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Moon Wolf
2010-06-19, 02:31 PM
Um...uh.... Katarina's actual thoughts ran somehwere along the line of, What just happened there...? She sighed. Well, if Genoveva-sama is hosting a tournament...promise me you won't fight, Pan-sama. I don't want you to get hurt. She smiled slightly. Although, if she invited you, I don't think saying no to her invitation will be an option.

2010-06-19, 04:18 PM
Tark looked at Talon, thought for a moment.

"Uhhhhh... no?"

2010-06-19, 10:24 PM

When he finds the group surrounding Talon, he lands in their vicinity. He lands with a slight crouch. "Hey guys. Whaddup?" He then notices Tark holding the axe in his hand, the yellow roses scattered all over the ground, and Talon looking miffed as usual. Oh, and Edward. "...Um," he points down to the ground, "If I look down, would I find a preacher under my feet?" After recieving any responses from the others, he then turns to Talon. "Hey Talon, remember when I said I would keep you in mind for the next time I want heads to fly, well now I want heads to fly."

2010-06-19, 10:44 PM
Talon turns to glare at Tark. ...then, considers another tact. "Go away for a bit and I'll get you some meat."

Then, addresses Pico. "Not now."

2010-06-19, 10:47 PM
Tark sighed, and shrugged at Talon. He wasn't worried about her being unfaithful to him, of course. Edward had nothing Tark didn't have in greater quantities. He just disliked bein disrepected.

"Alright. Where did Sereq go? Usually he can rouse up someone stupid enough to fight me."

2010-06-19, 11:22 PM
Edward turned slightly to Tark and spoke politely. "I'm pretty sure he's somewhere in his district busy admiring the makeover Genoveva gave him a little while ago which I had the pleasure to witness. He's probably weeping tears of joy in his private chambers as he marvels her handiwork. I suggest you head over there quickly. You may not have much of an appreciation for beauty but I believe you'll find it most exquisite." He then addressed Pico. "I know this fine lady's time is in very high demand but could you do me a favor and let me have a moment with her alone?"

2010-06-20, 01:18 AM
[Tark, Talon, Edward]

Pico nods towards Edward. "No problem Eddy. You're the Segunda." He then points to both Talon and Edward, and then points to a high place somewhat nearby. "I still want to talk to you after this Talon. In the meantime, I'll be over there. That way, I won't be eavesdropping, but I'll still be able to talk to Talon easily when you're done with her...unless Talon wants to meet me at my Palacio."

If no one objects, or Talon doesn't agree to meet him later, Pico then suddenly appears perched on a location a fair distance away, looking at the scene, probably only hearing the inevitable yelling from Talon, or roaring from Tark, or shrieking from Edward.

2010-06-20, 05:14 PM
Ciudad Baja

Apolinar drilled the recruits for an hour or so, encouraging very rarely but far more commonly harassing his soldiers. The Royal Guard are supposed to be the best of the best of those who are deemed worthy of the best of the best. They have to be, because although the broodlings are an effective defense in themselves they are the King's offspring, making them part of the royal family Apolinar swore to protect with his life. He'd rather settle any incursions into the Undercity with his Numeros, whom he trusted more than any rag-tag militia. Aye, that rag-tag militia, Pico. Apolinar mentally spat the name as he did his duties, eventually filing the daily report of the garrison and having the Numeros who had slouched on the training field deliver it.

Heading back up to the surface (on the stairs once again, cursing those lazy slobs who didn't) and standing outside the staircase, Apolinar surveys the scene, tipping his helmet to Paramonos the gatekeeper, possibly the only decent, honourable hardworking Arrancar he'd seen outside the Ciudad Baja all day.

2010-06-20, 05:17 PM
Talon [Somewhere]

As soon as Tark and Pico leave, Talon turns to Edward, still looking fairly irritable, if curious. "...So, what do you want?"

2010-06-20, 05:21 PM
Mei looks at the Shinigami. "Hmmm... Ruwa, do you want first shot at him?"

2010-06-20, 05:24 PM
Ruwa [Pasilla Octava]

Ruwa squeals and smiles widely. "If it'sss okay with Mei-Mei-chan, I would love to!~<3"

2010-06-20, 05:27 PM
Mei grins. "It's fine with me."

2010-06-20, 05:45 PM
Ruwa [Palacio Octava]

Ruwa glomps onto Mei for a moment, before turning back to Jiro with a seductive smirk. "I'll be sssure to have plenty of fun with him...~<3" The Fraccion pulls out the short dagger that is her zanpaktou from a fold of her silk wrap, licking it tentatively.

"Forget-me-not, Bailarín Del Amor." Ruwa's form glows pink, becoming indistinct for a moment. After a couple of seconds, the glowing ceases, her legs replaced by a long, serpentine tail, which wraps around Jiro, cradling him carefully in a coil as she heads up to her room.

The interior of Ruwa's room is laid out with sand, and large rocks, with a balcony leading out to a similar setup, save for catering to the serpentine Fraccion's hobby of bathing in the sun nude. Though today she was entertaining a guest...

Ruwa sets Jiro upon a rock, pulling at a rope near the doorway out to the balcony; down slides a curtain, cutting out the light in the room. After closing the door, she slides over to Jiro, smiling innocently. "Nice to meet you, ssshinigami-kun. It'sss a ssshame I really ssshouldn't remove your bindingsss...~<3" Advancing slowly, she lays on Jiro, staring directly into his eyes. "Don't you think I'm attractive, ssshinigami-kun?~<3"

2010-06-20, 05:49 PM
Jiro - Palacio Octava

Jiro stared hatefully at Ruwa, and let out a couple more muffled swear words.

2010-06-20, 06:10 PM
Ruwa [Palacio Octava]

Ruwa smiles slightly. "Sssuch harsssh wordsss... Perhapsss I ssshould act firssst before trying to ssspeak to you...~<3" With that, Ruwa's tongue snakes out, caressing the side of Jiro's face as she slashes at his mouth bindings with her fingernails. "Don't try anything... I can fire cero from my tongue.~<3"

Before Jiro can even get in a word edgewise, Ruwa removes the binding and forces her strong tongue into his mouth and down his throat, wrapping around his own tongue and writhing chaotically.

2010-06-20, 06:22 PM
Jiro - Palacio Octava

Jiro lets out a muffled yelp of suprise, but isn't scared. Death is better then what happened to Vice Captain Asaka. He bites down as hard as he can, prepared for Ruwa to Cero him into oblivion.

2010-06-20, 06:33 PM
Ruwa [Palacio Octava]

Ruwa pulls back as soon as she feels the pressure, luckily her hierro extending to her tongue as well. "Hm, naughty naughty, ssshinigami-kun." She looks down on Jiro with a frown.

2010-06-20, 06:43 PM
Jiro - Palacio Octava

The moment Ruwa removes her tongue, he starts muttering under his breath. If Ruwa listened, she might be able to hear the Incantation for Hado 4 being spoken by the concentrating Shinigami.

2010-06-20, 06:49 PM
Edward spoke frankly. "I was wondering what you would say to acting as my representative in a martial tournament Genoveva had planned. I believe the odds of you winning are quite high should you participate. I don't really have anything special to offer you in return other than what I would freely do so anyway such as using my palacio as your own residence, lending my servants to you and offering you protection from anyone that might threaten you. I of course always offer you my friendship as well but I doubt you have much interest in that." He frowned slightly as he said the last few words.

2010-06-20, 07:10 PM
Ruwa [Palacio Octava]

Before Jiro can finish, Ruwa whips off a portion of her shawl, quickly wrapping it around the shinigami's mouth. "Tsssk, tsssk, ssshinigami-kun. You really ssshouldn't ssstruggle ssso much... it'sss jussst going to make thisss that much more painful for you..." The fraccion's tail curls around Jiro as she unwraps the shawl from her body and begins to dance.

Jiro should slowly begin to feel a sense of forgetfulness as Ruwa's dance continues...

((And we need not continue for now. :smalltongue:))

Talon [Somewhere]

Talon's interest fades almost instantly. "Not interested." With that, she walks off, giving an eye to Pico. You better not even be thinking of asking me the same thing.

2010-06-20, 07:13 PM
Immediately Edward began to follow by her side as she moved. "Please reconsider. What can I do to make it worth your while?" His voice held some desperation. If she wanted him to sweat, beg and plead he'd gladly do so.

2010-06-20, 07:22 PM
[Genoveva's Palace]

Those capable of such a thing will feel Arcelia approaching the palace at a leisurely speed, giving ample time to prepare for her arrival as opposed to showing up almost instantly, as she would be capable of doing. There is then a slight pause in the advancement of her aura before she slips through the hole Sereg left in the wall, looking it over with some amusement. Once inside, she waits to be noticed, not advancing further into the palace until some time has lapsed, or attention has been given to her.

2010-06-20, 07:31 PM
Talon [Somewhere]

"Go die in a hole somewhere. Otherwise, not interested." Talon continues!

2010-06-20, 07:34 PM
Edward folded like a deck of cards. He knelt down and gave her his best puppy dog eyes while clasping his hands as if in prayer. "Please Talon, I'm begging you. Just do me this favor. What if I helped you get back at Aléjandro?"

2010-06-20, 07:37 PM
Arcelia wouldn't have to wait long at all for someone to notice her, for the room wasn't truly empty to begin with. Genoveva hasn't moved from her chambers since Sereg and Edward had left and looks as if she had spent that time gathering up the pieces of her broken wall into one big pile. The Primera herself was sitting on the floor beside them, sticking together pieces until she found some that fit together. Then she'd take some of the slip in the tray beside her and smeared it along the broken edges before gingerly setting them aside.

The scene is almost laughable with the way Genoveva sorts through the pieces of her wall, finds the right ones, then carefully sticks them together with the tip of her tongue stuck between her sharpened teeth. Finally, after Arcelia had been standing there for several minutes, Genoveva seems to notice the presence of someone else in her private domain and looks up. Squinting at the Tereca, Genoveva climbs up to her feet and dusts off her bottom before approaching Arcelia with one hand resting easy on the pommel of her zanpakuto.

"Arcelia? Whatcha doin' in these parts?"

2010-06-20, 07:42 PM
[Genoveva's Palace]

"Last time we spoke you seemed upset that so much time had passed between our last meeting. I thought I would spare you the pain of missing my presence."
By the words alone, one would be certain that Arcelia was teasing her- but she looks entirely sincere. It's difficult to tell whether she has an amazing poker face, or really means what she's saying.
"Remodeling, are we?"
And now amusement does drop into her voice, which just makes her previous words even more confusing.

2010-06-20, 07:47 PM
For a moment, Edward could almost swear one of the Conductor's players appeared in a window, and shook a warning finger at him, before vanishing again. The Conductor was listening. Edward could lie to Talon, and fail to deliver on his promise, but to plot against another Espada was forbidden.

2010-06-20, 07:52 PM
Talon [Somewhere]

Talon upright stops at this, eye twitching in rage. "Don't patronize me. If I wanted to get at Alejandro, I wouldn't need your help. Or anyone's help. Piss off, I'm not interested." With that, she jumps, hitting the top of a roof gracefully and darting off into Sonido.

2010-06-20, 08:00 PM
Edward follows with equal speed. "Oh geez, please wait. Tark will be fighting. You could give him a beating while forcing him to decide whether or not he'd be willing to harm the one he calls his woman or give up his warrior pride."

2010-06-20, 08:04 PM
Genoveva's Palace

"So kind of ya! Not even givin' me time to miss ya in the first place! Shoulda stopped by earlier, ya know? Ya missed Sereg and Edward by...I'unno...ten minutes? Sumthin' like that." Genoveva comments off-hand, gesturing for Arcelia to come further into the small room though there really wasn't much more to see. "Take a seat if ya want. Really gotta get more chairs in here if folk keep stoppin' by to visit though."

The Primera goes back to her own spot on the floor, picking up the latest piece of the wall she had been trying to find a match for and lobs it out the hole without a second thought. She'd go find it later, it'd give her something to do.

"Eh? Ya, compliments of the Septima. He wanted a makeover an' I wanted a window. Worked out fine' eh?"

2010-06-20, 08:08 PM

Pico notices the negotiations break down, with Talon and Edward taking off like rockets. At the time, Pico was smoking, but at the scene he lets the death stick fall from his mouth to the platform he was standing on. "Oh sonuva..." He decides to join the rocketing group, making great distance as he closes in on them. His face expressing pretty clearly his anger at the situation. I swear Eddy, if she refuses because of you...

2010-06-20, 08:10 PM
Talon [...somewhere]

Talon responds with a deadpan, "No."; before bursting downward into an alley, where she does her best to get lost.

2010-06-20, 08:13 PM
[Genoveva's Palace]

"I'm rather glad I came when I did then."
Arcelia says, in contrast to Genoveva's words. The golden haired Tercera relaxes on the floor nearby, her movement flowing so smoothly that it's hard to tell quite how she did it.
"Neither of them have really caught my interest. They'd either bore or annoy me, I'd imagine."

She looks up at the 'window' in question, shifting to lay on her stomach as she considers it.
"Odd place for a window."
Her eyes flick towards Genoveva.
"The others have received their messages. I set the time for tomorrow."

2010-06-20, 08:20 PM
Edward pursues her to the best of his ability. In fact he transforms mid-flight into his Resurrección form for added speed and the opportunity to be silly. "If you won't help me as a man, would you still turn me away as a fellow woman?"

2010-06-20, 08:22 PM

Noting Talon's attempt at getting away, Pico makes an attempt to pull ahead, flying over her. Eventually, when he is a good bit ahead of her, he jolts down, aiming to stop her by getting in front of her. "HOLD IT! We still have to talk!"

2010-06-20, 08:29 PM
Genoveva's Palace

"Ahh, Edward-kun will be so devastated to learn ya aren't enamored with his sparklin' personality. Ain't surprised 'bout Sereg though. Ya know the whelp was daft enough to ruin mah seat cushion?" Genoveva says with that perfectly calm tone of voice that makes it hard to believe that she was actually upset about anything. But such is simply how it is with Genoveva, it's difficult to read how she really thinks. In either case she seems to stop paying Arcelia any mind for a couple of moments before the other's words drag her back to the conversation.

"Eh, it's da spot Sereg decided to vacate the premises, good a place as an' eh?" she pauses though as her crafty grin comes back to her lips, "Yer reputation is well earned Arcelia-chaaann...but what's this gonna cost me?"

2010-06-20, 08:39 PM
[Genoveva's Palace]

"Such a terrible crime."
Murmurs Arcelia at the mention of Sereg's cushion reshaping tragedy. She seems content to be silent for a little while, but then looks a little hurt at Genoveva's question.
"Cost you? Genoveva, what must you think of me to assume I'd need recompense for such a trifle? A little message like that is nothing at all."

2010-06-20, 08:52 PM
Talon [Alley]

Talon finally stops, looking livid.

"Leave. Me. ALONE!" With her final syllable, she introduces a bala to the ground, kicking up dust, which she uses to escape from the situation.

2010-06-20, 08:58 PM
Edward's face droops in disappointment. He shouts back. "BUT I LOVE YOU! I'LL BE YOUR SLAVE FOR A DAY!"

2010-06-20, 09:01 PM


Just perfect.

All Pico can do is stare at where Talon used to be. No, not stare, glare. There just went his one chance at getting even with Genoveva, all because some pretty boy didn't know when to shut the **** up.

After seemingly an eternity glaring at the spot where Talon was, Pico slowly raises his head. If Edward were to look at his face at that point, he would probably think he was staring into Hell itself. His face was twisted with almost unbearable rage, his Reiatsu beginning to spiral out of control.

When Pico finally looks at Edward, he appears in front of him, and points his finger straight at him.


Better run, Edward. Better run.

2010-06-20, 09:05 PM
Edward wasn't even slightly scared. He responds casually. "What? You threatening me? I'll drop you like a bad habit. Same goes to you. Besides, maybe she heard me and will come back." Pleasantries were far above what these pitiful disgusting wretched men deserved.

2010-06-20, 09:08 PM
She does not.


2010-06-20, 09:11 PM

"Think of ya? Yer the Tereca Espada. Feather-chan. Valuable asset to Las Noches who'd be looked for if ya went missin'." the last tidbit seemed to be tossed out there off-hand, as if it was an unimportant piece of information but considering the nature of the disappearances that surround the Primera it was a little ominous to say the least.

"And this!" She pauses, gesturing around grandly at the room around them, Is Las Noches! Ain't nuthin' free here, no matter how small it is. Hence my question of what dis cost me. Ah mean...if ya don't want nuthin' then it ain't no skin off mah back. But if ya do, best speak up now, eh?"

"But if not, well yer still welcome in my sector of course."

2010-06-20, 09:12 PM
Edward wasn't even slightly scared. He responds casually. "What? You threatening me? I'll drop you like a bad habit. Same goes to you. Besides, maybe she heard me and will come back." Pleasantries were far above what these pitiful men deserved.

