View Full Version : Dairy Days (A Post Apocolyptic Tale)

2010-06-22, 05:10 PM
The sun rises on perfectly normal day in the wastes. Theres not a cloud in the sky and the sun is shining bright. Music from a jukebox fills the air with its soothing melody. If you didn't know any better you'd think it was a time when you didn't have to worry about your very survival every single moment; a carefree summer day from an age long since passed. Everyone is stirring from their slumber, sleepy eyed and refreshed for a new day. Rand was already awake, like normal, tinkering away at the new small block engine he found. Rodney wakes up and starts making some coffee, always needing that little something extra to get him going in the morning. All in all its perfectly peaceful day, in the midst of a chaotic deadly world. Little do they know there is always a calm before the storm...

2010-06-22, 07:04 PM
Rand Einstein

Rand has indeed been tinkering, but he looks like his mind isn't really into it at the moment, the disappearance/probably capture of his friend Melody about a month ago most likely weighing heavily on his mind. He waves to Rodney. "Morning Rodney. Feeling any cravings today?"

Rand isn't exactly honey-tongued, tending to be direct. He does care for his allies and companions though.

2010-06-23, 03:46 AM
Rubbing his face, Rodney glares at Rand for a moment, but this is not much of a hateful look. He is one of those people who feel almost hung-over every morning, no matter if they drank last night or not.

Coffee. I want coffee now.

It's possible that he wouldn't have ignored the jibe, but the coffee machine was another of Rand's works and thus, the mutant is seen as a bit of a savior at this time.

Once a nice, only somewhat chipped cup filled with the blackest coffee in this corner of the wastelands, his head starts clearing and his demeanour improves.

I don't feel like grabbing anything more addictive than coffee though, for the time being. Damn ironic though. Finally get a dealer who always has some of my usual in stock and is happy to offer me a discount and I kick the habit.

Having said that, he gets a refill.

2010-06-24, 12:23 AM
Rand "The Heat" Einstein (a.k.a The Crasher)

Rand nods. "Good to see that things are still going alright for you. Don't suppose we've had any luck with the slaver tracks we found a whiles back? You've always been better with the tracking and wilderness survival stuff." He sets down his wrench and takes a break from working on the engine block.

2010-06-24, 10:24 AM
Rodney sips his coffee. He had been looking at the tracks in question before the recent fight, but having been concussed and not very well for a couple of days, he probably forgot to speak of his findings.

Oh, right. I picked up the trail and have a pretty clear idea on which way they went, but I didn't follow the tracks too far from this hideout.

He has been briefed on why these slavers are important and while he has never really crossed paths with their sort and lacks a strong opinion on the morality of slavery, he does understand why going after this group for Rand's sake might be important.

His morning coffee consumed, he considers briefly the prospect of eating a more hearty breakfast, but instead heads towards a nearby closet to grab his light duster and reinforced cap.

2010-06-24, 02:16 PM
Rand "The Heat" Einstein (a.k.a The Crasher

Packing up his tools, the large mutant nods. "You shouldn't go there alone anyways. You'll need backup." He stands up and shoulders his Bozar, giving off a very "Terminator" feel.

2010-06-24, 03:47 PM
Rodney appears quite surprised by Rand's actions. He puts his hands up, possibly in mock surrender.

Whoa there, big fella. I am not going to hunt down the slavers. I only know more or less which way they went and can pick up their trail, if we are lucky. Us two blokes and our mechanical GI are good, but if them bastards are worth their salt, they have plenty of pretty good shots themselves, possibly with artillery as nasty as your piece.

After putting on the coat, just before donning his hat, Rodney checks his pockets. The breast pockets contain a couple of spare magazines, some loose bottlecaps in a zip-lock bag with a faded picture of a mountain and a barely readable slogan advertising alpine breath. One of the side pockets holds the reassuring weight of brass knuckles, for when shooting people in the face is too much, but some twit needs to be taught a lesson. Finally, a small, hard to detect pocket contains a single, insofar unopened box of Rodney's special medicine.

I'll trawl the nearby bars and shops for rumours, maybe find some easy gig to make money off, maybe hear something about them slavers that might interest you, or find if there's some truth in what the 'bot said. Also, look into the fridge. We are pretty low on groceries.

He grins, not a pleasant sight, and dons his hat. A moment of hesitation also leads to the sniper grabbing his hunting rifle.

Those little ****s who tried to ambush me last week are still out there though. Never can be too safe.

2010-06-25, 03:09 PM
VCU had been out here all night, keeping watch for any threats. However, it had been quiet, and nothing much had happened.

