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2010-06-15, 07:44 PM
The town of Fallcrest. Each of you have come here for your own reasons, or you have lived here all your life. And, for various reasons, you have come here- to the tower of the local Septarch's Tower, a seven-spired tower of pale green stone. Some have come here because of the various flyers asking for help from 'brave sentients'- an unusual occurrence from the self-styled 'High Septarch', which bears investigating even if you're not particularly interested in the reward he promises.

Some, on the other hand, may wish something from Nimozaran the Green, whether it is knowledge, or aid. In the end, it's not important- you're here now, and waiting for the wizard to come out his study, sitting on the chairs a halfling brought out for you, before telling you that "Th'master's looking at something at the moment, he'll come to you as quick as he can."

The room you're in is relatively sparse, the chairs mismatched- it seems this place has seen slightly better days, which fits with the current membership of the guild that resides whithin- namely, two.

2010-06-15, 08:07 PM
Silently, the elf with the long brown hair stands up and starts to look around the room. Strangely he seems to be focusing most of his attention near the bottom of the walls.

Spot check for mice/rats/small animals and mouse holes

2010-06-15, 08:12 PM
Since edits mess up dice rolls...

During his search, the tall Elf with brown hair and green eyes pauses for a moment as if to think of something, and then continues with his search

History/Arcana/nature check on this Green Septarch (just incase green has something to do with nature :P)

2010-06-15, 08:14 PM
A second elf, this one a tiny, short-haired woman, sits with eyes closed and the staff of her weapon across her knees, giving an occasional soft giggle. She seems to be resting, though ready to move at a moment's notice, and almost eager for that moment to come. Her hands do not stray from the polearm's haft.

2010-06-15, 08:30 PM
Carric Wildfae (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=215618)

"Well, it seems I've hit a dead end.." The tall lanky elf says to himself. Turning from the facing the walls to look at the rest of the people in the room the Elf says loudly, "Hello folks, What brings you to this grand tower? I am Carric Wildfae, local protector of all things that walk on four and some that walk on two."

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-06-15, 08:35 PM
A third elf sits quietly, reading from a book with Pelor's symbol on the cover. He is clad in the orange and gold tabard of a Pelorite priest, but wears it over armor; it seems he is not a stranger to combat, as the longbow strapped to the pack at his feet attests.

When Carric introduces himself, the elf places a bookmark in the volume and replaces it in his pack. Looking up, he states "Well met, friend. I am Brother Ilurien, of the House of the Sun. Usually, I minister to the townsfolk, but I have decided to take a sabbatical from that and spend some time serving as an example of Pelor's light and goodness using the powers He has given me rather than relying on my speech and the words of His teachings. What brings you here?"

2010-06-15, 08:35 PM
"Cara Brookmire," the small woman says, the calm of her voice at odds with the chuckle that comes from deep in her throat. "The requests for aid," she continues, gesturing vaguely towards one of the flyers in the room without opening her eyes.

2010-06-15, 08:49 PM
"Me?" Carric asks, looking a bit shocked that anyone would be curious about what he was doing. "I wasn't getting anywhere on my search, and was hoping the owner of this grand tower would be able to help me. But now, I must wait again. Hopefully, whatever he needs help with will enlighten the situation my friends are in."

After realizing his is making a spectacle of himself, Carric sits back in his chair, rocking it on a single leg, and in general keeping himself moving.

2010-06-15, 09:31 PM

Yet another elf sits in the room--tall, thin, and black-haired--as close to the exit as possible. She has been silent, tense, and still for a while, alternately looking at a tattered scroll with a crudely drawn map and glancing about the room as if concerned she might have missed something the last time.

She blinks as if surprised when someone speaks. "Naera. I'm looking for someone. He's a long way from here." She glances at the door from which the wizard is expected. "Ressilmae said to talk to the wizard."

With that settled, she returns her attention to her map, but it doesn't last for long this time. She sighs irritably, folds it up, and returns it to a case on her belt, closes her eyes for a moment, then smiles the sort of smile that is entirely unused to interacting with other people and says, "It's nice to meet you."

2010-06-15, 09:31 PM
A human girl, young with darkly-tanned skin, out of place in Fallcrest, and bizarrely white hair, out of place in any human not many times her age, walked in with a hiking stick tucked through a loop on the back of her belt. She wore exotic, bright red robes, and soft glowing stones on her temples and forehead marked her for a psionicist of some form or another.

"Hello. I am Melina. I assume you are all also here to assist with the 'Septarch''s troubles? I am afraid I am not from here, and have yet to receive a satisfactory answer on this point: who, or what, exactly, is a 'Septarch'?"

2010-06-15, 09:55 PM
Falling back in his chair with a loud THUD, Carric quickly stands up to face the new lady before saying, "one of the seven leaders, I believe"

2010-06-15, 10:00 PM
Melina arches an eyebrow at the elf's fall and at his response. "Ah. Forgive me, but I'm really not from anywhere around here; my home is about a month and a half's hard march from the coast on the other side of the ocean. One of the seven leaders of what, if I may ask?"

2010-06-15, 10:02 PM

Naera just shrugs at that question and frowns at the door through which the wizard is expected to enter. "Maybe it's some human title for a wizard whose guild only has one other person in it?"

2010-06-15, 10:38 PM

From nowhere, the door burst open, as a young tiefling girl rushed into the room looking harried. She seemed very young, perhaps only in her mid teens, with deep red skin and shoulder-length black hair. Two curved horns emerged from just before her hairline, circling about her slightly pointed ears. She was wearing mis-matched leathers with a patched cloak thrown over them, she she looked quite out of breath.

Crap crap crap! I'm not late am I? I overslept. She muttered quickly, looking around the room, Is the wizard here yet? He's supposed to... I mean, I'm supposed to talk to him, I think. Not that you all don't seem nice to talk to, just that... um... It's kinda important. At least, I think it's important.

She paused a moment from her rambling, seeming to finally take notice of her surroundings, as she tilted her head in curiosity at the group.

Oh, wow. Is this some kind of... elf-only thing? I'm sorry. She said mutedly, looking bashful.