Pico glared at Edward the entire time he was speaking. After he was done, Pico got within a hair's breadth of Edward's face. His voice turns into one of barely restrained rage, almost at a whisper, every syllable speaks of hatred and killing. "I swear, Edward, I'll remember this. One of the these days, I'll be there. I'll be there, higher on the totem pole than you, stronger than you, and I will hunt you down, and I will rip you to shreds. It may not be today, it may not be tommorow, it may not even be in this ****ing millenia, but I, WILL, RIP! YOU! APART!!!

After that, he turns around and bolts off, but not before giving him a "**** you" gesture with his arms, complete with upright middle finger.

It seems for now it's back to Plan A. Getting drunk off of his butt.

2010-06-20, 09:24 PM
[Genoveva's Palace]

"Nothing is free, hmm?"
Arcelia asks, with a raised eyebrow. Her mood just seems to raise at Genoveva's little hinting threat, but she doesn't respond to it openly or seem to take offense to it at all.
"What price am I paying for your hospitality? You seemed remarkably eager to have me here, and you don't seem to be charging rent for space on your floor."
She leans onto one side and stretches out an arm to gesture at the floor space she's currently taking up.

2010-06-20, 09:47 PM
Genoveva's Palace

"Certainly are literal, aren't ya?" Genoveva comments off-hand, raising one eyebrow before chuckling under her breath and laying back on the ground to stare up at the ceiling. "Yer payin' the price right now, ain't ya noticed yet? Nuthin' too complicated, try not ter read so much into things Tercera."

Finally she sits up, fixing Arcelia with a smart-arse look on her face.

"'sides, wouldn't makin' ya pay to be here be counter-productive to gettin' ya here in the first place? So paranoid! Maybe ya should change yer name to Peeeeeiiii-ccooo." She teases openly, sticking her tongue out for a moment before her slit-eyed gaze settles on the Tercera.

2010-06-20, 10:06 PM
[Genoveva's Palace]

Arcelia's smile just gets wider, totally pleased with herself.
"That was the answer I was expecting."
She twists over to lie on her back, placing her hands behind her head as she pulls up one leg, knee in the air as she looks at the ceiling.
"It's nice to know I'm appreciated, Jenny-chan."
Her head tilts back so she can look at Genoveva and give her a cheerful wink. The Espada seems quite satisfied with the way the conversation has turned out.

2010-06-20, 10:24 PM
Genoveva's Palace

"Course yer appreciated! Through rain, sleet, or snow, ya can always count on Tercera Deliveries to get the job done!" Genoveva snickers aloud as she's given the cheerful wink, sitting up slowly and stretching as if to work out kinks in her back.

Then she springs across the remaining distance between Arcelia and herself, knees spread out on either side of Arcelia's stomach as she straddles the other Espada, letting all of her slight weight settle atop Arcelia. One hand quickly goes to press against the other's shoulder, 'gentle' encouragement to not try and get up, while Genoveva right crept down to lay atop Arcelia's left.

"Jus' keep doin' stuff to keep bein' appreciated, eh? Ah like havin' ya as the Tercera but if ya aren't useful anymore, then we 'ave a problem." Genoveva says breathlessly, her face not even an inch away from Arcelia's own. Warm breath caresses the other Espada's face even as the hand on her chin drags down across her throat, "Gotta keep the blades strong, can't let sentiment stop us from bein' the best. Now...why'd ya really come and visit me?"

2010-06-20, 10:38 PM
[Genoveva's Palace]

Arcelia's smile turns into a grin, and her eyes flash a little dangerously.
"Why, Genoveva, I thought you knew me. Sentiment is the sort of thing that makes me the best."
Despite being caught in a rather vulnerable and submissive position, Arcelia doesn't seem to think she is at any kind of disadvantage at all. Indeed, there's a confidence about her that doesn't seem like the sort of thing she would display even if she were on the losing side of an unimportant game.

2010-06-20, 11:11 PM
Genoveva's Palace

"Is it?" Genoveva asks, a bit cryptically at that, though she makes no move to climb off of Arcelia as her smile only widens. If anything it gets worse as Genoveva's hand begins to lightly squeeze down on the Tercera's exposed throat. Not even threatening so much as...there. Like this was normal. Maybe that was the worst part of this, the casual way in which she went about doing this. No real feeling behind it.

"And 'hat of those fraccion of yers? Ya don't care about them at all?" Genoveva whispers softly, an intense curiosity present in her tone that doesn't carry over into her posture. A poorly put on mask. Genoveva didn't give a whit about if Arcelia cared for her fraccion or not. She was looking for...something else. Something not obvious from her question or posture.

"What if Ah went to yer Palacio and just...took them? Hmm?" comes the next question, before the hand on Arcelia's left drags two fingers up along the Tercera's arm with in a languid caress, "After all..ya care 'bout them and yer sentimental yerself.."

2010-06-20, 11:44 PM
[Genoveva's Palace]

Arcelia gives a little chuckle, apparently amused by Genoveva's words.
"As if you'd come to my palace looking for my fraccion, Genoveva."
She shifts just a little, not trying to escape, merely avoid any numbness in her limbs from being pressed against the floor.
"Humans keep pets. They dote on them and adore them- some might even say they love them. But in the end, the human is a human, and an animal is not."

She turns her head a little, shifting her neck underneath Genoveva's hand without pulling it away.
"Besides, Genoveva, you would never do something so foolish. You're too intelligent to try something that would be such a waste of your time. And of course, we both know that isn't what this conversation is about."

Her left hand moves down to take Genoveva's left and hold it, while Arcelia looks up at her, soft calm and confidence about her. It is not heavy in the air, or tense, but relaxed and comfortable.
"I never told you what I wanted for delivering those messages. Truthfully, I didn't really have anything in mind- it was such a little task, after all. Not even worth noting."
Looking into Genoveva's eyes, that small grin still there, Arcelia speaks quietly.
"All I want, is for you to speak your mind, Genoveva. Go on."

2010-06-21, 02:10 AM
Genoveva's Palace

"Ya want to know what is on mah mind? Speak it to ya? That's fair exchange ta me...Ready?" Her hand drops away from Arcelia's throat, reaching back to grab the hilt of her almost absurdly large (for her size) zanpakuto and pull it out of the simple cloth sheath it had been resting in. The chipped blade gleams ominously in the light for a moment, but Genoveva doesn't twist her head to look at the blade...merely raises it up and stabs it down into the hard stone beside Arcelia's head, sinking the broad blade almost up to the hilt in the stone.

"I'm thinking about you. How to make you hurt...how to make you suffer and fall into despair. What your lips would taste like against my own. How much pressure I would have to exert to crush your hand, twice as much as I am now." She pauses for a moment, squeezing Arcelia's hand left hand tight within her own, before continuing with out a hint of the 'illiterate' dialect that she had always spoken with before, "About which of your fraccion you love the most, even if only as a dog, and how to cut them off from the herd and hide them away. I think on your loyalty and how to gain it and more. How to sink you into an isolation so crippling that you'll have no choice but to take the only hand that would be offered to you."

"How to in-debt you to me, control your actions with gratitude, love, and other petty emotions that Edward speaks to me of whenever he sees me. My thoughts run with how to cement you in your position. How to eliminate you as a threat to my position while adding your power to my own, to ensure you don't rise against me but rather defend me." Her head lowers, barely any space between the Tercera's lips and her own though she continues to speak, "And if it should come to pass, how to obliterate this body of yours. How strong a cero would be needed to end your existence if need be, more then half strength but not quite three quarters. Of this cursed body of yours and how it should tremble at the sight of me, with adoration and fear."

Finally she stopped talking, lips hovering there silently as Genoveva looks down at the pinned Arcelia with her slitted eyes but...That wasn't quite the truth either. If the Tercera looked closely, she could see the white of Genoveva's eyes and a brief dash of blood-red. The first time anyone had seen the even a little of the Primera's eyes in...a very very long time.

"I'm thinking of how your heart would pound if I were to kiss you right now...How it would pound if I would pummel you to the ground. And I wonder if knowing all of this...if you will continue to sit quietly and allow me to kiss you...or run screaming for the safety of your Palicio..." Genoveva's voice trails off into nothingness, falling into silence as her grip slackens. She gave Arcelia the choice she had just voiced, giving just enough slack for Arcelia to escape if she wanted to. Even as she presses forward the final quarter of an inch, slowly, to press her own lips to the Tercera's own...

2010-06-21, 03:13 AM
[Genoveva's Palace]

"Why should I run from what I wanted all along?"
Arcelia asks quietly, pushing herself up to meet Genoveva, not resisting her strength and apparent power over her. Though the Primera can feel the quick pace of the heart beneath her, and knows that Arcelia does not have the strength to force her away even if she wanted to, Genoveva can also see a hint of satisfaction in Arcelia's eyes.

The self-styled angel meets Genoveva's lips with her own, and the tenderness of the meeting may take her wholly by surprise. Arcelia is passive and soft, allowing the Espada above her to take what she wants without hesitation or demand. In fact, given Arcelia's words and her reaction, it seems a strange display of affection and adoration, even after what she heard from Genoveva. No matter the paranoia or doubts one may harbor, the sincerity of Arcelia's response is likely hard to dismiss...

Gently, Arcelia presses her brow to Genoveva's in a strange but comforting gesture- a sign of confidence and closeness that has nothing to do with the lack of physical space between them. In a way, it might seem unnerving at first, as if Arcelia were saying 'I know all that you are.' But moving beyond that, it also implies a sense of merciful acceptance which even the cruel Genoveva might find meaningful; At once, it is acknowledgment of what she is, and an embracing of it, no matter what it might be.

As the kiss ends, Arcelia looks up at Genoveva with that same quiet and calm that she seemed to display before, but all her grinning and amusement are gone now, and in the wake of Genoveva's open harshness and cruelty, it might even seem humbling.
"Is this all that you wanted?"

2010-06-21, 11:05 AM
Genoveva's Palace

"Because da truth eludes you..." was the very last thing that Genoveva says as Arcelia gazes up at her, seconds before her lips press against the pinned arrancar's own. If anything, Genoveva seems intoxicated with the pulse of Arcelia's heart-beat and the satisfaction present in the eyes of the other. In the source of her fearlessness. And other things.

Not that it keeps Genoveva from a more physical expression of what was on her mind either. The embrace of the Primera's lips comes slow, not hard or aggressive like many would have expected of her but rather soft and slow. But it wasn't aimless, Genoveva was searching for something, feeling for it with this intimate contact with Arcelia and it was only after she had found it that she began to ease out of the kiss. The glimpse of her eyes disappear as they close fully once more, whither because she enjoyed this intimate embrace or merely resumed her default expression was unknown.

And then it was over, Genoveva leaning her head back with her per-the-norm smile on her face as she looks down at Arcelia.

"Was it such a little thing? Do Ah get more?" she teases.

2010-06-21, 11:18 AM
[Genoveva's Palace]

"Well, I'm not Mei."
Arcelia says, a bit of amusement returning to her.
"So you'll have to be patient if you want to go too much further than that."

She gives a little artful pause, then looks up at Genoveva, the edges of her mouth curling upwards.
"You don't want me to be like Mei, do you?"

2010-06-21, 11:53 AM
Genoveva's Palace

"No ya aren't." Genoveva agrees readily enough but then again it's the simple truth. Arcelia wasn't the Octava, or even like her in personality. "Heh. Ya say that like ya expect it ta be difficult for me."

Finally the Primera shifts, rolling off to the side to side with her legs stretched out in front of her with a lazy grin on her face. The impression wasn't much unlike that of a lion stretching out after a satisfying meal.

"'ell...wouldn't mind if ya were like 'er some of the time" Genoveva says teasingly, poking good fun before shakin' her head, "But yer right, if Ah wanted Mei, she'd be in here right now. And Ah don't see her."

Free Hand
2010-06-21, 12:02 PM
Um...uh.... Katarina's actual thoughts ran somehwere along the line of, What just happened there...? She sighed. Well, if Genoveva-sama is hosting a tournament...promise me you won't fight, Pan-sama. I don't want you to get hurt. She smiled slightly. Although, if she invited you, I don't think saying no to her invitation will be an option.

I suppose you're right Katarina.. I don't really like the part about it being to the death though. I don't want a champion either, besides, the others will probably cheat or something.

Pan surrenders his one footed stance only to switch to the other.

Katarina? have you ever been to Sereg's arena?

2010-06-21, 12:24 PM
[Genoveva's Palace]

Arcelia just grins in response and turns onto her side so she can watch Genoveva, measuring her expression.
"Looking forward to your little arena tournament?"
She asks, switching over to another topic.

2010-06-21, 12:44 PM
[Genoveva's Palace]

Genoveva's head swivels to the side, looking over Arcelia once more with a growing snicker bubbling out of her throat.

"Eh? Ah thought ya didn't like crass things like dat. Were beneath ya or somethin' like that." the arrancar woman quips lightly, chuckling under her breath before giving a shrug, "It's sumthin' to do though. Gives lotsa chances to exploit the other blades, ya know? And get some payback..."

2010-06-21, 01:02 PM
[Genoveva's Palace]

"My thoughts have nothing to do with yours."
Arcelia points out casually.
"And while the fighting won't interest me, the rest will. As you say, there are plenty of ways to exploit the situation."

2010-06-21, 01:25 PM
Genoveva's Palace

"Ah don't get to know yer thoughts, eh?" Genoveva comments off-hand as she retrieves her broad-bladed falchion and slides it back into it's holster at the small of her back.

"And ain't nuthin to look forward to. I already know 'ow it'll turn out in mah favor as things stand. Ain't no reason to worry 'bout it yet...really lookin' forward to da finale though. Gonna be kickin'." comes the snide response as the Primera shifts her gaze from Arcelia to the rubble still occupying her floor.

2010-06-21, 01:30 PM
[Genoveva's Palace]

"You sound so confident."
Arcelia raises an eyebrow as she reaches out with one hand, gently trailing her fingers across Genoveva's cheek.
"What kind of plan do you have that assures no one else stands a chance against you?"

2010-06-21, 03:13 PM
Genoveva's Palacio

Something about Arcelia's words must have been funny, because Genoveva's head tilts back into a loud outburst of raucous laughter that fills the small room. It continues on long enough that Genoveva is left rolling back and forth on the ground clutching her stomach as she uproariously laughs her arse off. Not literally, but it seemed like it might have happened if she continued.

"Plan? I don't have a plan, I just do things." Genoveva says through tears of laughter, "No plan is ever perfect, and if ya think it is yer just settin' yerself up to be beat down! All Ah got..is how der gonna react. I put'em in a situation where de odds are so against'em it's almost criminal. Pico bet that his fighter will beat close to nine others in a grand melee. I don't even have to win myself! He just has to lose and I could, in theory, take all his citizens as mah own! And that ain't even the real goal! Just a perk!"

2010-06-21, 03:21 PM
Genoveva's Palace

"You're just playing with words now, Genoveva."
Arcelia chides, sliding just a little closer to her. Her right hand continues to gently trace over Genoveva's face, then slides down to her neck, stroking it softly as Arcelia leans in to give the other side of Genoveva's neck a little kiss.

"Say all you want, but that sounds like a plan to me. Not a complicated one, mind, but a plan."
Tercera grins a little.
"And a fun little thing at that. So what's your real goal?"
Her fingers tease their way down from Genoveva's neck to her side before her hand settles comfortably just above her hip.

2010-06-21, 03:49 PM
Genoveva's Palace

"Doesn't everyone do that?" Genoveva snickers out, finally getting the last of the laughter out of her system as Arcelia slides close and caresses along on side of her throat and gives the other side a little kiss.

"Why shucks, I'll jus' have to make it more labyrinth for ya then, won't Ah?" Genoveva teases, head tilting to the side as the Tercera's hand shifts down her body to settle just above her hip.

"Ahhhh, but tis a secret Arcelia-chan! Why should Ah reveal the end game to this little farce yet? What do Ah get?" The Primera teases openly, even as she languidly leans back against the other Espada, "Though Ah bet if Ah had a camera, I could trade pictures of us right now ta Edward for his souls."

2010-06-21, 04:08 PM
Genoveva's Palace

"What do you get? Well, right now I don't have any idea of what I'll be doing while I'm there."
Arcelia says, with a little smile.
"It would be easier on me if I knew a little of the situation... and if you're so confident, I might as well try and benefit from your ideas. And if I do that, it's in my best interest to help you, isn't it?"

She grins a little.
"Wouldn't you like that?"

2010-06-21, 05:18 PM
Genoveva's Palicio

"C'mon Arcelia-chan, ya should understand me by now. Ah'm more interested in seein' how ya try to figure out what Ah'm aimin' at and tryin' to help it then anything else." Genoveva admits, before a quick glance is tossed back at the Tercera, "Unless ya are deceivin' me an trying to subvert my plans!"

Genoveva laughs again, not nearly as long this time, before reaching up to wipe an imaginary tear from her eyes, but seems to enjoy lounging in the Tercera's arms for the moment.

"I wanna see what ya got Arcelia-chan, know I ain't wastin' mah time."

