View Full Version : Arena Tournament, Round 90: Castiel 2.0 & SPARTA Cuss vs. Jack & Twang

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2010-06-23, 07:38 PM
Arena Tournament, Round 90: Castiel 2.0 & SPARTA Cuss vs. Jack & Twang


XP Award: 300 XP to each non-DQd member of winning team
GP Award: 300 GP to each non-DQd member of winning team

Castiel 2.0 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=183784) - Santiy702
SPARTA Cuss (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=191142) - TheFallenOne
Jack (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=35141) - vollmond
Twang (http://www.coyotecode.net/profiler/view.php?id=7412) - Psionic Dog

All Combatants, please roll initiative and declare any final purchases

Prior to the match start you may privately plan by spoiler or PM with your partner, but after the start any communications will need to be done in character inside the arena as rules allow.

2010-06-23, 07:49 PM
SPARTA Cuss reporting in! [roll0]

well well well... Another ranged team. I say we ignore Twang, he has insane AC and if we can take out Jack his single shots will just bounce off our deflection. Only danger is if they try to shoot from hiding, but I have an idea about that

You need some healing in case they get lucky, 1 or 2 faith healings. And a resist energy fire for the Kelgores Firebolt(his best offensive spell) and the dragonsbreath arrows. No idea what I should get yet, thoughts?

2010-06-23, 09:01 PM
Castiel reporting in!


So how much do those potions cost (50 each right?)?

and I think we should just stick to our plan just attack with ranged and take our time if we get close attack with our superior melee

2010-06-23, 09:06 PM
yeah, that's the best we can do. With me covering you our ACs are too good to be hit twice without insane luck. But you'll get not much action this way I fear
Steady advance then. Though you shouldn't try an attack on Twang if you have the opportunity, his touch AC is too high. Completely focus on Jack, when he's gone Twang is no threat anymore

and yeah, 50 GP each

2010-06-23, 09:37 PM
Aww, does this mean you won't be adopting our match for LoS, TheFallenOne? You were so good at it, too :smallsmile: Guess we'll have to seek out another benefactor...

Jack, present and no accounting for.

[roll0] edit: there's no accounting for that init roll, either, despite it beating Sparta's.

2010-06-23, 09:45 PM
well, I guess if you two allow me to read your spoilers I can take care of LoS :smallbiggrin: Though now both matches I provided LoS for are over, guess I'll pick up new ones when a Round starts or gets updated. I rather do LoS from start to finish than jump in when it is asked for in the Waiting Room, a lot more time efficient

2010-06-23, 10:11 PM

Ok I will not go for twang, what if I get a chance at Jack I will attempt to, so I will delay till after you again. I think we got this.

2010-06-23, 10:13 PM
yeah. Twang alone is helpless with a single shot. Though we must be careful if he tries to hide and then shoot us. Deflect Arrows requires you to be aware of the attack. Let's wait for their purchases to get a clue at their strategy

Psionic Dog
2010-06-24, 05:45 PM
Checking in.


Still thinking on purchases.

I'm still reviewing our opponents and past matches.
Any tactical suggestions?

2010-06-24, 07:33 PM
Also still considering purchases

Ugh... we're going to have to make good use of hiding, what with deflect/block arrows and SPARTA's obscene AC. I have enough cash now to buy a few 2nd-level scrolls of KFB, if you think that would be worth it to bypass the aforementioned problems. Would be most useful on SPARTA with his low reflex save. Could drop KFBs on him, then overwhelm Castiel (deflect arrow only works once per turn, right?

So. My suggestion, after talking it out above:
I'll buy 2 or 3 scrolls of 2nd-level KFB for 2d6 damage each. I'll use those (and my 3 spell slots if need be) to take out SPARTA. Should be an average of 18 damage if he fails all 3 reflex saves.

Meanwhile, you can hide and get off hopefully a shot or two on Castiel. SPARTA should go down quicker, due to no rageclaws. Once he's gone, I can join you and we can work a fighting retreat until we wear Castiel down, with me switching to blunt arrows once his HP are low.

What do you think? I could just blow all my winnings from last round on scrolls and run with it :smallsmile: Do you think KFB is the best option? They have low Will saves, I could pick up Color Spray.

I haven't looked at their past matches yet, so all of this may be invalid. Heading off to do that now.

edit: @PsiDog
D'oh. All my attacks in our last game should have been +1... I totally forgot I bought a masterwork bow at the beginning...

Psionic Dog
2010-06-25, 07:12 PM

Will saves would be better, but that requires us getting into melee range. I'd probably grab one just in case they close with us.

KFB would be effective, but SPARTA has a left over Resist Energy (Fire) to drink. If you have money burning a hole through you I suppose you could grab two or three anyway and just save them for another match once we he goes fireproof.

Probably our best chance will be hide & seek archery. We both have better hide modifiers than they do spot, so this might finally be the match to use that Obscuring Mist you've been holding on to. Bonus points if we grab enough buffs to make them only get a ranged hit on a natural 20.

Twang is saving to buy a Mithral chain shirt before entering a L2 round. I could buy one now, but wouldn't have any free cash for other stuff. Alternately I could get 250 gp or so of other stuff and collect my new armor after prize money is distributed.

For example, with a bane bolt Twang could deal 3d6+6 to SPARTA on an 8 or better, but I'm not sure its worth make a strategy that depends on a single attack roll, even if the odds are favorable. I'm still trying to decide if I should get a long lasting touch AC buff, the armor, or the bane bolt.

As for dividing our effort, I'm not so sure. I think we ought to concentrate on one victim at a time in hopes of gaining 2 to 1 odds fast. Castiel has the lower AC, SPARTA lacks rage claws.

Oh, and taking down the bridge might also be important if they let us, but isn't permanent since one could always repair the bridge long enough for the other to cross into melee range.

Lastly, be careful of the TheFallenOne in melee. He likes to disarm/sunder stuff which is rather effective against small archers who can't make the AoO hit.

2010-06-25, 09:04 PM
Well, someone has to go first

I get
Psionic Tattoo of Skate 50 GP
Masterwork Spot Tool 50 GP

done except reactionary etc pp

Let's go in with two buffs each. Protection from Fire each for Kelgores and the Dragonsbreath
I take Skate so I don't slow you down, we can excert more pressure this way early up
A psionic tattoo of Force Screen (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/forceScreen.htm) would give you +4 AC for 10 turns, giving you good protection even if I don't give you cover

good thing about the tattoos is that we only need a hand to activate them, but no hand to hold them like potions. So first turn, drink potions, move up. Second turn, tap tattoos, another move and then the game is on

2010-06-25, 09:14 PM

1 potion of resist fire (50 gp)
1 psionic tattoo of Force Screen (50 gp)
1 potion of faith healing (50 gp)

-150 gp

still considering reactionary buys.


Look good thus far? In the beginning should we go ahead and drink the potions and activate the tattoos?

or whats the plan?

2010-06-25, 09:19 PM
turn 1 potions
turn 2 tattoos

They will try to shoot from hiding to negate arrow deflection, fortunately there's not much cover. Maybe they'll try to shoot us from the stairs, but then they'd give us the bridge

Oh, if you can get an attack on Twang, do so after all. But don't grapple, disarm him. He gets -8 for being small and using a ranged weapon, you -4 for light weapon(unarmed strike). If you beat him in the opposed attack roll, you have his crossbow in your hand, which effectively removes him from the game

2010-06-25, 09:32 PM
Sparta -

That sounds good, I do have two potions though. so round 1 potion round 2 potion round 3 tattoo? and disarming sands like a good plan

2010-06-25, 09:36 PM
You only have one potion you need, that's Energy Resistance Fire. Protection from Chaos is useless here and Faith Healing you'll only need once they get a hit in

2010-06-27, 09:51 AM
I'm still here. Thinking for a few minutes here before responding again.

Ugh, somehow the forums didn't tell me anyone posted after my last one...

Ok, I hadn't noticed that Resist Fire. Ok, then, hide-and-seek archery it is. Should we pull the me-carrying-you trick again? I can stick a Swift Expeditious Retreat on my Obscuring Mist scroll. Start out carrying you, cast SER, run to the top of the stairs and hide, dropping you in move range of the top, then I can cast Obscuring Mist and we can go from there. Scrolls only require speaking, right? No other components required?

Do we want to do that even if they've already made it to the top? Or would we go ahead and attack from cover?

If we want to do that, I need a way to have my bow out... Would I be able to draw it as part of a move after I drop you?

Psionic Dog
2010-06-27, 07:50 PM
Hmm. Operation Carry Me could work. We'd have to double check our equipment to avoid being weighted down too much, and it would allow Castiel act first, but it could work. Now that I think of it that is probably worth it. It's possible that our opponents will do the same if SPARTA is willing to leave a few harpoons at home.

Other option is Plan Bridge Scatter. If they stay home to buff they won't even have a chance to counter, and it will stop them from making a 1 round crossing. Of course, if they don't stay home buffing then the guy making the crossing is vulnerable to a round of ranged attacks.

On Scrolls
material components and focuses are waved, but somatic components, if applicable, still apply along side the verbal.

On Tactics
You can draw a weapon (bow) as part of movement if you have a +1 or greater BAB, so yes that should work.

Obscuring mist has a 10 round duration, so we shouldn't waste it. Best used if they ever pin us down without the cover we need for hide and seek.

If one of them is on top... depends who it is.
To drop Castiel we'd need to do 9 points of damage to an AC 17 (10 +3 armor + 4 shield). I think Twang will probably deal at least 5. What are the chances you can do 4+ nonleathal?

SPARTA has 11 hp max. If I get a bane bolt I could potentially take him out in one shot. Again, depends how much we want to gamble on a single dice roll. Do we have any other way to drop him in no more than one shot each?

If there is someone topside whom we can take down with one action each I say we attack. Fighting 2 on 1 with no fog is better than fighting 2 v 2 in fog.

Package A
1x Masterwork Hide tool. 50 gp
1x Tatoo of Precognition. 50 gp, 100 rounds or until expended
1x SPARTA Bane bolt: 160 gp
1x bola (or anything else that deals ranged Non Lethal damage)

Waiting to see your thoughts before declaring. It's a 160 gp gamble that leaves Twang with no armor if we go Operation Carry.

Package B:
Mithrial armor upgrade.
I think it weights 5 lb, so that may or may not make plan Carry Me impossible.

Package C:
Maybe an AC/Attack/Damage buff set.

I think the rule on masterwork tools is you have to name some half-plausible object that could grant the bonus. "Generic Item of spot bonus" probably isn't specific enough.

Oh, Idle curiosity, what creature type is 'warforged'? For example, Twang is Humanoid(gobliniod). What is SPARTA?

2010-06-27, 08:37 PM

Ok, so if I need to use a scroll while carrying you, you will have to hold it for me (pretty much all Duskblade spells have somatic components).

I'm looking through other spells... with Blade of Blood I can add +1d6 damage to any weapon's next attack (within one round), and I can bump it to +3d6 if I take 5 damage. could be applied to your weapon. It's a swift action to cast. If something does plain bonus damage, is that lethal, nonlethal, or just whichever the wielded weapon does?

Re: ranged nonlethal. My blunt arrows do 1d6 on a hit (+11 attack bonus, counting Law Devotion). It will take me 2 shots to average 4+ damage.

Whelm does nonlethal, but it's close range, WillNeg, and would have to be CL 3rd to get 2d6.

I could also pick up a True Strike scroll, but it's Personal range and 1 round duration.

Re: Operation Bridge Scatter -- What exactly would our plan be in this case? Do you have a way to reach the bridge on your turn and still have a move action to scatter it? Or would that be me with a SER?

With carrying you, there's no way I can reach the bridge in a single move action.

2010-06-28, 12:20 AM
Warforged are Constructs with the Living Construct subtype

Hm, I usually name my masterwork tools, just haven't decided yet. Maybe Sharingan or Optical Borg Implants, no idea

On a related note, what should Sturmherzens masterwork concentration tool be: Picture of the Dalai Lama or Inner Peace and You: A Guide for Dummies?

Oh, according to you in Round 89, you can wield more than one item in a hand, how exactly does that work by precedent, what are the limitations?

Psionic Dog
2010-06-28, 05:41 AM
Oh, according to you in Round 89, you can wield more than one item in a hand, how exactly does that work by precedent, what are the limitations?

Wait, What? What post? I can't remember ever welding multiple items in that match. I might have tried using a powerstone held with another item, but then by RAW powerstones need only be held to be used.

Precedent says you can hold multiple items in one hand, but can't weld any of them if you do so. Mostly this just means you can't use a weapon held in a hand if the same hand is holding something else too. Generally anything that requires manual manipulation to function must be welded and not just held to be used. I'm not 100% sure where the line between "needing to hold" and "needing to weld" to function is drawn.