2010-06-15, 10:57 PM
For the first time since seating herself, Cara opens her eyes and looks over at the tiefling. "Calm down, girl. No one has seen the wizard yet. And I suspect that anyone is as welcome as anyone else... which doesn't seem mean much welcome abounds here."

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-06-15, 11:37 PM
Ilurien gives the newcomer a somewhat disapproving glance over her dress, entrance, and language, but doesn't maintain it for long, shaking his head and giving an encouraging smile; the minor indiscretions of the laity were not his concern. "While Cara may not find this group welcoming for whatever reason, I assure you, Sister, that your company is most welcome here. Might I ask what important business brings you here?"

2010-06-16, 12:18 AM
"Welcome young red one. Now, what is so important that you are all huffy and puffy about?. Without waiting for a response, Carric then turns to the Human and says, "To be honest, I am not quite sure what the seven leaders are leaders of. But I was told that if anyone would know what is happening to my friends, it would be the Septarch in this tower."

2010-06-16, 12:24 AM

"The tower has seven sides," says Naera with a glance at Carric. "If there's seven of something it's probably that." She nods a greeting at Kyra and looks her over carefully, then folds her arms across her chest and leans against the wall near the exit.

2010-06-16, 12:40 AM
"I see. I had thought he was a more influential figure, but it seems since you are each unfamiliar with him, I am mistaken. Well, no matter; the troubles, presumably, are nonetheless important."

2010-06-16, 12:55 AM

"Honestly? I don't think anyone even knows what the wizard wants." She glances over at Carric. "You keep talking about your friends. Something I might have heard of?"

2010-06-16, 12:56 AM
As if on cue, the doors open, and an old man in wizarding robes steps out.

He's dressed in green robes, a large pointy hat, and there's an air of... eccentricity around him, for lack of a better word. "Hmmm... so you're the people who responded to my flyers? I must remember to thank Tobolar for putting them up later... oh, and the druid. Hem. You might want to listen to this as well, it may prove relevant to your interests.

As you all might know, my name is Nimozaran the Green, the High Septarch of Fallcrest. And... hmm... I have noticed something worrying recently.

Hem. As you might all be aware, there have been a number of kobold attacks in the region recently, culminating in an attack on a caravan quite recently, and they stole a wagon with some quite valuable cargo. Now, I find myself... worried. You see, Kobolds I have dealt with in the past were never this bold, or aggressive for that matter. I think there's something else going on. Hem. Um... Carric... I heard why you came here, and I suspect that whatever is behind these attacks may, also, be responsible for the unusual behavior of the boars. Um. Most likely, they are both symptoms of another, larger problem.

I would like you all to go to the place that has come to be called 'Kobold Hall' and clean it out, and do a search of it. See if you can find anything indicating if they're being manipulated. Um. If you do, then I'll give you all the coordinates to the teleportation circle on top of this tower. As well as other reasonable magical services. Um... the Lord Warden has asked me to tell anyone willing to take this task on that he is offering a bounty of ten gold pieces per Kobold head, and an additional hundered pieces if you can clear the ruins and provide proof of this."

2010-06-16, 01:29 AM
Cara watches the wizard closely as he explains the situation, but remains silent for a moment, contemplating his words quietly. Suddenly, though, she throws back her head and laughs madly before calming again. Despite the tremors of obvious mirth that still shake her body and the cackling that occasionally puncuates her speech, her voice is almost eerily calm as she accepts the wizard's offer. "Kobolds being so bold? That is odd, and is worth investigating. I doubt much reward will be necessary, however; doing evil such as clearing this threat from these lands will be reward enough." Her laughter dies down and she grows contemplative again before asking, "I am not familiar with this region. Where is this 'kobold hall' that these beasts are said to emerge from?"

2010-06-16, 01:41 AM
"I think I know where it is." Naera stops leaning on the wall and gives Cara a strange look before continuing, as if talking to herself. "It'll be good to have them stop troubling my campsite. Couldn't be far out of town. And if there's something else going on--" She shakes her head and glances up at the wizard. "Count me in. You'll need me. How long have they been acting up?"

2010-06-16, 02:12 AM

"So.. it's not the humans this time..." Carric says half to himself. "Well, this is going to require some help." Carric pauses, then looking around the room he says aloud, " I hope we can all work together and fend off this threat. Nasty little creatures those kobolds are. No wonder the boars are in a tizzy."
Pausing again after some thought, Carric once again speaks up and talks to the group.

"The Kobolds must be located in the Cloak Woods, that is where I got the message from." Turning back to the Green Septarch, he continues. " Nimozaran the Green, thank you very much for this information, it will indeed help me help my friends, but I might be so bold as to ask you some question? Will you be able to help us gather the correct supplies that we need from Fallcrest to rid the Forest and the ruins of these Kobolds? Do you know who or what is leading them? And What will we need to be successful in ridding the forest of these problems?"

2010-06-16, 10:45 AM
"I would be honored to be of assistance, ." Though she manages to avoid saying "um", there's an awkward end to Melina's sentence - she doesn't how how to properly address the Septarch.

2010-06-16, 02:10 PM

The young tiefling seemed absolutely giddy about the entire situation, almost bouncing eagerly at every word. A bright, cheerful smile crossed her face, giving the impression that either life itself was mind-numbingly joyful for her, or that she had absolutely no idea what was going on. Her tail swished about behind her excitedly, until she finally broke her silence.

It sounds fun! She said, beaming, I mean... I was hoping we were gonna fight off some wicked army or... I dunno... rescue a damsel or something. But this seems nice too! We can stop all the bad kobolds and maybe get.... wait. Aren't kobolds the little lizard-people? Aren't they kinda.... tiny? That's not so scary. Have they really been giving you trouble?

2010-06-16, 02:57 PM

"Ilurien, I believe you are the last to accept the Septarch's request. Will you be joining us to rid the forest and ruins of these kobolds and their organizers?" Carric asks with a look of hope in his eyes.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-06-16, 03:23 PM
Ilurien opens his eyes and unclasps his hands; he has been praying. "Yes. Pelor has not given me any guidance to the contrary, so I would be glad to accept. Now, when and where do we begin?"

2010-06-16, 04:20 PM

Um... Pelor? Kyra said suddenly, turning to Ilurien with a nervous expression, You're not... um... You're not from that big temple in Lord's Reach, are you?

