View Full Version : Lords of Magic IC: Day 1

2010-06-19, 04:26 PM
Atmos is a cold city, hidden deep in the mountains. This particular day is bright and cloudless, a rarity in the bitterly cold peaks and doubly rare since the shroud of Death fell over the land. Merchants are already setting up their wares, and you spy a small hunting party moving through the gates to go and gather food and supplies in the ruins and wilds surrounding the once-great city. As your party moves towards "Grim Spirits", the tavern on the lowest tier of the city, you see a few storm giant guards fidgeting near the gates. Oddly enough, a cloudless and windless day is seen as an ill-omen here, not a blessing.

Your party has slowly assembled itself over the past few weeks. Mikiya assembled the strongest-seeming envoys from three different faiths, and you've been discussing the best way to tackle the retaking of the temple. Many have died trying in the last year and a half since it was attacked and cursed. What you have managed to glean so far:

1) The temple, as most temples in the land, seals itself with the magic of its faith. You aren't sure exactly what that means or how to open it, but you need something special...

2) The Air temple, just as all other temples, isn't being inhabited by just any marauding party or pack of wild animals. A contingent of dark elves have set up camp there. Rumors say that they are looking for something very specific.

3) The temple is about a day's hike through the mountains, to the east.

Town organization: Atmos is built into the mountains, with some of the highest structures floating suspended in the sky. It is built into three tiers:

The Ground Tier:
1: "Grim Spirits" tavern - run by Varos Cloudstrider. Varos is a very old storm giant warrior, and he has all sorts of interesting knowledge about the history of the world and even the old wars against Death.
2: "The Wind Dancer" - A club and (not really a secret) Thieves guild and half-way house. Lupo Whisperwind, a fae noble, runs the club. Despite the name, very little crime goes on in Atmos: most of the activities Lupo deals with are gathering information and sending parties out into old ruins.
3: Market Row - As it sounds, this is a row of merchant stalls. Various representatives of different faiths sell supplies, equipment, and trade gods.

The Mountain Tier:
1: The Magistrate - Crime isn't that common in town, but from time to time disputes break out, raiding parties attack, and crime does occur. When that happens, Hodir Holdarim and his brother Arganyle's security force are the ones that handle it.

2: The Stone manors - a step above the cave dwellings and tents of the ground tier, some of the older and nobler giant and fae families live in these sculpted dwellings.

The Sky Tier:
1: Temple to the Old Gods: A beautiful marble spire with an entrance high in the sky, this temple's caretaker, Arietta Valette, is an expert in the Air Religion.

2: The Watchtower: The center of this tier, reachable from a rickety steel ladder near the manors for those who cannot fly, provides a stunning view of the surrounding area.

3: The Cloud Houses: These simple huts float magically in the air. Most are abandoned nowadays as they are dangerous to live in, but the Brise clan has made themselves at home in a few clustered houses
DM: It is now Day 1. You have no resources, and no income. You are currently on the ground tier, just outside the tavern.

2010-06-19, 04:44 PM
My first idea is to start asking around town and see what I can discover about the temple and the magic in it. And to also see if we can discover what is used to seal the temple and how to open it.

2010-06-19, 05:16 PM
"Well comrades, from what I hear the giant Cloudstriker is overflowing with old stories and tales of ancient times. Perhaps if the temple has been sealed before, he will know how it was opened then," Sir Brightstar says. With a smile he continues, "Besides, if all else fails we'll at least be well fed. And I wouldn't say no to a nice drink either!"

2010-06-19, 05:20 PM
"Sounds good to me, I guess we shall take our leave then."

2010-06-19, 07:35 PM
"Sounds alright to me," Mikiya said, and looked at his envoy, and gave some orders, "The clear sky is giving me the creeps, so I want one or two of you to stay outside on the lookout. The rest of you come in with us, since it'd be best if you guys heard the plan as well."

2010-06-19, 10:16 PM
"I have a passing knowledge of history that may be of some use in our questioning of the inn keeper. Let me see if I can remember anything that happened like this before..." Cedric's voice trails off as he tries to recall details about any previous incidences of a temple being sealed.

2010-06-19, 10:37 PM
DM: We'll call him Leyon for ease of reference. :smalltongue:

"Of course, sirs. I shall alert you if anything out of the ordinary comes up."

