View Full Version : Let's Play: Jedi Academy

2010-06-14, 11:15 AM
Let's Play: Jedi Academy

Star Wars, Jedi Academy! It's a game with jedi! Lightsabers! Kyle Katarn! What more do I need to say?

Probably these things:

1. I've gotten a new computer since the last Let's Play! A really nice one! I'll be trying out new things and seeing just how high I can get the recording quality. The first video isn't too great (Still an improvement over Borderlands!) but things will be going up from here, I promise.

2. The reason the last LP died was because me and Djinn never had overlapping free time. As such, for *this* LP I'll be choosing a co-host at random from my friend's list whenever the whimsy takes me. The first episode is Jibar.

3. Jedi Academy is a single player game, but single player commentary wierds me out, so I'm using Procaster to stream these so that the co-host can watch, and then comment on what is going on. There's a couple seconds of delay, and it does wierd things to cutscenes though. In the future I may see about editing the weirdness out, but then we'll still have missing chunks of cutscene, so I dunno. Also Procaster likes to declare random 30 second ad breaks, which is irritating.

4. PART ONE HERE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ok8d-9ZdkXs)

In this episode, we meet our Protagonist, who is given her standard issue Lightsaber and Jibar. We also meet the creepy kid who sits next to her on the bus. And her evil twin!

2010-06-14, 11:33 AM
Try using blogtv instead of procaster.

2010-06-14, 12:04 PM
Can I volunteer for a guest commentator somewhere down the line? Might be fun and I /can/ be witty if required. I hope.

Also: Shadow, it's kinda hard to hear you during the intro sequence at least. Might want to look into boosting your mic's gain or something.

2010-06-14, 12:21 PM
Few things I noticed:
Your game audio is a bit loud. It kinda drowns out your commentary. Try not to talk to much during cut scenes, it's quite distracting. If you ever find a way to record cut scenes properly, such as using a different recorder or recording with less programs up, please edit them in.

Well, it's a lot better then most people's let's plays :smalltongue:.

2010-06-14, 12:28 PM
I would like to volunteer as well - I love that game. And I can do a pretty good horrible Scottish accent. :smallbiggrin:

2010-06-14, 01:01 PM
Boy is Rosh a nice and trustworthy dude... totally not IN YOUR FACE or anything. :smallcool:

I also second the motion of you increasing your voice volume.

(Y'know, i wonder if teamviewer4 could be used for "streaming" games to other people.)

2010-06-14, 01:58 PM
your voice volume.people.)

Unfortunately, due to the way FRAPs works, increasing my mic volume doesn't seem to change much. However, decreasing the game volume does work, and we actually figure that out about halfway through the next video.

2010-06-14, 02:05 PM
2. The reason the last LP died was because me and Djinn never had overlapping free time.

And here was I thinking it was because you didn't really like the game... :smallwink:

Hope there was nothing plot-important in those cutscenes that didn't play properly!

2010-06-14, 02:36 PM
And here was I thinking it was because you didn't really like the game... :smallwink:

Hope there was nothing plot-important in those cutscenes that didn't play properly!

Now now, we don't know for sure yet whether or not they liked Borderlands. After all, there weren't many hints or anything suggesting something one way or the other. It's kinda inconclusive. :smallwink:

2010-06-14, 02:44 PM
And here was I thinking it was because you didn't really like the game... :smallwink:

Hope there was nothing plot-important in those cutscenes that didn't play properly!

It wasn't that they didn't play, it was just that there was wierd gunk on them for a few seconds. If I'm thinking correctly, you missed the scene where a giant laser hit the ship because you were busy looking at a pile of weird symbols.

On closer inspection, I've noticed that FRAPS actually starts a new video whenever that happens. Perhaps it is related.

2010-06-14, 02:58 PM
Force Drain 1 is mandatory. You need to show off your vampire hand.

2010-06-14, 03:23 PM
Fun Fact: The Delay is ridiculous.


But yes, I certainly wouldn't mind doing some more.
You should still investigate better streamers, in the hopes of destroying the Delay.

Oh, and if you do commentate, you will hear an echo of yourself. It is as creepy as it sounds.

2010-06-14, 09:37 PM
Jedi Academy: Part One Continued (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI46A2nV_j8)

In which our hero participates in Manye Cutscenese, and Jibar witnesses firsthand what an elegant and refined combat style I have.

This time I told Window's Movie Maker to upload it in high definition; it seems to have worked. The sound still isn't fixed though because the entire first thing was done in one recording session.

2010-06-15, 01:33 AM
Thought you'd fixed the sound problem there? I couldn't hear what either of you were saying at any point in that video! (Doesn't help I'm not able to listen with headphones this time, as I did for the first one).