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-06-16, 04:23 PM
"Lord's Reach? No. The House of the Sun here in Fallcrest has been my home for most of my life." Ilurien raises an eyebrow. "I do, however, possess several friends and contacts at the Lord's Reach cathedral with whom I am in quite frequent contact. That should not pose a problem...should it?"

2010-06-16, 05:13 PM

The young tiefling quickly changed her tone, standing up straight and putting on her most sincere face.

No, no! I just... um... I know people there. That's all. She said, waving her hands dismissively, I kinda... grew up at the orphanage there. That's all... really!

She paused a moment, before muttering somewhat under her breath as if no one could hear her.

... and sister Conner was a jerk.

2010-06-16, 06:35 PM
Carric looks at the tiefling a bit skeptical, thinking there is more to the story here, but decides to drop it in either case


"Let us agree to rid the world of this Kobold problem, and we can worry about past relations after we know that our main goal is accomplished. Does that sound ok for everyone?" Carric asks around the room, looking for agreement from his companions.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-06-16, 07:32 PM
"Quite satisfactory."

2010-06-16, 07:38 PM
Cara nods, standing, and readies herself to depart silently.

2010-06-16, 07:39 PM

"Sounds good. I've got all I need with me anyway." She pats the quiver of arrows at her belt with one hand and glances around, then adds, a touch impatiently, "So whenever you're ready."

She walks over to Ilurien and comments, quietly, "Can't say I ever met an elf-priest of Pelor, though. Is it common where you're from?"

2010-06-16, 07:44 PM
"Um. I'm a bit low on funds at the moment, the only reward I can offer is magical. I don't know what's leading them, which is a bit worrying... but I was able to determine that they should be all in Kobold Hall."

The old wizard proceeds to give direction. "Um. Good luck."

2010-06-16, 07:52 PM
"If no one has any objections, I recommend preparations for the rest of the day, and setting out in the morning. I, for one, would be interested in researching the matter a bit more; we do not have 'Kobolds' where I am from."

2010-06-16, 08:12 PM

Preperations? All I really need to do is get some food for the trip. Kyra said with a quizzical expression.

She pondered for a moment... before suddenly looking up with a burst of energy.

Oh! We should all stay at the same inn and have dinner together! I'd like to get to know everyone! I've never really met an elf before! I mean, not up close. There was this one guy I used to dance for, but I think he was only half elf. He never really talked about it, I guess.

She paused a moment, trying to recall her own train of thought. After a few seconds of looking befuddled, she found it again.

Oh, right! Dinner! What do you all think?

2010-06-16, 08:13 PM

"Kobolds? They're just these little lizard-people. Fond of traps and ambushes but otherwise they're usually pretty cowardly." Naera shrugs. "They're just as vulnerable to an arrow to the eye socket as anyone else."

2010-06-16, 08:19 PM

"I could stay at the inn if you insist," says Naera, as if making some great concession. "I've been staying out of town. It's quiet."

2010-06-16, 08:25 PM

Out of town... where? You mean in the woods? Kyra asked, tilting her head in confusion. Why would you want to do that?

2010-06-16, 08:31 PM
"Food and the night? Very well," the warrior sighed to the request for dinner.

To the tiefling's ramblings about sleeping in the woods, Cara replies, her voice for once showing a hint of genuine amusement, "Not all of us enjoy the noise that human cities always seem to be covered in. Here, you can't even hear the water. A pity."

2010-06-16, 08:35 PM

I grew up in the big city. You get used to it. Kyra said, beaming, Water isn't that great anyway. It doesn't really do anything. Just burble burble burble. I'd rather hear a song or watch one of those street plays. I guess you haven't ever seen one of those, huh? Do elves live in moss and eat bugs, or something?

2010-06-16, 08:41 PM

"It's quiet. And it doesn't cost anything to sleep under the stars and eat what you can find. And you can learn a bit about the land." Naera shrugs and settles back into a chair. "But mostly, I like the quiet. It's hard to think when there's people everywhere you look."

2010-06-16, 08:50 PM

Don't you get bored? I mean... I can only stare at trees and stuff for so long.

Kyra followed the group as they left, tail swishing excitedly behind her as she talked to her new friends. She seems genuinely, infectiously friendly and upbeat... if not all there.

You shouldn't worry about money... that's easy to get! She explained happily, Especially if you're pretty! You're kinda pretty. Want me to show you how it works?

2010-06-16, 08:50 PM

"If you come to the Wildoaks some time I will show you what a real song sounds like, and what true performances look like. Where the bards know what the wind sounds like." Naera shakes her head. "We eat more than bugs. Herbs, berries, and whatever my longbow can find. It's better fare than most taphouses."

2010-06-16, 08:53 PM
"My village was surrounded on all sides by a very dense forest, quite unlike yours. It was a dark, dangerous place, even in the middle of the day, and only the most stalwart of hunters ventured out of sight of the small path that we had. Though I think you would find the city of Devaksetra considerably more pleasant. The restaurants, at the least, serve much fresher food."

2010-06-16, 08:54 PM

"Dev-wha? Is that a city? It sounds like dwarven food." Kyra said, wrinkling her nose, "Dwarven food is really bland. They say if you drink enough, it's great... but I can't really drink like that.

2010-06-16, 08:57 PM
Melina arches her eyebrow once again, now at Kyra. "No, Devaksetra is populated almost entirely by humans, some elves, though like me they are much darker in skin tone than the elves around here."

2010-06-16, 09:02 PM
"You can show me if you like, young tiefling. But you shouldn't worry about me. I am content."

To Melina, she simply smiles and says, "I like your dark and dangerous. It means the forest is alive, the trees ancient--a rare type of forest. Perhaps I would like your Devaksetra."

2010-06-16, 09:06 PM
"I suspect you would, at least as far as cities go. It is a city that grew quite naturally out of the forest - we call it 'jungle' - and it a rather close artificial approximation of how the smaller villages exist. The villages 'in' the jungle are actually perched on small, grassy mountains that poke out of the jungle, with the houses themselves just above the treeline. In Devaksetra, they have created their own mountains - great pyramids of stone - upon which to live. It allows for a much larger city than any of the natural outcroppings, but it is still very much a city situated deep in a very untame forest."

