View Full Version : AvB Hammer, Punchinello, and Dextra

2010-06-17, 02:06 PM
Those Three or Their DM Only Forced Labor in the Needle Mines for Anyone Else

The two of you walk back to the room where Hammer had negotiated with a woman from house Dergrall. Upon seeing two of you, she says, "I see you found a companion. Only two of you? Lord Dergrall would like at least three, but he will make do with 2 for now."

2010-06-17, 03:25 PM

"We have a third ally, one Puchinello," Hammer says, proffering Puchinello's card, "but he was unwilling to sign the non-disclosure agreement and remained outside.

2010-06-17, 03:44 PM
"Do you have proof that he exists and is not simply a story to get a higher pay for the two of you? My client doesn't really care, so long as he will sign his contract for pay."

2010-06-17, 04:58 PM

"This is his card. He'll be there to meet your client, or any other representatives he sends, in the future, he just did not want to sign the non-disclosure agreement to get in here."

2010-06-17, 05:38 PM
she takes the card and reads over it. "very well. Punchinello is not unknown to my client.. As soon as your other companion here is proven worthy, i shall send word to my employer and you shall be sent to meet him to negotiate the specifics of your contract."

2010-06-18, 11:15 AM
How would you like me to prove myself worthy, A telling of my past accomplishments, a summary of my skills or do you have a different method to measure my worthiness? asked Dextra with a raised eyebrow

2010-06-18, 11:40 AM
"Tell me of your past accomplishments."

2010-06-18, 12:05 PM
I have worked as a mercenary in a variety of positions, though all have been lawful. My main accomplishment was as part of a team of body guards hired by King Hielt, Hammer was also a part of this team, where we both discovered and prevented a plot to overthrow the kingdom, other than that i have managed to fund several orphanages during my travels

2010-06-18, 12:09 PM
"Sufficient evidence. The three of you are hired. collect punchinello and report to this address to negotiate the specifics of your contract with him." she hands you each a piece of paper with the same address on it.

2010-06-18, 12:26 PM
Hammer nods to the woman and then leaves to find Puchinello.

When he finds him, he hands him a copy of the piece of paper and asks "You ready to come with us?"

2010-06-18, 10:53 PM
Punchinello examines it.

"Sure. What's the pay again?"

2010-06-19, 03:20 AM
"I think we're going to negotiate that with our client, but we were promised higher pay than we'd get starting out by ourselves."

2010-06-19, 03:34 AM
"Then let's get moving."

2010-06-19, 03:38 AM

Hammer sets off, pausing to make sure Puchinello and Dextra are with him.

2010-06-19, 03:52 AM
They are...

2010-06-19, 03:56 AM
The address on the papers leads you three to a large estate. The crest for house Dergrall hangs on the housefront. When you knock on the door, the rather plush-looking butler asks "What can i do for you?"

2010-06-19, 08:40 PM
Punchinello bows slightly to the butler.

"Sir, we have been hired to protect your employer and have been summoned here to meet with him."

2010-06-19, 08:55 PM
"Ah, yes, the mercenaries. Right this way. he will see you shortly."

he escorts you inside and has you wait a little while in the foyer. a small child no more than three years old passes through and, noticing the three newcomers into his world, stops and asks, "Whattaya doin' here?"

2010-06-19, 09:00 PM
"We're here to play a game with Lord Degrall. If you're real good and polite, maybe he'll let you play too."

2010-06-19, 09:11 PM
"Wha' kinda game? Hadaya play?"

2010-06-19, 09:16 PM
"Right now, it's a secret game. We don't even know yet. Like I said, if you go be good, don't bother anyone, and don't tell anyone else about the game, maybe you can play later. Okay? I'll be sure to ask if you can play too."

2010-06-19, 09:32 PM
"Kay" the boy says and scampers off, contented for now.

A few minutes later, a door opens and the three of you are escorted inside. A large man with a serious expression on his face is sitting behind a desk. He seems strangely out of place in this intellectual setting. "Well, you three are the mercenary bodyguards i recruited?"

2010-06-19, 09:38 PM
"Sir, it would appear so."

2010-06-19, 09:55 PM
"So then, i see that i managed to hire three bodyguards all at once. This is good. Shall i start you off with 20 a day each?"

2010-06-20, 03:25 AM

"Let's call it 25, good sir. More importantly, can you tell us why you need guarding and how much danger you feel you are in? It will make our jobs much easier if we know."