On scrolls and somatic:
I think precedent says that only one free hand is required for somatic... oh. Bow + Scroll + vocal + free hand = not enough hands.

We may want to ask a ref. It might be possible to cast from a scroll held with other items, and I think past gladiators have just dropped scrolls face up for their castings.

On blade of Blood:
Untyped damage bonuses do the same damage the weapon did, and that's a nifty idea. 4d6+3 could probably drop SPARTA. 2d6 nonlethal would be enough to for us to take out Castiel. The biggest problem is that swift actions can't be taken with readied actions that I know of, so those tactics would depend on them ending in LoS.

Skip the whelm. SPARTA doesn't have rage claws, and Castiel has a low AC.

Operation Bridge Scatter and Operation Carry Me won't stack. We would have to pick one or the other. It could be done either by you with a SER or by Twang if you carried me a full double move up.

2010-06-29, 02:57 AM
oh, sorry, meant held, not wielded :smallredface: So, Castiel could hold a dozen slings and 2 potions in one hand and when he wants to use one of these just switch it to the free hand?

2010-06-29, 07:54 AM
IIRC, there is a precedent of holding a pile of scrolls in one hand, and specifying which one is on top, then casting from that scroll.

I think if you can lose 2.5 lbs from your gear (maybe the Fire + Flippers + Spiked Gauntlet?) I can ditch enough things to carry you with your armor. I'd leave behind my rapier and some of my arrows... should still have enough to fight with. At least 28 total. Though that would mean neither of us can buy masterwork hide tools.

So, we probably need to come to a decision. Which do you think more likely: they will rush to the top, or they will stay and buff? If they rush, we should probably carry and hide so we can start picking them off first turn. If they stay and buff, we'll have enough time to bridge scatter and still get under cover (I hope).

Re: SPARTA's ProFire potion: I do have Detect Magic as an SLA (up to 5 times/day, depending on if I use any other SLAs), so I can at least see if he has an aura before using a KFB). Final note, his touch AC is only 11 and I have Acid Splash and Ray of Frost as 0-level spells, so I can at least ping him a few times with those even if/when we don't have cover. Only 3 spells/day, though.

I think in either case, these will be my purchases:
2x Scroll of KFB CL 2nd (100 gp)
1x Scroll of Blade of Blood (25 gp)
1x Scroll of Color Spray (25 gp)
I'm tempted to add a SER to my Obscuring Mist scroll, since I figure those might be needed together...

Do you have suggestions for any other purchases for me?

Also, can scrolls be drawn as weapons, the way wands can?

2010-06-29, 05:03 PM
so, anything regarding purchases yet? I can understand you need to do some planning since Castiel and SPARTA are a ranged teams nightmare, but it's been a while now

alright, seems you can hold say a dozen slings and all your potion in your left hand, keeping the right free :smallbiggrin: maybe you should get some slings with masterwork bullets(6 gp each) for that +1 to hit, may make the difference

Psionic Dog
2010-06-29, 05:47 PM
Almost ready. Just one or two more back/forth post exchanges and we'll be set.

Yah, I'll chuck the gauntlets. SPARTA has a ridiculous AC, and Castiel has improved grapple.

If you purchase a KFB I'd bet they'll stall long enough to at least drink the potions. If I were them I'd end at G, then make a double move rush to S.

I say we scatter the bridge: It should be safe enough unless they perform a perform a carry/assist on SPARTA, in which case SPARTA ends topside in view unbuffed for a KFG. Since Twang acts first he could move to the bridge round 1, and do a scatter/return first thing round 2.

Thinking of cover and hiding one other option would be for us to buy tents. By precedent they are always set up, cover a 5 x 10 area, are 5ft tall, and can be carried. I think a small sized tent is the same size, but only weights 5 lbs. Since they block LoS we could use them as portable blinds to hide behind. May or may not be worth it.

Detect magic might work, but I think it takes time to charge up.

I don't think either wands or scrolls can be drawn as weapons.

So, purchases. Looks like a decent list.
I might suggest adding a second blade of blood scroll and some type of healing item, or maybe I could purchase those for you instead of purchasing a SPARTA bane bolt. Not sure which would be more useful.

2010-06-29, 05:53 PM

Slings are free correct? well in that case should I bring like a dozen slings all loaded hold them all in my left hand?

and lets see 12 * 6 is 72 gp if all masterwork would be awfully funny.

2010-06-29, 05:57 PM
yes slings are free, so buy loaded slings
a dozen is more than you'll need I guess, depends on how much money you want to invest in these. 8 should be enough, carry a mix of normal and masterwork then

2010-06-30, 07:17 AM
Yeah, we should be done soon. We're making sure our victory is so flawless that the refs just waive the need for a second game when we win.


Sounds like operation bridge scatter is a go.

If we get the tents, would we carry them around or just leave them near our starting place? First phase -- scatter bridge, snipe from hiding. If / when they fix the bridge and cross it, we retreat to the bottom of the stairs and snipe some more, then continue retreat to hedges at the sides?

Detect magic does need to charge up for specific info, but the first round tells me if I'm seeing any magic auras, which is probably enough information for my purposes.

2010-06-30, 11:46 AM
buying a dozen loaded slings of which 6 are masterwork
-36 gp

Psionic Dog
2010-06-30, 05:55 PM
One moment, I need to make a waiting room ref question on a tactic.

Tents: We'd want to take at least one topside with us.

Having a tent downside might help if forced to retreat, but it's less effective at blocking LoS against opponents looking down from above.

Now, the two big important issues:

1) Who should plan on pulling the bridge scatter? Twang has the higher AC and could get back to cover the quickest making him the least likely to take a hit, but Jack has more HP to take a hit if things go wrong and can perform the actual scatter sooner.

2) Purchase thoughts.
-a] If a small tent has the same mechanical size as a medium tent Twang will purchase one, and I'd suggest Jack do also.
-b] The "Blade of Blood to Twang, Twangs ridiculous attack mod to the hit" strategy seems pretty good. Is that a primary tactic are a backup tactic? Would it be better for Twang to purchase a SPATA bane bolt, or switch to grabbing an extra Blade of Blood scroll and cure light wounds potion?

2010-06-30, 06:08 PM
We're making sure our victory is so flawless that the refs just waive the need for a second game when we win.

Aren't you confident :smallbiggrin:

So, Psidog, what about the Commoner Challenge? Seems AlterForm threw the towel, so the final, if you want it, would be a rematch between you and me

2010-06-30, 06:17 PM

I think if your hunch is right (that my KFB purchase will delay their start), then it would be best for Twang to do the scattering, so we don't use a spell slot. Even if they aren't delayed, I don't think Twang would be subject to an attack yet, since they'd have to use their whole turn(s) to get within LoS of you, and you have highest init. Barring a "carry me" strategy on their part, of course.

I think the Blade of Blood strategy is a better option against SPARTA, for gp economy if nothing else -- we can buy 6 BoB scrolls for the cost of that one bane bolt, and the only downside is I can't ready an action to cast them. Given the his AC, it would probably be good not to depend on one attack roll to take him down.

Something I just remembered -- we can't do BoB too very often. It's only +3d6 if I voluntarily take 5 damage when I cast it. It's +1d6 by default. I'll have some healing, but it's something to keep in mind. So now I'm not sure on BoB vs bane.

Prospective Purchases on my part
2x Scroll of KFB CL 2nd (100 gp)
2x Scroll of Blade of Blood (50 gp)
1x Scroll of Color Spray (25 gp)
2x Potion of Faith Healing (100 gp)
1x Small Tent (Beats me, I haven't looked it up gp)

Psionic Dog
2010-06-30, 07:25 PM
I never expected the Commoner challenge to be much more than just the 4 matches. That was sufficient for a 1st/2nd/3rd/4th ranking. Go ahead and clam the Commoner Champion title.

On BoB: the idea was the +3d6, take the -5 hp, and then drink potions as needed to compensate for the damage.

I'll go with the bane bolt. BoB is better economics, but requires more coordination on our part. While I hope the BoB strategy works out, if we get separated it's better for Twang to retain his ace.

Preliminary Purchases:
1x Elvish Cloak (masterwork hide tool), just to counter your monocle of course. 50gp.
1x Tatoo of Precognition. 50 gp
1x bola: 5 gp
1x small tent: 10 gp
1x SPARTA bane bolt. (technically a construct bane I think): 160.1 gp
4x masterwork bolts to bring Twang back up to 10.: 24.4gp
Total Spent: 299.5 gp

Its a little on the expensive side, but for team C & S I think I can afford to spend a little extra. :smallwink:

2010-06-30, 07:39 PM
eww. You really made a deep grab into the abuse box. I remember someone using a tent against Kyeudo, have to dig that out. So the thought is to use this as cover... Well, it should be 5 feet high I think, so you can't shoot over it, and I doubt you can shoot out of it either. Setting it up falls under mundane preparations, but then you should not be able to move it

And a Bane bolt, heh... So the question about my creature type wasn't that innocent. Where are the rules again for the prices of magic ammunition? Can't find it right now

And I WILL have reactionary buys, sometime tomorrow

Psionic Dog
2010-06-30, 08:17 PM
When crafting enchantments are applied to 50 pieces of ammunition, and augmented amunition may be purchased piecemeal. The net result is that amunition is effectivly 1/50th the cost of a weapon...

...and that reminds me that I forgot to add +6 gp for the masterwork component to the price.

Hmm. I'll either need to drop the tent or drop one of the extra masterwork bolts to keep myself under 300gp in initial expenditures. Let me think...

Edit: Tents:
If memory serves correctly they can be picked up and moved, and are always considered to exist in the set-up condition since there are no rules for taking down or setting them up. I think you may be correct that they can't be fired out of.

2010-07-01, 06:34 AM
So you invest 166 GP to get a single killshot at SPARTA... Well, I take it as a compliment you go this far to counter me

Hm, when shooting from cover my AC with Devotion is 24, your attack modifier will be... 15 I believe? So you rely on rolling a 9 or higher. And even if you succeed there's still the tiebreaker where you'd need that 9 again or another idea
Well, I guess my counter will be to still be standing after your killshot

Psionic Tattoo of Vigor ML 3 - 150 GP
If I understand it right, that should give me 15 Temp HP for 30 turns. If it works differently I'll buy something else

2010-07-01, 08:23 AM

Ew, 15 temp HP. Also, that invalidates my easy Detect Magic plan, since now I'll see an aura for sure. Could still hold for 2 turns of concentration. (1st turn - detect if there are auras; 2nd turn - how many and how strong the strongest is; 3rd turn - specific strength and location for each). On the other hand, I can just measure how many actions it takes him to get to the top... if he taps that tattoo and drinks a potion, then he won't be able to take any more actions when he gets to the top on his second turn (2 standards for buffing, 2 moves for moving). I'm going to still get the KFBs, but now even without that potion they aren't going to kill him - will definitely have to hit him with some regular attacks, as well. All my KFBs (scrolls and slots) will only average 21 dmg total.

Re: tactics - I think we should pick Castiel off first, given a choice, so we can double-team SPARTA more easily. I hadn't realized his AC would be so high even from cover (apparently I didn't bother to check that -- oops).

Also, are we officially dropping any pretense of carrying? Meaning I can go ahead and take all my arrows (and maybe buy more...)?

I expect to start with my bow and one of the BoB scrolls in one hand and my SER scroll on the ground. Cast SER, get to a hiding position up top, xfer scroll to mouth, and ready an action to attack on LoS.

2nd turn - if they've shown themselves, attack Castiel. If no Castiel, cast True Strike and keep hiding (BoB and an attack on the following turn). If no SPARTA, just keep hiding.

Ha, if your bolt hits early, I'll certainly be set for future matches...

Can a move action be downgraded to a swift, so I could cast two BoB's in one turn? Or can I only ever have one swift in a turn?

Biggest worry I have going into this is the overhead of drawing these scrolls. I'm going to lose a lot of time to drawing (and/or putting away) scrolls. Do you suggest combining any more of these the way I did with that BoB/TS scroll?

2x Scroll of KFB CL 2nd (100 gp)
1x Scroll of Blade of Blood (25 gp)
1x Scroll of Blade of Blood and True Strike (50 gp)
1x Scroll of Color Spray (25 gp)
1x Scroll of Swift Expeditious Retreat (25 gp)
2x Potion of Faith Healing (100 gp)
1x Small Tent (10 gp)
Total: 335 gp

I think I'll have my purchases up the next time I post.

Psionic Dog
2010-07-01, 04:48 PM
ML 3 vigor?
On one hand :smallfrown:.
Your 150 gp counter is cheaper than my 166 gp attack.
On the other hand :smallcool:.
I think that's the most you've ever felt compelled to spend on expendable counters vs my guys.

As mentioned above dropping the extra masterwork bolts from 4 to 3 to balance out the masterwork component bit.