Moon Wolf
2010-06-21, 05:55 PM
I suppose you're right Katarina.. I don't really like the part about it being to the death though. I don't want a champion either, besides, the others will probably cheat or something.

Pan surrenders his one footed stance only to switch to the other.

Katarina? have you ever been to Sereg's arena?

No, sir. She shook her head. I'm not a fan of fighting or anything like that, if I can help it. I suppose you've been, though?

2010-06-21, 06:33 PM
Genoveva's Palace

"But Genoveva, if I don't know your plan, then I'll have to work on my own. While I might figure you out quickly, that isn't necessarily my priority- so we might work cross purposes."
Arcelia lightly draws a line across Genoveva's body with her finger before cupping her chin in one hand.
"Though maybe you would like that, hm? I suppose we'll see."
Her fingers brush across Genoveva's lips, and she leans in... but doesn't close the distance, just slightly out of reach.

"I'd best prepare myself. I want to look my best, after all."
She whispers softly, her face and lips so very close. For a moment she lingers there, then she withdraws, pulling away and standing. A sly smile on her face, she gives Genoveva a little wave goodbye before turning to leave.

2010-06-21, 07:30 PM
Genoveva's Palicio

"Such is just fine by me! Who could see through may schemes if not you?" The blatant flattery is exactly that, obvious, and Genoveva's knowing grin doesn't help matters.

But as Arcelia turns to leave a hand would alight upon her wrist, keeping her from leaving by the same window she had entered by. Genoveva holds the wrist loosely, but this wasn't like before. It wasn't an invitation to pull away from her, merely a sign of simple trust. She doesn't expect Arcelia to even try and pull away from her grip.

"Where do ya think yer goin'?" comes the soft deadly whisper, menace heavily laden in the Primera's tone as she pulls on Arcelia's wrist and tugs the Tercera back towards her. "Ah didn't say ya could leave...got plenty of stuff for ya to use around my palicio."

"Prepare here." comes the almost silent whisper, right beside Arcelia's right ear as Genoveva's head rests on her shoulder.

2010-06-21, 08:14 PM
Genoveva's Palace

"You want me to stay that badly?"
Arcelia doesn't resist Genoveva, allowing herself to be drawn back to her. However, she turns quickly and with deft precision, taking the slight momentum and turning it against Genoveva, placing a hand on the center of her chest. Though Genoveva is certainly the stronger of the two, Arcelia's little trick pushes her back a little as it unsteadies her, and uses her own strength against her. It might surprise Genoveva that she is quickly pushed against the wall, quite close to where Sereg broke through.

A little smug, Arcelia closes in the remaining distance, pressing her hand against Genoveva so she can feel the beating of her heart. Arcelia's other hand raises to the side of her face again, holding it tenderly.
"You're very tempting, Genoveva. I'm almost tempted to take you up on your offer."
One of Arcelia's legs shifts, firmly pressing against Genoveva's in a teasing and tormenting manner. Of course, Genoveva is canny enough to realize that the position of it also pins her, hampering her movement and capability to remove herself from the position until Arcelia backs away.

"But a little longing makes things all the sweeter, and I have something special in mind. I think you'll like it."
Arcelia smiles at her, a devil's satisfied smile.
"I'll stay if you want me to, Genoveva. But I promise you that you won't be disappointed if I go."

2010-06-21, 08:45 PM
Genoveva's Palacio

"Ah asked, didn't I?" Genoveva drawls as Arcelia finally spins about, pressing against the Primera's chest and forcing her back against the damaged wall and drawing a wicked grin to Genoveva's face. A little thrill runs through the Primera, not as if she felt she was in danger, but rather one of excitement at seeing some bite come out of the Tercera finally.

If anything, her body relaxes as Arcelia presses against her, pinning her up against the wall and slumping against the pressure to let Arcelia support her weight almost entirely on her own. It was subtle, but in a pinch it'd allow Genoveva to use the wall against the Tercera as leverage to push back with all her strength, but it didn't need to go to that. Yet.

"Is dat so?" Genoveva says softly, looking curiously at Arcelia for a long couple of moments before her grin lifts even wider. "Ya'd think, as Primera, I'd be able to demand both...but Ah'll wait and see, if ya are so certain Ah'll like it...but I'll hold ya to that promise."

2010-06-21, 08:50 PM
Genoveva's Palace

"Then we'll see each other soon, Genoveva."
Arcelia steps away, releasing the Primera.
"Good luck with your plans."
She adds with a wink, before slipping out of the 'window.'

2010-06-21, 09:10 PM
[Tercera District]

Talon doesn't stop until she is several districts away from Edward, Pico, and everyone attempting to exploit her. She flops on the ground in an alleyway, breathing heavily. Mostly out of anger.

"Damned Espada... treating me like some kind of tool. They'll learn their place when I'm back on top. Right after I get back at Alejandro..." A low growl escapes her lips as she debates her next course of action.

[Palacio Octava]

Ruwa lays belly-down on a rock after an... intense interrogation session with Jiro. Her head is rested on the captive shinigami's chest, and she is still... very much naked, her resurreccion sealed some time ago.

2010-06-21, 09:39 PM
Palacio Octava - Jiro

Jiro was forced to admit Ruwa was stronger then him. Much stronger. The Shinigami couldn't even begin to mark her... which certainly didn't apply to him. Hell he was bruised...

Let's cut that thought off...

But he had a chance. The Arrancar was sleeping. It was time to make his escape. Where he would go from there, he didn't know. But he knew he couldn't stay her. It was a shame she was a soul devouring monster. She was fairly pretty.

Time to stop, again.

Jiro attempted to extricate himself from under Ruwa without waking her. If he succeeds, he fully plans on running... somewhere. After he gets out of these bindings. And finds his pants.

2010-06-21, 11:39 PM
[Palacio Octava]

Ruwa is a fairly heavy sleeper, so Jiro is able to escape relatively without difficulty. Though his binds are tied fairly strong.

2010-06-22, 12:45 AM
Edward sighed and made his way back to Genoveva's palacio. He hoped to be easily forgiven since he no doubt offended Talon and her favor was as precious to him as the Primera's. When he arrived he walked into the throne room sullenly with his head down. "I've failed to get Talon to follow your plan. I tried my best but it was no use. I bet she hates me... even more now."

2010-06-22, 12:58 AM
[Tercera District]

Talon doesn't stop until she is several districts away from Edward, Pico, and everyone attempting to exploit her. She flops on the ground in an alleyway, breathing heavily. Mostly out of anger.

"Damned Espada... treating me like some kind of tool. They'll learn their place when I'm back on top. Right after I get back at Alejandro..." A low growl escapes her lips as she debates her next course of action.

And of course, this is the same time that Arcelia is rushing home. Talon is rather out of place in her orderly district, so she gives a slight pause, then drops down from the air, alighting on the ground nearby.
"Having a poor night, Talon?"
She asks, observing the Privaron's mood.

2010-06-22, 01:43 AM
[Tercera District]

Talon looks up to Arcelia with her eyes slightly slitted. "Something like that, not that it's any business of yours."

It's apparent she's angry.

2010-06-22, 02:00 AM
[Tercera District]

"Fair enough."
Arcelia quickly dismisses the idea of pointing out that it is at least her business as to why Talon is in her district. The Privaron was not in a good mood- she didn't want to push her luck and annoy her.

"If you wish, you could relax in my palace for a time. It is close by, as you're already here, and it would be remiss of me not to offer hospitality."
And Talon was out of breath and angry... and in an odd place. On the run from something, perhaps? If she wanted to hide or seek a sanctum, the palace of an Espada would certainly be somewhere no one would look for her- and even if they did, it would be risky to provoke Arcelia by snatching someone out of her home.

No doubt Talon has heard of (and perhaps seen) Arcelia's manipulative nature though- but there is no real way Arcelia could have planned for this occurrence, and her offer does seem genuine. If anything, her motive is simply to curry favor with Talon.

2010-06-22, 02:12 AM
[Tercera District]

Talon prepares for a fierce rebuttal, then stops. She could hide out there for a while... it would be less predictable than going back to her loft, as nearly "impenetrable" as it may be. And there certainly were defensive benefits to being hosted by an Espada... even if the Privaron was unsure of her intentions. If she really felt anything suspicious going on, she could always leave.

So, for one of the few times in a while, she allows her brain to work in lieu of her emotions, standing up with a disdainful look. "Fine. Don't get any funny ideas, though."

2010-06-22, 02:19 AM
[Tercera District]

"You needn't worry, Talon."
Arcelia will lead the way to her palace calmly (if a little quickly), and pause once they have entered.
"I can have one of my servants attend to you, if you wish, or I can help you personally- though I note there are a few things I need to take care of. Though if you want to take care of things yourself, I certainly won't mind that either."

Inside the cool, white stone walls, there is a feeling of peace and calm that echoes Arcelia's demeanor. A few arrancar and other entities move around quietly, wearing clothing that matches the style of the palace.

Da Mongoose
2010-06-22, 09:15 AM
[Genoveva's Realm]

Tadzio tries his best to make himself comfortable. The abandoned home he's taken up residence in still bares the wounds of the past scuffles it's seen. Whoever used to live here is either dead, or smart enough to stay away from the place. Most of the furniture is broken or otherwise degraded, but a few pieces remain what could be called 'intact'.

Remaining in his released state for so long at a time left him with a sickening feeling in his stomach, even if is merely psychological. However, it is the only way he feels safe staying in such a place as the Primera's Palacio. Though for all the danger, as long as no one finds him, it's one of the quieter, emptier areas. A bit of a predicament, but perhaps even for a short period of time he can have a bit of peace.

He stays by the window, sitting low on the remnants of a bench, watching the outside carefully. With a fingertip he draws a shape in the dust of the window sill distractedly, his mind wandering occasionally despite his efforts to remain alert.

2010-06-22, 12:03 PM
[Palacio Tercera]

Talon trudges behind, keeping her guard up. "Whatever. Something soft to sit on would be fine."

2010-06-22, 12:18 PM
[Arcelia's Palace]

Somewhat amused at Talon's terse and wary behavior, Arcelia shrugs and moves down one of the side passages that line her hall.
"This way, then."
She'll lead Talon into the right wing of her palace, and direct her to a small hallway that branches off from the main section. It curves slightly in an artful manner, and two of the four doorways are simply open arches, leading into large, open rooms.
"This is one of my guest wings. Every room in this section is yours to use for as long as you desire- if you want for something, you may speak to any of the servants that attend to it and elsewhere, and they will provide."

2010-06-22, 05:14 PM
[Palacio Tercera]

Talon hmphs, finding her way to a comfortable-looking sofa. "...whatever. Just going to relax until the heat dies down."

Free Hand
2010-06-22, 05:50 PM
No, sir. She shook her head. I'm not a fan of fighting or anything like that, if I can help it. I suppose you've been, though?

Noooooo not really.

Still on one foot Pan leans backward against nothing.

I haven't visited that area since he told me off that last time. It wasn't Pelican-san's fault that those houses were so flimsy. Back then he just had a big hole dug out. Do you think he fixed the problem of how unsound his buildings were? I was just wondering how large of a hollow could fit in it. Maybe it has an open roof..

Moon Wolf
2010-06-22, 06:19 PM
Katarina smiled. I've never seen the building up that close myself, but if it still has an open roof, then I'm sure a hollow would be able to fit in it. Although, if it was an exceptionally large gillian, then maybe I would have doubts. She laughed slightly. So, Pan-sama. The messenger from before said that each of the Espada needed a 'champion'. Who will yours be, if you don't mind my asking?

2010-06-22, 06:55 PM
Genoveva's Palacio

By the time of Edward's arrival to Genoveva's private room, part of the wall had actually been sealed back into place but...no other rubble remained from the window either. By consequence a series of broken windows had sprouted around her Palacio for her to retrieve later on when she had gotten bored enough.

"Edward?" She looks up from her seat, stretching languidly as she stirs from the spot she had been in. The news doesn't seem to phase her that much as she rose from her seat, "Oh yeah? Hmph...Shouldn't have sen' ya Edward. Shoulda known ya would mess it up."

Surprisingly there was little barb in her words or tone, just the Genoveva going over to the open space in her.

"Hey Edward...come over here...ya think ya have an artist or sumthin' to fix this hole?"

2010-06-22, 07:31 PM
[Pico's Palacio]

A few minutes ago, Pico was blind with rage. His plan was foiled. He was truly up a creek without a paddle. If anyone were to get in his way that happened to be lower than him, he would have ripped them to shreds.

That was a few minutes ago.

Now, though, he is sitting back in his chair, his feet propped up on the wooden desk, his suite seemingly covered in empty bottles, cans, and various other empty containers that once contained the thing known as liquor. Pico was now switching between singing an old tune that he heard before, and downing the contents of a bottle almost as big as his head. Oh, and the singing is horribly off-tune and loud. "One chicken leg for dinner, two chicken legs for dinner, three chicken legs for dinner, four chicken legs..."

2010-06-22, 07:52 PM
Jiro - Palacio Octava

Jiro is free! It took him a long time, especially since he didn't use something like Kido, or else the Snakewoman would wake up. But he had succeeded. Also, he had found his pants! Of course, they didn't have his Zanpaktou attached, which might be nice, but it was good.

Time to go.

Jiro looked about, saw Ruwa's sun balcony and started heading outside on silent feet. Once he made it into the city proper... well, he didn't know what he would do. But it had to be better then staying trapped.

2010-06-22, 07:57 PM
Well... Jiro may find that he has a long climb down. Ruwa's balcony is on the top of the palace, after all.

2010-06-22, 08:05 PM
Jiro - Palacio Octava

Jiro is tempted to burst out cursing, but he just sighs. Much better to just get to work. He's a Shinigami. This would be much easier if he had his Zanpaktou. He'd even take his spirit back as well.

Time to get moving.

With that, Jiro starts scaling down the building, ignoring the fact that he'd probably never make it down. Given the choice of captivity or death, he'd make the choice of the brave Shinigami. And who knows, he might even make it.

2010-06-22, 08:06 PM
About half way down, he might encounter a sudden web. :smalltongue:

2010-06-22, 08:14 PM
Jiro - Climbing down the Tower

Jiro was exhausted. Ruwa had... bruised him up pretty well (among other things) and he'd been climbing straight down a giant tower. But the intrepid Shinigami wasn't about to give up.

...how does that go...

Jiro quickly recited the Incantation for Kido 10, blowing a sizable hole in the Web. Downward his trek continued.

2010-06-22, 08:24 PM
Just as he starts reciting the incantation, he might head a voice in his ear. "Hello, there."

Just before Mei starts trying to wrap him up, including his mouth.

Given she's in Resureccion and using all ten limbs, this will be... difficult to evade.

She's using the knockout webbing on his mouth and nose. :smallamused:

2010-06-22, 08:34 PM
Jiro - Palacio Octava

Jiro doesn't bother trying to escape. Instead, he makes a very stupid, or very brave decision. He pushes off the side of the tower with all the force he can, before Mei can fully entrap him. More to the point, he starts doing everything he can to pull Mei down with him... not that it will do much.

2010-06-22, 08:37 PM
Mei, quickly, grabs onto the wall with some of her limbs, while still trying to hold onto Jiro. "Ah-ah... nope!"

She quickly tries to wrap his mouth and nose, using knock-out webbing.

2010-06-22, 08:47 PM
Jiro does his best to fight back, but without his weapon, he doesn't have much of a chance.

2010-06-22, 08:48 PM
Once he's wrapped up and unconsious, Mei starts carrying him back up. "Ruwaaaaa..."

2010-06-22, 08:51 PM
[Palacio Octava]

Ruwa is standing with her elbows resting on the edge of the balcony, looking down. She is (un)fortunately clothed. "That'sss jussst like Mei-chan. I knew I didn't have to worry about ssshinigami-kun essscaping.~<3"

2010-06-22, 08:53 PM
"Still, it's probably better to keep him in a room more... secure... for now, all right?

Also, we might see if we can find a way to deal with that pesky kido..."

Free Hand
2010-06-22, 09:24 PM
Katarina smiled. I've never seen the building up that close myself, but if it still has an open roof, then I'm sure a hollow would be able to fit in it. Although, if it was an exceptionally large gillian, then maybe I would have doubts. She laughed slightly. So, Pan-sama. The messenger from before said that each of the Espada needed a 'champion'. Who will yours be, if you don't mind my asking?

Pan lost his footing and fell over. Lying on the ground, he covered his face with his hands.

I don't want to play Genoveva's stupid game, they'll all be fighting to the death. We'll go and watch but I don't want to lose anyone over this game.

Pan sat up and turned his attention to the unfortunate arrancar that still hung above them.

So Katarina.. do you want to go and see the arena? If it is entirely inclosed maybe we could arrange for special seating..

2010-06-22, 09:33 PM
Edward promptly walked over to the spot Genoveva was referring to and examined it. "Of course I do. I could easily get that fixed in a jiffy." Though he may appear otherwise he is mentally on high alert for whatever she might do to him knowing she's quite a physical person when communicating and that her initial harmless reaction may be greatly misleading. He was glad she didn't appear upset yet.