2010-06-15, 04:02 AM
Interesting. I shall definitely keep watching this. Also you might want to try using the video from fraps, and recording the audio over skype and then syncing them. That would be more work, but it would be much better quality then recording through procaster. Also this inspired me to attempt to reinstall Academy, only to find out that the disk 2 is scratched or something, so it cant finish installing. :smallfurious:

2010-06-15, 06:08 AM
Interesting. I shall definitely keep watching this. Also you might want to try using the video from fraps, and recording the audio over skype and then syncing them. That would be more work, but it would be much better quality then recording through procaster. Also this inspired me to attempt to reinstall Academy, only to find out that the disk 2 is scratched or something, so it cant finish installing. :smallfurious:

I'm recording through FRAPs, Jibar is talking to me via Skype.

All Procaster does is transmit everything to the co-host so they can watch in real time. I will try those other sites you mentioned though.

Thought you'd fixed the sound problem?

To be honest I'm a bit confused because the video doesn't end where I thought it did. Apparently I told it to cut off at exactly where Jibar says "Maybe you should turn your game volume down"

2010-06-15, 08:12 AM
Let's Play Jedi Academy: Part One Concluded (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxNpg_FUgZY)

In which our protagonist undergoes the entire Jedi training process. Also, we ditch Jibar.

2010-06-15, 12:25 PM
Wow. I thought the training mission in Just Cause 2 was pretty perfunctory, but that was REALLY short! :smallwink:

2010-06-15, 12:50 PM
Straight to the point it is! (Also, Rosh is a douche. Big surprise there.)

2010-06-15, 01:51 PM
This LP has already done me a huge favour.

It informed me of the fact that the female main character is, indeed, voiced by Jennifer Hale, the nice lady who performs the lead roles in Metroid Prime and Mass Effect.

I had no idea this was the case. I may need to replay Jedi Academy now. Thanks guys.

2010-06-15, 02:49 PM
I'm recording through FRAPs, Jibar is talking to me via Skype.

All Procaster does is transmit everything to the co-host so they can watch in real time. I will try those other sites you mentioned though.

Ah yeah never mind, the show hud thing in the top left corner confused me.

2010-06-15, 02:59 PM
I was a member of www.jedi-academy.net a few years back. Man I've played this game too much.

2010-06-16, 05:40 PM
Okay, so, if I recall correctly, I've posted all of part one and it ends at the mission select screen.

Now I just need some free time so I can get the next episode done...

2010-06-16, 05:49 PM
Well, what are you waiting for then... grab a co-host and get going. :smallcool:

2010-06-16, 05:52 PM
I am totally available for cohosting, yo.

2010-06-16, 06:19 PM
Me too! Why not have more than one Co-host? :-D

2010-06-16, 07:07 PM
Me too! Why not have more than one Co-host? :-D

You get your X-Com LP done first, mister! *points accusingly*

2010-06-16, 07:08 PM
Though I know that the idea of having dual lightsabers is very cool, I'd suggest everyone playing this game to try out the single saber-red (strong) mode. IMHO, it makes the combats evolve from mindless frantic button pushing to a more clever, "watch your footwork" type.

2010-06-16, 07:12 PM
You get your X-Com LP done first, mister! *points accusingly*

X-Com? No X-Com here. Unless you're talking about UFO ET. Exams are done tomorrow so, yeh. I've got the pictures ready.

Still, offer to co-host stands.

2010-06-16, 10:20 PM
I am also avaliable to co-host. Man I remember playing way too much of this game back in the day. I always went for a double-bladed saber. A green one.

2010-06-16, 10:30 PM
I hate that game. It bugs me to no end. I don't know why, as I have fond memories of the last time I played it, roughly 10(?) years ago. Maybe less.

2010-06-17, 05:27 PM
Part Four! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=he1y_xwMH8w)

In which the daring protagonist stabs several cultists and saves the day, while Kyle reveals to us that he can, in fact, fly without looking where he is going.

2010-06-17, 05:49 PM
Your co-host (whatever his name was. Didn't quite get it.) sounded like he was recording out of some underground catacombs. Could barely understand a thing. :smallfrown:

2010-06-17, 06:08 PM
Also, the delay was horrid. Still very amusing though :smallsmile:

Thanatos 51-50
2010-06-17, 06:22 PM
Worbat? Was that your co-host?

In other news: Yay! Space-Train! And more of our favourite Jedi Stripper with a Jarate Sabre!

2010-06-17, 07:58 PM
Yay vampire-hand! Also, I forgot there was a planet in this game that had a limey player of a children's trading card game named after it. I recommend doing that planet solely because of this fact.

2010-06-18, 01:46 AM
Well, duh, of COURSE Kyle can fly without seeing where he's going, he's a Jedi! :smallbiggrin:

2010-06-18, 07:20 AM
Sorry that I wasn't there last night when you messaged me Shadow. I had gone to bed.

2010-06-18, 07:37 AM
Well, duh, of COURSE Kyle can fly without seeing where he's going, he's a Jedi! :smallbiggrin:

Also, he's Kyle Katarn. He's basically Chuck Norris with force powers. :smallbiggrin:

2010-06-18, 09:20 AM
Part One (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otPSb8w2O8A)
Part Two (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lzs7P-yc1w)

In which we re-affirm that every main character will be met by every expanded universe character. Also, our protagonist slaughters a few dozen mercenaries

2010-06-18, 10:21 AM
Feedback: Please turn on subtitles.