2010-06-16, 09:10 PM

"Um... All right. I didn't get... most of that. But it sounds nice!" Kyra said after a few moments of mulling over Melina's explanation in her head. "I'm sure it's very nice! With lots of... birds... and rabbits maybe? I don't know... what else lives out in the woods? Bears?"

2010-06-16, 09:19 PM
Melina is a little caught off guard by this. "There... are many birds, yes. Our jungle does not have either rabbits or bears, though I understand that these creatures are common here. I somewhat doubt the ability of a rabbit to survive in the Venuvana, but then I am not particularly familiar with the animal."

2010-06-16, 09:24 PM

It's like a squirrel, but fatter... and not as climby. Kyra tried to explain, They're usually brown, with big ears and big feet... they hop around on the ground and dig, I think... and they taste kinda bad. Their fur is really pretty though. I know a lot of people use it for lining their clothes and things. It's kinda expensive though.

2010-06-16, 09:43 PM

"I'm partial to rabbit stew, but I had no idea the fur was of any value." Naera shrugs. "There are many creatures in the forests. Deer and wolves and wild boar, to name a few." She sighs wistfully here. "In my youth I rode with the great hunts of my lady. But here even the forests are tame."

2010-06-16, 09:48 PM

I guess so. Kyra said with a shrug, Around here it's all monsters and bandits and stuff that you have to worry about. Oh! I did see a really angry badger on the way here! Our cart spooked it. Do you have them too?

2010-06-16, 11:03 PM

"There you go. You'll be a woodsman in no time." Naera smirks but says nothing more, keeping her eyes focused on the horizon as they walk.

2010-06-16, 11:15 PM
Carric walks confidently amongst the group listening back and forth between the pro-city and pro-wild arguments. After hearing mention of the wild boar he chimes, " city or the wilds, there are good ways and bad ways to do either. The sooner we protect
and comfort the animals the better."

2010-06-17, 12:32 PM

Wow. You guys really, really like woods, huh? Kyra said with a shrug, I guess I'm the only city person here.

2010-06-17, 12:39 PM
"Cities are fine, though elven cities are not like human cities. I grew up in a town with fewer people than this one, but it was spread over a much larger area." Cara gives a wry chuckle, then continues, "Different philosophies, I suppose... The humans' cities take nature and push it out to make the place safe, while ours build around what is already there and control it, coax it into obeying us, to make it safe."

2010-06-17, 12:55 PM

"Don't you guys every build anything out of stone?" Kyra asked curiously. "Using just trees and stuff seems kinda... weird. How do you stop bugs from crawling all inside your homes? Or hinge doors? Or make windows? I don't... get it.

2010-06-17, 01:13 PM
"Of course we build things from stone, but we don't often quarry stone. Carve a staircase into a boulder to get to another level, perhaps, take slate from the earth to make a hearth, but don't cut blocks from the mountains and drag them miles to stack them upon one another. And I suppose we keep vermin out just as the humans do; solid walls, cover windows with thin paper, or glass for those who have earned it, and we of course have doors. Some prefer simple shrouds of leaves or cloth for those, but others construct doors from deadwood."

2010-06-17, 01:54 PM

It seems really nice. Maybe I can visit an elf town someday." She said with a warm smile, "After this kobold thing, I guess. It all sounds really exciting! Just like in all the stories! Saving people and stopping evil monsters! Oh! Maybe we'll even see a dragon! There's dragons in all the stories. Beat a dragon and save a princess! I wonder why it's never a prince? Prince's need saving too probably! And then once we've saved him, he'll give us all titles or something, and I'll be Lady Kyra! Then you get a nice house and a carriage and horses and shoes...

Kyra pauses a second, her own rambling seeming to trip her up as she ponders something in her best "I wonder" face.

"Hey. Do elves have princes?"

2010-06-17, 01:58 PM
Cara laughs softly and replies, "Of course elves have princes. Who else would rule the elven lands?" She looks up and back over her shoulder suddenly. "Where is this inn you were leading us to, tiefling? It isn't that one we just passed, is it?"

2010-06-17, 02:05 PM

"Huh? Oh!" Kyra said with a start, "Sorry, I got distracted. This is the place!"

Kyra backpedaled a bit, leading the group (or any who cared to come) into the inn, where she smiled and waved to the innkeeper before grabbing a seat at the largest table she could find.

The blackberry pie here is really good. You should all try it!

2010-06-17, 04:41 PM
The Nentir Inn is a charming place, and the Half-Elven bartender blinks a bit to see so many elves. "Oh, my. You all from out of here? Hello, Kyra."

2010-06-17, 05:04 PM
"You have any honey ale?" Carric asks the bartender. Turning to Kyra he says, "I'm a city person myself most of the time. But it's not a question of being in a city or being in the wilds. The question you have to ask about a place is whether or not the animals and animals spirits are content. " He stops to ponder a moment and then continues, "Unhappy animals can make any place a bad place to live."

2010-06-17, 05:51 PM
Cara nods to the innkeeper as she enters, but takes a seat at the group's table without ordering anything. After the party has assembled, she speaks again. "While this talk of cities is entertaining, perhaps we should discuss our business? The wizard gave us directions to that place, but does anyone know anything else of it, besides that it is held by the kobolds?"

2010-06-17, 05:55 PM
"Indeed; my childhood was spent very securely within sight of the village; only the hunters ventured into the jungle. And I went to school in Devaksetra, and there almost no one went into the jungle at all except in large caravans. I have lived near the forest all of my life, but do not count myself a woods-woman."

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-06-17, 06:21 PM
Ilurien only orders juice with his meal, having sworn off alcohol as part of his vows. "I am not too familiar with the area outside the city, unfortunately. Pelor and the high priests of the House of the Sun have been urging me to put my gifts to use outside of the town, but it is not our way to simply rush out and slaughter the first reptilian beings we see. Thus, I have been waiting for an appropriate opportunity--such as this one--and have continued my duties well within the town limits in the meantime."

