View Full Version : Yugioh PBP Exhbition Match: Raykura vs Shadow_Elf: Aggro vs Zombies!

2010-06-21, 06:59 PM
A man in a blackish-blue coat silver trimmings, & spiky black hair walks into the arena.

"Well, well, well. It's been a long time since I've been to this place. Maybe I'll wreck some of it while I'm here. And perhaps I'll get revenge on that balloon thing I met a long while ago. What was it.... Gigglyfluff??"

That Makes Me Aggro, AKA, I'm Literally Aggro-ing With Rage!!
Hand: 0
*Hand Updates*
1.Caius the Shadow Monarch
2.Caius the Shadow Monarch
3.Caius the Shadow Monarch
4.Mobius the Frost Monarch
5.Mobius the Frost Monarch
6.Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
7.Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
8.Doomcaliber Knight
9.Doomcaliber Knight
10.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
11.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
12.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
13.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
14.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
15.Breaker the Magical Warrior
16.Breaker the Magical Warrior
17.Breaker the Magical Warrior
20.D.D. Assailant
21.D.D. Assailant
22.D.D. Warrior Lady
23.D.D. Warrior Lady
27.Chaos Sorcerer
28.Morphing Jar
29.Heavy Storm
30.Lightning Vortex
31.Lightning Vortex
32.Mystical Space Typhoon
33.Soul Exchange
34.Soul Exchange
35.Swords of Revealing Light
36.Blast With Chain
37.Blast With Chain
38.Bottomless Trap Hole
39.Bottomless Trap Hole
40.Dimensional Prison
41.Dimensional Prison
42.Dimensional Prison
43.Dust Tornado
44.Dust Tornado
45.Malevolent Catastrophe
46.Torrential Tribute
47.Solemn Judgment
48.Mirror Force
Extra Deck:
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Stats: 8000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - - - -
- - - - -

2010-06-21, 07:01 PM
"Time to roll dice, I guess." He pulls out several black & silver dice, & throws them to the ground.

Initiative: [roll0]
Opening Draw(s): [roll1]
RE-ROLLS(If necessary.): [roll2]

Hand: 0
*Hand Updates*
1.Caius the Shadow Monarch
2.Caius the Shadow Monarch
3.Caius the Shadow Monarch
4.Mobius the Frost Monarch
5.Mobius the Frost Monarch
6.Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
7.Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
8.Doomcaliber Knight
9.Doomcaliber Knight
10.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
11.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
12.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
13.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
14.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
15.Breaker the Magical Warrior
16.Breaker the Magical Warrior
17.Breaker the Magical Warrior
20.D.D. Assailant
21.D.D. Assailant
22.D.D. Warrior Lady
23.D.D. Warrior Lady
27.Chaos Sorcerer
28.Morphing Jar
29.Heavy Storm
30.Lightning Vortex
31.Lightning Vortex
32.Mystical Space Typhoon
33.Soul Exchange
34.Soul Exchange
35.Swords of Revealing Light
36.Blast With Chain
37.Blast With Chain
38.Bottomless Trap Hole
39.Bottomless Trap Hole
40.Dimensional Prison
41.Dimensional Prison
42.Dimensional Prison
43.Dust Tornado
44.Dust Tornado
45.Malevolent Catastrophe
46.Torrential Tribute
47.Solemn Judgment
48.Mirror Force
Extra Deck:
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Stats: 8000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - - - -
- - - - -

2010-06-21, 07:29 PM
Alister's PDA rings, and a text message appears. if he doesn't have a PDA, one mysteriously appears. He also begins to hear clawing and scratch at the arena doors.

The text message is titled RE: Your Brains
Heya Bob, its Tom,
from the office down the hall.
Good to see you buddy, how've ya been?
Things've been okay for me...
...except that I'm a zombie now.
I really wish you'd let us in.
I think I speak for all of us
when I say I understand
Why you just might hesitate to submit to our demand
But here's a FYI:
You are gunna DIE SCREAMING!

A chorus of droning voices is heard outside. All we wanna do is eat your brains! We're not unreasonable, I mean no one's gunna eat your eyes! All we wanna do is eat your brains. We're at an impass here, maybe we should compromise. You open up the doors... and we'll all come inside and eat your brains!

Initiative: [roll0]
Draw: [roll1]
Rerolls?: [roll2]

2010-06-21, 07:42 PM
Hand: 5
Caius the Shadow Monarch
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
Doomcaliber Knight
Mirror Force
Deck: 42 Cards as of this turn's Draw Phase(Just performed opening draws.).
1.Caius the Shadow Monarch
2.Caius the Shadow Monarch
3.Mobius the Frost Monarch
4.Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
5.Doomcaliber Knight
6.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
7.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
8.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
9.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
10.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
11.Breaker the Magical Warrior
12.Breaker the Magical Warrior
13.Breaker the Magical Warrior
16.D.D. Assailant
17.D.D. Assailant
18.D.D. Warrior Lady
19.D.D. Warrior Lady
22.Chaos Sorcerer
23.Morphing Jar
24.Heavy Storm
25.Lightning Vortex
26.Lightning Vortex
27.Mystical Space Typhoon
28.Soul Exchange
29.Soul Exchange
30.Swords of Revealing Light
31.Blast With Chain
32.Blast With Chain
33.Bottomless Trap Hole
34.Bottomless Trap Hole
35.Dimensional Prison
36.Dimensional Prison
37.Dimensional Prison
38.Dust Tornado
39.Dust Tornado
40.Malevolent Catastrophe
41.Torrential Tribute
42.Solemn Judgment

Extra Deck:
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Newdoria(Column 3.)
Stats: 8000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - FD - -
- - - - -

(I'm both glad & shocked that you remembered his name.)

Alister looks at the PDA before him, bewildered. "Why does someone want to eats my brains? Where did this PDA come from? What does PDA even stand for? And who the heck is Bob?!?"

"Anyway, judging by these dice rolls in the e-mail they sent me, I'm supposed to go first. Don't even know why they sent dice roll results in an e-mail. Who do they think I am, Games Workshop!?"


