View Full Version : AvB - teamup for sum1won and randomaction

2010-06-22, 01:18 AM
the two of you can move this convo and proceeding action to this thread. don't want to clutter up the city streets. if i hadn't been sleeping, i probably woulda move you sooner.

2010-06-22, 02:01 AM
As it happens, there is no bounty- capturing him is part of a general contract for which I am paid regularly. Now, I can disguise myself as the individual he is expecting, and I've ensured that we aren't likely to be interrupted by them.

I suggest that you ensure that he doesn't try to get away, and come in if things get a little hairy.

2010-06-22, 02:19 AM
Fine then. Did you say, them? Nevermind, when and where is the meeting? What did the 'mark' do to require this?

2010-06-22, 02:32 AM
This evening, 9 at the docks. The mark is the known point of contact between a particularly nasty cult and a particularly ambitious businessman. He's a male Tiefling who is trying to facilitate a deal that will empower both of the interested parties at the detriment of the general public. It won't work, but he still has information that he will not willingly give up.

2010-06-22, 03:39 PM
What is the layout of the ambush point? Is this tiefling known to have any abilities or special training? What kind of arms is he known to carry?

{(OoC)- I am ready to go ahead and start the encounter, if you are.[OoC)}

2010-06-22, 03:59 PM
It is a dock, so fairly open. The tiefling himself is a relative unknown, but he is expecting a business transaction, not a fight, so I doubt he will be prepared. Especially as the first transaction appeared to be without incident. A little surprise should enable us to gain the upper hand effortlessly, and a concerted effort should quickly disable them. I'll attempt to research them quickly before we go though.
[roll0] Seeing if I can get info on the Tiefling before. attacking. Takes [roll1]X10 minutes.

Yeah, I'm just about ready. I'll have you pretend to be a bodyguard or some such.

2010-06-22, 04:10 PM
Unfortunately, there are about a half-dozen different tieflings working in the docks who could be your mark. You don't know enough about him to track down anything more concrete until you meet with him at the appointed time. He should be the only one who shows up for the deal, however.

When you get to the docks, the elf that you had met with before greets you. "Well, i found a buyer. He works through a middleman who wants to meet you tonight. Who's the dark one with you? Not that i particularly care about the halfbreed."

2010-06-22, 04:18 PM
This is an associate of mine. I've learned this isn't the safest place for those who appear human, and I sought safety in numbers. Will I be meeting this middleman at the docks as well?

2010-06-22, 04:24 PM
"Yes. He has a ship moored here a little ways down. Follow me."

he guides the two of you to a medium-sized ship with a cabin on the deck. He indicates that you should enter.

2010-06-22, 04:42 PM
Grace nods and enters the ship.

Wooo minimal planning!!!

2010-06-22, 05:47 PM
Inside is the tiefling you met on your errand. He doesn't recognize you in the slightest, however.

"So, you are the one who developed those delightful new chemicals, are you? I have found a buyer for you. All i need to know is how much and how soon you can begin delivery."

2010-06-22, 06:52 PM
Kel follows the woman. His role is clear. He smiles politely at the man and nods his head towards him at the word bodyguard. Kel checks his sword, making sure it is free in it's scabbard.
He watches everything carefully and listens for his partner to give him a signal to begin the mission. He bows deeply to the tiefling as he takes his place behind his partner and close to the door. Kel keeps his attention on the pair and his surrondings, caution was beaten into him.

Little planning can equal big trouble. Here are some passive rolls if they be needed.
Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2010-06-22, 09:20 PM
Grace crosses over, nearer the Tiefling.Well, that all depends on which ones you preferred. I believe I sent several different samples. Are you telling me that some of them didn't make it?
Who else is in the room? Spot check: [roll0]

Also, Sense motive to determine approximately how dangerous the tiefling is. Opposed by his bluff check as per the rules in Complete adventurer pg 102

2010-06-23, 12:01 AM
he seems competent with a knife, but more of an illicit merchant than a warrior. You don't really notice anyone else in the room.

"Oh, all of them made it. My buyer wants anything and everything you can make, the more addictive, the better. Those chemicals have the potential to make a killing. We will pay a premium in order to be your exclusive distributor. The best part about this is that there are currently no laws against them, so we can start by selling to legitimate merchants in order to make them available to a much larger audience that, once addicted, will pay any price to keep it coming. Then, once the government wises up and tries to control the substances, we will move to back-alley distribution, where lifetime annuities can be made."

2010-06-23, 12:53 AM
Fascinating. But Julian thought a middleman might be one man too many.

As she says that, Grace flicks her hand up, tossing a sleepsmoke into the air. Her other hand draws her disguised knife. If the sleepsmoke doesn't knock him out, she attacks him with that. If not, she waits for others to appear.

