View Full Version : Nintendo 3DS: Okay?

2010-06-20, 05:33 PM
Can someone explain just why it's so special? It seems to me that 3D games has been around for ages, maybe not for a handheld so much, but that's just a more powerful software.

I know a lot of the appeal comes from the strong list of games planned for it, but that's not the console as such.

Am I missing something?

2010-06-20, 05:36 PM
It's 3D without having to wear funny glasses. It's 3D that you can turn off if you want. It's really the first 3D handheld. That's why it's such a big deal.

2010-06-20, 05:57 PM
3D games have been around for ages? :smallconfused:

Maybe you're mixing up 3D animation we've had for all the consoles for a while with the 3D where the images pop out of the screen at you. And yeah, as already mentioned, it's 3D that requires no glasses and can be turned on/off at will.

Though technically the Virtual Boy was the first 3D handheld, but we won't speak of it here. :smalltongue:

2010-06-20, 05:59 PM
3D games have been around for ages? :smallconfused:

Maybe you're mixing up 3D animation we've had for all the consoles for a while with the 3D where the images pop out of the screen at you. And yeah, as already mentioned, it's 3D that requires no glasses and can be turned on/off at will.

Though technically the Virtual Boy was the first 3D handheld, but we won't speak of it here. :smalltongue:

But could you slip the VB into your pocket/purse and take it with you easily?

2010-06-20, 06:03 PM
But could you slip the VB into your pocket/purse and take it with you easily?


You'd need big pockets, and you couldn't play it on the bus, of course.

2010-06-20, 06:04 PM
Honestly they had me at 'successor to the DS'. Everything else is just icing on the cake!:smalltongue:

It should be the cheapest, and possibly the first, way to watch 3D movies on the go.

2010-06-20, 06:16 PM

You'd need big pockets, and you couldn't play it on the bus, of course.

I'm now imagining the hilariously awesome mental image of someone getting on a bus, whipping out their VirtualBoy, and proceeding to be the coolest/lamest person ever.

2010-06-20, 06:17 PM
I'm now imagining the hilariously awesome mental image of someone getting on a bus, whipping out their VirtualBoy, and proceeding to be the coolest/lamest person ever.

Mostly the second one, really.

2010-06-20, 06:37 PM
But could you slip the VB into your pocket/purse and take it with you easily?

No idea. I don't think I've ever actually seen a VB. Ever.

2010-06-20, 06:53 PM
No idea. I don't think I've ever actually seen a VB. Ever.

It comes with a controller comparable in size to the N64 controller.

2010-06-20, 06:59 PM
Can someone explain just why it's so special? It seems to me that 3D games has been around for ages, maybe not for a handheld so much, but that's just a more powerful software.

I know a lot of the appeal comes from the strong list of games planned for it, but that's not the console as such.

Am I missing something?

3D has been possible for a while, but it's never really been accessible- if you want to do it on a computer, you need ~500-600 dollars worth of hardware. If you want it on a TV, it's close to the same investment or more. The 3DS promises to be probably the first really mass-market accessible implementation of 3D, which is why that aspect is exciting.

Even without the 3D, what has been announced about it is pretty interesting. It's obviously got a horsepower upgrade- the Kid Icarus trailer is beautiful. It has some accessible measure of internal storage, since it can maintain a game's passive communications without actually having the game in the system; that will make things like The World Ends With You communications bonuses more viable, and may allow Pokewalker-like functionality without having to make extra accessories or add bits to the carts. So that's cool. It's got a gyroscope, which makes it fully motion-sensitive (pitch/tilt/roll sense as well as 'this object is in motion' sense) as well as touch-sensitive, and while that will probably result in a number of crappy minigame collections and/or games with annoying and pointless mechanics that will be better served by standard button controls.. well, ok, this one will probably be misused the majority of the time. It's still interesting. It's had an analog control input added, although I admit I don't know what kind of use that will see. Might make fighting games more friendly.

2010-06-20, 07:01 PM
Am I missing something?

Yes. You're thinking "3D" as in what's been around since the Nintendo 64 (and some SNES games).

When they say "3D" they mean 3D like the movie Avatar was in 3D. Except you don't need glasses.

So what the Nintendo 3DS is, is a handheld as powerful as the Gamecube (or even the Wii), that is backward compatible with the DS, and is the first handheld to offer 3D graphics (like in Avatar).

And with a very strong lineup of games.

