View Full Version : Eberron Noir IC

2010-06-16, 12:51 PM
Rain falls in the City of Towers. Amidst the deafening roar of water smashing against buildings, bridges, roads, and clothing, a body falls. No one hears the impact, no one witnesses the murderer slide away through the sheets of this monsoon. Most importantly, no one cares about the one who died. Except for the few who have done business with this street filth, no one even knows that she exists. But the Divines are faithful, they watch over their worshipers and care for their own.

A watchman stumbles upon the corpse and takes interest. Many fall in the City of Towers almost every day, but something about this one seems different. Something about this one seems wrong. There is no identification, no papers, no money, but that isn't surprising for the Lower city. When the officer is just about to leave the alley, a pain suddenly strikes his back, then another, and before he can react, a third. A second body joins the first. No one hears the cries of the man who was just stabbed repeatedly by an unknown assailant. No on witnesses the murderer slink into the night, through the waves of rain. No one cares but the Watch, and they will not have their own live in fear of dying on patrol.

Rumors fly: the Watch is out for blood, they'll take anyone who knows anything about the notorious “Watchman”, or anyone who can find something out. Each of you have heard the rumors, even heard them from officers. What's more: you've each been summoned to appear before Watch Captain Eluz by nightfall, and you know that things will happen, people will disappear, if you don't. It is currently midday, and you each have business to attend to before you arrive at the Watch Station...

Introduce your characters and welcome to the game! :smallbiggrin:

2010-06-16, 01:57 PM

A man sat in a chair near a window overlooking a wide street in the city of towers. There was a book in his hand and a scowl on his face. He looked like any other man, except for the complete lack of color in his skin and hair, and his eyes which were entirely black. No, not a complete lack, but rather an overabundance of gray.
Damned weather.
Dax, for that was his name, despised rain. So much the worse that he'd have to be out in it tonight.
Damned summons. Not what I wanted breakfast.
Dax pushed himself out of his chair and walked over to a tall dresser.
Who am I today?
There were a number of different outfits hanging by hooks, ranging from rags, to fine clothing one might see on a young noble.
A wretch on the street? This morning perhaps. Something a bit more presentable for tonight though.
Dax took a small pocketbook from his pants pocket and flipped through it. The book was full of sketches of faces and people. He frowned, closed the book, and reached inside another outfit and pulled out another one. he flipped through it and this time a small smile touched his face.

Minor Shapechange (Su) into http://m.gmgrd.co.uk/res/246.$plit/C_71_article_1096320_image_list_image_list_item_0_ image.jpg
Dax looked at himself in the mirror and smirked, or rather the face he was wearing did. It was hideous looking and that made him smile outright. No one bothered the ugly people or asked them questions; or at least no one who mattered asked.
Wonderful. Time to go see Fixer.
Dax dressed quickly into a raggedy outfit and stepped out the door. He checked quickly to see if the stairwell was empty. Once he was comfortable that it was, he moved down the stairs and out onto the street. The rain beat down on him and he hugged his meager clothing closer. He padded the hard leather sheath on his side. He'd left his sword in his room, but had taken his dagger. People were often mugged in the Lower Wards and he wasn't about to go down there without a weapon.
Damn rain. Maybe the thugs won't be out in force today.

Dax made good time despite the rain and was soon at Fixers corner, where Fixer sat, completely ignoring the downpour. Fixer was an odd looking warforged with no mouth. When he spoke small vents where his mouth should be pulsed a dim blue. Fixer had been a smith during the war and had moved to Sharn a decade and a half ago to ply his craft. Racial prejudice had pushed him out of a job and now he sat on a corner everyday in the Lower Wards selling art, a skill he'd picked up during his tours of duty.
"Hello sir. Come to buy anything?" Fixer's voice was decidedly toneless. "A few coppers for some art."
The two had done this dance hundreds of times. Fixer would ask if Dax was interested in some art, and then Dax would say,"Do you sell sketches?"
"Why yes sir I do. Mostly of the passersby but they aren't bad. I have a small collection here in this book."
"Hmm how much?"
"Three silvers."
"One and a half."
"Done. A pleasure doing business with you. Mind that you don't get it wet."
"Damn rain. But you don't feel it do you. Ah well. Be safe."
Dax trotted off back the way he came. He turned down an alley and opened the book. As usual Fixer's sketches were superb, and Dax loved adding new faces to his repertoire. His business done for the day, Dax headed back to his apartment to wait for evening, and hopefully an end to the damned rain.