Also, you should hotkey your force powers rather than fight with that stupid menu.

Also, Jukeboxes in an ancient Dark Jedi temple? Heck yes. Those Dark Jedi totally have the right idea!

2010-06-18, 02:11 PM
Rosh: "Ever wonder if your master was holding you back?"



Stupid plot restrictions. :smallsigh:

I second the motion to turn on subtitles and propose naming your co-hosts in the comment.

2010-06-18, 03:50 PM
Rosh: "Ever wonder if your master was holding you back?"

To be FAIR, this is like, ten years after the events of the Galactic Civil War, which was 20 years after Order 66 which means..

Anyone a few years over the age of 30 grew up in an environment full of jedi and would be well familiar with them and would have heard all the stories about how sith act.

Yeah, no excuse. Kill Rosh.

2010-06-18, 04:00 PM
I'm calling ahead (on both my and Shadow's runthrough) that Ross turns to the darkside. I'm seeing similarities between his personality (They're afraid of my power!) and that of Anakin's in Episodes 2-3. Also a hint of Bastila as well.

Spoiler! Contains info about the plot not yet seen in Shadow's Run through! Do not read if you don't want it to be, uh spoiled.

He's been captured by the Imperials too. Hmm.

Yeh. Laser Sword him now, do the galaxy a favour. Even if he isn't a Sith-in-the-making, he's pretty stupid and a jerk. :smallannoyed:

2010-06-18, 04:46 PM
Anyone a few years over the age of 30 grew up in an environment full of jedi and would be well familiar with them and would have heard all the stories about how sith act.

Yeah, no excuse. Kill Rosh.

How do you know the character you're playing is over 30? Kind of hard to tell the age of a Twi'lek... :smallbiggrin:

2010-06-18, 04:58 PM
Jarate Bombs and Power Plants (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gD9FlQ6urio)

Just once I wish that I could get a runthrough in in ten minutes, rather than sliightly more, necessitating two videos. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMls1MDGDEo)

In which we save the planet from more jarate bombs and get lost a lot.

2010-06-18, 05:55 PM
Is there a special reason for you to be logged into Steam while recording? :smallwink:

Apart from that im enjoying this. (Your voices could be a tad louder compared to the game audio though, can barely hear you at some points) :smallsmile:

2010-06-18, 06:25 PM
Is there a special reason for you to be logged into Steam while recording? :smallwink:

I own the game via Steam, so yeah, it's kinda mandatory.

2010-06-18, 10:47 PM
Yanlin IS a furry. I really should stop clicking on all the links he sends me to be honest :smalleek:

2010-06-18, 11:09 PM
Oh right, I forgot that this mission was the one with trapped hallways. This is like a wonderful trip down memory lane at somebody else's expense! If I had a mike I'd co-host, but that's not the case for now.

Thanatos 51-50
2010-06-18, 11:17 PM
Jarate! The single most Humilating weapon n the Galaxy, now in convenient Lightsabre AND Terrorist Bomb variants!

2010-06-19, 03:11 PM
Is this the easiest FPS-type game on the planet or what? There were moments there when you went running into rooms with Stormtroopers facing the door you're coming through and they didn't even shoot at you! I realise this is still sort of a tutorial bit where you're supposed to be facing easy opposition, but even so...

2010-06-19, 03:13 PM
Having an easy way of healing makes it even easier. Heal at rank 2 makes it a cakewalk (not even having to sit while healing). Drain is a bit harder I guess because you have to remember to keep some alive...

2010-06-19, 04:26 PM
Is this the easiest FPS-type game on the planet or what? There were moments there when you went running into rooms with Stormtroopers facing the door you're coming through and they didn't even shoot at you! I realise this is still sort of a tutorial bit where you're supposed to be facing easy opposition, but even so...

Well, you are a Jedi. Later on, Sith pose quite a threat (well, unless that's the mod for dismemberment I'm using) because you're as liable to having a limb or head chopped off as they are. Also died a few times to Stormtroopers using a shotgun type weapn.

2010-06-19, 04:56 PM
Well, you are a Jedi.

Yes, but there's a difference between defeating rows of Stormtroopers because you are te awsum and defeating rows of Stormtroopers because they forgot how to fire their guns. :smallwink:

2010-06-19, 05:09 PM
Stormtroopers know how to to fire. They just don't know how to aim. :smalltongue:

2010-06-19, 09:45 PM
Is this the easiest FPS-type game on the planet or what? There were moments there when you went running into rooms with Stormtroopers facing the door you're coming through and they didn't even shoot at you! I realise this is still sort of a tutorial bit where you're supposed to be facing easy opposition, but even so...

You are not going to enjoy the Hoth level, then.