2010-06-22, 09:39 PM
[Palacio Octava]

Ruwa nods with a slight frown. "All right, Mei-chan..."

"Hmmm... I'm not really sssure."

Moon Wolf
2010-06-22, 09:39 PM
Pan lost his footing and fell over. Lying on the ground, he covered his face with his hands.

I don't want to play Genoveva's stupid game, they'll all be fighting to the death. We'll go and watch but I don't want to lose anyone over this game.

Pan sat up and turned his attention to the unfortunate arrancar that still hung above them.

So Katarina.. do you want to go and see the arena? If it is entirely inclosed maybe we could arrange for special seating..

Katarina smiled slightly. Um...sure, Pan-sama, whatever you wish.

2010-06-22, 09:45 PM
Mei looks at her. "We might see if there's something..."

2010-06-22, 09:48 PM
Sereg goes to Edward's palace, he still has a job to do in the arena, after all. When he realizes Edward is not there he heads to Genoveva's, reluctantly. As he appears in the hole in the wall, careful not to mess up the work she's already done, he says "Remember Edward, you still have to get someone to work on the Arena for tomorrow. You wouldn't want it known that you were supposed to make a grand skybox and then just let it go incomplete, would you?" He is practically ignoring Genoveva, worried to incite her wrath again.

2010-06-22, 09:50 PM
[Palacio Octava]

Mei looks at her. "We might see if there's something..."

"Well... that only worksss for one, though..." Ruwa sighs and shrugs.

2010-06-22, 09:54 PM
"And keeping him gagged all the time's no fun."

2010-06-22, 10:04 PM
[Palacio Octava]

Ruwa blinks, and snaps, going into her room to dig in the sand a bit, before she comes back out to the balcony with... a white stone collar, which she snaps around Jiro's neck, locking it instantly. She looks up at Mei with a smile. "I can't believe I didn't remember it earlier... it'sss made of that ssseki-ssseki ssstuff. It ssshould keep him from usssing that pesssky kido anymore...~<3"

"Ssso, are you taking him to your room for your turn? He'sss a defiant one...~<3"

2010-06-22, 10:05 PM
Edward shrugged and acted a tad peeved. "I was only going to help you assuming the Ghost King was coming but since he's not I see no reason to do so. Anyways, gosh, can't I and the Primera have any privacy? I see why you need this hole fixed, anyone can just come in uninvited this way."

2010-06-22, 10:07 PM
Mei chuckles. "I might do that..."

2010-06-22, 10:19 PM
Pico's Palacio

Amada sighs as she overlooks the 'destruction' of the office from the doorway, hands on her hips as she surveys the genocide on liquor that Pico seems to have perpetuated for...some reason.

She sets about cleaning up the bottles, cans, and such with a quiet sort of disapproval, sort of like how a mother would frown upon a dirty room but the slight arrancar otherwise keeps her mouth shut. He is an Espada after all. But by the time she has the last bottle of...vodka it looked like, she was more then a little fed up with it.

"Hey, just what the heck is going on here? I haven't seen you drink this much in forever!" She grumbles aloud, casting a quick, and subtle, glare at Pico before standing in front of his desk with an irritated expression on her face. It looks slightly ridiculous with her slight stature and delicate features, but as her hands toy with her red scarf, her attention doesn't shift from him in the least.

Genoveva's Palacio

"Ah don' know, the hole has some uses..." comes the murmur from beside Edward as Genoveva's grin grows a little bit wider. And then her hands on the back of Edward's jacket and bodily chucking him through the open hole and out into the vast empty space beyond. Right at Sereg...though that part was just coincidence. Probably.

"How could ya fail? Ain't ya some kinda super sweet talka?" She shouts out at the flung Edward.

2010-06-22, 10:38 PM
Edward freely lets himself crash into Sereg should he decide to stand still and then springs back away from him and to Genoveva's side. "Well my supposed sweet talking doesn't work on you, does it? Besides if my talk sounds sweet it is only because it comes straight from the heart." He spoke his sappy words without a hint of sarcasm.

2010-06-22, 10:52 PM
[Pico's Palacio]

"Buh?" Amada's sudden outburst caught him just as he was about to hit a nonexistant high note in the song. Good thing too, it would've probably cracked some windows. Pico squints at Amada, trying to see who exactly she was. He was way past seeing double; at this point, he was seeing quadruple. That, and he was mostly concentrated on being in his own little world, not even paying attention to the outside. When he finally pulled it all together long enough to realize that it was indeed Amada, a look of excitement spread across his face like that of a kid in a candy store. In one moment, he stood himself up and threw his arm in the air, letting out a yell that would take almost anybody by surprise. "HAAAYYY SHRIMPAAAAAAAY!!!! HA HAA! What ah ya doin' here?" He slapped Amada on the side of the arm in a buddy-like way. He then seemed to crawl across the desk, falling onto the other side with his back leaned up against the desk, taking a swig from the bottle presently in his hand.

He then points towards Amada lazily, squinting. "Ya wanna know, juusst why I'm so friggin' drunk, dooo ya? Well then *hic*, I'll tell you a leeeetle story 'bout a thing called idjis-, idignosi-, bah! A little story about bein' shtupid!" He then seems to get up, almost crashing head-first into the floor before miraculously standing, but barely. For support, he leaned himself on Amada, propping his arm on top of her head."Ya see *hic*, when a man and a woman love each other very much, they do something... COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than what I'm about to tell you about!" He somehow manages to slap Amada on the back, taking yet another swig before continuing. "The real story is...I'm a shtupid, shtupid, idjotic piece a' crap." At this point, he genuinely seems sad.

2010-06-22, 11:11 PM
Sereg barely dives out of the way, instead of going through the hole he ends up hitting the wall lighter than last time. "I see I am interupting here, Primera." he says bowing slightly to the woman before turning to glare at Edward. "You don't think the Primera is worth building a grand skybox for? No wonder you failed doing whatever it was you were doing. You even fail at doting over women."

2010-06-22, 11:21 PM
"Make like a tree and leave already!" Edward sighed emphatically and turned to Genoveva. "Can you tell this guy to move his caboose and vamoose? I don't think he'll listen to me. If it pleases you I'll help him."

2010-06-23, 12:10 AM
[Palacio Octava]

Mei chuckles. "I might do that..."

"Well, have fun, then, Mei-Mei-chaaaan!~<3" Ruwa smiles. "I'm sssure the key for that collar isss here sssomewhere... not like it mattersss, though.~<3"

2010-06-23, 10:09 AM
[Palacio Tercera]

Talon hmphs, finding her way to a comfortable-looking sofa. "...whatever. Just going to relax until the heat dies down."

Arcelia just smiles, bows, and then excuses herself.

Talon will find that the room she currently occupies is quite comfortable- it is the first of the two curtained off rooms, and seems to be a general recreational and lounge area. It has a great deal of open floor space, but also contains a large, round table, generous seating along the walls (which she is already occupying). On the furthest wall, there is also a counter that runs along just before its edge, which could work well for a bar or eating area.

2010-06-23, 09:48 PM
Pico's Palacio

Amada's weathers through the storm of drunken admission and pawing with a sort of wide-eyed disbelief at the behavior of her boss at the moment. This guy was really one of the vaunted Espada? At the moment it was hard to believe that this was one of the most dangerous arrancar in existence, maybe the drunkest though...

Her brow twitches, a vein beginning to pop out on her forehead at his nickname for her, even as she walks over and pulls him up by one arm.

"You are really blitzed, aren't you? Here...lean up against your desk and I'll get you a glass of water. Try to flush this stuff out of your system." the slight arrancar girl says soothingly, leaning Pico up against his desk before going and fetching a tall glass of water. Of course by the time she's come back he's gone from a foolish (but funny) drunk into a despondent one who looked like he was ready to cry.

Thus Amada did the only truly reasonable course of action...

She splashes the cold water in Pico's face, wiggles off her shoe, and gives him a sharp smack across the cheek to boot with a stern look on her face.

"Pull yourself together man! What would your citizens do if they saw you now? Now tell me what happened you big daft idiot!" Amada admonishes, looking a bit foolish herself as she hops about on one foot to put her shoe back on.

2010-06-23, 11:33 PM
[Pico's Palacio]

Pico reacted to the glass of water to the face as most anybody would, he flinched. "HEY! Whaddaya doin'..." He was cut off by Amada's boot. For a moment after she gave him a "boot-to-the-head", Pico seemed almost to snap into sobriety, looking aghast and staring off to the side in shock. On his face is now a red and black mark from the boot. After a few moments, probably when Amada has her boot back on, Pico turns towards her. His face seems to be a mask of anger, like that of a superior officer who's subordinate spat in his face. He seems to claw his way back on his feet, his hand loose of the bottle, with his finger aimed at Amada. When he gets on his feet, he lets out a howl. "YOU LITTLE, PIECES OF...How dare y'all do that!"

After the howl, he seemed to swing around to look out towards his territory. "Citishens, what **** citizhens? Anyone look at me even thish much wrong, I cut 'em down!" He attempts a slashing movement with his hands. He then turns to Amada, a look of annoyance on his face. "...So ya wanna know why I'm so wasted, eh? Aright, I'mma gonna tell ya. But, he inclines towards Amada, "nobody heard this."

"I made a deal with the devil." He then stumbles over to the direction where Genoveva's domain lied. "Yessir, the devil herself, in all of her flat-chested BFS-wielding glory. I went up to her, I says 'Genoveva, I want some o' yer prisoner mans to mess up mah boys.' She then looks to me and says 'well, baka, tell you what. You win in this here competition I'm startin', and I'll give ya yer guys. If you lose though, I'll take some of yer men. Maybe even all of yer men while I'm at it!! Like an idjit, I took it. I took it, and she took off. So, I tried to get somebody to be my fighter in this here competition, one that'll beat the crrrrrap outta her's! But, before I could even talk to the b****, ol' Eddy Cullen tried to talk her all sweet-like, caused her to up and run. So here I are, no fighter, no mans, and all the more stupider than before."

Pico then looked towards Amada. "So there. That's why I'm drunk. Now, on to something more im-por-tan-tay." He then mosies on over to Amada, and hugs her close to him with his right arm, an attempt at seduction on his face. Of course, the attempt failed, badly. "Now, I dunno which of the four of ya are better lookin', but I'm willin' to bet tha' all of ya are just as fine. Yeah, he's drunk alright.

(OOC: No offense intended on Genoveva's description. :smalltongue:)

2010-06-24, 03:42 AM
As events occur in the city around him, Aléjandro continues with his walk, blissfully unaware of the arguments and talks happening between his alleged peers, lost as he was in the descriptions of travails of the Egyptian afterlife detailed in the document in his hands.

It was as he rounded a corner, he caught a movement of shadow in the corner of his eye. Probably nothing, but it would not do for a spy to continue its existence after having observed him. He continued walking, but his eyes were now focused on the shadows spread out to his right, rather than the hieroglyphics in his text.

"Let us see."

2010-06-24, 09:52 AM
As events occur in the city around him, Aléjandro continues with his walk, blissfully unaware of the arguments and talks happening between his alleged peers, lost as he was in the descriptions of travails of the Egyptian afterlife detailed in the document in his hands.

It was as he rounded a corner, he caught a movement of shadow in the corner of his eye. Probably nothing, but it would not do for a spy to continue its existence after having observed him. He continued walking, but his eyes were now focused on the shadows spread out to his right, rather than the hieroglyphics in his text.

"Let us see."Vicente's eyes narrowed. He'd nearly been caught.

That said, it had taken his Master a while to notice him at all. That spoke well to his own skill; even reading a book, Alejandro was an observant Arrancar.

He slowed his movements somewhat, just barely matching Alejandro's pace, rather than moving in starts and stops from shadow to shadow. His footsteps were, as always, unnaturally silent. His wonderful cloak (despite the improvements needed) was barely moving. His eyes were narrowed a bit, to reduce glinting.

Sadly, Alejandro would, if he looked hard, still be able to detect...something...via his eyes. Nothing concrete; by the same token, it seemed to merely be matching his movements for the moment. There was no attack coming, not yet anyways.

2010-06-24, 02:45 PM
Genoveva's Palacio

"Do whateva ya two wanna do, jus' get outta mah window." Genoveva says off-hand, giving an absent-minded wave of her hand as she saunters to the long staircase leaving down to the palacio proper...


Pico's Palacio

Amada's remains relatively silent throughout the prolonged ranting by the inebriated Pico, her neutral expression turning more and more 'dismayed' before he finally topped it off by hugging her close. The look of alarm on her face should have been more then telling for most people, that 'touching was not appreciated' but then again Pico looked out of it enough he thought there was four of her after all.

So she did the only reasonable thing...lifted her shoe, which was still off, and smacked him over the top of his head another time or two before stuffing it in his mouth. Her cheeks are a vivid pink, even as she squirms out of his grasp and assumes an irate posture.

"That's it? You get a fast one pulled over on you and you drink yourself senseless? What happened to the collected guy that originally took me on as a fraccion?"

((OOC: No worries Inu, I can tell when an opinion is a character's. :smallwink:))

2010-06-24, 02:58 PM
"Well that's that," said Edward plainly. With Talon still on his mind he proceeded to fly off in search of Katarina to console himself. Perhaps he would be better received by her.

2010-06-24, 04:41 PM
She smirks. "No, it doesn't."

She carries her prisoner to her room, and sets him on the floor before dissipating her Resureccion, undressing, and pulling the knockout webbing off the Shinigami. He should wake up pretty soon.

2010-06-24, 09:45 PM
[Pico's Palacio]

Pico was about to try another lame pick-up line before Amada abruptly stuffed her boot into his mouth. He stumbled backwards a bit, helping Amada's efforts to squirm out of his grasp, before falling backwards right on his bum. Afterwards, he turns his head and spits the boot out. "Amy, you need a new go-to move." He slowly manages to get himself back up. "And really? Collected? Me? When?" When he gets up, he drunkenly spins around towards Amada. "'sides, it ain't about the fast one, it's about after the fast one." His face turns deadly serious, before grabbing the left side of his coat and pulls it to the side, taking the sleeve off of him after a bit of struggle. This reveals his Hollow Hole, which goes right through him next to his left shoulder. He points and taps his finger next to his Espada number, a "10". He also leans uncomfortably close to Amada, making the number the focal point.

"Ya see this? This means I'm one o' those Espada. The greatest in Los Nachos, er Las Natses, or whatever! But ya see the number? It's a ten, meanin' I'm the lowest of highest. Every time I wake up I have to make sure I don't **** up, else I'll get kicked out on the streets. Lately though, I did **** up. Allll it takes, is just a few mishstep, and I'm gone. Gone, and out on the streets like that stuck-up Apolinars!! And Talon!! And Tark!!! And...the Boss." His face turns despondant again at the mention of the Boss. If there was one Arrancar in this whole rotten city that Pico took a shine to, it was him. He then returns to his serious look. "...And to top it all off, I'm gonna embarass myself. In front of the whole frakkin' Espada-hood! Every single frakkin' one of those frakkers are gonna be there, ready to laugh me right out of my own turf! And the worst part? All I can do is sit down, shut up, and take it. And then, what happens next? What if I fall for another one of them fast ones? What if His Ghostly Presence and that Conductor fella' think that I'm too stupid fer the job? What if they think that I'm just too much of a loose cannon to be worth it? What if I get tossed out to dry, like what happens in all the memories and crap from all those souls in meh that play themselves over, and over, and over again? What then?" He then walks over to the desk and slams his fist on it to emphasize his point. He doesn't even bother looking at Amada, seemingly ashamed of himself. There probably isn't a time ever, when anyone had seen him look ashamed. "There. Ya happy now? Ya happy to know ya fell in with an idiot?"

2010-06-24, 10:21 PM
Pico's Palacio

Pico's close lean earns him a threatening raise of Amada's boot, once she's retrieved it, but he didn't seem intent on another clumsy attempt at a pick-up line she lowers it back down.

Until he finishes speaking that is, earning him another solid thwack from her boot.


"Listen to yourself! 'Ohh, I had a fast one pulled on me! Ohh, I'm the lowest Espada! Ohh, I'm depressed and going to drink myself to death!' Bah!" Another thwack as the increasingly angry looking Amada glares at her superior officer with a frown on her face. "Listen here gloomy-gus, I could have gone for Espada who are much higher rank then you to become a fraccion. I could have gotten into that harem-group Mei calls 'subordinates' or flattered my way into Eddy's employ just as easily. But I didn't!"

She pauses to let that statement sink in, still frowning as she begins to straighten Pico up (whither he wants to or not!) until he looks at least somewhat less harried.

"Cause I see potential in you dummy! I have confidence that you'll go far if given the chance, confidence you don't seem to share! You think too much about your standing to make a move Pico-sama! You're too focused on the fact you've been tricked to respond in kind. Make your own plans and schemes and don't worry as much about the fallout from that kinda stuff, the gains will be worth it! Now...how can you turn this situation around? I mean...the Primera made you losing into a victory for her...try to do the same to someone else or something even better!"

