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View Full Version : [Nexus] Trog's Tavern #207: The Trog of Trogs

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The Bushranger
2010-06-14, 06:52 PM

*Upon entering the tavern you find it to be rustic, dim, cramped, and smelling of spilled beer. Moving through the crowd, half of which seem to be deadtiming, you spot a fireplace with a banjowood carving on the mantle, you also make out through the haze the curving bar and private booths hidden behind ferns. A side door leading to a patio outside reveals a hungry looking dumpster mimic sneaking towards an unsuspecting customer.

Trog's is a single location that exists simultaneously in the cities of Town and Inside. Somehow. It's best not to question it.

Owner and Proprietor: Trog Magtok Trog
Manager: El Jaspero Elizabeth Ml'Ruse El Jaspero
Bartenders: Memzee, Phoebe, Ashna
Bouncer: Baby (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=8627338#post8627338) (Baby is played by happyturtle, but can be godmodded in her absence)

Trog's Tavern hires only the finest NPC servers:
((Since all are NPCs they are up for communal control. Feel free to say what they do or say to you or any other patron. To a point.))

Nina - A fiesty and vivacious tiefling. Mean, self-centered and completely unavailable. You may have seen her recently on the WotC 4E cartoon.
Paige - A sweet, wholesome, flirty elf working her way through PC school.
Cosmo - A quick-witted and oppressed gnome scoundrel. Truly a monster. RAWR!

Chimera Cabernet - A hearty red with a hits of oak and black cherry.
Cormyrian Fireamber - Imported and very good.
Eladrin Carbernet - Official Feywine of the Wild Hunt
Kobold Chianti - Tart. Tangy. Shifty.
Merfolk Merlot - Full-bodied with a hint of rose.
Powerlust Pinot - For those corruptable humans
Shadar-Kai Shadowine - Served in a jagged, broken glass
Spoonake Chablis - Straight from the Underdark!
Warlock Wine - Best served cold
Xorn Zinfandel - Sweet and fruity!

Mixed Drinks:
Aboleth Absinthe - Far Realmilicious!
Black Shadow - A strong concoction guaranteed to send a chill down your spine at any temperature.
Coffee Martini - Buzzzzz.
Djinn and Tonic - Whirling ice cubes, fizzy soda, and one drunk genie.
Dragon Liver Buster - Strongest drink in the house
Dwarf Spirits
Fire Archon Asylum Rum - "FAAR!!!"
Haley's Liquer - Named for the redheaded rogue, a sweet creme liquer, excellent over ice.
Hemo Colada - 100% less coconut, 100% more ichor
Ichor Liquor - Made from a fermented mix of various kinds of blood
Jasphattan - El J's Secret Recipie, vermouth & bitters
Murderita - Wasted away again...
Piña CoLlama - If you're not into yoga and have half a brain.
Rust Monster - Scotch, drambuie shaken in a wooden mixer.
Sneak on the Beach - Peach vodka, cran-pineapple juice, a cat hair
Swampwater - Phosphorescent lemon-lime
White Russian/Wukei - for bounty hunters who dig dairy
Wizard Blizzard - Crushed ice and Bourbon. The effect depends on the spell stored in it.

Beers & Such:
Ales: Archon, Guilders, Balthor's Best
Grim Brewery Ginger Beer - Death-o-licious!
Mind Flayer Mead - Mmm... brains.

Other Fine Beverages:
Darknight Coffee - cream has no effect
Fox Cola - the choice of the furry generation
Llamonade - That cool, refreshing drink for quadrupeds
Oni Tea - From the far east.
Red Minotaur Energy Drink - a-MAZE-ing energy!
Root Beer
Save vs. Slow Slurpees™ - C-c-c-cold
Hot Chocolate - Mmmmmmarshmallows

AbyssalNuts - damned and spicy
Baked Goods - Scones and Muffins and Brownies oh my! We have no cake - the cake is a lie!
Bamhacon - where the ham meets the bacon. Served with eggs.
Court of Stars Salad - Fresh fey greens
Hero Sandwiches - what else? Served with Villain vinegrette
Velvet Elfish - Trogtilla chips and hot meat and cheese dip
Yuan-ti Gyros - Lamb. Or halfling. We're not sure.
Trog's Floor Chili - Don't ask Trog where it came from and Trog won't tell you "the floor"

Dwarven Cigars - From our axe-hewn humidor
Coffin Nail™ Cigarettes - Get Nailed!
Halfling Pipeweed - Bogart™ brand

The Bushranger
2010-06-14, 06:54 PM
Brendan continues dozing at the corner table...
He snores.

2010-06-14, 06:54 PM
the young Jedi at the bar sighs "well I might as well get settled in here...what are you going to do imp?..."

2010-06-14, 06:55 PM
In response to the emperor comment earlier...
I think he was too busy being a power-hungry, sexist xenophobe.
... Always wanted to say that.

I guess I'll... find... something to do.

2010-06-14, 07:00 PM
"well...I need to find a place to stay as well ...I mean...the sides we we're on don't matter any more... my name is Saquara by the way"

2010-06-14, 07:03 PM
The stormtrooper's helmet is removed, revealing (OMG A WIMMIN) a tan-skinned lass with dirty-blond hair.
Penelope Gilad.

She looks at Meidani.
What's your name?

2010-06-14, 07:35 PM
Since no one really responded to the robot earlier, a recap:

The obvious war machine swept a short-range flamethrower over the bar, starting quite the alcohol fire in the process.

Those there whose players may not have been paying attention may want to get away from the bar, lest they wish to get set aflame!

Right now, the bot (described in this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8686722&postcount=1445) post) has taken to turning its machine gun and flamethrower on random NPCs, since at this point it's trying to...slaughter as many people as possible.

I think something must've damaged this thing's brain, considering it isn't going after the obvious targets...

Then again, if this keeps up, it's going to burn the whole building down.

2010-06-14, 07:37 PM
Seeing the bar once again, um, be on fire... um... the stormtrooper jumps back from it and unslings her rifle from her back, but waits a bit before shooting.

2010-06-14, 08:30 PM
Ayrissa appears to have hopped out of deadtime at a bad time, and here she had thought that one of the few pluses of having shifted dimensions was she wouldn't have anyone else shooting at her. Oh well she really did have to intercede here, after all that dumb robot was going to burn down the whole building and she was planning on staying here..... plus it was hurting all these people, which while it meant work. It did mean a lot of work.

She stands valiantly near the bar facing the mad robot. "Sparky sic!" The floating metal orb that had been floating behind her shakes itself back and forth and beeps indignantly before diving for cover behind a nearby table.... "oh." She looks from one side to the next before following her robot companion is ducking for cover, just in time to avoid a spray of bullets aimed for on of the NPC's... "Crap, this is a classic situation. What to do when faced with a rampaging robot. Standard army procedure, you have to......." She taps her head as if trying to make some memory float the the surface. More gunfire happens. "Ah yes pulse or EMP grenades!.....I don't have any of those do I...." She is starting to look rather worried at this point. "Okay, so an EMP grenade works by disrupting electromagnetic fields around the robots technology, however if I build a strong magnet it should be able to cause some damage to it, like it would to a computer. Alright!"She starts pulling a variety of parts from her bag, a metal rod, some copper wire, a small battery. Sparky, doesn't like this idea one bit, and promptly finds himself another table to hide behind. "No silly, this isn't going to hurt you your shielded against this kind of thing! Huh, stupid orb." She just hopes she get this up and running before the robot gets to her.

The Bushranger
2010-06-14, 08:37 PM
Brendan, meanwhile, gets woken up by the gunfire and flamethrowing.

And, promptly, draws his .45, draws down on the robot in a combat stance, and starts firing. Aiming at the glowing blue sensors.


2010-06-14, 08:48 PM
Oh swell...

All sorts of trouble now, isn't there? Can't there ever be any peace in this tavern!

Of course not. That wouldn't be fun!

Memzee is, at present, rather wildly attempting to put out the flames on the counter as best she can. Being all demon-y has rendered her somewhat fire resistant, thankfully. Otherwise this would be significantly less pleasant for her than it is already.

And wait, what's this?

A new challenger is approaching!

In through the door comes drifting a hat. A top hat. A purple top hat.

A purple top hat with a distinctly unnerving toothy grin and a pair of smoldering red points within skeletal sockets. A creepy top hat. Which will probably go more or less unnoticed due to the fact that there's a war-bot presently causing trouble in the tavern.

With a sufficiently spooky "Ur hur hur hur hur..." the hat settles on a nearby table.

...and then sits there...

Until a set of white gloved fingers sneak out from under the brim and hoist the hat into the air, revealing a rather odd figure now standing below.
Aside from the aforementioned hat and gloves the being is clad in a steel-blue overcoat, boots and pants with a wide white waste-band about his middle. If... it's a he at all that is. And impossibly wide grin stretches across his pale face, eyes hidden below the hat's brim.

His shadow is... round. Perfectly round. More like a puddle of ink lurking about his feet than a simple patch of darkness. The white 'eye' drifting about inside certainly adds to that impression.

"Oh ho, a battle! A battle so like a broken tea-cup, shattered and useless. Purpose? Meaning? Oh no no no, certainly not. It couldn't be! And yet could it?"

Then the strange being leaps across the tavern to land atop the rampaging war-bot, his shadow-puddle trailing behind and sending spherical blobs of inky matter drifting off like suds.

"My dear friend," the strange being addresses the machine. "Are in duress? Stress? Strain perhaps? Could you use some tea? Iced? Green? Black with motor oil per-chance?"

2010-06-14, 09:08 PM
The rampant automation says nothing to the bizarre newcomer on top of it, only continuing its rampage.

This time, it turns its flamethrower on a pair of tables, grabbing one in each of its hands and trying to slam them together around the strange newcomer atop itself...

As several of its (red now, not blue) photoreceptors get shot by Brendan, in the same area that got hit by Syna's bolt pistol. Brendan is met with a hail of machine gun fire, but it's rather inaccurate, thanks to all the 'eyes' taken out by the previous explosive and the new damage.

2010-06-14, 09:10 PM
The stormtrooper lady decides that now is the time for shooting things; she fires at the most-accessible undamaged optics from her position. Her aim is pretty good.

The Bushranger
2010-06-14, 09:16 PM
Brendan, deciding that today is not a good day to die, dives for cover behind a table, popping up now and then to take potshots at the robot...

....after swapping the now-empty magazine, for one holding explosive rounds. <_<

2010-06-14, 09:20 PM
Ayrissa, looks just about ready to faint as the robot burns then takes the table from right in front of her. "Meep!" as the panics trying to find someway to escape what seems to be an immanent fate she throws the now completed electromagnet at the robot..... "Oops, no quite what I meant to do." As soon as the magnet is in the air and she realizes that she just threw what was going to be her weapon. She dives for cover behind the nearest object which in this case happens to be Brenden. "Hi." It's only after this inital burst of action is done that she realizes that the robot isn't firing at her, and that this newcomer seems to have it's attention. That is until it opens fire at Brenden, well where Brenden was, and she now appears to be. It's about then that she realizes her covers gone and she is now crouched out in the middle of the open, with a mad robot firing at her. "Ah crap!" is the last thing she can be heard to utter as a bullet hits her in the shoulder sending her sprawling. The rest pass over her now prone form to hit NPC's or the wall behind her.

Oh and the electromagnet likely hits and sticks to the robot, unless it's made of a material which happens to be nonmagnetic. In which case it falls to the floor with a disheartening clunk. Should it stick it might scramble the robots, electronics or whatever you'd like.

While all this is happening Sparky floats near the top of his table trying to get a view of what's happening.

2010-06-14, 09:28 PM
Oh goody!

A flaming table!

Flaming tables make for rather potent weapons. But not potent enough to halt this strange denizen of-! Eerr...


Certainly from somewhere.

No idea where, though. Probably not anywhere that would be remotely normal.

