View Full Version : White Room

2010-06-15, 02:43 PM
White Room, 80 ft. around.

Let's get it ON!

2010-06-15, 02:46 PM
Inititaive: [roll0]

I believe that you lead.

2010-06-15, 02:54 PM
It looks that way. Also Damn you for having Uncanny Dodge, that ability bones my character more than any other.

Oh, before I post my actions would Shadow Strike count as magic for the pupose of this fight? It's basically an Eldritch Blast effect, so technically it's an SLA, but it essentially works out to be a Brilliant Energy Bow.

2010-06-15, 02:55 PM
Nope. Now, if you'd lead...

2010-06-15, 03:01 PM
I'm getting there, I wanted to make sure I wasn't cheating.

Anyway, my turn-

Varyshka pauses for a split second before disappearing and streaking into the skies above Gale's head, launching a bolt of darkness that seems to entwine itself into his shadow and causing it to rise up and strike at him.

Swift action-Activate Phantom Visage (huzzah for (Su) effects).
Move action-Fly upward and closer to Gale (now diagonally above him 75 ft. away, let's just say at a 45 degree angle for simplicity).
Standard Action-Shadow Strike:
Attack-[roll0] (It's a touch attack)
Damage-[roll1] (Force Damage)

Edit: oh, 50 damage, gotta make a Fort save vs. massive damage now too (I expect you'll pass, it's only DC 15).

2010-06-15, 03:15 PM
Gale winces, before causing a miniscule sword to appear in his right hand and charging away from his foe, making a slight adjustment in his plans as he does so.

Fort: [roll0]

Move action: move 70 away from you.

Standard action: change readied maneuvers.

Free: summon my lightsabre blade to hand.

2010-06-15, 03:22 PM
Son of a bitch. Varyhska mutters as Gale moves away. Gonna make me chase you huh?

She says as she chases him, unleashing another bolt of darkness.

Move action-Move 90 ft. Closer (so she's now 55 ft. away at a 45 degree angle).
Standard Action-Shadow Strike:

2010-06-15, 03:39 PM
"Got you!" Gale yells, turning back around and running to where h'ed be directly beneath his foe.

"Secret technique: Spinning blade projectile!" He continues, jumping and throwing the small, barely noticable blade in his right hand at Varyhska.


Er... Jump check

Assuming I make it up eight feet...

I use Lightning Throw.

Attack roll: [roll1] against, well, touch AC. Also, you make a reflex save against my attack roll to only take half of... [roll]2d8+26+12d6.

And my sword comes back, so I can do it again next turn.

2010-06-15, 03:41 PM
You don't know what square I'm in, you've gotta be within 30 ft. to pinpoint my location with a spot/listen check.

And even if you find me I've still got a 50% miss chance.

2010-06-15, 03:45 PM
Hm... S: [roll0]

Miss chance: [roll1] 50 or less hits.

2010-06-15, 03:52 PM
Alright, you found me, but then you missed anyway. Invisibility is Awesome, mwahaha.

As the lightsaber flies at her Varyshka ducks back just enough that it whizzes past her head. Cursing under her breath she floats gently upward before firing off several more bolts of darkness.

Non-Action: 5 ft. step up (now you've gotta find me again, mwahahaha).
Full-Round Action-Shadow Strike Full Attack
Attack 1-[roll0]
Damage 1-[roll1]
Attack 2-[roll2]
Damage 2-[roll3]
Attack 3-[roll4]
Damage 3-[roll5]
Attack 4-[roll6]
Damage 4-[roll7]

2010-06-15, 03:53 PM
Well, I'm dead.

2010-06-15, 03:53 PM
Critical Confirmation for Attack 1-[roll0]

Edit: or you're dead. Wanna try it again with me not allowed to use shadow strike?

2010-06-15, 03:54 PM
Critical Confirmation for Attack 1-[roll0]

Uh, Immune to crits.

2010-06-15, 03:54 PM
Oh, good to know.

2010-06-15, 03:55 PM
Sure. let's party.


Challenger appeared. I'm gonna go fight him.

2010-06-15, 04:02 PM
I go first, but just for fun-[roll0]. Oh look, I go first.


Varyshka grins as two wickedly curved glass knives appear in her hands, illusory images appearing on either side of her. Knowing she needs to end this quickly if she's to stand a chance she closes quickly with Gale, lashing out with one of the knives as she gets close.

Free Action-Summon Mirroshard Blades.
Move Action-Close the distance between her and Gale.
Standard Action-Attack with Mirrorshard Blade.
Damage[roll2]+1 Con (it's not the wounding special property, so it still affects you even though you're immune to crits.)
Swift Action-Be Awesome.

Edit: Oh, cool beans.

2010-06-15, 05:38 PM
You willing to fight again? Because I'll go with that first Init roll if you are...