2010-06-19, 10:38 PM
Oh, and here's a knowledge roll.
Knowledge (history):

El Kaiser Guapo
2010-06-20, 04:48 AM
Eladamri remains, as per usual, quietly absorbed in his tome. He hopes to find something, anything, from his past few years studying Air magic during his time in the mountains that could help understand the wards sealing the temple.

Lore check:

Eladamri takes a moment to look up at Cedric, "If the Storm Giant proves little help, then perhaps we should inquire with Mage Brise or the Temple Caretaker, Arietta. Who would know Air magic better than those dedicated to studying it?"

2010-06-20, 11:39 AM
"An excellent idea, friend."

2010-06-20, 12:26 PM
@ArcanistSupremeYou have a strong knowledge of your own faith's history, but the vagaries of magic were rarely of interest to you. Worse, the history of the people of Air was shrouded in mystery for almost all outsiders; even having been here for several weeks and living among them you feel as though you don't know them. You'd learned that the giants were extinct; for example; that they created the mortal races millenia ago and then vanished into the elements themselves. Yet there are dozens of giants who patrol the streets of the city. They aren't quite as big as myth made them out to be, but here they are.

What you know, then, is that the Temple of Air is ancient; far older than your own temple, and most likely built on Magic entirely instead of brick and mortar like your own

@El Kaiser GuapoYou have a vague memory from your lessons on how the Great Temple of Life was opened, as many of the most ancient and sacred tomes at the mage tower in Heartswood (the Elven city) are locked with a similar seal. To open that, a mage had to channel healing life energy into the lock. It would make sense, especially given the relationship that the Elven people have to the ancient Air Giants, that the Air Temple was built on a similar mechanism

2010-06-20, 12:56 PM
Sir Brightstar looks around to make sure everyone is ready. Once he sees that the rest of the party is following him, he walks into the tavern.

2010-06-20, 12:57 PM
"So did anyone try just walking up and knocking yet? I mean, we should be able to kill whatever is inside..."

2010-06-20, 02:23 PM
Sir Brightstar looks incredulously at Skullga. "First of all, I have no intention of killing anyone today, and I am baffled by your eagerness to needlessly mete out death. Secondly, the giants are not beings to trifle with." Sir Birghtstar's look changes from disbelief to a hardened glare. "And third, I suggest you reign in your bloodthirsty urges if you wish to avoid any disagreements."

2010-06-20, 02:53 PM
"Well, is that so? I suggest someone else lead this group.. I will not disrespect myself or my people by following in the behind some man of order who couldn't hold his own if his life depended on it. My thirst for battle is what I was trained for, and it is the reason a weakling like you can never best me in combat. So I suggest you learn your place before speaking to your betters"

El Kaiser Guapo
2010-06-20, 04:10 PM
Eladamri, still primarily focused on his tome, rolls his eyes and sighs under his breath "Petty humans..." He looks up from his tome at the rest of the party, having found the information he was looking for. "Sir Brightstar, Mister Rakka, I'm sure your disdain would be better used if channeled at the dark forces that threaten not just Atmos, but all Urak, including the realms of Order and Chaos alike. Now, Lord Mikiya, I have found a good starting point of information on entering the Great Temple. You see, the Life Great Temple requires a skilled Life mage to channel the magic of Life, such as magic of renewal and healing. It is reasonable to assume, from my studies, that the Air Great Temple's wards work in a similar magic, and can be removed by the energies of Air magic."

Eladamri pauses for a moment to close his tome, "Now, Cedric, perhaps the Storm Giant you wish to inquire with can help us understand what kind of magic made the Temple, and if we need an Air mage specifically or if a scroll of Air magic is sufficient to open the wards..." Eladamri trails off, and remembers himself, "That is, if my assumptions are correct. Lord, is there some kind of archive or library in Atmos we could access?"

El Kaiser Guapo
2010-06-20, 04:18 PM
Eladamri thinks for a moment, and tries to recall what magical ceremonies the Air people might have performed within the sanctity of the Great Temple, as these holy ceremonies may be important to opening the wards and cleansing the Temple.

Knowledge: Religion check:

2010-06-20, 04:19 PM
'I admit you are right. It would be better to channel it towards the destruction of Death, I hope that is something we can all agree on? My temper gets the better of me sometimes, men of Order just seem to make me do it. In any case, may we put our current distaste of each other aside, so that we may do what it is that we need to Bright?