2010-06-20, 03:38 AM
25? that is quite a bit! how about 23? You do know what denomination i am dealing in, right?

2010-06-20, 12:31 PM
"Honestly sir, I had not thought about it. But 23 is an acceptable compromise."

2010-06-20, 04:58 PM
"Very well, 23 platinum pieces a week, then. what will I need to get you to make your jobs more feasible?"

2010-06-20, 09:28 PM
"I would prefer your previous offer of 20 a day rather than 23 a week...

I would also like to know what the specifics of the job will be."

2010-06-21, 01:22 AM
"Sorry about that. I meant per day."

"As to what your job entails, i am the head of a noble family, though one of less importance today than in the past. I am looking to change that, and that has garnered me a couple of enemies. I am looking to have some protection against a knife in the back, so i hired living protection."

2010-06-22, 08:29 AM

"Your enemies have similar standing to yourself? So we may expect to be matched against similarly skilled assassins? This sounds like good work to me. There is no dishonour in it."

2010-06-22, 08:46 AM
"Yes, this is 'honorable' work. No skulduggery here."

2010-06-22, 08:59 AM

"Sir, you badly misunderstand me. I will dabble in "skullduggery" if I feel the need and the capability. I meant that there would be some challenge."

2010-06-22, 09:11 AM
"Of course. If there wasn't, I would hardly need to pay for premium protection."

2010-06-22, 09:20 AM
"But you know how it is. There are always a few self-important fools out there. However, you do not seem to be one of them. What do you need of me? Do have a daily schedule we should be aware of, if we are to protect you?"

2010-06-22, 09:34 AM
"I run all my affairs from my estate here. I may occasionally have to leave to go to an important meeting or something, but nothing routine."

2010-06-22, 09:35 AM

"Alright, that makes things less complicated. Anything else we should know? The grounds? People we should meet?"

2010-06-22, 02:43 PM
"What do you want? A detailed map of my personal schedule and an inch-by-inch survey of the grounds? These things cannot be had. I don't live my life by a schedule. Each day is its own adventure, and this estate is ancient and historical. It was made at the citie's founding and any maps that were made of it have not been updated in decades. They will not include my grandfather's renovations and expansions to the place, nor the land my father managed to acquire from our neighbors."

2010-06-22, 03:12 PM

"Please, sir, do not be offended. I'm merely trying to gather as much information as possible. Just trying to do my job."

2010-06-22, 03:55 PM
"Sorry if i seem a little touchy, but i am normally a very personal man. I am not used to being asked questions about my personal life."

2010-06-22, 04:02 PM

"I apologise sir. I will remember that, and I appreciate your desire for privacy."

2010-06-22, 04:11 PM
"Well, is there something which doesn't intrude on my privacy which you could need to fulfill your job?"

2010-06-22, 04:13 PM

"I guess only what you think we should know. Nothing else really springs to mind, although I might go exploring the grounds and meeting the staff later."

2010-06-22, 04:18 PM
"Feel free to poke around. I just do not wish to discuss it with you. The only thing i can think of as a 'need to know' type thing that has not been said is this: most of my enemies will hire mercenary assassins from among the human populace. They are rather bigots about things."

2010-06-22, 04:28 PM

"So humans are the prime suspects. Well, I can watch over you at all times, and no one can sneak up on me" Hammer declares.

At this point I'll adopt the Tiger Stance and maintain it until I declare otherwise, using Scent to be aware of all people within 30ft of me.

2010-06-22, 04:32 PM
"See that they don't."

2010-06-22, 04:36 PM

"Is there anything else you need me for sir, or shall I begin my investigation of thr grounds? I assume I have permission to speak to your servant, in a non-aggressive manner.

2010-06-22, 05:30 PM
"Speak to all the underlings you want to. I don't care. I would ask that one of your companions stay near me so i can start getting protected like i am paying for."

he then gives y'all your first day's wage.

2010-06-23, 02:48 AM

"Only one of us needs to go investigate. For the sake of safety, maybe two of us should stay with his Lordship. Anyone have any preferences? Puchinello, you seem amiable and adventurous, so I did wonder if you'd prefer to explore than simply stand around."

2010-06-23, 02:08 PM
I agree, it would be best for two to remain and i do not mind whether I stay here or go investigate

2010-06-23, 09:31 PM
Punchinello listens to the exchange for a few moments before speaking up.