2010-06-17, 07:54 PM
Speaking to Melina, Carric says, "Perhaps one day we can speak of it. Your people need only learn to understand the beasts around your town and there will be no need for fear." Looking back to the group in general, the druid continues, "As for the kobolds in the cloak woods, sadly I only know what the messengers have sent me. The boars are troubled and being hunted. They are not acting normal, and I had feared a great hunt by the humans here. Thankfully that is not the case. But that all is unbalanced is troubling enough. We should just need the correct supplies to venture into the deep ruins for a week, and supplies to survive in the woods for two. I do not see there being much more to it than that."

Doing nature and dungeneering checks to be able to say what those supplies would be.

2010-06-17, 07:57 PM
Naera turns her 'this is what it's supposed to look like when you're being friendly with someone, right?' smile on the innkeeper before grudgingly ordering an ale and settling down with the party.

"It's an old castle of some sort." Naera shrugs, and slips into a much easier manner as she talks strategy. "Once we arrive I can do some basic reconnaissance on what we can see from outside. Even if not, I recommend proceeding with caution. Take it a room at a time, no rushing forward. Anyone with sharp eyes needs to keep an eye out for traps and ambushes." She smiles faintly here. "They won't fight fair, so don't plan on fighting fair, either."

Her speech finished, she pushes her chair back and leans forward, clutching her drink in two hands and watching the rest of the inn's activity carefully.

2010-06-17, 07:57 PM
"Heh, I sincerely doubt that the creatures of the Venuvana seek 'understanding'. Though the 'druids' I have heard of here do not exist there, so perhaps with those mystical powers something could be done. But it is beyond the ken even of the most contemplative woodsman, I'd think."

2010-06-17, 08:02 PM
"If you can not speak the language of the spirits, or understand what the beasts are telling you, then no there will be no understanding." Carric pauses and thinks for a moment before continuing. The world is very different when you are able to talk to those that most think have nothing to say. After you help us with this problem here, I will be more than happy to try to help with any problems your village might have."

2010-06-17, 08:09 PM
"Oh, there are not problems. Simply that most of the large game in the jungle comes in the form of fangs and claws, and are very dangerous to hunt. Can be dangerous for travelers who do not know what they are doing, but no one who does not travels but with large caravans of those who do. The creatures do not leave the dark, and so our village and the several similar ones, perched as they are on our verdant mountains, are not endangered by them."

2010-06-17, 08:12 PM

Naera smirks. "They can hardly help if you look tasty."

2010-06-17, 08:39 PM
"Those who are blessed with the power to speak to spirits and the supernatural, whether that power comes from the gods, nature, or within, are of great value to all peoples. Still, they cannot be everywhere, or do everything. We must all make our own way in the world."

On strategy, Cara continues, "I am not the sharpest of eye nor the keenest of ear, but at the very least I have always done well in the combat drills my family's retainers have taught me. If no one else can, I will take point. I suspect that once battle is joined, none will be able to truly keep up with me... The war style of my family has always emphasized being where the enemy does not expect you over pure power." After she finishes speaking, the girl leans back in her chair and comprehends the rest of the group, assessing their capabilities toughtfully.

2010-06-17, 08:49 PM
"I have magics that will likely seem familiar to you all, a bit of wizardry, but I'm also trained in a different form of power that I've not yet seen on this side of the ocean. I utilize arcana, but also the inner power of my mind."

2010-06-18, 12:43 PM

"It must be a very strange land you come from, Melina. My abilities in such an adventure are varied. But I might as well, let you in on the secret now. At some point during the day, while we are in the woods, you might find me missing a find a wild boar in my place. And if the plants come alive around you, do not worry, that is only me as well."

2010-06-18, 04:41 PM

Kyra chatted with the innkeep for a bit before sitting down with a large tankard of ale and some soup. She made an attempt at listening to the conversation, but seemed somewhat distracted or simply not really understanding most of it. Still, she smiled at her new friends and downed her drink a bit... quickly.

Oh! All right. We're all kinda saying what we can do, I guess? Kyra said as she finally caught on to the topic of conversation, I can dance! And sing a little... I'm not as good as that. I'mn not really trained in anything, or anything... I guess. Oh! I can scut a lock with a hairpin! One of the guys at Mary's taught me. And I can do a split! Guys really like that. Um... what else? I'm pretty good at darts. I got a whole bunch of these little throwing blades in Lord's Reach that work almost the same. And I'm pretty good at being sneaky. I've done house-work once or twice... but I'm not really a professional or anything.

She leaned back in her chair, tilting it on two legs for a moment as she made her best "thinking face".

Oh! A bard named Errol taught me how to hide stuff on me good enough to get past the city watch. The trick is not to hide it near your chest or your rear, cause that's where men are most likely to check if you're a girl. She continued, leaning back over the table with an energetic smile, And... um... I can't really think of anything else. I'm kinda new at this adventurey thing. Errol made it seem so exciting! I would have left with him, but Cliff caught me trying to sneak out, and I had to pretend I was going to the market.... then he went with me and I couldn't ditch him. By the time I got back, everybody else was gone. I was kinda hoping I'd run into them around here, actually... but maybe they didn't come this way. That guard at the gate DID seem pretty drunk when he gave me directions.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-06-18, 08:00 PM
"I can strike down evildoers with the angry rays of the sun and heal with the warm light of Pelor's favor." He glances at Kyra. "As useful as more...illicit skills could be to our mission, I cannot lay claim to any."

2010-06-18, 08:49 PM

"I think we'll forgive a priest of the sun god for not being at home in the shadows." Naera smiles cheerfully here. "If you followed Sehanine, perhaps I'd worry."

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-06-18, 08:52 PM
"Me, a servant of Sehanine?" Ilurien echoes wryly. "That would be my mother. My father serves Melora. I come from a quite devout and very interesting family."

2010-06-18, 11:28 PM
Naera smirks and pulls a silver crescent necklace--a symbol of Sehanine--from under her tunic. "I hope you like your mother." She returns it to its spot under her tunic and leans forward. I still want to know how you ended up in Pelor's service."

2010-06-18, 11:44 PM
"Indeed, I find your faiths fascinating; the peoples of my land honor our traditional spirit and ancestor worship, but the devotion you show here... well, then you also get results here. For us, our faith is mostly in 'the Way', which focuses on the inner powers of the self, and while many are like your priests, spiritual and contemplative, they offer fewer prayers and spend more time in solitary meditation."