2010-06-24, 11:42 AM
Kyle Vs the Rodians (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxPvucGQJ9o)

2010-06-24, 11:51 AM
I love this game. Probably beat it a half-dozen times. I just like a game that gives lightsaber combat...well, I hate ro say realism, since it's science fiction, but that's basically it. Like Bushido Blade with blasters and the ability to forgo the strenuous combat by simply using Force Grip level 3 to toss them off a cliff. Stormtroopers, though....aside from the ones in the mech-ish suits, they're just there as lightning fodder.

2010-06-24, 12:37 PM
Kyle Vs the Rodians (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxPvucGQJ9o)

Why did Kyle spend most of the fight glowing green, and only went down when he stopped so glowing?

2010-06-24, 12:39 PM
Perhaps it's the protection or w/e was that power that negates non force damage?

2010-06-24, 12:41 PM
Force Protect. Stops lasers and stuff.

Worse than it sounds.

2010-06-24, 03:29 PM
Better than it sounds. Gives you 75% damage resistance at the highest level.

Also, man, Kyle is friggin tough, even when he wasn't protected with that shield.

2010-06-24, 08:04 PM
Next time type god in the console for godmode :smalltongue:

2010-06-24, 10:10 PM
Better than it sounds. Gives you 75% damage resistance at the highest level.

Also, man, Kyle is friggin tough, even when he wasn't protected with that shield.

Actually it isn't very good at all, because while you have a force power active, you don't regenerate force. Also, force protect only lasts 20 seconds. In short, then, you have to constantly re-activate it and live with not having any other force powers for the duration of the fight because you run out of points very quickly.

Kyle gets away with it because the AI cheats.

Mando Knight
2010-06-24, 10:18 PM
Actually it isn't very good at all, because while you have a force power active, you don't regenerate force. Also, force protect only lasts 20 seconds. In short, then, you have to constantly re-activate it and live with not having any other force powers for the duration of the fight because you run out of points very quickly.

Double-shield yourself with Absorb and Protect against enemy Force users, and they find themselves in trouble. Especially idiots like the ones following Rosh in the second big mission, that spam Force but have almost nothing else. Sure, you can't use Dark side powers while using the double shield, but it's defensively better than Rage, helps against bosses, and lets you whale on enemies with your lightsaber(s).

I'd say it's worth investing at least level 1 in it, so you don't have to worry about the Acid Rain outside Bast.

2010-06-25, 08:16 AM
Actually it isn't very good at all, because while you have a force power active, you don't regenerate force. Also, force protect only lasts 20 seconds. In short, then, you have to constantly re-activate it and live with not having any other force powers for the duration of the fight because you run out of points very quickly.

How's that bad? Swinging your (double)saber(s) doesn't cost you force power (well, at least not in the game). Shield and then go to town on them. (And yes, combine with Force Absorb for added tanking.) :smallsmile:

Rustic Dude
2010-06-25, 08:24 AM
Actually it isn't very good at all, because while you have a force power active, you don't regenerate force. Also, force protect only lasts 20 seconds. In short, then, you have to constantly re-activate it and live with not having any other force powers for the duration of the fight because you run out of points very quickly.

Kyle gets away with it because the AI cheats.

It depends of the style of play you're doing. I,for example, found it the most useful power with Heal and the Speed thingy, but that's just because I like to combat with lightsabers and guns, not force powers like Lightning or absorb.

(With that little power I can endure a lot of blows from lightsabers, also rockets.)

2010-06-25, 10:28 AM
actually, with dismemberment turned of, it may be more useful.

Because while my lightsaber can and will chop off the hands/legs/feet/arms/torso/head of an enemy... so can enemy lightsabers, if I don't have shields. Usually turns a duel with a Sith into me jamming on Speed and flailing around hoping like hell I get past their guard before they get past mine.


Mando Knight
2010-06-25, 10:46 AM
It depends of the style of play you're doing. I,for example, found it the most useful power with Heal and the Speed thingy, but that's just because I like to combat with lightsabers and guns, not force powers like Lightning or absorb.
Speed is almost always countered with more Speed when you're fighting enemy Force Users, though... unless you manage to drain all their Force... but I'm pretty sure the AI's a cheater in that respect...

2010-07-20, 06:06 PM
Sorry about the long delay. I wanted someone much loved by the community to do the Hoth level, since it's extra long.

I got phase!

Anyway, I think I forgot to post a video on here, so, just for clarity

More Tatooine (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4W3ZPQ4Bgg)

You know for a desert planet with no relevant features, Tatooine sure does come up a lot. Why are there so many sandpeople, anyway? What do they drink? Why is moisture farming a profitable business? I mean, it doesn't seem like spaceship fuel costs very much so surely someone from planet Waterteria could just bring a few thousand gallons over at lucrative rates?

Even More Deserts (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqZrWtwi374)

In which our hero finishes killing sandpeople and then moves to another desert planet.

It's amazing how many desolate and unsettled planets there are in the starwars universe. You'd think that, you know, terraforming would've happened. Or at the very least, they'd fully settle them. After so many thousands of years, why is space still about as populated as the wild west?

Sandworms (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6LO5no2WHk)!

I hate this level. It mixes boredom with lethality and a Dune reference.

2010-07-20, 06:56 PM
Hoth (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KB0hBOLTqY)!