"Sir, I believe I might be of more help somewhere other than by your side at all times. I am more a creator of items than a protector of persons, though I am not to be trifled with should it come to a fight. I was recently commissioned to craft a set of protective amulets for a wealthy merchant. He would wear one, and his bodyguards would wear the others. Any time the merchant is in danger, the guards are instantly made aware of it, and the merchant and guards can also communicate telepathically through the amulets over any distance. I believe such a security system for yourself would be quite beneficial.

If you are amiable to such a system, I am able to begin work on the amulets immediately. Though this is not a cheap system, it would increase our ability to protect your person at least tenfold."

2010-06-23, 09:44 PM
"How much are you talking about in 'cost'?"

2010-06-23, 09:59 PM
"Well, fair market price is 3,400 platinum for your amulet and 2,400 platinum each for the amulets of your guards. However, being already in your employ and that I have found several ways to reduce the creation cost of items, I can get them to you at a significantly reduced rate. If you, by chance, have old, broken, or cursed magical items you no longer desire that I can make use of as raw materials of sorts, I can reduce the cost even further."

2010-06-23, 10:14 PM
"I'm sure we can find something. What kind of discount could that entail me to?"

2010-06-23, 10:23 PM
"It depends on the items you provide. See, the items themselves save me on raw materials, so it depends on how much I can salvage out of the item. In general, I can salvage between sixty and seventy percent of an item's market value out of it, and that decreases the final price to you accordingly. Unfortunately, I'll always have to buy at least some materials, so I can't take the entire cost of the amulets in traded items."

2010-06-23, 10:28 PM
"So, 70% value on items given; up to what percentage of the final cost can be paid that way?"

2010-06-23, 10:33 PM
"Well, I'd need a bare minimum of twenty percent of the market price in coin, so that's about 700 plat for your amulet and 500 plat each for your guards.

Of course, I'll need more than just twenty percent, but that's the minimum I absolutely must have for purchasing of new raw materials. Thirty percent is ideal."

2010-06-23, 10:41 PM
"So, how about 3,180 platinum plus the remainder of the 10,600 platinum cost in junk items, at 70% market price? That would come out to 10,600 platinum worth of junk items. Would cursed ones be useful as well?"

2010-06-23, 10:46 PM
"How many bodyguard amulets are you calculating in that? Three?

If so, that seems... reasonable. Cursed items are equally beneficial, as are mostly used wands, foul potions, and certain other objects of power."

2010-06-23, 10:52 PM
"What about scrolls? I have tons of them cluttering up my shop, but no one wants to buy them."

2010-06-23, 10:56 PM
"I can make some use of magical scrolls, yes."

2010-06-24, 12:29 AM
"Well, then. I have an excess of over 50,000 platinum worth of low-level scrolls. Take what you need to supplement the cost."

2010-06-24, 12:54 AM
"3,180 platinum pieces, 1,060 platinum worth of items, and..."

Punchinello takes a moment to run some calculations.

"...and another 4,250 platinum worth of scrolls ought to do it perfectly.

That brings your total price for your amulet and the three for your three new guards to 8,540 platinum. A savings over the 10,600 platinum market price of twenty percent."

I'm assuming you meant 10,600 gold not 10,600 plat (106,000gp). If you meant 10,600 platinum though, I'll edit it.

2010-06-24, 01:06 AM
"Well, fair market price is 3,400 platinum for your amulet and 2,400 platinum each for the amulets of your guards. "

i meant platinum. i got that information from your post. he is offering the platinum coins and the remainder of the cost in scrolls. which, at 70% value of 70% of the price for the items comes out to the price of the item. all of that market price and twice what he could sell them for to a merchant and no consumer is buying them

"That sounds most fair to me."

2010-06-24, 01:11 AM
Eh, I'm tired and misread that post. Either way, it works out to the same amount whether I take scrolls or miscellaneous undefined magical items.

I told him I'd give him a deal on them, so I worked it out to a 20% discount off of market price for them. All things considered, that's pretty good. The bulk of the price came from magic items, though the discount might have been a bit more if he had paid more in straight coin.
"Then I shall begin work immediately."

2010-06-24, 01:21 AM
"And quality work too, i hope." he says cheerily.

so, is someone gonna talk to his underlings or not?

2010-06-24, 01:30 AM
Punchinello feigns a look of hurt.