2010-06-20, 04:45 PM
@El Kaiser Guapo
Air is unusual and unique amongst the great faiths in that it is Polytheistic: an interpretation of them as "Wind-worshipers" would be deeply shortsighed and incorrect. Kabyks, God of Winds, is just one of their many deities. There is also Quoth, the Lightning-thrower, the Twin gods of clouds and rain, a Goddess of snow and ice, and even a God of rainbows. In truth, Air followers worship all aspects of weather.

In practice, Air clerics have a reputation for throwing out wind and electricity as the primary form of their faith that they harness. So those types of magic are most likely the best starting place...but it could be light, or rain, or even poisonous gas that the temple is built to open for. You just aren't sure..

2010-06-20, 09:26 PM
"While I agree that our hostilities would best be focused-" Sir Brightstar begins with a quick contemptuous glance at Skullga, "-on more important matters, I would think that in addition to being heinously evil, a trail of corpses might hinder our investigation. Something our more amor- er, chaotic members would do well to remember." Sir Brightstar takes a deep breath and turns to his cleric companion. "Thank you, Eldrami, for reminding us that we are all at least temporarily allies. Come with me to the bar and I'll by you a drink."

With that, he goes to the bar and orders a mug of ale for himself and Eldrami (if Eldrami accepts).

If Cloudstriker is at the bar:
"Greetings, giant Cloudstriker. Would you mind speaking with us for a few moments about the history of the area? There may be some coin in it for you if your stories are good enough," Sir Brightstar says with a smile. He then passes a mug to Eldrami (again, provided he accepted) and takes a large gulp from his own. He wipes his mouth and smacks his lips appreciatively.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

If he isn't:
"Excuse me, esteemed barkeep. Would you happen to know where we could find Mr. Cloudstriker? My colleagues and I have a few matters that we would like to discuss with him," Sir Brightstar says with a smile. He then passes a mug to Eldrami (again, provided he accepted) and takes a large gulp from his own. He wipes his mouth and smacks his lips appreciatively.

2010-06-20, 10:17 PM
Outside, looking around at the city.. Muttering "Trail of corpses.. I show em a trail of corpses.. I could kill him.. I could do it quick.. No one would ever even notice... I should do it.. But, I should show them that Chaos isn't evil.. Yes, I need to show that.. We just are rebellious.. But if the idiot gets himself in deep, well.. Let em die.." Looking around, I see the Wind Dancer, I then recall being told that the man who runs it, is connected.. So I decide to go there..

El Kaiser Guapo
2010-06-20, 11:31 PM
Eladamri stops to think aloud about Cedric's offer, "Hmmm... imbibing alcohol this early in the day could inhibit my concentration... on the other hand, I have not had a good drink since I left Heartswood... very well, Sir Brightstar. I will have a glass of Elven Sun Wine, if it is available."

(If it isn't available):
"Unfortunate. Well, an ale would be fine, I suppose..." Eladamri sips it slowly, only allowing a drop to enter his mouth. He shivers momentarily and swallows, as if swallowing poison. "It's... good..."

If Cloudstriker is in:
Eladamri waits for the Storm Giant to respond, and opens his tome to prepare to ask questions of his own to the wizened Goliath.

If he isn't in:
As Cedric asks for Cloudstriker's whereabouts, Eladamri looks around the room: "Odd... where did our scary-looking friend go?"

2010-06-21, 12:01 AM
Cedric, Eladamri, and Mikiya (if he goes with them)You enter the cavernous bar. You're greeted by the smell of some sort of cooking meat and the pungent aroma of Storm Giant ale. The gray stone building is freezing despite the fire glowing dimly in the corner. It's early, but there is a scruffy looking human merchant, a young fae man in leather armor, and a well-armed giant (probably one of Hodir's men) scattered about. Behind the bar is the bent and silver-bearded barkeep. As he sees you come in, he puts on a quick smile and shouts a welcome.

"Greetings, travelers! Always good to see you in my humble bar this time of day. What'll it be?"

Cedric orders himself an ale and asks for some elven wine for the cleric. Varos nods...

"Yeah, f'course. Just got some of that ol' elven wine in...weak stuff, but I guess it suits you folks eh? Heh heh heh *cough*".