In which Phase helps our hero slaughter the local wildlife and points out how sithified we've been getting lately.

2010-07-20, 08:36 PM
I see you continue your tradition of not crediting your guests. :smallwink:

2010-07-20, 08:51 PM
I see you continue your tradition of not crediting your guests. :smallwink:

I make a point of saying their name at the start!

2010-07-20, 09:25 PM
You certainly do! Just not a point of mentioning their name in the video comment for people to read. Just... y'know, in case someone misses it at the beginning or doesn't quite understand it. >_>

(Also, i think there's some odd video editing going on here at the tail end of the sand mission and before and at the end of the ice planet.)

2010-07-20, 09:39 PM
You certainly do! Just not a point of mentioning their name in the video comment for people to read. Just... y'know, in case someone misses it at the beginning or doesn't quite understand it. >_>

(Also, i think there's some odd video editing going on here at the tail end of the sand mission and before the ice planet. Or are they just out of order? Hard to tell without any numbering.)

I just pulled up youtube; at the end of the sandworm planet, luke says "HEY GUYS WE'RE GOING TO HOTH" and then I pick weapons and then the hoth mission starts.

Admittedly, there is a degree of oddness, because Jedi Academy is rediculously stubborn about which loading screens and menus you're allowed to mess with.

Also, there's the part where there's about 25 days of real time between the two videos being recorded, during which time I actually went ahead and did the hoth level with one co-host, realized I'd completely borked the sound, and we needed to re-record. I then discovered that said co-host had used up all his jokes on the first run and felt it'd just be wierd if he did them again.

So the second run, all his jokes were just awful/racist.

That's when I decided I needed phase.

2010-07-21, 01:36 AM
Is it just me or the sandworm level was cut in the middle, then uploaded separately from the start and never posted here?

Sandworms (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6LO5no2WHk)!

Where is the second part of Hoth? :smallconfused:

2010-07-21, 08:37 AM
Is it just me or the sandworm level was cut in the middle, then uploaded separately from the start and never posted here?

Sandworms (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6LO5no2WHk)!

Where is the second part of Hoth? :smallconfused:


I'm uploading the second part of Hoth now.

2010-07-21, 10:52 AM
Put numbers on your videos, man! Not words, actual numbers! :smalltongue:

(Wait, didn't something like this already happen on the Borderlands LP?)

2010-07-21, 02:00 PM
More Hoth (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wkHs6cDAX8)

In which we delve ever deeper into Echo Base. Good lord, why was this place so huge? What were the rebels THINKING?

2010-07-21, 03:44 PM
Needs even more Hoth and lightsaber action! :D

Y'know, these white hoods of the snow troopers remind me of something racial related... >_>

(Phase also makes for a pretty good co host here.)

2010-07-22, 08:59 AM
Needs even more Hoth and lightsaber action! :D

Y'know, these white hoods of the snow troopers remind me of something racial related... >_>

(Phase also makes for a pretty good co host here.)

Even more hoth! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHEfDMtGF9o)

In which our heroic hero defeats Azula- Sorry, Alora, in a climactic and elaborate duel surpassed only by the previous boss fight (oh wait there is no previous boss fight).

At least, I think that's what happened. To be honest I should really watch these before writing descriptions of them. Usually I try to go off the little screenshots that youtube pukes up during the upload process, but it isn't giving me any this time.

2010-07-22, 11:13 AM
Huh, that is Azula. :smalleek:

"I wanna help. Rosh is my friend." ...what? When did that happen. He has done nothing but be annoying! He even tried to kill you! :smallmad:

...and then she just drops her sword. Great. Because you totally don't have Mind Trick 3. Yes i'd like to take my chances, game. >_>

2010-07-22, 12:45 PM
Yes i'd like to take my chances, game. >_>

I was feeling guilty about all those stormtroopers I murdered mercilessly earlier, OK?


Dear FRAPS, why have you chosen to record my voice slightly ahead of the video? How do you even do that? That shouldn't be possible. You suck.

2010-07-22, 02:00 PM
Dosuun (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEys0QSvAAc)
In which our protagonist has her lightsaber taken away and is therefore considered disarmed. Little do her enemies realize that her REAL weapon is her enchanting beauty. Well, that and various rifles. And magic powers. And stormtrooper incompetance.

Also, phase discusses his butt.

2010-07-22, 03:20 PM
Needs more Force Drain! o/ (And less abrupt cuts. I think youtube allows for 10:59 min per video.)

This mission sorely lacks in lightsabers. :smallfrown:

2010-07-26, 11:04 AM

On closer inspection, the sound is mangled anyway.


2010-07-26, 11:52 AM
I gotta say watching these lp has made me order the game off of amazon. Used to play it when i was little,got stuck on hoth,couldn't get past the big wall after destroying the first walker,never figured out HOW to destroy the walker,and didn't see the boxes of course:smallfurious:.(I was really little)Anyway lf to next video:smallsmile:

2010-07-26, 12:40 PM
Man, i wish that guy was Norton Mapes... there's so much violence left to be handed out on that front. :smallfrown:

Needs more Force Drain improvements. :smallwink:

2010-07-26, 03:05 PM
The AI is still shockingly bad, isn't it? Those two guys who just stood near the door occasionally raising their arms when they felt like it...