"I make only the best.

Oh! I forgot to mention something about these amulets. They have to be attuned to the wearer before functioning. This means that if a guard dies, the killer is not able to just take the amulet and listen in on the telepathic communication network. Attuning is a simple enough process, but it must be done with the new bearer of the guard amulets in the presence of the host amulet. This handy safety feature is at no additional cost, as it is inherently part of the amulets.

I just thought I'd go ahead and mention that due to the amount you are paying for them. I guarantee these amulets to be entirely secured against any who would listen in, unless that person can read minds. Even then, they would only get one end of the conversation.

I can also upgrade these amulets at any time in the future."

With a slight bow, he steps back out of the room, collects the promised coin and goods, and proceeds back to his workshop to begin the creation of the requested amulets.

2010-06-24, 03:17 AM
Punchinello delivers the four completed amulets, giving the 'host' amulet to Dergrall and one each to Hammer and Dextra, keeping one for himself.

"These will need to be attuned to us, but as soon as they are attuned, we shall be able to communicate across any distance telepathically as long as the amulet is worn, and we will know instantly if Lord Dergrall is threatened."

One hour later, all amulets are attuned and ready to go.

2010-06-24, 03:20 AM
which also earns everyone four days of wages.

2010-06-24, 06:55 AM

Hammer puts the amulet around his neck, then says: "With these I think I can afford to do a brief survey of the staff and grounds, if Dextra is happy to keep guard for today. I will hurry back if you need me."

2010-06-24, 06:56 AM
"Go ahead" your boss says.

2010-06-24, 06:58 AM

Hammer sets off to explore the grounds.

What do I see, do I meet anyone, and how much time has passed?

2010-06-24, 07:00 AM
The first person you meet is a scullery mid cleaning out a chamberpot.

2010-06-24, 07:04 AM

"Greetings," Hammer says. "I'm Hammer. I've recently come into the employ of his Lordship, so I'm trying to meet everyone. How are you called?"

2010-06-24, 07:22 AM
"scullery maid, sir." she says shyly.

2010-06-24, 07:36 AM

"Ah, sorry, but what is your name? Scullery Maid makes you sound like a...thing."

2010-06-24, 08:28 AM
"My mother called me 'Janise' sir."

2010-06-24, 08:10 PM
Punchinello also explores the grounds.

2010-06-24, 08:16 PM
he runs into the butler almost immediately, a well groomed man in his late 40's. "What business brings you here?" he asks.

2010-06-24, 08:20 PM
"I might just ask you the same thing."

2010-06-24, 08:29 PM
"I am the overseer of this household. What is your business here?"

2010-06-24, 08:39 PM
"I am a protector of Lord Dergrall. It's fortunate that I have run into you. Could I get a copy of the complete staff list from you? I'd like to review it and do additional background checks on all members of the household."

2010-06-24, 08:52 PM
"certainly. It will take a week to compile a list of all the people who regularly work here. I can get you the roll for everyone who actually lives on the estate tomorrow. Both of these are dependent on you presenting me with proof of Lord Degrall's personal permission to do so, of course."

2010-06-24, 08:54 PM
Mentally to Lord Dergrall, Sorry to trouble you, lord, but might I have your permission to obtain a copy of the staff list? Doing an additional background check on them would prove quite advantageous for spotting security holes.

2010-06-24, 08:57 PM
of course. I'll have Alfred draw up the lists. He should have it to you tomorrow morning.

2010-06-24, 09:00 PM
Mentally, Thank you, sir.

Audibly, "That's acceptable."

He turns to leave.

"Just one more thing, sir butler, what was your name again?"

2010-06-24, 09:03 PM
"Alfred. Why?"

2010-06-24, 09:05 PM
"Just double checking. Feel free to confirm with Lord Dergrall. He has already approved my access those lists."

Punchinello continues to explore the grounds.

2010-06-24, 09:18 PM
"I shall do so." the next morning, he hands you a list with over a dozen names on it.he seems rather cold towards you and gives you the paper without a word. he then leaves without a word. He clearly doesn't like you.

2010-06-24, 09:20 PM
Punchinello tucks the list into his shirt pocket and continues about his daily guarding routines.

Next day? Everyone gets another day's wages then, right? :smallbiggrin:

2010-06-24, 09:22 PM
yes they do

2010-06-25, 03:39 AM

"Thanky you for your time."

