View Full Version : [Eberron] Quori war

2010-06-23, 12:58 AM
The visions are the closest thing the kalashtar have to dreams. They are not visions of the subconscious like other races, in fact they are the shared ancestral memories of the immortal Quori. The visions are disorienting, and if one is not careful, overwhelming. The larger the spiritual linage, the more fragmented and numerous the visions. Each night you see and feel things your “siblings” experience. The training of an atavist allowed some control over the myriad of visions. It is said that senior atavists are able to channel and focus on one memory at a time, but you are still a long way from that kind of mastery. As you sleep one vision breaks through with disturbing clarity. You have never been to Adar but you know that this current vision is from the sacred halls of some monastery fortress. A light from a large gemstone flickers out and fades out, great confusion and activities ensue.
You wake up in a panic; you did not have to establish a mindlink with your party to know they had the same vision. While you were anxious to join minds with them and gain greater understanding of this shared vision you knew it would have to wait. Your team does the dance of shadows to calm themselves knowing too well that nerves could not interfere with a mission of this import. Until the mission was complete, Adar’s problems would have to remain in Sarlona.

One week ago.....
Tolserath himself has summoned your cell into his office. You have only spoken to him once and that was when you were inducted into the order of the atavists. As you walk into the room you see Tolserath behind his heavy oak desk, and behind him Sharserath standing intently behind him. Comparing Sharserath's intense gaze and Tolserath's compassionate smile, you could not help but wonder how these two spiritual brothers became so different.
The fact that they are in the same room as eachother..... both have started to have differing views as to how best to fight the Dreaming Dark. These disputes were bad enough that they spend most of their time apart in order to not let the junior atavists worry.

Tolserath (smiling): Please have a seat. I have recently received reliable intel that says the Inspired are having....(coughs) ambitions for Q'barra.

Sharserath: What brother is trying to say is that a real hanbalan altas is about to be built.

Sharserath emphasized "real" as a direct jab at his brother. Newthrone, the capital of Q'barra already had a prototype monolith providing light, whether control, and "soothing dreams" to the people of Newthrone. Tolserath had deemed it reckless to send a cell into the heart of a Riedran stronghold for a prototype hanbalan altas, while Sharserath insisted on it.

Sharserath(angry): Had we stopped the test run, King Sebastes would not started this one.

Tolserath:Brother we have been through this, now (turning towards you) as you can guess I will need you 3 to go and validate this information. Don't do anything rash, but try to destroy the monolith if it is in fact under construction. This one will allow the Riedrans to field more troops here on Khorvaire. We simply cannot have that. Can I count on you?

Sharserath: Leona gave us this info, it's always good (nods to Durharath)

Tolserath: We will have a nomad teleport you to the middle of the Telenta plains, from there you will head southeast through the Endworld mountains and into Q'barra. Sorry, for the long trip but we can't risk Riedran nomads tracing us.

As you join hands for the teleportation, Sharserath pulls you aside and hands you a bag.
Sharserath (whispering): If you really want to prevent this from happening again then wear this when "dealing" with King Sebastes and make it as public as possible.

You open the bag and see the signature sentira armor of the Inspired.
Present day:
After spending more than 4 days in the Endworld Mountains you emerge to find the boggy wetlands of Q'barra, about 50 miles north of Wyrmwatch. You decide it is time to verify and if needed modify the plan with your cell.

Take this time to talk to each other and flesh out your personalities and come up with a plan of some sort.

2010-06-23, 09:32 AM

"It is clear that Sharserath intends us to assassinate the king and blame the Inspired, and if he is possess of a Quori then that may be necessary, but if he is being controlled indirectly, would it not be better to find a way to turn him against the dark without harming him," Kasharath says abruptly, breaking the silent travel by stating openly what he hoped the others had been thinking about.

2010-06-23, 10:15 AM
"Simply cause havoc and escape. Maybe fake an assassination attempt? With inspired gear on, we just need to piss people off without getting caught." says Nhaleshthep, carefully hiding his ID papers in his thieves' kit.

2010-06-23, 11:43 AM

"I don't know... I'd rather not have to assassinate a king and I don't know how much more of a mess can we make in a place like Newthrone... Ok, we could make a big one by toppling the crown, but I don't think we'd gain anything against the dark. We might just end up making more of a breeding ground for it." He pauses for a moment, looking down and scratching the back of his head.