OOCMessed up the color the first time. Should be fixed now. Sorry.

2010-06-16, 02:48 PM

Jin walked down the mostly deserted alleyway, taking care not to step too closely to any of her fellow passersby. She looked, in a word, unremarkable. Average height and weight with dull brown eyes and roughly cut brown hair. No distinguishing marks, nothing to set her apart from any other human girl. Her clothing too was ordinary, rough brown cloth and a serviceable leather cloak that could have belonged to anyone from a farmer to an ordinary merchant. There was only one thing that was not totally normal, the orange crystal held firmly in her left hand.

'I don't like this boss,' Styx whined mentally.

'You don't have too,' She shot back as firmly as she could.

'We have no idea how long this is going to take! And we have to meet with the Watch tonight.'

'Don't you think I know that?' Jin replied, never once breaking stride. The pair continued in psychic silence as the reached the end of the alley, a rotting wooden door that looked wholly out of place directly in front of them. Jin reached a hand up to knock, but the door opened before she touched it.

Before her stood a clockwork automaton, three feet tall and built along slender, precise lines. "THE MASTER IS NOT AVAILABLE NOW." It said in an entirely flat tone, "PLEASE LEAVE."

"Where is he?"

"PLEASE LEAVE OR THE MASTERS TRAPS MAY TRIGGER. IT WOULD BE A TRAGEDY IF YOU WERE CAUGHT IN THEM." The automaton replied before abruptly slamming the door closed.

Jin slammed her hand against the stone wall, splitting open her knuckles, and marched off furiously.

2010-06-16, 07:39 PM

This is a great chair, John thought as he leaned back in it, his feet on his desk. He hated days like this--the waiting days. The days between jobs. And the last hours, those were the worst. When John knew he'd need his mind and body sharp before the effects of the dreamlily would wear off. If there was one man whose meeting he certainly did not attend while high on illegal drugs, it was the Watch Captain's.

"Les!" John called from his desk.

"Yeah, boss?" came a voice from beyond his office door. John shook his head, standing up quickly. The chair fell backward onto the floor with a clatter. John waited a moment, picked up the chair, and went out to his secretary's desk.

"Les, what just happened?" he said, readying his next sentence in his head. I could've just been attacked in there!

His secretary looked up from the pile of paperwork in front of her. "I didn't come running when you called, so you stood up too quickly and you knocked your chair over."

"Ah," John said, chastened by her accuracy. "Yes. Well. Did the note from the Riak job come yet?"

She leafed through one of the stacks of papers, pulling out an envelope. "Here it is. I was going to redeem it this evening."

John nodded. "Good. Good." He headed back into his office. Les poked her head through his door.

"Still a few hours till nightfall, boss."

2010-06-16, 09:30 PM
Dorian Lancaster

Dorian, Doc Shoeless in tow, walked briskly but uncoordinatedly through the rain. He was hungry.

"Shoeless, we're going to the Firelights. I need food, and the bright lights will wake me up. You got a problem, stuff it!"

He continued to walk, but his ambling allowed the shorter companion to keep pace.

Frozen Messiah
2010-06-17, 07:03 PM
Claude just shakes his head as he follows the the wavering mockery of a man that is called Dorian."You know I wonder why I even work with you, then I remeber that you are basically a walking corpse without me. Sure, getting some food in you might soak up some of the cocktail in your stomach." Claude says as he wipes off some of the water from his glasses but is able to keep pace with the stumbling man.

2010-06-18, 01:15 AM
Tristan Islodod

The flash of lightning briefly silhouetted the man standing in the empty hotel room. The simple furnishings that decorated the room were well worn and had been fixed repeatedly. This room had seen much use and abuse. A grimace twisted the man's face in the early morning light.

It was a mistake coming back here.

His passion for the holy flame had started in this exact spot more than a decade ago. Somehow he thought it would be fitting to return here. Perhaps he imagined some sign would illuminate his way back to the flock, much as it had introduced him to the faith so long ago. Now all that burned in him was grief and rage.

The sounds of footsteps in the hall outside interrupted his brooding. Swiftly and silently he exited the room in the same manner he had entered it - through the window.

Perched on the ledge outside, he was fully exposed to the elements. The rain fell as a huge curtain over the city - muffling everything. Making everything seem gray and inhospitable.

What possessed me that I thought coming back here would answer anything?