No reactions planned to the vigor, but reserve right to counter any reactions you or Sanity make to Jack's upcoming gear.

Agreed. Given the option Castiel drops first.

On AC: A 9 or better is still 60% chance of success, kind of bad but enough of a threat to force him to plan. The odds get even better if we can catch him with law devotion either down or in attack position. Depending on how the match goes I may just keep the bolt in reserve as a threat never used.

Agreed, we won't use the carry-me tactic. But lets try not to drop any clues about that change of plans if we can help it.

Rushing to the top to ready an action is a great start, but the true strike casting is a gamble. The spell would probably be wasted against Castiel, and there is a chance SPARTA may not appear until Round 3 after a Round 2 casting expires.

Feel free to ask a ref on the move action down grade, but I think the "only one swift a turn" is pretty much the rule.

As far as scroll drawing:
The benefit of multiple spells/per/scroll is less move actions to draw stuff. The cost is you can't as easily drop them once cast.

Since you need free hands for archery I'd recommend only one scroll with multiple spells (possibly as many L1 spells as will fit) and just plan on never dropping it once drawn.

2010-07-02, 10:07 PM
Adding these spells to my existing scroll:
2x KFB CL 2nd (100 gp)
2x Blade of Blood (25 gp)
1x True Strike (50 gp)
1x Color Spray (25 gp)
1x Swift Expeditious Retreat (25 gp)

2x Potion of Faith Healing (100 gp)
1x Small Tent (10 gp)
Total: 335 gp

Reserving the right to reactionary.

Also, per my sig and Waiting Room post, I'll be AFK (*SOB*) all weekend and into next week. I believe cell coverage is largely nonexistent where we are going, so I will likely not be able to check in until Tuesday or Wednesday.

2010-07-03, 01:22 AM
ML 3 vigor?
On one hand .
Your 150 gp counter is cheaper than my 166 gp attack.
On the other hand .
I think that's the most you've ever felt compelled to spend on expendable counters vs my guys.

Aye, 150 GP is harsh, but since SPARTA didn't use up any expendables yet I think I'm fine. ML2 would have sufficed I guess, but I certainly don't want to lose a Round Final for being a cheapskate

I'll buy a Hide Shield(Sandstorm) for 50 GP

well, with the 15 temp hp I guess they'll try to shoot you down first, then go 2on1 on me once Law Devotion runs out. Though twang may still fire that bane bolt at first opportunity

The color spray is nasty, getting close means a big risk. Though I think they just use it as deterrent, if they wanted to get agressive with the spray they'd have bought more than one

Here's an idea: I give the hide shield to you and use my normal one myself. Without you buying the hide shield as well they'll never see this coming. You'll have total cover, I have insane AC and temp hp to eat their attacks.
Downside: without shield proficiency you'll get -4 on attacks. But on the upside you can completely shut down their ranged attacks on you if you give up attacking yourself

Alternatively, you can just buy more Faith Healings to weather their inevitable ranged attacks

And a mistake I noticed in the "carry a dozen slings in one hand" tactic: you'd have to switch them to the empty hand to attack, which means they could ready actions to shoot you once both hands are full. So you better just carry say 6 slings. If they have that idea you'll have to drop all but one then shoot, so it's better to keep some in reserve. If they don't think of it, well, all the better

2010-07-03, 02:06 AM
Sparta -

So by giving up my attacks for the round I can have total cover? interesting.
and let them think I am going to carry all dozen slings but only carry 6 of them? I don't know exactly how to go about this. If we get hit by the color spray (at least me) I am done for, I will fail the will save and be done for.

I like the idea of a shield. Do you think they will be able to tell that it is me with the shield if I have total cover? and I can always drop the shield latter if I want to go back to attacking. Depends on how things go really, but if you want me to stay in the battle longer that would be the best option.

If this was not very coherent it is because I may have had a tad much to drink and am not thinking strait. So I will get back to you on that.

2010-07-03, 09:58 AM
No idea if they could distinguish us, but I think we should stay together either way. I have to give you directions where they are, they will have total cover from you as well when you use that option. Dropping the shield once we're in striking position(it's a move action to loosen a shield) is a good option

yeah, the color spray is too dangerous for both of us, so we try to go for a mid-range battle. Though they could always go for broke, use swift Expeditious Retreat and then color spray, effective range 75 feet... Just hope they don't it would be a big gamble on their part, but it could work

We may want to switch positions so you give me cover, that way my AC will be 26, 29 with Devotion :smallbiggrin: and you'd be unhittable with the shield(except spells), so an attrition battle would go to us

2010-07-03, 11:36 AM
Sparta -

We could indeed do that, I think that you should attack while I just stand their giving you cover. So its settled I will delay to act till after you then you will drop the shield I will pick it up drink a potion then next turn we start up the stairs.

2010-07-03, 11:40 AM
I think giving you the shield should fall under mundane preparations, I'll ask in the Waiting Room

Psionic Dog
2010-07-04, 12:18 PM
For the record I'm waiting on Castiel to make / decline reactionary purchase before I make/decline counter-reactionary purchases.

2010-07-04, 01:26 PM
Hmmm I don't think i need to buy anything else.

Should be ready to go unless my partner reminds me that I forgot to buy something.

2010-07-04, 01:41 PM
Hm, I'd reccomend another Faith Healing, but it's your call

OK, item swapping is a no go. I think we should go with 2 buff rounds before moving on top of the stairs
Turn 1: I drop the shield(held in mouth) and drink Resist Fire potion. You drink Resist Fire, drop vial and pick up shield. 5 foot step towards stairs
Turn 2: I activate my Vigor Tattoo. You move to G14 with total cover from shield. Try hiding, even with ACP it might work
Turn 3 we advance. If they scattered the bridge you stop at K14, I try my luck with harpoons while you maintain total cover. You should still be able to unscatter the bridge so we can advance further if they retreat down their stairs

Big question is when you should drop the shield. I'd like to see how they react to you having the shield and having to deal with an AC 26/29 SPARTA. Maybe they'll try shooting the shield apart, in that case you should keep the shield until they did so, should soak up some shots. Plus it would mean you won't require a move action to get rid of the shield

2010-07-04, 01:52 PM
Sparta -

that actually sounds like a good plan.

buying 1 more potion of faith healing - 50 gp

2010-07-04, 02:02 PM

we're good to go

edit: actually, I'll get 20 loaded slings for myself, easier to hit with those beyond 30 feet.

2010-07-05, 05:20 AM
heh, forgot you need to equip the shield too(move action)
Turn 1: you delay so I can drop the shield, you drink potion, pick shield up, 5 foot step to C14
Turn 2: equip shield, take full cover(free), move to G14. Hide
Turn 3 we go to the bridge, over it if still there, if it's down unscatter turn 4

Starting position, held items
B13. Extreme shield equiped, hide shield held in mouth, Resist Fire potion in hand

Psionic Dog
2010-07-05, 07:16 AM

I thought about getting a balista since a seige engine shot would probably be considered unusually massive and non-deflectable. However, the -6 firing penalty and 2 full round actions to reload was a bit of a turn off.

I've debated snagging a melee weapon for shield carving, but with no strength to speak of multiple rounds would be required and somehow spending multiple rounds adjacent to SPARTA sounds like a Bad Idea. Looks like I'll be relying heavily on that whole must-give-up-attacks-to-use-as-cover clause.

Seems like I'll be declining reactionary purchases this time around.

Once vollmond makes / declines a reaction buy I'll be ready to start us off.

The shield doesn't give protection against targeted spells such as a KFB, but might block a Color Spray depending on interpretations. So feel free to give a KFB a try depending on when he shows up, but I'd recommend against trying a Color Spray when he has total cover up unless you have rule-fu or a ref ruling to overcome the hide shield.

2010-07-05, 07:50 AM
a ballista would have been an interesting counter :smallbiggrin: though on top of the problems you mentioned, you'd have to place it in your starting zone, which has a rather limited number of squares it can target

and yeah, it's not healthy to be next to SPARTA. Gotta love Warforged with their slam, being a ranged fighter who can beat up dedicated meleers is fun :smallbiggrin:

it seems he doesn't even consider I could give you the shield. Their reaction will be priceless :smallbiggrin:

2010-07-05, 12:44 PM
Starting placement/items -

6 slings in one hand
2 potions of faith healing in belt
1 potion of resist fire in mouth.

Sparta -

I think what will be even better is when they see me giving you cover.... :smallbiggrin:

also where do I have to stand to give you cover.
I am also worried they will play the waiting game..... Ie wait for our buffs to wear off before attacking us. Last time they did hide in the bushes.... Hmmm are those buses flammable?

also I think it should look more like this.

Turn 1: you delay so I can drop the shield, you drink potion, pick shield up, 5 foot step to C14
Turn 2: equip shield, take full cover(free), move to G14. Hide activate tattoo. (what does my tattoo do again? +2 to ac?)
Turn 3 we go to the bridge, over it if still there, if it's down unscatter turn 4

2010-07-05, 02:15 PM
outwaiting our buffs won't work that well, resist energy is 100 rounds and I'll only activate law devotion once they commited to the fight

to give me cover you only have to stand between them and me. Same thing as last time against Scorer and Rahl, only switched positions

Activating the tattoo this early is unnecessary. It gives you +4 AC, but with total cover they can't attack you at all, so best activate it the turn before you drop the shield

2010-07-06, 06:48 PM
Ok, I have returned from my weekend of no connectivity. I should be able to post any final purchases tonight (I haven't caught up on the thread yet)

2010-07-07, 06:32 AM
Ok, sorry for the delay. I decline reactives.

Psionic Dog
2010-07-07, 05:11 PM
Of we go. :smallsmile:

Twang - Round 1

Twang starts in Y-13 holding a tent in one hand and a crossbow loaded with masterwork in the other, fully armored. He decides to wear his spiked gauntlet after all.

Speak: Jack, you may wish to leave your tent down here so we can have something to retreat to if things go b. I'll be dropping mine topside in R11/12. Feel free to hide either behind the tent or on the stair top.

Move: Double move up the stairs to Q-13.
Free: Drop tent into R11/R12.


HP: 9/9
AC: 20 [+6 dex +1 size +1 shield +2 armor]
Law: Unused

Masterwork: 9
Normal: about 30
SPARTA bane: 1

2010-07-07, 05:21 PM

delay to act till after sparta

2010-07-08, 07:34 AM
Jack, turn 1


Starting: In Y-14, holding my scroll. My tent is in W-15/W-16 (assuming I can place it adjacent to myself). Leaving my Glaive at home (as should be obvious from its weight listing, but I figured I'd make it explicit).
Swift: Cast Swift Expeditious Retreat from the scroll
Move: to T-14, drawing my bow as I go
Free: whisper to Twang, "Looks like we're going to see SPARTA first, probably a meatshield."
Free: transfer scroll to mouth
Standard: ready action to attack if I gain LoS


(following already have speed factored in)

Turn complete


Location: T14
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
8x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist, 2x KFB CL 2nd, 2x Blade of Blood, True Strike, Color Spray
2x Potion of Faith Healing

2010-07-08, 08:44 AM
SPARTA Cuss, Turn 1


Free: drop hide shield into Castiels square
WhisperAlright, let's stick to the plan. Potions up, take my shield and turn 3 we attack
Standard: Drink resist fire potion
Free: drop empty vial
Move: to E13


Hp: 11/11
AC: Full 22, Flat-Footed 11, Touch 21(+1 Dex, +8 Armor, +3 Shield)
Resist Fire: 100/100


2010-07-08, 12:24 PM
Castiel turn


Whisper before sparta moves -

what if they decide to go through the bushes and attack us from behind?

Standard - drink resist energy (fire) potion.
Move pick up shield
Take 5 ft step to c-14

End Turn

Stas -

Hp -
ac -

2010-07-08, 01:47 PM
Whisper: With quadruple movement for the bushes that would take some time, though they could try to camp in the bushes like Scorer and Rahl did against them. Two problems with that: we'd need to be at the edge of the elevation so anyone has LoS. That puts us close, risking melee if you suceed on a climb check and short range is SPARTAs speciality. Two, the elevation would give us cover, and with SPARTAs AC they don't want him to ever have cover. Because of that I doubt they'll go for the bushes

Twang up again

Psionic Dog
2010-07-10, 08:27 AM
Twang - Round 2

Assuming no change in LoS,

Move: Skater Bridge
Move: Sneak back to S-12 behind the tent.


HP: 9/9
AC: 20 [+6 dex +1 size +1 shield +2 armor]
Law: Unused

Masterwork: 9
Normal: about 30
SPARTA bane: 1

2010-07-10, 02:14 PM
Refs:Mobile tents and tower shields. This is going to be fun to ref. :smalltongue:

Twang:Jack is in T14.