As Cedric asks about historical information, Varos frowns and stops him.
"Stop there, human. I'm a barkeep, so you don't need coin to hear anythin' if yer a payin customer. What do ya want to know? I think I can guess, based on the rumors and speculation going on around town, but I figure it's best to...how does that human saying go? 'Hear it from the horses mouth', yeah?"

As you listen to the barkeep, you can't help but notice that the guard is staring quite intently at your conversation. He tries to be sneaky at it, but, well...a sneaky giant isn't

Skullga (and Mikiya, if he follows him instead): You walk into The Wind Dancer. Compared to "Grim Spirits", it is incredibly nice and reflects Elven sensibilities in its decor: Wooden floors, candles, the smell of flowers. A fire glows brightly in a hearth. There is a desk with a hostess, and silk curtains that lead to "the main area". You can see through them a balcony, one that goes "to the back". The hostess, a fae in green robes that are decidedly elven, smiles warmly at you.

"Hello, human! I'm afraid the bar is not open for some time. Or is someone expecting you?"

2010-06-21, 12:04 AM
"Well, no they are not expecting me. But you can go tell the owner of this fine place that I wish to speak with him.. And if he tells me what I want, well there might be a reward in it for him."

2010-06-21, 06:59 AM
Cedric nudges Eldrami with the least spiked part of his armored elbow and motions with his eyes at the eavesdropper. "Wonderful ale, sir!" Lowering his voice, he asks Cloudstriker, "Might I inquire about the identity of the fellow that is listening so intently to our conversation?"

2010-06-21, 11:31 AM
The receptionist's smile wavers for a moment. Oooh, I'm afraid that Mr. Whisperwind is very busy, and well this is a bit awkward, but he doesn't usually see strangers for a "maybe" sort of reward. If you'd like to tell me what your business is, I'll see if we can't arrange a meeting...hmmmm...three days from now?

2010-06-21, 12:32 PM
Chuckling to himself.. "Let me make this clear, you will let me see the owner or I will come back with my friends and we will burn this place down. I don't care what he is doing, honestly it is of no concern to me. But he may know something and if he does, my great friend Sir Brightstar will be happy to pay lots of money."

El Kaiser Guapo
2010-06-21, 08:39 PM
Eladamri glances at the Giant spying them in the corner before turning quickly back to the barkeep, "Yes, you run a fine establishment here indeed." The elf turns back and carefully inspects the appearance of the eavesdropper, trying not to stare directly, to see if there is any indication of his affiliation based on said appearance:

Lore check:

2010-06-21, 10:18 PM
Eladamri and Cedric Eladamri immediately recognizes the insignia on his armor marking him as a member of the town Magistrate; he also bears the crest of the Holgarim clan on the clasp of his cloak, meaning he's either a member of the family or a close ally of it. Varos confirms as much, murmuring to Cedric; "One of Arganyle's boys. Looks like he's got a keen interest in ya, doesn't it? I hadn't heard that you folk had caused much trouble...any idea on why they'd..." Varos looks up, then shakes his head. He frowns, then rumbles in a louder voice "Thanks for the complements, boys. I'm afraid I got a bit too much to do downstairs, though...yer gonna have to ask yer questions. At another time. If ya wanna wait a little bit an' enjoy yer drinks, I'll be back up with some more of that Elven wine for you in a lil' bit. Arthyme! Watch out up here, I'll be doin' inventory!" With that, Varos moves to an absolutely lethal looking stone staircase and hops down it with ease, slamming a door at the bottom. The leather-clad fae man moves silently behind the counter and starts cleaning some goblets.

Skullga: The smile vanishes completely from the receptionist's face, but she doesn't look frightened...she looks angry. "Now listen here, outsider! This is Mr. Whisperwind's establishment, and when he doesn't have time, that means NO!, Now I suggest you l..." "That'll be quite enough, Vanya. Thank you for looking out for my interests, but I believe a 10 minute slot just opened up. Mr...Rakka, isn't it? From Aniarch, up to the North? Please, follow me. We have business to discuss." You turn and see that an older male fae, dressed in stylish grey and white leather armor with a silver cloak, has appeared almost out of nowhere. He gestures to you, then walks through the curtains and flutters up the stairs towards a backroom.