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-06-18, 11:59 PM
"Oh, my mother and I get along quite well, don't worry, and while I wouldn't say my grandmother demands worship, we certainly hold our ancestors, living or dead, in great esteem" Ilurien leans back in his chair, clasping his hands behind his head. "I was originally meant to enter the service of Melora or Sehanine, as most everyone in my family is a priest of some variety, gifted with divine power or no, and my parents hoped I would choose one of their churches--of the many churches to which my extended family belong, you see, those two were tied in the lead for number of clergy. My parents had somewhat of a friendly competition over who could sway me to their 'side' to enter their church. It was never hostile, mostly a joke, since they knew I would make my own choice anyway one I grew up. I just had to endure the occasional 'You love swimming! Melora's clergy get to stay by the water all they want, you know' or 'Don't tell me you want to wear a pink seashell all the time!' or similar." He takes a sip of his drink and laughs. "My father always insisted Melora's symbol is a salmon seashell, to fit with the sea, but that was one of my mother's more frequent tactics."

He shrugs. "Then one day, I woke up from a vivid, if vague, dream. I was swimming under a moonlit sky for several days, the scene never changing, the waves growing rougher sometimes and calmer others, the moon changing phases. Then I reached the shore, and the sun rose and the water receded. I looked back as I stood, and I saw myself as a child swimming through that scene, content but not reaching the shore; turning away from the ocean, I saw myself, older, standing on a hill with my face to the noonday sun, wearing an expression of bliss." Holding his hands out to Naera with a smile, he adds "Not that I took that to mean I would be unhappy or bored with Sehanine or Melora, of course, I simply saw that as a call to Pelor's service. I wasn't sure what it meant, but I had precisely the same dream for over a week. I explained my dream to my parents one morning, spoke to one of my aunts around lunchtime--the only prior member of our family to have taken Pelor's vows--and by the next morning I was in Fallcrest proper, knocking on the doors of the House of the Sun. The rest, as the bards say, is history."

2010-06-19, 10:01 AM

Wow. That's a pretty story. Kyra said with a bright smile, I wish they were that nice at the temple I grew up in. Sister Conner was a jerk. She said I was a "trouble-maker" or something, and that I needed to learn reverence. Reverence is apparently a hickory stick.

She giggled at the memory as she spoke. Or perhaps the giggle was a result of the strong ale she'd been flying through since she arrived.

They wanted all the kids there to be priests or acolytes. We all had to learn about Pelor, and do all the prayers all the time. Being a priest seemed so.... stodgy. Not that I think you're stodgy. You're kinda cute, actually. Kinda really cute.

Kyra looked to Ilurien with a flirty smile, her tail swishing back and forth slowly as she watched him with bright, silver eyes.

You don't think I'm a trouble-maker... do you?

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-06-19, 12:58 PM
"While I can't vouch for your troublemaking nature or lack thereof," Ilurien replies, "I have visited Lord's Reach and its temple, and have met a Sister Conner and observed her less-than-benevolent teaching style which does not at all set a good example of Pelor's benevolence. I must say, from what I know of her I am inclined to take any judgments she might make on a person's character and believe the opposite."

His smile disappears. "However, as to the sentiment implicit in your question, I believe I would like to speak to Kyra about it later; it seems the ale is talking at the moment. Under Pelor's vows, I am not permitted any romantic attachments for some three more years."

2010-06-19, 01:54 PM

Three years?! Kyra said in bemused shock, That's a long time. Why do you have to wait that long?

She tried to drink from her mug again, only to realize it was empty, and stare at it's insides quizzically for a moment or two... then giggle.

Whatever. Men do stuff they're not supposed'ta all the time. Half the men who come to Mary's have wives or fiane... fican... er.... betrothed. I guess it's different with the church, huh? I mean... Pelor is watching you, right? All the time? That's... kinda creepy when you think about it. He needs a hobby. Watching priests while they're in the privy is kinda.... blech...

She lost her train of thought, trying to drink from her empty mug AGAIN... to much the same effect as the first time. This time, the solution dawned on her.

Hey. I'm gonna get some more ale. I'll be right back. She announced with a smile, getting up and trotting off towards the bar.

2010-06-19, 02:07 PM
Cara looks at the tiefling as the other girl stands, muttering under her breath, "That girl is going to drink herself to death at this rate... Or she'll be so hungover in the morning that she won't be of use to us." The elf stands and goes after the tiefling, gently attempting to redirect her away from the bar and towards her bedroom. "I think you've had enough tonight. Remember, we're leaving in the morning..." Cara pauses, trying to think of something that Kyra might consider to be a reason why drinking and an early morning might be a bad idea, then smiles ruefully, suddenly and very inappropriately laughs evilly, and continues, "You don't want to have a headache tomorrow when we see the wilds, do you?"

2010-06-19, 03:08 PM

Hmm? Kyra said, whirling around quickly. Her tail smacked into an empty chair, knocking it over, and she flinched.

Ow! Stupid thing. She muttered to herself, before looking at Cara again, Oh... I've seen trees and stuff. IT's not THAT special. I mean... I had to come here, and all that.

She wobbled a bit, putting a hand on Cara's shoulder to hold herself steady.

But, sure... I'll stop. She agreed with a smile, S'kinda no fun if no one else is drinking anyway...

She gave Cara a tight hug out of the blue, making a happy squeek and smiling before she wandered back to her seat to rejoin everyone, and be good for the rest of the night.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-06-19, 03:24 PM
"As to your question about waiting and obeying vows," Ilurien continues when Kyra returns, "it is simple. I obey my vows because I swore them in good faith and wish to honor them. We take a vow to forswear emotional attachments for five years after reaching the rank of full priest, in order to better concentrate on our studies and our faith and to be able to be reassigned to different temples and otherwise serve our faith without regrets."

He smiles at the idea of Pelor having a hobby. "The Lord of the Sun is not omniscient, actually, though from our limited mortal perspective it might seem so. Nor is he omnipotent. He does not watch over us at every moment and dictate our every action; rather, he acts through mortal servants and sees and hears that which relates to the sun and that which his worshipers relate to him. That, at least, is the canon; it is a bit late to be discussing metaphysics, I think."