Jack:Twang is in S12.

Castiel:SPARTA is in E13.

SPARTA:Castiel is in C14.

2010-07-11, 10:06 AM
C/P from waiting room: All - my father in law was rushed to the hospital today with possibly a stroke - I doubt I will be able to post in the next couple of days, so please don't DQ.

2010-07-13, 10:37 AM
Found a free moment at work. Still not sure how the next few days will turn out re: my availability

Jack, turn 2


Move: Half-speed down the stairs one step and back up, breaking LoS with anyone who may see me from hiding
Standard: ready action to attack if I gain LoS



Turn complete


Location: T14
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
8x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist, 2x KFB CL 2nd, 2x Blade of Blood, True Strike, Color Spray
2x Potion of Faith Healing

2010-07-15, 02:46 AM
huh, totally missed that you found the time to post after all. Turn will be up in a couple of hours

2010-07-15, 10:30 AM
SPARTA Cuss, Turn 1


Free: drop hide shield into Castiels square
Speak alright, equip the shield, take full cover with the shield and go to G14. I'll be your eyes from here on out as the cover works both ways
Standard: tap psionic tattoo of Vigor ML3
Move: to F14


Hp: 11/11+15 temp
AC: Full 22, Flat-Footed 11, Touch 21(+1 Dex, +8 Armor, +3 Shield)
Resist Fire: 99/100
Vigor: 30/30


2010-07-15, 12:06 PM


Equip shield
Take full cover
move to g14

End turn

Psionic Dog
2010-07-17, 06:50 AM
I've posted a LoS request in the waiting room.

2010-07-17, 11:19 AM

SPARTA:There is a tent in R11/R12. The bridge has been scattered.

Castiel:There is a tent in R11/R12. The bridge has been scattered.

Twang:SPARTA is in F14, wielding extreme shield. Castiel is in G14, using the hide shield for total cover. Jack is in T14.

Jack:Twang is in S12.

Psionic Dog
2010-07-17, 01:54 PM
Twang - Round 3

Standard: Tap Psionic Tatoo.
DC 16 PsiCraft

Free: Speak quietly, just loud enough for Jack to hear.
Don't look now, but Castiel is the one holding the hide shield. Unless you want to try KFBs on Castiel it looks like we may have to go +3d6 blade of blood / bane attacks on SPARTA.

Right now the two of them are on the upper half of the far stairs.

Twang will of course [roll0]


HP: 9/9
AC: 20 [+6 dex +1 size +1 shield +2 armor]
Law: Unused

Masterwork: 9
Normal: about 30
SPARTA bane: 1

2010-07-18, 02:38 PM
I have a question pending in the waiting room before I take my turn.

Psionic Dog
2010-07-18, 04:57 PM
I think I may have inadvertently created some confusion.

LoS/Refs (Clarification)
Out of Turn Speech quietly to Jack
Jack, I suspect you don't have LoE to Castiel and SPARTA. I don't even think they are hiding. The closest is Castiel in G-14.

My recommendation is not to bother with active spot checks and just hold position in hiding: They'll undeniably be in LoS if they dare come topside after all.

OOC In-Game note:
3-D LoS on slopes is a tricky business that varies from LoS ref to LoS ref with only partial standardization. From what I've read in my own LoS box I'd imagine the situation could have been called at least three different ways. However, I've come to accept that as long as the method is consistent it usually doesn't matter, and when it would matter its best to ask specific ref questions along the lines of: "Does LoE exist between Point A and Point B?"

2010-07-19, 03:46 PM
Clarification clarifies. Turn coming tonight.

2010-07-19, 11:19 PM
Jack, turn 3


Free: 5' step north to T13
Free: transfer scroll to bow hand, on top.
Free: Whisper to Twang It occurs to me that I could hit Castiel with my cantrips, as well (acid splash and ray of frost). Or, I can pop a BoB on you. Either way. (referring to my readied action)
Standard: ready action to cast a spell if, after both opponents end their turns, one or both are within LoS.


Turn complete


Location: T14
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
8x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist, 2x KFB CL 2nd, 2x Blade of Blood, True Strike, Color Spray
2x Potion of Faith Healing

2010-07-21, 05:59 AM
Retroactive Battle Preparations(don't worry, won't have any effect on game)
I want SURPRISE! to be written in big red letters on the hide shield :smallbiggrin:

SPARTA Cuss, Turn 3


Whisper There is a tent in R11/R12. The bridge has been scattered.
alright, with you giving me cover it means you have to go first to avoid me running into readied actions without cover. I delay, go to K14, I follow you to J14. Next turn you reassemble the planks while I try attacking, turn 5 we go across and get this party started

delay to act after Castiel

2010-07-21, 12:23 PM
Castiel 2.0 turn


whisper -

Got it. maybe you should attack the tent with your harpoon and drag it away so it can not give them cover. or if all else fails you would destroy the tent

question - Do I need to even activate my tattoo yet?

move to k-14
maintain total cover


Hp: 9/9
ac: 15 (total cover)

2010-07-21, 12:26 PM
keep the tattoo, it only holds 10 turns.
Dragging away the tent with my harpoon... No idea if that works, I'll look it up. If that indeed is legal that's simply genius

turn not done

2010-07-21, 12:41 PM

whisper -

What can I say I have my moments of genius, :smallcool:

here's hopping that this works

2010-07-21, 12:45 PM
as awesome as the idea is, the harpoon entry in Frostburn speaks of lodging into an opponent, so an object like a tent most likely won't work. Further, there are no mechanics for pulling to harpoon victim to you, only limiting his movement. I'm pretty sure that plan wouldn't work. Another High Ref might disagree, but I don't expect it

SPARTA Cuss, Turn 3


Swift: Activate Law Devotion to AC
Move: to J14
As part of move draw harpoon
Ready Action
Harpooneer opponent on established LoS

Passive Spot [roll0]
Passive Listen [roll1]


Hp: 11/11+15 temp
AC: Full 22, Flat-Footed 11, Touch 21(+1 Dex, +8 Armor, +3 Shield)
Resist Fire: 98/100
Vigor: 29/30
Law Devotion: 10/10


2010-07-21, 12:54 PM
Jack:Could you specify which spell you readied?

Psionic Dog
2010-07-21, 04:21 PM
... Are retroactive preparations permitted once combat has been joined? :smallconfused:

Twang - Round 4

Whisper to Jack
Acid splash is a touch attack and probably won't work on Castiel unless you're trying to dissolve the shield.

At the moment I don't have a clear shot: Sparta has booth law AC and soft cover from Castiel for rather bad odds.

Now, I could ready an action in hopes that they split up to deny themselves cover, or we could make a retreat, possibly with obscuring mist, and try to run out the clock on Sparta's Law Devotion.

2010-07-21, 04:25 PM
Are retroactive preparations permitted once combat has been joined?

No, but it's just a flavour thing with absolutely no impact on the game under any realistically possible circumstances, so I think it should be fine. You'll soon see

2010-07-21, 09:05 PM
Ah, is declaring the specific spell required? I haven't seen that precedent before.

2010-07-22, 03:41 AM
I'll guess we need LoS by now

Psionic Dog
2010-07-22, 04:53 PM
Has the Jack/vollmond/Sallera/refs thing been resolved yet, or does that not hold up play?

2010-07-22, 05:48 PM
Still need a clarification from Jack.

2010-07-22, 06:36 PM
Readied spell is... *flips a coin* KFB

2010-07-22, 06:52 PM

SPARTA:There is a tent in R11/R12. The bridge has been scattered.

Castiel:There is a tent in R11/R12. The bridge has been scattered.

Twang:SPARTA moves to J14. Castiel moves to K14, still with total cover. Jack is in T14.

Jack:Twang is in S12. Castiel moves to K14, using hide shield for total cover. SPARTA moves to J14, wielding extreme shield, draws a harpoon, and readies an action. Your readied action then triggers. Do you take it?

Need one more answer before we move on.

2010-07-23, 10:04 AM

Not taking my readied action.

Whisper to Twang
If someone is wielding a tower shield for full cover, you can still use targeted spells, according to the SRD. As for retreat -- I think that's probably best. Is there a reason to pop the Mist yet? We could just head down the stairs, spend a beat behind my tent, then make for one of the sides if they follow.

2010-07-23, 10:27 AM
All done then, Twang's turn.

Psionic Dog
2010-07-23, 04:34 PM
A KFB is a targeted spell, but I don't know if an acid splash is or not.

As far as the mist... Yes, that can wait. The mists might give us more room to maneuver, but would also make it harder for us to know where our opponents are.

Well, I'll be moving to the north, but first I want to take a shot since I already activated my Prescience Offensive tatoo.

Best Luck.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

The little goblin fires his crossbow at the big metal thing, reveling himself to be in S-12.

He then pauses to see if that triggers the giant's readied action.

Note finished, waiting on response

2010-07-23, 04:55 PM
... well aren't you lucky. And there I already thought that activating Law Devotion before we made contact was a mistake, but it saved me from a pinpoint critical hit.
Hit with AC 28 *mumble*

And yes, my readied triggered when you appeared in LoS
Law Devotion to attack
"Ow that stung. The goblin is in S12!"
harpoon attack [roll0] -2 distance
Damage [roll1]
If hit Reflex save DC 10+damage dealt
Law back to AC
"Payback time, runt!"

back to Twang

Psionic Dog
2010-07-23, 05:14 PM
I'm going to challenge the use of Law Devotion on the Readied Action.

It may be a non-action, but I was under the impression that Readied Actions are still limited to a single Standard (or move) action with an additional 5-ft step being the only exception.

That last attack missed either way, but knowing if Law can be switched back and forth during a readied action will effect most of the players in this match, so I'd like a ruling with the next LoS check if possible.


Twang moves to T-13 and continues down the stairs out of LoS of those topside.
Ending at W-12


HP: 9/9
AC: 20 [+6 dex +1 size +1 shield +2 armor]
Law: Unused
Prescience Offensive: 9/10
Crossbow: Unloaded

Masterwork: 8
Normal: about 30
SPARTA bane: 1

2010-07-23, 05:19 PM

I'm going to challenge the use of Law Devotion on the Readied Action.

It may be a non-action, but I was under the impression that Readied Actions are still limited to a single Standard (or move) action with an additional 5-ft step being the only exception.

That last attack missed either way, but knowing if Law can be switched back and forth during a readied action will effect most of the players in this match, so I'd like a ruling with the next LoS check if possible.

Beats me honestly. Since it's a nonaction that can be taken before any action I inserted speech actions which can be taken out of turn, but admittedly Law Devotion is strong enough even when you can't use it in readied actions. Makes no difference this time anyway as you said

oh, not sure if you noticed Psidog, you feature in my signature now :smallwink:

2010-07-25, 11:39 AM
Vollmonds turn, right? Unless those spoilers were about a readied action outside my LoS

2010-07-25, 11:48 AM
Yeah yeah, vollmond's turn is coming. After I eat. :smalltongue:

2010-07-25, 01:37 PM
Jack, turn 4


Move back down the stairs out of LoS ending in V23

Turn complete


Location: V23
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
8x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist, 2x KFB CL 2nd, 2x Blade of Blood, True Strike, Color Spray
2x Potion of Faith Healing

2010-07-25, 06:29 PM
Twang retreated down the stairs after shooting me, Jack didn't show himself. I guess they're going to stall after I activated Law Devotion. Good news is they don't have much cover to retreat to; second tent, wherever they dropped it, the stairs, Jacks smokestick and obscuring mist. Once they run out of cover, we got them.
Keep up the pressure is best I guess, if you reassemble the planks I'll activate Skate and go across. It might be worth it for one of us to sacrifice a move action to pick up the tent and drop it into the quicksand to get rid of it

2010-07-25, 06:49 PM
Castiels turn correct?

Refs/LoS -


I say we go for it... and if it bites us in the but we know what to do differently next time. Since resembling the bridge is a full round action I will go ahead and do that next round.

Also, since I do not have the book that this shield is from, can I still maintain total cover after using a full round action?

move to k-13
continue maintaining total cover

Stats -

ac- 15 (+total cover)

End turn

2010-07-25, 07:25 PM
Hold it, you're already in K14. Why would you want to spend a full round to only move 5 feet? You can reassemble the bridge from here

Regarding your question, it may or may not force you to temporarily abandon full cover, but you can just regain it afterward as a free action

Ref question
Seems he was confused about his location. I'll intervene with my speech after his whisper. There already was a case(I believe it was Psidog) where someone tried to change their teammates action retroactively with speech, though in this case it's less controversial I think since no rolls were made

holds up play

2010-07-25, 09:25 PM

Oops forgot where I ended.... :smallfrown:
I have been really busy lately I just got back from a trip s I apologize.