"But if Leona's worried about this then it's something serious. The monolith has to go down, that much is clear... I think." Unconsciously he starts the quori shard on his right palm with his opposite thumb. "Better we do something reckless then she does at least."

"Hey Kash, Nhal, you guys have traveled the world, right? Have you ever been to Q'barra?"

2010-06-23, 11:58 AM
"I said fake an assassination attempt. Destroy the monolith, Make it look like the inspired sent someone to kill the king, get back to Sharn without being caught. And I actually haven't traveled the world much, However my ancestors might be helpful, with my unusual connection and all."

2010-06-23, 12:32 PM

"I've not been to Q'barra before either. Wasn't much to see until a couple of years ago," Kasharath answers.
"Wearing the uniforms when we destroy the monolith is certainly a good idea, with or without an 'assassination attempt' on the king. If The people here think that the Riedrans have internal factions causing problems the Q'barrans may be less inclined to request more aid."

2010-06-23, 01:08 PM

"Ah, right, your link is much more... hmm, 'present' isn't it?" He looks relieved. "All right, we'll focus on the monolith then, good... It should also be possible to learn who's advising the king, right? Hopefully the monolith wasn't 'his' idea."

2010-06-23, 02:37 PM
"Well, let's get going. The sooner we get there, the sooner the monolith falls."

2010-06-23, 03:30 PM

Duran stretches and looks at the path ahead. It was still quite a distance through the swamp, but it had been such a long time since he'd been able to look at a horizon without worked stone or towers. The going would probably go slow through the wetlands, but with such a change in scenery, it wouldn't be so bad. "Alright then..."

2010-06-23, 03:41 PM
As you wade through the swamps you notice an overgrown path heading south (the direction you are headed) about a 1/4 mile east of you. It seems to be the main road to Wyrmwatch. You can see some laborers and a scattering of Q'barran and Riedran troops among them. As far as you can tell the density of people seems to increase as the road heads south.

The swamplands would make a difficult trek, but the main road has risks of its own.

2010-06-23, 05:19 PM

"We should stay off the road. I can fade the memories of those we encounter a bit, but any strong willed soldier might remember us. The less we interact with them, the less they will remember us." Kasharath says.

2010-06-23, 07:29 PM
"I'm fine with staying off the road, just try to say as dry as possible."

2010-06-24, 09:12 AM

"Damn, they've already got troops here. Ok, yeah, anything but the swamp might draw too much attention... We'll be able to move faster at night at least."

2010-06-24, 11:15 PM
You prudently decide to avoid contact with the locals. You walk a bit further into the marshes and none of the workers and soldiors on the main road are look like they take note. You carefully tread the swamp, hugging the vegetation for footing making for a relatively dry and easy trek. You cover good ground, but as you are thinking to yourself how nice it was to avoid the inevitable road checks, Nhaleshthep hears the battle cry and swift swimming of lizardmen.

Seeing a group of civilians in rags off the main road has made them careless and charge/swim head long towards you.

see marsh attack 1 for map, roll for init

2010-06-25, 09:44 AM

"All right... guess they caught us off guard didn't they?" He holds his right palm with his left hand and concentrates briefly. "Can't be worse then the Daask though." Relatively calm, and almost a bit excited, he moves south and leaps to the dry land on the right with a running start. He keeps his distance from the lizards though, simply giving them a smug look and a smile as a ghostly outline surrounds his right forearm. "When you're ready."

DC for the leap should be 15, and Duran has a +18 thanks to his speed of 60ft.

Standard: Activate his Ectoplasmic Fist Shard
Move: Leap to U9 with a running start, ending the move in U10

2010-06-25, 11:05 AM

the lizardfolk look as menacing as ever. Standing at 6 to 7 feet they look confident in their abilities.

2010-06-25, 11:38 AM
"I'm ready." Mutters Nhaleshthep as he pull his shield for his backpack and straps it to his arm, focuses his psychic energy into an arrow, And steps slightly closer to the lizardmen Dur seems to be focusing on. "I'll start with covering fire." Says Nhaleshthep, With a smile that borders on maniacal.
Move to draw & ready shield; 5 foot step to O6; readied action to shoot the first lizardman to move towards one of us.
attack roll
[roll1] damage roll
[roll]120+10 see OOC lucky reroll should attack miss.

2010-06-25, 11:49 AM

Kasharath manifests body equilibrium and moves to put himself between the lizardfolk and his allies. As he walks across the water to them he says to the lizard folk (in common) "We have no quarrel with you, but we are able to defend ourselves. No one need get hurt if you leave us be."