He jumps down off the high ground he was using to keep watch from, and walks over to his new allies. He was still forming opinions about them, and opinions in general really. Over time, as he learnt more, he was thinking more, or at least as much as his limited intelligence allowed. He saw Rodney as a valuable comrade, and useful in combat. Rand, he saw as a useful ally, since he could maintain VCU.

"Hey guys. What's the plans for today? Still going on about those slavers?"

2010-06-25, 06:28 PM
Rand "The Heat" Einstein (a.k.a The Crasher)

"That is the plan, but perhaps some people nearby have some information. If they do, then our time will be well spent. Sometimes they do not wish to speak to me, but try I must. Do you require further repairs, Variable Combat Unit Zero-Zero-One? Anyone watching would likely tag this as strange, seeing the mutant speak so stiffly and some would say cyborg-like, and VCU-001 speaking normally.

To Rodney, he replies, "That is a good idea. Information is always good before a fight. Limit casaulties on our side, and better chance of rescuing my friend. I will come with you, as you have told me of certain enemies of yours who wish you dead. Their success would be unfortunate."

2010-06-25, 08:56 PM
The group of friends depart from their little camp, in search of more info about the slavers. You head up the road a little ways to a rather large town (for the Fallout universe) of New Dane. Entering the town is like stepping back in time. Most buildings survived relatively unscathed. There are several taverns along with a general store. There is even a gas station that is still selling gas! This community is very well off. The community is composed of mostly farmers, brewers and merchants. One thing you'll notice though is every one is armed... Even the children. Pistols, rifles, SMGs, assault rifles. Even a few heavy weapons and a plasma rifle. You can't help but wonder why (and how) is everyone armed so heavily? They all watch you, hard. Especially the super mutant.

Well, feel free to do whatever you want. Check out the taverns, browse the merchants. Have some water.

2010-06-26, 12:57 AM
Rand "The Heat" Einstein (a.k.a The Crasher)

Mostly farmers and brewers? Rand doesn't buy it. He tries to take in every detail. In his exoerience with fights and being armed, farming communities tend not to be this well-armed. And that one with the plasma rifle...how in the world? If he can get a hold of that, his ghoul friend Tony will pay him handsomely...and maybe get off his ass and finish his armor! "We should...appear confident yet non-threatening. I don't like the feeling of this town right now." he whispers to the group. Even though his demeanor is generally calm, there is a hint of nervousness in his voice. Something feels very off.

"Where shall we check first?" Rand keeps on the lookout fo any ghouls and super mutants in town. A town that has some of those usual is more accepting than a town full of pure-bloods.

2010-06-26, 01:49 AM
"Don't know. Don't trust these people. Too heavily armed. More like a military force." Although sometimes he would talk normally, most the time he spoke quite to the point and direct.

He keeps an eye on the residents, weapon in hand, ready for combat, which he feels will be inevitable.

2010-06-26, 02:39 AM
The robot's cheerful, buddy-esque greeting caught Rodney almost by surprise. He had always expected one of those to sound more chopped and, well, artificial. Still, he does suppose that VCU-001 is the only active robot he has actually had a conversation with, so what does he really know about them?

Not too different from his companions in these circumstances, Rodney too is rather perplexed by these people. As the one who leaves the hideout the most, he has seen several of the locals wander around with pistols, rifles, shotguns and the like on his way to the chemist's, but with some of these so-called farmers carrying around weapons that you'd expect to see in the hands of high-ranking members of paramilitary organisations, something suspicious is going on. His voice is normally rather quiet, with a sort of raspy and wheezing tone.

We're all in agreement then. Looks like they found an old military base or something, even a vault's got no plasma weapons just laying around.

Thinking about it as they walk, he concludes that the people with the best weapons must be the local defense force. He thus notes also if these people are armoured. While Goodspring was a smaller settlement than this, he does remember that the guards there had no identification. While in a larger town there could be badges, are those even easy to spot. Still, he keeps his eyes out for any unifying symbols on the people with the best guns as well.

Has either of you seen a badge yet?

At last, he gives an answer to Rand's last question.

I'd go to 'Helga's' first. If either of you still has caps left over, I bet we could pool our money together for some stims or other meds. Besides, she owes me and should probably be more open about info than a Joe off the street. There's still enough in the fridge to last us a day or two.

As he figures, Helga's tendency to deal with drug addicts and other weirdos might also lead to her not immediately hating Rand quite as much - Rodney has even occasionally spotted a box labeled 'Mutie' on her shelves.