Mando Knight
2010-06-20, 07:30 PM
Though technically the Virtual Boy was the first 3D handheld, but we won't speak of it here. :smalltongue:

Was not. I dare you to hold the system in your hands and play it at the same time. There's a reason it comes mounted on a tripod.

The 3DS, however, is not "okay." The correct adjective is only properly intelligible in person. It's an overly excited mess of motion and "It's AWESOME BRAWGLEGARBLEGARGLEBLARG."

2010-06-20, 08:40 PM
Can someone explain just why it's so special? It seems to me that 3D games has been around for ages, maybe not for a handheld so much, but that's just a more powerful software.

I know a lot of the appeal comes from the strong list of games planned for it, but that's not the console as such.

Am I missing something?
I believe you're confusing 3D graphics with 3D images. 3D graphics have been around since the N64/PS1 era on consoles, and since this past generation on handhelds. 3D images, however, is new - these being the sort of 3D you see when you go to a 3D movie, for instance. Which is why the lack of need for special glasses to view it is considered a big deal.

That said, personally, I don't care about the 3D. Like with movies, I expect that it won't actually add anything to video games. But I'm still excited for the 3DS, because it's Nintendo's next-gen handheld and already seems to have some nice games lined up for it, starting with the awesome-looking Kid Icarus: Uprising. The fact that you won't need glasses for the 3D means I may actually use it after all rather than just turning it off, but it's unimportant in any event in my opinion.


2010-06-20, 08:53 PM
The 3DS, however, is not "okay." The correct adjective is only properly intelligible in person. It's an overly excited mess of motion and "It's AWESOME BRAWGLEGARBLEGARGLEBLARG."

I believe it should be best described as a Awesomeness-induced Seizure. There's a reason why it's advised that young little children shouldn't use the 3D features.

Mando Knight
2010-06-20, 09:44 PM
There's a reason why it's advised that young little children shouldn't use the 3D features.

Point. The fact is, little kids' eyes are perfectly fine watching 3DS gameplay. However, Children under 8 years of age are incapable of processing the AWESOME, and their young brains will detonate into a grey-and-pink slush within moments after beginning to watch the sheer AWESOME.

To circumvent this, one must inoculate them with progressively more hot-blooded media. They're ready if their irises gain a spiral pattern, or they can levitate rocks with just a simple kiai and dramatic pose.

2010-06-20, 09:51 PM
Point. The fact is, little kids' eyes are perfectly fine watching 3DS gameplay. However, Children under 8 years of age are incapable of processing the AWESOME, and their young brains will detonate into a grey-and-pink slush within moments after beginning to watch the sheer AWESOME.

To circumvent this, one must inoculate them with progressively more hot-blooded media. They're ready if their irises gain a spiral pattern, or they can levitate rocks with just a simple kiai and dramatic pose.

If one is using western media for preparation, one may test by placing them in rooms filled with low level employees of various criminal cartels.

If any of the aforementioned criminals exclaim, at any point, any variant on "But he's only ONE MAN!", the child is ready.

2010-06-20, 11:03 PM
More topically, the GPU in the 3DS just got named. It's the Pica200 by Digital Media Professions (http://www.engadget.com/2010/06/20/dmps-pica200-gpu-is-the-power-behind-nintendo-3ds-video/). (Check out that vid - neato!)

However, think about that name for a moment. Say it out loud.



Two. Chu.

I wonder why it got chosen. :smallwink:

2010-06-20, 11:17 PM
More topically, the GPU in the 3DS just got named. It's the Pica200 by Digital Media Professions (http://www.engadget.com/2010/06/20/dmps-pica200-gpu-is-the-power-behind-nintendo-3ds-video/). (Check out that vid - neato!)

However, think about that name for a moment. Say it out loud.



Two. Chu.

I wonder why it got chosen. :smallwink:

Because of pure coincidence you're reading too much into?

2010-06-20, 11:34 PM
I think that the 3DS is cool for its iteration on the graphics and wifi capabilities, and the new analog stick, alone. I sadly cannot take advantage of the 3D features :smallfrown:

2010-06-20, 11:40 PM
Because of pure coincidence you're reading too much into?

Of course.

Now excuse me, I need to go adjust my tin foil hat...

2010-06-20, 11:53 PM
Because of pure coincidence you're reading too much into?

On a Nintendo product? The one that will carry the Pokemon franchise to new heights?

Sure, lets observe all the ****ing miracles. Don't need to care about why. :D

Lord Seth
2010-06-21, 12:22 PM
No idea. I don't think I've ever actually seen a VB. Ever.Well the Angry Videwo Game Nerd covers it here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6bVfVsdpnw).

2010-06-21, 12:32 PM
Sure, lets observe all the ****ing miracles. Don't need to care about why. :D

GPUs, how do they work???

Hunter Noventa
2010-06-21, 12:47 PM
All I know is that there's a new SRW game being made for it, that may or may not come to America. Either way, it makes me want one.

Green-Shirt Q
2010-06-21, 12:47 PM
What's the hype for the 3DS?

Um, what about the, you know, upcoming games?!

Seriously! Check out Kid Icarus (http://e3.nintendo.com/3ds/game/?g=kidicarus)! Now hnestly, does that not look epic?! Check out this list of games they intend to make for it (http://ds.ign.com/articles/109/1097918p1.html)!

That, PLUS, Avatar-esque 3D without glasses.

2010-06-21, 01:19 PM
can someone explain to me how is it even supposed to work? holodeck technology?

2010-06-21, 01:34 PM
Hm, yes, I seem to have misunderstood what the 3D thing was referring too. Thanks for clearing that out.

What's the hype for the 3DS?

Um, what about the, you know, upcoming games?!

Seriously! Check out Kid Icarus (http://e3.nintendo.com/3ds/game/?g=kidicarus)! Now hnestly, does that not look epic?! Check out this list of games they intend to make for it (http://ds.ign.com/articles/109/1097918p1.html)!

That, PLUS, Avatar-esque 3D without glasses.Well, yes, but that's not really an inherent part of the console, as such. I would have bought those games for the old DS as well. Which, of course, won't stop me from buying the 3DS on release.

Kid Icarus... it's pretty all right, but it doens't make epic. It looks like most any other trailer to me. Then again, I've never been good at seeing 3D stuff, so I might just not understand it.

2010-06-21, 01:48 PM
can someone explain to me how is it even supposed to work? holodeck technology?

If i remember right (this is info from a friend, could be wrong) but basically there is layers of screens (3 I think) and each one draws some of the pictures. Making the stuff in the front of the background actually in front of the background.

Of course here is an article that says it works a different way... *shrug*

2010-06-21, 02:04 PM
Hm, yes, I seem to have misunderstood what the 3D thing was referring too. Thanks for clearing that out.

Well, yes, but that's not really an inherent part of the console, as such. I would have bought those games for the old DS as well. Which, of course, won't stop me from buying the 3DS on release.

Kid Icarus... it's pretty all right, but it doens't make epic. It looks like most any other trailer to me. Then again, I've never been good at seeing 3D stuff, so I might just not understand it.

You can't see the 3D through a normal screen. You'd need a 3D screen and even then the trailer would have to be in 3D which it isn't.

2010-06-21, 02:19 PM
can someone explain to me how is it even supposed to work? holodeck technology?

I'm not sure, but I suspect it uses lenticular prints, except with an LCD sort of screen or whatever instead of a picture behind the lenticular lens.

Mando Knight
2010-06-21, 06:03 PM
can someone explain to me how is it even supposed to work? holodeck technology?

Magic. Nintendo brand Magic. You think they were lying back in the 80s when they told you you were now playing with power? :smallconfused:


2010-06-21, 06:05 PM
Magic. Nintendo brand Magic. You think they were lying back in the 80s when they told you you were now playing with power? :smallconfused:


A Nintendo Wizard Did It, is that the official explanation now?

2010-06-21, 06:07 PM
Magic. Nintendo brand Magic. You think they were lying back in the 80s when they told you you were now playing with power? :smallconfused:


Power you could not possibly understand.

That's why the Virtua Boy accidentally summoned demons at that one E3.

2010-06-21, 06:32 PM
Don't forget the Gamecube Super Prototype (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuperPrototype), the Nitro, which could project solid holograms but was deemed too dangerous for public use.

(Seriously, rumours of this "Nitro" thing pop up whenever Nintendo announces a new console, claiming to be it)

2010-06-21, 06:55 PM
Don't forget the Gamecube Super Prototype (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuperPrototype), the Nitro, which could project solid holograms but was deemed too dangerous for public use.

(Seriously, rumours of this "Nitro" thing pop up whenever Nintendo announces a new console, claiming to be it)

Help. I am trapped in TV Tropes. Please send food.