Hammer continues to explore, but does not, for now, talk to anyone else.

Next day sounds good.

2010-06-25, 04:16 AM
over the current night (night before rizban gets his list) there is a disturbance in the house. the person on watch hears a noise at the back door. Your employer uses the amulets to ask the three of you to investigate.

2010-06-25, 07:09 AM

Hammer asks Rizban, "Will you cover his Lordship's room, while me and Dextra investigate?" and asks Dextra, "With me?"

2010-06-25, 09:51 PM
Punchinello says, "Sure, I'll cover his lordship... go have fun."

He takes up a position near Lord Dergrall and tries to get the man to move to the most secure nearby location if not already there.

2010-06-26, 12:09 AM
he is asleep in his bed, which should be secure enough.

The other two approach the disturbance. I is apparently a pair of burglars in the night.

2010-06-26, 12:22 AM
Punchinello says through the amulets to only the other guards, Make this quick. I am suspicious that this might be a distraction...

2010-06-27, 07:11 AM

Hammer grabs one theif, slams him into a wall, and growls at him, "Why are you here? Answer quickly and be honest: you are a distraction?"

To Dextra: "If he's being a problem, hit him once, non-lethally. If being punched doesn't help, maybe being blinded will."

Intimidate: [roll0]

2010-06-27, 02:16 PM
"Look, okay, i'm a thief, apparently not a very good one tonight, but a thief. I don't know about any distractions."

2010-06-27, 06:09 PM
Dextra only nods once while watching the other thief, ready to attack if he either tries to go past us or if he tries to draw a weapon to attack

I'll be aiming to deal nonlethal damage until i say otherwise

2010-06-28, 10:56 AM

"Blind them both, Dextra. Best be sure. Then we need to head back - fast."

2010-06-30, 09:48 PM
Figh2er hasn't been on the site for several days. Can we maybe get a godmod or something to move this along?

2010-06-30, 11:00 PM
Dextra will follow hammer's suggestions until further notice.

I empower Cogidubnus to godmod him until we hear back from figh2er

2010-06-30, 11:05 PM
Cogidubnus hasn't been on since two days ago, just one less than Figh2er. That's an improvement though...

I really hope this team-up hasn't died off already...

2010-06-30, 11:20 PM
well, punchinello has several other things he is doing, so i will let this one remain fallow until one or both of them get back on. I was looking forward to this one as well.

2010-06-30, 11:24 PM
Well, I started doing those other things with him because this one was stalling. You know I hate to have my character sit and just do nothing.

2010-06-30, 11:27 PM
then i guess he'll be doing other stuff. hopefully one of them returns.

2010-06-30, 11:28 PM
If not, then Punchinello will continue to guard Dergrall himself and perhaps eventually build a golem army or something to protect him.

2010-07-01, 01:34 PM
Sorry guys, sorry. Had some serious trouble getting on the site on my phone. I'll control Dextra for now.


"I'm not comfortable with it, but it's not like it's permanent. Alright.

Dextra strikes the thief Hammer isn't pinning, then the other.

Attack: [roll0] - nonlethal damage: [roll1]
DC 18 Fort save or blinded.
[roll2] - nonlethal damage: [roll3]
DC 18 Fort save or blinded.

2010-07-01, 06:17 PM
He manages to strike that thief and blind him. He misses the other, but he is very visibly frightened now.

"Okay, okay! I'll tell you what i know, but that's all. We were hired by a stranger in a closk to bust into this place at this time tonight. That's all i know."

at this moment, Punchinello hears glass break in the bedroom window. a green vapor seeps through the window, followed by a hawk.

2010-07-01, 06:29 PM
Note that Punchinello (since this is before he sells the item, which happens a day or two after he gets that list) has a detect hostile intent power going, so he knows the direction of any actively hostile enemy within 30ft and can't be caught flatfooted if the enemy is susceptible to mind-affecting powers. He also has an item with permanent touchsight, allowing him to ignore invisibility, darkness, and concealment to any creature within 60ft to which he has line of effect and to detect and pinpoint those creatures, negating any miss chance. It's like true seeing but, unlike true seeing, even works against creatures using the Hide skill.

Punchinello's mind quickly pours through his memories to see if he can identify the green vapors.


2010-07-01, 06:43 PM
It would seem to be a gaseous form spell.

2010-07-01, 06:55 PM
Punchinello manifests a cold energy missile, targeting both the hawk and the gaseous spellcaster.