He looks at the cards he drew. "Well well. 1 of each."

"I set a monster & end my turn."

2010-06-21, 07:52 PM
Don't worry, Alister, we're pretty harmless. We just want your brains! comes a new message, as a dueldisk seems to set up an opponent's field all by itself. More scratching and clawing is heard outside.


Set monster. Activate Terraforming. Get Zombie World. End turn. Your move.

Field Magic: None
{table=“head”] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | FD | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]

Lifepoints: 8000

Hand: 5
Zombie World
Book of Life x2
Plaguespreader Zombie

Facedowns: 1
3: Pyramid Turtle

Graveyard: 0

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 33
01. Zombie World
02. Zombie World
>>. Zombie World
03. Terraforming
>>. Terraforming
>>. Plaguespreader Zombie
04. Armageddon Knight
05. Armageddon Knight
>>. Pyramid Turtle
06. Pyramid Turtle
07. Pyramid Turtle
08. Goblin Zombie
09. Goblin Zombie
10. Spirit Reaper
11. Zombie Master
12. Zombie Master
13. Zombie Master
14. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
15. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
16. Mezuki
17. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
18. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
19. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
20. Kasha
>>. Kasha
21. Foolish Burial
22. Mystical Space Typhoon
23. Lightning Vortex
24. Allure of Darkness
25. Card Destruction
26. Burial From Another Dimension
27. Heavy Storm
28. Dark Bribe
29. Dark Bribe
30. Bottomless Trap Hole
31. Bottomless Trap Hole
32. Mirror Force
>>. Book of Life
>>. Book of Life
33. Book of Life

Extra Deck: 15
1x Archfiend Zombie Skull, 2x Revived King Ha Des, Goyo Guardian, 2x Stardust Dragon, Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, 3x Ally of Justice Catastor, 2x Magical Android, 3x Doomkaiser Dragon

2010-06-21, 07:59 PM
Hand: 5
Caius the Shadow Monarch
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
Mirror Force
Mystical Space Typhoon
Deck: 41 Cards as of this turn's Draw Phase.
1.Caius the Shadow Monarch
2.Caius the Shadow Monarch
3.Mobius the Frost Monarch
4.Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
5.Doomcaliber Knight
6.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
7.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
8.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
9.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
10.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
11.Breaker the Magical Warrior
12.Breaker the Magical Warrior
13.Breaker the Magical Warrior
16.D.D. Assailant
17.D.D. Assailant
18.D.D. Warrior Lady
19.D.D. Warrior Lady
22.Chaos Sorcerer
23.Morphing Jar
24.Heavy Storm
25.Lightning Vortex
26.Lightning Vortex
27.Soul Exchange
28.Soul Exchange
29.Swords of Revealing Light
30.Blast With Chain
31.Blast With Chain
32.Bottomless Trap Hole
33.Bottomless Trap Hole
34.Dimensional Prison
35.Dimensional Prison
36.Dimensional Prison
37.Dust Tornado
38.Dust Tornado
39.Malevolent Catastrophe
40.Torrential Tribute
41.Solemn Judgment

Extra Deck:
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Newdoria(Column 3.)
Stats: 8000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - N DCK -
- - - - -

N= Newdoria (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Newdoria): 1200 ATK/800 DEF
DCK= Doomcaliber Knight (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Doomcaliber_Knight): 1900 ATK/1800 DEF

"I don't consider having my brain being eaten harmless." Alister types into the PDA before drawing a card.


"Since you don't plan on attacking. I also Flip-Summon my Face-Down Newdoria I summon Doomcaliber Knight. Now, my knight in evil armor: SLAUGHTER HIS FACE-DOWN MONSTER!!"

Doomcaliber rushes forward, and impales it's spear through the Face-Down monster, and a zombie-like fiend shambles forward and roars at the door.

"I can't help but feel there's a humorous irony here. ....Now what could it be?" Alister types into the PDA, smiling & feigning unawareness as Newdoria attacks.

2010-06-21, 08:13 PM
Y'see, I have a little objection. The monster you destroyed for me, so kind of you really, was Pyramid Turtle. It able to in turn summon... Red Eyes Zombie Dragon, in attack mode! Aha! So, does Newdoria still want to attack?

2010-06-21, 08:24 PM
Hand: 5
Caius the Shadow Monarch
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
Mirror Force
Mystical Space Typhoon
Deck: 41 Cards as of this turn's Draw Phase.
1.Caius the Shadow Monarch
2.Caius the Shadow Monarch
3.Mobius the Frost Monarch
4.Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
5.Doomcaliber Knight
6.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
7.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
8.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
9.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
10.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
11.Breaker the Magical Warrior
12.Breaker the Magical Warrior
13.Breaker the Magical Warrior
16.D.D. Assailant
17.D.D. Assailant
18.D.D. Warrior Lady
19.D.D. Warrior Lady
22.Chaos Sorcerer
23.Morphing Jar
24.Heavy Storm
25.Lightning Vortex
26.Lightning Vortex
27.Soul Exchange
28.Soul Exchange
29.Swords of Revealing Light
30.Blast With Chain
31.Blast With Chain
32.Bottomless Trap Hole
33.Bottomless Trap Hole
34.Dimensional Prison
35.Dimensional Prison
36.Dimensional Prison
37.Dust Tornado
38.Dust Tornado
39.Malevolent Catastrophe
40.Torrential Tribute
41.Solemn Judgment

Extra Deck:
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Newdoria(Column 3.)
Stats: 8000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - N DCK -
- - - - -

N= Newdoria (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Newdoria): 1200 ATK/800 DEF
DCK= Doomcaliber Knight (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Doomcaliber_Knight): 1900 ATK/1800 DEF

"Yes, because Doomcaliber Knight auto-tributes itself to Negate & Destroy any monster that activates an effect. Since your Pyramid Turtle activated it's effect, Doomcaliber Knight sacrifices itself, & negates & destroys your Pyramid Turtle."