T'd be on the safe side not to get on her bad side. I'd wager she keeps a shotgun under her counter these days, probably an automatic if the rest of these merchants are any indication.

Perception to notice anything out of the ordinary with the locals. [roll0]
Perception to notice badges and concealed armour. [roll1]

2010-06-26, 11:53 AM
Rand "The Heat" Einstein (a.k.a The Crasher)

"No caps left for me. I'll go with you to Helga's."

2010-06-26, 11:56 AM
VCU turns around, so he as his back to Rodney and Rand, and keeps on watching the locals. He regarded every single person here as a threat, adult or child, male or female.

"Let's go then. Don't trust the locals."

2010-06-30, 07:32 PM
You do indeed spot a few people in some hodge podge armor with little badges. They all seem to be armed with assault rifles or SMGs. Everyone else has either pistols, hunting rifles, etc. You also notice something funny about some of the other weapons that the civilians carry... At first they look real but when you look closer they don't seem quite right... You can't quite put your finger on it.

It is but a short walk to Helga's. It's a nice little general store deal-y with a nicely painted wooden sign reading "Helga's Shoppe". Upon entering you see all sorts of different items for sale. Helga is a middle aged woman with a few gray hairs at her temples. She smiles, seeing Rodney come in, then frowns upon seeing Rand."Hello there Rodney... You keep quite the odd friends I see... Anyways, what can I do ya for?"

2010-07-01, 07:23 AM
Rodney rose an eyebrow at the strange weaponry, but said nothing for the time being. The civilians' state of being is not his main concern. He instead focuses on trying to get what he wants from Helga.

Upon entry, he too smiles. It is not a particularly pleasant smile, but this is due to having a face not meant for smiles rather than any menace. The man also lifts his hat, though he places it back on his head momentarily.

Good mornin' Helga. My pals mightn't be ordinary, but they ain't simple thugs, don't worry.

Granted, one can make a case for calling VCU-001 muscle, but given how the robot tends to be armed, 'walking weapons' platform' makes for a far better description than merely 'thug'.

Well, we were lookin' into our medicine cabinet and frankly, my meds are all that we had left. I know you stash plenty of stims around, so here we are. We're a bit low'n cash though, but mebbe if you've a little task for us or can direct us to some money-making opportunity, we can work out a deal that'd make everyone happy.

2010-07-01, 07:28 AM
VCU didn't speak, but stood behind the group, facing outside, still watching the other residents. They were all still threats, even this woman, despite one of his allies knowing her. The idea that they were more of a military force stayed strong in him.

"Why people so well armed?"

2010-07-01, 11:34 PM
Rand "The Heat" Einstein (a.k.a The Crasher)

There may be a simple and logical explanation for it, and Rand asks it straight out. "Is all the weaponry because of the slavery and raider activities? I know they're somewhere in the area..." His voice is a deep baritone, with free sub-woofers already installed.

2010-07-02, 04:06 PM
"Hmm, I suppose if one of you fixed my computer I could part with some stimpaks... Oh you could retrieve something for me if you wanted. My last shipment from Madison got stuck in the mud after that big rain last week. It should still be out there, we hid it pretty well. As well as you can hide something that big..." she says, keeping an eye on Rand.

When Rand speaks she is clearly surprised with his speech abilities. "You could say that. Raiders and slavers are always a pain in the arse." she says looking over a list of some sort. "Also, I have an itemized list of all the supplies in that wagon. None of them better go missing." she adds, scowling.

2010-07-03, 03:42 AM
Rodney is quite surprised by Helga's words, for more than one reason. It is pleasant surprise, however - especially the amount of info she gave him and the seeming ease of these actions. Naturally, no one exclaims their surprise at getting a better deal than expected. However, the other cause of surprise could be mentioned.

You've got'n entire 'puter in your shop?

Trying to note where some massive tape-filled box might be in this little building, Rodney looks around for a moment, before continuing.

Rand here's a mechanical wiz, but he got our pal here workin', so he should know a good bit about 'puters as well.

When saying 'pal', he lightly taps on the armour on VCU-001's upper arm, trying to remember where there would be an empty cavity that might make a nice sound.

If we're not in much'f a hurry, I bet we could do both. We could even prob'ly handle things when we split up.

2010-07-04, 01:29 PM
Rand "The Heat" Einstein (a.k.a The Crasher)

"Can I try to fix your computer after we've retrieved your things? Your supply wagons sitting out there is like bait. Where they are, raiders will surely go, and I might find the clues I need."