Well, it can target up to 5 character for full damage...

Fortitude half DC22

If they don't die, then I'll probably use anticipatory strike, giving me another turn before they can act.

2010-07-01, 07:07 PM
the gas dissipates and an human corpse falls to the floor.

the hawk manages to resist the worst of the cold.

2010-07-01, 07:19 PM
Punchinello takes a 5ft step towards Dergrall and waits to see what the hawk will do with its master down.

2010-07-01, 07:39 PM
the hawk flies over next to Lord Dergrall.

2010-07-01, 07:42 PM
Does that end its turn, or was that just one action?

2010-07-01, 07:46 PM
just one action, but didn't know if you had an anticipatory strike ready to go or not and wanted to give you a chance to use it if you wanted to.

he then nips Lord Dergrall in his hand.

2010-07-01, 07:51 PM
I did want to use it, but I figured I'd save it if the movement ended his turn. Since it didn't, I'm using it!

Punchinello manifests anticipatory strike as soon as the bird nears Dergrall. Using his new turn, Punchinello manifests another energy missile, sending out crackling balls of electricity targeting the bird and the fallen man, just in case he's not quite dead yet.

DC24 Reflex half

His spare arm belt hands his dagger to him as a free action, and Punchinello moves to stand between the bird and Dergrall.

2010-07-01, 08:01 PM
the hawk is sizzled pretty badly, but it manages to keep on anyways.

i'm kinda wondering when you're gonna use the amulet to tell your buddies to get here.

2010-07-01, 08:30 PM
I figured I'd try to kill the assassin myself then tell them.

Also, how nasty is this hawk? Even if both were only half damage, I've dealt 27 damage to it.
Telepathically to the other two guards, I was right, the thieves were a distraction. There's an assassin here!

He then mentally yells at Dergrall to wake him.

2010-07-01, 08:40 PM
the hawk then alters its shape into something of a hybrid between a man and a hawk. it says to you. "I will surrender now and await for you to press charges. I have just broken and entered, then assaulted your boss.You just killed my accomplice in what is clearly self defense. because gas clouds floating through a window are definitnely a threat."

2010-07-01, 09:05 PM
Punchinello considers his words.


2010-07-01, 09:19 PM
he seems to genuinely want to surrender.

2010-07-01, 09:30 PM
"Very well, but put your hands on your head and don't move. The others are on their way and would kill you on sight if you so much as twitch."

Punchinello then waits through the next round of combat doing nothing as is required by anticipatory strike.

2010-07-01, 10:03 PM
the werehawk complies.

2010-07-01, 10:11 PM
"Tell me this, who sent you?" Punchinello tries to be firm but friendly.

Woo! That's two nat 20s this evening!

2010-07-01, 10:35 PM
"I was sent by the Alpha. I was asked to bite the mark here then surrender. My buddy here was supposed to keep you busy long enough for me to finish."

2010-07-01, 10:44 PM
Punchinello tries to remember everything he knows about werehawks and examines the wound on Dergrall.


2010-07-01, 10:46 PM
there have been occasional lycanthrope attacks in the city, but nothing like this organized procedure before.

2010-07-01, 10:47 PM
Know local reveals information about humanoid creatures. Lycanthropes are humanoid (shapechanger). I was trying to recall information about the species.

2010-07-01, 10:54 PM
lycanthropes are humanoid animal hybrids. There are two varieties: those who were born that way and those who were afflicted with it as a curse by one who was born with it. The latter cannot easily control his shapechanging.

2010-07-01, 11:05 PM
Nothing on the Heal check to examine the wound? That should be good enough to identify approximately how bad it is.

"So, tell me about this Alpha."

2010-07-01, 11:20 PM
"He is our leader. He is a visionary who will bring about the rise of the WereDawn upon this city."

heal check results: it was a minor injury, barely enough to inflict damage

2010-07-01, 11:31 PM
Mentally: Hammer! Stop right where you are! Go to the temple district and fetch a high level cleric immediately! We need his services now! We're dealing with a were creature, and Dergrall's been bitten!

Dextra! Continue here quickly, as I might need your help.

Punchinello speaks to the werehawk.

"WereDawn, huh? Sounds like fun. Think you can tell me where I can meet this Alpha so I can sign up too?"