Free Hand
2010-06-24, 10:36 PM
Katarina smiled slightly. Um...sure, Pan-sama, whatever you wish.

Okay then! But how to get there..

Pan hopped to his feet and looked around the courtyard, trying to look in deep thought. Eventually he looked up and noticed the perpetually looming Gillian again.

Ah! Canary-saaaan!

The gillian was quick to respond to Pan's calls and waving arms. It's head smoothly fell down to the equivalent of two stories above Pan's own, where it quietly observed the enthusiastic arrancar. There Pan related his request to take them to the Espada Sereg's Arena, he accompanied his words with various gestures. In response, Mr. Canary reaches out with his empty hand to scoop up both Pan and Katarina (If she lets it.) The assumed two are quickly lifted up, as they do so they pass by other unnamed arrancar.

Haha! I nearly forgot, you'd better go now sweeperman!

Pan waves one hand about and at the moment the gillian decides to loosen his grip up on the first hand. Dropping ungracefully to the ground, the sweeper scrambles back to his feet and hurries out of sight. A thousand thank yous can be heard in his rapid departure but in a second they rise far above them. The Gillian carefully places the two on the very top of it's cloaked head and gives them a brief moment before taking off. Pan is, of course, well accustomed to the swaying motions of the hollow (His Fraccion is your call, he does this alot.) In it's great loping steps, Mr. Canary quickly navigates it's way to Sereg's domain.

2010-06-24, 11:37 PM
[Pico's Palacio]

Thwack! "Heeeyy!! Thwack!! At this point he was dang near cowering, holding up his hands in an "I give!" gesture."Aright! Aright! Stop hitting me!" He then gives in as Amada forcefully straightens him up. He scratches his head in thought, before snapping his fingers when he thought of something. "I know! I gotta take care of that dang Tark!! That's Genoveva's fighter you see." He then crooks his head in confusion, a look of intense thought on his face before... "After that, I've got nothing." He then shifts his way towards his bed, yawning loudly. "Right now, I'm going to sleep. Sweet, beautiful, delicious sleep." He reaches his bed, a large rectangular fluffy thing with fine sheets on it, and plops down on it face first. "Good night, my little shrimpy shrimpity shrimp. Talk to you later..." Almost instantly, he started snoring. He was dead asleep.

2010-06-25, 04:26 AM
Vicente's eyes narrowed. He'd nearly been caught.

That said, it had taken his Master a while to notice him at all. That spoke well to his own skill; even reading a book, Alejandro was an observant Arrancar.

He slowed his movements somewhat, just barely matching Alejandro's pace, rather than moving in starts and stops from shadow to shadow. His footsteps were, as always, unnaturally silent. His wonderful cloak (despite the improvements needed) was barely moving. His eyes were narrowed a bit, to reduce glinting.

Sadly, Alejandro would, if he looked hard, still be able to detect...something...via his eyes. Nothing concrete; by the same token, it seemed to merely be matching his movements for the moment. There was no attack coming, not yet anyways.

Aléjandro was certain that he was being followed now. This was entirely unacceptable. He continued walking, taking a left and detouring from his intended route. If his memories of the street-by-street map of Las Noches were still accurate, then there should be a dead-end alley somewhere nearby. The Cuarta retains the utmost composure, and makes his way towards the place.

2010-06-25, 06:33 AM
"Master Edward!", alluring voice calls from above the Segunda. Lalita Tandon is doing his best to catch up and intercept his superior, running in the air above him with graceful leaps. "Master Edward! Where are you going?"

2010-06-25, 09:00 AM
Edward halted his advance and turned to address Lalita. "I'm off to visit the fair Katarina to see if I can get her to unknowingly follow a little plan of mine. It's an attempt to win the hearts of two women at the same time. Now that you're here maybe you could help me with it. I'll fill you in on all the details." He looked thoroughly satisfied with himself after he had explained his scheme. "So what do you think? Interested in helping?"

2010-06-25, 09:01 AM
Aléjandro was certain that he was being followed now. This was entirely unacceptable. He continued walking, taking a left and detouring from his intended route. If his memories of the street-by-street map of Las Noches were still accurate, then there should be a dead-end alley somewhere nearby. The Cuarta retains the utmost composure, and makes his way towards the place.Internally, Vicente cursed. His prey may have noticed him. Unacceptable.

He continued following Alejandro, but as soon as Vicente turned the corner to the dead-end alley, he stopped moving. Every effort was made on being unnoticeable; and for the moment, it was working.

Then, slowly, oh so slowly, he inched himself back. Just a tiny fraction of a step at a time, working to time it when Alejandro wasn't looking directly at him. So that any movement wasn't positively identified.

He was halfway back around the corner now...

2010-06-25, 10:48 AM
Now that he was in the dead-end alley, it was time for the Cuarta to turn the tables on the one following him. Aléjandro sonidos straight upward, well above the surrounding buildings, and begins scanning the rooftops.

2010-06-25, 10:55 AM
Now that he was in the dead-end alley, it was time for the Cuarta to turn the tables on the one following him. Aléjandro sonidos straight upward, well above the surrounding buildings, and begins scanning the rooftops.Unfortunately for Vicente, Alejandro landed about 4 feet from where he was hiding.

The shadows that hid him from plain view on the street provided little cover from this angle.

So instead, Vicente calmly stood up straight and faced his master head on. He brought his hands forward...

And began a slow clap.

"Well done, sir. You won this game as well, though I dare say I had a better showing. It took you quite a while to even realize something was amiss."

His voice carries no hint of guilt or remorse, beyond perhaps remorse he didn't do better at the "game". Mostly, he seems proud, and possibly somewhat annoyed.

2010-06-25, 11:01 AM
Aléjandro turns round slowly to face his Fraccion.


The Cuarta closes his copy of The Book of the Dead and holds it behind his back and he approaches his subordinate with deliberate, inexorable slowness.

"You do realise what I do to those who invade my privacy, don't you?" he says, a rare trace of emotion carried in his voice. It sounds like anger.

2010-06-25, 11:08 AM
Aléjandro turns round slowly to face his Fraccion.


The Cuarta closes his copy of The Book of the Dead and holds it behind his back and he approaches his subordinate with deliberate, inexorable slowness.

"You do realise what I do to those who invade my privacy, don't you?" he says, a rare trace of emotion carried in his voice. It sounds like anger.Vicente doesn't flinch.

"Did I invade your privacy? I didn't read over your shoulder, or try to read your thoughts. I followed you. From over a hundred yards back. Without you noticing. I was testing you, and testing myself. I was able to move undetected by the Cuarta Espada through a combination of natural talents, inventive devices, and raw skill. Is that not what you strive for in our district? Combining talent, tools, and skill? Had you gone inside of a building, I would have waited outside. If you had returned to the District, I would have moved elsewhere. But you simply kept to one of your dozen typical routes, with 3 noted variations. Unpredictable to all but a few, to be sure.

If you decide to punish me, so be it. But I have made my case."

2010-06-25, 11:33 AM
With sonido-level speed, Aléjandro brings his hardback book down on Vincente's head with an almighty crack.

"Vincente, I take these walks so I can have some time to myself away from others. And now I find out that you have done this not once, but often enough to determine patterns that I am not even conscious of?"

The subtle tone of anger remains, but aside from use of literature as a weapon, the Cuarta's body language remains calm.

"Return to the Palacio Cuarta. When I am done with my walk, I will have a task for you as punishment."

2010-06-25, 11:38 AM
With sonido-level speed, Aléjandro brings his hardback book down on Vincente's head with an almighty crack.

"Vincente, I take these walks so I can have some time to myself away from others. And now I find out that you have done this not once, but often enough to determine patterns that I am not even conscious of?"

The subtle tone of anger remains, but aside from use of literature as a weapon, the Cuarta's body language remains calm.

"Return to the Palacio Cuarta. When I am done with my walk, I will have a task for you as punishment."Vicente flinches at the hit.

"Every sixth time or so. And very well, sir."

With that, he turns and silently Sonidos away, disappearing from sight quickly.

(OOC: Let it never be said Vicente lacks Chutzpah. )

2010-06-25, 11:59 AM
Aww, must I go to that dreary place? That old grumpy fool will gut me, Lalita thinks halfheartedly. But he doesn't want to disappoint his superior. "Very well. I will assists you in courtship rituals concerning... these two", he says with a hint of jealousy, then bows. "I will be back soon, Master Edward." With that, the elegant man vanishes in trademark hum of Sonido. He quickly makes his way towards the entrance of Ciudad Baja.

Da Mongoose
2010-06-25, 04:28 PM
[Genoveva's Realm]

Tadzio has grown lost in thought after the night remains fairly undisturbed, continuing to stare out the window blankly, though his gaze seems unfocused. It's only when a bit of movement catches his eye that he starts to become aware of his surroundings again, almost too late. A chunk of stone comes crashing through what glass remains in the window pane, sending that flying as well. Tadzio has just enough time to duck away so as not to be hit directly by either the chunk of masonry or the shards of glass, staring in surprise for a moment before picking it up and quickly moving back to the window. He brushes the broken glass off of the window sill before setting the stone on it, looking out for the offending source.

2010-06-25, 04:32 PM
Aléjandro snorts once his Fraccion has left the scene. He himself sonidos off the rooftop and returns to his walk, though he no longer reads, instead deep in thought. After nearly thirty minutes, a cruel grin cracks under the Cuarta's mask.

"That would work... nicely."

He continues his walk, now back on his way to his sector, his mind churning over the minutiae of his punishment for Vincente.

2010-06-25, 04:46 PM
[Aléjandro's Demesne]

Once he arrives, Alejandro will not have to physically search Vicente out; his reiatsu is once again detectable, at least once the Cuarta is a bit inside the borders of the district.

Further refinement reveals he is in his quarters in the Palacio Cuarta.

When Alejandro arrives at said quarters, he will find Vicent sitting in a meditative pose on the floor, his distinctive cloak hung on a hook on one wall.

2010-06-25, 05:00 PM
Genoveva's Palacio

There didn't seem to be any more incoming fire from where the first stone had come from, but the trajectory would indicate that it came from the tallest tower of the Palacio, or the Primera's chambers in other words. But the how or why would have to remain unanswered for the moment...


Not too long afterwords though there would be a heavy presence that can be felt approaching, going from room to room even as it draws ever closer to Tadzio's hiding place. Soon the door would be kicked in, to reveal the blond-haired Primera standing there casually with her hands in her pockets.

"'ey, ya see a bit o' come in rock here?" Comes the casual question before the fox-faced woman's face turns to the piece of masonry that the horned arrancar had set upon the window sill.

"'here it is! Hah! Ah knew it landed somewhere near here! 'hanks fer findin' it Horns." the Primera says with her customary wide smile as she saunters past him to snatch the rock off the sill and stuff it in her pocket, " What's yer name anyway?"

The question comes out of nowhere as the Primera begins to waltz back towards the door, seconds later as a sharp ping can be heard. After the sound fades though, Genoveva pauses, looking over her shoulder and waiting for her answer.

Moon Wolf
2010-06-25, 05:07 PM
Katarina let the gillian pick her up hesitantly, because she knew that it would upset her master if she had a problem with his...friend, or whatever his relation to that gillian was. Katarina squinted to see a building that fit Pan's description nearing on the horizon. Pan-sama, erm...uh...Canary-san, was it....I think I see Sereg-sama's arena up front! She pointed, although she knew it would probably be useless, because Canary probably wouldn't be able to see her.

2010-06-25, 05:16 PM
[Aléjandro's Demesne]

Once he arrives, Alejandro will not have to physically search Vicente out; his reiatsu is once again detectable, at least once the Cuarta is a bit inside the borders of the district.

Further refinement reveals he is in his quarters in the Palacio Cuarta.

When Alejandro arrives at said quarters, he will find Vicent sitting in a meditative pose on the floor, his distinctive cloak hung on a hook on one wall.

[Aléjandro's Palacio]
Eventually, the Cuarta returns and seeks out his Fraccion.

"Vincente, I have a task for you. Tomorrow, Genoveva has organised a combat trial as distraction for the Espada and their Fraccion. Each Espada is required to present a champion. I would like you to locate one for me."

He pauses for a moment before continuing.

"However, I have some caveats for your search. One, the combatant you choose must be competent. Two, you can only wear a loincloth whilst conducting your search. Third, you may not make any attempt to hide during your search. Fourth, your search begins immediately."

2010-06-25, 05:18 PM
[Palacio Tercera]

Talon lounges on the chair for a while, debating her next course of action. Though she could use something to drink, she didn't honestly trust anything from Arcelia's domain. ...or anyone's but her own, really.

[Palacio Octava]

Ruwa stretches, pulling her cloth off as she saunters over to a rock for more sunbathing. "Mmm... It'sss ssso good to have an actual sssun to rest under...~<3"

2010-06-25, 05:26 PM
[Aléjandro's Palacio]
Eventually, the Cuarta returns and seeks out his Fraccion.

"Vincente, I have a task for you. Tomorrow, Genoveva has organised a combat trial as distraction for the Espada and their Fraccion. Each Espada is required to present a champion. I would like you to locate one for me."

He pauses for a moment before continuing.

"However, I have some caveats for your search. One, the combatant you choose must be competent. Two, you can only wear a loincloth whilst conducting your search. Third, you may not make any attempt to hide during your search. Fourth, your search begins immediately."[Palacio Cuarta]

Vicente sat there silently, listening to Alejandro's orders. His eyes may have tightened oh so slightly at the bit about the loincloth, but otherwise, he was emotionless as he stood.

"Of course, Sir Alejandro."

With that, Vicente began to strip; before long, he was dressed as his Espada commanded, exposing the small hole going entirely through his lower torso. Hi skin was pale from lack of sunlight exposure.

He saluted Alejandro, then began to exit the room.

"I shall return when successful, Lord Cuarta."

With a silent blurring of his form, he was racing away, moving outwards in the district. Perhaps the outermost area would hold more promise for a champion. If not...

There were always places to look.

Da Mongoose
2010-06-25, 05:27 PM
Tadzio begins to shrink down as the heavy presence nears, almost as though it were waying him down, hunkering into a crouch until he's no longer visible from the window. He jerks violently however when the door is kicked in, raising an arm to cover his face and peeking over it warily. His eyes appear to widen behind the mask when he sees Genoveva, looking much like a deer caught in the headlights. He remains as still as possible as she looks around, and refrains from answering her initial question, neither protesting or acknowledging her reclamation of the stone, merely watching her.

There is a pause when she asks for his name, though he starts to slowly sit up straight again, his eyes never leaving her. When the answer finally comes, his voice is quiet and unassuming, though clearly spoken.


2010-06-25, 06:26 PM
Aww, must I go to that dreary place? That old grumpy fool will gut me, Lalita thinks halfheartedly. But he doesn't want to disappoint his superior. "Very well. I will assists you in courtship rituals concerning... these two", he says with a hint of jealousy, then bows. "I will be back soon, Master Edward." With that, the elegant man vanishes in trademark hum of Sonido. He quickly makes his way towards the entrance of Ciudad Baja.

Apolinar is standing at the gate as Lalita power-minces- sorry, Sonidoes there. "Lalita. What brings you here." He doesn't even give the man(?) so much as a question mark.

2010-06-25, 06:31 PM
Sereg sees the Gillian heading for his arena, watching the towering hollow sway with each step. "My my, Either that's the Novena, or a Gillian wants to see a fight. I should make my arena accommodate them sooner or later." He says to himself before noticing Pan. "Novena! It is good to see you again, Pan. I believe you have mistaken the date of the grand melee." He yells out when he finally sees Pan and his fraccion. He then moves to the tower of his arena and waits.

2010-06-25, 06:42 PM
Lalita stops dead on his tracks as he notices Apolinar. Oh, look. Speak of the Devil. He gives the general an exaggarated, courtly bow. "Ah, General Rodriguez, sir. What a pleasure to meet you." He smiles charmingly as he straightens up.

"Such a lucky coincidence I would meet you here - my good master, the Segunda, has a favor to ask you", the androgynous man chirps. "There is a grand melee, announced by the Primera and held at the Septima's arena... and my master is searching for a champion to fight there. It would be a great opportunity for a man of your stature to increase your honour and show the... less orderly elements of this city what strict discipline can help one to reach. Does this sound reasonable to you?"

2010-06-25, 06:46 PM
Genoveva's Palacio

The Primera doesn't move from her spot at the quiet response, still looking at the other arrancar over one shoulder with the same squinty-eyed look of...it's difficult to tell. Curiosity? Suspicion? Something more threatening? Impossible to know for certain at the moment.

"Did...ya just lie to me?" Genoveva asks suddenly, turning about slowly with one hand resting on the pommel of her broad-bladed falchion. A threat or not, she still has a hand on her weapon.

"I don't think I know you...are you new to my realm?"