Reassemble bridge.
afterwords resume total cover

2010-07-25, 10:18 PM
Castiel/SPARTA:Sorry, it didn't work then, and it won't work now. Original turn stands.

2010-07-26, 08:09 AM
Pity, but I expected as much. Probably a good call too, hard to draw the line if we allow it here for such an obvious mistake

Speak: "Eyes on the price buddy, we can't afford slipups like that in a Round Final"
5 foot step to K14
Full Round: reassemble planks myself


2010-07-27, 10:46 AM
Are the refs and Team Monks'n'Droids done with their parley? Are we back around to Twang now?

2010-07-27, 11:18 AM
yes. I declared done, so it's Twangs turn again

Psionic Dog
2010-07-27, 04:15 PM
I have a Ref Question before acting:

First, LoS. Do I see either of Castiel or SPARTA, and also where is Jack's tent.

Second, can a hidden creature move through an opponents square? I know precedent allows hidden creatures to opt for an opponent to pass through their square, but need to know if the reverse is also true.

2010-07-27, 04:41 PM

SPARTA:Castiel is in K13.

Castiel:SPARTA is in K14.

Twang:No LoS. Jack's tent is in W15/W16. And no, you can't move through their square unless they let you.

Jack:No LoS.

Psionic Dog
2010-07-27, 05:08 PM
Twang - Round 5

Move: X-17.

Assuming that reestablishes LoS to Jack then:
Free Speak: "Jack, Sorry to come south and bother you, but I needed the tent for cover: I misjudged and didn't leave myself enough distance to reach the bushes. :smallfrown:

Anyway, I'm having second thoughts on the bushes: if they ever do see us we may not be able to reestablish cover, so we may need to activate the spell shortly anyway.

Move: Pick up tent.
Free: Drop tent in W16/W17
And [roll0]


HP: 9/9
AC: 20 [+6 dex +1 size +1 shield +2 armor]
Law: Unused
Prescience Offensive: 8/10
Crossbow: Unloaded

Masterwork: 8
Normal: about 30
SPARTA bane: 1

2010-07-29, 12:24 AM
Just have a quick ref question in the waiting room.

2010-07-29, 12:27 AM
That was fast.

The bushes enforce quadruple move speed. Does this apply when moving into a bush square, or moving out of it? (doesn't hold up play)

Jack, turn 5


Free: While facing north, point to myself, then to the tent, and make walking motions with my fingers, and raise my eyebrows.

Turn incomplete


Location: V23
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
8x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist, 2x KFB CL 2nd, 2x Blade of Blood, True Strike, Color Spray
2x Potion of Faith Healing

2010-07-29, 12:33 AM
Jack:When moving in.

2010-07-29, 06:53 AM
That was fast.

1 minute O.o well, now I know it most likely was a yes or no question :smallbiggrin:

Sanitys turn

well, I reassembled the bridge myself so we can go across now. You should probably go to R13, pick up the tent and drop it into the quicksand, the less cover remaining on themap the better for us

2010-07-29, 10:46 AM
Turn incomplete

Not yet. Sorry, should have been more clear.

2010-07-29, 10:53 AM
no, you were clear enough. I just didn't pay enough attention, sorry

Psionic Dog
2010-07-29, 04:15 PM
Twang - LoS
Twang frowns briefly, then nods slowly.

2010-07-29, 06:43 PM
Jack, turn 5 continued


Double move: to X16
Free: transfer scroll to bow hand, on top (if it wasn't there already)
[roll0] Speed penalty accounted for.

Turn complete


Location: X16
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
8x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist, 2x KFB CL 2nd, 2x Blade of Blood, True Strike, Color Spray
2x Potion of Faith Healing

2010-07-29, 07:33 PM
Castiel 2.0

Move to R-13
pick up tent and drop it in quicksand!
if possible resume total cover.

2010-07-31, 05:44 AM
assuming that's end turn

SPARTA Cuss, Turn 5


Standard: tap psionic tattoo of Skate
Move: to S13

Passive Spot [roll0]
Passive Listen [roll1]


Hp: 11/11+8 temp
AC: Full 22, Flat-Footed 11, Touch 21(+1 Dex, +8 Armor, +3 Shield)
Resist Fire: 96/100
Vigor: 27/30
Law Devotion: 8/10
Skate: 10/10


2010-07-31, 03:30 PM

SPARTA:Castiel is in R13. There is a tent in W16/W17. Twang is in X17.

Castiel:SPARTA is in S13. There is a tent in W16/W17.

Twang:Castiel moves to R13 and throws the tent in the quicksand, then hides behind the shield again. SPARTA moves to S13. Jack is in X16.

Jack:Castiel moves to R13 and throws the tent in the quicksand, then hides behind the shield again. SPARTA moves to S13. Twang is in X17.

Psionic Dog
2010-08-01, 08:29 AM
Twang - Round 6

I have an idea: I ready an action to shoot the first of them to ever leave cover and then 5ft step, and you ready an action to cast the Mists if I attack or if one of them ever starts to move someplace that would deny us hiding cover.

One of us should probably take the tent with us too.

Sound good or do you have a better plan?

2010-08-01, 09:25 AM
Whisper Sounds good to me. Regarding the tent: do you think I could pick it up now, but say that it physically is still in its current squares providing cover? That way I don't have to waste a move action when we need to get going.

Once we have the mists, do we want to hang out inside it while we wait for Sparta's Law to count down, or just use it as a distraction so we can get away (to the bushes or back up the stairs)?

Back to Twang

Psionic Dog
2010-08-01, 08:27 PM
Twang - Continued

WhisperBest leave the tent in place for now: One of us will need to grab it after the mist settles, but I think the Laws of RAW would compress the 5x10 tent into the hammer-space of our own 5x5 squars once picked up, thus potentially denying us cover.

Move: Reload crossbow (normal)

Standard: Ready Action
Shoot the first enemy creature to be without cover and 5-ft step.


HP: 9/9
AC: 20 [+6 dex +1 size +1 shield +2 armor]
Law: Unused
Prescience Offensive: 7/10
Crossbow: Unloaded

Masterwork: 8
Normal: about 30
SPARTA bane: 1

2010-08-01, 11:13 PM
Jack, turn 6


Standard: Ready action
cast Obscuring Mist if A) Twang attacks or B) an opponent starts to move into a square that would deny cover to myself or Twang.

Keeping previous Hide roll of 26.

Turn complete


Location: X16
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
8x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of Obscuring Mist, 2x KFB CL 2nd, 2x Blade of Blood, True Strike, Color Spray
2x Potion of Faith Healing

Psionic Dog
2010-08-02, 06:28 AM
Forgot that loading crossbow is an action that requires a hide reroll.

If it's not too late... [roll0]

2010-08-02, 09:49 AM
Ref question, also Sanity
would Castiel be able to pick up the tent while maintaining total cover?


Second tent in W16/17, Twang in X17, he tried to hide, but can't because I'm observing him. Let's wait on the Ref question, if it doesn't work you could just move there, pick up the tent and then resume cover. This likely would trigger Twangs readied, but you'd survive and they'd slowly run out of cover
I assume Jack is in X16 behind the tent because Twang whispered and that works only if the recipient is adjacent

2010-08-02, 02:11 PM

Whisper -

Excellent, we shall advanced like a Protoss Zealot slowly and surely before we strike at our prey! *has been playing way to much Starcraft recently.... The sad thing is its Starcraft 1 not 2 *sob sob**

2010-08-08, 11:54 PM
Castiel/SPARTA:Egh... I don't like this question. But it doesn't look like anyone else is going to answer it, so I suppose I must. As far as I can tell, yes, it's possible. The tower shield is only on one arm, after all.

2010-08-09, 03:34 AM

Whisper -

Ok it looks like we got the go ahead for that, So shall I just walk down and pick up the tent? Also could you not just attack where you know him to be? I mean your harpoon should just go through the tent so can't you just attack where he is? It might catch him FF

2010-08-09, 10:42 AM
Well, I can understand that sentiment for what it's worth :smallwink:

First, the tent would give +4 AC due to cover. Second, if I attack an enemy I don't see I have 50% miss chance. Most importantly, they need their cover to shoot us from hiding, thus negating our arrow deflection. Remove the tent and we are immune to all they can do until they find some new cover and there is not much left. Maybe that obscuring mist scroll, but that's a doubleedged sword.
So I think it best you move to W15, and pick up the tent while maintaining total cover. That gives me one harpoonshot without penalties at Jack if my estimate of his location is right and places both of them in the open

2010-08-09, 06:54 PM
LoS -

whisper -

Their is one major problem with your plan It starts with color and ends with spray. :smallannoyed:

What if he has a readied action to color spray anyone who gets near him? and me lifting up the tent would defiantly trigger that. If you think its worth the risk than All ahead full, I just think we should consider that before I am forced to make a will save I probably wont make

2010-08-09, 07:10 PM
I thought of that and I'm pretty sure total cover prevents color spray from affecting you since it is a burst

Burst, Emanation, or Spread

Most spells that affect an area function as a burst, an emanation, or a spread. In each case, you select the spell’s point of origin and measure its effect from that point.

A burst spell affects whatever it catches in its area, even including creatures that you can’t see. It can’t affect creatures with total cover from its point of origin (in other words, its effects don’t extend around corners).

The tower shield description only excludes targeted spells(like Kelgores, magic missile etc), color spray isn't one of them. So go ahead, you're safe :smallsmile:

2010-08-09, 10:32 PM
Castiel turn 6

Refs/LoS -

Whisper -

Where did you find this hide shield again its nasty! Did not know it protected me from color spray in that case onward!

Move to W-15
Pick up tent
Maintain total cover

End turn

stats -

ac- 15 (+total cover)

2010-08-09, 10:42 PM
Whisper before he moves
Sandstorm. I know, it's awesome :smallbiggrin: though the normal tower shield has the same effect

Assuming the tent disappearing doesn't give me LoS on Jack
Partial move to S16
draw harpoon on the move

not done, need LoS

2010-08-11, 12:12 PM
Castiel moves to W15 and picks up the tent, and everyone has LoS. Twang is in X17, Jack in X16, and SPARTA is in S13. SPARTA may revise his turn.

2010-08-11, 12:20 PM
yeah :smallcool: thanks Sallera

No idea if it was mentioned in your LoS spoilers yet or not, but remember the 'Retroactive Battle Preparations'? SURPRISE! is written in big red letters on the hide shield, I figured you'd not account for Castiel turning up with it :smallbiggrin:

SPARTA Cuss Turn 6

Move to S16
draw Harpoon as part of move
SPATA Cuss Giga Harpoon BREAKAAA!
Law to attack
[roll0] harpoon @ Jack. -2 range
[roll1] damage

If hit Reflex DC 10+damage taken or bad stuff happens


aww, such a nice chance :smallfrown:

Psionic Dog
2010-08-11, 06:02 PM
Twang - Round 7

Free Speak:
"Hey! That's our tent!
Jack, I think it's time for The Spell. Don't worry about AoO, Castiel gave up all his attacks to use his shield for total cover this round."

Delay to act after Jack.

2010-08-12, 07:08 AM
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZz--- huh? wha? Oh, sorry, I didn't realize Team Ranged was still part of this match :smalltongue:

Jack, turn 7

Standard: Cast Obscuring Mist from scroll


Move South, breaking LoS with Castiel
Move starting in X16->X17->W17->V17k, half-speed.

While in X17 with Twang, free action to whisper
should I pop my Silence SLA, or do you think the Mist is enough for now?

Turn complete


Location: V17
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused
Obscuring Mist: 9/10 remaining

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
8x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of 2x KFB CL 2nd, 2x Blade of Blood, True Strike, Color Spray
2x Potion of Faith Healing

2010-08-12, 10:44 AM
While it isn't likely to matter, could you specify where the mist is centred?

2010-08-12, 10:47 AM
should be X16, it's centered on the user and he didn't move before casting. Now what he did after casting is an interesting question...

Shout(can they still here that with LoE, but lacking LoS because of smoke?)
You hear any movement tell me buddy

2010-08-12, 10:49 AM
Aye, it has to be centred on one of the grid intersections though.

2010-08-13, 04:14 PM
I'm going to say it's centered on the southwest corner of X16

Psionic Dog
2010-08-13, 05:52 PM
I'm guessing no one in the Castiel/Jack/Twang crowd automatically hears SPARTA. So...

Passive Listen:

Waiting for Ref/LoS to say what, if anything, that picks up.

Also, LoS/Jack
Out of Turn whispered reply to Jack
Silence. Hmm. That might be useful if we can get to the bushes undetected. As it is it would probably hurt us more than them unless we can get a hand-signal code together really fast.

Oh, don't forget to tell me where you move to each round if you can: With our hiding skills we'd never find ourselves again if we loose track of the other.