(It can do this because it's effect can activate in the Damage Step and it can effect already dead monsters. See the rulings regarding Kuriboh & the 1st example of how it reacts to multiple simultaneous effects (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Card_Rulings:Doomcaliber_Knight).)

As Pyramid Turtle tries to get away, Doomcaliber Knight & it's steed leap into the air, & land on the turtle, the horse pinning the turtle, & Doomcaliber impaling it with it's sword, & flooding it with dark energy, causing the horse, the knight, & the turtle to explode in a cloud of black flames.

2010-06-21, 08:30 PM
Perfect! Just like I wanted! comes a new message.


Activate Zombie World. Activate Book of Life, reviving Pyramid Turtle in attack mode and RFG'ing Doomcalibur Knight. Pyramid Turtle attacks Newdoria, destroying them both by battle (equal ATK scores), which Special Summons Red Eyes Zombie Dragon from the deck, who attacks directly. In Main Phase 2, summon Plaguespreader Zombie, use another Book of Life to RFG Newdoria and special summon Pyramid Turtle again. Synchro Summon Revived King Ha Des. Your move. (2400 Damage)

Field Magic: Zombie World
{table=“head”] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | RK | RE | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]
RK = Revived King Ha Des, 2450/0000
RE = Red Eyes Zombie Dragon, 2400/2000

Lifepoints: 6800

Hand: 2
Red Eyes Zombie Dragon

Facedowns: 0

Graveyard: 5
Book of Life x2
Pyramid Turtle
Plaguespreader Zombie

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 32
01. Zombie World
02. Zombie World
>>. Zombie World
03. Terraforming
>>. Terraforming
>>. Plaguespreader Zombie
04. Armageddon Knight
05. Armageddon Knight
>>. Pyramid Turtle
06. Pyramid Turtle
07. Pyramid Turtle
08. Goblin Zombie
09. Goblin Zombie
10. Spirit Reaper
11. Zombie Master
12. Zombie Master
13. Zombie Master
14. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
>>. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
15. Mezuki
16. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
17. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
18. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
19. Kasha
>>. Kasha
20. Foolish Burial
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Lightning Vortex
23. Allure of Darkness
24. Card Destruction
25. Burial From Another Dimension
26. Heavy Storm
27. Dark Bribe
28. Dark Bribe
29. Bottomless Trap Hole
30. Bottomless Trap Hole
31. Mirror Force
>>. Book of Life
>>. Book of Life
32. Book of Life

Extra Deck: 15
1x Archfiend Zombie Skull, 2x Revived King Ha Des, Goyo Guardian, 2x Stardust Dragon, Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, 3x Ally of Justice Catastor, 2x Magical Android, 3x Doomkaiser Dragon

2010-06-21, 08:31 PM
Hand: 4
Caius the Shadow Monarch
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
Mirror Force
Deck: 41 Cards as of this turn's Draw Phase.
1.Caius the Shadow Monarch
2.Caius the Shadow Monarch
3.Mobius the Frost Monarch
4.Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
5.Doomcaliber Knight
6.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
7.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
8.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
9.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
10.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
11.Breaker the Magical Warrior
12.Breaker the Magical Warrior
13.Breaker the Magical Warrior
16.D.D. Assailant
17.D.D. Assailant
18.D.D. Warrior Lady
19.D.D. Warrior Lady
22.Chaos Sorcerer
23.Morphing Jar
24.Heavy Storm
25.Lightning Vortex
26.Lightning Vortex
27.Soul Exchange
28.Soul Exchange
29.Swords of Revealing Light
30.Blast With Chain
31.Blast With Chain
32.Bottomless Trap Hole
33.Bottomless Trap Hole
34.Dimensional Prison
35.Dimensional Prison
36.Dimensional Prison
37.Dust Tornado
38.Dust Tornado
39.Malevolent Catastrophe
40.Torrential Tribute
41.Solemn Judgment

Extra Deck:
Graveyard: None

Removed From Play:
Doomcaliber Knight
Face Downs:
Mystical Space Typhoon(Column 3.)
Stats: 8000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - - - -
- - FD - -

N= Newdoria (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Newdoria): 1200 ATK/800 DEF

"Then I set a Spell or Trap Card & end my turn."

2010-06-21, 08:38 PM
((Oops, so sorry, I didn't realized you hadn't taken your turn yet :smallredface: My turn proceeds as said above, except that your facedown might now have something to say about it. Sorry again, I guess I'm tired from studying for exams.))

2010-06-21, 08:40 PM
Hand: 4
Caius the Shadow Monarch
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
Mirror Force
Deck: 40 Cards as of this turn's Draw Phase.
1.Caius the Shadow Monarch
2.Caius the Shadow Monarch
3.Mobius the Frost Monarch
4.Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
5.Doomcaliber Knight
6.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
7.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
8.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
9.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
10.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
11.Breaker the Magical Warrior
12.Breaker the Magical Warrior
13.Breaker the Magical Warrior
16.D.D. Assailant
17.D.D. Assailant
18.D.D. Warrior Lady
19.D.D. Warrior Lady
22.Chaos Sorcerer
23.Morphing Jar
24.Heavy Storm
25.Lightning Vortex
26.Lightning Vortex
27.Soul Exchange
28.Soul Exchange
29.Swords of Revealing Light
30.Blast With Chain
31.Blast With Chain
32.Bottomless Trap Hole
33.Bottomless Trap Hole
34.Dimensional Prison
35.Dimensional Prison
36.Dimensional Prison
37.Dust Tornado
38.Dust Tornado
39.Malevolent Catastrophe
40.Torrential Tribute
41.Solemn Judgment

Extra Deck:
Removed From Play:
Face Downs: Mirror Force(Column 3.)
Stats: 5600 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - - - -
- - FD - -

"It was Mystical Space Typhoon, & I'm using it to destroy Zombie World. Draw."


"Gah. Not what I needed right now. I set 1 card Face-Down."

2010-06-21, 08:54 PM
This is going well for us... come on, just a little brains? comes a new message.