As soon as the table begins speeding toward the white-skinned creature it replies with a rather heart-felt, "Oh dear," before grabbing the brim of his hat and shooting up into the thing. The robot will probably end up smashing the table over its own head.

2010-06-14, 09:43 PM
As the two flaming tables impact each other over the war machine without success, it decides to turn them into weapons in another way, hurling one in the general direction of Brendan and Ayrissa, while the other gets directed at the stormtrooper.

The blaster (I assume it to be one, it's a stormtrooper) bolts take out yet more of the robot's many photoreceptors, though it can still see decently on this side. The ones on Brendan's side, however, aren't faring so well, even more getting taken out by the explosive rounds. It's almost blind on this side now, and as a result, the previous table attack isn't very accurate. There's still the whole 'fire' issue, though, along with continued sprays of machine gun fire. It's even less accurate than before, though, and unlikely to hit Brendan or Ayrissa.

Unfortunately, though, the electromagnet gets blocked by the flying table.

The Bushranger
2010-06-14, 09:48 PM
Brendan ducks, and curses (in a genteel fashion) as flaming splinters try to catch his sleeve on fire. Which gives the robot a respite as he stops firing to put said sleeve out, and also to change magazines...

2010-06-14, 09:51 PM
The stormtrooper dives out of the way, because, y'know... table.

She shoots some more, not wanting this thing to be able to see stuff.

2010-06-14, 09:57 PM
These aren't the droids you're looking for.


This one is out for blood!

And it's also wearing a rather stylish, if creepy, top hat now. Seems as though the newcomer's head-gear has settled atop the machine after the averted smashing a few moment prior.

Wonder what will come of that...


Seems weird inky stuff is seeping out of the bottom of the hat and trying to worm its way into the hatch atop the death-machine.

2010-06-14, 10:00 PM
"Well...crap. That wasn't supposed to happen." Ayrissa's eyes slowly start to drift closed. Before she forces them back open. "Got to stay conscious or I might die. Alright I just need to patch myself up." She slowly moves her uninjured hand up to her injured shoulder. "Oooh, appears to have been blown clean through. This is going to hurt." She reaches into her bag, pulling out a series of syringes, which she proceeds to inject into her arm. "Alright so, pain is dealt with, I've lots of adrenaline to keep me going, now I just need to patch this up." She pulls out a long strip of cloth and starts wrapping her arm with it. The whole time praying that the robot doesn't decide to fire on her... at the very least it appears to be missing her for the moment, at least she's not dead so that must be the case.

Sparky darts out of cover, and lands beside Ayrissa, where it proceeds to beep angrily. "Yeah I know, it hurt me." Sparky proceeds to charge the robot trying to hit it right in the center of it's torso. Before proceeding to ram said hatch Sparky however, proceeds to heat up, till he is hot enough that he could melt through steel if he rammed into it. Sparky is about the size of a bowling ball for reference.

2010-06-14, 10:02 PM
Ordo ducks as a gout of flame flies past his head, singing his short shock of bright red hair. He glares at the robot, watching as pretty much every combat-able person in the tavern attacks. And seem to have relatively little affect, so far.

Well, since Ordo is feeling rather pissy, and this robot just ruined his chance at a drink, he begins another transformation.

The psion shapechanges, bones splintering and reforming, skin shifting, muscle giving way to larger muscle. When he is finished, what stands in his place is an eight-foot hulk of pink muscle and protruding bits of bone, some mutated monster that the psion learned to transform into long ago. It is one of his most potent combat forms. Large spikes of bone poke out at the joints, allowing for potent weapons, and one entire arm is nothing but a spear made from the psion's own massively shapeshifted skeleton.

The toothy, disangular head grins, one eye larger than the other. The form certainly wasn't pretty, but it got stuff done. He would say some unfunny banter, but quite frankly, he just wants to get this over with and drink some of the now-flaming beer.

The massive, hulking beast charges the robot, moving his spear to impale it. It's feet crunch the bar's wooden floor as it does so.

2010-06-14, 10:18 PM
Oh boy. People charging into melee.

The increasingly sight-impaired robot turns its flamethrower toward the charging Ordo, in an attempt to ward him off. If he manages to get into range anyway, the robot will attempt to grab his spear-arm in one of its hands.

Meanwhile, more photoreceptors are taken out by the stormtrooper, and that just can't be allowed, can it? The rampaging robot turns its machine gun on the stormtrooper, a hail of bullets heading toward her. (Sidenote: DC is aware that, apparently, stormtrooper armor is nigh-immune to bullets. The robot is not.)

The robot's blindness, however, means it doesn't see Sparky charging for its midsection, and the mini hover bot impacts the war machine's torso, melting a bit of the armor before the robot tries to smack Sparky away with a hand (the one not being readied for Ordo). Apparently it can feel.

On the top of the machine, the goo will have a very hard time getting into the hatch. It's almost as if it was specifically designed to keep liquids out...or...in?

2010-06-14, 10:20 PM
The stormtrooper runs, but is caught with a couple bullets that knock her down. She puts on her helmet, not wanting to die, and sits tight for now.

2010-06-14, 10:23 PM
Ordo forces his spear towards the robot's torso, mutated muscle struggling against artificial sinews and hydraulics technology (or however the robot makes things move). Flame literally hits him in the face, but simply washes over, and serves to enrage the psion yet further. "Oh, that is getting so old." He growls, reaching up with his other, clawed arm and attempting to punch the robot in any part that isn't completely armor. Sensory devices, open joints, holes or points of damage...

2010-06-14, 10:27 PM
Oooh, that's not so good for Sparky, the pint-sized little robot is sent flying, and this time it's not the good kind of flying.

The heat dissipates as Sparky spends all his energy trying to stop his rapid....

Ooh that's about when he meets the wall.

....collision course.

Planted into the way a good 5 feet into the wall is now Sparky, he is doing what he does best, and sparking away as his machinery is damaged and short circuiting.

As for Ayrissa, well she appears to be faring little better then poor Sparky over there, she's finished bandaging up her arm, and had injected, HTRA, (Human Tissue Repair Agent) into it and it is currently healing up quickly, she might even regain use of the arm within the fortnight if she's lucky. However the fortnight isn't right now is it.

For right now she's keeping low, and is slowly reaching for her pistol, the one piece of truly combat military gear she has with her, designed for soldiers who expect to go into combat with enemy soldiers, power armor, robots, tanks....and just about any war machine under the sun, it has a high rate of fire, armor piercing rounds.

and yes she fully intends to fire it, that is when she managed to get the dang thing out, it appears to be wrapped up in medical supplies at the moment..

This really isn't her or Sparky's day.

2010-06-14, 10:34 PM
Or in?

Added in a rather ominious fashion?



Now's probably a bad time to mention that the black goo is, basically, a portable hole in terms of its functionality. Which means the hatch of the robot has just been replace with... a hole.

A pretty big hole.

Which means either the hat is about to fall inside or something nasty is about to come out.

"Er hur hur hur hur!" either way the Hat seems to be amused by the situation!

The Bushranger
2010-06-14, 10:58 PM
Brendan, meanwhile, unaware of the Portable Hat nomming on the hatch, pops back up from behind his ersatz barricade, Colt. 45 in a classic two-handed stance, and starts blazing away again at the rampaging robot.

Explosives again, nine rounds rapid.

2010-06-14, 11:24 PM
Oh dear.

This is about to get much more interesting.

A geyser of a strange light-blue liquid is ejected up and out of the former hatch, shortly before something else entirely rockets out.

An adult human woman is ejected from the inside of the ex-hatch, landing nearby. She's wearing a heavily-drenched plain red shirt, highly stained with the blue color of the odd fluid, along with equally-stained jeans. From the looks of them she's probably been in there long enough to have drowned-but it looks like she's breathing. Evidently this robot doubles-or rather, doubled-as a stasis chamber, for whatever reason.

"A-Containment compromised!"

The robot's exclamation is followed by a barrage of explosive rounds impacting its already-weakened armor, starting to send sparks flying. It looks like there's some actual damage being done!

Meanwhile, the robot maintains its hold on the spear, and now moves its other arm (freed up from smacking Sparky away) to slam a menacing robotic fist down on Ordo. It's not fast enough, though, and Ordo's punch impacts the joint of the automation's machine gun arm, damaging it and making the arm's movements rather slow and shaky.

As for how that's shown, the robot seems to be trying to move it to face Brendan again, but it doesn't seem to be working all that well.

And for, perhaps, even better news, it appears that some of the flames nearest the robot have been dowsed by the stasis-fluid geyser.

2010-06-14, 11:35 PM
Ooh, well crazy lady, fell out of the robot. ..Finally a human face behind all this.

Ayrissa upon seeing this decides it really isn't worth trying to get her gun unstuck. Instead she really ought to deal with the lady, like it or not the lady didn't look alright and so it was her responsibility to help her.

Stupid medics code..

Sparky beeps in the wall as he tries to extricate himself from it.

Ayrissa stands slowly still wobbly from loss of blood and tries to make her way to the women who fell out of the robot.

If she gets there, she will try and remove the liquid from the face region to allow for air flow.

The Bushranger
2010-06-14, 11:40 PM
Brendan meanwhile is out of explosive bullets, and has only one magazine left.
It's tracers.

Hope the goo isn't flammable.

Since he's now slamming it home in the gun, and opening fire again...

2010-06-14, 11:42 PM
The stormtrooper blinks.
Girl in the deathbot.
Covering fire.
She stands up and fires away at the robot's optics some more.

2010-06-15, 12:30 AM
Ordo, thankful for the continued cooperation from several of the tavern's patrons, presses on, attempting to grab the robot's other arm that is holding his bone-spear back. If he succeeds, he will try to crush, or at least damage, that elbow joint too.

He is, again, hit in the face. This time by a large robotic fist, moving considerably slower thanks to the damage Ordo caused. He grunts in pain.

And that's when a lady flies out of the robot. "What the..." The monster-that-is-a-psion asks to no one in particular. He refocuses on the fight, continuing above actions. "Alright, tin man! Let's see what the rest of your insides look like!" He roars all the while.

2010-06-15, 08:37 AM
Saquara ignites her lightsabre, andjumps towards the robot ,trying to slice at it's legs

2010-06-15, 08:54 AM
Dipsnig tosses a bottle of rust monster venom at the droid, which seems to have been overlooked previously.

2010-06-15, 09:25 AM
It's easy to overlook goblins after all.

Since they're small and stuff. And possibly furniture depending on who you talk to.


The goo-splosion sends the top hat tumbling through the air, tendrils of strange black material trailing behind it like the arms of a deranged top-hat headed octopus. Which really doesn't seem much like a real octopus to be honest. More like one of those cartoony octopuses with a face plastered on its side.

After a few moments of said tumbling it lands at a nearby table, top up.

The tendrils are gone.

Motion has ceased.

Save for the white rabbit peeking out of the thing.

2010-06-15, 11:19 AM
DC blames Rebo, Murkus, and celtois for having such long posts in comparison to Mort. :smalltongue:


The machine gun arm is the one that was damaged before, so the other arm is there to attempt to grab Ordo's arm (the one that isn't a spear). This is just getting ridiculous, isn't it?

...until the bottle of rust monster venom impacts near the joint of the arm holding the spear back, that is. That arm won't be very useful anymore.

That leaves Ordo to try to get that spear through the machine's relatively intact armor on this side without the previous charging momentum. Good luck!

Meanwhile, the robot's machine gun arm continues being near-disabled, not able to turn to fire on anyone. The flamethrower is still uselessly flaming away at Ordo.

Thus, the stormtrooper's blaster shots remain unimpeded and take out yet more of the 'eyes' on that side, meaning this side is starting to look awfully blind too.

Brendan, meanwhile, is met with the comfort that the weird stasis-fluid was not, in fact, flammable, as the tracer rounds tear into the robot's exposed innards. Sparks fly, and Ordo will probably be capable of overpowering the machine now, as it seems to have weakened from damage.