2010-08-13, 06:13 PM
Refs:Listen for Castiel: [roll0]
Listen for Jack: [roll1]

Jack:You hear SPARTA shout "You hear any movement tell me buddy." No LoS.

Twang:You hear SPARTA shout "You hear any movement tell me buddy." No LoS.

Castiel:You hear SPARTA shout "You hear any movement tell me buddy." No LoS.


Psionic Dog
2010-08-14, 08:58 AM
Twang - Round 7

I'd like to assume that Jack told Twang where he was moving to. If I can't assume that Twang will move west in the direction Jack was last seen moving whispering "Jack are you there" with ever step and will assume that Jack whipser back when contact is made. Either way the result is the same.

Move to W-17.
Whisper to Jack
Jack, we need a new strategy. I don't know if you noticed, but they seem to be fond of dropping our tents into the quicksand to remove them from play.

Currently we have the advantage of misty concealment for 10 rounds. SPARTA has 6 rounds of law remaining I think. There is nothing wrong with hiding our for a couple more rounds, but I don't think we can wait for SPARTA's law to end before we act. Without the tents we may need the mists to successfully overcome their arrow deflection skills.

At the moment we still have all our HP, our own Law abilities are unused, and you have most of your magic. (Ghost Sound for diversions might work and Detect Magic might help us keep track of where they are ) However, unless we can recover the tent off Castiel our only source of extra cover is your smoke stick.

Tactic ideas:
A) Ghost Sound.
Unlike other Ghost Sounds your's is a SLA which is activated mentaly: no vocal component needed. We could try using it to create bogus foot steps/voices/etc to try to lure them about, or even use Silence to keep Castiel or SPARTA in the dark while trying to replicate their voice to give faulty instructions to the other.

B) Detect Magic.
We've go the time, so maybe a magic Scan for their relative locations and number of magical buffs would be a good thing.

C) Bushes.
We sneak through the bushes to the far side while they stand dumbly staring at the mist. The slight flaw here is how to get to the bushes undetected with SPARTA standing topside in full view.

D) Bait.
One of us offers himself as a target to Castiel while the other prepares to attack as soon as Castiel drops the full cover bit. Could also be applied to SPARTA and attacking as soon as Law switches off AC.

E) Something else.

I'm just tossing ideas out here. Maybe one of us will think of something better.

Not Finished.

2010-08-14, 11:25 AM

whisperYes, Jack told you where he's going (and you knew his direction and speed in any case)

As for strategies... I'm AFK for the day and will think on it a bit.

2010-08-15, 10:58 PM
I'd like an official ruling on whether a KFB can pierce a tower/hide shield's total cover.


Damn, I could have sworn I had Obscuring Mist as a known spell. Oops.

Regarding C, the current Mist does reach to the cliff, so we'd at least have cover for our trip to the bushes, and hopefully we could roll good Hide rolls. I could blow Silence to remove the Move Silently liability. I can use Ghost Sound to keep them looking that way. I think we should lean towards this as our plan for when the Mist's duration is running out. Meantime, I do think we should do something about Castiel. Problem is how -- we know where he was, but that doesn't mean much. His Listen mod sucks, but he has decent MS.

Much as I hate it, D seems the best option for disposing of Castiel. If we can find him, one of us (probably you) gets into position adjacent to him and readies, while the other (probably me) goes and does something revealing. Can you take him in one shot? Maybe my revealing action can be casting Blade of Blood on your weapon...

Back to Twang

2010-08-15, 11:14 PM
Jack:Yes, it can.

Psionic Dog
2010-08-16, 04:46 PM
whisperThe cliff are both 20ft high. If SPARTA continues to stand on the cliff edge we may not have cover depending on which way we try to go and where he stands.

On the decoy vs Castiel: It's risky and chances a wasted spell but might work. As an alternative you might consider being the one to attack, using your nonlethal damage skills to help overcome the rage claws.

Oh, one other plan. We destroy the hide shield. The tower shield description states that targeted spells work by targeting the shield, implying that we can chose to attack Castiel's shield directly. I think it was concluded to have 10hp and a hardness of 2, so a Blade of Blood rapier stab/spiked gauntlet strike could bring it down.

If we directly attack the hide shield must we sunder it in one hit or can it accumulate damage over multiple attacks?

2010-08-16, 05:07 PM
Twang:It takes damage as normal, so you can use as many strikes as you like.

2010-08-16, 05:32 PM

Right, right, at the very edge he'd have LoS. That didn't click in my brain.

Sundering requires slashing/bludgeoning damage -- my rapier is piercing.

I can do 1d6 nonlethal damage -- would need blade of blood on top to pull off anything terribly useful there. Though... if we could pull this off to get him a bit of nonlethal, then I could hit him with targeted spells to bring him down quickly (KFB or my cantrips). Otherwise it will take a lot more spells to overcome rageclaws.

Had another thought: I could ready my Color Spray. He has a +1 Will save vs DC13 (doesn't seem worth it, but figured I'd mention it).

Psionic Dog
2010-08-16, 09:00 PM

whisperMmm. Missed that. I'll have to buy a slashing weapon after this. Any chance you carried the glaive into the arena? No?

The KFB would work even with the shield as it targets... the question is if Castiel has fire resistance. Detect magic might help with that.

Even with shield bonus his AC is low enough that direct attacking may be more effective than color spray.

For now, do think I should rush back and try to stop Castiel from carrying off the tent or should we hide here a round or two?

Psionic Dog
2010-08-18, 05:25 PM

Well, while we think I'm going to step north and ready to attack Castiel if he gives up Total Cover. Risky yes, but with all the non-proficiency penalties to attack for having the shield equipped I'm willing to chance it.

Sneak north to W-16
Previously rolled Move Silently: 15
Standard: Fighting defensively ready action
If Castiel starts to move out of LoS without Total Cover, or starts to regain Total Cover after having acted without it, then fire crossbow at Castiel.


HP: 9/9
AC: 22 [+6 dex +1 size +1 shield +2 armor +2 fighting defensively]
19 touch
Law: Unused
Prescience Offensive: 6/10
Crossbow: Loaded: Normal

Masterwork: 8
Normal: about 30
SPARTA bane: 1

2010-08-18, 05:35 PM
Refs:Spot for Castiel: [roll0]
Listen for SPARTA: [roll1]

Jack:Twang is in W16.

Twang:Castiel is in W15.

Castiel:No LoS.

SPARTA:You hear movement to the east and down.

Psionic Dog
2010-08-18, 06:16 PM

May I ask that the LoS be double checked?

For example, I was certain Twang would gain LoS to Castiel.

Before the mist appeared Castiel was in W-15, and Castiel hasn't had a chance to act since to hide in the new concealment like Jack and Twang have. Since W-16 is adjacent to W-15 shouldn't Twang be able to see Castiel since the monk can't be hiding?

Also, how does Twang see Jack?
Jack was hiding and broke LoS, and I don't think he broke hiding to whisper back unless Twang rolled very high on his spot.

2010-08-18, 06:19 PM
boy, this will get complicated with all the smoke

Castiel, before you will take your turn let's have a talk shout to exchange information and plan what to do

Jacks turn?

2010-08-18, 06:30 PM
Twang:Sorry, don't know what I was thinking there. Corrected.

2010-08-18, 06:48 PM
Nope, Castiel should be after you.

2010-08-18, 06:50 PM
So.... Whos turn?

Psionic Dog
2010-08-18, 09:06 PM
I think the current order is:


so... looks like you're acting next Sanity.

2010-08-18, 09:22 PM
Ok. I am going to wait for a ref to update before I do that though, just in case. ((runs off to ask for a ref))

2010-08-18, 11:11 PM
Refs:Listen for Twang: [roll0]
Castiel, for this round (because if they're going to hold a shouting match, there's no point in rolling twenty listen checks each when they'd only repeat themselves anyway): 9
Jack: 15
Everyone will have no problem listening in.

Jack:Twang is in W16. You hear SPARTA's shout, above.

Twang:Castiel is in W15. You hear SPARTA's shout, above.

Castiel:No LoS. You hear SPARTA's shout, above.


2010-08-20, 07:09 AM
I'm most likely talking to a failed listen check, but just in case: whatever you do, don't drop the tent, they're low on cover once this spell runs out. I just learned you can't resume total cover after an attack, so retreat, otherwise you'll have no protection against colorspray. Get out of there and we outwait the spell, I may lose Law Devotion, but they lose their cover. Keep using the hide shield for total cover and go up the stairs, a two on one in the smoke is too risky

Incidentally, did you, my dear hearership, know that a limit on IC speech is being discussed? Appearently it can get quite excessive sometimes it is claimed, who would have known

2010-08-21, 08:29 PM
Castiel, you should be up.

Castiel came down the stairs and lifted the tent, revealing us
Twang delayed
Jack acted
Twang acted
SPARTA acted
Now back to Castiel

Current order:

2010-08-22, 01:51 AM
we may need another passive listen roll for Castiel. My shout was when his turn already started, thus the previous roll isn't valid anymore

2010-08-22, 05:13 PM
HOLD! Sorry forgot to post an away message, I was out of town.... (for the weekend emergency family crap....)

Sorry about that please give me one more day to catch up

2010-08-22, 05:19 PM

move to s-15

Speak -

You hear? I didn't hear what you said earlier so i retreated a bit.

Psionic Dog
2010-08-23, 07:30 AM
Ref Question

On Tower Shields, Movement, and Total Cover:
A) Do tower/hide shields follow the same stance as the last round (giving Castiel Full Cover and not triggering my action)
B) Do tower/hide shields default to a +AC bonus when acting without stating a preference (and thus triggering Twangs readied action)?

2010-08-23, 04:11 PM
Twang:I presume it functions much like equipping a shield, and would thus remain that way until something is done about it.

2010-08-23, 05:16 PM
Can I get LoS after Castiels action?

2010-08-23, 05:37 PM

Jack:Twang is in W16. You hear movement to the northwest.

Twang:Castiel leaves LoS to the north.

Castiel:SPARTA is in S16.

SPARTA:Castiel is in S15.

2010-08-23, 05:43 PM
So you heard me. Do you know in which squares they are so I can take a blind shot?

2010-08-23, 07:48 PM


I heard nothing, :smalleek:
I just retreated so I did not get flanked in every direction, I don't even know where they went.

If I still have the tent I say we use that to our advantage somehow. Got any ideas?

2010-08-23, 07:54 PM
Oh I thought you heard me because I urged retreat. Best ditch the tent in the quicksand, the less cover on the map the better for us. I think it's best we try blindshots into the fog until it dissipates or they leave it

turn coming shortly

2010-08-23, 08:00 PM

Whisper -

Ok, in order for me to attack though, I will need to not take total cover, and proabably ditch the shield,

I wonder what they plan to do with the fog anyways, it can't be just a delay tactic can it?

Well proabably to get rid of out buffs.
Speaking of Do I still have buffs I need to activate? hmmm I will check when I get back.

As for now I am going to go play some Lacrosse.

2010-08-23, 08:52 PM
that about right?

wasn't sure about the stairs(and not about the cliffs either). I think having a visualization of the smoes extent will help everybody

2010-08-23, 08:58 PM
Being 20ft high all around, it will cover cliffs and stairs as well.

2010-08-23, 09:17 PM
you're right, 20 feet high all around, I thought it's a dome-like spread

SPARTA Cuss Turn IGotLostInAllThatTalking edit: 7


you have the tattoo left, keep it for now. They're stalling to outwait my Law Devotion and regroup after we got them in a tight spot when you took the tent. Move a bit north next turn to see if they leave the smoke in that direction and make for the bushes, I'll cover the south
Move: draw harpoon
alright, I heard movement to east and down, so they can't have gone too far north or south. Further, I doubt they held their former positions and W15 was occupied by Castiel. Still, that doesn't narrow it down quite enough... well let's trust the dice
attack random square [roll0]
1 V16, 2 V17
3 W16, 4 W17
5 X15
Law Devotion to attack
Miss Chance [roll2] high hits
damage [roll3]
Reflex DC 10+damage taken if hit
5 foot step to S17
Law to AC

drat miss chance


2010-08-23, 09:28 PM
Wait, Jack goes after Castiel. Where did that Sparta turn come from?

2010-08-23, 09:39 PM
I delayed to act after Castiel and can't find any later change in my initiative (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=8970584&postcount=77)

2010-08-23, 09:50 PM
Ah, yes, you're right. This post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9172767&postcount=157) confused me -- I was thinking it was your turn. My bad.

2010-08-23, 09:52 PM
Its my turn still right?

2010-08-23, 09:58 PM
oh sorry I thought you were done

2010-08-23, 10:19 PM

Move to q-12 and drop tent into quick sand then move back to s-15
Maintain total cover

End turn

2010-08-23, 10:22 PM
turn stands. Next

well, the attack fails no matter if I got the right square because of miss chance, but to be honest I wouldn't have done it differently after Castiels additional actions

Psionic Dog
2010-08-24, 06:37 PM
So... Jack's up?