The supermutant does not seem to be surprised at the mention of a computer, nor does he seem to have that greedy gleam in his eye when talking about working with one.

2010-07-07, 11:39 AM
"So we killing raiders then, boss?" VCU faces Rand as he speaks, deferring to him for leadership.

2010-07-07, 02:43 PM
Rodney scoffs a bit.

Ideally, we wouldn't be killing anyone. If the shipment was hidden well, no sane man would mess with a supermutie with a bullet hose accompanied by a killer robot, so we'll bring it in nice and safe. If it wasn't hidden proper-like, even if t'raiders were incompetent enough to lead tracks that I can follow, they'll prob'ly have used most of the good and pricy stuff to pump themselves up.

He shrugs and shoulders his rifle. He is ready to go.

2010-07-07, 04:42 PM
"I do have a full fledged computer. Cost me a pretty penny or two, but it was worth it. I'll show you where it is." Helga says, cheerfully. She takes you to a back room filled with all sorts of stuff piled on over and around the computer.

2010-07-08, 11:18 AM
"Hey! No 'killer'! Wait..."

VCU pauses, although it isn't visible why.

"Alright, killer."

2010-07-09, 12:12 AM
Rand "The Heat" Einstein (a.k.a The Crasher)

"Let us be off. While killing is not my first option, I'm quite willing to be 'killer' along with Variable-Combat-Unit-001 if there are no other ways. We will be back with the supplies."

2010-07-12, 11:14 PM
Your group of friends make their way out of town, heading along the path Helga said her wagon was hidden on. The walk is not out of the ordinary, its a fairly nice overcast day in the wastes. You see a few people meandering towards New Dane. All of them steer clear of Rand, not wanting a confrontation with a super mutant. About half way there you hear a few gun shots go off in the distance. Your interest piqued you all make your way towards them. You stumble upon a pretty gruesome scene. A man with his belly blown open lies bleeding, foaming at the mouth. The far off dead man's stare apparent in his eyes. Then there is a young woman, frantically trying to resuscitate another young woman that has several bullet wounds. The dying woman speaks weakly, "It was..." she coughs up some blood, crying out in pain. She speaks again, barely a whisper now "It was him." she says, sighing and going silent now, clearly passed on.

2010-07-13, 01:31 AM
VCU ignores the woman, instead finding any high ground and using it to help look around, trying to spot anything around.

2010-07-13, 08:27 PM
Rand "The Heat" Einstein (a.k.a The Crasher)

Rand shakes his head and offers up a silent prayer to whatever deity might still be watching over this wretched planet. He's not the best with words, but he'll try to reassure the women at least a bit. "Who did this? If they are coming back, you are safe with us. We protect you." The super-mutant's voice is somber and serious as she readies his Bozar and scans the area. His adamantine claws are retracted for now, but should any foe get close...

2010-07-13, 09:53 PM
"I tried to save her. I did," she says dejectedly. "But... it was... it was ... them. The raiders." She hisses the last word as if it were a curse.

Suddenly, she looks right into Rand's eyes. "Please! You must help me find him! They must have taken him with them!" Kate stands up and runs over to the super mutant, seemingly unafraid of his imposing stature. Before she can reach him, however, she trips on her long, filthy smock that covers her tattered blouse. Although she manages to catch herself before she hits the ground, her cheeks still flush red at the thought of her clumsiness.

2010-07-17, 02:44 AM
Rand "The Heat" Einstein (a.k.a The Crasher)

Rand cautiously kneels down and offers one hand to the woman Kate as his other hand grips his Bozar, ready to lay waste to any threat. "Who is the him that you speak of? Do you have a friend or a member of your family that were taken by the raiders? If so, we will find him when we find the raiders. Please tell us all you can."

2010-07-21, 05:04 AM
VCU looks back to Rand and the woman.

"Civvy alright?"

He then turns back, looking out over the wasteland for any threats.

2010-07-22, 08:40 PM
"His name is Victor. He's... a ghoul, but he means the world to me, and those damn raiders have him. Please, you have to help me save him. I can't do it alone." Kate picks up her bag of medical supplies. "I'm good with a scalpel, and I can fix up any injuries you might sustain. I promise, I'll be a good travelling companion."

Having made her plea, Kate starts pacing back and forth. "The problem is, I don't know which way they went. Are any of you good at tracking? Could you figure out where they've gone?"