Ayrissa, meanwhile, will find that the woman is distinctly not military in appearance, with medium-length hair that looks like it's supposed to be blond in places, though the bluish stasis fluid seems to have affected even that. She'll be successful at making sure the mystery woman can breathe, of course. She remains unconscious.

Might want to get away from the increasingly doomed war machine, though. It might explode!

2010-06-15, 12:12 PM
Ordo's other arm is grabbed, but his spear seems to now be free thanks to the vial of rust monster venom.

Less pleasantly, it would seem his chest is beginning to literally melt away from the continued heat of the flamethrower. Bits of mutated rib can be seen now, and the burns are charring his flesh.

He would be dead if he were still human just now. Heck, he might be pretty close at the moment!

Ordo raises his bone spear and stabs at the robot's exposed bits, or really anything that still looks vulnerable.

With his other arm, he'll simply continue struggling dramatically against the robot's remaining good arm.

2010-06-15, 12:15 PM
Saquara tries to slash the robots right leg with her lightsabre

The Bushranger
2010-06-15, 12:28 PM
Brendan, now out of ammo, mutters to himself about having to pack more next time, and ducks back behind his barricade...breaking off a table leg and leaping out, hurrying over torwards Ayrissa. "C'mon, lets get her out of the open before that thing self-destructs!"

2010-06-15, 12:29 PM
The stormtrooper backs away quickly.

2010-06-15, 03:04 PM
The white rabbit peeking out of the hat wiggles its nose a bit. Fairly standard business as usual for rabbits, really. It wobbles the hat a bit until the thing topples over, spilling the bunny out onto the (not flaming) table.

Then another hops out of the hat.

Then another.

...and another...

Within the span of a few moments a veritable torrent of wiggly noses and cotton-ball tails comes swarming onto the tavern floor, aiming to latch onto the war-bot with their legion of fuzzy little paws and drag the thing out through the tavern's door before it up and explodes.

Whilst the rabbits work the strange and rather smiley being has taken a seat atop the (still not on fire) table, calmly pouring himself a cup of tea as the madness unfolds.

2010-06-15, 03:23 PM
(My apologies Morty didn't mean to make you get overlooked.)

"Explodes! Oh right robots do that don't they. Alright lets get her out of here." Ayrissa, will attempt to sling the women over her unwounded shoulder grunting for the exertion as she does so. "Aw dang it.. I knew I should have worked more on the athletic training in the military." If she is successful, she will carry the women out of there.

By out of there she means to behind the nearest cover she can find. Which in this case, happens to be a rather singed table, with a few machine gun holes in it. By the time she can make it to the table, she's panting from the exertion, which the loss of blood really doesn't help.

She'll unsling the lady from her shoulder and plop her down behind said table, before ducking for cover herself. Well at least that should protect her from the blast, and this mystery lady.

A faint beeping noise comes from a nearby wall where Sparky finds himself still lodged.

Ayrissa, pokes her head out of cover looks from the robot to the hole in the wall then back to the robot.

"Aww crap, why do you always get me into this Sparky." She looks back to the unconscious lady, and possibly Brenden. "Don't worry won't be jiffy!" And she makes a run for the hole where she will try and pry Sparky from it..

2010-06-15, 03:24 PM
Dipsnig looks at the rabbits wide-eyed. Then he looks at the smiley person. Uh...

Earl of Purple
2010-06-15, 03:33 PM
A half elf that just undeadtimed approaches Ayrissa. He's wearing a kilt and a tunic, both dirty and battered, with a well-cared for sickle at his waist that has never seen a field, and a highly-polished silver amulet around his neck. The amulet depicts a two-tailed scorpion, and it matches the tattoo in dark ink upon his face. "Hello Miss. I'm a healer, could I help you with the girl?" Unfortunately, his clothes look unhygienic; if she knows of such, Ayrissa may think of him as a faith healer, and that's not far from the truth.

2010-06-15, 03:42 PM
"Oh dear oh dear oh dear." Ayrissa continues to yank on Sparky who remains firmly lodged in the wall... it's awful hard to yank...or do much of anything with one arm you know.

Spark beeps pitifully.

"Look I'm trying to get you out maybe you could help!" It's about then she notices the healer... or at least notices that he's talking to her.

"Uhh," she looks down at her one arm hanging limp, then back to this scraggly priest. "Well, I suppose you can. I mean it's kinda hard to practice medicine with one arm hanging limp. But only if I can still look her over and check her condition." Some angry beeping comes from the wall. "Yes I know I'm trying I'll focus all my attention on you in a sec. So yeah alright, feel free to try and help out."

She resumes yanking with her uninjured arm, bracing her foot against the wall and putting all her weight into it.

The Bushranger
2010-06-15, 03:53 PM
Brendan, meanwhile, stands guard over the fallen...robot's prisoner?...with his table-leg club, swearing never to go out without 100 rounds on his person at all times ever again.

Earl of Purple
2010-06-15, 03:57 PM
The half-elven priest dashes over to the person previously inside the robot, and he'll start chanting in Abyssal (if anybody can identify the language). Should his prayer be successful, then the girl should be healed of any wounds. It won't wake her up, but it may turn unconsciousness/coma into sleep, which is easier to wake somebody up from (I think).

2010-06-15, 04:03 PM
Dipsnig is still dumbfounded by everything that's happened. Meanwhile, in the opposite corner of Trog's, Reelshka is cuddling two rabbits at once.

2010-06-15, 04:04 PM
The robot's right tread is slashed with a lightsaber, cutting through it rather easily. The thing's probably immobile now.

Meanwhile, Ordo's bone spear finds its way into the hole in the robot's armor made by Syna, Sparky, and Brendan, and it'll probably be pretty uncomfortable in there as sharpened bone meets the more delicate circuitry, and the robot's flamethrower fuel tank...

Oh dear.

The sparking from the circuitry meets the now-exposed flamethrower fuel supply, causing the ruptured fuel tank to explode violently.

The explosion is mostly contained by the machine's armor, but Ordo-or more specifically, his bone-spear-arm-does not have that comfort, thanks to the hole. If it's of any comfort to him, though, the flamethrower's stopped. Comes from its fuel supply going up in, well...flames.

The good news, though, is that the robot seems to have been disabled. The remaining photoreceptors have lost their glow, and the robot is not moving.

Speaking of the robot not moving, the rabbits will probably have a hard time, thanks to all the people in the way.

The woman can be moved easily enough, while she remains unconscious, for now. Or so it seems, anyway.

The Bushranger
2010-06-15, 04:08 PM
It's at about this point...that the doors of the tavern swing open.

Revealing a rather short figure, its head almost covered with a comically oversized deerstalker cap, and a comically oversized double-barrelled blunderbuss under one arm...

...and, spotting the swarm of fluffy bunnies around the robot's legs, it has only one thing to say. Shouted joyfully as the blunderbuss gets brought up to the figure's shoulder, the hammers thumbed back...



2010-06-15, 04:10 PM
The rabbit, or wabbit, hunter will find a tankard thrown at his head with a considerable precision.

2010-06-15, 04:15 PM
Two rabbits are nuzzled. They prove to be soft and fuzzy, if a little squirmy. Rabbits are usually like that when someone grabs them. The rest of the lagomorph legion are still yanking on the remains of the robot in futile effort to pull it out of the tavern. Heaven knows what they'll do with it afterward.

Then several of the poor things are obliterated by the lisping hunter's shots. It's pretty messy business, honestly. Poor, poor bunnies...

The smiling figure, meanwhile, seems none too bothered by the commotion, madness, and general level of chaos. He finishes pouring his cup of tea and then tosses the whole thing, saucer and all, into his gaping mouth.

A rather loud series of crunches follow.

"Spider tea?" he inquires, holding the pot out toward Dipsnig.

Then swats at a black, fuzzy leg trying to work its way out of the pot with a silver spoon.

2010-06-15, 04:16 PM
Uh, sure. If it has "spider" in its name, maybe it's drinkable. Meanwhile, Reelshka is grabbing another tankard.

The Bushranger
2010-06-15, 04:17 PM

"Nnhhh...duck season..."


And the mighty hunter slumps over, out cold from a tankard to the forehead. :smalltongue:

2010-06-15, 04:19 PM
That's what you get for shooting innocent bunnies, freak! Reelshka shouts.

2010-06-15, 04:25 PM
Saquara jumps back from the bot, and tries to douse the flames with her force powers, by trying to draw out the air

2010-06-15, 04:33 PM
Oh my whats this! Seems Ayrissa finally got a good grip on Sparky, as with a loud popping sound. Her is removed from the wall. Ayrissa of course finds herself sprawled on the floor. Having landed on her bad arm. "Ow ow ow!"

Sparky floats around beeping happily.

While Ayrissa goes to inspect the girl that the healer worked his little chant on. I mean it's possible there is something to it, but really compared to modern medicine which just works every time the ways it's supposed to it seems like an awfully dicey prospect.

She will attempt to check vital signs on the mystery lady. Pulse, Breathing rate and so forth, if she had been in stasis those things would likely have slowed down. There's only one way to wake up from stasis at least where she's from. "Stasis? Where I'm from this is just in it's pilot stages. This is probably much more advanced. The lack of fluid and a system means she should normalize soon, but if it takes as long to wake from stasis naturally as it did where I was from she'll starve or die of thirst first. We need to speed up the process I think. That is if it stasis." She looks to the healer. "You know anything about this sort of technology?"

The Bushranger
2010-06-15, 04:35 PM
"Depends on how the stasis works. We have stasis pods that insta-freeze and insta-thaw," Brendan observes.

2010-06-15, 04:41 PM
After coming out of protective deadtime, the guy in the brown jumpsuit makes his way over to a corner.

"Well, once again, this place shows how crazy it is."

Earl of Purple
2010-06-15, 04:44 PM
"No. I work with magic, not technology. Where I'm from, handcannons are the most advanced weapon, outside the mage guilds, anyway. All mages are practically weapons. I can learn, however." Indeed, the half-elf is wearing homespun clothing, and the sickle is handforged.

2010-06-15, 05:16 PM
Ah what's this Brenden knows what to do here. Good cause she sure didn't have the equipment to deal with this. I mean stuff for revitalizing someone after stasis was rare equipment not the sort of thing you carried from day to day.

"Alright then Brenden lets go see about those unstasis machines you talked about." The looks at the priest "Well I'm afraid I know next to nothing either so there isn't a whole lot I can tell you. However we have to go get going to revive this girl." She looks around the tavern. "You may want to help some of the wounded." She gestures to the burnt shot, and otherwise brutalized NPC's.

"They appear to have taken quite the beating."

Come over here Sparky I need your help here.

Sparky continues to fly about beeping happily as if he hadn't heard her.

"NOW Sparky or I'll stick you back in the wall!"

Sad beep, followed by floating sulkily over.

"Alright we need to use your deployable stretcher to carry this girl out of here. How far away are these machine?"

The Bushranger
2010-06-15, 05:24 PM
"Erm....well," Brendan starts, blushing at his misunderstanding, "I meant back on my homeworld. Not here as in here. I...don't think I have the proper parts to constuct a revival machine..."

Earl of Purple
2010-06-15, 05:30 PM
The half-elf looks up. "Perhaps one of my collegues at the Temple could help, if this gentleman lacks the equipment. Many of my work-mates are better healers than I am, and so could help." The half-elf wearing tattered clothes, a polished silver amulet depicting a two-tailed scorpion matching his facial tattoo makes no effort of helping the other wounded in Trog's.

((Deadtime, alas))

2010-06-15, 05:39 PM
Ah darn it! Here she was hoping that someone else had the materials that she was lacking. Well there was two things she could do. One she could trust this faith healer, priest. Or two she could use her knowledge of the human body to try and bring this girls systems back up to normal levels, which should wake her up. Kinda disappointing though that Brenden couldn't help here I mean honestly so close to a solution.

