffice for first aid." Davice reaches forward, touching his belt while pronouncing the command word.

Spend 3 charges from the healing belt.


2010-07-13, 05:54 PM
The proxy's body sucks in the healing energy, but her aura continues to fray... until suddenly, it snaps taut.

Existence itself seems to scream in pain (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnnvfk-6q3I) as a blinding white light crackles like lightning from a point nearby. Blue slime begins to dribble from the light's origin, and beyond it you can see a sort of fracture in midair, though you cannot fix your mind upon the shape and it hurts your eyes to gaze at it.

You feel reality heaving. Your body feels as though it is being sucked towards the light, though you have not moved at all.

Through this crack smashes a claw, then a second, then the two begin to push apart the crack, widening it, until with a thunderous snap the fracture is gone.

Standing there in its place is a roughly humanoid figure. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f55vj-Pz090&feature=related)Skinless, you can see its musculature flexing under a thin coating of what looks to be angry red scabbing. Black bone spurs jut from its back, legs and arms at regular intervals. Where the head would be is a perfectly smooth, glassy black caul without any feature, not even eyes or a mouth. And yet, the most disconcerting feature of the thing is its hands, which appear completely limp at the wrist but otherwise entirely stiff, like some horrid mantis. These appendages have long, thin claws.

The thing stands on its talons, moving its "head" as though surveying a new world, not twitching even an inch otherwise. It reminds you of a living scab, and it distresses you.

2010-07-13, 06:39 PM
"Whoever can pick her up, do so, and let's get out of here."

Silke runs over and jumps onto Hexi's back.

2010-07-13, 07:05 PM
The thing turns its "head" towards you. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9OLVycU4cI)

2010-07-14, 01:46 PM
"Ummm... any time you guys are ready..."

2010-07-14, 04:48 PM
"Jeah, I think we should get going." Davice winks out of existance for a blink of an eye, appears next to the proxy, picks her up and starts running.

Swift action to use Anklet of Translocation, move action to pick up the proxy, and another move action to move 50 feet towars the way we came. If Davice would provoke an attack of opportunity from the thing, use Escape the Blade maneuver to negate it.

2010-07-14, 05:09 PM
Emet seems to be caught in the mindset of a prey animal staring down a stalking predator. He didn't recognize it, but that portal had been so tempting dangerous looking that he had no plan to risk it. He backs slowly away, hoping that the oddly intriguing vile creature had more important prey on its mind.

2010-07-14, 08:04 PM
Oh no, trust me, that thing was not familiar at all.

2010-07-14, 10:31 PM
Oh, okay. I thought that the little bit about the portal was implying that we might be dealing with a Far Realms entity, in which case, even though it wouldn't really be familiar at all, it might give a sense of... deja vu? Since Emet has a bit of spiritual kinship with aberrant things-that-should-not-be, and all.

Haven't even bothered with a knowledge check, incidentally, because I'm assuming that it's useless. If I'm mistaken, please, let me know. :smallamused:

Fax Celestis
2010-07-14, 11:15 PM
"Som'times, gotta cut 'n run," Hexen says as she shifts back to her winged form. She swoops down towards Silke, picks her up, and flies off after Davice, keeping herself between Davice and the monstrosity.

2010-07-14, 11:51 PM
The thing begins stalking after you. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOZa2YdBqNQ)

Until you hear the trampling of hoofbeats, and several unicorns charge though the woods, horns leveled at the terror.

You hear horrible sounds of pain from the lordly beasts as the thing engages them. Ahead of you appears a woman dressed in green robes with shining silver greaves and bracers, with a tremendous divine aura enveloping her.

Entire musical clip relevant to entire post.

2010-07-15, 01:43 AM
Emet exhales a breath that he didn't realize he'd been holding, then as he suspects who he's looking at he quickly hides behind Hex in case she follows the other proxy's example and tries to strike him down too while she's at it.

2010-07-15, 08:32 AM
"I am Ardrelee of Mielikki," says the newcomer. "I have come to aid Woodmistress Elain. Come, let us make haste to Ehlonna's grove."

You suddenly feel refreshed and ready to move. As you follow Ardrelee, you notice that you're moving far faster than normal.

2010-07-16, 12:19 AM
Emet doesn't need to be told twice, and follows Ardrelee wordlessly, pausing only to make sure that everyone - including the Woodmistress - is accounted for and also moving.

2010-07-16, 10:37 AM
In short order you are returned to Ehlonna's grove, where the priestesses take over care of Woodmistress Elain.

Another proxy emerges from a farther section of the grove, introducing herself as Woodmistress Lathra and thanking you for your assistance with the depredations of Malar and Moander. She asks if there is any favor they may provide to you in exchange.

2010-07-16, 11:04 AM
Silke stays back a bit and watches the priestesses work. She's a bit anxious to see the Woodmistress' aura show some sign that it is returning to health.

2010-07-16, 11:16 AM
Of the three proxies present, each of them seems to have a full, healthy aura.