2010-07-23, 12:51 AM
Any attempts at finding a trail are unsuccessful. The rocky terrain leaves little to track. After about a half hour of looking for a trail, you all decide to give up and proceed to burying the bodies. After about two hours of digging you make holes deep enough for a proper burial. After a few final words from Kate, the bodies are put in the graves and they are given their eternal rest.

The morning has now given way to afternoon and there are clouds forming on the horizon now, you can see flashes of lightning off in the distance and hear the rumble of thunder. It looks to be a big storm.

2010-07-23, 05:32 AM
"I don't understand. Why bury? They're dead. Not going to change that by putting them in the dirt."

2010-07-27, 02:07 AM
Rand "The Heat" Einstein (a.k.a The Crasher)

"Bury is sign of respect. It's more for the benefit of the living than for the dead. We tend to suffer...you could say...performance decreases if we not deal with loss in a healthy way."

Looking up at the sky, the Super Mutant says, "Let us hurry on. Kate, it appears that we're unable to find tracks at this time, and we'll need to pursue some other approach. For now, please come with us. We are on our way to retrieve a wagon of supplies for someone else, and it is possible that the storm would damage the goods if left unattended. If we hurry, we will not be in the lightly-irradiated rain for too long."

Rand sets out towards where the supply wagon was supposed to be.

2010-07-27, 07:27 AM
Rodney had not walked too long between the robot and the super mutant. When they entered the wastes, he moved to the side, trying to keep up while at the same time making sure that his presence was not obvious. A healthy bit of paranoia was used to notice ambushes.

Upon noticing the wounded civilians, he simply proceeded. While somewhat wary of this being an ambush, it is most likely simply a group of civilians. His gun was ready. If they would be stupid enough to attack Rand, Rodney would get into a nice position for a shot to the head. Of one of the civvies, that is, not his, preferably.

He was aghast when the super mutant went up to the people and offered to help in his usual loud and direct tone. The pretty girl ran up to the mutant and blushed like some damn cutie and Rodney hardly needed the help of mentants to realize that the mutie's been hooked by the poor, helpless darling.

He had little intention of tracking for this woman, but given how she claims to be a competent medic, he made a token effort. His focus was more on the supplies the team was supposed to deliver to Helga rather than anything else, however.

During the burial, he found the nearest piece of high ground which provided some cover, looking out for threats. Such events make him uncomfortable - he never knows what to say and would rather not deal with some grieving stranger.

When Rand goes on ahead, the would-be-sniper walked up to the supermutant. His raspy voice is a lot better at whispers than shouts, so he delivers a quiet outburst.

Look man, I ain't going to argue with you in front of the townies, but in the future, I'd damn well appreciate if we tried to have a discussion before we agree to help some random vagrant.

2010-07-29, 02:25 AM
With the bodies buried and marked, you are ready to get underway again. Your pace is a little quicker now, the threat of rain looming on the horizon. With your renewed vigor, you make good progress. It is not long before you round a bend and see the wagon Helga was talking about. Regrettably, you got here too late and the wagon is completely void of its supplies. There are numerous footprints and brahmin tracks in the soft mud surrounding the wagon. They lead off down the road you were following and trail off into the wild, although the trail is still easy to follow. Rodney is able to track the trail to a clearing in front of a cave. Two raiders sit around a campfire, drinking and eating, oblivious to your presence. The inside of the cave is fairly well lit, but you can not see anything of any interest. You are about ninety feet away from the two raiders, and about a hundred and fifty feet away from the cave entrance.

2010-08-02, 11:35 AM
Rand "The Heat" Einstein (a.k.a The Crasher)

"It's called common deceny, Rodney. Something I lacked in the past. I thank you for your concern for the welfare of the group, and I trust you to handle things should I fall into a Trap."

When the wagon was found empty and the tracks lead to a raider cave, the fact that the group was somewhat late does not dampen Rand's spirits. He signals for his companions to halt. "The tracks lead there. Looks like it's out lucky day. We get to retrieve supplies AND take out some of humanity's...trash. Can one of you go in for a closer look? I am afraid my bozar makes quite a lot of noise..."

2010-08-03, 08:59 AM
"Trash? They're people, not bits of waste. Why call them waste?"

VCU surveys the rest of his 'squad'.

"Alright. Medic is unarmed, so she should stay here. Our sniper should stay back. If stealth isn't your thing, Boss, I'll go on point. How's that sound?"

When talking combat, that's when VCU was most active in conversation.

2010-08-03, 12:42 PM
Rand "The Heat" Einstein (a.k.a The Crasher)

The Super Mutie nods silently at the plan, and finds a place to duck behind while VCU scouts ahead.