I place a card atop my deck to bring the Plaguespreader back from beyond the grave! Now, he synchronizes Ha Des to form... Stardust Dragon! Both my dragons attack you directly, Alister. Then I set a card and I end.

Field Magic: None
{table=“head”] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | SD | RE | --
-- | -- | FD | -- | --[/table]
SD = Stardust Dragon, 2500/2000
RE = Red Eyes Zombie Dragon, 2400/2000

Lifepoints: 6800

Hand: 1

Facedowns: 1
3:Dark Bribe

Graveyard: 6
Zombie World
Book of Life x2
Pyramid Turtle
Revived King Ha Des

Out of Play: 1
Plaguespreader Zombie

Deck: 31
01. Zombie World
02. Zombie World
>>. Zombie World
03. Terraforming
>>. Terraforming
>>. Plaguespreader Zombie
04. Armageddon Knight
05. Armageddon Knight
>>. Pyramid Turtle
06. Pyramid Turtle
07. Pyramid Turtle
08. Goblin Zombie
09. Goblin Zombie
10. Spirit Reaper
11. Zombie Master
12. Zombie Master
13. Zombie Master
14. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
TOPOFDECK. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
15. Mezuki
16. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
17. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
18. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
19. Kasha
>>. Kasha
20. Foolish Burial
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Lightning Vortex
23. Allure of Darkness
24. Card Destruction
25. Burial From Another Dimension
26. Heavy Storm
27. Dark Bribe
>>. Dark Bribe
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Bottomless Trap Hole
30. Mirror Force
>>. Book of Life
>>. Book of Life
31. Book of Life

Extra Deck: 15
1x Archfiend Zombie Skull, 2x Revived King Ha Des, Goyo Guardian, 2x Stardust Dragon, Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, 3x Ally of Justice Catastor, 2x Magical Android, 3x Doomkaiser Dragon

2010-06-21, 09:01 PM
Hand: 3
Caius the Shadow Monarch
Caius the Shadow Monarch
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
Deck: 41 Cards as of this turn's Draw Phase.
1.Caius the Shadow Monarch
2.Mobius the Frost Monarch
3.Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
4.Doomcaliber Knight
5.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
6.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
7.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
8.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
9.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
10.Breaker the Magical Warrior
11.Breaker the Magical Warrior
12.Breaker the Magical Warrior
15.D.D. Assailant
16.D.D. Assailant
17.D.D. Warrior Lady
18.D.D. Warrior Lady
21.Chaos Sorcerer
22.Morphing Jar
23.Heavy Storm
24.Lightning Vortex
25.Lightning Vortex
26.Soul Exchange
27.Soul Exchange
28.Swords of Revealing Light
29.Blast With Chain
30.Blast With Chain
31.Bottomless Trap Hole
32.Bottomless Trap Hole
33.Dimensional Prison
34.Dimensional Prison
35.Dimensional Prison
36.Dust Tornado
37.Dust Tornado
38.Malevolent Catastrophe
39.Torrential Tribute
40.Solemn Judgment

Extra Deck:
Removed From Play:
Face Downs: Mirror Force(Column 3.)
Stats: 5600 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - - - -
- - MF - -

MF= Mirror Force

"I activate Mirror Force. Frankly, I don't even care about your sparkly dragon."

2010-06-21, 09:03 PM
She tributes herself to negate Mirror Force, and then comes back in my end phase. That makes you 2500 life points richer, but its not going to buy you any extra time! Your move.

2010-06-21, 09:05 PM
Hand: 3
Zaborg the Monarch
Caius the Shadow Monarch
Caius the Shadow Monarch
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
Deck: 39 Cards as of this turn's Draw Phase.
1.Caius the Shadow Monarch
2.Mobius the Frost Monarch
3.Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
4.Doomcaliber Knight
5.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
6.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
7.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
8.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
9.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
10.Breaker the Magical Warrior
11.Breaker the Magical Warrior
12.Breaker the Magical Warrior
15.D.D. Assailant
16.D.D. Assailant
17.D.D. Warrior Lady
18.D.D. Warrior Lady
21.Chaos Sorcerer
22.Morphing Jar
23.Heavy Storm
24.Lightning Vortex
25.Lightning Vortex
26.Soul Exchange
27.Soul Exchange
28.Swords of Revealing Light
29.Blast With Chain
30.Blast With Chain
31.Bottomless Trap Hole
32.Bottomless Trap Hole
33.Dimensional Prison
34.Dimensional Prison
35.Dimensional Prison
36.Dust Tornado
37.Dust Tornado
38.Malevolent Catastrophe
39.Torrential Tribute
40.Solemn Judgment

Extra Deck:
Removed From Play:
Face Downs: Mirror Force(Column 3.)
Stats: 3100 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - - - -
- - - - -

MF= Mirror Force

"You refer to your dragon with gender-specific pronouns? Okaaaay.... My move." Alister says, drawing, a bit unnerved.


"Bloody Monarchs.... I forfeit." Alister says, disappearing to an unknown location in an explosion that mildly damages the room.

(Yeah. I had awful luck. Only 7 Monarchs in this Deck, but I drew 3 of them on my first turn, and 2 more in later turns. I'm infuriated beyond words. Rematch?)

2010-06-21, 09:15 PM
Hand: 3
Zaborg the Monarch
Caius the Shadow Monarch
Caius the Shadow Monarch
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
Deck: 39 Cards as of this turn's Draw Phase.
1.Caius the Shadow Monarch
2.Mobius the Frost Monarch
3.Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
4.Doomcaliber Knight
5.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
6.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
7.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
8.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
9.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
10.Breaker the Magical Warrior
11.Breaker the Magical Warrior
12.Breaker the Magical Warrior
15.D.D. Assailant
16.D.D. Assailant
17.D.D. Warrior Lady
18.D.D. Warrior Lady
21.Chaos Sorcerer
22.Morphing Jar
23.Heavy Storm
24.Lightning Vortex
25.Lightning Vortex
26.Soul Exchange
27.Soul Exchange
28.Swords of Revealing Light
29.Blast With Chain
30.Blast With Chain
31.Bottomless Trap Hole
32.Bottomless Trap Hole
33.Dimensional Prison
34.Dimensional Prison
35.Dimensional Prison
36.Dust Tornado
37.Dust Tornado
38.Malevolent Catastrophe
39.Torrential Tribute
40.Solemn Judgment

Extra Deck:
Removed From Play:
Face Downs: Mirror Force(Column 3.)
Stats: 3100 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - - - -
- - - - -

MF= Mirror Force

"You refer to your dragon with gender-specific pronouns? Okaaaay.... My move." Alister says, drawing, a bit unnerved.