2010-07-26, 03:15 PM
The AI is still shockingly bad, isn't it? Those two guys who just stood near the door occasionally raising their arms when they felt like it...

"I think I've surrendered enough for now, I'm going to put my arms down and take a five minute break before I get back to grovelling. "

Lord Loss
2010-07-26, 04:11 PM
I've only checked out part 1-1 so far, but I will be watching the rest.It's really great. I miss the Borderlands LP, but this is nevertheless great. Also, you should put all the episodes on the first post. I almost left after reading the first before noticing the others.

2010-07-26, 07:39 PM
Force Push is like airblast only better and with mind-bullets, and therefore even better. ...At level 3 at least. It's too bad you can't play lazer tennis with the fat man.

2010-08-11, 05:45 PM
COROSANT OR SOMETHING (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIPo6_kTwA4)

In which phase and our intrepid hero run along rooftops and hunt terminator droids.

OH AND THE LAST THREE MINUTES OF IT TOO (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJ9UOIhhmMI)

In which our interpid hero puts an end to the supply of assassin droids by threatening their leader with her powerful jarate saber.

Also, Phase departs into the nether, never to be seen again.

Unless he's online when I'm recording or something.

2010-08-11, 11:08 PM
What, is the new 15 min limit of youtube not good enough for you? :smallwink:

There's quite some delay between Phase, the game (being ahead of Phase) and you (being ahead of the game). Makes for some awkward conversations.

I wonder if you can play this without horribly murdering anyone though. Would be interesting to see in open levels how they all follow and fail at shooting you. :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-11, 11:48 PM
In some levels they demand you kill everybody before you can continue, like the earlier level with the ships parked and grounded. The game expects you to murder everybody..

The ending, the saying goodbye, sounded really awkward, and I love it :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-13, 11:37 AM
In some levels they demand you kill everybody before you can continue, like the earlier level with the ships parked and grounded. The game expects you to murder everybody..

The ending, the saying goodbye, sounded really awkward, and I love it :smallbiggrin:

Other levels, however, you can just waltz through.

2010-08-17, 03:06 PM

Lord Magtok
2010-08-17, 03:09 PM
Oh gods, I loved that speeder bike level thingy. I had a saved file set aside specifically to zip about and cut people down in slow motion there whenever I was bored.

2010-08-17, 04:47 PM
I saved there once at the beginning (quick save) and forgot about the game... I had friends come over and they wanted to play a bit, so when one died he quick loaded and as I forgot about getting that far we were all WTF?! AWESOME!

But.. I never missed that chasm jump. :smalltongue:

2010-08-17, 05:31 PM
Not Shown: THe half an our or so Shadow and I along with friends tried recording that level before Shadow's computer exploded.

2010-08-17, 05:40 PM
Not Shown: THe half an our or so Shadow and I along with friends tried recording that level before Shadow's computer exploded.

Let's Play Jedi Academy: TOTALLY NOT BESPIN, GUYS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Thm_prgwtxQ)

In which Shadow and Onasuma venture to a planet with floating cities and magical gasses.

Just before the end of the level, our stripper actually strips, and onasuma tells a brilliant story that completely justifies all his mumbling. Then my computer crashes, and I replace it with ROBOTS ON MOTORCYCLES because the footage is corrupted

2010-08-17, 11:07 PM
Tsk, filler... you should be ashamOHMYGOD WALKER ON A BIKE! AWESOME!. :D

2010-08-18, 02:25 PM
Let's Play Jedi Academy: TOTALLY NOT BESPIN, GUYS (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Thm_prgwtxQ)

In which Shadow and Onasuma venture to a planet with floating cities and magical gasses.

Just before the end of the level, our stripper actually strips, and onasuma tells a brilliant story that completely justifies all his mumbling. Then my computer crashes, and I replace it with ROBOTS ON MOTORCYCLES because the footage is corrupted
My computer won't let me finish the video, Kyle says "Luke's coming up with a plan for tracking down the dici-" and then Kyle stops talking.It won't let me skip ahead in the video,just stops right there and won't go on. Is it my computers fault or the video?Nvm fixed itself

2010-08-18, 02:27 PM
It's YOU!


2010-08-18, 02:49 PM
The way you omnislashed that speeder walker was pretty impressive. There it was, speeding along, being a tough biker sort of AT-ST we all want to be. Then you just jumped on its face and slashed away until it simply died of shame.

Stripper Jedi 1- Hell's Robot Angels 0. Good show.

2010-08-18, 04:02 PM
Loved the way the speeder bike appeared to be taking your control input as more of a gentle suggestion than a command to actually do anything. :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-18, 04:04 PM
It's because awhile back I discovered that if you pounded the sideways key, you'd do a quick boost. If you pound it repeatedly enough, the effects stacked, resulting in impressive jumps.