"Oh of course! I should take a blood sample, and a sample of this liquid see if there stasis is because of a chemical in either or both of those." She smiles at Brenden, "Don't worry about it, we just need to get her up and going again!" She looks at the priest, "Well I suppose if they might be able to help. Though let me do a few things here first."

2010-06-15, 05:47 PM
Thecla 'ports into the tavern and looks around. She's still wet from the lake, so she shakes her body again to send water flying everywhere.

The Bushranger
2010-06-15, 05:48 PM
"Alright. Hopefully we can figure something out..."

Thecla might spot the figures around the seemingly unconsious woman in the corner...

2010-06-15, 06:00 PM
Hm, she takes a look around and lightly sniffs the air, ignoring her own wet wolf smell. Spotting the people in the corner, she pads over to check it out and try to find out what's going on? She sticks her head into the middle of the group.

2010-06-15, 06:06 PM
A wolf... lovely a wolf just decided to mosey on over and check out her patient. As if this day couldn't get any weirder, where did the wolf come from anyways.

and what was the vorp sound from. Sounded almost like a particle displacement motion effect, or as a civilian would call it teleportation.

Ah well she just had to stay calm nobody else was panicking after all, She will take out a syringe and attempt to get a bit of the ladies blood for a sample.
As well as try to place some of the blue goo into a test tube.

"Alright I've got my samples." She leans closer to Brenden and whispers "Should we trust this looney priest? What about this wolf? Is my patient going to get hurt is she at risk?"

2010-06-15, 06:54 PM
Look, over there!

A really loud noise!

Alright, done with this post, now-

Wait a second, what's that? You want more description? Picky people, aren't you?

Well, this particular noise is almost exactly like the door to Trog's slamming against the wall as someone erupted through it.

In fact, if one turned to look where the noise was coming from - that is, the door to Trog's - then they'll see that the cause is of the door slamming against the wall as someone burst through it.

Entirely different.

Oh blast, now that I've explained the source of the noise I'll have to go about describing who it is that burst through the door, won't I?

Well, he's probably quite familiar to most of the people in Trog's, although he hasn't been around as of late.

It's Mime!

He looks around the tavern, waving happily to anyone that he recognizes, not seeming to notice all the commotion that's just occurred.

2010-06-15, 08:12 PM
Thecla is wondering what she means by samples? She looks at her and then at the unconscious person, she tentatively sniffs at them both as she does her best to find out what's going on in this corner.

2010-06-15, 08:20 PM
Ordo roars in pain as his arm is scorched beyond belief, blackening and tearing the bone-spear apart, as well as a large portion of the transmogrified Psion's upper arm.

He staggers backwards as the robot's innards explode and it becomes inert. The psion, in an astounding amount of pain from pretty much everywhere, leans against the bar, the counter creaking beneath his weight. "Wow." He says deliriously, glancing down. "I've never seen my heart before."

He turns and pats the robot on the side, saying, "Well, still. Good fight bro. Good fight."

He glances over at the girl who came out of the robot, and all the people crowding around her. "Oh no!" He roars at them, holding his arms up questioningly. Well, one arm and a virtually destroyed bone-spear. "Don't mind us. Not like everyone else got shot, or anything. Not like I'm not..." He coughs up blood. "Dying."

He glances towards Dipsnig. "Oh, hey man! It's me, Ordo! I've got some, ah, papers for you, just as soon as I get my innards sorted out."

2010-06-15, 08:36 PM
Regardless of anyone being in the way, the inert robot is probably impossible to move for the...rabbits. They are just rabbits, unless they got superstrength while I wasn't looking.

Meanwhile, blood samples are taken from the woman and some of the blue stasis-fluid is placed in a test tube. It should be kept in mind that the fluid is probably contaminated now.

The woman, meanwhile, remains unconscious.

2010-06-15, 08:49 PM
Ayrissa seems annoyed... uh oh!... I mean really uh oh.

Some half mad mutant is now shouting at her telling her she's doing a bad job.

Now really that's just unfair it's not like there is a whole lot she can do for him, he's got some weird physiology and crap. It's not her fault she has lots to deal with.

Sure she could be dealing with the other wounded, but given the severity of their injuries it isn't like she could save more then one.. and this one was her patient now and you don't just leave a patient no you work through it to the end. This big brute had really asked for it. "I'll meet you two at the temple, just got to deal with this great lout first."

She walks over to Ordo. "You want treatment for you injuries.. fine. You want to complain about how I'm doing my job not fine, just warning you this is going to hurt like nothing you've ever experienced before." It took all her willpower to stop herself from just giving him a lethal injection right there to just him up but you couldn't do that not when the patient had a chance

(Keep in mind he's free to stop her from helping him)
She pulls out a array of pills, syringes and surgical equipment, she empties two syringes into his burnt bone (unless it's super hardened or something they are designed to go into bone) The first will help revitalize the bone marrow to strengthen the immune system and prevent infection the second is a drug of her own invention that promotes bone regrown and can fix a break in a quarter of an hour if it's set right.

Following that she will try and give a series of three pills, to increase clotting which reduces blood loss. The second promotes tissue repair, and the third is designed to knock out an individual of human size.

Finally she will try and bandage his wounds with her cloth bandages, and inject one final needle beside a major artery, full of tiny microbes which ca repair nerve damage.

Oh the injections into bone might just be one of the most painful things he's experienced.. however they will be topped by the pain from the regrowth.

Since he made he so mad he ain't getting pain killers


2010-06-15, 08:52 PM
Unable to tell what's wrong with the woman in the corner, Thecla follows Ayrissa over to the loud complainer. She sits on her haunches and watches the proceedings with an interested look. She's never seen this sort of thing before and she wonders how it all works.

2010-06-15, 09:13 PM
Ordo glares at Ayrissa with a pair of bulgy, mutated eyes. He's annoyed right back. "Oh, yeah, I didn't just stop that damned robot quicker than the lot of you had in a good fifteen minutes. And look at you. Crowding about the girl that came out of the robot instead of..." He points at a young NPC girl nearby, who appears to be dying from gunshot wounds. "Her." He waves towards an older man, who got shot in the side. "Or him."

"Or maybe the other healer, I.E., me!" He shouts even as Ayrissa helps him. "But no, you couldn't of known that. You didn't bother to check. Just go off and help the completely uninjured woman who doesn't look like she has any other problem than being covered in blue slime."

He grunts, nearly passing out from pain, as the bone injections occur. "Yeah. Some great doctor you are." He manages to say.

He takes the other pills and injections wordlessly, fuming over the situation. He would shapeshift back, he would help other people like Ayrissa should have been doing. But if he changed now... the injuries were so severe, his human form wouldn't be able to take the shock.

Ordo, still in pain from the regrowth drugs, leans back. He looks like he is really going to pass out. But he probably has enough for one last little... favor. Just to show her up.

If I recall, Ayrissa had an injured arm. So Ordo reaches out and touches it, unless she really wants to stop him. If he does succeed, her arm will be completely healed, at the cost of Ordo taking her injury onto himself. His arm will suddenly become as hers was.

2010-06-15, 09:29 PM
Ordo, if he can see around Ayrissa, will probably see a mime approaching him, looking curious.

He'll step around the deadtimed-Ayrissa, grin broadly, and wave to Ordo. He picks up a stool from the ground and places it next to Ordo, before sitting on it.

2010-06-15, 09:35 PM
Dipsnig is poured a rather nice cup of spiced spider tea. The stuff has a rather peppery smell to it. Kinda greenish. With... at least one hairy leg floating around in it. Would probably repulse most anyone else. The goblin can feel free to enjoy it once it isn't some ungodly hour in his player's part of the world.

The grinning figure, meanwhile, has slipped off the table and removed his hat. ...and under the hat is another hat exactly like the one he had taken off. He begins scooping up rabbits and piling them into his paradoxical headgear.

"As so many little fuzzy bunnies. Too many perchance? Or just right? So hard to tell sometimes, yes. So hard to tell. Might I need one? Or will thirty six do? Shall I tie their ears in a bow first? Oh so many things to keep in mind..." he rambles at no one in particular.

Once all the rabbits have been collected the extra hat is fed to the hat he's wearing, which rather noisily devours it.

"Hm hmm hmm... Bone china and silver spoons, what now hmm? Help the wounded perhaps? Not sure if I can do that, oh no," the grinning being muses to himself before suddenly snapping his fingers. "Ah! That's it! Tea! Tea heals all wounds sans those it won't."

And with that he produces a new tarnished silver teapot from... somewhere... and begins pouring piping hot tea onto people's wounds.

Most don't seem to like this.

The Bushranger
2010-06-15, 09:39 PM
Brendan, meanwhile, grabs a fire extinguisher and starts spraying the bar with it.

2010-06-15, 09:39 PM
After observing Ordo and Ayrissa's actions, she looks to where he pointed out. She isn't sure if they're able to be healed or not. Sometimes, in this weird place, people or creatures can react very strangely to healing spells and she doesn't want to cause more harm by trying.

She turns and greets Mime with a tail wag and a slobbery wolf kiss!

2010-06-15, 09:40 PM
Whether or not he manages to heal Ayrissa, Ordo is just going to close his eyes when the mime appears. Instead, he stares at the odd fellow. "Um... hi. I would offer to shake your hand, but my arms appear rather unresponsive."


Ordo watches contentedly as Brendan goes and puts out the fire. "Ah, good. Someone's saving the booze, at least."

He then spots the weird guy in the hat, who is pouring hot tea on people's injuries. "What the..."

((Unfortunate deadtime. Lata, folks!))

2010-06-15, 09:44 PM
Mime pokes Ordo's deadtime a couple of times, before suddenly...

Slobbery Wolf Kiss!

Mime hugs the silly wolf, not really caring when it drools over him. That's what doggies are supposed to do!

He watches the tea pouring man for a while, before shrugging.

2010-06-15, 09:50 PM
Thecla is also wet and smells like wet wolf...

She enthusiatically gives him another slobbery wolf kiss and runs around his chair a time or two. She hasn't seen him in a while.

2010-06-15, 09:58 PM
Mime watches as the wolf runs around his chair with childish glee, hardly noticing the horrendous wet dog smell coming from Thecla.

He orders some Bamhacon for Thecla and gives it to the fluffy doggy.

2010-06-15, 10:00 PM
That makes Thecla even happier! So, another wolf kiss and she's wolfing down the delicious bamhacon. mmmmm, tasty. Her tail wags the entire time she's tearing into the food.

2010-06-15, 10:09 PM
Mime looks delighted when Thecla starts eating.

He pets her while she eats, and feels that she's wet. Well, we can't have that!

He quickly Mimes a towel and tries to thoroughly dry Thecla with it.

2010-06-15, 10:13 PM
Towel drying her while she's eating is rather interesting, makes it a bit harder to eat, so she moves her feet out a little to form a stronger base for her to stand on. It all feels great though, food in her belly, and dry fur, no complaints from her.

((time for me to go, bye))

2010-06-15, 10:49 PM

Mime silently chuckles as the wolf tries to eat while being dried. It seems he finds this amazingly interesting.

2010-06-16, 09:01 AM
Ordo glares at Ayrissa with a pair of bulgy, mutated eyes. He's annoyed right back. "Oh, yeah, I didn't just stop that damned robot quicker than the lot of you had in a good fifteen minutes. And look at you. Crowding about the girl that came out of the robot instead of..." He points at a young NPC girl nearby, who appears to be dying from gunshot wounds. "Her." He waves towards an older man, who got shot in the side. "Or him."

"Or maybe the other healer, I.E., me!" He shouts even as Ayrissa helps him. "But no, you couldn't of known that. You didn't bother to check. Just go off and help the completely uninjured woman who doesn't look like she has any other problem than being covered in blue slime."

He grunts, nearly passing out from pain, as the bone injections occur. "Yeah. Some great doctor you are." He manages to say.