2010-06-21, 10:23 PM
I follow, "Sorry if I seemed rude, it wasn't my full intent. It's just that me and my allies are in a bit of a bind.. So I was hoping that you could be of some assistance. I mean, I doubt you wish for Death to take over.. "

2010-06-22, 02:03 AM
Skullga "Apology accepted". The man (you are assuming it's Whisperwind) whistles a tune as you get to his office. He pauses a moment, then opens the door, gesturing for you to follow. The office is even more lavish then the den itself; silk rugs cover the floor, the room is trimmed with what appears to be gold and silver, and marble statues of fae and giants line the walls. There is a finely crafted bow hanging in the back of the room, and blue drapes that hang down and lead to what is presumably bed chambers. A solid bone desk sits in the center of the room with a white leather chair. He sits in the chair and twirls back towards you, reaching under the deck. He pulls out a bottle of golden-red liquid that seems to glow and pulse. "Fire giant brandy. Far as I know, a bottle hasn't been made in almost a decade, since Death first came on the rise. Ludicrously rare and expensive even back then, of course. Care for a glass?" He doesn't wait for an answer, instead he smiles a half-smile and pours two glasses. "You are right, Skullga Rakka of Chaos. I do not want Death to take over. In fact, I think it's fair to say that of all the players in town, I desire victory over Death and all of Airs enemies over all else. Hodir can't plan farther than his axe can reach, and Tayla is more concerned with family and arcane study than on matters at hand. You and I know that there are more pressing matters, don't we? We know what's really at stake?". He sips his Brandy and waits for you, stil half-smiling

2010-06-22, 02:28 AM
I visually relax. Although inside, I am still waiting on a threat. I don't yet take a sip. "Well, if that is the case. Let us get things started. My allies are already asking Hodir for help. But I think you are more likely to be of assistance. First just to clarify, you are Whisperwind, correct? And then how is it you know so much about me, hm? And finally, I am seeking knowledge on how to gain entrance to the temple. If you can help us with this, well the rewards are twofold. First you will likely gain payment for services rendered. But more importantly, you will gain recognition once this is all over.. As the man who helped save Air. And that is quite the prize, think of all the influence you could throw around then"
Gather Info [roll0]
and if usable Intimidate [roll1]
Sense Motive [roll2]

El Kaiser Guapo
2010-06-22, 03:28 AM
Eladamri listens carefully to the Giant's words:

Sense Motive:

Once he's gone, the elf turns to Cedric and talks in a low voice; "Well, that certainly was... abrupt. I may be overly-cautious here, but I believe there is much more to the current political situation in Atmos than we anticipated."

2010-06-22, 07:28 AM
"I think you might have a good idea of the situation, as usual. We should probably leave and return at a time we can have a more private conversation," with a sigh, Cedric raises his tankard to his lips and gulps down the rest of its contents. "It really is excellent ale. I guess I won't mind too much coming back for another."

2010-06-22, 05:20 PM
As the next ruler of Air, Mikiya was taking notes on a pad furiously trying to keep up with the information. Starting with getting in the temple requiring magics of Life as well as air. He went with Cedric and Eladamri to the bar, considering they were the less seemingly bloodthirsty type. Drink? None.

Back up to the current situation: "Well, that certainly was... abrupt. I may be overly-cautious here, but I believe there is much more to the current political situation in Atmos than we anticipated."

"That's generally the case with people as flighty as we are, I guess," Mikiya said with a shrug. "Coming back later sounds like a good idea, let's go with it. Shall we pick up Skullga then?"

El Kaiser Guapo
2010-06-22, 05:59 PM
Eladamri nods, "Probably a good idea." Following suit with Cedric, the elf tries to swallow his remaining wine in one gulp, but pulls away from the glass part-way and barely holds back his gag reflex. "...*cough*... Where is our barbaric friend anyhow?"

2010-06-22, 09:12 PM
Slapping his elven friend on the back, Cedric replies, "Probably attempting to murder half the city. We'd best find him before we're arrested for unleashing him on the poor citizens of Atmos."

Sir Brightstar leads the way out of the tavern.