However, sometimes it decides I've got 14 jumps qued up after I've already hit a wall.

2010-08-21, 02:31 PM
RANCOR (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBpiDvaXAUc)

Sorry about the wierd sound. My mic likes to change settings at random.

2010-08-21, 03:04 PM
Man, your power selection is so random and it mostly... Sucks.

You know, those arrows around the maze telling you the direction to escape to really help the moonwalking prisoners... Don't kill them if you don't want to see the striper facepalm. You can kill a few though, but I know 4 deaths is a fail. Perhaps 3?

Actually, the prisoners don't moonwalk out of their cells. The cell's wall pushes them out! It doesn't give 'em a choice, that's hard core. It's the lever that says "We don't want you anymore. Go feed our pet." that you constantly push to save prisoners.

2010-08-21, 05:02 PM
Man, Rage is such a useless power... anything it does can be done better by other powers, without nearly killing you. >_>

How about maxing at least one of your powers out by now. "Random" is pretty much the right word for what this looks like currently. :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-21, 05:05 PM
Actually, the prisoners don't moonwalk out of their cells.

Even though the cell wall pushes them out, you'd expect them to move their feet at least a little on their way. Or are the floors just that slick?

2010-08-22, 12:29 AM

Now I wish we could see the rancor sliding on the floor as if it was ice-skating or something....

2010-08-22, 01:42 AM
Even though the cell wall pushes them out, you'd expect them to move their feet at least a little on their way. Or are the floors just that slick?

I think the time for criticising the animation quality in this game is long past by now... :smallbiggrin:

2010-08-22, 09:42 AM
RANCOR EVADED, ONWARD TO VADERLAND (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRNkwMkHGeo)

2010-08-22, 11:41 AM
"You've gotta be joking, right?" wins the award for Most Annoying Soundbite in a Let's Play, I reckon... :smallwink:

What happens if you don't have Force Protect on this level, anyway? Do you just die horribly?

2010-08-22, 11:58 AM
You will have heal one way or another, and force speed helps mitigate it greatly.

At greater than level 1, force heal, you can run and heal at the same time. Drain is a little trickier but still possible if you run.

Of course. If you plan on raging before running into acid, you aren't going to make it too far into the level.

I didn't know you can mind trick those, I thought they were mechas that were immune to it and didn't try at all :smallredface:, leaving kyle to take out the two at the door when you go up at the beginning of the level.

2010-08-22, 12:19 PM
Man, those armored troopers are the most annoying enemy in the entire game. >_> (I too never tried to mindtrick them... that would have made them so much easier.)

Also: Rage continues to be a sh*tty power.

2010-08-22, 04:10 PM
To be fair, he's only got it at level 1, and most of the other powers have a fair amount of suckage at that level--maybe it gets better if you spend more points in it? Not that I'm recommending shadow_archmagi does that, I think he ought to be consolidating the powers he uses all the time (like Drain, Heal, and Force Push).

2010-08-22, 04:14 PM
No, it's always gonna suck. At level 3 the only difference is that it lasts longer. It will always drain your hp to 1 and will leave you weaker and slower for around 10 seconds.

2010-08-22, 04:17 PM
To be fair, he's only got it at level 1, and most of the other powers have a fair amount of suckage at that level--maybe it gets better if you spend more points in it? Not that I'm recommending shadow_archmagi does that, I think he ought to be consolidating the powers he uses all the time (like Drain, Heal, and Force Push).

Force Rage does have the rather nice upside that once you max it out, you're immortal for the duration. However, I still don't like it.

Force Drain doesn't really get much better.

Lightning is always nice, though. What I really need to do is drop points into Absorption; that's a godsend.

2010-08-22, 04:20 PM
What you really need to do is stop asking your co-hosts for what to invest in and instead of ending up with a bad incoherent build you decide your powers and end up with a bad coherent build. Or not. Whatever makes you happy. Just post more videos. And don't cut them in the middle. Or not. Just post more. :smalltongue:

2010-08-22, 05:21 PM
BAM! ANOTHER UPDATE! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lllPSc77vDc)

2010-08-22, 07:08 PM
Hide the...? The what?!

"You're joking, right?" Kyle is one scary mofo... :smalleek:

2010-08-28, 11:12 AM

Another day, another video

Sorry about the delay in posting what has CLEARLY been sitting in my hard drive for awhile

Uploading eats my internet connection for an hour or two, and I can't normally go that long without tf2

2010-08-28, 11:59 AM
I know you are a stripper but OMG I thought this LP was family friendly! Did you have to do that?! (I am, of course, speaking of the bj at 3:06)

Video is still processing so I didn't see it all yet but I just had to comment about that... I didn't hear your comment until I re-watched that part because it seems there is syncing problem with your voices and the game...

2010-08-28, 12:22 PM
syncing problem

Yeah, I've been trying to puzzle that one out. It turns out it isn't movie-maker; FRAPs itself is failing at recording.

May have to try something else. Suggestions?