What kind of action is the Atavist's Defensive Insight? It just says to expend your psionic focus to activate, but that doesn't take an action. If it's a swift action then Kasharath will do that as well.

I'll update later with exact position, I can't get to the map from work.

2010-06-25, 01:40 PM
expending focus is a free action so activating that feat is a free action
Nhale's mind arrow misses.

2010-06-25, 02:06 PM
Now that I can see the map, I can say I'm moving from O4 to J6. With Defensive Insight my AC is now 23 for the next minute.

2010-06-25, 06:48 PM
In response to what Kasharath said, the commander hisses:
"no quarrel with us!!?? we quarrel with you! First you invade our lands, now you wish to defile it with your abominations!"

He and his band rush to engage.

LB swims at high speeds towards Kasharath and is suddenly air bound, and strikes with savage force as he comes down dealing 14 points of damage with his handaxe.
knowledge (local) DC=12
Claw at the Moon
Another lizardman (L1)hits Kasharath with his club for 5 points of damage.
L2 misses Kash.

Both L3 and L4 miss Durharath.

End round 1.

2010-06-25, 08:30 PM

"We just got here, and we came to destroy abominations that are being built!" Kasharath says as he attempts to trip the three lizard folk facing him.

OOC:Flurry of blows and Bracers of Blinding strikes for 3 attacks, all at -2 I believe (not sure how the bracer interacts with flurry).
Touch attack on L1: [roll0]
Trip check on L1: [roll1]
Touch attack on L2: [roll2]
Trip check on L2: [roll3]
Touch attack on LB: [roll4]
Trip check on LB: [roll5]

Kasharath is not taking the follow up attacks from improved trip.

2010-06-25, 09:07 PM

"Hehe, close one..." After dodging Duran recovers and throws a counterattack in a single fluid motion. His right hand, now in a clenched fist and surrounded my a large ghostly arm, winds up and lashes out at the lizardman square in the chest. ", but we're not helpless. Just know that you guys aren't why we're here." His ending stance is inviting, as if he's waiting for another attack.

Swift: Adrenaline Boost, +2 Str, Dex for one round.
Full round: Decisive Strike, a single attack that deals double damage

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]*2 nonlethal damage

Note: Duran's ready to activate his Counterstrike Bracers. As an immediate action they let me do an AoO against a foe that misses me. This attack would also deal double damage from the Decisive Strike, and he's also making it nonlethal.

2010-06-25, 10:56 PM
"We have a common enemy, fighting us only helps your true foe. " Says Nhaleshthep, forming a mindarrow and preparing to fire at the next lizardman to attack.
Not moving, readied action to shoot the first lizard to attack.
[roll0] attack roll
[roll1] Damage
[roll2] Lucky roll should I miss

2010-06-25, 11:49 PM
Seeing his comrade fall in one hit, the lizardmen seem to falter, until their commander yells:
"We are Blackscale! Have your pride! Hold your positions or I'll kill you myself!"

The lizardfolk stand ready once again. The remaining lizard by Duran hits with his club for 5 points of damage.

Nhaleshthep's attack with his mindarrow flies wide of its target and lands in the nearby water before disappearing.

The lizardfolk surrounding Kasharath try to stand up leaving themselves open to attack. take AoO?

Their commander lunges at Kasharath with blinding fury and makes a palpable hit for 13 points of damage. He appears a bit off balance after said attack.
knowledge (local) DC=12
rabid wolf strike

2010-06-26, 01:14 AM
"Hold positions? Guess that means were on offense now." Says Nhaleshthep, Taking a few steps and jumping toward the one of the lizardmen, forming his mindblade in midair. Landing next to the lizardman he stabs with his mindblade, looking for a solid hit.
move to M5; jump to K5 (DC 20, I take ten and have +10) and stab (using ancestral guidance on attack and damage.
[roll0] attack
[roll1] Damage

2010-06-26, 10:22 AM

Hearing the leaders threat, he Duran turns back to his opponent. "Hehe, I'll give you a third option, you'll wa--- Gah! All right, that stung. Fine!" Similar to before, he winds up and tries to land a blow with as much force as the one before.

Full round: Decisive Strike

Damage: [roll3d8+4*2

Swift Action: pending

EDIT: Damage was 24 nonlethal, rolled in the ooc thread
As for the swift action:
- If the lizardfolk is still standing, I'll Dimension Hop (3pp) over the water and back to Q10
- If the lizardfolk is hit and knocked out, I'll Hustle (3pp), do a standing jump over the water and start heading towards the others. Should en in M6 with the result of the jump check.