2010-07-01, 11:39 PM
"Heh, he won't take an old bit of dried meat like you. He takes only fresh young ones. You wouldn't even be fit to eat."

2010-07-02, 12:05 AM
"I do have access to a massive amount of magical items of all kinds which would be highly beneficial. I'm also in much better shape than I appear."

2010-07-02, 12:38 AM
"Regardless, you are too old. He takes only the very young and malleable. Those who can be trained to use their new blessings from childhood."

2010-07-02, 12:43 AM
"I see...

I suppose this means you are no longer useful."

Punchinello readies another energy missile should the werehawk try to move.

2010-07-02, 12:51 AM
"IF you really want to murder me, i guess i can't stop you." he doesn't seen inclined to move.

2010-07-02, 03:59 AM
"You won't tell me where your leader or allies are even under penalty of torture or death. I see no other recourse."

2010-07-02, 04:02 AM
"I am not scared. My reward shall come in the afterlife. Shine the Light Eternal!"

he then makes a sudden leap at you, attacking you with his bite. He does not manage to pierce your armor, fortunately.

2010-07-02, 04:11 AM
Note: I have AC29, T17, FF28.
Just making sure you remember my numbers there. :smallbiggrin:

Punchinello takes a 5ft step back and hits him with a fire energy missile.

DC22 Reflex half

2010-07-02, 04:25 AM
you manage to torch him. he is lying on the ground now and dying.

2010-07-02, 04:32 AM
Draw dagger, stab until dead, loot both bodies.

2010-07-02, 04:37 AM
the lycanthrope had none. the wizard had bracers of armor +2, an amulet of health +2, and a +1 spell storing quarterstaff.

2010-07-02, 04:48 AM
Punchinello piles the loot on a table.

2010-07-02, 04:49 AM
the loot is piled.

2010-07-02, 04:50 AM
Punchinello watches Dergrall, waiting for Hammer to fetch the high-level cleric.

2010-07-03, 03:32 AM

Hearing Puchinello, Hammer says to Dextra "You go. You're a lot faster than me. I'll return to Dergrall."

Dextra agrees with him, and runs off into the night.

Dextra has 50ft land movement and 50ft fly, so he can get over any obstacles.

2010-07-03, 03:48 AM
he finds himself at a temple to pelor. When the priest on duty sees him come rushing in, he asks, "What's the matter, my boy?"

2010-07-03, 07:02 AM
When Hammer arrives, Punchinello explains what has happened and shows him the loot. The other two can split the loot as they choose. Punchinello will be passing on taking anything.

2010-07-03, 08:46 AM

My lord Dergrall has been bitten by a wear creature. He needs help.

2010-07-03, 08:49 AM
"Of course. Take me to him. The fee can be discussed later."

he waits for you to show him the way there.

2010-07-03, 08:21 PM
Can we just assume Dextra shows him the way back without it needing to be specified?

2010-07-03, 08:23 PM
when the priest and dextra arrive the priest asks, "What happened, exactly?"

everryone is in the lord's bedroom now.

2010-07-03, 09:19 PM
"The dead werehawk here and his spellcaster friend broke in, and the hawk managed to bite Dergrall before I could stop him."

Punchinello points out the wound.

2010-07-03, 09:44 PM
"Fortunately, I keep a sprig of belladonna with me for just such emergencies. I would recommend doing the same if you will be encountering more lycanthropes."

He administers the belladonna. After a few moments, of strugle, Dergrall manages to throw off the curse. Unfortunately, the toxicity of the belladonna has left him sapped of strength and paralyzed. Upon seeing that the cure worked, the cleric leaves, before the paralysis is discovered.

belladonna is toxic and initial dmage is 1d6 str and secondary damage is 2d6 str. he faile both saves and took a total of 12 str damage. he had 11 str so is now paralyzed for one day and will be weak for a week and a half after that, barring some outside aid (such as you three)

2010-07-05, 01:22 AM
Punchinello looks relieved and thanks the cleric for his help.

"Well, it looks like we managed to avoid the worst of this one. The two of you can have the loot, unless Dergrall says otherwise. I have no use for any of that.

I do believe that my taking the day shift would be most beneficial from this point forward. Dextra can take the night shift. Hammer, well, you don't sleep, so you can guard pretty much indefinitely, right?"

The loot:
the lycanthrope had none. the wizard had bracers of armor +2, an amulet of health +2, and a +1 spell storing quarterstaff.