"Bloody Monarchs.... I forfeit." Alister says, disappearing to an unknown location in an explosion that mildly damages the room.

(Yeah. I had awful luck. Only 7 Monarchs in this Deck, but I drew 3 of them on my first turn, and 2 more in later turns. I'm infuriated beyond words. Rematch?)

Sure, sounds fun. I may not be able to post much more tonight, though, my last (and hardest) exam is tomorrow.

2010-06-21, 09:20 PM
Initiative: [roll0]
Opening Draw(s): [roll1]
RE-ROLLS(If necessary.): [roll2]

Hand: 0
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
Soul Exchange
Bottomless Trap Hole
1.Caius the Shadow Monarch
2.Caius the Shadow Monarch
3.Caius the Shadow Monarch
4.Mobius the Frost Monarch
5.Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
6.Doomcaliber Knight
7.Doomcaliber Knight
8.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
9.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
10.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
11.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
12.Breaker the Magical Warrior
13.Breaker the Magical Warrior
14.Breaker the Magical Warrior
17.D.D. Assailant
18.D.D. Assailant
19.D.D. Warrior Lady
20.D.D. Warrior Lady
24.Chaos Sorcerer
25.Morphing Jar
26.Heavy Storm
27.Lightning Vortex
28.Lightning Vortex
29.Mystical Space Typhoon
30.Soul Exchange
31.Swords of Revealing Light
32.Blast With Chain
33.Blast With Chain
34.Bottomless Trap Hole
35.Dimensional Prison
36.Dimensional Prison
37.Dimensional Prison
38.Dust Tornado
39.Dust Tornado
40.Malevolent Catastrophe
41.Torrential Tribute
42.Solemn Judgment
43.Mirror Force
Extra Deck:
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Stats: 8000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - - - -
- - - - -

"Sigh.... Let's try this again. Preferably with less zombies this time." Alister says, after throwing down his dice.

2010-06-21, 09:26 PM
Scratching noises begin to echo from the doors again. His PDA rings. Less zombies? Where's the fun in that!?

Draw: [roll1]
Rerolls?: [roll2]

Deck: Re: Your Brains ~40 Cards~
01. Zombie World
02. Zombie World
03. Zombie World
04. Terraforming
05. Terraforming
06. Plaguespreader Zombie
07. Armageddon Knight
08. Armageddon Knight
09. Pyramid Turtle
10. Pyramid Turtle
11. Pyramid Turtle
12. Goblin Zombie
13. Goblin Zombie
14. Spirit Reaper
15. Zombie Master
16. Zombie Master
17. Zombie Master
18. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
19. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
20. Mezuki
21. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
22. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
23. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
24. Kasha
25. Kasha
26. Foolish Burial
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Lightning Vortex
29. Allure of Darkness
30. Card Destruction
31. Burial From Another Dimension
32. Heavy Storm
33. Dark Bribe
34. Dark Bribe
35. Bottomless Trap Hole
36. Bottomless Trap Hole
37. Mirror Force
38. Book of Life
39. Book of Life
40. Book of Life

Extra Deck: 15
1x Archfiend Zombie Skull, 2x Revived King Ha Des, Goyo Guardian, 2x Stardust Dragon, Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, 2x Ally of Justice Catastor, 2x Magical Android, 2x Doomkaiser Dragon, Black rose Dragon, Ancient Fairy Dragon

2010-06-21, 09:27 PM
Hand: 4
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
Soul Exchange
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
Deck: 42 Cards in my deck as of this turn's Draw Phase(Just conducted my Opening Draw(s).).
1.Caius the Shadow Monarch
2.Caius the Shadow Monarch
3.Caius the Shadow Monarch
4.Mobius the Frost Monarch
5.Doomcaliber Knight
6.Doomcaliber Knight
7.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
8.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
9.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
10.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
11.Breaker the Magical Warrior
12.Breaker the Magical Warrior
13.Breaker the Magical Warrior
16.D.D. Assailant
17.D.D. Assailant
18.D.D. Warrior Lady
19.D.D. Warrior Lady
23.Chaos Sorcerer
24.Morphing Jar
25.Heavy Storm
26.Lightning Vortex
27.Lightning Vortex
28.Mystical Space Typhoon
29.Soul Exchange
30.Swords of Revealing Light
31.Blast With Chain
32.Blast With Chain
33.Bottomless Trap Hole
34.Dimensional Prison
35.Dimensional Prison
36.Dimensional Prison
37.Dust Tornado
38.Dust Tornado
39.Malevolent Catastrophe
40.Torrential Tribute
41.Solemn Judgment
42.Mirror Force
Extra Deck:
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Disciple of the Forbidden Spell(Column 3.)
Bottomless Trap Hole(Column 3.)
Stats: 8000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - FD - -
- - FD - -

"True enough, then there's less targets to blow up. Anyway, I guess I get to go first again."


"I set 2 Face-Downs."

2010-06-22, 08:43 PM

Terraforming. Get Zombie World. Set Monster. End Turn.