2010-08-04, 09:15 AM
Rodney shakes his head at this plan.

The iron sights on this thing ain't all that good, I'll get better results closer up. I'll circle around them a bit, hit them from a different angle. They ain't going nowhere now and they will be waste once we're done with 'em, so gimme 'alf a minute.

Having said that, if the others do not argue, he uses his expertise with wilderness lore to circle to an acceptable position which would allow him to fire upon these foes from good cover. A rocky outcrop, dense bush or other somesuch position close enough for the hunting rifle to be easily used, while still too far for him to be easily sighted is of course most preferable. He will crawl the last few metres, intent on firing from a prone position.

[roll0] vs outdoorsman (48)
[roll1] vs sneak (80)

2010-08-10, 04:09 PM
The raiders sit there, drinking and chatting away. It is clear they are both fairly drunk. It seems they have not yet noticed our intrepid adventurers. One of them gets up and walks to the edge of the tree line to the bush Rodney is hiding in and proceeds to urinate all over it, covering Rodney in raider piss. He drunkenly staggers back to the fire and takes a seat again, oblivious to his surroundings. They both start singing a song, holding up their drinks, singing out of tune.

Go ahead and do your thing. They rolled EXTREMELY poorly for perception...

2010-08-13, 03:51 PM
As it stands, being pissed on can easily lead one to being pissed off. This is the norm, deviation from which is deemed deviant. Rodney is no exception here. Thus, given how he only asked for half a minute before Rand comes in clawed fists a-swingin', he does not wait until the bastard makes it back to his buddies and instead fires a shot at where he estimates the pissant's spine connects to the skull when the man is only ten or so meters away from him.

If the thug appeared to be armed with a melee weapon when Rodney got too detailed a look at his equipment, the sniper would get to one knee after firing the shot, thus better able to defend himself in a melee. If the enemies are armed with ranged weapons, he would remain in the uncomfortably damp bush.

[roll0] Vs Small Guns
[roll1] Vs Critical

2010-08-14, 11:02 AM
While Rodney dealt with his situation, VCU sneaks down, trying to make the raiders end up between him and Rodney. He would then fire at the second guard with his Scorcher.

Sneak: [roll0]
Energy Weapons [roll1]

2010-08-16, 11:43 AM
This far away, rand isn't going to waste his .223 ammo. And especially not on only two targets like this. While his gun has more than enough range (75 meter effective range before Perception boosts) he might hit Rodney from here. Hearing gunfire, he RUNS out from cover and rushes towards the right. Assuming 3 ft to 1 meter conversion, using all 9 APs Rand can cover 27 or so ft. Basically he gets as close to the fight as possible to try to crush some skulls. If the guards are 90 ft away it'll take him a while though.

2010-08-16, 09:10 PM
Rodney and the robot let loose with two well placed shots, each one landing home. The raiders are both surprised, each of them making for their weapons. They are both pretty hurt, but are still kicking. One of the raiders falls backwards over the log he was sitting on, then scrambles to his knees, rifle at the ready. He only sees Rand, so he takes aim and squeezes the trigger. The other one is hit in the leg by Rodney's shot, and he stumbles his way back to his shotgun.

Roll damage Rodney and VCU. You both hit. And from now on roll damage with your attack rolls.

Rand is a little more than a third of the way to the closest raider. Rand also takes 8 damage from the raider that fired at him. Apply DR/DT.

Also, please post the following info in a spoiler in each of your posts for combat from now on.
HP current/total
AP used (and what its used for)/unused

Current sequence:
Rodney 16
VCU 16
Raiders 14
Rand 12

2010-08-17, 04:49 AM
Rodney curses under his breath. Hitting the man in the leg, when he intended to aim at the neck at this range is a major mistake. He was clearly too irked by the urine to aim properly.

Intent on making the next shot hit the location he intends it to, he takes careful aim at the region between the man's legs. While making such a shot from the front might be a better choice, he does not get to pick and the rifle ought to be well-designed enough to penetrate a bit of flesh and hit the crotch through the thigh, if necessary.

He also crawls slightly out of the piss-soaked bush, moving to the side. Hopefully, the raider will not catch it and still think he's in the shrubbery.

[roll0] damage, previous round.

Called shot to the groin -30%, 6(5+1) Action points.
2 action points to crawl half a hex away from the bush, with one left over that should either be used to re-enter sneak mode or simply go to AC.

HP: 56/56
AC 4(1+3)
Attitude: Pissed off
small guns 104+25-30%
Crit chance 18%+20% from the targeted shot.
[roll1] To hit, colt hunting rifle, this round.
[roll2] Critical?
[roll3] damage, this round.