2010-06-25, 06:51 PM
[Arcelia's Palace]

There is a quiet knock on the doorway to the room Talon is in, just to get her attention, and then an arrancar steps into the room and gives a respectful bow to the privaron. Presumably this is one of Arcelia's fraccion, though Talon won't recognize her. The fraccion has a build rather similar to Arcelia's, though she is shorter, and possesses black hair where Arcelia's is blond; Further, her clothing is predominately a light gray, with blue edging and a small choker that matches.

"Good evening."
She says in a soft, courteous voice.
"I hope you have found your accommodations to your liking?"

For the moment, she doesn't move from the doorway, apparently waiting for Talon's permission.

Moon Wolf
2010-06-25, 06:51 PM
Katarina bowed and called back, It is an honour, Sereg-sama. I must say that your arena is quite impressive. She then stood there silently with her head bowed and her hands clasped, praying her master would lift at least some of the awkwardness off of her shoulders.

2010-06-25, 06:56 PM
Lalita stops dead on his tracks as he notices Apolinar. Oh, look. Speak of the Devil. He gives the general an exaggarated, courtly bow. "Ah, General Rodriguez, sir. What a pleasure to meet you." He smiles charmingly as he straightens up.

"Such a lucky coincidence I would meet you here - my good master, the Segunda, has a favor to ask you", the androgynous man chirps. "There is a grand melee, announced by the Primera and held at the Septima's arena... and my master is searching for a champion to fight there. It would be a great opportunity for a man of your stature to increase your honour and show the... less orderly elements of this city what strict discipline can help one to reach. Does this sound reasonable to you?"

"Why yes, that does sound very nice. But you're forgetting just one thing." Apolinar steps right up till he's practically stepping on Lalita's toes. "You are one of the less orderly elements of this city, you effeminate little drip! You would not know discipline if it hit you between the eyes! I consider it an insult to invited to a melee by someone like you. Clearly, it's not much of a melee if persons of your underwhelming caliber are all they can muster to hand out invites." Apolinar takes a few steps back and then continues. "Now, is there any other business you had?"

Da Mongoose
2010-06-25, 07:07 PM
[Genoveva's Palacio]

Tadzio seems to grow still again as the Primera looks at him, remaining vigilant in not taking his eyes off of her, though his eyes flicker over her face, seeming to try and dissect her expression to little avail. Very briefly his eyes leave her face to acknowledge the movement of her hand to the pommel of the falchion before returning. Carefully he straightens into a standing position, though remains slightly hunched. A perceptive person might realize he's hunching just low enough that he won't be standing taller and looking down at the Primera.

"I...did not do it with malicious intent... more so because I did not think you would be interested enough to know the truth... I have no intent of causing trouble," he answers carefully, keeping his slightly lowered stance. "My apologies, for such an audacious ploy..."

While speaking, he remains quiet, his tone seeming sincere in its politeness. His body language in combination seems to suggest that he is trying to avoid the Primera's attention and interest, making no attempt to step out of his shadowed corner or otherwise draw attention to himself physically, though his breathing seems to have quickened slightly.

"My name is Tadzio Desiderus... Yes, you are correct.. I am... new.."

2010-06-25, 07:21 PM
Lalita's smile freezes on his face and his eyes widen a bit at Apolinar's... bluntness. He takes a short step back to avoid getting his feet crushed by the General. Then, he half closes his eyes as his smiles returns to being sincere, and adopts a sorry expression.

"No, I'm afraid. Thank you for sparing your time for such a low-life as me, good General", he chimes. "However, for the sake of my master, I must ask you to reconsider. He was so sure he could trust you in this matter. If you are so inclined to decline, could you at least give me a bit more... sophisticated message to my lord?" Lalita takes another wary step back, ready to leave at moment's notice. He stays to listen Apolinar's reply, though.

2010-06-25, 07:28 PM
"Aye... tell him that while I would certainly like to attend, I cannot due to pressing duties." Apolinar will say no more, not even offering a goodbye as he trudges back to the gate.

2010-06-25, 07:42 PM
Lalita leers after Apolinar, before speeding from the gate as fast as he can. He does not head back to the Segunda's sector - instead, he heads to the Novena's, deciding to cut some corner by running through the Primera's grounds. Pressing duties? Hmmph! That man is always such a spoilsport! I hope Master Edward does not take this too harshly...

2010-06-25, 10:48 PM
She smirks. "No, it doesn't."

She carries her prisoner to her room, and sets him on the floor before dissipating her Resureccion, undressing, and pulling the knockout webbing off the Shinigami. He should wake up pretty soon.

Jiro woke up, and sighed. He was bound with the damn womans silk again, apparently. He'd just have to wait for his chance to get free and slip off. For now he looked over at Mei, blushed faintly, and turned and looked quite resolutely at a convenient wall.

2010-06-25, 10:52 PM
She walks over. "Awww... doing the quiet treatment?"

2010-06-25, 11:01 PM
Jiro continued to stare at the wall.

"No. I just have nothing to say."

2010-06-25, 11:19 PM


She walks right in front of him.

2010-06-26, 12:23 AM
Jiro immedietely looks away, staring at another convenient patch of wall.

"Once I come up with more insults, I'll tell you."

2010-06-26, 12:25 AM
Mei chuckles. "Easily embarrassed, aren't you?"

Free Hand
2010-06-26, 12:41 AM
Sereg sees the Gillian heading for his arena, watching the towering hollow sway with each step. "My my, Either that's the Novena, or a Gillian wants to see a fight. I should make my arena accommodate them sooner or later." He says to himself before noticing Pan. "Novena! It is good to see you again, Pan. I believe you have mistaken the date of the grand melee." He yells out when he finally sees Pan and his fraccion. He then moves to the tower of his arena and waits.
[Septima Arena]

The Gillian finally comes to a halt by the arena tower. The gillian, Mr. Canary, is a notably tall specimen of it's type and manges to draw it's head level with Sereg's position with minimal difficulty. Pan is sitting cross legged with his arms folded in his poncho out of sight. He rocks from side to side in his seated position, almost like he's imitating the jaunty sway of the gillian.

Hello Sereg! So then the fighting contest is really happening? I wanted to see the arena first before the day, I never saw it before, you know. So where is it?

Pan looks around expecting to see an amphitheatre or insidious pit somewhere around the chapel shaped arena.

2010-06-26, 12:43 AM
Jiro remains silent, staring at his chosen portion of wall, and planning his escape. He couldn't go down the side obviously. He'd have to figure out something else.

2010-06-26, 12:44 AM
Mei shrugs, and sits down on a chair, watching Jiro.

2010-06-26, 12:48 AM
Jiro shows no sign of noticing her, staring at the wall resolutely, and continuing to run his mind through his options. At least this one left him alone, unlike the the Snake Woman.

2010-06-26, 07:05 AM
[Novena's district]

Puzzlingly enough, Lalita found neither his master nor the Novena in his Palacio. Awww, did I miss them?, he muses, wriggling his legs in the air as he sits at the edge of the Palacio's roof, looking back to the Ciudad Baja's entrance. Master Edward will be sad if his little ploy fails... but what can I do about it? Old grumpypants sure didn't feel very co-operative...

'Not know discipline if it hit me between the eyes', eh? Person of my 'underwhelming caliber'? That's so not true! Just because I'm not such a stick-in-the-mud about it, doesn't mean I aren't capable warrior...

Suddenly, the beautiful Fraccion jumps up - to mortal eyes, he'd seem to teeter dangerously on the edge of the roof, at the brink of falling down any moment. Of coure, to someone who can walk in air, such is not a concern. I'll show that ugly geezer 'discipline'! I'll show him the collected grace only those under Master Edward's regime can possess! I just need to... find some more suitable attire...

Lalita hurries back to Segunda's sector to change his clothes. Apolinar is in for a surprise...

2010-06-26, 10:32 AM
[Gate to Ciudad Baja]

Apolinar takes up his position at the gate once more, wondering if he should send someone anyway. He'd certainly never grace such an occasion with HIS presence... And if that limp-wristed wimp Lalita tried again, or if he brought Edward, who was EVEN WORSE, Apolinar would have a lot to say, none of it good. Okay, so they were Sonido experts. That just made 'em good at running away. "What's the deal with this melee anyway...?" he mused aloud. He had more important things to do than that, surely?

Moon Wolf
2010-06-26, 10:33 AM
Katarina looked towards Pan, and spoke to him quietly. Excuse me, Pan-sama, but you know that I am not very into fighting and all of its concepts, besides, fraccion aren't required to attend, I believe. If you'll excuse me, I'll take my leave back to the palacio novena now. She bowed and disappeared in sonido, slow enough that her master could stop her if he wished.

2010-06-26, 10:49 AM
Edward stood awaiting Katarina as she arrived eager to begin another one of his fancy spiels. A small cheerful smile crept across his face when she came into view. He suddenly leapt to her side, bowed humbly and presented her with a bouquet of brown roses which perfectly matched her eyes. "Oh Katarina, I was just looking for you. These are for you." His tone was polite and jovial.

Moon Wolf
2010-06-26, 10:53 AM
Katarina stopped abruptly, looking all sorts of confused. Her eyes widened to a curiously large size and scarlet blush appeared on her cheeks, clashing with her silvery hair. R-roses? For me? F-from Edward-sama....oh, wake up, wake up, wake up! She screwed her eyes shut and re-opened them. Oh. You're still there. She said quietly. Um.... Suddenly, manners kicked in. She bowed, embarassed, and squeaked, Thank you very much, Edward-sama!

2010-06-26, 11:25 AM
Edward's smile grew at the damsel's adorable bewilderment. "No need to bow or thank me. If anything I should be the one showing my gratitude after having been graced with your presence. I know it's selfish but I ask that you bestow upon me another gift. May I have the honour of brushing your gorgeous hair? I wish to talk to you about something but I fear my attention is held prisoner by your luscious locks. If I were allowed to tend to them I believe I would be better able to compose my thoughts."

Moon Wolf
2010-06-26, 12:16 PM
((Sorry for the sudden deadtime.))

Katarina blinked several times and took the roses, her eyes widening even larger, if that was possible. She quickly held the roses to her face to mask the red on her cheeks. Sure, all right. She said, her voice just the slightest bit shaky. I've never had any man here ask something like that...who knows, maybe I'll turn out to like him.

2010-06-26, 12:28 PM
[Gate to Ciudad Baja]

Apolinar takes up his position at the gate once more, wondering if he should send someone anyway. He'd certainly never grace such an occasion with HIS presence... And if that limp-wristed wimp Lalita tried again, or if he brought Edward, who was EVEN WORSE, Apolinar would have a lot to say, none of it good. Okay, so they were Sonido experts. That just made 'em good at running away. "What's the deal with this melee anyway...?" he mused aloud. He had more important things to do than that, surely?

Clearly determined to keep pestering the larger man, Lalita Tandon steps into view, smiling politely at the General. He has changed his usual attire to an outfit consisting of straight trousers and a multi-pocketed jacket, both made of white linen, reminescent of a modern soldier's uniform. He's also wearing a pair of immaculately polished black marching boots.

"Hello again, General Rodriguez, sir", Lalita chimes and brings his hand to a military salute. "I hope your words are a sign you are... reconsidering our offer."

"Master Edward was greatly saddened to hear about your decline", he lies. "He hoped so much he could trust a man like you to help a brother-in-arms. I'm sure he's considering sending someone... more to your tastes to plead for our cause. But that's not why I'm here."

"I'm here to challenge you. To defend my honor."

2010-06-26, 12:30 PM
Edward led Katarina into one of the various rooms of Pan's palacio. "I know it sounds like a strange request... If you would be so kind..." He motioned for her to sit on a chair in front of him as he took a seat of his own behind it.

Moon Wolf
2010-06-26, 12:33 PM
Katarina sat down, fully aware of Edward's presence behind her. Her eyes were closed, but she was straining her pesquisa so hard that she felt like she could see him behind her...

2010-06-26, 12:49 PM
And so it began. Edward pulled out his trusty curry brush and began to passionately run it through the comely Katarina's mane. His masterful meticulous movements were sure to please.

2010-06-26, 01:03 PM

Clearly determined to keep pestering the larger man, Lalita Tandon steps into view, smiling politely at the General. He has changed his usual attire to an outfit consisting of straight trousers and a multi-pocketed jacket, both made of white linen, reminescent of a modern soldier's uniform. He's also wearing a pair of immaculately polished black marching boots.

"Hello again, General Rodriguez, sir", Lalita chimes and brings his hand to a military salute. "I hope your words are a sign you are... reconsidering our offer."

"Master Edward was greatly saddened to hear about your decline", he lies. "He hoped so much he could trust a man like you to help a brother-in-arms. I'm sure he's considering sending someone... more to your tastes to plead for our cause. But that's not why I'm here."

"I'm here to challenge you. To defend my honor."

Apolinar's train of thought is stopped dead by Lalita's arrival. Faking astonishment, he takes a few steps back from the Fraccion. "It seems I was wrong about you, Tandon. You really are..."
A pause.

"THE WORST EXCUSE FOR A SOLDIER I HAVE EVER SEEN!" Apolinar glares with almost-physical levels of hostility straight into Lalita's eyes, and continues. "You are not fooling anyone with that getup. Or that salute. And what's this about Edward being a brother-in-arms? Do you even know him!? He wants to be a sister, for the love of..." Stopping for a few moments, the privaron finally realises what Lalita just said. "Wait.. did you just challenge me, to defend your... heh... Honour? Seriously? heh heh... You're a comedian, I'll give you that..."

Apolinar breaks into particularly unpleasant laughter for a bit before stopping himself. "Alright, I'll consider this challenge of yours, as laughable the notion of you possessing honour is."

Moon Wolf
2010-06-26, 01:08 PM
She let him brush her hair, thinking, Now that's a first. A man with a hair brush. Mind you, this is Edward-sama.... a question suddenly formed in Katarina's mind. Edward-sama, just a question...not to offend, of course not, but, er...why exactly are you brushing my hair? She asked meekly.

2010-06-26, 01:21 PM
Edward let out a little sigh and spoke wearily as if his soul were draining out of him with each word. "I know... I know... I'm hopeless. I just couldn't resist touching such a beautiful maiden's hair. When I first saw you I said to myself, 'Come on Edward, surely you can avoid asking to brush her hair. You're supposed to be a gentleman. It's rude to ask such weird things straight out of the blue. What if she thinks you're a creep?' But then I answered my own question, 'Neigh! Nay Edward! You cannot! Who knows how long you might have to wait before you get another opportunity! Besides she's such a kind and sensible person she'd take it as a compliment!' And so, here I am. I simply couldn't bridle my desire." He continued to move his comb with gentle precision.

2010-06-26, 01:27 PM
[Palacio Tercera]

[Arcelia's Palace]

There is a quiet knock on the doorway to the room Talon is in, just to get her attention, and then an arrancar steps into the room and gives a respectful bow to the privaron. Presumably this is one of Arcelia's fraccion, though Talon won't recognize her. The fraccion has a build rather similar to Arcelia's, though she is shorter, and possesses black hair where Arcelia's is blond; Further, her clothing is predominately a light gray, with blue edging and a small choker that matches.

"Good evening."
She says in a soft, courteous voice.
"I hope you have found your accommodations to your liking?"

For the moment, she doesn't move from the doorway, apparently waiting for Talon's permission.

Talon raises an eyebrow. "...Yeah, yeah, it's fine." She waits, and watches for anything suspicious.

2010-06-26, 01:37 PM
[Genoveva's Palacio]

So she had been right then, he had been lying but at just a quick glance...she hadn't been able to tell with any certainty that was the case. It was a somewhat impressive feat when she thought about it, and the way he was going out of his way to suggest he wasn't a threat, with body posture at that, was equally intriguing. Most arrancar and hollows gained power by being aggressive and down-right predatory of those fellows, but she had a difficult time even picturing this...Tadzio attacking anything. Let alone with any sort of gusto!

"Can tell ya ain't 'een here long. Ya think Ah'd take offense to something as minor as 'hat? Ah admire yer audacity, jus' dun do eet again, eh? 'ever know when someone 'ight decide ta gut ya fer it." she comments off-hand as her hand falls away from the pommel of her falchion. The Primera is almost a stark contrast to him, standing tall and proud despite her somewhat short stature with an air of confidence that fit's the threatening feel of her reiryoku, even as her slitted eyes creep over him again.

"Ya seem to already know 'ho Ah am, so lets skip the introductions, eh? Why are ya lounging in this cruddy room? Surely ya could boot somoene else out of their's..."

Moon Wolf
2010-06-26, 01:38 PM
Katarina gave an involuntary twitch, and it seemed for a moment like there were small black horse ears on her head, folding back in a horse-like style. I know....that my hollow form is a horse, Edward-sama, but I am a person....and....do you do those puns to everyone? Or is it like a special thing...

Da Mongoose
2010-06-26, 01:50 PM
Tadzio listens quietly to the Primera, tilting his head slightly in a slightly curious gesture when she speaks of admiring his audacity, though he nods in affirmation to assure her he understands the risk of trying such a second time. "Very well.."