Field Magic: None
{table=“head”] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | FD | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]

Lifepoints: 8000

Hand: 5
Zombie World
Pyramid Turtle
Plaguespreader Zombie
Card Destruction

Facedowns: 1
Pyramid Turtle

Graveyard: 1

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 33
01. Zombie World
02. Zombie World
>>. Zombie World
03. Terraforming
>>. Terraforming
>>. Plaguespreader Zombie
04. Armageddon Knight
05. Armageddon Knight
06. Pyramid Turtle
>>. Pyramid Turtle
>>. Pyramid Turtle
07. Goblin Zombie
08. Goblin Zombie
09. Spirit Reaper
10. Zombie Master
11. Zombie Master
12. Zombie Master
13. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
14. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
15. Mezuki
16. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
17. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
18. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
19. Kasha
>>. Kasha
20. Foolish Burial
21. Mystical Space Typhoon
22. Lightning Vortex
23. Allure of Darkness
>>. Card Destruction
24. Burial From Another Dimension
25. Heavy Storm
26. Dark Bribe
27. Dark Bribe
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Bottomless Trap Hole
30. Mirror Force
31. Book of Life
32. Book of Life
33. Book of Life

Extra Deck: 15
1x Archfiend Zombie Skull, 2x Revived King Ha Des, Goyo Guardian, 2x Stardust Dragon, Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, 2x Ally of Justice Catastor, 2x Magical Android, 2x Doomkaiser Dragon, Black rose Dragon, Ancient Fairy Dragon

2010-06-22, 11:58 PM
Hand: 4
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
Soul Exchange
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Deck: 41 Cards in my deck as of this turn's Draw Phase.
1.Caius the Shadow Monarch
2.Caius the Shadow Monarch
3.Caius the Shadow Monarch
4.Doomcaliber Knight
5.Doomcaliber Knight
6.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
7.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
8.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
9.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
10.Breaker the Magical Warrior
11.Breaker the Magical Warrior
12.Breaker the Magical Warrior
15.D.D. Assailant
16.D.D. Assailant
17.D.D. Warrior Lady
18.D.D. Warrior Lady
22.Chaos Sorcerer
23.Morphing Jar
24.Heavy Storm
25.Lightning Vortex
26.Lightning Vortex
27.Mystical Space Typhoon
28.Soul Exchange
29.Swords of Revealing Light
30.Blast With Chain
31.Blast With Chain
32.Bottomless Trap Hole
33.Dimensional Prison
34.Dimensional Prison
35.Dimensional Prison
36.Dust Tornado
37.Dust Tornado
38.Malevolent Catastrophe
39.Torrential Tribute
40.Solemn Judgment
41.Mirror Force
Extra Deck:
Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Bottomless Trap Hole(Column 3.)
Stats: 8000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - ZtTM - -
- - FD - -

ZtTM= Zaborg the Thunder Monarch: 2400 ATK/1000 DEF

"I draw."


"How do I keep drawing all these Monarchs?!"

"I sacrifice my Face-Down monster for Zaborg the Thunder Monarch, who destroys your monster & attacks your unguarded Life Points!"

An enormous white humanoid appears on the field, charges up a bolt of electricity & hurls it at the face-down, taking out not only the monster, but a large chunk of Life Points from an unknown source.

2010-06-23, 10:39 AM

Set Monster. End Turn.

Field Magic: None
{table=“head”] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | FD | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]

Lifepoints: 5600

Hand: 5
Paladin of Cursed Dragon
Zombie World
Plaguespreader Zombie
Card Destruction

Facedowns: 1
Pyramid Turtle

Graveyard: 2
Pyramid Turtle

Out of Play: 0

Deck: 32
01. Zombie World
02. Zombie World
>>. Zombie World
03. Terraforming
>>. Terraforming
>>. Plaguespreader Zombie
04. Armageddon Knight
05. Armageddon Knight
06. Pyramid Turtle
>>. Pyramid Turtle
>>. Pyramid Turtle
07. Goblin Zombie
08. Goblin Zombie
09. Spirit Reaper
10. Zombie Master
11. Zombie Master
12. Zombie Master
13. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
14. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
15. Mezuki
16. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
17. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
>>. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
18. Kasha
>>. Kasha
19. Foolish Burial
20. Mystical Space Typhoon
21. Lightning Vortex
22. Allure of Darkness
>>. Card Destruction
23. Burial From Another Dimension
24. Heavy Storm
25. Dark Bribe
26. Dark Bribe
27. Bottomless Trap Hole
28. Bottomless Trap Hole
29. Mirror Force
30. Book of Life
31. Book of Life
32. Book of Life

Extra Deck: 15
1x Archfiend Zombie Skull, 2x Revived King Ha Des, Goyo Guardian, 2x Stardust Dragon, Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, 2x Ally of Justice Catastor, 2x Magical Android, 2x Doomkaiser Dragon, Black rose Dragon, Ancient Fairy Dragon

2010-06-23, 11:53 AM
Hand: 4
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Soul Exchange
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
Deck: 40 Cards in my deck as of this turn's Draw Phase.
1.Caius the Shadow Monarch
2.Caius the Shadow Monarch
3.Caius the Shadow Monarch
4.Doomcaliber Knight
5.Doomcaliber Knight
6.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
7.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
8.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
9.Breaker the Magical Warrior
10.Breaker the Magical Warrior
11.Breaker the Magical Warrior
14.D.D. Assailant
15.D.D. Assailant
16.D.D. Warrior Lady
17.D.D. Warrior Lady
21.Chaos Sorcerer
22.Morphing Jar
23.Heavy Storm
24.Lightning Vortex
25.Lightning Vortex
26.Mystical Space Typhoon
27.Soul Exchange
28.Swords of Revealing Light
29.Blast With Chain
30.Blast With Chain
31.Bottomless Trap Hole
32.Dimensional Prison
33.Dimensional Prison
34.Dimensional Prison
35.Dust Tornado
36.Dust Tornado
37.Malevolent Catastrophe
38.Torrential Tribute
39.Solemn Judgment
40.Mirror Force
Extra Deck:
Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Bottomless Trap Hole(Column 3.)
Stats: 8000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - ZtTM - -
- - FD - -

ZtTM= Zaborg the Thunder Monarch: 2400 ATK/1000 DEF

"I draw."