With a silent shake of his head he mentally prepared himself to make the tumble onto the nearby walkway. The long drop down into the Cogs was something to be ignored as he focused his attention on nothing but the walkway. His reverie was briefly interrupted by the occupants in the room, their moans of pleasure overwhelming the sound of the rain. Somehow it seems fitting, thought Tristan and he leaped for the walkway.

Life goes on, even here in the slums of this beautiful and ugly city.

Pulling his cloak around him solidly Tristan headed back to his own lodgings, his thoughts already turning to the message that awaited him there. A message requesting his attendance this evening - signed Watch Captain Eluz.

Barely a day in the city and already Eluz had located him! Apparently his promotion to Watch Captain was based on some merit and not only graft. Well at least I have something to do now, other than brood and grieve...

With a small smile and hard glint in his eyes, Tristan set off to meet what fate had in store for him this evening.

2010-06-18, 10:01 PM
Dorian and Claude:

As you enter the Firelight district the local callgirls descend upon you immediately. After fighting through them you find a tavern called The Djinn's Wish. Inside several burly mercenaries give you cold looks as you approach the bar. The woman at the bar looks you up and down before letting out a sigh and asking What'll it be? (a little railroading is necessary for speed.)


On the way back to your apartment you are stopped by a man who seems to recognize your disguise. Jacky boy, is that you? I thought you had plague or something? Come back to the ol' neighbor'ood eh? Gonna buy some of my... fine wares... like the old days?


Before getting very far from the house a man stops you, still in the alley. Hello ma'am, I couldn't help but notice you stopping by that house there, looked like he had a magic robot eh? If that's the kind of thing you're interested in... I may be able to help, no?


The hours pass slowly, a mouse emerges from it's hole, stares straight at you and approaches, slowly.


You arrive at the watch station a few hours before nightfall, the elf in the main lobby looks at you, down at her desk, then back at you. Hmm... Mr. Islodod, a few hours early I see. If you'll wait on that couch over in the corner we'll see about providing anything you may want. Food, drink... anything else you might be able to think of... She trails off and, delaying a little longer than is usually appropriate, looks away and continues her work.

2010-06-19, 07:26 PM
Dax is momentarily put off by the stranger but recovers.
"Ha ha! Plague's some bad news friend, but ne'er did darken Jacky's door. Them's old days for sure m' friend. Happens to be that I's in the 'hood, just about some b'isness, but maybe I is interested in your stock. Whatcha got?"

You want me to roll for this? I can if you wish.

2010-06-20, 03:15 AM

I tells you wot Jacky, you come o'er 'ere, have a look see. And we'll talk about the price after you sees for you'self the quali'y of my merchandise. And I tells you wot, you coming back from the dead and all, I'll even throw in a little discount for ya, eh?

The man leads you to a small booth where he rummages around a little before pulling out a piece of rolled up green cloth. He carefully opens it, and sets it on the flatest part of the booth surface that he can find, clearly very happy with himself for having the chance to sell the contents. As you get a look at the assorted items, mostly just baubles and the like, pretty, but nothing to write home about, you do notice a set of what appears to be fairly high quality silverware in amongst everything else.

Stopped selling the illegal stuff a few years back, got shook down by the watch enough, figured why chance it, eh? But being a legi'imate salesman 'as it's perks, no? Best trinkets money can buy right 'ere. So wot do ya say Jacky boy, anything catching the eye?

2010-06-20, 08:54 AM
Dorian Lancaster

Dorian orders three plates of whatever the house meat is, telling them to go easy on the grains.

"So Doc, you get this summons that's going around? Bunch of arrogant--- sorry, I'll keep my voice down."

2010-06-20, 11:16 AM

"Oh, now tha's some right proper silver you got there, m'friend. Looks a bit 'spensive but ol' Jack may have the jink for it. And I's right sorry to hear 'bout your troubles with the Watch. They don' understand that we folk can' always be on the up an' up with our work. Man's gotta eat, surely."

Dax pauses for a moment.

"Speakin' o' those uppity Watch bastards, you hear what happened? One poor sod got'em self sticked and now they rest of 'em is up in arms lookin' for the pig sticker. Call 'im the Watchman or some such nonsense. Ha! They call the Watch killer a Watchman!"

2010-06-20, 11:48 AM

Jin looked the man over, instictively shying away from him. His comment sent her into a quick panic mode, he'd been watching her.

'Run, now' Styx sent urgently, 'Shift and get out of here.'