He takes his eyes off of her finally, casting an appraising glance around the room for a brief moment, though seems no more relaxed than before, merely slightly more apathetic.

"Someone did me the trouble of 'booting out' the previous resident here already. It is intact at least.. I did not feel spilling my blood for a more luxurious place to sleep was a fair trade, when an alternative existed for free, mediocre as it may be.." he glances back at her cautiously.

2010-06-26, 01:54 PM
"You're a special case. I hope you don't mind. It's just my way of showing affection. By the way, this isn't the only reason I decided to visit." Edward began to speak solemnly. "I wanted to let you know that if you or Pan, so long as you care for him, ever need any help I'll be there for you. I couldn't stand the idea of letting someone as good natured as you get hurt. You really mean a lot to me. Your mind is just as exquisite as your looks."

Moon Wolf
2010-06-26, 02:16 PM
Katarina blushed and turned around in her seat to face Edward. I thought you were just a flirt...I was wrong. You're actually really nice, Edward-sama. N-not that I didn't think you were nice before.... she trailed off.

2010-06-26, 02:30 PM
"Thanks. I'm glad you think so. A lot of other people misunderstand me and think I'm a bad guy. Then again, they might be right. I'm quite greedy." Edward winked, smiled playfully and slowly leaned forward. "So greedy in fact, that I wish to steal a kiss, if you would permit me." His voice was an enticing whisper.

Moon Wolf
2010-06-26, 02:48 PM
Katarina closed her eyes, still half-believing that she was dreaming. All right...

2010-06-26, 02:49 PM
[Septima Arena]

The Gillian finally comes to a halt by the arena tower. The gillian, Mr. Canary, is a notably tall specimen of it's type and manges to draw it's head level with Sereg's position with minimal difficulty. Pan is sitting cross legged with his arms folded in his poncho out of sight. He rocks from side to side in his seated position, almost like he's imitating the jaunty sway of the gillian.

Hello Sereg! So then the fighting contest is really happening? I wanted to see the arena first before the day, I never saw it before, you know. So where is it?

Pan looks around expecting to see an amphitheatre or insidious pit somewhere around the chapel shaped arena.

[Septima Arena]

Sereg looks at Pan questioningly, his head involuntarily sways with Pan's body, leaning slightly from side to side. "Why, we're here. Quite unsuspecting, is it not? Surely you believed Arcelia when she told you there would be a fight, yes?" He says to the Novena.

2010-06-26, 03:15 PM
Edward moved closer still and delicately framed her face with his hands. He likewise closed his eyes as their lips gradually met. The act was both a sign of his childlike innocence and an attempt to better enjoy this sensual moment with his other senses. For what seemed like an eternity, at least to him, he held her close and let himself take in all there was to experience. The precious pulse of her rapidly beating heart, the sweetness of her lovely lips, the smoothness of her silky skin, the ambrosia that was her fantastic fragrance and the heavenly hair that lightly laid upon him.

2010-06-26, 03:35 PM
Apolinar's train of thought is stopped dead by Lalita's arrival. Faking astonishment, he takes a few steps back from the Fraccion. "It seems I was wrong about you, Tandon. You really are..."
A pause.

"THE WORST EXCUSE FOR A SOLDIER I HAVE EVER SEEN!" Apolinar glares with almost-physical levels of hostility straight into Lalita's eyes, and continues. "You are not fooling anyone with that getup. Or that salute. And what's this about Edward being a brother-in-arms? Do you even know him!? He wants to be a sister, for the love of..." Stopping for a few moments, the privaron finally realises what Lalita just said. "Wait.. did you just challenge me, to defend your... heh... Honour? Seriously? heh heh... You're a comedian, I'll give you that..."

Apolinar breaks into particularly unpleasant laughter for a bit before stopping himself. "Alright, I'll consider this challenge of yours, as laughable the notion of you possessing honour is."

"Yes, my sense of humour is one of the reasons my Master tolerates me", Lalita says cheerfully, completely without irony. "What comes to my honor... you said I know no discipline. I think you are wrong. I'm so sure of it, infact, that I'm willing to put my own well-being at risk to prove that to you."

"I might no longer belong to a dedicated military like yours, good General, but I am a skilled warrior. I've honed my speed and reflexes strenuously to become as fleet of foot as my good lord Segunda. Surely, you can't say achieving such grace is possible without considerable self-discipline."

"My challenge is, then, a race, by foot, from this place to any locale of your choosing. If I lose, I will admit I'm an inferior being, and submit to your service for as long as you deem fit, so you can teach me what true discipline is. If, for some unfathomable reason, I win, you will take back your words... and help my master by participating in the Gran Melee."

Moon Wolf
2010-06-26, 03:51 PM
Katarina slowly opened her eyes, her sight slightly hazy. She spoke softly, her lips brushing Edward's with every syllable. That was the best kiss I've ever had.

2010-06-26, 04:46 PM
Edward opened his eyes at exactly the same time. "I feel the same way," he murmured. He withdrew his hands and moved his head back for a moment before darting forwards to plant another much quicker yet still tender kiss on her lips. Afterwards he put a little distance between them and stared directly into her eyes with a tinge of sadness on his face. "I have another favor to ask... Unfortunately it's one that isn't anywhere nearly as pleasant. I do hope you'll forgive me."

Moon Wolf
2010-06-26, 04:51 PM
Katarina looked at him, and blinked to clear her hazy vision. I don't mind. Although I'm not sure what kind of favour an espada could ask of me.

2010-06-26, 05:04 PM
"I suppose all my horsing around behooves me to get to the other reason why I'm here. I was hoping to curry a certain favor. To spur you to action on my behalf. I hate to saddle you with this but... Well... You've probably already heard about it. Could you ask Pan to use his powers on someone for me in the martial contest that is being held soon? I wanted to help Pico win by augmenting the abilities of whoever he had in his stable because he unwittingly made a terrible bet with Genoveva that she is holding him to. Helping him might also allow your master and him to develop a friendly relationship." Edward paused. "Please don't get me wrong! I would've come here to say and do what I did even if I had nothing to ask of you. It just so happens that I did. Please believe me." His face pleaded with her as much as his words.

Moon Wolf
2010-06-26, 05:22 PM
((On another horsey note, the horses here have riot gear as well as the police! Oh, my...))

Katarina sighed and thought about it. To be truthful...I left because I did not want any part of the fighting. It'll be difficult for me to go back there, but I can make an excuse. I suppose I can help you, but I am curious...why do you want Pico-sama to win, instead of yourself?

2010-06-26, 05:33 PM
"Yes, my sense of humour is one of the reasons my Master tolerates me", Lalita says cheerfully, completely without irony. "What comes to my honor... you said I know no discipline. I think you are wrong. I'm so sure of it, infact, that I'm willing to put my own well-being at risk to prove that to you."

"I might no longer belong to a dedicated military like yours, good General, but I am a skilled warrior. I've honed my speed and reflexes strenuously to become as fleet of foot as my good lord Segunda. Surely, you can't say achieving such grace is possible without considerable self-discipline."

"My challenge is, then, a race, by foot, from this place to any locale of your choosing. If I lose, I will admit I'm an inferior being, and submit to your service for as long as you deem fit, so you can teach me what true discipline is. If, for some unfathomable reason, I win, you will take back your words... and help my master by participating in the Gran Melee."

He was fully aware that he was playing Lalita on his own turf and that the odds of success were slim. But Apolinar did not really care. Words were cheap and easily taken back, and besides, he hadn't cracked any skulls in weeks... Although I hope he doesn't lord it too much if he wins. He's insufferable enough as is...

"Cut the crap, kid. It's not like you really think that highly of me at all and you know it." The general scanned the surroundings. "Having said that, I accept your terms. This oughta be good... For a laugh."

Turning towards Sereg's sector, Apolinar points towards the Arena. "We start there. One full lap of the city. no stopping. For ANYTHING!" With that, he disappeared in a blur of Sonido headed in a perfectly straight line towards the Arena.

An Arrancar with a Hollow-burger stand near the road was suddenly sent flying through the air and his stand was wrecked. Perfectly straight line.

2010-06-26, 05:38 PM
"Well, to be honest, he's got a friendly harmless fracción too and I don't want to see her cry. Genoveva might take her from him as part of her winnings and do horrible things to her. Don't worry, she isn't anywhere near as hot to trot as you are though. She looks like a child. I hope you don't buck at the thought of me helping another woman."

Moon Wolf
2010-06-26, 06:06 PM
Edward could swear a couple of horse ears were flattening against Katarina's head. You're in love with her as well. She said softly.

2010-06-26, 06:16 PM
"Gah! I can't lie to you. I'm sorry, really, it's just how I am. I love all you girls. It doesn't mean you're any less special to me. I'm like a wild horse. I naturally like to roam free. I don't want to be reigned in. I'm not a flirt. I sincerely love you. I wouldn't dare to toy with your emotions. If I really was a terrible jerk I'd abduct you or something. Mei does that kind of stuff all the time." Edward sounded like he was wracked with pain and grief.

Free Hand
2010-06-26, 06:19 PM
Well if you really don't want to go then.

Pan says this distractedly to Katarina while looking around still

[Septima Arena]Sereg looks at Pan questioningly, his head involuntarily sways with Pan's body, leaning slightly from side to side. "Why, we're here. Quite unsuspecting, is it not? Surely you believed Arcelia when she told you there would be a fight, yes?" He says to the Novena.

Oh really?

Pan jumps to his feet and peers at the building.

I didn't actually speak to Arcelia.. She dropped a message outside my door, she's probably done the same for everyone else. I had trouble believing it I think because I suppose that makes Arcelia the Primera's Gofer. *giggles* It's funny thinking about her running around like that.

Pan stopped swaying from side only to instead rock back and forth on his heels. He really doesn't seem to like keeping still.

I'm hear now because it's only proper to ask the host if I can bring one of my friends.

Pan looks down at his feet, and also the very tall Gillian he's standing on.

Oh not Canary-san though, he doesn't this sort of thing much.

2010-06-26, 06:30 PM
"Of course you can bring someone, Pan. What kind of a host would I be if i disallowed that? I am so happy you do not mean your friend with you now. As it would be rather difficult to accommodate him in the current facility... No offense, Canary" He says cheerily, The Novena just happens to be one of the few Espada he generally enjoys meeting with, though he'd never tell anyone. He looks down at the Gillian at the end, assuming the massive hollow is one of the few that actually have a personality.

Moon Wolf
2010-06-26, 06:40 PM
Katarina nodded. I get it. Well, there's not much I can do, then. If that's the way you are then I guess I'll just have to learn to live with it. I mean, if you must know....I kind of feel something for you too. And you're also a very good kisser. I guess it's just horse sense- She then clapped a hand to her mouth in shock. The puns, they're getting to me! Help me, someone! She retracted her hand, looking embarassed. All right. I'll help you. What do you want me to do?

2010-06-26, 06:54 PM
The Segunda beamed. "Oh thank you so much. Most people aren't so understanding. I'm certainly indebted to you and I won't forget that. Lalita is recruiting Apolinar to be Pico's champion as we speak. He may have already succeeded. I was hoping you could get Pan to possess and power him up so he'd be unbeatable." He looked greatly refreshed, as if a massive weight had been taken off his shoulders.

Moon Wolf
2010-06-26, 07:17 PM
Katarina looked confused. How will I convince my master to get another espada's champion to win? I'm not that powerful. You can't ask me to do this without already having a plan, right? She asked hopefully.

2010-06-26, 07:35 PM
Edward began pondering what to say and listed his thoughts as they came to him. "Well he cares for you doesn't he? I thought the two of you had a pretty close relationship. Aren't you like a mother to him? Unless he has a champion of his own that he wants to win I don't see why he wouldn't do you this favor. I guess we could give him whatever Pico is supposed to win. If he does win he's allowed to take some of Genoveva's prisoners. I doubt Pico could win without my help so I think it's only fair he gives up whatever he gains in exchange for me ensuring he loses nothing. Couldn't Pan help me out as a sign of goodwill? I offer you my protection whether he does anything for me or not but wouldn't giving me something in return be the polite thing to do? Who among the Espada is more helpful to have on your side? Genoveva? She's a rank above me but you know how fickle she can be."

Moon Wolf
2010-06-26, 07:48 PM
Katarina thought, and she thought hard. So I basically ask him to power up Apolinar until he's guaranteed to win the tournament, and in return Pan-sama will be rewarded with some of Genoveva-sama's prisoners. I'm pretty sure that Pan-sama won't be too happy if he finds out that I'm doing this for you. And I'm certain that Genoveva-sama won't be too happy unless you've already spoken to her about this. She smiled. If you can ensure me that Genoveva-sama knows, and that your fraccion isn't going to fail at recruiting Apolinar, then I'll do it, right now.

2010-06-26, 08:18 PM
"Well I can pretty much guarantee you that Lalita will succeed. If he doesn't I'll do the convincing myself. I'd prefer not to inform Genoveva because I'd like to keep the element of surprise. She does already know in a way. She made the contest with very vague rules because she no doubt expects and wants us to try to 'cheat' as much as we can. It's not really cheating after all if there are no rules against what we do." Edward returned her smile and spoke with confidence. "I assure you if anything goes wrong that could harm you or Pan I'll take full responsibility for it."

Moon Wolf
2010-06-26, 08:29 PM
Katarina nodded. I'll have to improvise, but then again, I've always been rather good at that. So, I'll do it...but what'll I get out of it, Edward-sama?

2010-06-26, 08:46 PM
Genoveva's Palacio

"Ya are in the wrong place den. Sooner or later some squatter is gonna 'et it in his, her, or it's head they can spill yer blood for this place and take it fer der own." Genoveva says softly, looking about the room with some disinterest before her 'gaze' falls upon the arrancar she had found with some interest. "Yer a settler though..Ah can tell from how ya are acting, ya find somethin' good and run with it. Ya don't try to go for something better. Ah can see it on yer face."

The Primera looks at him with continued curiosity, finding him odd for some reason, even as her grin continues to widen.

"'ey, Ah'm visitin' the arena tomorrow. Ya goin' to continue to settle, or prove yerself an arrancar?" Genoveva challenges with that very same evil grin, a look of primal bloodlust seeping unto her expression.

2010-06-26, 08:52 PM
"Well," said Edward coolly, "you already have my heart and my mind. I'll gladly give you my body as well." He gives her another deep kiss, one that would leave a mortal gasping for air. He then puts his mouth to her ear and whispers, his warm breath tickling her as he speaks, "All of it." He then moves back to face her wearing a seductive little smile. His eyes stare deeply into her own and give off the impression of supreme certainty in his words.

Moon Wolf
2010-06-26, 09:09 PM
Katarina blushed again, redder than the last time. Wow. I should inform Pan-sama, but I guess it can wait, right? Unless you'd rather I do that now, and we.....mmm....later. She stayed facing Edward, not exactly wanting to leave.

2010-06-26, 09:23 PM
"It can wait," said Edward nonchalantly. Without further clarification he took her hand and guided her to a more suitable room. Safe from any potential prying eyes. Somewhere a flower bloomed, elsewhere one lost its petals. Some time later they exited it and Edward delivered the ever so cliché line, "Was it as good for you as it was for me?" He wore a huge grin as he internally chuckled at his trite response to recent events.

Moon Wolf
2010-06-26, 09:32 PM
Katarina sighed. I figured he'd ask that one sooner or later. She looked him sincerely in the eyes, and said, I don't think I'd be able to find any words to describe it. It was that good.

((And now, Moon needs her sleepy.))

Da Mongoose
2010-06-26, 09:42 PM
Tadzio remains quiet again as he listens to Genoveva's explanation, though doesn't seem wholly convinced about leaving.

"I know it's likely to happen eventually.. I will deal with that when the time comes. I assumed anyone stronger than me wouldn't be interested in such a 'cruddy' place.. I just needed a short bit of time to recuperate at least, and consider my next move," he shrugs a little evasively, seeming to try and dismiss the issue.

Tadzio pauses as she mentions being able to see it on his face, his eyes flickering back to her from behind the mask warily. "I understand it's a gamble trying to 'settle' here, but your Palacio is still one of the least densely populated areas. You don't think very highly of 'settlers', is it?" he asks with faint curiosity, though seems to become slightly more anxious as her grin widens, slowly beginning to stand straight as he contemplates her words.

"What... exactly are you proposing?"

2010-06-26, 09:47 PM
"Hearing that is what really matters to me. I would much rather please you than myself. If you don't mind, I think I'll go check on Lalita to see how he's doing. By the way, please don't call me Edward-sama unless you actually feel more comfortable doing so than not."

2010-06-26, 10:21 PM
[Palacio Tercera]

Talon raises an eyebrow. "...Yeah, yeah, it's fine." She waits, and watches for anything suspicious.

Suddenly, Talon realizes the nefarious plot of Arcelia and her minions. Everything had been calculated right from the start, her actions had been anticipated and planned around, right down to the very couch she was sitting on. Nothing was safe- everything was against her. Even the walls conspired to her doom, their white color only a veneer and facade over their dark treachery! Everyone laughed at her, everyone pulled the strings and gloated, waiting for her to slip up! They were after her organs! SHE HAD TO GET TINFOIL TO PROTECT HER BRAIN! QUICKLY!