2010-08-17, 04:58 AM
VCU fires again at his target, intent on finishing this quickly. If this shot kills the raider, he'll fire at the other raider. If the raider survives, VCU will fire again.

"Forgot how powerful this thing was."

[roll0] damage, previous round.

AC 12
Energy Weapons: 117% (102 skill + 15 targeting computer)
Crit chance 5%
AP: 11
Spending 8 AP on 2 standard shots:

Shot 1:
[roll1] attack
[roll2] damage

Shot 2:
[roll3] attack
[roll4] damage

2010-08-17, 01:21 PM
Rand "The Heat" Einstein a.k.a The Crasher

Rand keeps on running...straight into the bullet...and is still going...and going. That little wound won't slow down "The Heat" no siree! By now he should be more than 2/3 of the way there!

Actions:Rand spends all 9 AP running again. 0 AP left to shunt to AC.
Stats:Secondary Statistics
AP|9|Carry Weight|225lbs.
MD|3|P. Resistance|50%
R. Resistance|62%|G. Resistance|0/35%
E. Resistance|20%|D. Resistance|25%
Sequence|12|Healing Rate|2
Critical Chance|2%|HP/Lv|8
Skill pts/Lv|20[/table]

{table]Big Guns(TAG)|100%

Current equipped armor: None
AC: 8+0 N: 0/25 L: 0/25 F: 0/25 P: 0/25 E: 0/25

[Eq in Right Hand] Bozar (30/30 .223 AP bullets) [15-round bursts]
Min. ST: 6 W: 22 lbs. Dmg: +25 per bullet Rng: 75
AP Burst Only: 6 normally

.223 AP bullets x60
Modifiers to gun: Target's AC: -15; DR: unaffected; Ignores target's DT; Dmg: 1d6 per bullet

[Eq in Left Hand] Adamantine Claws (as per Errata)
The user can control the claws' action (retracting or unsheathing) through a trigger in the glove.
Min. ST: 1 W: 2 lbs. Dmg: 3d6+3+MD Rng: 1
AP: S-3 T-4 B-N/A

2010-08-18, 03:56 PM
Rodney's groin shot connects, the bullet tearing into the poor raider's junk. VCU's first shot connects, catching the raider in the chest. He drops his rifle, looking like he's dead. The second shot goes wide, scorching a rock next to another raider coming out of the cave. Rand keeps on running towards the shotgun toting raider.

The raider with the shot gun turns around and levels the shotgun at Rand, squeezing both triggers. The kickback almost knocks the raider to the ground, he is heavily favoring his injured leg and pelvic region. He frantically starts reloading the shot gun, with a now angry and injured super mutant bearing down on him.

The other raider with the rifle weakly picks it up and changes his attention to VCU, taking careful aim before squeezing the trigger.

Both of the raider's shots connect. Rand is almost knocked over by the force of the buckshot impacting against his tough leathery hide. VCU's face is grazed, his ear lobe shot through. That was a very close call...

Rand takes 32 damage (ouch)
VCU takes 12 damage

2010-08-19, 07:36 AM
As the sniper continues crawling closer, he reflects on this enemy's reaction to being shot in the leg and subsequently relieved of his manhood. If nothing else, the moonshine must have made these sons o'bitches inured to pain.

Realizing that him being pissed on is hardly the only thing to avenge in this instance, Rodney targets the arm of the shotgun-wielding thug. While he hopes to go for the hand holding the gun, hitting the off hand if that is the closer one is acceptable as well. He would rather Rand continue living, all things considered.

First, 2 action points to crawl a further half a hex away from the bush (thus again ending up wholly in one hex)
Called shot to the weapon arm (or closer arm, if the other is obscured by the body) -30%, 6(5+1) Action points.
The one extra action point shall go into his armour class.

HP: 56/56
AC 5(1+3+1)
Attitude: Concerned
Weapon: Colt Hunting Rifle, 7/10 shots left after this one.
small guns 104+25-30%
Crit chance 18%+10% from the targeted shot.
[roll0] To hit, colt hunting rifle, this round.
[roll1] Critical?
[roll2] damage, this round.