He takes the other pills and injections wordlessly, fuming over the situation. He would shapeshift back, he would help other people like Ayrissa should have been doing. But if he changed now... the injuries were so severe, his human form wouldn't be able to take the shock.

Ordo, still in pain from the regrowth drugs, leans back. He looks like he is really going to pass out. But he probably has enough for one last little... favor. Just to show her up.

If I recall, Ayrissa had an injured arm. So Ordo reaches out and touches it, unless she really wants to stop him. If he does succeed, her arm will be completely healed, at the cost of Ordo taking her injury onto himself. His arm will suddenly become as hers was.

Oh dear!, Oh dear. Healing of a magical nature this aught to be good.. or not good as the case may be.

She had worked in silence on him ignoring all his jibes, she didn't know about this insane creature but she sure as heck couldn't cure all these patient, she'd have to pick and choose. Which meant lives would be lost no matter what. What did the darn fool know anyways? If he was a healer like he said he should know that she couldn't help them all there just wasn't time.

That's about when he touches her arm...

Energy... a pure white light surrounds her arm growing in nature, the tissues knit back together, nerves regrow... and

She starts to glow, a fine sparkly blue well that's not supposed to happen.

It's about then she goes flying into the floor, and cries out in pain.

Something appears to have gone very very wrong... and the white light surrounding her arm gets brighter brighter..

and then with a loud boom it's gone... or more appropriately has exploded flooded the whole tavern in a bath of healing energy (Which you know heals people and hurts undead)... following the energy shortly up is a shockwave which will send unsecured objects and people flying... should they not hold onto something.

When the light fades the wounded NPC's should be better, and all the players should have been effected by the wave..

But what's happened to Ayrissa?

Well she's still glowing blue, and appears to be quite unconscious. Well very unconscious.

She also appears to be resting a in a pool of a blood...wonder if that's hers.

(Still deadtimed just wanted to get this in here before I had to go.)

2010-06-16, 10:21 AM
Wait... that wasn't magic. That wasn't even healing energy that Ordo used. Psionics is just mind powers and junk: it only transfers wounds from one individual to the other, though it can also stitch them up quite well depending on the use. Of course, if the same glowy-explosion would occur from Psionic abilities being used on Ayrissa, then the result remains the same. If it's only healing energy that causes this glowy-explosion, then it couldn't have occurred. But if the former is the case...

Ordo, now almost completely healed from the bath of blue light, stands. He begins to revert to human form immediately, returning to the red haired, yellow-coated, backpack-toting psionic human. He moves to crouch by Ayrissa, making sure to avoid touching her again. He's afraid it will set something else off.

Eyes wide, he looks her over. The psion is dumbfounded. "Well... crap. What did I..."

Hm. Looks like everyone's happy and healthy again, cept for the poor doctor.

The Bushranger
2010-06-16, 11:30 AM
Brendan, still finishing up extinguishing, looks over in surprise...then shock.

Tossing the extinguisher to a grumbling Cosmo, he hurries over, dropping next to Ayrissa, and quickly checking for a pulse - and for wounds.

"What did you do to her?" he demands of the psion.

2010-06-16, 12:01 PM
Dipsnig is suddenly next to Ordo, holding a cup of spider tea. He'd ask about the papers he mentioned, but there seems to be a delicate situation right now. What seems to be the problem?
Reelshka, meanwhile, is in the corner drawing one of the bunnies.

2010-06-16, 12:33 PM
(Yeah Psionics causes the same reaction, she has a weird reaction to magic of any sort, which I include Psionics in.)

Well darn.. looks like things turned out alright. Well except for Ayrissa, but hey that's her luck isn't it.

Brenden will find she has a pulse... in terms of wounds, can't say there appears to be any major wounds... wait is that blood dripping from her ear?

Oh it would appear so, she appears to have blood dripping from her ears.. and her skin. Weird that must be some pretty serious internal bleeding that's leaking out somehow.

That really isn't supposed to happen you know.

A rather angry looking Sparky floats over to Ayrissa and starts beeping angrily at Ordo, the whole time flying around his head.

2010-06-16, 12:35 PM
Ordo turns to Brendan. "Hey, back off. I tried to heal her. How was I supposed to know she was allergic to psions, or something?"

Ordo is startled by Dipsnig's sudden appearance. He talks rather frantically. "Well, see, I just tried to do this wound-swap thing. I just take someone else's injuries and add them, at albeit a lesser degree, to myself. But she had some kind of odd reaction, and instead of healing just her and hurting me, it healed everybody." He points off at various NPCs, who are marveling at their once-again healthy selves. "I just... I don't know how it happened."


The psion glares at Sparky as he zips in a circle around his head. "God, not you too. Look, I didn't try it! Alright? I didn't mean to hurt anybody!"

The Bushranger
2010-06-16, 12:36 PM
"...well, crap."
Brendan does happen to have a healing potion in his belt, but having seen how she seemed to react to magic, he is hesitant to use it. Even though its effects would likely be different. And so he calls on his first-aid skills instead, trying to help.

((Which his player knows less than he should about, so perhaps we just presume Brendan, being smarter in that regard, does what the proper things are.))

2010-06-16, 12:39 PM
Dipsnig sips his spider tea. Not half bad, really. Much better than regular human tea.
Well, it was very clearly an accident, wasn't it? You can't have known how she reacts to psionics. What Dipsnig knows about psychic powers could fill a thimble halfway, but he won't let people go around and accuse his members.
((Also, you might want to pick a speech color for Ordo.))

2010-06-16, 12:46 PM
If sparky could growl it seems like her would.. Though he does seem to back off a little, wound swap... and so forth does sound like he was trying to help....

Not that he did...

But it's that thought that counts right?


Sparky settles down beside Ayrissa and starts rolling back and forth.

Oh what's this.. first aid, good choice. It seems to have some effect, well at the very least he's able to soak up some of the blood... and he very well might be able to slow the bleeding. It does seem awful hard to stop though.

She is still unconscious.. though and bleeding a fair bit.

(Note blood usually doesn't flow through skin, I suspect it will require a rather more unique treatment.. perhaps an agent with which to help blood clot? though that would really only be a temporary solution.... If we assume he used one the bleeding will stop.. mostly.)

The Bushranger
2010-06-16, 12:52 PM
((He does carry a first-aid kit with clotting agent. Given the extent of the bleeding he can't use too much of it on any one place, but he'll try...))

Brendan continues attempting to apply first aid, while muttering something about needing a proper hospital around here.

2010-06-16, 01:04 PM
Ordo stands, a bit relieved. "Yeah, I suppose. Wasn't really my fault." He sounds like he's trying to convince himself more than anyone else. He still feels quite guilty.

Hm. Seems the cranky Psion is drifting more towards the Good side of the alignment pool these days, eh?

2010-06-16, 01:12 PM
First aid is continued the the bleeding slows and even in places stops... it seems she might pull through.

That would be good right...


Sparky certainly seems happier that the person he's supposed to protect is doing alright, he beeps more cheerfully and stop rolling about quite so much.

First aid success bleeding under control, She well regain consciousness after my chem diploma tomorrow! (Deadtime :smallwink:) Convenient that. :smallbiggrin:

2010-06-16, 01:13 PM
Dipsnig takes another sip of his tea. Well, it seems everything's fine for now.

2010-06-16, 01:18 PM
And just when you thought the situation couldn't get more complicated...

The currently partially blue-haired woman sits up rather abruptly. "Where..." And then she sees the robot still sitting in the middle of the tavern and lets out a shriek, hiding behind...well, most anyone, before she realizes... "...is it dead?" It seems she isn't paying attention to all the corpses around yet. No, she's too busy panicking about the disabled robot.

2010-06-16, 01:22 PM
Ordo adjusts his backpack absentmindedly. "Yeah. Oh, Dipsnig. I had some papers from Mag-" He stops midsentence, noticing the odd girl who came out of the robot. "Oh, hey. Yeah, it's deader than dead. All thanks to the fine patrons of Trog's tavern."

2010-06-16, 01:43 PM
"O-oka-" And then she realizes how shot up and burnt the tavern is, not to mention the corpses and blood on the floor."Did it...I think I'm gonna..." Assuming Ordo was the poor soul she hid behind, he might become the proud owner of some very...blue vomit on him. It's a very familiar blue by this point.

Hey, at least it's getting out of her system.

2010-06-16, 01:51 PM
Well, looks like I'm the only one online and nearby, so why not? Ordo's back is coated in blue barf. "Argh! Gosh, lady!"

Realizing she's probably in shock, and he's been a bit rude to several people due to his crankiness, he turns to her, holding out his hands calmingly. "Ah... sorry. Just, uh, take deep breaths. Try to calm down."

2010-06-16, 02:03 PM
Good. Show m- then the girl pukes at Ordo. This day just keeps on giving, doesn't it?

2010-06-16, 02:08 PM
Ordo looks at Dipsnig agreeably. "Tell me about it." He sighs. He takes some papers from his backpack, handing them off to the goblin. If I recall correctly, there are several employee guideline papers, some addresses of things called 'telewarp stations', and a bunch of blueprints of different Magtok devices, such as a submarine or a large robotic dinosaur. Maybe some miscallaneous things as well. Oh, and there appears to be a drawing of some paladin with fire powers, which is scribbled over with:


"I'd like to check out those telewarp things. Might lead to even more info."

2010-06-16, 02:11 PM
Hmm, yes, our employer is definetly going to be interested in this stuff. Good work. I, on the other hand, am curious as to who Maggy calls an "overweight harlot bluh bluh" and why... And yeah, feel free to check out those telewarp thingies.

2010-06-16, 02:15 PM
The woman backs away, coming to a stop at a wall and sitting down against it. "Sorry...I think that was gonna happen already..." Considering the vomit's contents, she's probably right. "W-where am I?"

((DC-the-player hates to sound whiny, but he can barely see Ordo's text. <.< But hey, it's better than it being blinding.))

2010-06-16, 02:21 PM
((Honestly? I kind of agree. I'll just make Ordo's speech a tad darker...))

Ordo chuckles at the mention of the drawing. "I have no idea. Thought it might be semi-relevant, though, or at least good for a few laughs."

The psion turns to kneel by the lady, putting a hand gently on her shoulder. "Um... you're in Trog's. It's a tavern in the Nexus."

2010-06-16, 02:23 PM
Maybe I'll try to find out if I have the time. Dipsnig snickers. He lets Ordo deal with the scared lady.

2010-06-16, 02:31 PM
"...Nexus? The place that rebel prince guy came back from?" ...wait, what? "T-this is where they came from?" She makes it sound like whatever she's babbling about now is related to that robot.

2010-06-16, 02:32 PM
Rebel prince guy? Dipsnig is now moderately interested.

2010-06-16, 02:33 PM
Ordo is also interested. "Who is they?"

2010-06-16, 02:51 PM
"Where is not the proper question," comments the rather smiley being in a top hat. He wasn't sitting on that table near the conversing group moments prior. In fact, he hadn't even been in the room. Even though he had been milling around when he ostensibly dead timed the other day.

With a shake of a tea cup he continues. "Oh no indeed. Where is not the proper question at all. There is no where here. Nor a when. Only is is, nothing else. Not a place. Not a time. Only here."

A sip of tea whilst his hat adds a rather creepy, "Ur hur hur hur..."

"Here can't be there because here is everywhere, hence only here as opposed to elsewhere. I wouldn't suggest Elsewhere, the weather is dreadful in the Summer. Might I interest you in some tea?"

He gestures at the blue-stained woman with his tea pot.

2010-06-16, 03:00 PM
"The guys who sent that thing." She points to the disabled robot, arm shaking. "Said they came back from some place called the 'Nexus'." Further explanation is rather cut off by the weirdo with tea. "...Um." It seems she's not sure how to respond to that.

2010-06-16, 03:14 PM
Ordo is very interested. A good mystery, and he was freshly healed to boot!