"Either way, I'm not in the mood for any interference. So I'm sacrificing Zaborg for ANOTHER Zaborg!"

Zaborg glows white, then a copy of him appears, & launches a lightning bolt through the face-down monster, followed by a ball of thunder crashing towards the opponent.

"That's all."

2010-06-23, 01:37 PM

Activate Zombie World. Summon Paladin of Cursed Dragon. Activate Card Destruction. Discarding 3 cards. Turn Resumes after new draws.

Place a card atop my deck to bring out Plaguespreader Zombie to the field from the grave. Using the Paladin, Synchro Summon... the Goyo Guardian! Zombie Lariat on Zaborg, mind controlling him and dealing 400 damage. End Turn.

Field Magic: Zombie World
{table=“head”] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | ZM | GG | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]
GG = Goyo Guardian, 2800/2000
ZM = Zaborg the Thunder Monarch, 2400/1000

Lifepoints: 3200

Hand: 2
Armageddon Knight
Zombie Master

Facedowns: 0

Graveyard: 7
2x Pyramid Turtle
Card Destruction
Paladin of Cursed Dragon x2

Out of Play: 1
Plaguespreader Zombie

Deck: 29
01. Zombie World
Next Draw. Zombie World
>>. Zombie World
02. Terraforming
>>. Terraforming
>>. Plaguespreader Zombie
03. Armageddon Knight
>>. Armageddon Knight
04. Pyramid Turtle
>>. Pyramid Turtle
>>. Pyramid Turtle
05. Goblin Zombie
06. Goblin Zombie
07. Spirit Reaper
08. Zombie Master
>>. Zombie Master
09. Zombie Master
10. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
11. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
12. Mezuki
13. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
>>. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
>>. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
14. Kasha
>>. Kasha
15. Foolish Burial
16. Mystical Space Typhoon
17. Lightning Vortex
18. Allure of Darkness
>>. Card Destruction
19. Burial From Another Dimension
20. Heavy Storm
21. Dark Bribe
22. Dark Bribe
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Mirror Force
26. Book of Life
27. Book of Life
28. Book of Life

Extra Deck: 15
1x Archfiend Zombie Skull, 2x Revived King Ha Des, Goyo Guardian, 2x Stardust Dragon, Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, 2x Ally of Justice Catastor, 2x Magical Android, 2x Doomkaiser Dragon, Black rose Dragon, Ancient Fairy Dragon

2010-06-23, 01:41 PM
CD Draws: [roll0]
Rerolls?: [roll1]

2010-06-23, 02:50 PM
Hand: 4
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Soul Exchange
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
Deck: 40 Cards in my deck as of this turn's Draw Phase.
1.Caius the Shadow Monarch
2.Caius the Shadow Monarch
3.Caius the Shadow Monarch
4.Doomcaliber Knight
5.Doomcaliber Knight
6.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
7.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
8.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
9.Breaker the Magical Warrior
10.Breaker the Magical Warrior
11.Breaker the Magical Warrior
14.D.D. Assailant
15.D.D. Assailant
16.D.D. Warrior Lady
17.D.D. Warrior Lady
21.Chaos Sorcerer
22.Morphing Jar
23.Heavy Storm
24.Lightning Vortex
25.Lightning Vortex
26.Mystical Space Typhoon
27.Soul Exchange
28.Swords of Revealing Light
29.Blast With Chain
30.Blast With Chain
31.Bottomless Trap Hole
32.Dimensional Prison
33.Dimensional Prison
34.Dimensional Prison
35.Dust Tornado
36.Dust Tornado
37.Malevolent Catastrophe
38.Torrential Tribute
39.Solemn Judgment
40.Mirror Force
Extra Deck:
Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Bottomless Trap Hole(Column 3.)
Stats: 8000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - ZtTM - -
- - BTH - -

ZtTM= Zaborg the Thunder Monarch: 2400 ATK/1000 DEF
Bottomless Trap Hole(Being activated against Paladin of the Cursed Dragon.)

"First off, are the cards you're using after Card Destruction your draws? Second off, Bottomless Trap Hole against your Paladin. How does this change your move?"

2010-06-23, 03:34 PM
Yes, the plays after Card Destruction all use my new draws. It is your move - without my summon, there is not much I can do, though I do bring Plaguespreader to the field in defense mode to see if I can't buy myself another turn.

2010-06-23, 03:43 PM
Hand: 4
Morphing Jar
D.D. Assailant

Deck: 35 Cards in my deck as of this turn's Draw Phase.
1.Caius the Shadow Monarch
2.Caius the Shadow Monarch
3.Caius the Shadow Monarch
4.Doomcaliber Knight
5.Doomcaliber Knight
6.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
7.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
8.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
9.Breaker the Magical Warrior
10.Breaker the Magical Warrior
13.D.D. Assailant
14.D.D. Warrior Lady
15.D.D. Warrior Lady
18.Chaos Sorcerer
19.Heavy Storm
20.Lightning Vortex
21.Lightning Vortex
22.Mystical Space Typhoon
23.Soul Exchange
24.Swords of Revealing Light
25.Blast With Chain
26.Blast With Chain
27.Bottomless Trap Hole
28.Dimensional Prison
29.Dimensional Prison
30.Dust Tornado
31.Dust Tornado
32.Malevolent Catastrophe
33.Torrential Tribute
34.Solemn Judgment
35.Mirror Force
Extra Deck:
Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
Bottomless Trap Hole
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Soul Exchange
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Dimensional Prison(Column 3.)
Stats: 8000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - ZtTM BtMW -
- - FD - -

ZtTM= Zaborg the Thunder Monarch: 2400 ATK/1000 DEF
BtMW= Breaker the Magical Warrior: 1600 ATK/1000 DEF

"Very well then. Curse you for making me discard my hand, though. I draw." Alister says, angrily.

[roll0](I discarded 4 cards from my hand, & am drawing 4 more due to my opponent's Card Destruction, & 1 more from my during my Draw Phase.)