2010-06-19, 04:51 PM
After seeing Kyra safely back to the table, Cara approaches the innkeeper herself, her stomach growling softly. "Wine, and whatever you have ready in the kitchen... And water for the tiefling," she orders, somewhat imperiously.

Returning to the table after getting her meal, she sets the cup of water in front of the tiefling and commands her to drink. Overhearing the priest describe his vows, Cara looks at him, curiously. "I've never heard of Pelor demanding such things of his priests, though I suppose the tenders of his shrine at my home have always been the priestesses of the Four Seasons. Corellon and Sehanine are more important to my people I think, though we do always hold feasts in thanks to the Lord of the Morning when the harvest is particularly bountiful. I cannot help but wonder, though... Is it truly less distracting from your studies if you cannot 'appreciate' the beauty in the people around you? People want most what they can't have, after all," she jokes, smiling slightly.

2010-06-19, 05:12 PM

Kyra drinks her water without complaint.

"You can't have emotional attachments? Even friends? That sounds bad. Why would anyone do that? At the temple I was in, they taught that..." She paused a second and purposely scuffled her voice into a comically dry and stern sounding old-woman's tone. "Lustful feelings are impious, and distract you from your faith." We also weren't supposed to drink ale, wear "inappropriate" clothes, use Pelor's name "improperly", draw on the walls, climb into the rafters, stand on the pews, sit on the altar, or throw rocks at squirrels. I forget how that last one came up."

She sipped her water for a moment, before looking to Cara.

"I don't know anything about... Saraline? Sehaine? Um... your one. What does she do?

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-06-19, 05:43 PM
"Pelor does not demand vows of us, but it is expected in certain temples that one will do something special to express your devotion to the Lord of the Morning over more terrestrial concerns. Some temples send missionaries out to heal the wounded and sick where they find them and offer Pelor's aid to all in need; some ask that the holy texts be copied in beautiful scripts and distributed to all who ask; some direct their priests to take on novices and mentor them one-on-one. My temple happens to be a more scholarly sort, and so asks that we take vows of service detaching us from worldly possessions and relationships in order to further our studies and meditations. It sounds like your temple had a similar philosophy, Kyra, though I think forcing such restricted behavior on the unordained does not serve as a good demonstration of Pelor's kindness."

Ilurien gives a long sigh and looks wistfully off into the distance. "Often, I wish that the House of the Sun had been one of the more extroverted temples, sending missionaries and clerics out to right wrongs and fight evil. I find that to be more to my temperament, aiding others where I can rather than debating the finer points of philosophy. The high priests strongly suggested I not risk myself on dangerous excursions for many years; it was only when I demonstrated my divine gifts that I was ordained and allowed to follow my heart." He shrugs. "However much I would have preferred another temple's instruction, I have made my vows and intend to keep them, though I interpret them more loosely than others of my temple might. I embrace friendships; the issue of emotional attachment is more of being tied down to one city or being drawn away from the church by a romantic partner than of being distracted from learning. One can look, one can touch, but one must look through stained glass windows and touch only over the railings of the choir loft."

2010-06-19, 05:45 PM
Cara frowns, thinking. "I am no theologian, and I have always favored Corellon more than Sehanine. Sehanine... she is mistress of autumn, one of the deities who are tended by the Four Seasons, and is the Lady of the Evening and Dusk, falling darkness as it shrouds the land. She favors shadow and illusion; there is beauty in such things, and she is also the mistress of love, so I think she would frown on forbidding such things. At the very least, all three of the priestesses of the Four Seasons that have been in my household have been married, so those in that tradition obviously have no qualms about such things..."

As she turns to speaking of her own faith, Cara smiles and her eyes light up, looking into the distance wistfully. "I have always favored Corellon, myself. The Lord of the Stars and Twilight, part of dusk, night, and dawn, bringer of springtime, and, most importantly, master of things beautiful. I prefer the art of battle, myself, the blade in particular. Some might say I should follow Kord, but his teachings have always seemed too chaotic for my tastes. Blademastery is like a dance, and the blood in your veins sings when you know that you might lose your life. Battle is an art, and thus should always have been Corellon's domain. Kord may be god of glory and war, but he never should be said to be lord of battle."

The elf laughs softly as she turns her attention back to the here and now. "I suspect that of the two you might prefer Sehanine. The priesthood of neither god, as far as I have seen, is as strict as those priestesses of Pelor you have spoken of, but Corellon demands more focus than the Moon Goddess. Still, if you've not yet chosen a specific god to follow, perhaps you should find a priest to speak to. And it isn't as you must choose a single god, either; as I said, the Four Seasons cult worships Corellon, Pelor, Sehanine, and the Raven Queen in... mostly equal measure."

2010-06-19, 06:32 PM

"Sehanine favors those who live their own lives, and who better for finding a path than a scout? But I am certain even Brother Ilurien finds the moon a comfort at times." Naera smiles. "Sehanine is favored of my lady and of the friend who I seek. My place has always been in the shadows."

2010-06-19, 08:03 PM
As the night drags on, the bartender starts to clean up, and looks over at your group. "Would you all like rooms for the night, or do you have rooms elsewhere?"

2010-06-19, 08:23 PM

.... is half-asleep at the table. She'll look up hazily as the bartender comes over.

"Huh? Oh... the food was great. Thank you Perrin." She mumbled sleepily, "I couldn't poissibly eat anymore."

2010-06-19, 09:44 PM
Yawning, Cara looks to the innkeeper and accepts his offer for a bed. "A room for the night would be much appreciated. Does this one have a room here?" she asks, referring to Kyra, "It looks as though she needs her blankets as well."

2010-06-20, 12:52 AM

"A room would be easiest, I suppose," says Naera. "Shall I pay now?"

2010-06-20, 09:30 AM
The innkeeper gets you all rooms, where a quiet night passes.

The next day, you set out at dawn, heading along the King's Road out of Fallcrest. About 15 miles out, you can see the top of a ruined castle on the left side of the road- according to the maps you have, it is most likely Kobold Hall.