2010-08-24, 10:57 PM
I believe so, this got kinda confusing

2010-08-25, 09:15 PM
Jack, turn 8


Move: to X16

Need LoS


Location: X16
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused
Obscuring Mist: 8/10 remaining

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
8x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of 2x KFB CL 2nd, 2x Blade of Blood, True Strike, Color Spray
2x Potion of Faith Healing

2010-08-25, 09:24 PM

Jack:No LoS.

Twang:No LoS.

Castiel:SPARTA is in S16.

SPARTA:Castiel is in S15.

Psionic Dog
2010-08-27, 09:39 AM
Twang - Round 9

Jack, if you hear this and can speak without alerting C&S please speak up. I haven't a clue where you are anymore.

Sneak to V-13

LoS Please.

@V: My bad. Thanks for pointing that trouble out.

2010-08-27, 09:40 AM
I don't think Vollmond was done, he said "Need LoS" and didn't declare end of turn

2010-08-27, 02:46 PM
Jack, turn 8 continued


Free: transfer scroll to mouth
Standard: Ready action.
If someone begins an attack on me that I am aware of, or I otherwise gain LoS, or if I am ever aware of Castiel being without total cover, fire my bow.

Am I allowed to rehide with this action? if so:
If not, use the roll in my previous post.

Turn Complete


Location: X16
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 5/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused
Obscuring Mist: 8/10 remaining

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
8x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of 2x KFB CL 2nd, 2x Blade of Blood, True Strike, Color Spray
2x Potion of Faith Healing

Psionic Dog
2010-08-27, 07:10 PM
So... in 2 months and 7 pages we have managed to cover a mere 8 rounds. At least no rounds waiting on this one.

Twang - Round 8

Same action(s) as out-of-turn post.
See Post #191 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9234975&postcount=191).

LoS Please.

2010-08-27, 08:09 PM
Refs:Spot for Jack: [roll0]
Spot for Twang: [roll1]

2010-08-27, 08:11 PM
Refs:I should have checked first - that's the edge.
Spot for SPARTA: [roll0] ...who moved out of LoS. Almost missed that 5ft step.
Spot for Castiel: [roll1]

Jack:I believe it's one Hide roll per turn. No LoS.

Twang:When you reach V13, you see Castiel in S15, behind the shield and tent-less.

Castiel:SPARTA is in S17.

SPARTA:Castiel is in S15.

Psionic Dog
2010-08-29, 07:20 AM
Spectator Commentary
This is a classic stale mate. They can't harm us, we can't harm them.

No, that's not right. This is the classic leaky opaque fish bowl. We're the little piranhas and they're the cats. They probably aren't willing to stick their paws fishing into the bowl/fog cloud, and they seem to have the patience to sit back and wait for the water/fog to leak away leaving us sitting high, dry, and rather exposed.

No, still not quite right. We're piranhas with water-guns and the cats are standing way back behind plexiglas shields waiting for us to start flopping about like fish out of water.

Twang - Continued

Maintain hiding and take total defense.


HP: 9/9
AC: 24 [+6 dex +1 size +1 shield +2 armor +4 Total Defense]
21 touch
Law: Unused
Prescience Offensive: 5/10
Crossbow: Loaded: Normal

Masterwork: 8
Normal: about 30
SPARTA bane: 1

2010-08-29, 07:30 AM
Go a bit north(something like S10 or 11) to make sure they don't retreat to the northern hedges without us noticing; I'll cover the south and take blind potshots, maybe I get lucky.
I'm afraid this will take a while, so stay tuned

Well, I guess we're in some kind of Mexican Standoff, only instead of having guns in each others faces one side doesn't dare come out, the other doesn't dare come in

2010-08-29, 11:49 AM

speak -
Do not waste to many harpoons, you still may need some for whne the fog dissipates. This is going to be a while isn't it? Well at least that should prove an advantage to us.

Move to s-10
maintain total cover

End Turn

2010-08-29, 12:59 PM
Refs:Twang hears that automatically, being in LoS aside from the fog.
Listen for Jack: [roll0] ...although he's technically in LoE as well, isn't he? Ah well, doesn't matter either way with that roll.

Jack:You hear SPARTA say "Go a bit north(something like S10 or 11) to make sure they don't retreat to the northern hedges without us noticing; I'll cover the south and take blind potshots, maybe I get lucky.
I'm afraid this will take a while, so stay tuned." Castiel replies "Do not waste to many harpoons, you still may need some for whne the fog dissipates. This is going to be a while isn't it? Well at least that should prove an advantage to us." Both voices come from the west and up.

Twang:You hear SPARTA say "Go a bit north(something like S10 or 11) to make sure they don't retreat to the northern hedges without us noticing; I'll cover the south and take blind potshots, maybe I get lucky.
I'm afraid this will take a while, so stay tuned." Castiel replies "Do not waste to many harpoons, you still may need some for whne the fog dissipates. This is going to be a while isn't it? Well at least that should prove an advantage to us." Castiel then moves to S10.

Castiel:SPARTA is in S17.

SPARTA:Castiel is in S10.

2010-08-29, 09:14 PM
Jack, turn 9


Standard: cast Detect Magic as SLA, emanating northwest from southeast corner of my square
Move: If no auras detected above, move halfspeed to W14

[roll1] (if needed)

Turn Complete


Location: X16 or W14, depending.
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 4/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused
Obscuring Mist: 7/10 remaining
Detect Magic: 9/10 remaining (concentration)

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
8x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of 2x KFB CL 2nd, 2x Blade of Blood, True Strike, Color Spray
2x Potion of Faith Healing

2010-08-29, 09:45 PM
I thought I went after Castiel because I delayed? Or was initiative ever canged again due to a readied action? If so we should clear it up now to avoid bad things

2010-08-29, 10:05 PM
D'oh, I saw all 3 of you post and assumed it was my turn. My apologies for the error.

2010-08-29, 10:15 PM
SPARTA Cuss Turn 8

move to S21
As part of move draw javelin
Attack Random Square
1 W 2 X 3 Y [roll0]
Law to atack
Attack [roll2] - appropriate distance
Damage [roll3]
Miss Low [roll4]
Law to AC


2010-08-31, 05:32 PM
I'll keep my out-of-turn turn. Turn complete.

2010-09-02, 03:47 AM
I guess Psidog wants LoS before taking his turn

2010-09-02, 10:46 AM
Soon as I get one question answered.

SPARTA:Could you post a stat block please? High Refs shouldn't be lazy, you know. :smalltongue:

Psionic Dog
2010-09-02, 11:00 AM
Sorry for delay. I just didn't like my options and was trying to think of an alternative.

For the record, below is my understanding of the fog.

Edit: Ninjad!

Twang - Round 9

Maintain hiding in V-13.
Standard: Ready Action
Action: Fire crossbow at opponent with lowest cover level who is in a known location.
Trigger: Castiel drops total cover or Sparta is seen to make an attack or ready action.


HP: 9/9
AC: 20 [+6 dex +1 size +1 shield +2 armor]
17 touch
Law: Unused
Prescience Offensive: 4/10
Crossbow: Loaded: Normal

Masterwork: 8
Normal: about 30
SPARTA bane: 1

2010-09-02, 11:07 AM
quite right, lost sight of my last stat block in all the whisperstuff etc :smallbiggrin:

Stats for convenience as of Turn 8
Hp: 11/11+8 temp
AC: Full 25, Flat-Footed 14, Touch 23(+1 Dex, +8 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Law Devotion)
Resist Fire: 93/100
Vigor: 24/30
Law Devotion: 5/10
Skate: 7/10
wait, I activated Skate? O.o that non-turn stuff really did get out of hand

2010-09-02, 12:09 PM
Refs:Listen for Jack: [roll0]
Listen for Twang: [roll1]

Jack:Before your turn, you hear movement from S17 to S21. You may revise your turn if you wish.

Twang:Castiel is in S10. You hear movement recede to the south-southwest.

Castiel:SPARTA is in S21.

SPARTA:Castiel is in S10.

Rewind to Jack's turn.

2010-09-04, 09:55 AM
Jack, turn 9 revised


Standard: cast Detect Magic as SLA, emanating west from southeast corner of my square
Move: If no auras detected above, move halfspeed to V20

[roll1] (if needed)

Turn Complete


Location: X16 or V20, depending.
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 4/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused
Obscuring Mist: 7/10 remaining
Detect Magic: 9/10 remaining (concentration)

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
8x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of 2x KFB CL 2nd, 2x Blade of Blood, True Strike, Color Spray
2x Potion of Faith Healing

2010-09-04, 12:14 PM
My turn, or Twangs? :smallconfused:

Psionic Dog
2010-09-04, 03:49 PM
Twang's up. Rewind ate my last posted turn. I should have a new turn posting up later today.

2010-09-04, 06:12 PM
Thats what I thought I was just checking

Psionic Dog
2010-09-04, 09:00 PM
Twang - Round 9

Double move:

W-14 > X-14 > Y-15 > Y-18 > X-19 > V-19 >V-17.

Every step of the way whisper into adjacent squares:
"Jack, you there? Please answer"

First 5-ft Twang hides [roll0] but after that he just trusts the mist to protect him from his opponents and moves openly.

The goblin moves silently the entire distance.

Will revise action if Twang ever hears/sees anyone new from last LoS check.

Need LoS to continue.

2010-09-04, 09:48 PM

Jack:You detect auras. You see Twang move into Y15, where he whispers "Jack, you there? Please answer." Do you do so?

Twang:No LoS. Waiting on clarification from Jack.

Castiel:SPARTA is in S21.

SPARTA:Castiel is in S10.

2010-09-04, 11:43 PM
Castiel 2.0

Speak -

You think they are trying to sneak out?

Maintain Total cover
Ready an action -

Yell if LoS is established.

That should do it end turn.

2010-09-04, 11:48 PM
Not done with Twang's turn yet.

2010-09-05, 08:30 AM
Refswait, how did i hear him whisper? I guess I'll assume he moved before my turn? i'm confused

WhisperI'm here. Moving to V20 now.

2010-09-05, 12:45 PM
Jack:Sorry if that was unclear, you hear him whisper during his turn. Thought you were finished.

2010-09-06, 01:37 PM
is that cleared up? :smallconfused:

Also, we may have a problem since tower shields should block LoS when used for total cover and it was treated differently here(evident in this post). (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9121722&postcount=136) I don't know how much difference it did make, in the beginning of the match I whispered my LoS information to Castiel because I too thought he has no LoS on anything

Psionic Dog
2010-09-06, 01:58 PM
Current issue is... complicated, and not yet fully resolved.

Not sure what to think about total cover and LoS, except that it probably isn't worth a rewind.

2010-09-06, 02:02 PM
Probably not. I'm not aware of any cases where Castiel would have had relevant LoS without me having it too to tell him so

2010-09-06, 06:18 PM
ahhhhhh i see what happened. not sure how i confused myself so much. Was mixing my signals of LoS vs Detect Magic.

Revised whisperI'm here. I'm in X16.

Back to Twang/LoSers

2010-09-06, 07:11 PM

Jack:You detect auras. Twang is in Y15.

Twang:You hear Jack whisper "I'm here. I'm in X16."

Castiel:No LoS. (Revised due to the mentioned total cover issue.)

SPARTA:Castiel is in S10.

Psionic Dog
2010-09-06, 10:29 PM

Twang's in Y-15 I believe...

Good job hiding: I can't see you. In a metagame sort of way you may wish to flag any reply spoilers as '@Twang and LoS' so know what I hear.

Mission Tent Retrieval failed. It seems to have vanished into the bottomless quick sand pit. At least we should be able to recover them after the match since they weren't destroyed.

Just in case you didn't see, Castiel is currently 15 ft north of the stairs next to the cliff and I heard SPARTA moving south, presumably take up station at least 30 ft south of the stairs.

I also overheard them confirm plans to stay topside and wait out our misty hiding spot, with the possibility of taking random battleship potshots in although Castiel reminded SPARTA not to use all their ammunition.

I'm sure the thought has occurred to you also, but Castiel can't see us while using the Tower Shield. Since the same thought has probably occurred to them they may make some revisions, but their basic plan will probably remain the same.

Now, (while we're busy abusing Free Speech), what's our next plan? Do we sit here and wait out SPARTA's Law expiration, try to attack SPARTA, try to attack Castiel, or try to escape the mist?

Attacking Castiel would require the Decoy method (real or ghost sound) to entice Castiel to drop total cover.

Attacking Sparta probably involves quietly sneaking up the stairs and hoping Castiel stays obliviously behind his shield. Might be combined with Operation Decoy Castiel although the risks are greater because of proximity. Alternatively you could try blind rapid shot and hope for a natural 20.