2010-06-22, 09:43 PM

The fae is near-unreadable as he ponders his drink. He seems...excited? Happy? It's hard to tell; he's got a hell of a poker face. "Yes, yes. I am Lupo Whisperwind, owner of this fine establishment and champion of my people...whether they know it or not." He sips his drink again, and leans back into his chair. "I know about you, Skullga, because it is my job to know. No one enters Atmos without me knowing, and no one can stay here without me learning their name, origin, destination, and intentions. It helps keep Atmos safe, and it helps me best decide how to best approach solving the problems it, and indeed all of Urak, face."

"Your intentions have been difficult to discern. I know you've met a few times with Mikiya; a minor lord, but one I've watched with keen interest as his martial skill rivals all but Atmos' greatest champions. And I know you've consorted with Sir Brighstar of Order, and the young elven enchanter. Downright blasphemous, really. But desperate times call for desperate measures, as we both well know. Sometimes we have to be willing to do things...blasphemous. Against our very nature.

I digress, my friend. You have just confirmed for me what many in town were whispering already; that young master Mikiya intends to lead a team in the retaking of our Temple! A brave venture. And a foolish one. But one I am willing to offer you assistance in. However, and I hope you'll forgive me, but I'd like to speak to Mikiya himself before giving too much aid. For now, as a reward for your discretion, I can tell you this: the door is opened by the power of storms: pure lightning must be powered into the door.

Tayla is one of the last in Atmos capable of doing such a thing, and you will find that she may be reluctant to venture out of town, given the current political situation and the state of her two children. But I am privy to the fact that, for those of us who are not blessed by the ancient spirits with the power to shoot energy from our fingertips, there is another way. The crystal mines to the south of Atmos can occasionally contain gemstones that pulse with energy, which can be placed in the doorway to the Temple. I have one such gem in my possession, but I believe since it is small, you will need three or even four. Tayla may have more that she's holding onto, but I fear an expedition into the mines will be necessary if you are to go through with this".

The Rest of the Party:
As you leave the tavern, you notice the guard gets up as well. He heads in the opposite direction as you, but he keeps peering over his shoulder back at you as he walks away.

2010-06-22, 10:59 PM
"Well I do thank you for your time, and I shall see what I can do in the matters of you speaking to Mikiya. I shall hopefully return shortly with others in tow."

2010-06-23, 08:03 PM
"Do either of you have any idea where we should look first?" asks Sir Brigthstar, frowning as he watches the giant finally round a corner. "We could try asking people in the other shops if they saw him, I suppose. Unfortunately, gathering information from strangers has never been a strength of mine."

Cedric surveys the shops and buildings nearest to the tavern, looking specifically for ones that would allow the shopkeepers and other occupants a clear view of the street.

2010-06-23, 10:02 PM
Eladamri's Sense Motive:
You get the sense that the Giant is agitated and a bit worried, but you aren't sure why. He doesn't seem intimidated or upset by you guys, or worried that you might be troublemakers. He seems more concerned about the implications of talking to you in front of one of Hodir's boys, given that he already had a strong guess as to what you wanted to talk about. His body language seemed to be trying to suggest that he wants to help you later, perhaps in the late evening when no one else is there.

2010-06-23, 10:05 PM
I see the group and head over to them

El Kaiser Guapo
2010-06-23, 10:53 PM
Eladamri, still deep in contemplation, nods at Cedric, "Yes, but sadly I am more accustomed to gathering information from books, and not people." He sees Skullga approaching, "Ah, how fortuitous, we were just looking for you.That solves the first of our issues..." Eladamri starts to consider what transpired in the tavern. "Whatever the current political atmosphere of Atmos may be, it would seem the good barkeep is concerned enough about it that he does not want to risk speaking of it front of one of Hodir's guards. I have a feeling that he would be happy to answer our questions at some point, when there are fewer listeners around."

Eladamri sighs, and turns to Skullga when he rejoins the party, "Well, hopefully your efforts have been more fruitful than ours."

2010-06-23, 11:28 PM
"Good chance, I found how to open the temple, and found a way to do it. But first I need to find Mikiya, and then our problems might be solved. Just maybe.."

2010-06-24, 03:31 PM
"What have you discovered?"

2010-06-24, 04:39 PM
"I may have discovered the answer to our problems, but until we find Mikiya, I am not a liberty to discuss things. And we don't know who might be listening right now."