"We can try to help you figure this out, if you like. Who were the 'guys'? Why'd they put you in a robot?"

The Bushranger
2010-06-16, 03:22 PM
Brendan, meanwhile, his first-aid paitent having deadtimed, looks over and listens intently.

2010-06-16, 03:25 PM
Ordo slips into deadtime as well, at least for now.

2010-06-16, 03:26 PM
Hm. Dipsnig taps his fang. Curious. A lot of people come into the Nexus, but not that many come out. There's a lot of people here who might have sent something like that.

2010-06-16, 03:28 PM
Seeing the unusual nature of the being with the top hat, the guy in the tan jumpsuit takes out his pke meter, trying to see if he can get any information on the top hat being.

2010-06-16, 03:28 PM
"Oh how lovely! Is it story time perchance? I do love a good story!" the odd smiling being chortles whilst feeding his teapot to his hat. The hat in question devours the teapot in question rather noisily.

"Escaped princes. 'They' used in an ominous fashion. Kidnapping and intrigue! Oh no doubt this well be well worth hearing, oh yes certainly."

He leans forward a bit, grinning all the wider. Which, frankly, doesn't look like it's even physically possibly.

About this time a rabbit peeks out of the hat's mouth at those gather around. Another white rabbit. Just like all the other white rabbits that have crawled out of the grinning creature's hat thus far.


It's too bad no one else wanted tea...

2010-06-16, 04:01 PM
"They're some extremist nationalists for a country that got conquered in a war years ago. Said they came back from here. Don't know why they sent that thing..." She sounds rather...scared, still, to say the least.

Since she apparently got kidnapped by terrorists for no reason and all.

2010-06-16, 04:27 PM
The combination of the smell of hot tea and the loud crunching sound of a teapot being eaten has awakened a small, sleepy critter who has been slumbering away in the shadows of the rafters for quite some time now. After taking a few long moments of yawning, stretching, rubbing its eyes, brushing off cobwebs, etcetera, etcetera, it cranes its neck out and peers down at the ongoing teaparty below.

I wonder if they have any brownies... the creature muses to itself.

2010-06-16, 04:29 PM
"They're some extremist nationalists for a country that got conquered in a war years ago. Said they came back from here. Don't know why they sent that thing..." She sounds rather...scared, still, to say the least.

Since she apparently got kidnapped by terrorists for no reason and all.

Well, I don't know either. Are you involved with the government? Dipsnig's ears perk up at the faint sounds in the rafters.

Earl of Purple
2010-06-16, 04:46 PM
"Or maybe a large corporation or business that has done really well since the takeover? Did you, or one of your family members, conspire with the invaders or do you work closely with them? Are you a scientist, alchemist or wizard working on new methods of war?" The half-elf with the face tattooed with a two-tailed scorpion is still here. He's wearing battered and dirty clothing, specifically a kilt and tunic. Around his neck is a silver amulet depicting another two-tailed scorpion, and nearby is a sickle that looks to be well-looked after, if never actually used for agricultural purposes.

2010-06-16, 05:07 PM
Thecla finishes off the bamhacon and after Mime's efforts, she's drier than she was before and her coat is sticking straight out in a lot of places. It looks rather funny, but she doesn't care. She licks the plate clean then licks her muzzle completely clean. mmmmm, tasty bamhacon! She yips a little to thank Mime for everything.

2010-06-16, 06:25 PM
Mime pats the wolf on he head a couple of times, silently laughing at the wolf's coat and plate-licking antics.

The combination of the smell of hot tea and the loud crunching sound of a teapot being eaten has awakened a small, sleepy critter who has been slumbering away in the shadows of the rafters for quite some time now. After taking a few long moments of yawning, stretching, rubbing its eyes, brushing off cobwebs, etcetera, etcetera, it cranes its neck out and peers down at the ongoing teaparty below.

I wonder if they have any brownies... the creature muses to itself.

Wow, what's that?! Mime looks up towards the rafters towards the small creature, and gaps a bit, before remembering his manners.

He waves frantically to the little thing, trying to get a better look at it.

2010-06-16, 06:37 PM
Wow, what's that?! Mime looks up towards the rafters towards the small creature, and gaps a bit, before remembering his manners.

He waves frantically to the little thing, trying to get a better look at it.

It's hard to get a proper look at the critter from down below, but the telltale brass-coloured, scaly skin and just about visible wingtips convey, to those familiar with the creatures, that it is a brass dragon wyrmling that is skulking about in the rafters.

Said wyrmling blinks and grins down at Mime, though it has trouble waving back at all.

2010-06-16, 06:47 PM
Thecla follows Mime's gaze and looks up in the rafters. She wags her tail and gives the creature a wolfy grin as a greeting. She's friendly and her posture reflects that.

2010-06-16, 06:49 PM
Mime motions for the brass-coloured thingie to jump down to him, waving towards him with his hand.

He certainly doesn't know what a wyrmling is, although that's not exactly a surprise when it comes to Mime.

Still, a new friend is a new friend, and he's eager to meet the little guy.

2010-06-16, 06:56 PM
The lil' dragon is all too willing to hop off of its rafter and glide gently down towards Mime and Thecla, though their actual meeting will have to wait, despite Mime's eagerness. A clump of deadtime (caused by the fact that it's rather late where its player lives) ensnares it, mid-descent.

((My apologies to the both of you, but I have to be up early tomorrow morn'. G'night!))

2010-06-16, 07:01 PM
Mime holds his arms out to hug the little guy, watching his decent.

Aw, then he freezes in mid-air.

Mime frowns as the wyrmling stops flying towards him, arms still extended for a hug. Now he was gonna have to hug someone else...


Mime turns and hugs Thecla as tightly as he can, which probably won't cause any great deal of discomfort to the wolf.

2010-06-16, 07:29 PM
Nope, Thecla happily gives him slobbery wolf kisses in reply. Mime is fun and definitely one of her friends.

2010-06-16, 07:42 PM

Mime hugs the doggy for a while, and would probably hug longer had his stomach not just growled at him.


Mime looks sad as he has to stop hugging Thecla to eat. Actually, now that he thinks about it, he hasn't eaten in a while!

He orders himself a hero sandwich and some more bamhacon for Thecla.

2010-06-16, 08:04 PM
*The door to the back room opens and a short troglodyte with an orange bowler cap emerges in a cloud of cigarette smoke. Cosmo seems a bit taken aback at the sudden appearance of his boss and pauses mid olives-that-should-be-used-for-drink-garnishes munch and swallows quickly, putting away a magazine he had been reading and removes his feet from the top of the ice machine where they had been propped for some time.*

Er... hey boss. :smallamused:

*Trog looks around behind him*

Anyone seen Cosmo? He's about yay high, goatee, grumpy, never calls Trog "boss"? He's supposed to be working tonight. :smallconfused:

Ha, ha. :smallannoyed:

Oh! There he is. Didn't recognize you there for a second.

So uh... today's pay day, right?

*The troglodyte's look could have been described as "dumbfounded" if that wasn't, already, his usual sort of look anyway.*

Er... is it? You sure? Trog could have sworn that was... um... next month.

No. It isn't. It's today.

You're sure? *looks at non existent watch*


Positive? *flips through the wall calendar behind the bar*



Welllll... Trog's just got to... uh... run to the ATM then and uh...

Ooooooh noyoudon't. The last time you "had to run to the ATM" you were gone for a month and half. :smallmad:


Would you believe there was a long line?




Well then. *Trog fishes in his pocket for his wallet of holding* So, uh... do you have your time card all filled out then? Because if you don't Trog's afraid you'll have to wait until you've got the proper -

*Cosmo heaves a box big enough to hold several reams of tabloid-sized paper.*



Oh dear.

*transctions ensue with the staff and at the end of it all Trog's Costanza-sized wallet has shrunk to the size of a small coin purse. Nina, Paige and Cosmo collect their pay and secure it all in various spots on their person.*

You know, *says Trog, peering into his empty wallet* Trog's beginning to remember why Trog never comes out here anymore. *heads back to that back room, shutting the door behind him.*

2010-06-16, 08:11 PM
mmmm, another batch of bamhacon, today is heaven for bamhacon! Thecla yips happily and licks Mime again for good luck, since this seems to be her lucky day. :smalltongue:

2010-06-16, 08:29 PM
((Sorry about leaving, I was under the impression that I might get some homework done. :smallannoyed:))

Mime puts his Hero Sandwich back down on the plate as Thecla licks him again.

Silly doggy! Mime's trying to eat!

He pats her thoroughly with one hand, picking up his sandwich with the other and resuming eating it.

2010-06-16, 08:36 PM
She follows his example and munches on her own delicious bamhacon!

2010-06-16, 08:52 PM
It probably takes Mime a lot longer to eat his sandwich than it does for Thecla to devour her Bamhacon, judging by how quickly she ate it last time.

((deadtime. Sorry.))

2010-06-16, 09:14 PM
Well, I don't know either. Are you involved with the government? Dipsnig's ears perk up at the faint sounds in the rafters.

"Or maybe a large corporation or business that has done really well since the takeover? Did you, or one of your family members, conspire with the invaders or do you work closely with them? Are you a scientist, alchemist or wizard working on new methods of war?" The half-elf with the face tattooed with a two-tailed scorpion is still here. He's wearing battered and dirty clothing, specifically a kilt and tunic. Around his neck is a silver amulet depicting another two-tailed scorpion, and nearby is a sickle that looks to be well-looked after, if never actually used for agricultural purposes.

"Um...All I can think of is that a distant cousin stole some prototype plane from the government and hasn't been seen since, but that's got nothing to do with these guys." They'd probably approve of that, anyway.

Noting that those talking to her seem to have been consumed by temporal anomalies, and that there's not much she could tell them anyway, she starts to slowly stand up and looks like she's going to try to slip away while they're deadtimed, before suddenly realizing something, looking down at herself. Probably just noticed the whole 'ruined clothes' thing. "...No money, either...Crap." And she slowly slumps back down against the wall.

Oddly enough, she hasn't flipped out at all the weird things around. Like goblins and troglodytes and...whatever the guy with the hat is. She might've known to expect that, given that she actually knew about the Nexus.

She does still find them-mostly the hat guy-a bit freaky, though. <.<

The Bushranger
2010-06-16, 09:17 PM
Hey, Brendan isn't freaky at all!

And now he starts torwards New Girl.
"Are you OK, miss?" he asks, simply.

2010-06-16, 09:46 PM
Then he'll probably have an easier time dealing with her. :smalltongue: Not so much his wife who is on fire all the time.

"Aside from being stranded here with no way to get home and being drenched in some weird knockout gunk without a change of clothes or any money, yes." Or, well. He'd have an easier time if he hadn't made the classic mistake of asking someone in this situation 'are you okay?'.

The Bushranger
2010-06-16, 09:50 PM
En fuego!

"Ah. Well. Welcome to Town, then, I guess, although it's probably not the welcome you were looking for." Brendan chuckles, a little sheepishly. "Perhaps I could help, at least in some respects? Brendan Drake," he introduces himself.

2010-06-16, 09:58 PM
Ordo undeadtimes, glancing around. Murkus, the player, hopes he didn't miss anything.

The psion turns towards the blue-gunk lady. This may have already been asked, but as I said, I hope I didn't miss anything. "You know, lady, we might be able to help you out more if we knew your name." He shrugs. "I'm Ordo, by the way."

2010-06-16, 11:45 PM
"Leila." She refrains from mentioning her last name. Probably because it's not like it'll matter much here, of all places. Not like she has any family, much less close family that would share the same surname, around here. She sighs. "Now that I think about it, it's not like I could go back home even if I knew how, if I'm just going to get more of those things sent after me..." She glares past Ordo and Brendan, at the disabled robot no one's bothered to get rid of. Well. To be fair, the rabbits tried.

But they're rabbits.

