View Full Version : Scales of War (4ed, IC)

Lady Tialait
2010-06-20, 12:58 PM
The gentle hubbub of an evening at the Antler and Thistle tavern is shattered by the crack of the front door flying off its hinges to land amid the nearest tables. Four hobgoblins rush into the bar, swords outstretched to skewer the nearest bar patrons.

"For Sinruth! For the Hand!" they cry.

(Roll initiative.)

2010-06-20, 03:22 PM
Looking up from his beer, the tall and muscular half-orc says,
"Karv dislike hobgoblins."

Karv Initiative :[roll]1D20+5

BTW, I bought 1 potion of healing (50 GP) with the rest of my money

Bortos Highpeaks (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=190402) Status
HP :...30/30...TEMP HP :...0
Surge Value :...7
Surge left/surge per day :...7/7
AC:...16...FORT:...15... REF:...14...WILL:...12...
Main Hand : Nothing
Off Hand : Nothing
Powers :
Hunter's Quary
Throw and Stab
Fading Strike
Action point (1/1)
Second Wind
Furious Assault
Precise Assault
Scything Blow

Items powers (1/1):

Effects from Karv :

Effects on Karv :

2010-06-20, 03:24 PM
Broken roll redo :
Karv Initiative :[roll0]

2010-06-20, 04:24 PM
Narron get up from his chair with a mighty dragon-roar rrraaahhh!!! and draws his rather long broadsword and takes his shield from the table.

Intimidate(the roar): [roll0]
Initiative: [roll1] +2

Archpaladin Zousha
2010-06-20, 07:35 PM
Sir Bron rises from his chair as soon as he hears Narron's roar, and draws his blade.

"The blast of war blows in our ears! Then imitate the action of the tiger; stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, and disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage! Into the fraaaaaaaaay!!!"

Initiative check:

And yes, I will be stealing a lot of Bron's dialogue from famous quotes. :smalltongue:

2010-06-20, 09:45 PM
Sitting quietly in a dark corner, a woman in a dark royal purple leather trench coat calmly places her cup of tea down. She sighs, then brushes a strand of snow-white hair out of her violet eyes. She stands, grabbing a wide-brimmed, steepled mage's hat from the adjacent seat and placing it atop her head. Clutched at her side, the solid weight of a crystal orb can be felt suspended within the soft down of a stuffed white fox doll.
The woman pays no mind to the shouts and screams, the crashing of furniture and the stomping of terrified feet. She pays no mind to the threats, oaths, and epithets. The only thing running through her mind are the complicated, esoteric formulas and components of the spells she has practiced since she was a young girl, the spells she has now mastered. The only thing she cared about at that exact moment was how to best apply this knowledge to the solution of the current problem (that problem being the fact that these hobgoblins still had breath in their living lungs).

Initiative: [roll0]