Sneaking north unseen would work as long as Sparta stays at least 25 ft south of the stairs while the mist holds would be possible - I think - but at 90ft distant would force us to spend a round in the open. Of course, the may be expecting this so ghost sound foot-steps might cause Sparta to go running north or entice Castiel to drop total cover. Maybe.

We might also split up North/South after Sparta's law ends and accept that we'll be seen leaving on the theory that they can't watch both of us at once allowing the unwatched one to take position and counter attack while the other stalls using total defense/running.

Thoughts? Personally I'm feeling as restless as a fish in a leaky fishbowl watched by a pack of cats and would feel better if we had a plan, even one as simple as "wait for SPARTA's law to end"

Still not finished.

2010-09-07, 02:56 PM
Can he still hear my speech without a listen check with total cover while we're both in the open?

On a side note: can you automatically identify the speaker of you hear speech without having LoS? Good chance it came up at least once here, might be good to know for future reference what precedent we set here

2010-09-08, 01:09 AM
Twang and LoS

Ah, good to have Castiel's location. Suppose I can probably drop this Detect Magic now...

I'm thinking our best plan is to try to take out Castiel. Move to the edge of the cloud, Twang readies to attack if Castiel drops cover, Jack casts Blade of Blood on Twang's crossbow and then makes a noise. Chances a wasted spell if Castiel doesn't drop cover...

Alternative is to go for normal attacks (both ready and then make a noise - any way to do that?) - if we both hit (Jack with a blunt arrow), we may take him out, though we'll probably need one more hit to reliable get him.

If we want to sneak past Castiel and make for the bushes, Jack can burn his Silence SLA to keep Sparta from hearing us and running up. Won't help us if Castiel drops cover to glance around, but....

Alternatively, Jack can cast Swift Expeditious Retreat and make for the bushes to cover Twang.

I vote for moving to the edge and attacking Castiel if we can get him to drop cover. Not sure which method would work best. If we can take him out entirely with our weapons, that leaves me with 7d6-worth of KFBs to use on Sparta.

Psionic Dog
2010-09-08, 09:15 AM
I think precedent says simple success (hearing speech but not understanding words) does not identify the speaker, but an improved success (enough to understand the words) will.

Could be wrong on that though. 'Course, I can think of many many possibilities if that isn't the case. :smallamused:

@Jack & LoS
whisperAh, detect magic. Excellent way to pass the time. Have you learned if they've magically enhanced themselves yet?

For operation Castiel removal... lets not use Blade of Blood. We'd have to use the 3d6 version to guarantee a Twang kill, and it's not worth taking the damage when Castiel might not even drop cover.

As for convincing Castiel to drop cover... most effective thing would be for someone to attack Sparta from the stair top close to Castiel. In theory Sparta himself would tell Castiel to drop cover to take the bold attacker out. However, if I activate Law Devotion Twang can crank his touch AC high enough to only worry about natural 20's.

Otherwise we'd just have to ready actions against the hope of Castile dropping cover to look around. I don't know if a ghost-sound footstep, real footsteps, taunts, or absolute silence would be most effective for that.

2010-09-10, 01:49 AM
Apologies for the delay. Found out about a free concert tonight and had to run out. :smallcool:



Sorry for the delay - had an unexpectedly free concert pop up and couldn't miss it.

As for attacking Sparta to draw out Castiel... ugh. That 21 FF AC is obscene. Sounds dangerous - I doubt Jack could take out Castiel before one or both of them gets to you (or Castiel gets to Jack, having seen him when he attacks). What would the plan be in that case? Twang beats a retreat into the fog and Jack keeps baiting Castiel?

Re: Detect Magic - I've only had it up one round (pointed straight west from my position), so all I know is that auras were detected. Do you have anything that would show up, or is that all Sparta?

As for our alternative, I would suggest real sounds. No need to waste SLAs on something we can do ourselves - Castiel would see our location as soon as we attacked, anyway.

Psionic Dog
2010-09-10, 12:49 PM
Twang - continued

I have one psionic effect active.

Alright, keep the detect magic up another round or two for a spell count and then we'll try baiting Castiel. My only worry about natural movement is that only a run is loud enough for us to be certain he will, but running negates our juicy Dex AC bonuses and prevents a return to cover.

For now, I'm going to ready an attack in X-13.

Finish first move by sneaking 10 ft to X-13.

Standard: Ready Action
Shoot Castiel if he drops total cover


HP: 9/9
AC: 20 [+6 dex +1 size +1 shield +2 armor]
17 touch
Law: Unused
Prescience Offensive: 4/10
Crossbow: Loaded: Normal

Masterwork: 8
Normal: about 30
SPARTA bane: 1

2010-09-10, 02:02 PM
Refs/Los -

Speak -

Well.... what now? :smallconfused: Should I wait until the fog is cleared then drop the shield and go for it?

2010-09-10, 03:38 PM
Keep the cover up. We're in a stalemate and time is on our side; I may lose Law Devotion, but they lose their last good cover. If you end total cover and they know where you are they can shoot you from inside the fog and we don't have a good chance to strike back

2010-09-10, 08:26 PM
los -

speak -

Thats why I said after the fog ends. if I should go ahead and make an attempt to go for them.... Also don't forget they could try to exit my side since I will not have LOS

2010-09-11, 05:07 AM
I'll label my IC speech from now on so instead of in a LoS spoiler since technically Castiel isn't allowed to view these anymore with the tower shield change

"I'm aware of that. They may indeed make a go for the north. You could use move actions for active listen checks to notice, right now we can't do much else anyway

2010-09-11, 12:32 PM

got it

Listen - [roll0]

maintain total cover

End Turn

2010-09-11, 12:49 PM
Refs:Everyone appears to have LoE for listening in.

Jack:You detect auras. You may view the spoilered conversation above (232-235).

Twang:Castiel is in S10, covered. You may view the spoilered conversation above (232-235).

Castiel:No LoS.

SPARTA:Castiel is in S10.

2010-09-11, 01:01 PM
SPARTA Cuss Turn 9

Move to S20 at half speed, draw harpoon as part of move
Move Silently [roll0]
Hide [roll1]
Ready Action
harpooneer any enemy I know the location of(including listen pinpoint)
Law is on AC


Hp: 11/11+8 temp
AC: Full 25, Flat-Footed 14, Touch 23(+1 Dex, +8 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Law Devotion)
Resist Fire: 92/100
Vigor: 23/30
Law Devotion: 4/10
Skate: 6/10

Psionic Dog
2010-09-12, 11:06 AM
Twang - Round 10

Maintain hiding.
Ready Action
Shoot Castiel if he drops total cover


HP: 9/9
AC: 20 [+6 dex +1 size +1 shield +2 armor]
17 touch
Law: Unused
Prescience Offensive: 3/10
Crossbow: Loaded: Normal

Masterwork: 8
Normal: about 30
SPARTA bane: 1

2010-09-13, 10:53 PM
Jack, turn 10


Standard: Concentrate on Detect Magic, still emenating from southeast corner of X16 (2nd round of this area)

Keeping previous hide roll of 25

Turn Complete


Location: X16
Low-light Vision
Darkvision 60'
HP 10/10 (Rageclaws)
AC 18, t15, ff13 (not counting LD)
Spells/SLAs Remaining:
Cantrips: 3/3
1st-level: 3/3
SLAs: 4/5
Silence: 1/1
Law Devotion: unused
Obscuring Mist: 6/10 remaining
Detect Magic: 8/10 remaining (concentration)

Remaining Consumables:
20x Serpentstongue Arrows
8x Dragonsbreath Arrows
19x Blunt Arrows
Scroll of 2x KFB CL 2nd, 2x Blade of Blood, True Strike, Color Spray
2x Potion of Faith Healing

2010-09-13, 10:59 PM

Jack:You detect three auras, faint.

Twang:Castiel is in S10, covered.

Castiel:No LoS.

SPARTA:Castiel is in S10.

2010-09-15, 07:24 AM
Castiels turn

Keep listening, not much else we can do right now

2010-09-15, 12:04 PM
Sorry guys meant to post yesterday but I got busy and spaced on it.

Refs -

listen - [roll0]

maintain total cover

End turn,

2010-09-15, 05:39 PM
SPARTA Cuss Turn 10

Move: hide [roll0]
Ready Action
harpooneer any enemy I know the location of(including listen pinpoint)
Law is on AC


Hp: 11/11+8 temp
AC: Full 25, Flat-Footed 14, Touch 23(+1 Dex, +8 Armor, +3 Shield, +3 Law Devotion)
Resist Fire: 91/100
Vigor: 22/30
Law Devotion: 3/10
Skate: 5/10

Psionic Dog
2010-09-17, 02:58 PM
Twang - Round 11

Huh, guess Castiel really does intend to keep the shield up to the end.

All of the following (except the speaking) is done as stealthily as possible: hiding whenever and however opportunity allows.

Move: to X-10.
Free: Speaking in a strong voice:
"Yep. Everything checks out on my end. Castiel's still standing where last reported, but is self blinded and looks to be staying that way. His ears are so bad I doubt he'll hear me move, especially if I only go half speed, so I'm doing the northern move we discussed.

If we stick to the plan we should win this thing. You know the details we agreed on for the South and Sparta and where and when to go as far as all of that. Timing is important, and if the opportunity comes: act. Still, think carefully before doing an action we didn't agree on as that could jeopardize the plan. Dice be with you. We'll meet afterward near the location I last told you."

Continue move right back to X-13.

Standard: Ready Action
Action: Shoot whichever opponent has the least cover. In case of tie shoot Castiel.

If any of the following occur:
-Castiel starts to restore Total Cover after loosing it.
-Castiel starts to take a standard action without Total Cover.
- SPARTA ends turn in LoS or starts to leave LoS after entering it.
- Any opponent in LoS starts to drop prone or to kneel while without Total cover.


HP: 9/9
AC: 20 [+6 dex +1 size +1 shield +2 armor]
17 touch
Law: Unused
Prescience Offensive: 2/10
Crossbow: Loaded: Normal

Masterwork: 8
Normal: about 30
SPARTA bane: 1

2010-09-17, 03:03 PM
Refs:Listen for Castiel: [roll0]
Listen for SPARTA: [roll1]
Listen for Jack: [roll2]

Jack:You hear movement to the north. You also hear Twang say "Yep. Everything checks out on my end. Castiel's still standing where last reported, but is self blinded and looks to be staying that way. His ears are so bad I doubt he'll hear me move, especially if I only go half speed, so I'm doing the northern move we discussed.

If we stick to the plan we should win this thing. You know the details we agreed on for the South and Sparta and where and when to go as far as all of that. Timing is important, and if the opportunity comes: act. Still, think carefully before doing an action we didn't agree on as that could jeopardize the plan. Dice be with you. We'll meet afterward near the location I last told you."

Twang:Castiel is in S10, covered.

Castiel:You hear movement to the east. You also hear Twang say "Yep. Everything checks out on my end. Castiel's still standing where last reported, but is self blinded and looks to be staying that way. His ears are so bad I doubt he'll hear me move, especially if I only go half speed, so I'm doing the northern move we discussed.

If we stick to the plan we should win this thing. You know the details we agreed on for the South and Sparta and where and when to go as far as all of that. Timing is important, and if the opportunity comes: act. Still, think carefully before doing an action we didn't agree on as that could jeopardize the plan. Dice be with you. We'll meet afterward near the location I last told you."

SPARTA:Castiel is in S10.

2010-09-18, 01:06 AM
Speak -

I hear movement to the east. I also hear Twang say "Yep. Everything checks out on my end. Castiel's still standing where last reported, but is self blinded and looks to be staying that way. His ears are so bad I doubt he'll hear me move, especially if I only go half speed, so I'm doing the northern move we discussed.

If we stick to the plan we should win this thing. You know the details we agreed on for the South and Sparta and where and when to go as far as all of that. Timing is important, and if the opportunity comes: act. Still, think carefully before doing an action we didn't agree on as that could jeopardize the plan. Dice be with you. We'll meet afterward near the location I last told you."

I believe its a trap but just thought you should know. Especially since there is no way I should be able to hear this. So its most likely a trap....

2010-09-18, 06:52 AM
you think he purposefully spoke louder than necessary to lure us? Well, quite possible, if they're exchanging elaborate plans like this they should whisper unless they screwed up and lost track of each other. Let's not take the bait then, if they're not here anymore when the fog is gone we know they're north

2010-09-18, 12:23 PM
Refs -

Sense motive to see if its a lie/trap


speaks -

That is exactly what I think, especially since I have a -2 to listen checks. or -1 can't remember

Then again I did hear movement. Can one of them cast ghost sound?

just watch your back.

2010-09-18, 09:18 PM
do I hear any of the above conversation?