2010-06-26, 10:24 AM

As the lizardfolk climb to their feet Kasharath tries to sweep one of them back off of them.
AoO:Touch attack: [roll0]
Trip attempt: [roll1]
if successful, free attack (doing subdual)
attack: [roll2] (the +4 is from the target being prone)
Damage: [roll3] (non-lethal)

Seeing that his words are having as much affect as a breeze Kasharath tries to return some of his pain to the creature inflicting it. Then he manifests a field of deflective energy around himself.
OOC:Empathic Transfer, Hostile, and Deflection Field (swift action)
Touch Attack:[roll4]
27 damage, Will save DC 17 for half. Kasharath gains as many hp as he takes.
+4 AC (27 now) as long as I'm concentrating and for one round after.

2010-06-26, 10:39 AM
OOC:Sorry for the double post, I forgot the Concentration check to manifest defensively.
Concentration (DC18): [roll0]

2010-06-26, 01:32 PM
Kasharath's trip is resisted by the standing lizardfolk. But both are unable to hit him.
End turn two.
will continue once I can get on my laptop

2010-06-26, 07:46 PM
The lizardfolk that Durharath hits falls unconscious after a decisive strike.
Nhaleshthep finally hits his target, but fails to bring the lizard down.
The band leader attempts another maneuver, intent to break Kasharath's bones, but it bounces harmlessly off his psionic field.

End turn 3

2010-06-26, 09:26 PM
"Got it" says Nhaleshthep, nodding to someone behind the lizardman leader. When the Leader looks to see who it is Nhaleshthep strikes a vicious blow against him.
Distract assailant as a swift action on the Lizardman boss. Then attack the Lizardman boss using Psionic weapon, Cunning strike (2d6 sneak attack), and cunning insight for attack and damage.
[roll1] (sneak attack)+[roll2] Psionic weapon + [roll3])(weapon damage)=29(+5 if cunning insight is doubled) + 8 if distract assailant works = 29 or 34 or 37 or 42
DC 16 Will save to avoid Being flat-footed (due to distract assailant) If he makes the save I don't use the sneak attack dice, saving two Ancestral guidance points. (you know when your opponent fails or makes their save for your spell

2010-06-26, 09:44 PM
You scored a crit (roll of 19), roll to confirm it. Total of 38 damage by my count 42 by your count. Your distraction worked, and you can deduct 2 nerd points.
The commander looks like he is obvious discomfort. falls to the ground after the combined assualt of Nhale and Kas.

2010-06-27, 01:36 AM

Kasharath tumbles around the line of lizardfolk, to put himself opposite Nhaleshthep with the apparent leader of the lizardfolk between them. Then he attacks the follower in front of him.
Kasharath says to Nhaleshthep, "Try not to kill them, they are only defending their homes. They aren't our real enemies."

OOC:Tumble to I7: [roll0]
Unarmed strike on L2: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (non-lethal)
No longer concentrating on Deflective Shield so it will fade at the beginning of my next turn.

2010-06-27, 02:42 AM

Duran shakes his head while he runs to the remaining assailants. He tries to get some of the water off of his hair, but when he sees the apparent arena they had picked he resigns to stay wet. "Way ahead of you Kash!" He starts winding his blow on dry land, but closes his eyes. As he seems to attack air, he suddenly feels water all around him, and finds the back of one of the lizardfolk in front of his fist.

Free: 5ft step to M5
Swift: Dimension Hop (3pp) to I5
Full Round: Decisive Strike on L1

Attack: [roll0] (+8 +2 from flanking)
Damage: [roll1]*2 = 40 nonlethal

2010-06-27, 04:49 PM
The remaining lizardfolk is shocked seeing his his leader fall.

"you, you won't get away with this you flithy humans. We will destroy that thing yous building and drive you from this land!"

he curses and (full) retreats south. Once he gets to deeper waters he dives under the murky water.

Give chase?

none of you are able to spot him after he hides in the water

2010-06-27, 04:51 PM
"Let him run. He'll blame the inspired most likely. Should we wake up the leader and try to talk some sense into him?" Says Nhaleshthep, pulling a wand out of his backpack.