Azlia, the servant speaking to her, gives a pleased smile.
"I'm glad to hear it."
She looks behind her, and pulls a small cart into view, which contains a number of different things to eat and drink.
"I brought you some refreshments, if you'd like them."
The fraccion goes ahead and pushes in the cart- after all, if Talon doesn't want anything, their presence won't prevent her from saying no.
"Do you mind if I keep you company?"
She asks, giving her that little smile again.

Will the deviousness never cease?!

Moon Wolf
2010-06-27, 09:24 AM
Katarina nodded. Yes, and I should be going to Pan-sama now to ask him about the plan....I'll see you later...Edward-san. She said, trying that out. Good bye, for now. She leaned in for a final kiss.

2010-06-27, 10:37 AM
Edward gave her a little peck on the cheek and winked. "We can save the rest for later. Farewell." A moment later he used his sonido to disappear in search of Lalita.

Moon Wolf
2010-06-27, 01:02 PM
Okay, that's a polite way to tell me the next kiss he's having won't be with me. Katarina rolled her eyes and brushed a few strands of her silvery hair out of her face. Now I've got to go and find Pan-sama. He's probably still at Sereg-sama's arena. Accompanied by the customary static pop, she disappeared in sonido, already scanning the area ahead with her pesquisa, searching for her master's reiatsu. Sure enough, it was coming from Sereg's arena.

2010-06-27, 01:19 PM
[Palacio Tercera]

Talon's eyes twitch momentarily as the wave of paranoia washes over her, however she fights the urge to run like a coward. She stares at the servant for a couple minutes as she considers her situation.


2010-06-27, 01:20 PM
Genoveva's Palacio

"Tsk, ya ain't even going to try and keep it ter yer self? What's da point ta livin' if ya ain't gonna at least TRY to hol' on to what ya got?" Genoveva says, finally stopping nary an inch away from Tadzio as she looks up into his mask.

"Weren't ya listenin'? Ah goin' to a social thing. Ah just invited ya ta come with me as company. Simple question really, ya or neigh?" There wasn't even much room to back down really, she had been quick to get right up into his face, "C'mon! Speak up!"

Free Hand
2010-06-27, 01:30 PM
"Of course you can bring someone, Pan. What kind of a host would I be if i disallowed that? I am so happy you do not mean your friend with you now. As it would be rather difficult to accommodate him in the current facility... No offense, Canary" He says cheerily, The Novena just happens to be one of the few Espada he generally enjoys meeting with, though he'd never tell anyone. He looks down at the Gillian at the end, assuming the massive hollow is one of the few that actually have a personality.

((uhh so much has happened))

The gillian's form shifts oddly, if it had visible shouldsers this may have been a shrug. At the same time Pan collapses back into his original sitting position.

So how big is it inside? Can I see?

2010-06-27, 01:39 PM
"If you wish, Pan. I'm afraid the inside is a bit cluttered at the moment. There are renovations in place for the matches tomorrow. Your fraccion can come as well if she wishes." He says very formally. He signals to a few of arrancar running about to open the main doors, an archway nearly fifty feet in height and thirty feet in width. The doors swing outward silently and inside the usual sounds of construction can be heard.

2010-06-27, 01:55 PM
He was fully aware that he was playing Lalita on his own turf and that the odds of success were slim. But Apolinar did not really care. Words were cheap and easily taken back, and besides, he hadn't cracked any skulls in weeks... Although I hope he doesn't lord it too much if he wins. He's insufferable enough as is...

"Cut the crap, kid. It's not like you really think that highly of me at all and you know it." The general scanned the surroundings. "Having said that, I accept your terms. This oughta be good... For a laugh."

Turning towards Sereg's sector, Apolinar points towards the Arena. "We start there. One full lap of the city. no stopping. For ANYTHING!" With that, he disappeared in a blur of Sonido headed in a perfectly straight line towards the Arena.

An Arrancar with a Hollow-burger stand near the road was suddenly sent flying through the air and his stand was wrecked. Perfectly straight line.
Lalita freezes for a brief moment as Apolinar charges away. Oh dear, he thinks as all the different laws and customs he'll be breaking flash through his mind. Yes, he doesn't usually care one whiff about them, but that doesn't mean he is ignorant of them. There'd be other reasons to run fast than just beating the General...

... but there isn't time to ponder about that now. Lalita leaps after Apolinar, using the path the General opened to his advantage as he speeds up. A befuddled arrancar can only give a quick glance after Apolinar as he lands, before a black boot uses his head as a stepping stone and bashes his face to the pavement. "Sorryaboutthatwillmakeitupsometiiiiimeee...."

Soon, the Fraccion ties in with the Privaron, gaining a slight lead over Apolinar before they arrive at the arena. This... we... I'll be so screwed after this! Edward will have easy time finding the two. If the start is any sign of what's coming, routes the contestants took will be visible days afterwards...

Free Hand
2010-06-27, 02:22 PM
But Canary-sans a boy, right Canary-san?

The gillian made no visible response.

Yes that's right.

Pan stands back up again to watch the doors open.

Hmmm I don't think you can come with me inside Canary-san, it's your own fault for being so tall you know. So you have to stay here and not pick anyone up, or eat anyone, or step on anyone, or even practice cartwheels. So you just stay right here and I'll be right back.

With that, Pan hopped off the gillian and solidified the air beneath him to slow his decent until he touched ground.

2010-06-27, 02:38 PM
Lalita freezes for a brief moment as Apolinar charges away. Oh dear, he thinks as all the different laws and customs he'll be breaking flash through his mind. Yes, he doesn't usually care one whiff about them, but that doesn't mean he is ignorant of them. There'd be other reasons to run fast than just beating the General...

... but there isn't time to ponder about that now. Lalita leaps after Apolinar, using the path the General opened to his advantage as he speeds up. A befuddled arrancar can only give a quick glance after Apolinar as he lands, before a black boot uses his head as a stepping stone and bashes his face to the pavement. "Sorryaboutthatwillmakeitupsometiiiiimeee...."

Soon, the Fraccion ties in with the Privaron, gaining a slight lead over Apolinar before they arrive at the arena. This... we... I'll be so screwed after this! Edward will have easy time finding the two. If the start is any sign of what's coming, routes the contestants took will be visible days afterwards...

Apolinar briefly considers stopping at the arena, but instead takes a right. However, instead of simply changing direction, Apolinar basically has to powerslide due to his total lack of grace or acrobatic skill, or, indeed, actually caring about those two attributes. Screeching through the corner and somehow not killing anyone(again), he leaves a glowing line in the pavement, as well as some of his speed. Despite this, Apolinar was still rather buoyant. Are ya man enough to go through with this, I wonder? he exulted to himself as he kept on going. Truth be told, this was mostly to make Lalita squirm... Apolinar wished that the fraccion's face wasn't a blur right now.

Da Mongoose
2010-06-27, 02:40 PM
Genoveva's Palacio

"Tsk, ya ain't even going to try and keep it ter yer self? What's da point ta livin' if ya ain't gonna at least TRY to hol' on to what ya got?" Genoveva says, finally stopping nary an inch away from Tadzio as she looks up into his mask.

"Weren't ya listenin'? Ah goin' to a social thing. Ah just invited ya ta come with me as company. Simple question really, ya or neigh?" There wasn't even much room to back down really, she had been quick to get right up into his face, "C'mon! Speak up!"

Tadzio's eyes seem to narrow in a fashion that would suggest he is frowning, though thoughtfully. He gives his head a small shake, protesting only in a quiet voice.

"This isn't worth holding onto... it's just... a resting place for the moment,"
He straightens up fully when the Primera grows closer, the quickness of his breath audible from such a distance, though it seems fairly steady despite that. He looks down at her now, his gaze remaining wary, though a flicker of surprise flashes through his eyes as she clarifies her proposal, seeming slightly taken aback.

"Well-..." he starts to speak, jerking slightly as she orders him to speak up, the command seeming to snap him back to attention. "I will come with you,"

2010-06-27, 03:08 PM
Apolinar briefly considers stopping at the arena, but instead takes a right. However, instead of simply changing direction, Apolinar basically has to powerslide due to his total lack of grace or acrobatic skill, or, indeed, actually caring about those two attributes. Screeching through the corner and somehow not killing anyone(again), he leaves a glowing line in the pavement, as well as some of his speed. Despite this, Apolinar was still rather buoyant. Are ya man enough to go through with this, I wonder? he exulted to himself as he kept on going. Truth be told, this was mostly to make Lalita squirm... Apolinar wished that the fraccion's face wasn't a blur right now.

Truth to be told, Lalita doesn't have much easier time making the sharp turn. To conserve his speed, he leaps of the ground and bounces from a nearby building to correct his course, leaving cracks in both the street and the house. "Imsorrycan'tstopgoodbyyeeee...." he yells as he closes distance with Apolinar... and then jumps over him. There are two, brief crimson flashes that strike against a building ahead, followed by a loud crash as the Fraccion smashes through the weakened wall. He's already long gone by then, but soon loud curses emerge from the damaged apartment. So screwed!

2010-06-27, 03:40 PM
Apolinar smashes through the wall with consummate ease, retaining his speed. Not fast enough though, as Lalita was beginning to pull ahead. Another turn, more gently this time, but Apolinar still has to sacrifice some speed to get around. As a rough estimate, the race is 25% done.

Two Arrancar carrying a large plate of glass step out ahead of the two racers, but despite all convention stating that he should stop and curse his misfortune while his rival gets away, Apolinar hasn't seen many classic movies. There is a explosion of glass, and the two Arrancar are left looking bemused and covered in shards.

Once again Apolinar slides around a corner. This time he isn't so lucky. his powerslide ends in a spin that sees him ricochet off of the wall like an armoured grumpy Spanish top, cursing as he regains control. Redoubling his efforts, he tears after the Fraccion. It's unadvisable to get in his way at this point.

2010-06-27, 03:53 PM
Lalita feels Apolinar closing and glances over his shoulder to see where his grumpy, armored cruise-missile-of-an-opponent is going. This turns out to be a mistake, as he trips on a sudden elevation on the street and has to throw several high-speed cartwheels to keep going. Unfortunately, a Numeros carrying a fine china vase appears out of the blue, and Lalita crashes against her like a stray wheel. "I'm sorry, I'll pay this back to you!", Lalita chirps, gives the flustered Arrancar a quick kiss on the cheek before she catches on what's happening, and the he's off again, hoping he can pick up his speed before Apolinar catches up with him.

2010-06-27, 04:15 PM
There's a u-turn coming up ahead, somehow. Whoever owned this Sector was not big on civic planning, it seemed. As Apolinar ponders this, he realised that maybe he should be turning. As he does so, he realises that he should have been turning about 20 seconds before. His screeching feet trace a line of fire around... and into the building in the side. Lalita will hear crashing and cursing before Apolinar crashes out of the building in front of him, taking the lead...

For about 5 seconds, as he careens along the road like a drunken driver, laying down a trail of accidental fire as he did so. After bouncing around like a metal pinball, he's a bit behind. As a reminder, the race is about halfway about now.

2010-06-27, 04:24 PM
Lalita gasps in shock, just barely avoiding being steamrolled by the clumsy Privaron. As he speeds up to gain distance, he does not do it as much to win, as to save his persky hide. Ohmygodhesgonnakillme!, Lalita thinks in panic as he arrives at a cluster of lower buildings, leaping on the roof of the first one - only to find the flimsily build hovel has a bit too much seki-seki in its structures, and crashing through to the floor below, soon after smashing through a window of the same building. Ohmygodtheyregonnakillme!, he thinks as a group of angry Arrancars jump after him, determined to gut the sucker who ruined their home.

One quarter left...

2010-06-27, 04:29 PM
Mei yawns, and starts to pick up Jiro to carry him up to the web. "Ahhh... seems it's time for some sleep. You tired?"

2010-06-27, 04:40 PM
Hueco Mundo

Today is a great day for the common Arrancar standing against the tyranny of the ruling classes, as the glorious proletariat head after the cursed bourgeosie who wrecked their hom-

The hovel's ground floor exploded, and Arrancar went flying everywhere. Apolinar didn't really know or care what happened to them, instead tearing through the city and eventually arriving back in Sereg's sector. After bulldozing one more innocent Hollow-Burger salesman, he eventually arrived back at the Arena.

...10 years in the future, John Pollard, multimillionaire,finished "... So this Apolinar guy singlehandedly took out the local competition, letting me take over their turf. That, young apprentice, was how I made my first million in the hollow-burger business!"...

Casting around for Lalita, Apolinar's mind is racing. Did I win? The thought fleets into his head as he looks around. "Lalita! You there, or were you talkin' a load of crap back at the gate?"

2010-06-27, 04:53 PM
"Ah. Hello there, General, sir", Lalita shouts from the other end of the arena, smiling and bowing deep to Apolinar. "I've been waiting for you. May I inquire what slowed you down on your trip?" He is clearly trying his best not to appear smug... and failing real hard.

"Unfortunately, it looks like I've won. So, did my display impress you? Will you hold onto your part..."

"There he is! He's the one!"

The smile on Lalita's face freezes over and his eyes widen at the voice. Slowly, he turns to glance over his shoulder. One exit of the arena is being swarmed by angry crowd. "He caused all this! Get him! Free hollow-burgers to one who gets him!"

Seems like poor Lalita might have some more running to do...

2010-06-27, 05:07 PM
Apolinar steps forward towards the mob. As much as he would like to see Lalita torn to shreds, he kind of had to keep him alive. As well as yknow... maintain order, maybe?

The general is soon next to the Fraccion and addressing the crowd. "You there, the hollow burger salesman. Offer burgers to not attack this man here. You see, I reckon you owe me a favour. I was running alongside this man, and in the process I ran into your competitors. More precisely, I ran through 'em." Apolinar closes his arms and smirks. "Their stands are wrecked, and they've lost a month's worth of stock to boot, if I know them... Which means you have a monopoly on Hollow-Burgers. Catch my drift?"

Turning to the rest of the crowd, he drops his persuasive manner. "I am General Apolinar Rodriguez, Privaron Espada, and this here is Lalita Tandon, a Fraccion. It doesn't matter to who, just think for a second how you get jobs like that... If you stop and think about how much damage we did to you when we were not even trying, well, what do you think will happen when we turn our blades on you?" Apolinar assumes a fighting stance and speaks out of the sides of his mouth at Lalita. "I know you're unaccustomed to it, but try and look tough at least. Oh, and you owe me one for this."

2010-06-27, 05:08 PM
Mei yawns, and starts to pick up Jiro to carry him up to the web. "Ahhh... seems it's time for some sleep. You tired?"

Jiro continued to refuse to look at Mei, not responding to her question either. She obviously wanted him to talk to her, so the best course seemed to be to not say anything.

2010-06-27, 05:09 PM
Well, once she gets up, she starts snuggling against him as she starts to drift off to sleep...

2010-06-27, 05:10 PM
Jiro just lays there. He was planning on getting out of the bonds once she was asleep (somehow), and escaping the tower (again... somehow.)

2010-06-27, 06:06 PM
Shock fades from Lalita's face and make room... for a very different feeling, an aura of command and threat. He walks beside Apolinar, facing the crowd, his grey eyes gleaming like the cold sun of a winter morn. "Indeed... you shoud listen to his most honorable of men. Our actions are beyond your kin to judge. You should be grateful we won't slay you where you stand. Go on your ways - there's nothing for you to see here."

The ramshackle Arrancars give doubtful looks at eachother. Lalita's tone is worrying, but sure they could take on one little girl, or boy, or whatever. But facing the armored form of the Privaron doesn't feel too alluring, and it's obvious their enemy isn't going to get far enough from the hulking General for them to safely lynch him. Mumbling under their breaths, the angry crowd abates.

"Ah, seems like our little problem is solved", Lalita chirps, putting his hands behind his back and twisting his upper body to look at Apolinar. "Truly, I must pay you back this service. Now, good General, would you rather follow me to my master's Palacio so you can hear the details, or should I fetch him here...?"

2010-06-27, 06:19 PM
Apolinar blinks for a few seconds. What I just witnessed, I could not possibly have witnessed. Could I? When could he ever do that? Called back to the land of reality, he nods and speaks. "The Palacio. Haven't been there in a while... I'll go." Apolinar follows Lalita to the Palacio,

((Deadtiming until tomorrow))

2010-06-27, 06:30 PM
Just as Apolinar finished voicing his answer Edward appeared by Lalita's side looking indifferent to what he had watched transpire from afar moments ago. "I was really close to stepping in but it seems you two were able to work something out. Well Lalita, have the arrangements been made?"

2010-06-27, 06:40 PM
"Ah, Master Edward! I'm honored you grace us by your presence!", Lalita says primly, throwing his hands to his lap as he bows ridiculously deep to the Segunda. "Yes, I believe me and good General here have reached an... agreement. He has promised to help you in your undertaking."