2010-08-19, 02:30 PM
Rand "The Heat" Einstein a.k.a The Crasher

OW! Alright...these guys are pissing Rand off! "Good shots...but it is better to GIVE than to RECEIVE!" With that Rand stops and brings up his Bozar. Rodney is on the ground prone and safely out of the way. VCU is presumable not in the cone of fire. Rand lines up the burst so that he can hit both the shotgunner and the new raider that just ran out of the cave. If the first burst kills both of the raiders, Rand will spend his remaining energy to move forward once more to catch up (5 hexes). If the raiders didn't end up becoming like ground meat, Rand will take another shot if both are still alive somehow. If only one is alive, then Rand either ducks behind cover if there is some nearby, or adopts a defensive position.

Actions:Rand spends 4 AP on his Bozar burst. Results here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=9178383#post9178383). 5 AP left to either move or shunt to AC. Will roll second burst if first burst somehow didn't liquidate enemies, then move forward one hex. Bozar is a modified sniper rifle, and has HUGE range.
Stats:Secondary Statistics
AP|9|Carry Weight|225lbs.
MD|3|P. Resistance|50%
R. Resistance|62%|G. Resistance|0/35%
E. Resistance|20%|D. Resistance|25%
Sequence|12|Healing Rate|2
Critical Chance|2%|HP/Lv|8
Skill pts/Lv|20[/table]

{table]Big Guns(TAG)|100%

Current equipped armor: None
AC: 8+0 N: 0/25 L: 0/25 F: 0/25 P: 0/25 E: 0/25

[Eq in Right Hand] Bozar (15/30 .223 AP bullets) [15-round bursts]
Min. ST: 6 W: 22 lbs. Dmg: +25 per bullet Rng: 75
AP Burst Only: 6 normally

.223 AP bullets x60
Modifiers to gun: Target's AC: -15; DR: unaffected; Ignores target's DT; Dmg: 1d6 per bullet

[Eq in Left Hand] Adamantine Claws (as per Errata)
The user can control the claws' action (retracting or unsheathing) through a trigger in the glove.
Min. ST: 1 W: 2 lbs. Dmg: 3d6+3+MD Rng: 1
AP: S-3 T-4 B-N/A

2010-08-24, 03:46 AM
VCU, ignoring the bullet bounced of his armour, will act depending on the results of Rand's shots. If any survive, VCU will fire on them. If not, VCU will duck down and go over to the bodies and check them for weapons and ammunition.

AC 12
Energy Weapons: 117% (102 skill + 15 targeting computer)
Crit chance 5%
AP: 11
Sequence: 16

If attacking, firing a shot.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If there's still a survivor, firing again.

Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2010-08-27, 01:29 PM
Rand's fusillade of bullets pour out of his weapon, riddling the raiders with bullet holes. The two raiders that were around the fire lay on the ground dead, bleeding profusely from a multitude of bullet wounds. The third one that was at the entrance remains fairly unscathed, and runs back into the cave shouting.

VCU makes his way up to the corpses of the raiders, the rain coming down even harder now. Among the corpses he finds several weapons and some ammo.

Double barrel shotgun (16 rounds of buckshot)
M1 Garand (5 clips of 8 [I think the garand holds 8 shots, I don't have the book currently])

2010-08-30, 11:02 PM
Rand takes the opportunity to regroup with the others, running up to them, and then reloading his bozar if he has time. "What's the situation? What did you manage to see?"

2010-08-31, 03:21 AM
"We got a runner. Shouting."

VCU raises his Scorcher and fires at the running raider, before picking up the shotgun and starting to move over to the cave.

AC 12
Energy Weapons: 117% (102 skill + 15 targeting computer)
Crit chance 5%
AP: 11
Sequence: 16

Firing on the running raider. (5 AP)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Picking up the shotgun (4 AP)

Moving 1 square closer to the cave (1 AP)

2010-09-02, 12:47 PM
Rodney stands up and walks towards the mouth of the cave. He leans against the rock, in a location where anyone intent on shooting at him would need to be at the mouth of the cave, if not outside.

Damn. This deal is not gonna be easy. If these asshats were drunk enough to go on fighting after getting their goolies blown off, we might run into some tough bastards inside. If they get the drop on us, they might drop us, if y'catch my drift. How ya holdin' up Heat?

I'll take a peek into the cave, see if I can tell what they've got in there and how many bastards are inside. If you hear gunfire, feel free to come in, but if one of them was drunk enough to drop his damn pants in front of me, the others might be blind as well. Let 'em regroup and we'll need grenade launchers to break in.

With that said, he carefully makes his way into the cave, moving forwards only when he is sure he can remain undetected. His objective is to scout out the enemies' locations, not play hero.

[roll0] vs sneak (80 + whatever modifiers the dark cave and him not going near any enemies he can spot grant)