EDIT: That was not deliberate. There is no way I could've known how that animation would interact.

2010-08-28, 12:32 PM
I donno, since I never actually done such a thing due to a horrific fear of people on the internet hearing my voice but maybe this will help?


2010-08-28, 01:39 PM
I donno, since I never actually done such a thing due to a horrific fear of people on the internet hearing my voice but maybe this will help?


Yeah, that's the setup I normally use. Stereo Mix.

2010-08-28, 01:45 PM
Oh, then it's probably a curse. You can either cleanse it with fire or sell your soul to the devil to fix it. Take your pick.

Do you know what type of sword you will pick? Did you already pick and we'll find out in a week? Will/did your whaky co-host choose it?

2010-08-28, 03:17 PM
Oh, then it's probably a curse. You can either cleanse it with fire or sell your soul to the devil to fix it. Take your pick.

Do you know what type of sword you will pick? Did you already pick and we'll find out in a week? Will/did your whaky co-host choose it?

Already picked, naturally.

My co-host decided to explode near the end, so I picked by myself. I'll upload that video now.

EDIT: Watching the start of the next video, I have to admit that sometimes I like to pretend I'm a mook, and just fire rockets for the sheer beauty of watching them fly through the air as the enemy dances around them.

No intent to kill, just... to fire rockets.

2010-08-28, 04:49 PM
Hum, if it's desync-ing over time then there's a fix for that with VirtualDub.

Video -> Framerate... -> Change so video and audio durations match.

(Can't watch as it doesn't load for me currently.)

2010-08-28, 05:17 PM

Dear Youtube

why is it that sometimes after waiting for over an hour it says


2010-08-28, 05:54 PM


2010-08-28, 09:06 PM
Impossible to watch in HD, as it constantly stops near the beginning and can't be persuaded to load any further. :|

2010-08-28, 11:03 PM
I have to say, you're getting a lot more quality use out of the flashy combo attack than I ever did.

2010-08-28, 11:55 PM
I'm using the combo against almost all other jedi...

I watched the first video by switching quality. It was annoying but at least I got to watch it to the end... Edit: Unlike this one, that I could watch in higher quality to some part but the lower quality isn't processed yet... How does that make sense? And why did I experience it only with your vids? I watched Phase's vids as soon as I got an email notification and had no issues with them...

Domochevsky, it's not really an over time thing, there is a bit of delay but I think it starts from before the vid so they kinda end together and I don't think VirtualDub will fix it. The best you can do is delay your voice a bit, if your voice is recorded separately from the game audio and can be edited like that...

2010-08-29, 03:22 AM
There's something wrong with these last two videos--they just won't play properly for me; they keep getting stuck. I can get them to restart again by refreshing the page and jumping straight to the correct point in the video, but doing that every 30 seconds gets old fast, believe me!

2010-08-29, 03:27 AM
You can also change the quality of the video, which reloads the vid without reloading the page. It is a slow process though, because it gets stuck quickly and sometimes there is no quality that is processed that far. I'm still stuck at around 4:30. And it's been a couple of hours since I started!

2010-08-29, 03:30 AM
Yeah there's something about these videos that's really messed up. I got just barely through the first one but the second one is a no go and all quality levels. Maybe try some other encoding? :|

2010-08-29, 06:59 AM
Now I know it's something with the video! Even now I can't watch it, switching quality doesn't work and I'm sad...

2010-08-29, 08:40 AM
Huh... Video plays fine for me.

2010-08-29, 09:33 AM
Huh... Video plays fine for me.

same here. I blame youtube silliness

2010-08-30, 12:29 AM
Well, I managed to watch the video fully in one of this rare moments of it being fixed by itself. It's not an issue with your videos, but with youtube. While I managed to watch it normally, I know Domochevsky didn't...

If it's possible to upload videos to a different site, it will be very appreciated.

2010-08-30, 01:31 AM
Well, I managed to watch the video fully in one of this rare moments of it being fixed by itself.

I tried playing the first one again and thought you were right--that Youtube had fixed itself. Turns out it had just decided to play for a couple of minutes longer before freezing up!

2010-08-30, 01:33 AM
Like I said, it randomly worked for me, but not for Domo, so it's not a universal fix...

2010-08-30, 11:31 AM
And i still can't watch the latest part. :|

2010-08-30, 02:34 PM
Oooh, I am left in suspense! Cutting off halfway through the cutscene was very annoying masterful directing. And where's teh choosing the sword bit?

2010-08-30, 07:37 PM
Finally managed to watch it (stopping every 2 min on me). Man, that was annoying. :smallannoyed:

That being said, Jedi characters remain stupid. "Rosh, is that you?! I never would have suspected that you would switch to the dark side! What a shock! You're my bestest friend, even though you tried to kill me about half an hour after we met!".
Man, that guy probably begged Tavion to take him in. Less "Abduction", more "Hey, can i join you? C'mon! Pleeeaaaaaseeee?". :smallmad:

(What is it with the Dark Side and making stupid promises anyway?)

Also: Take the double saber. You know you want to. :smallcool: