View Full Version : Floating worlds campaign team dragon

Fable Wright
2010-06-20, 08:24 PM
You wake up groggily as fighting occurs above your heads. After you get into your armor, you rush out and see pirates attacking the guards on the ship, as well as the captain. You see 2 plant based ships to your left, and a seaborn from one is making off with some treasure from the one that the pirates apparently came in. The combat is across the deck in the shower hall, and 3 are dead, and one was chucked overboard.

2010-06-20, 09:10 PM
Team Dragon:

Alyazi Shadowscale (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=216539)
Carlisle Drakewing (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=216605)
Draka (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=217237)
Ssu'lath Broadfang (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=216499)

Alyazi swore under her breath upon noticing the pirates, then drew herself up to her full height. Her hair was tangled, her eyes bloodshot. No time to rouse the others. They'll show up. She pointed at one of the pirates with one empty hand, her other making swift gestures. "Valignat," she hissed. A ray of black flames shot out of her clawed fingertip, towards one of the pirates.

(ranged touch attack roll: [roll0])

Forever Curious
2010-06-20, 09:21 PM
Carlisle took a bit of time getting ready, making sure he looked prim and proper before we strode on deck, his wings unfurled. "And who are these, then?" he asks Alyazi as she launched an attack toward the pirates. Carlisle loads a bolt into his hand crossbow but doesn't fire, taking his time to observe the fray.

Fable Wright
2010-06-20, 09:42 PM
Alyazi swore under her breath upon noticing the pirates, then drew herself up to her full height. Her hair was tangled, her eyes bloodshot. No time to rouse the others. They'll show up. She pointed at one of the pirates with one empty hand, her other making swift gestures. "Valignat," she hissed. A ray of black flames shot out of her clawed fingertip, towards one of the pirates.

(ranged touch attack roll: [roll0])

damage/ target? there's one on deck, one in the shower room attacking the captain, and one standing right next to the shower room door.

One perspective: let the pirates win, claim the ship, and make a deal with the pirates for a share of the treasure for helping them.

Just a thought by a CN DM.

2010-06-20, 09:55 PM
Ssul'lath crept stealthily onto the deck, sticking to the shadows and using whatever cover was available to remain unseen. His longbow was in claw with an arrow nocked to the string, ready to draw and loose should anyone attack him or his allies. From his hidden position he surveys the battle.

He winces as he sees the flare of flame from Alyazi. "Too hasssty" he hisses quietly under his breath in the Draconic tongue. "Be prepared to make a deal with the victors, we must."

*facepalm* Typo's ahoy! Re-rolling in next post.
Initiative (if required): [roll0]
Hide: [roll1]
Move Silently: [roll2]
Spot: [roll3]
Listen: [roll4]Readied action: fire arrow at attacker if someone attacks him or a team member.

2010-06-20, 09:59 PM
Initiative (if required): [roll0]
Hide: [roll1]
Move Silently: [roll2]
Spot: [roll3]
Listen: [roll4]
Readied action: fire arrow at attacker if someone attacks him or a team member.

Fable Wright
2010-06-20, 10:01 PM
...you were blinded by the flame and your natural 1 on the spot check.

2010-06-20, 10:16 PM
"I don't make deals with sneaks who attack in the middle of the night," Alyazi retorted in Draconic. The harsh words rolled off her tongue as easily as if she had spoken it all her life, not learned it a few years ago.

(LE, remember? She's on the captain's side, at least for now. Anyways, the captain's paying too. She's firing at the one next to the shower room.)

Damage: [roll0]

Fable Wright
2010-06-20, 10:18 PM
... negotiate with the pirates, maybe join a partnership.

Forever Curious
2010-06-20, 11:00 PM
... negotiate with the pirates, maybe join a partnership.

Or we could, i don't know, not be railroaded, sir. :smalltongue: If we wanted to negotiate, we would, but that's not how Team Dragon rolls.

Fable Wright
2010-06-20, 11:03 PM
Fine by me.

Forever Curious
2010-06-20, 11:10 PM
Also, Initiative [roll0]

Frog Dragon
2010-06-21, 04:53 AM
"Ha, I'm fine with anything here." Draka responds to his companions, his scimitar being brought to hand with an unnatural swiftness. He strikes the nearest pirate.
Initiative: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Dueling (If applicable): [roll3]
Sneak Attack (If applicable): [roll4]

Frog Dragon
2010-06-21, 04:54 AM
Bah, copypasta failure. Sneak attack was supposed to be 1d6. New roll
Sneak Attack (If applicable): [roll0]

2010-06-21, 12:27 PM
Alyazi grins slightly as the ray of flame strikes a pirate. "Besides, what's wrong with hasty, Ssu'lath?" she asks. "Always seems to work for me." Except that one time, anyways. she adds mentally.

Forever Curious
2010-06-21, 02:06 PM
Carlisle stood upright and attempted to appear commanding. Of course, being half the height of his team didn't help the situation. "We must handle the intruders," stated Carlisle frankly, drawing his sword. "Attack, but aim to incapacitate. They may prove useful. Alyazi, handle ranged support. Ssul'lath, come with me. The captain needs our aid. Leave Draka to his own doings. Go!" the kobold sped off toward where the captain was, rapier gleaming in the sun.

Fable Wright
2010-06-21, 02:09 PM
There is now a skeleton on the deck, attacking the crew, and the captain has been knocked unconscious, and his assailant has jumped out the window.

Fable Wright
2010-06-21, 04:52 PM
The pirate on the boat yells at the top of her lungs. "I give up! If you desire a ship, you may have mine, but I humbly request that you let me join your group! You have proven your supremacy, and I would be pleased to serve under you!"

2010-06-21, 06:07 PM
Alyazi whips around at the sudden appearance of the skeleton. "Oy, where'd you come from? Eh, doesn't matter." She points at it. "Valignat!" she yells, sending another ray of dark flame towards the skeleton. Her other hand unsheaths a thin wand from the bandolier strapped across her chest.

Attack Roll


2010-06-21, 09:34 PM
Okay, from what I can tell: Alyazi has crispified one of the pirates, dropping it; Draka has back-stabbed another pirate, dropping it; the third pirate has leapt overboard; a fourth pirate on the pirate's boat has surrendered; leaving only a skeleton on the merchant ship attacking the crew as the only visible enemy. Correct? I'm also assuming that Alyazi's attack on the skeleton just missed.

Seeing the captain's assailant leap out the window before he and Carlisle can deal with the pirate, Ssul'lath turns his attention to the skeleton on the deck. He stalks towards it, drawing his bolas as he does so. He whips the weighted cord above his head and lets fly at the undead's legs, hoping to bring it crashing to the floor.

Bolas (touch attack): [roll0]
Opposed Trip: [roll1]

Fable Wright
2010-06-21, 09:55 PM
The person who summoned the undead (the turncoat pirate) dismissed it moments before.

2010-06-21, 10:47 PM
OOC: Ah, I didn't know that. In that case...

Ssul'lath wanders across the deck to retrieve his bolas; then, longbow in claw and arrow nocked, goes over to the ship railing to look for the pirate who jumped overboard.

Spot: [roll0]

Fable Wright
2010-06-21, 10:51 PM
under water. You can hit a target 5ft under, but not more. The captain's not dead, just unconscious and stable, and the assailant is 10ft under.

2010-06-21, 10:52 PM
Alyazi looks distinctly taken aback by the pirate's offer. "It appears you were right Carlisle. This one, at least, might prove useful." she remarks. She points the wand of magic missile at the pirate's neck. "Try anything and I'll rip out your neck. Don't even need this wand to help me." She speaks as if she is simply remarking about the time of day, rather than slaying a living being.

Making an Intimidate check against the pirate: [roll0]

Forever Curious
2010-06-21, 11:01 PM
Carlisle watches the assailant escape but doesn't pursue. If he could take down the captain he was a mighty man indeed. With a sigh, he sheathed his sword but kept his crossbow at the ready. ""You men!" he called in Common, addressing whatever guards are left. "Our captain is wounded. See to him." Carlisle strutted toward Alyazi, who had taken a captive. "Excellent work, sister," he remarked, turing his attention to the Seaborn. "I suggest you do as she tells you, woman. We dragonkin do not make idle threats."

Fable Wright
2010-06-21, 11:05 PM
... there is still a conscious, angry pirate on deck. I'll tell you what he does after he posts.

Fable Wright
2010-06-21, 11:07 PM
The pirate you threatened looks shaken and looks like he'd do what you said.

2010-06-21, 11:14 PM
under water. You can hit a target 5ft under, but not more. The captain's not dead, just unconscious and stable, and the assailant is 10ft under.

Actually, my character has the Aquatic Shot (http://www.realmshelps.org/cgi-bin/feats.pl?Aquatic_Shot) feat and an aquatic longbow, so the normal penalties for firing under water or into water don't apply. My character is a specialist sea-monster hunter, remember? :smallwink:

How far away is the pirate in the water? If they're not within 30', then Ssu'llath will dive in after him/her/it, close to 30' and fire.

Fable Wright
2010-06-21, 11:17 PM
yeah... the feat applies only when both you and the target are under water. 50ft in front of you, 10ft to the side, and 50 ft down.

Forever Curious
2010-06-21, 11:20 PM
yeah... the feat applies only when both you and the target are under water. 50ft in front of you, 10ft to the side, and 50 ft down.