2010-06-20, 10:04 AM

The adolescent tiefling has been content and cheerful throughout the trip, after her initial difficulty waking up early, at least. She is set up for the road with her patched leather-armor and a pair of crossed bandoleers filled with small metal spikes (http://www.budoweapons.com/images/Bo%20shuriken/8mmmeifu.jpg) for throwing. A longer knife rested in a sheath at each hip, with a third strapped to her right thigh. Other than that, and a small leather satchel she carried over her shoulder, she did not seem to have any other equipment.

Is that the place? She said excitedly as the castle itself came into view. It looks really big. It must have been really pretty when it was new.

2010-06-20, 11:40 AM
"Personally, I find the architecture here a bit gloomy."

2010-06-20, 12:01 PM

Old castles have to be gloomy. I think it was a law or something back then. Kyra said with an eager smile.

2010-06-20, 12:38 PM
"At least the dead don't walk there. Little makes a human ruin gloomier than the undead." Cara sighs, grimly, then continues. "Still, we should approach with caution. There's no telling if the kobolds have sentries out, or how many of them there truly are."

2010-06-20, 03:13 PM
"I will be happy to scout out the entrance to the woods by turning myself into a boar and see if the way to the kobolds is clear or not."

2010-06-20, 06:01 PM

"You can do that?" Kyra mused, "I didn't know boars were sneaky animals. I guess just, um... hope they're not hungry?

2010-06-20, 06:06 PM

Naera's eyes flit from the druid to the tiefling for a few moments, and then, without warning, she smiles brightly. "Stay here. I'll be back soon. I'll hoot twice like a little owl for the all-clear." She wraps her face in a green cloth and takes her bow in hand. "And I'll shout like an elf who's being attacked by kobolds if they overwhelm me." With that heads towards the keep, taking the nearest available cover and moving slowly to avoid detection.


Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Nature (for possible monster identification): [roll2]

Assuming she isn't detected, she'll do a circle of the tower in hopes of finding the best entrance (and seeing the most monsters and traps and etc) and return to the nearest point from the group currently.

2010-06-20, 06:21 PM
"Hmm... the greatest hunters of my home would envy her skills, I should think. I'm not the best judge, though..."

2010-06-20, 07:09 PM
Well then... If she takes too long I might just go in anywyas to see if what happened to the Boars, carric says

2010-06-21, 08:56 PM
The castle itself appears to have little to no sign of life, but Naera's eyes will pick out a trapdoor, which appears to be unusually clear of any growth.

2010-06-21, 09:04 PM

Naera gives the all-clear signal and stealthily approaches the trap door for a better look at it, waiting for the party to arrive before trying anything, and keeping an eye out for any patrols she might have missed on her first investigation (or that were drawn out by party members left gifted in stealth).

This is a trap door in addition to the main entrance, I assume?

2010-06-21, 09:21 PM

"Ouuuuuu! Secret entrance!" Kyra said in hushed excitement, "If there's a damsel held captive in here, this is just like a story I heard once. Oh... and one of us is going to get killed by a troll."

Kyra approached the trapdoor quietly but quickly, clearly eager to see what's inside. She'll take up place right behind Naera and look the door over slightly for marks, icons or heraldry.

Passive perception check! She'll find... nothing. :smalltongue:

2010-06-21, 09:34 PM

"Not if we have a way out." Naera smirks and looks the trap door over more thoroughly, then closes her eyes and puts her ear against the door to listen to any sounds on the other side.

Checking the trap door for traps (perception): [roll0]
Assuming I don't find any indication that doing this will give me an unwanted piercing, listening at the door (also perception): [roll1]

2010-06-21, 09:46 PM
If I remeber my childhood stories properly, it was always the red clothed people that got eaten by the trolls carric says with a chuckle towards Kyra.

2010-06-22, 12:39 AM
"Such stories would be thought strange in the Venuvana... red is the color of the followers of the Way, the masters of the arts of the mind. I do not intend for my clothes to indicate weakness."

2010-06-22, 12:58 AM
"Oh no, not weakness, red is never weak. If you see red on an animal, be very warry. Now, sacrificial, that's another story. But lets not think such dark thought before we rid this forest of the foul kobolds."

2010-06-22, 03:11 PM

Kyra shrugs, flipping her hair back with a toss of her head as she looks over the trapdoor.

It's not my fault I'm red. It's a tiefling thing, I guess. I've never seen a red-skinned... um... anyone else. Ever.

PairO'Dice Lost
2010-06-22, 03:31 PM
"I've seen a good share of fair-skinned clergy turn into red-skinned clergy after noontide devotions," replies Ilurien with a grin, "but I somehow doubt that's what you meant."

2010-06-22, 04:17 PM
Cara laughed softly as she watched the trees around the hatch, waiting for Naera to give a signal. "I have heard Pelor called God of Sunburn before, though most of the priests I have known have frowned on pointing such a thing out."

2010-06-22, 05:59 PM
Carric lets out a soft chuckle keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.

2010-06-22, 09:11 PM
There are no traps around the trapdoor. :smalltongue:

2010-06-22, 09:22 PM

Naera's eyes open after a while of listening. "I hear nothing. Cara should take point. I'll follow. Everyone, arms out, follow when you can. I don't think they like guests coming through their secret doors. Keep an eye out for traps, and if you see any kobolds take 'em down quick." She opens the trap door, takes a brief look inside, and makes an "after you" gesture to Cara.

2010-06-22, 09:26 PM
Melina slides her staff from her belt, and nodded.

2010-06-22, 09:42 PM
"Agreed," Cara says quietly, taking her polearm in both hands as she silently enters the underground, remaining quiet and paying close attention to her surroundings as she moves forward.

Figure that if I'm on point I should do some avoidance-type rolls :smallwink:


2010-06-22, 10:00 PM

Naera follows shortly after, nocking an arrow, eyes roving back and forth, looking for anything that might pose a threat or make an inviting target.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2010-06-22, 10:04 PM
Melina follows the two of them.


Does 4e still have "taking 10"?

2010-06-23, 12:27 AM
"Lets do this then...", Carric procedes down into the castle eyes and mind alert.

I'm not sure what I should be rolling so....

2010-06-23, 02:11 PM

Kyra let out an excited squeel, following along with one of her daggers drawn. She looked about excitedly, more like a tourist than someone fearing for their life.

Taking 10 on stealth and perception, if that's possible. If not, here's her stealth.


Edit: *Sigh*