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View Full Version : Looking to build a Master Crafter

2010-06-24, 05:28 PM
So I had an idea for a character concept and was looking into the crafting rules to flesh it out and found that crafting items(specifically magic ones) takes sooo damn long if you go be the crafting rules as i understand them.

So i was wondering if anyone had found a way to craft magic items in rounds potentially instead of weeks... I am not worried about cost of the items or the amount of exp. that one has to spend to craft said items it is just the time factor that i am trying to shorten, a lot....

If anyone has any experience with this or has any ideas I would welcome them.

Ps. The character I am building this for is going to be 12th level but a build for ANY level will be appreciated as i play in campaigns that start at all different levels. Also any other suggestions for a crafter class would be welcome.

Thanks All

2010-06-24, 05:34 PM
There's nothing that can make you pop out items in rounds (ie, in combat) short of the Creation line of spells, but the CraftPoints variant rule (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/craftPoints.htm) allows you to spend from a pool of points that you get per level to speed up the process to 1 day. Ask your DM if he/she can implement this system.

The Artificer class in the Eberron Campaign Setting is the best for crafting, since it gets all the crafting feats as bonus feats and then some. It's also really good all around, since an artificer can sub for any caster class in a pinch.

What you could do is purchase a Chaos Flask (Planar Handbook) or Shapesand (Sandstorm) and instantly form any tool you need.

2010-06-24, 07:07 PM
Yeah I was thinking of going as an Artificer as it really is the best class for being a crafter. As for the time i wasnt thinking of creating items in combat but before combat perhaps.. so If I could build something in say minutes or rather than rounds that would work just as well for my plans.

2010-06-24, 07:10 PM
You can't really reduce crafting time that much, but you can craft a Dedicated Wright homunculus and have it craft stuff for you inside your Portable Hole while you adventure.

Alternatively, the Artificer's infusions basically create temporary magic items out of regular gear, and have casting times of hours or less.

2010-06-24, 07:21 PM
Yeah thats what I was thinking/afraid of... See the concept that i had was to build a character as though they were a "Spark" out of the Girl Genius webcomic. If anyone is unfamilier with Phil and Kaja Foglio's World. A Spark is basicly a mad scientist who can seem perfectly normal but when insperation hits basicly becomes a mad man as he creates whatevewr it is he is creating... Read the comic Its soo much beter than what i can describe.... but yeah thats where my concept started

2010-06-24, 07:30 PM
Yeah thats what I was thinking/afraid of... See the concept that i had was to build a character as though they were a "Spark" out of the Girl Genius webcomic.
That's an awesome concept. Still, you'll have a hard time reproducing it in D&D without some sacrifice. Without homebrew or DM intervention, you should just refluff spells/infusions as inventions and using those, adding in the occasional crafting item when something exotic is needed. There are lots of spells that create things, be they summons, weapons, or fire bombs (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fireSeeds.htm).

Alternatively, you can play a Shaper. The power Astral Construct (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/astralConstruct.htm) has a wide array of options (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/monsters/astralConstruct.htm) that can easily support a robotics-focused mad-scientist type, and there are a bunch of psionic crafting feats for lasting items. Psionic Minor Creation and Psionic Major Creation can cover for when you need to invent other things besides killer robots.

2010-06-24, 08:02 PM
Heh I like that Fire Seeds spell. I wasnt familiar with it before that has a lot of potential... hmmm mabey if i make it so that the spells i chose are those that create things if only for a short period of time..... I would much rather craft things myself... Any other sugestions on slowing down the crafting time...

Edit: if it takes 1 day( or 8 hours of work ) for each 1000gp of the base brice could we mabey find out how long it would take to make something that cost less? for an example would a magic item (say a scroll) that costs 125gp only take 1 hour to make? and so a level 0 scroll which has a base cost of 12gp 5 sp only take 6 min to make? Am i reading this right....

2010-06-25, 02:40 AM
What you really want for a spark is the Gnomish Contraption rules from Race of Ansalon.

Doc Roc
2010-06-25, 02:55 AM
There is a techsmith class in Faiths and Pantheons, I believe, which is quite good. I suspect it's full casting, so you could probably just roll with that. Honestly though, artificers are REALLY good, and often very fun to play.

You could use wand surge + unfettered heroism + wand of minor creation or something along those lines. Options definitely exist. Let me know if you want more help.

2010-06-25, 02:29 PM
Yeah Techsmith is really good and i was thinking about possibly taking that PrC I can't seen to find any info on wand surge + unfettered heroism are they feats or class features or something?

I dont own a copy of Races of Ansalon I shall have to look for a pdf copy.

If my understanding of the crafting rules is right. I think i could make this concept work if i could cut the crafting time down to 10 % of what it is now...

I think I could make that work...

more sugestions are welcome.

Doc Roc
2010-06-25, 04:27 PM
I'll help you actually build out the character if you like. Just drop into the ToS chat sometime tonight before 8 est.

2010-06-25, 04:52 PM
You can't really reduce crafting time that much, but you can craft a Dedicated Wright homunculus and have it craft stuff for you inside your Portable Hole while you adventure.

What is the source for the Wright Homunculus?

2010-06-25, 06:25 PM
What is the source for the Wright Homunculus?
Eberron Campaign Setting.