DC-the-player apologizes for his horrible connection.

The Bushranger
2010-06-16, 11:47 PM
"Well, it's good to meet you, Lelia." Brendan pauses, and frowns in the direction of the robot.

(For the record, Cosmo chucked the would-be mighty hunter out on his unconsious ear.)

"Do you have any idea why these people want you so bad they send Robby the Robot's evil twin to grab you?"

Moff Chumley
2010-06-16, 11:52 PM
The Moff drifts over to Trog's Tavern, flops down at the bar, and seemingly by magic and certainly without talking, procures a drink. He looks around as if searching for a conversation,.

2010-06-17, 12:22 AM
Leila shakes her head. "Like I said to Shorty and Mr. Buglover. The only thing I can think of that'd be of any interest to anyone like that is that a distant cousin stole some prototype jet from the government. These guys aren't government, though, and it's not like we ever saw him again...And why would they need to send that thing, anyway?"

She has a point. For someone that seems normal, aside from the partially-blue hair (which is thanks to stasis goo), an armored war robot with a machine gun and a flamethrower seems rather excessive.

The Bushranger
2010-06-17, 12:30 AM
"Maybe they read the Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates?" Brendan shrugs. "'There Is No Overkill'. Although that's a good point." He shrugs. "Might never know. I could arrange for you to get some new clothes, if you'd like."

2010-06-17, 12:44 AM
"There's overkill and then there's just being inefficient, though." Quite the point, that. "But yeah, that'd be nice. And...well, another thing's bugging me. You guys seem..." She's looking at the robot again. "Well...is it normal for things like that to happen around here? From what those guys were saying..." Leila sounds distinctly worried, again.

For good reason.

The Bushranger
2010-06-17, 12:50 AM
Brendan nods. "Actually, that's a particulary boring day around these parts. Just one word of advice," he quickly adds, "don't ever, EVER say The Word That Starts With Q And Mens The Opposite Of Busy in this tavern. Ever. Under no circumstances."

He pauses, shudders at The Horror, then continues. "Anyway. I think Paige might be able to help," he nods in the direction of the barmaid, "and I can reimburse her for the dress, or whatever else you find to wear."

2010-06-17, 12:53 AM
"...so your idea of a boring day is when some random war-bot pops in and starts shooting everyone?" Leila sounds rather...disgusted.

Poor, clueless new person.

The Bushranger
2010-06-17, 12:57 AM
"It's better than Space Huns, which I've heard tales of," Brendan says, shrugging. "Or giant tentacle monsters from under the floorboards."

2010-06-17, 01:00 AM
Blink blink. "...Okay, the second one is probably some genetics experiment gone wrong, but I don't have any explanation for Space Huns. ...It'd probably help if I knew what a normal Hun was..."

The Bushranger
2010-06-17, 01:06 AM
"Germanic warriors from many years ago. Barbarians, wear furs, seek maidens and plunder. Except these came from space, and, if the tales are right, could change other people into additional Space Huns."
Brendan doesn't take the opportunity to call them Borg Huns.

2010-06-17, 07:36 AM
((Since when are Huns Germanic? >_>))
Dipsnig undeadtimes, his cup now empty.

2010-06-17, 07:42 AM
{{They're not. They're from 'beyond the Volga'.}}

2010-06-17, 10:32 AM
The guy in the brown jumpsuit walks over to Dipsnig.

"Um, hello there."

2010-06-17, 10:33 AM
Yeah, what is it? Dipsnig puts away his cup.

2010-06-17, 10:36 AM
Dipsnig should be able to see the word Truse, on the jumpsuit.

"I was wondering about you got your money. See I'm almost broke, and I having a hard time finding work."

2010-06-17, 10:38 AM
Uh... this human obviously has some trouble speaking. Well, what kind of job have you tried looking for?

2010-06-17, 10:44 AM
"Well, I'm a part-time lawyer, but no one here needs a lawyer. As for my other job, well there's been no chance to do that."

He shugs, a bit impressive concidering the strange large backpack on his back.

2010-06-17, 10:47 AM
Well, the part about noone needing a lawyer is certainly true. Just look at what happened to NO's arbiter branch. And what is your other job?

2010-06-17, 11:37 AM
"I'm a ghostbuster. Its kind of strange that this city doesn't have any ghosts."

2010-06-17, 11:45 AM
Doesn't it? I mean, there's everything here, so ghosts aren't that far off.

The Bushranger
2010-06-17, 11:48 AM
((They're Germanic when they wear pickelhaubes (which I recall the Space Huns did), and when Brendan says they are. :smalltongue:
Nobody said he got an A+ on ancient history. :smallwink:))

Brendan can't help but laugh a bit as he undeadtimes.
"If you're not finding ghosts, then you're not looking for them. There's plenty of ghosts around."

2010-06-17, 11:52 AM
"Oh really?"

The guy in the brown jumpsuit turns to face Brandon.

"Cause I haven't detected any."

(Seriously, the only place that has ghost in the thread is GLoG. Just zombies, ghouls, and skeletons in the city.)

2010-06-17, 12:00 PM
Leila doesn't get the 'Germanic' part (not that she should, apparently, how convenient), but the rest is pretty simple and clear-cut. "So...brainwashing? Unless they were psychic Space Huns I don't see how that's possible..." Because everyone knows barbarians-even space barbarians-don't delve into that kind of stuff normally.

It might be noted that she shudders at the word 'psychic'.

Then people start talking about...ghosts. "Oh, great, this is even worse than the freaks back home..."

Meanwhile, DC-the-player continues flailing at his connection. This may take a while, and he's probably going to run off immediately after this post goes through to play computer games to distract from this irritation.

The Bushranger
2010-06-17, 12:08 PM
Ahh, but there's plenty of NPC ghosts.
And don't forget Destro, Your Friendly Neighbourhood Trout-Lich!

"The Good League of Good has an entire community of them," Brendan says, nodding, before looking back at Leila. "I don't think it was psychic, actually, based on what I've heard. More like it was an infection of some sort," he explains.

Then narrows his eyes at the mention of 'freaks'. "How would you feel about a werewolf paladin who's on fire?"
His tone is just slightly pointed...

2010-06-17, 12:13 PM
Dipsnig deadtimes.

2010-06-17, 12:17 PM
"And with that many ghosts, they haven't tried something to get rid of them?"

Seeing as he's about to get into an arguement, the guy in the brown jumpsuit stands back.

(I wish someone who ask for his name, typing that in getting old.)

2010-06-17, 12:17 PM
Leila frowns. "I'd say I hope they have a way to not burn everything and enough control not to eat anyone. Most of the ones back home...well. They aren't known for their sanity, especially when they first realize they have powers of some sort. They say one wrecked a whole city once..." ...ouch.

DC-the-player, meanwhile, peers at his connection that spontaneously started functioning the moment he said he was going to run off. <.<

The Bushranger
2010-06-17, 12:23 PM
That's how those things work sometimes. >_>

"Trust me, she does." Brendan relaxes a little, and looks over at the Ghostbuster. "Maybe because they're friendly? We get along fine with them. One's even the head nurse."

...and he has a name? I thought he was just zis guy, you know? :smalltongue:

2010-06-17, 12:26 PM
He has Truse on the jumpsuit, that's his last name.

"That answers that question, and also it also means that I would just get in trouble if I did anything there."

The Bushranger
2010-06-17, 12:40 PM
"Probably. I know at least one person there who probably wouldn't mind you busting one or two ghosts though." Brendan chuckles. "I'm Brendan, and you?"

((And that would be Charity, and a certain annoying teenage ghost. :smalltongue:))

2010-06-17, 12:43 PM
"Ren Truse, but I often end up getting called, Rookie."

He offers to shake hands.

"So, about that possible ghostbusting, could you tell me more about it?"

2010-06-17, 12:44 PM
Confused Ordo is confused. Leila, as far as he could tell, didn't know a thing that could help them find out who was after her. So, growing agitated, he sidles off to the bar for a drink. Well, a drink that isn't completely destroyed.

He orders a non-descript, inexpensive beverage and guzzles it, letting it numb what little pain he still has from the battle with the evil robot.

2010-06-17, 01:27 PM
I think we ought to head back to NO, Dipsnig says to Ordo.

2010-06-17, 01:29 PM
Ordo scratches the back of his head, polishing off his drink. "Yeah, lets. I'm getting sick of this joint anywho."

Ordo walks over to Dipsnig, quite ready to go. "I got enough juice left for another big teleport. You ready?"

2010-06-17, 01:34 PM
Oh what's this..

It seems something amazing has happened. Ayrissa appears to have become conscious.. She's looking awfully pale though.

Lost a lot of blood you see and you know how losing blood it.. well it's no fun and leave you all pale.

She sits up slowly using her arms to force herself up. "Uhhh, what happened. I feel like I was hit by a train."

Sparky floats up happily.. beeping like an insanely happy robot.

"Oh your no help... lets see. I remember a flash of light, I was fixing up that big rude creature... and then blackness." She tries to stand.. but finds herself to weak to even manage that.

2010-06-17, 01:35 PM
Sure. Dipsnig doesn't like teleporting much, but it's faster. Upon arrival, he'll merge with his plot clone there.

2010-06-17, 01:45 PM
"Well, it looks like you could use some help."

Rookie comes over to Ayrissa and tries to help her stand up.

2010-06-17, 01:52 PM
Ordo avoids talking to Ayrissa, seeing how he's the one who accidentally knocked her out. "Well, ah, let's go! Happy drinking everyone!" And the two teleport back to NO.

2010-06-17, 01:57 PM
Oh dear this is embarrassing, four years of being a soldier and now she needs help to even stand....Well no use denying it something or someone bot her pretty bad.

She was going to need his help, or really anyones help.

But he was nice enough to offer, so she really aught to take it, right?

She'd probably blush if she had enough blood left in her body for it to be really noticeable. "Well I do appear to need some help. Thanks." She'll take his hand and slowly pull herself up.

Upon getting up the world appears to have decided to take up spinning for an occupation... at least that's what it seems like and Rookie may find that she falls into him and ends up using him for balance, less he gets out of the way of course.

"I think I might need to give myself a blood transfusion.. the world isn't being very cooperative for standing at the moment." The rubs her hand across her eyes as if trying to clear something from her vision. Perhaps trying to stop it from spinning? Hard to say.

2010-06-17, 01:59 PM
Well, he is helping here up, so he helps suppose her.

"How about I take you to a hospital? That's a better idea then you trying to give yourself a transfusion."

2010-06-17, 02:04 PM
She seems kinda of loopy at the moment, hopefully everything will be back to normal when she has some more blood.

"He he, yeah maybe. I am a doctor though. Not that I'm in much shape to do any doctoring."

Oh dear laughing about her profession.. Something is really off. Must have taken a blow to the head when she hit the ground or something.

Sparky floats beside Ayrissa and Rooking beeping away cheerfully.

To the hospital I suppose! Well or a hospital. Or whatever passes for a medical facility around these parts.


2010-06-17, 02:06 PM
"That's nice."

And so, Rookie leads her off to the hospital.

(To inside!)

The Bushranger
2010-06-17, 07:52 PM
Brendan undeadtimes, and sighs at seeing Ayrissa gone. "Guess somebody else helped her out."
Shrugging, he heads back to his corner table.

Moff Chumley
2010-06-17, 10:40 PM
The Moff walks into the tavern, with a spring in his step. That was fun... I must get around to planting more explosive animals in HALO. He turns toward the bartender, and as per usual, orders a large flagon of beer, and wanders off into a booth towards the back of the room.

The Bushranger
2010-06-17, 10:44 PM
Brendan raises an eyebrow, and nods at the newcomer.
"Good evening," the rather common-looking, brown-haired young man says.

Moff Chumley
2010-06-17, 10:45 PM
Hi. I'm the Moff. Can I be of service?