Grace holds her breath as the sleepsmoke hits. It creates a 10' globe of smoke the first round, expanding to 20' the second round, then disappearing. DC15 fort or unconciousness for 1 minute/ [roll0] minutes.

Bold is in elvish. Sleepsmoke is dropped so the globe does not include Kel, if possible.

Attack, if needed: [roll1], damage [roll2] [roll3]
(2d6 sneak attack damage, 2d6 Iajutsu focus damage. Iajutsu focus rolled in OOC thread). DC20 fort or paralysis for [roll4] minutes

2010-06-23, 01:31 AM
the tiefling takes a surprised gasp of smoke and falls unconscious. you manage not to include your ally in the radius, for round 1. round 2, it will include him.

2010-06-23, 02:06 AM
Grace makes an exaggerated gesture to cover her mouth and then binds+gags the tiefling before dropping him in her bag of holding.

[roll0] Use rope check, using silk rope. DC to escape is 10 higher than the roll.

2010-06-23, 02:13 AM
Kel quickly sucks in some air. He moves closer to the door and places his hand on the handle. With his other hand, he waves her over towards him. Taking a glance at the door and then to his partner he waits until she comes near before he opens the door and walks out first.

2010-06-23, 11:19 AM
Grace follows, a slight small on her face.

2010-06-23, 03:15 PM
When the elf sees you, he calls out, "Boys! Treachery!" and draws his blade.

However, he has not attacked yet, he seems to be giving you a chance to explain yourselves first.

2010-06-23, 04:06 PM
Treachery yer own self. His arse passed out when he 'sampled' some of my goods. I'll talk to the principal myself, instead of dealin' with this particular middleman. Don't worry- you aint gettin' stiffed. I'll still get you your cut of the deal. How much was it, again?
[roll0] Diplomacy check. Fast-talkin time. And, yeah, offering him moneys

2010-06-23, 04:12 PM
"Ten percent of the first take. Do be careful. This particular 'middleman' is not one to be lightly crossed."

2010-06-23, 04:24 PM
Sounds fair. First cut'll be the smallest, though. Same time next week?

2010-06-23, 04:26 PM
"After the first take, i will move on to brokering other deals. You will have to deal with the contact directly, assuming that he'll meet with someone other than his usual middleman."

2010-06-23, 04:47 PM
That is reasonable, and my thanks for the warning.

With that, Grace leaves with Kel. When they leave immediate area, she gives him 100 gp.

Here is your 100 gp. My thanks for providing back up. Its fortunate you didn't need to do more.

With that, she leaves. Back to my thread for me, and you can probably look for more work on the City Streets. If I have more work for Kel, I'll let you know- sorry there wasn't more action. Alternatively, she'll give you some pointers on where to look if you ask her before parting ways.

2010-06-23, 05:32 PM
the two of you receive 500 xp for achieving a bloodless encounter.

2010-06-24, 12:10 AM
Before leaving, Kel lean closer and lowers his voice to a whisper.

So, where can I fnd more work at? This was hardly a test of my skills.

OoC: Woot 500xp and a 100gp for just standing there looking mean. Going to update sheet. :smallbiggrin:

Refs only: I have been kicking around thoughts for my next level and have decided against the Deathbringer PrC. Quick question, is there a reward/job offer forthe capure Grace and returning the tiefling back to his ship?

2010-06-24, 12:15 AM
After speakinh Kel returns to the ship and waves the sailor over. His eyes watch him as he walks over,

Excuse me sir, who was that gentleman and what makes hi so dangerous?

Kel listens for a few minutes before leaving to return back to the Maid.

2010-06-24, 12:20 AM
I recommend the Maid. There's a room in back I always see folk entering and leaving. Some of the merchants are always hiring, and you could even get a job of some of the petty nobles. And, as you saw, the criminal element around here could definitely use some professional help. They're terribly lax. Of course, they get their funds from elsewhere, so I'd rather go right to the source. So, merchants and petty nobles. You could approach them directly, but the maid might be better for one of your heritage.

2010-06-24, 12:26 AM
After speakinh Kel returns to the ship and waves the sailor over. His eyes watch him as he walks over,

Excuse me sir, who was that gentleman and what makes hi so dangerous?

Kel listens for a few minutes before leaving to return back to the Maid.

"what makes him dangerous? why, his friends. No one who crosses them does all too much business afterwords. It generally takes an adventurer with no family or ties to anyone really to torque off one of them without losing more than they bargained for."

as to your ref-only spoiler

the people she just crossed would do you a favor if you catch her and hand her over to them, but that's an if. she's pretty good at avoiding trouble.