2010-07-05, 04:34 AM
I can keep an indefinite watch on his lordship until I am damaged, at which point I will need time to repair myself.

2010-07-05, 04:56 AM
"With Dextra and I exchanging shifts, and you standing guard almost 24/7, we should be able to keep Lord Dergrall safe."

2010-07-07, 05:53 AM
Y'all manage to go the next five days without incident. Whoever is behind WereDawn, they don't seem to be in a hurry. on a completely unrelated note: the next full moon is tomorrow night.

2010-07-07, 05:58 AM
I spend those 5 days gathering as much information about the WereDawn as I can.






2010-07-07, 06:58 AM
you have learned that WereDawn is a vagabond group of lycanthropes that were not from this area. they have recently moved in to the outlying region, but there have been only limited reports about them acting in the city at large. They are known for being purists, who feel that those naturally born as lycanthropes are superior to all others, with those afflicted by it being their natural servats. all others are either cattle or slaves.

2010-07-07, 07:07 AM
Punchinello conveys this information then says, "Well, I think I'm going to have to tender my resignation. I'm not really up to fighting were creatures. As well, I have other responsibilities that I must take care of for the time being. That said, this is your property."

He removes his PASS amulet and returns it to Dergrall.

"You should be able to attune it to a new bodyguard without difficulty."

Note: PASS = Punchinello's Amulet Security System™.

2010-07-07, 07:10 AM
"Very well, if you insist. Is there anything I can do to convince you to stay?"

2010-07-07, 07:12 AM
"I can not think of a reason at the moment. I will continue to provide you with excellent service and considerable discounts on anything magical you need to purchase that I can provide."

2010-07-07, 07:13 AM
"Very well. I hope you and I can remain on cordial terms."

2010-07-07, 04:45 PM
"I'm certain we will. I wish you luck and safety."

2010-08-02, 08:07 PM
A terrible explosion suddenly rocks the entire city, and the ground shakes as if an earthquake were tearing the city apart. The sky lights up from a blast many times the brightness of the sun, and you are certain that certain death has at last come to claim you. As the brightness fades, you look toward the Mages' Quarter and see the last remnants of the horror burning directly towards the sky in a seemingly endless stream of raw, burning mana which threatens to tear reality asunder. What seems like an eternity passes as you stare, though it is likely only a few seconds, and at last the blast fades away. In the distance, you hear a building collapse, and you are certain that something horrible has been unleashed upon the city.

2010-08-03, 03:33 AM

First off, apologies about not posting on this thread for so long. Subscription got deleted so I forgot to check it. As everyone else appears to have vanished, I'll take the bracers of armor +2, an amulet of health +2, and a +1 spell storing quarterstaff.

"My lord, I am sorry. This group appears to have fallen apart rather quickly. You are, it seems, in some danger, and tomorrow is the next full moon. I suggest you send a servant to acquire some Belladonna for you, to prevent further infections, and I will spend today trying to acquire some further aid for us. I will return before the sun sets to keep watch over you."

2010-08-03, 06:06 AM
I'm still here, just been kept off internet for ages. Sorry.

I will stay here and rest, if that is alright. Perhaps you could take my wages, and that staff, and deliver them to the temple as offerings for me, while you're out?

2010-08-03, 06:26 AM

"I can do that. I'd best set off now."

Hammer will head to the temple and then Puchinello's shop.

I'll post in Puchinello's thread for my questions to him, and respond to any description of the temple you give me, but the general idea is that I'll find someone suitably important, hand over Dextra's offering, then ask if they know anyone who'd be willing to help us with our werewolf problem.

2010-08-03, 09:19 AM
You should note that the massive explosion has sent the entire city into chaos, so it will be likely that the temples are going to be flooded with refugees and the injured seeking healing.

2010-08-03, 11:11 AM

Ah, ok. Well, adventure awaits :smallbiggrin:
Anything that might interest Hammer noticeable?

Finding the entire city in chaos, Hammer strides into it, looking around for someone he could help or someone to explain the situation.

2010-08-03, 12:28 PM
As every temple who is willing to take refugees is congested with them, and the explosion seems to be right next to the mage's quarter, it seems likely that the answers you seek are best sought out in the mage's quarter.

2010-08-03, 12:55 PM

Hammer pushes his way through the crowds, heading for the mages' quarter. If he finds anyone there who looks informed, he will ask them what happened.