2010-06-24, 05:33 PM
"Fortunately, he is with us now, as he was before you slipped off," says Sir Brightstar, stepping aside so Skullga can see Mikiya as the Fae steps out of the tavern. "Now, if you are through sneaking about, let us go someplace quiet and discuss whatever it is you think will solve our problems."

2010-06-24, 05:38 PM
Shakes his head muttering about hiding fae... "Well then let us find a place we can talk in quiet."

El Kaiser Guapo
2010-06-25, 01:55 AM
"Yes, of course. We perhaps should exercise caution, there seem to be a lot of people in Atmos who are a bit too interested in our business." Eladamri scans the streets for suspicious persons, and for an empty spot:

Spot check:

2010-06-28, 11:06 AM
Cedric sees what he is doing and does the same.


2010-07-01, 09:42 PM
Looking around, you see this tier is pretty crowded. Mikiya has a small dwelling on the second tier, but that tier crawling with Hodir's men so it might not be the best bet. The place that would guarantee silence is out of town or, failing that, one of the abandoned old cloud houses on the third tier.

You notice that one of the alleys down market row is pretty empty, and the hustle and bustle of merchants and hunters and townsfolk should give you guys some "white noise" to pad against eavesdroppers. Better yet, it's a dead-end (well, that's not a promise since people here can fly and leap crazy distances), so no one can sneak around you guys if you have Mikiya's servant keep a look out.

El Kaiser Guapo
2010-07-03, 03:41 AM
Eladamri motions the party over to the alley. He whispers Mikiya to have his servant keep watch while they convene in the privacy of the alleyway.

2010-07-03, 03:29 PM
Cedric looks expectantly at Skulga, waiting for him to reveal the information that was so important.

2010-07-04, 05:11 PM
"Well you see, I found how to open the temple. I was able discover two methods to do it as well."

2010-07-05, 10:42 AM
Cedric raises an eyebrow as he considers Skulga, surprise and suspicion glimmering in his eyes. "Please elaborate."

2010-07-05, 06:39 PM
"We need to use lightning to open the door.. And there is only one person in town that can do it. On the other hand there are some rocks that have the energy needed, the rocks are currently in a near by mine.."

2010-07-06, 02:16 PM
"It's clear you've been busy since you slipped away," replies Cedric. "Where did you find this information? And who can we speak with to find out more?"

2010-07-06, 10:03 PM
"Yes I have unlike you it seems. And to gather more information we need to take Mikiya to someone..

2010-07-07, 01:45 AM
Mikiya: "Is it safe to assume that you were talking to Lupo Whisperwind? If so, you can count me out. I'm sorry, I may not have much prestige and I know we need help, but he rubs me the wrong way. The less he's involved in our campaign to get the temple back, the better. Honestly, I might rather deal with Hodir first...at the very least, we could figure out what interest he has in me and you fellows as well".

2010-07-07, 04:15 AM
"Well how about we talk Tayla, she may have the power to open the doors. And if we can't convince her to help us. We need to make a trip to the near by mines.."

2010-07-07, 10:51 AM
"I'm of the opinion that we should find out as much as we can in order to avoid rash decisions. Let us speak with Tayla first, and then we should hold palaver with Hodir. I'd like every advantage we can get before we try handling ancient magic."

2010-07-08, 04:01 PM
"Agreed, friend Cedric. I'll send Leyon to announce us.

I am sorry Skullga, I did not mean to sound overly harsh. You did...good work, uncovering that much information. But Lupo isn't someone I trust. You didn't promise him anything, did you?"

2010-07-09, 07:40 AM
"No of course not, I merely asked for his input which he gladly gave. After all no wishes to see us fall to Death."

2010-07-09, 07:47 PM
"I agree with Mikiya that we should be more selective and cautious in our dealings with others. Not everyone is as trustworthy as those in the lands of Order, and even those friendly to our cause could let the information slip to unfriendly ears." Cedric looks down, as if gathering strength for what he is about to say, and then locks eyes with Skullga. "But you have done well. Let us go now and speak with Tayla, unless there is anything else that needs to be said."

Cedric raises a questioning eyebrow at the other members of the group, inviting them to speak.

2010-07-17, 01:50 PM
"I think everything is fine, so may we move on then?"

2010-07-18, 08:25 PM
Cedric walks over to the part of town that Talya resides in.

2010-07-19, 10:36 PM
I follow.. Wondering if the weather will stay so nice..