"I summon Breaker the Magical Warrior, and use his Spell Counter to destroy Zombie World. Then Breaker & Zaborg both attack."

The warrior slices his sword, sending a beam of life slicing through the zombie, & Zaborg hurls a massive ball of lightning at the opponent.

"After all that, I end my turn by setting 1 spell or trap card face-down."

2010-06-23, 03:45 PM
REROLL(Rolled 2 20's when drawing in previous post.)[roll0]

2010-06-23, 04:02 PM
Draw: Predetermined (Because of Plaguespreader)

I activate yet another copy of Zombie World. I summon Zombie Master, and discard from my hand Armageddon Knight to summon Paladin of the Cursed Dragon. I destroy Breaker with my Paladin, dealing 300 damage, and in my end phase I Special Summon Breaker to my side of the field with the Paladin's effect. Your move.

Field Magic: Zombie World
{table=“head”] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | ZM | PC | BW | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | --[/table]
PC = Paladin of the Cursed Dragon, 1900/1400
ZM = Zombie Master, 1800/0
BW = Breaker the Magical Warrior, 1600/1000

Lifepoints: 800

Hand: 0

Facedowns: 0

Graveyard: 7
2x Pyramid Turtle
Card Destruction
Paladin of Cursed Dragon
Armageddon Knight
Zombie World

Out of Play: 1
Plaguespreader Zombie

Deck: 28
01. Zombie World
>>. Zombie World
>>. Zombie World
02. Terraforming
>>. Terraforming
>>. Plaguespreader Zombie
03. Armageddon Knight
>>. Armageddon Knight
04. Pyramid Turtle
>>. Pyramid Turtle
>>. Pyramid Turtle
05. Goblin Zombie
06. Goblin Zombie
07. Spirit Reaper
08. Zombie Master
>>. Zombie Master
09. Zombie Master
10. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
11. Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon
12. Mezuki
13. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
>>. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
>>. Paladin of the Cursed Dragon
14. Kasha
>>. Kasha
15. Foolish Burial
16. Mystical Space Typhoon
17. Lightning Vortex
18. Allure of Darkness
>>. Card Destruction
19. Burial From Another Dimension
20. Heavy Storm
21. Dark Bribe
22. Dark Bribe
23. Bottomless Trap Hole
24. Bottomless Trap Hole
25. Mirror Force
26. Book of Life
27. Book of Life
28. Book of Life

Extra Deck: 15
1x Archfiend Zombie Skull, 2x Revived King Ha Des, Goyo Guardian, 2x Stardust Dragon, Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, 2x Ally of Justice Catastor, 2x Magical Android, 2x Doomkaiser Dragon, Black rose Dragon, Ancient Fairy Dragon[/QUOTE]

2010-06-23, 04:15 PM
Hand: 4
Morphing Jar
D.D. Assailant

Deck: 34 Cards in my deck as of this turn's Draw Phase.
1.Caius the Shadow Monarch
2.Caius the Shadow Monarch
3.Caius the Shadow Monarch
4.Doomcaliber Knight
5.Doomcaliber Knight
6.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
7.Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
8.Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
9.Breaker the Magical Warrior
10.Breaker the Magical Warrior
13.D.D. Assailant
14.D.D. Warrior Lady
15.D.D. Warrior Lady
18.Chaos Sorcerer
19.Heavy Storm
20.Lightning Vortex
21.Lightning Vortex
22.Mystical Space Typhoon
23.Soul Exchange
24.Swords of Revealing Light
25.Blast With Chain
26.Blast With Chain
27.Bottomless Trap Hole
28.Dimensional Prison
29.Dimensional Prison
30.Dust Tornado
31.Dust Tornado
32.Malevolent Catastrophe
33.Torrential Tribute

35.Mirror Force
Extra Deck:
Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
Bottomless Trap Hole
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Soul Exchange
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
Removed From Play:
Face Downs:
Dimensional Prison(Column 3.)
Solemn Judgment(Column 4.)
Stats: 8000 Life Points
Field: {table=head]1 2 3 4 5
- - ZtTM DDA -
- - FD FD -

ZtTM= Zaborg the Thunder Monarch: 2400 ATK/1000 DEF

"Hmph. Stealing monsters. How low."


"I summon D.D. Assailant. I'll have him take out Breaker, & Zaborg will take out Zombie Master. I also set 1 more card Face-Down."

(There was a card I meant to set on my previous turn, but forgot about until just slightly before you posted.)

2010-06-24, 02:08 PM
There is literally nothing in our deck to save us now. You win this time, Allister, but remember - all we wanna do is eat your brains! We're not unreasonable - I mean, no one's gunna eat your eyes!

The clawing and crawling and scratching at the doors stops. For now...

2010-06-24, 03:00 PM
"Good. Then I'll be leaving. And since the door is blocked by you guys...." Alister "exits" in the same way he did at the end of the last duel.

(Good game. Any constructive criticism?)

2010-06-24, 03:57 PM
((From what I can tell, the idea of the deck is to break down defenses and sorta "go for the jugular", yes? I would recommend dropping all the Newdorias and some of the Dimensional Prisons, if not all, and then maybe add in one Double Summons or Ultimate Offerings, or things like Mage Power or United We Stand. I also don't know that you need that many Monarchs (as you saw in the first duel, they can be dead draws), maybe four or so would be better, and I think Mobius is the most useful to you, for the same reason Breaker is useful (obstacle removal), though Zaborg is a close second. That's all I got for now.))

2010-06-25, 04:19 AM
(The idea is sort of to break defenses. But also offenses. The idea of the deck is actually to leave the opponent with as little field advantage is possible.
Hence, Newdoria: A fairly competent attacker that can destroy enemy attackers. Equip Spells tend to be fairly useless you build a deck around them, IMO. Also, the Monarchs I'm using are 2 Zaborgs, 2 Mobius, & 3 Caius, 3 of Caius because he can get rid of any card, remove it to play to boot, & give a bonus 1000 damage if it's a Dark Monster. As for Double Summon, & Ultimate Offering, I'll consider them.)