In addition, water does not provide any cover against your ranged attacks if you are out of the water and firing at a target in the water. If your weapon's range increment is different underwater than it is above the water, count the water surface as the beginning of a new range increment, and use your underwater range increment after the point at which your weapon strikes the water.

The feat description differs.

Fable Wright
2010-06-21, 11:25 PM
... the fight is essentially over, and you want to continue this? *sigh* I'm ruling that, due to this difficult angle (with the ship blocking your view of him,giving you no chance to shoot) he escapes underneath the ship to fight another day.

2010-06-21, 11:35 PM
Alyazi sighs, flicking her fingers. Her hair and clothes straighten up and her eyes lose their bloodshot appearance. The whole thing takes a couple seconds. She smiles grimly at the seaborn pirate, who is obviously scared out of her wits. "Now, tell me. What are you doing on this ship, little seaborn?"

Fable Wright
2010-06-21, 11:44 PM
The captain, Ma'am... I was stuck on his ship, and I ran away... but he followed me! I let him on the ship, but he decided to stay on it! And then he told us to attack this ship! Please, I don't want to get hurt..." She closes her eyes and shivers, a tear or two falling from her cheek.

Forever Curious
2010-06-21, 11:51 PM
Carlisle stroked his chin in thought. "You seem a competent mage, woman," he commented at length, turning his attention to Alyazi. "I vote we keep her along for now. The dragons of old kept slaves to do their bidding. Shall we not do also? Worse comes to worse, we kill her. Nothing to difficult."

2010-06-22, 12:08 AM
Alyazi smiles. "Sounds like a plan to me." she says in Draconic. "I'll watch our new slave for now. Could you get a rope, or some manacles? Can't have her walking around this ship uncontrolled, after all." She turns her gaze back to the seaborn. "I can't keep calling you seaborn, can I? What is your name?" she asks.

2010-06-22, 12:10 AM
... the fight is essentially over, and you want to continue this? *sigh* I'm ruling that, due to this difficult angle (with the ship blocking your view of him,giving you no chance to shoot) he escapes underneath the ship to fight another day.

It's not a matter of "wanting to continue this", it's a matter of role-playing what my character would do. Ssul'lath does not know that the fight is essentially over - for all he knows, the pirate who jumped into the water was planning to climb up the other side of the ship and ambush us from there. It's a tactic that Ssul'lath would use, so he works to counter it.

The information that I had was the pirate had jumped into the water and was 10' under. If it looks like the pirate is swimming away as though their life depended on it, then please tell me that; otherwise I will have my character act on what information I have and assume that the pirate is still a threat.

Ssul'lath readies to leap into the water after the fleeing pirate, but loses sight of him as the ship moves. Cursing in Draconic, he stows his bow and arrow in his quiver, and wanders over to where Alyazi and Carlise are interrogating the prisoner.

"Can we trussst the little fish-woman?" he queries Alyazi and Carlise, hissing in Draconic. "Magesss can be... tricky." He looks the prisoner up and down, examing her. "I think we ssshould bind and gag the fish-lady until she can be sssafely sssold."

Fable Wright
2010-06-22, 12:12 AM
Ok, sorry, new at this. Moving all of this into one thread, now.

Forever Curious
2010-06-22, 12:16 AM
Ok, sorry, new at this. Moving all of this into one thread, now.

(Understandable. Yay, and end to these multi-thread shenanigans.)

Fable Wright
2010-06-22, 12:17 AM
(stupid 1-minute interval between posts...)

Forever Curious
2010-06-22, 12:18 AM
I vote The Dragonkin use this thread as OOC, rather than mucking up the new one. Agreed?

2010-06-22, 12:47 AM
Agreed. I'll put our character sheets in my first post. Please tell me SOMEONE has ranks in Sense Motive. I didn't put any ranks in Sense Motive because Alyai is meant to be vaguely Xykon-ish. Less subtlety, less sensibility, more style, more blasting.

Forever Curious
2010-06-22, 12:47 AM
Agreed. I'll put our character sheets in my first post. Please tell me SOMEONE has ranks in Sense Motive. I didn't put any ranks in Sense Motive because Alyai is meant to be vaguely Xykon-ish. Less subtlety, less sensibility, more style, more blasting.

...I did...kind of...not like it helped at all.

Forever Curious
2010-06-22, 01:19 AM
@Splash's rebuttal: Daaaaaaaaaaamn. :smallamused:

Frog Dragon
2010-06-22, 01:57 AM
I have 7 for a total modifier of +8. That any help? Also, It appears I shall have to catch up a bit on this, as you people have been playing while I slept.

Forever Curious
2010-06-22, 02:01 AM
I have 7 for a total modifier of +8. That any help? Also, It appears I shall have to catch up a bit on this, as you people have been playing while I slept.

This is true. Pop on over to the shiny new main thread.