2010-06-27, 10:36 PM

"Yes, hopefully he'll listen to reason with a little assistance..." Kasharath says pulling the leader out from under the water and manifesting something.
"We should get this other one out of the water as well so it doesn't drown. I don't think they can breath underwater."
OOC:Serenity on the leader. I'm pretty sure that will work with him being unconscious. If him being unconscious doesn't make him 'willing' then the save DC is 15. This will make him non-hostile so long as I concentrate I believe. I'm not certain of the exact effects as I am away from my books. I'm hoping this at least gives us a chance to speak our case and for him to actually listen. Even if they aren't allies, I'm hoping we can get some decent intel on the Riedran's activity.

2010-06-27, 10:43 PM
"Good point, Lets drag them all to the solid ground first." says Nhaleshthep, storing the wand and grabbing a lizardman to drag out of the water.

2010-06-27, 10:50 PM

Duran was ready to give chase, at least until the group's attention turned to the leader. "I'll give you a hand." He helps drag the remaining lizardfolk out of the water and starts trying to dry himself off, the quori limb on his right hand fading away.

He continues trying to get the water out of his clothes while watching Nhaleshthep and Kasharath work.

2010-06-27, 11:31 PM
The Lizardfolk warblade looks at your group and says:

You.... didn't finish me off. Are the others okay? You are different from the others. What are you doing here?

2010-06-27, 11:59 PM

"Three of the others are here, they will be well in a few hours. The last fled after you fell," Kasharath says.
"We are different from the others. We have come to prevent the dark, the nightmares, from gaining strength in this land. We are here to destroy something they are building. Is that what you meant by 'abomination'?"

2010-06-28, 12:01 AM
"Sorry about the nasty hit on you, I'm not the best at non-lethal stuff." says Nhaleshthep, helping the lizardman to his feet.

2010-06-28, 12:03 AM
The humans and their strange friends, they are building a machine. It is making the other tribes restless, making them attack us, and eachother. Since the one in Newthrone was built the rain has been different too. he shudders

There is nothing natural about it.

2010-06-28, 05:40 PM
"We know. We have a plan to destroy the machine. Could you help guide use through the swamp so we can avoid needing to take the road?"

2010-06-28, 08:53 PM
I cannot guide you personally nor will any in my clan. The Cold sun tribes occupy that land. We were only sent to attack the outliers and supply lines. The Cold Suns, for some reason they are not making any effort to attack the monolith. Their inaction is what brought us so far out of our territory.

The warblade tells you that the roads will allow you to reach the monolith in one night, while the swamps get harder to navigate and are loaded with more lizardfolk, dire gators and hydras.

I heard that there are two check points, which you would be wise to avoid, by walking around it. Shouldn't be too hard since you can walk on water. I will tell the other Blackscales to leave you alone as we share an enemy.

2010-06-28, 11:36 PM

Duran did little beyond sit down and watch in silence, almost silence. He understood how Kasharath had done, turned someone out for their blood into, well, a humbled ally. Of course, it was merely pointing his mind in the right direction, the rest came with treating him and his men as such. Still, such knowledge of the mind was beyond him, unless he was holding a link with Kasharath at the time.

It has changed the rain and the cold suns... Perils in the swamps and check points on the road... He makes note of anything he deems important, feeling there was little he could add to Nhaleshthep questions.

Sorry if I missed a bit of posts. My days just got quite a bit more busy, so I probably won't be able to to post except around this time of day, 8-10 for me, seems like 12-2 for you guys.

2010-06-28, 11:54 PM
"Thanks for the information." Say Nhaleshthep, healing another one of the fallen lizardmen. "I'd heal all of you, but I'll likely need to save healing for the attack on the monolith. I trust you two can talk care of your two buddies."

2010-06-28, 11:56 PM

"These Cold Sun's may have been subverted by the Inspired. I say this not as an accusation, only to point out that this would be typical of our enemies," Kasharath says. "How will your kind separate us from the rest of the peasants on the roads?"

2010-06-29, 10:10 PM
"You are the only ones this far into the marshes that are not troops. To be honest, your disguises as peasants make you stand out more. We suspect the Cold suns to be under manipulation, these spineless human lovers usually cower before us, but something has made them more daring."

sense motive DC=15

he appears to be telling the truth

2010-06-29, 10:18 PM
"Ok then, Best of luck to you, we should be on our way. Let's go back on the road and just avoid the check points."
Says Nhaleshthep, storing the spent wand and his shield.

2010-06-29, 10:58 PM

Kasharath nods at Nhaleshthep, "Sounds good. As long as we don't draw attention to ourselves on the road we should be fine."