The Bushranger
2010-06-17, 10:46 PM
"Not Grand Moff Tarkin, I presume," Brendan mutters. "Brendan Drake. You seem to be in good spirits."

Moff Chumley
2010-06-17, 10:48 PM
That guy? Nah, I was never exactly as successful as he was... turned out great in the end for him, though, dinnit? Yah, I've had a pretty successful day today...

The Bushranger
2010-06-17, 10:57 PM
"Ahh. Do I want to know what a Moff would consider a successful day?"
Brendan sounds almost like he's being rhetorical.

Moff Chumley
2010-06-17, 10:59 PM
If The Moff can discern Brendan's tone, he's ignoring it. It involves sheep. And lasers. And Europe.

The Bushranger
2010-06-17, 11:01 PM
"...ah. Like I said, I didn't want to know."
A beat.
"That would be Europe as in Wales, right?"

Moff Chumley
2010-06-17, 11:10 PM
That would be Europe as in... The Moff jumps out of his seat and begins wailing. ...IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN! DEE DO DEEEE DO. DEEDLEETDOOTDOOOOO-

The Bushranger
2010-06-17, 11:15 PM
Brendan winces.
"Ow. I hate that song..."

Unlike his player. :smalltongue:

Moff Chumley
2010-06-17, 11:17 PM
Not a huge fan of it m'self, but while fragging mooks, it does feel quite appropriate. Ya know, HALO's DRDs are quite fun to explode... The Moff says this with an air of complete seriousness.

The Bushranger
2010-06-17, 11:27 PM
Brendan frowns more.
"You...do realise that's property damage, right?"

Moff Chumley
2010-06-17, 11:33 PM
You have no sense of humor whatsoever, do you? The Moff says it as if stating a fact, in the same tone as if he had just commented on the weather.

The Bushranger
2010-06-17, 11:36 PM
"I actually have a very active sense of humour, and a very strange one sometimes, as Ashna would no doubt tell you." Brendan chuckles. "However, vandalism is not funny."

Moff Chumley
2010-06-17, 11:42 PM
Oh, I wouldn't call it vandalism... More just generic mayhem and destruction.

The Bushranger
2010-06-17, 11:45 PM
"And that," Brendan states, raising a finger to emphasise his point, "is even worse. You should consider yourself glad Ash isn't here."

Moff Chumley
2010-06-17, 11:47 PM
The Moff is taken aback. Excuse me? Was there something I said?

The Bushranger
2010-06-17, 11:51 PM
"Oh, I believe it was the something you said about going around destroying peoples' property for kicks and giggles?"
Brendan narrows his eyes at the Moff.

Moff Chumley
2010-06-17, 11:54 PM
Well, I never. The Moff's apparent good humor thoroughly destroyed, he storms out of the bar. Anyone listening carefully will hear a roar of laughter once he's well outside.

(Deadtime. :smallfrown: G'night)

The Bushranger
2010-06-17, 11:57 PM
((Aw. 'night!))

Brendan rolls his eyes, shakes his head, and pulls out his copy of Crime and Punishment. Since all BR's characters read those enormous Russian novels when there's nothing else to do.

2010-06-18, 01:23 AM
A green round blob somehow bounces into the tavern and hops it's way over to the bar.

It hops up onto the bar and does a few quick jumps spelling out it wants to order a glass of milk and honey.

*bounce bounce bounce bounce*

2010-06-18, 07:02 AM
DC-the-player, meanwhile, peers at his connection that spontaneously started functioning the moment he said he was going to run off. <.<

((Don't question it you fool! Fear the fickle ways of the connection! :smalltongue:))

The green blob might find a gloved hand poking at it as Mime looks at it curiously from his seat.

Earl of Purple
2010-06-18, 03:40 PM
Sitting in the corner is a half-elven man. He's wearing a battered and slightly dirty kilt and an equally dishevelled tunic. He has brown hair and eyes, and his face is rather plain and unmemorable, apart from the tattoo. Which tattoo? The large, full-face tattoo of a two-tailed scorpion, with the tails on his forehead and the claws upon his chin. The tattoo matches the silver amulet around his neck exactly; only difference is that the amulet is 3D sculpture rather than a 2D tattoo. Hanging at his waist is a well-cared for, yet never-used-agriculturally, sickle.

Moff Chumley
2010-06-18, 04:49 PM
The Moff enters the bar. He's not in quite as good a mood as yesterday, and he seems more impatient than anything else.

Earl of Purple
2010-06-18, 04:56 PM
The Moff is being looked at by the tattooed half-elf in dirty and battered clothing. The half elf is not doing anything else yet, however.

Moff Chumley
2010-06-18, 04:58 PM
The Moff, a slightly ratty human in a battered old uniform, meets the elf's stare. Can I help you?

Earl of Purple
2010-06-18, 05:05 PM
"That depends. Where is the uniform from?" The half-elf seems curious.

Moff Chumley
2010-06-18, 05:44 PM
Well, you know how they call me The Moff? Not that I remember much about those days... it's snazzy, though.

Earl of Purple
2010-06-18, 05:50 PM
"No. I did not know you are referred to as the Moff. I am Narahar of Dalachrech's Faith, it is good to meet you. What does 'snazzy' mean?"

Moff Chumley
2010-06-18, 06:11 PM
The Moff sighs. A foreigner. Nice to meet you, Narahar. Snazzy, it's like... fancy, or eye-catching. That sort of thing. Like your tattoos.

Earl of Purple
2010-06-18, 06:22 PM
"I see. And my tattoo is a symbol of my dedication and loyalty to my diety, as is the amulet around my neck." Both the amulet and the tattoo are of a two-tailed scorpion. And he's not actually a foreigner; he's just unfamiliar with the word 'snazzy'. Deadtime.

The Bushranger
2010-06-18, 08:48 PM
Brendan remains at his table, still reading.

2010-06-18, 08:53 PM
Thecla (wolf) makes her rounds of the common room, sniffing feet and checking out who's in the Tavern.

The Bushranger
2010-06-18, 08:58 PM
She'll probably find Brendan smelling a fair bit of unwashed socks. A faint hint of fire-ish smell perhaps too...

Brendan, absorbed in his book (Crime and Punishment), doesn't notice the wolf yet.

2010-06-18, 09:10 PM
Thecla sniffs at his feet, unwashed socks have an interesting smell.

The Bushranger
2010-06-18, 09:16 PM
After a moment Brendan starts, and looks down in surprise.
"Oh...hey there."
He studies the wolf sniffing his feet for a moment.
"I don't recoginise you. Can you understand me?" he asks, used to the wolfs of Ashna's 'pack'.

2010-06-18, 09:20 PM
Thecla looks up and gives him a big wolfy grin in reply and her tail begins to wag back and forth.

The Bushranger
2010-06-18, 09:29 PM
"Aha, you can then. I'm Brendan. I'd ask your name, but..."
Brendan, a rather common-looking brown-haired fellow, shrugs good-naturedly.

2010-06-18, 09:31 PM
Thecla yips a few times in response and playfully tugs on his pant leg with her teeth. She's very gentle about it and it's obvious she wants to play.

The Bushranger
2010-06-18, 09:39 PM
"Oh, that's how it is is it?" Brendan chuckles and marks his place in the book. "You want to play, or do you want bamhacon, then?"

2010-06-18, 09:42 PM
She's pretty full still from the bamhacon from Mime and she'd rather play. She puts both front legs flat on the floor and her tail waves in the air as she looks hopefully up at him.

The Bushranger
2010-06-18, 09:50 PM
"Alright I get it."
Brendan laughs, and, grabbing a napkin, wads it up into a tight ball, and tosses it to roll across the floor!

2010-06-18, 09:52 PM
Not quite what she expected, after she isn't a cat, she's a wolf, but still, she shrugs and chases after it. She chomps down on it and brings it back, depositing it in Brendan's lap with a bit of wolf saliva on it. She looks up at him expectantly.

The Bushranger
2010-06-18, 10:01 PM
"Hm, you don't look like fetch is your game then?" Brendan asks, tilting his head. "How about tug o' war?"
Producing a spare shirt from the bag o' holding he has, he rolls it up and chuckles, holding it out and making the end of it skitter across the floor...

2010-06-18, 10:02 PM
That was more like it. She growls and lunges for the other end and grabs it between her teeth. She pulls, just hard enough to make it fun.

The Bushranger
2010-06-18, 10:06 PM
Brendan laughs, playfully growls back and tugs his end of the shirt with a grin, shaking it a bit. "Becha can't get it from me," he says, grinning happily.

((also, deadtime for a little while. It must be drizzling up in town, because the DSL has gone droppy. :smallsigh: Back when it stabilises. Should be 30 minutes to an hour or so.))

2010-06-18, 10:12 PM
Thecla digs in, pulling a little harder as she holds tight to the shirt with her teeth. So much more fun than playing fetch.

((I'll be off by then, work ends in about 15-30 min))

Moff Chumley
2010-06-18, 11:07 PM
So, anything new, guys?

2010-06-19, 12:50 AM
A male cyborg walks in, wearing an armored chest-plate, a jet pack, and has an oxygen mask dangling to one side, two bags of holding dangle from his belt. He absentmindedly searches through one of the bags for a moment before extracting a jello cup, "Now where is that spoon?" He goes to find someplace to sit and by the time he gets to the bar he has found a spoon and begins eating. (Deadtime I suppose.)

2010-06-19, 01:55 PM
Thecla playfully growls and twists her head side to side as she pulls on the shirt. Hopefully he doesn't mind tooth holes in it. :smalltongue:

The Bushranger
2010-06-19, 01:57 PM
Thankfully, it's Brendan's spare shirt. So he doesn't mind a bit, as he pretends to let go of it only to grab it back 'at the last moment'. :smalltongue:

2010-06-19, 02:05 PM
A silvery robot wanders in, a bounce in his step, he props himself against a wall and orders an ale, which he pays for in a pile of nickles, obviously near broke.

"Hey folks." he says in a quiet radio-static voice.

2010-06-19, 02:06 PM
Thecla almost ends up on her hind end as Brendan lets go and grabs it again. This time, she pulls and yanks, aiming to take it out of his grasp completely. She's having a great time.

The Bushranger
2010-06-19, 02:10 PM
Brendan looks up and nods to the robot, his attention distracted just enough, that the shirt goes flying out of his hands!
Chuckling and grinning broadly, he leans forwards to try and grab it back.

2010-06-19, 02:12 PM
Oh no, now she has it. She takes off with her 'trophy'. Under a table and behind the robot...

2010-06-19, 02:13 PM
"This is all very interesting," the robot thanks the barmaid for his ale, which he can't drink, "Is this a game? Are there rules?" he hastiy adds, "I won't be playing though!...I don't think I can grasp games just yet."

EDIT for a missing question mark.

The Bushranger
2010-06-19, 02:16 PM
Brendan grins broadly. "Ah, you win Round One. Just wait for Round Two though!"
Chuckling, he orders a drink, and raises an eyebrow at the robot.
"Ah...you must be fairly recently programmed, I take it?"

((also, deadtime))

2010-06-19, 02:25 PM
The robot hops from one foot to the other, "Yes. Recently."

He turns to look at the person behind him with the "trophy" and his pupils enlarge, zooming in to better observe.

2010-06-19, 02:28 PM
Thecla is wagging her tail back and forth as she peeks out from behind the robot to look at Brendan. She's a grey wolf, yellow eyes, average size.

She senses the robot looking at her, so she looks up at him. She looks friendly.

2010-06-19, 02:34 PM
Reelshka undeadtimes. She's a female goblin in a practical, grey clothing and a fancy dark-green hat. She's drawing something in a sketchbook.

2010-06-19, 02:38 PM
The rafter-inhabiting brass dragon wyrmling, who was mid-way through descent from above, is released from deadtime - causing a few of the tavern's taller patrons to duck as it swoops over their heads.

The little critter lands on a table, looking slightly bemused, but otherwise nonplussed.