'Not yet, I don't know anything about this guy. And he doesn't seem to know why we really came here. It might be safer to buy in until I can slip into a crowd' Jin shot back as she plastered a smile on her face.

'He gives me a bad feeling boss.'

Turning to face the man, Jin spoke, "Yes actually, I would be interested in that."

Frozen Messiah
2010-06-20, 12:50 PM
Dorian Lancaster
"So Doc, you get this summons that's going around? Bunch of arrogant--- sorry, I'll keep my voice down."

Claude St.Aureon

"Hold the grains? you're trying to kill yourself aren't you?" Claude says shaking his head and lets out a small sigh. "Yeah, I got the summons...for both of us remeber? I gave you your summons because they sent it to. They understood mail is unreliable for you." Claude pauses and pulls his letter out of his pocket and absent mindedly reads it over. "We might want to actually attend this thing, you know make friends rather than enimies for once?"

2010-06-20, 06:29 PM
Claude St.Aureon

"Hold the grains? you're trying to kill yourself aren't you?" Claude says shaking his head and lets out a small sigh. "Yeah, I got the summons...for both of us remeber? I gave you your summons because they sent it to. They understood mail is unreliable for you." Claude pauses and pulls his letter out of his pocket and absent mindedly reads it over. "We might want to actually attend this thing, you know make friends rather than enimies for once?"

"But you can't kill friends. Why invest energy in something that can be used against you?"

2010-06-22, 07:31 AM
Tristan Islodod

You arrive at the watch station a few hours before nightfall, the elf in the main lobby looks at you, down at her desk, then back at you. Hmm... Mr. Islodod, a few hours early I see. If you'll wait on that couch over in the corner we'll see about providing anything you may want. Food, drink... anything else you might be able to think of... She trails off and, delaying a little longer than is usually appropriate, looks away and continues her work.

Tristan looks at the elf woman behind the desk appreciatively. A woman in uniform is truly a sight to behold. Lightning fast Tristan weighed the pros versus the cons, emotionally he felt almost crippled by his grief and the lack of direction in life, but physically the simple act of a woman expressing interest in him had awoken a fire within his loins. After all... he did have a few hours to kill as it were.

Turning on the charm, Tristan flashes the elf a coy smile.
I must admit.. I miss judged the timings on my schedule today and now find myself as to loss on how to fill it... Perhaps you could help...suggest a nearby restaurant or inn.
Tristan leans a little closer to the elf woman behind the desk and in a confidential whisper adds,
Somewhere close by - but quiet and private?

2010-06-23, 12:42 AM

Silver you say? Well ain't that a treat? 'Ere I thought it was just some knockoff, tells you wot, I'll give 'em to ya same price as I would 'ave anyway, you can resell if you want, or just keep 'em for youself. They is some damn nice forks and things after all. 5 silver for the set seem good with you?

[color=darkgreen]Aye, I 'eard o' 'im. It's a sight seeing the Watch being scared for once, all the troubles they give us down 'ere.


Well, I got some magic items. I got a mirror that when you look into it, makes you beautiful, I have a spoon that'll feed you forever, and I got flying brooms.

Claude and Dorian:

The barmaid buts into your conversation You want to make friends? That's easy, buy a round. You'll have friends aplenty.


A smile cracks on the elf's face, she's clearly glad that you picked up on her signals, and even more so that you decided to take up the offer. I know a few places, I get off in about half an hour, if you're interested.


The mouse has moved to right beside your desk, and appears to be chewing one of the legs of your desk, for what seems like hours, it has a far bigger apetite than it would seem a mouse should.

2010-06-23, 09:46 AM

John reaches into his pocket, pulling out a fat rat, much larger than the mouse. He sets the rat on the floor, and it immediately begins chasing after the mouse. "Atta boy, Ratigan."

He watches as the rodents run around the room, pleased to have a bit of entertainment.

2010-06-23, 04:11 PM

"Five silvers it is m'friend, and thank you for the b'i'ness. Aye, its a proper scary thing if it can frighten the Watch. Nights comin' down and I'd like to be back in me hole if you follow."

Dax pays the five silvers and collects the silverware. He knuckles his forehead and begins to walk back to the upper levels.
Need to get back home and change...twice.
Dax half turns and calls over his shoulder.

"Stay safe and steer clear o' them Watch hounds. Gotta feelin more is gonna get sticked 'fore we hear the end o' this."