View Full Version : Flattr

2010-06-23, 06:21 AM
Hi everyone,

I am quite inactive in these forums though I follow OotS quite extremely.

I am interested in giving the author of OotS some reward for giving me free content and I am sure I am not the only one.

That's why I joined flattr. (see: www.flattr.com) It's a microdonation-service ment to enable people to give small (really small) donations to blogs, webcomics, music and whatever else they might like.

I saved an invite to flattr to spare with the giant, so just answer here or contact me via PM to get it, if you want to, no obligations, of course. :-)

Thanks for your great artwork,


2010-06-23, 06:25 AM
I seem to recall Rich said that he doesn't want people giving donations because they might feel like they're owed something.

2010-06-23, 06:49 AM
Dogmantra is correct, it came up when people suggested he use the same system as the guys who write Erfworld do.

If you want to thank him with money why not just buy something from ookoodook or the old OotS shop? He gets money and your implied gratitude and you get something OotSified; everyone wins.

Manga Shoggoth
2010-06-23, 07:09 AM
In fact, the Giant's last comments on the subject of donations (at least, the ones I can find) are here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6077513&postcount=24).

Dogmantra and Kobold-Bard have summed it up pretty well.

Killer Angel
2010-06-23, 07:19 AM
That's why I joined flattr. (see: www.flattr.com) It's a microdonation-service ment to enable people to give small (really small) donations to blogs, webcomics, music and whatever else they might like.

No relevant infos to add, but if you're interested in donating, AND in giving thanks to Rich for his great work, Rich does have a list of his favorite charities up. I had only to find it, but I know there is.

Edit: bah, I'm not able to find it :smallsigh:. I remember a thread, but it was long time ago (when I was a lurker), and it must have been erased by the Great Purge.

2010-06-23, 07:38 AM
Thanks for the information, guys. It was just a proposal.

(Though it seems to be a little different then what Rich did not want in here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6077513&postcount=24), because I did not think of any premium membership but just donations without obligation.)

I do not buy OotS-Books, because I do not want to spend so much money on OotS. I enjoy reading the webcomic but do not need anything else. I'd love to give something (tiny) to support the webcomic, but buying the book (and thus giving a lot to a bunch of people I originally did not want to support like printers, editors, postal services, taxes etc.) is not feasible for me. (I am from Germany, the postals alone are worth 1/2 book.)

I will just leave it at: If flattr comes to giantitp, I will click it. ;-)

2010-06-23, 08:05 AM
Perhaps see if you local Gaming store would be willing to stock it, hence saving you the costs involved.

2010-06-23, 08:09 AM
Already asked, they could have it, but it would be for about the same price. (They save in shipping costs but they want to make money themselves, so...)

And it'd still be some large-ish amount instead of like 0,50 cents. ;-)

But, whatever.

2010-06-23, 08:14 AM
While this is not an official reply from Rich, and shouldn't be taken as such, I would like to step in now to prevent further speculation on the issue and the discussion getting out of hand.

I can assure you that the very small amount of money gained from donating will in no way outweigh the costs* of running and maintaining such a system.

Additionally, the costs running this website are far greater than the money that could be gained from donations. So much so that any donations would, at best, be described as a drop in the ocean.

*Note, not all costs are measured in a raw dollar value.

2010-06-23, 10:39 AM
Additionally, the costs running this website are far greater than the money that could be gained from donations. So much so that any donations would, at best, be described as a drop in the ocean.
I don't know, I've seen some pretty hefty donation results sometimes. Can you give a rough order of magnitude estimate for the yearly costs? Are we talking thousands of dollars? Tens of thousands? More (though I'm having trouble imagining how Rich could sustain that)?

I am quite well aware that Rich's mind is made up on the subject, I just want to see something relatively concrete to back up your statement and compare to my experience.

2010-06-23, 10:49 AM
He is excruciatingly retricient on the topic of costs. As in, has actively scolded people for looking into prices available. Maybe he'll come in and tell you, but based on past experience he's more likely to tell you off for asking.

2010-06-23, 11:02 AM
He is excruciatingly retricient on the topic of costs. As in, has actively scolded people for looking into prices available. Maybe he'll come in and tell you, but based on past experience he's more likely to tell you off for asking.

Aye, his money is his business is the rule of thumb.

Roland St. Jude
2010-06-23, 12:16 PM
He is excruciatingly retricient on the topic of costs. As in, has actively scolded people for looking into prices available. Maybe he'll come in and tell you, but based on past experience he's more likely to tell you off for asking.

To be accurate though, what he scolded someone for was for contacting his service provider and asking for details about his present package.

If he wants to stop by and comment, he certainly can. But otherwise, I think we've covered this.